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M{'LMTI,E CIIOT(, . } }OINTS EACX; r\4 Name: ( ilru \rnr iJ acKtrt w 1.' Jonat}ou pomis.s to pavchild support and *ffi ff*m*:5$:--. Joratron has only a legal cbligation to keep hispromise. both a legal and a moral obligxiq{ b keep his promise. no obligation to keep his promise. 2. Phil Egrees to work for Vacatiofi Resorts, lnc., as a chef. ln d€*€rmining whetler a contract has been fonne4 an element of prime importance is the parties' intent. Phil's rue of puy. Phil's education. the terms of Phil's employment. @ c" d" 3. Ibnalitslls Levi }s will givs him an Xbox if l"evi does Jonah's chotes &r a month, Levi prourises to do the chores. Jonah I d. and Levihave formed. e 4. Ks&ryyn sigas a leaso agreement fur an apartrrest Katlryo has eqiered iuto a(n) A. (*.) express conmct. V implied contract. c. quasi contract d unenforcsble contract. 5. Holiday Sales Company and Global Distributors, Inc., enter into a contract for the delivery of imported specialty goods. Untit tLs goods re delivercd and paid for, these prties have c. a quasi contract. d. an informal contract. 6. Mry fiies to start her new car with ro suos&$$. She yells that she will sell the car to anyons for SI0. Nis& e passerbf who owns Nick's Pre-owned Autos, hands May $10- This is aot a valid aecspt{ns€ becauss &{ey d.oes rrot s*riously irltaxd to soll. not a valid acceptance because Nick is a car dealer. a. d. bilatesl con&st. unilateral contract- void conkact. unerfsrceabls sontract. ane:motsory contract. noc0nfeefl a- * valid ae*eptanse because May is serioxsly *usmted. b. avalid acreptance beeaus* Niek is a car dealer. Page I of 10
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Page 1: Caroline Jackson Final BL


r\4Name: ( ilru \rnr iJ acKtrt w

1.' Jonat}ou pomis.s to pavchild support and *ffi ff*m*:5$:--. Joratron has

only a legal cbligation to keep hispromise.both a legal and a moral obligxiq{ b keep his promise.

no obligation to keep his promise.

2. Phil Egrees to work for Vacatiofi Resorts, lnc., as a chef. ln d€*€rmining whetler a contract has been fonne4 an element ofprime importance is

the parties' intent.Phil's rue of puy.

Phil's education.the terms of Phil's employment.



3. Ibnalitslls Levi }s will givs him an Xbox if l"evi does Jonah's chotes &r a month, Levi prourises to do the chores. Jonah


and Levihave formed.


4. Ks&ryyn sigas a leaso agreement fur an apartrrest Katlryo has eqiered iuto a(n)

A.(*.) express conmct.V implied contract.c. quasi contractd unenforcsble contract.

5. Holiday Sales Company and Global Distributors, Inc., enter into a contract for the delivery of imported specialty goods.

Untit tLs goods re delivercd and paid for, these prties have

c. a quasi contract.d. an informal contract.

6. Mry fiies to start her new car with ro suos&$$. She yells that she will sell the car to anyons for SI0. Nis& e passerbf who

owns Nick's Pre-owned Autos, hands May $10- This is

aot a valid aecspt{ns€ becauss &{ey d.oes rrot s*riously irltaxd to soll.not a valid acceptance because Nick is a car dealer.



bilatesl con&st.unilateral contract-void conkact.unerfsrceabls sontract.

ane:motsory contract.noc0nfeefl

a- * valid ae*eptanse because May is serioxsly *usmted.b. avalid acreptance beeaus* Niek is a car dealer.

