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HE PL ATTSBTJRG-H SENTINEL, APRIL 28, 1899. CALUMPIT NEXT. FIVE STUDENTS SHOT. AMERICAN TROOPS NOW bi'RROUND THE TU Trouble -r. graphic Com progress. Genera! ment leit San Jc pected to reach : Colonel Summe The s is marching S T t\vo battaliors P and Minnesota v from th two guns. In the meantime, Genor;;! MacArthur's division Ss in front of Calumpit, preparing to attack the ^ebel several guns is threatening the ene- A few rebels between and Lalonia have persistently .inter- fered with telegraphic communication, but the Signal Corps has repaired the breaks and captured several prisoners. A small body of rebels at Taktay "was discovered this morning by the armored launch Nopidan. A few shots scattered the rebels and drove thorn inland from the lake. All is quiet along General Kale's and i lla(1 beard of th* General Ovenshine's lines. .gton, April ,25.—Gen. Ot - v SERIOUS TROUBLE AT ST. LAW- : RENCE UNIVERSITY. ,, c. New York, April 27.—A special from Canton, N. Y., says: Five students of St. Lawrence University are confined hP in theiir rooms with birdshot wounds 7p inflicted by the college steward, Tracy ;; s R. Southworth, who fired upon tlhem jh- as they were attempting to burn down 2x- a small frame building near College n- hall. These five students hurt were: ' Farmer, class of 1900, shot in mouth, ^ss nose and chin; ycSills, class of 1,902, .cu shot, in shoulder: Stevens, class of Si- 1S99, shot in legs; Watermann, class no : of 1900. shot in both hips; Wight Ab- !'•*] i bcxt. class of 1900, shot in foot. For some time -the students have objected to a srnii.ll frame building used as a coal store house- It was an eyesore on the campus, and not in keepimg with the other buildings. As no attention was paid to tiheir protests by the faculty, it was decided ito de- stroy it. At 11 o'clock last night the conspir- ators gathered together a quantity of { brash wood and other inflammable! material, and after piling it around ' the coal house, set it on fire. Tracy R. Sousthworth, the steward, j plans of the college boys and was on watch. As soon as the fine was sltajrted he jumped from : Paraqrene A NEW %gr INSECTICIDE. It is a deadly foe and bugs. It is injure the foliage. Combines all th resulting in a combined Fungicide and Insec For many years we have been the sole ma Pure Paris Green, and know that Paragi " ~ reputation as Paris Gr inlky, kills :r and goes _. •. Does not ve properties of Bordeaus Misture and Paris Green, QufactuTers of the well-known Star Brand of Strictly is a guarantee that Paragrene will do ail lb.; land 31b. pkes.,15c. perlb.; % :b. pkcs., 16c. -r!£. Special rates to dealers. Send for 'descriptive .AVANBURO, 165 William St., New York! ene is a lb l Many persons have their good , day and their bad day. Others are about half sick all the time. The*have headache, backache, and are restless and nervous. Food does not taste good, and the digestion is poor; the skin is dry and sallow and disfigured with pimples or eruptions; sleep brings no rest and work Is a burden. What is the cause of all this? Impure blood. Ari the remedy? yes- norted to->av that General Hale's «ii- his bed, grabbed a shotgun, threw up 1U •'•*... •• ' a window and without a word of warning, fired his shotgun. Screams from the students 'told Ithat some of them had "been hit, bu't still South- worth blazed away, firing and re-load- ing as fast as lie could, until he had used up twenty rounds of ammunition. j All the boys who could, ran away, but the Action I dragging their injured comrades with them. Farmer, of the junior class, ision met with fierce oppositio terday while moving down thn right bank of the Quinqua river. The Amer- ican loss was six killed and twelve wounded. BATTLE AT QUENGUA. Americans Victorious Disast: ^ ^ _ _ ^ Washington. April 23—The follow- ; the most seriously wounded, "his" fac< ing message regarding the fight at j being filled with bird shot uengua was received at the war de- | In tbe T . illage and among y of St. Lawrence University the major- ity of .sentiment is with Southworth. The students threaten to make 'trouble partment today: Manila, April 23. Adjutant General, Washington: A reconnoissance on Qupengu place, six miles northeast of Malolos made hy Maj. Bell and a 'troop of civalry this morning, resulted in contact and battle, in which four battalions at in- fantry and four pieces of artillery be- came engaged. The enemy wiare driv- en from strong entrenchments at. Quengua, with considerable loss; and casualties quite severe. Col. Stetsen- burg and Lieut. Sis&cxn, 1st Nebraska, killed also several enlisted men. Con- siderable number wounded, not yet <He- pcrte<i (Signed) OTIS. The following casualt: ported to the war department: Manila, April 23. Adjutant General, Washington: Casualties at Quengua today: 1st Nebraska, two officers and .two enlist- ed men; two officers and 26 enlisted men wounded. 4th cavalry—Two enlisted men kill- ed, five wounded; oist Iowa, seven enlisted men wounded; L'tah light artillery, one officer and two enlisted men wounded; total, 49. Names in the morning. (Signed) OTIS. On Friday they celebrate their annual "tree holiday," a'nid thein they will probably make a demonstration against the faculty and Southworth. $8,500 IN PURSES ALONE. The Malone Fair Will Break All I Records This Year. The Franklin County Agricultural ; It clears out the channels through which poisons are carried from the body. When all impurities are removed from the blood nature takes right ho and completes the cure. If there is constipation, take Ayer's Pills. They awaken the drowsy action of the liver; they cure biliousness. Writ* to our Doctor. Wa have the exclusive service* of tome of the most eminent physicians in the United States. Write freely all the il i will ABC I T "'OUR T/iAT !T;wiLL f GIVE^PEP^ECT15ATISFACTION TO THECON$UMt^^l*%£™±^-*^* r ' i H E BUTTONS DON'T^COME OF j" THE LININGS DON'T RIP." "THEY HOLD THEIR SHAPE." > "THEY FIT LIKE CUSTOM MADE." RANDALL& BRANDO NO. 9 CLINTON" ST., PLATTSBURGH, N. Y. WE HEAR The hall of Macdonough Lodge. I. O. |O.F.,was the centre of attraction Tues- I day night, the occasion being the cele- ' bration of ithe 80th anniversary of Odd i Fellowship. Fine music was furnisb- I ed by the violin and harp, also sing- | ing by several of the ladies present, 1 after which the doors of the dining hall were thrown open and Odd Fel- lows and their families were treated to a sumptpous repast, gotten up by the ladies. Afteir dinner, speeches were in ord'er. and short remarks were , made by several miem'bers. The cele- bration was under the auspices of Champlain Valley Rebekah Lodge, Xo. 164, I. O. O. F- The entertainment closed with a rising vote of thanks to the lady in em tors of the order. —The Adirondack Telephone com- pany will open an exchange at Lake Placid this week- ~NEW"YORK~SUPREME~COURT— Clinton County.Vilas National Bank of Pittsburgh, plaintiff, against Wil- '• liam W. Wood and others, defendants. ! Pursuant Lo a judgment of foreclosure ! and sale duly rendered in the above entitled action and entered in Clinton County Clerk's office en the 20th dav of April 1899. I the undersigned, a re- ', feree for such purpose duly auDoinlred I will sell at public auction to the his ' ! est bidder ~* ^- * ' 'Co ' " . .irp.noon 'on"the llTday "of' June." 1899" i the irea'l estate, directed bv such ' " ! m«nt to bo sold and there* as follows, to " litiO'ned a i J unnin 1 and li main ' road will sell at public auction to the high- est bidder at the front entrance of the Court House, in the Village of Flatfe- burgh, N, Y.. at ten o'elcc/s in the forenoon on the 12 day of June. 1899. v such iiMg- ein described K: All that cejrtain niece or c-areel of : .nd ,in \x>t^ No., 102 of the Refusee the north side of the lot mi conrainins^'ae Bloomer housi couch to the crrnfir of lot ivo niece of land . _ _ ^ line: to Mcoars . - .... .rom 'the William lyers Hri«= to the forse wopertv. con- lininz eisli-t acres, more or less. Dated, .Amil 20th. 1899. CHARLES McMASTEllS. HENRT T. KELLOGG. PiaiirrifTs .Attorney, 99S- p TU»* itsbur£h - N - Y - SCHIFF & KSENAf, four hund^ the town of and Sta'te escribd ,,*w Yorl .. ^ follows- < •re of the last described'as w _. .he cenicre of the last afore..