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1 FREE 免费取阅 English the back side 免费奧数課棋谜趣味数学Free Math Contest Prep & IQ Math Chess Puzzles lessons 一个做数学又练头脑的高档资优生培训中心 兒童趣味游戏数学專科培训中心 (專教资优兒童 3 歲或以上) 全球唯一创新独特突破发明兒童智能数学+国际象棋+谜題+奥数融合教材 资优数学 SSAT Mini-School 数学 IQ 智能健脑思维 奥数加强 移民生 ESL 数学 奥数达到中国水平 少儿国際象棋班 Math, Chess, and Puzzles all in one worksheets - sample problem (partial). 安排免费试听,请用普通话电数学棋谜創始人何老師夫婦 Frank 何数棋老师 604-263-4321 或电 Amanda 何数谜老师 604-781-3688 数棋谜 連鎖店总部 (Ho Math Chess Headquarters) 5707 Balsam Street (41 ), 温哥华 (Vancity 对面)

Canada Vancouver Ho Math Chess Program Description in Chinese and English

Oct 21, 2015



Frank Ho

Frank Ho, a Canadian certified math teacher, intrigued by the relationships between math and chess after teaching his son chess started Ho Math Chess™ in 1995. His long-term devotion of research has led his son to become a FIDE chess master and Frank’s publications of over 30 math workbooks.

Today Ho Math Chess™ is the world largest and the only franchised scholastic math, chess, and puzzles specialty learning center with worldwide locations. Ho Math Chess™ is a leading research organization in the field of math, chess, and puzzles integrated teaching methodology.

There are hundreds of articles already published showing chess benefits children and that math puzzles are a very good way of improving brainpower. So by integrating chess and mathematical puzzles together to spark the interest of learning math, the learning effect is more significant.

Parents send their children to Ho Math Chess™ because they like Ho Math Chess™ teaching philosophy – offering children problem-solving questions in a variety of formats. The questions could be pure chess, chess puzzles or mathematical puzzles in nature of logic, pattern, three structure, Venn diagram, probability and many more math concepts.

Ho Math Chess has developed a series of unique and high quality workbooks. Its first product is the world’s first Magic Chess and Fun Math Puzzles. The workbook is not only for learning chess, but also for enriching math ability. Right from the creation time, Ho Math Chess has set itself apart from other math learning centers, chess clubs or chess classes.

The purposes of Ho Math Chess™ teaching method and workbooks are to:
• improve math marks.
• develop problem solving and
critical thinking skills.
• Improve strategic thinking ability.
• boost brainpower.

Testimonials, sample worksheets, and franchise information can found at
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Page 1: Canada Vancouver Ho Math Chess Program Description in Chinese and English


FREE免费取阅 English the back side

免费奧数課及棋谜趣味数学课 Free Math Contest Prep & IQ Math Chess Puzzles lessons


兒童趣味游戏数学專科培训中心 (專教资优兒童 3 歲或以上) 全球唯一创新独特突破发明兒童智能数学+国际象棋+谜題+奥数融合教材 资优数学 SSAT Mini-School 数学 IQ智能健脑思维 奥数加强 移民生 ESL 数学



Math, Chess, and Puzzles all in one

worksheets - sample problem (partial).


Frank 何数棋老师 604-263-4321 或电 Amanda 何数谜老师 604-781-3688

何数棋谜 連鎖店总部 (Ho Math Chess Headquarters)

5707 Balsam Street (夹 41 街), 温哥华 (Vancity 对面)

Page 2: Canada Vancouver Ho Math Chess Program Description in Chinese and English




The Secret of

How My Son Became a

Chess Master


Page 3: Canada Vancouver Ho Math Chess Program Description in Chinese and English



How My Son Became a Chess Master

何数棋老師 Frank Ho



我的儿子 Andrew Ho 12岁就成了加拿大青少年象棋冠军、国际象棋协会颁布的






些有关国际象棋的书,开始用这些参考书教他怎样下象棋。当 Andrew学会了象棋








这促使我以后自己创办了何数棋谜(Ho Math Chess) 。当年象棋俱乐部有一

位退休医生有极大兴趣和 Andrew玩棋,那医生和 Andrew玩棋时,每移动一步棋

子都用很长时间(那时没有用计时器)。大概因為这样,Andrew刚刚过 6嵗便被




从参加了周二晚上和成年人的对战,Andrew获得很多经验。记得当年 Andrew代表

加拿大参加 10岁国际大赛,他的棋力是 1900左右,但国际上其他对手有些巳达

Page 4: Canada Vancouver Ho Math Chess Program Description in Chinese and English


