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STAR VOLUME 18 NUMBER 10 October 1979



HAROLD THOMAS Deputy Superintendent Bureau of Community Services

EMIL H. CALZARETTA Director Public and Internal Information Division


2- 14 A special on Pope John Paul II visit

15 The Blue Light 18 In Memoriam 19 Recent Retirements

* * * Photos for this issue were taken by Victor Gironda, Thomas Tatum, Roman Zabicki, Steven Herbert, Ted Grudzinski, Harold Thomas III, Denyse Modica, AI Stasiulis, Harry Schmuel, Harry Harrington, and Ed Willett, Graphic Arts Section.

EDITORIAL STAFF LeROY JIRIK, Editor; DENNIS BINGHAM, Associate Editor; Photos by Graphic Arts Section Photolf­raphers. Unit reporters are listed in the Blue Lilfht Section.

The Ch icago Po li ce Star is published monthly by the Ch icago Police Department and is the offic ial department publication . The Star is distributed without charge to active and ret ired Department members . No one is authorized to sol icit or accept payment for advert isi ng or su bscri ptions to the Sta r. Perm iss ion to reprint artic les must be rece ived in writi ng from the Di­rector of Public and Interna l Information Div ision, Ch icago Police Department, 1121 South State Street, Chicago, Illinois 60605 .

2 Chicago Police Star October 1979

An Editorial During the 37 hours that Pope John Paul II was in our midst, Chicago Police

Department personnel were in the forefront as well as the background of thi s historic visit.

Many hours of planning. Many details assigned. Many questions to be answered. Would there be a crush of humanity? Would there be an orderly crowd? Would there be any incidents? Would there be frustration over an undertaking which was unprecedented in its

magnitude? There were questions that had no answers at the time in preparing for the events

that were to transpire. Pressure ofiogistics and assignments aside , you showed your good humor in what

some officers thought were rare positions in the scheme of the operations-a refer­ence to what some called their flu sh of responsibili ty.

You had to contend with long, cold and miserable hours in what was a monumental job. You carried it off with the aplomb of routine assignments-and your disposition matched that of the Pontiff.

There was courtesy extended and received-not only to officers in the fie ld as­signed to the Pope, but to those officers carrying out their daily assignments .

You earned and deserved the cheers and the good fellowship of citizens who showed their con cern by not trying to "intrude" on your assignments .

It is something all of you will remember and will be treasured for years to come. Congratulations . To you we dedicate t hi s specia l issue of the Ch icago Police Star.

-LeRoy Jirik

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It was a police officer's dream to see a three-day event such as this-the visit by Pope John Paul II-take place without incident. This pictorial essay on the following pages is dedicated to the devotion to duty by all members of the Department during this historic event.

Superintendent's message The performance of the Chicago Police Departmen t during the three-day visi t

of Pope John Paul II was extraordinary. I received accolades about our outstanding work from allover the world ,

including comments from our Holy Father. All of the police officers assigned to the Pope and those who remained in their

districts and other units to carryon daily assignments, made me extremely pleased and proud to be a member of the finest Police Department in the world.

Words cannot describe my appreciation for your efforts; and my pride in your dedication and your professionalism. The first impressions are lasting impres­sions and the sea of blue uniforms without any deviation-down to the white gloves, were highly visible and very impressive.

Again, my personal thanks for your excellent performance at a very historic even t. The eyes of the world were upon us and I am sure tha t every ci tizen in our grea t ci ty feels as proud of you as I am.


o ~~~ Joseph DiLeonardi Acting Superintendent of Police

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Public Safety Director Samuel W. Nolan (center) and Police and Fire Department personnel come to aid of heart attack victim during arrival of Pope John Paul II at O'Hare Airport.

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002: Congratulations and welcome back to the 2nd District to Commander Edward C. Brooks. Commander Brooks wa s previously the Neigh­borhood Relations Sergeant in the 2nd Distr ict before leaving to attend the Northwestern Traf­fic Insti tute and begin his ca reer c l imb. . The "Best Dressed Police Officer" Award goes to P.O. Eddie Riordan. Either Eddie ownsa laundry or works part-ti me in one P.O. James Zurawski told this writer that he is consta ntly being mistaken for the Depu ty Superintendent and was forced tochangethespellingof his last name to keep the press away.. P.O. Dasie Walker and P.O. Mike Harris are into the ir sec­ond season starring as the Odd Cou ple .. . I would like this opportun ity to say good-bye to a good friend, fellow reservist and former O. P. S. I nvestigator Gilbert Tho mpson. Thom pson is now making his home in Houston, Texas wit h his lovely family. . Commander Brooks and Com­mander Paris of the Inspection Division con­gratu late P.O.'s Phil Hayes and Brenda Shead for their quick action that resulted in the immed iate apprehension of a rapist.

P.O. Vince Dobbins

003: A big welcome to David Mozee on his pro­motion to comma nder of the Third District. Commander Mozee would like to congratulate all the members of this command involved in the recent barricade incident. "They performed as a team, maintained firearmscontrol , immed iately responded to orders, and handled the incident in an extreme ly competent, professional man­ner without firi ngone shot," he said ... So long to Capt. Edward Buckney and Lt . Barney Stahl who left the Third District for other assignments in the Department. . Wel come aboard to P.O. Thomas Quinn Congra tul ations to my mother , Mrs. Miller, who recently received a part in the new Steve McQueen movie " The Hunter" now being filmed in Chicago ... Two new births in the Third District and another shortly on the way. P.O. AI Alessia and his wife Betty with 8 lb . 4 oz. Anthony James and P.O . Dana and Betty Starks with 7 lb . 110z. Dana II. Congrats to both couples ' Detention Aide Jerry Burns said that he took a little time out from hi s scratch sheet because his wife will be expect ing a "co lt" withi n a couple of months' PO. Steve Brownfield told me that my co lumn was lacking a certain something and that I should hire the 6th District Star co lumn ist P.O. BOb Angone as a comedy writer' Thi s will be the last time you see Brownfield 's name in this co lumn'

. Congratula tions to Third Distri ct marathon run ner P.O. Dan "Boobie" Roseman and his wife Monique on their recent marriage . .. P.S. Frank Butler told me that the West was no longer wi Id and that he tamed it after he rode out to Los Ange les in just four days on hi s Harley David son

low rider ... Get well wishes to Lt.'s William Madigan and Earl Cordoni and P.O. Jim Hoff­heimer, who was injured in a fall. Ji m's wife's home cooking should bring him around soon though. She hasa reci pe that contains yeast and shoe polish-one bite and you rise and shine' ... And congratulat ions to P.O. Julius "Mickey" Miller who received an inheritance and is now thinking of buying Yugoslavia' .

