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A PITIFUL SCENE. Clarence Simons on Trial for Murder. HIS SON'S HURTFUL STORY. A Man and a Woman Jailed for Stealing Jewelry. DIAMONDS IN THEIR POSSESSION. Mrs. Emma White Sues for Divorce. A Sheriff From Chilton, Wis., Astonished. Clarence W. C. Simons, who is charged with the murder of William C. Hansen at Berkeley on the morning of November 10 of last year, was on trial yesterday in Judge Ogdeu's department of the Superior Court. Simons was accompanied by his father, sister and wife. The crime for which he was on trial is the outgrowth of a drunken row in a saloon at Berkeley, in which Simons, his wife and the deceased were the principals. At a late hour on the night in question the trio left the saloon and started for home. Simons tried to prevail upon his wife to walk with bim, but it appears that the woman preferred the company of Hansen to that of her husband and would not go with him. This so enraged the drunken man that be Hastened home in advance of the couple, procured bis shotgun, and re- turning: met them about 100 yards from the bouse and deliberately shot Hansen dead. Simons then walked to the County Jail, where he arrived about 6 o'clock In the morn- ing, and gave himself up. His story was that they had a struggle, and in the melee the gun was discharged acci- dentally, killing Hansen. The greater part ol the day was taken up In trying to get a jury. Among the witnesses examined wasSimons' 16-year-old sou who testified ihat his lather came home, got his sun. and went out saying _*<\u25a0 was going to kill Hansen. The trial will be resumed to-day. Footpads Foiled. At 10 o'clock Wednesday night an attempt was made by two footpads to hold up a delivery wagon of Fred Miller's Oakland Parcel and Package Delivery Company ou Moss avenue, near hlmliurst. The driver of the wagon had packages of considerable value lv his custody and refused to surrendei them. The footpads Ined two shots at him, but neither took effect. There are no clews that might lead to the ap- prehension of the miscreants. Two Fine Shoplifters. The $150 diamond ring and the $10 pearl ring stolen from the counter of S. Lathrop's jewelry-store at 1059 Broadway Tuesday after- noon while the clerk's back was turned, have been recovered and the sneaktbleves, a hand- son:--ly dressed man and woman, were arrested In San Francisco last night. 1 tev said they were Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Poole. Mutt I'ay His Owu Expanses. Sheriff Antone Kersten of Chilton County, is, arrived bright and happy at the Sheriff's oflice yesterday to claim Dr. Albert IcKstadt as bis prisoner and to take him back East to an- swer a charge of performing a criminal oper- ation. lie was a little upset when told that his man had been released after as-corpus proceed- ings, and still more dumfounded when told mat Dr. ickstadt was now iv Cnlltou, having ventured there voluntarily to face the charge again.; Dim. Sheriff Kersten felt a little sad at heart when the thought came to him that not getting his prisoner he would have to pay his own ex- penses. Two Congresses. The third preliminary meeting of the Woman's Congress of Missions was held at li. First M. E. Church yesterday afternoon. Several hundred Oakland ladies "were in at- tendance. The meeting was presided over by Miss Min- dora L. Berry, and Mrs. Sarau H. Cooper read a very interesting paper on "City Kindergarten Work," and Mrs. Nellie Eysier also talked on mission work among the Indians. Tills con- gress will meet in San Francisco In ths fatter part of April. Wants a Separation. Mrs. Emma X* White wants a separation from William T. While on the ground of lailure to provide. She also want* the custody .of their only child, v :_>o Is a boy .'i l years old. Mis. White, who is represented by lawyer and Ayr. says that she and her husband were mar- led at Woodland about six years ago and for the last two years her husband, who a contractor and builder and makes considerable money, has failed to furnish anything for the support of his wife and child. Ready to Fight. Daniel McMabon. the capitalist wbo has been accused of attempting to bribe Town Clerk Collins of Haywaids, Is prepared to light, ' ana at his preliminary examination, which is : f-et for Tuesday next before Justice Pimental of Haywards. he will attempt to turn the tables onbis accusers. BERKELEY. The 11th of April will be the State Uni- versity's day at the fair, and the town of Berkeley will ably second ibe celebration of her great school by showering all the roses in her gardens upon the fair on that day. An extensive programme of exercises Is an- nounced. The bauquet will be the feature of Hie aay. Tbe Governor and other officials will be present, and the recents, the faculties, the students of all the colleges in Berkeley and Sau Francisco, the alumni and university men in general will be luvited. The Vienna Prater band willgive a conceit during the bauquet. Intercollegiate l.nni.. To-morrow afternoon Stanford willbe pitted against the University Club at the East Oak- land tenuis courts to deteriuin- the champion- ship. The men will play as follows: First place in singles— Stanford. Beumiller; U. C, Sanborn. Second piac* In singles— Stanford, Ellis; U. C. Wage. Doubles— Stanford. Durant ana Watson; U. C. Sanborn and Byxboe. Charles Bates willbe referee. Berkeley Children. Some 1200 tickets will be distributed to Berkeley -schoolchildren to visit the fair to- to-morrow. ."--" _AT_ST .SUII'I'INOl>'T*;_l.ltiK>OJt. Arrived. Thursday. March 29. Brshlp Moirhan. Patey. lls* days from Liver- pool; mdse, to Meyer, Wilson & Co. .Sunken. Mir 29-011 Point Reyes. 15r ship Somali, from Hon. -Kong for San Francisco. Morrments of Trans- Atl antic Steamers. ' HALIFAX- Arrived Mar 29 Cartaageniaa from Glasgow. OUJRAJ/TAR— l'assea Mar 29—Strar Fuerat BI»- -marck, from SewTork. UROYrHKAU-I'assed Mar 29—Stmr Campania fir.New York. 8 THE MORNING CALL,' SAN FRANCISCO, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1894. Send a dime with every order. 1 Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoo , 1500 Conundrums J. S. Ogilvie Co The Earl's Wife Geo. R , ms Anue Mrs. Henry Wood A Missing Husband. Geo. R. Sims A Modern Hebe.. Miss M. E. Braddon Adventures of a Bashful Bachelor Clara Augusta Widder Doodle's Courtship Josim Allen's wife j Funny Stories— Funny enouch to make a horse laugh. 150 illustrations. Witty Sayings Sel cted From All Sources. 140 illustrations. . j Danesbury House Mrs. H. Wood ( Rab and His Friends Dr. John Brown Lal I a Rookh Thomas Moora Master and Man O. O. B. Strayer The Black Dwarf. Sir Walter Scott Keni I worth Sir Walter Scott I van hoe sir Walter Scot: Rob Roy , Sir Walter Scott Guy Mannering ....Sir Walter Scott Bride of Lammermoor Sir Walter Scott The Shadow of a Sin Charlotte M. Braemo Bitter Atonement Charlotte M.Braeme Broken Wedding Ring.. Charlotte M. Braeme Bright Wedding Day Charlotte M.Braeme Dark Marriage Morn Charlotte M. Braeme From Out the Gloom Charlotte M.Braeme Her Martyrdom Charlotte M. Braeme | Her Marriage Vow Charlotte M.Braeme j Lord Lyune's Choice Charlotte M.Braeme j One Against Many Charlotte M.Braeme i The Shattered Idol Charlotte M. Braemo ! Struggle for a Ring Charlotte M. Braemo | Sunshine and Roses Charlotte M.Braeme i Thorns and Orange Blossoms , Charlotte M. Braeme ] Wedded and Parted Charlotte M. Braeme [ Wife in Name Only Charlotte M. Braeme | The Willful Maid Charlotte M.Braema | Lady Grace Mrs. Henry Wood j Forced Marriage F. W. Pearson I His Evil Eye Henry I. HancocK !Guilderoy Oulda j Moths Ovid. j AMidnight Wedding Mrs. M. A. Holmes j A Woman's Vengeance Mrs. M. A.Holmes j Woman Against Woman. .Mrs. M. E. Holmes I A Woman's Revenge Mrs. J. F.Reichhard j The Wedding Ring...Rev. T. de Witt Talmage Life of Ker. X. DeWitt Talmage l».I> Woman and Her Power y... Rev. T. de Witt Talmage The Battle for Bread .Rev. T. de Witt Talmaga j Diary of a VillageGossin. .AimedlaM. Brown Diary of a Minister's Wife, Part I AimedlaM. Brown ' Diary of a Minister's Wife, Parts Almedia M.Brown Twenty-flve Good Sermons By Twenty-five Prominent Clergymen I A False Couple Mrs. Jennie S. Holmes Gaspar Desmond's Passion. Pauline Grayson I ; Defending a Home E. A. Young ' From Ocean to Ocean '. Commissioner Ballingtoi. Booth Harry Blount, the Detective , ThirtyDays With President Harrison...... The Double Duel Sylvanus Cobb Jr The Captive Bride Sylvanus Cobb Jr. A Dark Plot Sylvanus Cobb Jr. The Social Evi1..... Pauline Grayson The MidnightElopement Emma Sanders i Major Jones' Courtship Major Jones ! Major Jones' Travels Major Joua. i Major Jones* Georgia Scenes.... Major Jones IMarried for Money May Agnes Fleming j A Womin in the Case... a Popular Author j Which Shall ItBe ?. Mrs. M.B.W. Parrlsh I How to Entertain a Social Party..... | The Victim of His Clothes Fielding and Burton Love and Rebellion Miss M. C.Keller Don't Marry HUdreth A Loveless Marriage.. Howard Wight Inspector Henderson, the Central Office Detective I A Prince of Good Fellows j Old Secret* and New Discoveries ! The Man from the West. by a Wall Street Man i Derrick Vaughn Edna Lyall jWe Two Edn » !1 * ! AHardy Norseman EdnaLvall IThe Duchess The Duchess I ITnder Currents Tbe Duchess j Sweet is True Love.... The Duchess I A Modern Circe The Duchess ILoys. Lord Beresford Ihe Duchess Marvel The Duchess ! The Honorable Mrs. Vereker...The Duchess I ALife's Remorse The Duchess Dombey and Son Charles Dickens Christmas Stories and. a Tale of Two Cities..... Charles Dickens Our Mutual Friend Charles Dickens j Cricket on the Hearth Charles Dickons Great Expectations and American N0te5........ Charles Dickeas ' j Martin Cliuazlewit Dickens | Bleak House. Charles Dickens Sketches by Boi and Pictures From Italy Charles Dickens ' Nicholas Nickleby .Dickens Little Dorrit ..Dickens Pickwick Tapers.. Dickens People's Reference Book-A reliable com- pendium of valuable receipts for everyday emergencies .' Uncle Tom's Cabin, with hiograpby of author ....Harriet Beecher Stows Martha Washington Cook Book— ACom- pendium of Cookery and Recipes. Irene, or Beach Broken Billows •' --;...; ...Mrs. B. Baer Sparks From the Pen of Bill Nye Miss Shafto Norrls Chris W.E. Norrls The Free Lances Captain Mayne Reid The Death 'Shot. Captain Mayne Reid Allan Quartermain.... H. Rider Haggard Cleopatra ••• H. Rider Haggard book: ooxj_?o_sr _tsro. 3 | » > You can bring any three of these coupons with a dime and any book from our book-list will be handed to you at our office, 710 Market street, THE MORNING CALL Country Orders Mailed Promptly. No more stamps received. The Cabin Boy, a tale ofthe wide ocean Captain L. C. Kingston Greatest Thing in the World By Professor Henry Druminond Charlotte Temple Mrs. Rowson Emerson's Essays Ralph Waldo Emerson Bepresentative .Men Ralph Waldo Emerson Lowell's Poems lames Russell Lowell History of France Yonge History ofGermany Yonge Poe's Poetical Works Edgar Allan Poo Whittier** Poems .John G. Whittier The Knickerbockers Washington Irving Sketch 800k... Washington Irving Ogilvie's HONew Readings and Recita- tions, for evening and other entertain- ments, 6 volumes, '254 pages each Recitations and Readings Volume 1 Recitations and Readings Volume 3 Heel tat ions and Readings Volume 4 Recitations and Readings.., Volume 5 Recitations and Readings Volume 6 Recitations and Readings Volume 7 Two Orphans d'Ennery Reveries of a Bachelor Ik Marvel Diamond Collection of Songs— 6oo Popu- lar Songs, with words and music Passenger from Scotland Yard ....Wood Life and Adventures of an Arkansas Doctor. i'arda George Ebers The Bagof Diamonds ....Geo. M. Fenn Nora's Love Test. Mary Cecil Hay A Wicked Girl Mary Cecil Hay A Crooked Path.