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1 ' t I ' ' VV "V 1 . JXrJJJjXz&& I . V imwu. ,;tjnr3lYt''wwiwW'j'i'V MM'wiiiiiiwn aa- - ,, u.. r lllif !! ii mm nnl J MiljBliWIjI in HKWi Ss. w y J J & Jv & J Jy 1.4 XILT. tfo. W28. HONOLULU, n. I., FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 27, 1888. CO OENTO aUBGOniPTION PER MONTH. .4'. IV f Von. fl . THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed and published at tho ofllco, Queen Street, Honolulu, II. L, every .ilternoon (Sundays cxccplcd). Subscription, 50 conts per Month. Address nil Communications Dailtz Bulletin. Advertisements, tc ciuine Insertion, abouUl be liiinded In before one o'clock r. m. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlolor JAS 0. CLEVIOit Manaaor Bulletin Stoain Printing Ofllco. Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of all kinds donu on the most faorablo terms. Hell Tolophone No. 2GG Mutual Toieplu mo No. 250 Dally Bulletin Suinn Published twice a Month. An iutcicsting and compichensivo publication, and contiins from 40 to CO columns of reading matter on local lop. ics, and a completo resume of Honolulu and Island News. It is the best papci DUblMicd iu the Kingdom to send to friends abroad. Subscription (mailed) S2.G0 a year. Commission Meronants. TT lIA.CIClTJnJL.D & Co., General Commission Agents. 1(70 ly HONOLULU Q. W. EIACFAELANE & Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. H. I. Queen street, - - - - 1048 BREWER s COMPANY, c. (Limited) General Mkkcantile and Commission Agents. 'i ust of officers: P. O. Jones, Jr. . . .President & Manager J. O. Caiitkii. .. ..Treasurer & Secretary diuectoiis: Hon. O. R. Bishop. S. C. Allen, H. Wateisuouse. aasiy T. WATERHOUSE, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen st , Honolulu. 1 8. N. Castle.-- J. B. Atherton-- G. P. Castle He Cooke, Castle Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. 1 Cluufl sjirecfccls. W"m. a. Irwin. irwin Ss Company, WG. Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 it CO., WILDER Dealers In Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal", and Building Materials of every klud, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. I OrRINBAUM & CO., MS. Importers of General Mer chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and liM California street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. It. Lowers, F. J. Lowroy, O. JI. Cooko. ewers &e Cooke, L (euccessors to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 ,ronsalres &; Co., i Wholesale Grocers & Wine Morchanta 289 Beaver Block, Honolulu. Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Has removed to one of the New Stoics in the TltomaN Jtlock, King Street, Thrco doors from Castlo & Cookes', Where he is prepared to manufacture all kinds of Jewolry. 00 A. M. HEWETT, Stationer & Newsdealer, Merchant Street, - Honolulu, H, I Bfutuul Tel. 871. Hell Tel. 802. Law Books & Lawyers' Statlonory a Specialty. Orders taken for Newspapers, Pariodl-cals- , Books, Music, etc., from any part of tho world, having ipado all arrange, monts thuiefor whilst in San Francisco. Keil Ilubbci' Stumps to Order. 7 TF YOU FIND ANYTHING. JL .advertise itiu tho Daily BuuatiiH w Professionals. MALCOLM BROWN, NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oaliu. Office, : : Gov't Building, Honolulu. UGtf A. HABSINQEB, JOHN Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Ofllco, Honolulu. M. THOMPSON, A.t.toriioy-ttt-X.i."- v. Ofllco in Campbell's Block, Cor. Fort & Merchant Ste., Honolulu, H. I. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. 38 When desired, will civo the law in a written opinion, as to the probable re- sult of tho contention upon tho facts Btated. loaaiy JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in any part of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ncgotla ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazetto Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 180 BROWN, Attorner and Counsellor at Law-Notar- Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowledgments of Instruments for tho Island of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u. 1 Alfred Magoon, J ATTORNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly VETERINARY. A RITCHIE ROWAT, Veterinary Surgeon. Ofllce and Residence: 100 King street Mutual Telephone 354. Orders left at Hotel Stables will be received and promptly attended to. 43 3m J. H. SOPER, M. D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S. W. Cornei Sixth and Market streets, opposite Hawaii Nci Millinery Estab- lishment, San Francisco. 23 Office 42 Merchant St, Honolulu. Collector & Real Estate Agent. 18Jy H. M. BENSON. Q. W. SMITH. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 11G Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Boericke & Scechlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Rickscckcr's Perfumes and Tollot Requisites, i2y HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 1 09 Fort Btreet, William's Block, Hono-21- 0 Honolulu, H. I. WEMER & CO. ainimfacturlnc Jewellers, NO. OS OFOItT HTIUEiET. Constantly on hand i large assortnien of every description of Jowelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly J. A. DOWER, Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder. Having improved facilities, is prepared to flli orders at short notice. 1854 tf HONOLULU CARRIAGE CO,, Nos. 33, 45, 02, 63, G7, 73 & 97. i:. . Hclmiuun, - - l'roprlelor. UST Stand Corner Merchant aud Fort Streets. 2- - X'oloplloneH, SiaO. -- TEO inch HAWAIIAN HOTEL CARRIAGE CO. (JnrringtHi at all hours, day and night. Saddle Horses, Buggies, Wagonettes and Vlllago Carts with stylish and gentlo horses to lot. FOR SAIiE. A few Horses, guaranteed. Second hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies, Carts and Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. King up Telophono 32, or apply to SULKS &, HATIiEY. 1674 ly Beaver L Saloon Tho Best Lunch in Town, Tea and Coffee at ill Hours Tho Finest Brand of Cigars, jggfc Toliacco Always orx XIniitl. II. J. NOITJB, 1'roiiriclor. COFFEE SALOON and RESTAURANT, 88 Itl.VU STItKET. rPlIOMAB MULDOON will dk X open his saloon on SATURDAY, March 31st, and will supply his patrons with every deli, cacy procurable. Meals at all hours. 900 lm CHR. GERTZ, Importer and Dealer in UcntH', Ladies', A. Children') Boots, Shoes and Slippers. Tho Choicest Brands of liars, Always on Slantl. COrders from the other Islands solicited. 79 tf 5 73 HUUANU STREET. MBS. R0BT. LOVE, - PROPRIETRESS Every description of PLAIN & FANCY Bread & Crackers, FRESH SODA CRACKERS ANT) SALOON BREAD Always on hand. MILK BREAD A SPECIALTY. Island orders promptly attended to. 08 Gm PIONJ3JEK, STEAI CANDY FACTORY F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- JE- Telephone 74 TO. McOANBIiESS, No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Beef, "Veal, glutton, Flnli, &c, An Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly THE fraibwHv Metropolitan Meat Company 81 King Street, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. ' Wholesale & Retail Butchers AND NATY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly Polled Anps StocK Bull Calvos from 10 to 13 months old. Heller Calves Irom 10 to 13 months old. APPLY TO J. I. DOWSETT, Honolulu, Juno 24, 1887. 70 NOTICE. J. E. BROWN & CO. MESSRS to collect for the Bulletin Honolulu Juno 8th, 1887. 07 rPHE ONLY LIVE PAPER la X Honolulu 'The Dally Bulletin.' CO cents per month. &; UMMER MILLINER NOW 03P3E3W .T THE! Popular Millinery 101 Fort Street, I. S. SAOHS, E A MoBt Completo and Hew Pattern Showing the Now Shados BONNETS ! Bonnets Tho Very Latest in All Shades. Our Stock of Trimmed andL OntiviBaxixed Hats ! Cannot be excelled. Wo huo tho Nowcst and Latest Shades, in Black, Whito and all Colors New Fancy Trimming RilVbons ! Also, an Immense Assortment of Feather Poi-Poi- s, Bpettes, Birds anl Wings ! A New Stock of Baby's Lace and Muslin Bonnets I uspection is Solicitcd.s Cornor Honolulu. - - Proprietor. Elegant Stock, ana Hats and Now Combinations. TULLE BONNETS ! ticn is Solicited. Edinburgh & Queen Streets. A Large & Unique Assortment Selected by Mr. Dillingham in England and Amorica. Call and examine tho goods, now being opened by the Pacific Hardware Co., JTorfc Street; Honolulu. A. MORGAN, Blacksmith Work, tvB3fc Carriage Building, Painting and lQv Trimming. 79 k 81 Kin stmt, - - - - Oil Hose Premises. CntrunccM li-oi- ii Kins: and Mercliuut StH. Every description of work in the above lines performed in a first class manner. Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Telephone, 107T98 (mrh BSTBcll Tolophone, 107- - HAY HAY and -- GRAIN GRAIN. Largest Stocks, Choicest' Quality, Lowest Prices. umom FEED c, Telephones 175. JO! ITT, 1. 8 Kaaftiiai Street Granite, Iron and Tin Ware ! Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns, WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE, House Keeping Goods, PLUMBING, TIN, COPPER AND 993 SHEET IRON WORK. RAEE CHAHCE FOE, INVESTMENT BETTER THAN A GOVERNMENT BOND OFFERED BY THE ft o H B la hh nfl H H IB K b Hi n a iWftniliiil ASSETS OVEI6 OF THE UNITED STATES. rpHE protection of Life Insurance combined with tho Investment Principle of X a Savings Buik. Example of a UO.ycar Endowment Policy for S10.000 Ukon out at thu ago of 2r ypiiri : Annual Total Premiums Cah Fund Premium. Paid in 20 yM. Then due. $487 $9,740 $18,110 Estimates for different amounts and dlflcront ages cheerfully given. Protect your family from future want or provide for your on n old age. Policies Free. Indisputable, Nonforfeitable, &.O., &c. For full particulars, apply to Alexander J. Cartwright, 1G10 ly General Agent, Hawaiian Islandt. WALKEE & HEDWAED, ContractorH vVc Uxilltlci'B. Bilck, Slono and Woodeu Buildings; es- timates given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tele- phone No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. up y LUCAS, Contractor and Builder,' Honolulu Steam Waning Mills, Espla nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, AVlndow Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Ordeis from the other Is-an- solicited PLANING MILL. Alnkcn, near iiccn St. Telephone 55. 1 Honolulu iron "Works, ibtcam cninnes, sugar mills, boll- - ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ol.lp,a lilcol. o.nllKtn(j Tnll urnl LUlcd at oliort uotipo 1 -- IVEJT- MerchantTailoring Establishm't Tho undeisigncd having opened a first- - class Merchant Tailoring Estab- - lisbment at the Cor. King and Bethel Streets, (Damon Building) under tho firm name of F.Habermaoher&Co. Begs lcac to solicit the patronage of his friends and public generally. 00 0m F. HABEEMACHER. J. C. MARCHANT, (Successor to T. Q. Thrum) Book-bindo- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. Priend Building, Bethel street, nono. 62 lulu. tf A. H. RASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer, "Wshes to notify tho public that ho has romoYcd to larger quarters, No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, m up stains, -- a 81 am FERTILIZERS For Plantations, Gardens, Lawns, Etc., Etc. For Halo by 1IA.VHON JL fcOIVTH. WE are now prepared to receive all orders for the above Fertilizer of a Biipirior quality, thoroughly cured nnd warranted one of the best articles of the kind in tho market. Orders may bu left with L. P. HANSON, 200 Queen street, G, M. SMYTH, Haw. Hotel Stable. M 2m Tho Inter -- Island Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on Land for sale Bteam Family and Blacksmith Coal and a general assortment of 415. Bar Iron. HE ONLY PAPER mid by all classes "The Dally Bulletin." CO cents per month. urance Go sso,uoo,ooo. i.iiuivaii;ufc Paid id Annuity, ?T Up 'olioy for OJ1AU. T! "i for Life $43,800 $1,310 FIRE, LIFE, AND MAEINE INSURANCE. Hartford Piro Insuranco Co. Assets, $5,055,000 Commercial Insuranco Co. (Fire and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Novad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital paid up, $2,000,000 South British Piro and Marine Ins. So Capital, $10,000,000 New York Life Insuranco Co. Assets, $75,000,600 C.O.BEEGrER HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Firo &. Marino Insur'co Agents. AGENTS FOH Tho Wow England MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. The iEtna Firo Insuranco Go. of Hartford, Conn. Tho Union t'Iro and Rflarine Insurance Co. of Baa Francisco, Cala. 191 ly Prussian National Insurance Comp'y ESTABLISHED 1815, Capital, 9,000,000 Relchsmarkt THE undersigned, having been ap agent of the above Company for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Building, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on tho most Favorable Terms Losses Promptly Adjustod and Payable in Honolulu. H. RIEMENSOHNEIDEH, C70 ly at Wilder & Go's. ' - Hustace & Robertson, DRAYIEN. A LL orders for Cartago .promptly at. XX tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goodB In transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 082 ly Mutual Tclepkono No. 10. M. R. COLBURN, XUfcA-YMVI- ALL kinds of drajago attended to w!tllJ Popptness. "White and Black band delivered In quantities to suit. Also, Black Iloek and Coral Hock. Office: With J. F. Colburn, King street, near Maunakea. 7S Sm NOTICE. MIL John Magoon Is authorized to collect for our account, and sign receipts. J. E, BBOWN & CO. jau. iu, iB88.r 1835 JOB PRINTING ot all kinds exe at tho Daixt Buixttih Offloo TiN " 'AH jw 8 ."S.S ' i ,v . . A 3 vSi V l I 'TiW '

c, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home...WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 1 09 Fort Btreet, William's Block, Hono-21-0 Honolulu, H. I. WEMER & CO. ainimfacturlnc Jewellers, NO. OS

May 25, 2020



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Page 1: c, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home...WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 1 09 Fort Btreet, William's Block, Hono-21-0 Honolulu, H. I. WEMER & CO. ainimfacturlnc Jewellers, NO. OS

1 '


I '


VV "V 1 .

JXrJJJjXz&& I . V imwu. ,;tjnr3lYt''wwiwW'j'i'V MM'wiiiiiiwn aa-- ,,u.. r lllif !! ii mm nnl J MiljBliWIjI in HKWi Ss.

wy J J & Jv & J Jy1.4


PER MONTH. .4'.IVf Von.

fl .


Is printed and published at tho ofllco,

Queen Street, Honolulu, II. L, every

.ilternoon (Sundays cxccplcd).

Subscription, 50 conts per Month.

Address nil Communications DailtzBulletin.

Advertisements, tc ciuine Insertion,abouUl be liiinded In before one o'clockr. m.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlolor

JAS 0. CLEVIOit Manaaor

Bulletin Stoain Printing Ofllco.

Newspaper, Book and Job Printing ofall kinds donu on the most faorabloterms.Hell Tolophone No. 2GG

Mutual Toieplu mo No. 250

Dally Bulletin SuinnPublished twice a Month.

An iutcicsting and compichensivopublication, and contiins from 40 to CO

columns of reading matter on local lop.ics, and a completo resume of Honoluluand Island News. It is the best papciDUblMicd iu the Kingdom to send to

friends abroad.Subscription (mailed) S2.G0 a year.

Commission Meronants.


General Commission Agents.

1(70 ly HONOLULU



Honolulu. H. I.Queen street, - - -- 1048

BREWER s COMPANY,c. (Limited)

General Mkkcantile andCommission Agents.

'i ust of officers:P. O. Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. Caiitkii. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary

diuectoiis:Hon. O. R. Bishop. S. C. Allen,

H. Wateisuouse.aasiy

T. WATERHOUSE,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen st , Honolulu. 1

8. N. Castle.-- J. B. Atherton-- G. P. CastleHe Cooke,Castle Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. 1

Cluufl sjirecfccls. W"m. a. Irwin.

irwin Ss Company,WG.Sugar Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. 1

it CO.,WILDER Dealers In Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal", and Building Materialsof every klud, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. I

OrRINBAUM & CO.,MS. Importers of General Merchandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

liM California street,1 San Francisco, Cal.

It. Lowers, F. J. Lowroy, O. JI. Cooko.ewers &e Cooke,L (euccessors to Lowers & Dickson,)

Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

,ronsalres &; Co.,i

Wholesale Grocers & Wine Morchanta289 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

Notice of Removal!

THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Has removed to one of the NewStoics in the

TltomaN Jtlock, King Street,Thrco doors from Castlo & Cookes',

Where he is prepared to manufactureall kinds of Jewolry. 00

A. M. HEWETT,Stationer & Newsdealer,

Merchant Street, - Honolulu, H, IBfutuul Tel. 871. Hell Tel. 802.

Law Books & Lawyers' Statlonory a Specialty.

Orders taken for Newspapers, Pariodl-cals- ,Books, Music, etc., from any part

of tho world, having ipado all arrange,monts thuiefor whilst in San Francisco.

Keil Ilubbci' Stumps to Order.7

TF YOU FIND ANYTHING.JL .advertise itiu tho Daily BuuatiiH




NOTARY PUBLICFor the Island of Oaliu.

Office, : : Gov't Building, Honolulu.UGtf

A. HABSINQEB,JOHNAgent to take Acknowledgmentsto Contracts for Labor. Interior Ofllco,Honolulu.

M. THOMPSON,A.t.toriioy-ttt-X.i."- v.

Ofllco in Campbell's Block, Cor. Fort &Merchant Ste., Honolulu, H. I.


38 When desired, will civo the law ina written opinion, as to the probable re-

sult of tho contention upon tho factsBtated. loaaiy


and Notary Public. Real Estate in anypart of the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans ncgotlated, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazetto Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 180

BROWN,Attorner and Counsellor at Law-Notar-

Public, and Agent for taking Acknowledgments of Instruments for thoIsland of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u.


Alfred Magoon,J ATTORNEY AT LAW.173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly


A RITCHIE ROWAT,Veterinary Surgeon.

Ofllce and Residence: 100 King streetMutual Telephone 354. Orders left atHotel Stables will be received andpromptly attended to. 43 3m

J. H. SOPER, M. D.

Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. W. Cornei Sixth and Market streets,opposite Hawaii Nci Millinery Estab-lishment, San Francisco. 23

Office 42 Merchant St, Honolulu.

Collector & Real Estate Agent.



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 11G Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Boericke & Scechlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Rickscckcr's Perfumes and Tollot

Requisites, i2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

1 09 Fort Btreet, William's Block, Hono-21- 0

Honolulu, H. I.

WEMER & CO.ainimfacturlnc Jewellers,

NO. OS OFOItT HTIUEiET.Constantly on hand i large assortnien

of every description of Jowelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly


Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder.

Having improved facilities, is preparedto flli orders at short notice.

1854 tf


Nos. 33, 45, 02, 63, G7, 73 & 97.

i:. . Hclmiuun, - - l'roprlelor.UST Stand Corner Merchant aud Fort

Streets.2-- X'oloplloneH, SiaO. -- TEO



CARRIAGE CO.(JnrringtHi at all hours, day and night.

Saddle Horses, Buggies, Wagonettes andVlllago Carts with stylish and gentlohorses to lot.

FOR SAIiE.A few Horses, guaranteed. Second

hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies,Carts and Harness.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.King up Telophono 32, or apply to

SULKS &, HATIiEY.1674 ly

Beaver L Saloon

Tho Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at ill Hours

Tho Finest Brand of

Cigars, jggfc Toliacco

Always orx XIniitl.II. J. NOITJB, 1'roiiriclor.


88 Itl.VU STItKET.

rPlIOMAB MULDOON willdk X open his saloon onSATURDAY, March 31st, and

will supply his patrons with every deli,cacy procurable. Meals at all hours.

900 lm

CHR. GERTZ,Importer and Dealer in

UcntH', Ladies', A. Children')

Boots, Shoes and Slippers.

Tho Choicest Brands of

liars, jBBg.mmAlways on Slantl.

COrders from the other Islandssolicited. 79 tf




Every description of




SALOON BREADAlways on hand.


Island orders promptly attended to.08 Gm



F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. --JE- Telephone 74

TO. McOANBIiESS,No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestBeef, "Veal, glutton, Flnli, &c, An

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovessels at short notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly

THEfraibwHv Metropolitan

Meat Company81 King Street,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

' Wholesale & Retail Butchers



Polled Anps StocK

Bull Calvos from 10 to 13 months old.

Heller Calves Irom 10 to 13 months old.


J. I. DOWSETT,Honolulu, Juno 24, 1887. 70


J. E. BROWN & CO.MESSRS to collect for theBulletin

Honolulu Juno 8th, 1887. 07

rPHE ONLY LIVE PAPER laX Honolulu 'The Dally Bulletin.'

CO cents per month.




Popular Millinery101 Fort Street,


EA MoBt Completo and

Hew PatternShowing the Now Shados



Tho Very Latest in All Shades. Our Stock of

Trimmed andL OntiviBaxixed Hats !

Cannot be excelled. Wo huo tho Nowcst and Latest Shades, inBlack, Whito and all Colors

New Fancy Trimming RilVbons !

Also, an Immense Assortment of

Feather Poi-Poi-s, Bpettes, Birds anl Wings !

A New Stock of

Baby's Lace and Muslin Bonnets I

uspection is Solicitcd.s



- - Proprietor.

Elegant Stock,

ana Hatsand Now Combinations.


ticn is Solicited.

Edinburgh & Queen Streets.

A Large & Unique AssortmentSelected by Mr. Dillingham in England and Amorica.

Call and examine tho goods, now being opened by thePacific Hardware Co.,

JTorfc Street; Honolulu.

A. MORGAN,Blacksmith Work, tvB3fc Carriage Building,

Painting and lQv Trimming.

79 k 81 Kin stmt, - - - - Oil Hose Premises.

CntrunccM li-oi- ii Kins: and Mercliuut StH.

Every description of work in the above lines performed in a first class manner.

Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty.Telephone, 107T98 (mrh BSTBcll Tolophone, 107--


GRAIN.Largest Stocks,

Choicest' Quality,Lowest Prices.

umom FEED c,Telephones 175.

JO! ITT, 1. 8 Kaaftiiai Street

Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,




ft o H B la h h nfl H H IB K b Hi n a iWftniliiil


rpHE protection of Life Insurance combined with tho Investment Principle ofX a Savings Buik. Example of a UO.ycar Endowment Policy for S10.000 Ukonout at thu ago of 2r ypiiri :

Annual Total Premiums Cah FundPremium. Paid in 20 yM. Then due.

$487 $9,740 $18,110Estimates for different amounts and dlflcront ages cheerfully given. Protect

your family from future want or provide for your on n old age. Policies Free.Indisputable, Nonforfeitable, &.O., &c.

