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Gut, 1966, 7, 583 Calculous disease of the vermiform appendix G. B. FORBES AND R. W. LLOYD-DAVIES From the Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Canterbury EDITORIAL SYNOPSIS Calculi were found in 29 out of 1,800 vermiform appendices removed at operation. The high incidence of acute complications associated with a calculus indicates the need to remove the appendix when one is found incidentally on radiological examination of the abdomen. The formation of true calculi within the lumen of the vermiform appendix is a comparatively rare event, but the condition is of clinical importance because of the frequency with which such calculi give rise to serious complications. The main clinico-pathological features of calculous disease of the appendix, based on the examination of 2,000 appendix specimens, are presented in this report with the following objectives in view: to clarify the terminology of the various formed faecal objects which are found in the lumen of the appendix; to assess the incidence of calculous disease and its complications; to draw the attention of surgeons, radiologists, and pathologists to a disease which deserves wider recognition. DEFINITION OF TERMS By reason of its shape and anatomical position, the appendix frequently contains faecal material either as a continuous or interrupted cast of the lumen, or as separate small elliptical faecal masses. When these are formed and hard they are known variously as faecoliths, coproliths, stercoliths, enteroliths, appen- dicoliths, or concretions. The degree of hardness is a measure of the quantity of calcium in the faecal mass. It is believed that the presence of a small scybalum of inspissated faecal material within the appendix lumen acts as a nucleus around which calcium salts mixed with faecal debris become layered. The calcium salts are derived from mucus excreted in excessive amounts by the appendicular mucosa in response to the local irritant action of the faecal nucleus; in other words a local low-grade catarrhal appendicitis develops. Faecoliths containing a small to moderate amount of calcium are not uncommon; occasionally one will become almost wholly calcified and the stony-hard object which results can fairly be described as a true appendicular calculus. Since gradations of calcification occur, the distinction between calcified faecoliths aud true calculi is arbitrary and indeed the clinical effects and compli- cations of both types of calcified object, whether described as faecolith or calculus, are likely to be very similar. When estimating the incidence of calculous disease, however, it is necessary to have more precise criteria for differentiating the various formed faecal objects encountered in appendicec- tomy specimens. In the present study all such objects were grouped on the basis of their physical charac- ters, using the following key as an aid to identifica- tion: 1 FAECAL PELLET This is a formed, firm, but not calcified, faecal mass. It is brown, smooth, ovoid or cigar-shaped, 'squashable', width equal to or slightly greater than diameter of appendix lumen, and com- posed of organic material. It is radiotranslucent and very common. 2 CALCIFIED FAECOLITH (FIG. I a) This is a partially calcified ovoid faecal mass, light or dark brown, moderately hard, crushable rather than squashable, with a slightly granular surface with dark brown or black nodules of calcification, often at the poles. There is patchy laminated radio-opacity, and the width is usually greater than the lumen. It is com- posed of organic material and a small to moderate amount of calcium phosphate, and is not uncommon. 3 CALCULUS (FIG. Ib) This is a stony hard, densely radio-opaque object, round, ovoid or irregular in shape, approximately 3 mm. to 3 cm. in main diameter. It is sometimes faceted when multiple, and buff to shiny black in colour, sometimes reddish. It makes a metallic sound when dropped into an enamel or metal vessel, and is composed mainly of calcium phosphate. It is rare. Nearly all formed faecal objects found in appen- dices can be placed without difficulty in one of these groups. Sometimes a specimen will prove difficult to 583

Calculous disease of the vermiform appendix

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Page 1: Calculous disease of the vermiform appendix

Gut, 1966, 7, 583

Calculous disease of the vermiform appendixG. B. FORBES AND R. W. LLOYD-DAVIES

From the Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Canterbury

EDITORIAL SYNOPSIS Calculi were found in 29 out of 1,800 vermiform appendices removed atoperation. The high incidence of acute complications associated with a calculus indicates the needto remove the appendix when one is found incidentally on radiological examination of the abdomen.

The formation of true calculi within the lumen of thevermiform appendix is a comparatively rare event,but the condition is of clinical importance because ofthe frequency with which such calculi give rise toserious complications. The main clinico-pathologicalfeatures of calculous disease of the appendix, basedon the examination of 2,000 appendix specimens,are presented in this report with the followingobjectives in view: to clarify the terminology of thevarious formed faecal objects which are found in thelumen of the appendix; to assess the incidence ofcalculous disease and its complications; to draw theattention of surgeons, radiologists, and pathologiststo a disease which deserves wider recognition.


