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Carte de masaj (intregul corp)

Nov 28, 2014



Mariana Zugravu

Carte de masaj (intregul corp)
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Page 2: Carte de masaj (intregul corp)

About this book

Two separate, but overlapping, therapies areintroduced in Massage for Common Ail-ments - massage and Shiatsu. All the se-quences f()r treating ailments are derivedfrom massage unless the heading statesShiatsu. You can use them individually ortogether to help the healing process.

Before you start treating an ailment, taketime to study Basic Strokes (see pp.22-7) andWhen Massage Should Not Be Used (seep.93). The main part of the book, CommonAilments (pp.28-89), is divided into separatesections that deal with different parts of thebody, starting with the head and workingdown to the feel. The charts on pp. 30-1show you where in the body the variousailments occur.

Note Always consult a doctor if you are indoubt abolit a medical condition, andobserve the cautions given in the book.


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10 Introduction

16 BeginningCreating the environmentCentring and haraBeginning an oiI massageAromatherapy essences

22 BasicstrokesGliding strokesMedium depth strokesDeep tissue or friction strokesPercussion strokesShiatsu techniques

28 Common ailmentsWhere does it hurt?

32 Whole bodyInsomnia, fatigue, anxiety,


44 HeadHeadachesSinuscongestionColds

52 Neck, shoulders and upper backNeck stiffness, arthritis and strainUpper back and shoulder stiffness

or pam

60 ChestCongestion.Coughs, bronchitis and asthma

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64 Armsand handsTennis elbow, cramp, strainsHand and wrist problems

68 Stomach andbellyIndigestion and nauseaConstipation and flatulenceMenstrual pain

74 Mid andlower backMid backacheLower backacheSciaticaAching hipsExercises for mid or lower back pain

84 Legsand feetCrampKnee ache, arthritis, sprains and strainsLegache, footache, sprains and strains,


90 Important information

90 StrainsandsprainsCompresses

92 Arthritis

93 When massageshouldnot be used

94 Index and resources

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64 Arms and handsTenms elbow, cramp, strains


Hand and wrist problems -....,. .. .....

'i<.""". .',

,68 Stomach and belly

lndigestion and nausea ""!....-

Constipation and flatulence..'ii' " (

-"'"Menstrual pain -.,

( \74 Mid and lower back

Mid backacheLower backacheSciaticaAching hipsExercises for mid or lower back pain

84 Legs and feetCrampKnee ache, arthritis, sprains and strainsLegache, footache, sprains and strains,


90 Important information \.r-

i' \

90 Strains and sprains " \ "Compresses '"


92 Arthritis'/i'7" . y\..,.,-"'"-

93 When massage should not be used

94 Indexandresources

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Throughout history we have used aur hands to impart comfort andhealing to Oileanother. Touching is contact, warmth, reassurancethat we are not alone, affirmation of aur sense of being andself-worth. It is a simple way of communicating, something we alldo naturally. And with a linIe willingness and commitment we canturn this natural talent into a creative healing skill, by learning thebasic strokes and techniques of massage and widening aurvocabulary in the language of touch.

aur sense of touch is registered by aur skin - aur largest andmost sensitive organ. In the developing embryo, the skin arisesfrom the same celllayer as the nervous system and can thus be seenas the extern al portion of the nervous system - able to receive andregister a vast quantity of varied signals, and to make a wide rangeof responses to them. Also, touch is the first sense to becomefunctional in the embryo.

The value of massage

The inteTIt that goes with touch makes all the difference to itseffect. When we lay aur hands on another with compassion andgood-will many subtle changes take place. Gentle holding andstroking, touching given with tenderness and care, cause trans-formations both physically and psychologically.lIn the 1920s in Philadelphia the anatomist Frederick Hammenand other American researchers in the 1950s and 60s conductedexperiments with groups of falS to investigate the effects of touch.Some were consistently handled and stroked and others were not.The fals that were regularly touched showed faster growth rates,bener immunity to disease and higher fertility and were lesssubiect to stress than those that were not. It is well known, too,that for infants, fondling and tender touch that go beyond the basicneeds for food and cleanliness are vital for life. In America,between 1910 and 1935, studies of babies in institutions wereconducted by Drs. Chapin and Knox and J. Brennemann. Theyfound that many babies died in infancy and others showed clearsigns of disturbance and poor physical and emotional developmentas a result of too linIe tactile stimulationJ

Physiologically, caring touch and massage help the flow of bloodand lymph in aur bodies. Touch can also decrease aur bloodpressure and heart rate, soothe aur nerves and decrease tension,producing relaxation and a state of well-being. It has beensuggested that massage may aid the production of endorphins

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(meaning "morphine within"), the brain chemicals that function asnatural pain-killers. Oile of these, enkephalin, has the ability toreduce pain and produces a state of fiind akin to euphoria.

The experience of being nourished and cared for and allowingourselves to receive healing touch affirms aur self-esteem, createstrust and openness and can sometimes facilitate the release ofblocked emotions as ten se muscles relax. Touch can make us feelvalued, peaceful and mare aware of aur whole body and being.

It is not only receiving touch that is beneficial, however. Givingmassage is also highly rewarding. There is pleasure in the physicalcontact and in feeling the contours and undulations of the body asyou begin to develop a sense of the muscles, bones and othertissues. There is enjoyment in knowing the body, in being alive toits different tensions and energies, and in realizing that you cancare for and help another. There is also satisfaction in experiencingthe results of your massage as you feel muscles relaxing and realizethat your concern and your touch can help to stimulate thereceiver's own healing process. Of ten the interaction between thegiver and receiver induces a similar state in both - a state that isvery similar to meditation.