-: Mrs. Alexander Forging the Fetters Mrs. Alexander Mona's Choice Mrs. Alexander Blind Fate Mrs. Alexander At Bay Mrs. Alexander ALife Interest Mrs. Alexander The Octoroon Miss M.E. Braddon The Fatal Marriage M. E. Braddon A Prince of Darkness Florence Warden Fog Princess Florence Warden A Woman's Face Florence Warden AWitch of the Hills Florence Warden Down in the World Florence Warden Blind Love .....Wilkie Collins The Yellow Mask.... Wilkie Collins A Crown of Shame Florence Marryat The Heir of Linne Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Spoopendyke. .Stanley Huntley Aunt Diana Rosa N. Carey Our Bessie Rose X. Carey Merle's Crusade... ..........Rosa N. Carey F.sther ..Rosa N. Carey Wee Wifie Rosa N. Carey Tour of the World in Eighty Days Jules Verne Texar's Revenge Jules Verne Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas Jules Verne Michael Strogofi' Jules Verne Double Life Ella Wheeler Wilcox The Story of the Wedding Ring.... Bertha ___, Clay Woodlelgh Grange Bertha M. Clay Dora Thome Bertha M. Clay On Her Wedding Morn Bertha M. Clay A Golden Heart Bertha M. Clay The Squire's Darling ...Bertha M. Clay A Mad Love Bertha M. Clay Her Only Sin Bertha M. Clay The Duke's Secret Bertha M. Clay Last of the Mohicans J. Fenlmore Cooper Jack of All Trades. A matter of fart ro- mance Chas. Reade Single Heart and Double Face.. Chas. Reade feg Wofflngton Charles Reade Clouds and Sunshine Charles Reade The Coming Race Hulwer Lyttoa Money Bulwer Lyttoa The Lady of Lyons Bulwer Lytton Romeo and Juliet, a Tale ofTwo Young Fools William Black Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte Hypatii Charles Klngsley Tom Brown's .School Days. .Thomas riughes Misadventures of John Nicholson .....R. L. Stevenson Master of Ballantrae R. L. Stevenson Husseins Samuel Johnson Cosmopolis Paul Bourget Doom Justin McCarthy Health Without Medicine, Happiness Without Money, Longevity Without Either By L. P. McCarty In Darkest England and the Way Out , General Booth Dodo— A Detail of the Day E. F. Benson A Holiday in Bed ..........J. M.Barrla A Tlllyloss Scandal J. M. Barrie When a Jinn's Single I. M.Barrla Christopher Columbus— His Life and ' Voyages F. B. Wilkie Lays of Ancient Rome Lord Macaulay Cranford Mrs. Gaskell Frankenstein Mrs. Shelley Book of Golden C. M. Yonge 'Mosses From An Old Manse Nathan Hawthorne Grandfather's Chair....Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne The House of the Seven Gables Nathaniel Hawthorne Twice Toll Tales Nathaniel 'Hawthorne Fssnys of Elia... Charles Lamb Vicar of Wakefield -, Oliver Goldsmith Story of An African Farm. . .Olive Schrelner Dreams...... Olive Schrelner Lays of Scottish Cavaliers. Wm. Edw. Aytoun Lucille Owen Meredith Black Beauty Anna Seweli One ofthe Profession M. White The Idyllsofthe King Lord Tennyson The Pleasures of Life Sir John Lubbock Mornings in Florence Johu Ruskin The Career of a Nihilist Stenntak A Practical Treatise on Olive Culture, Oil Making and Olive Pickling.... by AdolDhe Flamant An Ocean Tragedy..... W. Clark Russell The FlyingDutchman W. Clark Russell Marooned W. Clark Russell A Marriage at Sea... W. Clark Russell Called Back. Hugh Conway Stabbed in the Dark Mrs. E. Lynn Linton Bootle's Children John Strange Winter Allan's Wife H. Rider Haggard ! S^___f_k_. \^.____o -^>*-"_roxj_R.-*i*^^- _ COUPONS! WHICH WILL BE FOUND AT BOTTOM OF THIS COLUMN. For Three of them and 10 cents you can get any of the books on this list. Present the Coupons at THE CALL Branch Office, 710 Market street, NOT at the Montgomery street office. Books will be delivered only between 9 A. M. and 8 P. H. SPECIAL NOTICE— Out of town subscribers who send orders by mail are requested to make at least four selections from the latest list obtainable in order that they may not be disappointed in securing ONE of them. _ MISCELLANEOUS. 1 CAUTION.— a dealer o_>t_ W. __. Do ii pi as Shoes at a reduced price, or say* he has them without name stamped oa bottom, at him down as a fraud. W. L. Douglas ' S3 SHOE THE WORLD. W. _. DO COLAS Shoes nre stylish, easy fit. ting,and give better satisfaction at the prices ad- vertised than any other make. Try one pair and be convinced. The stamping of V. .L. Douglas' name and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods. They can afford to sell at a less profit, and we believe you can save money by buying ail your footwear ofthe dealer advertised below. Catalogue free upon application. Address. ~t.Im. DOCG____. Br-cktuu, Mase. __ b_ JOS. KOTILBECIIER.. 123 Fourth St. B. KATS CHIN'SKI 10 Third St. R. PAUL 324 Kearny St. M.Mri.LER * CO 2149 Mission St. SMITH'S CASH STORE 418 Front St. D.DONOVAN : 1412 Stockton St. lal MoWeFr smo DELINQUENT SALE NOTICES. r\ELINQUENT BALE NOTICE— OCCIDENTAL -\u25a0-'consolidated Mining Company. Location of principal place of business, San Francisco, Califor- nia: location of works. Silver Star Mining Dis- trict, Storey County, Nevada. Notice— are delinquent upon the follow- ing described stock on account of assessment No. 15. levied on the 15th day of January, 1894, the several amounts set opposite the names of tha re- spective shareholders, as follows: No. No. Names. Certificates. Shares. Amt. Cahlil, E. A Co.. Trustees ...3119 60 5 00 Coleman * Wattle., Trs 64 100 10 00 Durorow. A. X, Trustee 87 100 10 00 Durbrow, A,K., Trustee 106 100 10 00 Durbrow. A. X., Trustee 682 100 10 00 Durbrow, A. X.. Trustee 695 50 6 00 Durbrow, A. X.. Trustee 690 60 5 00 Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 704 100 10 00 Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 744 60 6 00 Durbrow. A. X.. Trustee 790 100 10 00 Durbrow, A. X , Trustee 1488 100 10 00 Durbrow, a. X., Trustee 4451 100 10 00 Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 4469 60 6 00 Durbrow. A. X.. Trustee 4554 660 65 00 Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 453* 300 30 00 Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 459- 200 20 00 Durbrow. A. X.. Trustee 4693 '.'OO 20 00 Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 4596 100 10 00 Durbrow, A. K_. Tros-ee 4600 100 10 00 Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 4601 100 10 00 Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 4608 1700 170 00 Durbrow. A. X., Trustee 4611 1000 100 00 Durbrow. A. X.. Trustee 4612 1000 100 Durbrow. A. X., Trustee 4614 500 60 00 Durbrow. A. X.. Trustee 4615 500 50 00 Durbrow. A. X, Trustee 4616 600 60 60 Durbrow. A. X., Trustee 4618 600 60 00 Durbrow. A. X., Trustee 4619 600 6000 Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 4628 500 50 00 Durbrow. A. X.. Trustee 4629 500 60 00 Durbrow, A. X.. Trustee 4633 300 80 00 Durbrow, A. X., Trustee .. 4640 300 30 00 Durhrow. A. X., Trustee 4641 300 30 00 Durbraw. A. X , Trustee 4643 300 30 00 Durbrow, A. X.. Trustee 4665 200 '.'0 00 Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 4666 200 20 00 Durbrow, A. X.. Trustee 4678 100 1000 Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 4681 100 1000 Durbrow, A. K. Trustee 4683 100 10 00 Durbrow, A. X.. Trustee 46.17 100 1000 Durbrow. A. X., Trustee «690 100 10 00 Dnrbrow, A R.. Trustee 4703 100 1000 -urbr-w. A. X., Trustee 4709 100 1000 Durbrow, A. K. Trustee 4710 100 10 00 Durbrow, A. K„ Trustee 4712 100 10 00 Dnrbrow. a. X.. Trustee 4713 100 10 00 Durbrow. A. X.. Trustee .. 4717 100 1000 Durbrow, A. K. Trustee .7-0 100 10 00 Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 4721 100 1000 Durbrow, A. X.. Trustee 4726 100 1000 Durbrow. A. X.. Trustee 4736 100 10 00 Dnrbrow. A. X., Trustee 4737 100 10 00 Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 4741 100 10 00 Durbrow, A. X., Trustee. .4742 100 10 00 Durbrow, A. X.. Trustee 4744 100 10 00 Dnrbrow, A. X., Trustee 4745 100 10 00 Durbrow, A. X.. Trustee 4749 100 10 00 Durbrow, A. X, Trustee 4750 100 10 00 Durbrow. A. X.. Trustee 4751 100 10 00 Durbrow. A. X.. Trustee 4752 100 10 00 Durbrow, A. K„ Trustee 4753 100 10 00 Durhrow, A. X., Trustee 4754 100 10 00 Durbrow. a. X., Trustee 4762 100 10 00 Durbrow. A. X., Trustee 4808 60 6 00 Durbrow, A. X.. Trnstee 4918 10 100 Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 4971 350 25 00 Dlxon A Miles. Trustees 3473 '20 2 00 Dlxon Jt Miles, Trustees. 4274 100 10 00 Dlxon * Miles. Trustees.. 4298 100 10 00 Dixon A Miles, Trustees 4342 100 10 00 Edwards. W., Trustee 1367 50 5 00 Edwards. TV., Trustee 3207 60 5 00 Foster, A. W. A Co.. Trs 1393 60 6 00 /aster. A. W. A Co.. Trs 1631 100 10 00 Oautbier. K. * Co., Trustees. 3B22 100 10 00 Oautbier. E. A Co.. Trustees. 3980 100 10 00 Gauthier. E. A Co., Trustees. 3994 100 . 10 00 Wsut-ler. E. J. Co.. Trustees. 4 l39 100 10 00 Oauthltr. E. 4. Co.. Trustees. 449s 100 10 00 Gauthier. K. A Co.. Trustees. 4967 100 10 00 Oreenebaam, J., Trustee 409ts 600 60 00 Grant, Geo., Trustee 2954 100 10 00 Urant, Oeo.. Trustee ......3064 60 6 00 Goldman * Co., Trusties. .1460 100 10 00 Golaman * Co., Tru«tees. 2716 100 10 00 Unrnett. W. .... Trn.tee 4161 100 10 00 Hud ley * Doud. Trustees 1436 600 60 00 Hatfley A Doud, Trustees.. 3422 600 SO 00 Iladlsy * Doud, Trustees.. 4578 20 200 Hadley A Deud, Trustees 4966 200 20 00 Harris, Chas. P. A- Co., Tr5. ..4957 100 10 00 Harris, Chas. P. * Co.. Tr5... 4958 100 10 00 Harris, Ch-s. I*. A Co.,' Tr5... 4969 100 10 00 Harris, Chas. P. * Co., Tr5... 4960 100 10 00 Jones. O. X.. Trustee 4961 100 10 00 Marye. O. W. * Co., Trs 4442 100 10 00 KehSsch A Co., Trustees 3786 100' 30 00 R.bßscb A Co., Trustees 3857 100 10 00 Rehflsch * Co., Trustees 4687 60 6 00 Keot. G«o. 8., Trustee 1645 100 10 00 Root, <ice. »., Trustee 2-*63 60 6 00 Hoot, Geo. 8., Trustee 3312 60 6 00 Root, lieo. It., trustee 3332 100 10 00 Boot. Oeo. 13.. Trustee 3745 100 10 00 Boot, Geo. 8., Trustee 3939 50 5 00 Boot, Geo. B„ Trustee 4301 100 1000 Root. Geo 8., Trustee- 4568 200 20 00 Rolph. James, Trustee 4563 100 1000 »t»uf. Cooper * Rediick, Tr.1841 60 6 00 Htauf, Cooper A Rediick. Tr.3B:<l 60 6 00 j Shotwell. E. E.. Trustee 3227 SO 5 00 ; Stein. Nat., Tru5tee.......... 359 - 100 10 00 | Whltely. T. A Co., Trustees.. 3734 100 10 00 I 'Whltely. T. * Co.. Trustees.. 3B33 foo 10 00 : Zadig. Wollberj _t Co., Tr5. ..338 40 4 00 | Zadlj. Wollberg * Co., Tr5. .2366 100 1000 j Zadig, Wollberg A Co., Tr5.3544 SO 6 00 j Zadig, Wollberg A Co., Tr5..3664 60 5 00 Zadig. Wollberg A Co., Tr5. .3665 50 5 00 ; Zsdlg. Wollberg ACo., .3737 100 10 00 j Zadig. Wollberg A Co., Tr5.. 3778 100 10 00 | Zadig. Wollberg A Co.. Tr5... '.818 100 10 00 j Zadig. Wollberg A Co., Tr5.. 4100 100 10 00 ; Zadig. Wollberg A to., .4101 100 10 00 i Zsdlg, Wollberg A Co.. Tr5.. 4173 100 10 00 1 Zsdlg, Wollberg * Co., Tr5. .4233 100 10 00 Zadig, Wollberg A Co., Tr5.. 4296 100 10 00 I Zadig. Wollbera A Co., Trs .4505 600 60 00 Zadig. Wollberg 4 Co., Tr5. .4515 100 10 00 Zadig, woilberg ft Ca, Trs. 4534 100 10 00 Zs.llg. Wollberg &Co., Tr5. .4537 150 15 00 Zadig, Wollberg A Co., .4561 600 60 00 Zsdlg. Woilberg A Co.. Tr5.. 4583 100 10 00 Zsdlg, Wollberg* Co., Tr5. .4581 100 10 00 Andin accordance with law. and an order of the Board of Directors, made on the 15th day or Jannary. 1804. so many snares of each parcel or such stock as may be necessary will be sold at public auction at the efflce of the company, room No. 69, Nevada block. No. 309 Montgomery street, San Francisco, California, on WEDNESDAY, the 14th day of March, 1894. at the hour of 2 o'clock r.m. of said day, to pay said delinquent assess- ment thereon, together with costs of advertising j ana expanses or the sale. ALFRED K. DDRBROW. hecretarj. Offlee- Room No. 69. Nevada . Block, No. 30» Montgomery St., Ban Francisco. California.! . POSTFON EMENT. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the above named company, held on the 14th day of March. 1894, the day of sale for the above described delinquent stock 4J»f?_ I _._ l Jj»v_. . ) ,s u *™°y postponed until IWEDNESDAY the 4th day of April, at the same hour and place. I mriS td ALFRED K.DORBROW, Secretary. MISCELLANEOUS. jjgg^g^gS_Ssg_Bgg_B_g_H I A lean and § liPlas<> shadow 1 A lean and flimsy shadow | of the real B Bw , value '\ ' 1 ALL I M WOOL , I | CASSIMERE a ! Pants t | A "Must Go" price on j i everything at the big . £ WATER i I AND i I SMOKE WANT I I SALE. A [ 1 PAIR? 1 LYONS 1 | & FISHER, [ I 7 1 2-71 4 Market Street. \- * OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT. "f |ga___Mg_ilg^ TRUSTEES' SALE. TN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND I under the authority of a certain Deed of Trust, duly executed by A. C. BUNNELL, party ofthe Erst part, to HENRY C. CAMFBELL and THAI* DELS B. KENT, Trustees, parties of the second part, and the .au Francisco .Savings Union, patty <>t the third part, dated March 21, 1890, and recorded in the oflice ot the County Recorder of the County of Alameda, Stat- of California, In Liber 4>J7 of Deeds, at paces 73 and following: and in pursuance of a resolution passed ou ths Bth day of February, 1894, by the Board ot Direc- tors of said KAN FRANCISCO SAYINGS UNION, a corporation, and the holder of the note (.No. 1*915). to secure payment of which the aforesaid Deed of 'i rust was executed, declaring that de- fault had been made in the payment of the prin- cipal sum and other sums, due under said note and Deed of Trust, and requesting and directing said HENRY C. CAMI'BELL and I'HADDEI S B. KEN i , Trustees, to sell the real estate described therein to satisfy said indebtedness. We, HENRY .'. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS It. KENT, Trustees, do hereby givenotice, that on FRIDAY, th . -JOlli day of April. A. D. 1894, at 1. o'clock m. of that day, and at the auction sales- rooms of WILLIAM .1. DINUEE, Nos. 460 and 462 Eighth street, la the city of Oakland, County of Alameda, State or Calilornia. we will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash In gold cein or the United States, all that piece or parcel or land situate In the towu of Berkeley, County of Alameda, State of California, described as follows, to wit: commencing at a point In the . southerly line or Prince street, distant thereon four hundred (400) reet easterly from the easterly line or sh;»t-. tuck avenue: running thence easterly along said line of l'rlnce street one hundred and rony-ntne and nine-tenths (149 B-lOj feet to the westerly line of Wheeler street: thence at right angles southerly along said line of Wheeler street two ' hundred (200) reet to the northerly line or Kent ; | street; thence at right angles westeily -dung said i I lineot Kent street one hundred and rortv-atue and nine-tenths (145. . 9-10) reet, an.l thence at right! angle* northerly two hundred (200) teet to the j point or commencement. Being lots numbers nine (9), ten (10), eleven .11), fourteen (14), fifteen (15) and sixteen .10., In block 1. as said lots and block are laid down and designated ] ou a certain map entitled "Map of the Eastern j ; Portion of NeaMry Tract. Oakland Township," ! j tiled la th_ office >.f the County Recorder of AM-I meda County, December 5. 1885. Together with i the appurteuanees TERMS of SALE.— Cash in gold coin of the i Uuited States; 10 per cent payable to the under- I signed on the rail of tbe hammer, balance on de- | Uveiy of deed: and ir not so paid, unless ror want i or title (.10 days being aliened Iwr search): then I said 10 per cent to be forfeited, and 111. sale to be void. Acts ot sale at purchaser's expense. HENRY C. CAMFBELL,) -.-„_,_,.. 111 DUELS H. KENT. / lrusleei - nir3oap3G 10 13 17 20 TRUSTEES' SALE. 1 N ACCORDANCE WITH THETERMSAND UN 1 der the authority of a certain deed of trust dulyi executed by JOSEPH K. DA-SETT, JOHN GALL- WKY and AT ARY CATHERINE _ ALLWET. bis \ wire, parties or the first part, to HENRY C. UMl- _<]'.l_LatidTllAl'DEU.S ... KENT. lrustee., parties or tbe second part, and the SAN FRANCisco SAV- -ISQB tl .MON. party or the third part, dated July i 2, 1889. and recorded in the office of tbe County ' Recorder of tbe city and county of San i rancisco. < State of California, in liber 1343 of deeus. In! page. 259 and following, and in pursuance of a resolution passed on the 7th day of December, ' 1893. by tbe Board of Directors ot said San FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, a corporation. , and the holderof the note (No. 9421), to secuty I payment of which tbe aforesaid deed of trust was ! executed, declaring that default had b>-eu made ' lv the payment of the principal sum aud other ' sums, due under said note and deed or trust, and reanestlng and directing said HENRY C. CAMF- BELL and TH.vDDr.IS 11. KEN I, Trustees, to ! I sell the real estate described therein to satisfy | said Indebtedness. We. HENRY c. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS | B. KENT. Trustees, do berebv give notice tbat on I TUESDAY, tne 10th day of April. A. I). 1894. at I j12 o'clock It. of that day. and at tbe auction sales- ' ! room or KASTON. ELDRIDUK A CO.. No. 638 . Market street, in the cityand county of San Fran- ' j cisco, State ot California, we willsell at public : j auction to the highest bidder for rash ingold coin I I ofthe United States, all that piece or parcel of i I laud situate in the city and county or Sau Frau- ' ;cisco, State of California, deseribea as ! Wit: ; Commencing at a point Intbe southerly line of j States street, distant thereon three hundred and twenty five (325) feet westerly fiom the westerly I line of Casiro street, running thence westerly j along said line ot states street fifty (50) feet, thence at rlrht angles southerly one huoded and six feet two Inches (106 12), thence easterly Bfty .60) feet more or less, and thence northerly and at right angles withsaid line of States street | one hundred and five feet and six Inches (105 6-1 l to the point of commencement Being lots Nos. 14 and 16 in Block XV. as par i map of the Flint Tract Homestead Association on I file inthe office of the Couuty Recorder of said city and county, together with the appurtenances. ! TERMS OF sale -cash la gold coin of tha ; United States: ten per cent payable to the under- | signed en the fail of the hammer: balance on de- livery of deed: and lt not so paid, unless for want or title (ten days being allowed for search), then said ten per cent to be ferfetted and tbe sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. HENRY C. CAMPBELL. ) Tra . t ... THADDEUS B. KENT, / lru "«»- - 23 27 30 ap 3 6 10 PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE FOLLOWING ' work and materials will bo rerelved by the Hoard ot New City Hail Commissioners In the Chamber of tbe Hoard ot Supervisors, SATUR- DAY, April 21. 1894, between tbo hours of 10 and 11 o'clock a. m. Contract No. 68— For certain alterations to be made on the first, second and third floors of the SW. wine, and sundry other work to oe per- formed throughout tbe New City Hall, embracing the following Items: Brickwork, hollow tile, i steel, plastering, hut water heating, plumbing, gaaflttlßß and electric wiring, interior finishing and miscellaneous worn. Reference is hereby made to tbe plans, specifi- cations and conditions of contract in the office or the Secretary and Architect under which tbls worn must be done. Tiie secretary will furnish blank forms or pro- posals to intending bidders, and no bid will be entertained unless made upon blanks so fur- nished, and unless same is accompanied with a certified check for ten (10) per cent of the total sum or tender. 1 he board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Payments willbe made by audited demands on the ireasury, drawn against the New City Hall lunch L. R. ELLERT, H. T. CRKSWELL. WILLIAM BRODERICK. Board of New City Hall Commissioners. J. J. MCCARTHY, secretary. mrl'i 30t S^^^MaSdSoRED —™ —— miX 2—< -J ]__» _— _ __. " ,r _l««»»WW llt-iW I W!ILI_IVit:.!!:-..r,thepiesirlp- Ml- 9 <*? VX Hf_S» **? a tlon °' » 'f m ous French physician, willquicklycure yon of oil ncr- \u25a0 \\\ A__\l %*> ~,\\ \u25a0??"?*. r i di 'r a ; ses , of^ h, ' , generative organs, such as Lost Manhood, . \u25a0£ T kWm V <_££_V i »?^ nU Unfitness to C»ck, Seminal Emissions, Nervous DebUity! S3 I W^L T *W*Y oi, mp . fs '.i Unnt ?. e3S . to M , arry. ExhausUng Drains, Varicocele and RS N^ r V -/ Constipation. It stops all losses by day or night. Prevents quick- 8C > »-' n-ss of discharge, which if to Spermatorrhea and 9BEFORE AND AFTER S 1 i, the norrorsof In. potency. CT OHNE cleanses theUver, tbe \u25a0 _TJ.„r^«.l-T V Tv. kld " evBa nd the urinary organs of nilimparities. *™ C!UI»II__._.I_ strengthens and restores small weak organs. itlu»'W__ffi_-WwiPT- \u25a0"! -_ reason sufferers are not en red by Doctors is because ninety per cent are troubled wltb Prostatitis. CDPIDEN _Is only known remedy to cure without an operation. 5000 testimoni- als. A written guarantee given and money returned if six boxes does not affect a permanent •are. $1.00 a box. six for |...00, by mall. Send forms circular and testimonials. Davol Medicine C 0. ,,632 Market "-.San Francisco. Owl Drug Co.. 1128 Msrkst St.. San Francisce. Garrett A Taggsrt, Fourteenth snd Broadway, Oakland. ." su* tf cod MISCELLANEOUS, flUUBOI&l Grand Opening! NEW SPRING GOODS! Neckwear, Fancy Shirts, Negligee Shirts, Hosiery, Underwear, Etc. PRICES STILL LOWER ! i 748 and 750 Market Street. \ mr'2s SuWeFr tf SCX $10,000 rl /*£*J^'' *^?uman— co THATtAvt ßorne lff-n %*-&%'_-] \\ ."N \ftfjaCßarrirt'cocoiinimifiti.*ta^ if^ys £§l@& ' CONTAINS ll'^^S '•H__\^^k^fC_^P^^rm^; l 'a l , Jli/Aorhor^ \ %*£- Them-st d-hcate j.«.»or*^=™-* k vmi HrP.PHOSPHITn Can re-"-Itlli f/lUISIQtI -^"^-'___ \u25a0lujrniiu m.4r * ™MUl\rAiio*uccisn WeFrSu lOp _*^llll_a_a DEFECTIVE EYESICHT Is always helped and often permanently remedied , by a pair of properly titled classes, which cannot be sot from peddler, or others who know nothing about the eyes. If your eyes ache when you read you need L. A. BERTELINC, 427 Kearny St., San Francisco. '\u25a0\u25a0 Oitice B<H_n i; \u25a0»?. la 1 I*. M. 5 cod tf < TRUSTEES SALE. In accordance with the terms and under tb* au- ;thority of a certain deed of trust, duly executed Iby ANTONIO >. I-.T-___NC-I.KT, sometimes I | called ANTONIO S. BtI'KMOCRI,party of the Cist part, to HKNRY < . (AMI'l. ______ and THAI- j OKI'S 11. KENT, '.ru .tees, parties Of the second part, and the SAN l KaNCIsCO SAVINGS I UNION, party of th.' third part, dated September '-'7. 1888, and recorded In tne ofttce of the C. unly j Recorder of the County -t Tulare, State of Cali- fornia, la Liber 4 of 'trust Deed', at page 527. and , rollowtng: And in pursuance or a resolution passed on the 22d day of March, 1894. n\ tl:e board of directors of said .-AN" FKANCINCo SAVINGS UNION, corporation, and the holder ot tne note i No. 90U4K to «ecure payment of which tbe afi resaiCk deed of trust was executed, declaring that default bad been made In the pay- Hit' of : lie principal sum and nifcer sums, due; under said note and dr. d of trust, and requesting and directing sit.l HKNRY ('. ('AMl'lthLL and ! THADDEUS 11. KENT, trustees, to sell thereat estate described therein to satisfy said indebted- ness, we, HKNRY C. CAMPK KI.i. and. UAODKOS H. KENT, trustees, do herebr give notice that on 1 Tl KSOAY. the lTtli day of April. A. O. 19 o'clock k_ of that day. and at the auction sales- I room of Easton. Eldrldge A Co.. No. 638 >.arket I ! street, In the City and County of san t- rancisco. j i State of California, we will sell at publicauction. 1 to the highest bidder, lor cash In cold coin of the ' | tinted States, all the piece or parcel of land situ- | I ate in the County of Kings (formerly part of tli* i Conner of Tulare). State of California, deseribea las follows, to wit According to the official plats , \ and system of surveys of the Government of the United States, in Township Nineteen . 1 3 > South. I Range Twenty-two C 22) East, Mount Diablo Hate ' I and Meridian. ! Of Section Four (4) the fractional northwest | j quarter (Kr. »/*): containing one hundred i I and seventy-one and seventy-nine one hundredths ! ! (171 79-100) acres or land. Also, all water, water rights and privileges In \ any wise appurtenant or belonging to said land or ; any part thereuf, together with the appurten- ' ances. 1 TI.KMS OF SALE.-Cash In gold coin of the United States: ten per cent payable to the under- I signed ou the fall of the hammer: balance on de- ! | livery of deed: and It not so p ltd. unless for want ;of title (ten days ben? allowed for search), thru said ten per cm: to be, forfeited, and the sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. HENRY C. CAMPBELL. \ Trll M TII.DDKISB. KKNT. / Trustees. mra7 80ap36 It) 13 17 TRUSTEES' SALE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND X under the authority of a certain Deed of Trust. j duly executed by SAMUEL AVIS, p»rty of the Ifirst part. to HENRY C. CAMPBELL and' THAU- I DECS B. KKNT,Trustees, parties of th* second ! part, and the SAN FRANCISCO SAVINOS ; i UNION, party of tne third psrt. dated January 9, < I 1890, and recorded In the Cfllee of the County Recorder of the County of Fresno, State of Cali- I fornia. In Liber 107 of Deeds, at pages 133 and following, and lv pursuance of a resolution passed | on the 28th day or December. 1893, by th* Board \ of Directors of said SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS ! UNION, a Corporation, and the hoiderof ihe note (No. flso;.). to secure payment of which the afore- said l>eed of Trust was executed, declaring that i derault bad been mads in the payment of the principal sum and < ther sums, due under said note and Deed of Trust, and requesting and di- ;recting said HKNRY C. CAMPBELL and THAI>- . DXI S H. KENT. '1 riisieet, to sell the real estate described therein and not heretofore reconveyed to satisfy said Indebtedness. We. HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT. Trustees, do hereby sire notice, that 1 on TUESDAY, the Mday of April. A. D. 1894, at ) 12 o'clock M. or tbat day, and at the Auction Sales Room ot EASTON, EI.DRIDOK * en.. No. 638 : Market street. In the City and County or Man Franc State of California, we willsell at pub- I lie auction, to the highest bidder, for cash In ; Guld Coin of tbe United Mtatrt. all the pieces or j parcels of land situate in tb* County ot Fresno, Stale of l alirornia, described as fellows, to wit: According to tbe Official Fiats and Systems of I Surveys or the Government of the United States. In Township Fifteen (la)South. Range Twenty- I three t'23) East. Mount Diablo Kate and Meridian. Of Section Twenty-one (21) the Southwest ] Quarter (S\v i/4) and tbe South Half of tbe South- east Quarter (S _l_ or B__t44). Containing 1 wo Hundred and Forty (240) acres of land, more or less, together witb the appurte- aanees. TERMS OF SALE—Cash In Gold Coin of tbe United States: ten per cent payable to th*under- signed on the fall of the hammer-, balance on de- livery of deed: and if not so paid, unless for want of title (ten days being allowed for search), then said ten per cent to be forfeited, and. the sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. HENRY C. CAMPBELL, 1 -.