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All New« Impartially Told C om m e r c ia l lea d er VOL. XVII, NO. XXXI LVNOHl'RST, K J, TWW>BAY, DECEMBER SO. 1*37 It P l ) i Advertise- Young Howe Die* After Losing Leg üvesWedT After Hit In Rutherford Umnaoft DaMasi. Jr., of S14 M '¡ton Avenue, was in Um County a,l . harged'with death by rackless driving. WillUm J Howe, 2 of Mount Vernon, N. Y. whom De- Mas js car «truck in Rutherford, Da- mt>er 18, dW Saturday afternoon Hasbrouck Height« Hospital fol- ng a week’* battle for life. Howe'« right leg, fractured in the llSh, w«a amputated at the hip i huisday night in a vain attempt rave off g«ngrene infection. Hia «.¡via waa fractured and hie bladder , jpuUgd when he was »truck while mring tirea on hia car in Route ■iear Feronia Way, Rutherford, ilowe's body waa taken to Mount V H'oa for burial by hia parents, Ml and Mr*. Kenneth Howe. The Mr. Howe ia a former mayor . i Mount Vernon and president of if lloari of Education. IvMaai, who waa released after the i. ident In the cuatody of Mayor II-.race R. Bogle, waa re-arrested on Monday nTorning. Football Committee Thanks Editor Teachers Asking Pay Increments Michael Filippone, president of the Lynd burnt Teachers’ AaaocisUon. aaid Monday the association will aak the Board of Education to re- store the achedule of teacher»’ incre- ments next achool year He »rill at- tend a meeting of the finance com- mittee of the Board Friday night with a request that a sum suffi- cient to take care of these increase* be included in he 1 *>38-39 budget. Thin year the boerd eliminated ■alary cuts which had been in ef- fect eight year». “Now for the fir»t time since 1929,’’ Filippone aaid. "the teach- er» are getting the amount* called for in their contract»." The association asked the board laat 9v*"g to reatore increments rather than eliminate salary cuts, but the board did the opposite. Recently the aaeociation asked the . board f r information aa to aal-1 aiies, lengths of service, etc., of all Lyndhurst teachera Thi» was pro-1 vided and the prsaent raqueet la haaad on th* information thus oh* I tained. Short Circuited Christmas Lights | Set House Afire rr.mereiai leader Valley Brook Avenue . n IhilTVt, N . J I»ear Sir»: At ttfNT Vmmi I wish to axttad my s.r.cgraat thanks for the mannet n which you advertised the Baa- .,jet tendered to the local High school Football Team laat Saturday v. ning W* ail realise that the m wipaper» are a great medium of munication for the people of this age, and y>urs la no exception I >the rule. 1 know that your paper ready aided the attendance at the banquet, and again I say. thank«. If yon will permit me, I desire ' i thank the following people for ’heir effort« In insuring sure««« for the affair: Joseph Mutt, for lending hi« mo- t »n pictirt machine and aerern. a l«»ng with fUma of the Ridgefield l‘»rk football game on Thanksgiving Dag. Kdtmmd Burke, principal oi the High School, for his whole-hearted P* ration and encouragstnem of the entire affair. Clarence Sherwood, Walter Wolf. !»ominick Souaa, and Arthur Mundy, •*li members of ths Board of Edu- r.aioa, who were so actively inter- 'ted in the aucceaa of the Banquet Ralph Mahon, Sr., who advised the Comh H h at all Mama regard* me «nine fine ideas. Alfred C. Gilmore, who rendered rrest service in the purchase of the »rroa and other incidentals, and a*© operated the motion picture m«chine at the affair And the f->llowing member* af Committee: Jacob Burk, H|| Kreid. Frad Cottrell, Dan I*.!’., chilis. Arm and Toron, Martin Car* g. William J. Burke, Joaeph Gats. l*r l.amherto, Fred Saum, Henry I'wyer, Mr«. Feldman, Mr» •*n. Jack Garde, r^ann, William Svl- H "e-din. Joseph Melillo and William *' Collhm. 1 alae wi«h to thank the follow- ’'g organisation» for their active '•>nort of the affair: The B. P O. Elks The Irish American Cl»b T**» F »esters of America The I vndhurst Hebrew Aasseia ita Auxiliary A abort circuit in the electric light« Ion the Christ mas tree of Dr Georga F. Simms caused a lire that did damage of SHOO to $1,000 Sunday. The tree, the toy« of the three young Simms children and furniture tb* Simms living, room »mm The lire broke out whilt the Simma family era« at dinner. TV flamer had made heacway before they were discovered. Dr Simms called for the |Fire Department, then played a gar- den hoee over the Ära. Firemen aaid if Dr. Simma had not acted eo quickly, considerable mom damage would hsve been duo«. Dr. Sinuns »howed considerable concern ever the loas of the children*« toy«. Ha spent a busy time «««urinf them Santa Claus would hear abo«t the lire and pay another visit to IN*, Mildred Schulte Engaged to Wed F. Gallagher Mr. sad Mrs. William Schulte, of 712 Rutherford Avenue, snnouoced the engagement of their daughter, Misa Mildred Schuhe to Frank Gallagher, eon of Mr and Mrs William Gallagher, of 10M Ridge K.>ad. at a d H M M s >1. .aer party at their hosae. No date bee been eet for the wedding Miaa Schulte is a graduate at St. Mary's High School, of Ruth erford, where she was valedictorian of her else* Mr. Gallagher gradu ated from St. Benedict's High School, of Nfwark, Fordham College and attended Fordham Law School Yesterday a cocktail party «raa given at the Schulte home in their honor Guests were: Howard Bene». William Bell.«. William Levsnduak* Frank Wenirl. Jmi v Novs’r % Ag nea Hannagan, Ixrttie WKktewlcs Catherine Dramia, Edith Beeby and Robert Quade Also Chet Denech, Muriel Stur man, Edwswd Gaapierick, Gertrud* Ann* in. Elaie Ra «aback, i^harie« Schneider. Naomi Gutheil, William Gallagher. Grace Broderick. Edward l.tsley. Hilda Chlrers, David Den aid, Mr and Mn. E A. Utito, MeMne Rummler, Doria Stenhea. Bernard Schneider, Howard Fsm- kopf, Mr and Mm. Wllmer Decker Jam«« Donald. William Boff. Frank Flanagan, Donald O’Brien. A dele Tansola, Bess Bennett, Mr. agd Mr* F. V Gallagher of Lyadhurst Also Frencee McQuadc and Thom aa Diffily of Rutherford, Glady« Lockwood of utley; Helen Pierson and Kenneth Wainwvight of Hi* ahelh, .Gertrude M irtK«. Howard IU l« k and Wi nter t»f Bans aey; Misses A and K Gallagher Gen* Gahrin. Julia Van Riper and Mr. and Mr«. Fnmk Schalte of Jerny City; Jack Caaey af Belie- ving, Victor Croaier «ad Jean Pat* or it Arlington. Eleanor Mfcycr Engaged to Wed Long Maad Man Mr ud Mn. U tL S. Maya, ad 121 Kifu, In n jn an l Jk r IIW H C M«f«r, 1» Vtrtw t. Millar. M at Nk I. I Mttter of HmithaaiptMl L L. .1 . dm- n«r party M «Ml hmtm MmmUjt uefct. kw h a «n tar th* «Alias. M ia M«f«r la • M LrattaM IW «4 Mr MiUrr iradualad I* BrMtlyn Ihwla at Mw M M a»*: Mr. a ad Mr* Joka 4. H RarkMukl. Jr.. aad teacMar lh> «~r mmn F-aity. J«rrf M l. M U>»to Mayar. Jr. Mr. M«a LaaU DakHaftr aai «WMktar MarM .( Lyadkimt. M m * SartW a»J la^ a , RKodrAara Arthur Burn* aad Eralya SatkariMl af i»nn city aI SraaWyr. Thief Steals Gifts From Ptked Car Seal Sale Under Santa Sticks In Fullerton’s Jaw Last Year’s Mark Dumbwaiter At Cracked by Thug Haw« AshBi KA^BB Pwty l.\ ndhurnt .Man Save« t hrUtmait I’uckai:« - aaaaal itrM a i. (any ml Mrs. J. Hawes Aikn People To Please Send Money o ^ 1 » 1f u n — la«iaa, «Uk Ra»> i" — M, ml a t *. Mr» Jaka Ha«r. CkrlaUnaa Saal I i» * » aad Kaa. af tkr A.aaaa. aa.W Cknmtmmm a Otairman Hr Ik. «araaa r.<uuy , fftowana, IV . ... fw . H.m \ TakmakM, and Hrcllk KmmmlmUmm. **! ' m T *•«. W ill Ik m*wmm sT« Mai n»orud uriay Ikai ik. S«.l Salt | * . ^ 'JT rw nLrm J; ^ ,w wk. **sto vV- «•*** r* r. "•* •• had baea delayed in making ihetr eaMnhatiens during th« pre-tlirlet- £ "The Dlrec%wt* af the Tubervu leMi Aa»vtatioa." Mra llawea aaid. by U*s 1 • p e r n i a , RecitaUea. Twin -That*« What I Want fee u* ,S r, a», pack Tba « grab fur ik* k>*.k.agaa Ieri«.» arsa I bv Derethy J« -What thm t ■1M> Ulta J »Utma. "Imagine n and ht< la : tw raileeioa MWd. vom Isas. Baaaftafa IN knackkaa s N hI » t b, Jane patieats aad their familtee We want U eatead «till further thé w«rk ef Nurse Services and Ta- sw», »yt>.. ■— »... —. and XKaylnt « I, DMana, -Sm > 4aa m » »k»! kad ..„- „..i ~ ri Iter»!», H-aa. an) ,i mum* ». Ka4 U a Jly Ik w H a ttlla m UaaMk. RarHMta., -J.., aaM k.a. A fWnba aa Mr*. Baal funda TV ataarvia af tub.. 1 rhdatMa". te . ait-a a -- ralaau«« ikru Rw llk Rda Tkal'. Wkal I Waal fa. I»aa- b, r>* * H I ratian. «kirk ÿruvUaa fra. bnaraa. B hh . Pvaa. aaU. /y Ma*aa M aoaad aMttoa ph i.traa and lltara n » "a a TanaM . Rartlallaai. -Ba»laa “• '* 11 “ »• l«ki*M k (>a«al T I. fanwr kunl and aé« ruji^al « Srlal»» look aul of tka nioktU laa aarfam. ™ -'* k-l «»." .... . . i . i»r ih. ^ ■»*" 10 W ! wklrk .a I1IÎU I r II ka... rrr. .ad al lha .am . I , Ì Mia. akould ka aManlad IlalM a “l I'alla I'M It , PUa.. 4aal ky >ra« t*. , ml Mr and Mr. ganaruu. and pranpt raapnaaa u ! ^ , ““ ka. . « tkan >ad *r»va ika » a . I f„r».rl, af Lyad r»-l»~l fraa. tkaaa wk« k»r- ikrwaa. «wk y . . y , t, Ik. : “ ka .«<a lha k uwi ¿ TJaL-k. -a. I r* eoalrlkutad. a » of tk«. Hm < W » k , | M a * .', »a kad k^a ¿L trior, - m— * I fartant work will kavr ta k. rat aa ^ mmmmjÊÊmàmé «a tka II. laau^ Vallarti tar tka aja*. I *-»- * „ ... a .. i*ane ay mra r qhMM, a«Mi kim ______ kaak W tk.1. aato lattjd . rm m auM I'wauk, Alwt j.aka. ■ ***• u„ Tte Ckalmaa raaartW ikat *«.. , — m. K (-w. tm t klTla. ' * ----- Tee ms m* had Meta St rr*». Markeaeark. £ - w Xmas Musicale ta* t WkS^jeaae J.a«t. m .- u » n r Li* i o rtJT^X iIS Of High School tk. arrival ml Aaa’a i".aa. Ill II 4 a. i Well Attend«! S3*. ___. bis Cssfkse. at «ha pia._,-._.. Il» II tw rnmlag reaad the I Mrs. A. Carella Heads Auxiliary Ladies* Auxiliary of tbe Colam- j bus dub Igat light elected Mrs. Anna Carella president, to aucoe«d Mr«, r n a k Monaco who has «erred ! for two y«ae*. Installation will he held January 13th Other officers elected were: Vice President, Mr«. John Ruggiero; Fi- nancial Secretary, Mr*. Ralph Caia- bella: Corresponding .Secretary, Mra. Emily Guidetti; Ttwaaurer. Mr* Christine Colahella. Lady Guard, M i. \M0 Oaliatti; Mrs Natalie Marino. Mrs. L«7 DeLoy and Mrs Sadie Petsola Plans were made for a thesdre party nest month In New York City. a A Christmas Party was held after the meeting Gifts were eschenged. Frigugtietti-Appo Engagement Told Mfs and Mm. Berasrii Frlgug liettl, 61» Third Avenue, announced the angsgesaent ef their daughter. Mbea, to Aathony J Appo, «en at W r. and Mrs Frank Appo, ef lia HeHhafi Street. F.ast Rutherford, on Christma» n»»ht. No d«ta waa «et for the wedding Mr Appo la em pieytd at the Eeat Rutherford Syr- inge Oenpsny. Two Injured L In Smash-upI <*• ! jHa.Ti.n !".! ^ k, o -d Miss J. Guidetti ^ g ap b ¿r.:: *; Weds F. Dichiara ^ " 1 jCTST^l _ «Laal, Pawra«. rollila M...»l*j Inolia, aad KlvaraW. Av»««W To . rearaalla'1 !.ft koa. rap Wan fra. "A U iii MI af fkllllpakar» by CypWpi. T.«aara«tta. _ _ . t A *f 1 "a«aa. intan»! la j P R D Q C S w it t . martial hS kua. 'an -** gaSlträi fm »» MM plfcw .......... , ‘TL*— ** <unr1 H . ... a.i .1 lo N M RM 0 * ,|. Ba^rwl Ha»'* S»ia>M t'atkolu | rt.noa. D al». •iai Baapilal H, Dr. M U » fai j (% a„K wW M.« laM U UaaMlt. Ib PwH J liaies *»• irvalm.M 1 4a«ktal af Cmml ) Uatartw. aad I rv a ■ . t "SMS " 1 Mra. af l oaal» Man SMNk •* M " I Mra 'M m B t.aldaUl al «U Naa _________ Avana., waa tat aad hralaad L Ama karaaw tka bru* ml Monter a kan Aa «aa «Uwrk by aa Prank IW Vt>». » af M. aad Mra auuawNW aa Riva raid. Avanoa aaai Nlrktila# lut'kiara ..f tt Taylor «tpMl. Thoma. Avanu. Olaawat A< MUWr. Sawark. al t a‘rlnirk. Rav Tkaaa.'« Nawark. tka dnvar. aa.d Mra. IWw.. j H ilW m rfi. paMor of Ifc. rkarrk. waik.'d la fraat af kM aabaaaktla | parfariwad tka «-raraoa» Tk. kna. taw«ma a atantaat to kar Ojfkr, Tka rkarrk wa. attrartlvaij da.« ratad wtik paUa. akd p» na»tl«. On 102 U neK Œ “ DEAD” MAN SUDES DOWN -.H RAIN PIPE FROM 2nd FLOOR A daad man rliaika d« »I w.« Hod .aa day mgkt and«d <a darkwu lOw a« ratpty Wat ky tka wtad Tka daad sait «U -Sauln« . kamaa. a Mark Paul Bua Bdaaangrn' .hark* aa tka **Av. Mat«.. Trwli - • t«4 "I I .iv# Y vw •aaaa ik. M.n«aai Baa T. llarkaaaadk. aad M k > b m . Tar MtvaA. ra<ka>ai (ka fara h m aiti ■Mad fraai Ik. tlatfataad .abroad W BataaefMd A m a . aad . Ika farà fr oa Nawark I« Bwlllaf iaa- » a I ’‘" ‘. " n ^ T ïto L ** ' TW^fa» kMwm Ta. Ha kai rrawM aal M» *a*a« «• I»a« a« kai..r aa.1 Tk.*aa 1.1-a»» r,^m Ammmmm la I r~r- — mwt aarond h « af tka fc.«*la> «»• Balkar .f ik. mm. kW ..H«d Milaa «MI I f . : , ! k. I (MH. laètoad I * aaaMa Uakna «an-Waio U » . raaau. |toM «U| apanta m ay It m,mm~. j at Mis be»w and Nwnulas Hrc^mea,^^'laüüf^”éf half hoar d«..»« , krwtkw af Ifca lakk«r»H. Ik. 4a» B«d ^ la a W H p M T V brafc nmhI* askU M«Ma by im HaflfaMnrt Na a • • UN» Qm» c «ack.W tl ««rose AM Ta fiM ldd a«d Jk*» y . T\m Alieam« Jr «wveà**! «« m* Chflaïasas «us ai« i laftu af Tbdk '.«m « lafca aad SruH Chief Bayer Seeks 2 New Policemen tea Chief flayer ef Lyndburst r«-tjoeat the Bosrd ef Coasmin- IP provide fund« ia the IM * budget for two more patrolmen and additional motorised equ Three new patrolman I also wish to thank very «in- I thin ym r. and two racanctea eilst ely the Messrs. Al I^«ks. Carl Bnyw today said the department has y rr* and Frank Klrkleeki. whe | bat one good patrol car sad ealy rmemuoly donated their time in ttk»r a* mid ytOB da# J a h -e#** * 4 a»4 VdlfcM » . c •<Nt « ~ m r*s«d psafty M rian “Smiling Joe CHrUtmas Bee hosmi tal after < Stage M- le- if ta» night shirt Mml »*«*• gpm ed a *»<«» re»*» a*>k titt UMsee af ihe .al.*j sad «%IU M m * Tv- Set the petoeo »he «parity cf sneaker*. My thank' 1 + %'«o «tended to Coach N *fur»mgg and the Football a « d e d . amtseially i r »' '»era««. My thaaha aad aaa etulailaM are aisairi ta tb* r* -ml public who attended the af- *»<r and made it successful. i n 1v ankiag you far the apare U ’* r»*a am la this reaped. I re- | w . C. T STLVESTBR GOLDBERG Word wa« r sea lead from Ualar jnd Gragg Waldark* ferwmHy Grace Mago» of Jersey City, tkal tk., w a I ______ ^ 1—ad PM,»» a« a ' I«--— aa- “ •"T“~ <>• Lnkrr r. Waldark aaa af Tka Aim Caray Mr*!•«.» Wo- mar . Chr attar. Xtmfmnatm Uaiaa «111 M at Ik. k a t af Mr. Pa««- Monaa, .ftaraaaa. Jaraary I. at A r.»a»i ipvrtaltoa la aataaBad ana. t.rariaao Tata. kat«aan "Htnilia* Ja a V Jna” .track a»«« tk. aappnl o» l«o and • kalf of kladr m kla haart Cran tkan ka kept tut (a«l and M ip ial aftar tk. Tktaa, Wood, fata drooltAg froat kla maatk TV Tata. Had Miaa found -BialllM Jaa" attB raarlaa «kan tkay iwarkad kla ifcark Tk«y «al klm la Ika koapitai I laarl " 1- «ill g.owllrt M kla II. tkan Id hava I a n d—d tk. Sr. H R Ihikaa, «ka »Trad ssa* so an Amsy “Smiliftf Jaa- dMat kaw kut ka rat a«ay tar* af kla m l.ftad owl Ma kaart *t«k th. UKl MdtM IBH 11 * ta M W lilia li «ka Mada aa N k* wtthdrawn aad tkaa l>r taak tkra. aliUkaa a tkr kaarl aa« u a a p d a la 1 ikla palaa tmra »eti a -l rad Tka mabl af beam wae anrusttee | <* -y .»■ . » —i .— jCelebrile! Twelfth tk. kalf. kiaBa dia B a kaart Tkay MW kla. «akad mmtk. apaai I a■ K. ..1 a ' fca« y et «ha »’«tata*»» flab fæ m irai After s Ulp Me aM Hr. la«a.a*s art« a* fpd tasewHS. I^riaj U Anniverury Tues. Aa kaar latar He. Daka. kad ^ .iakk.1 taraa«a vka ptaead tka kaart. aad -BaalM« Jo a ' paw.ria Naaaad a taB la k privai. < M«a Ma. . Bwald. af Tie med el We Wme I s «arpd« 'paefg'ft ■nae a# A« • aa l»S a*dtf*eg ana- « m rr a« ha*. ga»sa«o M* aed M*« Amateur Night At Legion Hut aad Mra A hwi the*« « hMa« * a«pa^ *t» |»Hb- I « aa taf SaOkaldiaB * -fw a Maar .'•kite SfclB > a l»raé» « taM «tan. • FVbbS« * e*-r -«a>< Mmh« •ligM ’ a ta >a«haa4«a e>» nas p a n . se«> . j r r . eiaa Faa#am * æsl I j MN' - - ■ » w - e^.*a .a^ try *a fr»* d er aa« te ’h e h# me m «% fe***« t.y » a a * lUàp* ka* « a a u a«d ka* «aa»«- e W -a a s - - - “ -Tir- - ad* «a» .üaaaaaa aihww* »♦•■iwws «• . «aa». A«i '»v* ru M,rg»kT twii *k-e% f%* rsissmg alarm as mi«« *§ m

