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xlv [P-{ Svmbol Iil tel Iel lal lol Icl tol tu1 Schwo sound muts te1 lcel clides til Iwl tql Mixod or Frnch Example I.PI. Transcription VOWELS lsa'ly - py:r.l tdjd - '3ol lkcerr - 'flcE:rl GUIDE TO THE FRENCH INTERNATIONAI PHONETIC AIP}IABET (I.P.A.) ici, ami chaDt€r, th6 t6te, belle tache, matin tache, matin, eme porte, mofi beau, rose amoru, tout demeure, pure 1r.ou -t1 pay€r, dernidre voix, voih lui, depuis, nuit Ii'si - a'mi1 tjdle - Iel llex - 'b€l"l ['taj - mata] lto;J-moitB-'o:mal ['pcn - m5r] ['bo - 'ro:z?] la'mux - tul lepuv0ta] tdcemcer(e - pyrel tpe'j€ - d€injeral tvwa - vwa'lal '['lqi-d€epqi-nqi] Appmximde English Eouivalent betwggn, meal bacon |*rc b.r, -"r, -/o t.illrd.r pet, bet, Eet park the car oio, s.,b.,) park the car fift N". Y-! ") caught, bought bone rol' rn'r' .*' *ro r-tua,t doom, gloom er, uh, hesitatior sorDds yes, coyote water, wind Lit+ee; pew+ee; new+es tvl l0l tcel Nas€I t6l t€l t6l Icel Plosivos Ibl tPl Idl trl tsl tkl Fdcativos tvl tfl til tJl lz) tsl salut, pure Dieu, jeux coeur, fleur enfant, chanter rien, bien, vin bonbon, Samson un, pafum, iundi bon, bat€au pero, poutant ddmon, danser tout, tombe 8alant, grand carie, com6die velour, vaillant faveur, furie jour, jamais chemin, chaud 8azon, azur salad€, salut turn the bird ror-,--r..r [dfi - Jd te] trje-bjc-vcl Ibdbd - 'sd sol lcc-paifd-lcedil CONSONANTS t'bo - balol lpe:ra - pultdl lde'md - ddsel llu - toba] [gald - '916] ['kad - k5medi] lvcelu:r - vald] tfa vcer - furil Iju:r - 3amel U.m. - Jol fga 26 - azy:r] lsa lad: - salyl bat, boat peel, put, pin demon, dance take, tomb gallant, 8reat card, comedy velouJ, valiant favor, fury plearqlg, mea€gE shine, shoi haze, zsbra salad, saluto

Car Me Nip A

Oct 16, 2014



Vanessa Rosas
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Page 1: Car Me Nip A




Schwo soundmutste1



Mixod or




lsa'ly - py:r.ltdjd - '3ol

lkcerr - 'flcE:rl


ici, amichaDt€r, th6t6te, belletache, matintache, matin, emeporte, mofibeau, roseamoru, tout

demeure, pure 1r.ou -t1

pay€r, dernidrevoix, voihlui, depuis, nuit

Ii'si - a'mi1

tjdle - Ielllex - 'b€l"l['taj - mata]lto;J-moitB-'o:mal['pcn - m5r]['bo - 'ro:z?]

la'mux - tul

lepuv0ta]tdcemcer(e - pyrel

tpe'j€ - d€injeraltvwa - vwa'lal'['lqi-d€epqi-nqi]

Appmximde EnglishEouivalent

betwggn, mealbacon |*rc b.r,

-"r, -/o t.illrd.rpet, bet, Eetpark the car oio, s.,b.,)park the car fift N". Y-!

")caught, boughtbone rol' rn'r' .*' *ro r-tua,tdoom, gloom

er, uh, hesitatior sorDds

yes, coyotewater, windLit+ee; pew+ee; new+es






salut, pureDieu, jeuxcoeur, fleur

enfant, chanterrien, bien, vinbonbon, Samsonun, pafum, iundi

bon, bat€aupero, poutantddmon, dansertout, tombe

8alant, grandcarie, com6die

velour, vaillantfaveur, furiejour, jamaischemin, chaud8azon, azursalad€, salut

turn the bird ror-,--r..r

[dfi - Jd te]

trje-bjc-vclIbdbd - 'sd sollcc-paifd-lcedil


t'bo - balollpe:ra - pultdllde'md - ddselllu - toba]

[gald - '916]

['kad - k5medi]

lvcelu:r - vald]tfa vcer - furilIju:r - 3amelU.m. - Jolfga 26 - azy:r]lsa lad: - salyl

bat, boatpeel, put, pindemon, dancetake, tombgallant, 8reatcard, comedy

velouJ, valiantfavor, furyplearqlg, mea€gEshine, shoihaze, zsbrasalad, saluto

Page 2: Car Me Nip A




VibInntslRl Uvuiar Suttual r,cabaret and oPeretta.

haine. honte'

nuit, nezmdre, musiqueaSneau, 8a8ner

lait, lancer

amoul, aIIlourcux

exil, exhalerluxe, expirer

t(h)cn - (hlotl

lnqi - nel

lnexa - myzikltaro - salel

Ue - l0 sel

hat, house

night, nosemother, musiccalyon

loot, love r*rh &r,h/)

exile, examine

watch, champ

nol used in classical singing Only used for dialoSue and conversation' and in



tmvj. - rutl

[€azil - €gzale]

uyks ' skspireltkautlul


The mute sYllables

ManvFrejlchwol,lsh.lveaso.,alled'mule sylldbleconldininS,]nLlnslressedol I\leIe. VoydSt' mUs:qUI'

i,i",ili..i'..i'"" ;";il" tnese mur, s would .e'veib" p.ono,,.'.J.1. b,t in s,ndin8. whore Ihe composer hds

"."ionp,t .r norc tr,r thern. Lhev mrrsr be sr-r-Ig. sowl'ercastbeabovewordswouldb"pronounceLlIm':r'l:'ii:l::;;';ili;;;;;;:;;;l;.'"sGih"vwilrbspoionouncedlm':re'vwaja3ce'mv'ikcer MLrte

:;,iIl::;iil;li;,:;;;r".ln"ii"i a","1 "i 'r'"urd bp suns on d Iuomv rcEl vowor . oor! shorr svrrdbres

;ilil;;;r:;;.iJt".,-g", u s"t'*"i"l 1he schwa"is ao rlqrou;'led ncLrrrdl.vowel so.nd' surted

to cefman. The lonS -.,te".".I,t." a uo*el witL rcunded lips lcel so ds to $ve i he true Frcnch

ir"".."i" -v pr'"'i""c lranscription; I *ill ulwav" us" Iel Thi singer must rcalize that these are

unsbessed svllables and not punctr ut ttr"m, L"i ratiler treai tiem with.the restraint and elegance wllch

ii#*."t"nitr" ."oii."' "iir'e,l"'-

itt" "itte svllable' bv virtue oI the notation is meant io be short

I will use an [e].

Accent dinsistnce

This nleans 'insistinS" on an initiai consonanl to Sive ei(pressic'n to lhe wol\lr lt le-q,uircs over'stressing

;;;;;;";il;;.""*atic effect. ln ihe phms e iaraaL tauhurs sodouce.oddur' rftrm the "r'lower sons"

frcm Cdrmen, the word Arr* tt". "" "nJ"tline; d, indicatnS thdt the singer shu"uld b ng it out with

;;;it;;';;1;" ;it ;r *""ett rr'" **a iail* isverv imporiant' otherwise rhe crfc't is achieved with

:ffi;;;;;;;,i*ti;";^i";.G. s'"r' *"'it" i'ins;ton"e wil drwa]s be nrdicat{rd bv an

rlndorlined consonant.


liaison is the linking of a nomally sitent final consonant to the followinS word be8inninS with a vowel

or a "nrute" ft. Iia,son is perhaps the Br*i l'*oii""*a ""a ""ntroversraisubject in French diction 3nd

-*y-fLitt"*" nr" not l,t'"nt utoi is t'l"" ln my LranscrjpLions below I will use the

lTh€ FFn hdonot l€€l comlo dbl€ ivilh lhe i st ih6 besit'nrnsof wo^l' y6l sods-il'€l beBin wirlr an n do

nmnoufted6\a,ilvu"Jtho*,',lt"a"*'rr'"**j rl"'"ltr' '1""* "' '*"

$orn' rl'6r ttrrlund6r rhP 'oreqo'v


:i:ffi.- il;J; i,"in. ""a ufoe. rr,"., , "u*fi' " p",J

"a r. p-r.,,* ri" ' '€ry

d€ricare way) rbo lhl eDd

wilh .x halarion ;f bEalh UoF aboul tho FMch i b€low

Page 3: Car Me Nip A


following foDnat for./idson.

fiamuLainoui sslLove js

The example is frcm Cdm€r.


Even lhough th€ first two words of the ahove exam]rle.a.enl exactly lior-son, but,,nolmally iinled,, words,I have used the under-arc to show how the *ord syllabtes stroo bl';;;;"il;"", there aro caseswhere a liajson is forbiddsrl aSdin an prampte from,.

'le, tA bo i,ost en bas, itis below, it

1he symbni lll indicdles lhar ro /io^.n ,.an be mJde berwcan on and haut, ds ,he td ej wurd beSinswilh an aspirdre i. lMore on 'he

trench /r bolor.j

A few of the salient rules about ./iorson: The conjunction €l (and), is never linked to a followin8 word.Neither arc prcper nam€s ever linked. In general, words separated by musical rests cannot be linke.lexcept in a f6w instances which will be rooino*a -ai"iJu"iiv rr'"'' ii"v'J"'""*. 'iJur," tn,r,"

"i"g,.,I".are not linked, except in some "tmditiona1,, case", att or wt,ictr initt t "Jooil,;;;;;j]. tn words endirgin d,n, rs, it is the sounded an,r not tre silent conso"";G;;;;";:;;;":;,lii *o_o*, o.o.

JE, Jd I

is in the





'le karrce t6 se,sereIes c.rtoE 6ont sincirssthe cards are sincere

Doubtlessly one haals fse,na de] but it is not correct.

lnContes d'Hoffnonn, Spalanzani's opening lines in the Olympia scene are:

'la dr_ JdLn, dors enThere, sleep in


Not Idr_ _nd p€l

Iiorio, th€t causes "comical slliteration" as in this examplc from Monon, when cuillot announces thatall the expenses of the Cours la R€ine spectacl" "* "t hi" "*;;;;;,-'lce lu I €_Lo tout ostEverlthinS is

Ja fredL mes my expense.

Hdd we transcribod rie above phrase I.l(!. ru, _!€, Ja ,m. fr€1, we woutd be causing a comicalaurerdtion, wirh rhe syjidbies lu le ra. which w;id;;be ";";p,;i;.

'"- " ""

lior'son that aiters rhe meanine of santcd'HoJfmonn," ariJ"

"""f", I 'urrtcnc€' as in one of Gespel's last utterarcss in l€s conles

lmo_ J€szekrablcelMorl ex6cmble!Death aboDinable!(What abominable death!)

Page 4: Car Me Nip A


saYiry nofte, "abominable deadHad we DronouncFd it lmr-rregzekEblel ws would be

womdn', somcllxn€, Crespel would rrevpr cdll tus beloved

Them arc corntless other rules of llblidd€!, compulsivo, and oDtional liorsons too nDmerous to list ilr

thi" "ho"t

irrt.odrr"tion. Fora comprehensive study of French lirason I recolDmend Prerre Bemac's "The

inl".pr"tnii." of r*""h Song', Thomas Grubb's "sin8in8 in French", and Pieue Fouch6s "Trait6 de la

Prononciation Franeaise'.

whercwoldsincommonexplessionsarcsettosethsr,asintheoft.used,IevousoJme,insteadofshowingit as [3ce vu- J.€mce]

le vous aime.I you love.

I have opted for the moro €xpedi€nt form t'3G vu-'zem€l

f" ;xTffi"The French initiol n

The initial Frcnch i can be of two kinds: "aspimte" or "mute" ln either cas€ it does not have a sorind'

Notice Frcnchmen lryinS to say "l have a hat in my hand"; It will prcbably come out "I 'avB a 'at in my

'and'. Tho French mouti is slmply not comfo able with the putmonary exe(ion requircd to blow out

ani.Wodsbeginningwitha"mute"or"aspirate"iwillsoundtheinitialvowelthatfollowsthat'hlnold French, whin the'language was evolving from Latin to old Frcnch, there were many words usually

oi an agrict tural natut", ittut"*"t" p-"otln-ed with an aspirated I sound, an oxhalation of brcath such

as we iave in English with bat, ba;d, hot This has disappeared throughout the c,enturies but we are

i"tt *i,t tt "

pttoiuti" uestiges of rhis practice by having mod€rn Frcnch -divide its "m r tie" i words and

ii"io.olrut"" i o""". One lias to look these words up in a good French dictionary; if the word has an

asterisk b€fore i t { 'ha u t 'h a nche 'harpoJ liaison is not permitted; if th€ wod has no such asterisk' then

liaison is pemittod

Tho two Fr€nch ds

The slight diff€rence between briSht lal and dark [d] is slowly disappearin8 in modern French. Filteen

vears aio the reputable Larousse dictionary of French pronuDciation was beginnin8 to use [Al to brid8e

in" aittlr.n"" t"r*"o" dre two sounds They referred to such pronunciations as ams torml ("soul') as

vielliPeris,"oldParis".lnthebodyofmytranscriptionslwillusethelalsoundeverywhereexceptwhen it needs to be lol

Th€ Frcnch r in oll cas€s oxc€pt IRI in dialo8uos

In singinS lrench, lhe common ltalian rclled h I should be used. B€rweeD vowels, the flipPed ltalian

trl shJni bs used. Only in dialoeues or sooken lines wlll I use ths [R] This is the Sutiural r 8r'6s6v4ile "parisian. r used byine french in conversation. Pierre Bernac in his above mentjone(l treatise calls

tlrc Parisia:d t vocally un'hygienicl

Vocalic Homonization (Vowsl horlnony)

InFrenchsnrginssomevowelschangecolorsliShtlyinorderto'harmonize"inclorcdnesswiththevowel on the iexi stressed syllable. 'thus a word like rxmer which in anv French dictionary will show

up as lemel will bir tmnscribed phonetlcally by me as [€me]. Likcwis€ the common word noureux

(liappy), transcribed in dictionaries as [ctrd] will b€ tralNcribed ir this book as [o'ol.

Likewise. the "smali' words as mes, fe3, ses, ce3, las, de3 will "harmonize" witl) whatever followsHereare some exanrples from Samson et Dolilo ' Mon coeDt s'ouvrc d ta voix'

Page 5: Car Me Nip A



Notic€ that tiein/eux.

open up

'le 'ncerlleg fleurs.the flowers.

"small' word 1€s is indicated as an open [€] since it is followed by an open tcel syllable

From the sam6 aria

ltti t6 'vwaAinsi qu'on voitJust as one sees

'de 'bl€ 'le-des bl6s lesthe wheat fields, the

,ze pil6pissheaves

Here the "small" words des and.les have closed Iel sounds becaus€ they arc "harmonizing" with the wordsthat follow, both of which be8in with a closed [el syllable

The word by word trenslations

French opera lends itself to much more fluid word by word translation than ltaiian opsra, with itsconvoluted syntacdcal inversions as found especially in old€r texts by Metastasio, Piav€, Romani,Varesco and others. No such phenomenon happ€ns in Frcnch. Wod order is diffarent thar in EnStish,of coulse, and in many cases I have l€ft EnSlish phmses in the Frencb word order when tho meaning isobvious. For example, the dob@em fmm Cdmen: L'amour sst oiseau lglr€Ie...

Love is a bird Isdlirls.

Not exactly conventional prose, but eminently urderstandable. When matters 8et more conrplicated, orwe deal with an idiomatic phrase than cannot b€ hanslated word by wod, then I will supply a fourthline with the sentence in con€ct En8lish sequenco. Another example from Cdn€n; The Quinter, wher€Carmen confesses lhai she is madly in love:

tamuto- 3.a 'perdrce lssprilAmou€use n p€rdrs I'ospitIn love up to losing my senses(l am head over heels in love)

An €ffort has been made to supply fouJt}l lines to clarily any t€xt that can be confusing.


This troublesone word appears olten in these librcttj. It has ltgq pronunciations: ['d6 -dok].The word comes to us from old lrcnch dongues (a cousin of the Iralian dun9r6). The well-known lflr6,th€ older bible of Frcnch grammar, states that dond q!.Uq$ is pronounced with a final [k] sound. Themor€ recent trcatises, such as Foucl6, Bive us tr/ro options, sither with or without a [k] at the end.Other reputable sources stat€ that donc is !A!qI pronounced with a [k] at rhe end of a phrase. Only 4the beginnine ofa phrase, ot in liaison. Here is an example fron Cornan: Seguedi e:

'ddk 'pur tcenir kopalioDonc. pour me tonil compa8nioThercfore, to me keop company

However, in tho final Cormon duet, Carmen's last defiant ptea for Ios6 to kill her:

'frap(P 'mwa d6lnppe moi donc!Kill me then!

No ikl in thc above case, although ono hears mally such [k],s even from ]'rench sin8sr.$.

Page 6: Car Me Nip A



Opem in four acts.Music by Ceorges Bizet

Libretto by Henri Meilhac and Ludovic Hal6vybased on a novella by Prosper M6rim6e of the same name

First perfom€d in Paris at the Op6ra-Comique on March 3, 18zs

CIIARACTERSMoralds lmrralet, an officer: baritone

Micaela [], a peasant Sirl: sopranoZuniga lzyniga], a lieutenani oI dragoons: bass

Don Jos6, [d0 jor€], a corpoml of dragoons: tenorCarm€n lkaimenl, a Sypsy girl: mezz.J soprano

Merc6dds lrnerse'd€s], gypsy companion of Carmen: nezzo-sopranoFrasquita tfraskilal, Sypsy compaDiol of Carmen: sopraro

Remendado [r.n€nda'do], a smuSgler ionorDancairo [dokairo], a smugSler: barirone

Escamillo t.skamijol, a bullfighter: badtone

Cjgarerte 8ir1s, Dragoons, anlak€eF€r, SIn BSlers, Dancers, Bultfi8hters, picadors,Matador's Assistants, Policemen, Ladies and centlenen of Seville, a€q.3rs, Street Vendols


A public square in Seville

A company ofdragoolls is lounging in rhe plaza, watchinS people go by. The officer or18uard, ttoralbs,trics to flirt with Micaela, a shy young Birl who has come l{n,king for the brigadier Don Jos6. Micaelaleaves as the draSoorB insist that she stay with then. Followed by a troop of slreet urchins, the reliel6uard narches in, amoll8 thern DoDros6. cirls from the cigarette lactory salrnt€r out for thejrnool{imebreak. Carmen, a gpsy, appears last and is immediately surounded by admiring nen, to whom shesings of the fickl€ness of love. Piqued by Don Jos6's indiffelence, she throws a flower at him arrd goesback into the faclory with the other women. Micaela returns to give Don Jos6 a lovin€ message from hismother. lvhen she nodcstly withdraws, Ios6 vows to marry her as his morheI had wishod.- Suddenlytherc is an uproar in the ciSar€tte faclory and the Bjrls pour out, sayiDg that Carmen has wounded ifel1ow-worker. BrcuSht belore ZunjSa, Dc'nJosescJprarn.Cdrmen detiirrirly re.isrs arrcst. ros6 is giventhe task of binding her and leading ILer to prison. She pronises Jos6 a udezvous if he wil loose; herbonds. Ihe x atualed los6 agr€es, provided she will neet hin later a1 the inn of l,illas pastia, in theoutskirts of Scviile. At the riSht moment she pushes ros6 to the ground ancl escapes. Don Jos6 is sent

The action lakes place in Sevillc, Spaxr, sometime arouDd about 1820.

rlhis is lho nost.onmonly usod v6rsioD otCdn.r. with rl@ Ecitativ€s by Cui.6utl. Atrer mucb oxperimenl.rjotr withthe Op6m Comiqu€ version wilh spokon dialosue, non FEnch nnpftsdrios d€.ided lhdl jr rvas bo lon,r, dnd thol non FrcD.hsinSe.s siDply could n t handle llx,r trruch dialoguoi Frer.l, r'presai,os rhonMh.s hJ\",t.LLd"d rhat rhg didlosue i!rlerruptsllB flow of (ho music, cldr $hen spoken by Fnnch snrSers, Th€ pEknr vfisioD js stsrur8 ro have nEm cupncy n$in, andit is the on€ I havo chosen lo do.

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ACT IITh6 Inn of Lilas Pstia

In l,illas Pastia's taverD near thc walls of Seville, Carmcn and her lriends Frasquita and Merc6desdesc be thc joys ol gypsy life. The bullfislrter Escamillo enters with his parry, and he rccounts hisadventures irr the bullrinS; he soon becones enamored of Carmen_ All leav€ except rhe gypsy ard herfriends, who are persuaded by the smugglers Remendado and Dancairo to joiD thern on a mourtrain trekto en8age h smuggling "business". Don Jos6 enteb, now free lrom pdson, where hc had beenincarcerated Jor lerting carmen escape. carn€n dances for him but is lurious when the bugle is heardannouncmS 'return 1() camp' and Ios6 expresses his desire to obey il. Ctinging feebly to his miljtaryobli8ations, he protests his passion for carmon, showing her the Iiower shelad thrown at him wl'cfihe has kept alt through his time in prison. cflrmer rnsisls thdr rf ha loved her he would join rheir bandoIsmuSSlers. tosd rcfuses to desert. hut wiren Zuniga enters, hoping for a rcndezvous with tjarmcn, andordershim back to the barracks tholwofightj thegypsiesrurr inand disarrn Zuniga. t.rs6 now has orlyone wdy oLr:rn tl,row in his lol with lh, gypsies.