到 2000的水平。这次国际比赛的经历让 Andrew和我受到极大的震撼,我们对后



国际赛后回加拿大,最困扰我的是找不到一个教练可以教导 Andrew,把他的棋力


多数教练都没有经验。对 Andrew来説,从书本中学习可能是最好的选择。

在接触了几个象棋私人家教后,我找不到可以使 Andrew继续进步的教育方式。一


Andrew学习他们开局的方式呢?事实证明,这种无师自通的方式对 Andrew来说是


一连串的父教子的自学,让 Andrew Ho 12 岁时得到了加拿大 12 岁组、少年(14 岁)


象棋大赛获得第 5名,Andrew Ho成了 FIDE国际象棋大师。而日夜专研棋的代价


把 Andrew训练达到世界水平呢?主要从以下几方面着手:






让 Andrew 做大量的谜题,脑力及棋力可以同步提升.运也是為什么

何数棋谜(Ho Math Chess)下棋俱乐部有一半的时间在做脑力的训练.



一个开局专家棋手。我把钻研开局理论作为 Andrew的重点训练项目。这种无教练



训练 Andrew时我遇到了另一难题。我发现当遇到不熟悉的开局时,棋手们花费太


了所有主要的开局,为 Andrew找出遇到不同的开局时可以运用对应的各种棋路。



Page 5: Canada Vancouver Ho Math Chess Program Description in Chinese and English



有关“What if”的开局方式準备得很出色。如果对手下的棋路是他喜欢的开局,

那么大多数棋手都没有能力去反击。有一段时间 Andrew在温哥华甚至被称為是




代价:往往清晨 2点还在研究第二天的战法,日夜不休的研究、无限的时间投入


不会再花费如此多的时间及心思去训练 Andrew。作為替代,我会挪用一些下棋的

时间去指导他的数学知识。因為数学会帮助 Andrew一路通往大学甚至研究所


(Ho Math Chess)学习中心,把数学和棋艺联合起来教授的原因,这样,孩子们



Frank 何数棋老师 604-263-4321

或电 Amanda 何数谜老师 604-781-3688

何数棋谜 連鎖店总部 (Ho Math Chess Headquarters)

5707 Balsam Street (夹 41 街), 温哥华 (Vancity 对面)

Page 6: Canada Vancouver Ho Math Chess Program Description in Chinese and English


小学生 SSAT 私校入学考

SSAT Preparation

自 1995年何数棋谜成立以来,何老师就致力于教材的研究、开发和


学生考 SSAT 特别撰写了一套数学教材。这套教材包括了所有 SSAT




才艺, 比一般学生亮点多.


英文由 Brenna作家教 - A freelance lifestyle writer and blogger with

strong background in editorial. Writing samples can be found at

数学由 Frank Ho教,何数棋谜创始人, 20多年教学圣验,出版 40多

数学书本,部分可在 买.

报名请用普通话电 Frank 何数棋老师 604-263-4321

何数棋谜 連鎖店总部 (Ho Math Chess Headquarters)

5707 Balsam Street (夹 41 街), 温哥华 (Vancity 对面)

Page 7: Canada Vancouver Ho Math Chess Program Description in Chinese and English



待家长诚心 对学生尽责 竞争凭创新 打拼才成功


大部份的学生对多做数学题都没有兴趣, 但对电动游戏则此较有兴趣. 一般的家教或培训学中

心教数学只是為了分数, 所以学生在这种环境下学得效果就是成紜虽然进步了, 仍是有个不灵

巧的头脑. 学数学只是為了升学吗? 上培训中心补数学只是為了改进数学分数吗? 从实用及现

实的观里点来说, 这些看法是有点道理的. 但从小学生的观点来及未来人生竞争力来看, 这些

只為了增加分数而採取的一些教学手段未免太枯燥无聊了. 补数学只是為了改进数学分数的短

期目标最大缺点是没有培养学生思考的能力, 无思唯能力问题在将来升大学或做事都会再显现


是件有趣的事. 何数棋谜将数学与小学生喜欢的游戏结合,是一个好的,学生喜欢学数学的培训

中心. 何数棋谜不但要提高学生数学的能力, 并且要让学生觉得学数学也是件有乐趣的事.

何数棋谜(何数学棋艺)教学理念及方法為有 BC数学教师证书的何老师(Frank Ho)於 1995 年首创

发明.引起何数棋谜创办的动机及歷史真是非常独特. 何老师的儿子(Andrew Ho)於 5岁多时对

国际象棋发生兴趣, 但何老师当时不会下棋,於是何老师展开了一连串的父教子的自学活动.

