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Case Pres Block 2

Apr 07, 2018



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  • 8/4/2019 Case Pres Block 2



    Infection of a knee joint is a very serious medical condition. A septic (infected) knee is mostoften caused by bacteria (such as staph or strep), but in rare instances can be caused by other

    microorganisms. Prompt diagnosis and treatment is essential in the native knee to avoid rapid

    destruction of the cartilage and bone in the knee.

    When diagnosed early, treatment is usually arthroscopic irrigation and debridement.

    However, an open debridement may be required. Despite early diagnosis and treatment, joint

    destruction may still occur. Late effects of joint infection (septic arthritis) may require treatment with

    joint replacement as long as there is no persistent infection remaining within the knee.

    Predisposing Factors

    Diabetic patient

    Trauma such as injury or wound


    Drug use Alcoholism

    Kidney dialysis


    Advanced age

    Orthopaedic surgery

    Signs and Symptoms

    Bone pain Swelling and redness of the skin Fatigue

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    History of Present Illness/InjuryPatient X is a 8 year old boy who was admitted last May 31, 2011, 3 weeks prior to

    consultation, patient X hit his right big toe while playing football with (+) manipulation done 3times and (+) swelling persisted with involvement/swelling of right ankle noted and (+) fevernoted.

    Past Medical History

    Vomited and treated

    Family Medical History

    Uncle (father side): (+) Explore Laparotomy due to Acute Appendicitis with GeneralizedPeritonitis

    Grandmother (mother side): (+) Hypertension with maintenance antihypertensive drugs

    Grandmother (father side): (+) Diabetes Mellitus

    Both parents: Deceased due to vehicular accident

    Socioenomic History

    Patient X was on his 4th grade. Both parents are deceased due to vehicular accident, therewere six in the family and he was the youngest, their auntie is the one who support their needs, workas a Brgy. Health Worker with the monthly income of P3,000.


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    The metatarsus or metatarsal bones are a group of

    five long bones in the foot located between the tarsal

    bones of the hind- and mid-foot and the phalanges of thetoes. Lacking individual names, the metatarsal bones are

    numbered from the medial side (side of big toe):

    the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth metatarsal. The

    metatarsals are analogous to themetacarpal bones of

    the hand.

    Normal Abnormal
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    Predisposing factors:

    Modifiable:Compromised Immune systemInvasive procedures (catheterinsertion, etc.)Unsafe sexIV drug abuse

    Bacterial infections alreadypresent in the bodyTrauma

    Non Modifiable:Age extremes


    Tissue damageManipulation

    Exposure of joints

    Entrance ofmicroorganism to

    synovial membrane

    Growth ofmicroorganism

    Infection of

    metatarsal (R) foot

    H t d

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    Risk Factor : Poor Environmental Sanitation, Living in a congested area,Trauma: Fall




    Potts Disease

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    Procedure Technique Normal Findings Actual Findings Interpretation Analysis1. MonitorTemperature

    Using thermometer 35.6-37.7 C Normal Normal

    2. Monitor PulseRate

    Palpation 70-100 BPM Normal Normal

    3. MonitorRespiration Rate

    Observation 20-28 BPM Normal Normal

    4. Monitor ApicalPulse Rate

    Auscultation 60-100 BPM Normal Normal

    5. Skin Inspection Pink, smooth, turgor present Normal Normal6. Hair Inspection Lustrous and shiny Normal Normal7. Eyes Inspection Clear, moist surfaces,

    transparent corneaNormal Normal

    8. External Ear Inspection Non-tender auricle, tragus Normal Normal

    9. Internal Ear Inspection Free from any discharge Normal Normal10. External Nose Inspection Color same as face, smooth and

    symmetrical appearanceNormal Normal

    11. Sinuses Palpation Non-tender upon palpation Normal Normal12. Lips Inspection Pink, smooth, moist Normal Normal13. Tongue Inspection Deep red with papillae Normal Normal14. Gums Inspection Smooth, firm, pink Normal Normal15. Teeth Inspection Straight with no cavities With missing

    upper central andlateral incisor

    Abnormal Not related to the case,the patient was at his

    deciduous teethextraction

    16. Neck Inspection Smooth, controlled movements,

    ROM flexion 45, extension 55,

    lateral abduction 40, rotation70

    Normal Normal

    17. Thyroid Inspection/Palpation Midline, smooth, firm, non- Normal Normal

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    tender18. Trachea Inspection Midline position, symmetrical,

    landmarks identifiableNormal Normal

    19. Abdomen Inspection Rounded or flat Normal Normal20. Umbilicus Inspection Sunken, centrally located Protrude Abnormal Poor nutritional status