ACI IIIA wild mounrain pars

]'he smu&tlersand gyt)sies pause in a rnountain pass. Despjle his shamcJos6 still adorcs Camren, butshe ]s tiring of hin', and is now obsessed wirh dre handsorne bultfi8hter. irasquita aDd Merc6rtds readthair f.r une in the cards. When Carmen dcals the cards she finds only d€ath. As the smugglers caryoff their corlmba'd, a ierrified rvrica€ra approaches in search of ros6.

-she hidcs as Escaniro arrives,

looking for CaImeD. There is a scene in rrhidr Escamillo questjons Jos6 abour a certair) gypsy gjrl.whcr rt emcrBes that hscamirlo is rarkinS about carrnen, a furious battre ensues berween thc ilieio indthc jealous Jose The duel is stoprpd by caru'en. The torero leaves after issuing a gencral invitation tothe bullfight in seville, and rhe others are about to resune their march when Mic"a€i; is discove red. los6agrees to go with her when she rcveals that lis mother is dyiDg. He then menacingly warns carmen thatthey u'ill meet a8ain.

AC'T IVOutsido th€ bulhirlS in Sevilo

In a lestive Seville square a happy fiowd gntheE for the bullfi8hr. Guests in a logBia overlookirE thcsquare are entertained by dancers, afrer which rhey crowd the ra to warch the"iolorful procei-sionentering the arena Escamillo anives $'ith carmen on his arm. lhey vow their love to each other.Carmen's two gypsy friends wam her that Jos6 is turkinS about, but shc iearlessly goes to meet irim. Heis dishevelled and in a srate ofgreat agitation. Ho flead; with crmrer) to go back tJ him, but ro no avail.whan Escamillo's tri,mph echoes from the arena, carmen rushes toward iie entrance. Jos6 ba." her wayand vioientll, demands thsr she follow him. She takos the nng he had given her an.l flings it to theSround. In a paroxysm of jeal ousy, .Jos6 statrs her, surrenderingir anguisi'to the onrushurg iolicemen.

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Cernen, Act I 71

ACT IA public square in Seville

(fo one side is |he antnnce oI o cigarctte I@tory, to the othet side, a guotdhousa with sotdiers toiteingobout. Poople te cominq ond goin+.)

NO. 2 GIORUS OF DRAG(X)NS':yr 1a 'plasce Jakd pose Jakcg ,vjt Ja,k(t laSur la place chacun parse, chacun vi€ni ;hrcun vqOn the squar€ overyon€ pass€s by, evsryone comos, everyone goes;

'dmlce dc ad 'kce se 36 laDr6lea de gens que s€6 gensJi.Droll people those peopls rhere.

MORALDSa 'la prn(€ dy k.r 'dce sardceA Ia po € du corps de gordoAt the door of the corps ot !*.a'pur tye 'lce tdpour tuor lo t€mps,to kill tle time,

o 'fym 6 3dzcE 16 rce,gard(lturne, on irco, ron resarde

we smoke, we chat, we watch

pose 'le po'sdpass€r les pa!€ant6.8oin8 by the passels-by.(we watch the passels,by.)

(Aftat a lew nonents Micaala enta'. she waors a btue skirt ond hrs braids thor rernh her shodders,Sh6 is hesitont, somewhd embox$sed, ond saorches omong the sotdies with het eyes.)

MORALiS 60 ,Ie soldi€^)rcegaide dO betce p@tite ki ,sdblce vu,lwar ,nu paite

I:qS:, donc catte por o qui semble vou.loir "o""

pua.".Look at $en rbat prcrty girl who seems to want to talk to us.

vwaje €lc rumc e lezit(EVoyez, elle touns, J. io"it".Look, she is turning, she hesitates.


I "d scekur il rq_ JaleA son secour€ it faut "X""To her help we must 80.

MORALiS Ao Mrco€1olk€ lerje vu Ia b.l@4". chenhez-vous, la belle?Whal arc you looking for, my pretty?

Page 9: Car Me Nip A


Moi, ieMe, I

MORALtS'sce 'sqi

fe suis

'Jcr-chercLeam looking lor

Canrcn, Acl I

Jd brisa djebrisadisr.

a brigadier.

s'appelleis called

MICAEI./I'md brisa'djeMon brigadieaMy brigadier



wiil be


e moi,(mine)






DonDon do you know?

MORALTS'do SozeDon ,036,Don Jos6, all of ushim know

(AU of us know him.)

MICAELlvr€ md L tilVmimont, ost-ilReally, Is he

MORALTS'il n€ poIl n'ost pasHe is not

with you.


vous pris?you beg?

dd 'rrtrce kopalicedans nobo compaSli€.in our company.


},I.ICAET A (d i sop p oi nt erl )

Allors il


'po lapa6 h.



No, my


tout e l'hou.r€


charming one,n'sst pas

will bo.







ko laquond lawhen the

'gad€ mOt6lrE

Euard affiving

rtiplascra Iaremplacera la


will replace the guard(He will be here wheD the troop of new Suards replaces lhc old one.l

CHORUSIl y sora quand la Bsrde montante romplacsm h gards doscondant€.

Page 10: Car Me Nip A

MORAIiS'mq -zcMais enBut whilo

do you want,

do you want

dd tred'sntrerof cominS in


Chez vous!With you!


Chez nous.With us.

MICABI,An6 '.po

NoIl ps.s,

Not that,

MORALiSd treEntrozCome in

_natdddattond.lltyou wait

'la 'bella beLlcmy lovely

'pr6&ceprondreto take

te huchez nouswith us

'grd m€lsigrand merci,many thanls,



Cotmen, Act I

'kil 'vjen@

quil vienne,till hs comes,


'la p€nce

la peinethe troubl€

Iz]ce-Jasldun instant:


scJlcr Ie

soi8nouls les

8entl6men (tho)

'kratce miJlcn(Ecrairto, mi8ronno,fear, (my) pr€tty ons,






promise you

vobo chbEyour dear


ihal we



will havs

tous ls6all the

MICAEI-1I'3ce 'n0 dutce 'po

lo n'on douts P63;I have no dotrbt about it,

-zegar 'kil6gards qu'ilconsidoration that is




,@!on, s indlcdlod, wilh a z in Penthoes: (zl. Thd z rl@ion osl bo mr dolimlor

Page 11: Car Me Nip A

(Cently mockins the phrose oJ uorclas before.)


'3ce rcevje dre

io r€viondrai,I will return, it's

we, therc!

Cormen, Act I

'ply prYddplu6 prudsnt.morc prudent.

'sd k6sclce

must be rcsi8ned,


quond la 86rdo mont.nte remplacera la garde d66c€nd&nte,

SOLDIERS fsurrcundD, Mico€1ol

You will stay.


Non pas'Not at all!

rcevje dreEviondrai.will come back.

o r@vwar me'sjo l€ srldaAu Dvoir messieurs les 6oldats.Farewell, misters (the) soldiers.{Farewell, soldiem.)

(she hun;es oIf.)

MORALTSlwazo sdvclce 0L'oiseau 6'erwole,The bid has escaped, we

e rcEgaidd po se l€ot roSddons pssssr losand let us watch pass the

let us take up againnotr€ passe-tsmps,our pastime,



SOLDIERSSur la placo, chocun pGso, etc.

(fhe crowd, which hos been watching the scene with MicrElo now rcsumes its stmlling. One hears t'ronofl stose a nilitaty narch. It is the rclial suotd Mivins. An ollicot cones out ol the sDordhouse ondthe othet soldiers taka thei lonces ond lom in ronks. 't he .nlief sua oppeors lron one side md orcprecaded by a grcup ol strcet urchins, who imitota the melching af the soldis\.)

NO. 3 CHORUS OF URCHINSa'v.k la gardce motdreAvec la 86rde montonts,With tho Suard mounting,

Page 12: Car Me Nip A

Comen, AcI I

tr6Pq Jekla'tdtce ta ra ta 1a

Sonne hompotte 6clotant€, ta n tr ta;

sounds (the) trumpet rinBing, ta ra ta tai

maijd la lel@ ot(} ktmce de pe'ti solda

Nous marEhons la t6ts hauto conmo des pstits soldob'W6 march th€ head hiSh like some little soldiers,

maikd 'sti feace 'dce 'folce

mallluant s{ra fafus do fiufsmarking without making mistakes

'yn 'dO malkd l(e pa

deux, marquant le pas.

one, two, marking the step.

'lg -zepolce- -zd Jarj€rce e 'la pwatrl -nd

dce..Lss 6paules on alliirs, et la Poihins en dohors'The shoulders back and the chest out,

'l€ 'br(l dce 'sete marjercelse bras do cotto mallial€ihe arms in this fashion

t6'bd 'tu lc'16 dy k.rtombant tout le long du corps;falling all along the body;

Avoc la 8ardo montr s, nous ordvon€, nous voili! 6tc.

(lha new guord tokes ovet lrcn the ald. The officars geet ona onothet a'td speok in low voicas )

MoRALts 60 ,los6lyn(i 3cerc 'fijce JalmdteUne jeune ffne charmantoA young girl charming

'vje 'dce dcemd'de si ty ne'te pd lavisnt de nous demandor si tu n'6tab pas h.did of us ask if vou were not here

'3yp@ bld e natG tdbdtce

fupe bleue ot natto tombants.Skirt blue and tresses fallir\q.

Josfdwa- JetrcE nikaela

Ce doit 6hs Mica6la.It m st be Micaela.

(lhe trunpels blore on.l the trcops ol guods exchonge ploces. The urchins forn in tunks ond rcpeottheit merchinq.)

URCHINSe 'la gardce desdddleEt h gorde descendonteAnd the guad that's leaving

Page 13: Car Me Nip A





'rdtr@ 'Je- -zt - J€Igrtr€ choz olo otrctums to its barmcks and

'sE 'bj.'laS'ost bisn lil,It is therc,

quo havailonrthat work

Comen, Act I

'nc sce Do dd sce SrA bolimd

r'6d c; Do!, dans ce 8r€nd batimontis il not. in that biS buildinS

'le sisarjer€les cigaribEs?th€ cigarctte girls?

(Birl ciSarette makers?)

'sA 'va


J Sontrs homPotto 6clat.nto, etc.

tsoldie':. urchins ond Lhe curious Bo off. An ollic inspects the new Suord soldia9 stock thei loncas

ond so inside the bo'rrnl. tosd ond ZuniSo ore leJt olons on stoqa l



S'od hThat's right,

'mt Jrfi sje

mon officiol,my offic6r,

d nce'vi nvl@ne vit nulle

one has not seen any

e 'b.ja senence'mc

st bion corlainomenrand most certainlY

'pa. fljce- Sosi le 3ercE

psd fi 06 aussi girls so oI easy virtue.


Mais 6u moins eonr ellesBut at lsast are they

JOsfmcnrrisje '3e n6 se'rjeMon officisr, io n'sn sais risn'Sir- I don't know,

c mtkl J'd se

ot m'occupoand I bother very

's€ galdlericeSalantodss.

those gallant es.


psu delittle over

ZUNIGA's(L 'ki lokyp ami 3ce

C€ qui toccuPo ami, ts'fhat which concerns You, friend, I

le sais


bisl,very well,


'yr(! 3(!ne rijcE

isuo fixoa Young 8irl,

JaiDdt(! 'k0- JaP€l€charnante, qu'on appellechallllinS, by nanr.)

'lypo blO e Data tobitcliupe bleue st natto tombants.skilt blrre and lresses lon8.

Page 14: Car Me Nip A

Comen, Act I

'ry 'ncE rep6 rja,Tu ns Ispons den n colt?You don't answer anythinS to that?(Have you anythinS to say to that?)

tosf'3ce repo krE 'le re'po kce 3ce 'l€mcE

fe r'6ponds que s'ost vrai, io n6ponds quo je l'aime!I answer that it's true, I answer that I love her!

'kd, Jo_ 7uvri, rce disiQuand aux ouwii'r€s d'ici,As for factory Birls hem,

'kd- Ja lcer bole 'le vwatiQuand n bur bsaut6, les voici!As for their beauty, there they aret

puv€ 3Y3eot vous pouv.z i'r8or vous-mdme.and you can judge lor yourself.

(The squore fills with youn| men coming to wdch the cigorette girls dufing their brcok. Soldiers comeoutlrcm tha suo -house. Don los6 sits down ond, indiffarcnt to tha scene, bes,ins workjns on asnollchdin fot his weapon.l

NO. 4 CHORUS OF dGARETTE GIRLSYOT]NG MENla 'klc, Ja de ,zuvri'ercLa clocho a sonn6, nous, des ouvriarosThe bell has run8, (and) w€ the factory airls

v(E'n6, -zisi gele 'lce rcelurnous vonons ici Suottol lo rctoufwe coma herc watch thefu rctum:(The b€ll has runS and we've come h€re to catch a Blimps€ of tho factory girls as thoy r€tun to th€strcet.l

'vu sqivo brync sigarj€rceEt nous vous suivons. brunes cigaribr€s,And lollow you, dark cigarette-girls,

d vu mynn/rd 'd€ propo da'mu.vous mnrmuront des pmpos d'amour.

while to you murmudng some words of love.

(At this moment tha cigorctte wotke$.ppeot, stmllinglonguidly, cigorettasdanglinglrcn their nouths.)

SOLDIERSvwaje le rcegar- -z€pr/dd 'mince k.ketcVoyez-les! Regards impudonts, minss coquottes,Look at thsm! Starcs impudent, appearance coquettish,

fYmd tur@ dy 'bu de dd la siga?elGfrunont tout€s du bout dos d€nts h ciSarette.smoking all of them from the end of their teeth the ciSamtte.(Look at them! How impudendy they slare, tempting coquettos, ciSarettes dangling lrom th€ir t€6th.)


Page 15: Car Me Nip A

78 Come\ Act I

C.IGA.RE-TTE GIRLS'd0 ler sqi'v6 o.- tj, 'la fyme€Don6 l'air, nous suivons des youx la firm6e,In the air we follow wi*r oUI eyes the smoke,

'ki vcr le 'sjo motce parfymecqui los cieux rnonte parlirm6e.which towad the skies rises fraSrant.

scela 'mOtc 36ti'ma a 'la telcCola monts gsntimont i la t6to,It rises gently to your head,

'lu dusce'md scela 'vu'm€ 'lo md 'f.lelout doucomont cela vous m€l I;ov6ry softly it puts your soul in a gay mood.

'l(! du paile de_ ,zamd 3. fyrneLe doux porler des omonts 6'ost filmso!The sweet talk of lovers is but smoke!

lcer lrdsprr- 'l@r s€imd s€ fymeLsurs han6ports et lsur s€rlnontE s,osr tum66!,Theh mpturc and their vows are smoke!

YOUNG MEN (to tle /oclorl Brr,lsJi'sd f..c 'le kru,elc eku,t€'nu ,le 'betcSans faiD les cruelles, 6courez-nou6 los beues,Without playing the cruel ones, hear us out, my lov€lies,

'k(} nu_ _zado.6 k(} zi&latr66 vous quo ".;" ;d.-*. quo n"is -idototron"r

oh you whom we adorc, whom we idolize!

CHORUS'me nce vwaj6 po la karmensitaMds nous no voyons p6s la ComercitdBut still do not see Carmencital

(Comen enters tha scene with geot panacIrc.)

FACTORY GIRLS AND YOUNG MDNla vwala vwala 'la karmensiriLa vo n, voile h Cd'nen€iratThere she is, th€re she is, Camencita!

(Cornen holds a flowet in her moDth. The youns nan sunound her and tojk to her, white she li s witholl oJ lhen. Don Jos6 mises his eyas, looks at Camen ond then continues to work on his choin.)

3rl" *ota7,-a.1.-t"; l" prcnounc€d as bolh lrr,nea and ry'nel dependinS on rh€ Ddldtion, which Aivss a Dolefor th6 mul€ syllabl€ itr $m instmces but nor in orhs$.

rThischorsws lound laler and in* ed into $e AtKoR e.l irion sc@. Thts soE ql& cotrtains lhe onrift didlo8ue sw€ll s tle Gulhud rccilalivss. I dm uinS tlE ltre,r€sl€d C. S.hinnersom.

Page 16: Car Me Nip A

Cotmen, Acl I 79

(Carmen, we hasten to follow your stepsJ

YOUNG MENkalm€n syr

Carmen,Camen, on

'le po

tos por nous nousyour steps we



pressons tous;all of us;


'di nu

tell rls

'mwt re po

moins dpondsl6ast answer

us will love!and

CARMENla m'l




lo rijcegentille,nice,


CARMEN 0ook,ng ot ,/os6ll'kd S(re vu, ,z€mcereQuand io vous aimomi? Me foi,

By my faith,




hIWhen I


Mais parBut not

you will love?

iamais, pout-6h€

-zo3uidqiaujourd'hui, c'osttoday, that's


is birdpbelle,"rebellious,

kct nylquo nulthat nothing

P0- laprivwazepour aPPdvoisor,

not tame.(Love is a wild bid lhat nothing can lalne,)

'bj€, Jo€t c'est bion onand it is truly in

'va kdvain $!'on

lap.lal'appeUo,calls him.


ko vjt

urt," ,tuton..u .bythm srarred in Hdvr.a, cuba (Habd6, in spanGhl intuenced by rh6 nusic of rh€ Africdn sldv€s


rho"spelh,ts is hobd€m dd;or hab.d6; o ;"[re rhar I'ds b'Pn Perpuruared ro.Iccades bv ore ofour

mosr dsl€€md "'usjc

puili"he;s in thon ne,zo_sopmno onrlroloSv. lncidentollv, A bdierc' 'ould

bc coddnm'l ss a mlhslst6rse oftler ro a .lnlv.hild to eo a jump inlo llt bdlhlubl

BNolidc thal l]lo $ords relellc and ltrPPdl/c weE t .s.ribed wilh a schwo on lhose t rle svllables dnd nol an ldl as

trsDsribedbetore.'lhilisb.causell.lonSthotlh€noleiSveryshori'Tlle'€haslobeavosel$Unddllheendoflhoselwo*r,rtls. sincs lho I is a voicod .onsonsnl, bu( rve do nol hanl lo aiv6 jl mn'h imD'rlanc€ bv usiiS an [o]

Page 17: Car Me Nip A


\jE 'ni 'fe m(e'na,Risn n'y fait; lqenaceNothing helps, th€ats

lce 'parlce bje 'lolrcel'un parle bien, l'aurreone lellow speaks well, tre n€xt on€

Camen, Act I

Ju pri'€r@p i'I€'

or entreaties,



'sc lotrce kce '3@

c'.st lhuho qus t"it's the other one whom I


6€ tait;keeps silent;'

'mc 'plemo llait.pleases me.

(Some men talk well, soms keep silent, but I prefer tls man who says little.)

'il 'na 'deil n'a dsnhe hasn't anything

'di 'me- -zildit mais ilsaid but he

Je Jdfd dce bc'emost onfet de loh6rne,is (a) child of bohemia,s

(Love is the child of a bohemian's existence,)


'na 3ame kJny '&! 'l!vana jorneis connu de loi;hasn't ever known about lawsj

'm8m(l 'pd '3ce

m'aimos pas, jodo not love me, I

love you,

'si rySi tuIf you

si ioIfI

!'aime;Iove you;

prd gar, _daprsnds garde nwatch out for


L'oisoauThe bird


L'6nor ostl,ovo is

'k(E ly krwaj€que tu cEyaisthat you thouSht

syiprddresurprondreto surprise

'de l€, Je sd vr'lade I'aile st Cen vola...its wings alrd flew away.-.

'lw€ lyloin, tufar away, you

'pO lalddFpeux I'att€ndm;

wait for it;

lyTu ln.

'nce Ia tdns l'attondsdon't wait

ply Iplusany longer,

'il €

il ostit is

'This is dn obvioB "di8'al,os6, rho e far h6sD\ paid any oltentior to le. and continuos b lid8et with his chaitr.

sTbe EfeNnce to bo,ilm€ implies rl'e sypsios'ca$fre€, unconvgnrionsl (bonemi@) )ilesryle.

Page 18: Car Me Nip A

Catmen, Act I a1

'ur- Jotur 'dce lwa vit(I vilceTout autour do roi, yrts, vite,All around you, quickly, quickly,

il vji sd va pqi -zl viont. s'sn va pr.i; il comes, it goes away, th€n it comes back...

ty krwa Ic€ rcEnir 'it revitaTu clois l€ tsnn, il t'6vfte,You thini that you have it, it avoids you,

'ty krwa levite il lcE tjetu cEis I'6vitor, il to think lo dvoid it. ir toia. you.

L'6mour ost onf.nt ds bohlmo, etc.

NO. O SCENEYOUNG MENCarrrsn,sur tss pas nous nous pr€ssons rous, €tc.

!!^",: ': i!1!::., ot .siten.ce.cs.tha

youns men surround carmen, she obserues then one by one,pushes her wdy out o1 the circte thsv hqve fomad ond goes stnight towatd Don los6, who is stiil quit;busy with his sober pin.)

CARMEN€ k6per 'k€ske ry f. laEh! compbra, qubsr-co quo ru fais li?Hey, pal! WIlaI a.e you doing therc?

tos6l: I".- -zyn tl" pu_ tatale md- leprshrJo rds chaino poul atrocher mon riDineleri..I'm mdti,)s a chrin ro arrach my

"ju"i+i".CARMEN f/dug.ttn&llo- iepigh r epegtje d! miTon dpinSlotto. rraimsnr! 6pinglier d" ,".; -6r"..Your sab€Fpin. rcallyJ sauoi-pinner .f ;i- ;;.(She thrch/s a flower ot los6. Ha rises suddenly. Therc is ganerol laughter. The be begins to rrngagain.)

YOI,ING MEN AND GIRLSL'amour est enfsrt de bohbmo, erc.

