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C. ft ft ri . . - - - , , ' , , - r- - ' s - 1 7 1 i" f; ft PI I I C 1 y I 7 y VOL. V. NO. 208. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17. 188G. PRICE 5 CENTS. THE DAILY ilrerfisfmrnts. iii-mi- . cmcnts. 3.Mfniscntrn:s. .(U'frti.Sfmrnt5. Adrrrtiscmrnts. J3u5infss (Cards. ATTORXKYS-AT-U- H. rJ'() PLANTERS. I'acilic Commercial Advertiser IS PUBLISH FI) Vwry Morning Except Sundays. SUN FIRE OFFIGE r i. x i x I. L. TANU(. JOHN Mt'AJk . Spruance, Stanley & Co., Importer and Jobbers of Fine WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUORS 41(t Front St., Situ FrsurUro. T tf .t w KS1CS TEED C5 "ufrn Etliiibvryt Street?, WHOLWLK K Dealers lu II A V AM) UKAIX, Telephone No. 175. Goods dellveret' piomptly. We h:tve on hand ;i consignment oi Automatic Trash Feeding Furnaces, Fo. four and tive foot furnaces, complete with grai burs, bearers and trash carriers. Machines of iris make are now in successful operation at !Sp'e kelsville. Mttkee Siwar Couipniiy and other pliiii alion-- . Also, a of Iilter Presses, HaviiiiJ all the latest improvetnents. PLANTEKS AND OTHERS Interested are requested to call ami examine the above. For prices and further particulars ap " l- - Win. (t. Irwin & Co., BONE MEAL!! The uinUiuiied arc now prevaivJ to re ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer from the manufactory of Duck A Ohlaudt San Francisco. The following iri a report of the compo- nent parts, as ohtained by Chemical analy- sis: Water s.10 pel cent Organic Matter 2;.1M " 44 Silicious Matter. . . . 4.C3 44 " Lame 31.70 " ' Phosphoric Acid 23.11 " " Oxide of Iron . .85 " Carbonic Acid 1.89 44 ' Alka Salts .52 44 100.00 t'laus Spreckrls V'ui. O Irwin. CLAUS SPKECKELS & CO., BANKERS. HAWAIIAN JI.AXIS, Iraw Kx-!i:ui- on the principal purt.i f the world. Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conituct t general bunkiiiK and exchaicre business. Iieposits bearhiif inteK St r'C-ive- in their isuv iiiK:i Depar tnn-n- t subjeet !' I'lihllsln .1 rul s and rei;iilH!!o,is. 17o:tf M. PHILLIPS dc Co., nitil InIMle Iejil'rH in 1utor(crH Jioots, Shoes, Hals, Men's Furnish- ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumauti .street. Honolulu, II. I. 25if-w- CLAIM Si'HKCKKI3 M. Q IK WIN. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., ;AK I'ATltS hikI 'oinniiMMloii SI AGhNTK. Honolulu M. I. MAOFA.ELANE & C0-- , LTIIOI,r.SAL.K WEAI.KltS AJf JK erai Jobbers In WINKS and LlliUOKS. o. V liaalniiaauci .Street, IIONOLULi:. 29-- U &-5A(;KF- ELD & CO.. (1 D.VEItAL rOMMISKl?? J"l.T?tT 'Id tf Queen St., Honolulu, n.. V. BANNLNO. W. MAfcJtTKXS. f ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & Co., Importers A Commission MerchnutM. A tiueen Street, Jionoiiilu, JI. I. 27-- ti W3I. McCANDLESS, o. H (tieeii Street, Fish Market. lealer in choicest BKKK, VEAL MUTTON, FIH.etc. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to oruer. 2 tf W. H. ALDIIICH, tieneral Ilnsiness Asent. Has removed to J. I. Dowsett's store, Queeu st., where he will attend to any business entrusted to his care. DEPOT OF UNION DAIRY. Orders for milk respectfully solicited, aud prompt attention given to the delivery of the same. 4' New rhotosrraph Rooms. f YER NICHOL'S STOKE. rQr.T S1T.EEi, J next the Shooting Gallery. Pictures, Port- raits and Yiews. First-clas- s work. Satisfaction guaranteed. 114ap2 . A. GOXSALYES. Employment Office rfHK UXDEBSIOXED HAS MOVED INTO J. the office of Mr. J. K. Wiseman, where he will be prepared to furnish household servants, collect hills, do Anglo-Chines- e Interpreting, and a general business. 51 SOYOXO. DE. jNX. GrO TO TUYSICIAX AND SURGEON. LEPROSY A X speciality. Office honrs at Kakaako, from y to 11 a. in. every day except Sunday. Will visit patients at their residence by request. All otlie r diseases treated at his office, corner of Puuch-bo- wl and Beretania streets . Ottice hours from 1 to 5 p-S- day's, from 8 to 12a.m. 112apr'2 TO RENT. rpHK COTTAGE NOW OCCUPIED BY MR. E. I W. Tucker, containing six rooms. room, pantry, veranda room, etc. There are al.-- stal.Ies carriage house, servant's room, all in cood order. Apply to E. R. HENDRY, at Pacific Hard ware Co.'s Store. Fort street. :tetilecltf CHRISTMAS WORK. FTTFRIXG AND ILLUMINATING DONE upon any kiml of material. Mottoes, mon- - Xrams and original uesins uumuru n iinj rders taken for Christmas onrd of Hv subjects and scenery, suitable to send abroiul MHS. J. D. STRONG, lils Fort street. Mutual Telephone No. ;. CURRY & RUOTIIEK, rVPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ... if,ii..s and Pistols. Colt Winchester, Kennedy and Martin Magazine Rifles. Riming Sharp ad Ballard Sporting Kim. Agenta CUBL.M K W. VOL.NKY V AHKORl. A oil f ont A Atilorl. ATTOUNKYS. COINSELLORS, fOLH'ITOKS, ADVOCATES, KTt". Oin;-- e llonol ilu Hale, adjoiuing the Pout Ofllce. tMJtwtf JOHN T. DARE, Attorney hii.I t'oiintellor Ht Im, Ota.'e N'j. la. Sjrectels Rlock, Honolulu. 170 oct21tf BROWN. ATTOt XKV AT UW AND CECIL Public . Camplell'n B'-trk- . Merchant street M. THOMPSON. ATTOliN KY - A T- - LA W , And Solicitor in Chancery Glllce, Campbell's Block, second story, rooms S and M. Entrance ou Merchant street, Honolulu, II. I. 4 tf J. M. M0NSARRAT. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC llnlale In any iwtrl ol tne liiii Keal Bought, sold and Lt'ased on Commission, Ix)Uiis Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn S. 27 MKKCIIAXT STllKKT, Gazette Block, Honolulu. 4Vlf Metropolitan Market UIKU STllI'.IVr, Qt J. WALLKIt, PROPRIETOR CbolreMl Meat from Flnem II?ri, millea and shipping supplied on SHORT NOTICE and at the Lowest Market Prices. - - thor All meats delivered from this market a. ougly ehllled immediately after killing by means of a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator Meat so treated retains all Its Juicy properties, and la GUARANTEE! TO KEEP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY-KILLE- D MEAT. 47-- tl IRON-BAR- K Foundation Timbers ! ! We Lave just received from Australia a few Iron-bar- k Foundation Timbers. SIZES-lGx- 2! iiifheM, 13 Feet Iconic. Ami llxl JnelieM, 1 Feet lAng. Thes-.- e tirnbers, as thair name signifies, are nearly as solid and durable a iron, and for foundation purposes, or others of like nature, cannot be surpassed. "VV. Gr. Irwin & Co. 311nov2.r)tf 1'LAXTEIiS, ATTENTION ! Just received, exibrigTCONSUELO, 18 Fine Youiiff Mules Which are offered for salef on reasonable ferma Apply tr- - WM. d. IRWIN & CO 106 sap29 tf MONTHLY PAYMENTS. All accounts for Adcerttfllni? and Job Printlug at the faelfie i'ouiiuereial AUterliMer OfSce will from this date he presented for pay- - , meat monthly. Houoliiln, Mair h 2, KST A B L I SHK I 17 10. KKFKI.TK I) UPON KVKKY INSUKANCKS property at the current rates ol premium. Total f.uju Insured in 183 - - 327,333,700 Claims arranged by the local aceata, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The luris.iu tion of the Local recognize G. W. Macfarlane & Co., 31diwtf Agent for the Hawaiian Inlands. ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. C UM I AS. - .!. OOO.OOO IN1.IMITKD LI ABILITY . liisiirniiff letcri jilioii IMrv be etlected at Moderate Kates of Freai uiii tv the undersigned. VM. G. IKWIN CO- - Jii .iitwtf Managers fir Maw. u n I o rv: Kire ;inl Mariiu1 hssuriince Co. 4tl New Zciklrtiiit. ilO.OOII.OOO V A lI r A I. Ilnbli-liei- l an Asesicy at HHVintr for the Hawaiian Islands, the are prepared to accept risks against Fir in dwellings, stores warehouses atid merchandise, Marine risks on on favorable terms. freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. lAtnnes iromitly hIJiin1 A' iayalle. lalwtf WM. G. 1KW1N A i O. Koliala Saloon. Best of Ales, Wines and Liquors ALWAYS ON HAND. Fancy lrliKs r every leeriitloii h soeetptly. 50dftwly Proprietor. JOHN COOK, House Carpenter & Builder, 31 Alnkeu .Street. Wilt furnish stimtes and make contracts for any description of wood buildings. Jobbing of all kinds done, and satisfaction guaranteed. Charges as low as the lowent 57 tf THOMAS LINDSAY .Uauufacturing Jeweler, X.OSiiimiiii Strwt, r Honolulu. II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 32tf Furnished or Unfurnished, 4 COTTAGE ON LL'NALILO AND PIKOII STS., furnished complete for housekeeping. Use of horse and carriage; large garden. Apply to C1IAS J. FISHEL, 127-octT- tf Cor. Fort and Hotel Sts. BEAVLR SALOON. SO . FO Ki STKKKT. Opposite Wilder A Co.'s H. J. K"oIto, Propr. Ol'KN TOM i A. ii. TII.l. to l. M MUST-CLAS- S LlfI!.S, COi'FKK, TK.I, soda wn v.i:. (;l(.i:u ai.e, OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy II IKS personally selected from the Manufacturers, and H Lnre Variety of BKST OCA LIT Y SMOKERS' ARTICLES. l.ovi-rs- BILLIARDS wiU tiiid an imm i co. mum w. on th i'rcie.i.-ei,- . ll.t' l'io,rict'r would be pleusn.l to receive a call from his Friends and tiie Public generally t:n may Uesire a MM a, a v;.nii e. on a ijau i: ill I. l.J AHOS. H. .1. N0LTE. !l It ISAAC K. DAVIS. 1UNKV IllWIkU DAVIS & CO WELL, MAXt'FACTrHKKN Or Santa Cruz Lime, K.NGLl.oll IDItTI.AXlM'K 1MPORTF.RSGF KIKE IWllCKs, Fl hi CLAY, Etc. 3 Dill'MM Street, b I.I In - nd Washing b'li , P. O. Box 2,2s2. S IN Flt A.NClSCl. j. c. joiinsox & co., LEATHER, UAKNESS, SALDLEKY, FI R E M E N 'S Eg UIPME NTS. 12 and 14 PUie street, tait FraiMbi'0, CuJ Agents for Klrby's kanta Crut T.innerl . Sou Harness and al! other kind of leather. 4 led I v II. U. KLLIH. J. W. Wll.LUl. el LiSifc m 1 r.i: H Wholesale ami Cum mission Dealers In Hay, Grain and Feed U5 and 27 SPEAR STREET, Between Market and M is-l- HA N FRANCISCO Btr Order .Solicited. rdec2!-- i Wliittier, Fuller A; Co., .Miiniifactiirern of PIOXKEIi WHITE LEAD, PACIIJC nUMiEll J'AIXl, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW' GLASS aud AH-TIST- MATERIAI, 21-- 2 Front St., t t Snu i'raut'luiu O. MAIN. E. H. WINCHESTER Alain & Winchester, Manufacturers and Importer of Hume, SuililleM, Hrlillew, lVltl. COLLARS, SADDLERY WARE, ETC. Noa. 214, 216, 218 and 220 Battery Street, Han Francisco. Illustrate d catalogue sen t on application. 11)1 in rb2 0 . . b w i. MANHOOD RESTORED The reason that Thouand$ cannot get cured o SEMINAL WEAKNESS. LOSS OF MAN- HOOD, andtlierttultof abit$e,diMea$e orereettei, i$ owing to a complication called PR OS TA TOR-RU- E A. DR. LIE HI G' 3 IN PIOORA TOR it the ONL Ycure for PROS TA TORRHEA. Price, gi.W per package, 6 package, 010.00. Ouid to Health and Setf-Analy- it tent free. Addreu LIE-BI- O DISPENSAR Yfor Diicatci of Men , 400 Geary St., San Francitco, Cat. 103--tf I. ill4'1 lJodc, Sweeney & Co., Nan Fraurlico, Cal. Wholesale dealers in Butter, Cheese, Lard, anil all kinds of provisions. tt'OLE AGENTS FOR Llbby, McISI A Mbby Canned Meats. II. 9f. IMipee" (Kattle Ilranil) it'lileajre Ilaino Henry Verbasre 'auneil Vienna and Haiu Saunajfe, And a. W. IIiiKie'H "Flatf" flrand of Camieil Salmon. 104mcb29 87 G. 31. Josselyn A: Co., Importer and Wholesale Dealer In Ship Chandlery. 38 and JO Market St., San t'raiirle. Agents fo Taunton Slieuthlnic Metal Manufuctur-lu- g Cornpaiiy. I2fe'J3-l- y WATERH0USE & LESTER, Importers of Wagon Lumber Ami CARRIAGE MATERIAL. 10 to 33 Ilea I e Street. San Frauelweo. 13 ly'7 LEY I STltAUSS & CO., U and 1 liattery street, San Francisco Cal. Importers of Forelicn and Domestic Dryjrooda Hosiery, Indies and Gent's Furnishing Goods. Sole Proprietors ni Mannf;tctnrers of thecee-barte- d PATENT RIVETEU CLOTHING. 11 lari'2'l 7 WENNER & CO. 93 Fort Street, Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. f Watches, liracclcLs, Xoclilets, Pius, Lockets, Clocks, And ornamenLs of all kinds. Silver and Gold Plate. F.leganl Solid Sliver Tea Set. Suitable for Presentation. ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. Repairing lu all It brauehe. tfT Sole Agents for King's Eye Preeei vera tfl-m- 1 vO mcusckiitjoxs lAll.V 1". C. AuvKHTiaKii, one yrar f 6 0i Daily I. t1. Aiivkktiskk, six months 3 00 Uaii.v 1. . Auvkhtihkk, three months 1 50 Daily l Advkrtihkii, per month 50 Wkkkly J. C Advgrtinkk, one year 5 00 K eitjn Suhscriptioti, W. P. v. A. (including postage) 6 50 Payable Invariably in Advance 'INNOCENTS ABROAD." Anecdotes of Plark T train by Ills Boom Mate. tlr. Steve Gillis, a printer and journalist, ras the friend and room mate of Mark Twain In the old days when the latter was a reporter on The Call, of this city. They had likewise suffered and triumphed together in the sago brush, the dusty green foliage of which they frequently succeeded in turning to a bright red. Mark was, and is, a very nervous man. Small annoyances robbed his life of sweetness and light. Stephen had no nerves, and it gave him malignant pleasure to exeriment upon those of Mr. Clemens. "Steve," cried Mark, in an agonized voice, shaking his bedfellow out of an apparently profound slumler, "do you hear that mouse that infernal, gnawing mouse? It's driving me wild." "Oh, hang the mouse," growled Gillis, turn- ing over and snoring ostentatiously. It wasn't a mouse, but a little machine which Stephen was privately working with a string for the benevolent purpose of terroriz- ing his friend. Mark lay and writhed, and cursed, and gnashed his teeth. He cried so, anil beat upon the headboard. He got up and threw things under the led, and walked around the room and wrung his hands and moistened his profanity with tears of imjxtmt rage. The mouse still gnawed, r.nd Twain put on his clothes and went forth and pa-c- the streets till morning, leaving his tornu atcr to revel in bed. "Hello, Sam; what in God's name have you been doini" a-.'c- ed Gillis another night, startled out of real sleep this time, and sitting up in led. And no wonder he was startled. Mark, undressed, had just entered the room. In his hand he held a Japanese sword as sharp as a razor, a prized gift from Bayard Taylor. This weapon was dripping with blood. The clock struck midnight. "Blank him, he'll never crow again," ex-T.i- od tho assassin, bufc PVf li &s tn-- 1 1 TliVi 1 1 i"i ti j bed the offending rooster sent forth a cock-a-doodle-- do that caused Mark to give a howl of foiled vengeance and bury his head under the blankets. In the morning it was discovered that his one furious stroke in the chicken house had leref t eight hens of their heads, but the rooster had escnied. He owed his life to the fortunate circumstance that he slept or, rather, crowed at the end of the perch farthest from the door of the coop. "Steve! Steve, I say! Curse J'ou, wake up," came in a hoarse and furious whisper at 2 a. m. Mr. Gillis awoke and lieheld Mr. Clemens, clad only in his shirt, standing by the open window. Tho night was cold, and Mr. Clem- ens was shivering violently. lit his shak- ing hand was a revolver. "Steve," ho pleaded, "you're- - warm and your nerve is good. For God's sake, get up and shoot this cat for me. I've been out in tho yard for an hour, trying to get n bead on the brute, and now that he's there on the fence I can't kill him oh, 1 know that I can't kill him, blank him! Get up, Steve, do." "Oh, let the cat alone." "What! You won t get up? Then, by the Creator that made me, Steve Gillis, I'll shoot you. I'm shaky, but I can do that, if I can't hit the cat!" . And Mr. Gillis arose and slew the cat m self-defens- e, and Mark Twain went out and brought in n bottle and sat up till sunrise to celebrate the execution. San Francisco Tost. They Could Hotli Fiddle to the Same Tune. A gentleman put up at a country tavern where it is common, in case of emergency, to retired to rest, but he put two in a bed. He had not lain long before he heard the land- lord, followed by a guest, stamping along to- ward his room. "Confound the fellow, said he, to himself, "I hope he is not going to thrust another man into my nod. I'd as soon sleep with tho devil as with one of my own sex; and, then, who knows but what he will give me some terrible disease the smallpox, the measles or the Scotch fiddle? Ha! that re- minds me of what I will do to get rid of that fellow." . rapidly through his mind, Ail this passed and by the time the landlord opened the door, he 'was sitting up in his bed, as if just awakened from his sleep, and industrious drawing the nails of one hand over his back besides eagerly scratching other places. "Wake up, wake up," said the landlord; to tho other side of the "wake up and lie over here for you a bed. I've got a companion bedfellow !' think I hoie "The devil! you wouldn't that is " "Don't make yourself uneasy, sir. All the . . u..i. i.o o twr ivi-son- s ameee, . ana rt OI - - x yours niit have thesame-- so hitch, either one way or tho other." "Well if you insist on it, 1 have nothing to account that I care suv It's not on mv own Uhing about it, but the truth is (scratching more zealously than ever), M-- nyou and I've got tbe i txli, and me and this gentleman. I wouldn't like to jive it to any one else. "Ihx,t!ho)t,n..,irsaid the stranger, ho 4 need mi happened to be a Scott h mail, ye sae muckle to do aboot it, for got ,tb mys.l an.l "'V the same complaint K.'ld. feedle to the same-G!- asg. -- Are we"i5SlBM- - ' ' 'UJ 1 to Commodore G i.. - Son't know whether we wi.l or not. but commodore hs h to" replied the Jato. on d.wn tha street. -- Washington Critic. "And how is the ozone?" inquired t.w oM of summer bo:ird. in search "Extent, first cla," said the rather r, It c.ty ,lod housekeeper , we Jromiha regularly every day. ew Express . lolnutl Ortlern Hli4'lteil. o-- if KU IM-HvA- . ! We have rei-eive- a consisument o the most FA'otiomical ai.J Valuable Feed for all kinds of stocV:. vi..- - COOKED LhXSEKi) MEAL. 1 1 l:i tlie iirealest FI! former. Milk and Buiter producer in use. Gil Cake Meal shows abec i 27 pc--r cent, of on ritive matter; this nearly per cent. 100 B.s. o this meal is eo, to UOO Bis. of oaus, or HIS B.s. of or to 7t7 tts. of wheat brau. For Sale in Lot lo Suit. AUo, oui l urivalled MIXED I KED, us well as our csual supply of the b;-- a kinds o liny, Ortls, W licat, Cor.i., Kte. I.AINK A CO. 3? tf John F. Colburn, Importer ainl Dealer in Hay and G rain? Corner Ks and Mannakea Streets. . ttieGod3 delivered promptly. Mutual telephone 387. 37 tf TELEPHONE " T'V - TiNTEEPlJs I P PLANING tilML. FX 1 a, near tlHeen Ht. ImmJ AlH'to. 3S-- tf Will To trie JPublic. The Pacific Transfer Co., Office w ith C. K. Miller. 42 Merchant street. Bell Telephone 377. Mutual Telephone 391 I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayage, hauling or moving work, al! of wnlch I will glial -- antee to execute faithful! v. 36 ly S. F. GRAHAM, Proprietor. J. T . SOPE R , Succe.-Fo- r to J. 31. Oat, & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. 27 Merchant St.. Honolulu. II. I. 41 tf JOSHUA HENDY Macliiiae Works Si. 35 lo 51 Fremont Street. SAN FRANCISCO. Manufacturers of New and dealers m Second- hand Boilws. Engines anil Machinery Of Every Description. Have constantly in stock New and Second-han- d WOOD-WO- K KING MACHINERY, MACHINISTS' TOOLS, IRRIGATING AND PUMPING MACHINERY PIPING. PIPE-FITTING- ETC. Catalogues and price lists forwarded upon appli- cation. 7fe23-l- y X. F. IUT.GESS, SI liiiiir St. .'Honolulu. BAGGAGE AND GENERAL EXPRESS. Draying and steamer freight carefully handled. 4tliee Teleiihone 202. Kesldenre 153. :i;:7 dertf Nitrot-- 2.V ner cent. Orders Received will have Prompt and Careful Attention. W. (i. Irwin & Co., Agents or the Hawaiian Island. 2ltf GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, 41. L Ji . I Manufacture and supply all kuuts t.f Boo It . Xt'H. Flat Hui t.tU 1 I'aiiertt, Itiii.ierH' .Itoarils, Twiiies, Kte. W. G. RICHARDSON, RF.Sf DENT AGKXT 5S05 I.eilelorir Ntrect. lm,, SAN FRANCISCO. Telephone Jio. 47. X B.Kftecinl Attention iflveu L.!irsre Contracts. 8 tt&w The Risdon Iron & Locomotive Works, Corner of Beale and Howard Streets, SA N FR AN CISCO CA LIFORN I A W. H. TAYLOR President JOS. MOORE . ..Superintendent OF STEAM MACHINERY, IN BUIlrfJERS branches; Steamboat, Steamship, Land Engines and Boilers, High Presaure or Compound. STEAM VESSELS, of all kinds, built complete with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. ORDINARY KNGINES compounded when ad- visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs constructed with reference to the trade in which they are to be employed. Speed, ton- nage and draft of w ater guaranteed. SUGAR 21 ILLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- G MA- CHINERY made after the most approved plans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made iti suitable lengths for connecting together, or Sheets Rolled, Punched and Packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on the ground. HYDRAULIC RIVETING. It.iiler Work and Water Pipe m;tde by this establishment, Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery, that quality of work being far superior to baud work. SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, Steiuu Winches, Air and Circulating Pumps, made after the most approved plans. SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa- cific Coast of the Heme Safety Boilur. PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps, for Irrigation or City Works' purposes, built with the cele- brated Davy Valve Motion , superior to any other pump. J. X. S. WILLIAMS- - Honolulu Room No. .'i, upstairs, Spreckels Block. (Agent for Hawaiian Islands ) 9se:i0-lyd-- w 111. Ii. Mayhew, CONTltACTOll AND lil'ILDEU, Sti Hotel Street, Honolulu. II I., (Opposite Fashion Stables). i). ItoX "l.". BELL TELEPHONE 53. A.l work in my line faithfully done. Plans and specifications mmle. Jobbing in all details done at slnrt notice. ;oid work and low charges Is mv motto. L. G. SUES0TICII & CO., Commission Merchants and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Fruits, green and dried; manulacturersof liesiccated Cocoatiut. Cananus. I.ims. line Apples. Sicily Lemons. Tahiti Oranges and Cocounuts, Nuts of all kinds. Dates and Smyrna Fit;s, Packing Fruit for export a specialty. Long ex- perience In shipping to ( hinu. Australia, Mexico, Central America. Eastern States, etc. Tropical Fruits Imported direct by every steamer. Branch House, San Francisco. P. O. box 13S3. Honolulu. H. I., P.O. box 120. 413, 4 Li and 417 Washington street, opposite Post Office; 412, 414 and 41t; Merchant street. 10" febCil .r SAN FRANCISCO. rot w.w. :, Fraccisco tal. K-- l , some street, San