P.O. Rick Miller

005: We extend our fond est wishes to former Commander Robert V. Smith and congratu lations on his recent promotion to deputy ch ief of Area 2 . . . We also wi sh to express cogratu lations and best wishes to our new District Commander Frank J. Sautkus. We sympathize with 004's loss but we are proud to say that 005 came out on top .. It was great news for P.S . Vince Keating and

h is wife Mary Kay when they became parents of a beautiful I ittle girl Mary Margaret who made her debut on payday, weighing in at 8 lbs. 9 ozs. P.O. Michael Anthony and wife Sharon were not to be outdone fo r they became the proud parents of bouncing boy Marcus Elliot P.O . Pat Fleming wa nted to welcome Pope John Paul II to our fine city in his own specia l way. Pat con­cocted the ulti mate in fine dining and had in ­tentions of serving his "Vatican Sand wich" (no, not a holy roller) wh ich consists of Polish saus­age se rved on Ita lian bread ... Congratu lations are extended to Lt . Ed Bishop and his daughter Susan. Lt. Bishop graduated from DePaul Uni­versity and daughter Susan graduated from Percy Julian High School, placing No.1 out of a c lass of 700. The lieutenant was observed in a loca l roofing compa ny inquiring about some type of uniq ue shi ngle .. . P.O. Charlie Knight

recently joined a coast guard unit. It is unknown as to the cou ntry he intends to protect (hopefully it won't be ours ' ). Char lie was last observed parti cipating in naval maneuvers on an inner­tube in the massive fish tank in Shedd Aquarium

. It was reported that former 005 Tactical Lt. Vito Contino, on a recent visit to sunny Florida , escaped the wrath of Hurricane David by c ling­ing to a palm tree with one hand and holdingan umbrella in the other ... Tact Sgt. Breitzke has declared himself an honorary member of the 5th Dist rict Beat Re p Program . He enjoys being their own personal bodyguard! Paulette , Phyllis and Judy, do you really feel protected? ... Con­gratulations are in order for P.O.'s Jack Crotty, Jack Wilkins and Wayne Con ley on their recent apprehension of a bank robbe ry suspect in Alsip, Illinoiswhileen routetoagolfouting. The defendant's attorney made an inqu iry as to whether or not you guys shouted "fore" or "po­lice" before converging on the suspect' Kee p up the good work' .

P.O. John Bell

006 : In honor of his Eminence' s Pope John Paul II visit, good "Catlics" Siudarski and Zdziennicki bought eight cases of Perrier to be blessed by the Holy Father as holy water. Suds extended to the pontiff an invite to a typi ca l Chicago Polish meal which was grac iously turned down. I won­der if the reason was it included tacos and flap­jacks? Some of the things brought by the per­sonnel of the 6th District to be blessed by the Holy Father included Rowan bringing Carroll, Smajo bringing his bank books, Rougeau bring­ing his high-heeled cowboy boots, Bob Angone his hair jamboree and, fi nally, Phil Miritello bringing his new Lincol n Mark V and pasta fork

. New babies to Bill and Jan Joyce and Vince

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and Mary Kay Keating ... Annette Love is doi ng a commercial for Volkswagen in which she leaves her rad io on d uri ng an entire tour of duty and the car still starts ... Tom Collins back from his furlough is busy denying that his used car lot is Gresham Auto's look-alike in Indiana . Tony of Gresham Auto says Tom's lot doesn't compare to his. . It finally happened! Bob Gallaway had to remove his gunbelt to walk through the front door of the stat ion ... Suds Szudarski quit eat­ingthose delicious M & M candies because they were too hard to peel ... Welcome from the Slyfox Unit Phil Pesavento and Mary Grayer ... Magpie Chief Smajo was so excited about meet­ing the Pope, he switched his vacation from Las Vegas to Lourdes ... George "I like to dress casually when I'm off-duty" Gaynor got grabbed by Immigration in 018 and had to show proof he was a Mexican citizen. . Wayne Milia, watch­ing an old German newsreel, recognized his Uncle Gunther, only he was wearing the uniform of an Italian prisoner of war ... John Herr made this year's poster boy for St. Vitas Dance ..

P.O. Bob Angone

007: Hi my darlings .. . Department Commen­dations to Sgt. James Ivory and P.O.'s Jalal Ally, Richard Valela, Edward Bunch, James Pubins, John Crenshaw and Harry Sias, with super thanks and congrats .. . 46 Honorables, Eighth Period, for Sgt.'s Shaw, Jr. and Conroy and P.O.' s McGovern, Rynne, Darby, Wronski, Joseph Smith, Posiadlik, O'Neal, Horton, Mason, Berg, Joseph White, Har­grave, T. Davis, Gilmore, Jr., Gibson, Weaver, Gar­rison, Vaughn, Puzas, Poe, Flanagan, Geraci, Rus­sell, VeSota, Tribe, Young, R. Johnson, Bernatek, Knox, Cushing, Meier and a tip of the Super Seve n Cap to Edward Beale and Sharon Sykes (three Honorables!). Congrats to all our officers and keep up the fine work ... Deepest sym­pathy to Sgt. Cage, Jr. and P.O. 's Pearson, Lewis, L. Williams, Gilmore, Jr., Longhenry, C. Wright, Purpura" and to the family of our own Robert L. White ... Sympathy also to Norman S. Hoffman on the death of his brother Bernard. Rest in peace.... Super Cupid's arrow hit Norma Cherry and Stephen Terrell . .. Happyanniver­sary to our Commander A. R. Thompson and his wife Bess on 32 years of bliss! ... Super Seven Stork dropped off pi nk bundle Nicole Marie (mommy Laverne, daddy Anthony, Garage) Sor­rentino Happy birthday to John Michael (mom Donna, dad Bernard) Scott, big six; Michael Anthon y Delia, big one; Bess Thompson, our commander'S wife; Cynthia Dangerfield, Sgt. Titus' mom; and my grandgirls Jennifer Carrie, 9, and Carrie Kariow, 6. Many happy returns of the day' ... Mayor's compliments received for six periods totaled 236' Our Super Seven softball team-the "Bogus Checks"-made it to the quarterfinals and suffered a 6 to 2 loss. However, we must commend and thank each member for representation and dedication and next year we will be victorious' Welcome back to Super Seven Kitty Buczyna, hea Ith to you always' . .. Welcome Commander Arthur R. Thompson from all your Seventh District troops! ... Daily thought: Men consider a 50-mile hike as training in physical fitness, women call it sho pping! . . Toodles and ten-four . .