For full particulars, apply to

Alexander J. Cartwright,1G10 ly General Agent, Hawaiian Islandt.


ContractorH vVc Uxilltlci'B.Bilck, Slono and Woodeu Buildings; es-

timates given. Jobbing promptly at-

tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tele-phone No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. up y


and Builder,'

Honolulu Steam Waning Mills, Esplanade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, AVlndow Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Ordeis from the other Is-an-



Alnkcn, near iiccn St.Telephone 55.

1 Honolulu iron "Works,ibtcam cninnes, sugar mills, boll- -

ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ol.lp,a lilcol. o.nllKtn(j Tnll urnlLUlcd at oliort uotipo 1

-- IVEJT-MerchantTailoring Establishm't

Tho undeisigncd having opened a first- -

class Merchant Tailoring Estab- -

lisbment at the

Cor. King and Bethel Streets,(Damon Building) under tho firm

name of

F.Habermaoher&Co.Begs lcac to solicit the patronage of

his friends and public generally.


J. C. MARCHANT,(Successor to T. Q. Thrum)

Book-bindo- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


Priend Building, Bethel street, nono.62 lulu. tf


Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


"Wshes to notify tho public that hohas romoYcd to larger quarters,

No. 13 Kaahumanu Street,m up stains, -- a

81 am

FERTILIZERSFor Plantations, Gardens, Lawns,

Etc., Etc.

For Halo by 1IA.VHON JL fcOIVTH.

WE are now prepared to receive allorders for the above Fertilizer of

a Biipirior quality, thoroughly curednnd warranted one of the best articlesof the kind in tho market. Orders maybu left with

L. P. HANSON, 200 Queen street,G, M. SMYTH, Haw. Hotel Stable.

M 2m

Tho Inter -- Island SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on Land for sale

Bteam Family and Blacksmith Coal

and a general assortment of

415. Bar Iron.HE ONLY PAPER mid by all

classes "The Dally Bulletin." CO

cents per month.

urance Go


i.iiuivaii;ufc Paid id Annuity,?TUp 'olioy for OJ1AU.

T ! "i for Life$43,800 $1,310


MAEINEINSURANCE.Hartford Piro Insuranco Co.

Assets, $5,055,000

Commercial Insuranco Co.

(Fire and Marine)Assets, $450,000

Anglo-Novad- a Assurance Corporation(Fire and Marine)

Capital paid up, $2,000,000

South British Piro and Marine Ins. So

Capital, $10,000,000

New York Life Insuranco Co.

Assets, $75,000,600


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Firo &. Marino Insur'co Agents.



of Boston.

The iEtna Firo Insuranco Go.of Hartford, Conn.

Tho Union t'Iro andRflarine Insurance Co.

of Baa Francisco, Cala.191 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'y


Capital, 9,000,000 Relchsmarkt

THE undersigned, having been apagent of the above Company

for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Building,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on tho most Favorable Terms

Losses Promptly Adjustod and Payable inHonolulu.

H. RIEMENSOHNEIDEH,C70 ly at Wilder & Go's.' -

Hustace & Robertson,

DRAYIEN.A LL orders for Cartago .promptly at.

XX tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goodB In transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.082 ly Mutual Tclepkono No. 10.


ALL kinds of drajago attended tow!tllJ Popptness. "White and

Black band delivered In quantities tosuit. Also, Black Iloek and Coral Hock.

Office: With J. F. Colburn, Kingstreet, near Maunakea. 7S Sm


MIL John Magoon Is authorized tocollect for our account, and sign

receipts. J. E, BBOWN & CO.jau. iu, iB88.r 1835

JOB PRINTING ot all kinds exeat tho Daixt Buixttih Offloo


" 'AHjw

8."S.S' i ,v

. .




V lI



Page 2: c, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home...WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 1 09 Fort Btreet, William's Block, Hono-21-0 Honolulu, H. I. WEMER & CO. ainimfacturlnc Jewellers, NO. OS

I- -





Mwtft i.rrirvi i rwrtrfmn j

BISHOP & Co., BANKERS ofHonolulu, Hawaiian Inlands.

Draw Exchango on thoBuulc ol Cnlllbruln, S. 3T.

And tliolr agents inNEWYOItK, BOSTON, HONG KONG.

Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Sou, London

The Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,London,

Tho Commercial Batik Co., of Sydney,Sydney,

Tho Hunk of Now Zealand: Auckland,Chrlstchurch, mid Wellington,

The Unnk of BrltlMi Columbia, Vic-

toria, B. 0., and Portland, Or.ANU

Transact a General Hanking Business

iaTu ittTTtuPerftrecl to neither Sect nor Party,Hut established for the benefit of nil.



In Harper's Monthly for April,George William Curtis lias somesensible remarks on recent denun-

ciations of the press by some NewYork lawers. He says ;

"The press is the greatest publicpower in the country. It is practi-

cally responsible only to itself, thatis to slay, to its view of its own in-

terests. Undoubtedly it dependsupon public opinion, but it is themost powerful agent in mouldingpublic opinion. In its commentsupon trials and judicial decisionsthe newspaper sometimes abuses itsopportunity and its power. Butthe abuses and wrongs in the ad-

ministration of law which it pre-

vents are infinitely greater thanthose of which it is guilty. Theassumption that bar and bench aremoved by the spirit of Hooker'sfamiliar passage celebrating Law,"Her seat is in tho bosom of God,her voice the saving of the world""is magnificent, but it is not war."It would be delightful as chaff atthe dinner of the Grand Jury, andit is even more enlivening as gravediscourse before the assembled bar.The orator has described in glowingwords the wrongs sometimes com-

mitted by the press ; but he seemsnot to have considered the greater I

wrongs which its fore criticism anilcensure arrest. What the press didin the Sharp trial was to keep clear- - I

mi. jiiiiinTiif nclim! forts,and to insist that a man undcniablj'guilty should not go unwhipped ofjustice by any trick or mere techni-

cality of the law. The forms of lawmust bo carefully observed, andjudges arc not to be denounced forobserving them. But when strictobservance of them tends to a plainmiscarriage of justice, it is hightime to revise the forms. Thecourse of the press fixed this truthin the public mind. It was onlyinsisting that a guilty man shouldnot escape by stretching the form oflegal procedure.

When a rich man went to his lawyer and asked whether lie couldtake a certain course, his lawyer re-

plied that undoubtedly ho couldtake it, but that it would land himin the State prison. "Exactly,"returned the man j "now I want toknow, how near I can come to it,and keep out." And tho lawyertold him and charged accordingly.The revelations of the last four yearshave demonstrated that it is veryprofitable for lawyers to show knaveshow much crime they can commitwithout going toj prison. It isan immense offence, an abuke ofthe profession of law much moremonstrous and anarchical than anymisconduct which can bo truthfullycharged upon the press.

Tho course of tho press in thoSharp caso was undoubtedly a greatpublic service. It disclosed abusesin the legal profession which will beless frequent hereafter. It taughtlawyers that there is another ac-

count, besides their bank account,which must be considered in thepractice of their profession. Ittaught men, who believe that theycan buy legislation and lawyers andjuries, that there is a press whichcannot be bought, and which willturn the light of publio contemptupon tho names and characters ofbriber and bribed. A great oratorsaid scornfully of a great lawyer,that thieves inquired of his healthbefore they began to steal. It wasa terrible arraignment, because itimplied moral recreancy toono of the most sacred oftrusis, a recreancy to which eventho ablest and most honorableadvocate may bo craftily solicited.A hlgh-jninde- il lawyer might wiselyremind Ms brethren of the abuses


tho legal profession which occa-

sion what may seem to him theabuses of the newspapers. The on

time lias come, not to denounce thepress, but to scrutinize the profes-



An appeal is being made to thepublic to assist in the cause of char-

ity. It comes from tho British Bene-

volent Society. An unusual andlong-continu- drain on the re-

sources of this organization haspretty well exhausted its funds. Andstill tho demand continues. Hencethe appeal.

The Society is not soliciting directdonations, but has arranged for anentcitainment at the Opera House

evening, to which an ad-

mission fee of one dollar will becharged. The proceeds of this en-

tertainment will go to the funds ofthe society, to be devoted to the re-

quirements of the needy who arcdependent on its aid. Thus, every-

one who purchases a ticket of admission to the entertainment is con-

tributing to the cause of charity.Non only so, but we feel sure that

the evening's pleasure of itself willbe an adequate return for the pricecharged. Several ladies and gentle-

men have kindly volunteered theirservices, sonic of whom arc wellknown and whose previous perform-ances have won popular favor.Others, whose capabilities justifyhigh expectations, will appear onthis occasion for the first time be-

fore a Honolulu audience. Promi-nent on the list is the name of SirWilliam Wiseman. Wc hope to seea full house.



TiiuitsoAT, April 2G.

Ai'innxoox sr.ssiox.The Court resumed at 1 o'clock

i m., in the case of the King vs.G. W. Macfarlane, conspiracy. TheAttorney-Genera- l, assisted by Mr.Peterson, for the Crown. Messrs.Neumann, Hatch and Rosa for thedefence.

Considerable time was occupiedin empaneling a jury. The gentle-men who had served on the juryin the previous case, the King vs.W. S. Luce, were all excused.Talesmen had to be called to makethe nanel comnlctc. Ultimatelv"c jury was cuusuuuuu us iuuuws;

"l'l'.' " - -

A II. Ai.1,111,., "iRl .kw,Kciuiuiij , J. vr. Bittweii, A. lUoroir,AV. Rowland, and AV. Wright

Mr. Hatch made a general excep-tion to the juiy, as being irregu-larly empaneled. Overruled.

The Attorney-Gener- al presentedthe case to the jury.

Mr. Hatch moved that the Attorney-G-

eneral elect upon which countof the indictment he conduct theprosecution.

The Court overruled the motion,and exceptions were noted.

Mr. Tewkesbury was called for theprosecution. Being sworn said :

1 am store keeper of the Bondedwarehouse. My duty is to receivegoods in bond and to determine andcollect the duties thereon. Theliquors arc in my charge. The deal-er draws the orders, comes to me, andI deliver the goods thereon. "Whenorders are presented duties arepaid in cash, or a bond is given.Other orders drawn by His Majestyor the diplomatic corps for goodspay no duties. (A paper was shownhim). I have seen this paper be-fore. It is an order on the Bondedwarehouse. I know the signature.It is by Mr. Lishman. He is em-ployed by Messrs. G. AV. Macfar-lane & Co. lie attends to that kindof work for that firm. I don't knowwhen I first saw it. It passed intomy books on Sept. 10, 188G, andprobably it was two or three daysbefore that. It was presented forthe withdrawal of the list of spiritstherein itemised. They were de-livered by my order. (Shown apaper). This is a Governmentblank for the withdrawal of goods,or what 1 call n voucher. The bodyof the order is filled in by Mr. Lish-man, The red figures are mine,and signify the duties leviable there-on. The duties leviable on that or-der is 1,500.07. The duties werenot paid, because the order bear3the endorsement of Col. Jaukca, II.M. Chamberlain, (Exhibit IJ wasthen shown). This is tho same, anorder by Mr. Lisliinan. I saw it thofirst time about Dec. 2d. It waspresented to mo at my olllco at thollonded warehouse, for the purposoof drawing goods from the CublomHouse. They were drawn by G. AV.

Macfarlane & Co. Tho amount ofduties were 1,719.35. The dutieswcro not paid because the orderboro tho endorsement of His Ma-jesty.