C. ft ri - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduH (tieeii Street, Fish Market. lealer in choicest BKKK, VEAL MUTTON, FIH.etc. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock

Mar 03, 2020



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Page 1: C. ft ri - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduH (tieeii Street, Fish Market. lealer in choicest BKKK, VEAL MUTTON, FIH.etc. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock


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ri. . - - - , , ' , , - r- - 's - 1 7 1 i" f; ft PI I I C 1 y I

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THE DAILY ilrerfisfmrnts. iii-mi-. cmcnts. 3.Mfniscntrn:s. .(U'frti.Sfmrnt5. Adrrrtiscmrnts. J3u5infss (Cards.

ATTORXKYS-AT-U- H.rJ'() PLANTERS.I'acilic Commercial Advertiser


Vwry Morning Except Sundays.


I. L. TANU(. JOHN Mt'AJk .

Spruance, Stanley & Co.,Importer and Jobbers of Fine


41(t Front St., Situ FrsurUro.T tf .t w


"ufrn Etliiibvryt Street?,


Dealers lu

II A V AM) UKAIX,Telephone No. 175.

Goods dellveret' piomptly.

We h:tve on hand ;i consignment oi

Automatic Trash FeedingFurnaces,

Fo. four and tive foot furnaces, complete withgrai burs, bearers and trash carriers. Machinesof iris make are now in successful operation at!Sp'e kelsville. Mttkee Siwar Couipniiy and otherpliiii alion-- . Also, a of

Iilter Presses,HaviiiiJ all the latest improvetnents.

PLANTEKS AND OTHERSInterested are requested to call ami examine theabove. For prices and further particulars ap

" l--

Win. (t. Irwin & Co.,

BONE MEAL!!The uinUiuiied arc now prevaivJ to re

ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizerfrom the manufactory of Duck A OhlaudtSan Francisco.

The following iri a report of the compo-nent parts, as ohtained by Chemical analy-sis:

Water s.10 pel centOrganic Matter 2;.1M " 44

Silicious Matter. . . . 4.C3 44 "Lame 31.70 " '

Phosphoric Acid 23.11 " "Oxide of Iron . .85 "Carbonic Acid 1.89 44 'Alka Salts .52 44


t'laus Spreckrls V'ui. O Irwin.



Iraw Kx-!i:ui- on the principal purt.i f theworld.

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conituct t general bunkiiiK andexchaicre business.

Iieposits bearhiif inteK St r'C-ive- in their isuviiiK:i Depar tnn-n- t subjeet !' I'lihllsln .1 rul s andrei;iilH!!o,is. 17o:tf

M. PHILLIPS dc Co.,nitil InIMle Iejil'rH in1utor(crH Jioots, Shoes, Hals, Men's Furnish-

ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumauti .street.Honolulu, II. I. 25if-w-


WM. G. IRWIN & Co.,;AK I'ATltS hikI 'oinniiMMloiiSI AGhNTK. Honolulu M. I.


LTIIOI,r.SAL.K WEAI.KltS AJf JKerai Jobbers In WINKS and LlliUOKS.

o. V liaalniiaauci .Street,IIONOLULi:. 29-- U

&-5A(;KF- ELD & CO..

(1 D.VEItAL rOMMISKl?? J"l.T?tT'Id tf Queen St., Honolulu, n..

V. BANNLNO. W. MAfcJtTKXS. fED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & Co.,Importers A Commission MerchnutM.A tiueen Street, Jionoiiilu, JI. I. 27-- ti

W3I. McCANDLESS,o. H (tieeii Street,

Fish Market. lealer in choicest BKKK, VEALMUTTON, FIH.etc.

Family and Shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied tooruer. 2 tf

W. H. ALDIIICH,tieneral Ilnsiness Asent.

Has removed to J. I. Dowsett's store, Queeu st.,where he will attend to any business entrustedto his care.


Orders for milk respectfully solicited, audprompt attention given to the delivery of thesame. 4'

New rhotosrraph Rooms.

f YER NICHOL'S STOKE. rQr.T S1T.EEi,J next the Shooting Gallery. Pictures, Port-

raits and Yiews. First-clas- s work. Satisfactionguaranteed. 114ap2 . A. GOXSALYES.

Employment Office

rfHK UXDEBSIOXED HAS MOVED INTOJ. the office of Mr. J. K. Wiseman, where he

will be prepared to furnish household servants,collect hills, do Anglo-Chines- e Interpreting, and ageneral business. 51 SOYOXO.

DE. jNX. GrO TOTUYSICIAX AND SURGEON. LEPROSY AX speciality. Office honrs at Kakaako, fromy to 11 a. in. every day except Sunday. Will visitpatients at their residence by request. All otlie rdiseases treated at his office, corner of Puuch-bo- wl

and Beretania streets . Ottice hours from 1

to 5 p-S- day's, from 8 to 12a.m. 112apr'2


I W. Tucker, containing six rooms. b.throom, pantry, veranda room, etc. There are al.--

stal.Ies carriage house, servant's room, all incood order. Apply to E. R. HENDRY, at PacificHard ware Co.'s Store. Fort street. :tetilecltf


FTTFRIXG AND ILLUMINATING DONEupon any kiml of material. Mottoes, mon- -

Xrams and original uesins uumuru n iinjrders taken for Christmas onrd of Hv

subjects and scenery, suitable to sendabroiul MHS. J. D. STRONG,

lils Fort street.Mutual Telephone No.

;. CURRY & RUOTIIEK,rVPORTERS AND DEALERS IN... if,ii..s and Pistols. Colt Winchester,Kennedy and Martin Magazine Rifles. Riming

Sharp ad Ballard Sporting Kim. Agenta




Oin;-- e llonol ilu Hale, adjoiuing the PoutOfllce. tMJtwtf


Attorney hii.I t'oiintellor Ht Im,Ota.'e N'j. la. Sjrectels Rlock, Honolulu.

170 oct21tf

BROWN. ATTOt XKV AT UW ANDCECIL Public . Camplell'n B'-trk-. Merchant



ATTOliN K Y - A T- - LA W ,

And Solicitor in Chancery Glllce, Campbell'sBlock, second story, rooms S and M. Entrance ouMerchant street, Honolulu, II. I. 4 tf



NOTARY PUBLICllnlale In any iwtrl ol tne liiiiKeal Bought, sold and Lt'ased on Commission,

Ix)Uiis Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn

S. 27 MKKCIIAXT STllKKT,Gazette Block, Honolulu. 4Vlf

Metropolitan Market



CbolreMl Meat from Flnem II?ri,

millea and shipping supplied on SHORT

NOTICE and at the

Lowest Market Prices.

- - thorAll meats delivered from this market a.

ougly ehllled immediately after killing by meansof a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air RefrigeratorMeat so treated retains all Its Juicy properties,and la GUARANTEE! TO KEEP LONGERAFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY-KILLE- D

MEAT. 47-- tl


Foundation Timbers ! !

We Lave just received from Australia a few Iron-bar- k

Foundation Timbers.

SIZES-lGx- 2! iiifheM, 13 Feet Iconic.

Ami llxl JnelieM, 1 Feet lAng.

Thes-.- e tirnbers, as thair name signifies, arenearly as solid and durable a iron, and forfoundation purposes, or others of like nature,cannot be surpassed.

