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CAPITAL BUDGETING · 2019-11-21 · capital budgeting . 2019-21 organization chart . services division. positions = 3 fte = 3 . propagation program commission director humanr esources

Jul 07, 2020



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Page 1: CAPITAL BUDGETING · 2019-11-21 · capital budgeting . 2019-21 organization chart . services division. positions = 3 fte = 3 . propagation program commission director humanr esources


2019-21 Organization Chart

Positions = 3 FTE = 3


















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Program Contact: Ed Bowles, 503-947-6206 SCR: 088-00-00-00000 Executive Summary The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) implements capital improvement projects to maintain facilities and support fish restoration and enhancement projects throughout Oregon. ODFW has spent between $3 million to $10 million biennially since 2001 on capital improvement projects, with at least 86 percent of the funds spent in local communities on contractors, employees and vendors. Program Funding Request ODFW proposes to continue this program at the same level of activity and output. Revenues from the Restoration and Enhancement surcharge are projected to be approximately the same as in the 2017-19 biennium. The Capital Improvement program is staffed by 2.0 positions. Program Description The Capital Improvement Program uses various fund sources to maintain ODFW facilities and to implement fish restoration and improvement projects and other special projects. Projects within the program fall into three major groupings: Fish Restoration and Enhancement (R&E); Emergency Hatchery Maintenance; and other capital projects. Fish Restoration and Enhancement Program (R&E) is a comprehensive program to restore state-owned hatcheries, enhance natural fish production, expand hatchery production and provide additional public access to fishing waters. The R&E Program funds projects that increase sport fishing opportunities and improve the commercial salmon fishery. The R&E Program was authorized by the Legislature in 1989 and last renewed in 2009. It is up for renewal again in 2019.

19-21 19-21 Fund 17-19 Existing Reductions 19-21 Type LAB Services & POPs LAB GF 149,969 155,668 0 155,668 LF 0 0 0 0 OF 6,150,886 5,853,864 (4,077) 5,849,787 FF 3,092,986 3,210,520 0 3,210,520

Total 9,393,841 9,220,052 (4,077) 9,215,975

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Most projects funded by the R&E Program are capital improvement projects including restoration and improvement of state-owned fish hatchery facilities; new and improved public access to fishing waters; fish stocking equipment; and restoration and improvement of fish passage and screen structures. The R&E Program is funded by dedicated recreational fishing license dollars (89 percent) and commercial salmon fishery dollars (11 percent). The program provides funding to public or private non-profit organizations for restoration or enhancement projects consistent with the intent of the R&E Program. The R&E Board reviews and recommends these projects to the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission for funding approval. Since its inception, the R&E Program has funded more than $55 million in projects throughout Oregon, largely through local contractors. The Capital Improvement Program also includes the Emergency Hatchery Maintenance fund for unanticipated maintenance projects such as pump, alarm, and screen failures at ODFW's 32 fish hatcheries. The program also includes major improvement projects costing less than a $1 million and typically funded as one-time projects using dedicated or contractually obligated revenues. Program Justification and Link to Strategic Plan The agency’s capital projects target restoring and enhancing the buildings and infrastructure of hatcheries, wildlife areas and regional offices in order to support the agencies mission to protect and enhance Oregon’s fish and wildlife and their habitats for use and enjoyment by present and future generations. Specifically, the agency’s capital projects align with Goal 2 and Goal 3 of the agency’s strategic plan. Goal 2 target’s the enjoyment of Oregon’s fish and wildlife resources. For Goal 2, the projects in our capital project plan specifically target hatcheries, wildlife areas and regional offices whose primary function is to produce fish, manage habitat for Oregon’s natural resources and provide the working spaces necessary for agency staff to make decisions concerning the conservation of Oregon species. Goal 3 target’s the funding sources to expand support for fish, wildlife and their habitats. For Goal 3, our agency is in need of additional monetary resources to fund the capital projects and this strategy could provide those funds to allow the agency to execute important work in maintaining agency facilities. A significant portion of R&E funding goes toward hatchery maintenance and fish stocking that enhances the ODFW Hatchery Management Program. The Hatchery Management Program generates $19 to the Oregon economy for every dollar spent (Runyan 2009; per comm., Jenkins 2012). R&E funding used in habitat restoration projects also has a significant impact on Economy and Jobs. According to a study done by Nielsen-Pincus and

Restoration & Enhancement


Emergency Hatchery Maint


Major Improvement


Capital Improvement Expenditures by Program Area

$9.22 Million

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Moseley (2010), for every $1 million invested in forest and watershed restoration about 15.7 to 23.8 jobs are created and results in an additional 1.4 to 2.4 times the amount of economic activity. R&E also helps landowners meet state fish passage requirements by providing funding for new or improved culverts, fish ladders, and fish screens at water diversion structures. The addition or restoration of these structures provides fish with access to critical spawning and rearing habitat and improves overall fish survival and population success. The Ecosystem Workforce Program Brief (2010) estimated the economic output multiplier of 1.9 to 2.4 for every dollar spent. These projects create economic stimulus in rural and urban communities throughout Oregon. The Capital Improvement Program addresses priority infrastructure needs for ODFW. However, all project funding is dependent on available funds, with the R&E Program being the most stable. ODFW’s Fish Hatchery Program created a prioritized list of hatchery maintenance needs, which R&E Board members will refer to when making funding decisions. Currently, the Fish Passage and Screening Program is working with ODFW district managers to identify fish passage priorities statewide. This prioritized list will also provide the R&E Program with a valuable tool in making funding decisions. Additionally, improvements are being made to the R&E application and review process, to ensure that the highest priority capital improvement projects are submitted for R&E funding with a clear benefit to Oregon fisheries. One of the most important goals of the R&E Program is to fund projects that provide a noticeable benefit to anglers and commercial salmon fishers. If anglers are satisfied with their fishing experiences, they will continue to buy fishing licenses, and encourage new and old anglers to do the same. Through prioritization and critical review of R&E project proposals, the R&E Program is indirectly creating additional financing for the program through the retention, recruitment and reactivation of the license buying public. Fishing creates more than 23,600 jobs and generates over $730 million worth of personal income for businesses that cater to 650,000 anglers in Oregon per year. In addition to contributing to the restoration and enhancement of the state’s fisheries through capital improvements, the R&E Program also provides economic benefits to local contractors and businesses that provide supplies and services for R&E approved projects. In the 2015-17 biennium, nearly $5.7 million in R&E funding was spent directly on fisheries restoration and enhancement projects in Oregon, and the matching contribution total amounted to nearly $13 million, including in-kind contributions. For every license dollar spent an additional $2.25 was leveraged in matching contributions, and many of those matching contributions included cash contributions benefitting local businesses.