The Chakras Crown. Pltuitary. Cranium,cerebral cortex. Transcendance,higher

consciousness,spiritualwillta be

The chakras:

. The gland

. The part ofthe body. The qualities


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" 1fBrow. Pineal. Forehead,centre of head,

medulla. Clear seeing,intuition,intellect,


. " Throat. Thyrold. Arms and hands, voice,

respiratory sistem, cervicalsplne

. Self-expression, creativlty

"'-. .-'.---

Heart. Thymus. Heart, blood, circulatory

sistem, arms and hands, mid-thoraCic spine

. Love, compassion, self-development





Hara. Gonads. Pelvis, reproductive sistem,

belly, lumbar splne, legs. Centre of gravity, vitality,

strength, sexuality, emotionalcontrol

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I , Root

~, . Adrenals'\ . Legs, feet. genitals, sacrum,

\ " kidneys.,' . Survival,root situationinlife,'" .J..i""-' expression in work, physical will

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Balancingthe flow of vital energy

Wholeness goes beyond the body, fiind aud emotions. Inwholeness is health, aud in any kind of healing touch techniqueyou are treating more than just the physical body; you are alsoaffecting a person's "subtle" body aud restoring balance to the flowof energy. This subtle body includes the energy field or "aura", inaud around the body, aud the major centres of subtle energy orvitality known as the chakras. The aura is composed of inter-penetrating fields of subtle or vital energy that emanates from thebody, out beyond the periphery of the skin, aud is constantly inmotion. Within the aura aud along the midline of the body are theseven main chakras, whose function is to relay vital energy betweenthe physical body aud the subtle body. The word chakra is aSanskrit word meaning wheel, which indicates the circlingmovement of energy in these centres. Five are situated on the spineaud two in the head. They relate to different paris of the body - toglands, organs, aud nerve plexii, aud also to areas of ourpsychological aud spiritual development. With practice you canlearn to sense the energies of the aura aud chakras with your hands.

UsingShiatsuasa healingtool

In this book, we have chosen to teach noi only massage but alsoShiatsu to give you a wider range of effective techniques for therelief of everyday health problems.

Shiatsu has its origins in Oriental medicine. The word literallymeans finger or thumb pressure, although other paris of the handaud body are also used. In Japan Shiatsu has traditionally beenpracticed as a simple remedy to promote health, alleviate pain audprevent sickness. Its techniques are based on the understandingthat the body functions as a whole, linked by vital energy, or ki,which flows along channels, or meridians, which interlace as anetwork throughout the body, mostly on the skin's surface.Discomfort, pain, stress aud illness are caused by ki energystagnating aud "blocking" the meridians, making the internalorgans either deficient in or overloaded by energy. By holding audapplying pressure to points, or tsubos, on the meridians, you canstimulate the ki energy, helping it to rebalance itself. This affectsthe physical body aud can help to relieve pain aud alleviate thecauses aud symptoms of illness.

Shiatsu should nOi be painful. Although some tsubos audmeridians mar be tender, pressure. can be applied gently audslowly, so that it always feels comfortable. Shiatsu is a form ofcommunication, aud its effectiveness is dependent on a willingnessto be open aud receptive to your partner.


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Shiatsu Meridians

Keyto the meridlans BIKiLivStSp

Bladder '6u

Kidney 12.1'1'1

Liver ':Fi'cStomach1fSpleen f:.(

Ht Heart T"M TH Tripleheater 1-1;,..Lu Lungs fi.,.. HP Heart protector P,."T" rvGB Gall bladderfU GV Governing vessel Vo., C'T:!f.SI SmaltintestinesTMCV Conception vessel. v","" CLI Large intestinesTG







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N.B. AII the meridians are mirrored on the other side of the bOdy.











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Preventing and treating il!health with massage

When you already have the gift of health you need to maintain il.Touch does not just have to be used as a way of healing andhastening recovery - it can also be a way of preventing sickness. Intoday's "civilized" cultures it is only too easy to get caught up instriving, accomplishing, and conforming to society's mores. In theprocess you can become overly head-orientated and out of touchwith your body. This also means being out of touch with reality,however, for it is through your body that you receive sensorymessages that let you know what you need, what you are feelingemotionally, and what is happening aratind you in the immediateenvironment. This is all vital information for self-regulation, in thesense of giving your body what is best for health and balance. Inorder to be truly healthy you need to stop thinking that ideas andconcepts are the only reality and wake up to the information thatyour whole body can give you. As Fritz Perls, the founder ofGestalt therapy, said "lose your head and carne to your senses" .

Massage is a way of getting back in touch with your body andfinding trust in what it has to say. When you become mare awareof yourself as a whole being, physical, mental, emotional andspiritual, you can start to respond mare to fulfilling your realneeds. Eating a healthy and balanced diet, exercising daily andbreathing mare freely can all be done with a sense of pleasure andrightness rather than as chores or acts of grim will-power.

Nevertheless, everyone gets sick from time to time, and illness isoften a manifestation of the body's attempt to heal itself and toeliminate toxins and clear the system. This book is abolit how touse touch to help the body's natural healing process when you oryour family or friends do succumb to any of the common ailments.It is not abolit miracle cures, but abolit giving warmth and supportto another by a variety of caring touch techniques, which can helpto speed recovery. As many illnesses result from stress and strainin daily lire, the touch therapies are particularly effective, for theycalm and soothe tension and bring balan ce to your being. Bothmassage~nd Shiatsu work with and for the body's healingenergies; in contrast to states of stress and effort they create theconditions for healing ta take place. As well as learning how to do awhole body massage, which you can use when an ailment is maregeneral and affects the whole body - such as insomnia or fatigue -you will also learn strokes and techniques to aid mare specificconditions, such as headaches, backaches, constipation and cramp.Use the book wisely. Don't try to take over a doctor's role - givewhere you can and seek medical advice where you can't. Yourhands have healing in them. Use them.