"VV. Gr. Irwin & Co.311nov2.r)tf


Just received, exibrigTCONSUELO,

18 Fine Youiiff Mules

Which are offered for salef on reasonable fermaApply tr- -

WM. d. IRWIN & CO106 sap29 tf


All accounts for Adcerttfllni? and Job Printlugat the

faelfie i'ouiiuereial AUterliMer

OfSce will from this date he presented for pay- -

, meat monthly.Houoliiln, Mair h 2,

KST A B L I S H K I 17 10.

KKFKI.TK I) UPON KVKKYINSUKANCKS property at the current ratesol premium.

Total f.uju Insured in 183 - - 327,333,700

Claims arranged by the local aceata, and paid

with promptitude and liberality.

The luris.iu tion of the Local recognize

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,

31diwtf Agent for the Hawaiian Inlands.





liisiirniiff letcri jilioiiIMrv be etlected at Moderate Kates of Freaiuiii tv the undersigned.


Jii .iitwtf Managers fir Maw.

u n I o rv:

Kire ;inl Mariiu1 hssuriince Co.

4tl New Zciklrtiiit.ilO.OOII.OOOV A lI r A I.

Ilnbli-liei- l an Asesicy atHHVintr for the Hawaiian Islands, the

are prepared to accept risks against Firin dwellings, stores warehouses atid merchandise,

Marine risks onon favorable terms.freights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

lAtnnes iromitly hIJiin1 A' iayalle.lalwtf WM. G. 1KW1N A i O.

Koliala Saloon.

Best of Ales, Wines and Liquors


Fancy lrliKs r every leeriitloiih soeetptly.

50dftwly Proprietor.


House Carpenter & Builder,31 Alnkeu .Street.

Wilt furnish stimtes and make contracts forany description of wood buildings.

Jobbing of all kinds done, and satisfactionguaranteed.

Charges as low as the lowent 57 tf


.Uauufacturing Jeweler,X.OSiiimiiii Strwt, r

Honolulu. II. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. 32tf

Furnished or Unfurnished,

4 COTTAGE ON LL'NALILO AND PIKOII STS.,furnished complete for housekeeping. Use

of horse and carriage; large garden. Apply toC1IAS J. FISHEL,

127-octT- tf Cor. Fort and Hotel Sts.


Opposite Wilder A Co.'s

H. J. K"oIto, Propr.Ol'KN TOM i A. ii. TII.l. to l. M


TK.I, soda wn v.i:. (;l(.i:u ai.e,


Plain and Fancy II IKS personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and H Lnre Variety


SMOKERS' ARTICLES.l.ovi-rs- BILLIARDS wiU tiiid an

imm i co. mum w.on th i'rcie.i.-ei,-.

ll.t' l'io,rict'r would be pleusn.l to receive a call

from his Friends and tiie Public generally

t:n may Uesire a

MM a, a v;.nii e. on a ijau i:ill I. l.J AHOS.

H. .1. N0LTE.!l It



Santa Cruz Lime,K.NGLl.oll IDItTI.AXlM'K1MPORTF.RSGF KIKE IWllCKs, Fl hi

CLAY, Etc.3 Dill'MM Street, b I.I In - nd Washing b'li ,

P. O. Box 2,2s2. S IN Flt A.NClSCl.

j. c. joiinsox & co.,LEATHER, UAKNESS, SALDLEKY,


12 and 14 PUie street, tait FraiMbi'0, CuJ

Agents for Klrby's kanta Crut T.innerl . SouHarness and al! other kind of leather.

4 led I v

II. U. KLLIH. J. W. Wll.LUl.el LiSifc m 1 r.i: HWholesale ami Cum mission Dealers In

Hay, Grain and FeedU5 and 27 SPEAR STREET,

Between Market and M is-l- HA N FRANCISCOBtr Order .Solicited. rdec2!-- i

Wliittier, Fuller A; Co.,.Miiniifactiirern of



MATERIAI,21-- 2 Front St., t t Snu i'raut'luiu


Alain & Winchester,Manufacturers and Importer of

Hume, SuililleM, Hrlillew, lVltl.COLLARS, SADDLERY WARE, ETC.

Noa. 214, 216, 218 and 220 Battery Street, HanFrancisco. Illustrate d catalogue sen t

on application. 11)1 in rb2 0

. .b w i.


The reason that Thouand$ cannot get cured oSEMINAL WEAKNESS. LOSS OF MAN-HOOD, andtlierttultof abit$e,diMea$e orereettei,i$ owing to a complication called PR OS TA TOR-RU- E

A. DR. LIE HI G' 3 IN PIOORA TOR itthe ONL Ycure for PROS TA TORRHEA. Price,gi.W per package, 6 package, 010.00. Ouid toHealth and Setf-Analy- it tent free. Addreu LIE-BI- O

DISPENSAR Yfor Diicatci of Men ,400 Geary St., San Francitco, Cat.


I. ill4'1

lJodc, Sweeney & Co.,Nan Fraurlico, Cal.

Wholesale dealers in Butter, Cheese, Lard, anilall kinds of provisions.

tt'OLE AGENTS FORLlbby, McISI A Mbby Canned

Meats.II. 9f. IMipee" (Kattle Ilranil) it'lileajre

IlainoHenry Verbasre 'auneil Vienna and

Haiu Saunajfe,And a. W. IIiiKie'H "Flatf" flrand of

Camieil Salmon. 104mcb29 87

G. 31. Josselyn A: Co.,Importer and Wholesale Dealer In

Ship Chandlery.38 and JO Market St., San t'raiirle.Agents fo Taunton Slieuthlnic Metal Manufuctur-lu-g

Cornpaiiy. I2fe'J3-l- y

WATERH0USE & LESTER,Importers of


10 to 33 Ilea I e Street. San Frauelweo.13 ly'7

LEY I STltAUSS & CO.,U and 1 liattery street, San Francisco Cal.

Importers of Forelicn and Domestic DryjroodaHosiery, Indies and Gent's Furnishing Goods.

Sole Proprietors ni Mannf;tctnrers of thecee-barte- d


WENNER & CO.93 Fort Street,

Have on hand New Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

f Watches, liracclcLs, Xoclilets,Pius, Lockets, Clocks,

And ornamenLs of all kinds.

Silver and Gold Plate.F.leganl Solid Sliver Tea Set.

Suitable for Presentation.


Repairing lu all It brauehe.tfT Sole Agents for King's Eye Preeei vera

tfl-m- 1 vO


lAll.V 1". C. AuvKHTiaKii, one yrar f 6 0iDaily I. t1. Aiivkktiskk, six months 3 00Uaii.v 1. . Auvkhtihkk, three months 1 50Daily l Advkrtihkii, per month 50Wkkkly J. C Advgrtinkk, one year 5 00K eitjn Suhscriptioti, W. P. v. A. (including

postage) 6 50

Payable Invariably in Advance


Anecdotes of Plark T train by Ills BoomMate.

tlr. Steve Gillis, a printer and journalist,ras the friend and room mate of Mark Twain

In the old days when the latter was a reporteron The Call, of this city. They had likewisesuffered and triumphed together in the sagobrush, the dusty green foliage of which theyfrequently succeeded in turning to a brightred. Mark was, and is, a very nervous man.Small annoyances robbed his life of sweetnessand light. Stephen had no nerves, and itgave him malignant pleasure to exerimentupon those of Mr. Clemens.

"Steve," cried Mark, in an agonized voice,shaking his bedfellow out of an apparentlyprofound slumler, "do you hear that mousethat infernal, gnawing mouse? It's drivingme wild."

"Oh, hang the mouse," growled Gillis, turn-ing over and snoring ostentatiously.

It wasn't a mouse, but a little machinewhich Stephen was privately working with astring for the benevolent purpose of terroriz-ing his friend.

Mark lay and writhed, and cursed, andgnashed his teeth. He cried so, anil beatupon the headboard. He got up and threwthings under the led, and walked around theroom and wrung his hands and moistened hisprofanity with tears of imjxtmt rage. Themouse still gnawed, r.nd Twain put on hisclothes and went forth and pa-c- the streetstill morning, leaving his tornu atcr to revel inbed.

"Hello, Sam; what in God's name have youbeen doini" a-.'c-ed Gillis another night,startled out of real sleep this time, and sittingup in led. And no wonder he was startled.Mark, undressed, had just entered the room.In his hand he held a Japanese sword as sharpas a razor, a prized gift from Bayard Taylor.This weapon was dripping with blood. Theclock struck midnight.

"Blank him, he'll never crow again," ex-T.i- od

tho assassin, bufc PVf li &s tn-- 1 1 TliVi 1 1 i"iti j

bed the offending rooster sent forth a cock-a-doodle-- do

that caused Mark to give a howl offoiled vengeance and bury his head under theblankets. In the morning it was discoveredthat his one furious stroke in the chickenhouse had leref t eight hens of their heads,but the rooster had escnied. He owed hislife to the fortunate circumstance that heslept or, rather, crowed at the end of theperch farthest from the door of the coop.

"Steve! Steve, I say! Curse J'ou, wakeup," came in a hoarse and furious whisper at2 a. m.

Mr. Gillis awoke and lieheld Mr. Clemens,clad only in his shirt, standing by the openwindow. Tho night was cold, and Mr. Clem-

ens was shivering violently. lit his shak-

ing hand was a revolver."Steve," ho pleaded, "you're- - warm and

your nerve is good. For God's sake, get upand shoot this cat for me. I've been out intho yard for an hour, trying to get n bead onthe brute, and now that he's there on thefence I can't kill him oh, 1 know that I can'tkill him, blank him! Get up, Steve, do."

"Oh, let the cat alone.""What! You won t get up? Then, by the

Creator that made me, Steve Gillis, I'll shootyou. I'm shaky, but I can do that, if I can'thit the cat!" .

And Mr. Gillis arose and slew the cat mself-defens- e, and Mark Twain went out andbrought in n bottle and sat up till sunriseto celebrate the execution. San FranciscoTost.

They Could Hotli Fiddle to the SameTune.

A gentleman put up at a country tavernwhere it is common, in case of emergency, to

retired to rest, but heput two in a bed. Hehad not lain long before he heard the land-

lord, followed by a guest, stamping along to-

ward his room. "Confound the fellow, said

he, to himself, "I hope he is not going to thrustanother man into my nod. I'd as soon sleep

with tho devil as with one of my own sex;

and, then, who knows but what he will give

me some terrible disease the smallpox, themeasles or the Scotch fiddle? Ha! that re-

minds me of what I will do to get rid of thatfellow." .

rapidly through his mind,Ail this passedand by the time the landlord opened the door,

he 'was sitting up in his bed, as if justawakened from his sleep, and industriousdrawing the nails of one hand over his backbesides eagerly scratching other places.

"Wake up, wake up," said the landlord;to tho other side of the"wake up and lie over

here for you abed. I've got a companionbedfellow !' think I hoie"The devil! you wouldn'tthat is "

"Don't make yourself uneasy, sir. All the. . u..i. i.o o twr ivi-son- s ameee,. anart OI - - x

yours niit have thesame-- so hitch, either

one way or tho other.""Well if you insist on it, 1 have nothing to

account that I caresuv It's not on mv own

Uhing about it, but the truth is (scratching

more zealously than ever), M-- nyou andI've got tbe i txli, and

me and this gentleman.I wouldn't like to jive it to any one else.

"Ihx,t!ho)t,n..,irsaid the stranger, ho4 need mi

happened to be a Scott h mail, ye

sae muckle to do aboot it, for got,tbmys.l an.l "'Vthe same complaint K.'ld.feedle to the same-G!-


--Are we"i5SlBM- - ' ' 'UJ 1to Commodore G i.. -

Son't know whether we wi.l or not. butcommodore hs h

to" replied theJato. on d.wn tha street. --Washington

Critic."And how is the ozone?" inquired t.w oM

of summer search"Extent, first cla," said the rather r,It c.ty

,lod housekeeper , we Jromiharegularly every day. ewExpress .

lolnutl Ortlern Hli4'lteil.

o-- if

KU IM-HvA- . !

We have rei-eive- a consisument o the mostFA'otiomical ai.J Valuable Feed for all

kinds of stocV:. vi..- -

COOKED LhXSEKi) MEAL.1 1 l:i tlie iirealest FI! former. Milk and

Buiter producer in use.

Gil Cake Meal shows abec i 27 pc--r cent, of onritive matter; this nearly per cent.

100 B.s. o this meal is eo, to UOO Bis. of oaus,or HIS B.s. of or to 7t7 tts. of wheat brau.

For Sale in Lot lo Suit.AUo, oui l urivalled MIXED I KED, us well as

our csual supply of the b;-- a kinds o

liny, Ortls, W licat, Cor.i., Kte.

I.AINK A CO.3? tf

John F. Colburn,Importer ainl Dealer in

Hay and G rain?Corner Ks and Mannakea Streets. .

ttieGod3 delivered promptly.Mutual telephone 387. 37 tf




a, near tlHeen Ht.ImmJ AlH'to.

3S-- tf


To trie JPublic.

The Pacific Transfer Co.,Office w ith C. K. Miller. 42 Merchant street.

Bell Telephone 377. Mutual Telephone 391

I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayage,hauling or moving work, al! of wnlch I will glial --

antee to execute faithful! v.36 ly S. F. GRAHAM, Proprietor.

J. T . SOPE R ,Succe.-Fo- r to

J. 31. Oat, & Co.,


Hawaiian Gazette Block.27 Merchant St.. Honolulu. II. I.

41 tf


Macliiiae WorksSi. 35 lo 51 Fremont Street.


Manufacturers of New and dealers m Second-hand

Boilws. Engines anil Machinery

Of Every Description.

Have constantly in stock New and Second-han- d



Catalogues and price lists forwarded upon appli-cation. 7fe23-l- y

X. F. IUT.GESS,SI liiiiir St. .'Honolulu.


GENERAL EXPRESS.Draying and steamer freight carefully


4tliee Teleiihone 202. Kesldenre 153.:i;:7 dertf

Nitrot-- 2.V ner cent.Orders Received will have Prompt

and Careful Attention.

W. (i. Irwin & Co.,Agents or the Hawaiian Island.



41. L Ji . IManufacture and supply all kuuts t.f

Boo It . Xt'H.Flat Hui t.tU 1 I'aiiertt,Itiii.ierH' .Itoarils,

Twiiies, Kte.


5S05 I.eilelorir Ntrect.lm,,SAN FRANCISCO.

Telephone Jio. 47.

X B.Kftecinl Attention iflveuL.!irsre Contracts. 8 tt&w

The RisdonIron & Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beale and Howard Streets,


W. H. TAYLOR PresidentJOS. MOORE . ..Superintendent

OF STEAM MACHINERY, INBUIlrfJERSbranches; Steamboat, Steamship,Land Engines and Boilers, High Presaure orCompound.STEAM VESSELS, of all kinds, built complete

with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite.ORDINARY KNGINES compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs

constructed with reference to the trade inwhich they are to be employed. Speed, ton-nage and draft of w ater guaranteed.

SUGAR 21 ILLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- G MA-CHINERY made after the most approvedplans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connectedtherewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysize, made iti suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets Rolled, Punched andPacked for shipment, ready to be riveted onthe ground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING. It.iiler Work andWater Pipe m;tde by this establishment,Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery,that quality of work being far superior tobaud work.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteiuuWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa-cific Coast of the Heme Safety Boilur.

PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps, for Irrigation orCity Works' purposes, built with the cele-brated Davy Valve Motion , superior to anyother pump.

J. X. S. WILLIAMS- - HonoluluRoom No. .'i, upstairs, Spreckels Block.

(Agent for Hawaiian Islands )9se:i0-lyd-- w

111. Ii. Mayhew,CONTltACTOll AND lil'ILDEU,

Sti Hotel Street, Honolulu. II I.,

(Opposite Fashion Stables).

i). ItoX "l.". BELL TELEPHONE 53.

A.l work in my line faithfully done. Plans andspecifications mmle. Jobbing in all details doneat slnrt notice. ;oid work and low charges Ismv motto.