„.,_... THADDK.US H. KENT / lrusleM - mr!3 16 '20 23 27 30 ap2 CYPRESS LAWN CEMETERY. In san MATEO cocnt. ; NON-SECTARIAN; laid out on tbe lawn plan: perpetual care; beau- tiful, i ermanecl and easy or access; see it before buying a burial-place elsewhere. City Office. J City Hall __ venue. ael6 TRUSTEES' SALE. TN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND -I under the authority of » certain deed of trust, duly executed by JOHN C. STRCCKoFK party or the first part, to HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDECS B. KENT,Trustees, parties or the second part, and the san FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, party or the third part, dated June ft. : 1890. and recorded in the ofh.c- or the County Recorder of the County of San Lets Obispo. State or California, in Liber 8 of Deeds, at pages 193 and following-, and in pursuance of a resolution passed on the '..Ist day of December, 189;.. by the Hoard of Directors of said SAN KR...M l-CO SAVINGS UNION, a corporation, and the holder of the note (No. 10148). to secure payment of which the aforesaid deed or trust was executed, declaring that default had been made In ttie pay- ment of Interest and other sums, due under said note aud deed of trust, and requesting and direct- ing said HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDECS H. KENT, Trustees, to sell the real estate de- scribed therein to satisfy said indebtedness __V_-25 > _S_* ' ' CAMPBELL and THADDEUS \u0084'.,\u25a0_. Fi. Trustees, do hereby eive notice that on TUb SDAV. the 3d day of April, A. D. 1894, at 13 clock m. of that day. and at the Auction Sales- room of KASTON. ELDRIDGE A CO.. No. 638 Market street, In the city and County of Sau Francisco, state of California, we will sell at pub. lie auction, to the blithest bidder, torcash Ingold coin of tbe Cnited States, all the piece or parcel or land situate In the County ot San Luis Obispo State of Calirornla, described as follows, to wit Lot or subdivision No. fifty (50) aa laid down and designated on a certain map entitled "Map of the Subdivision of the Huer Huero Haucno aud Adjacent lands, San Luis Obispo County California. Surveyed May. 1884." a copy or which map is on file and of record In the office or the County Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo, to which' map and the held notes rrom which the same was complied, reierence is bereby made for a more .particular description of tho lands hereinabove described and hereby con- veyed: Containing three hundred and fifty one- hundredths (300 50-100) acres of land more or less, together with the appurtenances. _TERMS OF SALE— Cash In gold coin or tbe United States: ten per cent payable to the under- signed on the fait of the hammer; balance on de- livery or deed: and If not so paid, unlets ror want or title (ten days being allowed ror search., then said ten per cent to be forfeited and tbe sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. HENRT C. CAMPBELL. \ Tru ...,. THADDECS B. KEE I. / Trustses. \u25a0 / turl3 16 20 23 '27 30 sp3 I tun CaL, and Margaret M. Grnweil of Lompoc, ! Cai. COYTK-KYAN-InOakland, March 25. 1894, by the Key. Father Lane, George L. Coyte and Mamie M. Hyan. both of San V rancisco. DIEl>. . i Aronson, Elka Monteverde. Manuel Bellisle, Francis N. Neilson. MaaC. Bird. Catherine O'Keefa, Charlotte C. Bross. Jacob Patrick. Sarah Ball. Isabella E. 'aimer. Mabel L. Burgess. Mildred Qulnd. Maria Eagan. Mary -I. Keld. John 11. Farrell, Peter E. .-.sunders, Mary J. Gullixon, Guild;. -\u25a0 Sullivan. Hannah Kellv. Mrs. Catherine Sctalmp. Mrs. Dolle V. l.aueier. Frledrlch Watters. David M. McMullln, Miss Jennie Walsh. John F. EAGAN- la this city. March 28. 1894. Mary Jane, beloved wire of Thomas F. l.a_a>i. and sister or Mrs. F. Lei and Nelson M. lime, a native of Washington Corners. Alameda Couuty, Cal., aged 31 years and 5 months. B_r"Frienus and acauaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 1 :30 o'clock p. m., from her late resi- dence. 173 Perry street. Interment Mount Cal- vary Cemetery. Please omit flowers. *• MONTEVERDK— this city. March 27. 1894, Manuel teverde. stepbrother of J. C. Bedell, a native of san Francisco, aged 30 years 3 months and 23 days. BS_rThe funeral will take place THIS DAY (Friday), at 10 o'clock a. _\u0084 from the par- lors of Valente, Godeau .v Co., 1524 Stockton street. •* BELLISLE—In this city. March 28, 1894. Francis J... beloved husband of Pauline Bellisle. and father of Amelia Armstrong. Florlue, Henri- etta and Augustus Bellisle, a native of Canada, aged 60 years. AiTmends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services THIS DAY (Friday), at 2 o'clock p. m., at Masonic Temple, corner Post and Montgomery streets, luteiment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. 2 SAUNDERS-In this city. March 28, 1894. Mary J., relict of the late Captain James Saunders. a native of Ireland, aged 60 years. [NowYork and Brooklyn papers please copy.) JOTS" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 8::.0 o'clock a. m.. rrom her late residence, 50 Tehama street, thence to st. Brendan's Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated lor the repose or her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. ** ARONSON— Iu this city. March 29. 1894. Elka, beloved wire of David Aromon, and mother of A. Aronson. a native of Poland, aged 72 years. _s__rirlends are respecting v Invited toattend the funeral services THIS DAY (Friday), at 10:45 o'clock a. m., at her late residence. 1021' _ Folsom street. Interment Hills of Eternity Cemetery. San Mateo County, b.- 12 o'clock m. train from Third and Townseud streets. Please omit flowers. '. •_.." BALL— In this city. March 28. 1894. Isabella E. Ball, beloved mother of Mrs. M. A. Hawley, and grandmother or Eugene W. Hawley, a native of Waterbury. Conn., aged 83 years 6 months and 10 days. _o~Frlends and acquaintances are respect- hilly invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from St. John's church. Fifteenth street, between Mission and Valencia. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. 1 SULLIVAN— In this city. March 28. 1894. Han- nab, relict of the late James Sullivan. and be- loved mother of D. J. Sullivan. Mrs. A.Clarke and Mrs. .'. H. Cahlil.a native <_( Mallow,County Cork. Ireland, aged 76 years. JCSTF'rlei.ds are respectfully Invited toattend the funeral TO-MORROW (Saturday), st 8:30 o'clock _.. from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. Clarke. 230 Douglass street, thence to Mission Dolores Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of h-r soul, commencing at 9 o'clock __. m. Interment HolyCross Cemetery. *•* Mi-MI'LLEX- In this city. March 29. 1894. Miss Jennie McMullen, a native or Ireland, aged 50 years. jSJETFrlends and acquaintances are resnect- fullv invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Saturday), at 2 o'clock p. v.. from the First United Presbyterian Church, corner of Golden Gate avenue and Folk street. Interment I.O. O. F. Cemetery. •* BKOSS— In this city. March 29, 1894. . be- loved husband of Rebeccah Bros <. and father of Mrs. J. Murdock Jacob and George Bross, a native of Germany, aged 50 years. Je_rFrtends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited toattend the funeral TO-MORROW (Saturday), at 1 o'clock p. m.. from his late j residence, 528 Harrison street, between First and Second, thence to Odd Fellows' Hall, cor- ner Seventh and Market streets, where the ! funeral services will be btld under the auspices of Geiinania Lodge No. 116. I. O. O. P.. at 2 o'clock p. m. luterment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. •• | QUINN— In this city. March 29. 1834. Maria, be- loved wireor Michael Quinn. a native of County Roscommon, Ireland, aged 43 years. _K_TFrtends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Saturday), at 8:30 o'clock a. _.. from be* late residence. :.i>7 Hitch street, tbence to St. Rose's Church, where a solemn requiem mass win be celebrated for repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross ' Cemetery, by 10:40 o'clock a. m. train. No j flowers. y 2 WALSH—In Oakland, March 28. 1894. John F.. j beloved husband of Kate Walsh, and brother of James Walsh of San Francisco, a native of Ktl- , aysalt. County Clare, aged 61 years 9 months ; and 18 days. [Burlington (Vt.) and 81. Louis papers mease copy. l \u25a0 .. JG__rFrlendB and acquaintances are respect- fully invited toattend the funeral SUNDAY. April 2 o'clock P. m., from his late resi- dence, i3t>6 Eighteenth street. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. 3 BIRD— In this city. March 29, 1894. Catherine Bird, dearly beloved mother of I*.K. Bird and Peter, John and Michael Gllmore, a native of Ireland, ared 80 years. *3~>ot!ce or funeral beteafter. 1 REID-In this city, March 39, 1894, John H.. beloved husband or Minnie Reld, a native of 1 Maryland, aged 52 years. LAUCBER—In this city. March 29, 1894, Frled- rlch. beloved busbaud of Maria Laucber, and father of Lealft Martha ana Se'ma Laucher. a native of Wurteinberr. Germany, aged 66 years 11 months ana 23 days NEILSON— In this city, March 29, 1891. Nina C, beloved (laughter of N.C. and Josephine Nell- son, a native of San Francisco, aged 2 years. WATTERS In this city. March 29. 1894. David Monroe, beloved son of James C and Agnes Walters, a native of San Francisco, aged 6 months and 27 days. PATRICK- In this city. March 29, 1894, Sarah, beloved wife of William Patrick, a native of Virginia, aged 38 years. BURUESS-In this city. March 29. 1894, Mildred Burgess, a native of Canada, aged 38 years. FARRELL— In this cltv, March 28. 1«94. Pater E. Farrell, a native of Ireland, aged 68 years. KELLY— Ia this city. March 28. 1894. Mrs. Cath- erine Kelly, a native of Ireland, aged 72 years. PALMER— In this city. March 28. 1894, Mabel Louise Palmer, a native or Sacramento, aged 16 years 1 mouth and 10 days. SOIIIMP-Inthis city. March 28. 1894. Mrs. Delle V. Schimp. a native of Chile, aged 60 yean 9 montbs and 4 days. GULLIXON— In Oakland. March 28. 1894. Gunda Gullixon, a native of Oakland, aged 1 year 6 months and 28 days. j O'KEEFE— Near Piedmont, March 28, 1894. Char- j lotte C. O'Keere. a native or Honolulu. H. I. 1 UNITED UNDERTAKERS' EMBALMING PARLORS. Everything Requisite for tint-class Funerals. at Reasonable Rates. 1 Telephone 3167. 87 atd Fifth street. | McAVOY A CALLACHER, I |?U-iEIUL DIRECTORS and __JIBALMER9J 1 20 Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School. | I Telephone 3080. -mi tf i _\ * BORN. MAUKif; I). MARRIAGES— DEATHS. w'ri'i v-KRDWELL-In Oakland. March 26.1894. by tlTtSr. A. Lemkau, Christian Wolf or Stock- BRANDT— OOEBEL—In thiscity. March .5.1894. by the Rev. J. Fuendeling, Henry Brandt and Ottllle ttoebel. ._ SCHNCTENHACS— Intbis city. March 25. 1894, by the Rev. J. Fuendeling. Edmund Schnnteubaus and Emma Jam. MELSING— McFACLL— in this olty, March 26. 1H94. by the Rev. .1. Fuendeling, Louis F. Mcl- " Sing and Adele HcFaull. BILMER-MARLOW— In 'this city. Marcb 28. 1894. by the Rev. .1. Fuendeling, Fred L. Bu- rner and May E. Marlow. . O'CONNOR— GRAHAM— In this cltv, March 26, 1894, Alfred O'Connor and Lucy Graham. 1 -.OCIST-BACHELDJCK-lii ibis city, at St. Paul's Church, by tbe Rev. F. .1. Mynsrd, John A Jt .«u!st and Be.le ,'PUNDELL-FKTEKSON-li. Oakland, March U -.'»; 1 004 by the Rev. A. Leuikau. Fred Grundell of «an Francisco and Eugenic Peterson or Oak- MIRSKY-ln this city. March 27. 1894, to the wife of B. Mlrsky, a son. COULTER—In this city. March 27, 1594, to tbe wife or ueorge Coultrr, a son. KATZ— In this city. March 28. 1894, to the wife of Charles Katz. ason. OW£NS-ln this city. March 23, 1894, to the wifeof Daniel Owens, a sou. WILLIAMS In Oaklaud, March 25, 1894, to the wife of i-redT. llliams, a daughter. WEEKS—In Bakersfleld. March 28. 1894, to tbe wife or George F. Weeks, a daughter.