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In order to help another by aur touch we need to be caring, willingto give some rime and to focus aur attention fulIy on aur partner.Just ten minutes of touch given by someone who is realIy presentand caring can be far mare beneficial than an hatir of mechanicalmassage by someone whose mind is absent or distracted. So it isimportant to prepare yourself before beginning by centringyourself (see p.19). With a little practice you will become familiarenough with this centred state to be able to let go of your busyfiind and carne into the here and now at short notice. By stayingcentred you are able to tune in mare fulIy to the areas of yourpartner's body that need a special touch or movement.

While giving massage and Shiatsu, "grounding" is also veryimportant. This means being fulIy aware of your own body and itsmovements and position and letting these movements emanatefrom your pelvis and ham (see p.19), nor just from your shouldersand arms. When you use your ham you use your relationship withthe ground to get in touch with your strength. You save yourselffrom fatigue as strength comes from your whole body and alI yourmovements are mare gracefulIy controlled and mare effective.

When doing massage or Shiatsu to alleviate common ailmentsyou may tind you have to improvise in situations or places that arenor ideal. But even in unconducive environments, healing touchcan bring welcome relief. Rowever, if you have planned a massagein advance you will be able to set the scene and creare anenvironment that is as warm and nurturing as possible. Withouttoo much difficulty you can turn a room into a cosy space witheverything you need at hand.

Once your environment is prepared there are a few guidelinesfor both giver and receiver to remember. When giving eithermassage or Shiatsu you should wear loose light clothing, as theroom wilI be warm and your clothes should alIow freedom ofmovement. You need to remove your watch, any bracelets andrings and your fingernails should be short to avoid scratching andyou should wash your hands thoroughly. Throughout the treat-ment you need to remain receptive to what you are feeling withyour hands. Avoid chatting but by alI means communicate whennecessary abolit pressure and discomfort. Shiatsu is done with thereceiver fulIy clothed, but for massage the receiver should removewhatever clothes are necessary, plus watches and jewellery, andonce lying down should relax and yield to gravity. The role of thereceiver is nor entirely passive. Re or she needs to keep aware ofthe giver's touch and of the sensations being experienced.


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Creating the environment

When making a conducive environment in which to do eithermassage or Shiatsu there are several elements to consider. First,the room needs ta be warm, as we tense up when chilled. For oiImassage this is especially important, so have an extra heater onhand. A selection of small towels and pillows is also useful if youneed to pad under any area of your partner's body, such as theankles, belly or upper chest, when he or she is face down, or theknees when face tip. Shiatsu is always done on the floor - on a pador futon covered with a sheet or towel. This is fine for massage too,but if you are uncomfortable working on the floor, it is worthinvesting in a massage table. Avoid ordinary beds as they areusually too soft and the wrong height. However, for both massageand Shiatsu, many of the strokes and techniques can be givenwhile the receiver sits in a chair. Lighting should be very gentle asaur eyes cannot fully relax in glaring light. Some people like towork to a background of peaceful and unobtrusive music, othersprefer quietness. In any case make stire you won't be disturbed.Finally, have a large warm towel ready to place gently over yourpartner's body at the end of massage. For Shiatsu, use a blanketand allow your partner to relax for several minutes.

Portable massage tablesReady-made folding massage tablesare useful for those who fIndworking on the floor difflcult.Thosewith cross-over centrallegs are themost secure. Some tables, like theone shown here, also have face holesfor people whose necks are too stiffto turn easily when Iyingon theirfronts. The table should be about thesame helght as your palm if heldparallel to the floor when your armis hanging at your side.

Improvising with a chair \,

Ifyour partner cannot get down onto the floor or up on to a table, youcan use an ordinarI chalr. Yourpartner can either sit normallv, sothat you can work on neck,shoulders, hands, knees andhe or she can sit astride, as 5

resting head and arms on the back.Like this you can treat back,shoulders and neck verI effectively.


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Centring and the hara

In both massage and Shiatsu centring and grounding, or beingfocused and aware in the present, are of great importance. For it isby being wholly in the bere and now that you can be of greatesthelp to your partner when you attempt to heal or help throughtouch. The hara (see also p.12) is situated in the belly, an inch or sobelow the navei, and is the centre of strength and vitality as well asthe centre of gravity in the body. It links also with your legs andyour connection to the ground, which gives you stability, hencethe importance of using this centre for massage, and of letting thebody move from bere as you work. By directing your energy fromthis areayour whole body becomes involved in the movements andyou avoid fatigue and work mare effectively. The meditation andexercise that follow will help you to centre yourself in your hara. Ifyou have the chance, you should use it before any massage.

CentringandgroundingmeditationKneelor sitcomfartably.Clasefaureyes and go inside yaurself. Becomeaware of faur legs, faur feet andfaur buttocks, and where they makecontact with the surface beneath.Try to reti faur legs and pelvis as afirm base far faur bady, and thenreti faur spine risinggently up fromit.Become aware af faur trunk,shoulders, arms and hands and relaxani tensians yau might tind. Then





mave slawlyta faur neck and head,lettingga af ani tightness aroundfaur eyes ar in faur jaw. Naw letfaur attentian turn ta faur breathand watch it coming inand aut, likethe waves an a beach. As yaubreathe in,let the breath sinkmaredeeply inta faur haraand imagineitas lightar energy tillingfaur belly.Then, as yau exhale, imaginetheenergy travellingdawn faur armsand aut thraugh faur hands. Natice


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the feeling in faur hands as yau dothis.

After a few minutes place faurhands lightlyan faur hips and beginta ratate faur whale bady slawlyfram the pelvis. Be aware af faurlegs and pelvis as a strang faundatianand let faur back and spine remainstraight but nat rigid. Havi'1gcircledin ane direction far a while, changeand ga the ather way. Finally.restand apen faur eyes.