    21. Bowel Sounds Auscultation 2 or 3 times/minute Normal Normal22. Extremities Inspection Fair color over the body, warm

    to touchNormal Normal

    23. Nails Inspection Pinkish nail beds. Nail firm Normal Normal24. PeripheralPulses

    Palpation Bilateral pulses strong and equal Normal Normal

    25. CarotidArteries

    Palpation Palpable, equal and strong Normal Normal

    26. TemporalArteries

    Palpation Palpable, equal and strong Normal Normal

    27. ROM

    -Cervical Spine Inspection/Observation Flexion/extension 45 Normal


    Lateral Bending 40 Normal Normal

    -Elbow Inspection/Observation Flexion 160Extension 180 Normal Normal

    Pronation/Supination 90 Normal Normal

    -Wrist Inspection/Observation Flexion/Hypertension 90 Normal Normal

    Ulnar deviation 55 Normal Normal

    Radial deviation 20 Normal Normal

    -Fingers Inspection/Observation Flexion 90 Normal Normal

    Hyperextension 20 Normal Normal

    -Ankles Inspection/Observation Dorsiflexion 20 Limited ROM Abnormal Due to accumulation ofmicroorganism in thearea, swelling occurs

    thus causing pain whenmoving

    Plantar flexion 45 Limited ROM Abnormal Due to accumulation of

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    microorganism in thearea, swelling occurs

    thus causing pain whenmoving

    Eversion 20 Limited ROM Abnormal Due to accumulation of

    microorganism in thearea, swelling occurs

    thus causing pain whenmoving

    Inversion 30 Limited ROM Abnormal Due to accumulation ofmicroorganism in thearea, swelling occurs

    thus causing pain whenmoving

    Abduction 10 Limited ROM Abnormal Due to accumulation ofmicroorganism in the

    area, swelling occursthus causing pain when


    Adduction 20 Limited ROM Abnormal Due to accumulation ofmicroorganism in thearea, swelling occurs

    thus causing pain whenmoving

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    Test Name Actual Findings Normal Findings Interpretation Clinical significanceof this test

    HematologyMay 31, 2011 August 31,

    2011May 31 August 31 To provide valuable

    information about theblood and to some

    extent the bonemarrow, which is the

    blood-forming tissue. To

    monitor the plateletand WBC count for

    patient with infection.

    Hemoglobin Mass 71 92 127-183 g/L Low LowHematocrit 0.23 0.28 0.37-0.54 Low Low

    Leukocyte 11.50 8.80 4.5 - 10 x 10 9/L High NormalDifferential Count

    Lymphocytes 0.38 0.21 0.20-0.40 Normal NormalSegmenters 0.51 0.64 0.50-0.70 Normal NormalMonocytes 0.06 0.08 0.00-0.07 Normal HighEosinophils 0.05 0.07 0.00-0.05 Normal High

    Platelet Count 688 511 150-400 x 10 g/L High HighIndices

    MCV 70 82 82-92 fl Low Normal

    MCH 22 27 28-32 pg Low Low

    MCHC 31 33 32-38 % Low

    Chemistry To determine drugseffect taken by thepatient thus causingcholestasis and other

    hepato toxicity.

    SGOT 40.58 U/L

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    June 3, 2011CS: No growth after 72 hoursof incubationGS:

    a.) RBC: few; nomicroorganism seen; Nospore-forming bacilli seenb.) RBC: few; WBC: rare; Nomicroorganism seen; Nospore-forming bacilli seen; Noacid fast bacilli seen.