C om m ercial lea d er New« Impartially Told Com m ercial lea d er VOL. XVII, NO. XXXI LVNOHl'RST, K J, TWW>BAY, DECEMBER SO. 1*37 It Pl)i Advertise-Young Howe Die* After Losing Leg

May 27, 2018



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Page 1: C om m ercial lea d er New« Impartially Told Com m ercial lea d er VOL. XVII, NO. XXXI LVNOHl'RST, K J, TWW>BAY, DECEMBER SO. 1*37 It Pl)i Advertise-Young Howe Die* After Losing Leg

All New« Impartially

Told C o m m e r c i a l l e a d e rVO L. X V I I , N O . X X X I L V N O H l 'R S T , K J , T W W > B A Y , D E C E M B E R SO. 1*37

It P l)i

A d v e r t i s e -

Young Howe Die* After Losing Leg

üvesWedT After Hit In Rutherford

U m n a o f t D aM asi. Jr ., o f S14 M '¡ton A venue, w a s in Um County a,l . h a rg ed 'w ith d ea th by rack less

driving. W illU m J H ow e, 2 o f Mount V ernon, N . Y . w hom De- Mas j s car «truck in R u th erford , D a-

mt>er 18, d W S a tu rd a y aftern oon Hasbrouck Height« H ospita l fo l- ng a week’* b a ttle fo r life .

Howe'« r ig h t le g , fractu red in th e llSh, w«a a m p u tated a t th e h ip

i hu isd ay night in a vain a ttem p t rave off g«ngrene in fection . H ia

«.¡via waa fra ctu red and h ie b ladder , jpuU gd when he w a s »truck while

mring tirea o n h ia c a r in R oute ■iear F eron ia W a y , R utherford ,

ilowe's body w aa taken to Mount V H'oa for burial by hia p aren ts, Ml and Mr*. K en neth Howe. T he

Mr. H ow e ia a form er m ayor . i Mount V ernon and president of

if l lo a ri of Education.IvM aai, who waa released after the

i. ident In the cuatody of Mayor II-.race R. Bogle, waa re-arrested on Monday nTorning.

Football Committee Thanks Editor

Teachers Asking Pay Increments

M ichael F ilip p one , president o f the Lynd burnt T each ers’ AaaocisU on. aaid M onday th e associa tion w ill aak th e B oard o f E du cation to re­sto r e th e achedule o f teacher»’ incre­m ents n e x t achool yea r H e »rill a t­tend a m e etin g o f th e fin a n ce com ­m ittee o f th e Board F rid ay n igh t w ith a requ est th a t a sum s u ff i ­c ie n t to ta k e ca r e o f th ese increase* be included in he 1 *>38-39 budget.

Thin year the boerd eliminated ■alary cuts which had been in ef­fect eight year».

“ Now for the fir»t time since 1929,’’ Filippone aaid. "the teach­er» are getting the amount* called fo r in the ir contract»."

The association asked the board laat 9 v * "g to reatore increments ra th er than eliminate salary cuts, but the board did the opposite.

Recently the aaeociation asked the . board f r information aa to aal-1 aiies, lengths of service, etc., of all Lyndhurst teachera Thi» was pro-1 vided and the prsaent raqueet la haaad on th* information thus oh* I tained.

Short Circuited Christmas Lights |

Set House Afire• rr.m ereiai l e a d e r

Valley Brook Avenue . n IhilTVt, N . J

I»ear S ir»:

At ttfNT Vm m i I wish to axttadmy s.r.cgraat thanks fo r th e m annet n which you a d v ertise d th e Baa-

.,jet tendered to th e local High school Football Team laat Saturday■ v. ning W * a il realise that the m wipaper» are a great medium of

munication for the people of this age, and y>urs la no exception I > the rule. 1 know that your paper

ready aided the attendance at the banquet, and again I say. thank«.

I f yon w ill permit me, I desire ' i thank the following people for ’heir effort« In insuring sure««« for the a ffa ir :

Joseph Mutt, for lending hi« mo- t »n p ic tir t machine and aerern. a l«»ng with fUma of the Ridgefield l‘»rk football game on Thanksgiving Dag.

Kdtmmd Burke, principal o i the High School, for his whole-hearted

P* ration and encouragstnem of the entire a ffa ir.

Clarence Sherwood, W alter Wolf. !»ominick Souaa, and A rthur Mundy, •*li members of ths Board of Edu- r.aioa, who were so actively inter- • 'ted in the aucceaa of the Banquet

Ralph Mahon, Sr., who advised the Co m h H h a t a ll Mama regard* me «nine fine ideas.

Alfred C. Gilmore, who rendered rrest service in the purchase of the■ »rroa and other incidentals, and a*© operated the motion picture m «chine at the a ffa ir

And the f->l lowing member* a f Committee: Jacob Burk, H ||

Kreid. Frad Cottrell, Dan I* . ! ’ . , chilis. Arm and Toron, Martin Car*

g. W illiam J . Burke, Joaeph G a ts . l*r l.amherto, Fred Saum, Henry I'wyer, Mr«. Feldman, Mr»•*n. Ja ck Garde, r^ann, W illiam Svl- H "e-din. Joseph Melillo and W illiam *' Collhm.

1 alae wi«h to thank the follow- ’'g organisation» for their active '•>nort of the a ffa ir :The B. P O. Elks The Irish American Cl»b T**» F »esters o f America The I vndhurst Hebrew Aasseia

ita Auxiliary

A abort circuit in the electric light« Ion the Christ mas tree of Dr G eorga F. Simms caused a lire that did damage of SHOO to $1,000 Sunday.

T h e tr ee , th e toy« o f the three you ng S im m s ch ildren and furniture u» tb* Simms living, room »mm

The lire broke o u t w h ilt the Sim m a fa m ily era« a t d inner. T V flam er had made heacway before th ey w ere discovered. D r Simms called for the | F ire Department, then played a gar­den hoee over the Ära.

Firemen aaid i f Dr. Simma had not acted eo quickly, considerable mom damage would hsve been duo«.

Dr. Sinuns »howed considerable concern ever the loas of the children*« toy«. Ha spent a busy time «««urinf them Santa Claus would hear abo«t the lire and pay another vis it to I N * ,

Mildred Schulte Engaged to Wed

F. GallagherMr. sad Mrs. W illiam Schulte, of

712 Rutherford Avenue, snnouoced the engagement of their daughter, Misa Mildred Schuhe to Frank Gallagher, eon of M r and Mrs W illiam Gallagher, of 10M Ridge K.>ad. at a d H M M s >1. .aer party at their hosae. No date bee been eet for the wedding

Miaa Schulte is a graduate a t St. Mary's High School, of Ruth erford, where she was valedictorian of her else* Mr. Gallagher gradu ated from St. Benedict's High School, of Nfwark, Fordham College and attended Fordham Law School

Yesterday a cocktail party «raa given at the Schulte home in their honor Guests were: Howard Bene». W illiam Bell.«. W illiam Levsnduak* Frank W enirl. Jm i v Novs’ r % Ag nea Hannagan, Ixrttie WKktewlcs Catherine Dramia, Edith Beeby and Robert Quade

Also Chet Denech, Muriel Stur man, Edwswd Gaapierick, Gertrud* Ann* in. Elaie Ra «aback, i^harie« Schneider. Naomi Gutheil, W illiam Gallagher. Grace Broderick. Edward l.tsley. Hilda Chlrers, David Den aid, Mr and M n . E A. U t ito , M eM ne Rummler, Doria Stenhea. Bernard Schneider, Howard Fsm- kopf, M r and Mm. Wllmer Decker Jam «« Donald. W illiam Boff. Frank Flanagan, Donald O’Brien. A dele Tansola, Bess Bennett, Mr. agd Mr* F . V Gallagher of Lyadhurst

Also Frencee McQuadc and Thom aa D iffily of Rutherford, Glady« Lockwood of utley; Helen Pierson and Kenneth Wainwvight of H i* ahelh, .Gertrude M ir tK « . Howard I U l « k and Wi n te r t»f Bansaey; Misses A and K Gallagher Gen* Gahrin. Ju lia Van Riper and Mr. and Mr«. Fnm k Schalte of Je r n y C ity ; Jack Caaey af Belie­ving, Victor Croaier «ad Jean Pat* or i t Arlington.