- iDcosjte A.. B. Wood's d v ODCosi en a li d ldi •re lots in my of- Clinton bounded and •m.mencina' ; n ' -esard higk- za Th ErastiL. , rah Thew . .... „ ,,.,j with '"he west s : de ( 'ad leading: north ,.0 A- B. Wooi starch ^^ ^ Buy Our BaU ence lin .tonn Thew. decea*«^'i. v ""an(l' Pamelia ^ Thew. his wife: Jane Thew. widow Herbert Thew; John Hayes. Henry Hayes. Ruth Ann^Blossom. Marv El- uortherly on the dtarch factory roai stake: thence weste... .... ,.,.., the road running easterly from Wood's Falls to Moeers Villase. 75 feet, ithence southerly narar th~ J i : ' ---•-' •-•-- From the manufacturer only in larg;e quantities—case lots. WE SAVE 1 'OU the the ^retailer's profit, at least twenty-five per cent. said nice 3 of tend tei . H " ' alons: the center '" <hway 75 feet to All the above nd - ' ^ • SPEAR & of the aforesaid 1-cho -place of be sin . .... I mentioned Dieces of land are de ! ei 1 subiect to all hisrhwavs laid out. cr to be laid out thereon. Also, all thait certain other niece or "'ng and bein; •s. Countv o. >rk. and beins len'.Ki: ceapi JOBBERS HATS CAPS, TRUNKS, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, ETC. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Society will hang up $8500 in trotting and pacing -stakes for the next fair, Sept. 26-29, as against $5500 last year. ON TUB VERGE OF COLLAPSE. New York, April £7.—Under a Ma- nila date the Evening Journal prints the following: The revolt of the Filipinos against the authority of the United States ap- pears to be on the eve of collapse, Aguinaldo, according to a report of the Filipino commission here, is now conferring with the cabinet concern- ing peace overtures. The next ad- vance of the American troops " will bring about absolute surrender of the rebel forces. A feeling of hopelessness is spread- ing throughout the insurgent army, and many of Aguinaldo's and Luna's officers are returning to work in Ma- nila. Manila, April 27.—-General MacAr- thur's men entered Calumpit at 11 o'clock last night and are now in con- trol of the main portion of the town. The insurgents are still entrenched In the suburbs and hot fighting will be necessary before tney can be dislodged. Our losses yesterday were 15 killed and a large number wounded. Manila, April 27.—The Kansas and- Montana men drove the Filipinos back four miles beyond Calumpit to-day. Apolit, one of the largest towns in Pampanga province, fell into our hands. Manila, April 27.—General Mac Ar- thur's division crossed the Rio Grande to-day and advanced on Apolit com- John Haughran, ais Supervisor, sold to Dyer Arnold real estate in Schuyler Falls for $500. Claude T, White sold to E. G. Moore village property for $75. Ambus Woodworth sold to Eugene 'ere re-J There will be thiree stakes at $1000 i »,» y - •-• each for 2.26 -trotters, 2.35 pacers and j a^c, the free-foir-aii pacers, the other eleven stakete all being for ?500 'each- This should insure the greatest field of fast horses ever started at one meeting in Northern New York. The Malone track holds the state record for the fastest exhibition mile, the fastest heat- in a rFC3 a*nd the world's record far the thnee ia&tieteit heats ever paced in a raoe over a one half-mile (track, and evry care will be exercised this year to keep up the standard already required. The exhibition record is -2,05% made by Johm R. Gentry in 1897, and the race records are 2.08*4, fastest heat, and 2.08% and 2.08^4, three fastest ) acres of land in i anac for $1300. A. W. Fairbanks sold to Mrs. Mary H. Leggett real estate for $1 and other considerations. Luther R. Carter sold to Frederick W. Sherlock 8 1-3 acres of land in El- lanbuingh for $24. J©sse Weldon sold to Julius Letson o2i/2 acres of land in Mooers for $700. Mary Horneitt sold to iTouessamt La- burgfo 90 acnes of land in Altona for heats in a race, made by Dan Q. at the Martha Stel'tzer sold to Thomas J. D'Arcy Plattsburgh village property for ?300. Jehiail B- White sold to Sarah H. Armstrong Haittsbwgh village prop- erty for $3,500. Jesse W. H. Holcombie sold to John 1898 meeting. A modem ban? will be j c. "aabouiJn RouseTpoint village prop- ! ertty for $1125. I was reading an advertisement of j Harrison Willasrd sold to Ansom E, Oolite, Oholfera and j Avers Schuyler Falls village property Diarrhoea Remedy in the Worcester etnterp'rJi&e recently, wthioh leads me to write tlhiis. I can truthfully say I never used iany remedy equal to it for colic and diarnibjoeia. I nane never had to .use more *hao one or two doses (to cure the worst case with myself or children.—W. A. iStroud, Popomoke, Oity, (Msd. For siafle (by Clough's Drug Store, West Ghaxy; C. H. H-omphrey, Mooers. for $300. Geoirge Delorier sold to Louis'Wolff Plattsburgh village property for $75. Vila's National Bank sold to George and Albert Blow 6G acres of land in Altona for $125. Julia P. Woofl sold to William H, Robinson 2 74-100 acres of land in Chiazy for $371. Vilas National Bank sold to McMar- tin &, Fesefcte 840 ; acrfes of land in Sei- ota for $2,350. Vilas National Bank sold to J. M. Maftott 68 'Z1-W0 acres of land i-n Al- ttona JOT $100. Julia M, KhKley and othetfs sold to L. L. Honsinger 20 aores of land in West Chazy for $350. LIKES HONOLULU, Under date of April 1st, Mr. W. S. Tabberrah, Hosp. Corps., U. S. A., writes from Honolulu to friends at home. He is very enthusiastic over that city, and says, "I may as we'l tell you that if 1 ever make a home any- where, it will be in this place, I wish you could see the native kids dive for money, little fellows not over ttn years old. Throw a nickel over-board, and they will get it before it reaches the bottom. Some of the natives here dress right up to style, but wear no shoes or stockings. Great fat wonieu, walk about the streets neatly dressed, but bare-footed." The above are a [has been in the drug (business at Elk- "A word to the wise is suffMent" and a rwor-d flrota the wise should be suffiicien/t Ibfott you ask, wiho are the wise? Those (who fcnow. The oft re- peated expeiriesnlae of trustworthy per- sons may T>e taikera for knowledge. Mr. W. M. Terry says Chamberlain's Conugfn IRemiedy gives : better ssaitisfac- tion}ha.n any other to tlhe miar'ket. He pletely routing the flower of the rebel | ^ extracts' from his letter, that"will j -ton, Ky., for twelve years; has sold army. CSSfKNT, Best Of POETLAND. A Second Grade of Portland. Ramsey's HOWE- 3 S CAVE, ROSENDALE Etc., Etc. Bags or barrels, and in stock at all times. Cement that Is specified in Government work § and ALOJTE used on N 4 Y, City Docks. LIME. And at the same time don't forget our F^EED STORE. Dock and Coal Co. Telephone. Clinton St. and Dock New Spring Good*,. New De- signs and Styles, New Depart- ments and Lines. Don't fail to see our well-ftlied store this sear- son. We have the latest styfes and designs of the seasda sat bottom r r i ces Ladies' Taiksr- Made Suits, Capes and Jackets. Imported and Domestic Dress •Goods, fine Ginghams, PX'4, Muslins, etc., in all that is new and stylish. Silk Waists. Short . Waists and Skirts. Trfmim^g 1 . a"TomDson v and i! ThbtQ-1 Silks, Gimps, etc. Special atlea- ^/cM^an^Matildal-fion g j ven to cur Q -thing affld Shoe Department. Buy ycMBrY.'; Spring Hais of us and get tibc ; : •; latest and best. Wall Paper^ Carpets, Window Shades and Draperies. • , ; v.