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Cardiac Circulation

Oct 09, 2015




Blood flow Reynolds and Ohms Law
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  • 5/19/2018 Cardiac Circulation


    Copyright 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.

    Overview of the Circulation; Biophysics

    of Pressure, Flow, and Resistance


    Chapter 14:

  • 5/19/2018 Cardiac Circulation


    Copyright 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.

    Overall Objectives: Chapter 14

    Physical characteristics of the circulation:

    distribution of blood volumetotal cross sectional area


    blood pressure

    Determinants of blood flow

    Define and calculate blood flow, resistance, and pressure

    Define and calculate conductance

    Know Poiseulle

    s law

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    Copyright 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.

    Systemic circuitRight HeartPulmonary circuit

    Pulmonary circuitLeft HeartSystemic circuit

    Cardiovascular system consists of two pumps (right/left

    ventricles) and two circuits (pulmonary/systemic)connected

    in series

    when circuits are connected in series, flow must be

    equal in two circuits

    Cardiac output is output of either left or right ventricle

    because of series system they are equal

    Cardiac Output is ~5000ml/min (mean ~100ml/sec)

    CO=SV*HR= 70ml*70bpm = 4900ml/min = ~82ml/sec


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    Components of


    Blood flows in

    a circuit at rate

    of 5 L/min

    Transporting nutrients,

    hormones to, and wastefrom, the tissues

    Systemic Circulation:

    84% blood volume

    64% venous

    13% arteries

    7% arterioles/capillaries

    Pulmonary Circulation:

    16% blood volume

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    Components of


    Transports blood to

    tissues under high pressure(100mmHg)& high velocity

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    Components of


    Control site for BF

    major resistancesite of

    the circulation

    Control conduits

    (strong muscular walls)

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    Components of


    Major site water &

    solute exchange

    between blood & tissues

    Containcapillary pores

    permeable water/ solutes

    ~ 0.3-1mm in length

    blood is inside for 1-2 sec

    for diffusion but

    not plasma leakage

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    Components of


    returns blood to heart

    under low pressure

    serves asblood reservoir

    Largest cross-sectional area

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    Components of


    site of oxygenand

    carbon dioxide exchange

    Pulmonary Circulation:16% blood volume

    9% lung:

    7% heart

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    Capillaries have the largest total

    cross-sectional area of the circulation


    Aorta 2.5

    Small Arterioles 20

    Arterioles 40Capillaries 2500

    Venules 250

    Small Veins 80

    Venae Cavae 8

    CSA of capillaries

    is 1000 timeshigher than aorta

    cross sectional area veins/capillaries > arteries

    same volume blood must pass through each segment

    of circulation each minute

    Systemic circuit is branching circuit: large single vessel (aorta) branching

    extensively into smaller vessels until capillaries are reached

    M j it bl d

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    Majority blood

    volume in veins

    Total blood volume

    in humans is about

    5 Liters

    CO &HR two circuits are equal so

    SV are sameLargest blood volume in systemic

    veins and

    2ndlargest in pulmonary system

    Systemic veins/Pulmonary

    vessels have high compliance

    Systemic circuit has

    higher resistanceand lower


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    Velocity (V) blood flow (Q) is inversely proportional to vascular

    cross-sectional area (A) V= Q/A

    velocity is inversely related to total cross-sectional area

    of all vessels in a particular segment

    Velocity is greatest in Aorta(~33cm/sec) and decreases to a

    minimum in capillaries (0.3mm/sec) and then increases from

    venules to right atrium

    low velocity (1-3 sec) capillaries (typical length 0.3-1mm) allows

    for nutritional flow(exchange dissolved substances between

    plasma and tissues)

    Velocities of Blood

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    Velocity of blood flow is

    greatest in the aorta

    Velocityof Blood Flow = Blood Flow = QCross sectional area A

    Aorta >Arterioles > Small veins


    Velocity of BF : speed blood flows in circulation (mm/sec)

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    force exerted by blood against any unit vessel wall

    force required to push Hg against gravity to cm height

    blood flows from high pressure to low pressure therefore

    the sequence of vessels in any system will also be a

    sequence of pressures (highest to lowest)

    Pressures are higher in systemic circuit (peripheral circuit)

    lower pressures mean work of RV is lower lower capillary pressure protects against development of

    pulmonary edema


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    small pressure drop in major arteries (low resistance segment)

    small pressure drop occurs in major veins (low-resistancesegment)

    largest drop in pressure is across arterioles

    (highest resistance segment)

    local arteriolar dilation:

    arteriolar resistance

    flow and pressure downstream

    local arteriolar constriction:

    arteriolar resistanceflow and pressure downstream

    Pressure dissipates proportional to

    Resistance in that segment.