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Program Performance As demonstrated in this graph, ODFW’s investment in capital improvements has resulted in at least 86% of those funds being spent in local communities, supporting jobs and local economies while maintaining and enhancing fisheries and infrastructure. With the vast majority of these funds derived from dedicated funds (R&E license surcharge), this revenue stream and subsequent investments are anticipated to continue into the foreseeable future. The R&E Board solicits projects from ODFW and the general public seven times per biennium through a competitive grant process to ensure funds are made available on a predictable basis. As the primary element of ODFW’s Capital Improvements program, the R&E Program has been critical to addressing important maintenance needs at ODFW’s fish hatcheries. Because the funds come through a competitive grant process, they are often available to meet emergency or unforeseen needs ODFW would not be able to address through the normal biennial budget process. In the 2015-17 biennium, the R&E Program provided $1.45 million or 25 percent of total project funds to 12 hatchery maintenance and improvement projects. These funds have been essential to on-going operations and ensuring hatchery production goals are met. The R&E Program also contributes to capital improvements for Oregon’s recreational and commercial fisheries by funding fish passage and screening projects, ensuring fish are able to migrate safely. In the 2015-17 biennium over $952,935 (16 percent of total funds) was awarded to 12 fish passage and screening projects. These funds often serve as match for complex passage and screening packages. R&E also funds projects that improve fishing opportunities and access (over $1,205,000 or 21% of funds was spent on 16 projects in 2015-17 biennium), enhancing opportunities for the public to fish.

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Enabling Legislation/Program Authorization The Oregon Fisheries Restoration and Enhancement Program is established and governed by Oregon Revised Statutes: 496.283, 496.286, 496.289, 496.291, 508.285 and 508.505; and Oregon Administrative Rules: 635-009-200, 635-009-205, 635-009-210, 635-009-215, 635-009-220, 635-009-225, 635-009-230, 635-009-235, and 635-009-240. Funding Streams Funding for the R&E program is from a dedicated $4 surcharge on all sport fishing licenses, a $74 commercial gillnetting permit fee, and a $64 troll fishing permit fee. A fee of $0.04 per pound on all commercial salmon troll and gillnet landings is also dedicated to the R&E Program. The Hatchery Emergency Maintenance Fund is a General Fund appropriation. Other capital projects are discrete projects dependent on need, funding, and limitation. Significant Program Changes from 2017-19 The 2017-19 biennium was the second biennium under the six year fee adjustment that was effective January 2016. This fee package was developed to provide modest increases in each biennium over the next six years. This approach allows for continued funding of the agency without a large increase for the customer in the first biennium. The agency is also proposing to use a portion of the available grant funds from the USFWS Pittman Robertson to address maintenance needs at wildlife areas.

Proposed New Laws The Restoration and Enhancement (R&E) Program will currently sunset December 31, 2019. SB 42, adopted into law during the 2019 Legislative Session, removes the sunset date to extend the program, provides flexibility in board recruitment, and provides flexibility for meeting dates.

General Fund1%

Other Fund67%

Federal Fund32%

Capital Improvement Revenues by Fund Type

$10.16 Million

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Essential Packages

The Essential Packages represent changes made to the 2017-19 budget that estimate the cost to continue current legislatively approved programs into the 2019-21 biennium. 010 Vacancy Factor and Non-PICS Personal Services

• Vacancy Factor (attrition) reduces the PICS generated personal services budget for the current positions. The adjustment represents the projected savings from staff turnover. This package contains only the change from the prior approved budget.

• Non-PICS items include temporary, overtime, shift differentials, unemployment assessment, and mass transit taxes (rate 0.006). This package reflects the inflation increase for these items.

• PERS Bond Assessment represents the amount budgeted for the 2019-21 budget in accordance with Department of Administrative Services’ instructions.

021/ 022 Cost of Phase-in and Phase-out Programs and One-time Costs

• Includes Phase-outs for Capital Outlay approved on a one-time basis in Policy Option Package 146. 031 Inflation/Price List Increases

• Inflation increase: 3.8 percent is the established general inflation factor for 2019-21 and has been applied to most Services and Supplies, Capital Outlay and Special Payments expenditures. 4.2 percent is applied to Professional Services. This also includes changes in State Government Service Charges, per the DAS Price List.

032 Above Standard Inflation/Price List Increases

• None 033 Exceptional Inflation/Price List Increases

• None

050 Fund Shifts • None

060 Technical Adjustments

• None

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070 Revenue Reductions • None

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Department of Fish and Wildlife

Package 810 Statewide Adjustments (088-00)

PACKAGE DESCRIPTION This package contains standard statewide adjustments done every biennium that reduce charges to agencies by DAS and Department of Justice created by legislatively adopted budget adjustments in these agency budgets, along with debt service adjustments based on updated debt service schedules. This package includes a reduction of $1,487 Other Funds expenditure limitation related to PERS rate adjustments. This package also includes a reduction of $2,590 Other Funds expenditure limitation related to changes in DAS pricelist charges for services. STAFFING IMPACT None REVENUE SOURCE None

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ESSENTIAL AND POLICY PACKAGE FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARYFish & Wildlife, Oregon Dept of Cross Reference Name: Capital ImprovementsPkg: 010 - Non-PICS Psnl Svc / Vacancy Factor Cross Reference Number: 63500-088-00-00-00000

General Fund Lottery Funds Other Funds Federal Funds Nonlimited OtherFunds

Nonlimited FederalFunds

All Funds

Personal ServicesPension Obligation Bond - - - -(160) - (160)Mass Transit Tax - - - -28 - 28Vacancy Savings - - - -9,718 - 9,718

Total Personal Services - - $9,586 - - - $9,586

Total ExpendituresTotal Expenditures - - - -9,586 - 9,586

Total Expenditures - - $9,586 - - - $9,586

Ending BalanceEnding Balance - - - -(9,586) - (9,586)

Total Ending Balance - - ($9,586) - - - ($9,586)

_____ Agency Request _____ Governor's Budget _____ Legislatively Adopted2019-21 Biennium Page __________ Essential and Policy Package Fiscal Impact Summary - BPR013

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ESSENTIAL AND POLICY PACKAGE FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARYFish & Wildlife, Oregon Dept of Cross Reference Name: Capital ImprovementsPkg: 022 - Phase-out Pgm & One-time Costs Cross Reference Number: 63500-088-00-00-00000

General Fund Lottery Funds Other Funds Federal Funds Nonlimited OtherFunds

Nonlimited FederalFunds

All Funds

Capital OutlayBuilding Structures - - - -(520,000) - (520,000)

Total Capital Outlay - - ($520,000) - - - ($520,000)

Total ExpendituresTotal Expenditures - - - -(520,000) - (520,000)

Total Expenditures - - ($520,000) - - - ($520,000)

Ending BalanceEnding Balance - - - -520,000 - 520,000

Total Ending Balance - - $520,000 - - - $520,000

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ESSENTIAL AND POLICY PACKAGE FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARYFish & Wildlife, Oregon Dept of Cross Reference Name: Capital ImprovementsPkg: 031 - Standard Inflation Cross Reference Number: 63500-088-00-00-00000