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Beginning an oii massag~

You can use a variety of oils for massaging and will need toexperiment to find out what suits you best. Suitable oils range fromvegetable oils, such as sunflower, safflower or almond oii, ta bab~oi]J;,which are mineral-based, or ready-mixed massage oili. If youenjoy scents and wish to enhance the effects of your massage withthe therapeutic benefits of aromatherapy essences, you can adddrops of these to a base of vegetable oiI (see p.21).

At the start of a massage, before applying oils, you can make aninitial acquaintance with your partner's body by means of a gentletouch, as shown below. You should apply oiI only to the area thatis to be worked an, rather than oiling the whole body at once.Oiling is done with long, smooth gliding strokes (see p.23), whichspread a thin film of oiI over the skin and also serve to warm andenergize il. Don't overdo the amount of oiI, but be mare generouswith are~s such as hairy chests.

Throughout a massage, the way in which you make and breakcontact is extremely important, for if you suddenly "dive" on tothe body it can be a shock ta the receiver, and likewise, ifyou leaprapidly away with your hands, the harmony can be broken. It isnot necessary to maintain a constant contact during a massage,however. Gentle breaks in touch, made with sensitivity, are likespaces of quietness within a passage of music.


Applyihg oil~When yau are ready ta apply the oii(see belaw), hald faur hands wellaway from faur partner's body toavoid drips and pour a small amountof oii into one palm. Then rub faurpalms together, warming andspreading the oii, before bringingfaur hands gently to the body tostart the oiling strokes.t. '"

MakingcontactCentre yourself and allow faurhands to float slowly down to a partof faur partner's body, such as thehead or back, and then rest lightlythere for a few maments (seeabove). When you feel you have -

established the initialcontact, liftfaur hands veri gently away inorder to begin oiling.


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Useful amounts:

For full body: 5 drops of essence in 2 eggcupsfulof carrier oi/.

For body parts: 2-3 drops of essence in Ieggcupfulof carrier oii.For smalt, localized areas: I drop of essence inone teaspoonful of carrier oii.


AromatherapyessencesThese essences (also known as essential oi/s)areobtained from the distillation of plants, fiowersand herbs that have different therapeutic effectson the body They also add the dimension offragrant variety to enhance taur ritassageandmake it mare healing and pleasurable. Theseessences have many different properties, rangingfrom effects on mood (i.e. antidepressant) tophysical effects, such as anti-infiammatory andantibacterial. As theyare very concentrated,aromatherapy essences always need to bediluted in a carrier oii before being applied ta theskin, where they are absorbed quite quicklyandenter the bloodstream. The best carrier oils are

those of vegetable origin, such as sora, almond,or avocado. It is best to blend fairly smaltamounts of oi/ and essences as vegetable oiioxidizes and smells somewhat rancid after a

whi/e. A teaspoon of wheatgerm oii in a mix actsas an antioxidant. In the book, various essences

are mentioned and suggested for differentailments.

Some aromatherapy essences

BERGAMOT Antiseptic,Vay 1"" '-vcC<r6 antldepressant-p. c:.Of c '" Iv uplifting and

" refreshlng

Helps: depresslon,bronchltls. sarethroat, digestiveproblems

Because there are many aromatherapy essences, same af which areverI expensive. wejhave selected a basic group that has a wide rangeaf effects. As yau become mare familiar'with the essences yau cangradually add ta yaur collectian.


CAMOMILE Sedative - Gilmlng, Helps: aching muscles.

t <1Sftr,refreshing and headaches. menstrual

relaxing palns. Inflammations,(stress. digestiveproblems

CARDAMOM Antiseptic. tonic - Helps: ease wind and

1\ VI '<;()C'ro.. refreshing dlgestive problems,palnful jolnts, nausea.headaches. generaldebility

EUCALYPTUS Antiseptic - head- Helps: coughs, colds,

cleanng, stlmulating bronchitls. achlngmuscles

FENNEL Diuretic, laxative, Helps: ease wind and/)/! tonic dlgestive problems,l VI, YfI{ vi

colic. constipation."L bronchitis

LAVENDER Antidepressant, Helps: depression.

(!'va",':/. ,,;antiseptic. sedative - Insomnia, flatulence.

refreshing and indigestion. asthma,relaxing bronchitls. menstrual

pains, skin problems

MARJORAM Sedative. antiseptic - Helps: muscular pains.

f. fw' warmingand digestive problems.

VY) l' rq V1 strengthening painful joints, sinuscongestlon

MELlSSA Antidepressant- Helps: headaches.upliftlng and mlgralne, menstrualrefreshlng pains. lowers high

blood pressure

ROSEMARY Antiseptic- Helps: headaches,

(ofh> y,;'" refreshing and mlgralne. colds.stimulating bronchitis. muscular


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In massage, the whole range of different strokes falI into faur maingroups: light gliding strokes; medium depth strokes; deep tissue,or friction strokes; and percussion. Once you have mastered these,you caD begin to improvise and use them in a variety of differentways and combinations, developing your own personal style.Before using the massage strokes on a partner, practice them onyour legs, so that you have game idea of how they feel and whattheir effects are. Make sure you are warm enough and sittingcomfortably, and spend a few minutes centring yourself before youstart (see p.19). Work very slowly at first and keep your awarenessboth in your hands and in the sensations you are receiving. Try toput your whole body behind your movements, not just your hands,and let them carne from your hara and pelvis. See, also, if you caDdevelop a rhythmical flow to the strokes as you practice. At adifferent time, try out the basic Shiatsu techniques (see p.27),which provide the essentials you need to learn before using Shiatsuas a healing tool.