By reason of its shape and anatomical position, theappendix frequently contains faecal material eitheras a continuous or interrupted cast of the lumen, oras separate small elliptical faecal masses. When theseare formed and hard they are known variously asfaecoliths, coproliths, stercoliths, enteroliths, appen-dicoliths, or concretions. The degree of hardness is ameasure of the quantity of calcium in the faecal mass.It is believed that the presence of a small scybalum ofinspissated faecal material within the appendixlumen acts as a nucleus around which calcium saltsmixed with faecal debris become layered. The calciumsalts are derived from mucus excreted in excessiveamounts by the appendicular mucosa in response tothe local irritant action of the faecal nucleus; in otherwords a local low-grade catarrhal appendicitisdevelops. Faecoliths containing a small to moderateamount of calcium are not uncommon; occasionallyone will become almost wholly calcified and thestony-hard object which results can fairly bedescribed as a true appendicular calculus. Sincegradations of calcification occur, the distinctionbetween calcified faecoliths aud true calculi is

arbitrary and indeed the clinical effects and compli-cations of both types of calcified object, whetherdescribed as faecolith or calculus, are likely to bevery similar. When estimating the incidence ofcalculous disease, however, it is necessary to havemore precise criteria for differentiating the variousformed faecal objects encountered in appendicec-tomy specimens. In the present study all such objectswere grouped on the basis of their physical charac-ters, using the following key as an aid to identifica-tion:

1 FAECAL PELLET This is a formed, firm, but notcalcified, faecal mass. It is brown, smooth, ovoid orcigar-shaped, 'squashable', width equal to or slightlygreater than diameter of appendix lumen, and com-posed of organic material. It is radiotranslucent andvery common.

2 CALCIFIED FAECOLITH (FIG. I a) This is a partiallycalcified ovoid faecal mass, light or dark brown,moderately hard, crushable rather than squashable,with a slightly granular surface with dark brown orblack nodules of calcification, often at the poles.There is patchy laminated radio-opacity, and thewidth is usually greater than the lumen. It is com-posed of organic material and a small to moderateamount ofcalcium phosphate, and is not uncommon.

3 CALCULUS (FIG. Ib) This is a stony hard, denselyradio-opaque object, round, ovoid or irregular inshape, approximately 3 mm. to 3 cm. in maindiameter. It is sometimes faceted when multiple, andbuff to shiny black in colour, sometimes reddish. Itmakes a metallic sound when dropped into an enamelor metal vessel, and is composed mainly of calciumphosphate. It is rare.

Nearly all formed faecal objects found in appen-dices can be placed without difficulty in one of thesegroups. Sometimes a specimen will prove difficult to


Page 2: Calculous disease of the vermiform appendix

G. B. Forbes and R. W. Lloyd-Davies

a b

FIG. 1. Calcified faecolith (a) and calculus (b) from case


group because of borderline features, and an addedcomplication is the occasional occurrence of bothcalcified faecoliths and true calculi in one and thesame appendix.

All three types of inclusion may contain radio-opaque material in amounts varying from a trace insome faecal pellets to complete dense radio-opacityin the case of true calculi. For this reason we considerthat the demonstration of radio-opaque material bystraight radiographic examination of the organ aftersurgical removal is not a reliable guide to the inci-dence of true calculus formation, at any rate whenused as the sole criterion. This technique has beenused in some cases by Bowers (1939), Steinert,Hareide, and Christiansen (1943) and more routinelyby Felson and Bernhard (1947), Felson (1949), andShaw (1965), and the frequency with which theseauthors found radio-opaque objects in acutely in-flamed appendices (33 to 44 %) suggests that the testis too sensitive. Indeed Bowers found 'stones' in 25 %of normal appendices. Shaw, using the same tech-nique, found 'calculi' in 79 of240 inflamedappendicesan incidence of 33 %, but most of the objects were'compressible between finger and thumb, fairly softin consistency and cut easily with a knife'; onlyoccasionally did he find calculi which were firm orhard and demonstrable on radiological examinationof the abdomen before operation. Shaw believes thatthe term 'calculus' should be applied to all objectscontaining calcium, irrespective of the amount; wefind this unacceptable and prefer to apply the termonly to an object which fulfils the physical charactersof a stone or calculus in the generally-acceptedconnotation of this term, the main character beingstony hardness.The term 'calculus of the appendix' is used in