The Attorney-Genera- l then wishedto present Exhibit C.

Mr. Neumann objects, as it wasnot an order from G. W. Macfar-lane & Co.

Tho Court thought it proper toput it in evidence.

The paper was then shown wit-ness, and ho said it was .an orderfrom tho house of Macfarlane & Co.Tho duty on tho goods called for inthat order amounted to 1,509. 9

eami waMifttWKfitfiewse(w

were paid. Tho balanco was notpaid as there was an endorsement

it by II. M. Chamberlain for$1,C00. The red inkfigurcs arcpiob-abl- y

mine, but the month and year (were filled in when presented. Thecoods In that last order were delivered. The duties on thoso goods have Anot been paid to me. Tho goodsbelonged to Macfarlane & Co., nudG. AV. Macfarlane & Co. Theywere imported goods.

Cross examined: llietc wereother orders from other people pre-sented to me. The endorsementof His Majesty or of members of thediplomatic corps is as good to mo ascash. Tho custom prevailed longbefore my time, of taking goodsfrom bond in this way. There wereother instances beside those towhich I have tcslitled. Goods for alighthouse were taken out withoutpaying duties, also a sido walk. Ifit had been for a private individual,duties would have been paid. Jl

have known Mr. Macfarlane tenyears or so.

Mr. Macfarlane has not withinthe last two years come to mo ormade any representations of anykind to obtain any merchandise,lie had no dealings with the Cus-tom House so far as I know.(Shown exhibit.) Explained thatthe word "consumption" meant thatthe goods were to stay in the coun-try, and not to be transhipped.Those goods must have been deliv-ered from 1 to ; days previous, tothe date. Three days ntrtlio out-side would elapse from the ' receiptof the order to delivery of goods.Charged the order on my boooks onthat date, and changed date on theorder to correspond with my entry.There were no representation madeto me at all. The order was pre-sented, and I delivered the goods.I was present at tho preliminarytrial. I have not learned sincethen that tho documents arc citherspurious or false. There have beensimilar orders to these presented atthe Custom House for the rebate ofduties. There were a great many.

By the Court: You mean thatgoods have been drawn on similarorders ?

Yes, Sir.Court adjourned at 5 o'clock.

FitiUAV, April 27th.The Court opened at !):30 a. si.,

when the trial of the case of the Kingvs. G. V. Macfarlane was resumed.

Col. Austin was sworn and testi-fied: I am Minister of ForeignAffairs since the 28th December.Know the defendant. Saw him onthe 12lh of January last in the ofllccof the Minister of Finance. Thefour Cabinet Ministers were present.

Continued on next page.


WISHES a position as Ladies' Nurse,act us Cinmnnnion 1,0 ininvalid lady going to San Francisco.

Apply to Bni.LKTijr OJllce. 28 3t

MEX to empty schooners3,501 ot " PJIUiADHLrmALAGElt BEER," at tho CriterionSaloon, Fort street. 23 It


SITUATION as Storekeeper, liv llll!tJ late nnrsiT of the "Thomas Bell."Addiess CORNER," fchip "ThomasBell." 20 at


A MUSICAL and literary Entertain,ment will talce place

On Saturday Evening,At the Royal Hawaiian Thcatie, in aidof ihe funds of tho British Ucncvnif-u- t

tjosicty, under distinguished auspices.lMtOCUAMMi: I'AKT I.

Piano Solo.. ..Dr. Jesue, of II. 1. R. M.Razhoynlk.

Son"; The Romany Lass Mr. MayRecitation Sir William WisemanViolin Solo Audantc, (RoonhahO

Prof. YnnidloySong 'Tis Not Ti ue, (Mattel)

V. M. StarkeyPart Song-Sl- ncc Firsts I Saw Your

61m. P. Jones, Jllss Mist, Miss vonHolt, Miss M. Rhodes, Mr. T. R.

Walker, Mr. May. Mr. Starkey,Mr. Balrd.

l'AKT II.Piano Solo Dr. JcssuoDuets Sec The Palo oon, (Cam- -

pana) M is. Paly & Mr. StarkeySong Margueilte, C. A. While)....

Al Iss Mahlo IthodosRecitation Sir William WisemanSong Toll Mo My Hearts, (Sir II.

Bishop) Mrs, PatyPart Son Tho Bells of St. Michaels,

(Ivnybett)Mift. P. Jones, Miss Mlit, Miss von

Holt, Miss M. Rhodes, Mr.Walker, Mr. Starkey.

28 2t

Copartnership Notice.

TIIK following changes havo takenin tho copaitncrship of W.

II. Danlols & Co., of Walluku, Mnui.W. II. Oununlngs bus this day ro.

tired from tho lit in, tho 11 rm name hasbeen rhanged to tho Hawaiian Fiuit itTaro Co., and A, N. Kopoikal and J. li.Holt, Jr., havo been admitted aspartners. The firm now consist of

W. II. Daniels, residence Walluku,Mnui;

A. N. Kopoikal, residence Walluku,Muul;

J,D Holt, Jr., resldonee Honolulu,Oahu.

All tho liabilities of tho firm of W.II.Daniels & Co havo been assumed bytho Hawaiian Fiult it Taro Company,


Honolulu, Match 80, 1868. 28 at


GEORGE GQULET"fresh lot of this celebrated brand of OnChampagne, just landed ex Brl.

lish bark "Nnluna,"

Tor Salo in Quarts and Pints At

nv I


29 lwJl


Belonging to the undersigned, will bosold nt

Yery Low PricesDuring llio month of May, 189, nud all

parties winking to supply llicin.selves, will do well to call and

examine the Goods beforobuying clscwheic. 1

JfJUo GOOD)!! jiitiHi. H)c soldAnd embrace Hid Host Assortment of

Good Family Attlrlcs, Hint can bofonnil in thN oily.

TDBJEfcMife CASHAt BROWN & Gfl.'s Store,

No. 14 Merchant Street.


Assignee's of Brown & Co.Honolulu, April 23, 18S8. 2S lui

Stockholm TarAND

O O .A. TABAt California Prices.


2S lw

Just ReceivedEx ''Thomas Bell," from MADEIRA,

A Few ul" TIioho

Sandstone Filters,WITH


GOMSALVES & CO.'S,22 Queen Stioot. lw

Meeting Notice,

TnE regular quiutcily meeting of theHaidwaro Co., (Limited),

will be held at their office, on THURS-DAY, May 8. 1883, at 10 o'clock A. St.

JAS. G. SPENCER,28 lw Secretary.

PITTS &SC0TTS(iciKU'ul Hlilpiiini: Ajiciii'y anil For-- ,

el (vii I'nrcolH Kxil-vhh- .

Goods, Parcels, Baggage, Etc., Etc.,

Forwauled to and from all pai Is ofIhe voi Id.

C. 0. T. amounts of services collectedin any country.

WTni-iil'r- t ot'Jtntes on Application'sGeneral Agents for Hawaiian Islands,

J. E. BROWN and CO.,09 2S Merchant Street. tf


THERK will bo a Champion Sweep.Race of the Hawaiian Is-

lands, of a Ono Hourat tho Aunory,

On Saturday Evening, May 5th,At H oVIoolc p. in.

Open to all comers at SO. Bach en.tries to close at 12 noon, May Cth.


CS" Entry fees received by TomWright, Haw. Carriago Mf'g Co , andHarry Byng, corner Richard & King sts.

27 at

i HILLdIG--Has juBt received a very

hamkomo assortment of all the

Latest km! Novelties

In thoUIillinery JLInc, such as

ihhmio flnntlion

Trimmings, Flowers,

Ornaments, &c, &c.Also, n Most Excellent Assortment of

2? 2i XT nwc EJO'JJ Direct from Hiirojic. Ira

THE DAILY BULLETIN is a liveX eveniug paper. 00 cents per month

Auction Sales by Lowls I Loyoy.

Household FurnitureA.T AUCTION.

MONDAY, April 80th, '88,

AT 10 O'CLOCK. A. M., Attho rosidciicn of Mr. Henry Bcrgcr,

facing tho Rcoroatlon Grounds, Mnklki,will sell nt Public Auction, tho wholo

ofhls Household Fuinlluro and effects,consisting of In part:

Black Walnut Parlor Sofa and Chairs,

Kxlin Largo Brussels Center Rugs,Small Hugs. Easy Chair?, t It. AV. Uedroom Set, 1 nearly now Handsome 1). YV.

Marhle-lo- lied room Set, with SpringMattress, Single Bedstead?, Bureaus,Spring Mattresses, Ued Lounge, Mos-

quito Nets, t B. W. Extension DiningTable, Koa Sideboard, "Willing Table,

Chairs, Rocking and Easy Chairs, 1

Veranda Easy Chairs. Chandeliers andLimps, 4 largo Oil Painting, Rel'rigc-rator-,

ileal Safe, Churn, leo CreamFreezer, Crockery & Ulatsuuir, Mailing& Oil Cloth, No. 1 Wlnthrop RuiiiM andUtensils, Garden Tools and Unsoundlot of Firewood, etc., elc., etc., etc.

And If not disposed of pluvious to Sale,1 Family Carriage, Set Harness andGentle Pony with Saddle & Bridle

suitable for a boy. Also, n choice lotof Ferns.

N.B. Frco Bus will rttrl fmin tliucorner of Fori and Beiolnnlu it -- eels, uli):S0 A. si. sharp, for convenience ofpanics attending Iho Sale.

IiEAVIS J. LEVEY,19 lit Auctioneer.

Assignees Sale!On TUESDAY, RSay i st,

AT 10 O'CLOClt A. M.,

By order of W. 0. l'arkc, Assignee ofthe Bankrupt Estate of Choy Tin,

I will at Public Auction, atmy Salesroom, corner Fort

and Queen ttrcets,A lnnntity of New Furniture

Consisting of

Office Writing Desks !

Side Boards. Rook Oases,Meat Safes, Tables,

Bureaus, Wliatiiot,J


21 nt Auctioneer.


Hawa$n Jockey Club.



1URaces to Commence at 10 o'clock Sharp.


RUNNING RACE 4 Mile Dash.Free for all.


RUNNING RACE 1 Mile Dash.For Hawaiian bred horses ownedby members of the Jockey Club.Cu to beennio the properly of theono winning it twice.


TROTTING RACE For Hawaiianbred horses only to harness Mile'Heats, best 2 in :5.


RUNNING RACE U Mile Dash.Free for all.


TROTTING ami PACING RACEMilo Heats, best :( In C. Free forall. All horses having a record of2 :i0 or belter to go to wagon.


RUNNING RACE 1 Milo Daub.Open to all old Hawaiianbred horses only.


RUNNING RACE 1 Milo Dash.Free for all. Winner to beat the re-

cord of '"Anglo A," l:15J. To berun for annually.


RUNNING RAOE-- A Milo Heats,best 2 lu 'i, Hawaiian bred horses,Cup to become tho property of thowinner two consecutive years.


Swi:i:i'staki:s TROTTING andRACING RACE Mile Heats, bestti lu S3. Frco for all horses thathavo not a record of 3 minutes orbettor to bo driven In Frazicr localcarts by members of the Club.'


RUNNING RACE 1 Milo Dash.For Hawaiian bred horses only.


Open to all ponies orunder, and old or over.