General Fund Lottery Funds Other Funds Federal Funds Nonlimited OtherFunds

Nonlimited FederalFunds

All Funds

RevenuesGeneral Fund Appropriation 5,699 - - -- - 5,699Federal Funds - - - -- 117,534 117,534

Total Revenues $5,699 - - $117,534 - - $123,233

Services & SuppliesInstate Travel 2 - - -3,889 - 3,891Employee Training - - - -475 - 475Office Expenses - - - -1,164 - 1,164Telecommunications - - - -974 - 974Publicity and Publications 9 - - -1,280 - 1,289Professional Services - - - -2,715 - 2,715Employee Recruitment and Develop - - - -46 - 46Dues and Subscriptions - - - -234 - 234Fuels and Utilities - - - -2,916 - 2,916Facilities Maintenance 4,522 - - -5,499 - 10,021Agency Program Related S and S - - - -68,884 - 68,884Other Services and Supplies 1,166 - - -19,037 44,775 64,978Expendable Prop 250 - 5000 - - - -965 - 965IT Expendable Property - - - -536 - 536

Total Services & Supplies $5,699 - $108,614 $44,775 - - $159,088

Capital OutlayTechnical Equipment - - - -2,009 - 2,009Land Improvements - - - -- 20,294 20,294

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ESSENTIAL AND POLICY PACKAGE FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARYFish & Wildlife, Oregon Dept of Cross Reference Name: Capital ImprovementsPkg: 031 - Standard Inflation Cross Reference Number: 63500-088-00-00-00000

General Fund Lottery Funds Other Funds Federal Funds Nonlimited OtherFunds

Nonlimited FederalFunds

All Funds

Capital OutlayBuilding Structures - - - -76,666 - 76,666Other Capital Outlay - - - -12,391 27,584 39,975

Total Capital Outlay - - $91,066 $47,878 - - $138,944

Special PaymentsDist to Other Gov Unit - - - -- 24,881 24,881

Total Special Payments - - - $24,881 - - $24,881

Total ExpendituresTotal Expenditures 5,699 - - -199,680 117,534 322,913

Total Expenditures $5,699 - $199,680 $117,534 - - $322,913

Ending BalanceEnding Balance - - - -(199,680) - (199,680)

Total Ending Balance - - ($199,680) - - - ($199,680)

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ESSENTIAL AND POLICY PACKAGE FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARYFish & Wildlife, Oregon Dept of Cross Reference Name: Capital ImprovementsPkg: 091 - Statewide Adjustment DAS Chgs Cross Reference Number: 63500-088-00-00-00000

General Fund Lottery Funds Other Funds Federal Funds Nonlimited OtherFunds

Nonlimited FederalFunds

All Funds

Services & SuppliesInstate Travel - - - -- - -

Total Services & Supplies - - - - - - -

Total ExpendituresTotal Expenditures - - - -- - -

Total Expenditures - - - - - - -

Ending BalanceEnding Balance - - - -- - -

Total Ending Balance - - - - - - -

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ESSENTIAL AND POLICY PACKAGE FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARYFish & Wildlife, Oregon Dept of Cross Reference Name: Capital ImprovementsPkg: 810 - Statewide Adjustments Cross Reference Number: 63500-088-00-00-00000

General Fund Lottery Funds Other Funds Federal Funds Nonlimited OtherFunds

Nonlimited FederalFunds

All Funds

Personal ServicesReconciliation Adjustment - - - -(1,487) - (1,487)

Total Personal Services - - ($1,487) - - - ($1,487)

Services & SuppliesInstate Travel - - - -(2,590) - (2,590)

Total Services & Supplies - - ($2,590) - - - ($2,590)

Total ExpendituresTotal Expenditures - - - -(4,077) - (4,077)

Total Expenditures - - ($4,077) - - - ($4,077)

Ending BalanceEnding Balance - - - -4,077 - 4,077

Total Ending Balance - - $4,077 - - - $4,077

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Detail of Lottery, Other Funds and Federal Fund Revenues2019-21

Source Fund

ORBITS Revenue Accounts

2015-17 Actuals

2017-19 Legislatively


EstimatedAgency Request

Governor's Budget

Legislatively Adopted

Beginning Balance L 0025 - - - - - - Transfer in - Intrafund L 1010 - - - - - - Transfer in - Lottery Proceeds L 1040 - - - - - - Transfer in - OR Watershed Enhancement Bd L 1691 - - - - - - Transfer Out - Intrafund L 2010 - - - - - -

TOTAL LOTTERY FUNDS - - - - - - Beginning Balance O 0025 5,470,666 1,287,366 1,287,366 1,633,102 1,633,102 1,633,102 Business License & Fees O 0205 - - - - - - Non-Business Licenses & Fees O 0210 - - - - - - Hunter & Angler Licenses O 0230 Non Dedicated - - - - - - Dedicated 4,211,763 4,420,000 4,420,000 4,483,000 4,483,000 4,483,000

subtotal Hunter & Angler Licenses 4,211,763 4,420,000 4,420,000 4,483,000 4,483,000 4,483,000 Commercial Fisheries Fund O 0235 96,459 - - - - - Park User Fees O 0255 - - - - - - Charges for Services O 0410 - - - - - - Fines and Forfeitures O 0505 - - - - - - Rents & Royalties O 0510 - - - - - - General Fund Obligation Bonds O 0555 - - - - - - Interest Income O 0605 4,468 - - - - - Sales Income O 0705 - - - - - - Donations O 0905 - - - - - - Grants (Non-Fed) O 0910 - - - - - - Other Revenues O 0975 39,809 - - - - - Transfer in - Intrafund O 1010 2,504,321 520,000 520,000 680,307 680,307 680,307 Transfer in from Federal Indirect Revenue O 1020 - - - - - - Transfer in from General Fund O 1060 - - - - - - Transfer in - Oregon Department of Revenue O 1150 - - - - - - Transfer in - Oregon Military Dept O 1248 - - - - - - Transfer in - Marine Board O 1250 - - - - - - Transfer in - Department of Energy O 1330 - - - - - - Transfer in - Oregon Climate Authority O 1331Transfer in - Department of Forestry O 1629 - - - - - - Transfer in - Dept of Parks & Recreation O 1634 - - - - - - Transfer in - Water Resources Department O 1690 - - - - - - Transfer in - Watershed Enhancement Board O 1691 - - - - - - Transfer in - Department of Transportation O 1730 - - - - - - Transfer out - Intrafund O 2010 (3,160,021) - - - - - Transfer out - Dept. of Administrative Services O 2107 - - - - - - Transfer out - Department of State Police O 2257 - - - - - - Transfer out - Department of Agriculture O 2603 - - - - - - Transfer out - Watershed Enhancement Board O 2691 - - - - - -