several reports in the literature to describe objectswhich were radio-opaque on pre-operative radio-

graphs of the abdomen, and yet, after removal, couldbe cut with a knife (e.g., Candy, 1959). Such radio-opaque objects would not qualify for inclusion in thetrue calculus group as defined above, because of theirrelatively soft consistence. At the same time one mustremember that radio-opaque biliary calculi can some-times be cut with a knife and no one would suggestthat these should be distinguished from gall-stonesbylabelling them 'calcified choleliths'. It would seemreasonable then to include in the category of trueappendicular calculi, calcified faecoliths of sufficientdensity to be readily detectable on pre-operativeradiographic examination of the abdomen.


In 1742 Santorini studied the anatomy of the appen-dix and his descriptions were accompaniedbyillustra-tions of faecal concretions and worms which werefound in some of his specimens. Wegeler (1813) usedthe term 'calculosi concrementi' to describe hardfaecal concretions, resembling gall-stones, which hefound in the lumen of the appendix. One of the firstBritish surgeons to operate on a patient with acuteappendicitis was Hancock (1848); at operation hefound that the lumen of the appendix was obstructedby two concretions.

Weisfiog (1906) was the first to make a correct pre-operative diagnosis of appendicular calculus radio-logically. Similar reports came from Fittig (1907) inGermany and Seelig (1908) in America; Seelig admitsthat he misdiagnosed his case pre-operatively asureteric calculus. In 1913 Roux wrote a thesis on thediagnosis of appendicitis by radiological methods; hewas able to demonstrate foreign bodies and faecalconcretions in a number of cases.A few papers on the subject of appendicular

lithiasis appeared in the literature during the periodbetween the world wars, mainly from Germansources (see Wells, 1930), and since 1940 some 20 orso papers have been published mainly in American orcontinental journals. In 1947 Felson and Bernhardestimated that just over 100 cases had been reported;this number had increased to 120 by 1951 (Laforet,Greenler, and O'Brien), and to between 130 and 155by 1957 (Berg and Berg, 1957; Brady and Carroll,1957).About a dozen reports have appeared in British

journals, and most of these have dealt with only oneor two cases (Wells, 1930, one case; Levi, 1934, onecase; Moloney, 1947, one case; Airth, 1948, one case;Chapple, 1951, two cases; Clark, 1952, one case;Smith, 1954, four cases; Atwell and Pollock, 1960,two cases; Butler, 1959, one case; Candy, 1959, twocases; Meyerowitz, 1960, one case; Fox, 1962, onecase; and Shaw, 1965, 79 cases).


Page 3: Calculous disease of the vermiform appendix

Calculous disease of the vermiform appendix


GENERAL The frequency with which calculi arefound in the appendix can be gauged from incidencefigures reported by various authors in this countryand abroad (Table I). The data in the upper part ofthe table refer to cases of calculous disease observedas a result of radiological examination of the abdo-men in cases of suspected acute appendicitis. Thedata in the middle part of the table refer to casesdiagnosed by means of radiographic examination ofthe appendix or calculi after surgical removal. As al-ready stated we consider that these figures give anexaggerated incidence oftrue calculous disease becausethe technique used to demonstrate the presence ofcalcified material is over-sensitive. As acute inflam-mation is the usual sequel to the presence of a stonein the appendix, it is not surprising that the incidencein this type of material is appreciably higher thanthat found in routine surgical material. As one mightexpect, the incidence rates tend to be higher in studiescarried out during recent years. Improved diagnosticfacilities and standards provide a ready explanationfor this trend, in particular the increasing use,especially in America, of 'scout' films as an aid todiagnosis in acute abdominal emergencies. Moreoverit is well known that awareness of a disease or con-dition increases the observed incidence, and higherrates are to be expected in hospitals where radiolo-gists, surgeons, and pathologists are 'calculusconscious'; thus, in one centre in America, 35 casesof appendicular calculus were observed radiologic-ally during a five-year period; before this no case ofthis disease had been diagnosed (Berg and Berg,1957).