Eleanor Mfcycr Engaged to Wed Long Maad Man

M r u d M n . U t L S . M aya, ad121 K ifu , I n n j n a n l J k r

I I W H C M «f«r, 1» V trtw t . Millar. M a t N k I . I Mttter of H m ithaaiptM l L L . . 1 . dm- n«r party M « M l hmtm MmmUjt uefct. N» kw h a «n ta rth* « A l i a s .

M ia M «f«r l a • ML r a t t a M I W « 4 MrMiUrr iradualad I*BrM tlyn

Ih w la at Mw M M a » * : Mr. a ad Mr* Jo k a 4 . H RarkMukl. J r . . aad te a c M a r l h > « ~ rmmn F-aity. J « r r f M l . M U>»to Mayar. J r . Mr. M « M«a LaaU D akH aftr aai «WMktar M arM . ( L yadkim t. M m * Sa rtW a » J l a ^ a , R K o d rA a ra Arthur Burn* aad E ra lya S a tk a r iM l a f i» n n c ity

aI SraaWyr.

Thief Steals Gifts From Ptked Car

Seal Sale Under Santa Sticks In Fullerton’s Jaw Last Year’s Mark Dumbwaiter At Cracked by Thug

Haw« AshBi KA^BB Pwty l.\ ndhurnt .Man Save«t hrUtmait I’uckai:« -aaaaal i t r M a i . ( a n y ml

Mrs. J. Hawes Aikn People To Please

Send Money o ^ 1» 1 f u n — la«iaa, «Uk Ra A»> i" — M, ml a t * .

Mr» Ja k a H a « r . CkrlaUnaa Saal I i » * » aad Kaa. a f tkr A .aaaa . aa.W a » Cknmtmmm aOtairm an Hr Ik . «araaa r.<uuy , ffto w ana, I V * « . . . . f w . H.m \T a k m a k M , and H rc llk KmmmlmUmm. ** ! ' m T * • « . W i l l I k m *w m m s T « Main » o ru d uriay Ik a i ik . S « . l S a lt | * . ^ ' J T

r w n L r m J ; ^ , w w k . * * s to v V - « • * * * r * r . " • * ••had baea delayed in making ihetr eaM nhatiens during th« pre-tlirlet-

£ "T h e Dlrec%wt* a f the Tubervu leM i A a»vtatioa." M ra llawea aaid.

by U *s 1 • p e r n ia ,RecitaUea.T w in -That*« W hat I W ant fee u* , S r , a», pack T ba

« g rab fur ik* k>*.k.agaa Ie r i« .» arsa I

bv Derethy J« -What thm t

■ 1 M >U lta J »Utm a. "Im ag ine n and ht< la

: t w raileeioa MWd. v o m Is a s .B aaa fta faI N knackkaa

s N

h I » t b, Janepatieats aad their familtee W e want U eatead «till further thé w«rk ef

Nurse Services and Ta- s w » , »yt> .. ■— »... — .and XK ayln t « I , DM ana, -Sm > 4aa m » »k»! kad . . „ - „ . . i

~ r i Iter»!», H-aa. an) ,imum* ». Ka4 U aJly Ik w H a t t l la m UaaM k. RarHMta., -J .. ,

a a M k.a. A f W n b a aaMr*.

Baal funda T V a ta a rv ia a f t u b . . 1 r h d a t M a " . t e . a i t - a a --ra laau«« ikru R w llk Rda T k a l '. Wkal I Waal fa . I » a a - b , r>**H

I ratian. «k irk ÿruvUaa fr a . b n araa . B h h . Pvaa. aaU. ” / y M a*a a Maoaad aMttoa ph i.traa and lltara n » " a a T a n a M . Rartlallaai. -Ba»laa “ • ' * 1 1 “ » • l « k i * M k

(> a « a l T I . fa n w rk u n l a n d a é « r u j i ^ a l « S r l a l » » look aul of tkan io k tU l a a a a r f a m . ™ - ' * k - l « » . " . . . . . . i . i»r ih .

^ “ ■»*" 10 W ! wklrk .a I 1 I Î U I r IIk a ... r r r . .ad al lha .a m . I

, Ì M ia . akould ka aManlad I l a lM a “ l I 'a l la I 'M I t , PU a.. 4aal ky >ra« a m .a d t*., ml Mr and M r. ganaruu. and pranpt raapnaaa u ! ^ , “ “ ka . . « tk an >ad *r»va ika » a .I f „ r » . r l , a f Lyad r» - l» ~ l fraa. tkaaa wk« k»r- i k r w a a . « w k y . . y , t , Ik . : “ k a .«< a l h a k u w i¿ T J a L - k . - a . I r * eoalrlkutad. a » of tk«. H m < W » k , | M a * . ' , » a kad k ^ a¿ L trio r, - m— * I fartan t work will kavr ta k . ra t aa^ mmmmjÊÊmàmé «a tka I I . l a a u ^ V a l la r t i tar tka a j a * .

I *-»- * „ ... a .. i*ane ay m ra r q h M M , a«Mi kim ______kaak W tk.1 . aato lattjd . rm m a u M I ' w a u k , A l w t j . a k a . ■ * * * •u „ T t e C k a lm aa raaartW ikat * « . . , — m . K ( - w . tm t k l T l a . ' * -----

Tee ms m* had

Meta St rr*». Markeaeark.

£ - w Xmas Musicaleta * t W k S ^ j e a a e J .a « t . m .- u » n r L i * i o ■ ■

r t J T ^ X iIS Of High Schoolt k . a r r i v a l ml A a a ’a i " . a a . I l l I I 4 a . iWell Attend«!S3*.___. b is

Cssfkse. at «ha p ia ._ ,- ._ .. Il» II tw rnmlag reaad the I

Mrs. A. Carella Heads Auxiliary

Ladies* Auxiliary of tbe Colam- j bus d u b Igat lig h t elected Mrs. Anna Carella president, to aucoe«d Mr«, r n a k Monaco who has «er r ed ! for two y«ae*. Installation will he held Jan u a ry 13th

Other officers elected were: Vice President, Mr«. John Ruggiero; F i ­nancial Secretary, Mr*. Ralph Caia- bella: Corresponding .Secretary, Mra. Em ily Guidetti; Ttwaaurer. Mr* Christine Colahella. Lady Guard, M i. \M0 Oaliatti;Mrs Natalie Marino. Mrs. L « 7 DeLoy and Mrs Sadie P e t so la

Plans were made for a thesdre party nest month In New York C ity . • a

A Christmas Party was held after the meeting G ifts were eschenged.

Frigugtietti-Appo Engagement Told

M fs and Mm. Berasr ii Frlgugliettl, 61» Third Avenue, announced the angsgesaent e f their daughter. Mbea, to Aathony J Appo, «en a t W r. and Mrs Frank Appo, ef l i a HeHhafi Street. F.ast Rutherford, on Christma» n»»ht. No d«ta waa «et for the wedding M r Appo la em pieytd at the Eeat Rutherford S y r ­inge Oenpsny.

Two InjuredL In Smash-up I — <*• ! jHa.Ti.n !".!

^ k, o - d Miss J. Guidetti i Ä ^ g a p b¿ r .:: *; Weds F. Dichiara ^ " 1 jCTST^l _

« L a a l, P a w r a « . r o l l i l a M ...» l* j In o lia , aad KlvaraW. Av»««W To . rearaalla '1 ! . f t k o a . rap Wan fr a . "A

U iiiM I af fkllllpakar»by CypWpi. T.«aara«tta. _ _ . t

A * f 1 "a«aa . intan»! la j P R D Q C S w i t t .m a r t i a l h S kua. 'a n -** g a S l t r ä i fm » » M M plfcw .......... , ‘ T L * — **<unr1 H . . . . a .i .1 lo N M R M 0 * , | . Ba^rwl Ha»'* S»ia>M t 'a tk o lu | r t . n o a . D a l » .•iai Baapilal H, Dr. M U » fa i j ( % a „ K w W M .« l a M U U aaM lt. IbPwH J liaies *»•irvalm.M 1 4 a « k ta l af Cmml) U atartw . aad I r v a ■ . t " S M S " 1

Mra. a f l oaal»

M an SM N k •* M " I M ra ' M m B t.aldaU l a l « U Naa_________ Avana., waa ta t aad hralaad L A m a karaaw tka bru* mlM onter a kan A a «a a «Uwrk by aa Prank IW V t> » . » a f M. aad Mraauuaw NW aa Riva raid. Avanoa aaai Nlrktila# lu t'k iara ..f t t Taylor «tpMl.Thoma. Avanu. Olaawat A< MUWr. Saw ark . a l t a ‘rlnirk. Rav Tkaaa.'«Nawark. tka dnvar. aa.d Mra. IWw.. j H ilW m r fi. paMor of Ifc. rkarrk. waik.'d la fraat a f kM aabaaaktla | parfariwad tka «-raraoa» T k . k n a .

t a w « m a a atan taa t to kar O jfk r , Tka rkarrk w a. a ttrar tlv a ij da.«

ratad wtik paUa. akd p» n a » tl« .

On 102 U n eK Œ


A daad man rliaika d « »I w.« Hod.aa day mgkt and«d <a darkwu lOw a« ratpty Wat ky tka wtad

Tka daad sait « U -Sauln«. kamaa. a Mark Paul Bua Bdaaangrn' .hark* aa tka

**Av. Mat«.. Trw li -

• t«4 " I I .iv# Y vw

•aaaa ik . M .n « a a i Baa T.llarkaaaadk. aad M k > b m . Tar

M tv a A .ra<ka>ai (ka fara h m a it i ■Mad fraai Ik . tlatfataad

.abroad W BataaefMd A m a . aad . Ika farà f r oa Nawark I«

B w llla f iaa- » — a I ’‘ " ‘. " n ^ T ï t o L ** ' T W^ f a » kMwm T a .Ha k a i r r a w M aa l M » * a * a « «• I» a « a« kai..r aa.1 T k .* a a 1 .1-a»» r ,^ m Ammmmm la I r ~ r - — mwtaarond h « af tka fc.«*la> «»• B a lk a r . f ik . mm. k W . . H « d M i la a «M I

I f . : , ! k . I (M H . laètoad a» I* aaaMaU a k n a « a n -W a io U » . raaau. |toM «U | apanta m a y I t m ,m m ~.

j at Mis be»w and Nwnulas Hrc^mea,^^'laüüf^” é f half hoar d«..»«, krwtkw a f Ifca la k k « r» H . Ik . 4a» B«d ^ la a W H p M

T V brafc nmhI*

askU M«Ma

by i m HaflfaM nrtNa a

• •

UN» Qm» c

«ack.W t l ««rose AM Ta f iM ld da«d Jk*» y . T\m

Alieam« J r «wveà**! ««m*Chflaïasas «us ai« i laftua f

Tbdk '.«m « lafca aad

S r u H Chief Bayer Seeks 2 New Policementea Chief flaye r e f Lyndburst r«-tjoeat the Bosrd ef Coasmin-

IP provide fund« ia the IM * budget for two more patrolmen and additional motorised equ Three new patrolman

I also wish to thank very «in- I thin y m r. and two racanctea e ils t ely the Messrs. A l I^«ks. Carl B n yw today said the department has

y r r * and Frank Klrkleeki. whe | bat one good patrol car sad ealy rm em uoly donated their time in

t t k » r a * mid y tO B

da# J a h -e#** * 4 a»4 Vd lfcM » . c

•<Nt « ~ m r*s«dpsafty M r ia n“ Smiling Joe CHrUtmas Bee h osmi tal after < Stage

M-l e - i f ta»

night shirt Mml »*«*•gpm ed a *»<«» r e » * » a*>k t i t t UMsee a f ihe .a l .* j sad «%IU M m *

Tv-Set the petoeo

»he «parity c f sneaker*. M y thank'• 1+ %'«o «tended to Coach N *fur»mgg and the Football

• a « d e d . amtseially i r »' '»era««. M y thaaha aad aaa

■ etu la ilaM are a i s a i r i ta tb* r* -ml public who attended the af- *»<r and made it successful. i n

1v ankiag you far the apare U ’ * r » * a am la this reaped. I re- | w . C . T


Word wa« r sea lead from U a la r jnd Gragg Waldark* ferwmHy GraceMago» of Je rsey C ity, tk a l t k . , w a I ______^ 1—ad PM,»» a« a ' I« --— aa- “ •"T“~

< >• Lnkrr r. Waldark aaa af

Tka Aim Caray Mr*!•«.» Wo- mar . Chr attar. Xtmfmnatm Uaiaa « 111 M at Ik . k a t a f M r. Pa««-

Monaa, .ftaraaaa. Ja ra a ry I. at I «

A r .» a » i ipvrtaltoa la aataaBad

ana. t.rariaao Tata. kat«aan "Htnilia* Ja a VJna” .track a » « « tk . aappnl o» l« o and • kalf

o f kladr m kla haartCran tkan ka kept tut (a«l and

M ip ia l aftar tk. Tktaa, Wood, fa ta drooltAg froat kla maatk T V Tata. Had

M iaa found -BialllM Jaa" attB raarlaa «kan tkay iwarkad kla ifcark Tk«y «al klm la Ika koapitai I laarl " 1 - « il l g.owllrt M kla I I . tkan Id hava I a n d—d tk.

Sr. H R Ihikaa, «ka »Tradssa* so an Amsy “ Smiliftf Ja a - dM at kaw kut ka rat a « a y tar* a f kla m l.ftad owl Ma kaart *t«k th .U K l M d tM IB H 11 * ta M W l i l i a l i «ka Mada aa N k* wtthdrawn aad tkaa l>rtaak tk ra . aliUkaa a tkr kaarl aa«u a a p d a la 1

ikla palaa

tmra »eti a -l rad

Tka mabl af beam wae anrusttee | <* -y .»■. » ■ —i .—

j Celebrile! Twelfth

tk. kalf. kiaBa d ia B a kaart Tkay MW kla. «akad mm tk . apaai

I a■ K. ..1 a ' fca«y et «ha » ’«tata*»» f la b fæ

m ir a i After s ea.M .ag Ulp Me a M H r. la « a .a *s art«

a* fpd tasewHS. I^riaj

U Anniverury Tues.