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Detail of Lottery, Other Funds and Federal Fund Revenues2019-21

Source Fund

ORBITS Revenue Accounts

2015-17 Actuals

2017-19 Legislatively


EstimatedAgency Request

Governor's Budget

Legislatively Adopted

TOTAL OTHER FUND 9,167,465 6,227,366 6,227,366 6,796,409 6,796,409 6,796,409 Beginning Balance F 0025 374,708 - - - - - Federal Revenues F 0995 293,581 3,092,986 3,092,986 3,210,520 3,210,520 3,210,520 Transfer in - Intrafund F 1010 - - - - - - Transfer in - Marine Board F 1250 - - - - - - Transfer out - Intrafund F 2010 - - - - - Transfer out - Federal Indirect F 2020 - - - - - -

TOTAL FEDERAL FUNDS 668,289 3,092,986 3,092,986 3,210,520 3,210,520 3,210,520

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DETAIL OF LOTTERY FUNDS, OTHER FUNDS, AND FEDERAL FUNDS REVENUEFish & Wildlife, Oregon Dept of Agency Number: 635002019-21 Biennium Cross Reference Number: 63500-088-00-00-00000

2015-17 Actuals 2017-19 LegAdopted Budget

2017-19 LegApproved Budget

2019-21 AgencyRequest Budget

2019-21 Governor'sBudget

2019-21 Leg.Adopted BudgetSource

Other Funds4,211,763 4,420,000 4,420,000 4,483,000 4,483,000 4,483,000Hunter and Angler Licenses

96,459 - - - - -Commercial Fish Lic and Fees

4,468 - - - - -Interest Income

39,809 - - - - -Other Revenues

2,504,321 520,000 520,000 680,307 680,307 680,307Transfer In - Intrafund

(3,160,021) - - - - -Transfer Out - Intrafund

$3,696,799 $4,940,000 $4,940,000 $5,163,307 $5,163,307 $5,163,307Total Other Funds

Federal Funds293,581 3,092,986 3,092,986 3,210,520 3,210,520 3,210,520Federal Funds

$293,581 $3,092,986 $3,092,986 $3,210,520 $3,210,520 $3,210,520Total Federal Funds

_____ Agency Request _____ Governor's Budget _____ Legislatively Adopted2019-21 Biennium Page __________ Detail of LF, OF, and FF Revenues - BPR012

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SCR: 089-00-00-00000

Program and Activities ODFW does not currently have a major construction or acquisition program that is continuous from biennium to biennium. Funding is project specific. Occasionally, federal agencies will support a project that meets their goals and objectives. State projects may be funded with General Fund, Other Funds using Certificates of Participation or donations, or Lottery Funds. ODFW developed a six-year plan and a listing of projects, and continues to search for ways to fund these projects. Revenue Sources and Proposed Revenue Changes Specific packages in 2019-21 include:

• None included in Legislatively Adopted Budget.

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Major Construction/Acquisition Project Narrative

The purpose of this project is to address numerous maintenance needs at various facilities. This project portfolio contains the following actions: a new office at the Clackamas Complex, an expansion of the office and storage space at the John Day Screen Shop, a new office for the John Day Watershed, a new office for the Ontario Field Office, a repair of the Willamette Falls Fishway, and general maintenance and security upgrades to numerous offices. ODFW is intending to fund these projects through a bond request to the legislature. Funding for this project was not included in the Governor’s Budget. Klamath Reintroduction Conservation Hatchery Infrastructure: This funding package will allocate money to modify a portion of ODFW’s existing Klamath Fish Hatchery to provide necessary infrastructure to support a Klamath Basin Spring Chinook Salmon Conservation Hatchery Program. Funding for this project was not included in the Governor’s Budget.

Project Title: Building and Land Purchases Land Use/Zoning Requirements Satisfied Estimated Completion Date: Project Address/Location: Various Facility and Hatchery Improvements Several Locations

New Yes X No

Priority: 2

Addition Remodel


Comments: No. of Floors/Square Footage: NA

Provision for Future Expansion: NA Structural Framing: NA Flooring: NA

Exterior Walls: NA Heating/Cooling: NA

Provisions for Use Change: NA Interior Finish: NA Special Equipment: NA

Windows: NA Usable Unenclosed Areas: NA

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Major Construction/Acquisition Six-Year Plan


Program Area/Agency General Fund Other Funds Lottery Funds Federal Funds Total Funds

2019-21 – Facility Deferred Maintenance Pkg (not included in Legislatively Adopted Budget)

0 0

2021-23 – Facility Deferred Maintenance Pkg. (cont.) 10,000,000 10,000,000 2023-25 – Facility Deferred Maintenance Pkg. (cont.) 10,000,000 10,000,000

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Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife

Biennium Age




Concept/Project Name Description GSFPosition Count¹





Estimated Cost/Total Funds

2019-21 Three Rivers Fish Trap Fish Trap Replacement $ 900,000.00 $ 900,000.00 2019-21 Bandon Hatchery Residence Replacement 1400 $ 250,000.00 $ 250,000.00 2019-21 Rock Creek Hatchery Residence Replacement 1400 $ 250,000.00 $ 250,000.00 2019-21 Klamath Falls Hatchery Infrastructure Modifications $1,350,000.00 $ 1,350,000.00 2021-23 Roaring River Hatchery Intake Water Intake Replacement $ 1,250,000.00 $ 1,250,000.00

2021-23 Trask Hatchery TrapWater Intake & Trap Replacement $ 700,000.00 $ 700,000.00

2021-23 Salmon River Hatchery Intake Water Intake Replacement $ 3,500,000.00 $ 3,500,000.00 2023-25 None2025-27 None2027-29 None

$ 8,200,000.00

Biennium Location Description/Use Term in Years

Total RSF² +/- (added or

eliminated) USF³Position Count¹

Biennial $ Rent/RSF²

Biennial $ O&M⁴/RSF² not

included in base rent payment

Total Cost/Biennium

A B C D E (D+E) * A2019-21 None2021-23 None2023-25 None

Biennium Facility Name Description

19-21 Cedar Creek HatcheryDemolish existing intake and replace

19-21 Bandon HatcheryDemolish existing residence and Replace

19-21 Rock Creek HatcheryDemolish existing residence and Replace

21-23 Roaring River Hatchery Demolish existing intake and replace

21-23 Trask Hatchery Demolish existing intake and replace

21-23 Salmon River HatcheryDemolish existing intake and replace

Planned Disposal of Owned Facility

Facility Plan - 10 Year Space Needs Summary Report2019-21 Biennium

Note: List each project/lease or disposal separately. Proposed New Construction or Acquisition - Complete for 5 Biennia

Proposed Lease Changes over 10,000 RSF - Complete for 3 Biennia

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Occupant Position Count (PC) 1


USF 3O&M 4 Total Operations and Maintenance Costs for facilities including all maintenance, utilities and janitorial

Estimated Position Count assigned to (home location) each building or lease as applicableRentable SF per BOMA definition. The total usable area plus a pro-rated allocation of the floor and building common areas within a building.Usable Square Feet per BOMA definition for office/administrative uses. Area of a floor occupiable by a tenant where personnel or furniture are normally housed plus building amenity areas that are convertible to occupant area and not required by code or for the operations of a building. If not known, estimate the percentage.