Andrew Ho 於 12岁时得了加拿大 12岁组,少年 (14岁)组,青年(18岁)组的三冠王,破了加拿大

棋界的纪录, 并且於巴西的分龄世界国际象棋大赛时得第 5名. Andrew Ho现為 FIDE 国际象棋

大师. 由於何老师对国际象棋发生兴趣引发了何老师研究国际象棋与数学的关系. 而后何老师

的太太 Amanda 何老师也加入了研发团队,结果是何数棋谜团队研发出世界独一无二有版权 (加

拿大 1069744) 及有商标注册 (TMA771400) 结合数学,国际象棋,谜题,与智能开癸的材料. 划时

代创新教材也震撼了儿童幼教界. 中英文报纸, 电视台等媒介都报导过 (详情见所以何数棋谜的创办有其理念及文化背景. 何数棋谜不但提高学生数

学的能力,并且也让学生觉得学数学是件有乐趣的事. 温哥华许多补习班都希望发展成为国际连

锁店但只有何数棋谜真正做成功了. 为什么? 一定有其特殊原因的. 何数棋谜并研发了专教资



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只见棋谜不见题 劝君迷路不哭涕

数学象棋加谜题 健脑思维眞神奇

少兒可以学国際象棋吗? 由於以下的原因, 何数棋谜的答案是肯定的.




可以免费参加 Ho Chess Club.









自 1995年成立以来,在我们的的努力下,何数棋迷在世界各地已开办了 15家连


Fill in the following □ with a number.


Page 9: Canada Vancouver Ho Math Chess Program Description in Chinese and English



徜徉艺海 棋乐无穷


一显身手,那就请参加我们的小棋士班。本班将系统讲授开局理论, 开

局与中局之间的转换, 复杂局面分析, 战术组合, 及残局分析。


White to checkmate in 2 moves.

Frankho Puzzle™

Frankho Puzzle™ is solved by using one or

more operators of addition, subtraction,

multiplication or division after following

chess moves and logic.

Rule All the digits 1 to 3 must appear exactly once

in every row and column. The number appears in

the bottom right-hand corner is the end result

calculated according to arithmetic operator(s) and

chess move(s) as indicated by darker arrow(s).

Page 10: Canada Vancouver Ho Math Chess Program Description in Chinese and English


小学生 SSAT 私校入学考


自 1995年何数棋谜成立以来,何老师就致力于教材的研究、开发和学


SSAT 特别撰写了一套数学教材。这套教材包括了 SSAT常见题型并有所



小学生升中学 Mini school 入学考準備

现在考 Mini school的竞争越来越强,Mini school对学生的要求也越来越高。根

据这一形势变化,何数棋谜特别為小学生争取考 mini school math 高分而研发了


我们的努力获得了学生和家长的肯定,每年都有很多学生考入 Lord Byng, Magee,

Point Grey, Prince Wales 和 Churchill,也有很多学生考入数学快班。

参加 mini school的学生尚可以免费参加奥数及智能脑力思维开发课.

大量家长见证(超过 100件), 中英文研究报告(超过 80 件),练习样本,连锁店资料请上网查询

世界首创独特发明有版权(加拿大 1069744), 真实正牌何数棋谜教材,全世界有 20多家加盟连锁

店.所有教室皆隔间, 教学上课,互不干扰.

欢迎用普通话,国语,或英语日夜连络.免费试听一次,请电温哥华 Frank 何数棋老师

604-263-4321, 或 Amanda 何数谜老师 604-781-3688.

5707 Balsam Street (夹 41 街), 温哥华 (Vancity 对面)

Page 11: Canada Vancouver Ho Math Chess Program Description in Chinese and English














Frankho Maze©

Page 12: Canada Vancouver Ho Math Chess Program Description in Chinese and English


Ho Math Chess 何数棋谜


Amanda 何老师 604-781-3688, 604-263-4321

5707 Balsam Street (夹 41 街), 温哥华 (Vancity 对面)






SAT 数学,ACT 数学和科学,十二年级、大一微积分。教学完全



Page 13: Canada Vancouver Ho Math Chess Program Description in Chinese and English


Parents’ and Students’ Referrals

The majority of Ho Math Chess students stayed until they graduated from high school. The following is a partial list of our

returning and graduated students. More testimonials (over 100), research papers (over 80), sample material, and franchise

information can be found at

Name Grade

enrolled Program attended or attending School

Victor H. 3 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee Taiwan American

Jacky H. 5 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee Taiwan American