Aa kaar latar He. Daka. kad ^ . ia k k .1 taraa«a vka ptaead tka kaart. aad -BaalM « J o a ' paw .r ia N aaaad

a taB la k p r iv a i. <

M«a Ma. . Bwald. af Tiemed e l We Wme I s «arpd « 'paefg'ft

■nae a# A « • aa l»S a*dtf*eg ana- «m rr a« ha*. ga»sa«o M* aed M*«

Amateur Night At Legion Hut

aad Mra A

h w i

the*« « hMa« * a « p a ^ * t» |» H b -I « a a taf S aO k a ld iaB * - f w a M aar

. ' • k i t e SfclB > a l»raé» « t a M «tan. •FVbbS« * e* -r - « a > < M m h «• l ig M ’ a t a > a« h a a 4 « a e>» nas p a n .s e « >

. j r r .e i a a F a a # a m * æ s l I j M N '

• - - ■ » w -e^ .*a . a ^ try * a f r » * d e r a a «

t e ’h e a» h# m e m «% f e * * * « t . y» a a *

lU à p * k a * « a a u a « d k a * «aa»«- e W -a a s - - - “-Tir- - ad* « a ». ü a a a a a a

aihww* »♦•■ iw w s « • . « a a » . A « i '»v*

r u M , r g » k T t w i i


f% * rsissmg a la rm a s mi«« *§ m

Page 2: C om m ercial lea d er New« Impartially Told Com m ercial lea d er VOL. XVII, NO. XXXI LVNOHl'RST, K J, TWW>BAY, DECEMBER SO. 1*37 It Pl)i Advertise-Young Howe Die* After Losing Leg

SNOW THRILLS!F o r H o m e M o v i e E n t h u t i a s t s RITZ

PH O N E K I TH '„’-M il

l — O t’TSTA XD IN C ; H IT S — aFriday. Saturday. Hundt« D*cei»f»er If, JanuarV .1*2


ZIMfTM 7 S JM - T T .k .c T . . . ,

■* — AUD—TIHÎ W llM IK K M IN I,K k

Bing Crosby“SING, BlNii SING’

n,mtmd*y .NtWFashioned

Country Store■ ■ i t t r w o M i


Tfc« Commercial LeaderKiblished Èverÿ Thursday by

TH E COMMERCIAL LEADER CO.. I n c . J56 Vallry Brook Avenue

Telephone Rutherford 2-4200— 4201Fred S. B erner....................‘____ . . . 7 EditorErnest J. Dabmett Sicty. and Treas.William E Kaempf _____ Adv. Mgr.

LYN D H U RST, N. J., THURSD AY, D EC EM BER 30, î# ?7 ‘

.H ague For S en a to r?A sartling political development of the past week, and

one which has started to receive national recognition is the Krung impetus given toward having Mayor Erank Hague of Jersey City appointed United States Senator to succeed Gov emor A. Harry Moore.

Whfle Mayor Hague's name has not been mentioned onany cit the ctfficial lists of candidates put t;ut thus far, every' une now seems to sense that the Mayors name is dominating the thoughts of the State Democrats, and that pressure^ from iar and wide is pouring in urging b’s selection.

Frank Hague* name has been known nationally for many reasons, but the publicity he is receiving now due to his fight against the C IO is calling for editorials throughout the land and Congressional debates.

Opponents of the CIO are hailing him as their champion, and even prominent Republicara last able to say a few’ kind words for their perpetual arch-enemy.

, ™ 5 -9 1 0 llberal are m public favor today, butthe CIO. abuses are nc*.j f >r

oi Ha«ue sta,c ** 15 opp<»:d to the popular Civ) Hi» friends say he is only against CIO abuses.

Mayor Hague, for all the popular conception of his polit- ok t rU" S, •,ersey C,ty mnre t,n ,' ' |ntamcal lines than

¿ w and. ncvcr has tolerated dives, gambling «fens, »tilts, rackets, racketeers or any form of thuggery at all In »act, one cannot eve.i buy a drink in Jersey City if there is dancing tin the premises.

W hat kind of a rough, tough politician is Frank Hague anyway?

1 l"1" “ 1, and »“ «mplishment in the matter of theJersey City Medical Center only a mask behind which he hides sinister scheming? Is his clean city only a smoke screen to cuver Tammany tactics? Has his constant friendship for labor been only a build-up to get votes when he was an "ecuiomic royalist all along’

O r is Frank Hague a clean, moral and religious man

m p U l ' L ° t b b , r d * ° ve rn m cn t * * K ‘t t c r fo r I

BIKTIIDAY PARTY ■less« B. Blake o f 439 Alder Street,

Lyndhurst. celebrated hi» birthday with a party at hi» home laat night, (iuests were Hr. anj Mr». Earle H. Cireenieaf and daughter Carolee, Mrs. L illia n BD ike, Eloiae, N o rm a n and King Blake of Lyndhurit, and Mr. and Mr». Melvin Greenleaf and chil­dren Joseph and Ann of East Ruth­erford-.


f i a a a nna f c w i— w w m, ;U32

NOTESLfndhurst Lodge of Elk» will hold |

a New Year's eve party. John liraai- i ano an<l James McEachern are in ! charge.

Lyndhurst High School P.-T. A. will hoW a card party January 8 at i the school. Mrs. H. A. Schneider is in charge.

E iw ard Ruaso, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. J . Kuaso of 63» Tea Eycke Avenue, a student at John MarshallCollege of Law, Je rsey City, has been elected president of th e Gum- ;re Law Clab.

Semper Fidelis Club will meet on , January 3, at the home of Miss Theresa Bianchi of 233 M trian Avp- |

4 1 jOscar Segel of S46 J.tuncey Ave­

nue left this morning on a motoi trip to Florida, where he will spend j a m onth.

Rev. L. R. Axel son of Arlington ■ will speak at the meeting uf tht Lyodhura* Bible Clftas for Wunun, a week from today at the Methodist Epfaftropal Cl»»rch. t

He is pictured alternately as benefactor. , petty tyrant and a public

It seems to us that Frank Hague has been in duH ic view

r f ^ t ^ t » U?nd "I ‘ht fT b KC t0 haVC WORhcd thc ^ i n s t X . i v h **ard ,*** lnces*ant Anti-Hague, as asthe PVu Hague propaganda and come to some, logical conclusion

•»> „ T w L ^ ‘“!aZlnL k)l,"*e ,LMayor Hague as SJ>r,nK conkin', go to Washington because he did not have enough suits

Mr.,and Mrs. W arren Dowling and ton Warren o f 72d Rutherford Ava­il oe returned Monday morning ^rom a utay at StewattsriTie, N. J .

Mi . ' and Mrs. I awrence Madison of 739 Ridge Road returned Wednes­day morning from Louisville, Pa., where Mr. Madison was ill at the Louifevilla Hospital.

Mrs. Philip McAloon and son Jack of 752 Ridge Road left thia morning for Scranton, Pn. where they will spend two weeks.

Mrs. Joseph Wengland, of 30b Travers Place is entertaining her sen Ralph who is on Yiis Christmas vacation from W est Point.

Miss Edwin B. Reynolds, of 363 Stuyeeaant Avenue has as guests on Christmas Day Mr Charles McKen dry of Pittsburg. Mr». Carolyn Hart- luad and her i* °th e r Mra. L ina Talley of A Jtoria, L. 1.

Mr, Charlea Hughe» of Charlesroi, Pa., ha» returned home after spend­ing a week with hi» «laughter Mrs. T Kennedy of 347 Stuyveaant A ve­nue.


. . Is the sincere wish of our Presi­dent, John Rcrfner, and the

Zenith Radio . . . to the pecple of Lyndhurst and vicinity . . .

also to the official family of the 'Commercial Leader, and qH

of its employees.


* l ul “ “ TH R A D IO S A R E P R Q V fa » A U J E S IJOHN RAFNER, Passaic's Largest Furniture House« will de liver a new radio for the New Yeor * . p gift w l i family


L i *■ “ C v W 1 ■ * * * r r i * ' ■

Mrs. WiHiam Davidaon of Fern Avenue haa left for a trip South, stopping en route to visit her sister in Texas.

^ u r i i V



w m

UY a R a d

t a t N e e d s

L U E P R I N: l


41MC DRlMCfe RADIOAmazing New ROBOT DIAL is as EASY TO READ as a CLOCK . . .

This spectacular ritt tarn to one fflthuiiaaU. fVmmailv ««i m k*;L *» j üc 1» * ’-. m m * » » » n - cT h ™ ^ - |y<» M m M to « M a . u • m m m _ S S

A U tb r— w . T . band* h aT . i . p . r . 1 . ^ U k . T.t I h « I. bul ONE d i.l ihowinq al • TIME!A jd Thai .4M dial ta b4q tim p ly c l . . ,

M au to rM d . S lak o n sar.m .rk rK lw tth» R l i S Local Station Indicatore. Tou can •»»Ur ad:a.l fc» TOUHSELT Tour FAVOR ITS ata dons! A .a iU k l, o t jy on I « * ZmiHu. k t liu*M ta1, ’lo«r.localk».

O H E M U ST B t - U U M a u l \SCRVIHC T H t P fc M tE

A revCTent.nracdul ahnde n hete, with thought Srrv'-- '*“ « attenda the

hy » " '■■■■■> «Hb c.*,|4rtenrs. m d d »V’ a modesty o( « u t *




k in o s la n d ave.Hhone V%et» I « V4$7k

»aneli 4M PA U M O E A V t

33 Years of Square Deal­ing and Faith­ful Service.



O f m Iv a winy

W • ^95 Main Ave.® eaosrnE d u e bail ho a u o r p o i

R A S t A ir

Page 3: C om m ercial lea d er New« Impartially Told Com m ercial lea d er VOL. XVII, NO. XXXI LVNOHl'RST, K J, TWW>BAY, DECEMBER SO. 1*37 It Pl)i Advertise-Young Howe Die* After Losing Leg

;ar Cured fresh Killed

¿ 2 Roosting lam« Chickens

Swilt*» Sugar CuredSmoked

Eresh Cut

Udiea* AufctUmt>. !U t*M <V Hat B*a»*4t «C Motmk«» > aae TW aA a» • • Uw («M Utia fo r Poet. AH M h— Jje*i..n , «Ul] . . a ■» kl»*, J J I 'u n a* ml Jeraey I tkfhold a apachetu .up|K r j *e Mrfi Meto« Itufcnae o f im-»mâei'<i — —at the <4«*. iN n r H r. A K Ralph ■4 *«'* the «Tir» aim *. hor.’a ,* «I IS e J tUhm+tl,, mn4 4*ato tn . har*» hom» aI M-r lim ilM» ■ «I ai*toe in- U r. I w « m . .4 hoi E*% » fe

I«« , Mr *n«l M i* Vk».-r H uh ..* ! mntmmt rnma I * h»r m m , I„ . *4 U l * A * h i« i. I M m * > > M r and .»>44rea o f M

Mr« A It A*«m4v»«| »! { V I M ^ U h i . **U hm, | n HA» ww ha*1 m H**» d in n er f M i l i ! Mr* V J P W k a>*l d«««*t m Ì W of M ettef. M l | « I n 4 | ( \n 4 iM U «to> M tm i K\h»l an* 4n m M trw «né V v m *m * 1*1 * » • . « to*t*’ tt»p to F to M l. i M w f H w ! Äym*e «.f l.ym ihurai ami lient» j Mar» R ttta tM i .4 ê4tf f»*«*nd A»* • »!! «i*w l * mm**

.Viveei, juicy

OUR OWN MAKE LB. 1 (LEAN MEATY LB.Sausage Meat 31«| I Pork Steaks . 25«

Eleanor Kraft’s Engagement Told

.ml Mr* Otto Kraft of Hi,.. Brook *»»» .' »»ooan^rf th.

‘ ,iw>nt l»«t night of their ”'* 1 '' Jli ■> Eleanor Helen to Ed

i Erie» SwdrrU«*. »on of Mr "L tlr t E-lei Senderli... of South

‘S . . — aad Melbourne. Fla. No date i! M net fo r the ««Win*

n , brMe to be il a graduate of , ^ * 1 1 1 * School and Mac

I B fi-a School •< D reaam akin* and of New York Oily jnd

„„terlm« itraduated from SouthH ifh School.

H i « . Harriet S ava*« i . apeinhn*L*lay v ac* 'ion “ 'th h e r par I, Mr and Mr». V . S a v a « * of

I " , . .»venue.

Nr .:>d Mrs. W. E. K aem p f o f L sia jveaan t A venu e h a v e l« * n IrrUJKin« Mm. Roae C aw o f Aa-L i. I , for th e p a s t w eek . H



T h e 1 9 3 8 C h r i s t m a s C l u b

Is Now OpenA Christmas Chib Check Gives You Money When You Need It Most

/*VIt is the easiest way to provide funds with which to pay

X,s« Yvonne Wengland o f SOU|Tnt*r» *• iM at ^ home*

Mr and Mr». W ilbur W right awBwviiif to the reaidence of Mr. and j(r Frank Knigkt on Sluyveeant A«*uue Mr and Mrt. Kn irht a irBx’vinif to Dover where Mr. Knighth e m p lo y e d .

y , ami Mrs. W aller Earl, of 315irav«TH PIv y . entertained on H i r i * B If i»ay Miaa M. Wixaon And MiasL m \ H a n a o n .

iWianl j Alonao, ai»n of Mr. aiw Hr, j J Alonao of *67 Copal«»«* ^ e m w . a !*t‘Hlent at Ruah Medica

( ,hi«-ar*. *• viaitin* With hi;jtrent^ ' *

in aa that topa u , , , , - ,— ^ starred in •‘T hr Bride Wore Red" will be a l the Rita Theatre fut three caya a ta rtin f Friday. December 31»t.

P yram id R ebekah lx>dire w ill m eet January S a t th e e lub hoaae.

Mr. and Mra. Jerem iah J . Neill of W Ly»»dhurat Avenue had a i the i dinner fueata on Chrtatma> their *ona. Mr. and Mra. Harold NeiU and children of Battle Cteek. Mu-hiKar. and Mr. and Mr«. W illiam Neill of Lyndhurat.