••••'• GROCERIES AKD PROV1SIOHS* Q-rass and Clover Seed. Agents for tfc* , )est Bicycle made, and keep theaa !•» itock. ' :;; Anu ,.,l.^.^,1 and Cynthia ^ " !boral. iW, c . o . ssom. hnsbani ehH<Jren-ofJf)eborah d |^li ~de- Blossor with "the ieoe.of land to the railroad: ithecee MEN WANTED! ATCLYON MOUNTAIN, N. I To Work in the Mines —FOR THE— Chateaugay Ore & Iron Companj. ! prove interesting to his many friends ' in this county, who will be glad to F1LPIINOS ARE FIGHTING FIERCE- hear that h e i s well and contented. L Y . -.-:••• ••• . . Apri ril 26.—6.10 p. m.—Agui- ; defending Calumpit energetically, which is said to indicate that the rebels are finally making that place their last ditch, or stand, which the Americans expected them to make at Malolos. For the first time the Filipinos are employing artillery. They brought two guns into action in the trenches to-day before Calumpit, firing modern shrapnel, which burst over the heads of General Wheaton's men without ef- fect. The fighting was resumed at six o'clock this morning. SYNDICATE FORMED TO PUR- CHASE SARATOGA'S SPRINGS. New York, April 26.—The latest pos- GLORIOUS NEWS Comes from Dr, D. B. Cargile, of Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four bot- tles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terri- ble sores would break out on her head and fare and the best doctors could give no help; but her cure is complete and her health is excellent." This shows what thousands have proved,— that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme re- medy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion, builds j up the strength. Only 50 cents. Soldjafi by Mrs. D. K. Gilbert, Plattsburgh: Burton & Kelly, Keeseville; W. E. Sweet, Port Henry; W. E. Clough. West Cha hundreds of bottlels of .this remedy aand ! nearly all oitiher cough medicines man- ufactured, which -shows satisfactory to the people, and is the best. For sale by dough's Drug Store, West Chazy; C. H. Humphrey, Mooers. H Coffee Ag^-ee W i t h T o n ? rink Grain-O—made from pure grain?, ites: "The first time I made Grain-0 I :e it. but after using it for oae week ould induce me to go back to coffee.'' esand feeds the system. The chil- engthening substance of pure grains. iage to-day from your grocer. 15c- 2288A4-P-e-o-d —Our troops at Manila are sugaring from the tropical heat. In the recent battles more men were prostrated by the heat than by insurgent bullets. ordei It in the way of trusts is the west <-' naz y: H - E - Gillespie, Ausable spring water trust. A syndicate ha S:; Forks ' druggists. Guaranteed, been formed for the purpose of ac- quiring all the principal mineral spring properties in Saratoga and running them under one company, to be known .olidated Mineral Springs sal brc made frc ire grains • nd tastess like REPORT IS DENIED. Washington, April 27.—The report that 35,000 volunteers would be called for was denied here to-day. est g-ades of coffee, s much. Children thrive on it because it nuine food drink contriuing nothing but Company of Saratoga Springs. mm Ciu.-uo4ier<e Kn*U.h Diamond Brand. PENNYROYAL PILLS —It is stated that 11,200,000 have been received as advance payments for liquor tax certificates for the year be- ginning May 1 next, —The Fremdenblatt, of Vienna, Aus-1 tralia, reports the invention of a rifle capable of firing 2,700 shots an hour. The magazine of the weapon holds cartridges. Tests are being made at the Imperial arsenal. ' FOR SALE OR TO LET The property known as CLINTON HOUSE, including first-class Barn and Cottage in rear; will be sold separately or together. In center of town. Possession given immediately. Terms reasonable. App ly to W.;L. PATTISSON, Plattsburgh. BURNECKNO CHEWED Thai's what it cost America las! year to keep aiive a disease that is making strong men weak, and weak men dead. Figures appalling ? Yes, but the finan- cial loss don't compare with the loss of vital power. The ever present man with restless eyes, twitching mouth, moving feet and tobacco tainted skin tells the story. Don't you think it's time to quit—quit quick! quit naturally by taking " - ™" NOTO-BAC. regulates tobacco using. In a few days all desire is gone, your ap- petite is better, your blood is purified, your nerves grow strong, it is truly a man-maker. And then, you run no risk, for you can buy NO-TO-BAC un- der your own DRUGGIST'S GUARANTEE. druggist is authorized to sell ac under absolute guarantee- ery form of tobacco using, en guarantee, free sample of klet called "Don't Sk Y Life i STILL A MYSTERY. Ooron«r G- E. Letouaiaeau, of Bouses Point, was in town yesterday. He stated that it had fceen impossible to secure evidence as to tine mother of 4he child,iouiid dirowned im the bay last week. The matter will probably be dropped, and one more will be ad- ded to the Idst of undiscovered crimes. A BRAND NEW SWINDLE. A brand new swindte has devseibjgXed and .local hotel and boarding house keepers may be approechetd Tby ifcbe op- erator. He goes about engaging board far New York school tteach'ems during the summer vacation, •whom, he claims, have sent him out in their behalf. In order that the teachers inlay see the house and surroundings in proper light a picture was to be ta- ther e 3 westerly narallel souih 1 ine of said Diece of east line of eaiid railroad: thence southerly alone 'tihe east line of said railroad to the place of bee"nnln2. containing about 1% acres of land, a-nid being the same piece of land unon which fouir houses built by Wood. PalBier & Co. stand. Also, all that certain piece or narcel of land situate, lyins and being in the Town Of Mooers. Counts., <>t ,C3iinton Dair't' of lo f boundeid a 1 .. , the center of dece said nd o ott. husban ana Stafford ord; a;nd M hile, husband of said Ida W ustin R. Mott. husband of said Mtt 7ana Stafford, wife o Matth Justin R. me Mott: 7ana Stafford, wife Arthur Stafford; a;nd Matthew dofandants T Lowe, 'thur hVe- J1en : said yan. sefvfce ter of -the- old highway 106 feet, to a cedar sitake: ithence southerly on a line that shall run west of ithe ibacn to a istake 90 teet. from hisrhwater mark: thenrse southerly aftd naraJlel thereto and BO feet from btehwater mark to a cedar stake on.the soxiith line of lot r the line oi hool house !„. „„tih<e,souith li:n< aol house lot tb the ceintt, ^^ .„„ fv: thence southerly alone rthe cen- ter of the river to the centre of the bnideeitftrenee westerly alone the cen- tpf>of the bridge (to the 'Dlace of beein- ninsr, with the first- right of * water from the mill pond, sufficient to run a four fifed rorsje: wwth the Dnvuleee miake a flume in front of the oresent mill amd of suffici-etnt size to carry the water to said for«e. w^ith all the riehfe and prdvileees neoeisBary to re- pair slaid fiuttne and bellows and bulk- head, and comtainiiDfi about ifw.o acres at larnd. Also all that certain other ulcer or parcel of land situate, lyme and bems in the Town of Mo " " (Uihton and .S' ' known as parl "'' " amd JVova Scotia Refueee ;er on the ^.in twenty _ _fter the service of this aimemd- sumraonF. exclusive of >the day of K'ii-vire: And in case of your failure to appear or answer, .iuderment will ' - • • • ,t. vnn bv dpfauW. for 1 . the c)mntaint. be the .. beins a refugee Ttract. LU Wv»t ]ommiancmg at ] taken a 1 ,st side of pres- aellef dem'aided^ " " Dated Awril 4. .„„„. WH3EDS. SMITH & CONWAY. Attorneys for Plaintiffs.. Office and Postoffice address. Platts^ burgh. Key York. defendants Ida Tomntson Tomroson, hear (husband; S d Hannah Thew. his Thew: Matilda The-w. T dsed: bt situate.