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Campus network situation in Belgrade Mara Bukvić
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Page 1: Campus network situation in Belgrade Mara Bukvić.

Campus network situation in Belgrade Mara Bukvić

Page 2: Campus network situation in Belgrade Mara Bukvić.

AMRES Member Institutions in Belgrade

Service provider for 80000 students and 7000 professors, researchers and teaching associates, who comprise the major part of the educational and scientific potential of Serbia.

Working onUniversity of Belgrade, consisting of

32 faculties, 10 scientific research institutes,University Library six University Centers,

University of arts, consisting of 5 facultiesUniversity hospital

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Belgrade MAN (from AMRES NMS tool)

On leased optic

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Connectivity/Traffic load

1Gbps optical connection provided to: UoB: 29/not 3 faculties, 7 /not 4 research institutes,Stable service:

Less than 10 cats/year, Repair time 2-4 hours

xDSL 2Mpbs downstream connection to: 34 institutions

2Mpbs SDH connection (as backup)Still few legacy connections over dedicated leased lines

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Weather Map Graph – BG Optical MAN

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Traffic load < 5% (on 1Gpbs ~ 50 Mpbs)

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RCUB node: L3 2-level: L3 PoPs


3-level : L2Main node of institution building

On Cisco equipment

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LOSTUD – PoP example (1.part)

LOSTUD Several institutions share the same building, even a equipment in Floor DistributorsScope of responsibilities (Extended)Lack of ports and IP addressesMap user (username) to MAC addressNMS tools is essential

End users requires Stable Connection, Mail handling, Web browsing, KOBSON service

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National Library of Serbia – KOBSON

Access to 35 000 journals

Serbian library consortium for unified procurement of scientific journals.

National Library of Serbia is represenatative

The main objectives of the association:Optimized acquisition of foreign scientific information, transition from paper to electronic editions,promotion of national scientific publishing.

According to UNESCO on access to scientific literature, Serbia is a leader in the region.

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KOBSON service

Access to the KoBSON service is provided for all computers that are connected to the Internet through the AMRES. It is necessary in the internet browser to set the appropriate proxy server of the University.Important monitoring of and log process on proxy server

First server we started to monitorGood search engine tool through log files~200Mbps/30Mbps

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LOSTUD - PoP exmple (2. part)

AMRES has connected to IPv6 backbone via its link towards HungarnetFinished deploying IPv6 and multicast service trough AMRES internal backbone and toward end-users

Also availableIPv6IPv4/IPv6 multicastCurrent efforts:Recognizing and finding multicast sources in AMRES (ie digital National TV channel)

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Academic Network of

IPv4/IPv6 multicast

AMRES has connected to IPv4/IPv6 multicast backbone via its link towards HungarnetWe are receiving many IPv4 multicast sources from other Europe NRENs and some commercial multicast sourcesProblem: currently there is no active IPv6 multicast sources among all Europe’s NRENThe only IPv6 multicast group FF1E::1:F00D:BEAC is used for testing purposes Every NREN can be source to or receiver from this test multicast group. In this way IPv6 connectivity can be tested and monitored.

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University Hospital – eHospital and NREN

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Internal telephony system is VoIP basedComputationally intensive operations in segmentation and analysis of 3D datasetsTelemedicine – remote access to patient data and videoconferencingThe UChHIS:

centralized storage and thin clientsRole based Web access to electronic patient records (EPR) is enabled

Scheduling system of UChHISPACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) system integrating DICOM imaging devices and workstations

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Institute of Physics Belgrade – IT activity

Grid Activities: SCL, the largest Grid site in SEE (1000 CPUs and 50 TB)Provides regional core servicesCoordinates regional Grid operationsCoordinates AEGIS (Academic and Educational Grid Initiative of Serbia)

Atomic Clock and NTP Time

Regional Software RepositoriesRPM repository code repository

HYPATIA eLearning Portal

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Current efforts/Future plans

EduROAMjoined the eduroam European confederationBeing part of eduroam allows users to access a wireless network at a visited institution simply using the same credentials from their home institution

AAI infrastructureLack of the driving application

E-learning effortsNew challenges toward NMS

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e-Learning efforts

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The End

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About AMRES AMRES development

AMRES internal organization and cooperation AMRES in NA3 T4 Campus best practice

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About AMRES AMRES internal organization and cooperation

AMRES project -> UoB -> Service centers Collaboration within AMRESJoint procurement

AMRES in NA3 T4 Campus best practice

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About AMRES AMRES internal organization and cooperation AMRES in NA3 T4 Campus best practice

Areas of interestPhysical infrastructureNMSSecurity