L. G. SUES0TICII & CO.,Commission Merchants and Wholesale Dealers inForeign and Domestic Fruits, green and dried;manulacturersof liesiccated Cocoatiut. Cananus.I.ims. line Apples. Sicily Lemons. TahitiOranges and Cocounuts, Nuts of all kinds. Datesand Smyrna Fit;s,

Packing Fruit for export a specialty. Long ex-perience In shipping to ( hinu. Australia, Mexico,Central America. Eastern States, etc. TropicalFruits Imported direct by every steamer.

Branch House, San Francisco. P. O. box 13S3.Honolulu. H. I., P.O. box 120.

413, 4 Li and 417 Washington street, opposite PostOffice; 412, 414 and 41t; Merchant street.

10" febCil .r SAN FRANCISCO.

rot w.w. :,

Fraccisco tal. K-- l ,

some street, San

Page 2: C. ft ri - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduH (tieeii Street, Fish Market. lealer in choicest BKKK, VEAL MUTTON, FIH.etc. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock

s. )e . . ,


arfitisrmfiits.THE DAILY latksi ?: i:vs. .4 I I'V. , i Hi i i" I I MIilPl IlKHJliinil l.4Mli.I j,d.-- r i .:. tit;. . ;a;u-r-

!;..ti .r 1 1 .i ..; ,.i r. t anontrae .i J...iti. !:' v.-at- - ::. the

Th' lat.-.-- t n.' Irani l.--

i f-- . ti:"! the rice market i- - that thedemand is liht. Ka-te- rn arrivimx fretdy.SaU'S, Hawaiian 4'3 eents J jht edit.

r: i- t .. :. -

r i ;..- :;:' . oj- r- -. ii n !i .

: . ' z . re- -

Tl..- - . ! ! .1 i 1 tin' 'o

eom; T". ' pr'..icn-- unl i". rmii'--- .

Th. lV,r.-;'- Iiii.l-f- wa pas-e-d with-

out 1. 1 irjit ! ri .

TL'- - Trey. Mini-tr- y having re--ine- d.

it is jemitf..-iall- announcedthat FIoqu-- t is willing and r.-a-dy to forma Ministry.

CHAS. PETERSEN'S SOPJS,Situ Friii'ii'. t'il..

Manufacturers .f all kinds ,.f LAVNDliY nn.l TO 1 LET

SOAPS.SjfG?t cur quotit:c us I efrre j l.u-ii:i- : jour

B. F. EHLEES & CO.The Emrror William has expre-- ed tion to their sales to the Cnited States,

will be maintained, But this difference in trade balances wasthe belief that j

The Pru-ia- n Minister of War, in the carried over to the political account,

course of a speech in the Reichstag, ad- - By giving the Islands this advantage it

vocating the Military bill, after predict- - j was urged we were establishing Mich

ing war within a measurable time, said j close relations with them that no Euro-th- at

for the moment the danger did not i pean nation could establish over them a

threat.-n- . but that the present epoch was protectorate or any relation of a similarmo.-- t diiii.-uit- . He asked: "Shall we j kind. The revenues of the Hawaiianallow ourselves to be. on -- tripped by a Government were largely increased

Aro l,.w i

neighboring State in which we cannotperceive that degree of friendliness thatwould avert war? The bill is of themost urgent character. The Reichstagmust pass the measure before Christmas DHESUEX CHINA OK.NA.MKXTS.

urJn. iJ'i fthl)

i f. tie hue !

v i n 71n iijuiii i

anil Dealers in

liotli rlelioni'. . i:tu.

DAVISif the puri-os- of the Jovernment is to ' be effect-- d on purely business princi-b- e


attained. "Sensation.;" pie. The proposition to borrow twoj millions of English capitalists is a round- -

A very severe snowstorm has occurred, about way of selling the sovereignty of

extending from the Mississippi to the the Islands t.i England. The EnglishAtlantic. ! Government will not. of course, appear

A number of Tuareks have caplured in tl'' transaction, but no Englishmanthe fortress, of Ghat, in Sahara, and i ill lend the Hawaiian King any con-mas-acr- ed

loo members of the garrison, j siderable amount of money withoutL. R. Howson cc Sons tannery, at ' some assurance that the English Govern-Sout- h

Me lcis Jioen J.nrne.l merit will aid in an enforcement of the

liiqiorti'i's!S I HI tie-- mill laurr Jrceriei, I'riMliiro. I'rv ioii ami tVNf.

To. 52 Fort street.Announc e to their ; atrous and the uiitio the re.-eip- t i.f an invoice of CROSSE .v HI, VCKWVI.I.'SFANCY cilUX'EI'.IES. without their ftntidard hriudu of 4 ' n r e.lable Dellrxi-ie- nmi i SiriniinHS Klible.

TLe arrival of the Zealam.ia." now .lne, wi II e nal. le e,s t offer m additional inv.ure of .e.ler ted delu';u-- ! lor the Xnia.s .ea.-o- n. We recoiinsie nd t.- tainllieii atrial of mir N. I 1 atnil yI'lour, " I'resiiw" Mill and An'lr " Ur:i!id, in Sn pound and Id pen ml sa.-ka-

, Klutlnoun,,Iearl ivh:te, u u. jualied l.rea.l-in.iki- u FKmr.

Ciilitbniiii and lslu,iid j3iitteiA specially. 1 11 1 ITS. V Ed F.TA P.I.ES, oYSTFUS t.nd BUTTER on Ii'E l.y everysteamer. '.

FAT (ORX FED TUflKEYSlor Thank's tfi vin-- :t n.i Xnia-- . I'ri.'es low. i.Mi.ihtv j;iiarantee.i and delivery prompt.

Mes?r-- . IK'IIi-te- r A: .". have reerived asplendid variety ii Chri-tnia- s ockIs by theAustralia.

- V uClUt.l.







Milliiieuv House,



iwio: iM7iJiio: 1110:

-- AND-




This Saturday,

December IStli.A fine PAXtx racrrrRE win te tv.n u.during the cUy. and toys and doles during the

evening gale. :iiil eeclS

(ilcaners PINK FAITH

The Missionary tileaner's So.-iet- y will hold &

"I'iXK F.MR" at the Parlors of the Fort Htreet("hiirrli ou

Friday Kvp', Dpppiiibpr 17.

There will he Ftwu-- Articles tor alsoCake an.l Ice Cream all at a moderate rates.

The "OTP WOMAN IN A SHOE" and the "OLDPEANl'T WOMAN" will he in attendance.

Doors oiifn at 7 uVI.ick. S:ile of rtu-l- e cum- -mrncf-- u.t

" iiiV)-iiec-

J. b:. BRowisr.Accountant, Lam I and Etato

Atrent ami Average Adjuster.

P. O. Iio Of


The loss is estimated at from .fTA.Mrt toili w I (mm)

Cannibalism is said to exist amongthe natives of Ilayti.

The Judson Candle Works, San Fran-

cisco, have been burned. The loss will

reach $".ooo or 7o.O(X).

Ilerzog's Opera House, Washington,has been destroyed by tire. The loss onthe building is 11.".oo0 ; insurance.

The New York police have been in-

structed to enforce the Sunday law.There seemed to be a general dispositionto observe it.

The ancient church of St. Mary Mag-

dalen in London has been destroyed bytire, at a loss of .fon,0 b

The Lock wood Manufacturing Com-

pany's premises, Boston, have beenburned down. Loss,

The Cunard Company's steamer I'm-bri- a

refused to carry mails from Liver-pool for the Cnited States. The com-

pany will probably be prosecuted.Revolting revelations have been made

d iring the Colin Camplell divorce casein London.

I'roHpii I itt ion l( Ilie liiiiur.At noon yesterday at Iolani Palace

His Majesty the King was presented withthe insignia and cordon of the RoyalOrder of Kalakaua, of which His Maj-

esty is Grand Master, by the Com-

mander of the Forces and the membersof His Majesty's jrsonal staff. Thepresentation took place in the blueroom, and was made by His ExcellencyGovernor Iaukea in the absence of Lieu-

tenant (Jeneral Dominis. GovernorIaukea addressed the King as follows:

May it please Your Majesty : TheCommander-in-Chie- f of your forces andthe officers of Your Majesty's personalstaff, while sincerely congratulating

215, 217. 211). Hush strict. San Franciso.

Stationers, lJi-iiiters- . TitlioraiihorsAND

Blank .'Book Al nimfiicturers.The untlersiisneU has just

aliened up a new assortment

of (Jowls, suitahlc for Die


Pacific CciiiEiErcial Advert! ..LIQ !'



TiiRns or srrxBii'Tio.v.t r nnnvmv ix Win tlm . 3 00

lr rnr-r;!i- i "'JO

MifSn hmo r I plioiiH JPhhII .tlHRlnConininriir-- .lions from nil part of K!uf.i',r;i

w!!I ai ; t. vry uiti ptole.f'.' rsifllr:if in any of tn t"zi!t"I tt-- 'i

1'i.u rt-it- th union... of t!tu'ri(ti'ri !'.i Uv I'osfH.-- riK.rify ofL-r- .

Matter liit-li'!-- 'l for r"i.ii'a(i.m in t li ftiUirinlcolumns tJioul l f,'.f- l to

KlITOK IHU ( OMMKRHAI A jVKKTISKK..'r;js:np eomninni.atioii nl in I vTtis-mt-nt.-

ri'iiil'l h t siiily" I. A I.VKRTf' KK.

An." not to inilivi'lualt

T 1--1 l

Pacific Commercial Advertiserin now for aln! i f 1!. wit I 'i i n ;

. II. S'PKR f rrctmni trtCKVSTAI. M)A WOllKS Hot.-- ! strf-P- l

T. O. Til Ft I'M Fort street

Flv Out jp 'uy.

FRIDAY D.'cenib.T I7th.


Miniwter 'trtr n itanqnet atU'attiliiKtoii A iitin-(iii-li- . 'ont-)n- ,.

The Washington " Fost," November17th, ha the following :

The Hawaiian Minister, II. A. I. ('ar-te- r,

jave a dinner last night atChamber-lin'- d

to thy Foreign Minister-- " in honorof King Kalakaua, which brought to-

gether a brilliant asHomblage of notedmen, representing nearly every sectionof the world.

The guests arrived alnjut S o'clock,and were almost immediately conductedto the banquet-room- , where an excellentmenu awaited discussion.

The sides of the large room were em-bedded with llowers and tropical plants,and decorated with the Hags of Hawaii.In the center, where a large mirror ex-tended from the floor to the ceiling,hung a portrait of IIU Majesty, in fulluniform, smiling benignly from the can-vas upon the representatives of the en-

tire world assembled in his honor.Above the picture was drared in gracefulfoldi a magnificent Hawaiian Hag, ex-

tending along a good portion of the room,its crimson bars contrasting brilliantlywith the dark green foliage of the plants.Below were clustered in profusion a richvariety of tropical plants, making adepth of dark green lightened at inter-vals by bursting buds and full blownbloppoms. On either side the mantel-pieces were adorned by large baskets ofchrysanthemums, the red and white al-

ternating, and adding greatly to the richappearance of the room.

The decorations of the table weresimplft but artistic. A bank of smila.xextended around the table; inside, wherethe covers were laid, baskets piled highwith fruits and flowers were placed atregular intervals, l'tween which stoodornament stands, each supporting sixtall red and white waxtapers, whose soft

l i'jnminated the room.Jlg.Jt iwlllk all.,..Mr. Carter, the Hawaiian :Yinfor' sat

at the center of the table with Chiet Just-ice Waite facing him. On the. right ofMr. Carter sat Secretary Whitney ; nextto him was the Belgian Minister; thenthe British Minister ; Assistant Secretaryof State Porter came next ; the DanishMinister sat by his side, and then camethe Austrian Minister. At the foot ofthe table was Mr. Everett, of the StateDepartment. Secretary Lamar sat atthe left of the host, then Justice Miller;the Swiss Minister, Senor liana; W. II.Trescott, ry Cieorge S. Bout-wel- l,

and Sevellon Brown at the head.On the other side the guests were Mr.Moore, of the State Department; theMinister from Yen.uela, Second A .dst-a- nt

Secretary of State Adee, the Argen-tine Minister, the French Mii-.-Tster- , thellaytian Minister, Chief Justice Waite,Postmaster General Villas, the MexicanMinister, the Swedish Minister. SenorYalasco, and Baron Yon in theorder named. Secietary Bayard was notpresent, but the State Department waswell represented.

A number of toasts were drunk, inwhich His Hawaiian Majesty waspledged, and the other tuitions al.-oea-

in for their share of the honors. Thespeeches were brief, but well turned andappropriate to the festive occasion. Thedinner lasted two hours, after which thegentlemen adjourned to one of the par-lors, where a short time was spent indiscussing matters in general over theircigar.-- before going homeward.

fhriitmn Sale.The store of Messrs. Theo. H. Davies

ii Co., corner of Kaahumanu and (ueenstreets, presents a very attractive ap-pearance, tilled as it is with some of themost leautiful holiday goods ever im-

ported to this city. The articles on vieware too numerous to mention. At loo'clock this morning and also at 7 o'clockin the evening Messrs. E. P. Adams it1Co. will disjose of these goods at publicauction, and it behooves everyone to bepresent. Seeial accommodations will ;

be provided for ladies. Mr. James Mor- -

gan will vield the hammer. j

The Honolulu Rifles were drii ifif attheir Armorv last evening.

t.lilllioti.'tl Ik-iii- l. if..- - ti.-lrxli-

I nile.l suirsA. ::' .il I rr.-- r in- - -

-.--( r .r . ; :!..- - r- - j,t,....i;

i i ' tl..- - of tbe N.ivv. 11 . orj-i'Jt- -r-

i:itake is b'in-- ' inad in buiMin-.-s.., ol -- 0 in--n- J;;f-rei,- t ci ss, withoutknowing whether any A tbr--m will m-- ot

modern requireinr.-- . Hev?ssf-l- s of Iarfe j arei hi::h p0'l.

The total ree.-ipr- s from internal rc-ve--

nui; during u'- - 'ir-- f v;r mo A thepresent ti.-c- .d year vr-- .;-- ,! ".."), adecrease A 1 .4'-.oo- o a- - compared wit h

the receipts during the correspondingia- -t year. Tie-r- e wa a decrease

f 2,74bil in coll.-c- t ions from spirits,an increa-- e of '). '.) ") from tobacco,an increase of 7 front ferment dliquors, and an increase of 77,ooo onmiscellaneous items.

Several failure- - have occurred, in- -

eluding Shipley, Daisy cc ('...( 'incin-nat- i,

to a bnd.-ma-n of ; A. 1.Martin ('., Bo-to- n, liabilities F'.-ttO-

Charles Broas t'c Co., Detroit, lia- -

' bilities loo,u'xi.The memU-r- s of the fiftieth 'ongresr.

are thus classified : I'lS Democrats. lo2Republicans, 4 Independents, with onevacancy to be fiii.-d- , probably by a Re-

publican.The mo-- t imjM-rtan- t California meas- -

ures nw pending b.-f- . .re Congress arethe 'hinese bill, the San Francisco PostOllice bill and the Sweet Wine bill.

It is rumored that 0'Dnovan Rossahas formed an alliance with a division ofFenians in Philadelphia who have beencut off from the main bod v.

It is said there are intrigues on foot toinduce Canada tothrow off England's au-

thority, which, if successful, will be ex-- .

tended to Australia.The Secretary of the Paris Municipal

Council has forwarded to the CnitedStates Minister a petition adopted bythe Council, asking for his intercessionwith the lovernor of Illinois on behalf

; of the condemned Chicago anarchists.Minister Mcbane has consented totrans-- ,

mit the document.,'Mie ISiiliiriHii 'riHi.