'.L tf


NOTJOE is hereby given that Manholds full power of attorney

to act in nil business tratuautions of tholinn of Wing On Wo & Co., and ia

also to sign said firm namo byprocuration. ,

WING ON WO & CO.,hy 0, Cheung l'Ing.

Houolulu, April 10, 1888, 21 aw

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.

Regular Cash Sale !

April 28, 1888,

AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 31.,

my Salcsioom, Queen street, 1 willsell at Public Auction,

Whito and Brown Cottons !

Cotton Blankets,UndieN' mwl Men'M iSliocw,

Clothing,Crockory and Glassware, Groceries,

Tublo Peaches, Wine and SodaCrackers, Salnd Oil, Currants,Cs Boast Beef, OA Ox Tongue,

Cs Potted MealsAnd a Largo Lot of


Delivery Wagon, 1 Top Buggy.

JAS. F. MORGAN,28 It Auctioneer.

AUCTION nam: op

On WEDNESDAY, May 2nd, '88

AT lO O'CLOCK A. 31.,At tho lesidencis of Jlr. V. Ktegeinaun,ICiimu iut, uiljiiinhit; the residence oflion. V. H. Cnsile, I will sell at Public

Auction, (on account of departuie),The Entire Househ'rl Furniture,


Garden Benches and Chairs,Ferns & Decoiated Flower Pots,

Vienna Easy Cliairs, Vienna Sofa,I Carved B.W. Marblctop C. Table

1 Carpet Plush Patent Hocker,Lirge Velvet Center & Sofa Rugs,

One UPKIGHT JPXANO,(It. Neufeld, ISeilin, maker,),


Drawing room Curtains & Polo,1 Corner Vhatuot,

B. Walnut Bookcase & Desk,Combined.

Pendant Ilanqing Lamps, FancyCamp Stools, Engravings & Pictures,Carved B. W. Marbletop Bedroom Set,

Mattrasses, Mosquito Net, 1 FrenchWalnut Wardrobe, 1 Black WalnutWardrobe, 1 Elegant B. W. Marble-lo- p

Sideboard, 1 Black WalnutTable, Dining-roo- Chairs,

CROCKERY and GLASSWARE,1 Refrigerator, 1 Uncle Sam Hauge,

Kitchen Utensils.AND AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON,

1 California Carriago Horse,1 Black Marc, broken to Saddle & Harness,

1Top Buggy,Sot of Harness, Saddle, Etc., Etc., Elc.

J&T Premises open for inspection onTUESDAY, May 1st, from 9 o'clockA. M. to 3 1. M.

JAS. F. MOltGrAN,23 Id Auctioneer.


Attorney at; 3Liavr.Office, : No. 9 Kaahumanu street,

ap 24.83.1y

74 King st. 74 King st.

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.

CHAIRS TO RENT.apr.10 88


NOTICE is hereby given that I willpay any uobls contracted m

my name without my written order.VT. O. ACHI.

Honolulu, April 21, 1888. 13 tf


HPIIE undersigned givo notice thatX they havo been appointed Asilirnecsof Drown & Co., uierchautp, of Houo.lulu.

All pcrons having any claims againsttho said firm whether secured hy mort-gag- o

or otherwise, nro notifleU to pre-be-

tho samo to tho Assignet.8, withinthree mouths from April 23rd iuslant.

All persons Indebted to Messrs. Brown& Co arc requested to mako imnicdlatopayment to Brown & Co. or theAssignees.


Assignees of Brown & Co.Honolulu, April, 21, 18S8. 23 lm


THE undersigned haying been on thoday of April, duly nppointcd

Assignee of tho Estato of Choy Tin, ofHonolulu, 4i bankrupt, by tho lion. R. F.Bickcrton, Justico of the Supremo Court,all persons are hereby notified to pay tothe undersigned any amounts due to thosaid bankrupt and to mako immediatepayment of tho Eume.

VT. 0. PARKE,Assignee of tho Estato of Choy Tin.

Honolulu, April 10, 18S8. 21 Gt

T HE .PEOPLES' PAPER-T- ko.Dally Bulletin 00 cts per month.

TBIOf Mnn Jfriuitjluoo.

Sample packages of tho following Mualsmay bo had of Gonsalves & Co.

fico of charge:

Grermea, Eye Meal,Gritniilutcrt Hat Uleul,

g Pearled Corn Meal," " Bttckwhoal Flour," " BreaMasl Cako Meal," " Croam Graham Flour," Broaktast Wheat,

Cream Flake Oats,ALSO


Del lateJamil! Flour.

GONSALVES & CO..22J ucuit Slrcet. lw


v (f DEUTSClllli;

Willi Bros: Port Cunt,Blacksmith Coal,Fire Bricks,Firo Clay,

Coal Tar, Minli Tar,Steel Rails,Wire Nails,F. W. Staples,

Filter Presses, Sugar Coolers,

Iron Tanks,F. P. Cloth,Ilubbuck's Paints,

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc.

t'Oll SAliK MY

H. Hackfeld & Co.09 tf

Aflstralian lai1 SerFicG.

FOB SAW JFBANVISUO,Tho new and line Al steel steamship

"Alameda,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

bo duo nt Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

May 6, 1 888.And will leave for tho abovo port withmalls and passengers on or about thatdate.

Kor irclght or passage, having SU-PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WE G. IEWIN & CO., Agents

For Sydney and Auckland,


Tho new and lino Al steel steamship

it Zeaiandia,Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be duo at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or uhout

May 10, 1888,,And will have prompt difpatch withmails and passengers for tho above ports.

For freight or passage, having SU-PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto37 VM. G. IRWIN & CO.. Ajrents.

New York Line.


An Al vessel will bo despatched bythis Line for Honolulu, to leave

New York in all May.

For further information apply to

W. H. CKOSSMAN & BRO.,77 & 79 Broad Street,

New York.-- OR-

CASTLE & COOKE,57 3m Honolulu.

Rubbislil Rubbish 1 Rubbisli!

''pnE undersigned having been in thoX husiiicbs for tho past 15 mouths,

and now being nppointcd by tho Boardof Health as Rubbish Collector. Ihcriby t. IbIi to thank tho publio lorthere lihirul patronage, hoping a oon.liuuancu f tho same with a moro ex-

tended list of customers. I shall asherclofmu bayo my rubbish carta go oneach Btierl hero required three timeseach week, except in very raiuv weatherthen two limea each weok. After thismonth euch curt will carry a bell toannounce its appcuranco on the street,that no ono will havo au oxcuso for notsetting out their dirt.

flKErl'tlces as horotoforo: OrdinaryHoube Rubbish and Yard Sweepings,DO cents, 75 cents aud 61.00 per month,if put in contaiucis.

Tho abovo pilcea arranged accordingto the amount of rubbisli taken away.

Tree Trimmings aud Horse Litterwill bo charged extra.

Horses. Bullocks, Hogs and Dogs willbo buried at reasonable rates.

N. F. BURGESS.P. S. Anyone knowing of ono who

is required to havo their rubbish re.moved, who is not able to pay tho tax,if tho parly or parties will let mo knowI will do their cartiug frco of charge.00 lm N. F. B.

w- -








f . - V. ..'

- ' s., , ' iiW',' v' ,?33R,-- , '; lImm - 'Ji.imi.kiisM..itx.u.', '-- tMtohfo''$,a.i-M-- -

Page 3: c, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home...WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 1 09 Fort Btreet, William's Block, Hono-21-0 Honolulu, H. I. WEMER & CO. ainimfacturlnc Jewellers, NO. OS


"&'I?? J





ffTWril I.H. Hfflrtli

For Fancy Goods & Trimmings,(Jo to

Tho Arcado-EG- AN & CO.

niuattu SluTttfin

FRIDAY, APK1L 27, 1888.

.None other were there except Col.Maefiiilane. lie was there for thepurpose of discussing tho liquorfrauds, and for tho purpose of elear-ingttw-

the nlijeuliona raised againsttho issuance of a license to the KeyStone Saloon. There was referencemade to Mr. Ilaysclden. Uol. Mae-farla-

said ho wished to explain theconnection of Macfarlanc & Co. inregard to the withdrawal of liquorsfrom the Custom House upon thoorder of tho Hiitisli Commissionerand others. 1 am aware of thenature of the present prosecution,lie (Mr. Macfarlanc) stated that ithad been the custom for severalyears past to draw liquors from theCustom House without the paymentof duties upon the orders of Mr.Wodcliouse and the King. Ho alsostated that during the last electiontinder the Gibson Government, thatMr. Iluyseldcn came to him andordered large amounts of liquor forelection purposes. Mr. Ilayscl-den said the purchasccs were for theGovernment and not for his ownuse. I made a memorandum ofwhat he said. I know positivelythat Macfarlanc stated that Ilay-sclden said the liquors were not forhis own use but for the Government.Mr. Macfarlanc delivered theliquors, and when the amount be-

came large, he demanded payment.lie said the liquors were sent to va-

rious points on the islands at thedirection of Mr. Ilaysclden. Mr.Macfarlanc understood that theliquor was for election purposes.Mr. Macfarlanc said he had charg-ed the liquor to Mr. Ilaysclden.And wheu he demanded paymentfrom Ilaysclden, he threatened tosuo him if the account was not paid,and Ilaysclden said he would getan order. Subsequently Ilayscldencame to him with an order from theKing for an amount of liquor, theremitted duties on which was sufll-cie- nt

to balance tho account. Mr.Macfarlanc said he was presentwhen Hayseldcn brought the orders,and wo drew the liquors and putthem in stock. By "we" wasmeant the two firms. 1 think hesaid Mr. Ilaysclden said I willbring an order, and subsequently hebrought an order from the King.

By the Court: You say Mr. Mac-

farlanc said that that amount wascredited to Hayseldcn?

Yes. He said he would place hisbooks at the disposal of tho Attorney--

General for examination in con-

nection with this matter, and thenext morning was appointed as thetimo for such examination.

Cross examined : He (Mr. Mac-

farlanc) said that Hayseldcn cameto us. He said that he had a gen-

eral knowledge of the business ofthe firm, but the clerks did tho work.I think he said Ilaysclden came tous. He said ho was in the habit oflooking over the books, but he him-

self demanded payment. He saidthe amount was credited to Haysel-

dcn and that balanced tho account,the liquors having been charged toHayseldcn and not to tho Govern-men- t.