Differences in interpretation and terminology will


also account to some extent for the wide variation inthe recorded incidence rates. As already stated thereis no sharp dividing line between a heavily calcifiedfaecolith and a true calculus and the final result in anygiven survey will depend to some extent on whichcategory is chosen for borderline specimens. In thisconnexion it is interesing to note that Collins, whoexamined 50,000 appendicectomy specimens over aperiod of 32 years, makes no mention of calculousdisease in his 1955 report. However, he does includein his analysis the finding of calcified faecoliths in 321specimens, an incidence of 0-64 %. Collins must haveencountered true calculi in the vast material at hisdisposal and one assumes that he considered it un-necessary to draw a distinction between calcifiedfaecoliths and true calculi when compiling his verycomprehensive analysis. Even so his figure of 0 64%is surprisingly low for all calcified faecal objects.

It is possible, but unlikely, that the incidence mayvary in different countries and localities. It wasthought at one stage that the frequency with whichappendicular calculi were encountered in the writers'hospital might be related to the high content of chalkin the local soil and drinking water, but it was foundthat the levels of calcium, phosphorus, phosphatase,and electrolytes in the blood of four patients with thedisease were within normal limits, and it is now feltthat any geographical variation that might exist ismuch more likely to be a reflection of the degree ofinterest shown in the condition from place to placethan of any physico-chemical factor.

PRESENT SERIES One thousand eight hundred appen-dix specimens were sent to the laboratory forexamination and from this material 30 specimenswere found to contain true calculi as defined previ-


Country Number of Condition ofAppendix Number Approximate Period Method ofPatients or with Incidence ofStudy DiagnosisSpecimens Calculi ( %) (years)

Kadrnka and Bardet (1934)Hellmer (1939)Steinert et al. (1943)Childe (1947)Brady and Carroll (1957)Berg and Berg (1957)

Bowers (1939)

Felson and Bernhard (1947)Felson (1949)

Shaw (1965)

Bunch and Adcock (1939)Clark (1952)Forbes and Lloyd-Davies (1966)



U.S.A. 37262

U.S.A. 300U.S.A. 75

183U.K. 240

Acute inflammationAcute inflammationAcute inflammationAcute inflammationAcute inflammationAcute inflammation

Acute inflammationNormalAcute inflammationAcute inflammationNormalAcute inflammation

U.S.A. 2,000 Multiple conditionsU.K. 500 Multiple conditionsU.K. 1,000 Multiple conditions













X-rayexamination ofabdomen insuspectedacuteappendicitis

X-rayexamination of

3 appendix orcalculi aftersurgicalremoval

Naked-eyeexamination of

3 appendix aftersurgicalremoval


Page 4: Calculous disease of the vermiform appendix

G. B. Forbes and R. W. Lloyd-Davies


of Specimens

Inflammation AcuteSubacuteChronic

Neoplasia ArgentaffinomaSecondary carcinomaPrimary adenocarcinomaAdenomaLymphosarcoma

Miscellaneous CalculiThreadwormsMucoceleMelanosisEndometriosisFruit seedsLead shotTuberculosisIntussusception

ously (Table II). It should be madethe total figure represents only a prcthe number of appendicectomies perfoihospital; many specimens, particularly twere either grossly normal or grossly infinot submitted for pathological examinathe earlier years of the investigation. Durthree years of the study period, ever:removed surgically was examined withmaking a more accurate assessment of thof calculi and other formed faecal object:surgical material. One thousand consecimens were examined and over half of thacute or subacute inflammation; theshowed no abnormality or low-grade chrcmation, usually in the form of fibrosis ofthe appendix. One hundred and fifty-fourcontained faecal objects of which eight M44 were calcified faecoliths, and 102 v

pellets (Table III).



Type of Inclusion Number Inflammationof Cases

A cute Subacute

CalculusCalcified faecolithFaecal pelletNo inclusion







1,000 429 165

The incidence of appendicular calculiother pathological conditions was also detianalysing the disease encountered in the 1,I





dicectomy specimens. From the tabulated results(Table II), it will be seen that calculous diseaseoccurred much more frequently than such well-known conditions as mucocele and argentaffinoma.Shaw (1965) makes the surprising statement that

'stones are formed in the appendix with greaterfrequency than in either the gall-bladder or theurinary tract, and indeed the appendix is probablythe commonest site of stone formation in the body'.We find this opinion quite unacceptable. Ourhospital diagnostic records show that during the year1963, for example, there were 55 cases of urolithiasis,99 cases of cholelithiasis, and only three cases ofappendicular lithiasis.