Br'iiAHFT, November L".ob. At ameeting here yesterday of fugitive mem-bers of the Bulgarian revolution party,it was deeidwd that a new rebellionshould le attempted in Bulgaria. Itwas promised that the Russian Consulat Bucharest would atibrd the plottersprotection in the event of the failure of

i their undertaking.London, December 1st. Russia will nftt

recede from the refusal to recognize theSobranje and the Regency. The Bul-- igarians declined the offer of Turkey to

; mediate between them and Russia, andj ther. . now rumors of an intention on

the part of Turkey to occupy EasternRoumelia. It is not, however, believed

j that Russia will iermit the Turks to oe-- jcupy the country from which Russiaherself drove them at the cost of a san- -

j guinary war.Sophia, December I'd. The deputa- -

tion of Bulgarian notables, instructed byj the Government to visit the differentj Powers and personally place before themj the facts of the Bulgarian situation, has

started on its tour.Bleu kkst, December I'd. The new

j plot headed by ZankofF" has provedabortive, Russia having refused to fur-- inish money for the enterprise,

j Lonoon, December 4th. The Turkishnote to the Powers betrays the existenceof an entente cordiale between the Port- -

and Russia.Bkioka uk, December rt rf,

ported here thaM' Ti-ja- Kegeneywill n r overtures to King Milan to

puKi'tice him to become a candidate forthe Bulgarian throne, with a view oiarranging a union between Servia, East- -

; ern lloumelia and Bulgaria.Irisli A trait-- .

i The summoningof I il!on for advocatinga field campaign opens up a vast pros- -

pc-e-t of ditliculty and embarrassment.Nationalist meetings have been held

' at Sligo and in County Mayo. The lat-- 'ter approved a plan for the coming cam-paign.

The Tories are alarmed at the criticalstate of affairs, and their press with one

' voice calls upon the Ministry to avoidcoercion. From the Nationalist stand-- .

oint the situation is better now than atany time since Gladstone's defeat.

Lord Mayor Sullivan has summoned ameeting ot the citizens of Dublin to as-- i

semble to protest against the Govern-ment's tyranny toward the Iri-- h Na-

tional League. John Dillon will defendhin.self in the case brought against himby the Government. Right Hon. HughHolmes, Attorney General ot Ireland,and John G. Gibson, Solicitor ieneral.will conduct the prosecution against him.

A Cabinet council was held on De-

cember :'.d to discuss the advisability offurther prosecutions in Ireland like theone in-tiiu- at Dublin against JohnDillon. The question of continuing Gov-

ernment assistance in the work of evic-tio- n

was also eon-idere- d. All the Min-

isters w.-r- pre-en- f.

The Dublin agent . .f the Central NewsCompany te egraphs that the Irish Ex- -

ecuiive, in eonscqm-nc- of the proceed-

ings at the Cabinet Council, is preparingfor a determined struggle against theIrish National League. The proposedwarfare, the telegram asserts, will in-

clude a proclamation of all the leaguemeetings and the arrest of prominentanti-ren- t agitators.

rrniiiT.Pukis. November 27th. In the French

Chamber of Deputies to-da- y the Premiersaid France must prevent the dis-

memberment of the ttoman empire andmust n..t admit that any power maytake possession of Egypt. Repeatedapplause. ?,. ,. Freyeinct said thatlie Suez canal question would so.;n be ;


1 tiiT.-- . states fn:. r.' ! ;:i!w a eonimercialtr.-at- .:tb tli.' Hawaiian Government

bieh reii ved th' principal product oftli. Islands ir.jin tbe duty imposedI bythi- - Government upon the products of

other countries f like character. Thetreaty was in name reciprocal, but onlypartially so in fact. The Islands could i

not buy of the United States in propor--

through the operations f Americans inthe Islands, an I in consequence the ba- -

sis for a loan was in American hands.An abrogation of the treaty would so re-

duce these revenues that no loan could

terms ot the loan. Egypt is an examplelot what England can d. as a debt col- -

lector. England iound her excuse for'taking possess j, ,n if Egypt in tho debt,due bv the Egyptian Government to'English subjects. S . far the cases of!Egypt and that proposed for the Islandsare parallel. It happens, however, thatthe United States is a near neighbor to j

the I shin Is. Thev oecunv to the Pacific I

Coast a somewhat similar position to!that occtq.ied by Cuba on the Atlantic j

side. A policy which declares that Cubashall not pass into the hands of a iirst- -

class European power without incurring!the protest of the United States would j

apply with equal force to the Hawaiian j

Islands. England therefore will be!likelv to experience som.; difficult v in !

collecting the Hawaiian bond oi her;money-lender- s. Conservative businessmen are generally averse to buying intoa lawsuit an.l the same rule will restrainconservative statesmen from buying info j

a war. S. F. Call.

ioli- - foiirT.I5KFOKK l'ol.ICi: .U S H I". UH KCKION. j

Tut usnw, December Itith.Ah Pong, charged on remand with the

larceny of seven ducks, .leaded notguilty, and after voluntary evidence wasremanded till to-da- y for judgment.

Ah Cng, charged on remand with the t

larceny of shirt studs, was remanded till ;

to-- 1 lay.CIVIL CAsKS.

Sung Hung Far Lan Co. vs. Tai WoCo. Assumpsit for flu 14. Settled outof Court. Costs, $2.

Lam Fook vs. Tung Yon. Action onpromissory note for 2.). Case discon- - i

tinned. Costs, $1 . j

Hawaiian Carriage Manufacturing Co.vs. Kaiaikawaha, Allen. Lkj&-'fr- ,' "gar- - I

nheo. .2PF?!Z7iv rl.-.2. SettledoutofJJrrfirt.

C. W. Grey vs. Atong. Assumjisit for:1S. Judgmeni confessed for the amount.

Attorney's costs, so ; costs. 2; in-

terest, 4 .'M.

J. F. Colburn vs. A. K i

Continued by consent to the 17th in-

stant.Allen it Robinson vs. Kama Dsert- -

mg contract service ;ettled ut of

Court. Co-t- s, $2.

' A few minutes befon? noon yesterday-- ;

there '.vas a lively i una way and smash- -

up at the corner of Beretania and Nuu-- ianu streets. There wer two exj.resses j

on the stand in that vicinity, one ofthem in the rear belonging to a mart!named Brooks. His horse took fright at j

something and began to make thingslively. This started the one in front,and it turned on to Nuuanu street, buthad not gone far when it came into col- - '

lisi. m with another express standing onthe roadside. In the meantime Brooks'horse tried to pass between a telephone j

P" ;l fen,v- - tli0 consequence beingthat the carriage became a total wreck.11 Psented a sorry sight. The horseinv-i- i ii.u ircni in hafts, but wascaught without further damage beingd ne. The damage done to all threecarriages will amount to several hun-dred dollars.

Cane Niiifar in Jt.How badly sugar growers are faring

iu lava may be judged .f from the ly

tinistance that estates valuedat high amounts now hange hands atridiculouslv low figures. For plantation upon which, seven yearsago. the valuation fixed came to soq.oOO

guilders, brought only at publicauction. To show how the marketall over the wor! 1 is becoming disorgan-ized, it may be mentioned that, lately, afirm at Bafavia imported ome 20.0ypleuls of white American beet sugar inbarrel.--- and sold the sane- - at a rate ad-

mitting oi fair margin oi profit. It in-

tends to import more. This sugar mostlikely was produced in Europe, and way of America, found its way toJava to compete against the home-grow- n

cane sugar. '"Straits Times."

.Mr. J. P. P.. oven of lie Key-to:i- e

received a bag oi live .tins from the 'oa-- tbv the Australia. .V.o some r1.. re i.ders onice. which will he -- ervod to patrons at '

noun to-da- v. A line ht:a fe'.wder v. illi.e served Saturday nitdit.

i r ih-.i- ix s,

((. y tv Vtl V r i

CHKIS'BIASYour Majesty and the country unjbf- - Jul,n pinos vs. ICena (w). Assumpsitsuccessful termination of Your .Yiajesty's


for .f.O. Continued l y defendant's coun-tiftiet- h

birthday --;;;w beg that you -- ei until the 20th instant.

The Popular MillineryTF.MPORAY OFFICES Adjoining Tahiti Lhu-Kuniake- a.

ouude I'epot, Itotei street.

104 Tbort Street. S. SACHS, Proprietor.

Jnst oj a lii.e sfketioii useful ami ertiamcntal articles, snitat-i- for Christ-mas (lifts. The Ii.t will be ottered a tritie above cost price. In additlnn to ll ealxtve we will otlVr

EXTBA INDUCEMENTSDuring the Holiday Season in every department.



TIH AllsJ1


: o :- -

Special Holiday Sale,Oommcncing SATt'UDAV, r 11, 1SS0. for three weeks only, we will oiler the fol-

lowing bargains :

Satins, solid cobirs and at '.)c a yard.Mikado Towel Tidies in pink. bvitVand blue, at 2,1o.Lisle Thread Hose, op-e- work, in pink, liht blue and cardinal, at COc a pair.Ladi.-- ' Chemises, at 40c.Silk itlovf. all colors, at ."f.c a pair.Children 's (Jingharu Dresses, at lUe.Colored Iioider Handkerchiefs, at, i-- a ilozi-n- .

Tin- - itliuvo priees we iiariitr' I'or I lie Ilolitlny Nhhoii Only.

TT M US. M KI.LI.s-- ' lir. ssriiakinir t sua iisli.-- e cnt on .e pi viiiine. 71


wul deign to t this token of theirov:l!iy and high regard for their be-

loved Severeign."His Majesty, in receiving the gift,

thanked the donors in a very sincereand cordial manner.

There were present on this interestingoccasion: Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, TheirExcellencies the Hons. W. M. Gibson,L. Ahoio, Paul P. Kanoa ami AntoneRosa; His Excellency C. P. Iaukea.Governor of Oahu ; Hons. J. S. Walkerand J. E. Bush; Colonel J. II. Boyd of

His Majesty's staff; Majors A. B. Hay-le- y,

Samuel Parker and W. H. Corn-wel- l.

Equerries in Waiting, ami Cap-

tain Nowlein, Quartermaster General.The insignia consists of a large star set

in diamonds and the coat of arms.There are four puloulou sticks at eachend of which is a large diamond. Inthe center is a smaller star also set in dia-

monds. The number of diamonds onboth stars, and including those on thepuloulou sticks, is :',:)'. The cordon is of

blue ribbon, and suspended "ii the end j

is n Maltese cross set in diamonds, sur- - i

mounted bv a crown also set in dia- - i

monds. opals and rubies. On this cross j

the number of diamonds is l.'I'b makim i

a total of 4 gems. The whole is on-clos- ed

in a very handsome case of bluevelvet lined with silk of the same color.On the lid is the letter K, with a crownabove, both in gold. The insignia andcordon were made in Paris and are mag-

nificent specimens of workmanship.

Tlie ;ioniirs" 1'iuk fair.This evening the members of the Mis-

sionary Gleaners' Society will hold a

''pink fair" at the Yestry of the FortStreet Church. A number of fancyarticles will be ottered for sale, and ice-

cream and cake will also be dispense. I

at nominal rates. It promises to be avery successful affair. The admission is

iWed at twentv-tiv- e cents.

An II TrienU in a Xew Knit.Daniel O'Connell. whom, it seems,

eserbody knows, ha gone into a newbusiness that of voice culture. In hisadvertisement, which appears in anotherplace, attention is called to several factshearing upon his ability to teach; butthose who know him well consider hisown sonorous voice his host recommend-ation. S. F. "Bulletin."

The band wiii not p.fay at the iutrt-n- '

Hospital thi- - afternoon, as .reviouslv anr.ounced. l

lletereui-e- s Hon. A. S Cleliorn, li. J. CreiBh-ton- .Ksq.

Sf TELF.PHONF. No. :m.


Pure Halt Whiskyfj


jred.icinal TJse.NO FUSEL OIL.

Absolutely Pure and Unadulterated

in r s F. ixIls.i Inlx.

4'urti v. IllMlittltlOIlM,

In tiriiiarie,AND

Prescribed bv Phvsicians Everywhere


'lire StiriiiilaiitFor the su-k-

. InvrUiJ. Convalescing Patient,AK'ed I'eople,


A wanted i I KST II'.l.E OoLD M1.DAL"W'orl.i's K New I ri talis, La..

I'or i: -- liinl I'nrily.

Macfarlane c: ('o..Sle Agents


LOST.LACK II A NIi KERCH I F.F, WITH THEA initials H. 1'. H.. ttie property of Her l'.oval

Higbneps Lil'.noKalati. TLe finder Willr.e pnititly rewarded on account of jiersonalvalue att.iched Keturn Xn Chambfr- -l.V.n'H effl.-- e. Jit noWTtr

Al:'iI.( 'a mpl lull's Hlock. Merchant Street, Honolulu.


books and r.econiits and vol'eoti.n Mtended to promptly.Bell Teleplione ITL'. I. . ilox Sl.. 7! yt u tv al Tl i.lioiie IIT.

LEWIS fe CO.,til i'orl Sireot.-IniKirl- ers HinJ UeHlen in

Staple and "Fancy Groceries.FTM-:S- H GOODS

By every steainer from California, arnl always on band, a lull and complete line of

Provisions, Etc. Satisfaction Telephone Nu. 1. O. Pox No. 17.

' i ll

Page 3: C. ft ri - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduH (tieeii Street, Fish Market. lealer in choicest BKKK, VEAL MUTTON, FIH.etc. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock

' ' '':



. ... : ; ' :



.1!KV AUTHORITY. 5toriLsf Hums. lADOf rtisnnrn!'.

hec-- e; December 1st, Hjw,1Uh i.ttvnstip Zeahti'li- -. benc? ; December 2d, American hritn,- -

tii;9 Consiu lo, from this port. Following vesselshave been the departures for thse Islands :

November '.:id, American barkentine v w







Wine and Spirit Merchants,No. 15 luuanu Street.

Having enlarged and renovatei' tttir store and replenished their stock, aie now fully prerared tosupply ail toods in their line at very lowest market rates.



f t -- Tu w 5i?s5s-- VIS (ROYAL liZMJl l

Igl ROYAL OLXJJJ G IsT.SpevUl atteiitiou is calledtto tus ex!; a quality of til X, heiuK their own in.poi tatiou aud a Tery

superior article.A full assortment of 'Hlif'ornia l ine and all the best Mauds uf e-- r. Akkud Krtralways in stock. Also, venuin IuiiIh (olt-rt- r sweet I'humpague, quatts tid pint. S

Cordials, Xiqueurs, J-itto-

rs, Etc.Island oiilei? promptly attended to and goods carefully pa ked for m nt.

Tel iloiie. 30S. 15Ujanl I. O. Box 1J7.

)W1LT1 VIM ....J



Martin Guitars, Fancy Goods. ToysAnd XMAS CAUPft for the Holidays. Also received a sttn-- k of

ITii-xiitLii-e- ,

IiK-liuliii- : K-m- I ItorUrrn. t all hikI KxHiiiliie.



109 Iort Street,Hav just received, per ateamthip AUSTRALIA, au immense variety of all kind of fancy goodsuseful and ornamental, aui table for the


& CO.,


i I 1 ATI VI i






and Tuesday,

8th and 9th.



PEACOCK,Spirit M'r liHiil.

Honolulu, EL I.

II-iIiuii-- h .


Martim-Ui- s cider i absolutely oure.Read adverti--i.tnep.- t ot Martinelli's

Chit-r- .

Yuen Kee A: Co. Iiav removed to lintelj stree t.

Martinelii's c ider is the be -- t ami iiirt--- t

made.Yal P.latz .Milwaukee lager beer is the

finest in the market. Bottled expresslyfor this climate.

For gents' embroidered col- -

larand curl' boxes, and .shaving set-- , go to;Sachs' store. lUi Fort street. j

Malaria, the curse of large set tions, is ;

positively cured and prevented by the ie j

of Dutl'v's Pure Malt Whisky. j

.lust received, undressed kid gl . . , - innew shade, fancy white and colori em- -

broidered handkerchiefs at Sachs' More.' J


I 'iulresse 1 kid gloves, ladies' underwear j

pink, w hite, cream and blue cashmere just J

received by last .steamer, at C. J. Fi-bel'- s. j

A lot of Turk, l'olo and Tain plush caps.children's Normandy bonnet and ladies' !

hats just received at Sachs' store, H'l Fortstreet.

lr. Clinton A. Sage, M. !., I'ekin, N. V.writes: "I have been prescribing Puffy '

Pure Malt Whisky and find it adapted tocases requiring a pure alcoholic stimu-lant."

The largest and best stock of ( 'hri.-tm- as

cards ever seen iu thiscity just arrived; allnew and of the very latest designs, ( 'ailearly and elect. King, Bros.' art store.Hotel .street.

Messrs. Wing On Wo vV. o. , ol Mauna-ke- a

street, beg leave to notify the publicthat they have just received a large quan-tity of ..X and other choice brands olManila cigars, of the best quality, for saleat moderate prices.