    Chest X-ray -lung marking are prominent-some enlarged hilar andtransbronchial lymphodes arenoted-heart is not enlarged-diaphragm and sulci are intactImpression:Findings may relate to primaryKochs infection.

    A normal chest x ray willshow normal structuresfor the age and medicalhistory of the patient.

    Abnormal(some enlarged hilarand transbronchial

    lymphodes are noted)

    To evaluate organsand structures within

    the chest forsymptoms of disease.

    To determine theextent of

    microorganism to thispart.


    Management Focus Clinical significance of this management

    Medication Antibiotic Therapy To eradicate and prevent the multiplicationof infectious microorganisms

    Anti-tuberculosis drugs To eradicate theMycobacterium tubercle bacilli

    NSAIDS To relieve the painNutrition High calorie, High protein, High calcium diet To regain the energy lost, to achieve normal

    body weight, to promote adequatecalcification of the bone and bone

    remodelling and healingExercise Isometric exercise in the unaffected part To prevent paresthesia

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    Blood transfusion PRBC, FWB PRBC: For OR (Arthrostomy) usedTo compensate the decreaseresult of CBC


    Procedures Name Actual Finding Clinical significance of this procedureArthrotomy and Debridement The specimen consists of several, irregular, pale

    red to tan-brown, soft tissue fragments with anaggregate measurement of 5x4x1.5 m and

    labeled as intracapsular.

    To remove the patient's dead, damaged,or infected tissue to improve the healingpotential of the remaininghealthytissue.

    Aspiration of right knee, ankle, and bigtoe

    Received specimen in a vial containing yellow,blood tinged fluid with clots, approximately 8.0

    ml in volume

    To examine bone marrow, the spongy liquidpart of the bone where blood cells are made.




    Action Indication Side Effects/ AdverseReactions

    Nursing Considerations

    Ibuprofen Advil Unknown. Mayinhibitprostaglandinsynthesis, to

    produce anti-inflammatory,analgesic, andantipyreticeffects.

    Ibuprofencontains the activeingredient ibuprofen, whichbelongs to a group ofmedicines called non-steroidal

    anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs).It works by blocking theaction of a substance in thebody called cyclo-oxygenase.Cyclo-oxygenaseis involved inthe production of variouschemicals in the body, someof which are known as

    CNSHeadache, dizziness,nervousness, asepticmeningitis.

    CVPeripheral edema, fluidretention, edema.EENTTinnitusGIEpigastric distress, nausea,occult blood loss, pepticulceration, diarrhea,

    -Tell patient to take withmeals or milk to reduceadverse GI reactions.-Note: Drug is available at

    OTC. Instruct patient notto exceed 1.2 g daily, not togive to chidren youngerthan age 12, and not totake for extended periods (longer than 3 days for feveror longer than 10 days forpain) without consultingpresciber.
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    prostaglandins. Prostaglandinsare produced in response toinjuryor certain diseases andwould otherwise go on tocausepain, swelling andinflammation. Ibuprofenistherefore used to relievepainand inflammation.All the medicines in thisgroup (NSAIDs) reduceinflammationcaused by thebody's own immune system,and are effective painkillers. Ibuprofencan be usedto relieve painsuch as muscular

    achesandpains,period pains,headache, backache, rheumaticpain, dental painand neuralgia.It can also reducefeverishnessand the symptoms ofcoldsandflu.

    constipation, abdominalpain, bloating, GI fullness,dyspepsia, flatulence,heartburn, decreasedappetite.GUAcute renal failure,azotemia, cystitis,hematuria.HEMATOLOGICPlonged bleeding time,anemia, neutropenia,pancytopenia,thrombocytopenia, aplasticanemia, leucopenia,

    agranulocystocis.METABOLICHypoglycemia,hyperkalemia.RESPIRATORYBronchospasmSKINPruritus, rash, urticaria,stevens Johnson syndrome.