2 AGE AND SEX INCIDENCE According to Americanreports the majority of patients with appendicular

1 lithiasis were boys and young adult males. Thus in444 Brady and Carroll's (1957) series half of the patients

were children and three-quarters of them were male.clear that In 60 cases reviewed by Felson and Bernhard (1947)portion of most patients were between the ages of 10 and 30, andrmed in the there was a male preponderance of nearly 4:1. Ofthose which Berg and Berg's (1957) 35 patients, 22 were under thelamed, were age of 15 and there was no significant sex difference.tion during Childe's (1947) eight cases were in the 5 to 12 agering the last group (five male and three female), and in Shaw'sy appendix series (1965) 56% were male and 44% female anda view to no firm conclusion was made as to sex incidence.e incidence There was no significant age trend in the presents in routine series, the ages of the 25 patients ranging from 4 to 68utive speci- with an average of 29 years. There was a noticeableem showed sex difference, males outnumbering females in theremainder ratio of 2: 1, but this conforms with the accepted male

)nic inflam- preponderance in cases of acute appendicitis.the wall of The relatively high incidence among children in theappendices American reports may be related to the more frequentere calculi, use of radiographs for diagnostic purposes in thatagewere faecali group together with the fact that the thinner ab-

dominal wall in young people may allow poorly-calcified calculi to be detected more readily thancalculi of similar density in adults (Clark, 1952).

NDICECTOMY Thomas (1947) states that the amount of calciumand the degree of hardness are dependent on the ageof the faecolith, and he offers this explanation for therelatively soft and poorly-calcified faecolith which he

Chronic Nil found in his youngest patient, a 6-year-old girl.0 0 While this might be true in general, it should be2 1 mentioned that two of the hardest stones in the7 48 writers' collection were from young children. Kelly155 193

(1909) also found a hard, well-calcified faecolith in a164 242 child of 3 years.

relative to INCIDENCE IN POST-MORTEM MATERIAL There is veryermined by little information on the incidence of calculous800 appen- disease based on post-mortem material. Felson (1949)


Page 5: Calculous disease of the vermiform appendix

Calculous disease of the vermiforin cppendix

radiographed 160 'normal' appendices removed atnecropsy and detected calcified faecoliths in five(2.7%) of them; however, only two (12%) wereconsidered to contain sufficient calcium to have beenvisible radiologically in the living body. Bowen (1945)in a 'very limited experience' of post-mortem speci-mens found two stony-hard calculi in the otherwisenormal appendix of a 10-year-old boy. During recentmonths we have examined 200 appendices in thecourse of routine post-mortem work; faecal pelletswere found occasionally but we failed to find a singlecalculus or even a calcified faecolith.


The great majority of patients with appendicularcalculi present as acute abdominal emergencies.Since the calculus will in most cases have lain in theappendix for months or years, gradually increasingin size in a confined space, it is surprising that ahistory of previous attacks of colicky abdominal painor of symptoms suggestive of 'grumbling appendix'is seldom given. Eventually the typical picture ofacute obstructive appendicitis develops and promptsurgical intervention becomes necessary.A correct pre-operative diagnosis of appendicu-

lar calculus must be a rare event in Britain because ofthe infrequent use of radiography as an aid to thediagnosis of acute appendicitis. Moreover on thoseoccasions when x-ray examination is called forbecause the diagnosis is in doubt, an opacity on thefilm caused by an appendicular calculus is liable to bemistaken for some other radio-opaque object, su:has a stone in the right ureter. There is ample evidencefrom the literature that mistakes of this nature havebeen made on a number of occasions and the correctdiagnosis has come to light only at the time ofoperation or when the appendix was opened afteroperation (Prather and Singiser, 1953).With the increasing use of 'scout' films in acute

abdominal surgery it is essential that those who arecalled on to read x-ray films, often under emergencyconditions, should be familiar with the radiologicalfeatures of appendicular calculi. They occur charac-teristically as single or multiple opacities in the rightlower abdominal quadrant, and are usually roundedor ovoid, with smooth outlines, measuring up to3 cm. in diameter (Fig. 2). When multiple they tendto lie in a slightly curved line and may show faceting(Fig. 3a and b). A feature of diagnostic value is well-marked lamination with relative translucency of thecentral part (Fig. 4); mobility, when present, is also auseful diagnostic sign. Other opacities which enterinto the differential diagnosis are those caused bygallstones, either in a low-lying gall-bladder or im-pacted in the terminal ileum, urinary calculi in the

FIG. 2. Case 25. Radb.graph of abdomen showing appen-dicular calculus overlying upper part of right sacro-iliacjoint.