Mr. and Mr«. Adolph Molter of !7H Second Avenue were gueaU thi >a»t ie a daya o f Mr ««d Mr* f y i r on th of Brooklyn.

Mr. and Mra. James leahy of UW Fourth Street had «* their aueatu

I for a few daya Miwea R ita and Helen Brockman of Jeraey City.

Marie Colasurdo Entertains Club

Mi«c M irW C«ia*urd» of 4SS Green Vvenue,. prealdent of the Sequott* V M Athletic Cluh entertained at e r home Mt nday nijrht at a party •»r member* of the club. She T ’ aaiated by Miaa Boi-e I’hillipa, l*t •urer.

G u fa ti W eir J it* . Thereaa C#. ~ ardi*. Mra. Frank C^dai aato, Miaa* Im e LaSalK*. T tjrrr Pctrillo, Roa. >ePaol*. Ro.«e liifor/no. Je mie Phil- *ps and M nrraie t Carroll.


N e e d «


E G E R T ’ S


• T

\z? •

d OiQ U A L IT Y


FEAST . . ITS NEW TEAR S!"W hat a time tor teuHng! Treats lor a perfect New Year’s Eve Party — foods tor a thrilling table 1x1 the New Year Festival. All the 'Good Tilings’ that make eating a real pleasure are re»dy lor you in templing variety. These values will help ytfc plan your least without extra extravagance.




Pkm NowTo Meet Next Years t hristmas ivmands

by Joinira One of These (IuìmMenther» pjyiitf! 3' o««>ts * wsvk (or fifty

*vrka will reenve ......................... $12.50Memk-r* (%>ytng lit v tou i week it* fifty

weeks will rttciv« .............. . <1* a worL fur fifty receive .............................. $*000

M w h w paying winwveka

week fn» fifty wYek* will receive ......... . $100 fkl

er* pjyitHl $t.00 a wvA I«* fifty week» w ill reçetw -------- t i ’O.OO

ers paytna $1000 a w»vl t>* ftity weekv w ill twelve ............................. $tt*> *X>


Jersey Cut


Whule or half

CHOICE CUTS i kSirloin Steaks 35f





lesauce . . . 3 cans 25«iamond Walnuts . . lb 23« xed Nats . . . . . fc 25f

> OZ. CAN DOLEineapple Ju ic e 27c0Z. CANomato Juice . . . . . . . 23<RAX.................... lb pkg 15«'heaties pkg HkN WAV E0omato Juke . . 4 cans 25«

<>vt C A N

iligree FruH Cocktail . 25«<i/ i M t r r t E

araschino Cherries . . 15«u/ HACKAQCaii Myma Figs . 10«0Z. PACKAGEitted Dates . . . . . . 10«

aper Napkins . . . pkg 7« needa Biscuits . 3 pkgs 13«

For A Grand Holiday DinnerGolden Bantam KERNEL CORN h o . I#cBIROS EY E STRAW BERRIES *»» Z7cBIROS EVE BABY LIMA BEANS h o » I J cBIRDS EVE SQUASH *»« " *


| Idaho Baking POTATOES 10 lb sack 2 9 «

SNOW W HITECauliflower . . . .

California Peas . . Crispy Spinach . . Yellow Turnips . . Red Cabbage . . Fresh Cranberries Celery Hearts . . Table Apples . . . Wine sop Apples . Juicy Oranges . . Lg. Grapefruit . . Juicy Tar^ rinis


&.S.3<36th Grade

Christmas Playr h ild rrn of Im« « d É f e - l^ d » «# th e

Jeff*t*aon M a d prrfrnt^d a ChrM* m a i program at th e ich oo i v e .te r iU ) M*a« O ifa /^»wadakl « a a >n ch a rg e

T he i n i f t a m * a a a* Mfc»wa ’O rif^a of d f b t a w k * reclkaUwaul i a r a Sim{faua; "A t tftatnuk Chrmtcle." Adeline Cairi»««, Annettr Pt arateli.». U»**e lu m tm . B » r y . ( joldanr. Antuim-tu Ikmuuueo, Kara Cuaaa. V irginia G tfanto; "Tito Yale I* .* " John Clamo, Man*. PuvU*. J«*» **oh IxjNNia, Alfred IM arllouas. Matthew AhmUljr, Jnh> l«rr)M>. Mirhael Della Fave, JuaVilh Manta, "A I'k riatoaa Tea' M o n a * Far. »« Màr>»iie H du avm “ t'hriMma* làven, Kenneth fenati. "A Chria maa Son«.** Thontaa WaWh. Hohert White, Klaie HnUam. KW rem» Santo Pietro; "A ( M aU aat Uay**. llot*rt Mvean; "Cbrtakm »

I Bvarywhere.** Peter. C im a nti; HMd Cbnatauu", M arcia Ila m ilW .

A pùty, -C H rM m aa in O ther Landa** » a * |rteM>ntod ♦»> Karl a r a f iBIprr- Hetly Paler, M.Urea Man.neta, Wll i iiaai ■‘•a le. Anna N ay . <.e»«ld iW vttt , A n toin ette Ib im a a k o , Her>I 1 7 4 É t i i !

and K volyn Ku>hera

I b T A B U SH t t) l i m


Mamla-r te d e ra i l* jK *it In .u ia iw » (*.Mr|»(«tÌM

* 1Hea.»u >.( H ubokm

L Y N D H U R 8 T

He1» Defecava

head II«

2 Ibs 25«2 Ibs 15«3 Ibs 10«2 Ibs 13«

U se th e C h eck

t o B u y a N e w


V 2 ,

.. p

00 0 0

3 f ^ ¿ 5. 1

a . 1

I f U J r

. . Ib 15« j

2 w— 25« *7 for 25«4 tos 17«

13 fo r 25<4 for 25e

do* 25c

Mr e*»d Mt» H ifto 'i! Wrto*ma* a#"tTi VkiUoW Ae*N»oe .»e*.* U<* i*e*tt*w M it » a be a rn e w» l a rV *. * . J .

88 S h iy v e s o n t A v e . , L y n d h u rst, Ruth. 2 - 16 4 8

IF YOU r«c*iv« a CHm.riyjt ch#efc *pe- 1 rtv» mun#y on o n«w 9 a* I r a n g « I l th » o m o u n t J t » t n o * C * » t i t h * p »-c* o f a ro « - j* t o » *

o d v o n t o y * o f o u r <jivi< i»d p o y m v n t p tc in O'id |>oy |<J»t O t n o l l tu rn

d o w n Y o u « V JV ¡ « n h o t » o n » g o » r o o g e w e t o f r y t h i» w n y

E lt o t e N o 9 M i l lu s t r â t * , ! i t a b o n j'i .n w. • (K co n ste lve .n g TV»*

r e q u lo r j x m I* J 9 9 X ) ( o i h R ig h t r v m I I « fx c « I» S 7 S . 5 0 i t y o v i

trod» m on o W . i l o v t T h u i< m g i h o » o h e q . l l y l m u l « l « i ) uMn w i f I i « u . j i i i . i . i h e « , e o n 1 ro t o n <f»ow*e t y v * tx o . •< (u u e

d *p «n < fc il 'e to n t«u »n * r» » h .< h g i y « ,1 v o » .* f y o I C O u A in g i« « * . ! «

o n d a tu p gn<) g n w h ic h r o u c o n g r i l l f u c d t I t 1# • **« • r u n g * a n d

y o u W i t 1 V e 1 cr:M in g w i j h 1»


P V B L I C ^ S E R V I C E

*i w








Page 4: C om m ercial lea d er New« Impartially Told Com m ercial lea d er VOL. XVII, NO. XXXI LVNOHl'RST, K J, TWW>BAY, DECEMBER SO. 1*37 It Pl)i Advertise-Young Howe Die* After Losing Leg


Rocknes Defeat New Milford ‘5’LOOKING 'EM OVER

by John SavmoSchuman. (T . H> . L. Weher, (F.)Patterson (T. H.) F. Russell (F.) Ludwig, (T. H .f .Rdhkm*. (F.) .......Barun, (T, H.) Taylor m > w .. Walsh, IT. H > .J Null, (F.) .......Bloom, (T. H.) . . ShadeH, (F.)W Weber <T H ) Frudenberg (F.) .

U i h v Srare» II PointN In V ictory: S even In-Row For

L yndhurst FW*

The Lyndhurst Rocknes chalked up their seventh consecutive hom e triumph by downing the New Milford Blue Fronts, 46 to 26. in their w e ek ly game played far the )>ene<lt of the Dental Clmic played at the High School Gym on Sunday afternoon.

The home team started slowly,


W e look aghast at the neat basketball record the Rockne team is recording for itself these day*. Sunday afternoon they wen their seventh consecutive victory whc*» they downed the New Milford Bfuefronts, with an humiliating score o f '4 ? to 26.

A nd looking further into the town s sports review, we no' tice the Collegiate record,, hiding, it seems, behind a want ad for basketball players. The G>llegiates (woe are they—whatever happened to them) lost their fifth consecutive game to the U.S. Rubber quintet, 29 to 26. They must be entirely fejxed in by eight balls. Never a Sunday goes by now that they are not behind one.

Tommy Walsh, master of the Commercial Leader compos ing rn>m, says that it is only a question of time now and the Rocknes will be the town chartipions.

But first they have to heat the Collegiates, who, althoughthey are enmeshed in a losing rut right now, are neverthelessa serious threat to the Rocknes.

Frank Reilly went to town for the Rocknes, sinking three shots which can be described only as bemg sensational. Reilly is a smooth basketball player, and has an exceptionally fine fmess tin handling the ball. He has a dead eye for the baiket whenever he comes within reasonable shooting range.

A1 Demarest and Bill Leahy were high scorers for the Rocknes Sunday afternoon with 10 and 11 points respectively

* * * • •

The High School quintet vs enjoying its Christmas vaca^ turn. TheiV next game will be on January 7th, when they j travel to Clifton to engage that high school.

Down at St Mary's High School, the basketball quintet, under the tutelage of Voile Dupes, is reported to be quite a"team this year. It is also reported that the student body ofthat ^cfv-4 are anxiously awaiting the St. MaryVLyndhurst game at the former's gym on the night of January 17.

They are waiting because their team, they think, is better than the local quintet. And consequently, when St. Mary's N:ats (they hope) Lyndhurst, it will be somewhat of a hoflow revenge tor the slaughter the Golden Bears enacted on thelocal gndiron one rainy afternoon, with St. Mary's as theunhappy host

S> confident are they of winning that one of the students at St Mary's is willing to bet a full course dinner (to be paid off it the exclusive but cozy, g<xxi fcxxf stocked Pete and Dominick Restaurant which is located right near Journal Square, Jersey City) to a nickel that St. Mary's will take the Bruin hasketballers. The student at the Saint's school is known, whenever no other name is handy, as Riding Buck Dineen, formerly of the South Bergen Eagle.

• * * * *

Last week Joe Lombardi, Joe and Ralph Albino cam^ home with a buck deer, which Ralph had shot at Allamuchy, N. J. Ytwr Observer was presented with a three-p<uind steak. It was delect a Ne to say the least. It was tender. It It was just a Knit the best steak we have ever eaten.

dhridual scores. i1 Guido (T H > . . 7

Coughlin. ( F . ) ...................................... i | J2 L. Sheridan (T.H.) .......... 1$’

M r C o i r e i F . ) . . . , * . t f \ \ 6 ;

Coleman Signed To Face Russell

«Ot in-l T w*>, hm U Whittle I _____.. ■-Bounded endin» tj>, i.r.t ueriod, the * "* " (*1) U Vhomesters were lea-tH* 8 t,. . V. v . 7 •••helftimc the Rocknes had assume! * J°hnaon ( r .J 16 to 7 lead, Frank Reilly featuicd the Rocknes first half onslaught, l y dropping three sensational shots thru the hoop.

The second half saw « new of tensive threat enter the contest. B II Leahy started the third period with * dribble in shot, and continued to drop in double deckers until he had

Resolution« for N. J. Motorists

* • -----. . . . 19 j Relwl Boh R ussell, th e Texan Ter*

*»*1 A b ie ColM nan, th e Saw ed. . . . I t ] Sh< tg u n o f G rappledom . w ill

• S v *+ aapretnacy ov er th e oneII fa ll , one Hour tim e lim rt roate at H. Ralph M ondt's Colum bia Park. No.

B evgen W restlin g Club, thin com ­ing T hu rsd ay n ifh t .

Rinset* ra in ed the top spot through his vtct n<wis bout w ith Nick ( am w nfreda. B altim ore I ta lia n , last

Mr wan to have m et H'c w inner « f fh< < vWeman-Rudy P u stk tw asel. w hich ended In a draw , but th e m a jo r ity « f fa n s fig u red th at O rie#n*a *H<-wed to a d v a n ta g e over th e rough B ohem ian, h en ce th e Jsw-

®! ish s ta r ev t th e ca4l from the »t*Hnd prom oter.

A "ter l in e se t o f prelim inaryg ra b fe st* h ave been arranged tc

i put thv fa n s on edge for th e nitrht- t* P ev en t, w h ich is a certa in ty to be a sp ecta ra ia r go from start' te f in ish .


arop in double decke™ until he had A N«w T e a rs resolutwn for mo- pilnd up a total of ten pointa, to tor,al* fw ing the coaapMk d a n r r* I l l d l R l I X l / O W I l

w— - • —1 •---------------- - of the heavieat motor tra lf lr in htswhich he added a foul for a total of ~ —- ---------------- ••• .«»-eleven m arken. Right behind hig lory ** hy the Keystoneteammate in the run far scoring Automobile Club of New Jeraey, as honors was A I Demarest with a total ! < °* *of ten points to his credit.

Hess, New Milford center, paced Kis mates in scoring with eight points.

tn the prelim inary conteat the Lyndhurst Collegiataa met their fifth consecutive defeat a t the hand« 9i the U. S. Rubber quintet by a seore of 29 to 26.

The box score:R O C K N ES A. Demarest, f .fceilly, f .............Purdy, c ............Ijeahy, ................Coon, g ...........Garaventi. g

Nutley Cyclone;

Totals ...................N E W M ILF O R DHiller, f ...................Mockel, f .................Hess, r .....................

KMalone........................Edwards. g .............

Totals ...................Score by periods:

Rocknes ............ *New Milford . . 4

Referee— Rowe.

was juicy.