--mug an<u Demsr of Mooers. County ot tate of New York, ana ; of lot No. 102 of -the of Stephen Th=ew, Thew: Datus Thew: John Hayes: Henry Haves: Stafford, widow of Seth St cnased: Jennie Motlt and Justtin Mott. hier husband-^ Etta Ix)W( Edwiin Ixwe. her husband: Ida .. thur Stafford andZana Stafford, wife: and Georete Smith: The foreeoine suinmons is served upon you by publication, pwrsuainit to an order of Hon. S. A. KelloeK Justice- of the Surname Court of (State oi New York, datted thie : ttay of April. lS99r and filed with ,.-~ comDlaint in the office of tbe Clerk of Clinton County at Plaftsbuwrh. N-ew York, on the 20th day of Auril. 1S WEEDS.,SMITH & CONWA' rract 'ollow ._. and . to wit: Beerismins of ithe highway ' L Brothers' sitore i tro Altona. on t 102 of salid T th«nce weBterl lot 102 to th<e east line or wooa line: thence nortlherlv thers' eas*t line tojthe tiiehway leading from a ( v,. ken, and for the trouble of insertime i wood it in a little .booklet, ?2.50 is require! \ ^ to be put up. lage: thence easterly i Also all the followine 1 c^ls of land, being rvarts 102 of the Canadian attid ^.efu«ee Tfradt of the 42C lid'town, bounded as follows, to wit: commencing in the centre of %he i git way running- easterly from . food's B'alls to Mooers Village, at a point S8onit-h^of- ; a cedair stake driven in the n<nrth boivnds of said highway: thence running northerly on a line :1M with the west end of a brown ' house, and along the east line of Wood's sheep yard ten rods: SHERIFF'S SALE. execution issued >reme Court of w York -against if ttels. lands and tern I thence "soutlherly-on-the east 1 __ TT ^_ i lot now occupied by Wood. COURT— Co. 10 rods: thence wester! y virtue out of the State the goods - , of! the f els, land ood. Orville K. Wo d. Watler E. Wood a «od. defendants, dat 1899. I have seizted and right, title and interest fendant William W. Wood 11th d^y of September. 18 since acquired in and 't th described mronertv wh Dose for t rects at the fi County Court house, in t Plattsburgh, on the 12th 1899. at Pleven o'clock a. All thait cerltain pire^ " ' ' ite in "-- ' od. Victor S. and Albert G. ted*-March 3. taken all the hich the de- had on ithe 891. 'or has d in and to the following nertv. which I shall ex- ana sell as the law di- t doo f th Clit ! thence- easterly. ^^^. _ I hishway 8 irods: thence southerly <oar- I allel with the west line 10 rods 'to the. 1 r.ontiMfj Of t,h6 highway: thence wester- :ne center of highway 4 rods: t line of a Palmer & ^.,,. -„ .w,.^. ^.^^ .v 4 rods: thence nqrth.erly 10 irods. to the Dlace of beiginnimg: con'taining three fourths acres of land. Also all that certain niece or parcel of land lyiiniff and beins in the town of Mooers. County of Clinton and State of New York, and 'being a nart of lot No. 103 of the Canadian J Offic Attorneys postoffice A'nniie'Ormsby. his To tine aibove named «™ to iaos- action and iyrer <m the twenty SCHIFF t KEEHM. F.M.PURDY, HAHCTAOTVUB OF ASD 40UGH AND QRESSE! LUMBEB, I flooring, Ceiling, Novelty Siding MM! Sheathing, Wall Stripe, J Lath and Shingle, LIME, HAIR ft Also, Dealer in Drv Goods, Groceries Boots I Shoes KORR1SONVILLB. N. Y. The Latest Millinery. Call and. EX MISS .msjMismm 26 B OPP. POST OFFICE, - . law di the Clinton e Village of ay of June. 51o Omceand -2287w7- 1 __ iand situate in the town of Chmton CouDty. N. Y.. known v ""-~ * u - "".hwest Qiiartr " .nadian an< rter of lot No. .d Nova Scotia lots together ' of the lar^re lot No. 103 of the Canad] Nova Scotia Refugee Tract in „ acre lots and bounded as fol Comlmeneing one rod soutnerr southeaslt. corner of a piece ^ boughlt by I. TJ. White otf. F. Tai the wiest lime of the highway from .A B. Wood & Co's. store to, tona. running thence southern the west line of the highway to a board fence built by ^ . . . Chewsieman and George t division lime: thence westerly - said post and board fence to sion lim Do^t an riods of i s ire or tmsnass th^Teon. '.\lsio. thle southeast au&rter of lot 111 df said 420 acre tract in saM town except v cres in th tht said Do^t and board fence to v.. two riods of the hlshwater mark the river, as it wlinds and tinrns. to within one rod of. the southwe-t cor- ndr of the aforesaid piece of land !ded said I. L. White: thence eas- l * --utih line of lid ' ai?el i?t«'-s ftith the. lace re df f b lan 's land to the nlace of be- ract i n the d. of cmrrier thereof and Vd. of an acr which the school house stands. acre occupied b th Ogdensbur Lake Ckamrslain R. R. Co.. cnt fo'-ty-three acres, more or less, h saM town southeast acre on use stands. 1V> Ogdensbur?h & C onitalining ess 1 niece of land moireorlesg.iiponwhL^ ~- the Cheeseman bouse now stands. * tht t so all the southwest auairter said lot 102, containing mooting 15 acres called —- ^. - louse lot. Part of this east piece is st auairter oi containing 100 acres, ex- cres called the school- t f this east piece is Also, all that other ntec? of said lot No 114 being the north half of the of said lot contain- No 114 being southwest auartei res. more or less, r descri^- by the "* lattfiburg-h, N. i.., ... ,.^,,,. aforesaid, by d' Nov. 16, 1897. and recordr * County Clerk's office, in Dated. April 20. 1899. J. P. CUNNINGHAM. Sheriff Clinton Countv. louse lot. Part iescribed a'hove. Also, all that nortion of lot 103 of 420 acres Canadian and Nova Scotia lt dihod as follows, being Ithe id lt centing lot 103 of Scotia 420 acres Canadia lots dpscrihod as nth one half of mnith one half of said lot excentirje 11 acres ibelongmg to Cora B. and one half aore belonging to " - ^ ^ ^ ^ v., w. 'Whi-" .,_ «.. : ned bv . „„ Jand hereto'- known as fthe Tarbe. Jennie'IT Wood an foranerlv belonr 5 -" J nnp-half acre ' o^pt la Diece o i uui „, -ept. nil land heretofore occupiei nown as fthe Tarbell farm. .A.lso ^aH _t.hat. uiece df. land a part Also all of lot 114 i d that Mooei ; railrc the road commetneine on TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. Examinations for teachers' - certifi- cates aind entrance to Normal Schools will be held in Climton county during 1S99 as follows; FIRST GCRiAOE. PMtsburgih Normal, January 12-13. Mooers, January 12-13. Plattsburgh High School, August 10-1L Rouses Point. Augoiet 10-11. SECOND AND THflR© GRAD® AND NORMAiL ENTRANCE, Plabtsburgh Normial, January 12-13. Mooers, Jamoiairy 12-13. Platitsburgh Normal, April 13-14. West Chazy, April 13-14. Plartteburgh High ScHool, Aug 10-11. Rouses Point, August 10-11. PlattsbUTglh Normal, Novemiber 9-19. ©llenburgh Depot, November 9-10. Examinations open promptly at mine o'clock. Candidates caamot be admit- ted afiter ten o^clock in the morning or after two-iMrty in the afternoon. Deceml>er 15, 1898. SBTH S. ALLEN, FRED E. DTTFFY. CommissionerB. FOR SALE—Asparagus roots, eleven varieties of strawberry plants, and two of raspberry plants. Call on or ad- dress, R. S. Cate, Peru, N. Y. $10,000 FOR 82,56O. : ; This business was established » in 1862, and must be sold to aefc-*'* tie kh< estate. There is" a fiwfe water power, also brick and stamp * shops, machinery topis and psrt>-' J ' ; terns. Will be sold on easy. terms. For full particulars' write ' ' |. H. B. POWELL A, CO., Real Estate and Investment Securities; WOODSTOCK, VERMONT. 2279-m4 S100--SligfatIy Osed Piaios--Xil OtiJBosy Terms JJntU PafeT JRwv We have 39 upright pianos tb a* ha been used from one to six months <fc»* daring the month of April or TmtUrMb|iiji| are gone will be sold at price* •« heard of before. They inelade Ohiokering, Emerson, Wegman, I Brown & Simpson, Jewett, ' Davis, Hallett & Cumston, ihe New England Pianos, ranging from $100 to $275. Ifcw* pianos are in first class condition ••* warranted for 10.years* If you ever expeot to own , write before it is too late, for catalog«*r^ and full description of styles, prices a McKANNON BROS. &£<*. 45 CHURCH ST., BUBBBMKDOHt, V%. The Largest Music House in tfie Stefc