Rita Jeanne Pope

008: Welcome back to 008 once more , only, this time as District Commander Robert Casey. Good luck ... Our deepest sympathy goes to P.O. Pat Connolly on the recent death of his mother- in­law and also to P.O. Tom Kehoe on the death of his sister ... Condolences to P.O. Joe Carey on

16 Chicago Police Star October 1979

the death of his father. . Our newest retirees in 008 are Sgt. Hugh Farley and P.O. Earl Triantis. May your coming days be many and happy. Wedding bells rang loudly when Ellen Marie Reape, daughter of P.O. John Reape, became Mrs. Michael Malone. And Nick Zukl ic, son of yours truly, walked down the long aisle of St.Gall's Church to tie the knot with Michelle Nied ... Congrats also to our own P.O.'s Dorothy Kulpa and Ray Zak, who are now Mr. and Mrs.

. Cigars were recently passed out by P.O. 's Larry C.ardwell and wife Helen, on the arrival of their son, Lawrence Kilian Cardwell II ... P.O. Stan Kucharski has been so nervous lately that one would think HE was having the baby. Fact is, it was his daughter who was long overdue in making Sta n a grandpa for the second time. Daughter Janice and baby James Michael doing fine. . Lt. John Cusack returned from his fur­lough happy as a lark. He, too, is a grandpa again. This time its grand-daughter Mary Ester who made him so proud ... Doctors at Holy Cross say that when they removed P.O. Bill Wal­leryszak's ruptured appendix, they also found a coho in there. Seriously, Bill is now doing fine

. Get well wishes to P.O. Jim Jennings, who was recently hospitalized ... P.O. Len Rizzi has been seen quite often in Marquette Park lately . He's pulling for his son Jeff, who is work ing hard with the St. Rita High School varsity football team. . Sgt. Shinner's Shiny Tac's decisively beat Capt. Ridge's Raiders. They may have won the ballgame, but the beat men won the beer consu mpti on afterwards.. Remember, your brain is no stronger than its weakest think . . Til next month, God willing .

P.O. Nick Zuklic

010: Welcome aboard P.O.'s Richard Iwanowski and Peter Neary. Lt. Gerald Keller has de­serted us for the I ntell igence Division. We wish him luck .. . Get well wishes are sent to Lt. Thomas Fahey, Sgt. Juan Gomez and P.O.'s Vane Estergren, George Kary, Carol Lamb and Mary Ann Sevening ... Our deepest sympathy to the fam­ily of Officer Jose Torres who died of injuries sustained in an on-duty auto accident .. . Con­gratu lations to Lydia and Louie on their recent marriage. The 10th District was well repre­sented at the recepti on. . Ski pper Pat Feeny reports there were no casualties on the boati ng expedition, only minor bruises ... JoAnn Crow­ley has just returned from a Caribbean cruise and sends best regards to her friends within the Department ... There's no stopping Sgt. Chuck Hensley' He recently won his second pool tour­nament. . Welcoming a daughter, Josephine, weighing 9 Ibs. 7 oz., is P.O. Ray Karlik and his wife Elvia ...

Darlene Gniadek

013: Commander Hector Hernandez thanks everyone that took part in the 13th District's fifth annual open house. More than 2,500 people attended and had a great time. A specia l thanks to Major Adams and the Henry Horner band, John Harris and the Montego Bay band on tour from Jamaica, Jae Sun Do who presented a karate demonstration (it was so impressive my son has demonlished hi s room, the back porch and has just about fini shed the basement) , Lloyd Hover and the Clemente High Schoo l Steel Drum Band, Carlos Ruiz and the Latipico Leal Band, Ray Tate and Jeff Lindgreen, the Old Town School of Music, the 13th District Steering Comm ittee and Explorer Scouts, Sgt. Greenspon, P.O.'s Ir­rizary and Zerwin and R. Holmes, R. Castro and

Helen Soto ... Commander Hernandez is sm il­ing for othe r rea sons, too. More than 100 citi­zens have been saved from death or inj ury withi n the past 30 days because of the fast actions and quick response of our district officers I missed another good party that everyone is sti ll talking about at Sgt. Lara's wedding. We wish him and his lovely wife Lydia the very best. We wish P.O.'s G. Ramirez, J. Konior, and D. Kowalski the best of luck in their new assign­ments .. If we had a "Son of the Month" Award, it would go to P.O. Harry Strong's son, Harry Jr. He received two gold meda Is and three trophies for track and field and placed second at the Detroit Internati ona l Track and Field Meet. Harry, Jr. isjust 10yearsold . Weall wish Harrya very happy birthday .. . Sgt. Tyska has chal­lenged 10 Sector to a softball game against 20 Sector. As for myself, I don't know the differ­ence between a so ftball and a basketball, but everyone else in the mighty 10 Sector ha s been playing softball for years and some have even played in the International Playoffs in Puerto Rico. So, Duke, if you are still interested I would like to talk to you in private before the game. Speaking of the Duke (Sgt. Tyska), the Count (Sgt. Kocinski, retired) has been observed in the district maki ng sure the 20 Sector is bei ngtaken care of ... My apology to Eva, Rich and Wally in the Review Office. But, honestly, I only make those mi stakes to keep you on the ball . .. Thi s month I will give LeTourneau a break and not say anything about his daughter Jodi (even though she really loves me) ... And I won't pick on Tony Diaz about his haircut now that I have found out it is really a wig. . As for Sgt. Apostle, how about some new jokes? ... To Capt. Hass: lowe you a cup of soup. . To Tony Priola: With 10 years in that tact office, you deserve at lea st a Department Commendation ... ToJohn Scalise and Nick Stanisopolus: You deserve each other' ... There was just too many Honorables this month to menti on. You guys a nd gals are doinga terrific job, keep it up. . Everyone start think­ing about our annual Christmas party. Let's make it twice as good as last year's, if that's possible ..