Lou Pimtolillo is off on another hunting exhibition. It is vaguely rumored that he is still after a deer.

* » * »

Has everyone seen the deer that George Robertson of Fern Avenue bagged? I ts supposed to be a honey ^nd weighs over two hundred pounds.

* * * a

Midget automobile racing will be the attraction beginningnext Spring at the Nutley Velodrome. John Kochman, who promoted the motorcycle races at Hinchliffe Stadium ih Pater son, is behind the new enterprise. The Drome is operating on the red side of the ledger and it is hoped that the midget autos win make the turnstiles peal forth that Welcome tinkle

* ♦ * *

— V*»*ge -Sltibido, lopal hunter and tranper, discovered two mink in his muskrat traps the other day He sold the two pelts tor eighteen *k41ars each. He never expected to catch up with « couple <W mt*4 Hie traps are set and are supposed to catch muskrats

Believe it or not, some of the local boys make a nice sum Wonty during rhv winter months by trapping those little,

expensive, fur'bearing rodents, and then selling the pelts at two to five dollar^ ea h And there it is, a business which by rights mould be carried on in the wilds of Manitoba, A la^a, HudsonBay, etc . but i)t3tcaJ the little bundles of fur squeak their bst m the traps which arv* set literally in the shadow of the Empire State Building, which is the hub of a mighty seven million peopled mctr<ip<*i!s. Time goes into reverse.

• a e •

Jim Blum’iutock, Rutherford’s ace athlete, is home for the Christmas holidays. He was studying at Bull» Academy,

ashington, in preparation for entering Annapolis And since he » up here he thought he might jiwt as well

amhk- over and o. fleet some .J his awards. And if he pin», (y al* <*n hl' ‘f once, he'd prohahly keel over in a

dead laint Ani<>ng the prucs he received are one all-state gold lok«Kill. one .ill county gold football, his N N. J. I. L. goldtoutbaU. and a »Inf«- Kutherford High School sweater withthree «TYXV stripr^ ,uul a star The star is supposed to Mg. ruty something.

Jim 1# twenty t me years old That is a bit .»ver age fur a high -^hool graduate, but this ifc-partment is in favor of a coileiec entry K-ing ai twenty At that age they are noM iroi given te'. and will get twice as much (Ait of a collegecourse twice as fast

| B e tte r Equipment . .For The Better Hemes

Town Hall Loses To Farrell’s Inn

The return match between • the Town HaJI Tavern and Jack Fa rre J}’* Inn resulted in a 7 to 4 erbi for the latter team laat Sumt*' after- noon at the Stuyvesant Avefcue Uv- cm. Last week the ToW ' Hallers won by a 6 to 4 margin. The teams will play off the "rubber’' same” on Sun iay afternoon, January 9th at Farre ll’s.

Mrs. Mse Ruhnke, official statis­tician of the shuffleboard team o f Fa rre ll’s submit» the following m-

" Resolved, That in the year 193« The Beta ( % « ( . ,1 shall endeavor a t all times te drive I basket!*« team «cored it* third m> car in a manner cafcalated to wm of the Current season by beatinsure my own aad the safety of ing the Nutley Cyrlo ies by a score others. To this end, I am Artermined of B M B at the Rooaevelt Gym. to avoid acts which e xp SH eac^ e- ‘ A furious last quarter scoring spree monstrates are responsible for many made poaaible the victory. Nance deaths and injuries on the highways led the victor*, scoring 14 pointa,

•These include:. - 1 With Bennett following up with 9“ Carleasness and inattention at ' m arker* P. stanlia and Fornari

the driving wheel. J paced the losers by scoring S p o in t«“Driving at a rapid rate when

prudence dictates low speed and ex-j P H A L A N X (30)tra caution.

“ W eaving through tra ff ic to ,‘save* 'N a n c e , f a few m inutea. 1 B ergm an, f ...........

“ Driving on the wrong tide of the 1 f>,id. • tiolemblewski, g. f

Druhl. g

Nutley Drome To Run Midget

Auto RacesAuto racing stars will whltf

around the Nutley, N. J., Velodrome boards this spring for the first time in the history of thè track J left, and

w hich h as been efciefly w ith bike ra c in g itf the photo show s th e t* p * r \ fo r thè proinoUon of races at Nutley w hen the , son s ta r ts . John Kochman, n prom ote th e ra ces is shows 1 right hatching Joe ÌH ^ . of the Velodrome, signing t ie ] ment while in the rearrespective attorneys,

Albert Kohl rei tei

Starlings Losect

Basketball lose Game Starts M<

“ Ptsaing on curvee and Milia. “ Failing to signal intention to

stop or turn.“ Failure to stop st ‘Stop* aigns “ Furthermore, I ,m reoolved to

•ontribiite to h ig h w a y safety hy."Keeping my car in aafe mechan-

ical condition.“ Cheeking my headlieht «t fré ­

quent mten als to m»ke « r U in they In proper focu»

“ Replacin* worn tire t M o re tKey hecome «mooth »nd, ttieretor», h>, ardoua to me and fellow notorista.

“ in short, my intention for 1 iWf. i» to do in, behatf of other motonat, ail the tiiiaca I , „ , 1,1 | „ r , |tl<ni j , m my beb*lf.”

i— » i l «

■.Plumbing - Heating -* Tlnnlnff

A. Mitchell & Son^12 LAKE AVE.

l y n d h u r s t , n . j .RUth. 2-439«

For Prompt A Efficient ServiceAgency For

Electrolui Relrlgenton.

e n try , |f

Totals 13 4 30N U T L E Y CRC LO N É á (23)

A. Pugnatore, f ..........P Stanlis, fF . Stanila, c ................R. Benthies, g ...........F. Benthien, (r ...........R. Blum, g .............J. Pigiatore, g ..........Fornari. g ................

Totals ...................Raferee— Al Bello— Y. Score by periods:

P halanx .................... 4Nutley ................... 6

.. 11 1 23M. C.

Claaa of 19S4 of Lyndhurst High School will hold a reuni -n and

, jl ia a rr I M i d i y et the Mfcadow ; Aviation T K b , Betidix, in charge

of Al Purdy. Joaeph Me Watters, J L illian Olsen,. M ery Clare Daoley, I Alice t\>wl *wski. Peter Ruaso, Ros- ! ettn Klingeàberk and Howard Tlr- I grath. Roirer Breslin, sponsor of I the group and no longer a teach- I ee in I.yndHurst High School, will 1 be a guest.

B E E SMeiillo, If. . . . .Cittadino, rf. . . .B. Ricci, rg..........Tutano, c. ___ ,Piro, fg .................A. Rkrci

Total .......... ..S T A R L IN G S .J . Aaelta, fg .............Prop, r f . . . . • ........Vic. c. .....................Sam Roaa, lg.

Totals ........ .............Teams wishing to

with Bees kinaly Cittadino, in care of 2*2 Road, Lyndhurst.


G F. P.1» .1 21


The Recreation Basket hi sponsored by the W P. A jm ner I»uis Fa-..activities on Monday nig it Rockne Jayvees and the Aci meet in the opener and A. C. and the Sinclair Cyd the aftermath.

On Wednesday night Men’s Club meet the RockneJ and the Comets collide Marions.

The first game starts at M. and the second affair m l way s t 8:30 P.M. with W sltn f Rowe handling the whistle games.


Private Homes Our Specialty PHONE RUTBERFORD 2-4052


Outside 10c — Both Sid«« 15c A Window


554 VaHey Brook Ave„ LyndhurstSERVING QUALITY FOOD and DRINKS

Luncheon — Dinner — Cocktails— PABST BLUE RIBBON BEER —


lltacnu) the dual bag — the lilthy. part" I hau« cleaning


REXA IR D EALER152 W heaton Place, R utherford


A L O N Z _257 Copeland


MEATSHall or WholeFresh Homs . 27tHall or WholeLoins of Pork 23* Pork Chops . 25c Shoulder Pork 21#Hall or WholeSmoked Hams 27f

Pe7 Io«s7 r . “ 2*Bottnm, Top and Rtmml

Fresh GroundChopped Meat I ffItalianSausage . . . 29c

Legs Lamb r.~Z7g


Poultry Dept.W I» S T V V V l S A N T A V E .

Phone RUth. t-5777

We Carry A Full Line Ol FR I W S — VEGETARLES



W t Caler To Yea With PROMPTNESS and

COURTESY.Give ua a trial and you

wHI be convinced.

R e d u c e d F axes • In c r e a s e d S e r v ic e

HACKENSACK-NEWARK BUS UNE No. 10 2K i t r r t i r r J m n m m r g I . / f t . ‘t i t

< '* _ ' •

S E R ^ C E : This line » ill operate every ten iiihmtrs .luring the rush hour, and e ierv fifteen minute* during the non-m.h hour*.

OWL SERVICE ALL MIGHT EVERY WCHT-, Leave Hacken- •aek at 1 2 :0 5 A. M. and every hour lit 5 :0 5 A. M.; leave Newark at 1 2 :0 5 A. M.. 1 2 :3 5 . 1 :0 5 and every hnnr tn ftiOil A. N .

B um-» lo Newark operate expre»» between Relleville Pike and Pnblle Seteirr Terminal, »topping only to let off p a M e iw n from points north o f EM Irxillr Pike.

Buara lo Harkrnnark operate express from Publie Serviee Ter- minal to Brlle^H e J»ike, -lopping only to piek tip p t s M fc m for points north o f BHIeville Pike. First atop to «liecluirg# i Brllet ille Pike.


o f l a r f N

KI I III HI OKI) VT4TION (».rie R. R.) HI rm .R H H tltI VNDIIt HST (Tea Kyeh Ato.) .north arum .ton . . . . t t i N lm v * m .....................................

r f m c s

uI ti ti ti tI t


* y GARMENTS . . . Drv $ « .00 Cleaned and Pressod X

m h o ik m m » w e t \ i t . vxt> d k u v k r



HA«I(H I k MF Heim (i i m k f n s m r . . .

Ave.) .

P V B L I C d p S E R V I C E

Page 5: C om m ercial lea d er New« Impartially Told Com m ercial lea d er VOL. XVII, NO. XXXI LVNOHl'RST, K J, TWW>BAY, DECEMBER SO. 1*37 It Pl)i Advertise-Young Howe Die* After Losing Leg


Church of Rutherford will i m u i k leadership * f the Everymaa'* Bible 1 of Rutherford nest Sun»la> m«»niing in the auditorium oi tin» Rutherford High School at *:S§.

This cla»* is the second Urge*; m \ e a Jersey, having a membership

r lender* Rev Leo Ur H CWe, v. (Tiarlea Aleeander R u m «ad

! . . I « M M *Although well kmvn to many

m nbers of the cl«M, Rev Nt4br*ay wilt be officially mtrudaced to the

Th» «abject Rot. Holloway •ho»— for hit initial adder a* W hat Da You Mean—Leadei • Stuyvcsant and Valley Brook Ave*.

B ERN ARR M ACKADDEN (ex tre m e loft) presents Isom*- troph ies to th e w inners of th e ftiac-

udden P lanned F ligh t C ontest held recently be­tw een T am pa and M iam i, a s th e opening event in the All A m erican Air M aneuvers at M iam i. Con- •es ta n t* from m any s ta te s throughout th e Tatted Stale*, tlew th eir plane« In accordance w ith a

fadden) woe »oread »rise, a * C lare W Bunch ofR obertson. Mo . third p riea On the right la Qrovar W ebster. Chairm an of Plight Contest. Mr. Meo- fadden etdeet lle s— sd ptVH in th e Ü 8 .. m ade a non-stop eight f ro * Newer*. N. J , t e Miami to preeeat tk a trophiea. College relumed Wodaeeda) H

H.R. 33— H arry Feldman.H.R. 34— A Je le I M . U r i« LehneH.R. SB— Florence Stephen*. Agnes

J . i . Kchert «f M Roosevelt Avenue, retamed Friday morningfrom a bueineee trip te Chicago.

MU* Rdna Brœ dwell of I ? Midge SUNDAY DINNUS u f f t s ä f r v s -

•Misa R untre Ecket t. Dort* Lohnte­st, Pauline W’ebbet and Yvonne

micua. Catherine Shnry.

. j a w a n m i i w.R. 1 — Rocano Apap. Kenneth erman. Ruth H N W j r ,¡ E 3— Eileen Weelber, Henry



I « f VaHey B reak A v ......ihm jju» »- — - «faite«! f«r the pnet few day* with meming frees P^tiadelptea » W re

Mr and Mra. Oarer Frm ake af Nee they e sfied otth M r , Lpftehns aie-

T> r F r «< H u ll» « » ^ ' " _ _____ • " «U rs rn m *T .pastor of the Fim Presbyterian • Chtnelma* par- ^ Ethel 9a - hh< use a f ü l ia h e U*ere

Avenue, entertained nt her hoasv an — —Thuralay night at a Christ me» par M ra inch Leee ef M » Parh Ave

PfcyDte naa entert vmwt at hrr home WedaeaRat* ami «lay eight at hr •«** Uueet« * ere Mr*

H. S. Honor I Roll For Third ’ Marking Period

F A L L 1937 M oK .M N t; SC H O O L

U.K. t- B en n ie Fnaco. W inifredNihlette.

H.R. 4 — Alfred G ilm oi*. HaroldCaley.

H.R. &— Elisabeth M ttlrevey.H R. t — Pauline Weine*. John

Whelan.H R. 10- M yra Goble. Rose W a l­

der k.H U 2* -Rath Koehler.H.R. n — Eve lyn Lehi


H.R. S—Jam es Gilmore. Fred Sch

H.R. 21—Joeeph Arminto. Ib» ruth y Beck.

H.R. 231— Helen Goble. HelenKiechel

H. ft. Id--Paul Fenian, Sidney Hum bolt4

H J L IT — Janet Davidaon, Jewel Leiaei. Frank Meykut

H.R. IS — Alice WilUam». Antein-

H R 4— Helen Wentsel, Joseph j h.K. SO—Joeephine AngelWitklewic«. Downie. Mildred Muller. Harold Stur-

H R. 6—Clap* Greenberg, Kathleen ,***. Viola Warren

LyS « — " r* * * ^ » * » - U — l^ n d .» ., A lk .p . kI ? Armstrong. Alice Dorothy Peters, Ku*e Rasao.

u p i t n i— N a ta l* SteInsack.H.R. U — W uufred Caley. Jean — „ _Flin t. Frances Nackmnn, Jack Richer. H * » - H e le n Aria . Tliomaa Cone-Agm m Walton. K* " )r-

H R 21— Louise Mariano.H R . 22 - Im « . Hurt nun. M .r p

garet La tacha. G ianfiao. Edward Kubaska. Su n le yH R 2»— Frank Piacatello. Selma H.R. 23—Claire Curran. Henry W#rrfK>w

Zlskin. Harold Wefcer. j Sfcahik. 1 -------------H.R. SO— D n v ii Bravo, Dorothy

Lahey. Aaaa ThaUpr. Pauline Thol. aUdt. Reid Walünaa.