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OA6u+ong Lhr*{DH6r 113.ri ;.;;, ,,{ : .i,,,Tu*<<r+wQi! - t 6 fOfr-a ;A : 61 fm

i PTry P:gh: lnc*-sends its catalogue to Octavio and inciudes a "personalized" lener inviting him to buy any item in it atthe advertised price. This is

an offer because of the 'personalized" offer hecause there is no room for price offer only if Octavio previously bought items &om Pastry Dough.not an offer.

creating a Web site througb which he w ilt enter into contracts over the Internet. funportant terms to include in his offers

pmvisions specifying the rcmedieg ifths *;nntract is brca*hsd.a detailed history of his business.glowing reyiews from former custom€m.[i"

"arrixiorral background.

9. Deb buys e song through esongs, an online music vendor. Before completing the purchase and downloading the songDeb rnust agree to a provision stating that she will not make and sell copies of the sig. Tiris provision is

s bmwse*'wrap tenn.a click-on agreement.I shrirk-wrflp agreefils$t.a wrapon agreement.

10. Digital Products Company includes a shrink-wrap agreement in a transaction with Eagle Engineering Corporation. A shrink-wrap agreement is an agreement whose terms are expressed


S. Markisinclude-*r-\








in code at the end of a computer progmm .

inside a box in which goods are smalt print at the end ofa paper contracr signed by both parties.(}n a computcr scrgen.

I l. Jared downloads some video games from the Intemet There is a page indicaring the terms of use, but nothing that requiresJared to affrmatively indicate his consent before downloading the g;ames. These tenis are

a click-on agreement.browsc-wrap terms.* &Tap-0n agreemant"a shrir*-wrap asreeesnt.

12. lvlariah promises to pay her assistsnt Nadine $ 10,000 in consideration ofthe services she provided overthe )rears. Mariah neverpaysNadine. Mriah is


liable fur paplent of the $l$,SSt)"liabte only if Nadine still works for Mariah.not liable, because the consideration is in the past.not liable, because the consideration was unintentional.

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,4 ::; 11tfe<<24w+:: t

! € F0fr-r pA':,da foo


1r B , tra** ix ostehgue. *o Oe&'vis and iacludw a,-1p*raqndid. lsfisr kyiths hia urhry my'im ix it *

&e afiErtised price. This is

an offer because ofthe "personalized" offor because there is no room for pnce negotiation.

r *ao&only if0ctavio pr*viousty bought items,fromPastrynCIugh.not 8n offer"

. b*wse-*orap t"rn.a cliok-on agre€ment.a drink-wrap ag?ement.a wmFon egreement,

10,,'91* &qe$$ includ*s aslrink-wrap agqourerr iaaragsaction wl& *agt* EnSq C m. A shriukyfrrp.:'q@errt,iiE:a*.egrs'€,nffitw}ro*gtemsare.c,xp,r*sd:...

in code at the end of a computer program .

inside a box in which goods are small print at the end ofa paper contraet signed by botlt parties.on acomPutsr scrcsn.

It. '',,@' ,e@E,video'games'fum,thr IntereL Thd is, a page indicqtirg the terps of use, but nothi0g:*r-r

a click-on agryerywtbrowse-wrap tenns.A wrap-on agre€ment.a shrink-wrap agreement.

tfi':il4{{iah top$UsassistaotNadine$1e"W$ ineonsidomtionof*assnricessheprordded orerteperg r11asv6ipaysNadine. Mriah is

liabls far parlmeurt of th* $lSgS*.liakle *aly if l'f*dine stiil,warks, &nrMadcb*at tiabla lsc&uss . oan*ideratix i*,inthe pasrllot liablc,,hEsarrso Se eonsiderafi,o* rlns$ H$iritefltional.

:,,.'l ,l.,t .s..

,'.-&. . .:$;.






,r&:. 1


l;i,,lt{!{lii*,c u!f&sibeluugbwhiehhewill mt*iiato.eontaae.overthela(rynet-mr"*te**Auffiii*,tis,*'"Q 3,;g,;;mmges

irthe contracr is brwched.

c. glowing rcviews from formor custorners.d his edrrcational background.

