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Cardiac Emergencies and AED Section 2 & 3 OBJECTIVES appear in GOLD!!!

Cardiac Emergencies and AED

Dec 31, 2015



Savannah Graham

Cardiac Emergencies and AED. Section 2 & 3. OBJECTIVES appear in GOLD!!!. Cardiovascular Disease & The Heart. Let’s Do A KWL! On a sheet of paper list: 3 things you know 3 things you want to learn about this topic!. How The Heart Works!. The Heart Song!!!. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Cardiac Emergencies and AED

Cardiac Emergencies and AED

Section 2 & 3

OBJECTIVES appear in GOLD!!!

Page 2: Cardiac Emergencies and AED
Page 3: Cardiac Emergencies and AED

Let’s Do A KWL!On a sheet of paper list: 3 things you know 3 things you want to learn about this topic!

Cardiovascular Disease & The Heart

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The Heart Song!!!

How The Heart Works!

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Cardiovascular disease is an abnormal condition that affects the heart and it’s blood vessels.

It is the #1 killer over all with about 1 million Americans dying each year.

Explain cardiovascular disease.

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Identify the Risk Factors of cardiovascular disease.

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Are You a Heart Attack Waiting to Happen???

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Make the Changes While You Are Young!

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When you think about it, we are only one heart beat away from death….Franklin Graham

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Persistent chest pain, discomfort or pressure Lasting 3-5 minutes That goes away and come back

Discomfort pain or pressure in the shoulder, arm, stomach, neck, back, or jaw

Trouble breathing Other signals

Pale or ashen skin Dizzyness, nausea and vomiting Loss of consciousness

Differences in signals of women Shortness of breath, unexplained fatigue or malaise,

sudden sharp pain

Explain signs of a heart attack.(pg. 31)

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Any signs or symptoms of a heart attack!!! Call right away!

People will try to deny any real trouble is occurring!


Explain when to call 9-1-1.

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Have the victim stop what they are doing and rest

Loosen any tight or uncomfortable clothing Closely monitor the person’s condition (ABC’s) Be prepared to give CPR and use a AED Try to obtain additional information Ask if the victim takes any medication or offer

aspirin* Reassure the victim Talk to bystanders DO NOT drive the person to the hospital

Explain what to do until help arrives.

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Aspirin thins the blood Nitroglycerin dilates the blood vessels

Identify the medications that aid in reducing heart attacks and the affects

of heart attacks. (pg. 33)

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Called a Transdermal Medication Patch.

What is a Nitroglycerin Patch?

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Occurs when the heart stops beating or beats too ineffectively to circulate the blood to the brain and other vital organs.

Weak, irregular or uncoordinated contractions.

The body cannot survive! Breathing soon stops. Brain damage can begin in about 4 to 6

minutes without oxygen.

What is Cardiac Arrest?Be able to explain.

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Adults Cardiovascular Disease, drowning,

choking, drug abuse, severe injury, etc.

Children and Infants Airway and breathing problems,

traumatic injury, a hard blow to the chest, congenital heart disease and SIDS

Distinguish the causes of Cardiac Arrest.

Page 18: Cardiac Emergencies and AED

Early Recognition and early access (Citizen Responder is the most important link)

Early CPR (Citizen Responder)

Early Defibrillation (Citizen Responder)

Early Advanced Medical Care (Professional)

Be Able to List the Steps of the Cardiac Chain of Survival (pg. 33)

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C-C-C then A-B-C Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Hand positioning Compress the chest 2 inches Give 30 compressions Give 2 rescue breaths

Explain and demonstrate CPR for Adults (pg. 34)

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Explain what to do if there are two responders. (pg. 36)

Identify yourselves as being trained One person call 9-1-1 while other

begins CPR If tired, other person should take over

CPR Begin immediately with chest


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Explain when a citizen responder may stop CPR.

Obvious signs of life (breathing) AED ready to use Another trained responder or EMS

take over Too exhausted to continue Scene becomes unsafe

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Explain and demonstrate child CPR.

C-C-C then A-B-C Hand positioning Compress the chest 2 inches*** Give 30 compressions Give 2 rescue breaths

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C-C-C the A-B-C 2 or 3 finger positioned on the middle of the

chest Compress the chest 1 ½ inches Give 30 chest compressions Give 2 rescue breaths

Explain and demonstrate Infant CPR.

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Read page 45 and learn about AED’S, V-tach, V-fib and CPR.

V-tach V-fib Real V-fib

What happens when the heart fails?

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Alcohol wipes AED use on children Pediatric AED pads on an adult Touching the victim

Analysis Defibrillation

Moving vehicle Water Transdermal patch Mobile phone or radio use

Explain general precautions for using an AED.

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The AED shock is equal to about 300 volts, enough to fry a burger!!!

Explain and demonstrate how to use an AED.

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Around water Pacemakers (implantable cardioverter-

defibrillators) Transdermal Medication Patches Hypothermia Trauma Chest Hair Metal Surfaces Jewelry and Body Piercings

Demonstrate and explain special situations when

using an AED.

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Periodic equipment checks Battery check/Backup battery Defibrillation pads Expiration dates Replacement after use Working improperly, warning


AED Maintenance

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Explain cardiovascular disease. Identify the risk factors of cardiovascular

disease. Explain signs of a heart attack. Explain when to call 9-1-1. Explain what to do until help arrives. Identify the medications that aid in reducing

heart attacks and the affects of heart attacks. (pg. 33)

Explain cardiac arrest. Distinguish the causes of cardiac arrest. Be able to list the steps of the cardiac chain

of survival.

Section 2 & 3 Objectives

Page 30: Cardiac Emergencies and AED

Explain and demonstrate CPR for adults. Explain what to do if there are two

responders. Explain when a citizen responder may stop

CPR. Explain and demonstrate CPR for children. Explain and demonstrate CPR for infants. Explain what happens when the heart fails. Explain general precautions for using an

AED. Explain and demonstrate how to use and

AED. Demonstrate and explain special situations

when using an AED.

Section 2 & 3 Objectives Cont’d.

Page 31: Cardiac Emergencies and AED

View the video, “The Human Condition: The Heart of the Matter”, and be prepared to answer questions printed on a handout regarding the definition of heart disease, the signs and symptoms of heart disease, prevention factors of heart disease, risk factors of heart disease and information about cholesterol.

Explain how to prevent cardiovascular disease.