Sep 30, 2018



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Trouble -r.graphic Com

progress. Genera!ment leit San Jcpected to reach :

Colonel SummeThe

s is marching S Tt\vo battaliors Pand Minnesota vfrom th

• two guns. In the meantime, Genor;;!MacArthur's division Ss in front ofCalumpit, preparing to attack the ebel

several guns is threatening the ene-

A few rebels between Novalirb.esand Lalonia have persistently .inter-fered with telegraphic communication,but the Signal Corps has repaired thebreaks and captured several prisoners.

A small body of rebels at Taktay"was discovered this morning by thearmored launch Nopidan. A few shotsscattered the rebels and drove thorninland from the lake.

All is quiet along General Kale's and i l l a ( 1 beard of th*General Ovenshine's lines.

.gton, April ,25.—Gen. Ot


,,c . New York, April 27.—A special fromCanton, N. Y., says: Five students ofSt. Lawrence University are confined

• h P in theiir rooms with birdshot wounds7p inflicted by the college steward, Tracy; ; s R. Southworth, who fired upon tlhemjh- as they were attempting to burn down2x- a small frame building near College• n- hall. These five students hurt were:

' Farmer, class of 1900, shot in mouth,^ss nose and chin; ycSills, class of 1,902,.cu shot, in shoulder: Stevens, class ofSi- 1S99, shot in legs; Watermann, classno : of 1900. shot in both hips; Wight Ab-!'•*] i bcxt. class of 1900, shot in foot.

For some time -the students haveobjected to a srnii.ll frame buildingused as a coal store house- It was aneyesore on the campus, and not inkeepimg with the other buildings. Asno attention was paid to tiheir protestsby the faculty, it was decided ito de-stroy it.

At 11 o'clock last night the conspir-ators gathered together a quantity of {

brash wood and other inflammable!material, and after piling it around 'the coal house, set it on fire.

Tracy R. Sousthworth, the steward, jplans of the college •

boys and was on watch. As soon asthe fine was sltajrted he jumped from :


It is a deadly foe

and bugs. It is

injure the foliage. Combines all thresulting in a combined Fungicide and Insec

For many years we have been the sole maPure Paris Green, and know that Paragi" ~ reputation as Paris Gr

inlky, kills:r and goes

_ . •. Does notve properties of Bordeaus Misture and Paris Green,

QufactuTers of the well-known Star Brand of Strictly

is a guarantee that Paragrene will do aillb.; land 31b. pkes.,15c. perlb.; % :b. pkcs., 16c.

-r!£. Special rates to dealers. Send for 'descriptive.AVANBURO, 165 William St., New York!

ene is alb l

Many persons have their good, day and their bad day. Others

are about half sick all the time.The*have headache, backache,and are restless and nervous.Food does not taste good, andthe digestion is poor; the skinis dry and sallow and disfiguredwith pimples or eruptions;sleep brings no rest and workIs a burden.

What is the cause of all this?Impure blood.Ar i the remedy?

yes-norted to->av that General Hale's «ii- his bed, grabbed a shotgun, threw up1 U • ' • * . . . • • ' a w i n d o w and w i t h o u t a word of

warning, fired his shotgun. Screamsfrom the students 'told Ithat some ofthem had "been hit, bu't still South-worth blazed away, firing and re-load-ing as fast as lie could, until he hadused up twenty rounds of ammunition.

j All the boys who could, ran away,but the Action I dragging their injured comrades with

them. Farmer, of the junior class,

ision met with fierce oppositioterday while moving down thn rightbank of the Quinqua river. The Amer-ican loss was six killed and twelvewounded.


Americans VictoriousDisast: ^ ^ _ _ ^

Washington. April 23—The follow- ; the most seriously wounded, "his" fac<ing message regarding the fight at j being filled with bird shot

uengua was received at the war de- | I n t b e T . i l l a g e a n d a m o n g y

of St. Lawrence University the major-ity of .sentiment is with Southworth.The students threaten to make 'trouble

partment today:• Manila, April 23.

Adjutant General, Washington:A reconnoissance on Qupengu place,

six miles northeast of Malolos madehy Maj. Bell and a 'troop of civalrythis morning, resulted in contact andbattle, in which four battalions at in-fantry and four pieces of artillery be-came engaged. The enemy wiare driv-en from strong entrenchments at.Quengua, with considerable loss; andcasualties quite severe. Col. Stetsen-burg and Lieut. Sis&cxn, 1st Nebraska,killed also several enlisted men. Con-

siderable number wounded, not yet <He-pcrte<i

(Signed) OTIS.The following casualt:

ported to the war department:Manila, April 23.

Adjutant General, Washington:Casualties at Quengua today: 1st

Nebraska, two officers and .two enlist-ed men; two officers and 26 enlistedmen wounded.

4th cavalry—Two enlisted men kill-ed, five wounded; oist Iowa, sevenenlisted men wounded; L'tah lightartillery, one officer and two enlistedmen wounded; total, 49. Names in themorning.

(Signed) OTIS.

On Friday theycelebrate their annual "tree holiday,"a'nid thein they will probably make ademonstration against the faculty andSouthworth.


The Malone Fair Will Break All IRecords This Year.

The Franklin County Agricultural ;

It clears out the channelsthrough which poisons arecarried from the body. Whenall impurities are removed fromthe blood nature takes right hoand completes the cure.

If there is constipation, takeAyer's Pills. They awaken thedrowsy action of the liver; theycure biliousness.

Writ* to our Doctor.Wa have the exclusive service* of

tome of the most eminent physicians inthe United States. Write freely all the

i l i will







The hall of Macdonough Lodge. I. O.|O.F.,was the centre of attraction Tues-I day night, the occasion being the cele-' bration of ithe 80th anniversary of Oddi Fellowship. Fine music was furnisb-I ed by the violin and harp, also sing-| ing by several of the ladies present,1 after which the doors of the dininghall were thrown open and Odd Fel-lows and their families were treatedto a sumptpous repast, gotten up bythe ladies. Afteir dinner, speecheswere in ord'er. and short remarks were

, made by several miem'bers. The cele-bration was under the auspices ofChamplain Valley Rebekah Lodge,Xo. 164, I. O. O. F- The entertainmentclosed with a rising vote of thanks tothe lady in em tors of the order.

—The Adirondack Telephone com-pany will open an exchange at LakePlacid this week-

~NEW"YORK~SUPREME~COURT—Clinton County.Vilas National Bankof Pittsburgh, plaintiff, against Wil-

'• liam W. Wood and others, defendants.! Pursuant Lo a judgment of foreclosure! and sale duly rendered in the aboveentitled action and entered in ClintonCounty Clerk's office en the 20th davof April 1899. I the undersigned, a re-

', feree for such purpose duly auDoinlredI will sell at public auction to the his '! est bidder ~* ^- * ''Co ' " .

.irp.noon 'on"the llTday "of' June." 1899"i the irea'l estate, directed bv such ' "! m«nt to bo sold and there*as follows, to "

litiO'ned ai J unnin1 and l i

main ' road

will sell at public auction to the high-est bidder at the front entrance of theCourt House, in the Village of Flatfe-burgh, N, Y.. at ten o'elcc/s in theforenoon on the 12 day of June. 1899.

v such iiMg-ein described

K:All that cejrtain niece or c-areel of :

.nd ,in \x>t^ No., 102 of the Refusee

the north side of the lot miconrainins^'ae Bloomer housicouch to the crrnfir of lot ivo

niece of land . _ _ ^line: to Mcoars

. -....„ .rom 'the Williamlyers Hri«= to the forse wopertv. con-lininz eisli-t acres, more or less.Dated, .Amil 20th. 1899.