Poly H. 6 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee Church Hill

Tina T. 5 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee Magee

Samuel C. 2 Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee Maple Grove

Elisa A. 10 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee Crofton

Helen W. 10 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee Crofton

Angela A. 2 Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee Quilchena

Arishia A. 2 Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee Kerrisdale

Tammy T. 3 Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee Magee

Howard M. 4 Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee Lord Byng

Jonathan C 7 Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee Vancouver College

Crystal Y. 12 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee Crofton

Nicholas C. 10 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee St. Georges

Melody C. 9 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee Crofton

Nicola L. 7 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee Crofton

Ashley H. 5 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee York House

Alison C. 12 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee Churchill

Cathy C. 1 Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee Osler

Kaycie C. 3 Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee China Clifford

Henry D. 8 Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee U Hill

Samantha H. 5 Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee Lord Kitchener

Shirley L. 7 Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee U Hill

Frank L. K Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee St. Francis Xavier

Jimmie L. 8 Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee Christian Secondary

Rebecca T. 9 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee Kitsilano

Russell N. K Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee St. Georges

Henry Y, K Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee St. Georges

Jeffrey L. 6 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee Magee

Kimberley L. 9 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee Magee

Stephanie L. 9 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee Magee

Philip N. 7 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee Vancouver College

Lucy N. 5 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee OLPH

Gopal S. 8 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee Eric Hamber

Andy Q. 3 Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee Van Christian

Mohit S. 9 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee St. John

Naomy K. 8 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee Crofton

Christine S. 6 Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee Little Flower

Tristan 3 Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee St. Georges

Allison C. 8 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee WPGA

Arthur Y. 7 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee Vancouver College

Aaron Y. 6 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee St. Georges

Jerry X. 2 Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee Shaughnessy

Janathan W. 7 Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee Kerrisdale

Alex H. 3 Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee Shaughnessy

Alice C. 6 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee Prince of Wales

Tina W. 6 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee Prince of Wales

Tony Y. 9 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee St. Georges

Sunita Y 1 Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee Crofton

Raymond Y. 9 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee St. Georges

Varun B. 8 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee St. Georges

Joyce Y. 5 Integrated math, math contest, chess, word problems, puzzles with one fee Crofton

Amanda G. 6 All you can learn math, chemistry, physics, calculus, and science with one fee Crofton

Page 14: Canada Vancouver Ho Math Chess Program Description in Chinese and English


Ho Math Chess

Math, Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, Science combo class

The Big 5, All You Can Learn ©

What is Big 5 (math, chemistry, calculus, physics, and science), All you can

learn? It is a special class created by Ho Math Chess. The core tutoring of this

class is math but we will help students on other subjects too while they enrol

in our math class. Students can also get help in calculus, physics, chemistry,

or science by paying only one math fee. Ho Math Chess is the one stop-

tutoring place for 5 subjects by paying only one math fee.

Why paying multi-fee for multiple subjects? Parents only need to pay one

subject fee and their children can get help for different subjects at Ho Math


We also prepare students for the provincial exams and SAT, SATII with no

extra fee required.

Please phone Frank Ho at 604-263-4321 to arrange one free trial lesson.

Ho Math Chess is located at 5707 Balsam Street (& 41 街), Vancouver (across from Vancity)

Page 15: Canada Vancouver Ho Math Chess Program Description in Chinese and English


Elementary Math for Gifted Children

The Big 5, All You Can Learn ©

The fear of working on dreaded traditional computation worksheets is over, try our world

famous fun and educational math, chess, and puzzles truly integrated and copyrighted

(Canada 1069744) worksheets This is our flagship and one-of-a-kind, multi-function, 5

subjects in 1 class offered by Ho Math Chess. We also have special and innovative

materials for teaching elementary gifted students.

Parent pays one math class fee and children learn math, chess, puzzles, word problems, and

math contests all in one class. Ho Math Chess has been the world leader and expert in teaching

elementary math using its copyrighted, trademarked, and world’s first math, chess, and puzzles

truly integrated workbooks since 1995. By “walking through” puzzle-like worksheets, children

are more focused on learning with interest and this is done through spatial relations, table look-

ups, sorting, classifying, comparing, patterns, and analyzing etc. The research results of using

this revolutionary teaching method have shown statistically significant impact on raising

children’s math marks, improving their problem solving skills, and improving brainpower.

A research article written by Frank Ho on Enriching Math Using Chess can be found at The condensed version of this program has been offered at St.

George’s summer school for over 10 years.