.S,.,,, , t?Bh a .c*cngqrm,snliirrmr*siqv*ndor Beftreqmrykong&e purchare ard downloadingthe !qn&M.&l$lr**is.ionwi"*t*ewill'n*tmcke*ndsFlI.soei*{fftQ6g.TLi'provisionis


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Ub65.711 0SriruL-iA!!5 rr5Hi ri.: ; t di i-tdduu=n7+Pep0

13. Dane'* uncle tells D*ve dhat if'lhe Sbels that Dave doserves iq" he will give Dave $1,fr)0 when Fave graduates hom collego.D&ve's uncle's promise is

fa ithsory.V enforceable.o. aforbearance.d. a preexisting duty.

14. Franzea is injured in an accident caused by Genfiy. Gentry agrces to pay Franzea $2,500 if she agrees to release him fromfurthr liability. She agrees. If Franzea's danrages ultimately exceed $2,500, she can collect

ance from Gentry in a breach-of-contract suit.a. the balb. fte klance from Gentry in a tort suit.g" tho bal*nce fi'om Sentry on the ground of unforesesn difficulties.

nothing more from Gentry.

15. Ckri*, a mi*ct, signx a aoxtract to purchase aleohalic beverages for Dine & Prink, his parentsn re$taumnt. Tho eontrnct is


b.I'l;Si' Olivra, a miroq signs a eontract to buy a bike frffir Phil, *e owaer of $r$e&cles Bike $tare" Olivia's right to disaffirrr &ocontrast

a. does nct ehange the faet thx Fhil is bound by the comtmct.b. does not yet exist becauss Olivia is still a minor.

give* Phil, an adult, the right ts di*effim the contract.

t7. SIi, s minq, buys an &rtomabile insuraace policy from Faithflrl Insurancc Cornpany andpays a S1,000 premium. lfEli *andisaffinn the contract, he can most likely rtcover


valid butm*y be disaffifir$d.valid but may not be disaffirmed.void as a rnatter of law.void rmlcss it is also signed by Edie, the manager of Dine & Drink

18- Lucy; a minff, dissffirms a coatract for neces$sries $rithcut rctuming the goods. To Manny's food Ma& the scller, Lucy isrcquired to pay





nothing.the reasnable value of the goods.the sales price of the goods.tbe ulti*are worth oftle goods.

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19. B:tty is selling her used clothing shop on Main Stneet. ln the sale agreement: there is a covenant not to oompete that prohibitsBetty from opening another used clotlring shop within 300 miles of the shop she is selling. A court will most likely conciu;" rh;this restriction on competition is

s- reasonable.b. urrcasonable and order Bet$'s suscessor to stop doing business.

unreasonable ar:d may reform the covBnant .

. unrensorable and prohibit both parties &om opening used clothing shops.

20. Doug agees with Elinor to sell methamphetamine to patrons of Elinor's nightclub Garden of Eden for 25 percent of the take.Doug sells the dnrgs but keeps all of the money. Elinor can

A recover her share of the money only if she did not aid in the crime.(!,) notenforcethedeal.a: rscover the total amount of the sales.d. rEcover her costs bur none of the illegal profit.

21- Selena buys a cell phone for $350 and an air hockey table for g I ,500, and signs a one-year employrnent conmct for a $4,000monthly salary to start at the begiruring of the next mon;h. The Statute of:Frauds covers

a. the employment contract, and t}e game table and phone purchases.

@ ' {ri emptoy**n,

"onou",;J;" sr-;;ft p#h**;rry.V the employment contract only.

, - -J

d. the game table and phone purchases only.

22. Dixie May enters into a conhact to buy one hundred pounds of pecans from Margaret. The contract must be in writing if thepecans cost

:. q190.b. $t50.

b $?i3:

23. Valley Tack Shap signs a co*tract with Gary's Boots and $addles for dalivery of five saddles that cost $200 sach. To bsenforceable under the statute of Frauds, the written contract must designate



athe method of delivery.the method of payment"the quantity of saddles.the seller-

a conwt title, such as "Chloe-DAI Contract."all essontialterms.a statement of the consideration.the parties' addresses.