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    Blood Pressure Profilein the Circulatory System

    Systemic Pulmonary








    2 0

    4 0

    6 0

    8 0

    1 0 0

    1 2 0








    High pressures in arterial tree

    Low pressures in the venous side of circulation

    Largest pressure drop across arteriolar-capillary junction

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    Blood Pressure

    Blood pressure: force exerted against unit area vessel wall

    measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg).pressure of 100 mmHg means force sufficient to push a column of

    mercury 100mm high

    low pressures are sometimes reported in units of cm of water.

    Blood Pressure Monitoring:

    discovered by Poiseuille in 1846 (~167 years ago)

    Standard Measure: mmHg (occasionally water)

    1mmHg = 1.36cm water

    Mercury Manometer:

    inertia Hg means cannot respond pressures > 1cycle/2-3 sec

    Electronic Pressure Transducers: (invasive) record < 500cycles/sec

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    Pressure is pulsatile 120/80 mmHg

    mean ~100mmHg actually ~93mmHg @ Aorta gradually decreasing to 0mmHg

    at Right Atrium)

    highest resistant segments are Arterioles

    lower resistant segments are major arteries & veins

    Aortic pressure mean ~100 mmHg

    (Systolic ~120mmHg Diastolic ~80mmHg)

    Vena cavae ~ 0 mmHg

    Capillaries ~ 35 mmHg (arteriolar ends)

    ~ 15 mmHg (venous ends)

    Capillary pressures mean ~ 17 mmHg (varies in tissues)

    Mean Systemic Blood Pressure

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    Pulmonary Pressure is pulsatile 25/8 mmHg

    Pulmonary artery mean ~ 16mmHg (versus 100mmHg systemic)Systolic ~ 25mmHgDiastolic ~ 8mmHg

    Pulmonary capillary mean ~7mmHg (versus 17mmHg systemic)

    Mean Pulmonary Pressure

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    Blood Flow Rate (Q) is controlled to tissue needs

    tissue micro-vessels monitor O, waste and act directly onlocal blood vessels (dilating/constricting) to precisely control

    local BF nervous control

    hormone control

    Cardiac Output is controlled primarily by sum of all tissue

    blood flows

    heart acts as automaton responding to venous return

    Arterial blood pressure is controlled independently of either

    local BF control orCardiac Output control

    Basic Principles:

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    Variations in Tissue Blood Flow

    Brain 14 700 50Heart 4 200 70Bronchi 2 100 25Kidneys 22 1100 360Liver 27 1350 95

    Portal (21) (1050)Arterial (6) (300)

    Muscle (inactive state) 15 750 4Bone 5 250 3Skin (cool weather) 6 300 3Thyroid gland 1 50 160Adrenal glands 0.5 25 300Other tissues 3.5 175 1.3

    Total 100.0 5000 ---

    Per cent ml/min


    100 gm

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    Blood flow is the amount blood passing a given point in

    circulation in a given period of time (ml/min orL/min) adult person at rest total circulation ~5000ml/min

    Flowmeters: Direct measurements of flow (ml/min)

    non-invasive (electromagnetic) invasive (intravascular-ultrasonic Doppler)

    Total blood flow through lungs (pulmonary blood flow)per

    minute is equal to systemic blood flow (normal blood volume

    is ~5 L) per minute or Cardiac Output

    Blood Flow is directly proportional to Pressure Differences

    and inversely proportional to Resistance (Q=P/R)


    Relationship between Pressure

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    Relationship between Pressure,Flow, and Resistance

    Q= P/R

    Flow (Q) through a blood vessel is determined by:

    1) Pressure difference (

    P or P1-P2) between two ends ofvessel

    2) Resistance (R) of vessel

    Pressure at

    arterial end

    Pressure at

    venous end

    P1 P2

    Ohms Law: Flow = P1P2/R = P/R = Q

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    determines blood flow (Q) via vascular resistance