NO. 6 bis. R-ECITATMfosf'kel rlEger 'ket €fr6lce riceQuols .€sardsl Queno oftonroris!What glances! What brazenness!

'setcE flcr la ma fe l€fe dyn(! ,bal(e ,ki mari,veC€tto flour h m,r faft I'efrsl ar,". r"I" q"r _,-i",,ftrThat flower there had on ms the eff€ct of a brnlet Gat *u" "i"iking -"f

Page 19: Car Me Nip A

elael ldaDd tho

-h" 'frre6t forfis stmng




Er 16

And that

'sil eS'il oslff there

Ctmen, Acl I

padce Iparirnp€rlumo

d_enof it

flcer € 3clicfleur 06l iolieflower is pmtty.




'd€ sodsjercdee sEiarr6,90me sorlceNrsses,

'sllJ€'tynecbn e6l uneshe is one of them,





Mo voicilHeI€ I am!


Quelle toie!What ioy!

M!CAELA'se 'vctre lD€rcE 'kiCest vobe m6ro quilt's your mother who

NO. 7 DI'ETpsf

ParleSo spsak

Iappo|reI bring

rroi deto Ee of

MICAII/\58'prnc dce 'sa 'par

ttra mothor.

m'envoie!soads me!

de s! p.rt,from her,






(I, as a fsithful mossenger, bring s l€tt€r frcxo h€r,)

lOSt qookins d tha tetter)'ynce 'l€trcUne leths!


Page 20: Car Me Nip A

Cormen, Act I

MICAELAe 'pqi- -zce 'PO da13d

Et puis un pou d'ar8sntAnd also a little money

(She hands him a smoll purse.)

'pur a3ute- Ja vctrc tret@md € Pqipour douter i voho hnitoment, ot add to your salary, and also.

Iosfe 'pqiEt puis...And then...

MICAEI.{e 'pqi vr€'m6 3ce

Et puis... vraimsnt io no6o,And then... truly I do not darc,

€ pqi- Jdkr- JYnotrce loz(f-Et puis encols un€ Ntrs choeoAnd then also another thing

'ki vo mjo lce laisd e kiqui vrut mioux quo l'argont or quithat is worth morc than monoy, and which

'pur € b6 'fis sii 'dutce ply dce pripour un bon ff]s, douto plus d€ pdx.for 6 good son will have without doubt nrore value

tosE_lotrce Jozce kel etel{e 'parlce 'do

Cstto auhs chos€, quolle ost-ell€? Porle donc.That other thing what is it? Speak th6n.

MICAEI.IIwi 3e parlcereoui, jo padoni;Yes, I will speak;

'k(t 16 ma d'ne '3(} vu lce dtncreco qus l'on donn6, io vous le donneni.That which she has me &iven I you willBive.(What your moth€r gave to me I now will Sive to you.)

'v:)r(E 'm€- Jav€k mwa srite d(i la .JapElceVoh€ mblg av6c moi sortait ds la chapelle,Your mother with me was leaving the chapel,

Ja'lrr 'kd mdbrasdot c'ost alors qu'on mombrassont,and it was then as she enbraced rne,


Page 21: Car Me Nip A




ToutAll of

uno foi6

Cam6L AcI I

'va 'ma tslce 'divrs", m'a-tbllo dit,will", she told me,

tdna l€-"tbn aller"go


'fis tndfils



Je 'k€_

or qubloand that she

Je 'ke_ot $r'€ oand that sho

nly lovely Birl,


(z)" se vijcen' Seville,in Sevilte,

Ja laalato tie





t€rl@ra mochorchoras monwill look for my




'lqi d'rolui dinsto him will rell



toze mO- Jd'fd.1036, mon oDf6nt.

los6, my child.

his mothor


'kelcequ'ellethat she

'klqubllethat sh€

rcegre _r€Srsttor€8rets


not so,

J€s p€r(Iospbm,hopes,







lap'sdl'nbsent,her absent (son),

'dce ma par 'tyds ma pafi tufrom me you

e 'sce be'zeot cs baiserand this kiss

d<! ma par 'tydo ma p6rl tufrom me you

losi:. (very noved)d beze d(LUn baissr dsA kiss from

MICAEI,t.d be ze 'purUn baiser pourA kiss for

'lce lqi dirale lui dins,to irim will say,

quo i"that I

ts donnoto you Sive

'lce lqi rd drale lui rendros."to hjnl will Sive ."

Iny mother!

\o fisfils,

oThe French dislile tho.lasl of id€nlical vowels, ds n, unolof d. Tholiaison wi$ avervd.lic6l. lzl is Econn!€lded.

Page 22: Car Me Nip A

, ,1'

Camen, Act I

3oze 3ce lcE d kJmce l(e le pmmi

Ios,6 js vous lo rsnds, io I'ai promis.

Jos6, I to you Sive it as I have pmmised.

(Micaela ses on her toes ond plrrces a maternal kiss on Jos6's forchead. Don los6, very novad, lets herprocead, lookins tende y d het oll the while.)

JOSE'mo 'merce sce Ia vwa wi 3cE rcevwa md vila3,Ma mbre ie la vois, oui io mvois mon viltase.My moth€r I see her, yes I see aSain my village.

o suv(E'nir 'dotrce 'fwa 'du suv@nir dy peio souvonhs d'auh. fois! Doux souvoni8 du pays!oh memories of other timesl Sweet memories of my hometownl

rdplise m0 k(er 'dce fir_ _se dce kura3eVous remplissez de fone et de coulaasYou fill my heart with strength and with courage,

o suvce'nir souvonl! ch6ds.oh memories dear.

JOS6 M. mbrs is la vois, etc.

MICAEI-/I. & mbm !! la r€voit (!q sees bis nother, etc.)Vous remplissez ;9g coeur de force et de coungo. (you fill lris heart, etc.)

losl fixins his eyes on tha ciBorcue f.",tory)ki se 'dce kel de'mo 5ale, -zetrce 'la 'pNaa"i sdt do quel {6rnoa tdhtu 6trs la prci!Who knows of what demon I was about to become the prey!

'm€me dc€ 'lwa 'm€rce 'mce defdM6me de loin rrra mlrs me d6fend,Ev6n from afar my mother dsf€nds ms,

b€ze k€lce mdvwaot co baieer qu'elle m'envoieand that kiss that she sends me

e karte lce peril e sovce 30, Jdfd6carto le p6ril ot sauvo son enfont.fends off th€ danger and saves her son.

MTCAET.A'k.l de'mo 'kel pe'ril lce 'nce kdprd'po bjc

Quol d6mon? Quol fe ne compmnde pas bien.What demon? What peril? I dont unde$tand quite.

'kce vo 'dirce scE la

4". vout dtuo cela?What means that?


Page 23: Car Me Nip A

Co,men, Acl I


Tu vaB

You ar€ Soing


Co .olrThis €veninS

pa/16Parlonsf€t us sp€ak about You, the

'dcE 'twa 'lade loi, h



Iotoume!to rcturn

D6ms, etvery, and

_ro Pe'iru pays?to the village?

ddme 3(.dsm6iD totomomw I

voho mbre.yotu mother.

voEriawill s€€

(This very ev€ni[8.]'bo*'' r, l* uo.^#r


i€'bjc 'tY 'lqi

lEh bioq to luiiwel then. you her

dlrodinswill tell


i'kce 's0

aus aonthat her


'le-l'ainoloves her

Jne 'la vehetceet li v6nbn.and worslups her,

'kilqu ilthat he






'se re'pd- Josuidqi,s lopont auiurdtui.lepents today.

'vo 'ka 'la 'boveut qBe li baswishes that over thers his

k6't6lce 'd@ 'l ticonlento de lui!happy with him!

sce'la nss{c'po mijlrneTout coh ne6t-ce P.a, miSnorne,


A.ll that, tunt it so,

'de ma larde m! p.rtfmm me

my prctty one,

'lca 'lqi di'ro16 loi dins;

you it to her will tell;


(And my pmtty olle, you will t€ll h€r all thatj

e 's€ be'ze 'ke8t ce brieer queAnd tNs kiss that

'de lna'par tYde ttra pdt tufrom me you

(He kissas Micoela)

le doDns,giv€ you,

'lqi rddmlui Fn'ln !.to her will take back.




Page 24: Car Me Nip A


oui FYes, I

30 ze

pmmis€ yoti,

'lce ld'drcle rgndraiwill give it back

Came\ Act I

'd€e 'la par 'dce 'sdde la part de sonon behalf of her






3ce le prc mijo I'ai promis.I promised.


MICAELAnO po li'ze da'bcrNon pas, lissz d,abord,Oh no, read first,

tosipulkwa td_ ja'lePouquoi tbn aler?Why do you go away?


fOSf .. Ma mlls, ie la vob, etc.MICAELJ\ Sa mi'I€, il I! nvoit, etc.

,osE'restce 'la matcehd pddd ke jcRsdo ln mdintsnur. penddrt que ieStay here now. while I


's€ ply taje s(rela mce koviaC'est plus sa8o, c€la mc convi€nrIt is wiser, it suils mc{It suits me better.)

revj.'dreIsviondrli.will come back.

rny mother,,

io l€vierdlai.I wilt rchrrn.



lize pqi JCeLis€z, puis ieR€ad, then I

tosD'ty r(}vjE'droTu rswiendras?You will come back?

MICAEI-{3ce rcevjE dre,o lgviondlai.I will come back.

(Mic@lo ledves. losd holds rha lettet in his hand, ad reads it for a few rr,oll,ents.)

Josf'kra rje

No clains rion,Don't fear anythinS,

f(E?a ru \ce ke lv lui difern lout ce qus ru lui dis:will do all that you tell him;

16 fiston 6lsyour son

t'ob6ira,will obey you,

3emce mika€laldim€ Mica€la,I love Micaela,

Page 25: Car Me Nip A


3ce 'la prddre 'Pur 'fomc

t la prendrai pour fernrne,I will take her for my wife.

Cormen, Act I

'kd, JaQu. lAs for

'te flcer $isjer-tes floure, solciere


me"sjo 'l€ stl'damossisurs los 6oldrts!(mist6r) soldi€rs!

your flow€Is,(As for your flowels, Carmen, you vile sorc€rcss!)

(At the very moment when ho is fuout to thtow the Jlower away, d loud noise is hea coming flominside the frctory. ZunEo enters,lo owed by soldierc.)

NO. 8 CHORUSZTJMGA'kce 's.e poselilQuo ss passe-l-ilWhat is happeniog

GIORUS WOMENo s3'kllr n6t6'de 'vu 'po o $kurAu socoE: Nbnlsrdsz.vous pas? Au Escout€

Help! Can't you hear? Help,

FIRST GROUP OP WOMEN's€ 'la karmensi'taCo6t t6 Crllneffita.It's Carmencita.


-zrlceco n'ost p.s olle!it isn't shel

SECOND GROUP'po 'dy luP6r du tout.Not at all.

'no 'nd

No, Iro,

flRST GROTJP'se- J:elc€Ceet elle.It's sho.

FIRST GROUP'Bi feSi f.itlFor sure!

'el aElle IShe did

'dd 'la'bodonc li-ba:?then over therc?




AJI WOMEN lrsulloun ding Zuni4a)'n@ 'le, _zekute'po m0sj0Ne les 6coutsz pas, monaieur,

pclte 'leport6 lesstrike the


listen to us.Don't them listen to, slt,

Page 26: Car Me Nip A

FIRST GROUP IpullinS at Zunisal'Ia manwelita drz€ e reoercLa Manu€lita disdl st r6o6rai-tManueLtd said and repeated

Comen, Act I 0g

Ja 'vwa I ot€A voix hautain a loud voice


SECOND GROUP ldorn s the solnela lrr 'la karmemsrla rajoAlors la Cormenc a, milleuseThet Carmencita, mocking

'di, Jd_Dit: 'UnSaid: "An

k€lqu'ellethat she

un dne

"For a certain


3ur'laEt se iouFliAnd on that day

dg la'kedoux laquaistwo lackeys

remuJd,t'6mouchantkeepinS flies off you

ajetcere s6a€hltonit 6arrrwould buy without

ki 'lqiqui luithat her

_nonce purkwa ,fer('6ne powquoi fairs?ass, whatever for?

prcmcenadce m6_pmnenaderide my

ly pu ra_

you can

sqivrd de rj€rcesuiEont doriil,g,will follow behind,

plezeplaisaft.would please.

-za s6, Jcrdi'nerceiL son odinatus,as is her custom,

cC bate tce syfiraun bdai te suffira.'a broom wili do for you.,,

FIRST GROT,'Pmanwelila riprsta e diManuslre .ipostr or dir-Manuelita retorted an.l

Ja 'sa kamaradced sa carnamde:said to her fri6nd:

6nodonkey will be of uss to you'o

_za bo'drwa 'ferc ,la

i bon &oil fail€ lain your own dght play the

'ter(!ffbroproud lady

Janby waving their arEs.'

'ocvp.* "u- la**a ro hw6 m8i. poho* dnn vh{ on€ h6 cdushr ih eD -n of msrc dihc6, h€r'(b6 wd r*dup ud md€ ro 'id€

o dont€v rhbus[ $o srreets wtula b."8 n.Bqed @rc;$tv.

Page 27: Car Me Nip A


ALL WOMEN'Ia desy tut(}Li-dossus loutosThere all

they each oth€r

ZUNIGAo djobl@Au diableTo the devil (withl

(fo Jos6)

Cotmen, Acl I

Ies deuxtwo of thom

prises "pulled at th€ir


hairs.(they b€gan to Brab each otLer by the hair.)

all thisbavardagolcbaltcr!

prcEne 3oze d6-Prcnsz, ,086, douxTake, Jos6, two

e vwaje 'la dce dd€r voy6z h-d6d6nsanct nrside

with you

kozc sce ra paj(!tapago.

causes that commotion.


0os6 tokss two nen with hi1n. Meanwhite tha wamen cantinua to liraht ond push.)

TIRST GROUPC'sst la Cann€ncita

SICOND GROUPNon, non 6coutoz-nous, €tc.

zUNtGA (deafened by the rccket)elwal( mwa lul(f sE famce taEloiSnoz'moi toutos cas fornmes-h.Rrd me of all those wonlen.

Hoh!Hey therel



(fhe soldie's push oll the wonen and lorce then to disperso.)

lrPierre B'rdc in his usful boor'Trre rnrerp*hrton ofFEDch song waru s ,har @Dic€r .Iibnrio$ need to beavoid.d wlen mtin8 r@io,. Tho dart bar6bovo bsM€6n p,s6s dnd @x blts us !91!to @te rio /r@,soh, which h,oDldeund "' wilh the two z,s n€xt ro €ach orl!€r tsc,sd pnle,b lc,vol.

Page 28: Car Me Nip A

Comen, Act I


(Comen oppears dt the door of the f&'tory, held by Don los6 and lollowed by sone drqoons.)

,osE'm0- Jcfisje s€ta, Jynce kceteleMon ofrcior, c'6tait une querelle;Sir, it was a qua[el;

'de_ _z€'3yrce dabcr pqi, _za la fe de 'kuDes iniuss d'abord, puis i h fin deg coups,Some insults at first, then at the end some blows,

'ync 'fame ble'secfenme hles<6c-

a woman wounded,

ZUNIGAe 'par kiEt pal qui?And by whom?

losfpar 'ele

Mais p6r elle.why, by her.

ZUNIGA'vu, _zdtdde kcE nu repodre'vuVous €ntondoz, quo nous F6pondEz vous?You have heard, what have you to s6y to us?

CARMENIm la la 'kupce mwa bryl(i mwa 3c nce tce dite rj6TlA la la, loupe-moi, !$le.rnoi, is no to dini dsn;Tra la ia, beat me, burn me, I won't tell you anything;

'tra la Ia '3(i 'brave tu 'l{i'foTm la la, io bravo tout, le feu,Tra la la, I defy everything, fire,

lce f€r e l(i bjells fsr, et lo ciol m6mo!the iron,1'z and heaven itseu!

ZUNIGA'fe nu grosce 'd€ t€ JasoFais-nous Srico de tes chansons,Spare us (o0 your songs,

e pqiskce ld ta di d(l repodrce ?ep6st puis-quo I'on t'r dit de fipondr€, l6ponds!and since we told you to answer, Answer!


l\t" 1

]'zoy "ircn"

"hu ruas s*ord, pistol, evsn an ircD club lo force her to conles.

Page 29: Car Me Nip A

Cormen, Acl I

CA.RMEN'la 'md sa'*Ie 5@ 'lce gaL Jte 3cE

Tta ti, rDotr Fcrol te le et itTra la, Ey s€crBt I keep and I

'lc 'gardcele gudek6ep it

'la Sem- lld-ho- Jre 3ceTrl b ldme ulr rube er ,oTra la, I love another aod I

tner 'd di'zom.rur en dir.die a6I say






'lemal'.ime.lov€ hnn


's& t6

that attitude,

ty l@ @ 'tyrtu le preDrts atryou tak6 on



Jalero r{ 5er o tnyr 'dce

chantalrs ton rir tur( murr decan sing your song to the walls of

'la $l'Ala prisonthe pdsoD.

OGATETIE GIII,S0 prLzoEn pdaon!To prison!

(Cornan hu s harself on the cigo'€.tte girls, even Wing to bite Zunigds hand.)

ZTJMGA'la !est@ deside'md vu- JEve ,ta 'me ,lesrc

Lr peste! Ixcid6ment ieour tvez 16 mdtr leste!The p€st on you! Docidedly you have a hand quick!

CA"RMENtIa 'la 'laTra ln lc..

ZT',NlGA'!€ dc'ma3cgorr domllrSe,Ifs a shame,

'kar e'le sdrijecor elie esl a€ntillofor she is nice,

'se gd dJma3cec'o6t gr€rd domm.8e,It's a big sham€,

tne- -zil fo 'bje 'la ltdrc 'sascmriE il fiut bien lc rondrs,but w6 rtrllst mako her be wsll-behaved,



'se dO 3c'li 'bmdeux Flia bnr.

those two prEtty arms.

(Iherc is a nomenl of s anca. Ios6 puts a rcpe orcund Camen's wfists. The crcwd Iroduotly disper;res.)

CA,RMENu 'mc k6dgi're'vuOU me conduiroz vous?wherc ar€ you taking me?

Page 30: Car Me Nip A

CarmeA, Act I

Josfa 'la pri'26 I e '],ce 'ni pqi ,rja fereA la ptison st io llt puiE den fatus.To prison and I cannot about it nothing do.

CARMENvrCmd ry 'ni pqi rja ferceVl|iment? tu n'y pds rien failg?Really? You cannot about it nothinS do?

tosf'rd dE 3rbe'i_Non, rien! fob6is i mes chefr.No, nothinS! I obey (to) my superiols.

CARMEN€ bja 'mwa '3@ se ,bja kd de'piEh' moi, io sais bien qubn d6iirAh well, me, I know fr well that in spite

'dcE r. f€f, lz)J, m.mcede t93 chefs oux-rn;mos'"of your superiors themselves

'ly fcefo tu 3ce'k@ 3ce 'votu fol€! tout ce que jeyou will do ever]'thin8 that I want,

e sce'la parsce'k€ 'ly 'memcest col6 porc..quo tu m,nimo&and that because you love me.


Moi, t'aimer?I, love you?

CARMEN'wi So'ze la flcEr d6 JCe te'fe prc,26Oui, ,066. L! fleur dort i. r'ai fa p^a*"t,Y€s, los6. The flower of which I made you i gift,

'ty 'se 'la fler 'de la sctsjerctu Bais, la fleur ds la sorcib$,you know, the flower of the sorcemss,

ty 'pO la Scete mtkentt 't@ Iar_ Jncpe.cetu poux la isrer mrinten., le charme -op5*,you can throw it away now, the spell ii working.

IOSf'mce 'parlcc 'ply ty mdtd

Ns ms pdds pluet Tu m,entends!Don't speaktome ally more! you undelstand Es!

13^Bajtr, o r.ry.lt8bl l,.to, * h rh" t


Page 31: Car Me Nip A


'parlc 'plyNo p€ds ptus.Don't speak anynorc.

CARMEN'pre 'de ro parPrls des mnp.rt6Near the ramparts

lro.le cH, vsoru lsfcuEDrLLE) AND DUET

Carmen, Act I

'3@ 'lce de'fd

fe le d6fends!I forbid it!

de S6ville,of Seville,

'Je m6_chez rnonat my

3i re

tilaiI will go

Jla miamifri€nd


li'las pasrja

Lilas Pdstia,Lillas Pastia,


bwarc'dy man?a'nijoboire du Manzonilla!...drinl some

,wi tulce ,scR_ J6Oui, mais touto sor o on

Yes but all alone one

e 'le plez;tot lss vtris plaisirsand the t.rue pleasures(and true pleasurc should be shared...)






sd nqi

Sets bored,


Ja don d€ur...






my heart

keep me I will take


m6_ Jamuro

my lover.


'le'mi-l'ai rnisthrcw him

poor heart





to the




has gone

la poisthe door

kosolablceconsol lo,consolabl€,



Je de galo_Iai des sal.ntsI have {some) lovers


'l€rlnil..the ai....

r'M@rz@ild is vory dry Spanish sh€rry, su6ly eryod v6ry cotd,

. i5on€ sord abour DoNc: Th6 wod is otrly prcmuc€d with a hDot ltl eud whe! i h6ads a enreDc€ or phre orBhdllkinldson Ar tb€ s4d ora phre ir is pb.ouDc.d wi6o{r dlrJeud. riov€ver,6ven rhe vommbl€ Foucrr6, intu D@r on rFncb pmnun.iarion 6dDrs rhsr lhis tul€ is tror dlways {oltowed, md rh.l IlnJ Fbqc} peopL pbnouc€ th6 lh

Page 32: Car Me Nip A

Coman, Act I

me_ _zil 'ne 's6 po_ Ja 'mO 'gremais ilc no sont pls e non g16;but thsy ar€ not to my likin8;

vwa'si 'la 'ft d@ la sce'm€n(-Voici Ia fu de la semaine,H€re is the erd of the week,(Hero comes the weekend,J

'ki 'vo meme le lemerequi vout m'!imor, io l,limorai,whoever wants to lov€ me, I will love him,

ki vo md_ Jo_ Jne le_ Ja prddr@qui v6ut mon dme, elle est i prondre,who€ver wants my soul it is for the iaktn6,

'vu_ _zari've_ (z)o b6 m.'mdvous alrivsz au bon are aniving at the (rightl moment.