24. Chloe files a suit against Digital Associates, Inc. (DAi), to enforce a contract. The only written evidence ofthe contract is amemo on DAI's letterhe-ad as sigiea by a DAI officer in its fites. The contract can be enfoiced if*,e me*o i""lr[--'



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t-5,' Juan and lsidro enter into a confast to buy, restore, and reopen the Coastal Park Carousol. Beforr either parly beglns toperform, they agree to cancel their deal. This is

$rbstaotial performance.rm.raral rescission.

c. accord and satisfaction.d. novation.

25- A Montana state court can exercise jurisdiction over Endurance lnsurance Corporation, an out-of-state defendan! but thedefendant must have

1@ minimum contacts with the state.Y maximum contacts with the state.

c. Iegitimate contacts with the state.

d. legal ccntaots with the state.

!f. fnnor ryll* Cathy a -horry

for $2,000. When 4fin91 goes to the bank to deposit Catky's choch *e chook bounoes. Elinor isfurious and files suit against Cathy. Elinor pmbably filed her suit in

a small claims cout.a domestic rplations court.

c. amunicipal court.d. aprobatecourt.

28. Kit loses her suit against I-ou in a Minnesota state triat court. Kit appeals to the state court ofappeals and loses again. Kit wouldapp€al noxt to

a U.S. disrict court.the Minnss6ta Supreme Court.the Unitcd Staies Supreme Court.the U.S. Cou* of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.

29, Drummond urmrts to make a federal cas$ out of his dispute with Elsn* Federal cases origine in

fedenal conrt$ of appeals.federal disbict courts.state trial courts.the Unitd $tates Supreme Court,

30. Ths Arirore kpmne Court nrles against Jonnifor in a case against Kut Rate $tores, Ine. Jwnifer wants to sppeal hsr case tothe United States Supreme Court She must ask the Court to issue a


writ of c*rtiorari.jurisdiction.summon8.






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31. During the trial phase of Fuel Corporation's suit against Gas Stations, Inc., their attorneys engage in voir dire. This isa. an assossment of the validity of the arguments for both parties.b. a dehmination of the issues to be argued before the court.q. the trial.

@ *" selection ofjurors.

32. In making decisions for Smartt Investments, Rita uses a cost-benefit anelysis. This is a part ofa. duty-based ethics,b. Kantian ethics-g_ rights-based ethics.

@ utilitarian erhics.

33. The hst definition of a precedent isa. a law developed from cusrom.b.c.


34- Eliza is a state court judge. Flora appears in a case in Eliza's court ctaiming that Glover broaohed s. contract Which of thefutlowing ac{ions may Eliza Gxe?

!v r"vr' vr urv

a judicial proceeding for the determination of a dispute between pamies in which rights are enforced or protected-a proceeding by one person against anotler in court.a court decision that furnishes an exarnple or authority for deciding subseguent cases involving identical or similarfacts.

Awad damages cr issue a decree of *pecific performanoe[mprison Glover, but not Floralrnprison Florg but not CloverOrdsr the parties ro psy Eliza to render a favombte ruling

the prosecution of private individuals by other private individusls.the prosecution of public officials by private individuals.the relief available when a person's rights are violated.wrCIngs committed against the public i a whole.





35. Leona entersi irfio a contract with Munchies Bakery to cater a sales cnnference. When the confer€nce is postponed indefinitely,

lrry asks a court to cancel the contraot and return the parties to the positions that they held before is formation. This requ#involves

specific action that the court cannot order.

l!, Ma8eie-and Nate entcr ints s ssnt$st for &e sale of,a car, but Na& later re{uses to deliver the car. Maggie as165 a court to orderNate to porformas promised. ordering a party to perfbrm what was promised is

@ specific performLce.5. damages.c. rescission.d. beyond the court's authority.

