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Cajun Love Story

Mar 15, 2016



Iriny Morgan

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Page 1: Cajun Love Story


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Long Ago in the state of LouisianeLouisiane, there was a sneaky wizard up to no good. The Royal Princess Astrid Bonheur was inside her room brushing her rougerouge locks. Little did she know there was trouble upon her, there was a sudden sharp knock on her window. Astrid yelped and went towards the window opening it, there was a black figure among the trees. “Who goes there?” There was a pause before the figure spoke, “It’s Prince Felix from the other kingdom.” Astrid shook her head, “Nope. I don’t know a Prince Felix.”

“I’m the neveuneveu of King Williams.” Astrid shook her head again, “Nope. Doesn’t ring a bell.”

“I’m his only neveuneveu! I have green eyes, and blonde hair!”

“Well then come out of the shadows and let me see your face!”

“How about you jump down I’ll catch you.” Astrid frowned, “It’s a samedisamedi morning, I’d rather go back to sleep, so no thanks.”

“Well if you come down we can pass out candy to the kids, it is OctobreOctobre 31st where’s your spirit? Are you that heartless?”

“Okay. Fine!” Astrid slid down the vine beside her window landing in the grassy fields. “Okay Prince you can come out now let’s go.”

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Suddenly a pair of hands grabbed her typing her up

and throwing her up onto a furry object. “What’s

going on, and what am I on!?”

“We’re riding on my pet Leopard des neigesLeopard des neiges, and

don’t worry we’re just going to my lair.” Astrid’s

eyes widened as she hear the word ‘lair’, she turned

her head as her eyes landed on a wand.

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“You’re the sneaky wizard our kingdom banned!”

The wizard turned around and laughed evilly, “Took you long enough and now that I have you, you’re never going to get out.”

Astrid screamed as the wizard sped up speeding away into the blackness of the forest.

Although neither of them were aware that the real Prince Felix was watching the whole thing, from his castle. He shook his head angrily, “I’m coming Princess!” he shouted running to take off after them.

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Hours passed as ran through the forest searching for the wizard, when finally he came across the wizard’s lair. He through the entrance and was met by a door, he tried to open but realized it was locked. He sighed frustrated and then looked down and saw a crabecrabe on the ground. He turned and looked around before his eyes landed on a bookshelf, that contained only one livrelivre. He grabbed the book opening it, the book read, “To get past this room, you must break the crabecrabe, to do that use this book and crush it.”

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Felix shrugged closing the book and smashing it, he noticed the golden key that came out it. He quickly unlocked the door advancing up the stairs. The second door was locked also, it read, ‘To pass you must translate this saying, l'échec n'est pas une optionl'échec n'est pas une option, Félix looked down at the mat he was standing on, he shrugged and started reading the words on the mat, “Failure is not an option!” he read aloud. The door rattled and suddenly flew open.

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His eyes landed on Princess Astrid, “Astrid! It is I Prince Felix, I’ve come to save you!” Astrid’s eyes widened, “Oh, so that’s what you look like!” She stood sighing, “That’s very sweet Felix.. But I don’t want to leave.” Felix shook his head in confusion, “WAIT… What!?”

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“Well the short time I’ve been here made me realize how truly wonderful the wizard is. I want to stay here with him… forever.” Astrid smiled walking towards the wizard and standing beside him. “Yeah, and I was never really evil! I just wanted to have a chance with Astrid, and now I finally got it.” The wizard said grinning. Felix narrowed his eyes, “You know what Astrid, you’re not even cute. There’s many princesses lining up to marry me, so good day.” Felix said storming out the door. Astrid and the Wizard watched confused.

Astrid shrugged, “So much for a happily ever after!” She said smiling.


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