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Capital Financing Six-Year Forecast Summary 2019-21

AGENCY: Department of Fish and Wildlife Agency #: 63500

Provide amounts in the table below, by expected use and repayment source, of agency financing needs for the 2019-21 biennium. Include proposed project amounts only (do not include debt service either from previously issued debt or from new issue).

Use of Bond Proceeds

Bond Type Totals by Repayment

Source General

Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Major Construction/ Acquisition Projects Subtotal for General Fund Repayment: $ $ $ GF Subtotal for Lottery Funds Repayment: $ $ $ LF Subtotal for Other Funds Repayment: $ $ $ OF Subtotal for Federal Funds Repayment: $ $ $ FF Total for Major Construction $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Equipment/Technology Projects over $500,000 Subtotal for General Fund Repayment: $ $ $ GF Subtotal for Lottery Funds Repayment: $ $ $ LF Subtotal for Other Funds Repayment: $ $ $ OF Subtotal for Federal Funds Repayment: $ $ $ FF Total for Equipment/Technology $ 0 $ 0 $ Debt Issuance for Loans and Grants Subtotal for General Fund Repayment: $ $ $ GF Subtotal for Lottery Funds Repayment: $ $ $ LF Subtotal for Other Funds Repayment: $ $ $ OF Subtotal for Federal Funds Repayment: $ $ $ FF Total for Loans and Grants: $ 0 $ 0 $ Total All Debt Issuance $ $ $ Subtotal for General Fund Repayment: $ $ $ GF Subtotal for Lottery Funds Repayment: $ $ $ LF Subtotal for Other Funds Repayment: $ $ $ OF Subtotal for Federal Funds Repayment: $ $ $ FF GRAND TOTAL 2019-21 $ 0 $ - 0 - $ 0

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Capital Financing Six-Year Forecast Summary 2021-23

AGENCY: Department of Fish and Wildlife Agency #: 63500

Provide amounts in the table below, by expected use and repayment source, of agency financing needs for the 2021-23 biennium. Include proposed project amounts only (do not include debt service either from previously issued debt or from new issue).

Use of Bond Proceeds

Bond Type Totals by Repayment

Source General

Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Major Construction/ Acquisition Projects Subtotal for General Fund Repayment: $ $ $ GF Subtotal for Lottery Funds Repayment: $ $ $ LF Subtotal for Other Funds Repayment: $ 10,000,000 $ $ 10,000,000 OF Subtotal for Federal Funds Repayment: $ $ $ FF Total for Major Construction $ 10,000,000 $ 0 $ 10,000,000 Equipment/Technology Projects over $500,000 Subtotal for General Fund Repayment: $ $ $ GF Subtotal for Lottery Funds Repayment: $ $ $ LF Subtotal for Other Funds Repayment: $ $ $ OF Subtotal for Federal Funds Repayment: $ $ $ FF Total for Equipment/Technology $ 0 $ 0 $ Debt Issuance for Loans and Grants Subtotal for General Fund Repayment: $ $ $ GF Subtotal for Lottery Funds Repayment: $ $ $ LF Subtotal for Other Funds Repayment: $ $ $ OF Subtotal for Federal Funds Repayment: $ $ $ FF Total for Loans and Grants: $ 0 $ 0 $ Total All Debt Issuance $ $ $ Subtotal for General Fund Repayment: $ $ $ GF Subtotal for Lottery Funds Repayment: $ $ $ LF Subtotal for Other Funds Repayment: $ $ $ OF Subtotal for Federal Funds Repayment: $ $ $ FF GRAND TOTAL 2021-23 $ 10,000,000 $ - 0 - $ 10,000,000

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Capital Financing Six-Year Forecast Summary 2023-25

AGENCY: Department of Fish and Wildlife Agency #: 63500

Provide amounts in the table below, by expected use and repayment source, of agency financing needs for the 2023-25 biennium. Include proposed project amounts only (do not include debt service either from previously issued debt or from new issue).

Use of Bond Proceeds

Bond Type Totals by Repayment

Source General

Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Major Construction/ Acquisition Projects Subtotal for General Fund Repayment: $ $ $ GF Subtotal for Lottery Funds Repayment: $ $ $ LF Subtotal for Other Funds Repayment: $ 10,000,000 $ $ 10,000,000 OF Subtotal for Federal Funds Repayment: $ $ $ FF Total for Major Construction $ 10,000,000 $ 0 $ 10,000,000 Equipment/Technology Projects over $500,000 Subtotal for General Fund Repayment: $ $ $ GF Subtotal for Lottery Funds Repayment: $ $ $ LF Subtotal for Other Funds Repayment: $ $ $ OF Subtotal for Federal Funds Repayment: $ $ $ FF Total for Equipment/Technology $ 0 $ 0 $ Debt Issuance for Loans and Grants Subtotal for General Fund Repayment: $ $ $ GF Subtotal for Lottery Funds Repayment: $ $ $ LF Subtotal for Other Funds Repayment: $ $ $ OF Subtotal for Federal Funds Repayment: $ $ $ FF Total for Loans and Grants: $ 0 $ 0 $ Total All Debt Issuance $ $ $ Subtotal for General Fund Repayment: $ $ $ GF Subtotal for Lottery Funds Repayment: $ $ $ LF Subtotal for Other Funds Repayment: $ $ $ OF Subtotal for Federal Funds Repayment: $ $ $ FF GRAND TOTAL 2023-25 $ 10,000,000 $ - 0 - $ 10,000,000

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Essential Packages

The Essential Packages represent changes made to the 2017-19 budget that estimate the cost to continue current legislatively approved programs into the 2019-21 biennium. 010 Vacancy Factor and Non-PICS Personal Services

• None

021/ 022 Cost of Phase-in and Phase-out Programs and One-time Costs

• None 031 Inflation/Price List Increases

• None 032 Above Standard Inflation

• None 033 Exceptional Inflation/Price List Increases

• None 050 Fund Shifts

• None 060 Technical Adjustments

• None

070 Revenue Reductions • None

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ESSENTIAL AND POLICY PACKAGE FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARYFish & Wildlife, Oregon Dept of Cross Reference Name: Major Construction and AcquisitionPkg: 022 - Phase-out Pgm & One-time Costs Cross Reference Number: 63500-089-00-00-00000