P .S. Roger Terry

016: The district welcomes Joe August, John Courtney, Bill Cernak, Phillip Dant, Art Girard, James Drewganis, Philip Kalas, Ray Malczynski, Alan Miller, Victor Rini, Anthony Serritella, James Shaeffer, a nd Bruce Vaccaro .. . Tom McCourty and John O'Connor went to 049 ... While Com­mander Daniel Coli was on vacation somewhere in the wilds of Minnesota where he had to do all the cooking (he really is a great cook ), his place was taken by Capt. Thomas Green who kept things running smoothly in his absence ... We now have a new leader for our jogging team! Ed "Speedy" Sarafin was observed by one of our citizens in a footrace chasinga young, thin auto thief and he was amazed at Ed's great speed. Keep up the good work, Ed and maybe we can get you ina footrace with our other speedsters Bob Clark, Teddy Ochoki and Oll ie Smith ... Lt. John " I'll approve it" Griffin returned from his vacation in the 14th District and was all smiles when Bob "Give me the check" Fine returned to the old roost and went to work on his watch for a few weeks. Tell the truth, John, did Bob buy the first one? ... Good luck to Larry Daniels who resigned to further his schoo ling . All your friends will miss you Larry, so make sure you drop around . . . Mel Leititisand John Gubrud are now trying to break in a new partner ... The salute of the month goes to Richard Zerbes of the

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Communications Center who does an out­standing job in a difficult situation. Hats off to you, Dick, and keep up the good work for your friends in the field-Bob Nolin, Jerry Pardus, Gre­gory Gorski, Bill Mooney and Ron Rodgers . Anyone interested in joining the Health-Fitness Club shou Id contact Ron Pampinella or Tony Con­stanso who are charter members a nd are looki ng for members who may be out of shape. There are none around here?1 ...

P.O. Paul Petrowski

017: We would all like to extend a warm welcome to our new boss Commander Roger Whalen and best wishes to Commander Robert Casey who is now in 008 . . . Our baseball team is sti II unde­feated in the Eugene Park League. This is the third year in a row our guys have won the cham­pionship ... By the way, the Third Watch team (Capt. Olsen's boys) went down in a close game by a score of 21-5. We are still trying to figure out how Denny Kalinowski got to bat every inning

P.O. Norm (Boring) Taylor once again is making the "Big Pinch." He cleaned up the sanitation problem in the district with his police knowledge ... Best wishes to Sgt. Genow who pulled the pin and will spend his time on his farm ... Word is out that Wally Matkowskyj did Ray Trunzo's hair , .. Bruno "I can't swim" Gobbo is savi ng up for a new I ife jacket for next summer · .. Clar liszkowski is looking around for a Re­gency 98. It must be nice to have money, . . Joe "Don't pick on me" Panico and Mike (Tattoo) Jacobs picked up their new telephone books so they can see where they are drivi ng .. ' Sgt. Pat Kennedy is inviting everyone up to Fish Lake on February 31 st . . . Word has it Bob Giamarusti will retire from baseball after this season. Those line drives have made him a much older man · .. Bruce (Flash) Gordon keeps saying "wait till next year." OK, we will ... P.O. Danny lynch is saving up for a new car and hopes to have one by the spring of 1985. . P,O. Bill Peterson is the 17th District's answer to Jim Moran. Hang in there, "Whale" , .. P.O. Richie Brown hopes to be picked up on waivers for next season's baseball team ... P.O. Jim (Boner) Beutel has a new van. Keep your wife out of it, Jimmy. "Crash" Mary is costing you money, .. Did you know that Frank Cool is not? ... Bobby Hill is bumpy? Joyce Wright is wrong? ... Bob lumpp is flat? ... McDonald is not a burger7 ... Livergood is spoiled? . Irv (Disco) Schultz does not write "Peanuts?" ... Pat Boyle is festered? · .. Ernie Mack is not a truck? .. Norm Taylor is a police officer? ... Mike Wick is not a candle? · .. John Skelly is not a Wisconsin gas station? .. Enough is enough! ... Summer is over. I

hope everyone had an enjoyable one Ti II next month . . .

P.O. Rick Klasen

019: A hearty welcome to the new members assigned to the 19th District including our new skipper Commander Joseph F. McCarthy, Lt. Fred Bosse and P.O.'s Dan Amidei, Mike Cronin and Valerie Archbold ... We wish to extend our best wishes to our former Commander Thomas E. Ker­nan on his new assignment ... Also a welcome to our new Neighborhood Relations Sgt. Frank Kehoe who takes over for Sgt. Ray Del Pilar who went to the Intelligence Division ... From the Stork Dept. comes a baby girl, Elizabeth Anne, for Sgt. Frank and Donna Kehoe .. . Recent hon­orable Mentions were awarded to the following: Sgt. J. Nalepa and P.O.'s B. Stefan, W. Streff, P. Battaglia, D. leonard, I. Eiden, M. McCarthy, M.

Kehoe, B. Hoffman, M. Stather, S. Stratton and R. Marian .. , Is it true that " Disco Rick" wears elevatorshoes? , . Who is Wiggy and Twiggy on the Tact Unit? . .. The title of a new book soon to be released is "What You Always Wanted to Know About Gangs but Were Afraid to Ask" by authorR. Nowakowski .. ,P,O. Steveand Debbie levant recently were blessed with twin girls, Melissa and Melaney . . So, till next month, keep us posted on 19th District happenings ,

P.O. Phil Brady

021: Howdy alii . ,Well, after five years com­manding 021 , our boss got promoted. Our best to you Deputy Chief George McMahon. Sure hope that job doesn 't give you ulcers, .. Welcome Commander Allan Michaels. You made a very good decision keeping yours truly as the district Star reporter (I thi nk) So long to Capt. Brooks, Sgt. Stack and P.O.'s Orzech and McGourty ... A warm welcome to Capt. Sheehy, Sgt.'s Adams and Dusek, and PO .'s Chan Payne, Ramiriz and Tullos. 021 is great and you ' ll love it! .. ' Hollis Dorrough finally gave up being the fine officer he was to take a new job-selling Kool-Aid on the corner l Good Luck, Hollis, . J. Kamiecik had a baby. Really, his wife did. God bless that tot, Jim l Ray Augle is getting hitched. I sure hope she helps him out. ,Ann Martin and Douglas Glass caught a real bad guy (rape , kidnapping and theft) ... Sgt, Giltmier, W. Franklin and Calvin Holmes captured a home invader in the act Many Honorables too, Congratulations on the pinchesl . . . Joe Stehlik and Gene Condon have complained so much that I have to I ist their good work as youth officers for the 021st District. Only problem is I can't find anyl I intended to close with spectacular news on our baseball team but what can I say about a team in 6th place (they tried). Better luck next year. Even with R. Singleton's three-run homer they lost . . . Ti II next time.