Mr. Ashford sworn said : On the12th of January last I was Attorney-Genera- l,

and I wrote a letter toMessrs. G. W. Macfarlanc & Co.,and Macfarlanc & Co. The pur-port of the letter-wa- s that owing tocertain alleged irregularities in thowithdrawal of goods from tho Customs, that I objected to tho renewal'of the licence for the Key btonoSaloon. About 1 or 1 :30 o'clock ofthat day (Jan. 12), he (Macfarlanc)came to the odlcc of tho Minister ofFinance to explain the matters dis-

covered in that letter. I was pre-sent when he began his statementand for some timo before. Therewere no threats or promises held outto him in my hearing. Tho state-ments made were voluntary. He ex-

plained tho method of drawing goodsfrom the Customs without tho pay-ment of duties, by the uso of ordersfrom His Majesty and others. Hosaid when tho campaign was on Mr.Hayseldcn canto to us anil said thathowanted to arrange for tho supply ofconsiderable quantities of liquors forelection purposos. I asked Haysel-dcn who it was for. Ho said it wasfor the Government and not for him-

self. It was agreed then and therethat tho liquors should bo furnished,and it was subsequently furnished inlarge quantities, and was sent to allpoints throughout tho islands. Otherparties than Mr. Hayseldon directedthe sending of tho liquor. Tholiquor was not paid for tho samemonths, and wc were annoyed at Ilay-Bclde-

tardiness, and so ono day 1

threatened him that I would sue himunless ho settled the account. Hay-seldon said ho would bring in anorder for it. Being asked at thatinterview who he charged that liquorto, he said Hayselden, I madecomment on tho inconsistency of hishaving sold tho liquor to tho Gov-

ernment and charging it to Haysel-dcn. Tho interview was quitelengthy and full minutes of tho con-

versation were kept. Ho invited moto inspect his books in roferenco tothis affair, and laid great stress upron the straightforward manner inwhiou his books were kept, attd was

Bargains in Embroideries,

AtTho Arcado-EG- AN & CO.

satisfied that an inspection of thobooks would satisfy mo that everytiling was straight. The next morn-ing at !), as tho timo appointedfor such inspection. I went to hisstorothe next mottling about !) o'clock. Ifound tho defendant up stalls with anumber of the books of the firmspread out before hint. Mr. Irish-man was there. Mr. K. C. Macfar-lanc Rhowcd me up to the loom.The defcudant and Mr. Irishmanwere present all the time or nearlyso. I made an inspection of 11.

M.'s account and also Ilayscldcn's,and was assured and say as a matterof fact, that tho goods designated asGovernment gin, wore not chargedto II. M.'s account. I found thogoods charged to Mr. Hayscldcn'Haccount. The debit was not enter-ed in tho ledger until April, 188G.Tho entry is under the date ofApril 20th, 188G. I was shown theblotters used by the firm during themonth of January, 1880, and wasinformed by Mr. Macfarlanc that byusing the blotters on alternate days,the book-keepe- rs could enter up thecharges without interfering with themaking of entries. I was shownwocre all this liquor was entered inone blotter. I saw the first item oftho account, page 423 is the first onwhich any entry was made. Thisentry was on February 2, 188G.Further on in the book were entriesof a previous date. Tho last ninepages of tho book contain theseliquor entries. I saw tho same bookagain the day the defendant was ar-

rested. Tho account of Ilsyscldendebited on tho 20th of April, $1719.-3- 5.

There is no credit against thatuntil October 21st, 188G. Therewere some small entries againstIlayseldcn's account, but the largedebits and largo credits were in dif-

ferent ink and a different handwrit-ing. On tho 21st of October, thcrois a credit of $3000 to Ilaysclden,and I think it is divided into twoentries of 1,500 each in thojournal, on page 30G. I found en-

tries there corresponding to entriesin the ledger, each for Sl,500. Thewording of the entries struck me aspeculiar, and I asked for an explan-ation. The entries were "Macfarlanc& Co. Cash. F. H. Ilaysclden,his order on tho Custom House forliquors on which thcro was a rebateof duties 1500."

Also, one similar to the abovo."G. W. Macfarlanc & Co. Cash.

His order on the Custom House,used by them in payment of dutiesat Custom House."

Mr. Macfarlanc made no explan-i- n

regard to this transfer to Mac-farlanc & Co. to me. I said that asfar as your books arc concerned,they arc just exactly as you haverepresented them. The only ex-

planation made was that Macfarlane&'Co. needing liquors from the Cus-

tom House used one of the ordersin that way. The remainder of theaccount 1749.35, is credited Sep-

tember 11, 188G. On page 423 ofthe journal I found this entry :

"Sundries to F. II. Hayseldcn$1,749.35."

It was explained by three sub-entrie- s,

which aggregate $1,749.35.Mr. Lishman said that these goodswere not drawn from bond on thedates when the orders were given,but it has been the custom to holdthe orders for weeks according astho stock is wanted. The ordersarc sometimes signed in blank, andthen Mr. Lishman would fill in thelist with goods that were most need-ed for uso or sjvle. Those 3 ordorsbefore the Court were referred to asthe Havselden orders. I made thismemo at the time. Hayseldcn or-

ders wcro $4,749.35. I had subsequent conversations with Col.Macfarlane, ono in particular in thehall of this building, when he urgedthe withdrawal of my objection, re-

ferring to the manner in which hisbooks wcro kept. ' Tho liquors inExhibits A, B, and C were used toreplace and balance the account ofthe election gin.

Cross examined: I don't knowhow I made a mistake in date, unlessit was so near tho Now Year that itwas in my mind that it was 1887. Iagain saw the books and satisfiedmyself that I had made a mistako inwriting 1887 instead of 188G.


Stmt1 Jas Mnkcc from KauaiSelir Wnlcliu from Kuiiu


Am 11 27

Stmr Iwaluul for Laluilna and Ilamnkuaat 8 a in

VESSELS LEAVINGStmr Waimannlo for Walumimlo

CARGOES FROM ISLAND PORTS.ifnkeo 2,1133 bags feiigar.


The Dcutscliluiul lecelvcil a now mU-e- iitop-ma- st

The ship Ivy uiicltorcd oo tho PMBSmif (hi uioi'iilii and took sugar from

Urn Mukuu. Tho Ivy Is about ready forfeL'll.


In this city, Thursday evening, April2Gt!i, byBov. II. II. Parker, Hownul J,Olubs to aiisu Annie Allium,


And high in prico, T. J, King attho Union Feed Co,, Iiuh n largo lotof hard wood sawed into stove length.-Fo- r

ealo nt vory low prices for cash.Cull and bco him about it. 28 3t

Barg'ns in Embroid'ed Dresses,

AtTho Arcado-EG- AN & CO.


A LADY wishes a position as nurse,etc.

No atresia up to noon y bythe l'olice.

3,501 nieii aro wonted at thoCriterion Hotel.

Tub conspiracy ease is still on.The King appealed on the stand asa witness.

Tin: huge stock of ales and winesof lit own fe Co. aro olfoicd at verylow prices.

Tin; regular quarterly meeting ofthe Pacific lluuhvnru Co. will bo heldon Thursday, May 3.

Stockholm Tar and Coal Tar atCalifornia prices, aro for ealo byMessrs. llackfeld A Co.

1'autii:s about to furnish theirhouses, aro directed to road West ifc

Co.'s new advertisement.

Mnssns. F. A, Selmofcr & Co. aroofl'eiing a lot of tho eolobrated"George Ooulct" champagne.

Nkxt Monday morning, at!) oclock,tho steamer C. It. Uishop will leavefor her monthly circuit of Oaliu.

Jafanksk and Kussianmcn-of-war- s

men woio bi ought ashoro by tho boatload this morning, for a spell ofliberty.

Tin: stilling ntmospltoro of thismorning was slightly distubed bysalutes in honor of official visits totho men-of-wa- r.

Tin: O. S. S. Co.'s coal pile, at thofoot of Fort street, which had boondiminished to about half a ton, isnow being restored by the cargo ofthe Alice Muir.

At the British Bcnovolent Societyentertainment night, Dr.Jessop, of the ltussiau win ship, willtako part. The Society is under ob-

ligations to this gentleman for hishelp. Although tho doctor has beenhero only one week, many of ourcitizens have heard his magnificentplaying on tho piano, and know whatto expect evening.

The schooner Kc Au Hou whiletrying to beat her way out of thehaibor this morning, ran foul of theiion bark Thos. Boll. Tho bark wasstruck well forward and not in theleast damaged, while the Hying jib-boo- m

of the Kc Au Hon wus brokenin two. Tho Kc Au Hon loturnedto the wharf to lopair damages.


Services at St. Andrew's Cathe-dral at 7 o'clock.

Reception to the Officers of theAmerican men-of-w- at HawaiianHotel.

Company D Honolulu Rifles, drillat 7:30 o'clock.

Hawaiian Council, No. G89, A. L.of II., meets in Harmony Hall, at7:30 o'clock.

Meeting of Pacific Lodge No. 1,D. of R., in Hall of ExcelsiorLodgcat 7:30 o'clock.


Baseball match at Makiki, begin-in- g

at 3 i sr.



Regular cash sale, at 10 o'clocka. m. Large assortment of provi-sions, furniture, etc., and one ry

wagon and ono top buggy.



Tho auction sale of furniture ad-vertised to take place at the resi-dence of Mr. Henry Berger, on the3rd of May, is changed to Mondaythe 30th of April, intending pur-chasers aro notified that free busseswill start from the corner of Fortand Beretania streets at half-pa-st 9on Monday morning next.


The entertainmentat the Y.M.C.A. hall under

tho auspices of the Blue RibbonLcaguo will bo given by membersof the crow of II. M. S. Carolino,(except tho address) and consistsof tho following:Hong w. SmithRecitation I. CurtisSoiuf AY. WilghtSong j, Dunlin)Flute Solo W. WrightSong T. ManyIteeitutloii J. Cm tlsSong y,'. XoakesAddress Rev. II. II. Gowou

Tho exercises begin at 7 :30 andto avoid a too lengthy programmo itis understood there will bo no re-sponse to encores. Everybody wel-come.



FntDAY, April 27.G. "VV. Macfarlane vs. II. McCul-la- n,

from tho 25th Inst. Judgmentfor plaintiff for S150.37.

Loyjoy vs. Louis Titcomb, from25th. Judgment for plaintiff for845.50.

Tho case of Aswan vs. Apat, re-plevin for horso was on this after-noon.

No caso was finished in tho crimi-nal department this morning.

New Shades in Dress Goods,

AtTho Arcado-EG- AW & CO.m


Mr. Tewkesbury, of the CustomHouse, in tho Conspiracy caso, nowon trial, in answer to a question, isrepotted to have said something tothe effect that a great many busi-ness houses had presented ordersfor goods from persons entitled to arebate of duty. As the statementspecifics none in particular, the pub-lic arc liable to include everybody,and wo would say for their enlight-enment, wc are assured that Messrs.II. llackfeld & Company, Messrs.Hoffschlacger & Co., II. Johnson,and others have never accepted anysuch orders.



Irritated throats and annoyingcoughs aro quickly relieved by thogenuino Butter Scotch, only to bofound nt the Pioneer Steam CandyFactory of F. Horn. Plenty of testi-monials. 98

Y. M. C. A.

Tho annual social of this sociotywas held last night. Quite a largenumber of ladies and gentlemenwere present, notwithstanding thefact that there wore several otherattractions.

The first part of tho evening wasdevoted to the transaction of Bttohbusiness as generally comes up atthe annual meeting.

Reports of committees were readand passed upon, as also the reportof tho Treasurer and General Secre-tary.

Tho retiring President, Mr. F. J.Lowrcy, then read an address to thomembers, and called on Mr.W. W. Hall, the President elect,who after a few remarks relative tohis taking office, announced the fol-

lowing committees for tho ensuingyear:

Devotional Committee J. B.Atlicrton, W. A. Bowen, S. E.Bishop, J. M. Whitney, E. C.Damon, J. C. Thrum, "vV. Terry.

Temperance Committee P. C.Jones, J. E. Bidwell, Rev. H. II.Gowen, J. A. Dower.

Visitation Committee G. P. Cas-

tle, A. F. Cooke, W. O. Atwater, R."W. Podmorc, L. P. Hanson, J. C.Marchant.