1LR. 13— Shigeo Kondo. W arnm Jtryarn.; H R. SÄ— Di>ri.< Aaron, Jeanne Linl-

Catherine Sharp“ S6 — l>»r»n Aaron. Jeanne

H.R. 27— Ruth Andrew.H.R. 2K— Edward Fan tone.

Ssiehunia.H R. S2— Clara Stelnbach, R Del

Wolfe.H.R. SS — William Brotherton,

Naomi Stover, Grace Striano. *

i « E D IT A B L E L IS TH.R. |— Ruth Linleas, Robert Mar- ,

«•HM..Muuard Pauraon. M aiio Riaao. .H R. 3— Audrey Berry. Aurdey '

Bulloch, Ruth Himeel. Thelma Ian *Bm eat Proeuh. ----

H.R. 4— M sry Gauthier. ja 4 - M u V o , io r ra G k tete . I -

Gvrw d. J«> Clancy.I — N'orma Andernon. Lrahia A R _ '

« B e l la . E .aaheth Faust R . J * * Howard. U llia a•— Edith Henderson, Francm H u ' lft .■ T V n r ., H m ry i

11» T n m m E u , i . -. H a u l » ^ j i 1 . ' i i ! ^p, m . (. B .R . .H ^Antl»«y Chwki, MartinM vt aadx «ik iyaaki »•oli«lfci-r|f. KathlMn Grady. LuclIU

A i k m ' r w u . ^ £ * ; r l " r* " f r » o *C a r lo ^ ^ B * * Bek. Patricia Mr


TURKEY SUPPER* AU The R a ts and N oisem akers

Dancing ond Entertoinn^ent ALL FOR $2 00 M

DOM'S BRASS RAIL292 Chase Ave. Lyndhurst

Mew Year*« Kve Wtdatght B a fe l Suppe«


Iiws4 Teetern a sa

Celery ftlnB«t lettered S.ifsH A Cap F»»‘S Cake Hi Cel


Wilia i n si p <»C O tiP * e e


» • M U M t « I «

mSTt!V»s Year'» iHnaer Caaaemme Medviteo«

k « i ± S s - Bteane

•slad . ( Miled U«oe»aI d b aad fatter

K* 0<

tidqe Rood Lyndhurst FRIDAY. NEW YEAR'S EVE.

y tori t% N u u t l I'aai A eoef B e lla a d a ia e

Melba i«M4 N « # rtea Ha« t **a.«s

( • I n

Shamrock Bor and Grill744 Rl


Entertainment and Dancing Noisemakers and Hats

S hufflr Itoard Mulch Sjtlur«in> Niuhl

H.R fltp ro .

N.B. b A u > I i w KaU MawuH.R. 24 f nne U storracva.R.R 2H- Kennedy Savage. Arnold

t t Margaret Sullivan. Marte

^ 1 - 30—<'Jgenee Smith. Fanny Marrooc

Ä 1 . 3 2 - S tN a W r v A sean le . Y in * « n t CpiKufNa. Leah Levy. George ■ la i


Feverhr-»l da»

ItOUDAV itPECIALSScSwrf G irk U M Im m p tttr Adu lt» M .-VI anJ M JS

HONAT COMftlNATIOS anJ N « t W IVrm anm t W n n H M t . S7..W - t ll l.U H

Hachtrvleaa lo lo o SIH.mi

. ? ! * * * T- P pw} ^ l* N H ^ ? s » A l t s AT

a great dree. » a >ers ot tne legal |actor to.jt rvjr% .»js ptrta of the i I hint he «lut m »a e*rm m of %Ig t^ r .d p iftat•oib.u-.. M W H » « M w i a l i M l t n a a iK

r a g irjptert setiea AagHM« M I V O r a t e t u t S a te T S a

H w m agd t e . » >

E s $ B S * S FU M H « O akrM I w w i

»k i r w u « a u a »

i S L W J r A ’«■aa u a a n a l kagaa u w i ______

u iu r js ? e £ r ar*ir iig f ."w ît n m t m «Na » a— —a * n » V * * * ». * ? * “ »

A Q < U n . . .


As the result «»f negotiations miti.itctl bv the St.itc HiMrd «if Public I ’tihrx (loin- missioncrs, I’ublu Sen ice Elcctric ami ( ias ( '.ompanx has ayrced t«» a rctiiKtMin tif clcctric rates m the amount <if

$1,250,000 AnnuallyThe major poftion «if the reduction a ill benefit commcrcial customer» ami the haiancc, residential customers.

The new rates will become effectite with bills rendered alter Januurs 1, 1y) >U, coteriiiK consuniption fr«»m IKctioUr iy >7 meter readmes.

In keeping; with its p«.lic> of lowcrmK rates: when |x«stWc this rediKtion is the seventh made h\ the company within the past decade.


Page 6: C om m ercial lea d er New« Impartially Told Com m ercial lea d er VOL. XVII, NO. XXXI LVNOHl'RST, K J, TWW>BAY, DECEMBER SO. 1*37 It Pl)i Advertise-Young Howe Die* After Losing Leg

'àrPMir six

TWUFSDW. D ecem ber m . tm,

S.P.C.A. NOTESClassified Advertisements

W e > annot guarantee thé insertion of any ad v«rii eiiMtni in the*« columns uni«aa asm« la paid fox in advance. Hates for classified advertisingsr* as toi low»: on« insertion $.60, two consecu- />»>• »* • t’*» « «»i. i ik i . . , " y ----tive insertions $.76, thr*« conaecutive insertions 1 past y*ar has brought much hap- 5?»» . ,tT f?*T n ” *• to d ih$.V0, four conaecutive insartions $1.00. Limit pineas to many an milt, and we ' , rtirht " *<"* "K ullr n-— •-— »----------- *- “ — I - • erciae

THOUGHT FOR T H E WEEK “We shall do s j much in the years to come, hut what have wa done today?”

t*,*n do, and a dog taken outTha Brrgtn S. 1*. C. A » i.h n r,f ul“rl? » ¡«y» keep. »«II. ¿r-

you all . Happy New Ve.r. Th. ” "

and by nature rebels and the nn- from the Shelter are always he- imal either sick—p and dies, or ia wildered and strnnge Keep the constantly under th* doctor’s care, dog long enough for it ta kn^w j-qu Natural food ia bent for people, and t> feel at home. Be patient !o°- Ct with it as it ha* probably b *en

Let us give cur dog« plenty of abandoned or given to us from a exercise. We all need to walk more j home where it was sure it w s j

w jnted. Here again we hare the

Mrs. Otto Pipo Mr. a-id Mrs. George G ->dc of m \ Post Avenue entertain«- i at home fcr a few day» M: and JJr*.Pari} Hostess Henry Krudener and Mr; anti Mr**

viding his food is right. He w.ll

' Geg:ge Werber-and daughter Durotkÿl • of H >boken and Mr. and Mis. Henrv l

ir I —. ~r » » „ : ____ r«:» ..

Golden Rule. Treat the animal you would like to be treated if you were suddenly Uken from

tiv* lines. Average «ix words to a Una. hope that 1938 will help ua b d )


P A IN T IN G . D EC O R A T IN G and p a p r h h a n g i n o

Pleas* acraped and reftaiah*d. Era •Ot Header ton, 112 Forest Avenue, Lyndhurat. Phone Rath. 2-4820.



T U R E . Old Furniture brought jock to its original color. J . P. Groonendyke. Ruth. 2-1996-R.

P A IN T IN G A D EC O R A T IN G done reasonably. Estimate» cheerfully given. Roth 2 4184k C. Jung, 016 4th St., Lyn.hurst. 12 16 4t.c.

~ B U IL D E R S C A L L O LS EN for any alterations,

building or repays. Bent reputation. Old e*Ukbli»h*d builder in Lynd burst Specialty on flashing leak­ing mjsdow» A. Olsen, 134 L i v ingston Av-. l.yndhur»t Phone Ruth 2-2767-W 10 27-tf.


E S T IM A T E S C H E E R F U L L Y G IV E N . A L L W fcRK G U A R A N T E E D W O R K D O N E HY S K IL L E D P L U M B E R S . 30 Y E A R S ¿ X P E R ¡ENCfc. H A R R Y K R IY E R . 296 R ID G E ROAD. LY N D H U R ST .

PH O N E R U T H . 2-5621

P L U M B IN G 4 H E A T IN G —Jobbing a specialty. G. E. Terry, 148 Fern Are., Lyndhurtt Phone Ruth 2- 1841-J. U-4-4U-P

P E F S FO R S A L E— ¡more toward righting their wrongs 1 - UH. p <?ur °** a,lt* cM*

I We hope, too, that many more wlil | ou* of **Hors, cold garagei

lU S fU N S , C O C KERS, SP IT Z , FO X ,a m i i ¡ a s « U n - e d P u p p . e » V i u pTropical and Gold Fiah. F a il line ol cagea, bird, fhdi and dog sup­plies. Special 6 gal. Cah ai|uar. $1. Let ua take care of your pets while you enjoy your vacation. Free de­livery G E A R Y ’S P E T SHO P, 43# Broad St., Newark. Near D. 1* A W. Station.

2 P U P P IE S F R E E —Good homewanted lor two puppies. 102 R iv ­erside Avenue, Lyndhurst.


FO R SALE--Bed, foil sixe, complete with spring and rnattreaa; like new. Tranarfction confidential. Ad dr**» llox 10 Commwicial Leader.



693-6 M A IN A V E . PA S S A ICP A S S A IC 2 0627


appreciate the work we are d-ing and w ill show their appreciation by joining us and working actively for us.

Here are some though*» far IM S :Ju s t as soon ae the pocket book

recover* from the Christmas orgy, let ua Join the Bergen S. P. C. A. I f we cannot pay the $2 or $5 membership, let ua make a donation even If it is nly a dime. A dime a day keeps hunger cway from our dogs.

Let us make up our minds to foed our animals fresh food insloj^i of dehydrated crackers, canned meat and chemical mixtures. T j be auy * t it is so easy to open a can or a bag and all these mixtures iir* recommended, hut that ia -lone to increase the aalo*. Th* manufactur- era do not care what happens to the bird or dog or cat fed con­stantly on unnatural food, hut by


and unsanitary houses left out in the open f r the winds to Mow through And last of all remomber the Golden Rule for animals — "T rea t an animal as you would like ta be treated If you wer* that animal" Tbey cannot help them- ae’ve*. They are Y O U R mspofts- iSility.

Wet have a number of good dogs at the Tryon Avenue, Englewood Shelter Phone Englewood 3-7330.

Mrs. Otto Pipo of 360 Stuyvesant Krudener of Union City.A\enue entertained at her home Tues —d-iy gfterncon >t • P » r ;y in cfle- Mr. and Mr«. Fred Stu

. . . . . . u br* tion of b' r hir,hd*)' anniversary. , u ihter D jr . t ar 535 Sixth Aven«place where you were quiet and ! Cu'* 1* P1* ! " * ; retnmed SunH iy from a May «happy, and (mm,ht amnn* r tr ,n ,- F lo re n « ,G o th « l, | Rjv.r< W , N . J .er*. Our dors like our Shelter so Helen Hfr*. Mrs. Ed ith Mae-weil that even wHct the, *et out Dnnali, Mn.. Charto. Demarest, Mrs. . . . . T~T.. rthey play around and come right D»‘"«-rin«, and Mia. Uona Sr. and Mrs Jos^>h Co. jla t 4*back to ua. Ona do* was placed Pipo "f 1 vn.lhurst; Mr«. Katherine ' h,>1' A*'nue enterU n.d at their»1* times but came back to us Kun,,,•| o1 Hol^ken. Mrs. D. J. Botti j J»™- p X T rv T * ^ ' o ' !mevery time. He was well treated in ; o f l e r t r y C il) ' : M r? E il* 0 n i f o r 0 f | Mr. and Mrs. Thartes Bum gf (il i w hia new home, but he liked us best Arlinfton Mrs. Errma Zan.r, of 1So use your brains and don’t keep Rutherford; and Mrs. William Her- 1a dog one night and then return ,wrt J r t^ y City. Mrs. Albert Toense of MJT Jaar<-eyhim the next day saying that he ---------o---- Av» iue ««tertaiaed at \«*r bom*acta strange. S'» would you under Mr. and Mrs. C iarles Dittmar nf i Tuesday afternoon at a C ri.-*tr.aathe an me circumstances. r OS Valley Broek Avenue entertained luncheon and bridge Gu wer»

at their heme for. several «‘Ays Mr. j Mrs. Richard Thomas. MirI f w ,, tnlr i « b i » a « i p T ' ^*r ' Ke lly of atod Mn«. Arthur Domey and daugh- i S umpf. Mrs. John Meyer, M>c Doro-

it I t L . n keep 633 Park Place hive as their guest t®ra Lillian and Beatrice of Greons-1 thy Whiitn, Mrs Kate Kranit a t least two weeks. Dogs L-kkxi I W illL im R. Wilson of Hoboken ' - - -bo»« Bend, Vermont. M*rç'e Li idle and Mm. H. N.

. Mrs.

' " S R C

FO R R E N T — Fumiahed room and bath, »team heat. Phone • Ruther­ford 2-3468-W . 12-30 4t p.

FOR R E N T - -4 rooms and bath; oil burner heat. Hot water, all yoar around, f:ve minutes from Kings- land Station, gatag*. Rutherford2-32.16-W.

12-23-4U c.

| FOR R E N T — F U R N IS H E D ROOMS W Ii*H IK )A R D FO R G E N T L E M EN OR L A D IE S . 157 V A L L E Y , BRO O K A V E , LY N D H U R S T . |

12-H0-4t.pA P A R T M E N T S -Z

$ room» fumishr<i $26 00 1 *‘ ( )^ R E N T - -3 larg* rooma, and II rovma, heat, til* bath, built it* " I 1. >>nprov*m*nta, adults




I_______________ ________________________Forest and Stuyvesant ÄOMMMl

R EV . F R A N K U N G. F A B E R . Rector Roeto ry : 861 Livingston Avenu*

Phon* Rutherford 2-0167I R E K D M E M O R IA L U N IT E D I i P R E B B Y T E R IA N CH U RC H

8tuyveaant Avo., near Valley Brook Rev. James H. L it tell, D.D.