PiaiirrifTs .Attorney,9 9 S - p

T U»* i t s b u r £ h - N- Y-


four hund^the town ofand Sta'te

escribd,,*w Yorl

.. ^ follows- <•re of the last

described'as w _ ..he cenicre of the last afore..-

iDcosjte A.. B. Wood's dv ODCosien a li

d l d i

•re lots inmy of- Clintonbounded and

•m.mencina' ;n' -esard higk-

za ThErastiL. ,rah Thew

. .... „ ,,.,j with '"he west s:de ('ad leading: north ,.0 A- B. Wooi

starch ^ ^ ^

Buy Our BaU encelin

.tonn Thew. decea*« 'i.v""an(l' Pamelia^ Thew. his wife: Jane Thew. widow

Herbert Thew; John Hayes. HenryHayes. Ruth Ann^Blossom. Marv El-

uortherly on thedtarch factory roaistake: thence weste... „.... ,.,..,the road running easterly fromWood's Falls to Moeers Villase. 75feet, ithence southerly nararth~ — J i : ' ---•-' •-•--

From the manufacturer only in larg;e quantities—case

lots. WE SAVE 1 'OU the the ^retailer's profit, at

least twenty-five per cent.

said nice 3 of tend tei . H" ' alons: the center '"

<hway 75 feet toAll the above

nd - ' ^ •


of the aforesaid1-cho -place of be sin „. ....I mentioned Dieces of land are de!ei1 subiect to all hisrhwavs laid out. crto be laid out thereon.

Also, all thait certain other niece or"'ng and bein;•s. Countv o.>rk. and beins





Society will hang up $8500 in trottingand pacing -stakes for the next fair,Sept. 26-29, as against $5500 last year.


New York, April £7.—Under a Ma-nila date the Evening Journal printsthe following:

The revolt of the Filipinos againstthe authority of the United States ap-pears to be on the eve of collapse,

Aguinaldo, according to a report ofthe Filipino commission here, is nowconferring with the cabinet concern-ing peace overtures. The next ad-vance of the American troops " willbring about absolute surrender of therebel forces.

A feeling of hopelessness is spread-ing throughout the insurgent army,and many of Aguinaldo's and Luna'sofficers are returning to work in Ma-nila.

Manila, April 27.—-General MacAr-thur's men entered Calumpit at 11o'clock last night and are now in con-trol of the main portion of the town.The insurgents are still entrenched Inthe suburbs and hot fighting will benecessary before tney can be dislodged.Our losses yesterday were 15 killedand a large number wounded.

Manila, April 27.—The Kansas and-Montana men drove the Filipinos backfour miles beyond Calumpit to-day.Apolit, one of the largest towns inPampanga province, fell into ourhands.

Manila, April 27.—General Mac Ar-thur's division crossed the Rio Grandeto-day and advanced on Apolit com-

John Haughran, ais Supervisor, soldto Dyer Arnold real estate in SchuylerFalls for $500.

Claude T, White sold to E. G. Moorevillage property for $75.

Ambus Woodworth sold to Eugene'ere re-J There will be thiree stakes at $1000 i »,» y - •-•each for 2.26 -trotters, 2.35 pacers and j a^c,the free-foir-aii pacers, the other elevenstakete all being for ?500 'each- Thisshould insure the greatest field of fasthorses ever started at one meeting inNorthern New York. The Malonetrack holds the state record for thefastest exhibition mile, the fastest heat-in a rFC3 a*nd the world's record farthe thnee ia&tieteit heats ever paced ina raoe over a one half-mile (track, andevry care will be exercised this year tokeep up the standard already required.The exhibition record is -2,05% made byJohm R. Gentry in 1897, and the racerecords are 2.08*4, fastest heat, and

2.08% and 2.08^4, three fastest

) acres of land in ianac for $1300.

A. W. Fairbanks sold to Mrs. MaryH. Leggett real estate for $1 and otherconsiderations.

Luther R. Carter sold to FrederickW. Sherlock 8 1-3 acres of land in El-lanbuingh for $24.

J©sse Weldon sold to Julius Letsono2i/2 acres of land in Mooers for $700.

Mary Horneitt sold to iTouessamt La-burgfo 90 acnes of land in Altona for

heats in a race, made by Dan Q. at the

Martha Stel'tzer sold to Thomas J.D'Arcy Plattsburgh village property for?300.

Jehiail B- White sold to Sarah H.Armstrong Haittsbwgh village prop-erty for $3,500.

Jesse W. H. Holcombie sold to John1898 meeting. A modem ban? will be j c. "aabouiJn RouseTpoint village prop-

! ertty for $1125.I was reading an advertisement of j Harrison Willasrd sold to Ansom E,

Oolite, Oholfera and j Avers Schuyler Falls village propertyDiarrhoea Remedy in the Worcesteretnterp'rJi&e recently, wthioh leads me towrite tlhiis. I can truthfully say Inever used iany remedy equal to it forcolic and diarnibjoeia. I nane neverhad to .use more *hao one or two doses(to cure the worst case with myself orchildren.—W. A. iStroud, Popomoke,Oity, (Msd. For siafle (by Clough's DrugStore, West Ghaxy; C. H. H-omphrey,Mooers.

for $300.Geoirge Delorier sold to Louis'Wolff

Plattsburgh village property for $75.Vila's National Bank sold to George

and Albert Blow 6G acres of land inAltona for $125.

Julia P. Woofl sold to William H,Robinson 2 74-100 acres of land inChiazy for $371.

Vilas National Bank sold to McMar-tin &, Fesefcte 840 ;acrfes of land in Sei-ota for $2,350.

Vilas National Bank sold to J. M.Maftott 68 'Z1-W0 acres of land i-n Al-ttona JOT $100.

Julia M, KhKley and othetfs sold toL. L. Honsinger 20 aores of land inWest Chazy for $350.


Under date of April 1st, Mr. W. S.Tabberrah, Hosp. Corps., U. S. A.,writes from Honolulu to friends athome. He is very enthusiastic overthat city, and says, "I may as we'l tellyou that if 1 ever make a home any-where, it will be in this place, I wishyou could see the native kids dive formoney, little fellows not over ttnyears old. Throw a nickel over-board,and they will get it before it reachesthe bottom. Some of the natives heredress right up to style, but wear noshoes or stockings. Great fat wonieu,walk about the streets neatly dressed,but bare-footed." The above are a [has been in the drug (business at Elk-

"A word to the wise is suffMent"and a rwor-d flrota the wise should besuffiicien/t Ibfott you ask, wiho are thewise? Those (who fcnow. The oft re-peated expeiriesnlae of trustworthy per-sons may T>e taikera for knowledge. Mr.W. M. Terry says Chamberlain'sConugfn IRemiedy gives: better ssaitisfac-tion}ha.n any other to tlhe miar'ket. He

pletely routing the flower of the rebel | ^ extracts' from his letter, that"will j -ton, Ky., for twelve years; has soldarmy.


A Second Grade of Portland.

Ramsey's HOWE-3S CAVE,


Bags or barrels, and in stock at all times.

Cement that Is specified in Government

work§ and ALOJTE used on N4 Y, City Docks.

LIME.And at the same time don't forget our

F^EED STORE.Dock and Coal Co.

Telephone. Clinton St. and Dock

New Spring Good*,. New De-signs and Styles, New Depart-ments and Lines. Don't fail tosee our well-ftlied store this sear-son. We have the latest styfesand designs of the seasda satbottom rr i c e s Ladies' Taiksr-Made Suits, Capes and Jackets.Imported and Domestic Dress

•Goods, fine Ginghams, PX'4,Muslins, etc., in all that is newand stylish. Silk Waists. Short .Waists and Skirts. Trfmim^g1.

a"TomDsonvandi!ThbtQ-1 Silks, Gimps, etc. Special atlea-^/cM^an^Matildal-fion g j v e n t o c u r Q -thing affld

Shoe Department. Buy ycMBrY.';Spring Hais of us and get tibc ;:•;latest and best. Wall Paper^Carpets, Window Shades andDraperies. • , ; v . • • • • ' •

GROCERIES AKD PROV1SIOHS*Q-rass and Clover Seed. Agents for tfc* ,)est Bicycle made, and keep theaa !•»itock. ' : ; ;

Anu ,.,l.^.^,1and Cynthia

^ " !boral. i W , c . o .ssom. hnsbani

ehH<Jren-ofJf)eborahd|^li ~de-Blossor

with "theieoe.of land to the

railroad: ithecee


To Work in the Mines


Chateaugay Ore & Iron Companj.