General Fund Lottery Funds Other Funds Federal Funds Nonlimited OtherFunds

Nonlimited FederalFunds

All Funds

Capital OutlayBuilding Structures - - - -- - -

Total Capital Outlay - - - - - - -

Total ExpendituresTotal Expenditures - - - -- - -

Total Expenditures - - - - - - -

Ending BalanceEnding Balance - - - -- - -

Total Ending Balance - - - - - - -

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ESSENTIAL AND POLICY PACKAGE FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARYFish & Wildlife, Oregon Dept of Cross Reference Name: Major Construction and AcquisitionPkg: 031 - Standard Inflation Cross Reference Number: 63500-089-00-00-00000

General Fund Lottery Funds Other Funds Federal Funds Nonlimited OtherFunds

Nonlimited FederalFunds

All Funds

Capital OutlayBuilding Structures - - - -- - -

Total Capital Outlay - - - - - - -

Total ExpendituresTotal Expenditures - - - -- - -

Total Expenditures - - - - - - -

Ending BalanceEnding Balance - - - -- - -

Total Ending Balance - - - - - - -

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ESSENTIAL AND POLICY PACKAGE FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARYFish & Wildlife, Oregon Dept of Cross Reference Name: Major Construction and AcquisitionPkg: 101 - DEFERRED MAINTENANCE-PHASE 2 Cross Reference Number: 63500-089-00-00-00000

General Fund Lottery Funds Other Funds Federal Funds Nonlimited OtherFunds

Nonlimited FederalFunds

All Funds

RevenuesGeneral Fund Obligation Bonds - - - -- - -Revenue Bonds - - - -- - -

Total Revenues - - - - - - -

Services & SuppliesOther COP Costs - - - -- - -

Total Services & Supplies - - - - - - -

Capital OutlayBuilding Structures - - - -- - -Other Capital Outlay - - - -- - -

Total Capital Outlay - - - - - - -

Total ExpendituresTotal Expenditures - - - -- - -

Total Expenditures - - - - - - -

Ending BalanceEnding Balance - - - -- - -

Total Ending Balance - - - - - - -

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ESSENTIAL AND POLICY PACKAGE FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARYFish & Wildlife, Oregon Dept of Cross Reference Name: Major Construction and AcquisitionPkg: 125 - KLAMATH ANADROMOUS FISH REINTRO-HATCHERY Cross Reference Number: 63500-089-00-00-00000

General Fund Lottery Funds Other Funds Federal Funds Nonlimited OtherFunds

Nonlimited FederalFunds

All Funds

RevenuesTransfer In Lottery Proceeds - - - -- - -

Total Revenues - - - - - - -

Capital OutlayOther Capital Outlay - - - -- - -

Total Capital Outlay - - - - - - -

Total ExpendituresTotal Expenditures - - - -- - -

Total Expenditures - - - - - - -

Ending BalanceEnding Balance - - - -- - -

Total Ending Balance - - - - - - -

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ESSENTIAL AND POLICY PACKAGE FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARYFish & Wildlife, Oregon Dept of Cross Reference Name: Major Construction and AcquisitionPkg: 801 - LFO Analyst Adjustments Cross Reference Number: 63500-089-00-00-00000

General Fund Lottery Funds Other Funds Federal Funds Nonlimited OtherFunds

Nonlimited FederalFunds

All Funds

RevenuesGeneral Fund Obligation Bonds - - - -257,448 - 257,448

Total Revenues - - $257,448 - - - $257,448

Personal ServicesClass/Unclass Sal. and Per Diem - - - -173,904 - 173,904Empl. Rel. Bd. Assessments - - - -61 - 61Public Employees' Retire Cont - - - -29,512 - 29,512Social Security Taxes - - - -13,304 - 13,304Worker's Comp. Assess. (WCD) - - - -58 - 58Flexible Benefits - - - -35,184 - 35,184Reconciliation Adjustment - - - -5,425 - 5,425

Total Personal Services - - $257,448 - - - $257,448

Total ExpendituresTotal Expenditures - - - -257,448 - 257,448

Total Expenditures - - $257,448 - - - $257,448

Ending BalanceEnding Balance - - - -- - -

Total Ending Balance - - - - - - -

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ESSENTIAL AND POLICY PACKAGE FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARYFish & Wildlife, Oregon Dept of Cross Reference Name: Major Construction and AcquisitionPkg: 801 - LFO Analyst Adjustments Cross Reference Number: 63500-089-00-00-00000

General Fund Lottery Funds Other Funds Federal Funds Nonlimited OtherFunds

Nonlimited FederalFunds

All Funds

Total PositionsTotal Positions 1

Total Positions - - - - - - 1

Total FTETotal FTE 1.00

Total FTE - - - - - - 1.00

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OAO C3253 AP FACILITIES ENGINEER 3 1 1.00 24.00 05 7,246.00 173,904 173,904 78,119 78,119

TOTAL PICS SALARY 173,904 173,904 TOTAL PICS OPE 78,119 78,119 --- ------ ------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL PICS PERSONAL SERVICES = 1 1.00 24.00 252,023 252,023

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Detail of Lottery, Other Funds and Federal Fund Revenues2019-21

Source Fund

ORBITS Revenue Accounts 2015-17 Actuals

2017-19 Legislatively

Approved 2017-19 Estimated Agency Request Governor's BudgetLegislatively


Beginning Balance L 0025 - - - - - - Transfer in - Intrafund L 1010 - - - - - - Transfer in - Lottery Proceeds L 1040 - - - 1,350,000 - - Transfer in - OR Watershed Enhancement Bd L 1691 - - - - - - Transfer Out - Intrafund L 2010 - - - - - -

TOTAL LOTTERY FUNDS - - - 1,350,000 - - Beginning Balance O 0025 - - - - - - Business License & Fees O 0205 - - - - - - Non-Business Licenses & Fees O 0210 - - - - - - Hunter & Angler Licenses O 0230 Non Dedicated - - - - - - Dedicated - - - - - -

subtotal Hunter & Angler Licenses - - - - - - Commercial Fisheries Fund O 0235 - - - - - - Park User Fees O 0255 - - - - - - Charges for Services O 0410 - - - - - - Fines and Forfeitures O 0505 - - - - - - Rents & Royalties O 0510 - - - - - - General Fund Obligation Bonds O 0555 - 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,135,000 - - Interest Income O 0605 - - - - - - Sales Income O 0705 - - - - - - Donations O 0905 - - - - - - Grants (Non-Fed) O 0910 1,865,000 - - - - - Other Revenues O 0975 - - - - - - Transfer in - Intrafund O 1010 227,269 - - - - - Transfer in from Federal Indirect Revenue O 1020 - - - - - - Transfer in from General Fund O 1060 - - - - - - Transfer in - Oregon Department of Revenue O 1150 - - - - - - Transfer in - Oregon Military Dept O 1248 - - - - - - Transfer in - Marine Board O 1250 - - - - - - Transfer in - Department of Energy O 1330 - - - - - - Transfer in - Oregon Climate Authority O 1331Transfer in - Department of Forestry O 1629 - - - - - - Transfer in - Dept of Parks & Recreation O 1634 135,000 - - - - - Transfer in - Water Resources Department O 1690 - - - - - - Transfer in - Watershed Enhancement Board O 1691 - - - - - - Transfer in - Department of Transportation O 1730 - - - - - - Transfer out - Intrafund O 2010 - - - - - - Transfer out - Dept. of Administrative Services O 2107 - - - - - - Transfer out - Department of State Police O 2257 - - - - - - Transfer out - Department of Agriculture O 2603 - - - - - - Transfer out - Watershed Enhancement Board O 2691 - - - - - -