    Flow (Q) = Pressure difference = P

    Resistance R

    Resistance (R) = Pressure difference = P

    Flow Q

    Pressure Difference (P) = Flow * Resistance = Q * R

    Ohms Law:

    R l ti hi b t

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    Relationship betweenPressure, Flow, and Resistance

    Q= P/R

    Flow (Q) through a blood vessel is determined by:1) pressure difference (P or P1-P2) between two ends

    of vessel

    2) Resistance (R) of vessel

    Pressure at

    arterial end

    Pressure at

    venous end

    P1 P2

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    Characteristics of Blood Flow

    blood usually flows in streamlines with each layer of blood

    remaining same distance from wall, this type of flow iscalled laminar flow

    when laminar flow occurs, velocity of blood in center of vessel is

    greater than that toward outer edge creating a parabolic profile

    (central portion/layer is faster) essentially noiseless

    Blood Vessel

    Laminar flow

    occurs throughout normal CV system (excluding flow in heart) in small vessels, essentially all blood is near to wall soparabolic velocity of

    laminar flow does not occur

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    Laminar vs Turbulent Blood Flow

    Turbulent flowdisorderly rather than


    Increases Resistance

    Causes of turbulent BF:

    high velocitiessharp turns in the circulation

    rough surfaces in the circulation

    rapid narrowing of blood vessels

    Laminar flow is silent, whereas Turbulent flow tend to cause murmurs

    murmursor bruitsare important in diagnosing vessel stenosis,

    vessel shunts, and cardiac valvular lesions (heart murmur)

    Reynolds Number:

    Tendency for turbulent flow>2000 = turbulent flow

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    Tendency for turbulent flow (Reynolds Number)

    increases directly proportional to: Velocity of blood (V)

    Diameter of blood vessel (D)

    Density of blood ()

    Inversely proportional to Viscosity of blood ()

    Re = Velocity (cm/sec) * Diameter (cm) * Density (normally~1)

    Viscosity (normally 1/30 poise)

    Re = V * D * / increases with high velocities and pulsations

    increases Resistance

    plays a role in murmurs and bruits

    Reynolds Number

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    Aortic Root andPulmonary Artery,

    Reynolds Number is high (5000-12,000 in systole) due tohigh velocity, pulsatile nature and sudden changes in

    vessel diameter or large vessel diameter

    in small vessels Reynolds Number is low (little turbulence)

    Reynolds number in circulation 200-400 means turbulent

    flow will occur at some branches of vessels but will die out

    along smooth portions of vessels

    Re > 2000 suggests increased flow turbulence even in

    straight smooth vessels


    s Number : Clinical Note

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    Aortic Aneurysm Atherosclerosis

    Effect of Wall Stress on Blood Vessels

    Turbulent flow increases wall stress

    Athersclerosis: reduces Re at which turbulence begins to develop.

    Thrombi:more likely to develop in turbulent flow than in laminar flow.

    Relationship between

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    Relationship betweenPressure, Flow, and Resistance

    Q= P/R

    Flow(Q) through a blood vessel is determined by:

    1) pressure difference (P or P1-P2)between two ends

    of vessel

    2) Resistance (R) of the vessel

    Pressure at

    arterial endPressure at

    venous end

    P1 P2

    Relationship between

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    Flow = upstream pressure minus downstream pressure

    (pressure gradient) divided by Resistance (mmHg/ml/min)Q = P1 - P2


    critical value that determines flow is the pressure gradient

    P1 accompanied by an identical P2will not cause achange in flow

    P2 (caused by stenosis)pressure gradientBF

    Flow to organ (kidney) calculated as mean renal arterial

    pressure minus renal venous pressure divided by resistance

    of all vessels in renal circuit

    Relationship between

    Pressure, Flow, and Resistance continued

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    Determinants of Blood Flow

    FLOW = arterial - venous pressure (P) = Qresistance (R)

    FLOW = 100 - 0 mmHg

    .1 mmHg/ml/minFLOW = 100 - 20 mmHg

    .1 mmHg/ml/minFLOW = 1000 ml/min FLOW = 800 ml/min

    100 mmHg

    0 mmHg 20 mmHg

    100 mmHg

    R = .1mmHg/ml/min R = .1mmHg/ml/min

    A B

    Relationship between

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    Relationship betweenPressure, Flow, and Resistance