3ce gef@ kE td da,tddrJte nai gubro le ror[ps d,an6ndl€,I don't have hardly the tims to wait,

kaf a'vek 'md nuvel amdnouvel omant...

for with my new lover...Prts dos ramporls ds S6vills, ch€z mon ami Lillde p.stia etc.

fosfte twa '3c tave 'di de n,-'po ,mce paileTais-toi, io t'avds dit de ne pos me partot!Be quiet, I told you to not talk to me!

CARMENJG 'n€e parlcE po Jce J6tc pur 'mwa memcefe ne parle par, is ch. s poru moi-m6moI am not talkin8, I all singinS to myself

e tcE pdsce il ne'po d€fo'dy d(} pdseol . io pelts€... il n,€sr pr! d6fendu de p""".,,and I was thinkin8... it isn,t lorbidden to ihink,

j.l 'pd,i pense n csrtaial. o$€iorI am thinking of a certain officer,

ki m€mc e ka ,mo ,rur '3(E pu,re bja- Je,mequi maimo, ot qu'i mon tour io pourraiE bion aimer.who loves me, and whom ai my turn I could rcaily love.

r3Th€ tal nNl vow€l in Fbnch de-n@tiz6s in ldso,, in rh6 wods.t6n ud 6ron, Thal is wtry rh€ plomtic

lnn*nplion Eads hrne nJntj€l and.d nr6si.l


Page 33: Car Me Nip A


lOSt blowly losins his stip)


Cormen, Act I

CARMEN'm0, J'.fi'sjeMon omcierMy offic€r

'po 'mcm dpos m6Ero un

nbst p.sis not


g'se 'pur

Pourenough for


boh6mienne,8'?sy 8irl,

brisadjebrigddiera corporal:




'kcnb6t queisn't but

or ioand I

but it is




'dele 'md kototedaigno m'on conrontodei8n to content myself with himl

tost bs ha unties the rcpa omund het wfists)kaim€n jc sqi k)_ ,m(i

ie cuis cotnms udI am like a

(CanDen. I feel hke a drunken man,l




'3@ s€dce 'sije cbde, siI give in, if

ie me livn,I can g€t free,

ln plomesss,youl promis€,

CARMEN'wi dasce roOui... nous danssmasYes. w€ will dance

ddset6Nous donsoronsw€ will dance

'ty 'la rjedmtu la will k€ep it...

'3ce leme Iy m€m(e.ojo l aimo, tu m,{imoras...I love you, you will love me...

,OSi (whispafins whita holding her)Je lilas'pastja tyChoz Lilas Po.stia,.. ruAt Lillas Pastia's... you

Pi's dos tsmpalt! do S6villo, etc.

'la segedij"Ia c6guedile...the se8uidilla...

'lce prJmels pmmots...

d bYvd 'dysn buvont duwhil€ drinkin8 some




'la sesce'dijla e6guerlille stthe seguidilla and

bwaro dyboimns duwill drinl

Page 34: Car Me Nip A

Cotuen, Act I Sz


l_*1"l l.d.- pa/te e ,r€te ,bcrc ,gardcVoici lbrdre, prrt€Z, er frtrse bonn, ci.d..Here's the order, loave, at ke6p

" JJ i*f.rt.CILXJV,f,'N (in low voice to Jos6)

:yr lce Jg-mE 3ce rG puscre

lur ! choltrh ie r! pou,leEiOn the way I wiil push you

osi fcr k@ Jc 'le pu,re!u!si forf qu. F le poErrii,.,as hard as I can do it...

,l:,": r:: rnvcise ,t@ ,rcsre ,mcE Kt,sard@ll'sle.tol rt.ngoraeL.. le recte rE. a"gid".

allow youself to fall ov€r... the rcst ls up io me.

{Camen begins to leave, foltowad by Jos6, who pntends to be hotding her wists,)

L'lmour e.t sDfrnt do Bohbbo, €tc.

(Once <Mived d the ptoper pkne, Cotmen pushes.los6, who ldls down, dlowin| het to escqe. Thenis Br€d comrnolion .B the cisdnne sirts exp,',*s u;* i"y. iili"ii il,|'i',w.".ii **" p"a, *n *token olJ to p son.)


Page 35: Car Me Nip A

98 Cormen, Act II

ACT II(lnside Lill6 P$tids talan Zunigq Moroles, Comen, Frbquito ond Merc6dis an mi in| about thecrcwd of customers. soldien, gypdes ond doncers. Some ore smokine, soms dtinkin1 arld some

ayins cotds.)

NO. 12 GYPSY SONGCARMtrN'le lfeglc de SistreLo hinSle des 6ish€sThe lods of the sistrums'


e 'syr 's€_ J€rr63ceot sur cstto 6tlu€oand that strange

le dzilgar€la sce lce veles zingorellas s€ lovaient.the 6ypsy girls stood up.

al€T6nbouls de ba6que .IaiontTambourines


€t losand the


d_ J€ kla6clat

a clatter

gi tar(iguitor€sguitars



their beat,kept(Tambourines were keepin8 tirne,)


srEte su 'de mE_ _z.psrine(a)gringaient eous des mains obstin6ssground away urder hands pe$istent

'memce Josorn6me chaneon, m6mo

(thel same song, (the) same

'le - Ja no

The rinSs

dc kqi,

of copper

de muSowith rcd


et d'aryont,and silver,




des peaux

dr'rd_ Jud'orango ouwith oran8e

lsistruG were lnci€nl Egyptim percNion instruhontl coNislinS of a tyF-shdpod fl@e w h loo$ly L€lit bds runnin8Urcu8h n, ft w6 a Ettl€ or nois€ml€r shich ihs Mcidrl EBJrPrim priosrs of IsG Ed ro shal€ at rhoir f€slivak of rhatsodd€s. (Frcn th. CE€ls€,:'rmn,16 shato).

226b., coms fFb'ubm , an ui@l wtrh sdp6s as well.

Page 36: Car Me Nip A

Conneh, Acl II

_zelrfca flJt€_ .to .vddloffos tlottaiohr ;" venldress fdbrica floated in $o wind.


la dd_ jio Jd be marLeLa danse au ch.nt se modail.The dance lo tle ""rg *"r";"J"a,(Dance and song bocame as one.l


d'abordat fimt

J€de sLind6ciestimid

.leblui sdcot 6blouiss€ntthis dealeninS

-ze timidect timide,and hesitant,

e 'ply ra pideot - plus ropide,ancl more rapid.

'Ply vL -vii sqir

plur vivo on suiremore livsly the[(then liv€lier and faster,)

se'la m6t€ mot€cola montail monrail! 8rew, [and) srewl...

le bremj. ILes Boh6miensThe Swsies,

a 'tur'dce ,bro

A tour do bras,with all theh stren8th,

dc 'lcer_ _zastrymo f@,zeds louls instnrmonr faisaienrof their instruments made(&ey played away [as poss€ssed by a raSel

fage,on their iDstruments,)



Sous IsUnder the



'le dzitga,rales ZinSaras!the Sypsy Sirlst

'rilmce d@rh]'rrno derhythm of


la Jds6la chonson,th6 son8,

,zdfj€ vrei!enfi6vn6o3,fevedsh,

eles se laisciienr.they allowedthemselves, intoxicated,

3/.- .qu i. "n

urp-s,,o. .

..,. ;.;,ff ; ;;;"". ffi il:l jl;"J;'.".ffi ffi TT"l: r,j,; l"*1LT*i,;iy,il:"Tfl ilHil Tff*;

Page 37: Car Me Nip A

100 Comen, Act Il

tipcile 'par 'l(E turbiJo

empo sr p6r le tourbillon!(to be) canied away by the whirl!

(lhe donce picks up speed 6 ths Wpsies, Comen, Frosquito ond Merc4dis ioin in the whirlingdoncins, onid shouts ol dpprobdion frcn the othets )

I NO. 12 Bis Recit tivoT"ASQUTTAme'sjd 'pastja 'mce 'diMossiours, PoEtia mo dit...Gantlemen. Pastia told me...

ZTJNIGA'kce nu voril dkrr 'meace pastja

a"" nous vout il m.itr€ Plstia?What does he want from us again master Pastia?

FRASQUITA'il 'di 'k(! 'lce kct4i'd3r 'vo 'kce '16 fermce lobeE€Il dit quo le Com6gidor' vsut quo I'on ferme l'auberge.He says that the correg or wants that we shut dowll the inn-

ZUNIGAe bje 'nu parlird 'vu vjedre- ,zavek 'nu

Eh bien! nous paItirorc. vous viondrcz avoc nous?Ah well! We will 80. You will come with us?

FRASQUITA'n0 po nu res 16

Non pas! nous, nous Estons.Not at all! We... ws will stay (here).

ZUNIGAe twa ka/m€n Iy nce'vjt'poEt toi, Calmon, tu ne viens pas?

And you, Carmen, you arcn't coming?

e'kut(E do di lu bo ly 'mo v0

fcoute, dsux mots dits tou bas: tu m'on veux.Listen, two words said very softlyr You dislike me

CARMEN'vu- -zd

vulwar pulkwaVous .n vouloi Pouquoi?You dislike! why?

ZLNIGAsrlda lotrce Jur dprizcnc 'pur I\,/a

Ce Eoldat l'autro iour, ompriEonn6 poul toi,That soldier, the other duy, sent to prison on account of you.

{ A .orDridor in spain was rhe chlef trDBisrtute of a lown, th€ oD who "corEcted" had silualios. such 6 shultinS down

Pslia s lavorn due lo the 6mu88lin8 buiness ihat w€nt on iNtde

Page 38: Car Me Nip A

Cormen, Act ll

'f€ 'dce sce malhirlo



f ,'Q'ua r'on fait de ce rnalheuroux?What did they do with that unforlunate man?

ZUNIGAmclce'nd l 'il e librceMaintonant il esr libro.Now he is frce.(Now he is ort free from jail.)

CARMEN'il e librce rd mjo

€st libro. t€nt rnieu.He is free. so much ths better.

Bonsoir,mesjo no_ _zamu'romessieun amoursux!

I Good ni8ht, gentlemen out swains!

I (Good night to our Sertlemen-admirers!)

FRASQUITA AND MBRCfDESBonsoir msssiorrl€' nos anoul€ux!

Fhe nund ol ar' Minated chotus is heo1d offstase.)

NO. 13 CHORUSvlva 'l(E lJr€rr viva €ska'mij'Vivef le Ton6rol Vivat trscamillolLong live the bullfiShter! t ng live Escamillol

./ i ZUNIGAynce prrmcenad o fl6boUne promenade rux flo.rnbeauxlA pamde of torch6s!(A torchlight pamd€l)

'se lce vE kcr de 'hrsce dlt grc nadce

C'ost le vainquou des de Gronade,It's the winner of the bullfights in Granada,

vule vu, _zavek nu bwa.ce m0 kamatad@Voulez-vous boire non carnarade,Do you want to with us drink, my friend,

syks€- -zdsja syks.iL vos succbs ar€iers, n vos succbs 4ouvoauxl

]" your triumphs past (and) to youl triumphs new!

CHORUSVivat lo ToF6ro, etc.

(lherc is loud rcoction lron evoryone and Escanillo appeon. Postia bfings hiP]. o dink @d tha 8i s,

aI sxcitad d tho sisht ol lhe hondsone notodo\ displdy theb best sides to be pnpe y o.lmircd.)

syivd dccodirS lo dU lhs diclioDdi€s is prcnouc6d willoul a I al iho €nd. tD Watndr dro tto pdk iohano udSchDdr pnG6 Bd.chs IN L TNl Vird kE.h.t mpd tiv.. ID this ce lh€ wo.d l! pmmu.€d with a I, bul not hoe.

Page 39: Car Me Nip A


NO. 14 COUPLTIS'vctrce 'trst :lir

Your toast, I

Comen, Act II

(TOREADOR" SONGT'p0 vu lce lAdrce

Poux vous lo Endr€,can retuDr to you,


kt Javek

for with soldicrs,

'Ie koboles combatslthejr figllsl






pouvonrsd l0dr(r

understand one another.

f'ur plczit il, _zOpou plaisiE ils ontfor ploasure they have(fishtins is their sanell

sir- _k.

5ir, -kecirqus sst


plC s. 3urplein, c'est joufull. it i6 a day

'ple dyplein dufull frcm


de f6te,

Jdhaut 6ntop to


la tare,their wils,

' 6Th. uod l'or6ddo. is a FEich labdcatioD. A bullliShlor in Spmish is fl rdEtu. 1)re nu'nrltBr is usu{lly callod moldlo.(hllerl or.spdo. {svodl. in ilB foudh acr, F^*amjllo is called cspod. by dE clnus.

7ls is ihperaliv€ tor lh€ sin8.rdoti8 llis rcle lo Inow wlat a brlljjgl,l is and uh6l Boo99!r. Ths psrl is ll,e ddttr,

the pmc€ssion, whem lhs l€odin8 Mdrddor (IGcamillot snlcr lhc om"a, fuloqsJ uJ l'64g",n" ",!lL' ts !); dris \eanrJori6ls!1tu ltolpe'., dU l,ullfishtcrs hul&\os fdmou\ or bm!. as rhc l.dJ,,'8 Marodo,. Th;_Ea,dsiT];mrt

'!dr wit! rl,e

barlEd dorts l6@de.//c. in Fmnch b&/s,1/etcolorfully decorarod ar hte pdn ofrhe ba'j. wl;; rI€ trunlper euDds lhebulpan floril is op6Dod and dB E8in8 bun twho hs b6on i]r th darknes for l{.o d€ysl bounds out into $c tislrt, accostnssnr,llnl8 o. anlono il *€s in its p6lh. lls fury is unbounded. Th€ l€$6r bulllishteE, Nnlll s la.B€ cope, tssi dE bullsFocliom, tryin8 to w which sdy hs hooks his ho.N, wbi1. lhd Mdtsdor wal.hes. lle my hirell then mle a feis prssu ilh th. .@a, tl6 caldilo $e how lhe bull behaves. At this poini corDs what is coNideEd the cowardly poflion of thebullfiS}t. sb€n dd-pt do;;\6,ler rh€ arno. on bliDdfold.d, well.pddded hors and by det mrcuv€rs rltloc( rhe bull to rheirmulsi Pr.odor are usDally old€r bullfighlors, slb hdv6 lost either lheir.eNe or lheir asility md reflexes. As thD bullcha'€es, they pricl lh€ biS ri€cl muscle oD its bacl $tl a lons poinled lanc. called a (erso: plaado^r. Afler&vDrsl idbswih rhe lance $e bulls Docl muscles Bre sufficienrh k€al€ned $ il i liis kbole hocrl F noB l"kpr oncc rhD butnsnt'p$sidcnl deons thal enou8i dartuB€ h€sb€encausd by tho pr?dlob, iF orders thomoft Nowcone lho 6o'darr:llm, whowith d6fi fooMorl dxrd.r rhs bull lo l}en dld jusr as it charses, rhoy.logdilt dvoid rtu rsh dd sti.t ll€ barbed dds'?6irlo lho sm€ nocl mMls. Tlme, emotimos four pans ol l,uds4?6 (dcp.din8 on tho brllt bravr.y or dB Mabdolsrequcsl) am slucl ilro rlE bleedin-a aninEl, nd} totally coDfued , enrdBed dnd w0dkerod\ rlrd loss ot btood. Nos. .o!rcs lhepart of lh. spoctdcle NIEE li; Maraa;tsho*s his sldll€nd bmve'y. Hs sesdshod Ed .ap;)"lled a

'',/"r,,, -,d."p",n,shiNII witL uncomon te.rloss!.$, L€ pertorru his.s|c qorl .ouul 'fnd

u'Lril 'e

pohii;8 Lull 6 so exhausred thsr itjusl st s ihem, head lowcmd. This n \he morndrl of trutl, . The Mrrodor takes his s$o :.which up ro roq h,as Nrappcdin his coDo aDd le plac6s lirelf motonlsss beloE the bDIl. Heaim hissworl dd lunSus forwdd b,id, sftdl bBv.,yhlwaen lhe bull's boiG ond plunSes his s{onl inlo tbe bsck oI the nock ot U€ bulL, hopelully avoidnrSa sudd€r uphdrdsuqJ6otlhebullsh€ad.whicbcobldb€talalforhim. If $e $rut is trus, rlE l,rllshuld tull {l€d oD llD spot. SolElnrcstlB ope.ation hos to bs Fp.6tsd dspendin8 on tbe bullfiSl)bls skill (o, couru8el. Tlr bult's bodl is ll€u drssed ofi tlE ar€mbt leaN of mulss. If tho pEsidenl and tho public deem ll€ lisU to love been exbaodinary, tbe bulltishler is awaJded tlerailand eds. Much Dois dueDds rhesc 6ffais, dxd dd r.6 yed'sdn.rrc ire seen everya,,here, .-'.i"8 rh"i. m;ira chD.inR€dmirinsly al lbo bddsma, brsve mardlor

Page 40: Car Me Nip A

Cormen, Act II

'le spekta'lcer stt€lp€lce a 'gril flakolea spsctdlsrur s'inter?ellent I gnnd fracae.th6 spectators yell at one another with Srsat racket.(yoll at 6ach otl€I at tho top of their lungs.)

apcCtrfce 'kri_ _ze ta'paice

Apostmphos, cri6 st taplgoExclamations, y€lls and uproar

puse JyskcEja 'la 'fyrcDrpouss,tu iusques i h fiusucallisd to a fumr!

'kar 'se 'la 'fstce 'dy kurascE

Cor c'sst la fbte dt coungo!For it is the fiesta of couraSsl

'se 'la fetcE de '3d dce'k(ercb6t l. frto des geru de coeuit is the fissta ol people stout-heartedl

ajd d 'garda al6Allonsl 8ardo, sllons, 6h!Let's 8(r, on your 8uard, let's go, ahl

trreadcr d 'gardcTor6ador, grde!BullfiShter, on (your) Suardl

e 's03e 'bje 'wi 'sd_ Jd k6batdEt songo bien, oui songe orl combattantAnd think well, yes think whilo you'rc fightin8

k€- Jtcj 'nwar re re'sard(a) e k(I lamur tatdqu'un oeil notu to rogordo ot qus I'amour t'attend.that an eye black watches you, and that love awails you.(that a woman's black eyes are watchinS you and that love awaits you.)

ALLToF6ado& on 8ardo, etc.

ESCAMILLO'tu 'dd ku 6 f€ sildse a 'k@ sc posceJilTout d'un coup. on fait silsnce... ah qu€ s6 pasest-il?All of a sudden they are silent... ah, wbat is happeninS?

ply dce'kri 5€ lestdPlus do cris, c'ost I'insrsnt!No morc shouts, it's the moment!

'l(E bro sel6, jdb6dis0 rr 'dy torilLo taur€au s'6lance en bondissant hors du Todl!The bull hurls itself, boundinS out of the Toril!.

aTh6 To.rl is ih€ bull p€n, wh6E th€ li6mo bull has bs€D k6pt in ddln€s for em tim, As tho door is liftod, it s6s lhobri8ht lishl and r6hes out iD aU his fury.


Page 41: Car Me Nip A


se'lds ils'6lance! ilcharSes, it

chovol mlls over,

'bravr 'brr 'yrlebnvo toE!" hurlebmve bull", shouts

Cormen, Act II










6trcn6,entrainslrldragging dowa

'la 'ful@h foule,th€ crowd,




sir- _!c


go€s... it

'pla 'dceplein defull of

6 frdtion F6n€hit



'vjt e fra- Jakrrwien... ot frappo €ncocomes (back)... and st kes againl

d sceku'6 s. bAdcelij€ 'pla dc. 'il kurEn Eecouant 6os banderillss, ploin de tursul il €ourt!Shaking its banderillas,q full of fury it runsl(lTrying to] shake off the bandorillas, he runs larcundl full of fury!)

Men leap clear... they bor-urd over



srij,rgrilles!ba iors!

s€ tO 'tur nrelenoC'osl ton lour maintonant!Its your tum now!

Ton66dor, on gardo, €tc.

CHORUSTon6adon sn gardo,etc.

.-.NO. 14a, RECITATMESCAMILLO lgoing ovot to Camen)'la bclL. beUe, un mot:You prelty one, one word:

'dirce 't6 n6diE tonto say your name.

(At the drDe of my worst danger I wish to utter your nallle.)

5".t-d- ^ aL "l.d lsncos lboDt thFe teet lotr8,ondinB ii s tish hool err ofpoinl lhat onc6 traenj8 pe,ellar€d rhoaniDll's flesh ;; very had to dislods€. Thos bdd6rll6 as ddorned u h multlcoloPd ormmrrs rh6 l€nsLL or rhe shafr.


I want

tap€le tO 'dO mdt'oppollo-t-on? Dans mondo they call you? At my


Page 42: Car Me Nip A

Cormen, Act Il

CARMENkaimen karmensih scela revje, Jo m€mce

Cormen, Contrencita, csla roviont du m6mo.

Camen, Carmencita, it comes to the same thinS(Carmen or Carmencita, it's all the sanle )

ESCAMILLO'si ld 'tce dlze 'kce 16 t€m@

Si I'on ts disait que lbn t'aims?If som€one were io say that he loves you?