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Detail of Lottery, Other Funds and Federal Fund Revenues2019-21

Source Fund

ORBITS Revenue Accounts 2015-17 Actuals

2017-19 Legislatively

Approved 2017-19 Estimated Agency Request Governor's BudgetLegislatively


TOTAL OTHER FUND 2,227,269 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,135,000 - - Beginning Balance F 0025 - - - - - - Federal Revenues F 0995 2,773,750 - - - - - Transfer in - Intrafund F 1010 - - - - - - Transfer in - Marine Board F 1250 - - - - - - Transfer out - Intrafund F 2010 - - - - - - Transfer out - Federal Indirect F 2020 - - - - - -

TOTAL FEDERAL FUNDS 2,773,750 - - - - -

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DETAIL OF LOTTERY FUNDS, OTHER FUNDS, AND FEDERAL FUNDS REVENUEFish & Wildlife, Oregon Dept of Agency Number: 635002019-21 Biennium Cross Reference Number: 63500-089-00-00-00000

2015-17 Actuals 2017-19 LegAdopted Budget

2017-19 LegApproved Budget

2019-21 AgencyRequest Budget

2019-21 Governor'sBudget

2019-21 Leg.Adopted BudgetSource

Lottery Funds- - - 1,350,000 - -Transfer In Lottery Proceeds

- - - $1,350,000 - -Total Lottery Funds

Other Funds- 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,135,000 - 257,448General Fund Obligation Bonds

1,865,000 - - - - -Grants (Non-Fed)

227,269 - - - - -Transfer In - Intrafund

135,000 - - - - -Tsfr From Parks and Rec Dept

$2,227,269 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 $10,135,000 - $257,448Total Other Funds

Federal Funds2,773,750 - - - - -Federal Funds

$2,773,750 - - - - -Total Federal Funds

_____ Agency Request _____ Governor's Budget _____ Legislatively Adopted2019-21 Biennium Page __________ Detail of LF, OF, and FF Revenues - BPR012

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Facilities Maintenance

Program and Activities ODFW owns 574 buildings valued under $1 million and 23 buildings valued over $1 million. These buildings total 2,454,899 square feet and have a replacement value in excess of $179 million. In addition, ODFW owns and operates land improvements valued at $27.2 million, leasehold improvements valued at $1.44 million, roads valued at $8.33 million, tunnels and bridges valued at $720,500, utility systems valued at $117.3 million, and docks, dikes, and dams valued at over $27.9 million. Basic maintenance comes from the facilities’ operating budgets. Department of Administrative Services contracted with Faithful & Gould Toperform a complete condition assessment of agency facilities. The Facility Condition Assessment was completed in 2016. The Maintenance Master Plan was completed in December 2005. ODFW continues to search for ways to fund this backlog and has made incremental progress on addressing these needs each biennium. The key drivers for facility needs are driven by two key factors: 1) appropriate space to rear fish to meet production goals for the agency; 2) appropriate office/storage/shop space to support the activities of our staff to conduct the business for the agency. Fish rearing space follows current fish propagation methodologies for poundage of fish per cubic foot of water depending upon the fish size and temperature of water being delivered to the ponds/raceway. Program space is determined by multiple factors that contribute to the overall space needs for the agency staff. Factors that contribute to the total space needed by the agency include number of offices required for each program, total space needed to store equipment, storage spaces for data/samples/animal processing, vehicle storage, and public service areas. Key facility-related challenges ODFW will face over the next 10 years include:

1. Degradation of facilities that compromise their structural integrity or core function. 2. Adequate funding stream to allow for timely repair or replacement of facilities. 3. Adequate staff resources to design, or contract the design effort, to repair or replace facilities.

Revenue Sources and Proposed Revenue Changes Basic maintenance uses General Fund, Other Funds, and Federal Funds. A small amount of General Fund is used for Emergency Hatchery Maintenance projects in the Capital Improvement program. The 2017-19 biennium was the second biennium under the six-year fee adjustment that was effective January 2016. This fee package was developed to provide modest increases in each biennium over the next six years. This approach allows for continued funding of the agency without a large increase for the customer in the first biennium.

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Proposed New Laws • None.

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Facility Plan - Facility Summary Report 107BF16a2019-21 Biennium

Agency Name

Table A: Owned Assets Over $1M CRV FY 2018 DATATotal Number of Facilities Over $1M 47

Current  Replacement Value $ (CRV) 1 $130,096,506 Source 4 FCA Risk or FCATotal Gross Square Feet (GSF) 860,395

Office/Administrative Usable Square Feet (USF) 2 172,680 Estimate/Actual 5 46 % USF/GSFOccupants Position Count (PC) 3 383 Office/Admin USF/PC 6 451

 or Agency Measure 7

Table B: Owned facilities under $1M CRVNumber of Facilities Under $1M  529

CRV 1 $49,054,323GSF 2,107,591

Table C: Leased FacilitiesTotal Rentable SF 8 57367

Total 2019-2021Biennial Lease Cost 807,978Additional 2017-2019 Costs for Lease Properties (O&M) 9 Included above

Office/Administrative Usable Square Feet (USF) 2 33,827 Estimate/Actual 5 59% % USF/GSFOccupants Position Count (PC) 3 428 Office/Admin USF/PC 6 79



USF 2Occupant Postion Count (PC) 3

Source 4Estimate/Actual 5

Office/Administrative USF/PC 6Agency Measure 7

RSF 8O&M 9

furniture are normally housed plus building amenity areas that are convertible to occupant area and not required by code or for the

Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife

Current Replacement Value Reported to Risk Management or Calculated Replacement Value Reported from iPlan Facility

Conditions Assessment (FCA)

Usable Square Feet per BOMA definition for office/administrative uses. Area of a floor occupiable by a tenant where personnel or

If not using USF/PC, insert Agency Measure as defined in 107BF02 question #1.Rentable SF per BOMA definition. The total usable area plus a pro-rated allocation of the floor and building common areas within abuilding.Total Operations and Maintenance Costs for facilities including all maintenance, utilities and janitorial

operations of a building.  If not known, estimate the percentage. Total Legislatively Approved Budget (LAB) Position Count within the buildings or leases as applicable.Enter Source of CRV as "Risk" or "FCA"Use actual USF % of USF to GSF, if available.  If not known, estimate the percentage.Divide your USF by your position count. If office/admin space is a less than 10% of your space use, fill in N/A and fill in #7, "Agency Measure".