P.O. Anthony Stanfa

022: Displaying their awesome offensive weapons, the 022 softball team captured third place in the annual Police District Playoffs. The team beat such powerhouses as 020 and 018 to advance to the semi-finals where they lost to an always tough Mass Transit team by a close score. They then proceeded to demolish 016 for third place. The 022B team lost in the first round of the playoffs but they did manage to wi n one game during the season. Our congratula­tions to both teams. Team A: M. Ryan, Demas, Todd, Dorng, Zions, Fortino, Escamilla, T. Shan­non, Glenke, P. Ryan, J. Quinn, I. Bryon, and Jacobi. Team B: Kennealy, Conlon, Farrell, Banks, Bordelon, Budz, Carroll, Clancy, Devine, Dowd, Orkowski, Town, Bugarin, Schlott, Treacy and Rea

. Soon to complete their recruit training in 022 are Jeff Roberts and Mary Grobarcik. Keep up the good work. Honorable Mentions are is­sued to Dan and Patricia Swiatkowski on the birth of their son Brian Daniel, weighing in at 7 Ibs. 12 OlS . What a terrific example of how teamwork pays off I , .. Matt Murray and Jake "You know what I mean, kid" Chorley are searching high and low for a new wagonman now that Jimmy Cotter has transferred to Mass Transit. Good luck, Jim, you know what I mean , kid. , . 022 opens its jaws and swallows up Bob McSweeney coming in via 002 and Dandy Dan Devine from 010. Wel­come to the real jungle. . Working on the same watch as Mary Hodge and Doris Byrd has given me an excellent look at women's lib inaction and according to most observers, they're hold­

ingtheirown ina bigwayasChicago policemen, er, police officers .. J. Quinn is glad that G. Qu inn is on the tact team so that J. Qui nn can get credit for the arrests that G. Quinn made, Mike Carroll has gained five pounds in the last month. He 's up to 103 pounds . Way to go, Mike, no one can accuse you of being a 98 pound weakling ... Pat Carey is the tact team's new AI Washington. His card playing expertise is re­nowned and Pat is working hard to live up to the standards that AI has set ... Belated farewell to Ralph Bradshaw who has left the Department to pursue a career in photography. Hope you have a snappin' good time, Ralph, . . News from the travel bureau front indicates that Capt. Balcitis is going to Minnesota on his furlough and has promised to return with enough fish to have a giant fish fry for the entire district. Don't let the men down, captain.

P.O. Bill Sutherland

023: Well, summer is almost over so get your snowblowers out of moth balls.. Welcome back to a II of our School Crossi ng Guards, . A special welcome to Michael Brian McCotter who arrived here to catch the tail end of summer (proud parents are Mike and Valerie) Farewell and best wishes to Commander Julien Gallet (018), and also to Lt, Wes Hunter, Sgt. Mike Chasen, P,O, Ken Rose and even to P,O. Tom Kuroski who abandoned shi p and broke up the Polish Mafiaski , . . Welcome back to Com­ma nder Emil Giese and a Iso to Ca ptai n John Foley

It's good to see Tom Becker in the Secre­tary's Office Best wishes to Lt. John Bur­zinski who is now in charge of our tactical unit

, I understand that John Salyers was asked to do a return engagement at ChicagoFest next year . ,Speaking of which, John and Tony Ver­tucca sure know how to give meaningful and practical farewell gifts. But I'll bet they don't shop at Neiman-Marcus, .. Congratulations to the great Officer Pennington whose son recently became a deputy sheriff. . Also congrats to Sgt. Nathaniel Reed, formerly of the 023 Tactical Unit, who was recently appointed as an admin­istrative aide to Mayor Jane Byrne. . Thats all for now, . Nanu Nanu '

P.O. Rob Sarnowski

024: Just to cover all the bases-happy Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Halloween, Thanksgiv­i ng and Christmas l ... Welcome to Sgt. Murray and P,O.'s Gill, laye, Gruber, Maloney, and Swagler, .. Good luck to P.O .'s Tamillo, Ka las and Guerrieri. Also to Lt.'s Ron Rubin and Dick Sandberg who are detailed out of 024 .. . Glad to see P.O. Kathy Kiefer back to work after a brief stay in the hospital P.O. louise Belpidio reports three holes in one this summer and is seriously thinking of going on tour, .. The re­sults of the Tactical Unit fishing expedition are as follows: Sgt. Kachka, 25 pounds; P.O. Carlson, unknown; P.O, Woods caught a cold; and P.O. Hattenberger caught a gl impse of the lake leaning over the side of the boat A thank you from Commander John Collins to all those who participated in this year's blood drive. Commander Collins named P.O . G. Nero as next year's drive coordinator .. . " Celebrity Corner" this month focuses on P.O. B. Feinstein who escorted Channel 2's 'Chicago Chronicals" re­porters down Devon Avenue. Always modest, Bern ie plans to show the tape nightly for the next year for anyone interested .. . Fifty-three Hon­orable Mentions for top performances by district personnel this month. . Hats off to the office

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staff of P.O.'s T. O'Connor, L. Ide, J. McCarthy, A. Nelson, and civilians J. Kaufman and M. Howe for the smooth, efficient operation administrating the district . .. P.O. D. Swallow's trip should be compared to a tri p on the Titani c. He would have had a better chance on the boat! . .. Welcome back to my partner P.O . Dan (Buddy) Burke. The bus is ready to gol. . And finally, happy birth ­day to my wife Jackie and my daughter Courtney. I won't be sleeping on the couch tonight .