    Flow (Q) through a blood vessel is determined by:

    1) pressure difference (P or P1-P2) between two ends ofvessel

    2) Resistance (R) of the vessel

    Pressure at

    arterial endPressure at

    venous end

    P1 P2

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    Copyright 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.

    impediment to blood flow in vessel (mmHg/ml/min)

    Calculated (not measured) from Blood Flow &BP difference if P between two points is 1mmHg & BF is 1ml/sec then

    resistance =1 peripheral resistance unit(PRU)(mmHg/ml/sec)occasionally a CGS (cm, gm, sec) unit is used to express resistance

    (dyne sec/cm)

    Systemic Resistance Total Peripheral Resistance TPR

    ArterialVenous Pressure (100mmHg-0mmHg) = 1 PRU

    Cardiac Output (100ml/sec)BF through circulatory system equal to CO (~100ml/sec)

    pressure systemic arteries to veins (~100mmHg)

    total peripheral resistance 100/100 = 1 PRU


    Total Peripheral Resistance TPR

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    in conditions where blood vessels throughout body are

    strongly constricted PRU ~ 4 if greatly dilated PRU~ 0.2

    Most important factors to determine Resistance are:

    Radius of the vessel blood Viscosity

    Pulmonary Circulation Resistance

    PRU = mean pulmonary pressure (16-2 mmHg) = 0.14

    Cardiac Output (100ml/sec)

    Total Peripheral Resistance TPR

    (Systemic Circulation)

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    Resistance = P1 -P2 Units of Resistance = mmHg = pressure

    Q mL/min volume/timeResistance of vessel is determined by three major variables: R L/r4

    1.Vessel Radius (r):

    most important determining resistance is radius of vesselResistance of vessel is inversely proportional to radius4 rate of BFradius4

    if radius is by resistance 16X

    if radius doublesresistance to 1/16thof original2/3 of Total Peripheral Resistance is Arteriolar Resistance in

    small arterioles (small changes in vessel diameter due to nervoussignals or local tissue chemical signals cause significant change in blood


    Determinants of Resistance

    D t i t f R i t

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    Copyright 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.

    2. Blood Viscosity (): R L/r4

    property of fluid that measures fluids internal resistance to flow greater viscosity, greater resistance

    prime determinant of blood viscosity is hematocrit

    percentage whole blood is RBCs (normally ~38 women & ~42men)

    standard unit is poise(blood is ~1/30 poise)

    varies with temperature(important in hypothermia)

    varies with anemia, physical activity, altitude Viscosity of blood increases as Hematocrit increases

    elevated in Polycythemia: increased blood viscosity > 10

    normal blood viscosity is equal to three times water viscosity (primarildue to RBCs exerting frictional drag against adjacent cells and wall of blood vessel)

    Normal whole blood viscosity = 3

    Determinants of ResistanceContinued

    Hematocrit and Viscosity Q = Pr4

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    Hematocrit and Viscosityeffects on Blood Flow

    Hematocrit Vascular ResistanceBlood Viscosity

    Q = Pr8l

    Determinants of Resistance

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    3. Vessel Length: R L/r4

    greater the length, greater resistance if length doubles resistance doubles

    if length decreases by resistance decreases by

    vessel length is usually constant

    (not physiologic factor in regulation of resistance, pressure or flow)

    Important conclusion: determination of capillary pressure is

    Resistance of arterioles

    arteriolar resistance (dilation)capillary pressure

    arteriolar resistance (constriction)capillary pressure

    Determinants of ResistanceContinued

    Parallel and Serial Resistance Sites

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    Parallel and Serial Resistance Sites

    in the Circulation



    flow equal at all

    points in a seriessystem

    if flow changes, it

    changes equally atall points

    total is always

    greater than


    adding resistor in


    Series TPR =

    sum resistance

    each vessel

    Parallel and Serial Resistance Sites

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    Parallel and Serial Resistance Sites

    in the Circulation continued

    Parallel arrangementallows independent

    control of flow

    between tissues

    Parallel TPR =

    sum of inverseresistance each


    Total resistance

    is less than

    resistance of

    any single

    blood vessel

    2. Parallel TPR = sum of the inverse of resistance

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    1/RTotal= 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 + 1/R4