9:46 a nPastor

Sunday School11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Young P*ople Christisn

Union. *7 00 p.m. Intermediate Young Peo­

ple’» Christian Union.

i* tile kitchen heat .............


H O U S E S FO R R E N T j iwoasi (a ra (e |4S.O0« m m . fa r a ic . . m o .ihi

only. 144 Tontine Avenue.12*28-4 t-p.

FO R RE*\T— iArge furnished room, hot and cold water; steam heat; for business person. 821 PoreatAv«., Lyndhurat. 12-23-4tx.


■_____ H O M ES j FO R R E N T — Pumishod room, with6 rooms pnd both, 2 car gor private family. Near High School.

**• $60.00 5 minutes from Railroad Station,f rooms and hath. 1 car gar 332 Woart Avenue, Lyndhurst.

..................... $46 00 0-16-tf I0 rooms and bath $40.0o - —

ROOM S FOR R E N T —8 room apartment*.4 rooms and bath (h«at sup- Il**m * 12 *nd (’*B **d olec

pHod) ....................... | 40 oo U k . y ^otK A fp jy fWa i i T AM4 room. 3nd bath (heat sup. I - W *»**-

pM,<l) $37.60 ! KOR R E N T _ A P A R T K 1 N T — 4

Home Avanue RutherfordRev. Hubert A . W right

92 Orient W ay, Rutheiford Morning Worship 11 a.m.Sunday Sthool 10 a ni


I rooms and bath »m ooOther Attractive Rentals

M s n u u

rooms, and hath, heat supplied.1»« Summit Ave. Ruth. 2-41«».

F o r R EN T - Furnished ream,' with prj\ate family, garage, 27« Ave. C«|l evenings.



U W T - Boston Hull. male. Black and white. Reward if relaraed to 419 Lake A**., Lyndhurst.

218 Stuyveaant Avenue Rutherford 2-3606r a d u T T e p a i r

S U R E W A Y R A D IO S E R V IC E , S & M t ropairing on ail radios. Tubes'

M étel froe. Ten Eyck Avenue, U * ... arst. Phone Rutn. 2 0117 W.

I n s t r u c t i o n '

l<OST— I ght brrwa d;»g with white markings, s'se of Fox Terrier. Finder please notify Schweigert, 384< Watson Ave., F H aM L jb H M b . ford 2-44*2 - 12*80 I t p.

MISCELLANEOUSW A N T E D — Raobita and Guinea Piga

Wm Wiersmg, 84 CortUndt St., Belleville. N. J . Phone Belleville 2 3668 12.1« 4t. p.r iA N O IN STRUCTION S*- Improv.s-

igy pepular musir and rimarca! Ì Jtaught a t your horn- . t *1 |M . N O T IC B Any cat wmm 4 and gi

Center Stoyveoaat s»d Itmiine Ave« Kev. Donald E Williams. Paaior Pars one f a 197 Tontine Ave Pbone: Rutherford 2-7618-J.

rijurf cMiijwn4r or christ.I* Ruth«rf«rd. S. J.

K P I CRH gPONT O UMOOLN AV«g Branch • / IS # .V o lfce r Chunk

Th« Plr»t Chureti ef ChrUt. Men* tint. In Boaton. M au t*«m<lny H a r v te m a t I I a .m a n 4 • p .m

A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR . . . TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND ALL OUR NEIGHBORS.Let us all start the year with ar upward vision. Fcrg-et the past and dig In ant! .} work for better days, and more of them, ( ood times mean irood tning-s to eat and ¿j we have them. Start off with good eats a id just keep having: them—At our New \ *ar Hartfain Prices!

Specials Thursday, Dee. 30th to Wednesday, Jan. 5th Inclusive

If you have not received one of our recipe calendars, please ask for one.

ROYAL GUEST COFFEE lb 27c MASTER BLEND COFFEE lb 23c R ltil FLAVOR COFFEE lb 19cM l .H . l J K ( i .

ORANGE PEKOE TEA 25co r a n g e p e k o eTEA BALLS /_ — «a 1c10 ( IZ PK G . \HOLIDAY MIX CRACKERS10 OZ. PK ii.HOLIDAY SPICE DROPS1 . LB ;. PK G .f a n c y m ix e d n u t sI L B PKG . FA N C Y DIAMO.NLD WALNUTS CHESTNLSTUFFED ------






Call Ruth I M U h l ipan* • 9-16-Hti-p

Victor monixed.

E L E C T R IC IA N ElaotricaJ W iring and Rt'pairing

Eatimat** Cìivan C H A JU .e s O 'S U L L IV A N

290 Willow Av*., Lym hum t l*hone Ruth. 2-6219

^ 12 23-4tl c.P IA N O T U N IN G

W A N O T U N IN G J Edward Lay, “ The Piano Doctor** endor»*d by The Em**C SV*ven« Piano Studios of Montclair, aUo Tuo*r for B*lle vm* School»* Eatabliabed 20 >-ea>s •olleriH* 2 3063

monixrd. upholstery cteahOd fai '»nly 8» 98. Cara rallad for and d*. livared. Phon* RUth. 2*4860.

$325 fo r $35M O VIN H —■ Must aacrifle* for quick

sal*. 4 year college coursa in law. 26 U rge brown, limp loa­th«. volumes with 76 supplo- ai*i.ts and 100 additional tosta, worth $.»£■*" V» Bog 487C'ommerrial l««« .. .

W A N T E D — P rivato garage, in vie- m ty Of p o et am i Chaae Avenu*«. W rit* Commercial leader. Box16, L> adhurat. 12 *8-3t p.

NOTESOscar S*g«|, of Jauneay Avenu*

M i yooterday for Florida, whet* be will spend a month

Edward Rua*-», »en of Mr and Urea. 1C. J .R u a a a of 639 Ten Ryrke A vw u*. a itudcnt at John MarehoU Co!l*ge i f U » , of Jera*y City, ha» hawt eleeted president of th* Gomar* La w Club.

Mis* Florence Gutawk of 417 Ride» Road is at »rranton. Pa,, for

Court Lyndhurat. Catholic t>au( h ^ o l America, held a <T<rlaUna.

m a tly at the parish hall


Tliei* «>ll he a apeeial Wateh- li«h t w rvice at the MeUiodial Cpls. ■opat t'hureh thia Friday evenin»,at elevro .,’c'i^k, wiih Uie pali or, W , - I» nakt » W illiam ., la'•hjrre.

TI te re mi la r servicea « i l i he heM ut Suntlay with sc im i» , by thè psuiar al eleven in Uie inorain« m i etcht in thè eveaitif.

Th . analisi candlr'iaht aettnea lald at l«m O'clack aa a w te y ar­emo .n peniwd a deliirhtlul caper-

ianre fin- all y l» sten ad. Niaa I * 1 KM irtit told thè Story “ Itaaa

Unto Rnthlehem" by Van DyVe. with .lusieal mt.rludaa hy M r. John II W 'ienn aad thè Ito». Donald K

ìpms M w I "la Foahnaka aan«


Rev. George F. Mailer, 295 Travers P I , Lyadhurat. N, J .

Valley Brook AveV and Travera PIN E W Y E A R ’S D A Y . JA N U A R Y 1

9 A. M. A special New Y e a rs Day aervu'* w ill be beld at 9 A. M. at St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, Valley Brook Avenue a n l Travera Place.The theme of Rev. George Muller's .-ernton will be "Fruitfu lnes* or Un* iruitfulnoaa” . *. t ju

Sunday, January 2nd. 9 IB A. M . f; -Bnndny——booL I f year ehHd .ia no4|*

| any Buaday School I him or her lo Sunday school this Sun* ' day morning. Let them start the New Year in the Lord's House. ■

10:80 A. U Divine vortfctp avid the celebration of holy ccmmunicn. The theme of Rev. Muller » serman

. w ill he “ The Dance of Death."I Monday. 7 P M Jun ior Y. P. S.

Tueeday 8 P. M Church Council. Friday. 7:30 P. M Sunday School

le a fle t» leaaon course.Friday, 8:30 P. M Senior Y. P. 8» I

» Thursday. Jan . IS , 2 P M La^ lM I Aid.

S t Matt hew'a Lutheran (>aroHigrateful for the opportunity to servo, I wieb all a eery Uesaed New Y e ir

Mr. and Mrs. Joaeph DufTy of E l» Poat Avenue mterta.»mi at the rr - fr * ' : * “ l- •**» M - North, e ^ “ i ^ a i . ; ^ * « , » » • " k

i . '!» r a*IX,. ^ 1LT ■‘riaii.iita ü.. l-auwii I n a « ) ' . —- ___ ______

( H » IS I IAN W IFN C R CHI'RC H “ O W ' ¡a the l^ason-Sermon sub.

ject for Sunday. January 2. In all Chriat'an Scie tv-r i>urchen and So- cicties throuthcut the world

The (in ideo Tast ia: -Tiiy Way, 0 Ood. la in the sanctuary who is so | M I a Gad aa our C od ?" (Psaints TT13L

Am xyt the LMaan Sarmon citatlona la I l a W M a frana the Bihte: "A nd K id U miutitadea came uni. him. havinW with them rhoae that srer. lameT\ hltod. dumb, matssed.________________ - a*“ 1 ^.»1 H a «dawn a l J»m a feet, aad he haaled aaa.* (MatNiÀw it mi.

T V iM asa-M rsm i also r'~ll~i <1lU paaa»«e frn-» the C1tn.> an »e*. aw e taathoak. -Rctoaee and Health wtth hev ta the Neriplureu* byM ar, Raker Edd , I f God healfor no leaarr power e^ual. the la . « H t . AU power: hat God. Tnitk Life U » a , doe. heal tita U tk

T S 2 Ib pkg 25cO LIVES No. 15 Pall 29c

4 cz lUc 10c10c

10cCANDIED P IN EA PPLE 15cCANDIED CHERRIES IScMIXED FRUITS 10cSAOE pk* 5c - 10cTHYME pkK 5c - 10cSTUFFING pkg 15cRUM SAUCE _ _ _ J_ jar 19c W INE JE L L IE S ___________ ja r 15c

Lg. Buttles G IN G E R A L E ar

Seda . . . 3 for 25<(Plus Depoeit)


Legs of SPRING LAMB Ib 25* Prime RIB ROAST . . . Ib 294KEC .I LAH SPEC I A L C l 'R E I ) W..ole or Shank E..d

SMOKED HAMS . . . . Ib 27*O C R O l * CO I N T R Y S T Y L E

SAUSAGE MEAT Ib 2 *Hof Perk SAUSAGE . . Ib 35* Phiia. SCRAPPLE . . 2 lbs 25*

Switt's Premium HamQuick Serve— Juat heat through or ».lice cold

Thi* Sw iit’s Premium Ham. Quick 8erve. is a landrr. delbiousty flavored ham ready to be served hot by 6 v*r> ahort healing period at a low temperalare or read>to use cold because it has been cooked to perfection In hrlentirusll,) controlled lieal by akiiled rook» If you beat this hsm. remember it ne«sia juat enough heat to brow% the surface. Do not spoil the flavor or lose the rich natural jaicea by over cooking.


SMOKED H AM Ib 37*Cooked all ready to eat— Cold or heat

Wl.ole or »hank end

■ ■ B 8L A R G E BOX M A R T IN I C O C K T A IL

Crackers . . . . 10< {{D liciiH.» Ajinad For Urea:!(N com argenn

NucoaN E S T L E S or S H E F F IE L D 'SEvap. Milk . 4P U R E SO FT S A N I

ToHet Tissu? 9 ...P H IL L IP S CO O KED

Spaghetti . .Fig Pudding . ». „

. . Ib 19c25«!

Ü25c P.3

111.. 5c 23f

ALLO N JU G No Depo .it

Pure Cider . . 39cY A N K E E

Tom. Juice . 3QT. JU G

Prune Juico . .Lc*v< Your Order For The

Elghtbel Kegs Boe,a filli the thin/ lor your N»tV

Year’s Party.

25< I I5<ii

Ii ne i


A Full Line ol D 'lfe itc rsen — Home Made Salsd.i — Co!J Cuts — PlcW ti Her.iitK 1\ btt k or In ¡ara.



Florida ORANGES . . dos 25*Ktnem*d — • We rreommeod thrm fnt Jui.-a


Wax Boons.................. 2 lbs 25*CO O KIN G or

Eating Apples . . . . 4 lbs 19*L A R G E S IX E C A L IF O R N IA

Sunkist Oranges . . . . doz 35*J E R S E Y

Washed Carrots . . . 3 lbs 10* Canadian Turnips . . . 3 lbs 10c


10«% P I R K S 1 K A IG H T

California Wines .W IN E S .............. ............. ................

Dry W ines............Calif. Sweet Wines

. . qt 59<(in F ifth » ) 4*r

. gal $1.00 V2 qol 89c

John Begg Old Scotch 1 5 $2.79 Domestic Scotch . . . 1-5 $1 50 80 Proof Bourbon Rye qt $1.39 80 Proof Straight Rye qt $1.39 Schenley's Red Label . pt $1.14 Schenley's Black Label. pt $1.39BO N D ED

Old OvorhoH pt $1.67 .1 - 5 $2.67B E E R BV T H E BOTTI.F.. CANS. •, G A L . P O IT I F.S or E IG M T H Fle K E G — Delivered |* toar h«Hn* |C K t O i l)

; i

For a New Year's Celebration or a Treat . . . Play Safe . . . Lecvc your order with us «or Wine» and Liquors . . Fresh Country Cider . . Ging r Ale and Sodas . . . Popular Brands o f Beer and Alo . . . A Full Line . . . At Real Special Prices! .,


L R I D C r R O A D SMLE I HUSTLE FREE DELIVERY F M O M l P U r x i R i o o o T 4 4 S 0 4 4 S I

We are member» of R etail Grocer* Aw n o f N. J. Alno N ational C rocrrs A *rn.

Page 7: C om m ercial lea d er New« Impartially Told Com m ercial lea d er VOL. XVII, NO. XXXI LVNOHl'RST, K J, TWW>BAY, DECEMBER SO. 1*37 It Pl)i Advertise-Young Howe Die* After Losing Leg