37. Beth is a victim of Carl's violation of a criminal law. Criminal law is concerned withil.b.c-


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38. Tami's Tasty Tacos, a fasl food outfrt, fi.les a 5ui1 egrinst the state of Texas, claiming that a Texas state taw violates theconunqrce clause. The court will agree if the statute imposes a substantial burden on

a loeat government.

intersffic csmmerce.noneoonomic activif.Sres&te"

39. Congress enacts a law prohitriting toys made in China from being sold in the United States. The [Iawaii state legislature enactsa law allowing the sale of Chinese-made toys. Hawaii's law will most likely be sfuck down under

s" thr ssmfirsos olause.b. the equal protection clause.



q. the due process power.the suyeirucy clause.

40. Mary creates a t-shirt design that expresses her support for a presidential candidate and distributes fshirts to all her friends.The t-shirts ane an example of

a. unprtee&d speesh.b. controtled speech.

spmbclic spe*h.. ill*gal speech.

41. George burns an American flag in his backyard. He films his actions and posts the video on YouTub€.com. George's actionsafe

eilryre$$ly pqhibitsd by the U.$. eoastitutios.protected by the First Amendment of t}le [J.S. Constitution.considored to be a form of treason,illegal in some states.

prot*cted by the First Amm&rmt"not protected by the First Amendment.protected by the Fifth Amendment.protected by the Tenth Amendment.

43 . hdsrish plaees her book on her d*sk while she attends c lass at schsal " Witlrout her knowledgp or eonsen{ eoofh*r studerlt Nitapicks up the book" puts it in thEir backpack and w*lks away. Nita has likely committe.d



42. Julia is a U.S. citizen. She esablishes a Web site thd Fsts threatening messages about c€lebrities. Her Web site is






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44. Scos" I State Bank employee, deposits into his accouilt checks that are given to him by bank customers to deposit into theiraccoutrts. This is launderirg;no crims.

45' Susan is ,'nhrppy with the way her mother has rnade out her will. Susan has a lawyer draft a new will md t}en signs hermotfter's name to it without her mother's consent. Susan has commified

o. lerr€ny.b" nocrime.c. robbery.


46. &l{e is charged wi& embmzlerrrent. f,mbezzlernent may be cornmitted without

& a criminal act,b. a criminal intent.

t ta*ingprspqrly &om its owaer.the useof &rce srf€&r"

47. lared is arrested and found guilty of a misderneanor. His punistrnent will not include







[email protected] c&usc.rqso*abledoubt"inrmunity.

imprisofim*nt fur six lrlsr*rs.a fine of$100.death.imprisonment for six months and a fine of $500.

48. M"yq r,polic* offieer, wants to searshthe oftqes of NitEs Corporation.Maya asks Judge Orion to issue a wrurant. Under the Fourth Amendment,no warrmts for a search or an arrest can be issued without



49. Alan, the pesident of Bayside Investrnentq Inc., and Colin, Bayside's accountant, are charged wi*r a crime, after the policeseanch Bayside's offices. Under the exclusionary rule

ertain Bapide recordc ars slrcluded from;ubpoenaeertain parties to a criminal action may be

"*"iud"d from a trial-

illegally obtained evidence must be excluded from a trial.pffsotls wha have biase* that would prevenx thexr *orn frirly deeiding the case may be excluded from the jury.

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5S. I,ou d'lvtira sa*t tc ressind &eir conkact unds which Lou sold an MP3 player to trlira for $50.WIU dms it mean to *'rescind" the conuact and what must the parties do to rescind the conkact? (5 Pointr)

+D lqg6ind& Corfrac*ttS &lhev\.^+ pkrtto\ rn**-ual\yAqyee+D ctncel therr (o(w^ct,;'P it'ri (x€cuhn4ll t! Ihe unmaKinq of cr cDnlracl Jo ((-Itx(w Jir-

{{* pc"(+1tN fu-ftwV rrnrhal Pcsitrovrs

5I" In &e fcllo'wing si&Iatist* two parti*s el*im the same gmds. Who is most likely to prevail tr eash cireumsnse?Provide what Law applies and Explain Fully. (5 Points each - 10 Poin$ totsl)

t&) Qlst sml* Phil'e telovision sot snd sell* it t$ Qrlio{y, an innoeest purehaxer, fur value. Shil l*ar*s Quinry h** ffroset and dsmands its return.