    -Tell patient that fulltherapeutic effect forarthritis may be delayed for2 to 4 weeks. Althoughpain relief occurs at lowdosage levels, inflammationdoesnt improve at dosagesless than 400 mg q.i.d.-Teach patient to watch forand report to prescriberimmediately signs andsymptoms of GI bleeding,including blood in vomit,urine, or stool or coffeeground vomit, and black,

    tarry stool.-Warn patient to avoidhazardous activities thatrequire mental alertnessuntil effects on CNS areknown.-Advise patient to wearsunscreen to avoidhypersensitivity to sunlight.

    Isoniazid Niazid The mechanism

    of action ofINH is notknown, but it isthought towork throughits effects onlipids (fats) andDNA withinthe tuberculosis

    INH is used to prevent

    active tuberculosis inpersons who have anabnormal skin test fortuberculosis or incombination with otherdrugs for the treatment ofactive tuberculosis.Prophylaxis in specificpatients who are tuberculin

    -allergic reaction (difficulty

    breathing; closing of thethroat; swelling of the lips,tongue, or face; or hives);

    -unusual weakness orfatigue;

    -nausea, vomiting, or loss ofappetite;

    Health teachings:

    -Take this drug in singledaily dose.-Take drug on an emptystomach, 1 hour before or2 hours after meals. If GIdistress occurs, may betaken with food.-Take this drug regularly,avoid missing doses, do

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    bacterium. It isvery selectivefor thetuberculosisbacteria, that is,it has few if anyeffects on otherbacteria.

    reactors (positive Mantouxtest)) or who are consideredto be high risk for TB.

    -abdominal pain;

    -yellow skin or eyes;

    -dark urine;

    -numbness or tingling inyour hands or feet;


    -blurred vision; or

    -confusion or abnormal


    not discontinue withoutfirst consulting your healthcare provider.-Do not drink alcohol ordrink as little as possible.There is an inc. risk ofheap if these two drugs arecombined.-Avoid foods containingtyramine, consult a dietitianto obtain a list of foodscontaining tyramine orhistamine.-Have periodic medicalcheck-ups, including an eye

    examination and bloodtest, to evaluate the drugeffects.-Report for weakness,fatigue, loss of appetite,n/v, yellowing of skin oreyes, darkening of theurine, numbness or tinglingin hands or feet,

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    RifampinRifadin Inhibits DNA-

    dependentRNApolymeraseactivity insusceptiblebacterial cells.

    Treatment of PulmonaryTB in conjunction with atleast one other effectiveantituberculotic.Neisseria meningitidiscarriers, for asymptomaticcarriers to eliminatemeningococci fromnasopharynx; not fortreatment of meningitis.Unlabeled uses: Infectionscaused by Staphylococcusaureus and Staphylococcusepidermis, usually incombination therapy; gram-

    negative bacteremia in infancy;Legionella pneumophilia, notresponsive to erythromycin;leprosy (in combination withdapsone); prophylaxis ofmeningitis caused byHaemophilis influenzae.

    CNS: headache,drowsiness, fatigue,dizziness, inability toconcentrate, mentalconfusion, generalizednumbness, muscleweakness, visualdisturbances.Dermatologic: Rash,pruritus, urticaria, flushing,reddish discoloration ofbody fluidstears, saliva,urine, sweat, sputum.GI: heartburn, distress,anorexia, vomiting gas,

    cramps, diaarhea, hepatitis,pancreatitis.GU: hemoglobinuria,hematuria, renalinsufficiency, acute renalfailure, menstrualdisturbances.Hematologic: eosinophilia,thrombocytopenia, transientleucopenia, hemolytic

    anemia, decreased Hgb,hemolysis.Other: pain in extremities,osteomalacia, myopathy,fever, flulike symptoms.

    -Teach client to take drugin a single daily dose. Takeon an empty stomach, 1 hrbefore or 2 hrs after meals.-Inform client to take thisdrug regularly; avoidmissing any doses; do notdiscontinue this drugwithout consulting thehealth care provider.-Tell client to have periodicmedical checkups,including eye examinationsand blood test, to evaluatethe drug effects.