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I LongoilingstrokesRestyour oiled handson the part ofyour partner'sbody you are aboutto work with. With your hands sidebyside and flngers together, glidesmoothly away from yourself,reachlngas far as you can go. Thendivideyour hands and draw backalongthe sldes of the limb or torso,enfoldingthe arta. Flow back to theoriginalstarting position and continuethe cycle.



Gliding strokesThe long, lightglidingandfeathering strokes are used both atthe beginningand at the end of amassage. With them you make theinitialacquaintance witb taurpartner's bodj. As you caringlyspread the oi/,you warm andenergize an area of the body priorto working mare deeply into it.The glidingstrokes vary from lightto ftrm, but should always be doneslowly and with the whole of taurhands fIowlng and moulding overthe forms of the bodj. You cancame back to these strokes at anItime during a massage. Thefeathering isa long lighttrustingstroke that can cannect a wholearea - ideal for bidding farewell toa part of the body you have Justworked with.

2 CirclingTo spreadoii mort thoroughly or tostroke andsoothe a wider arta,makeslow broad circleswith yourhands, using them simultaneously oralternately. Work slowly andrhythmically as you explore theterrain of faur partner's body. Letthe circles flow into eachother Ingentle spirallingmovements.


3 FeatheringRelaxyour hands and begin thelightest of brushing strokes with yourflngertips, drawing faur handstoward Iau, one after the other,with this stroke, which fetis likefeathers gentlycaressing the skin.Use itto connect a wholearta asyouprepareto take leaveof it, or tochangeto a different stroke.


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Medium depth strokesThese moderately deep strokeswork mare directly with themuscle masses. Sometimes circular,sometlmes back and forth, theyhelp to stimulare the circulation,which assistsin clearingwasteproducts mare quickly from themuscles. They are also relaxing.Use a fair/ybo/d and generousapproach. a//owingyourbody torock gent/y behind the kneading,pu/lingor wringing./f you let themovements came from your pe/visrather than shoulders and arms ltwillbe less tiringfor you and mareeffective for your partner.

2 PullingWlth one hand over the far side ofthe torso or of a limb, as shown

right, slowly puII upward, lifting themuscle firmly as faur hand follows

the curve of the part and gentlybreaks contact. Before the contact ISbroken, start pulling a Iittle furtheron wlth faur other hand. Let faurhands puii in a flowing movement,overlapping as they travel along.


24 ( G)

I Kneading

Use the whole of faur hand to graspand lift a bunch of flesh or muscle Ina circular squeezing motion. Workfaur hands alternately with a rocklngrhythmical movement, veri much .Ilke kneading dough. Your hands canmaintain a constant contact wlth theskin while dolng this stroke.



3 WringingKneeling beslde faur partner, wlthfaur hands cupped over a limb, asshown left, slide the fingers of onehand right over to the far side, whilethe heel of faur other hand comes

down on the near side. Keeping faurhands clase together, repeat In theopposite direction. Continue in asteady back-and-forth movement,wringlng either up or down the limb.

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\I I Thumb pressing

Placefaur thumbs on the sort tissuenext to the bone at the edge of ajoint. Keeping faur arms straight,slowly lean forward from faur hipsso that faur body weight builds up agradual pressure on faur thumbsoHold, release, then move faurthumbs a little and repeat. Continueto press aii around the joint.











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2 Finger frictionWith faur flngers in the sort tlssuebetween the bones of a joint, asshown right, apply fairly deeppressure to penetrate to the deeperstructures within, and rotate faurflngertips as you do sa. Circling onthe skin rather than sliding over It,tryto focus faur movement at a deeperlevel below the surface. Move aiiaround the joint in this way.







Deep tissue or frictionstrokesThe aim of these strokes is topenetrare into the deeper layersofmusc!es, into the connections oftendons and Itgaments to bonesand around joints. Thumbs andfingers are most commonly usedfor the friction strokes. Thoughappearing to circ!eor slide on theskin surface. they actualiipush inand direct pressure to the deeperlevels below. The heel-of-the-hands stroke isa broader deep-tissue movement with quite a lot ofpower behind it Go steadily andslowly. always staying veri presentNever continue beyond the painthreshold.

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3 Deep pressure with heel of handWith the heels of faur handspressing into the flesh, as shown left,push slowly and flrmly away fromIau, one hand behind the other.Create a deep rhythmical movementin which you alternately push away,lift off and come down again with theheel of one hand behind that of thehand in front.

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Percussion strokesThis group of pounding ordrumming strokes stimulates theskin and circulation and can relax

tlght muscles. But because of thevigorous and noisy nature of thesemovements they are of ten mareappropriate if you want faurmassage to be stimulating ratherthan relaxing. You will need toexperiment and decide this foryourself Before beginning, shakefaur hands up and down for a fewmoments to relax faur wnsts. Theblows themselves are Ilght andbouncy - as if you are striklngarubber baii. Don 't use percussionstrokes on the spine or any otherprotruding bony area.

2 CuppingWith faur fingers fairly straight, cupfaur hands, as shown below, closingthe sides with faur thumbs, andbegin to do the same brisk andrhythmically alternating sequence ofstrokes descnbed In Step 1.Theposltion of the hand creates a slightvacuum with each blow, whichresults Ina rather laud clapping noiseon the skin.


I HackingWith the first three fingers of eachhand together and faur little onesslightlyapart to act as shockabsorbers, start a rapid up-and-down movement, keeping faurwrists relaxed. Practice in the air,then let faur hands come down in aseries of light quick blows, travellingup and down along muscled areas.

3 PluckingGently pluck small portions of fleshbetween thumbs and fingers, asshown above, liftingand letting themslip from between faur fingers inquick succession.

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I Shiatsu "Dragon's mouth"techniqueExtend faur thumbs and forefingersto stretch the connecting skin,Holding this shape place both handsover one of faur partner's arms orlegs, and apply pressure downthrough this part of faur hands,keeping faur arms straightandfingers and shoulders relaxed. Youcan also use this technique on theback of the neck (see Step 3, pA8).

