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Mahmoud Abdallah Mahmoud Faculty of Engineering Programming [email protected]

C# Programming: Fundamentals

Apr 14, 2017



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Page 1: C# Programming: Fundamentals

Mahmoud Abdallah MahmoudFaculty of Engineering


[email protected]/in/mahmoudabdallah01

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Introduction to Programming


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• What is Programming

• Machine Code VS. Programming Languages

• Why C#

• Visual Studio (IDE)

• .NET Framework

• Windows Desktop (Console, Form) Applications


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What is Programming ?

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Every computer program is a set of instructions !

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Specific, individual, simple, clear, self-contained instructions

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Sequence is vitally important

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A lot more of instructions

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Basic Fundamental Instructions

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Most Popular Programming Languages

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Why are there so many languages??

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Machine Code

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They are invented languages to bridge the gap between humans and machines

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What is Technology ?

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Why C#

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.NET Framework

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Windows Desktop Applications

Windows Form ApplicationsWindows Console Applications

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Computer Programming

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Variables & Operators


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• Variables

• Data Types

• Arrays

• Operators

• Examples


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What are Variables ?

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Variables_ Variables are simply containers.

_ We create variables to hold data.

• Name

_ so we can retrieve it when we need to use it, or if we need to put data into the variable. Then we can access it by its name.

• Data type

_ The type of data that we can put inside a variable and it is also will determine the size of the variable.


int x;

x = 5;

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Data Types

• bool

• char

• string

• byte

• short

• int

• long

• float

• double


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Example 1

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Example 2

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_ Array: is a variable that can contain other variables, many variables and then we can reference them by index to pull them out.


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What are Operators ?

+ - * / % ++ --> < >= <= == !=

! || &&= += -= *= /= %=

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_ Operators are the things we can do to data.

Arithmetic: + - * / % ++ --

Comparison: > < >= <= == !=

Logical: ! || &&

Assignment: = += -= *= /= %=

String Concatenation: +

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Example 1

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Example 2

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Example 3

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Decision Structures


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• What are Decisions?

• IF Statement

• Inline Conditionals

• Switch Statement

• Examples


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What are Decisions?

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Decision Structures

_ Gives our application the ability to make decisions.

_ Controlling the flow of how our program executes code.

_ What code executes based on conditions.

• if( ) { }

• switch( ) { }

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IF Statement_ For simple things.

Example 1

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Example 2

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Example 3

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Inline Conditionals


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Switch Statement_ When we have a lot of conditions, that were things get more complicated.

Example 1

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Handling Repetitions


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• What is Looping ?

• While

• Do While

• For

• For Each

• Continue

• Break

• What are Functions ?

• Arguments

• Return

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What is Looping ?

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_ Looping: Executes a block of code until a condition is met.

_ It is our way of running a piece of code multiple times.

• Loop Types:

_ While

_ DoWhile

_ For

_ ForEach

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_ Loop while a condition is true.

_ Checks condition at the beginning of the loop.

• Example 1: • Example 2:

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Do While_ Loop while a condition is true.

_ Checks condition at the end of the loop.




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Example 2

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_ Loop repeatedly until an expression evaluates to false.

_ Combines control elements in the for declaration.

• Example 1: • Example 2:

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For Each

_ Loop through each element array or collection.

_ Used to iterate through items.

• Example 1:

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Example 2

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_ It allows us to immediately end an iteration of the loop and go

back to the top of the loop and the next iteration.

• Example:

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_ If the break keyword is found, we are going to exit the loop


• Example:

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What are Functions ?

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Functions_ They are very useful for extracting reusable code.

_ We want to isolate some pieces of useful code and sort of store them in a function.

_ They are only useful if we actually call or invoke them.

_ Every function has two things: Declaration & Definition.

• Example:

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_ Arguments are things we can pass into a function and it will do something to them.

_ The function is a factory. We put things into the factory and we get things out of

the factory.

• Example:

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_ Return allows us to pass something into our function and then it is going to kick

things back to us.

• Example 1:

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Example 2

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Basic Controls & Form Layout


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• Event Driven Programming

• The Label Control

• Stateless Buttons

• Buttons with State

• Textbox Control

• Examples


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Event Driven Programming

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The Label Control

_ Labels basically are static text that will appear on a form.

_ Labels can be placeholders for data from database or a stuff was pulled from

somewhere else or to the user.


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Stateless Buttons

_ A button is basically a control on the screen that you click or you press a key onto

and it performs some simple action.

_ It doesn’t keep track of any thing, it is just a stateless button.

_ Clicking a button fires an event called click event meaning that you have clicked this


_ So what we can do is we can double click on this button to create our click event.

• Accept button

• Cancel button

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Buttons with State

_ Buttons that keep track of their current state.

• Radio buttons

• Check boxes

• Grouping:

_ Basically a container we can use to separate items.

_ Allows to have multiple sections of radio buttons.

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Example 1

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Demo 1

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Example 2

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Demo 2

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Textbox Control

_ Allows us to write things to the user and read things from the user.

_ It is basically a control that contains text, and the text unlike the label is

editable at runtime by the user.

• Text property

• Multiline textbox

• Password box

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Design Elements

• ToolTip

• Anchor• Dock

• Tab Order

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