FIG. 3. Case 1. Five faceted calculi in operation specimen(a) (actual size), and (b) radiograph of specimen.


Page 6: Calculous disease of the vermiform appendix

G. B. Forbes and R. W. Lloyd-Davies

calculi may enter the intestinal tract and find theirway into the appendix, but this must be a very rareoccurrence. The features which serve to distinguishtrue appendicular calculi from calculi in the appendixof extrinsic derivation, if such ever occurs, are theirsize and composition. The majority of appendixstones have a minimal diameter greater than theorifice of the appendix, a point strongly in favour ofan intrinsic origin, and their main chemical compo-nent is calcium phosphate, a mineral seldom foundin gallstones.


Wangensteen and Bowers (1937), Bowen (1943), andother authors have drawn attention to the aetio-logical role of faecoliths in the production of acuteappendicitis. It is generally agreed that these objectsare the most frequent cause of the obstructive typeof appendicitis, a type which is particularly liable toprogress to gangrene and perforation (Fig. 5). These

FIG. 4. Case 13. Radiograph of abdomen showing threeradio-opaque appendicular calculi.

lower pole ofthe right kidney, right ureter, or bladder,calcified mesenteric lymph nodes, and phleboliths.Ureteric calculus is the condition most likely to causeconfusion in an acute abdominal emergency; thestone in this case will lie in the line of the ureter andis unlikely to show lamination. Examination of theurine for blood and, if necessary, an intravenous orretrograde pyelogram, will help to establish thecorrect diagnosis. A gallstone causing acute ilealobstruction will be larger than an appendicular stoneand less densely calcified; moreover biliary calculiwill probably be seen in the gall-bladder area and airmay be present in the biliary ducts. The age and sexof the patient might also help to differentiate thesetwo conditions since appendicular stones, unlikegallstones, occur most frequently in young males.Calcified mesenteric glands usually occur in groupsand are of mottled uneven opacity, while phlebolithsare smaller, rounded, and of more homogeneousopacity.The identification of appendicular calculi found in

operation specimens should present no difficulty tothose familiar with the appearance of these objects,but even experienced surgeons and pathologists willsometimes make the error of mis-identifying them asgallstones, especially when the calculi are multipleand faceted. Theoretically small biliary or pancreatic

FIG. 5. Case 2. Operation specimen showing calculus andperforation (actual size).

complications develop in consequence of the bloodsupply being impaired from blockage and disten-sion of the lumen. In some cases pressure necrosiswill occur in the wall at the site of the faecolith,especially if the latter is hard and calcified, withsubsequent perforation of the organ, and it is notsurprising, therefore, that the incidence of gangreneand/or perforation in cases of calculous appendicitisis strikingly high. Felson and Bernhard (1947) statethat 90% of the appendices were acutely inflamedand that perforation had occurred in nearly 50%.Berg and Berg (1957) record a 48% incidence ofgangrene or perforation, while Brady and Carroll(1957) make the remarkable claim that all but two ofthe appendices in their series of 34 cases had perfora-ted. In the present study 12 of the calculus-containingappendices were gangrenous (Fig. 6) and three morehad perforated giving a combined gangrene/perfora-tion incidence of 500%. The frequency with whichcalculi or calcified faecoliths are found in cases of


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Calculous disease of the vermiform appendix

FIG. 6. Case 12. Operation specimen (actual size).

appendicitis with perforation may even be higherthan that recorded because a calcified object lyingfree in the peritoneal cavity or in an appendixabscess may be missed at operation. Later it may beextruded through the operation wound as happenedin the case reported by Wells (1930). It would seemtoo that the degree of morbidity is roughly propor-tional to the amount of calcification. Thus in the1,000 consecutive appendicectomy specimens alreadyreferred to it was found that six of the eight calculiand all but three of the 44 calcified faecoliths wereassociated with a severe, acute inflammation, where-as over half of the appendices containing non-calci-fied faecal pellets showed only low-grade chronicinflammation or no abnormality at all (Table III).As non-calcified faecal pellets were found withalmost equal frequency in normal and inflamedappendices, the part played by these objects in theaetiology of acute appendicitis is probably notsignificant, at any rate while they remain uncalcified.Moreover only 20% of acutely inflamed appendicesin our material contained formed faecal objects,indicating that some other factor or combination offactors is responsible for initiating the disease processin most cases of acute inflammation. Nevertheless weagree with other observers that the presence of aninclusion, especially one which is calcified, plays an