2 Shiatsu palm and heel-of-handpressureRest the palms of faur hands onfaur partner's body, as shownbelow, and apply pressure as inStep 1.Lean into faur hands toincrease the pressure. Far mareprecision af pressure, focus faurbody weight thraugh the heels affaur hands, while still keeping therest af faur hands in saft contactwith yaur partner's bady.



8iiiiiiiii - -1BASICSTROKE:

Basic techniques: ShiatsuThe applicatian af pressure andstretching backed up by suppartfarms the basis far mast af the

techniques used in Shiatsu. Yaucrea te variety by using differentparts af faur bady. We shawthree commanly used methads.Keep faur shaulders relaxed, andfaur knees apart far stability. Facusan using faur bady weight in acontrolled yet relaxed way, lettingmavements come from faur hara.Yau shauld apply pressure as yaubath exhale. Keep bath hands incontact with faur partner - if anehand is active, let the ather, the"mather hand", rest an the bady.Far clarity we have shawn thereceiver naked. but Shlatsu IS

narmally dane clathed.

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3 Shiatsu thumb pressurePlacethe pads of faur thumbs onfaur partner's bady, as shawnabave, faur fingers spread andresting there lightlyta balance yauand ta reassure faur partner. Slowlylean faur body weight aver faurthumbs ta increase the pressure.Keep faur arms straight, but netrigid. Build up pressure gradually,hold then release.


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COMMON AILMENTSThis section consists of a series of strokes and techniques that canhelp bring comfort and healing to a variety of common ailments.Most of the techniques shown are massage strokes, but where wefeel that they are especially effective, we have also included someShiatsu techniques. The body chart on pages 30 and 31 will helpyou to locate specific problems and lead you to the respectivetreatment, where you can try the strokes suggested. It is a goodidea to start by practicing the whole body massage (see pp.32-43)as this will familiarize you with the basic strokes and accustom youto using your own body correctly.

When working on the floor and moving aratind your partnerstay aware of your own posture and be careful not to jolt him orher. Be stire to work in positions that are comfortable to you, asany discomfort in your own body will be transmitted to yourpartner. It may be worth investing in a table (see p.18), as thismakes it easier to move freely aratind your partner.

Always begin by centring and then making a gentle contact withyour partner's body (see pp.19-20), before starting to work slowlyand sensitively with the strokes. Pleasure is conducive to healing,and a caring touch gives both encouragement and reassurance.

When you move on to strokes and techniques for ailments inspecific parts of the body you should always begin with the basicoiling stroke for that part of the body, unless you are doing Shiatsuor clothed massage, when of course you won't be using oiI. InShiatsu you can begin by briefly making contact to allow the bodyto open to your touch before beginning the technique.

A certain degree of pain can feel welcome during a massage,especially when treating stiff or tense muscles. BUl you shouldalways let pain be a guideline and never exceed your partner's painthreshold. Encourage your partner to tell you what feels parti cu-larly helpful and to let you know immediately if anything you dofeels too tender. If any aches and pains are severe or persist in spiteof the massage, encourage your partner to consult a doctor. Thisbook is not intended to help you to diagnose ailments or offerinstant "cures". You should only treat ailments that are not seriousor those that have already been professionally diagnosed, andbefore beginning any of the following treatments you should readthe advice on pages 90 to 93, on arthritis, sprains, strains and timeswhen you should not massage. If you can bear these simple pointsin fiind, caring touch can provide many physical and psycholo-gical benefits and help to mobilize your partner's own healingenergies toward a quicker recovery.



Page 24: Carte de masaj (intregul corp)

Where does it hurt?

I1,I TO make it easier for you to find

the relevant strokes and

technlques, allments are groupedunder the part of the body chieflyaffected. The parts of the body runin a sequence starting at the headand working down the body to thelegs and feet.

Head (see pp.44-S/)HeadacheSinuscongestlonColds


Chest (see pp. 60-3)Coughs, bronchitlsAsthma




Stomach/belly(see pp.68-73)IndlgestlonNausea


Menstrual paln



IIIFeet (see pp.84-9)Spralns and stralnsArthntls

CrampTired feet



Shoulders (see pp.S2-9)Shoulder stiffnessArthntlsStrainsand sprains

Arms (see pp.64-7)Arm ache

Strains and sprainsArthntlsTennis elbow


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Hip joints (see pp.74-83)Arthntls

Aches and pains


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Neck (see pp.52-9)Neck stiffnessArthritls

Stralns and spralns

Midand lower back

(see pp.74-83)Mid backacheLower backacheSciatica

Legs(see pp.84-9)LegacheCrampKneeacheSprainsand strainsArthntls

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Whole body (see pp.32-43)AnxietyDepresslonStressFatigueInsomnia

l-I Upper back (see pp.52-9)

Coughs, colds, bronchial complalntsUpper backache

Hands (see pp.64-7)Writer's crampStralns and sprainsArthritls


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A whole body massage can be a wonderfully nourishing andrelaxing experience, good for body and SOliI.The overall benefitsof massage, such as improved circulation, soothed nerves andrelaxed muscles, and the general sense of well-being that results,make it agreat way to maintain good health. Massaging the entirebody also enhances body awareness, giving us a mare completebody image and making us feel mare whole. When we do succumbto the stresses and strains of life, then often a massage can help torestore the harmony that we have lost. The following sequence,which should take abolit Oilehour, takes you step by step throughthe whole body. Il is just Oilepossible way of doing a massage. Asyou become mare familiar with the strokes and with givingmassage you will develop your own sequences and discover manyother techniques. Stay aware with your hands, and use them to"listen" to your partner's body. See ifyou can put your whole bodybehind your movements, and let them carne from your ham (seep'.19) and pelvis. Try, also, to regard the massage as a kind ofdance or a piece of music. As you go, flow from Oile part of thebody to another and develop your own natural rhythm.