CARMEN'3ce repodre kil 'nce'fo Po memeje n6pondraie qu'il ne faut pas m'aimor.I would reply that one should not love me

ESCAMILLOsetce rep6sce ne Po lodrce

C€tto 6pons€ n'ost Pas rondn;That answer is not tuiendlYj

'5ce 'mlE kotdtEre despere e da tddrce

to ms contsntsrai d'osP6rcr €t d'attendrs.I will contsnt myself with hoping and with waitinS.

CARMENL J. peimi da'tddrc L Je du despe're

Il ost pomis d'tttondr€, il ost dou d'63P6r€r.

It is permitted to wait, it is sweet to hope

ZUNIGApqiskc ly nce vjC po kalmen 3(} revjedrePuisqus tu ns visns pos Carmon, ie reviendrai.Since you arcn't cominS, CarmeII, I will return.


Et vous auIsz Srand tofl.ADd you will be very wron8.(And you wiu be making a bi8 rtistake.)

ZUNIGA'ba 3ce 'm(t riskG reBah! ,s mo risquomi!Bahl I will take my chancesl

[Esconilto exils, Jol]owed by his odnitors. Ha crr,ts o nemingful slonce at Camen beforc soins

NO. 14c REC'ITATMFRASQUITAe bjc vit(E kelce nuvrlaEh! Bion! vite, quelles nouvelles?Hey! Well? Quickly, what news?


Page 43: Car Me Nip A


DANCAIRO'po lro mr'v€zeP.s &,op mauvdsosNot too bad,

pu,v6, _zdkrrst hous pouvons €ncorand we can still

'm€ 'nu_ ,zav6 bc'zwtMais hous avons besoinBut we are in need(But we need youl help.)

THE THR,EE WOMENbce'zwt 'dcBssoin do nous?Need of us?

DANCAIRO'wi nu_ ,zavo bczwaOui, nous avons besoinYes we ar€ in need

NO. 15 QUTNTE IDANCAIROnu zavdNous avonsWe have in

Comen, Act II

les nouvelles,

fair€pull off

of you.


lovely iobsl

of you.

l€, .!J/_ Ja fercEt6to uns afrdirs.mind a iob.

MERcIDiSe- J€l(! bcnc€ dirce ,nu

Est-ollo bonno, ditos_nous?Is it (a) Sood one, telt us?


'- l,_ Jadmirdbtl} fcra9il" esr admnobte. ma

"r,t,";It is admirable, my dear;

za,v6 br:e zweMais nous avons besoinBut we have need


of you.



THN TWO MEN'dce ,kar

hvu,oDs vouat cor "o"" l,aoouio"Of you, for adnrir ir

'frr resp€kryozce'mdfon respoctuousomonr.quite respsctfully,

,zceblce rndhumblemonthuInbly

Page 44: Car Me Nip A

'kd_ Jil saJi

Quond ilo s'6gtWhen its a matter

Cormen, Act II

dce rropcti dce dvDce?ide hompsdo,rr a" a"p.A.,ot lickery, of d€ceit,

'M 'syPfwabon, sur ma foi,8ood, upon my faith,

witi us,







dce ' bien.well-

e tu3urest touFusis always


ot sansand without

les folunorthe women

_el@ 'me rut@ beleellos, mss touto bolles,them, my b€autiful ones,

o 'nce f€ 3ame ,rj€

on fait jomais donwe don't do never nothinqlwe nev€r do an),thlng u/ell.t


Quoi: s.nsWhat! Wirhout

THE TWO MEN'net€ vu poN'6tos-vous pd!Aren't you not

THE THREE WOMEN'si fc 3ceSi fait, FInd6ed, I


3a'me rjenous iomais donus never anlthing

d€ Ja,vids cet .vis?of that opinion?

d@ bjtde bien?weli?

\qi dcesuis deam of

sc, Ja vi

that opinion.

Quand il s'agit do hompod€, etc.,,

DANCAIROsr 'dr I atrr vu oarrr,reCat dit a"s, vo,s o",ti-,.It's setded Lhen. you *itt go.


Whenever you wish.

roTh€ letbr d in liMn atkays b€conss a L

_ lrAr rlE€ndoI rh€ wo rd\ trcnpsis tl ryte, vohrigho soms show a vdy shorr Srace ml6 nrt€Dded tor lhe mur€ s.

lixlJ,"lT:'fi'i"'.1""::11""- u'' ' '' ""v "r"ra 'h" ".*. '; '..,";;;;;'"?; ii" i'.'"#"n.'o o. -,o *

u,"n"r'?rhe onll wod ctrmee in rhis *ction is /6 betl6, insto6d ofees belles !h€ ti@ b€fore when th€ metr weB sbBjDS.

Page 45: Car Me Nip A


DANCAJRO'me 'tu 'dce 'sqilce

Mais tout de tuite.But imm€diat€ly.

CARMEN fio Msrc6des ortd FtoFquita)

Comen, Act II

'dc paltirds p.nir,to go,


m!tu iobut I




'la dirola diras?will tell us?



p€rm€te sil vu Plepormottsz. S'il vous PlaitAllow me. If it Pleases You

'n(E'sqi 'po 'dY

re suis po! duam not for lthis)

3ce 'n(E 'par'pofe rc pals P.s!I am not 8oin8!


my love,

fu n'anrns plgyou won't have

le'se dd l6bamnous laisssr dans l'emberas.

Iy vj6 drq

you will come,



of us leaving in the lurch(and you won't have the heart to leave us in the lurch )

CARMENle ne pars pas!

DANCAIRO'me- ,zo mwa la

Mais au noins laBut at least the

nison, Cumen,reason. Carmen


CARMDN!a la dile s€nenenld

fe la dirai c€ ainoment.I will tell you, certainlY.


Lel's hear il!


re'z6 's€ kdraison c'ost qutsnreason is that al this

Page 46: Car Me Nip A

C@men, Act II

AJI FOUX,c 'bjtEh bien?well?...

CAXJTTEN'3re 'sqi- -zamurozcefe euir emor grlte.I am in lovs.

THE TWO MEN (dz|@ed,'ka'telct 'di

Q!'d-t ello dit?what did she say?

TIIE TWO WOMEN'€l(E 'di 'ke- JL .!amu'oz(e)Ello dft qu'elle ost!

She says that she is in lovel

AII FOTJRalnuroz(.)AEour€uselIn lovo!


Oui, amouror3e!Yes, ln lovet

DANCAIROvwa'j6 kafmen '3wa s€rloze

VoyoD4 C.Itnd! soii 36!ieuae.

See here, CarEen, be s€nous.

CA.RMENamuro- Js 'Perdrcp ledpriAnoorsulo t perdre l'eaprit!ln love up to losrtr8 my s€ns€s!(I am hoad ovfl hoels tn lov€l)

REMENDN)O, DANCAIRO'la 'Jo3(E 'r€rt€e hr-zettnl"r choes corl€d nous 6loDlls,Tho rBatter sur€ly astou.Bds us,

'me 's@ 'ns'po 'lce Prce'mje '3rrm.i! ce nbst p.s lo plemitr ,o[rbut it is not tho first time

lr 'vu, ,zc're'sy 'ma milcnceon voun luttz su' rni8norre'wherc you will have known, mY Prctty,


Page 47: Car Me Nip A

770 Carmen, Act II

'l(E d@vward(I frd

'vu 'sce

60iryou tl s evening

ne vous d6plaise,may it not dispiease you,

fairo rnorher ds ftont le devoir orto make walk ahead the dutv an.lllls nol Lhe first time that you w€nt ahead and combined iuty and love.)


CARMEN'me_ _za'miMes .nis,My f.iends,

dce paitir av€kde panir avecto leave with

'il fo'drafaudra

it is necessary


Ce n'est pasIt is not(Is that your final word?)




f3_ .1ez(a)s€Iai€ fon aisswould be most happy


'setc 'fwarnais cefte fois,but this time.

that love

'po, javd

go before duty.lethe

la 16 d€inje rnoli ton dernier mor?that youI last word?

'il foIl fautIt is neccesary(You must relent.)

ALL FOUR'il fo vce nirIl faur venir,You must come,

€'est n6€sssdiD,ii is necessary,

que tuthat you

t€ lai€s€sallow yourself to be

-zat6 dri.


noho affairo,olu iob,



lad'me_l'admotsadmil il


Poulfor (the sake of)

CARMEN'k6, JaQuanr nAs far as







Qu.nd il s'agit th€ bomporio,etc.

Page 48: Car Me Nip A

Cormon, Act II L71

DANCAIROme 'ki do- Jard lyM6is qui donc attends tu?But who then await you?(Whom are you waitinS for?)

CARMEN'preskce 'rjE ct srlda ki 'lotrce 3urPnsque ion, soldst qui I'auho iourAlDost nothing, a soldier who the other d"y

'pur'mcE'rddr(B s€iviscepour me rendrs s€rvicsto do m€ a favor

'se fs me_ rl,d pri zdc'o6t fail lnetbs en pdson.had hjmself pul in pflson.(Nothin8 much. ,ust some soldier who the other day, got himself thrown into jail for doing me aIavor.)

REMENDADO'lce'feledeli'kaLe fait ost d6licat.The situation is delicats.

DANCAIROil's@'po kapre ru ro s,l'da refle,Jis(Ell se peur qu'ap$s tout ton soldar r6fl'6chise€.It is possible that after all you-r soldier changed his mind.

€ ty 'bje syrce 'kil vj. draEst-tu bi.n stus qu'il viondm?Arc you quite sure that he will come?

NO. lE SONGtosEalt(:E la 'ki va 'la drag6 dalkalaHalte liJ Q'ri ld? Dngon dAlcatd!Halt! Who Boes there? Dragoon of Alcal6!13



tosEu 'td'va ity par la dra,g6 dalkalaOn t'on vas-tu par lA, dragon dAlcdn?where arc you going over there, dragoon of Alcale?

l3Alcald de lienoes ls a smu vill€Be in spai.6nd ir rhe birliplac€ ofCerydrtes.

Page 49: Car Me Nip A



Comen, Acl ll

Le woih!Th€re h€ is!


Moi, ioI, I


'm6'v€ ferce 'm.rdrcem'en vais fairo mordream Soing to make bite


a 'm0_ nadveiserceir mon my rival.(l am 8oin8 to make my dval bite the dust.)

sil d-n€,S'il on estIfit is

Atratu€A malter

Jeri6insi,like that,

dc'ncer a ferced'[onneur, affair€of honor, an alfair

pass, my





dalkalad Alcalilof Alcal).

'pur nu lu_ JePour nous tout estFor us all is

'la dra gol{ drqonscl€ar, dragoons

Jd bo dra'soC's6t un beru d-trgon!He is a handsome dEgoon:

MERC6DiSd tre bo dra g0Un Ss boau dragon!A very handsome dragoonl

DANCAIRO'ki s(Ere 'pur ce

A'i 6€nit pour nous unWho would be for

REMENDADO'di lqi 'd€ nu 'sqivr!Dislui de nous suilr€.Tell him to come with us.

iCARMENlil rcefyzeraIl rotusera.He will refuse.


Mais ossaio, ruBul try, al



Page 50: Car Me Nip A

Comen, Act II 113


Soit!So be it!

IOSE (he -sound

oI his voice much nearct this time)H'lto li, dnton d'Alcol4etc.

e'gzal! Je fid€le !(E veExlct et fidble ie vaiPunclual and faithful I go

la'murI'unourthe lov6

6- Jl€se'ra

I will by.

'dce 'ma 'b€lceds m. bellelof my sw€€theartt

-zu mapsleon mhppollewhel€ it calls me

S'il en e6I rinBl, p.rsez, mon rlnl, etc.

NO, 16biS RECITATWECAIMENd'ft88ffn, c'ostFinally, it's


CAXMDNety8t tnAnd you (just)

tosf3i 'sqi rcsreIy "e lost6I did therc stay

CARMBN'ly tdTu tbnYou about it


Ma foiBy my faith,

e 3i se'te 'pur twa 3isl . si c' pou. toi, tyancl if it w6re for you, I them(and if it was for you, t d gladlibe rherc still.)


came out

deux noiatwo mooths.

'plEpioinr?arc complaining?



vu'drc_ _2€_ lra kcrcvoudhis eh€would liks to be still.


Page 51: Car Me Nip A

te t'.dors!I adorc youl

CARMEN'vo_ _z.fisje sO ve'ny rula'lcefVos ofrc€Is Eont vonu6 tour-i.ltou€,Your officers came here just [ow,

'il 'nu_ J6 fe ddseIls nous ont flit danser.They made us danc€.

,osfkcmo 'twaComment? Toi?How so? You?

CAXMEN'kce 3ce 'mcer ,si .ry 'ne po Ja,tu4"" i€ rnsure si tu nbspG ialouxfMay I die if you areni fealousl

,osfe 'wi '3e sqi jatuEb oui, ir guis intoux.Hey yes, I am iealous.(I'm j€alous all right!)

NO. 17 D['ETCARMDNlu'du mdsjo tu duToul doux, rnonsisur, tout doux,Easy, mister, sasy do€s it,

:(e 've. ddse- (r)d ivl Jrcn@r,s vds daneer on votro LonleurI am goinS to dance in your honor

e 'vu v€re s€IcEaol vou6 venrz, Seigreur,and you will se€, sir,

!.'mo 'Jce .se 'mwa,me- JnakopaJle dAsceCommont F sdis rnoi-meri'e mcompaSror ma I know myself to accomipny my dancins.


CAXMBNly m€mce 'ddTu m'aimss donc?trYou love me, thon?


Cormen, Act II

t1n"*-t"" tt-- i. "" tlt -un l wh€n do,c is ar tho end or r snian.q!

Page 52: Car Me Nip A

Cormen, Act II 11s

(She mokes losd sit dawn md sings and dances accompanyin| harsell wilh c.Btonets. los4 is totollyentnnced. Bugles orc heotd in the distance sounding the rctnd for rctun to camp. los6 listens andimmediately comes ovet to Comen beqging her to stop.)

Msttez-vousSit youNelf




Et pourquoi,And why,

tosr'il nce'sdbleIl me semble,It seens to me.

'la dd Jr'ze '3€e

li Don fos6, jetherc, Don Jos6, I


am startinS.

rja 'kd mr'marion qu'un momsnt,brt moment.

Jd 'pO kalmenp€u, Co.rrnon,

a bit, Camen, stop.



sonnont laare soundins the

'nlt le,z6td'ly'pono los ontonds tu pos?can t you hear them?

'sil tce ples'il te phit?if you please?

'Ia bolr b.s...

'so 'no kl€rosont claiEnsis our buglesves, it


ril_ Jro

mhaito ,



CARMEN'bravo 3ave bo fere il e

Bravo! ,'avais boau fris... il €6rBravo! I was byinS irl vain... it is

meldkr'likc dce

m5lancolique dedeprcssing to

ddse sd_

nu 't6bc dy 'sjelnous tombs du €iol!lo,rs falls lrom heaven!

Et vivoAnd hurrah {ior)




(She continues her sinsins md dancins. The busles sat louder ond louder. There is a new elfon bylosd to stop watchins Camen.)

los6'ty ne ma po

Tu re mrs ps

'il fo kce

il faut qu€It is necessary that

CARMEN lstupeled.i

k6pri kaimencompris... Carnen,understood.,. Carmen,


pur lapelpour I'appel.ior roll-.all.



'pu. lapelpou l'appel!For mll'.alll


bato!stupidlI was in truth


Page 53: Car Me Nip A


5ce 'me m€te_ 'zo kalrto ms motlai6 on quahslsI went out of my way

Cormen, Act II

e 3cE f@'z€ d€ot F faisais desand I took rhe


'pur amyze

to amuse

'3e Jd'1e

,o ch.ntais!I sang!

'kce pr 'plyqu'rm peu plus,that in a while more


5(E ddse

io d.ns{is!I danced!

me pardonne,forgive me,



le m€l'dmais!would lov€ him!

'3@ krwa 'djo

io crois, DiouI thinl, God



C'est loIt's the



to Jakoton shoko,your cap,

kl€'rd 'kiclaimn qui sorm€!bugle that is sounding!

'il par 'il eIl part, il esrH€ loaves, he is

va rd 'dO kana'ri ljaVa t'€n donc, c6nori! Tions!Leav€ then canarylrd H€re!






your saber,


'1a 3ib€metd gibortre;your bandolierj

toi, Calmon,you, carDerl,

ialllais f€mmo,

your ballacks!


val6 'm6 gals6va t'en, Inon garlon,le6ve here, my boy,





forle soulEeI suffer

ismais fornmo

de panir,in leavinS,

JDa v6

15S" m"tt- ., quarre. l enlly, .to 8et on€*lt oD alt lbu.!,, by €xlonsion, 'worl ha ,,, ,,Bo out of one,s way,,.

16rle,r-op of dmgoons ro_which )0,6 bolong. weor .-ort ysllow unrior*. rn h6r fury cmen is ars conru him €cowad, tgllqa, ttle th6 color of his uniforn.

Page 54: Car Me Nip A

Cormen, Act II

osi prof6de'ma nave truble m6, Jrom@aus6i pmfond6mont n'avait troubld mon ems.

so profourdly has houbled mY soul.

CARMENI?llsoufte de partir, car iamais, iomais fomn€, iomais fomm€ avant lqsi aussi pEfond6mont n'avait

toubl6 99! 6jns.

tarata'la 'md 'djO se la rcelreta

Talatda, mon Diou! C'ost la Etraits!Taratata, my God lt's the retreatl

ta.atata 3c v€, -z€- Jrd rce tar

Taratata, ie vais 6h€ on r€tard!Tamtata, I will be late!

'il 'per la tete it 'kur e vwala s6- JtamurIl perd h tAto, il coui, €t vo n onourlHe loses his head, he runs, and there is his lovel

tosfesi Iy nce krwa'po- -za mO- JamurArui, tu n. cFis pas Ar mon ajnoul?So, you don't believe in my lov6?


Meis non!Of couse notl

tosf€ bjE ty mdt6'drdEh bien! tu m'entondms!Very w€11! You will hear me out!

CARMEN'3ce 'nce v0 rjE- Jolodr.Js no v€rD( rien ontondrclI don't want nothinB to hear!


CARMEN'ty va 't(E'fe- JatddFTu ro fatu€ attendD!You will make you$elf wait!(lt's goinS to causo them to wait for you!)(You're going to be latel)



ttI. thu .tltor-ealto" -o-, camon in o ubckinS way repeatsJod's l.xt, olbei{ ir s low.r k€v.

Page 55: Car Me Nip A


CARMENNon, non!

tosEOui, tu m'ontendras!

fe le veur,I want it,

Cormen, Act II

ARIA . FLOWER SONG'la 'fler 'kc ly mav€L. fleru que tu rnhvaisThe flower that you at me did

'dd pri zo me t.dons ma pdson m'6tdtin my prison wilh lle stayed,

'sa dL .tcder5a qouc6 odsu:its sweet fragrance;


e t€JcE Ter(! flcerot 'Scho. cette fleuraDd dried up, that llower


the hours


to voyais!used 1o see youl


m'entendras!will hsar me out!


gaide tu 3ourgarda buioulskept always

e podd

and during(and for entirc hours at a time,)

syr me- -zjo feimdysux, fomant

over my eyes, closing

that fragrance

_zd ljercEentibIgs,€ntirc


paupiAr€s,my eye lids,


JcE mcnivrcio m'onivraisI became drunk

eddlaet d.ns laand in the


'nqi '3cnuir t.niSht I

'3ce rne pfcenc, ,za,o mo pFnais nI beSan to

a tce det€slen to d6tostoa eto delest you, to

to lqaudirs,curse you,

say to mys€lf: quo le destin

that destiny

Page 56: Car Me Nip A

Comon, Act II119

lf .Ifrf .ta ,sy. ,md JcernEr'.lr [U'. li sor mon cheuin?

pul hea thef€, acloss my patb?

'Pqi 3e makyze dcP[b ie E.ccur.i! de'Ihen I accus€d mys€lf of


e 3@ D@ sdle ,zA

el i. ne "end,and I did Dot foel inmol'o6ncmyself

'kq s.el ddzif ,kca , rJpwarlo'nr seu.l C66ir, ur aeul *i.lrbut one desb€, on€ only hope:

_.o kaim€n6 C.rre&oh Carosn,

'kar 'ly na've .zv

C.r fu nb";;;For you wouldn't hav€ had

Te Evoir,You so€ again,

'ka s(gte_$r'i ietorbut to thow

'pur tttparepour t'empuet

'wi 'tce rce"vwaroui, to revoir!Y€s, see you again!

to take possessiotr

e te'te- 'zvnGEt ibt is ;.And I DoaDt somA(And that I meant som€thin8 to yout)


ka palelreqoi,but to appear,

'lo, 3a twachoae i bi!thinS to you!

.}d rdqar tur rnwau! regud eur rhoi,a glanc€ towatd ltr€,

'!a 'tu mo- nerrce ods tout hon ehD, ri m!ol all my bein8, oh trlyQarmenlCarmen!

5e tem@ie lrriraslI love you!

CAXMEN'nO ly ne mcmc. 'DdNob. tu re IndDo! D.r!No, you don't love m'at

losri'k@ 'di ryQue di! tu?What say yot?

CANMENNon, h ne rn'aimes par, non!

tar ,si

Cor siFor if

'ly me,me ,la ,bs

tu m, li_bosyou loved me, over thore

'tY 'm(E sqi'vreru m! would follow me.