P.O. Bruce M. Rottner

Area 1 Traffic: Anyone in Area 1 who has given birth, had a birthday or wedding anniversary, graduated from college, retired, or just plain got luck-congratulationsl John " Who, me? " Moore never got picked or won anything in his life until he stood in a show-up recently ... Charlie " I betcha " Galey bets that pretty soo n one of the day car men will write more movers than a bike man writers parkers. The contenders are: Mother Matthew, Sandbag Sawicki, " Stop two at a time" Beck, Th ree-an-hour Reynolds, and " Heart of Stone" Colon, all, of course, not to be outdone by Cracked Windshield Golab . : . Bill (Blue Bags) Burrell has returned after a hip oper­ation and is working the desk. He is the only desk man that doesn't brown-bag it ... Pettit and Showlater got new hairdos and look I ike they fell off a gay wedding cake Barnum and Bailey has been obse rving the third watch closely. . Lt. Woods owns the on ly race horse that isalive with a broken leg ... Lt. Craven has received literature from Lt. Woods and says that he can't make heads or tails out of it ... Eddie LaCourse was rear-ended and did not realize hOW' bad it could hurt until he found out his ben­efactor did not have insurance . . . John (Wayne ) Lynch does not believe that Alan Ladd was taller than the Duke ... Tom McKenna went to Hous­ton, Texas with Mother Matthew and told me Mother embarrassed him at least 100 times. Harry (Turtleneck) Krope and Ervin (The Smile) Behnke say that after 30 years on the job, the only thing that keeps them going is prunes .. Vince " I'm a Papa" Keating, 5th District, had a baby girl and was so overcome by the occasion that he stopped a traffic violator and gave him a cigar. . John Babusch has been on midnights longer than Count Dracula ... In my never end­ing battle with the Chicago Sun-Times, I am now offering two lines for two months for two bucks ... Sg!. Gaffney is talki ng about retiring a nd we think he would be perfect doing Bert Weinman Ford commercials on the Late Show ... Coming attractions next month: Booker (The Looker) Curry goes to Chinatown and Blue Bags Bu rrell comes out of his bag ... Anyone who goes to see the new Lone Ranger movie is a turncoat 1 .

P.O. Edward Ryan

Area 4 Burglary: General Assign ments deservesa salute 1 Despite inflation, the coffee is still a bargain at 15 cents ... Robbery is hoping Tom Konczal passes the bar exam ... The guy in the nurse's uniform with the neck brace is Terry Fabino . . Homicide's Dennis Murphy broke a leg when he stepped in a hole in a backyard supersleuthing at night ... Jim Cornelison and Bill Wendt su ffered neck injuries when their squad was hit by a Honda Congrats to Burglary's John Godwin on the new addition to his family-a new bass boat . Sg!. Morgan (Burg) is still beefing about not having enough juice in his shells while Nick Gluckman calls home every hour to see what else his new Doberman Ivan has destroyed. Despite the

18 Chicago Police Star October 1979

mix-up, last minute rearrangement of the party, and the moans of "I didn't get any chicken Kiev," the bar had plenty of support at John (The Gypsy) Vayda's a nd Charlie Kelly's (formerly of Area 4 Burg) farewell fete . Vayda is now a real estate tycoon and Kelly plans to take it easy. Sg!. " Who's out there?" Giovenco says that Hur­ricane David was given a male name because it was heading for the Virgin Islands . . Is it true that Wally (The Uke ) Dudycz holds the record for his six-hour sups? .

Inv. George Gottlieb

Area 6 CID: Hi, my name is Mary Irene Peters and I have been recruited by Sgt. Cowen to be the reporter for the Criminal Investigation Division, Area 6. According to Sgt. Cowen , our division hasn't been mentioned in the Police Star for more than two years. So here goes. . We all said good-bye and good luck to Lt . Kenneth Curin in his new assignment and welcomed Lt. Joseph J. Bruno as our new commander. Unfortunately, Lt. Bruno had a freak accident wh iIe on furlough (water skiing) and will be out of action for a whi le . A short while, we hopei. . We also said a fond farewell and best wishes to Sg!. John Barry who is retiring after 33 years of dedicated ser­vice. He will be sore ly mi ssed not only as our sergeant but also as our unit's social d irector. Sgt. Barry was personally responsib le for or­ganizing many of our parties, picnics, ba ll park get-togethers (come rain or shine) and golf out­ings . Thanksa bunch, Sarge . Maybe Sgt. Cowen ca n use his expertise and recruit a replacement for our fun and games leader ... Our unit wel­comed investigators Frank Guerra and Patricia Hays to the fold . .. Two of our unit' s finest received college degrees in education this summer. To make it more interesting, they are brothers! John (Jack) McGarry and his brother William (Bill ) McGarry both graduated from Northeastern University. Family and friends are quite proud of their achievement ... We hear the new addition to Sgt. Stanley's house is hav­ing a hard time getting potty-trained. Oops, we mean paper-trained I ... And of course, not to mention Sg!. AI Nagode wou Id be a crime. (Somebody call a COp l) Hi s super sense of humor is only out-classed by his adeptness with a crossword puzzle. And not the one in the TV Guide either. Five of our investigators re­cently received Honorable Mentions. They are Inv.'s Dillon, Hinman, Klick, Kumorek and Ruer. Good police work has its own rewards ... The big news in Area 6 Burglary is that Lt . Edward Wodnicki has completed his course at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Va . We are all waiting his return so we ca n give him a very persona l pat­on-the-back for a job we ll done. Last but certain ly not least, our gal Friday (and Saturday,

Sunday, etc.) Alicia Rivera celebrated her 29th birthday . Have fun, Ali. After 30 it's all down­hilJl .. That's it for now.