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Insomnia, fatigue, anxietyanddepressionMental and physical over-activitycan lead to any or aii of thesecomplaints. They are aur body'sHwarning signals H.A caring massage,combined with essential olls, can

supply the relaXflJg space that isneeded. For insomnia you can usecamomile essence (see p.21), forfatigue use bergamot and foranxiety and mild depression uselavender. Before starting themassage, read the section oncontraindications (see p. 93).

Caution: If you have deepdepression or anxiety you shouldconsult taur doctor.




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2 Sliding up curve of shoulderChaase the shaulder appasite ta the

way in which faur partner is facing,as shawn right. and glide ane handslawly acrass her upper back, thenalang the curve af shaulder and neckup ta the base af her skull and aff atthe hairline. Let faur ather handfollaw behind, alternating faur handsin a continuai rhythmic mavement.

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I Spreading oii on backWith faur partner Iying an her front.kneel at her head, aii faur hands andlet them rest an the centre af her

upper back. Glide dawn alangsideher spine with faur fingers tagetherand hands relaxed. Ga farward fram

faur hips, nat just faur shaulders, Atthe end af faur reach divide faurhands and glide back up her sides.Repeat several times.






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3 Working shoulder in stripsPlace faur thumbs an the side affaur partner's neck, faur fingersresting an her back, as shawn left.Naw glide faur thumbs alang theshaulder, in the channel betweenbane and muscle, and aut taward

, the shaulder jaint. Repeat. but eachtime wark a little hlgher, caveringthe shaulder tap in strips, Help faurpartner ta turn her head and repeatfrom Step 2 an the ather side.



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4 Oiling buttocksSit at one of faur partner's sldesfacing up toward her head. OI faurhands and let them carne to rest onthe sacrum (base of spine). Nowglide up the centre of the lower backand circle faur hands out and downto the sides of the body, draw backacross the hips and circle around thebuttocks and back to the sacrum.Repeat thls stroke several tlmes.

5 Circlinglower backStillfacing up toward faur partner'shead, begin to make counter-clockwise circles with faur righthand around the lower back whilefaur left hand makes clockwisecircles. Allow both to overlap. Applymare pressure as you puii in towardthe centre of her back and downtoward the buttocks. Let faur handsmove slowly.


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6 Kneading buttocks and sidesTurn to face across faur partner'sside and reach over to the oppositebuttock. With both hands, begin toknead the muscles with flrmgenerous squeezing and liftingstrokes. Continue kneading right upthe side of the body to the shoulderand back down again. Repeat on theother side.


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7 Oiling backs of legsSitor kneelat one of faur partner'sfeet and rest faur oiled hands at thebackof her ankle and lower calf.

Then glidlng slowly up the leg to thetor of her thigh, dlvide faur hands,one branching out around the hipjoint and the other down the insideof the thigh. A void golng too clase tothe genltals. Then, with both handsenfolding her leg, draw right downto the foot across the sale and off atthe toes. Repeat.

Caution: Avoid using ani of the legstrokes on varicose veins (see p.93).



9 Wringing down back of legMove around to kneel beside faurpartner's thigh and rest both faurhands at the tor of the thigh. Thenwring faur hands slowly and fîrmlyback and forth in opposite directions(see p.24), stretching the tissue inbetween them. Let each of faurhands simultaneously touch the worksurface on either side of the legbefore wringing across again. Movedown the leg to the ankle.


8 "Draining" back of legWith both hands cupped, start analternating stroke that pushes slowlyup the back of the whole leg fromankle to thigh. Keep aii faur flngersin contact with the sides of the leg,and let faur hands glide upward In aseries of rhythmical strokes. Checkwith faur partner for pressure andmake sure you "drain" both back andsides of the thigh thoroughly.


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10 Lifting lower legSit or kneel facing sideways on toyour partner's leg and, with onehand Just above the back of herknee, lift the lower leg with the otherhand to a vertical position.


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I I Loosening ankle jointUsing both your fingers and thumbs,start to work with slow sensitivestrokes on either side of the ankle, asshown below, pushing into the sorttissue between the bones with small

stroking and circling movements.Stay focused, and travel right aroundthe joint in this way.

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12ThumbingsaleClaspboth handsaround the foot,asshown above, and let your thumbsrest on the sale, Using your thumbs,push and slowly circle aIIthe wayalong the sale from the heel to thetoes, exploring every hilland hollowas you go. Repeat from Step 7 onthe other leg.

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13 Neck and shoulder cyeleAsk your partner to turn over, andkneel at her head. Turn her head to

rest on one of your cupped hands,her cheek upward and her chintoward her collar bone. Let yourfree hand rest on the upper chest,flngers toward the centre, heel ofthe hand facing out toward theshoulder. Draw slowly out towardthe shoulder joint and curve yourhand around It . .

. . .then rotate your hand 50 thatyour flngers point down toward thecentre of your partner's chest again,and slide your whole hand down, asshown nght, into the "V" shape madewhere the collar bone joins the longneck muscle, and then on to the

chest. Avold the throat. Then repeatthe whole cycle several times. Turnyour partner's head and work thesequence on the other side.

. . . then, with a tlrm slow pressurepush in with the flats of your flngersalong the curve of shoulder andneck, as shown left, drawing yourhand slowly right up the back of theneck to the base of her skull. Let

your flngers slide along the rim ofbone until anii the tips are Incontact. . .