ThiS sl+uafron \nVol v€S +h e ll,,(+ o{ " Ccnv€rSronrr - dh€ther a- 1)riSr-,r

PoSSeSeS of us€S the pruDertY of a.n other drthot,r-{- pernn r5siou^. .\

+hly ^(e

ln r,l iolatron o+ ccnv€rsriun " Olan has corv\,tl er\ ^ t re: p^ssfu p€rSonai prcpertV. Phil Nill prevail aqd can demand 4rl,n,a+

I -. "rLQuincy refuyrr -fhg *elavrf'lor,.'- tD Phrl " She c^n +l\t^ pu6ue lt{i3*o^: f;ffii(b) RileytakeshistelovisionsetforrepairtoSlick,arnwhantwhosellsnewandusedelenrisiod$sts.nfrici,-liteirt on{in

of Slick's ernployees sells the set to Tuna" an innocent purchaser-customer, who takes posse*sion. Riloy wants hisset bsck fr,om Tuna-


ln *h rs cr.r.s€ , fua tmintentron al -lor* of n e3\r 3ence.SliCf LDltl be [larle frr thrs ac+ # nqqlrcleoce

\, \Jr,At-tt'T-I'qht fu qa+ hrS TV bacl( f .o'q 'Tuna, f lwr a.

JUb[t Tuna]ntast be curnp<nsat-l-r d Au c^v\( 1u^a

FILL IN IEE BLAiIK - 4 PTOINTS EACH: f el eV t g1 o Vt ,

*e rnwst rDUe rts ccLsz ba

\a rnvo\uadP,\ey has +\-,-

l.rn ult con PlrJ

pa ge.l h,r +1^-'-

$2. Ihp bltrdw of proof in a civil trid is:


YQ atl(^b\< dcuUL.

PaSe9of 10

nt,AAq CA

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53. Define stict liability in three (3) words:

li aUit itq oit\^or+ fautt54. Name the two main defenses available for negligenc€:

essu"vrnpior^" oP tfnl- risr- -iCofn t) ArcLt\\Je qeqlree\ce-

J5. Hane the trerel administrative agsnrythst enfrywc Title YII and o{rsr anti-discriminetisill,s&fle$:

56. Name the rule drat protects good faith mistakes by directors, ofFrcers and managers:

The busin€Ss 'lUdqernent ru\e

57. Wh* is the highest ownership interest in real property that one can own:

Sole Pruprietosnip5E. Ownemhip intsrests in rcal pmpe(y are evidenced by a:


59. ffine.*dverse poxemion aad,n*$te the necessary elements to obtain adverseposession {11} }oint}:'

Ad,ve "seh*le ol

p ossess tor,\- ts uo h e n o n e a*l em Pts,{ltD obfct''i{^"-

tlte det,ve..7A p t€be of I and, and doea Et u;lthouto+ a deed,

I - [actr,[al 4 n*cltrsrve) :o ccqpancy o{ the I and.

,- ( op€n, vis'rble { notunous) : *lo,is canncLPriv da, has -fu be cornp f e+e\y obv'ro16h

3 (cor*inuous { peacp able hr 'd*- yeq per r# "+or rn ust n 0t b<- jn*e rrur, pted Page 1o or r0 ir,\

+r* *rue ot^ne r or Ir; i{^' , (mr r c t<

lYra-. OQ_rJPr.,n ,T 61l*, - p* posses_

*/'* possesor paust tal<A Sole- p hVS ,'rr,1.

h ^ppen In Secre-t- att+ nnua+ bA- p"& l,L-

Dt' by +l"w r-o ur\a.

€rnolovm e iSSt0t^"

q:-th:*i]: 4,fd*o.) r &, , po ssol'r,( r.nrl-st ctz:,-rrn." 4;^A prtt>Lr\

aS aaarhSt 'tha cohol-e oo rtc\.' - ,{ has I^, ,n .}