important aetiological role in a proportion of cases

of appendicitis.A rare complication of appendicular calculus is the

formation of a fistula between the appendix andsome part of the intestine. Kjellman (1957) reportedtwo cases of intestinal fistula caused by calculi. Inone patient a gangrenous appendix, which containedtwo calculi, was adherent at the tip to the descendingpart of the duodenum causing a fistula between thetwo organs. The other patient had a fistula betweenthe appendix and the ileum and a stone at the tip ofthe appendix could be pushed through the orifice of

the fistula so that it projected into the ileum. Thomas(1947) reported a case of fistula between the appen-dix and the caecum caused by a calcified coprolithwhich was found in an abscess adjacent to the fistula.A further rare complication is the formation of atraction diverticulum of the bladder in associationwith an abscess secondary to calculous appendicitis(Fox, 1962).The damage caused to the mucosa of the appendix

by a rough hard calculus may provide a portal ofentry for many pathogenic bacteria. When thetrauma is associated with local gangrene the condi-tions are then ideal for the entry and multiplicationof anaerobic organisms, including faecal-borneActinomyces. Steinert et al. (1947) operated on apatient with a radiologically visible calculus in theappendix and found at operation a peri-appendicularactinomycotic infiltration. A case with similarfeatures was encountered during this study (case 25).


The main physical and radiological characters ofappendicular calculi have been described and illustra-ted already; it remains to discuss briefly certainadditional features relating to their size, number,weight, and composition (Table IV).

In the present series two-thirds of the specimenscontained solitary stones; when multiple the calculinumbered up to seven in an appendix. From pub-lished reports this would seem to be about the usualnumerical distribution. However, Shahan (1940)reported 23 in one appendix, and 16 were found inthe appendix of Thomas's second case (1947). Thelargest calculus is that recorded by Packard (1921);it measured 4 x 2 x 1 cm. and weighed 8 g. Thisweight is exceeded by the calculus described byBunch and Adcock (1939) which, although some-what smaller, weighed 13 5 g. Others to record 'giant'calculi are Wells (1930), Pilcher (1945), Lowenberg(1949), and Chapple (1951); the latter reported twocases in middle-aged patients, the stones weighing8 g. and 5 g. Several moderately large stones were seenduring the present study; only three specimens wereweighed and the largest of these (but not the largestin the collection) measured 2 cm. in main diameterand weighed 2-07 g. These stones were weighed in thedry state a few days or weeks after removal and it isprobable that the relatively low weights obtainedwere due to desiccation.

In 1921 Maver and Wells analysed 25 appendicu-lar concretions and found calcium phosphate, fat-soluble substances (coprosterol, cholesterol, soaps),and organic matter in the proportion of 25 %, 50 %,and 20% respectively. Atwell and Pollock (1960),who regard stony-hard appendicular calculi as falling


Page 8: Calculous disease of the vermiform appendix



Case No. Reference Sex Age Calculi Inflammation Blood Figureof Appendix Chemistry No.

Number Colour Shape Size Weight Composition(mm.) (g.)