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/t4 StrokingforeheadSit at faur partner's head and restfaur thumbs on the centre of herforehead. Now with faur handssupporting the sides of the head,slowly draw faur thumbs away fromthe centre, as shown Iert, to thehairline, and off. Repeat this strokeseveral times,



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15 Massaging cheeks

With the heels of both faur handsresting on the cheeks clase to and oneither side of the nose, and faurfingers pointing down toward theears, slide faur hands slowly outacross the sides of the face until youreach the ears, as shown right.

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16 Stretching and squeezing earsNow gently grasp the ears betweenfingers and thumbs and stretch themslightly outward and downward.Then spend some time squeezingand massaging the ears, exploring aIIthe little crannies and crevices, asshown Iert.

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17Clearingalongjaw boneGently squeeze the tip of the chinwith faur thumbs and fingers andthen slowly draw them out along thejaw bone ina longfirm stroke,tracing the whole length of the rim ofthe bone to the ears, as shown right.


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18 Oiling arm with glidingstrokjSit or kneel by faur partner's harfacing up her arm. Oii faur hand!and, keeping faur flngers togetheon the centre of her arm, glide I

upward to her shoulder, Here, c~faur outer hand around the jointand faur inner hand down towarjthe armpit. Then enfold the arm ~both hands and draw right backtathe wrist. across the hand andoff.Repeat a few times,

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20 Spreading thumbs down armClaspfaur partner's upper arm withboth hands,faur thumbs together inthe centre. Squeezingwith faurwhole hand, draw faur thumbsoutward to spread the flesh, Nowslidea littleway down and bringfaur thumbs together again tosqueeze out once mare, Continuelike this aIIthe way down the arm tothe wrist.

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19 "Draining" armWith her palm facing upward, holdone of faur partner's wrists, andwith faur free hand begin tosqueeze her arm between faurthumb and flngers aii the way alongfrom the wrist as far as you canreach, Break contact at the tor andstart at the wrist again, Try to covera different strip eachtime,



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23 Stretching fingersHold faur partner's hand palmdawnward in ane hand, as shawnright. Naw take hald af ane af herflngers at the paint where it jains anta her hand and, squeezing the sidesflrmly, slide slawly dawn the flnger,stretching lt as yau ga. Let thepressure ease aff as yau reach thetip and slide aff. Repeat an eachflnger and alsa the thumb. Repeatfrom Step I8 an the ather slde.


21 Thumbing an palmWith faur partner's palm facingupward, lifther hand and wark an itwith faur thumbs, making slawc!reles and squeezing and presslnginta the whole af the palm area.

22 SpreadingpalmsandfingersInterlack faur flngers between faurpartner's, as shawn left, then gentlyapen aut the hand, spreading andstretching bath the palm and flngers.Ask faur partner ta let yau knawwhen the stretch feels enaugh.



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25 Pulling up side of ribsStart with one hand on the base of

one side of your partner's ribcage.Gltde up the side of the ribs, and onup the front of the chest. Let bothyour hands follow each other in thlsflowing stroke, each tlme startinghigher up. Final!y, puii up the side ofthe torso beneath the breast to the

armpit. Repeat on the other side.


24 Oiling torso with gliding strokesSit or kneel at your partner's headand let your oiled hands float gentlydown to rest on her upper chest.With your hands together glideslowly down the centre of the body,divide your hands, then glide back upthe sides and back to where youstarted. Repeat. (When working onthe front of the torso, work aroundthe breasts, not directiI on them.)

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26 Circling around bellyMoving to your partner's slde, letboth hands come to rest verI gentlyon the abdomen and pause there fora moment or two. Then, using bothyour hands, start to make slow,broad circling movements in aclockwise direction. One of yourhands remains constantly on thebody while the other gently breakscontact once in each cycle.


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27 OilinglegswithglidingstrokesKneel at faur partner's feet andplace faur oiled hands on the frontof her leg at the ankle. With faurfingers together in the centre, glideup the leg to the tap of the thigh anddivide faur hands outward, lettingone go around the hip joint and theother curve down the inside of thethigh. Then enfold her leg and drawright down to the foot and off at thetoes. Repeat.

28 "Draining"legWith faur fingersand thumbscurved over the leg in a "V"shape,push upward with alternatingstrokes, pressing the muscles oneither SIde of the shin bone, aroundthe knee joint, and along the sidesand front of the thigh nght to the tapof the leg.


29 EnfoldingfootPlace one of faur hands on faurpartner's sale and the other on thetap of her foot. Now slide faurhands in a warm enfolding strokeslowly along tap and bottom untilfaur fingertips slide off the tlpS ofher toes. Repeat a few times andthen move to the other leg andrepeat the whole sequence fromStep 27.

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ConnectingAt the end of a massage it alwaysfeels good to the receiver to havesome long fIowingstrokes that linktogether aiithe parts of the bodyand give a sense of wholeness.Keep faur touch light,but don 'tskip littlebits as this willdetractfrom the sense of completeness.Also, make sure that you travel tothe veri ends of the extremities offaur partner's body. Another wayof connecting ISto link up ani twoparts of the body faur hands feeldrawn ta. Finally,slowly breakcontact, gently cover faur partnerwith a large warm towel, and leaveher to rest and enjoy the feeling ofrelaxation for a while.

2 Connecting strokesUsing middle and ring fingers of eachhand, rest them on faur partner'sforehead. Then glide over the tap ofher head, down the back of herneck, along the shoulders, down thearms to the fingertlps and off. Returnto the forehead and repeat, butfrom the back of her neck come

around to the front of the upperchest and then glide down, dividingat the belly and travelling down thelegs to the tips of the toes and off.

I Connecting two partsSitting or kneeling at faur partner'sside, let one of faur hands carne torest lightly on the belly and the otheran the forehead. With faur eyesclosed Just stai quietly in contact asyou link body and head. Focus onfaur hands and the rhythm of faurpartner's breath. After a time, verislowly take faur hands away.


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