CALL,' MARCH A PITIFUL SCENE. I GrandflUUBOI&l …… ·  · 2009-02-26A PITIFUL SCENE. Clarence Simons on Trial for Murder.

Mar 18, 2018



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Page 1: CALL,' MARCH A PITIFUL SCENE. I GrandflUUBOI&l …… ·  · 2009-02-26A PITIFUL SCENE. Clarence Simons on Trial for Murder.


Clarence Simons on Trialfor Murder.


A Man and a Woman Jailed forStealing Jewelry.


Mrs. Emma White Sues for Divorce.

A Sheriff From Chilton, Wis.,Astonished.

Clarence W. C. Simons, who is charged

with the murder of William C. Hansen atBerkeley on the morning of November 10of last year, was on trial yesterday inJudge Ogdeu's department of the Superior

Court. Simons was accompanied by hisfather, sister and wife.

The crime for which he was on trial isthe outgrowth of a drunken row in asaloon at Berkeley, in which Simons, hiswife and the deceased were the principals.At a late hour on the night in question thetrio left the saloon and started for home.Simons tried to prevail upon his wife towalk with bim, but it appears that thewoman preferred the company of Hansento that of her husband and would not gowith him. This so enraged the drunkenman that be Hastened home in advance ofthe couple, procured bis shotgun, and re-turning: met them about 100 yards from thebouse and deliberately shot Hansen dead.Simons then walked to the County Jail,where he arrived about 6 o'clock Inthe morn-ing, and gave himself up.

His story was that they had a struggle, andin the melee the gun was discharged acci-dentally, killingHansen.

The greater part ol the day was taken up Intrying to get a jury.

Among the witnesses examined wasSimons'16-year-old sou who testified ihat his lathercame home, got his sun. and went out saying

_*<\u25a0 was going to killHansen.The trial willbe resumed to-day.

Footpads Foiled.At 10 o'clock Wednesday night an attempt

was made by two footpads to hold up a deliverywagon of Fred Miller's Oakland Parcel andPackage Delivery Company ou Moss avenue,near hlmliurst. The driver of the wagon hadpackages of considerable value lv his custodyand refused to surrendei them. The footpadsIned two shots at him, but neither took effect.There are no clews that might lead to the ap-prehension of the miscreants.

Two Fine Shoplifters.The $150 diamond ring and the $10 pearl

ring stolen from the counter of S. Lathrop'sjewelry-store at 1059 Broadway Tuesday after-noon while the clerk's back was turned, havebeen recovered and the sneaktbleves, a hand-son:--ly dressed man and woman, were arrestedInSan Francisco last night. 1 tev said theywere Mr.and Mrs. D. W. Poole.

Mutt I'ay His Owu Expanses.Sheriff Antone Kersten of Chilton County,is, arrived bright and happy at the Sheriff's

oflice yesterday to claim Dr. Albert IcKstadt asbis prisoner and to take him back East to an-swer a charge of performing a criminal oper-ation.

lie was a little upset when told that his manhad been released after as-corpus proceed-ings, and still more dumfounded when toldmat Dr. ickstadt was now ivCnlltou, havingventured there voluntarily to face the chargeagain.; Dim.

Sheriff Kersten felta little sad at heart whenthe thought came to him that not getting hisprisoner he would have to pay his own ex-penses.

Two Congresses.The third preliminary meeting of the

Woman's Congress of Missions was held atli. First M. E. Church yesterday afternoon.Several hundred Oakland ladies "were in at-tendance.

The meeting was presided over by Miss Min-dora L. Berry, and Mrs. Sarau H. Cooper read avery interesting paper on "CityKindergartenWork," and Mrs. NellieEysier also talked onmission work among the Indians. Tills con-gress will meet in San Francisco In ths fatterpart of April.

Wants a Separation.Mrs. Emma X*White wants a separation

from William T. While on the ground oflailure to provide. She also want*the custody

.of their only child, v:_>o Is a boy .'il years old.Mis. White, who is represented by lawyer andAyr. says that she and her husband were mar-led at Woodland about six years ago and for the

last two years her husband, who i« a contractorand builder and makes considerable money,has failed to furnish anything for the supportof his wife and child.

Ready to Fight.Daniel McMabon. the capitalist wbo has

been accused of attempting to bribe TownClerk Collins of Haywaids, Is prepared to light,'ana at his preliminary examination, which is :f-et for Tuesday next before Justice Pimentalof Haywards. he will attempt to turn thetables onbis accusers.

BERKELEY.The 11th of April will be the State Uni-

versity's day at the fair, and the town ofBerkeley will ably second ibe celebration ofher great school by showering all the rosesinher gardens upon the fair on that day. Anextensive programme of exercises Is an-nounced. The bauquet willbe the feature ofHie aay. Tbe Governor and other officials willbe present, and the recents, the faculties, thestudents of all the colleges in Berkeley andSau Francisco, the alumni and university menin general willbe luvited. The Vienna Praterband willgive a conceit during the bauquet.

Intercollegiate l.nni..To-morrow afternoon Stanford willbe pitted

against the University Club at the East Oak-land tenuis courts to deteriuin- the champion-ship. The men will play as follows: Firstplace in singles— Stanford. Beumiller; U. C,Sanborn. Second piac* In singles— Stanford,Ellis; U. C. Wage. Doubles— Stanford. Durantana Watson; U. C. Sanborn and Byxboe.Charles Bates willbe referee.

Berkeley Children.Some 1200 tickets will be distributed toBerkeley -schoolchildren to visit the fair to-to-morrow. ."--"

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r\ELINQUENT BALE NOTICE—OCCIDENTAL-\u25a0-'consolidated Mining Company. Location ofprincipal place of business, San Francisco, Califor-nia: location of works. Silver Star MiningDis-trict,Storey County, Nevada.

Notice— are delinquent upon the follow-ing described stock on account of assessment No.15. levied on the 15th day of January, 1894, theseveral amounts set opposite the names of tha re-spective shareholders, as follows:

No. No.Names. Certificates. Shares. Amt.