    Total resistance < resistance of any single blood vessel connecting parallel resistors: low-resistance system parallel blood vessels: easier for blood to flow through circuit

    because each is another parallel pathway (conductance)

    if BP is kept constant, altering resistance (therefore BF) in oneparallel circuit will not change flow in remaining parallel

    circuits flows can be independently regulated by changing resistance

    Parallel vessels are found in: (greatest to least resistance) coronary,cerebral, renal, pulmonary

    2. Parallel TPR sum of the inverse of resistance

    of each vessel

    Therefore: amputation of limb/surgical removal of kidney removes a parallel circuit and

    reduces total vascular conductance (increasing total peripheral vascular resistance)

    Obesity(adds parallel circuits) which decreases TPR and increases CO to maintain BP


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    Conductance: measure blood flow through a vessel for a

    given pressure difference units: ml/min per mmHg

    increases proportion to radius to 4thpower

    (Poiseuilles Law)

    Conductance = 1____


    Poiseuilles Lawrepresents relationship of flow, pressure and resistance

    Flow = pi * pressure difference * radius to 4thpower = P r4

    8 * viscosity * length of vessel 8l

    Effect of Vessel Diameter

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    on Blood Flow

    Q = Pr4


    Conductanceis sensitive to change in diameter of vessel

    increases proportional tofourth power of radius

    Blood Flow Autoregulation

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    ability of tissue to maintain normal BF during changes in

    arterial BP (70-175mmHg) calledblood flow auto-regulation otherwise increases arterial BP causes proportional increases BF

    through various tissues

    arterial BP increase force blood through vessels andinitiates compensatory increases in vascular resistance arterial BP BF Vascular Resistance

    Arterial BP Vascular Resistance

    tissues such as kidneyare able to maintain BF independent

    of systemic arterial BP 70-175 mmHg Autoregulation is also seen in mesentery, skeletal muscle, brain,

    liver and myocardium

    Blood Flow Autoregulation

    Mechanisms of blood flow

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    Sympatheticvasoconstriction resistance

    Sympatheticvasoconstriction resistance



    NE, Angiotensin II, Vasopressin, Endothelin


    Mechanisms of blood flow

    autoregulation include:

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    No autoregulation

    changes in arterial BP have important effects on BFart BPforce BF distending elastic vessels

    (smooth muscle stress- relaxation)vascular resistance

    BP BF dilates Vessels Resistance BP

    art BPresistance as elastic vessels (smooth muscle stress-

    relaxation) gradually collapse due to loss of distending ability

    (critical closing pressure)

    Sympathetics: can alter passive pressure-flow

    sympathetic (stimulate): vasoconstrictionBF

    sympathetic (inhibition): vasodilationBF

    Passive Vascular Beds:

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    CV system is two circuits & two pumps connected in series

    Systemic pressure decreases slightly through arteries,

    decreases markedly through arterioles, and then

    decreases only slightly more through the major veins

    loss of pressure is determined by regional resistance

    cross-sectional area increases from minimum in aorta to a

    maximum in capillaries.

    Velocity blood is inversely related to regions cross-

    sectional area


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    main blood reservoir is systemic veins

    of factors affecting a vessels resistance, radiusis most


    radius arterioles determines total peripheral resistance

    mean arterial BPis determined only by circulating blood

    volume (cardiac output CO) and resistance(R) in arterioles

    CV system is a laminar flow system

    factors promoting turbulence include decreased fluid

    viscosity, large-diameter tubes, increased fluid velocity and

    vessel branching

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    structures connected in series produce high resistance,and flow is dependent and equal at all points

    systemic organs are connected in parallel, which permits

    independent regulation of flow

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    1. A 50-year-old woman has a renal blood flow of 1,000

    mL/min and hematocrit of 50. Her arterial pressure is 120

    mmHg and her renal venous pressure is 20 mmHg. She also

    has a plasma colloid osmotic pressure of 25 mmHg.

    Which of the following is the total renal vascular resistance (in

    mmHg/mL/min) in this woman?

    A. 0.10

    B. 0.20C. 0.50

    D. 1.00

    E. 1.50

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    Copyright 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.

    1. A 50-year-old woman has a renal blood flow of 1,000

    mL/min and hematocrit of 50. Her arterial pressure is 120

    mmHg and her renal venous pressure is 20 mmHg. She also

    has a plasma colloid osmotic pressure of 25 mmHg.

