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Canada-India Relations 21st

Apr 03, 2018



Alex Santos
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  • 7/28/2019 Canada-India Relations 21st



    Canada-India Relations in the

    21st Century and the Shastri-

    mar . arangPresident Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute,

    ro essor o o t ca c ence, n ra anNational Open University, New Delhi

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    Canada-India Relations in 21st Century

    Emerging India has been identified as a key prioritycountry by both liberal and conservative governments ofas ew years.

    Officials, Business leaders and educators, all in both

    countries are displaying a keen enthusiasm in fostering.

    There is a definite reversal of trend generated mainly bythe differences over the nuclear issue that has been more

    . In the aftermath of 1974 Pokhran explosions until 2001,

    neither country was wholly committed to fostering tieswith the other Indeed after 1 8 nuclear there camealmost a thaw in Indo-Canada relations.

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    Canada-India Relations

    Even before 1970s Canada-India Relations most.

    Neither Canada nor India functioned as a mirror

    image of the East-West bloc leaders (USA andUSSR in t eir approac to wor a airs, in t eir

    bilateral relations and in South Asian Affairs.

    - - In December 1941 Lester Pearson reviving theidea of appointing a High Commissioner to Indiaconc u e .

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    India would emerge as independent nation after thewar and, like China the country could not be ignored.

    ana a cou ass st t e young n an government asit navigated the international stage by profferingadvice based on a similar history of colony-to-nation.

    federal Indian government could accommodate states

    seeking greater powers while dealing with religiousuniquely assist India in meeting these objectives incontrast to the United States or Australia becauseCanada could draw from its own largely peaceful

    po itica evo ution an experience in ea ing witminority rights.

    Ottawa could conveniently initiate this processw ou grea exposure an w ou assum ng any

    embarrassing responsibilities.

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    A Cordial Be innin


    In the years, immediately after Indias independencethere was a fundamental conver ence in the a roach

    to international politics between Canada and India onsuch issues as the Commonwealth, the United Nationsand the situation in Asia.

    The leader of both the countries looked upon

    themselves as representatives of middle powers. vis--vis the relations between Asia and the west.

    The two countries despite their geopolitical

    between hostile groups. Indias task was to temper china and build a bridge

    e ween a coun ry an e wes ana a s ro e was

    to moderate American Politics towards Asia andIndias attitudes towards the U.S.

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    Close relations between India and Canada did not last

    for long.

    Differences over issues like Korea, Hungary andSouth East, stand on Kashmir, Pakistan joiningNATO. From early 1970s relations started becomingco -1971 n a s n erven on n ang a es , 1974 -testing nuclear device, differences of opinion on

    issues relations to Afghanistan and nuclear. The period 1980s throughout witnessed many strains

    in bilateral relations. ,

    militants. The bombing of Air India flight andjudicial process in Canada in punishing the culprits.

    The middle of 1 80s witnessed a decline in the statusof Canadian High Commissioner in Delhi. Only

    Shastri-Indo-Canadian Institute filled some gaps atthe educational and cultural level.

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    Michael Breacher identifies the following

    reasons for negative state of affairs: Increasing American influence over Canada

    an converse y In ia s po itica istance wit

    USA and close ties with USSR during cold.

    Canada became more inward looking.

    -. .was not necessarily linked with India.

    Indias nuclear su ort from Canada wasallegedly misused for Pakhran-I explosion

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    Silver Lines


    Despite different perceptions in 1970s and 1980s therewas greater commercial interaction.

    exchanged ideas and also organised trade exhibitions.Though actual progress in expanding trade and trade


    In early 1990s there was a great deal of excitement in

    initiated by the Indian Government. Canada signed several agreements with India both at

    -its economic and political presence in South Asia. Canadian Governments tough stand on 1998 nuclear

    between the two countries. In June 1999 India andCanada resumed their bilateral dialogues.

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    Since Indias independence, people to people links in

    two countries have rown steadil includin

    academic, cultural and other exchanges. Significant presence of Indian Diaspora. After 1950with chan es in Canadas immi ration law Indianimmigration to Canada has been increasingconstantly.

    - SICI was conceived of Prof. Michael Breacher of

    McGill University in the early 60s to overcome the

    and cultural contacts between two countries. The Governments of India and Canada signed a MOU


    non-profit charitable organisation in Canada withfour members.

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    us ness an a era e a ons

    are primarily related to Trade and Business The Canadian Business Lobby insisted that in

    order to take the advantage of on expanding

    market in the Asia Pacific the CanadianIndia.

    The Indian Business Executives made it clear

    that India offered unique opportunity for tradeinvestment.

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    Business and Bilateral...

    Focus India Campaign (1995), Canada-India,

    Industry, FICCI

    Missions and visits from 1994 onwards.Cana ian Prime Minister Team C eritian Teamlean Canada (2 Cabinet Minister, 7 Premiers and

    expectations Prime Minister, however expressed two

    concerns a NPT an C i a our

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    Partners for the 21st Century

    gave new dimensions. It remained short livedand did not affect business links

    India of 1998 was not India of 1974 which could

    be ignored for long. o ow ng e genera e ec ons n ana a nNovember 2000, there has been a perceptibleshift.

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    2001 Canadas Minister of Forei n Affairs John

    Manley announced The Government ofCanada planned to pursue the broadest possibleolitical and economic relations with India

    ending nearly three-year long cooler period.

    Since 2003 there has been a steady maturing of-engagement towards one of partnership.

    October 24, 2003 Prime Minister of two

    their governments to an expanded partnership.

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    age punctured by periods of high optimum fromboth sides, India is increasingly on Canadianmind.