    -Inform client that he mayexperience the drugs sideeffects (especially the redcolored secretion)-Instruct client to see hisphysician if he experiencefever, chills, muscle andbone pain, excessivetiredness or weakness, lossof appetite, N/V, yellowing

    of eyes/skin, unusualbleeding or bruising, skinrash or itching.-Instruct client to removecontact lenses as they maydiscolor

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    Pyrazinamide Pyrazinamide Pyrazinamidemay bebacteriostatic orbactericidalagainstMycobacteriumtuberculosisdepending ontheconcentrationof the drugattained at thesite of infection.The mechanismof action is

    unknown. Invitro and invivo the drug isactive only at aslightly acidicpH.

    Pyrazinamide is indicatedfor the initial treatment ofactive tubercuIosis in adultsand children whencombined with otherantituberculous agents. (Thecurrent recommendation ofthe CDC for drug-susceptible disease is to usea six-month regimen forinitial treatment ofactivetuberculosis, consisting ofisoniazid, rifampin andpyrazinamide given for 2months, followed by

    isoniazid and rifampin for 4months.*4)(Patients with drug-resistantdisease should be treatedwith regimensindividualized to theirsituation. Pyrazinamidefrequently will be animportant component ofsuch therapy.)

    (In patients withconcomitant HIV infection,the physician should beaware of currentrecommendation of CDC.It is possible these patientsmay require a longer courseof treatment.)

    General: Fever, porphyriaand dysuria have rarely beenreported.Gastrointestinal: Theprincipal adverse effect is ahepatic reaction (seeWARNINGS).Hepatotoxicity appears tobe dose related, and mayappear at any time duringtherapy. Gl disturbancesincludingnausea, vomitingand anorexia have also beenreported.Hematologic and

    Lymphatic:Thrombocytopenia andsideroblastic anemiawitherythroid hyperplasia,vacuolation of erythrocytesand increased serum ironconcentration haveoccurred rarely with thisdrug. Adverse effects onblood clotting mechanisms

    have also been rarelyreported.Other: Mild arthralgia andmyalgia have been reportedfrequently. Hypersensitivityreactions including rashes,urticaria, and pruritis havebeen reported. Fever, acne,photosensitivity, porphyria,

    -Take this drug in singledaily dose.-Take drug on an emptystomach, 1 hour before or2 hours after meals. If GIdistress occurs, may betaken with food.-Take this drug regularly,avoid missing doses, donot discontinue withoutfirst consulting your healthcare provider.-Do not drink alcohol ordrink as little as possible.There is an inc. risk of

    heap if these two drugs arecombined.
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    dysuria and interstitialnephritis have beenreported rarely.

    Vitamin Bcomplex

    Surbex,Vicon-C, Z-


    A coenzymethatstimulatemetabolicfunction and isneeded for cellreplication,hematopoiesis,andnucleoproteinand myelin


    This product is acombination of B vitaminsused to treat or preventvitamin deficiency due topoor diet, certain illnesses,alcoholism, or duringpregnancy. Vitamins areimportant building blocksof the body and help keepyou in good health. Bvitamins include thiamine,

    riboflavin,niacin/niacinamide, vitaminB6, vitamin B12, folic acid,and pantothenic acid

    CV:Peripheral vascularthrombosis,heart failure.GI:transientdiarrhea.Respi:pulmonaryedema.Skin:

    it ching,transitoryexanthema,urticaria.Other:anaphylaxis,anaphylactoidreactions withparenteraladministration

    , pain orburning atinjection site

    BEFORE:~ Determine reticulocytecount, hct, Vit.B12, iron,folate levels beforebeginning therapy.~ Obtain a sensitivity testhistory beforeadministration~ Avoid I.V.administrationbec. faster systemic

    elimination will reduceeffectiveness of vitamin.DURING:~ Dont give large doses ofvitaminB12 routinely; drugis lost through excretion.~ Dont mix parenteralpreparation in samesyringe with other drugs.AFTER:

    ~ Protect Vit.B12 fromlight. Dont refrigerate orfreeze.~ Monitor patient forhypokalemia for first 48hours, as anemia correctitself. Give potassiumsupplements, as needed
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