Committee of Welcome II. Hyde,E. A. Jones, D. Shepherd, G. A.Nclh, II. Wickman, J. A. Gon-salve- s,

W. Forbes, T. R. Walker, C.Crozier, J. N. K. Kcola, T. Williams,D. Douglas, L. M. White.

Entertainment Committee F. J.Lowrcy, P. C. Jones, J. T. Water-hous- e,

Jr., T. May, C. M. Cooke, E.O. White, T. R. Walker.

Emyloyment Committeo B. F.Dillingham, J. II. Soper, N. F. Bur-gess.

Reading room C. M. Hyde, T.G. Thrum, E. C. Damon.

Committeo on Finance C. M.Cooke, P. C. Jones, J. B. Athcrton.

Hawaiian Branch Hon. A. F.Judd, P. C. Jones, C. M. Hyde, II.II. Waterhouse, S. D. Fuller.

This was followed by a most en-

joyable social, in which the ladiesand gentlemen connected with theAssociation were attentive to visitors.Refreshments consisting of ice-

cream and cake were partaken ofand the company retired.


The Japanese training ship Tsu-kub- a,

entered port j'esterday after-noon. She is a third class woodenvessel of 1,978 tons displacement,and has engines of 700 horse-powe- r.

Sho was built in 1,851 for the Brit-ish Government, and in 1,874 wassold to tho Japanese Government.The guns of the Tsuknba consist of8 muzzle loaders and3 field pieces. The shiplias 44 naval cadets from the NavalCollege at Tokio. The Tsukubawill remain hero three or four weeks,sailing next for Yokohama. Fol-

lowing aro tho officers :

Captain T. Norniura, I. J. N.Commander T. Hirayauia,Navigating Lieutenant K. Mat-sumat- o.

Lieutenants II. Arai, T. Sakai,N. Miyaoka. M. Ota, and T. Kato.

Chief Engineer Y. Kntayc.Chief Doctor T. Kanno.Chief Paymaster G. Mori.

K. Fukdgawa,M. Nawa, K. Asaba, II. Sugita, N.Tanabe, Y. Ycgashira, II. Sakai,M. Ilayashi, K. Yashimi.

Assistant Engineer T. Yama-gam- i.

Assistant Doctor G. Yasliida.Assistant Paymasters Y. Yashi-ta-

and T. Kiiwai.Midshipman S. Atikawa.Clerk S. Kanai.

Honolulu LibraryANB

Reading Room Association.

Cor. Hotel & Alnkca Street.Open every Duy and Evening.

Tho Library consists at the presenttime of over 1' Ivc Thousand Volumes.

Tho Reading Room Is supplied withabout fifty of the leading newspapersand peilodlouls,

A 1'iirlor is provided for conversationand games.

Terms of membership, fifty cents a.nonth, payable quarterly In advance,No formality required in joining exceptsigning tho roll.

Strangers from foreign countries andvisitors from the other islands aro wel-com- u

to the rooms at all times ag guests.This Association having no regular

For Spring Summer Clothing,o to

Tho Arcado-EG- AN & CO.

means of sunpsrt except the dues ofmembers, It is expected that residentsof Honolulu who desire to avail them-selves of Its privileges, and nil who feelan Interest In maintaining an Institutionof this kind, will put down their mimesand become leeulnr contributors.

A. J. CARTWUIGHT, Pies.,M. M. SCO'IT, nt,

It. A. PAKMELKE, Secretary,A. L. SMITH, Treasurer,U. T. RODGERS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and Library Committee.


THE FINEST resort In tho cityX "The Elite leo Urcam Parlors1'patronized by tho leading society. 28 lw

THERE IS a peculiar delightfulJL llivor about all the Candies of the

Now Candy Fnotory, which makes tlicinso popular with young ami old. 123 lw

IF YOU really want your money'sworth of the finest IIomcMado

French and l'lnin Candles, the mostDelicious Ice Creams, or Fancy andPlain Cakes, call at the Pioneer SteamCandy Factory, Rakery nntl leo CreamParlors, established 1SC3, Hotel,

street. F. Uoim, PracticalConfectioner, Pastry Cook and Orim.mentor. P. S. Tho only placo wherethe Genuine Butter Scotch is nianu.faotured and sold. 10 tf

THE DAILY BULLETIN has thocirculation of any paper

piloted in this Kingdom. CO cents permonth.

DIE GROSSTE AUSWAHLvonfelncn Uilber Wnuren fur Hocli-zeil- s

Icsehcnkc zum Vcrkauf bcl 31.Jlclnerny. 08 tf


TF YOU LOSE ANYTHING,X. advertiso it in tlio Daily Bulletin.

GENTLEMEN ABOUT purchas.presents will find a

lino assortment of Solid Silver Ware atthe store of 31. Jlcluerny. 03 tf

THE ONLY READABLEin the Kingdom "The

Daily Rullctiu." 50 cents per month.


forma Poit, Madeira uud Malaga,for salo in kegs and cases by

GONSALVES & CO.,01 Queen street.

THE DAILY BULLETIN-Tf- comost popular paper published.

CLEAN RAGS anu second baudwill bo gratefully iced v.

cd for the use of the inmates of theBranch Hospital for Lepers at Knkaako,or at the Leper Scttlmcnt on 3Iolokai,if left with J. T. "Waterhouse, jr., at thoQueen Street Store. t&f tf

HE OLDEST DAILY in theKingdom "The Daily Bulletin."

CO cents per month.



MISS. P. THIBIiE,On Beretania street noar Piikoi.

(Formerly McGuiro's House,)Kindergarten & Elementary,

Daily & Boarding School.

Also, French and German taught, andMusic Lessons given.

A safo conveyance Will call for and re-

turn children living at a distnnee.72 3IiiiunlTolephone No. 501. f3m

Del We Miff Go.



ROLLER FLOURMade in America.

Meals Snperlor to all Others.

GONSALVES & CO.,Wolo AkciiIh or tho Iluivnllnn

iHlamlH.78 tf


ABOUT seven acres of good pasture,or gulden land, nt Knpahiinn,

about a milo and a half fiom town, withu two-stor- y dwelling house, kitchenstable and other out houses.

TowilB HBO l'cr Montli.2TApply to



appointed, beautifullylocated, within 0 11111111163

wulk of tho Post Olllcc. An opporlu.ulty seldom ottered to secure a comfort,able homo within easy reach of thobusiness part of the city. For parti-culars inquire atOOitf GULIOK'3 AGENCY.


ETWEKN Pllkol and Kco.niiinokii slrccN. lot runs

through to Klnaii street. 100fpil frnntnfrp. flrwifl TmKlllrncro. f!nttnrmcontains fi rooms, cuningu house andttables for 3 or i horses. Ileal 20 permonth, Apply togT

J. E. BROWN & CO.,U tf --'8 Merchant street,

TF YOU WANT A SITUATIONJL advcrllio in tho Daily Bulletin.


G-ran- Oping of

ury yOoos & to


63 65

Hcceived liy Inst steamer a Choice and Well-Selecte- d Slock of NEWGOODS, bought personally, to which 1 most respectfully

invito the ladies for inspection.

All Elegant Line of New Dress Goods at 26 cents per yard,Ladies will be pleased to select from our Stock the following Goods

which will ho Bold at thoTOAVlCSX J31QO JKOCIt PXtlOlCS.

Great Novelties inWItito llqnc, Jftntistc. Scer.mtcker, JKuma igniting, Clinmbrny,

Satine Ilroendcs, Embroided Swiss, Fancy Giulianis, Linen Lawns, Etc.Kntlrcly Sew " XV.VUV.U IMqUK.'

Gicat attension ia cnllcd to our Stock of I3MIJROIDERIES

Oriental Laces, Torclioi Laces ai Spaiisl Laces,Which wo received diiect from Switzerland and wc nio offering all Embroi-

deries and Laces nt Lower 1'iices than can bo bought elsewhere.

Children's Dresses & Children's Lace CapsIn all the Latest St vies. 100 HOY'S SAILOR SUITS at $2.50,worth $4.00. HOY'S KNEE PANTS UNION TWEED at 75

cents per pair. An Elegant Lino of

BOY'S "JTCEXEfcSE SUITS,"Entirely New ; just the thine; for tho present season. A Largo Assortment of


SX'JfJClAJC MOT1CE.Received direct from the East a Largo Assortment of

ron.tH XiMHew' uiiU Oliildrcn'M SIiocm,Which will bo sold nt tho Lowest Prices.



'0 m n







& 65Irwin & Co.




Ave by every steamer from San




Bird Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.






tie Latest Mbsancy Goods.

Eort street.Opposite








receiving- - incoming- -



Furniture, Chairs, Pianos, Mrs, Retires,Crockery AVarc, Carriages,







PIANOS andSold on the Installment Plan.

MATRASSES, CORNICES & FRAMESAlways on Hand and Mudo to Order.

Canary Birds,( Warranted Singers.)


G. WEST & CO.'S, 105 Fort Street,mli 87 KONOLUJL.TJ. ly

i - !

S:Jt -









t s,



Page 4: c, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home...WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 1 09 Fort Btreet, William's Block, Hono-21-0 Honolulu, H. I. WEMER & CO. ainimfacturlnc Jewellers, NO. OS








cmiul AkjoiiIhAccountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Fire &. Lifo Insuranco

Auonls. Cuslom-Hous- o, Loan inld Exchanno Brokers.

Departments of Business:Books and Accounts nccurately Kept and piopcrlj adjusted.Colletions will iccoIvo Bpcclal attention nml returns promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched nml correct Abstracts of Title

- furnished.Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn nml hand.

somoly cngrcsecd.Copying and Translating in all languages in general use In this Kingdom.Real Estate bought and sold. Tuxes paid ami Properly safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and louts collected.Firo and Life Insuranoo clTcctod in first-clas- s Insurance Companies.Custom-Hous- o Business transacted with nceuincy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated at favorablo rates.

Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Any Article purchased or sold on most fax 01 able terms.Inter-Islan- d 0rdcr3 will receive particular attention.

All Business entrusted to our caio will rccclvo prompt and faithful attention at

modorato charges.

Ilaxlng had un cMensivo business experience for over txxcnly.fhc jenis In

New York City and elsewhere. a feel competent to attend to all bimincis of an

Intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and disci etlon, and respectfullysolicit a trial.

Bell Telephone No. 274. XIsi-waiiu.i- l iJiiNinoss Asrcney.inn. 7.88 ly

Telephone Both Companies 210. P. O. Box 207.


FRESH GOODS from California on ICE, by each steamer of the O., S. S. Co.





A Very Choice Lot of N. Z. " Taranaki Butter,"(IN KEGS.)

All of which wo offer to tho Public at REASONABLE PRICES.Fresh New Zealand Butler, ON ICE, In 1 Pound Pats !

By each arrival from New Zealand SOMETHING FINE.1S50


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAfeT CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received by every Packet from the Eastern Status and EuropeFresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended toand Goods delivered to any part ot Hie city free of charge. Island orders foH-cite-

Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Otllcc Box 14G. Telephone No. 'Ji. 1GS ly



HAS JUST RECEIVEDDupce Hams & Bacon, Kits Salmon Hollies, Kits Mackerel, Kegs

a Beef, Kegs Pork, Smoked Halibut, Extra Select Oystcis, Salmon,Cranberry Sauce, Boston Btown Btead, Table Fruits, Germea,

nv nucKiii.H sc .arniico jLiucncnii i-cc- t;o. s assoi-i-u aoiips,Eidges Food, Imperial Granum, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Food,

; Gem, Graham "Wafers, Oaten Wafers, Snow Flake & Cream. Crackers, Ginger "Wafers, Chocolate "Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes,

Dates, Nuts, Apples, Fiench Peas, Pop Corn, Garden Seeds,"Wheat, Flour, Butter, Honey, Plum Pudding, etc., etc?, etc.