    Indeed emerging India is now referred to as aey pr or ty country y y conservat ve

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    Prime Minister Harper:Canada simply cannot afford to miss out an

    n a s p enomena econom c grow . a s

    why our government is putting so muchem hasis on im rovin trade and investment

    between our countries.

    Canada will open two new trade offices in Indiann y era a ou n a o a a asIndia).

    To further enhance trade and investment ties thegovernment will also post additionalcommissioners at the established offices in

    am a an e

    (Prime Minister Harper on April 18, 2008 in Toronto)

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    While the new trends in strengthening Indo-

    growth, only a small portion of total potentialarea has been achieved so far, even in economican ra e re a ons.

    Despite deeming India a key priority present

    si ns su est that the Canadian overnment hasarrived at a cross-roads and in contrast to keyallies such as Australia and United States is not

    wholl certain as to what it wants from India

    apart from increase in trade linkages (RyanTouchey)

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    relations with India, but it remains unclearexactly in what sense, or how (and how far) toadvance this potential if it is to be translated into

    concrete expression of policy (Alistair D. Edgar)

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    ana a n an s an Canada today is engaged deeply in South Asian Security

    zone of the NATO Mission in Afghanistan. Security is a critical prerequisite for successful for

    successful reconstruction programs, but the militarycampa gn a one canno e ea e a an an ac evelong-term success in stability and peace-building.

    The February 2008 report on Afghanistan by thecollective failure to tackle the root causes of violence.

    Both New Delhi and Ottawa do have wider political andsecurity interests.

    Cana an government as ma e a re at ve y arge m taryfinancial and personnel investment, if yet not an adequateinvestment of civilian economic and other resources.

    at approximately $ 750 million.

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    Both Canada and India stand to gain from success inbuilding a more secure and stable Afghanistan. India has ood and le itimate reasons for seekin

    greater influence, here, as violence and instability arenot threats simply to security of geographically

    distant western states. Indian involvement in Afghanistan can also influence

    India-Pakistan relations, militancy in Kashmir anddomestic issues.

    o awa an ew e can ga n rom a moresecure and stable Afghanistan-even if their reasonsand their objectives diverge.

    ,society organizations and intellectuals, needs to be

    narrowed down.

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    . .Canada

    U.S. In ia Nuc ear ea as een c aime y two

    governments as a key step in recognizing Indiasstatus as a strategic partner of the United States and


    The nuclear-deal alarmed the global non-.equally strong critics. Within both countries therecontinues opposition from certain sections.

    The o onents of the deal in the U.S. and elsewhere

    argue that India has been rewarded for its continuousdefiance of global nuclear non-proliferation regime.

    The supporters of the deal argue that agreementaccepts the nuclear reality of twenty first century and

    tries to bring India into non-proliferation regime.

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    U.S. India Nuclear Deal..


    lose in a variety of way. While most of the SSG members wereinitially opposed to the exemption, the main opponents arenow Pakistan China and Canada. Even China is now startinto lean the other way. If China defects, it will be Canada andPakistan as the sole opponents. And if Canada is seen as

    obstructionist, there will be a price to pay. Thoserepercussions wont come solely from India. Americanindustry is pushing for this because they are the bigbeneficiaries of this, including the U.S. defense and aerospace

    n us r es. s across e oar on e . . s e. wou ecounter-productive for Canadian industries. Non-proliferation efforts are already weak and Canada must look

    - ..(Ashok Kapur Professor Emeritus University of Waterloo)

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    uc ear ea

    After ado tin an intransi ent attitude and hi h moralground against Indias nuclear programme, it wasdifficult for Canada to support India in NSG and IAEABoard.

    T e growing strategic partners ip etween t e UniteStates and India reflected in the deal has compelled

    Canadian policy members to take note of changing. Ottawa faced a conundrum. It is developing its own

    historically frostly relationship with India. Supporting

    to enjoy the economic advantages of resuming civil-nuclear cooperation. Canada, France and Russia will bethe main beneficiaries of the nuclear Commerce withIndia, U.S. will get a small slice of sale

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    Today there are three common higher education


    To improve Quality of Higher Education and(c) To improve equity.

    The above are much more concerns for countrieslike India.

    -institutions in Canada are looking to India as arich source of student recruitment.

    e aca em a n n a an ana a as no eenadequately engaged in collaborative studies andresearches.

    Dialogues have started. Canada-India Education

    For a new hold.

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    Conceived of by Prof. Michael Brecher of McGillUniversity to overcome the total information gapan ac o econom c an cu ura con ac s

    between India and Canada.

    ,existence with four Canadian Institutes as itsfoundin members.

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    joining as members Present membership 35from Canada 45 from India. SICI originally sought to encourage Canadian

    teaching and researches on India, focusing on.

    The Institutes success in sparking in Indianstudies among Canadian academics led to a

    reciprocal interest in Canada among Indianscholars.

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    n e s egan o promo e ana an

    studies in India and later, expanded its activities.

    Since 2005 SICI has become truly bi-national in

    membershi and overnance. In addition totraditional areas of Humanities and SocialSciences SICIs mandate now include Science

    and Technology, Environment, Law,Management etc.

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    the people of Canada and India by building andstrengthening intellectual and cultural linkages, .

    To achieve above mission SICIs engagement in

    promoting (1) Understanding Canada (throughana an u es ; 2 n ers an ng n a(through Indian Studies; (3) EnablingConnections by awarding partnership

    eve opment grants trave su s y grants,internships to young scholars (4) Disseminatingknowled e b exchan e of books and or anisinseminars, conferences, workshops (5) Managing

    fellowships offered by DFAIF and Govt. of India.

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