Cahlil,E. A Co.. Trustees ...3119 60 5 00Coleman *Wattle., Trs 64 100 10 00Durorow. A. X,Trustee 87 100 10 00Durbrow, A,K., Trustee 106 100 10 00Durbrow. A. X., Trustee 682 100 10 00Durbrow, A. X.. Trustee 695 50 6 00Durbrow, A. X.. Trustee 690 60 5 00Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 704 100 10 00Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 744 60 6 00Durbrow. A. X.. Trustee 790 100 10 00Durbrow, A. X,Trustee 1488 100 10 00Durbrow, a. X., Trustee 4451 100 10 00Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 4469 60 6 00Durbrow. A. X.. Trustee 4554 660 65 00Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 453* 300 30 00Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 459- 200 20 00Durbrow. A. X.. Trustee 4693 '.'OO 20 00Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 4596 100 10 00Durbrow, A.K_. Tros-ee 4600 100 10 00Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 4601 100 10 00Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 4608 1700 170 00Durbrow. A.X., Trustee 4611 1000 100 00Durbrow. A. X.. Trustee 4612 1000 100Durbrow. A. X.,Trustee 4614 500 60 00Durbrow. A. X.. Trustee 4615 500 50 00Durbrow. A. X, Trustee 4616 600 60 60Durbrow. A.X., Trustee 4618 600 60 00Durbrow. A. X., Trustee 4619 600 6000Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 4628 500 50 00Durbrow. A. X.. Trustee 4629 500 60 00Durbrow, A. X.. Trustee 4633 300 80 00Durbrow, A. X., Trustee .. 4640 300 30 00Durhrow. A. X., Trustee 4641 300 30 00Durbraw. A. X,Trustee 4643 300 30 00Durbrow, A. X.. Trustee 4665 200 '.'0 00Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 4666 200 20 00Durbrow, A. X.. Trustee 4678 100 1000Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 4681 100 1000Durbrow, A. K.Trustee 4683 100 10 00Durbrow, A. X.. Trustee 46.17 100 1000Durbrow. A. X., Trustee «690 100 10 00Dnrbrow, A R.. Trustee 4703 100 1000-urbr-w. A. X., Trustee 4709 100 1000Durbrow, A.K. Trustee 4710 100 10 00Durbrow, A. K„Trustee 4712 100 10 00Dnrbrow. a. X.. Trustee 4713 100 10 00Durbrow. A. X.. Trustee .. 4717 100 1000Durbrow, A.K.Trustee .7-0 100 10 00Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 4721 100 1000Durbrow, A.X.. Trustee 4726 100 1000Durbrow. A. X.. Trustee 4736 100 10 00Dnrbrow. A. X., Trustee 4737 100 10 00Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 4741 100 10 00Durbrow, A. X., Trustee. .4742 100 10 00Durbrow, A. X.. Trustee 4744 100 10 00Dnrbrow, A. X., Trustee 4745 100 10 00Durbrow, A. X.. Trustee 4749 100 10 00Durbrow, A. X,Trustee 4750 100 10 00Durbrow. A. X.. Trustee 4751 100 10 00Durbrow. A. X.. Trustee 4752 100 10 00Durbrow, A.K„Trustee 4753 100 10 00Durhrow, A. X., Trustee 4754 100 10 00Durbrow. a. X., Trustee 4762 100 10 00Durbrow. A. X., Trustee 4808 60 6 00Durbrow, A. X.. Trnstee 4918 10 100Durbrow, A. X., Trustee 4971 350 25 00Dlxon A Miles. Trustees 3473 '20 2 00Dlxon Jt Miles, Trustees. 4274 100 10 00Dlxon *Miles. Trustees.. 4298 100 10 00Dixon A Miles, Trustees 4342 100 10 00Edwards. W., Trustee 1367 50 5 00Edwards. TV., Trustee 3207 60 5 00Foster, A. W. A Co.. Trs 1393 60 600/aster. A. W. A Co.. Trs 1631 100 10 00Oautbier. K. *Co., Trustees. 3B22 100 10 00Oautbier. E. A Co.. Trustees. 3980 100 10 00Gauthier. E. A Co., Trustees. 3994 100 . 10 00Wsut-ler. E. J. Co.. Trustees. 4l39 100 10 00Oauthltr. E. 4. Co.. Trustees. 449s 100 10 00Gauthier. K. A Co.. Trustees. 4967 100 10 00Oreenebaam, J., Trustee 409ts 600 60 00Grant, Geo., Trustee 2954 100 10 00Urant,Oeo.. Trustee ......3064 60 600Goldman *Co., Trusties. .1460 100 10 00Golaman *Co., Tru«tees. 2716 100 10 00Unrnett. W. .... Trn.tee 4161 100 10 00Hudley *

Doud. Trustees 1436 600 60 00Hatfley A Doud, Trustees.. 3422 600 SO 00Iladlsy*Doud, Trustees.. 4578 20 200Hadley A Deud, Trustees 4966 200 20 00Harris, Chas. P. A- Co., Tr5...4957 100 10 00Harris, Chas. P. *Co.. Tr5...4958 100 10 00Harris, Ch-s. I*.A Co.,' Tr5...4969 100 10 00Harris, Chas. P. *Co., Tr5...4960 100 10 00Jones. O. X.. Trustee 4961 100 10 00Marye. O. W. *Co., Trs 4442 100 10 00KehSsch A Co., Trustees 3786 100' 30 00R.bßscb A Co., Trustees 3857 100 10 00Rehflsch *Co., Trustees 4687 60 6 00Keot. G«o. 8., Trustee 1645 100 10 00Root, <ice. »., Trustee 2-*63 60 6 00Hoot, Geo. 8., Trustee 3312 60 6 00Root, lieo. It., trustee 3332 100 10 00Boot. Oeo. 13.. Trustee 3745 100 10 00Boot, Geo. 8., Trustee 3939 50 500Boot, Geo. B„ Trustee 4301 100 1000Root. Geo 8., Trustee- 4568 200 20 00Rolph. James, Trustee 4563 100 1000»t»uf. Cooper *Rediick, Tr.1841 60 6 00Htauf, Cooper A Rediick. Tr.3B:<l 60 6 00

j Shotwell. E. E.. Trustee 3227 SO 5 00;Stein. Nat., Tru5tee.......... 359

-100 10 00

|Whltely.T. A Co., Trustees.. 3734 100 10 00I'Whltely.T.*Co.. Trustees.. 3B33 foo 10 00:Zadig. Wollberj _t Co., Tr5...338 40 4 00|Zadlj.Wollberg *Co., Tr5..2366 100 1000j Zadig, Wollberg A Co., Tr5.3544 SO 6 00j Zadig, Wollberg A Co., Tr5..3664 60 5 00

Zadig. Wollberg A Co., Tr5..3665 50 5 00;Zsdlg. Wollberg ACo., .3737 100 10 00j Zadig. Wollberg A Co., Tr5.. 3778 100 10 00| Zadig. Wollberg A Co.. Tr5...'.818 100 10 00j Zadig. Wollberg A Co., Tr5..4100 100 10 00; Zadig. Wollberg A to., .4101 100 10 00i Zsdlg, Wollberg ACo.. Tr5..4173 100 10 001 Zsdlg, Wollberg *Co., Tr5..4233 100 10 00

Zadig, Wollberg A Co., Tr5..4296 100 10 00IZadig. Wollbera A Co., Trs .4505 600 60 00

Zadig. Wollberg 4 Co., Tr5..4515 100 10 00Zadig, woilberg ftCa, Trs. 4534 100 10 00Zs.llg. Wollberg &Co., Tr5..4537 150 15 00Zadig, Wollberg A Co., .4561 600 60 00Zsdlg. Woilberg A Co.. Tr5..4583 100 10 00Zsdlg, Wollberg* Co., Tr5..4581 100 10 00Andin accordance with law. and an order of

the Board of Directors, made on the 15th day orJannary. 1804. so many snares of each parcel orsuch stock as may be necessary will be sold atpublic auction at the efflce of the company, roomNo. 69, Nevada block. No. 309 Montgomery street,San Francisco, California, on WEDNESDAY, the14th day of March, 1894. at the hour of 2 o'clockr.m. of said day, to pay said delinquent assess-ment thereon, together withcosts of advertising

j ana expanses or the sale.ALFRED K.DDRBROW. hecretarj.

Offlee-Room No. 69. Nevada .Block, No. 30»Montgomery St., Ban Francisco. California.! .POSTFON EMENT.

Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of theBoard of Directors of the above named company,held on the 14th day of March. 1894, the day ofsale for the above described delinquent stock4J»f?_I_._

lJj»v_. .) ,s u*™°y postponed untilIWEDNESDAY the 4th day of April,at the samehour and place.ImriS td ALFRED K.DORBROW, Secretary.



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A "Must Go" price on ji everything at the big .£ WATER iI AND iI SMOKE WANT II SALE. A [1 PAIR?

1 LYONS 1| & FISHER, [I 712-71 4 Market Street. \-* OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT. "f|ga___Mg_ilg^

TRUSTEES' SALE.TN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS ANDIunder the authority of a certain Deed of Trust,duly executed by A. C. BUNNELL,party oftheErst part, to HENRY C. CAMFBELL and THAI*DELS B.KENT, Trustees, parties of the secondpart, and the .au Francisco .Savings Union,patty <>t the third part, dated March21, 1890, andrecorded in the oflice ot the County Recorder ofthe County of Alameda, Stat- of California, InLiber 4>J7 of Deeds, at paces 73 and following:and in pursuance of a resolution passed ou thsBth day of February, 1894, by the Board ot Direc-tors of said KAN FRANCISCO SAYINGS UNION,a corporation, and the holder of the note (.No.1*915). to secure payment of which the aforesaidDeed of 'irust was executed, declaring that de-fault had been made in the payment of the prin-cipal sum and other sums, due under said noteand Deed of Trust, and requesting and directingsaid HENRY C. CAMI'BELL and I'HADDEIS B.KENi,Trustees, to sell the real estate describedtherein to satisfy said indebtedness.

We, HENRY .'. CAMPBELL and THADDEUSIt.KENT,Trustees, do hereby givenotice, that onFRIDAY,th. -JOlli day of April.A. D. 1894, at 1.o'clock m. of that day, and at the auction sales-rooms of WILLIAM.1. DINUEE, Nos. 460 and462 Eighth street, la the city of Oakland, Countyof Alameda, State or Calilornia. we will sell atpublic auction, to the highest bidder, for cash Ingold cein or the United States, all that piece orparcel or land situate In the towu of Berkeley,County of Alameda, State of California, describedas follows, to wit:

commencing at a point In the . southerly lineor Prince street, distant thereon four hundred(400) reet easterly from the easterly line or sh;»t-.tuck avenue: running thence easterly along saidline of l'rlnce street one hundred and rony-ntneand nine-tenths (149 B-lOj feet to the westerlyline of Wheeler street: thence at right anglessoutherly along said line of Wheeler street two'hundred (200) reet to the northerly line or Kent ;|street; thence at right angles westeily -dung said i

Ilineot Kent street one hundred and rortv-atue andnine-tenths (145. .9-10) reet, an.l thence at right!angle* northerly two hundred (200) teet to the jpoint or commencement. Being lots numbersnine (9), ten (10), eleven .11), fourteen (14),fifteen (15)and sixteen .10., In block 1. as saidlots and block are laid down and designated ]ou a certain map entitled "Map of the Eastern j;Portion of NeaMry Tract. Oakland Township," !j tiled la th_ office >.f the County Recorder of AM-Imeda County, December 5. 1885. Together withithe appurteuanees

TERMS of SALE.—Cash in gold coin of the iUuited States; 10 per cent payable to the under- Isigned on the rail of tbe hammer, balance on de- |Uveiy of deed: and ir not so paid, unless ror want ior title (.10 days being aliened Iwrsearch): then Isaid 10 per cent to be forfeited, and 111. sale to bevoid. Acts ot sale at purchaser's expense.