Please phone Frank Ho at 604-263-4321 to arrange one free trial lesson. Ho Math Chess is located at 5707 Balsam Street (& 41 街), Vancouver (across from Vancity)

Sudoku chess puzzles invented by Frank Ho and

Amanda Ho can improve children’s math, logic and

chess abilities all in one workbook and at the same


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SSAT Preparation

Our SSAT prep course will cover especially in-house designed and created

mathematics workbook. It includes simulated SSAT tests, basics concepts

teaching, and procedural computation fluency practices. This workbook’s sole

purpose is just for the preparation of achieving high marks in SSAT

Please phone Frank Ho at 604-263-4321 for class details.

Ho Math Chess is located at 5707 Balsam Street (& 41 街), Vancouver (across from Vancity)

Grade 8 Mini School Test Preparation

Our mini school prep course will use in-house designed and created

mathematics worksheets to prepare for the mini school math test in a short

time. It includes simulated tests, basics concepts teaching, and procedural

computation fluency practices.

Student registers for this class will be eligible to participate the math club free

of charge to further advance a student’s math problem solving ability. Please phone Frank Ho at 604-263-4321 for class details.

Ho Math Chess is located at 5707 Balsam Street (& 41 街), Vancouver (across from Vancity)

Page 17: Canada Vancouver Ho Math Chess Program Description in Chinese and English


Chess for Juniors

Ho Math Chess

Frank Ho 604-263-4321

Creator of brain and chess power integrated teaching material

Can kindergarteners learn chess? The answer is yes with

the following reasons.

Ho Math Chess Teaching Chess set is especially invented to teach

children as young as 3 years old.

Ho Math Chess invented chess, math, and puzzles integrated

workbooks to raise children’s chess ability and brain power at the same


Ho Chess club is free for Ho Math Chess students.

One free trial lesson is offered.

Please phone Ho Math Chess, Frank Ho at 604-263-4321 for details.

Page 18: Canada Vancouver Ho Math Chess Program Description in Chinese and English


Why real Ho Math Chess is so special and unique? Children are not convinced when they were told math will be useful to them in the future (they want fun NOW.), they often talk about video games among themselves and play computer games on their cell phones, but not math. The way to entice children to learn math is to foster a learning environment which is fun for them to learn. For this, many math educators have failed and many kids are still waiting to discover that learning math is fun. For students at Ho Math Chess, the waiting is over since Ho Math Chess sets itself apart from other learning centers or chess clubs in one unique teaching method that is it truly integrates chess and puzzles into math curriculum. Ho Math Chess believes children learn best when they have fun; with this in mind, Ho Math Chess fosters a learning environment that is not only educational but also a fun place to learn math.

What we Do

We offer tutoring services in mathematics for pre-k through Grade 12 students. Our teaching method is unique - children learn while having fun and our workbooks are innovative and proven effective not only in raising math marks, but also in improving problem-solving ability. Our computation techniques do not deviate from the method taught in traditional educational settings. No memorization on special rules required when performing computations. The computation methodology the students will learn at Ho Math Chess is completely in line with their school work so there will be no confusion. However, using our teaching method, it will enhance a child's ability to understand math better. We have designed a curriculum to inspire children to understand the relationships between basics math operations. The relationships between chess and math students learned at Ho Math Chess will enhance their understanding of math concepts.

We align our math curriculum to any federal, state, provincial, or local standards.

Using an integrative approach, the purposes of Ho Math Chess program are to: Raise math marks. Develop problem solving ability. Advance chess knowledge. Boost brainpower. Improve memory.

We also offer special private school entrance exam prep classes such as SSAT for St. George’s, St. John’s, Crofton, WPGA, York House, Little Flower, VC etc. or public mini schools or their challenging math programs. Ho Math Chess also has special innovative teaching materials for gifted elementary students.

Students recommended by Ho Math Chess have high acceptance rate by Vancouver’s private schools due to the fact that we are a reputable international organization with worldwide locations and its headquarters is in Vancouver and founded by Mr. Frank Ho (a BC certified math teacher) and his wife Amanda Ho (a well-known multi-subject teacher specializing in concurrently teaching math, calculus, chemistry, Physics, and Science with one subject fee paid.). Frank Ho specializes in teaching children fun math who are 3 years or older. Frank and Amanda have jointly published over 80 research articles in math teaching.

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Free Chess Lesson

Free Math Contest Prep Lesson 免费国際象棋及奧数課

Specializing in teaching gifted children fun math and brain skills (age 3 and up).

World leader and inventor of math, chess, and puzzles truly integrated worksheets.

Math, Chess, and Puzzles all in one

worksheets - sample problem (partial).

Free trial lesson, please phone Frank Ho (founder of Math and Chess) 604-263-4321

Ho Math Chess franchise headquarters

Ho Math Chess is located at 5707 Balsam Street (& 41 街), Vancouver (across from Vancity)