! prove interesting to his many friends' in this county, who will be glad to

F1LPIINOS ARE FIGHTING FIERCE- h e a r t h a t h e i s w e l l a n d contented.L Y . - . - : • • • • • • . .

Apriril 26.—6.10 p. m.—Agui-; defending Calumpit

energetically, which is said to indicatethat the rebels are finally making thatplace their last ditch, or stand, whichthe Americans expected them to makeat Malolos.

For the first time the Filipinos areemploying artillery. They broughttwo guns into action in the trenchesto-day before Calumpit, firing modernshrapnel, which burst over the headsof General Wheaton's men without ef-fect.

The fighting was resumed at sixo'clock this morning.


New York, April 26.—The latest pos-


Comes from Dr, D. B. Cargile, ofWashita, I. T. He writes: "Four bot-tles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs.Brewer of scrofula, which had causedher great suffering for years. Terri-ble sores would break out on her headand fare and the best doctors couldgive no help; but her cure is completeand her health is excellent." Thisshows what thousands have proved,—that Electric Bitters is the best bloodpurifier known. It's the supreme re-medy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum,ulcers, boils and running sores. Itstimulates liver, kidneys and bowels,expels poisons, helps digestion, builds jup the strength. Only 50 cents. Soldjafiby Mrs. D. K. Gilbert, Plattsburgh:Burton & Kelly, Keeseville; W. E.Sweet, Port Henry; W. E. Clough.West Cha

hundreds of bottlels of .this remedy aand !nearly all oitiher cough medicines man-ufactured, which -shows satisfactory tothe people, and is the best. For saleby dough's Drug Store, West Chazy;C. H. Humphrey, Mooers.

H Coffee Ag^-ee W i t h T o n ?rink Grain-O—made from pure grain?,ites: "The first time I made Grain-0 I:e it. but after using it for oae weekould induce me to go back to coffee.''esand feeds the system. The chil-

engthening substance of pure grains.iage to-day from your grocer. 15c-


—Our troops at Manila are sugaringfrom the tropical heat. In the recentbattles more men were prostrated bythe heat than by insurgent bullets.


in the way of trusts is the w e s t <-'nazy: H - E - Gillespie, Ausablespring water trust. A syndicate haS : ;F o r k s ' druggists. Guaranteed,been formed for the purpose of ac-quiring all the principal mineral springproperties in Saratoga and runningthem under one company, to be known

.olidated Mineral Springs

sal brcmade frc ire grains

• nd tastess like

REPORT IS DENIED.Washington, April 27.—The report

that 35,000 volunteers would be calledfor was denied here to-day.

est g-ades of coffee,s much. Children thrive on it because it

nuine food drink contriuing nothing but

Company of Saratoga Springs.

mm Ciu.-uo4ier<e Kn*U.h Diamond Brand.


—It is stated that 11,200,000 havebeen received as advance payments forliquor tax certificates for the year be-ginning May 1 next,

—The Fremdenblatt, of Vienna, Aus-1tralia, reports the invention of a riflecapable of firing 2,700 shots an hour.The magazine of the weapon holdscartridges. Tests are being made at •the Imperial arsenal. '


The property known as CLINTON

HOUSE, including first-class

Barn and Cottage in rear; will

be sold separately or together.

In center of town. Possessiongiven immediately. Terms

reasonable. App ly to





Thai's what it cost America las! yearto keep aiive a disease that is makingstrong men weak, and weak men dead.Figures appalling ? Yes, but the finan-cial loss don't compare with the lossof vital power. The ever present manwith restless eyes, twitching mouth,moving feet and tobacco tainted skintells the story. Don't you think it'stime to quit—quit quick! quit naturallyby taking " -™"

NOTO-BAC.regulates tobacco using. Ina few days all desire is gone, your ap-petite is better, your blood is purified,your nerves grow strong, it is trulya man-maker. And then, you run norisk, for you can buy NO-TO-BAC un-der your own

DRUGGIST'S GUARANTEE.druggist is authorized to sellac under absolute guarantee-

ery form of tobacco using,en guarantee, free sample of

klet called "Don'tS k Y Life i


Ooron«r G- E. Letouaiaeau, of BousesPoint, was in town yesterday. Hestated that it had fceen impossible tosecure evidence as to tine mother of4he child,iouiid dirowned im the baylast week. The matter will probablybe dropped, and one more will be ad-ded to the Idst of undiscovered crimes.


A brand new swindte has devseibjgXedand .local hotel and boarding housekeepers may be approechetd Tby ifcbe op-erator. He goes about engagingboard far New York school tteach'emsduring the summer vacation, •whom,he claims, have sent him out in theirbehalf. In order that the teachersinlay see the house and surroundingsin proper light a picture was to be ta-

ther e 3 westerly narallelsouih 1 ine of said Diece ofeast line of eaiid railroad: thencesoutherly alone 'tihe east line of saidrailroad to the place of bee"nnln2.containing about 1% acres of land,a-nid being the same piece of land unonwhich fouir houses built by Wood.PalBier & Co. stand.

Also, all that certain piece or narcelof land situate, lyins and being in theTown Of Mooers. Counts., <>t ,C3iinton

Dair't' of lof

boundeid a1.. ,the center of

decesaidnd o

ott. husbanana Staffordord; a;nd M

hile, husband of said Ida Wustin R. Mott. husband of said

M t t 7ana Stafford, wife oMatth

Justin Mott: 7ana Stafford, wifeArthur Stafford; a;nd MatthewdofandantsT




ter of -the- old highway 106 feet, to acedar sitake: ithence southerly on aline that shall run west of ithe ibacn toa istake 90 teet. from hisrhwater mark:thenrse southerly aftd naraJlel theretoand BO feet from btehwater mark to acedar stake on.the soxiith line of lot

r the line oihool house !„.

„„ tih<e, souith li:n<aol house lot tb the ceintt, ^^ .„„fv: thence southerly alone rthe cen-

ter of the river to the centre of thebnideeitftrenee westerly alone the cen-tpf>of the bridge (to the 'Dlace of beein-ninsr, with the first- right of * waterfrom the mill pond, sufficient to run afour fifed rorsje: wwth the Dnvuleee *°miake a flume in front of the oresentmill amd of suffici-etnt size to carrythe water to said for«e. w ith all theriehfe and prdvileees neoeisBary to re-pair slaid fiuttne and bellows and bulk-head, and comtainiiDfi about ifw.o acresat larnd.

Also all that certain other ulcer o rparcel of land situate, lyme and bemsin the Town of Mo " "(Uihton and .S' 'known as parl" ' ' " amd JVova Scotia Refueee

;er on twenty

_ _fter the service of this aimemd-sumraonF. exclusive of >the day of

K'ii-vire: And in case of your failureto appear or answer, .iuderment will '• - • • • ,t. vnn bv dpfauW. for 1

. the c)


.. beins arefugee Ttract. LU Wv»t]ommiancmg at ] taken a1

,st side of pres- aellef dem'aided^" " Dated Awril 4. .„„„.

WH3EDS. SMITH & CONWAY.Attorneys for Plaintiffs..

Office and Postoffice address. Platts^burgh. Key York.

defendants Ida TomntsonTomroson, hear (husband; Sd Hannah Thew. hisThew: Matilda The-w.