Page 57: Car Me Nip A



'td Jceval 'tysrrr ton choval tu

your horse you

e 'kr- -m,iot colrunoand lik6 a

On your holse's rump


CARMENLi-bas tu me suilrais si tu h'^imeisl

mce prddrerns prcndrais,would take me,

bra, rara'v€rbmve rtnversdaredevil across

Iy mdprrtcer.tu m'onpo emis!you would take mel



CARMEN'wi ']a 'bo

Oui:... h.basYes!... down therc

li-bas tu mo suir'Iais,

'1y 'ni dep6'dreTu d'y d6psndmisYou wouldn't depend

'pwa'sje IPoint dbmcior dNo officer to

e 'pwe dce r@trctceol point ds rsbaiteand not some rclreat

Comen, Act II



mo talolnontaSno,mountain(s),




'pur 'dirpour diroto t€ll

'lce sjelLo ciolThe sky


'ki 'ty 'dwave_qui tu doivoswhom you must

qui sonnothat soLrnds

'kL Jequ'il sstthat it is




'ld dce paitirtomps do partir!tima to leave!

open, the



pur pei

Pour paysfor country

lulouttho entire


pour loi sa volont6,Iaw, your owD will!

e syllu 'laor Burlout laaDd above all the

Jo- ,zdnivrot(tchoso snilronlo:thinS intoxicatin8:

la Ubort6!

Page 58: Car Me Nip A

Cqmen, Act II 121

,osf'mo 'djoMon Dieu!My Godl

CARMENLiL-b!! dlns li montlgn., 6tc.

fosfa kaimen CIos te'twa pi'ljeAh! Carmsn, h6Ls! rds-toi! piti6!Ah, Carmen alas! Be qui€ {Have) pityl

CARMEN'wi 'n€ -sce'po 'labo ,ty

'mcE sqi'vrs ,la ,bo dpcrtcE,mwaOui, n'6sl-ce pa* liFbas tu tne suiylos, tA-brs emporto moi!Yes, isn't it so, do*n thero you wilt follow me, down there taki me!


Ah! rri&toi!Ah, bo quietl

a 'ge 'n@'vo 'ply bkur€Ah! le ne veux phs t,6cout'r{Ah! I don't waDt any lon6er to listen lo you!

ki'te 'mO drapo dezetteQuitt r rnoa ilrapeou... d6sortsF...Abandon my fl"g-. to desert...

'se 'la (h)'6lce 'se l€famic 3ce hd,vo'poCett h honte, cbst ltnf.mto! le nbll voux p.'lIt's th€ shame it's cowardice! I want no p;rt of it!

CARMBNe'bja 'pafEh bien, par!AI ri8ht, leavel

,osfkalmen 3c. 'rd 'priCarmen, le t'en prie!CarEen, I bsg you!

CAXMEN'nd '3c 'fte 't€mc plyNon! fo no t'.ine pluCNo! I don't lov€ you anymor6!



Page 59: Car Me Nip A



va! loGol I

fosf€ bjcEh bien,All ri8ht,

CARMENval0Va t'on!Get out!


a djoAdieu!Cood bye!

a djoadieugood bye

Cotmen, Act II

'm€_ ,za djoMais adiouBut Bood bye

'pur Jam.pour ltmais!forcvor!

pu. 3a'mrpour iomds!forever!

tce (h)eto hais!hate youl be it...

Cororen, adieu! adiou pour jomais!

Uos6 runs towods the door and a knock is heord.

NO. 18 FINALZUNIGA frorn outsida the door)

los6 ond Carmen slop lo listen. Anothet knock.)

Hello ther€, Carmon!



Qui ftappe?who is knockinS?

Carmen! HohlHello!

'vje'lavient li?is cominS?



T&is-toi!Be quiet!

ZUNIGA {brusquely opening tho doot and coming in.)luvr€ mwa ldrr(}louvls moi m6mo et i'onho.I open myself

(He sees Don Jos6.)

afiAh! fiIAh, fie

bel(I 'l@ J*a ne pa,belle! le choix r'€st paEprctty! The choice is not

'se s(P mezali'e 'deC'ost se m6sallisr deIt's an unsuitable alliance to




and I enter.








'kd_ J6,quand on

(ro los6.)

Page 60: Car Me Nip A

Cowen, Act II 723


Allone!Let's 8ol


D,6canpe!Off with you!




ZTJNIGA'si'fe lySi fait, trMost certainly, you

pani'fop.rtil'.8!will leavei

panird pad

ZUNIGA (slopping hin)'droleD16lc!Fool!

losf kettins his scdet)'il

Tonneno! Il plouvoir des coupolsome blows!

(By thunder, I am going to rain blows on you!)(I am Soing to boat you upl)

CARMtrN ,urnpins b€twesn the,.)o 'djoblceAu diahleTo the d6vil,

(Cdlin6 out.)

A moi!H6lp!

bel rfisje

(Iha gpsies appoor fmn o sides, Doncaim ond Remendado go to ZuniEa and disam him.gypsies keep afim hold on hirr,.)

CARMEN (to6insly, to Zunisa)

By thunder!

Bel officioMy handsome officsr!

It's going to rain

'f.r mal e'lnsfon md, h6los!at a bad time, alas!

Sa lu

i.louxljealous one!



at this mom€nt

Ia mur vu JuL'6mour vous jouoLove plays on you

(E_ Ja'se vila turass€z villdir tour

a rather dirty trick.

Page 61: Car Me Nip A

DANCAIRO, REMENDADO (n ockjnsly )'mO Ter m0sj0Mon cher monsieur,My dear sir,


e 'nu sc'nrcest nou8 sonunosand are

'da 'vu galde_de vou6 Sordsr 6uto keep you at

Comen, AcI II

f3ise 'nce vu'ld_foE6s, no voulantforced, not wanting

mwa p6'dd_moins... pendenlleast... for

nu, -za'16 sil vunous allons, s'ilwe will go, iI you


vous feirs prior.havinS to be asked {again).

Jetrc€ den6'se6tr€ d6nonc6sto be denounced (to the police)

Jy, _ncerce

aD hour.

'pl€ ki'l€ se(€ dce m@rceplait quitto cotto domoul!;please, leave this dwelliqq,

vjcdre, ,ra vekviendrezwill come wilh

CARMENryne prrmcenadil

C'€st un€ pmmonado.It's a stroll.

DANCAIRO, REMENDADO (putting o pistot to his head)repodc kama'rad@Rr5pondez, camande.

kdsote vu

Ilo you consent?

ALL GYPSIESR6pondez, camarade.

ZUNIGAsertEncelno dord ply kc!Cort.ihcment, d'autet plus quo votr€ a€unontCsrtainly, the morc so since your arglrment

J€ dcE 'so, _zok€l o n(i rezistce g.ressl Dn de coux auquels no risisto aui,r€,is onc of lhose to whtch olru Ldnnor resisr hdrdlv.fis one o[ those thdl cdn hajdty be resisre,].j

nre gt _.a vu ply tarMais 8ar€ n vous! plu6 rodlBut watch out lor yourselvesl Laterl

DANCAIROld q' rce ., ld S.'ce d_Id'ddd md- Jr)frsjeLo suoft€. c'ssr la grerr€! En aflsndanr. -,i .m"i"",War, it's warl MeaDwhile, my officer,

po s€ d(!v6 sdp.ssoz dovant sans

8(r ahead without

REMENDADO AND GY?SIESP6soz d€vmt sans vous faiE prior!

(Zuniga is token owoy,lollowed by seveft,l Wpsias with theit pistots trcined on hin)

Page 62: Car Me Nip A

€ 'tyE6.tuAl€ you{Are you now one of us?)

tosf'il'lce'fo 'bjeIl le faut bienI hav6 to, indeed.(I have no alt€mativo.)

CA"RMENa 'lcc 'ne'poAhl lo mot n's€t prtAh! That word is dot(That was not so Sallandy put,)

'me kEpcrt@ 'va qulmpodq vr, tubut no matter, to, you

'kcmc 's€ 'bocoEha c'eat beauhow it is beautiful

lpur pe'ipour P!y3for (a) country

'de 'notr.E mEtcrntldsc n6bes D.intenrnt?of our3 now?

Cormen, Act II


'ti fcEro kd ly ve'mty fol.s qurnd tlrwill tak€ to it th€m wh€tr you s€s


CA.RI\dEN 0o /osc.l

(how bBautiful a wandsrinS lif€ can be,)

'vi e'rtllvie elf6nto,life wanderinS,

'pua 'lwa 'sapour loi !r.for law yoru own

'ld 'ty v€'m 'la'boqulrd tu vomaa li.bre,wh€n you saa there,


lynLv€rI'ulivet! etthe universe, and


e syltu 'laet s[Itout hand above all, the

NL (to Jos6)'sql'nu-

-zatra'verSufu-nous i bivel|sFo[ow ug

'vjt_ ,za'v€k 'nuvieng avoc nourcoE€ with us

'sqi'nu esuis-noos elfollow us and



Jo- -zdni'vrdte 'la libefteco€o enier.nte: La libe 6lthin8 otrtoxicatinS: Fr€6dom!

'la kdpaFh camgagnethe counhysido

'la mdtajlcelc mo rgre,the morDtaiq

ty ti fdrotu ty fet ryou'll tale to it,

comne c'eat beau, h vie .tninte, pour payr lhniverr, ot pour loi sr volo 6!, €tc,

'l(E lj€l uverL. ciel ouvontThs sky op6o!(The open skyl)

Page 63: Car Me Nip A

126 Comen, Act II


La vie ernnte, st sutout la choee enivrante, la libe 6!

(In the midsl oJ genetd commotion, Ios6 and Corman embnne; much shouting is head frcm thewpsias.)

Page 64: Car Me Nip A

Comsn, Act I 127

ACT III(lt is a very dork night on o wild mountoin poss, with lorye rocks evorywhere. A smugglet, lanten inhond, oppeon obove a rock, signding his conponions in the distarlce. Soon he is joined by otherc,soma of them corrying heoty bdes on thab shouldels.)

./r*ro*us1 "kutn koparo I ekura 'la f.ity-

j f"""t", compaSron, 6couto,la fortuns ost li-bss,. ListBn, friend, listen, ihe fortune lies over ihere,

'm€ prd gardce pd'dd la 'rulce 'dc fe- Jca 'fo pomaiE pEnds godo pondont la rcuto do fairs ul! faux pas!but tak€ care along Lhe way to take a wrong step!(but watch youl step alon8 the way!)



nrlrce metje I e b0Noh€ m6tior sst bon,Our occupatioD is good,

pur lce fer 'il fo_ Javwar yn, _omc frrtemais pour le faire il faut avoir eno fortolbut to carry it out you must have a soul lurdy!

e lc pe.L Je, rd r o i_ J€_ Jd,boEt le p6ril osl en haut,r il est en bs,ard (the) danger is above, it is below,

il e panu kap.neil est p6rlout, qu'!it is everywhero, no lDatter!

'ou_ Jal6 dcev6 nu 5d susi dy rJr(lNous allons d€v6nt nous sans souci du ton€nt,W6 go forward without worrying about the torrent,

sd sus; d(E 13 rajc!souci de I'orage,

without worrying about the storm,

's,l susi dy srl'da ki la bo nu- j|ardsouci du eldar qui h-bas nous dtto'd,

withoul worryirS about the soldler who there s awaits,(without worrying about the soldjcr who waits for us down there,)

e nu ge- Jo pasa3c sd susi nu_ _zaln_zd_na'vdot nous guotto au possd8e... sans souci nous oltons en avant.and keeps a sharp watch for (ouo passa8e... without care we go onward.

1,1-l i" " *ona bosinni.g -irh an aspimld,l',lnd lheEfoe, scco'nins lo p.rh€ps on€ ofslricl€sl rul€s, ro /rlaadn Gallow€d fmm ths pFcedin8 wonl, ltlho liaien w€E md6 by mistals, il wonld chs.s6 th€ beanniBofthe phr@ to'in lhowAt€l', iElead ol hbovo" {o! @ td, nol), PiorG B.' mc h lJs bool ''Ths hlerpEtalion ol FEnch SonS' srales that''wh€nov€r . /rial,on chontus lb. m66dnq ol d *nlen.e, o. cEales confuslon, il is belt€r lol lo elid€. ln tho cm obov6 wghavo !o follow tho stricl rul€ lhal /r'o!on is novo. mds b€Iom rvods b€BiDninS with M spiral€ ir i@r is su.h a word. t olup n wods in a Eood FEnch diclionary. If il is pEcede.l by an asre.isl or olh6. rurk, sigrnifi€s ssgiEr€ i. tf rhoE G nosuch sls.isl rhsn you wtl lnow rhat is a nule.i wori, and ,aion and d./bion aE efely allowed.

Page 65: Car Me Nip A


AII,fcout€, comp$non, 6couto, etc.

' NO. 1s bis, RECITATMDANCAIROr(epozo nu- ,zy- _noL JibiRoposons-nou6 u.Il€ heure ici, tn€sLel us resl hour here, my

'nu 'nu, -zal6 nu rasYreNous, nous dlons nous roaeursrWe, we will So satisfy ourselves

Cornen. Act lll

(.'' commdes,

qus lethat the

Jce mc I





's0,,zalgaradc6ons alSordosunmolested,

kolr(Ebodc p0 po se

€ontlebmdo psut pas6or.conbaband get through

(Comen ond losa enteL Soneoul dscks of cerds. The othen

CARMEN (lo ./os6lkce regarde'tyauo r€s.rdo6-tuWhat arc you looking at

am telling myself



of the Wpsies liqht o firc. F'trquita and Merc4dis sit by it an.l tokewrup themselves in theb clooks ond try to slesp.)



quo h-basthat down there

andvieile femnsaged woman

(r)c'nc, JrmcPhobn6ts homrns.honest

'il eszis, Jynceil onst€ unotherc liv€s a

'ki mce krwq-qui mo croit3who believes me !o





be (an)

'sc€'trdp elos60 tromps, h6las!is mistak€n, alasl

'ki do, _k.Qui donc ostWho t}lsn is

cstts fornmo?

2Th€F is a rule conco.nin8 /idlon nt nouns in th€ sineula. mul lol b€ 6lid6d ro rho d€xl wo . Silce .iomm is a

noun mdin8 pdtlt", we @nnot $v (ema_:nc libr€]. Howevor, rhis ruls abour "DouDs in the sinaulat, hds ils n€try€xc€ptioB, as we will *e. and FFnch sin8es oft€n nDle uhbetievobl€ mislales tn $is Eaa.d. Many a rimc iD nry.m€r hav€I $€D FmDch leoplo lockins horN sjtl oach olh6r o! mlter ol r'.tso, oD6 esp6ct6d FeD.h s')8€r in his bool on FEnchsong llcqDEslh forbids a c€rlaiD l@ion, and h his Fedin8 of rhe m pi€.€ It€ unbeliev€bty trEk6 it!

3This is o spocidl.e where by $yln8 tkNo,J]r.9nal b6 .bal€ a phonotic siluauoD wi$ a comical alitenrionof dB julaposd rs- This is fbsn€d upon, Th.FfoF tlie liaien b ollo{od, butw h^ Sl,tctff, €vsr s Eenrlo r, Tho ptresould c€rtainly 4qt sDff€r ifil w€re md6 Nillionl the r rition.

Page 66: Car Me Nip A


Ah! Carmen,Ah! Camen,

CARMENe bjaEh bion!Ah weil!

Nohs m6tiorOur birsiness,

syr m6,Jonlir

by my soul,

Cowen, Act III

ne raille pas...don't mil against me...

karcrost ma

for it's my



va la rcetruve tu de sqir@la lghouvor tour de suit€t

Go find her right away!

r€ vo rjets vaut d€tl.

doesn't mean to you anything.


e ty fce reot tu feraisand you would do

'frr bjt d(i patrir ofo bien de pojrir duv6.y well to leave as

ply vilcplus vit6.soon as possible.

si ry rcEdisi tu ndisif you say again that

nous E6par€r?separate from each other?

CARMEN,so dulce

Sans dout€.Without doubt.


Nous s6poE.,Leave you,





'ty mcE ryre po1€treTu me tuorais pout-6h€?You would kill me, perhaps?

'k€l rc'gar ity nc repO ,ria

Quol msard. tu no r6ponds ;"rr...Whar a look. you don t dnswer rnything...

k(r mt p)r- Japrc ru ,tcar" m'impod€ oprbs tout, toWhat do I cdrc. atter all. (thej

d€st6 I e 'ledestin sst ledestiny is our


NO. 10 TRtoFRASQUITA and MERcfDts tuith decks ol cotds)me'16 kupo bj€ se scelaM6lonsl couponst Bien. cbsr ceta!shullle: Cut! Good, rhat s rhdrl

Tmis carl€sThree cards

,zi'si korrce 'la.ici, quathe In!here, four therel

Page 67: Car Me Nip A

130 C@men, Acl III

e matce'nd paile m€ 'b€lce

Et maintondrt, padoz, mes bollss,And now, speak, my pretties,

'dlt lavcE'ni. dr'ne nu de nuvel€d€ l'.vonir, donn€z-nous dss nouvelles;of the futurc, Bive us some newsj

'ditce'nu ki 'nu lrairaDitos-nous qd nous hahira,Tell us who will betay us,

ditce ru ki nL _zemcera palleditss-nous qui nous aimom! Pad€z!tell us who will love us! Speak!

FRASQUITAimwa !3c vwa_ _zd 3@n .9mur0Moi, io voi6 tsuno .moul€ux,Me, I see a younS suitor,

'ki 'm€_ Jnd 'nc po dava'tajcequi m'aim€ no pour dlurrye.who lov€s m6 oDe cannot rDore,(who loves me morc than anythinS.)

MERCEDiS'l(! mje- Je lr€ n_ Je tr€ vjoL€ mion est bi's richo ol tri,s vioutThe) mino is very rich and very old

'me, _zil 'parle 'dce maria3cmais il parle de mariaSo.but he speaks of marriage.

FRASQUITA'3(e mce kdpce sy. 's6 Jcevalto mo carnpo son cheval,I setde myself on his horse,

e dA la m6'ta_ Jil mdtrenc€t d6ns la montasno il mbnh.ino.and to the mountain he carries me off.

MERO6Di|S'dd_ :zcE Joro presk€ rwajalD.ns un chAroau prsquo roy.l,In a castle, almosl royal,

'lce mjc mecla, Jdle mien m'insr€.le en souvsmino!{ths) mine sets me up like a queen!

FRASQUITA'dce lamur a 'no'ply fi'Di.De l'amour i nen plus finil,Love makinS to never end,

Page 68: Car Me Nip A

Comen, Act III 131

'ru le 3uf nuvel€ fr'licelous les irurs nouvelles follies!all the days new rapturcs!

MERCfDiS'dce'lo. 'td kce 3@ pqi lce'nirD. I'or t.nt quo je puis tonir,Gold as much as I can hold,

'de diamd 'de pjerce'ri@dee didm.nts, des pierrsriec!diamonds (and) procious ston€s!

TRASQUITA'lce mje dcevj._ Jce jef famoLo mion dovionl un chef farneurq.Min€ becomes a leader famous,

'sd, Jrmce 'marlce_ -ta'sa sqirce

cont hommes moNhont n 6a suits!a hurdred men march in his rctinue!

MERcfDDS'lce mja 0 krwat€ Jce 'me-

-zj6Ls mion, sr ysux?Mine, caD I believe my €yes?

'wi it mcer a JcE sqi ,vcev e l€,fit@Oui, il moufi! Ah! it suis vsuvo ot l6dre!Yes, he di6sl Ahl I am widow and I inleritl

Parlez encor, parlez rnes belles, etc.





l'fhay go back to consulting theb cods.)

CARMEN {totmg so1no cods,vwaj6 k(r 3E'se a m6 turVoyons, quo i'ossais a mon tour.Let's see, lst rDo try at my turn.

(let me have a turn.)

(She stotts tuning the c$ds ovat.)

{Mako sub ro enphdsjz. th€ two Js. Un.helltueux.

Page 69: Car Me Nip A


ka'ro pik(e)Cortrsau, piquo-,DiaDronds, spades...

'3e 'bja

Iei bienI have clearly


Cdnnen, Act III

l. mod!dealh!

1u... moircad... I


'lqi 'pur 'lu,le dOIui... pour tous los deruhe... for tI€ two of us

'la 'mrrla mo !death!

pa, 3e_pags €stpaSe is

(She continues to shullle ths co s.)



6 ve 'ty m.lceroon vaih fu m6l€ras;in vaiD you will shuffle;

sce la 'nce 'se_.a rje ,le

Cola no aole i lior, lssThat is of no avail, [for) the

ve pu. evjle ,te

vain pour 6viter l€svain to avoid thc

'kupc sd

cut without

r€posce, ,za mefor6ponses amil€s,rcplies bitter.

'kartcE 'sO sese..c.rtos 6ont 6incbr€scards arc sincere

'dd 'l(r livrce dd I o sj laDans le lirrs dbn haut si taIn the book above if vour{lf your pa8e in the heavenly book is a happy ono.t

e nc mali,rO ,po

ot no montirEns p€s!and will not tie!



meb stshuffle and


la 'karle 'su ,r€ 'dwa ,s(! rum<!.a 3wa,jazaIa €oc tos doi8r6 s€ roulrem i.V"*,the card under your tinSers \&i rum up i.ppr.

tand sd

foretelling you

,s lyMais si tuBut if you

le bonhsur.good luck.

dois rnourir,must die,




'l(e rcdulablels mot rodourablethe wod teDible

Jekri 'par 'lc€sst '6cd par leis written by the

sNouc€ lhat th€D is .o .l@!on wfii a r bsls€€n s6tr and &h. y.D wil hear fmoB FEnch sinae.s mrrl8 rhal bad

1ff";;;tjff;,:,f:- "! rtr sjrudrions wh€E rhe hod

""a. i,,.q d,,,, .,r i5i;i ju^iu,l

"i_*.,r," ** *-*

Page 70: Car Me Nip A

Cormen, Act lll

rcekcmdsce ve 'fwa 'la kar_ tdpitwaiable reperera la mrrFcorunonco vinSr fois, Ia cans impitoyablo n6p6tora: la mofi!begin over twenty times, the card pitiless will repeat: deathl

(She tums the cords over agoin and agoin.)

dkcr d'kir tusur la 'mrrEnco Encorl Touiours la mo !