Mary Irene Peters

Bomb and Arson: Good-bye to Commander Ed­ward Nickels, Inv. B. De Four, P.O. Nick De Peder and D. Berkley who have a new home on the fifth floor. . Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family of Sgt . L. Arado on the death of his father. Expl. Tech A. Nolan spent his fur­lough on Mackinac Island. Good thing he left before Mary Brooks and Co. arrived!. . Expl. Tech Frank Kasky went to Colorado and Inv.'s Harry Sellers and Ray Stankey went to Wisconsi n

. Inv. T. Munyon spent his furlough growing a mustache l ... Inv. Jack O'Connell had to buy a radio since his partner retired l . Honorab le Mentions to Inv.'s Tony Rohl, Lee De Mars and Ed (Mork) Kendzior . . Sgt. J. Sandow is holding proper telephone answering classes for I nv. A. Larson! ... Inv. 's B. Du Four, G. Jenkins, L. Saxon and V. Vega were chosen to attend the " Hostage School." As trainees or hostages? . Special mentions to Inv. Ken Urbon, Ron Sacolick and Roger Elmer who prevented the unit from being flooded I . Thanks to Inv. D. Hansen for his fine police work in exterminating! ... Which acti ng expl . tech has the best typed reports? .. Lt. William (Jr.) Corbett is keeping us all busy now that he is the unit commander . Congratula­tionsl . . Inv. Clint Gandy spent his furlough on his 40 acre ranch! ...

Mary Brooks

Bureau of Community Services: Gone but not for­gotten I Congratulations to our former director of the Public and Internal Information Divi sion Tina Vicini who moved up to direct News Affairs and a warm welcome to the new director of PII D Emil H. Calzaretta ... Birthdaygreetingto Lillian Smith and Dennis Bingham (PliO); P.O.'s Frank Margie , J. Ritcherson, and AI Stasiulis (Graphic Arts); and P.O. Morgan Mitchem (Human Rela­tions Section). . Belated congratulations are in order for the members of the Bureau of Com ­munity Services who worked so diligentlyduring the summer arson and gang mission in the 13th and 14th Di stri cts. P.O. Nick Tristano did a fine job as acting sergeant as did Sgt. Ike Williams filling in at staff assista nce.. P.O. Ron Kud­linski finally stored his golf clubs for the year ... Director Harry Blackburn headed west on hi s mini-furlough and enjoyed the sights of beauti­ful San Diego.. P.O. Donna Marie Walsh fi­nall y got to La s Vegas after two years of planni ng ... The new smiling faces you see as you enter Room 308 are P.O. 's Harvey Radney and Leonard Wilkes Welcome aboard I Welcome back to P.O. Johnny Spencer ... Another new

IN MEMORIAM Friends and colleagues join with the Chicago Police Star in expressing the deepest

sympathy to the widows and families of those officers who recently died.


P.O . Wa lter Dugan. Sgt. Joe H. Gonza lez .... P.O. William Murphy .. P.O. Ronald Stulgaitis P.O . Joseph Terracina ..... .. . . .

Unit Age

.002 .. 50 . .. 023 ...... 42

021 .. 44 .... 014 . . . 39 ... 014 ...... 41

Years of Date of Service Death

.. 21 13 Septem ber ... 13 4 September ... 22 20 September

17 7 September 11 18 Se ptember

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member who has survived the training phase and is doinga great job is P.O. Steve Jackson ... Help! I need information! .

P.O. Frank T. Jasch

Communications: Welcome aboard to Capt. William R. Mooney and P.O.'s Joseph N. Ceja, Robert R. Cook, Ernesto R. Huerta, Richard P. Kary, William Matyskela and Kenneth P. Podalski. You are now one of our family ... Good luck and congratulations to Capt. Robert G. Fitzsimmons promoted to director of electronics ... Also good luck to Robert S. Leato and Vito Partipico on your new adventures Congratulations to Alonzo Bonds, Peter Kemmer, Sophia W. Sikorski and Ralph I. Turner, all promoted to dispatchers ... Get well wishes to Earl Davy, John Lyons and Radio Eng. Pat O'Shea who were hospitalized ... Welcome back to Robert Teska and Frank Zboncak after a long illness. Our deepest sympathy to Lt. Donald J. Keane, P. Thompson, and Disp. Aides Thomas Kostovich and Irene Sims on the loss of their loved ones ... Con­gratulations to Dave and Sue Cygan on their new 9 lb. 4 oz. baby boy whom they named Steven Phillip ... Ray Drygalski will probably go in the Guinness Book of World Records for using the most deodorant in seven days. Ray vacationed in Mexico. He arrived but his suitcase never did. Every men's shop he walked into, the salesman just shook his head no. Well, that's the bad part. The good part was he didn't have to worry about what he was goi ng to wear the next day ... Tom Coppoletta had a banner year. So far three grandsons were born and his youngest daughter Sandy recently married . Tom said they named the grandsons Joey, Tony and Tommy. They were thinking of changing Tommy's name to Rocky. Tom said at birth he looked like he'd been through a hell of a fight ... No news from Teletype ... Until next month, stay warm ...

Disp. Mitch Bruski

Internal Affairs Division: Congratu lations to As­sistant Deputy Superintendent J. Rafter on his promotion ... Good luck and congratulations to Commander Allan Michaels ... Everyone had a good time at the promotional party and we thank Inv. T. Raab and Sgt. H. Denk for the fine job they did ... At this writing, Mary Howard is beaming from ear to ear awaiting her fifth grandchi Id ... Rumor has it that Sgt. l. Dorff has been detailed to NASA to handle rocket fuel transportation ... Also in the rumor department, we under­stand Inv. "Dusty" Desenfants has started a new craze in the shoe industry and Sgt. Stanley " Fantastic" Barkauakas received loyalty awards from Manny's and Talman ... Welcome aboard to P.O. D. Kowalski .. Our deepest condo­lences to P.O.'s R. Heinrich, J. Butterfield and V. Sabella on the lossof loved ones ... Well, that's all for now. See you next issue.

P.O. S. Guffrea

Vice Control Division: Department Commen­dations were awarded to P.O.'s Cliff Berti, Frank Garza, Victor Oliveri and Edward Weilosinski (Gam b) for an outstanding investigation Honorable Mentions to Sgt. Ronald Simmons, P.O.'s Art Smith, Mary Green, Thomas Beck, AI Frugoli, Steve Glombicki and Clarence Coleman (Gamb) for capturing one of the biggest policy presses in the city ... Kudos to P.O. Thomas Neustrom (Narc) for his dedicated endeavors in a complex dope ring investigation ... Sincere wishes for a long and happy retirement to P.O.