HENRY C. CAMFBELL,) -.-„_,_,..111 DUELS H.KENT. / lrusleei

-nir3oap3G 10 13 17 20

TRUSTEES' SALE.1N ACCORDANCE WITHTHETERMSAND UN1 der the authority of a certain deed of trust dulyiexecuted byJOSEPH K.DA-SETT,JOHN GALL-WKY and ATARY CATHERINE

_ALLWET. bis \wire,parties or the first part, to HENRY C. UMl-

_<]'.l_LatidTllAl'DEU.S ... KENT. lrustee., partiesor tbe second part, and the SAN FRANCisco SAV--ISQB tl.MON. party or the third part, dated July i2, 1889. and recorded in the office of tbe County

'Recorder of tbe city and county of San irancisco. <

State of California, in liber 1343 of deeus. In!page. 259 and following,and in pursuance of aresolution passed on the 7th day of December,


1893. by tbe Board of Directors ot said SanFRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, a corporation. ,and the holderof the note (No. 9421), to secuty Ipayment of which tbe aforesaid deed of trust was !executed, declaring that default had b>-eu made

'lv the payment of the principal sum aud other 'sums, due under said note and deed or trust, andreanestlng and directing said HENRY C. CAMF-BELL and TH.vDDr.IS 11. KENI, Trustees, to !Isell the real estate described therein to satisfy|said Indebtedness.

We. HENRY c. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS|B.KENT.Trustees, do berebv give notice tbat onI

TUESDAY, tne 10th day of April.A. I).1894. at Ij12 o'clock It. of that day. and at tbe auction sales-

'!room or KASTON. ELDRIDUK A CO.. No. 638. Market street, inthe cityand county of San Fran- 'j cisco, State ot California, we willsell at public:j auction to the highest bidder for rash ingold coin IIofthe United States, all that piece or parcel of iI laud situate in the city and county or Sau Frau-

';cisco, State of California, deseribea as!Wit:; Commencing at a point Intbe southerly line of j

States street, distant thereon three hundred andtwenty five (325) feet westerly fiom the westerly Iline of Casiro street, running thence westerly jalong said line ot states street fifty (50) feet,thence at rlrht angles southerly one huoded andsix feet two Inches (106 12), thence easterlyBfty .60) feet more or less, and thence northerlyand at right angles withsaid line of States street

| one hundred and fivefeet and six Inches (105 6-1l to the point of commencement

Being lots Nos. 14 and 16 in Block parimap of the Flint Tract Homestead Association onIfile inthe office of the Couuty Recorder of saidcityand county, together with the appurtenances.! TERMS OF sale -cash la gold coin of tha;United States: ten per cent payable to the under-| signed en the fail of the hammer: balance onde-livery of deed: and ltnot so paid, unless for wantor title (ten days being allowed for search), then

said ten per cent to be ferfetted and tbe sale tobe void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense.

HENRY C. CAMPBELL. )Tra.t...THADDEUS B. KENT, / lru"«»--

23 27 30 ap 36 10


'work and materials will bo rerelved by the

Hoard ot New City Hail Commissioners In theChamber of tbe Hoard ot Supervisors, SATUR-DAY, April 21. 1894, between tbo hours of 10and 11 o'clock a. m.

Contract No. 68— For certain alterations to bemade on the first, second and third floors of theSW. wine, and sundry other work to oe per-formed throughout tbe New City Hall,embracingthe following Items: Brickwork, hollow tile,

isteel, plastering, hut water heating, plumbing,gaaflttlßß and electric wiring,interior finishingand miscellaneous worn.

Reference is hereby made to tbe plans, specifi-cations and conditions of contract in the office orthe Secretary and Architect under which tblsworn must be done.

Tiie secretary willfurnish blank forms or pro-posals to intending bidders, and no bid will beentertained unless made upon blanks so fur-nished, and unless same is accompanied with acertified check for ten (10) per cent of the totalsum or tender.

1he board reserves the right to reject any or allbids.

Payments willbe made byaudited demands onthe ireasury, drawn against the New City Halllunch


Board of New City Hall Commissioners.J. J. MCCARTHY, secretary. mrl'i30t

S^^^MaSdSoRED —™——

miX2—< -J ]__» _—_ __.",r_l««»»WW llt-iWIW!ILI_IVit:.!!:-..r,thepiesirlp-

Ml-9 <*? VX Hf_S» **?a tlon°' » 'fmous French physician, willquicklycure yon of oilncr-

\u25a0 \\\ A__\l %*> ~,\\ \u25a0??"?*.ridi'ra;ses,of^h,',generative organs, such as Lost Manhood, .\u25a0£ T kWm V <_££_V i»?^ nU

Unfitness toC»ck, Seminal Emissions, Nervous DebUity!

S3 IW^L T *W*Y oi,mp.fs'.iUnnt?.e3S. to M,arry. ExhausUng Drains, Varicocele andRS N^ r V -/ Constipation. Itstops alllosses by day or night. Prevents quick-8C

>»-' n-ss of discharge, which if to Spermatorrhea and9BEFORE AND AFTER S1i,the norrorsof In.potency. CT OHNEcleanses theUver, tbe

\u25a0 _TJ.„r^«.l-T V Tv. kld"evBand the urinary organs of nilimparities.*™ C!UI»II__._.I_ strengthens and restores small weak organs. itlu»'W__ffi_-WwiPT- \u25a0"!-_ reason sufferers are not en red by Doctors is because ninety per cent are troubled wltbProstatitis. CDPIDEN _Is onlyknown remedy to cure without an operation. 5000 testimoni-als. A written guarantee given and money returned ifsix boxes does not affect a permanent •are.$1.00 a box. six for |...00, bymall. Send forms circular and testimonials.

Davol Medicine C0.,,632 Market "-.San Francisco. Owl Drug Co.. 1128 Msrkst St.. San Francisce.Garrett A Taggsrt, Fourteenth snd Broadway, Oakland. ." su* tf cod


flUUBOI&lGrand Opening!NEW SPRING

GOODS!Neckwear,Fancy Shirts,Negligee Shirts,Hosiery,Underwear, Etc.


748 and 750 Market Street. \mr'2s SuWeFr tf

SCX $10,000rl/*£*J^'' *^?uman—coTHATtAvtßornelff-n %*-&%'_-] \\."N \ftfjaCßarrirt'cocoiinimifiti.*ta^if^ys £§l@& ' CONTAINSll'^^S '•H__\^^k^fC_^P^^rm^;l'al,

Jli/Aorhor^ \ %*£-Them-st d-hcate j.«.»or*^=™-*kvmiHrP.PHOSPHITnCan re-"-Itllif/lUISIQtI-^"^-'___ \u25a0lujrniiu


™MUl\rAiio*uccisnWeFrSu lOp


DEFECTIVE EYESICHTIsalways helped and often permanently remedied ,by a pair of properly titled classes, which cannotbe sot from peddler, or others who know nothingabout the eyes. Ifyour eyes ache when you readyou need

L. A. BERTELINC,427 Kearny St., San Francisco. '\u25a0\u25a0

Oitice B<H_n i;\u25a0»?. la 1 I*.M.5cod tf <

TRUSTEES SALE.Inaccordance with the terms and under tb*au-

;thority of a certain deed of trust, dulyexecutedIby ANTONIO >. I-.T-___NC-I.KT, sometimes I|called ANTONIO S. BtI'KMOCRI,party of theCist part, to HKNRY< . (AMI'l.______ and THAI-

j OKI'S 11. KENT, '.ru.tees, parties Of the secondpart, and the SAN lKaNCIsCO SAVINGS IUNION,party of th.' third part, dated September'-'7. 1888, and recorded In tne ofttce of the C. unly jRecorder of the County -t Tulare, State of Cali-fornia, la Liber 4 of 'trust Deed', at page 527. and ,rollowtng: And in pursuance or a resolutionpassed on the 22d day of March, 1894. n\ tl:eboard of directors of said .-AN" FKANCINCoSAVINGS UNION, corporation, and the holderot tne note iNo. 90U4K to «ecure payment ofwhich tbe afi resaiCk deed of trust was executed,declaring that default bad been made In the pay-Hit' of :lie principal sum and nifcer sums, due;under said note and dr.d of trust, and requestingand directing sit.l HKNRY ('. ('AMl'lthLLand !THADDEUS 11. KENT, trustees, to sell thereatestate described therein to satisfy said indebted-ness, we, HKNRY C. CAMPKKI.i.and. UAODKOSH. KENT,trustees, do herebr give notice that on 1Tl KSOAY. the lTtliday of April.A. O. lhyi.at19 o'clock k_ of that day. and at the auction sales-

Iroom of Easton. Eldrldge A Co.. No. 638 >.arket I! street, In the City and County of san t-rancisco. jiState of California, we willsell at publicauction.1 to the highest bidder, lor cash In cold coin of the


| tinted States, all the piece or parcel of land situ- |Iate in the County of Kings (formerly part of tli*iConner of Tulare). State of California, deseribealas follows, to wit According to the official plats ,\ and system of surveys of the Government of theUnited States, inTownship Nineteen .13 > South.

IRange Twenty-two C22) East, Mount Diablo Hate'

Iand Meridian.! Of Section Four (4) the fractional northwest |j quarter (Kr. »/*): containing one hundred iIand seventy-one and seventy-nine one hundredths !! (171 79-100) acres or land.

Also, all water, water rights and privileges In \any wise appurtenant or belonging to said land or

;any part thereuf, together with the appurten-'

ances.1 TI.KMS OF SALE.-Cash In gold coin of the

United States: ten per cent payable to the under-Isigned ou the fall of the hammer: balance on de- !| liveryof deed: and It not so p ltd. unless for want;of title (ten days ben? allowed for search), thru

said ten per cm: to be, forfeited, and the sale tobe void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense.


mra7 80ap36 It)13 17

TRUSTEES' SALE.IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS ANDX under the authority of a certain Deed of Trust.

j duly executed by SAMUEL AVIS,p»rty of theIfirst part. to HENRY C. CAMPBELL and' THAU-IDECS B. KKNT,Trustees, parties of th* second!part, and the SAN FRANCISCO SAVINOS;iUNION,party of tne third psrt. dated January 9, <

I1890, and recorded In the Cfllee of the CountyRecorder of the County of Fresno, State of Cali-I fornia. InLiber 107 of Deeds, at pages 133 andfollowing, and lvpursuance of a resolution passed

| on the 28th day or December. 1893, by th*Board\ of Directors of said SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS!UNION,a Corporation, and the hoiderof ihe note

(No. flso;.). to secure payment of which the afore-said l>eed of Trust was executed, declaring thatiderault bad been mads in the payment of the

principal sum and < ther sums, due under saidnote and Deed of Trust, and requesting and di-

;recting said HKNRY C. CAMPBELL and THAI>-. DXIS H. KENT. '1 riisieet, to sell the real estatedescribed therein and not heretofore reconveyedto satisfy said Indebtedness.

We. HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUSB.KENT.Trustees, do hereby sire notice, that

1 on TUESDAY, the Mday of April. A. D. 1894, at) 12 o'clock M. or tbat day,and at the Auction Sales

Room ot EASTON, EI.DRIDOK * en.. No. 638:Market street. In the City and County or ManFranc State of California, we willsell at pub-

Ilie auction, to the highest bidder, for cash In;Guld Coin of tbe United Mtatrt.all the pieces orj parcels of land situate in tb* County ot Fresno,Stale of lalirornia, described as fellows, to wit:

According to tbe Official Fiats and Systems ofISurveys or the Government of the United States.

InTownship Fifteen (la)South. Range Twenty-

I three t'23) East. Mount DiabloKate and Meridian.Of Section Twenty-one (21) the Southwest

] Quarter (S\v i/4) and tbe South Half of tbe South-east Quarter (S _l_ or B__t44).

Containing 1 wo Hundred and Forty (240) acresof land, more or less, together witb the appurte-aanees.

TERMS OF SALE—Cash In Gold Coin of tbeUnited States: ten per cent payable to th*under-signed on the fall of the hammer-, balance on de-liveryof deed: and ifnot so paid, unless for wantof title (ten days being allowed for search), thensaid ten per cent to be forfeited, and. the sale tobe void. Acts ofsale at purchaser's expense.


-mr!3 16 '20 23 27 30 ap2


laidouton tbe lawn plan: perpetual care; beau-tiful,iermanecl and easy or access; see itbeforebuying a burial-place elsewhere.