    Which of the following is the total renal vascular resistance (in

    mmHg/mL/min) in this woman?

    A. 0.10

    B. 0.20C. 0.50

    D. 1.00

    E. 1.50

    Q= P/R

    R= P/Q = 120-20 mmHg/1000mL/min= 0.10 mmHg/mL/min

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    2. Under control conditions, flow through a blood vessel is 10

    mL/min under a pressure gradient of 100 mmHg. An increasein which of the following would occur in response to a

    twofold increase in the diameter of the vessel and the

    pressure gradient was maintained at 100 mmHg?

    A. Vascular resistance

    B. Hematocrit

    C. Vascular conductanceD. Blood viscosity

    E. Plasma oncotic pressure

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    2. Under control conditions, flow through a blood vessel is 10 mL/min

    under a pressure gradient of 100 mmHg. An increase in which of thefollowing would occur in response to a twofold increase in the diameter

    of the vessel and the pressure gradient was maintained at 100 mmHg?

    A. Vascular resistance

    B. Hematocrit

    C. Vascular conductance

    D. Blood viscosity

    E. Plasma oncotic pressure

    Conductanceis sensitive to

    change in diameter of vessel

    Increases proportional tofourth

    power of radius

    Q = Pr4


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    3. A decrease in the diameter of an arteriole would most

    likely result in which of the following sets of changes inthe microcirculation?

    Conductance Blood Flow Resistance

    A. B. C. D. E. F.

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    3. A decrease in the diameter of an arteriole would most

    likely result in which of the following sets of changes in themicrocirculation?

    Conductance Blood Flow Resistance


    B. C. D. E.

    Q=P/R R=P/Q

    Conductance = 1/R

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    Vessel Blood Flow


    Pressure Gradient


    A. 1,000 100

    B. 1,200 60

    C. 1,400 20

    D. 1,600 80

    E. 1,800 40

    4. Which vessel has the highest vascular resistance?

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    Vessel Blood Flow


    Pressure Gradient


    A. 1,000 100

    B. 1,200 60

    C. 1,400 20

    D. 1,600 80

    E. 1,800 40

    4. Which vessel has the highest vascular resistance?







  • 5/19/2018 Cardiac Circulation


    Copyright 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.

    5. Which one the following would tend to cause an increase

    in blood flow?

    A. An increase in hematocrit

    B. A decrease in arterial pressure

    C. A twofold increase in arteriole diameter

    D. A twofold increase in blood viscosity

  • 5/19/2018 Cardiac Circulation


    Copyright 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.

    5. Which one the following would tend to cause an increase

    in blood flow?

    A. An increase in hematocrit

    B. A decrease in arterial pressure

    C. A twofold increase in arteriole diameter

    D. A twofold increase in blood viscosity


    Q = Pr4


  • 5/19/2018 Cardiac Circulation


    Copyright 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.

    Vessel Pressure


    Radius Viscosity

    A. 100 1 10

    B. 50 2 5

    C. 25 4 2D. 10 6 1

    6. The table below depicts the pressure gradient, radius,

    and viscosity in various vessels of the same length. Which

    vessel has the greatest flow?

  • 5/19/2018 Cardiac Circulation


    Copyright 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.

    Vessel Pressure


    Radius Viscosity

    A. 100 1 10

    B. 50 2 5

    C. 25 4 2

    D. 10 6 1

    6. The table below depicts the pressure gradient, radius,

    and viscosity in various vessels of the same length.

    Which vessel has the greatest flow?


    Q= P r/8 l = pi * P1-P2 * radius/ 8*viscosity*length

    = *10*6/8*1*1

  • 5/19/2018 Cardiac Circulation


    Copyright 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.

    7. If the blood flow through the kidney is 1,200 mL/min and

    the renal artery pressure is 100 mmHg and the renal venouspressure is 0 mmHg, which of the following is the

    conductance (in mL/min/mmHg) of the renal vessel?

    A. 2

    B. 4

    C. 8

    D. 12

    E. 16

  • 5/19/2018 Cardiac Circulation


    7. If the blood flow through the kidney is 1,200 mL/min and

    the renal artery pressure is 100 mmHg and renal venouspressure is 0 mmHg, which of the following is the

    conductance (in mL/min/mmHg) of the renal vessel?

    A. 2

    B. 4

    C. 8

    D. 12

    E. 16