.. i

Tle I'lanlerH" .Moul lii. ."We have received the "Planters'

Monthly" for December, and desire tocompliment the editor, Mr. Whitney,on the improved appearance of that pul-licati- on

under his management. Thecontents are varied and instructive. Anarticle on the Opium Law deals fairlywith the subject from the anti-opiu- m

point of view, ond indeed does not speakat all too harshly of the "crude amipoorly framed bill to license the sale ofopium in this Kingdom," passed at thelate session of the Legislature. Thereare laws and laws, and while we areprepared to approve an honest and in-

telligent measure for controlling theopium traffic we are not prepared to ap-prove or even palliate a law which lacksthese characteristics. Tiie Opium License Law as it stands is essentiallyvicious, and can only lead to jobberyand corruption. I'nder these circumstances it is like thrashing the air todiscuss the moral side of the opium traffic. The selected articles are valuableto planters and landowners generally.A contribution from Mr. Lubker, Gov

ernment forester, on the cultivation ofAustralian wattle trees, is a timelypaper, l he use of sugar as an ingredient in mortar is brought under notice bva correspondent and in clippings fromthe London "Times." An Englishmanwriting to the Mayor of Charleston afterthe late earthquake states that "thehardness of the old Roman cement,which is equal to that of the stone itbinds together, is believed to be due tothe addition of saccharine matter.Water to which sugar has been addedwill dissolve 4 times as much li me aspure water. lieeent experiments withsweetened mortar have proved that wallsmay be built so strong that they cannotbe torn down with anything but explo-sives." Consul General Putnam's re-

port on the production of sugar and riceon the Hawaiian Islands is published infull. The Advektiskk recently referredto the preparation of ramie for marketin New Orleans, and the "Planters'Monthly" supplements this by an ad-

dress delivered in that city by Mr. JulesJuvenal on the history, cultivation andutilization of ramie, "the richest of allplants, for it possesses wealth of grow th,wealth of development and wealth offibre." We shall not recapitulate all thearticles in this issue of the "Planters'Monthly," but refer our readers to thatpublication for a lull review of its con-


I'rcsen I a! ion 'iines.The Australia, which arrived yester-

day, brought, among other tilings, a casefrom Consul W. J. de Gress, HawaiianConsul it the city of Mexico, containingfour elaborately carved canes for presen-tation, one to His Majesty the King, oneto His Fxcellency Mr. Gibson, one tci

Mr. K. W. Laine, Mexican Consul, andanother to Mr. U. J. Creighton. Thecanes we have seen are of coffee wood,finely polished, the monogram of the re-

cipient and the Mexican arms finishing ascroll of exqusite tigtire carving. Thewhole forms a work of art which reflectsgreat credit upon the Mexican carver,and cannot but be highly appreciated bythe recipient. Colonel de Gress has aline war record, having fought valiantlyfor his country on the I'nion side in thelate American rebellion. He has donegood service in bringing the resourcesand capabilities of these Islands beforethe Mexican people, among whom henow resides, and although there may beno direct intercourse between the twocountries at present the time is not fardistant, we are convinced, when we shallreap the benefit of his intelligent andfaithful service. Hawaii is well repre-sented abroad; but among its Consularcorps there is no superior to Colonel deGress.

(ottil to le 4lvoii A v ay.On Satur.lay Mr. N. S. Sachs uf the

Popular Millinery House will nve awaytine jtanel pictures during the day anltoys anl dons m tne evening. Ilns is;an opportonity that everyone shouldavail themselves of. Mr. Sachs received i

by the Australia a new stock of roods, j

among which particular mention must j

be made of laces and embroideries. I

Let h Have a ilill

C I G .V II !!


X cisfar si.-rs-- , ns other places where jcigars are sold. u is n, uudiyputed fact thatmost suioktrs pitfu u luil l i ijjar. and that thosewho have for u iving time smoked strong cigars,principally imported Manilas, will, after havingthoroughly injured the stomach and impaired thenervous system, surely want a mild cigar if theycould find ti e right kind.

How many thousands of smokers who sufferfrom loss of appetite, head.iche, nervous irrita-bility, asthma, etc., aud who Lave tried all pos-sible remedies without success, might be curedif they kLew that their sufferings were caused bythe i ntemperate use of strong cigars, and thatthey should oiil" smoke mild an properly pre-pared ones.

It is a fact that not all mild cigars agree wellwith smokers, fir i u most cases there is a lackof care in the selection ot the tobacco, and oftenthe necessary experience for it is wanting, yettnere is one brand which uU the most t..stidions smoker, and that is


"Sampler" llenlth Cigar,Which is made from mild, aromatic and particu-larly selected aud prepared tobacco, and com-bines all the qualities h may be expectedfrom a health cig ir. It cau.-c-. uo'bad efluct ofany kind, is agreeable to the l isle, burns evenlyto the end and possesses a :uie aroma. Nosmoker should tail to give

Engelbreelifs "Siiiiiplef Cigar

A lair trial, and benefit himself at the sametime. 10.r)inar't




Is Now on Exhibition

AT- -


Queen Street.

Jta'HOl'IlS. From 1 p. m. to 4 p iu., aud 7 !p.m. to i) p, in.


General Admission : 50c

Children : : 25c:i47 dechtf

Australian .Mail Service.


Thejnew aud fine Al steel steamship


Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be dueat Honolulu from Sydtieyjmd Auckland

on or about"

December 17ttuAnd will leave for the ahtve port with mails andpussenKera on or about that date.

For freight or passage, having SUPERIORACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

For Sydney and Auckland.

Tlie :iew and tine A I steel sleaai-dii-

"ZEALANDIA,"Of the Oeeanic steatnship Company, will be

due at Honolulu from S:ui iscoor or alinnl

.Oecemlei hi5,And will have prompt dipatcii with malls audpassengers for the above ports.

For fiehjbt or passage, liavini; SCI'KUIORCO UMOIJATIOXs. apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,A OK NTS


Temple of Fashion.'!oin ; out entir to-U- .


SALES Tli li rscla.ys e;ich vveok at ID a. in.,aud on Sat urtlil.VH each week at 7 p. m., untilJanuary 1, 18s7.

Dry Goods,

Fancy Goods,

House Furnishing Goods,


XJISrIDI R AV li;AR,And luanv other articles too numerous to in( n.' lUfijanl

Dimond ; November J.'.th, American barkeniineKureka; November Jmh, American hark en tineit i auu nnantine Clam Spreokels ; December'iu, scnooner Anna, for Kahulut, and tern. W.Bowne.


The Au-tral- ia will probably leave, fwran Francisco on Wednesday, the 2'U.The schooner Jennie Walker will ail lor

Farming s Iland next .Monday morning,when Mr. Gregg, her owner, will returnthither from Honolulu.

The I'aeinc Hardware t'otnnanv receivedanother invoice of tho-- e celebrated Fairylaiuj.s by the Australia. Call early, ey

are to -- ell fat. r --- -.

Mr. M. 1. Robinon"s coaster for the1'earl River trade, already described, waslaunched yesterday morning, and now liesat Allen iv Robinson's wharf. "

There will be the usual ervice at ,t.Andrew'.-- 'athedral this evening at 7 o'clockconduc ted by the IJihop of Honolulu.This will be the lat weekly service in thepresent building.

A German by the name of Wm. Wessels,lately from Kauai, died at the (Queen'sHospital yesterday from meningitis. Hewas 27 years of age. and leaves a w idowand one child.

The Royal Mail steamer Alameda i due. . .i.. .. i ."'""i Hum poiik'v ano -- ucKiaiHl, en

route to .San Fram Thi.s will begood oj.j)ortujnty to answer letters received by the Australia.

Captain Jenks. formerly ot the balk El- -

smore, now has the command of the American w haling bark Hunter, and will shortlyleave San Francisoo for the islands of thei acme. jte expects to he at tins port mMarch. Captain Cogan will take the Hun-ter thenee to the Arctic regions.

Siijfar Shipments.Wo San Francisco McrchaiitJ recently

dtew attention to the large ciuantity ofsugar overland from Sun Fran-cisco during the present year, the totalamount for the first eight months beingS2,2St;,oT0 pounds. For each of the twosubsequent months, the quantity ofsugar exported overland has exceededo,(HX),000 pounds, making a total oftKJ,(XR,000 pounds, or 40,o00 tons; ofsugar sent for consumption to Easternpoints. It is stated that the influx ofsugar front the California refineries hasbeen the cause of the closing of the St.Louis Keiinery. It is certain that thesugar market is in a demoralized con-

dition, and there i.--i no immediate out-look for any improvement. A Congressof sugar growers and refiners is shortlyto be held in Berlin, when the conditionof the market will be discussed, and pro-posals made to check the production inexcess of requirements, and to adoptsome means for obtaining reliable infor-

mation as to crops and supplies.The overland exports from San Fran

cisco for the first ten months of this yearwere as follows :

Pounds.Eight months 82,28(1,610September .ri,634,110October 5,27",,070

Total . ya,i9.r.,7'.io

Y. 31. V. A.The monthly meeting of the Y. M. C.

A. was held last evening, when Mr. W.A. Bowen occupied the chair, .eportswere presented by the General Secre-tary and the Treasurer, w hich were ado-te- d.

Four new members Mere ad-

mitted. A letter was read from Dr. Peck,of the United States, who was re-

cently on a visit to this city, intro-ducing the Kev. Dr. C. A. Dorman. Thelatter arrived by the Australia, and in-

tends shortly to proceed as a missionaryto Norfolk Island.


We have seen Tennyson's last prn, andwe onlv wish that it was. Philbd-jlphi-

Call.If the Canadians don't let our nNhins

schooners alone they may catch a smackthe3 will not relish. Lowell Citiz3n.

"I do love dress!" exclaimed a youns so-

ciety balle. "Then I should think you wouldwear more of it," rep'ied a cynical tacbe-lo- r.

Buffalo Commercial Advertis r.Chauncey Depaw is given a authority for

the story that a woman o l Ltonz Island saidshe had eaten so many clams that h- -r waLstres? and fell with the tile. Utica Hrald.

It doesn't take a woman long after the ismarried to learn that a m-- n can mim up abureau drawer more in three seconds th inshe can put in order again after ai hour'spatient work. Somerville JouoaL

A Rrave i rl.George and ifahel were walking down the

avenue, and George was showing her how-muc-

he knew."Yes," he said, "science is constantly mak-

ing some new discovery. Now, there's thetyrotoxicon."

"What is that ? It must be something hor-

rid."'Tt is. It's a terrible microlx that gets

through your entire system. It is caught byeating ice cream," and here George lookedstraight ahead w ith all the indifference hahad in stock.

"What kind of a diseaso does it give you?the inquired, suppressing a shudder.

"I don't know exactly, but I should think itwas something like the small iox, only agreat deal worse. "

She didn't speak for two or three minutes.Then she laid her hand on his arm, and saidin a low voice:

"George.""What Ls it, dearest 2"

ul have been vaccinated."In George's bumble estimation the tyrotoxi-co-u

is the biggest failure on record -- Merhaut Traveler.

They AVonltl Stop if I'lagged.'Country eople ask funny questions,"

said a conductor on the Chicago, Rurlingtonand Quiney. "They are always worried forfear the train will not stop at the stationwhere they want to get olF. One day an oldchap asked me if there was a good tavern atChicago. I told him I had heard there wasone or two. A few weeks ago we were goinginto St. Louis and had on board an oldwoman from away back. She was evidentlya given traveler, and she was very nervous.She asked all sorts of foolish questions.Finally she inquired in a shrill, rasping voi. e:

"Conductor, does this train stop at St.Louis."

'Yes,' says I, with a straight face, "it '.'.s.if we are flagged. St. Louis is a Hag .tat ion,but I'll see that you get off all right


f i


' 1



I !





! i






Tax nlltM-tor'- Notice.The Tax Collector will colli me tee collecting

taxes iu the district ot'Hil, Island of Hawaii, atthe following places:

From Kaiuaee io the North HiloCourt House, Lauj.aLot-hoe- .

From liakuluu to Keakaha, at the Court Houseiu Hilo Town.

Ou .suyar Imitations tuxes will Le collected atthe office of respective plautatiuii. Noticewill be giveu heforehalid to inanageis theTax Collector, or l.y his: Older, what day heBhouhlrall to collect taxes.

F. PA HI A,Tax Collector of Hilo, Hawaii.

Hii, Ie einher 1, 1880. dawtf

All w ater rates due on term eudkig .lime ;;u,1887, he paid at the office of the HonoluluWater Worts hefore the day of January,1".7. All rated remaining uu)iaN January 15,

will be si hject to au additional 10 per cent.Parties paying rates will present their l ist re-c-

pt.C'HAS. li. WILSON,

Superintendent Honolulu Water WorKn.Approved : I.. A IIOLO,

Mi uister of I uierior.Honolulu, hetitmlier 4, lHdf,.

fol'.i' of llo.MOhUi.U, 11. I.

A It It I A US.Weum-'Iia- v, Dscniber !.

Haw H !i Australia, H C Houdletfe, from SauFrancisco.

Tiiriisn.iv, !' 1.Sjchr Hob Hoy, from KoolauAm bark Sarauac, I It slia'.v, toti days from

New Vork.1

IlKlMKI'l'lttXTill issdav, December 1''..

Schr Kauikeaoiili, for Kohala, HawaiiStmr Wainianalo. lor KoolauAm barkeutine Oeor'e c' i'erkius Vckerman,

for San Francisco

V I f.c:iviii:f To-Dn- y.

Stmr W O I1j.11, Date, for Maui and Hawaii,at 10 a in

Schr Haleakala, for IVpcf keo, Hilo, HawaiiSchr Mary K Fo-te- r, for Waimea, KauaiSchr Koh Koy, for KoolauSchr Kainbo-.v- , for Koolau, Oahu

VeMelt in Port Ironi Fitrciu I'ort.H.Haw schr Jennie Walker, 11 Anderson, from

F'aiming's Island.Am bktue Mary Winkelmau, Chas Iackus,

from San FranciscoAm bark Forest (jtieeii, J C M Winding, from

San FranciscoAm tern J C Ford, T II Griffiths, froui San

FranciscoAm bark J II I5ow-rs- , J II Hum, from Hong-

kongAm bark Nellie Mav, A A usti n, from Newcastle,

NSWAm bark Saraisac, 1 15 Shaw, from New YorkHaw H S Austialia, 11 C Uoudlette, from Sau


Hi it bark Glen; iber il'dles'.oi., iroin I.ivci-poo- l,

due Jan 1.5 .; I

Am hark Mar.. .a I'islier, from h..'r;:,'. dueJan 15-.J- 0

Am lk Martha IVivis, F M I' i, saibd fromiiu-dol- l August 7 1 , due December i Ai

Haw schr fit .ieral Sie;;el, Sa.i.U-rs- , fromFreucli Frltrate Saiuls, due Nov 20-- o

er bark llyilra, from H.n?kontf, due Decem-ber 1 15

German bark Hercules, Schaefer, sailt-.- l fromLiverpool October Srti, due February o--

Haw bark Star of Devon, A hovell, from 1'aiiuiug'a Island, due December H 1 1

Hawu schr Malolo, J li Holland, from Mani-Lik- l,

via Fanning'a Island, due lecemler ir--

Am ship Mercury, from Newcastle, N S W, dueDecemler 10-1- 5

Am bktne W II Dimond, from Sau Francisco,due December C--

Am bktne Kureka, II Meyer, from San F'rau-cisco- ,

due Dec 4--

Am tern W S Bowne, A II Paul, from San Fran-cisco, due Dee 20-.'- il

Aoi I'ktne Ella.. V. O ltust, from San Francisco,due Dec it;-- :l

Am S S Alameda, H (i Morse, from tlie Colo-nies, en route to Sau Francisco, due Dec 17

Haw S S Zealaudia, Oterendorp, from SanF'rancisco, en route to the Colonies, due Dec 25

Am brgtne t'laus Spreckels, K P Drew, sailedfrom San Francisco November 'Jtith, due Decernher 15 25

Am Rcur Anna, Robertson, from Sau Francisco,due at Kahuliii, Maui, December 20-3- 1

Am tern W S Howne, A 11 Paul, sailed fromSan Francisco December 5, due December 18-2- !