CityOffice. J City Hall __ venue.ael6

TRUSTEES' SALE.TN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND-I under the authority of »certain deed of trust,duly executed by JOHN C. STRCCKoFK partyor the first part, to HENRY C. CAMPBELL andTHADDECS B. KENT,Trustees, parties or thesecond part, and the san FRANCISCO SAVINGSUNION,party or the third part, dated June ft.:1890. and recorded in the ofh.c- or the CountyRecorder of the County of San Lets Obispo. Stateor California, in Liber 8 of Deeds, at pages 193and following-, and in pursuance of a resolutionpassed on the '..Ist day of December, 189;.. by theHoard of Directors of said SAN KR...M l-COSAVINGS UNION,a corporation, and the holderof the note (No. 10148). to secure payment ofwhich the aforesaid deed or trust was executed,declaring that default had been made In ttie pay-ment of Interest and other sums, due under saidnote aud deed of trust, and requesting and direct-ing said HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDECSH. KENT,Trustees, to sell the real estate de-scribed therein to satisfy said indebtedness__V_-25>_S_*


\u0084'.,\u25a0_. Fi.Trustees, do hereby eive notice that onTUbSDAV. the 3d day of April,A. D. 1894, at 13clock m. of that day. and at the Auction Sales-room of KASTON. ELDRIDGE A CO.. No. 638

Market street, In the city and County of SauFrancisco, state of California, we willsell at pub.lie auction, to the blithest bidder, torcash Ingoldcoin of tbe Cnited States, all the piece or parcelor land situate Inthe County ot San Luis ObispoState of Calirornla, described as follows, to wit•Lot or subdivision No. fifty (50) aa laid downand designated on a certain map entitled "Mapof the Subdivision of the Huer Huero Haucnoaud Adjacent lands, San Luis Obispo CountyCalifornia. Surveyed May. 1884." a copy or whichmap is on file and of record In the office or theCounty Recorder of the County of San LuisObispo, to which' map and the held notes rromwhich the same was complied, reierence isberebymade for a more .particular description of tholands hereinabove described and hereby con-veyed: Containing three hundred and fiftyone-hundredths (300 50-100) acres of land more orless, together withthe appurtenances._TERMS OF SALE— Cash In gold coin or tbeUnited States: ten per cent payable to the under-signed on the fait of the hammer; balance on de-liveryor deed: and If not so paid, unlets ror wantor title (ten days being allowed ror search., thensaid ten per cent to be forfeited and tbe sale to bevoid. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense.

HENRT C. CAMPBELL. \ Tru...,. •

THADDECS B. KEEI. / Trustses. \u25a0

/ turl3 16 20 23 '27 30 sp3

I tun CaL, and Margaret M.Grnweil of Lompoc,

! Cai.COYTK-KYAN-InOakland, March 25. 1894,

by the Key.Father Lane, George L.Coyte andMamie M. Hyan. both of San Vrancisco.

DIEl>. .i Aronson, Elka Monteverde. Manuel

Bellisle, Francis N. Neilson. MaaC.Bird.Catherine O'Keefa, Charlotte C.Bross. Jacob Patrick. Sarah

Ball. Isabella E. 'aimer. Mabel L.Burgess. Mildred Qulnd. MariaEagan. Mary -I. Keld. John 11.Farrell, Peter E. .-.sunders, Mary J.Gullixon,Guild;. -\u25a0 Sullivan. HannahKellv.Mrs. Catherine Sctalmp. Mrs. Dolle V.l.aueier. Frledrlch Watters. David M.McMullln,Miss Jennie Walsh. John F.

EAGAN-la this city. March 28.1894. Mary Jane,beloved wire of Thomas F. l.a_a>i. and sister orMrs. F. Lei and Nelson M. lime,anative ofWashington Corners. Alameda Couuty, Cal., aged31years and 5months.

B_r"Frienus and acauaintances are respect-fully Invited to attend the funeral THISDAY(Friday),at 1:30 o'clock p. m., from her late resi-dence. 173 Perry street. Interment Mount Cal-vary Cemetery. Please omit flowers. *•

MONTEVERDK— this city. March 27. 1894,Manuel teverde. stepbrother of J. C. Bedell,a native of san Francisco, aged 30 years 3months and 23 days.

BS_rThe funeral will take place THIS DAY(Friday), at 10 o'clock a. _\u0084 from the par-lors of Valente, Godeau .v Co., 1524 Stocktonstreet.


BELLISLE—In this city.March 28, 1894. FrancisJ... beloved husband of Pauline Bellisle. andfather of Amelia Armstrong. Florlue, Henri-etta and Augustus Bellisle, a native of Canada,aged 60 years.

AiTmends are respectfully invited to attendthe funeral services THIS DAY (Friday), at2 o'clock p. m., at Masonic Temple, corner Postand Montgomery streets, luteiment I.O. O. F.Cemetery. 2

SAUNDERS-In this city.March 28, 1894. MaryJ.,relict of the late Captain James Saunders.a native of Ireland, aged 60 years. [NowYorkand Brooklyn papers please copy.)

JOTS" Friends and acquaintances are respect-fullyinvited to attend the funeral THIS DAY(Friday), at 8::.0 o'clock a. m.. rrom her lateresidence, 50 Tehama street, thence to st.Brendan's Church, where a solemn requiemmass willbe celebrated lor the repose or hersoul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. IntermentHoly Cross Cemetery.

**ARONSON— Iu this city.March 29. 1894. Elka,

beloved wire of David Aromon, and mother ofA. Aronson. a native of Poland, aged 72 years.

_s__rirlends are respecting v Invited toattendthe funeral services THIS DAY (Friday), at10:45 o'clock a. m., at her late residence. 1021' _Folsom street. Interment Hills of EternityCemetery. San Mateo County, b.- 12 o'clock m.train from Third and Townseud streets. Pleaseomit flowers. '. •_.."

BALL—In this city. March 28. 1894. Isabella E.Ball,beloved mother of Mrs. M.A. Hawley, andgrandmother or Eugene W. Hawley, a native ofWaterbury. Conn., aged 83 years 6 months and10 days.

_o~Frlends and acquaintances are respect-hillyinvited to attend the funeral THIS DAY(Friday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from St. John'schurch. Fifteenth street, between Mission andValencia. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. 1

SULLIVAN—In this city. March 28. 1894. Han-nab, relict of the late James Sullivan. and be-loved mother of D. J. Sullivan. Mrs. A.Clarkeand Mrs..'.H. Cahlil.a native <_( Mallow,CountyCork. Ireland, aged 76 years.

JCSTF'rlei.ds are respectfully Invited toattendthe funeral TO-MORROW (Saturday), st 8:30o'clock _.. from the residence of her daughter,Mrs. A. Clarke. 230 Douglass street, thence toMission Dolores Church, where a solemn requiemmass will be celebrated for the repose of h-rsoul, commencing at 9 o'clock __. m. IntermentHolyCross Cemetery. *•*

Mi-MI'LLEX-In this city. March 29. 1894. MissJennie McMullen, anative or Ireland, aged 50years.

jSJETFrlends and acquaintances are resnect-fullv invited toattend the funeral TO-MORROW(Saturday), at 2 o'clock p. v.. from the FirstUnited Presbyterian Church, corner of GoldenGate avenue and Folk street. Interment I.O.O. F. Cemetery. •*

BKOSS— In this city. March 29, 1894. . be-loved husband of Rebeccah Bros <. and father ofMrs. J. Murdock Jacob and George Bross,a native of Germany, aged 50 years.

Je_rFrtends and acquaintances are respect-fullyInvited toattend the funeral TO-MORROW(Saturday), at 1 o'clock p. m.. from his late jresidence, 528 Harrison street, between Firstand Second, thence to Odd Fellows' Hall, cor-ner Seventh and Market streets, where the !funeral services willbe btld under the auspicesof Geiinania Lodge No. 116. I. O. O. P.. at 2o'clock p. m. luterment I.O. O. F. Cemetery.


QUINN—In this city. March 29. 1834. Maria, be-loved wireor Michael Quinn. anative of CountyRoscommon, Ireland, aged 43 years.

_K_TFrtends and acquaintances are respect-fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW(Saturday), at 8:30 o'clock a. _.. from be* lateresidence. :.i>7 Hitch street, tbence to St. Rose'sChurch, where a solemn requiem mass winbecelebrated for repose of her soul, commencingat 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross

'Cemetery, by 10:40 o'clock a. m. train. No jflowers. y 2

WALSH—InOakland, March 28. 1894. John F.. jbeloved husband of Kate Walsh, and brother ofJames Walsh of San Francisco, a native of Ktl-,aysalt. County Clare, aged 61 years 9 months ;and 18 days. [Burlington (Vt.)and 81. Louispapers mease copy.l \u25a0 ..

JG__rFrlendB and acquaintances are respect-fully invited toattend the funeral 2 o'clock P. m., from his late resi-dence, i3t>6 Eighteenth street. Interment St.Mary'sCemetery. 3

BIRD—In this city. March 29, 1894. CatherineBird,dearly beloved mother of I*.K. Bird andPeter, John and Michael Gllmore, a native ofIreland, ared 80 years.

*3~>ot!ce or funeral beteafter. 1REID-Inthis city,March 39, 1894, John H..

beloved husband or Minnie Reld, anative of 1Maryland, aged 52 years.

LAUCBER—Inthis city. March 29, 1894, Frled-rlch. beloved busbaud of Maria Laucber, andfather of Lealft Martha ana Se'ma Laucher.a native of Wurteinberr. Germany, aged 66years 11 months ana 23 days

NEILSON—In this city,March 29, 1891. Nina C,beloved (laughter of N.C. and Josephine Nell-son, a native of San Francisco, aged 2 years.

WATTERS In this city.March 29. 1894. DavidMonroe, beloved son of James C and AgnesWalters, a native of San Francisco, aged 6months and 27 days.

PATRICK- In this city. March 29, 1894, Sarah,beloved wife of William Patrick, anative ofVirginia,aged 38 years.

BURUESS-In this city.March 29. 1894, MildredBurgess, a native of Canada, aged 38 years.

FARRELL—Inthis cltv, March 28. 1«94. PaterE. Farrell, a native of Ireland, aged 68 years.

KELLY—Ia this city.March 28. 1894. Mrs.Cath-erine Kelly,a native of Ireland, aged 72 years.

PALMER—In this city. March 28. 1894, MabelLouise Palmer, a native or Sacramento, aged 16years 1mouth and 10 days.

SOIIIMP-Inthis city. March 28. 1894. Mrs. DelleV. Schimp. anative of Chile, aged 60 yean 9montbs and 4 days.

GULLIXON—In Oakland. March 28. 1894. GundaGullixon, a native of Oakland, aged 1 year 6months and 28 days.

jO'KEEFE— Near Piedmont, March 28, 1894. Char-j lotte C. O'Keere. a native or Honolulu. H. I.


Everything Requisite for tint-class Reasonable Rates.

1 Telephone 3167. 87 atd g» Fifth street.

| McAVOY A CALLACHER, I|?U-iEIUL DIRECTORS and __JIBALMER9J1 20 Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School. |ITelephone 3080. -mi tf i_\ *




w'ri'i v-KRDWELL-InOakland. March tlTtSr. A. Lemkau,Christian Wolf or Stock-

BRANDT—OOEBEL—Inthiscity. March the Rev. J. Fuendeling, Henry Brandt andOttllle ttoebel. ._

SCHNCTENHACS— Intbis city. March25. 1894, by the Rev. J. Fuendeling. EdmundSchnnteubaus and Emma Jam.

MELSING—McFACLL—in this olty,March 26.1H94. by the Rev. .1. Fuendeling, Louis F.Mcl-"Sing and Adele HcFaull.

BILMER-MARLOW—In 'this city. Marcb 28.1894. by the Rev. .1. Fuendeling, Fred L. Bu-rner and MayE. Marlow. .

O'CONNOR— GRAHAM—In this cltv, March 26,1894, Alfred O'Connor and Lucy Graham.

1 -.OCIST-BACHELDJCK-lii ibis city, at St.Paul's Church, by tbe Rev. F. .1. Mynsrd, JohnA Jt .«u!st and Be.le

,'PUNDELL-FKTEKSON-li. Oakland, MarchU-.'»; 1004 by the Rev. A.Leuikau. Fred Grundell

of «an Francisco and Eugenic Peterson or Oak-

MIRSKY-lnthis city. March 27. 1894, to thewifeof B. Mlrsky, a son.

COULTER—In this city. March 27, 1594, to tbewife or ueorge Coultrr, a son.

KATZ—In this city.March 28.1894, to the wife ofCharles Katz. ason.

OW£NS-ln this city. March 23, 1894, to thewifeof Daniel Owens, a sou.

WILLIAMS In Oaklaud, March 25, 1894, to thewife of i-redT. llliams, a daughter.

WEEKS—In Bakersfleld. March 28. 1894, to tbewifeor George F. Weeks, a daughter.