A8ain! A8ain! Always death!

FRASQUITA, MIRCfDDSPartez encor, partez mss bollos, etc.

CARMEN6'krr lG dezeJpwar tu3ur ']a rnrrEnco Ls d6sespoir! Touiours ln mo !Againl The despair! Always death!

NO, 20 bis RECITATM (Renendado and Dortcoirc rc-enteiCARMEN€ bjef,h bien?Well?

DANCAIROe bja nu_ -zesero dce pose pas{ItoEh bionl Nous €ssayerons de po.csor st nous passomns;Welll We will try to 8et through and we will Bet throu8h;

'reslc 'la o lr'ze gardc ls marJddizceRodo h haut, tos6, g6rdo los maEhondises.Stay up there, Jos6, watch the merchandise.

FRASQUTTAla 'ru- Je,t€lce librceLa muto. osr-ol€ librc?The way, is it open?

DANCAIROwi m€ gd- Jo syrprizirOui, mais gor€ surprisss!Yes, but watch out for surprises!

'te 'syr la bre- Ju d(!vo pose vy trwa dwanjet'ai h bncho on nous devons passer vL hois douadsG;I have on the pass, where we must pass seen thrce customs agents;

il fo _zo debarabeIl faut en d6borassrIt is necessary that we get rid of th€m.

Page 71: Car Me Nip A

134 Catmen, Acl lll

CARMENprcne 'le ba'lo I e pai16Prinoz los bdlots' ot p.rtons;Take ths bales and let us Eoi

'il fo po'se 'nu poscer6

n faut pas6€r, nous pa$eemns!Ws must pass, will passl

NO. 21 ENSEMBLE 1VTTH CHORUSi ' 1 ornlrnl, rRAseurA, MDRGDiS

I kd_ Jo dwa'nje .!raf.rbI Quml au douanier, c'ol notro ofraL€,As far as (the) customs man, it's our busiDess,

lu kc, Jncc, Jor_ Ji_ Je_tout cornme aut o il aimo i plaire,just like any other man he loves to please,

L J€_ Jna ferce 'le ealail aime n fntu€ le gdont!he loves to play the gallant swain!

a le'se'nu po'se_ Jdna'vdah! laicrez.nous plssor en avatrt!Ah! Let us pass ahead!

ALL THE WOMENQuant nu douonior, etc.

ALL'il 'e- Jna pl€rIl aimo i plak€!He lov€s to pleasel

Mf,RCEDDS'lce dwanje s(Era klemdLo douanier cl6mentlThe customs man will be clem€nt!(Ths customs man will go easy on us.)

ALLil € ga'ldII €st 8.[ant!He is 8allant!

CARMENlce dwa'nje sce'ra Jarm6Lo douaniar choltrlant!Tho customs man will be charming!

ALLll aime i plaire!

6No /ioiron in tbrs ce thos G rwo $nreDcos trtlepodl€Dr of €och orher: pE ez loi t a,//ots (ral€ rh€ bat6!) orp@ions {6nd l€l us l€avo).

Page 72: Car Me Nip A

FRASQUTTALe douanier set golant!

MERCfDiS'wi lce dwanjeOui, le douanier

de ss laisserof allowinS ourselves (to bel

Cernen. Act III

Jndtrceprce nds€ra m6mo onttopi€nantl


Yes, the customs man will be even forwad!(Yes, the cusloms man may even make a pass at us!)

ALLOui, lo dounnior c'ost noh€ affnfu€,etc.

CARMEN, FMSQUITA, MERCEDIS'il nce saji'poIl ru Cag -pasIt's no longer a question

'no t il saji tu stplcEmdNon, il s'dgit tout simplemontNo, it's a question quite simply

de bdaille,of batde,

pddrce 'lapmndre lataken (by) the


e dekule, -t€ot d'dcoutorand to lister to


'sil'fo_ Jale 3ys_,kos'il faur slor iusqu'.uIf we need to go as far as a

ouo voulez-vous,What do you r,ra[t,


Et d'avoncsAnd here and now

0 surita

we will smilel

'pqi l(E'dnapuis l€ dL€,can say it,



la kotrolbddc poscrala contr€bsnds passom!the contraband wiil So throuBh!

d, JavdEn avont!lorward!

(he. g/psks .beqin Io leava. Josa h..,ngs up the rcar As soan 6 o on out ol sisht, Miccreta oppaon,led by a guido. S'Ie gives irm some .n oney ond the suide lawes.)

marjo al6Mai:honsl Alons!Let's walkl Let's go!

Page 73: Car Me Nip A




Coman, Act III

'se 'de kotr@M,dj€ 'lce r@'fy_ JrrdiherceC'est des conhsbnndien le r€fuo odinair€,It is of the smugglels the refuge usual.(This is the usual haunt of the smu8slers.)

'il e_ Jisi 3cell est ici, toHe is herc, I

le venni...will see him...

e 'lce dcevwar 'kceet lo devoir queand the duty that

mapdzamlmposa 6aon me laid his

lak6pli'reI'acconptirai.wilt carry out.

caruot friShteD m€,




's(E_ JdSeule, enAlone, in

do l.,dort lo€whose

trd'ble '3ehsmbler totrembling I

ice 'di 'ke rje.lo dis quo dsnI say that nothing

I e los 'kc Jce re'poh6las, que io rdponds

I say, alas, that I answer(l say, alas, that I have only myself to depend on,


JCe di

io dis,



le'bo ferc 'la va'jdl.Mois iai beau fatu€ la vai aDto.But I t ed in vain to play the valiant one,

o fo 'dy kcer 3ce nce. de,frwaau fond du cosur to nous C'oftoi!in the bottom of (my) heart I die of fear!

lutce 'scelce '3e 'pcrrouts s€ulo j'd peur,all alone I am afraid-

'nl(E prcI.3@'.evous mo prot5Sorez,Thou wilt prot€ct mc,

lieu sauvaS€,place wild,

'vwar dce prE

voir de p$slook fmm close by

'3e t.r davwarmais lai tort d'avoirbut I do wrong to have


ts vaisI will(I am going to get a close look at that woDanl






Page 74: Car Me Nip A

6 fini 'paront ffni pordid finish by


vu mce prJt€tcerevolrs mo prct6goEz!you will protect me!

,zaprr Jeappmchor.


Coman, Act I

Jd- Je fomaun infAmea criminal




J€l{a) aolo, oL!her, ah!


'dce sce'lqi k(E 3e' celui que i'aimaisof him whom I loved(whose c[rsed wi]es have finished by making a criminal of the man I once loved.l

€_ Je ddjcetdzElle osl dangereuse, elleShe is danSerous, she

i3ce n(x vd po_ Jd!\9atmais io n€ vsux pa.s NoirBut I don't want to have(But I don't want to be afraid,)

'3ce parlcere o dce vd,io p.dorai haut dovantI will speak loud before(I will sp6ak out to her!)




NO. 22 bis RICITATMMtCAEt A (saeins los6 up ohovo)3ce 'ncE mce lropc'poJo no mo hompo ps.., C,estI am not mistaken... It,s


'3@ n(t pqi,,o ne pdsI cannot

on that rcck. This way,

'kcE f€ til ilMais que fait-il? llBut what is he doinS? He

(fhe repoft ol o ,iflo shot is heo.d)

a 5e lroAh! lai bop

alystaiustois aimin8,

'f€ fofait firinS.








myAh! I drd too much DresumedlAi, my Cod. I overcslimated my streng(l,lj

(She disappeon behind the rock while or &o sona time Escoll.i o enterc, hot in hordJ

Page 75: Car Me Nip A


losf, &nife in

Youl [ame,

ho,td)repd de


ESCAMILLO€ duscemd laniEh! doucomonl, I'alni!Heyl Easy do€s it, my friendl

'3ce 3qi I €skanijo rc.e.o

fe suis" Escamillo ton6mI am Escanillo, bullfighter



C'6st moi!It is Il

losit betuminT his knife Io its shedh)'3cs k.n. vttrce n6

lo connais vohs nom,

Je know your name,

Ca nen, Act I

ti NO. 23 SGNtr AND DUETESCAMILLO (lookrns al his hot which hcx just been shot off his heod)

'kelkc 'lilce ply bo € lu I el8

Quelques lignes plus bos ot tout? 6taitA few inches lower and all would be

ilfi niffni.

de Gronndelfrom Cranadal

\wale l(i bjevcenysoysz l€ bionvonu,

vremd kamaradcevnimoni, c.mando,truly (my) coDrade,but

vu puvje- -zi res 1e

vous Pouvisz Y lgstor.eyou could have di€d.(I could have shot you dead.l

7\4h m6t avoid a "comjcol elliler€lion' wllh thB6 su.csssiv€ /si lulJet l For this reMn we eliminal€ th€ mjddl€

6Hem we hau". cu* of 'lupiciou'dlon beinSsvoidad becsu* the word sui' is sulgon too lon8 s nol6 to mle the

/idlon with the t dcc.Ptable. ALs, since Escamlllo i6 rot such d comon lFnch nane w€ wouldtr'l eanr $mone b think

{bv nDkin8 lbe lidson silh th€ zl thal his nahe was Zesanjllol ln Wsfin€r se siU €Dcount€r,4/berr' a nn'h mos colmonnah6- and in thal nElqDco a /idion will be sllo{sd

epou"ott ros,ar, lilerolly "lo slsy rh€E , "nol to be abl€ lo l€ove'. ald bv €xt€mjon, d'od'

Page 76: Car Me Nip A

Conen, Act lll 139

ESCAMILLO'sce di'Po 'no

le ne dis Pls non'I won't say no,(l won't d€nY that)

me '3(E sqi- -zamuro 'm6

mais je suie amouFeur('

but I aDr in love, nY(I am madly in love, mY friend,)

s€'ae, -lcesorailwould be

se- -za'mur

his lady love

-ze me I

aim€z ostlove is

mo J€rmon cher. f,lleIny friend. She

3adis a dezeltejadis n d6sort6onr:e did descrt

'J€r a lacher, n hfiiend, to


ne risq omitwouldnt risk




e sce'lqi laet colui'hand he

'ki purqui, pourwho, to


Celle queShe whom

ESCAMILLO3ystce mii,ustomsnt.F-\actly.


Elle s'appele?She is callcd?(What is her name?)




ESCAMILLOkaim€n wiC.Irnon, ouiCarmen, Yes

ci srlda kisoldat qui

a soldier who


his life.

-lyn€ dzillgaraS'ost uno zingea,She's a 8ypsy,

m6 'Jer

rny friend.

-lavs pq- -ramdavait pour 6rmntused to have for a lover

il sadrre 3e finiIls s'adoraient, mais c'ost ffni'Th€y adorcd onc another, but it's over,

pur '€lcepour elle.




Page 77: Car Me Nip A

140 Comen, Acl UI

'l€- -za'mur 'da kaim€n 'nc'dyrcE po 'si 'mwa

Lss de Csmsn no dursnt Pas 6ix mois.The loves of Carmen don't last past six months

Josrile'ne scepd dd

Vous l'aim€z coPondant?You love her still?{And dsspite the fact that h€r loves do not last past sl( months you still love her?)

ESCAMIIIO'3(I 'lem€ 'wi mo 'kr '3(E le- -ma la frlicto l'aimo! oui, rnon cher, ie raimo ir la folie'I love her, yes, my friend, I love her madly.

losf'pu. 'nu ,zdl.Eve fijc'd(E btemce

Mais pour nous entever nos fillos ds bohcmo,But to take from us our EYPSY 8irls,

sa've vu bja kil fo petesavez-vous bien qu'il faur payer?do you know that you havo to pay?

ESCAMILLOswat 6 pe raSoit! on paion.So be it! I will pay.

tosfe 'k(i le pri s(E pe a ku dcc

Er quo le prn so paio i coups de navaiaAnd that the price is paid with blows fron a nwaja.'o


A coups do nml.t /With a natdlo!

tosrlce diskL JC lrc netLo discouF esl tris net.The speech is vcry clcar.

ESCAMILLOdezeltcer 'bo s'ldat kt- J€m,t

Ce d6s€rtou\ cs beau soldat qu'elle aimo,lhat deserter, that handsoDrc soldier whom she loves,

u 'dy 'mwt kcl 'sc d6 'vudu moins, qu'elle aimail... c'ost donc vous?

or at least she loysd... is then yoLr?

loNdqa is € Spolisl, ssil.h lrld.le lnite, sudllt tspl on lhc bclt.

Page 78: Car Me Nip A

Cornen, Act III

tos6'wi se mwa m€mce

Oui c'sst moi m6mo!Y€s, it's me myself!

ESCAMILLO'lce 'sqi ra'vi 'md Jer e 'lce 'tur e komple

to sui6 rawi mon ch€r €t 16 tour est comPlet!

I am delighted, my friend, and ths turn is completed!(and the wheel's come full circle!)

(Both druw theb ravqas ond wrop thoir lrce arms in lheb clooks, douching low ond ossuming

lighting positions.)

tosf6'fc ma ktle.ceEnffn ma colhrsAt last nly anSer(At last my rage has found an outlet!)



lesp€r(tl'espbn,hope, will

,va ki pail€n qd parler!someone (to) whom to speak!

bje to kulebient6t couler.soon flow,






l0 'piTont pisSo much the wolse

ESCAMILLOk€l(E mala'dr.sce

Quelle maladresse,What awkwardDess,

J€rJe tacherchsr laTo look for the

ESCAMILLO, 1056meie vu,

-zaMott€z-wous on

'3d ri're vre md

i'en rirai laaimonl!I will lau8h about it, really!


'pur kipour qd

'gar, de vejegards, ot veillez8uard, and look out

and find


lalndI'am6nt!her lover!

for yourself!your

id garda aldlEn sade! allons!lon Suard! Let's 8()!


for yourself!






I'Ihev fieht. Tho torero elesonrly ovoids los6s thrusls os if hs werc sidestepping olu ous choryinqbull. He lhen slips attd falls. los6 is obout to stob hin when Cornen and the others arrive on thescene. los4 is disarned ond held by the g,psies.)

NO. 24 FINALCARMEN fruslling fo ,los6J

Hoh! los6!Stop, Jos6!

Page 79: Car Me Nip A

742 Cormen. Act t


3e 'loml' ra'viceVni, i'ai l'irne ravieTILly I have my soui overjoyed

'kc vu kalmen ki 'mcE sovje ,la ,vice

quo so 6oit vous, Carrnen, qui ms sauvioz la vie!that il be you, Camen, who saved me the life!(Truly I am overjoy€d that it was you, CarDen who saved my lifel)

'kd, Ja bo scldaQuant i vous, beau soldat.As for you, handsome soldier,

'mdJa md.lcemdncho a m.nch€,

are even,(we'vo reached a stalemate,)

3u.6 'la b€tcE 'l@ 3ur u ty vu'dme nous touolons la beue le jour on tu voudroBand will gamble for the prerty one the day that you wanr

rceprodr<! 'lce kobatepmndre l€ combat!to renew the fightt

DANCAIROs€ 'bO ply dce k@rcl? ,nu_ ,zalo paitirq::st bg& plus de quel€res, nous alons partir.AU right, no more quaffelling, we are BoiDB io leave.

(ro Esconillo.)

e twa lami boswarEt toi, I'olni bonsoirlAnd you, Iny friend, Sood nigh

ESCAMILLOsufre-Souftez au moins qu'avant d" uou"iir" '." re".irrPsrmit at least that before I say to you goodbye,

3ce vu, _26 vi1ce '1us o ,kursre d(i se, vous inwito tousI you invite alJ of you to th6 corjdol, in Sevi e.

'kot(E pur 'ma par I i brije d€ ,mo ,mjo

ls compro pour ma porl y briller de mon misux,I count my part therc to shine at my best,

llcorlda de rooc is Spant"t' for "bulnsll'. tn Spanish o.€ Gually Ef€6 ro rtre spoctdc ts I una.onj()a.

Page 80: Car Me Nip A

143Cotmen, Act lll

st 9d

l-fo los6, who mokes a lhreoteninB 9esturc')

'me- Jni

loves me, there


vje'dravisndm.will come.

lamiL'ami,My tuiend,

wr 'le ru di

i:t il" il. oui' id rour.dir'

i;""" ;'ii' "ii v"' lve said rr dll'

PIY- -zr si

:, ; ;; tlT,^"""" ;"i,"I haven l anv lorLEU

lli"n t n'"* n'rffiol,e ro 'to

oui ro sav soodbve )

\OSE tto Comanlbrd lrar -da

twa kalmen

Pr€nds sardo i loi. Larmon'

watch ;ut ioI YoLrrsell Carmen'


En Euts'on our way!

'rj6 twatiens-toikeep Yourself calm,

il lo Paltiril faut Portir!Wo Inust leave!

ka l€rce me, -zadjooua fab€ mos 6'Lsux'

i|t ro bid mY Eoodbyes

su fri.souftirlsufferinBl

Escamillo leoves slowlv' tooking bock ot

ttosa ities to lush E'conilto but rc 'Pstroined by the Wpsies

'lZ:^':;:;;;;;;;"' hin in sono r(,"inotion l

\qi ln 6*P ",.1"

106 . do

I am Ured or

tc(rlll,en's nlplv is o shrugging ol her shoulden she walks away)

ALLE Euts, il faut Portir!

REMENDADO']i '- u.'t.t r , la ki Fr-i""' i"J,in"t' "" ri qT cherche

;.-;l' $;;;;"' rs rh^r. whu iirrvrng

(He Soas ovet ond btings out the frighrened Micoolo )


ir"" fetuns!


hide hnnselfl

DANCAIROpaidjoPardieu!By Godl


syipri,surprisesurprise -heureussl

is Pleasantl

r:The prcnotrns q!e/g!!un and 'ldun 49 !q! elnls rh€ timl to nak€ a lidio

Page 81: Car Me Nip A




Comon, Act I

'vjE ty fe, Jisivions-tu fafi€ ici?come you to do here?

to choNhsr.lookin8 for you.

la Jomje.cla chaumibm,the cottage,


siopping, pmying

la merlt plce- Jelos 'syr \o- Jt0f0ta mbr€, plerue, h6los, sur erfmt.your mother weeps, alas, over her

la'pelcet'rypels,calls you,

to rondholds ou1 to you


Don los6l


M.lhsusus€!Poor Sirl!

MICAELAmwa lsce 'vjeMoi, io visnsMe. I como

'la'bo I E

Ln-bas ostDown there is


where without

a mother,







les bras;hcr afins:





pi tjepiti6pitv

prd droprendras


'va '10

Go on!


d'elle,on her,

will follow me!

CARMEN (djsdornlu1i,

Jos'6, tu,Jos6, yor.r

'ty fcEro

tu forss bion.You will do well,


nreans [ot]rin8 to Youl

Page 82: Car Me Nip A

Comon, Act III 145

tosfly me di d(te la \qivrceTu me dis de la suivrolYou arc telling me to follow her?

CARMEN'wi ly dcevr€ pailirOui, tu devrais partirlYes, you should leave!

JosfTu ms dis ds la suiirs?

'pur kce lwa ty pqis]e kurir a'pre tO nuv€l amdPour quo toi, tu puiss€s couir ton nouvol oJnantlSo that you, you run after your new loverl

n6 nd vr€ nli] dyJil md kure 'la viceNonl non i.raimsnr! Dnt-il m'€n coutor la vie,Nol Not likely! Should it even cost me my life,

nd kalm€n .lce n€ panire ponon, Corrnon, js no portilai p6s.

Carmen, I will nol.teava.

e la Jen(i ki nu li(! nu lira Jus, _ko trepo6r la chaine qui nous lie, nous liera iusqu'au h6pds!ard the chair that us bind, will bind us until death!

Dnt-il m'on couror la vis, non, jo no partini pai!

MICAEI-IIekulc nlwa 3ce td pri ta m.rc r@\6 le ,bro

Ecout€-moi, io t'sn pde, ta mbt€ to t€nd les bms,Listen to me, I beg you, your mother holds out to yor her arms,

's€tce JercE ki r(E li soze ry la brizce.ocotto chaine qui t€ lio, tos6, ty la bris€raslthat chain that binds you, Jos6, you will break itl

FRASQUTTA, MERCEDi'S, REMENDADO, DANCAIRO, CHORUSil l0 kulcE'ra la vi loze si 1y nce par'poIl t'€n conte.a la vie, tos6, si tu ne pc ps,It will cost you your lile, Jos6, jf you don't leave,

e la J€ncE ki vu lia 5ce ropra 'par rd lrepoor la chaino qui vous lie se mmpra p.I ton to6p"s.and the chain lhat binds you will break by your death.

losi: lto Micaota)kjs(E lnwa k 3(! sqi kodaneLaiss€-moi! js suis condamn6!Leave mel For I am doomed!

Page 83: Car Me Nip A


l(! forscte bjato fomomi bisnwill force vou indeed


Don ,os6!IloD tos6l

Comen, Act III

riv(r: td srr Idvo ton lodlinks your fate


H6lsE, Jos6!Alas, Jos6!

FRASQUITA, MERCEDiES, REMENDADO, DANCA]RO. CHORUS'soze pro 'gardcejoa6, pronds g6rde!

,os6, b€ careful!

IOSE beizing Camen by the hoir and forcins her down)a Jce lc 'jr 'frj(E doneeAhl io le ti€hs. fiX. dsJtul'roAhl I have 8ot you. girl damned

ot ioand I

a sybir laa subir Iato bow to thc

Dnt-il m'on coirter la vis, non non, jo no partirai past




Prends gadelBe carcful.