Am bktue Planter, W It Perrimau, from SanF'raucisco, due December 2"-3- 1

Am bark Caibarieu, O A Perkins, from SanFrancisco, due December 2t--

Am wli bark Hunter, (ieo W Jenks, from theLine Islands, due March 10-3- 1


For San Francisco, per )ktne Oeorge C Per-kins, December 1. T L. DarWer, wife and 2children.

Mllll'l-I.Xi- J XtIF.Tlie American barkentiue Planter, Captai u W

K Periniau, was to leave San F'rancisco Decem-ber Uth for this port ; and the hark Caibarien onthe 10th, also for here.

The American barkentiue W 11 Dimond is 24

days out from San Francisco for this port, andthe barkentiue Fureka, Captain II Meyer, is 22

days out.The German b.trk Pacific, ('apt da Oltmann,

will ail about next! Monday for Dremen, with acargo of wool, copra and sand, chipped by thePacific Navigation Company.

The schooner lbb Roy brouybt 400 bags riceTroiii Koolau, Oahu. December, and will saila'.iiii to-da- y.

The Oceanic Company's American hrigantineCousuelo, Cajtain K 11 Cousins, arrived at San

Francisco lember 2nd, after a very quick pas-

sage of 12 days from this port.The Americau barkentine George C Perkins,

which sailed December lGth, with 10,434 bagssugar, "(X) bags rice, lol bunches bananas, 215 bar-

rels molasses, 2,722 hides, and 31 bundles goatekius cargo valued at HlfiTJ 48 was the firstvessel that left this port for Sau Francisco sincethe Hawaiian steamship Zealandia sailed for SauFraucisco on November 2,3d.

The bark Ceylon will finish discharging cargonext week.

The steamer W (i Hall, Captain W F Dates, willleave at 10 o'clock this morning for Maui andHawaii.

The American bark Sarauac, Captain David 15

Shaw, arrived hero December lGth, 1"6 days fromNew York, with about 1,500 tons general cargo,cousigued to Messrs. Ca.tle c Cobke. The Cap-

tain reports fine weather during the passage, ex-

cepting ofl Cape Horn, when the encoun-tered several uales. The Sarauac is a woodenvessel of 1,020. tons register, and is anchored in j

the stream.The bchooner Mary E. Foster takes to-d- a j

cargo of coal to Waianae, Kauai.The American bark Nellie May. which arrived j

last Saturday from Newcastle. N. S. .. with 'J7. j

tons coal, was docked near the Pacific Mail Com- -j

pany'a wharf to discharge cargo.

The barkentiue Wrestler having completeddischarging coal, was moved from the Pacific

Mail Company's wharf to Wilder's Steamship ;

Company's whaif, where she will remain untilthe barkentine Amelia is lowered from the Rail- -


w ay, when she ill be hauled on to be cleaned,

Since our last advices, the following vessels j

arrived nt San Francisco from this Kingdom : j

November 2'.uh, American hrigantine W. G. j

Irwin, hence ; November 30th, American barken- - j

tine Discovery and American bark Caibarieu,

Absolutely Pure.Tni-- po'-vde- never varies. A marvel of purity,

strength, ond v holcsoincnoss. --More economicalthan the or lir.arv kind-:- , and cannot lie sold in cora-pctiti- oi

vita, the multitude of shortweight, :ilu:a orii)iospli;itj jvdc-rs- . Sold ONLY 13cans. Kovvi. lUKfttt iov.EiL Co.. 108 Wali-Sf- c

N Y.Od wtf


Dissolution of rartnersliij).

X'O'l'lCi: I- -; HlltKHV CilVtN THAT TIIKi 11 teres t of H. M. low iu the business of, Dow & Co., Fort strept, Honolulu, h;isi.e-i- i j.uri'iiaseii f)V i. West. Itie MiMurss will

under the firm name ofW K S T KOW .v CO

Which Mr. Iov will continue (o manage, hutwithout any further responsibility for the firmdebts or obligations. All debts due the late firmof West, Dow .V-- Co., should be paid to the uudei-si-juc- d,

who will pay all debts due bv it.WEST, DOW .V CO.,

1'er O. West.Honolulu, December l:t, lSnj. 3o;jal6

Order of Evii'g SalesFOK


SAT I'll DAY, Due-embe-r 18th, at 7 p. iu., atltosenthal's store, Xuuauu street.

MONDAY. Deivmber liOUi, at 7 p. m., at sales- -room.

WEDNESDAY, December 221, at 7 p. m., at M.ltosenthal's, of new goods to arrive on De-cember l.'ith, by steamship Australia.

FRIDAY. December L'4th, at 7 p. in., at sales- -room.

The comfort of ladies atteudiiif my sales willbe specially attended to.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,35:1 deci'l .1 lief Joiteer.

irni 1 inMM I IMLL a UUJCill.

This absolutely pureCIDfilt is manufac-tured in the orchardone year hefore plac-

ing it on the market,and generates its owngas by natural fer-


A small invoice justreceived and for sale


Grx-a,xic- i

Opening ?

mm:Fort Street, above Hotel,

Saturday ISTight3 3 1 1 .

Having refitted and remodeled the premises,ihe proprietors are prepared to furnish the best

AVines, Liquors,Ales, Cigars, Etc.,

Purchased by MR. DoDD on hi? late trip to theStates.

Thanking our many friends for past patron-age, and cordially inviting them to call uponus in our new quarters, we are, respectfully,


Proprietors.'(i declO-t- t


Saturday, Monday

ISTovemtoer 6th.

70 THE

(i. 1). HiEETH.

FREETH &U liolesalc M ine anl

0,3 jSTimanii street - -

:o:- -

txAu wnix for J. J. Melclu-r'- s " ELEI'ilANT" iIN, IYMhoh'm uii(-oIortj(-

unsweetMU'iI, piirt ol.l IUiANDV onlv' two qualities shititM'!, 7 anl 10 vears oldHy. W. Smith ,t Co.V

THISTJiEDEW WHISKY,We ofler fer sale at reduced figures, a larjre and well assorted stock ofALES, I'.EERS, STOUTS, WINES, Sl'IHITS, LlQUEUHS, etc., either in hondduty paid.

H. O. Box 301. 37 :J

EA.G- - A.N fe CO.Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets,


.Men's itutl Iloyn Fine OiHtoiii-tiiiKt- e otliiii, FiirnKlilnir (iootit,


TKCXKS, VALISES, ETC. IsUnd orders solicited au.I promptly attended to. SutisfaCtJou guaran-teed. 7 u

! - : if " 1

Page 4: C. ft ri - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduH (tieeii Street, Fish Market. lealer in choicest BKKK, VEAL MUTTON, FIH.etc. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock



Jlliucrtisrinniis.BILL NYE'S REMINISCENCE ZU&rrtisciiicn.s.Vtorfisnjiriits

Tiro.,H. .K. Mclntyre As

i.Mi uK i ::k anh pi:ai.kiis inS3U0 BEWAKD!

! I I What Is a liore ? '

Ex-- 'nator Charles II. Russell is vainlyendeavoring to-da-y to stop the circulation of?!i:s story. Last night Mr. Russell was theprincipal orator at Public School No. 13,w here el sin ext-rci-e- s wero hold. Therewas a largo atcen ianc?, and thew.-t- s so loudly applauded when he aroso to

i that he dropped at once into his mostj pieasicg vein, and related a humorous anec-- .'

of a man who spo :e too frequently andi too long at school commea cements, and wasI then-for- called a bore.I "Now, children," asked Russell,

"what is a bore?''i There was no respond.j "It u not possible, children," sail the ex- -

senator, "that you are unable to tell mewhat a bore is. Now I see a bright looking

, littie fellow sittinz in that front ro .v. IamMiro he knows. Tell m- -, -- onny, what is a

Groceries, 3?rovisions and FeedKAST VuKl AM K 1 M i s I KKK1

New Uioils receiveil ly every luuki-- t froiii the liicin Slaves ami Kuriu-- , resli (.'iilifurnlKProduce by every sfeamf-r- . All oniers f J'thfii'l v uriixlt-- in, an.l (iixxls ilrlivereil u any pn rt of tliecity free of charge. IslaiiJ order n!ici S.iii'f.n tmn ii:iniiit'ed. I'ostotliee Hox No. :Telephone No. 2 CunplT

'KE ABOVE It E WARD WILL BE GIVEN TOi any person who will capture and deliver to

Tbe nuJt riigned otlcr for sale, at,!utt maiket rr.tes,



HOCK, .AIUSCAT .'sweet and dry),MALAtiA, CHAMPAGNE,





tLe nearest jail a Chinese prisoner bv the cameof ACU', ali-- .s CHIN EOOK, who escaped fromthe gang at work on Nnuami Valley road be-lief n the hour of 2 a&dC o'clock of Tuesday,December 7.


Lorn at Canton, China; black hair, cut short;brown eyes; height 5 feet Clinches; not mar-ried; age" about years: lost from Honolulu.Has round scar under right ear, three roundmarks on left elbow; two round marks underleft ear: round mark on right side of nose;round mark and scar on left of nose: heavymark over left eyebrow: scar under lower lip;seeral moles on back of neck and breast: longcut under the chin.


G declt; 1 puty Marshal.

:o:- -


Chandeliers, Lamps and 'Lanterns,Telclione ". 46.a: aIV O. Ilox 01.

bore;''The bright boy looked jut then a trifle

L.-- Adored' but sail nothing, and Mr. Rus- -

e l, to encourage him, remarked, "Come, ;

n, v y, up; I know you caa tell me.N'j-.- what is a bore''

The boy's face reddened, and seeing therewas no escape for him, blurted out:

"A senator 1'a shout of laughter wa never befor

heard in a Brooklyn school building?. It wasfco prolonged that Russell waitedthree minutes before attempting to renewLis spe-ecb-

. Then the au lieiice roared again,

Water Filter ai;J Coei Aiiierioau Cunla'f, Uail-ec- l i'.ud Main Annealed Fem e Wire,Fence Staples.

n itic1C1TO LET. NOW IN P 11

j and again the ex-senat- was compelled to t 1 PA LA MA TWO NICE COTTAGES IN KO- - 1887.1887.1 Fourth Year of Publication.i wait till tho lauzh rolled by. Mr. Russell 1 hello Lane, for $;o and sriu ver month re- -

Poi tlie i.LolidtiY::

Meriden Silver Plated Ware,! says that he woull now rather deliver an pectively. Inquire at Hyrnan Bros., Oueeuj address to a hostile political mob than at- - j

htr'f't" 6bi tf.

tempt again to c.atechi-- e an audience ofschoolboys. "But." hi added, "I shall not j AssimiOP "V nlir'Omind much if the story is kept frcm the L,Unewspapers." Brooklyn Kigle.

A l,eA new invoice in latest pattern.. t arii.ifje Paint for u.e in the country, without varnish,invoice of the celebratedW1TAD'I I IT IV t 1 4 AT l hXT) fUlIhVjJl22Sunbeams. f 1 A PA II having made au assignment to HY- -

of his creditorsagainst taid C.Old Lady (to small by)Aren't you j - UHaTlnS.nt benefit

afraid of catching coll, little boy, going j APAII, are hereby notified to

TJilliiigham latent Plows.Horse Hoe ami Cultivators, Harrows, Hoes, I.uhricatinjj Oils, etc., etc., etc.

PACIFIC HARDWARE COMTA.N Y,present them with

proper vouchers at the office ol" the undersigned.about in your bare feet?Small Boy I never wear shoes, 'cept in

For tho Year of Our Lord 18S7, Containing an

Astronomical, Civil & Eeclesiastic'l Calend'rand all persons owin to said C. APAII, or bav-ins any property of his in their possession, arehereby notified to make payment and accountingat once to the undersigned. All claims not pre-sented within fix months from publication willbe forever barred.

HYMAN 15P.OK.Honolulu, November 3o, 18HC. ilutjaul

I.imiti:i.Sii--4Hr- to mltiiiliiiiii A '. unit Shiiiiu-- I

Folt l II K YKAK AN- - E--I on ol ill uloi" t Streer-Official and Business Directory of Honolulu


TOOKTHF.K WITH THE HOXOiJ hi: IJlOiN WORKS CO.Iliive 'oiiiI'ImI mid 4kl7''r lor I Ik' lol lo i i it l; l!olI'rs.Steam Navigation Oo.

(I.IMITKD.j1 PAIR CO.MPOUXnsTKEh liOlLKKS ).u:iaay l;i. r. . l

'( Tn'.iilu! Cufler. I '.fi . in. xli tl

At Committeeman of a llecent Fourthof Jnljr Celebration.

Ill the summer of '77 I was on tho commit-tee chosen at a metin of our citizens '"tomake arrangements for tho proper observa-tion of the regular national day whic'amarks the onward march of freedom." Weselected a proper place, hired lumber enoughtoinaka seats, with pitch on it to injurethe audieuo staying through the overture.We securid a slender, Icng-waiste- d Texishoat named Phallas to act as greased pig,hired a "oand from "town," got a youngwoman with a tall head and a twenty-ounc- e

pippin Adam's apple to read the Declarationof Iniependenc?, and then we began to castabout U3 for a goo J, strong-voice- d oratorwho would remain to'erably sober ti l heLad made his speech. We looked the groun 1

over pretty well, and at last decided to callCol. Braley--, of the Sage Hen ranch. I callLira CoL Braley tecau it suits my purposebetter to call him CoL Braley. The gentle-man to whom I refdr is still alive, and Iwould like to be a!so. Therefore I call himCoL Braley.

We wrote to the colonel a pleasing note, inwhich wo referred to his genial manners, hisgreat popularity and his good sense uponmatters that would naturally interest thepeople of our section. We told him that itwas the general wish that he would favor uson that occasion, and we hoped for an earlyani satisfactory reply. In two days w; re-

ceived the following, as well as I am able torecall it at this late:

Sage Hes Ranch, June 27, 1VT7.

Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Fourthof July Committee:Your favor regarding a speech upon the

grounds near the ol 1 Buffalo Waller, on theFourth of July, is received. I am no speakeron such an occasion as that, and I thereforebeg to be excused. There is only about oneman out of ten thousand that can make agood Fourth of July speech, an 1 he is not,as a general thing, goo 1 for anything else.

In the first place. I don't s"em to have thinecessary voice. I have tried it once anddid not succeaJ. The majority of tho crowdwent home mad because they couldn't hear,and the balance went home mad becauseth-j- could. fo I haven't got the voice.I tan stand over on Roundup No. 2 nrwl talkto the foreman on No. 4 easy enough, but Ican't talk against a Sabbath school loadedwith fire crackers.

Moreover, gentlemen, I am not ft readythinker under these circumstances. I am aman pi fair business judgment or else 1

couldn't have accommodated 2,.7)3 head ofNo. 1 is worth $35 apiece in OmaLawith nothing to begin on five years ago buta condemned government mulo and a box-ful disposition. You will admit that as afinancier I am no slouch, when I tell youthat in all that five years the assessor hasnever got near enough to hold a conversa-tion with mo or to sock a valuation on myherd.

The trouble with me is that when I get upon my feet to talk to a large and perspiringthrong of peopla my idees are like a buucliof cattle in the stook yard, for instance. Thewhole blamed crowd wants to skin throughthe shute and be loadei into the same car attho same minute, or else they won't a con-

demned one of 'em agrea fo be loaded.That's the best way I can express it I'veeither got idees enou;h to load a car, all atonce, faster than lean get rid of 'em, or elseI can't think of a blamed thing. Still, con-

tinuing to carry out the comparison, gentle-men, I want to say to you that I have alsohad a big fat, Maverick idee gotwedgd into my head when I tried to makea t patch, and it would neither go ahead intotho speech nor back out for five minutes.You can fancy a man of my position in so-

ciety Btanding up before a mob of his fellowmen and twisting the tail of a reluctantidea till he is red in the face!

I love my country, gentlemen, and lovethe dear old flag. You don't hear me bragabout it, though It's nothing to be ashamedof, but I have fought for this flag when, ifI Lad listened to the voice of conscience, Iwould have gone to Canada. I havemarched along the endless dusty roads ottho south with a seal brown musket on myshoulder for day9 and days withou-- t seeinganything to shoot. I have slept in th-- bot-tom of a trench night after night, expectingevery time that I would take my breakfastnext morning in thi New Jerusalem. Allthis I have doni because I thought it wasright, and J think so yet; but I am not a goodoff-han- d extemporaneous speaker on theFourth of July.