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Facility Plan - Facility O&M/DM Report 107B16b2019-21 Biennium

Agency Name

Facilities Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Budget excluding Capital Improvements and Deferred Maintenance 1 2015-17 Actual 2017-19 LAB 2019-21 Budgeted 2021-23 Projected

Personal Services (PS) Operations and Maintenance $ 1,038,377 $ 1,264,476 $ 1,428,858 TBDServices and Supplies (S&S) Operations and Maintenance $ 4,491,144 $ 4,653,931 $ 4,840,088 TBD

Utilities not included in PS and S$S above $ 3,117,530 $ 3,226,174 $ 3,355,221 TBDTotal O&M $ 8,647,051 $ 9,144,581 $ 9,624,167 TBDO&M $/SF  $ 2.91 $ 3.08 $ 3.24 TBD

Total O&M SF 2,967,986

General Fund Lottery Fund Other Funds Federal FundsO&M Estimated Fund Split Percentage % 2 8.54 1.44 49.85 40.16

Deferred Maintnenance Funding In CurrentBudget Model 2019-21 Biennium

Ongoing Budgeted(non POP)

Ongoing Budgeted(non POP)

Total Short and Long Term Deferred Maintenance Plan for Facilities 3 Current Costs (2018) Ten Year Projection

2019-21 BudgetedSB 1067

(2% CRV min.)

2021-23 ProjectedSB 1067

(2% CRV min.) SB 1067 Guidance Below

Priorities 1-3 - Currently, Potentially and Not Yet Critical 4,5,6 $2,159,491 $18,580,874 $3,583,017 $3,583,017 If your allocation is <> 2%, replace with your valuePriority 4 - Seismic & Natural Hazard 7 $0 $0

Priority 5 - Modernization 8 0Total Priority Need $2,159,491 $18,580,874 $3,583,017 $3,583,017 (minus DM funding in current budget model)

Facility Condition Index (Priority 1-3 Needs/CRV) 9 1.21% 10.37% 8.37% 6.37%

Assets CRV $179,150,829

Process/Software for routine maintenance (O&M) Provide narrativeProcess/Software for deferred maintenance/renewal Provide narrative

Process for funding facilities maintenance Provide narrative

From iPlan FCA

Fish and Wildlife Department

Include only the SF for which your agency provides O&M funding.

Current Replacement Value Reported to Risk or Calculated Replacement Value

Reported from Facility Conditions Assessment (FCA)

ODFW facility managers are responsible for monitoring the condition of facilities. When the manager notices a maintenance issue, they arrange for repair out of their facility budget. If the repair is extensive, they work with Headquarters to move forward with a open bid opportunity and find funds to cover the cost.iPlan. FCAs completed in 2017.

Maintenance funds come from several sources: General Fund, Lottery Fund, Federal Funds, Donations, and Mitigation dollars. As projects are identified, HQ develops a strategy to gather the funds to perform the repair. The agency is currently working on an ongoing general fund budget request to establish a consistent source of funds to perform facility repair.

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2019-21 Biennium Legislatively Adopted Budget Page 883

Page 42: CAPITAL BUDGETING · 2019-11-21 · capital budgeting . 2019-21 organization chart . services division. positions = 3 fte = 3 . propagation program commission director humanr esources


Facilities Operations and Maintenance Budget 1O&M Estimated Fund Split Percentage % 2

Total Short and Long Term Maintenance and DeferredMaintenance Plan for Facilities Value Over $1M 3

Priority One: Currently Critical 4

Priority Two: Potentially Critical 5

Priority Three: Necessary - Not yet Critical 6

Priority Four: Seismic and Natural Hazard Remediation 7

Priority Five: Modernization  8Facility Condition Index 9

and ground (groundskeeper, parking lots, sidewalks, etc.) and centrally operated systems (electrical, mechanical,

The Facilities Operations and Maintenance budget includes costs to operate and maintain facilities and keep themin repair including utilities, janitorial and maintenance costs. Maintenance costs are categorized as externalbuilding (roof, siding, windows, etc.); interior systems (electrical, mechanical, interior walls, doors, etc.); roads

From the Budget Instruction: Priority Two projects are to be undertaken in the near future to maintain the integrity

etc.). Agencies with significant facilities may include support staff if directly associated with facilities maintenanceactivities. Do not include other overhead costs such as accounting, central government charges, etc.  Show the fund split by percentage of fund source allocated to facility O&M for your agencyAll Maintenance excluding routine O&M costs. 19-21 and 21-23 auto-populates with 2% of the sum of your agencyportfolio’s CRV. Written to deliver on SB 1067: SECTION 9. (1) Each biennium, the Governor shall propose as

part of the Governor’s recommended budget an amount for deferred maintenance and capital improvements on

existing state-owned buildings and infrastructure that is equivalent to at least two percent of the currentreplacement value of the state-owned buildings and infrastructure.From the Budget Instruction: Priority One projects are conditions that require immediate action in order to addresscode and accessibility violations that affect life safety. Building envelope issues (roof, sides, windows and doors)that pose immediate safety concerns should be included in this category. 

earthquake.  Projects also include those that mitigate significant flood hazards.

of the facility and accommodate current agency program requirements. Included are systems that are functioning improperly or at limited capacity, and if not addressed, will cause additional system deterioration and added repaircosts. Also included are significant building envelope issues (roof, sides, windows and doors) that, if not addressed, will cause additional system deterioration and added repair costs.From the Budget Instructions: Priority Three projects could be undertaken in the near to mid-term future to maintain the integrity of a building and to address building systems, building components and site work that haveeached or exceeded their useful life based on industry standards, but are still functioning in some capacity. Theseprojects may require attention currently to avoid deterioration, potential downtime and consequently higher costs ifcorrective action is deferred.From the Budget Instructions: Priority Four projects improve seismic performance of buildings constructed prior to 1995 building code changes to protect occupants, minimize building damage and speed recovery after a major

conform to current codes, but are ‘grandfathered’ in their existing condition to the extent feasible.

A calculated measure of facility condition relative to its current replacement value (expressed as a percentage)

From the Budget Instructions: Priority Five projects are alterations or replacement of facilities solely to implementnew or higher standards to accommodate new functions, significantly improve existing functionality as well asreplacement of building components that typically last more than 50 years (such as the building structure or foundations). These standards include system and aesthetic upgrades which represent sensible improvements to the existing condition. These projects improve the overall usability and reduce long-term maintenance requirements.  Given the significant nature of these projects, the work typically addresses deficiencies that do not

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