MICAEI,A (outhoitotiv'ly, to los6)parr_ Jd,k'rUno pamle encor,

One word more,

'sc sc.ra la deinj€.eco ser! Ia d€miir€.it will be rny last.

H6las, .1066,

no voudmit paswouldn't want


Ma nrir€lMy motherl

MICAEI-Awi dO to zeOui, Don los6.Yes, Don Jos6.

,os16a pait6Ah! p€fions!Ah, le1 us 80!

ta m.rce ,s(e lm(}rta mCrs so msurt. etyour mother is dyin6, arrd

murir 56

to die without

slle so moDrr!She is dying!

thvoir pardonn5.haviDg forgiven you.

your mother

Page 84: Car Me Nip A

Carmen, Act I

to Camen, in utnost i"ose.)

kdtdte 3(! parsois contonts, jo pors,Be happy, I am leavinS,

nu nu rc€vE rO

matu nous nous I€vorlons!but, w6 witl meet againl

(He soes ofI, tokins Mic@la with hin. Fron olor rhe bultfishtat is heo sinsin1. Comeh tistens.)

ESCAMILLOTon6ador, on 8ardo, etc.



Page 85: Car Me Nip A


ACI W(A squora in Seville, with the exteior wolls ol the bullring in the brckground. Therc is gedexcitemanL os o bulAight is &out to toka placs, with Escomillo 6 its ieadtiner. Vendorc move otnidthe ctowd hawking wder, or@ges, Ians, etc.)

'de __zevd rajD€6 6venlailsSome fans

Comen, Act N


LYGIORUSa 'do kwanrs,A deux quorlos!'At two quarte$!

'de- _zctd3ceDo6 orrnSosSome oranges

'l@ prrigravLe progrnmmoThe program

pour 6'6vontsr!to fan yourselv€s!

'pur gril.repoui Erignotsto nibble!



'le delajlee d6tail€!the detailsl




'dy 'vE

Du vinlWine!


-zc'ril3eDo8 omnSoqSome omnges,

siga'reta vwaje aciSarottosl Voyoz! ACi8arettes! Look! At


doux quortos!two quarterc!

el cddleros!and 8e[t]emen!

SEVE&{L rRUIT SELLERS (cmwding orcund)

En voici.Here they are, take,

ONE FRUIT SELLERm€lsi m0-MoEi.Thank you my

6 vtra si prce ne

younS ladies.

meEi.thank you.

TIII OTHER VENDORS'seice si s€nrr 's6 pty betaCales-ci, Ssior, sont plus belles!These h€rc, seio\ are prettier!

ZUNTGArla 'de_ _zevd rajHola! des 6vontails!Ho there! The fansl{Hey! Fan lady!)

A GYPSY (running to him),zo si 'd. loil€raauasi d€s lorSnonos?also some opera Slasses?

iold copper Spadsl coh, valued at om qu6de. of r]€ mh cumncv.

Page 86: Car Me Nip A

Cornen, Act N(A loud roat is heod t'rcn oflstoge, fottowe.t by forrt'o'rrs; i!


is tha oryival ol Escrvntllos quad lla,J

NO. 26 MARCH AND CHORUSlc vwasi vwa,si IaLos voici! voici laHere th€y arel Here,s the

ka dnj€quadrille!


ka drijcquadrille



of the bullfighters!


'le ldsce lce sr'tejles lances le soleilthe lances th6 sun


'l€r lrkce- _ze srmb.€rrsl'air toques ot sombr€rcs!the air caps and hatsl3

voici d'abord,there, first,

lalgwazillAlsuozil A

th6 o.lguact' has (an)

vwasi debujd ,syr 'taVoisi, d5bouchant laTherc, emerging on the


Jo 'po

in st€p,

face! A ha6!mu8! Down with himl


they go past,






e 'pqi salyo_Et puis saluons uuAnd then let us cheff

salyo l. I ardisaluons 106 hardislet us cheer the bmve

'bravo vila gjwa_Bmvo! Viva! cloiroBravoJ Hurrahl Clory

Voici lss hardis chulos!



/q,od.r/d in bulllisllijrS ls th€ 'r€sm' dEt follows ths bdlff8hb., coBlsltn8 of btj pr..odoF, bddarildtu, .hut6,and oltror necosry p6renn€t. Th6y parsd. inro lh6 dbns oDtd sral faffm dd ;pptdE,


3il is 6 comn siaht in e686rly awailed .,r.rilc ro *s th6 6Fctarors tos their hors and caps in lhe ai. in a 8€slub of

aAlsu@il (\a Spnntsi d|utt) is a ninor law onrorc€mtrl offic6.. In lhtj css il Ef€N ro rhe potic€lrh.

. 7€.hu.los mlb€ bultti8bt6rs hstp€E. who usuly e th€i.ld8€ c6pes lo lesl !h€ bull,s nEl FaclioG atr.r h6 bounds

:J':.'.'j",,-.-,-1, Ar tnts poinr tr is o_Bood riDs ro axptoro d6 FEn.h pFDutrcra oo or&m€ or rhe* spanish reru. Frjlr orotlb o rEnch. nol Spu.h t"m, 6 prpldtded uder fmtoore ''6 on po8o roz. Th6 Spanisb wod j: ,oEm.rn Ey-.^llos loreodo, snr'h€ *vi durl.. b'mr r'n"n"a,i,".rp-,.^."Jr"l"i*L"*",trLi*.*"p"..r,m

Fmncb hnsuo86-snd i, d..€!r6d prenounced wiihou( rh6 fi"a ", * ii. sp",r"r,. n -*"",," ri"_.iri..

"p*or,,"*€!.ount€Ed in rhis op€m, the fiD6l s rs prcDounc€d: qud.e Eeno6) cdotimJ @nt_,,,s JJ"6 Gi.,ttr.-a

Page 87: Car Me Nip A


VoyezLook at

'k€l rce gar IQusl rosards,What looks,

Cormen, Act NIt band€riJErrs vwa re kFt

f" bandsrilems! ,oy"" qu"r Jbondei amslb See what arr

de crenerie!of swaStqerl

e dce t.t ekt, I et,-,sltce.t , do. qusl 6clot 6tincalowrllr wlrdt bflllidnLp shnrcsla brodedethe embrcidery

'dce ler kJstynrccde leur costuncof their costume(of their bullfiShting dressll?

(A n o t h er ctadilla op pea/s. )

y - _norr(t ka drijceUno 6utm quadriloAnother cuodrilla


'k5, JrilComrne ilsHow thoy

arscele ,tc

harcsler lesloment the

de combaltof fi8htirrgl

Jnil s0 ,bo

ils sonr boaux!tbey are Landsomeje

sav0s,s'avancot v"ylrs conringl Look at

'le pikadrrles picadorsttha picadors!"/4

their lances,

'vO dy fer d.Evont du fer dego with tie tips of

nd d. lr,.oflancs des raur€duxrflankslo of rhe bulist

lEscomillo Jinolty oppeoE, drcssed in o hndtcss, ts ot his sido.t ndsone sui! of tights camen, drcssed in o sptendid


I€spada Eska mi) s. tr(r-t"p"a.r,.,, r*"",ilLr ;;", fi"t*".. ,l; ;;rI ne espodol" Escamjrlo! lts the espado rjle il;(It,s the molodor with hi" tine


. .. /ho ren wjr_\ rh€irr@dsfll6. strori b6rb€dbuu.s,nec( mrre. lanc€s saily docomled wlr ribbo*, i.lead€d !o b6 larpoo*d inro rh€

.'dbullfl8nr.r'"oudrr..d|adta/ed"tlre,.ti,-.nttv.6!u oIti&hh,r ,r i. ir,lo€ ro ue Lodr. €od n raL LlJyphmrdpm,l in cotdful pa,pfls thot .ot, h th. l€n, or hs a'ornoon "uD. lh" lr@ tor ,.,,,]".

i 3Th.* 6- ih" h"n "nr,u.rsd

h,u hunblino r

i1#;;ff * .;: ;";;; ;.;:.1 ::il.;":lT*,1* *;::1.'"y:.:J1;: t;r;:j;"":ffii:i"1;:1,"j,,et

have n6".r s6n a ,handetu,, picado.. They @ BDaIy Erher beavy $t u{t pdhchyr

. rogv

now. ofrer nry epsar€d foolnot€s on lh. abis ne"r mb,o n8hi b€h,;d;Jffi:. ;li'::ll::::'Jll'*,lT;,i"",il",;[tT*?:*,ii|ff;

,1.,1,: il"l ,,,11"rrtt'is i" rhu na* uLo sju"n Lhe headlho hdi

whiLh onry he w'r rir r;;f,i; il #::::;lT,lri Lir€mrrv hoans 'dE swod" Er€njhs ro th€ cwed s,ord wi$

Page 88: Car Me Nip A

Comen, Act M 1S1

scelqi 'ki yic lermi'ne tucelui qui vient torniner tout!he who comes to finish it all!

'ki para_ Ja la ta dy dram<!aui p€fait n h fin du drameWho appears at the end of th€ drama

e 'ki frapc l(E de/nje 'kuet qui liappe le demier coup!and who st kes the last btow!

Vivs Escamillo! Ah, bmvo!, 6tc.

ESCAMILLO fio Coznen,si ty katm€nSi tu rn'airnes, Csnnen.If you love me, Carme[,

ly pu'ro tutalcer '€tr(i ,fj€rce d(!tu pouras tout n I'hour€ 6ho fibrc de will very soon be proud of

CARMEN'wi jce 't€, rn€skamijo e kce Jc mce.ceOui, io t'aimo, Escamilo, st qus jc mouEYes, I love you, Escamillo, and may I die

'si 3e ja'me_ ,zeme k€l'kce I ord k(! twa

:i i'+ jamatu aim6 quolquru aurdnr quo roi.if I have ever loved someone as much al vou.

BOTHAh! io t'aims! Oui, jo t'aimol

(Escomi o goes inta the bu fing. Cotnen stays outside.)

THE ALGUAZILS (POLICEMEN)'plase plas,r o ssjl(}r alkadePlace! Place au $i8nslll AlcadelMake way! \,lake way for his honor (the) Mayor!

('rha Mq,or anterc, proceded by the otguaits. Ho is usudty accomp@ied by his wif€. Duing hjsenltunca Fft]Equita ond Mercqdds stol to opprooch Cornen.)

FRASQUITAkaimen ce b6 kds€j n(! r€stce,po_

-zi,siCarmen, bon conseil, rcste pds ici!Carmen, sofre Sood advice, don\ stay herel

CARMENe puikwa 'sil t(l pl€f,t pouryuoi, s'il ts plait?And why, if you please?

Page 89: Car Me Nip A


MERCEDiESil € 'laI ost ln!Ho is there!

Comen, Act N

CARMEN'ki d6Qui donc?Who. then?

Aosd con ba sean lu*iny obout in ths backgnund, looking hoggotd ortd tlishevotjed.)

MERcTDiS'lqi 'd6 Joze dd ta fu- J,l s@ ka1 prd ,aardaLui, Don tos6! Dans la f.;. -it * ";"il"; i,""a, i."a.tIle, Don Jos6! rn the crowd he is hjdrng; iJi-- i"""rCARMEN'wi 3c l@ vwaoui, io le vois.Yes, I see him.

FRASQUITAPrends garde!


] " xce sqr 'po td- JT. rrd,bte dccvd .tqile ne suis pos femme n hembter dovant lui.I am not a woman io tremble beforc him.

3@ lator" i.ti"a", :, ':' ;" ;", i*:,I dm expFLring hrm and I wilt to lLim

"p"ok.MERcEDiSkarnr, n krwd lnwd prd gard)Camon, cmis-moi, pr"a" s.rd.rLaffneir. beliave nrp. rdte iarej

CARMINl(} nlt kra rit,e no crains i."rI do not f€ar anything!

TRASQUTTAPrends g. e!

fThe Mtwor ond his entauralp Ba into tho bu ting, Jotlowad by tha poputace. los6 o,td Camen arclal otone in the squarc.l


C'ost toi!Its youl

Page 90: Car Me Nip A

Comen, Act N 153



L'on m'avaitThey had

L'on m'avaitThey had to me

Jav€llic€avertietold me

r[6mo dit

que tuthat you


did not

n'6tais pds




sYpliGsupplie;am beseeching;


'pur vicEpoDr ma vio.for my life.

'fqirtuir,to run away.


mds jobut I





nce m(E'ndsix po Jeplcr'3 3Gne moDAcs pa!, i'implol€, i"am not threatening, I'm imploring, I

nrlr(i pose kalmenNoho pass6, Ca.Itnon,Our past, Calmen,

nu, ,za 16

we will go

'3ce lublicie I'oubti€,I will forget it.

'tu dO krmdse_tous douxboth of us begin


'lw€ di'si su dorrirloin d'ici, sous d,auhesfar from here. under othe.

lapc'siblceI'impossiblo,the impossible,


JYnotrcE vi(}uno dube vio,another life,

3am€ na md'lijamais n'a monti.has never lied.

O{RMEN'ly dce'mddeTu demandesYou ask

50_ Jomce

her soul

d, JrelEnt€ elleBetween she





3am€ 3ce 'ne mdti '6trcE

tonais ie r'ai monti; ontreNever I have li6d:

e lwa tu_ Jest toi. tout estand you all is


nu tu, J€ fininou tout €st finius all is ovm


I cannon,CaIIDen,


3 ld_ _zd kcrceesl tsmps oncom,is time still,

wi il € rd, ,zdkcrcEoui, il ost temps onco$.yes, there's time still.


Page 91: Car Me Nip A





Comen, Act N

'ma kalm€nCumen,

my Carmenlriscsmoi

save you,fadoro,

whom I ador€,

'mce sove, Ja'vek 'lwams suver rvec toi!save myEelf with youl

CARMEN'nO '3c 'se 'bjl kceNon, js 6ais bien queNo, I know full lr,sll that

'3e 'se 'bje 'k@ tyi€ sai6 bien qus trrI know lull well that you

c'est llieurs,it is the hour,

will kill me;

but whethar

'Jce 'vi_ _vuF vive ouI live or

'kcequewhether die,



'n6 5enon, ieno, I


'ne 'tc sedce're 'pons ts c6dcni po!!will not Sive in to you!

Crnno4 il ost tomps oncorg, etc,

CARMENpulkwa trkYpe,Pourquoi rbccupsr

both€r youself



'dd 'kcr 'ki 'ne 'ply, _za twad\rn coeur qui n'est plus i roi?with a hea that is no long€r youls?

d 'vE lyBn tuIn vain you

'di '3c ta'd.rtdis 'le f.doro",say "I adorc you',

'ty ncptjS'dm 'de 'da 'mwatu nbbtion&.s rie'l do won't 8et anything fmm me.

JOSf @okihg incrcdulous, in utmost deEpoir)ty 'nce 'memceTu ns m'dimesYou don't love me

(Corm en rcmoins si I ent. )

Tu ne m'cimee donc plus?

'dd 'plydonc plus?then any oore?

Page 92: Car Me Nip A

JOSI!'mwa kaim€n

Mais moi, Colmon,But I, Carm€n,

Camen, Act M

3ce te_ Jn6,kcr@ie laiho on€orsiI love you sdll;

thdoIg!adore you!

155CARMEN'nd tce 'nce temG 'plyNon, ie ns t'aimo plus.No, I don't lov6 you anymore.


e'los mwa tceh6las! moi ,talasl Me I

CARMENa kwa'bo tu scela k@ dce .mo

A quoi bon tout csta? eue do motWhat Sood is dll rhal? What words

tosfC6IInen, io t'aime, jo rhdoFt

:. -bja \it ice fo pur rce phrt,ltl. bien. sil te faur, po,r r€ ptdirs.Oh well, il it must be, io please you,

3ce Estcere Mdi tu sce kcE ryio mstsni b6ndit, tout co quo ruI will remain a bandit, all that you


would walt...

tu ty md rdTout, tu m'eDtsnds,Anything, do you hear?

nce mce kitce pd IMais no me quitro pas oBut don't leave me oh


Carmen,my Carmen,

a su'vjc twaah! souvions-toiAh, rcmember

nu_ _ze'mjonous nous dmionsWe loved each other

Ah! no ms quitto p6s, Corlnon!


ll.'", td kur_ t,. r,r tce rlr .rce

vrvar. Ia cours€ est b6lle: Vivol sur lsrhlrrah! The co ida js grandl Uurrah, over the

'dy po sedu p6-as6lthe pastl


s€ldse vwa,jes'6lance! Voyoz!is charsin8! Lookl



lethe bull Lookl

Page 93: Car Me Nip A

156 Comen, Act N

'lce tc'ro kO I aiselce d bbdisd se'ldsce vwajele taursau quron 1'z horrbls en bondissant e'6lance, voyez!lle bull that they tornent, bounding is char8in8, Look!

fra'pe '3ust(E d pla 'kcer vwa'je viktwarceFmpp6 imts, en plein coeur, voyez! Victoir€!Struck true, right through the heart, look! Victory!

(Du ng this chorus, Comen ond los6 keep silent. Upon haaring lhe cry "victory!" Carnen lets out ar\'Ah" ol pfida md joy. los6 does not lose sight of Cot nen, who now hmtens to the entwnce of thebu rins.)

losii (bonins het way)

On vas-tu?Where are you goinS?


Leiss€-moilLeav€ me alone!

tosE_lrmce k6, Jaklamc s€ tO nuvel a,mo

C€t homme qu'on acclarne, crest ton nouvel ajn6nt!That man they are ch€ering, it's your new lover!


Laisse-moi:Leave me alone!

tosE'syf 'mO_ Jome lty 'nce pos{ero poSur mon emo, tu ne paEsolls pas,Upon my soul, you will not pass,

kaim€n sc 'n)wa kce ty sqivroCemen, c'ost Eoi quo tu 6uirro!!Carmcn, Ii is I whom you will follow!

CARMEN'l€sce'mwa dd Joz€ 3ce nce rc sqi'vre ,po

Laisso-moi, Don tos6, j6 ne to suirr.i pas!Let m€ 8(), Don Jos6, I won'r follow you!

tos6ly 'vo 'lce rcetruve di ty lemce 'dOTu lo Etrouvor dis tu l,aimos donc?You are going to meet him, tell me, you love him then?

fir-"t "

i. r *ord U"g,rn;n8 wilh an 'hspirata i", antl th€Efore .o lidis.n is pgrmillsdt Every Frcnch diclionary wonhils sll willshow dpiBte i wods lv h atr (,J asr€risl befoE . lflhem r no srerist, then liaisoD b atloe€d.

home 'hanel€rheDre 'ha.pelbl€in€ -lisine

Page 94: Car Me Nip A

Comen, Act IV lS7

CARMEN'lcE lemce e d@'vd la m.r m€mcels l'aimo! ot dovanr la mor{ memo,I love him! And in the face of death irself.

3e repelere kce 3ce 'lemce

i€ n6p6terai que ie laime!I will rcpoat that I love himl

CHORUSViva! la course sst bello,etc.

JOSEC'si lcE saly dce md 'nomceAinsi. lo sal,rl do -; L",So, the salvation of my soul,

3€ lcre petdy pur kc€ lwaio I'aurai perdu pour que toi,I will have lost so that you,

'pur 'kce ty rd_ _naj@ e,fdmc€ drrce se bm nr€e dcepour qus tu t'en ailles, infims, onho sos bmc ft€ de moi!so that you can go, you wrctch. in hjs arms Lugh at mel

'nd 'paf 'l(e sd ry ni'rd poNon, pal le sang, tu n'iras pas!No, by my blood, you will not go!

kalmen 'se 'mwa 'k(i ,ty sqivmcsltnon, c,€st moi que ru suir'rs!Camen, it is I whom you will follow!


Non, jamais!No, lrever!

,osf'Jce r'{r 'lo dce tc mcencsc

,s 6uis las de te monacartI am tired of threateninS youl

CARMENe'bj€ frapce mwa d6 u lese nwa pdseEh bien! fiappo-moi donc,'" ou p."*"tAU right! Strike me then, or let me iasst


13Th€ ru16 svs sp€cilicallv rlDr rha lrl $ud in don. dr rrs 6od of a snrence, evetr ftox8h tonow€.I by u oxclamuon

sisn i6 nol pDlou&odl Undoubt€dly on€ loss c6l48, (€v6n C6lm6l $yitr8 lh6 fin€t lkj. so6 foorrots No. 15 o.paE6 94- lt m@iB d mol poinr of FEncL dicrion, 6s rbjs ph@ is slar ou1 wfitr Duiu"trmru *a uyU" u 1t] * U"end is dn@tcoliy mE sffcriv6.

Page 95: Car Me Nip A


los6puf laPour laFor the


Cotnen, Act M



d6rnon,demon, follow me?




'mce la'v€ dr,neme lhvois dorur6s,had to me given,

'nd s€te ba_ jotrix fwaNoni Cstto bqquo autr€fois.No: This rin8 once voulNol This nng you gave me once, therej)

(She takes the ins olf her fin|et ond hu s it .n los6.)

lOSf, ttokine ou! his dWer, odtoncinB towonl Comenj€ bia do'ne

darur6oldamned onc!

(She rctrcots ond t es to eva.le hiII'. Ha cotches het and stobs het just os the chotus ihsids sinFs thefinol rcprise. Camen fatjs daod ot his feet.)

CHORUSTor6ador sn s6rde, etc.

(fhe crowd begins ro oxit the bu ring.)

,osEpuve mar€,te

Vous pouvez m'ol'6t€r. Sost moiYou can ar€si tnc, it is I


Eh bion,All right,

tiqui I'ai tu6€!

killsd hert

Ah, Cllrnen,Ah. Carmen my Carmen adored!

(Escatnillo appeoB d tha enttuncs of the ,

some policemen surrou,d t""6 ,"di;i; b;::fe tos6 thhws hi".setf on comen's tifdess bodv