I am with you in the spirit on that day. Iwill bow my head when you open the exer-cises with prayer. I will bum with you in alow, gutteral tone when the glee club sings"America." I will pause in my labors- whiletha Declaration of Independence is beinghLised out through the clenched teeth of ayoung, scared to death elocutionist, whoseems to be afraid of the cars. 1 will sufferwith you in spirit through the long, hot ora-tion, filled with patriotism and perspiration,but I cannot be there. I will think of you,and I will indorse anythipg you may say re-

garding Freedom from her mountain heightsor Starry Banner Free, or any of thosethings, but to stanl up before my fellow-citize- ns

and fan the air with the tail of analpaca duster and yell my larynx loosa overa large, irregular mass of freedom, of whichwe have more than we need and don't knowwhere to put it or how to uso it, is out of myline.

cold wedder.OA Lady Why not? Can't you get them?S nail Boy No'm. Mo fadd.T is a shoe-


Traveler (to ticket ugent) (Jimnie a ticketto New Brunswick.

Agent Tho next train doesn't stop at NewBiunswiek. It goes through that town atfifty miles an hour.

Traveler That suits me. I va umpireltoo many games of ball between the NewVcrks and Chicagos to bo afraid to get ot! atrain that's only jogging along at fifty milesan hour.

FREAKS OF NATURE.Cvl Mr. Bently (who is very much inter-

ested in anylUing of a curious nature)Here's a curious thing, wife. A farmer inIowa cut down a maple tree 100 years eld,an' found imbedded in the center a live toad.

Oid Mrs. Bently (who is more interestedin darning socks) Wed, well, is that so? Amaple tree 100 years ol 1 imbedded in thecenter of a live tad? That is curious,Joshua. Read suthin' more.

A STRIKING RES E MR LANCE.When Dumley isn't, behind on his loard

bill he is apt to be outspoken to an offensivedegree.

"Do you know why, Mrs. Hendricks," hasaid to his landlady recently, as he laid asoft-boile- d egg which he had just opened asfar out of his reach as po-sibl- e, "do youknow why you and this egg are somewhatalike in one respect?"

"Why V asked she, with frigid interroga-tion.

"Because you have both s?en better days."New York Sun.


RATES ( omuia nde

Will run regular;)- - to Maalitea, Mnul, and Knimand Kuu, IIuwhU.

1 (Combination Boiler, '2 ir. x 5 i. r in.

1 Combination Steel Boiler, i'Jlt.x 1 ft., also1 Secoiid-Ham- l Tubular Boiler, 12 it. x 1 ft.

curtT-s- n Apply to Tlie Iron Works Co.

Full Statistical and General InformationKjLATING to the hawn islands.

Grottt pai ns and expense liave been gone to hy the J'nbiisliers tomake this Almanac and Pi rector v tlie most useful and comiirehen-siv- e

work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Itwill be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists,and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Coun-tries.

Its Court and Oilieial Calendar carefully corrected to the latestmoment.

Articles of special value to the Islands haAe oeen prepared y ex-

pert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest intheir condition and prospect 'abroad.

Send in your orders for copies early.

4 ML'IlSl'E 1WALAN1,

KitKEM A N t'omujaiide

Will run regularly to Nawlliwili. Koloa, Eleele:oid Waimea, Kauai. hi. v . ill .(:j n Vj&is i i oi ti

jiavk p,t:'i:i vki)STEAMEK 0. K. BISHOP,.( (.umiaialerM AC'A t'I.E V..

Will run regularly to Hunioa. Maui, and Knkul-hael- e.

Honoknii ai'd PiUiUhuu, Hawaii.

In a German University Town.

May 8tli Per Mariposa, 1,754 Packgt ;

May 22d Per Alameda, 1,922 Pac2utesTo Arx'ive Per Consuelo, 1332 Packagts,(in. (1. Irwin & CoSTEAMER JAMES MAKEE,

W K I K Com luander

Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.


I.iiuilrilOFFER F()J SALE

T. It. ASSORTED GROCERIES,KOSTKK, Prrsident.r3.ap7-l- yJ . Kna. ! ecretarv.

STKAMEK KINAU,t Lorenzen, Con'.iiiumler i. Sugars

Strangers wonder why it is students carrysuch large umbrellas.

Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule, j

touchiug at I.Jitiaina, Maalaea, Mukctia. ilaliu- - I

kona, KawailiiielaupHhoelioe. lliliiuiid Keauliou:Connuencing on MOXIIA Y. July 2ti, Isofi, and

on every alternate Monday at 4 p. in., tlie Kinaujwill make the VOLCANO 1 HI 1', reaeliiiiK Keau- -

Will bo Sold ni tho J owest I;rkot. lintos.



I '















In llarrels,Half Barrels,

And Boxes.


Iu Half KarreisAnd 23 pound Boxes.

i'OWDKKKl- l-In Boxes.

'. (CV)FFKKIn Half B irrels

And :iC -- pound Boxes. 5

M. AV. McChesney Son,4-- 2 mid II u''ii Mnft, Honolulu.Commercial Advertiser ly

liuii on Wednesday morning, when lioist s undourri:is;'s are in wailing to convey passengers tothe VOLCANO HOCir-- (live miles in the saddleand nine miles hy carriage i.

l'asseiigers ty this route will have two daysand two nights at the VOLCANO IIOl'sK.


The Kliiau will arrive in Honolulu Sundaymornings on Volcano trips. On H.Io trips, willleave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturdaymorning.

I'ASSEXtiKtt TltAINS will connect with theKinau at Mahukona

The Kinau WILL TOl'CII at Honokaia andI'aauhau on down trips from Hi'o for l'asseiigerstf a signal is made from the shore.

4k EUREKA," 46 PARAGON " AND 44 RED CROSS"CoflOII KllltlX'r I,il3


HUNTING OFFICESquare I'laxItljhher Hose, Hoise Carts, H. and L. Trucks anil Fire I lepart men t supplier generullv.I'acking, Bul.ber I'acklng, etc., etc. Semi for s and prices.


Soap. w.Is prepared to do all kinds oSTEAMER LIKELIKE,

(Davis, Comnianuet ;.

Leaves Honolulu everv Mondav ftt 5 f. M. tor

T. Y. SCIIKNCK,San Francisco. CM3fi Calilornia street. '14 s;


FAMILY LAI'.VDUY.'Kaunakakai. Kahului, Hi:eio. liana andKipahulu, every week: Keanae, Mokulau and Nun J

every other week. lteturning, will stop at he ;

'jmmercial & Legal WorkHaving just Ileeeived a Complete und NewAssortment of

Job Types ami Ornaments

On students leaving certain resorts identi-fication is prevented. Fliegende Blaetter.

A 3an of GestureThe Hon. Joseph Cannon, th member

from Illinois, cannot spoak a minute with-out striking out vigorously with, his leftarm. The faster he talks the swifter hisleft list flies through the air at the Demo-cratic side of tho housa His complimentsin that direction are always left-hande- d.

One day, two or three s.sions back, "Sun-set" Cox had tho floor in the midst of an im-portant debate. Cannon jumped up to askhim a question, and, as usual, set his leftarm in motion, with the long, boiy fore-finger violently vibrating toward tho headof tho New York humorist.

"I will grant the gentleman's requestupon one condition," said Cox.

"What is it i' asked Cannon."That you jut your left hand in jour

pocket and keep it there until you getthrough with your question,'' replied Cox.

Cannon was not a little nonp'ussed at thenovelty of the contract, but proceeded tocomply wdth the terms. Ho did not get halfthrough with his question, however, beforeout 11 jw his fist on a level with "Sunset"

"Stop,"" said Cox, "not another word. Iknew you couldn't keep your promise, I amnot to hava that Uft-h:- m led lick atme forever." And he shut oir the memberfro.n Illinois Washington

Salmon.1ST6. CiEO. W.



DER.I beg leave to subscribe myself, yours in

the Interest of the great, ungifted majority,who do the work but cannot fluently jjrkthe Romau-noso- d bird of freedom.

James W. Braley.To Bdl Nye, chairman greased pig and ora-

tion committee. Boston Globe.

rases CuriK'd Ile-- I

AN'- D-

atiove ports, arriving back iSutiirday mornings.For mails ana passengers only.

STEAMEK KILAUEA II OU,(Cameron, Commander.,

Will leave regularly for Lahaina, I'aauhau,Ookala, Kukaiau, Honohina, l.aupatn.e-hoe- ,

Hakalau and Onomea

STEAM E U I E 1 1 U A,1 Clark, Connnnnder)

Will leave regularly for same jorts as KilaueaHon.

75 and 77 TOmr Street,I.iiiicli Tony lien.

- - -

Mutual Tc I li One t. 5.Hell TvltIioii o. U7."i. 5

Flour.FAMILY :'.n quarter sacks';,

BA K Kit's F.XTUA (i'i tialt Backs;

Cs 3I(Mliiun Rmul.STEAMER M0K0LI1,

(McfSregor, Commander).


Lumber arid Coal.Leaves for the following: ports alternate

I'ollsli for Shirt Ilosows,Editors are supposed to know everything,

and they do. Hero is a recent request forinformation:

Austin, Texas.Editor Siftixgs: Can you give me the

recipe for the preparation which the Chineselaundry men use in giving such an exquisitepolish to thei'' shirt bosoms? Can 1 get itput up at the drug stores?

IIOUSEKKEI'EK.Certainly. After you have prepared your

starch in the ordinary way, pour into itLalfan ounce of the following preparation:

Texas Sittings.

Monday at 5 p. m.:Commencing August 2 To I anaf, KamaJo, I'u-ko- n,

Lahaina. Olowalu. hetnrning to Lahaina.Pukoo, Kamalo, Lanai, arriving i. r Honolulu Sat-urday morning.

Com.neiK'ing August 9 To Kaunakakuf. Kama-lo, I'ukoo, Halawa, "Wailau. l'elekunu. Kaiaupapa.Keturning to l'nkoo, l ahniiia. lowa!u. Laliaina.Fukoo, Kamalo, Knnnakakai, arriving lit Hono-lulu Saturday morning.

Doom, sash and Blind. All kind: .f P. F 1 1 bins' H A l! I '. It V. I'aints, Oils, ciuht, Mi,rifrLubii('iitii)i,r Oils.

Linieawl Cement.n u. h superior to Iron, and cost hut l.ltlelorruifftten iron, land Ceinei: t : S i f; . N A 1 s


Of thft Latent Styles, from the most Cedehrated Foundries of the United States,;

and employing only Experiencedand Tasty Workmen, we are

prepared to turn out

l i iter IIeal.Hill Inl.

Circulars.XoJo IIut.

St aten.'iiiM,Kill of IiHliiiv,

'. rnotN,nrtj;Hge ltlaiikn.

I,HJi.Sliiiin- - OtiilrHctw."Ill IluAUliMI) t Kiitjlhhj

fitloiitlnrs.Ilfituk 'll'ltN,

fitoi'k Certificate.ItuineiH iir!h.

JJenl lirths.Slillt ticket.

It i ilk liecksSfniers.

Heoeit,.tfarriaare Certificate!,

fli loiiia.I'illa)iii;iii'.

itioit inr f ji:- -

And in l"a t everything winch a firsf-ida- s.

office can do'

Tills from Sam Junes' State.The man who can turn C irnelius down

must get up early. Some on w as tellinghim of stopping at a hotel where the beefwas so tough that he could not cut it, norwhen ho took it up in his ti igers could hebite it. fcOh,n said Cor.ielius. "that's noth-ing. I stopped at a hotel in Rome, and thebeef was actually so tough I couldn't stickmy fork in the gravy." On another oc-

casion a man was telling him that his welldigger had done a bad job for him. Thewell was so crooked he couldn't draw watercut of it. "Why,"' said Cornelius, "youdon't know what a crooked well is. I wasrunning a steam saw mill in Alabama andhad a well dug, and the man actually dug itso crooked that ha fell out of it.'' Lifayetto((da.) Messenger.

JOHN NOTT,al vuuiz'l ('orriiKtll Iron ItooliiiC, 7, 8, 9, 10-fo- lengths.


C-t- The Company will not he responsible torany freight or packaees unless receipted for, norfor personal haggage unless plainly marked. Notresponsible for money or jewelry unless placed Inbarge of the Purser.All possible care will be taken of Live stock, hut

the ( o m puny will not assume any risk of accident.saM'I. (5. WII.DF.It, President.S. B. KOSK, Secretary.

Or'FIl'K Corner Fort and Uueeii streets..r,:.-- ly far SO

Conla1.Manila and Si-a- l, Paiian Tv i ne, S 'hale Line.

L'nrl Hill Was Sleepy.Uncle Bill is tin colored factotum of a

Trucked hotel. It is his duty to be on handwhenever a train stops, night or day. Be-

tween times, when not otherwise engaged,he sits on the wool box in the barroom anddcz.s. The other day a traveler encounteredWilliam on the westboun 1 train, with aflorid carpet bag o i tLe seat beside him.

"Huilo, where ore you going J'' askel thegentleman.

"Wed. sail," responded Uiu le Ii l. politelyand cheertuhy, l'e wii.e t Sacramento.''

"To S&crani 'nto.'''uYes, sah; l'se j;win.. ud.hi der to pit a

sleep. I hain't teen in bed to' fouh yeahs."Sah Kraiieisco Post.

Keed's Felt Steam Pipe

and ioiIer Covering.

MasterlyCapt. Jack Adams, formerly of tho Ninev

t.vnth Massachusetts, the jreeut sergeant-at-arm- s

of the state legislature, has a keen senseof humor, and can appreciate anything thathas even 40 jK-- r cent, of a j' ke about it. Oneafternoon, during those dark days of the latecivil war, the captain ws w alking along alonciy road in Virginia, some distance fromhis camp, when a peculiar noise in an adja-cent Held attracted his attention; in double

'A TKN'f s, for rampln and survey inf parties.FRANK GERTZ,

A Hive Agents Wantedr..r the new edition of " I.IUH UV ol- PoLTItVA N I MiXti," y William Culli-- l.iy.uit. Thecre.iia of seven hundred ol:nnes- a lihrury Initself: 2,ooo choice s lections: i:i,u.O .jur--t itions.The l.inre-- t,

?Iot niilel- - anil ItcslAlso, agents wanted for T'r. .lohii Lord's

work, "The Ileaeon Li'"hts of History,"one of the very ).est and most intercr-tint.- ' histor-ical works ever published, complete in five vol-umes, iu plain cloth ar.d fine bindings. Also,"Pictures in Palestine," "The Story of .Testis,"illustrated with one hundred f'- e platesand numerous other beautiful designs andstudies from the Holy Iand.

For circulars, terms nd full J articnl.irs address

Koukseller and I'ubltslier.lAutter street, San Francisco, ' tl. 'j-- tf

time he arrived tnwn the scene; there lay thei aivass of astin.-amutto- n" a. ever gi'aoed fUi ItoWM Sill M nllllf S C t Til 6P Jtable or an i brigadier; standing 'th

Ofuii oiover it with a '.dieepish" look was a six-foo- t- Sloves, Jtaiics anil IImsekeciinj; ;mmI.

rartn in Missouri.We published the birth of twin toys at

Sterling Freeman's house a few weeks ;i go.We have always believed that the Lordwould provide for his creatures, and nowwe know it, tor one of Sterling's cows hasjust given birth to twin heifer calves a cowtor each boy. Later, we hear the Lord hasfurther prepared for Sterling and his fh-- k

by sending him a pair of twin pigs. ParisAppeal.


IGATION COMPANY,, I Ollif4-4- l .

OOTS Sl SHOESthree soldier, with his ritle. Under Capt.Jack's penetrating and questioning glance,the boy in blue never winced, but, with alook of injured innocence, volunteered the re-mark: -- I'll Ik? hanged if I'll let any darnedthoep LiUiumi" Boston Couriufc

IXOrders from the other Inlands solicited.Keep constantly on hand, for sale, STF.AM,

'OAL. and a generalj


1 illll iI 111, llll, fOy,ei' JHl'l Sllf 1 lOH V. ( 1

:o. Ill lurt St., It juoLiiii. rAMILl and ULACKSM1 llllussortmetit of it VK IKON.IS-t- f .vt