1 L.R. F 53 5 Reddish Ovoid and 17 x 10 Calcium Acute with 3a and b-brown faceted (largest) phosphate gangrene

2 N.S. F 44 1 Mottled Ovoid 18 x 14 1-74 Calcium Acute with 5brown phosphate perforation

3 G.P. M 32 2 Brownish Rounded 10 05 Calcium Acute with lbblack 4 (largest) phosphate gangrene

4 J.C. M 53 1 Black Nodular 20 2-07 Calcium Subacutephosphate

5 M.C. F 34 1 Pale, Elliptical 32 x 13 x 8 Acute withspeckled perforation

6 P.B. M 20 3 Pale Irregular Acute with Ca 95 P 47brown gangrene Alk phos 6-3

7 M.S. M 18 1 Dark Rounded 3 Acutebrown

8 W.H. M 41 4 Reddish Irregular 6 Acute withbrown gangrene

9 A.H. M 43 1 Dark Ovoid 18x11 Acutewith Ca10 P4brown gangrene Alk phos 12

10 F.B. M 20 5 Buff to Rounded 14 Acute withdark (I (largest) gangrenebrown spiculated)

11 C.C. F 13 1 Pale Ovoid 14x10x8 Acutewithbrown gangrene

12 R.V. M 24 1 Reddish- Rounded 17 Acute withbrown gangrene

13 L.H. M 42 4 Pale to Ovoid and 20 Acutereddish diamond (largest)black

14 R.S. M 14 2 Brown Irregular 4 Acute withgangrene

15 K.D. F 68 1 Brown Ovoid 4 x 2 Acute withgangrene

16 H.W. M 59 1 Dark Round 6 Chronicbrown

17 R.K. M 14 1 Grey- Rounded 7 Acuteblack

18 N.M. M 7 1 Mottled, Ovoid 16 x 8 Acutelight anddark brown

19 G.D. M 4 4 Light Rounded Up to 6 Acute withbrown and gangrene

ovoid20 R.W. F 50 7 Dark Rhomboid Up to 8 Acute with Ca 94 P 2-6

brown to and ovoid perforation Alk phos 7black

21 W.B. M 22 1 White and Ovoid 8x7x5 Acutebrown

22 R.C. M 6 1 Dark Irregular 3 Acutebrown

23 L.S. M 10 I Brown Ovoid 10 Acuteand black

24 H.P. F 5 1 Mottled Ovoid 8 Acutebrown

25 P.B. F 26 1 Ovoid 17 x 7 Actinomycosis26 K.M. M 22 1 Pale Triangular 7 Chronic

brown27 M.G. F 26 1 Pale Irregular 6 Acute with

brown gangrene28 E.S. M 9 1 Pale Pear- 35 Acute

brown shaped29 P.M. F 48 1 Dark Ovoid 5 Chronic


30 R.W. M 53 2 White Rounded 15 AcuteDark Rounded 5brown,shiny

'Of 30 patients (20 male, 10 female) aged 4 to 68 years, 20 were found to have single calculi at operation, and 10 multiple calculi. The calculivaried in size between 3 and 35 mm. and weighed up to 2.07g. The appendix was acutely inflamed in 25 cases, subacutely in two, and chroni-cally in three.

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Calculous disease of the vermiform appendix 591

within the group of true calcium enteroliths ofprimary endogenous origin, found a much higherproportion (90 %) of calcium salts in the few calculiwhich they examined. This finding is in accord withour experience; calculi from four patients in thepresent series were analysed and all were found toconsist almost entirely of calcium phosphate. Itshould be added, however, that, in order to preservethe calculi for the museum, only a portion of eachstone was removed for analysis, and that from theperiphery where the calcium content is likely to havebeen maximal.


Two thousand appendices were examined for evi-dence of calculous disease. One thousand eighthundred were specimens removed surgically and 29of them harboured stony-hard calculi. The incidenceof calculous disease in 1,000 consecutive appendicec-tomy specimens was 08 %. An additional calculuswas observed radiologically in a case of appendicularactinomycosis.

All but five of the 30 calculus-containing appen-dices were acutely inflamed and 50% of these weregangrenous or perforated. Others have reportedfistula formation as a complication of calculousdisease.Two hundred appendices were examined during

routine post-mortem work and on no occasion was acalculus found.

Discrepancies between the findings of variousworkers, particularly in relation to the incidence andcomposition of appendicular calculi, were notedduring this study. All of these can be traced to differ-ences in the selection of material and in the criteriaand terminology used for classifying calcified appen-dicular inclusions. What constitutes a true calculusas opposed to a calcified faecolith or concretion is oflittle more than academic interest; from the practicalviewpoint, it is important to realize that the presenceof a calcified object within the appendix, call it whatyou will, is likely to lead, sooner or later, to danger-ous complications. Early surgical treatment is there-fore indicated when an appendicular calculus isrevealed, by intention or chance, on radiologicalexamination of the abdomen.

We are greatly indebted to the surgical staff of Kent andCanterbury Hospital for allowing us access to their casenotes. Mr. R. L. Canney, M.Ch., F.R.C.S. and Dr. S. J.Johnson, M.B., D.M.R.D., kindly read through the paperand made helpful suggestions. We are also very gratefulto Mr. E. Spice, F.I.M.L.T., for preparing the photo-graphs and to Miss K. Thurgood and Miss M. Hawkinsfor clerical assistance.


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