Eddie Collett (Lic) who is leaving after 32 years ... Welcome aboard to Lt . John Ryle, Sgt. William Meade, Inv. George Piazza, and P.O. Marty Frer (Prost) ... It's great to see Sgt. Bill O'Connor (Lic) back in harness again ... Prost's " Three Musketeers" (Tommy Boyle, Oemi " Baby, I need it now" Pascual and Sgt. Tony Petrusonis) are back in action and business is booming ... Suntanned Dee McGuire (Lic) says her vacation in Sun City Arizona was like being in heaven .. We all know that P.O. John "Mr. Personality" Glover captai ns quite a crew of sluggers in Hector "Big Bird" Castro, Mike "Speedy" Fera, Paris "Pimp" Patton, Tony "Antny" DiMarco, Bill "Plum Boy" Cline, "Dirty Bill" Gafney, John Ferriter, Bobby Smith and George Caruso, but who sta rted the rumor that Narc's illustrious softball team is on a winning streak? P.O. Gay "Suzanne Somers" O'Donnell (Prost) says it's true blondes have more fun, but P.O. Joyce "Hollywood" Gor­niak says brunettes make better executives. P.O. Earl Nevels (Subt) says he wants another vacation. It seems he broke his foot during the beginning of his furlo while tuckpointing his house and cou Idn't have any fun ... The ru mor that P.O. Pat "P.J." Kellam's (Prost) voice has gone up three octaves after his surgery is un­founded ... Thanks to all those who made the benefit for Tom McGrath such a huge success . .. Inv. Tom "You look ravishing as usual" Strom

(Gamb) won a case of VO , just perfect for the famous Strom VO-H 20 diet ... Who, with the initials C. W. found the fountain of youth in a bottle of Lady Clairol? .

P.O. Ellen San Hamel

Youth Division: Welcome new faces to new places: Lt. E. Beazley (076), Margaret Happs (184), Cecilia Billingsley (184), Maria Escamilla (MPS), Patricia Watkins (MPS) and all others joining our crew ... Good luck and so long to B. Ward (returning to 072 from J.C. ) . . . Speedy recoveries are sent to Lt. W. Mahon (MPS), W. Frost (MPS), A. Kimber (184), and N. White (JC)

Happy retirements to M. Coussee and R. Drysdale, both of 075 ... Joe, Angela said youth officers don't die, they just go fi shing ... " Earl the Pearl:' of Juvenile Court, ha s been bouncing around like a rubber ball since the curfew and warrant crackdown. He's either upstai rs, downstairs, on the phone, typing, counsellingor whatever (all inthecourseofaday). Earl, howdo you do all of those things and remain sane? . K. Smith and D. Neely (184) are eagerly waiting for their bundles of joy ... Headquarters per­sonnel would also like to welcome new desk Officers M. Mulligan, J. Gilleran, J. Muzzarelli and H. Wiemeler .

Adline Bracey

RECENT RETIREMENTS Following officers retired recently from Department after years of honorable

service. They have the good wishes of Department col1eagues and friends.

Years of Date of Name Unit Age Service Retirement

P.O. Harold S. Andler. . . . . .. . ... 017 58 ....... 28 1 September Sgt. Henry D. Aehlert .......... . .... . 147 58 ....... 25 16 September P.O. Thomas Brown ... 007 ...... 59 ....... 25 17 September P.O. Robert L. Calpin ............. ... 018 ...... 59 ....... 31 12 September P.O. Richard G. Cervenka ..... .. ..... 112 ...... 54 ....... 24 .. 16 September P.O. Edward T. Coady ...... .. ........ 151 ...... 60 ....... 24 ...... . 16 September Sgt. Donald J. Collins. . .. 634 ...... 56 ... . ... 32 ..... . . 6 September Sgt. George F. Co nnelly .... 154 ...... 50 .. 32 17 September P.O. Andrew J. Downey ..... ...... 007 .. 56 ....... 24 ..... . 1 September P.O. Russell S. Drysdale .... 075 . . " 54 ....... 29 ... . . . . 1 September Sgt. Hugh J. Farley .................. 008 ...... 63 ....... 32 .. 9 September P.O. Bengt Flood ............ ........ 124 . 55 ....... 24 16 September Sgt. Richard C. Ford. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 ...... 54 ....... 32 19 September Sgt. Donald H. Fournier ..... . . . .. .. . . 124 ...... 54 ... . 24 .... . . . 5 September P.O. James F. Geary ............. . ... 010 ...... 53 ... .... 23 .... . 1 September P.O. George W. Hampton .... . ........ 003 ...... 59 ... . ... 29 ... , .. . 13 September P.O. Willie Harp ........ .... .. . . ..... 003 . ..... 59 ....... 24 ...... . 16 September P.O. Hilbert L. Heath .... .... . ... . ... 137 ...... 63 ... . ... 32 .... . . . 21 Se ptember P.O. Earl A. Holt 187 ...... 53 ....... 29 17 September Inv. James J. Hurley .......... . . . .... 174 . 58 ....... 32 .. 5 September P.O. Napoleon C. Jones ......... ..021 ...... 61 ... . ... 29. 13 September Inv. Charles M. Kelly ... . ... 182 ...... 58 . ...... 32 .. 24 September Lt. Edward W. Krueger 020 ...... 63 ....... 34 .. 30 September P.O. Clark A. Lind ... .... . . . . .. . ..... 049 ...... 63 ....... 27 .. 12 September Sgt. Edward L. Miller ........ . ....... 015 . ..... 52 ....... 30 25 September P.O. Walter R. Miller ........ . ...... . 010 ...... 63 ... . . 32 23 September P.O. Arthur J. Morissette ........ ..... 074 .. 59 .. . . . 28 4 September Capt. Joseph M. Mueller..... . .. 016 ...... 57 .. 33 22 September Sgt. Robert A. Noonan. . . . . . . . 081 ...... 56 . .. .. 23 17 September P.O. William O'Connor.... 012 ...... 63 ...... . 28 ...... . 10 September P.O. Edwin A. Roehr .......... . .. . ... 147 ...... 56 .. 23 18 September P.O. Robert L. Schildmiller ........... 081 ...... 56 .. . .. 23 13 Se ptember P.O. Earl O. Triantis ........... .. . ... 008 ...... 55 . . . . 32 1 September P.O. John P. Wheeler ... . ...... . . .... 124 ...... 58 .. . .. 29 .. 17 September

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