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Calculus and Numerical Method =_=

May 06, 2015



Fazirah Zyra
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2. Your lecturer: Name : Email: No Phone: 3. PART ONE: CALCULUS FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS (2 weeks) LIMITS AND CONTINUITY (1 week) DIFFERENTIATION (1 week) INTEGRATION (2 weeks) DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (1 week) Total : 7 weeks 4. PART TWO: NUMERICAL METHODS ERRORS (1 week) ROOT FINDING (1 week) INTERPOLATION (1 week) NUMERICAL DIFFERENTIATION (1 week) NUMERICAL INTEGRATION (1 week) SOLUTION OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIALEQUATIONS (1 week) 5. Learning Outcomes LO1: {C2}: Apply knowledge and fundamentalconcepts of Calculus and Numerical Methods. LO3:{ C3,P3,CTPS}:Solve problems particularly incomputer science with appropriate and high-level programming language or tools. LO3:{C3, LL}:Solve real-life application problems usingsuitable techniques in Calculus or Numerical Methods 6. Assessment Methods LO 1 Assessment Methods Test(2) = 20% Assignments(2) = 20% Mid Term (1) = 30% Final (1) = 30% Total = 100%LO 2T1 (10%)T2 (10%) A2 (10%)MT1 (15%) F1 (15%) 40% 20%LO 3A1 (10%) MT2(15%) F3 (15%) 40% 7. FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS 8. Subtopics 1. Relations and Functions 2. Representation of Functions 3. New Function form Old Function 4. Inverse of Functions5. Exponential Functions 6. Logarithm Functions, log x 9. 1.Relations and Functions 2.Representation of Functions 10. Relations and Functions Definition-A function is defined as a relation inwhich every element in the domain has a unique image in the range. In other words, a function is one to one relation and many to one relation 11. Representation of Functions 1. Verbally ( by a description in words) P(t) is the human population of the world of time2. Numerically (by a table of values) Year190019201940196019802000Population165018602300304044506080(millions) 12. Representation of Functions 3. Visually ( by a graph) Population (millions)80006000 4000 20000 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year4. Algebraically ( by an explicit formula) 13. Example 1: Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and B = {set of integers}. Illustrate x 3. the function f : x 14. Example 2: Draw the graph of the function,f :x2x ,xRwhere R is the set of real numbers.Solution Assume the domain is x = -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3. A table of values is constructed as follows:x f(x)-3 9-2 4-1 10 01 12 43 9 15. Example 2: Graph 16. Type of Function and Their Graph Linear Function f ( x) Whereare constant called the coefficients of the linear equationx;xR 17. Type of Function and Their Graph Polynomial Where n is anonnegative integer and the number are constant called the coefficients of the polynomial. Quadraticf ( x)2x ;xR 18. Type of Function and Their Graph Power Function f ( x)Where a is constant.3x ;xR 19. ,Type of Function and Their Graph Exponential Function f ( x)Where a is a positive constant.xe ;xR 20. ,Type of Function and Their Graph Logarithm FunctionWhere a is a positive constant.f ( x)ln x ; x(0,) 21. Example 10: Consider for what value of x are the following function defined?1f ( x) x2 22. 3. New Functions from Old Function 1. TRANSFORMATIONS OF FUNCTIONS 2. COMBINATION OF FUNCTIONS 3. COMPOSITE FUNCTIONS 23. New Functions from Old Function TRANSFORMATIONS OF FUNCTIONS The graph of one function can be transform into the graph of adifferent function rely on a functions equation. Vertical and horizontal shift 24. TRANSFORMATIONS OF FUNCTIONS Vertical and horizontal shift 25. Example 3: Use the graph off ( x)xg ( x)xto obtain the graph of 4 26. Example 4: Use the graph of f ( x ) g ( x)x(x2to obtain the graph of 2)2 27. TRANSFORMATIONS OF FUNCTIONS Vertical and horizontal shift 28. TRANSFORMATIONS OF FUNCTIONS Vertical and Horizontal Reflecting and Stretching 29. Example 5: Use the graph of f ( x ) g(x)h( x)xxxto obtain the graph of 30. Example 5: Use the graph of f ( x ) g ( x)h(x)2x 1 22x2x2to obtain the graph of 31. COMBINATION OF FUNCTIONS Functions can be added, subtracted, multiplied anddivided in a many ways. For example consider a) f(x)+g(x) b) f(x)-g(x)c) f(x)/g(x) d) f(x).g(x)and and and andf ( x)x2and g(x)+f(x) g(x)-f(x) g(x)/f(x) g(x).f(x) 32. COMPOSITE FUNCTIONS DefinitionWe define f gConsider two functions f(x) and g(x). fg ( x ) f [ g ( x )] meaning that the output values of the function g are used as the input values for the function f. 33. Example 6: Iff (x)=3x +1of x (a)f g(b)g fandg(x)=2-x , find as a function 34. COMPOSITE FUNCTIONS Determine theDomain of the Composite Functions 35. Example 7: Iff (x)=3x +1andg(x)=2-x , find as a functionof x (a)Find f g and determine its domain and range(b)Find g f and determine its domain and range 36. Properties for Graph of Functions All forms of relations can be represented on coordinates To test if a graph displayed is a function, vertical lines are drawn parallel to the y axis. The graph is a function if each vertical line drawn through the domain cuts the graph at only one point. 37. Example 8: Consider the graphs shown below and state whetherthey represent functions: 38. 4. Inverse Function 39. The Inverse of Functions If f is a function, the inverse is denoted by Suppose y=f (x) then x y yy3211( y)f (x) 9 5 9x325 9f1( y)5(y32 )9 Since y could be any variable, we can rewritex5 xffas a function of x as(y32 )f1(x)5 9(xf32 )1 40. Find the inverse ofExample 11: Find the inverse of : f (x)x3 2 41. Graphical Illustration of an Inverse Function Verify that the inverse of f (x)=2x-3 isf1(x)x3 2Figure above shows the graph of these two functions on the same pair axes. The dotted line is the graph y=x. These graphs illustrate a general relationship between the graph of a function and that of its inverse, namely that one graph is the reflection of the other in the line y = x. 42. Example 12: Find the inverse of : 1f ( x) 12, x x State the domain of the inverse1. 43. FUNCTION WITH NO INVERSE An inverse function can only exist if the function is aone-to-one function. 44. Subtopics 1. Relations and Functions 2. Representation of Functions 3. New Function form Old Function 4. Inverse of FunctionsNext week lecture: 1. Exponential Functions 2. Logarithm Functions, log x