T d s e d :bt

situate.--mug an<u Demsrof Mooers. County ottate of New York, ana; of lot No. 102 of -the

of Stephen Th=ew,Thew: Datus Thew:John Hayes: Henry Haves:Stafford, widow of Seth Stcnased: Jennie Motlt and JusttinMott. hier husband-^ Etta Ix)W(Edwiin Ixwe. her husband: Ida ..

thur Stafford andZana Stafford,wife: and Georete Smith:

The foreeoine suinmons is servedupon you by publication, pwrsuainit toan order of Hon. S. A. KelloeKJustice- of the Surname Court of(State oi New York, datted thie :ttay of April. lS99r and filed with ,.-~comDlaint in the office of tbe Clerkof Clinton County at Plaftsbuwrh.N-ew York, on the 20th day of Auril.1 S WEEDS.,SMITH & CONWA'


._. and. to wit: Beerisminsof ithe highway '

L Brothers' sitore itro Altona. on t102 of salid Tth«nce weBterllot 102 to th<e east line or wooa

line: thence nortlherlvthers' eas*t line tojthetiiehway leading from

a ( v,.ken, and for the trouble of insertime i woodit in a little .booklet, ?2.50 is require! \ ^to be put up.

lage: thence easterly i

Also all the followine 1c^ls of land, being rvarts102 of the Canadian attid^.efu«ee Tfradt of the 42C

lid'town, bounded as follows, to wit:commencing in the centre of %hei git way running- easterly from

. food's B'alls to Mooers Village, at apoint S8onit-h of-;a cedair stake driven inthe n<nrth boivnds of said highway:thence running northerly on a line

:1M with the west end of a brown' house, and along the east line of

Wood's sheep yard ten rods:


execution issued>reme Court ofw York -against ifttels. lands and tern

I thence "soutlherly-on-the east 1_ _ T T ^ _ i lot now occupied by Wood.COURT— Co. 10 rods: thence wester!

y virtueout of

the Statethe goods

- ,of!


els, landood. Orville K. Wo

d. Watler E. Wood a«od. defendants, dat

1899. I have seizted andright, title and interestfendant William W. Wood11th d^y of September. 18since acquired in and 't thdescribed mronertv whDose for

trects at the fi „County Court house, in tPlattsburgh, on the 12th1899. at Pleven o'clock a.

All thait cerltain pire^" ' ' ite in "-- '

od. Victor S.and Albert G.ted*-March 3.taken all thehich the de-

had on ithe891. 'or has

d in and to the followingnertv. which I shall ex-ana sell as the law di-

t doo f th C l i t

! thence- easterly. ^ ^ ^ . _I hishway 8 irods: thence southerly <oar-I allel with the west line 10 rods 'to the.1 r.ontiMfj Of t,h6 highway: thence wester-

:ne center of highway 4 rods:t line of aPalmer &

^.,,. -„ .w,.^. ^ . ^ ^ .v 4 rods:thence nqrth.erly 10 irods. to the Dlaceof beiginnimg: con'taining three fourthsacres of land.

Also all that certain niece or parcelof land lyiiniff and beins in the town ofMooers. County of Clinton and Stateof New York, and 'being a nart of

lot No. 103 of the Canadian — J


A'nniie'Ormsby. hisTo tine aibove named

«™ to iaos-action andiyrer <m the





LUMBEB, Iflooring, Ceiling, Novelty Siding MM!

Sheathing, Wall Stripe, J

Lath and Shingle,LIME, HAIR ft

Also, Dealer in

Drv Goods,


Boots I Shoes


The Latest Millinery.

Call and. EX

MISS .msjMismm26 B


law dithe Clintone Village ofay of June.


-2287w7- 1__

iand situate in the town ofChmton CouDty. N. Y.. knownv "" -~ * u - "".hwest Qiiartr "

.nadian an<rter of lot No..d Nova Scotia

lots together' of the

lar^re lot No. 103 of the Canad]Nova Scotia Refugee Tract in „acre lots and bounded as folComlmeneing one rod soutnerrsoutheaslt. corner of a piece ^boughlt by I. TJ. White otf. F. Taithe wiest lime of the highwayfrom .A B. Wood & Co's. store to,tona. running thence southernthe west line of the highway toa board fence built by . . .Chewsieman and George tdivision lime: thence westerly -said post and board fence to

sion limDo t an

riods ofi s

ire or tmsnass th^Teon.'.\lsio. thle southeast au&rter of lot

111 df said 420 acre tract in saM townexcept v cres in th t h t

said Do t and board fence to v..two riods of the hlshwater markthe river, as it wlinds and tinrns. towithin one rod of. the southwe-t cor-ndr of the aforesaid piece of land

!ded said I. L. White: thence eas-l* --utih line oflid '


ftith the.lacere df

f blan

's land to the nlace of be-

ract in thed. ofcmrrier thereof and Vd. of an acr

which the school house stands.acre occupied b th OgdensburLake Ckamrslain R. R. Co.. c n tfo'-ty-three acres, more or less,


saM townsoutheast

acre onuse stands. 1V>Ogdensbur?h &C onitalining


1 niece of landmoireorlesg.iiponwhL^ ~-the Cheeseman bouse now stands.

* t h t tso all the southwest auairtersaid lot 102, containingmooting 15 acres called —- . -louse lot. Part of this east piece is

st auairter oicontaining 100 acres, ex-cres called the school-

t f this east piece is

Also, all that other ntec? of said lotNo 114 being the north half of the

of said lot contain-No 114 beingsouthwest auartei

res. more or less,r descri^-by the "*

lattfiburg-h, N. i..,. . . , . ^ , , , . aforesaid, by d'Nov. 16, 1897. and recordr *County Clerk's office, in

Dated. April 20. 1899.J. P. CUNNINGHAM.Sheriff Clinton Countv.

louse lot. Partiescribed a'hove.

Also, all that nortion of lot 103 of420 acres Canadian and Nova Scotial t d i h o d as follows, being Ithe

id l t centing

lot 103 ofScotia420 acres Canadia

lots dpscrihod asnth one half ofmnith one half of said lot excentirje

11 acres ibelongmg to Cora B.and one half aore belonging to

" - ^ ^ ^^ v., w. 'Whi-"

.,_ «..:ned bv. „„ Jand hereto'-known as fthe Tarbe.

Jennie'IT Wood anforanerlv belonr5-" J

nnp-half acre 'o^pt la Diece o i u u i „, .«-ept. nil land heretofore occupieinown as fthe Tarbell farm..A.lso aH _t.hat. uiece df. land a partAlso all

of lot 114i d


; railrc


road commetneine on


Examinations for teachers' - certifi-cates aind entrance to Normal Schoolswill be held in Climton county during1S99 as follows;

FIRST GCRiAOE.PMtsburgih Normal, January 12-13.Mooers, January 12-13.Plattsburgh High School, August 10-1LRouses Point. Augoiet 10-11.SECOND AND THflR© GRAD® AND

NORMAiL ENTRANCE,Plabtsburgh Normial, January 12-13.Mooers, Jamoiairy 12-13.Platitsburgh Normal, April 13-14.West Chazy, April 13-14.Plartteburgh High ScHool, Aug 10-11.Rouses Point, August 10-11.PlattsbUTglh Normal, Novemiber 9-19.©llenburgh Depot, November 9-10.

Examinations open promptly at mineo'clock. Candidates caamot be admit-ted afiter ten o^clock in the morningor after two-iMrty in the afternoon.

Deceml>er 15, 1898.SBTH S. ALLEN,FRED E. DTTFFY.


FOR SALE—Asparagus roots, elevenvarieties of strawberry plants, and twoof raspberry plants. Call on or ad-dress, R. S. Cate, Peru, N. Y.

$10,000FOR 82,56O. :;

This business was established »in 1862, and must be sold to aefc-*'*tie kh< estate. There is" a fiwfewater power, also brick and stamp *shops, machinery topis and psrt>-'J' ;terns. Will be sold on easy.terms. For full particulars'write ' ' |.

H. B. POWELL A, CO.,Real Estate and Investment Securities;


S100--SligfatIy Osed Piaios--XilOtiJBosy Terms JJntU PafeT JRwv

We have 39 upright pianos tb a* habeen used from one to six months <fc»*daring the month of April or TmtUrMb|iiji|are gone will be sold at price* •«heard of before. They ineladeOhiokering, Emerson, Wegman, IBrown & Simpson, Jewett, 'Davis, Hallett & Cumston,ihe New England Pianos, a»ranging from $100 to $275. Ifcw*pianos are in first class condition • • *warranted for 10.years*

If you ever expeot to own ,write before it is too late, for catalog«*r^and full description of styles, prices a


The Largest Music House in tfie Stefc