And a General Assor't of Staple & Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Suit the Times.

JSST" Leave your oidcrs, or ring up 119. -- a

Steam "Works, Sunny South,Tele., Bell ISO, Mutual 315.

Depot, 28 Merchant Street,Tele., Bell 17 2, Mutual 3 GO.


' Only English Appaiatus making High Class



1,000 JPEIt BAY.


line, RasDberrvade.And EFFERVESCING

PLAII SODA WATER.0F" Orders to any part of the city.

10 tf

Just Received at HoIEister & Go.'sA assortment of

PERFUMES! PERfUMES!Comprising tho well-know- n of







7 r

Island orders solicited. pfl!





SfFor Sale at Reasonable PrieeSrWHOLESALE AND RETAIL.

"Daily Bulletin Summary,"Will be issued on Slay fith.

k'co columns of intercsliiie: The best paper to send abroad


Under tho abovo beading tlioJ)oncas(c)' Reporter of .luly Glh,

1887, publishes tho following in itseditorial columns

Our readers ma recall thu cir-

cumstance of ayoungclcik, named

Arthur Richold, falling insensibleon tho "Wcatlcy Lane in this town

Borne time ago, and being pickedup, as he continued perfectly help

less, and taken in si cab by two

gentlemen to the otllcc of F. "W.

Fisher, Esq; the solioitor who cm- -

ployed him. On restoring him toconsciousness it was ascertainedthat lie was aQictcd with whatseemed to be an incurable disease."When he was ablo to speak hesaid he had been to his dinner andand was on his way back to hiswork, when suddenly his head was

in a whirl and ho fell in the streetlike a man who is knocked down.On coming to hi3 senses in tho soli

citor's otllcc ho thought what thismight mean, and feared no was

going to liavo a fit of illness, which

we all know is a very dreadfulthing for a poor man with a familyto caro for.

With this in his mind he at once

sought the best medical advice,telling the doctors how ho had beenattacked. Thev questioned hiin"

and found that his picscnt maladywas exhaustion of the nervous sys-

tem resulting from general debility,indigestion, and dyspepsia of a

chronic nature. This in turn hadbeen caused by confinement to his

desk and grief at the loss of dearfriends by death. The coming onof this strange disease, as describedby Mr. Richold, must be of inter-est both to sick and well. Ho hadnoticed for several ycais previously,in fact, that his eyes and face be-

gan to have a yellow look; theicwas a sticky and unpleasant slimeon the gums and teeth in themorning; tho tongue coated; andthe bowels so bound and costivethat it induced that mobt painfuland tioublcsome ailment the piles.He says there was some pain inthe sides and back and a sense offulness on the right side, as thoughthe liver weic enlarging, whichproved to be the terrible lact.The secretions from the kidneyswould be scanty and high-coloure-

with a kind of gritty or sandydeposit after standing.

These things had troubled Mr.Richold a long time, and after hisfall in the street lie clearly perceivedthat the fit of giddinebs was nothingmore than a sign of the steadlyand deadly advance of the complaint,which began in digestion and dys-depsi- a.

His story of how he wentfrom one physician to another inseaich of a cure that his wife andlittle ones might not come to want isvery pathetic and touching. Finallyhe became too ill to keep his situa-tion and had to give it up. Thiswas a sad calamity. Ile.w as appall-ed to think how he should be able tolive. But God raised up friendswho helped to keep the wolf fromthe door. He then went to the sea-

side at Walton-on-the-Naz- e, butneither tho change, nor tho physicians who treated him there, didany good. All being without availhe visited London, with a sort ofvague hope that sonic advantagemight happen to him in the metro-polis. This was in October, 1885.

Ifow wonderful, indeed, arc theways of Providence, which dashesdown our highest hopes and thenhelps tis when we least expect it.

Whilo in London he stated his condilion to a friend, who stiongly ad,vised him to tiya medicine which hecalled Jfother ScUel's CurativeSyrup, sajing it was genuine andhonest, and often euied when every-thing else had failed. lie boughta bottle of a chemist in I'imlico, andbegan using it according to tho di-

rections, lie did this without faithor hope, and tho public, may therefore judge of his surprise and plea-sin- e

when after taking a few doseshe felt great relief. Ho could catbetter ; ins food distressed him less ;

the symptoms we have named abated ;

the dark spots which had floatedbefore his eyes like smuts of soot,gradually disappenied, and hisstrength increased. Before thislime his knees would knock togetherwhenuvcrho tried to walk. So en-

couraged .mis lie now that he kepton using Mother Sciyel'a CurativeHirup until it ended in completelycuring him.

In speaking of his wonderful re-

covery Mr. Richold says it madehim think of poor Robinson Crusoe,and his deliverance fiom captivityon his island in the sea; and added,"But for Mother boigcrs OurativeSyrup tho glass would now boglowing ovor my grave,"

Our readers can rest assuicd ofof tho strict li nth of all tho statements in this most rcmnrkablo case,as Mr. Richold (now residing atSwiss Cottage, Walton-on-the-Naz-

belongs to ono of the oldest andmost respected families in the beau-tiful village of Long Melford,Suflolk, and his personal characteris attested by so high an authorityas tho Rev. C. J. Martyn, rectorof that parish, besidefpther excel-lent names. We have 'deemed thocase of such inportauco to the pub-lic as to justify us in giving thisshort account of it in our columns.

January 13, 1888.

EliVN gCTrpBartwjatfvrwBCBecwCTOiwei!


Arrivo at Honolulu Irom San franclsco.

Australia .. May 1Zcalnndia May 10Australia May 2!)

Alameda Juno 7Australia. .luno 20Mariposa ."Inly fi

Austialiiv .July 21Zcnlandia August 2AiiBliulia August 21Alameda August 31

Australia September 18Mariposa ,..... September 27Austialia. October 10Xculandiu October 25Australia November lflAlameda November 22Australia December 11

Leave Honolulu lor San Francisco.

Ahinicdii May 0Australia May 8Mariposa Juno 3Austialia Juno 0Zealundia July 1Australia July 3Alameda.. . . July 2!)

Austialia July 31Mariposa August 20Australia... i August 28Zealundia ' September 2.'!

Austialia September 25Alameda October 21Australia Oclobei 23Mariposa November 18Australia November 20Zealundia December 10Australia .... December 18Alameda . . . .(1889) Junuuiy 13

Well Tel. 48.V

.Mutual Tel..O.Jtox 115.

Offlco - - 38 Merchant St., Honolulu



Conveyancing a Specialty Records search-ed and abstracts of title furnished onshort notice.

Copying, Translating, and engrossing in alllanguages in general use in King-dom.

Custom Houso brokerage File and LifeInsuianco receive prompt attention.


MR. JOHN GOOD JR. AuthorizedCollector.

Skilled Unskilled Labor Furnished.

REAL ESTATE,bought, sold and rented.

Several valuable piopcrtics inmound city now for sale on





ci'sytoi nis.

Convenient Collages in desirable healthylocations in and m ar the city to let orlease at reasonable rates.

Employment Wanted by several men andbos, who will nuiko themselves use-ful in performing the various olllcesand chores rccrulml by private fuinj-lie-

Pull pattiuulars given on applicationat the agency.

Orders fiom the oilier Islands prompt-ly attended to.

Bell Tel. 172.P. O

Mutual Tel.Box 409.

J. E. BROWN & CO.,Fire Proof Stone Building,

42 Merchant Street.



General Commission Merchants

General Agency for Ilaw'n Islandsof tho

Burlington and Chicago Railway

Across America.Connecting at Boston with tho Azores

and Madeira.

Through tickets gianted from Honoluluto all points East.

Accountant Department.Jleichandlso stored and hold on com-

mission. Consignments tolicitcd.Shipping and Custom House UuBincss

attended to.Books and Accounts kept and audited.Legal Documents prepared.Averages adjusted,Propci ties leased, rented nnd sold.Legul documents drawn.

To Let No 30 Klnau street j parlor, II

bedrooms, kitcheu, servant's room,stable, carrlago house, garden, etc.Bent ory moderate.

Coltago at "Waikiki, opposite SunnybontU; largoyuid, btable, etc. Possession on lht April.

K,EOEJI"Vr3E3IBy the S. S. "Australia" 8th February,

--ANI) NOW ON SALE-Califo- rnia

Orangcs".primo sample, BarrelssaurKraut, Kegs saurKraui, urates wimo

Heart Caubago, Celery on Ico,Crates Cauliflower,



A largo consignment ofPotatoes, Figs, Canned Fruits, Jellies,Jams, Prunis, lUisins, Chestnuts, Wal.nuts, Hurdnuts, AlmomlnntH, CannedTomatoes, Etc, Etc., Etc., Etc., EtctS-LO-


CO Kiiij; Mtrcet, Honolulu, t

Notice to the Public of these Islands

Wedding Cakes !

Ladies or gentlemen who contemplate giving ordois for tho above nrti-cl- o

aio lespoctfully requested to call at tho Honolulu Pioneer Steam Can-

dy Factory and Bakery, established 1803, before going to any other house,as my establishment is POSITIVELY tho only establishment in Honolulu,notwithstanding all tho ridiculous, empty and pompous newspaper blow-

ing and puffing, where a cake can bo procured to give tho greatest satis-

faction to tho most refined tastes, nnd to bo an ornament of exquisitoworkmanship on your table which will not crumble in pieces when cut,but bo a cicdit to the fine art of the Confectioner, which has not only fortwonty-fiv-o years but still bids competition dcllanco to this day. All at-

tempts in nny other establishment aro inforior to mine and not worth thoprice you pay. It is an indisputable fact that all over tho world a goodworkman's productions aro always cheaper than a halfmado one's arc.Having had over half a century's practical experience tho undersigned is

enabled to ornament Cakes in all and tho highest styles of art.

DF B.ORN,Tho only Practical Confectioner in all branches ; Proprietor

Honolulu Steam Candy Factory and Bakery. Hotel be-

tween Foil and Ntiuauu Streets, Honolulu, II. I.97

Made of tho celebrated CREAM of the "Woodlawn Dairy,sold at the great reduced price of

S2.00! S2.00! $2.00! S2.00IPER GALLON-HON- EST Mlk


DEJST-AJBZilSlffiJBI-D 1863.

SSgAs some evil disposed persons who are openly "boas-ting of the intention of ruining my business and villanouslyfafsefying my GOODS and ICE CREAM I will forfeit

100 to any person who will prove by analysis that myICE CREAM is not strictly pure although sold cheaperthan anywhere else.



Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook & Ornamenter

Both Telephones "No. 74.


Hotel St.70 2m

Movse Clipping!NEATLY DONE and with despatch

HAWAIIAN HOTEL STA-BLES. Hand Clippers. 82tf


The New Process to make the Bestof Poi with hardly any


Hawaiian Pi nit & Taro Com.THE of Wailuku, Maui, will bopicpared to supply the public of Hono-lulu and the other Islands, on the 2ndday of April, 1888, with a new prepara-tion of Taro Flour called COOKEDTAKO 1'LOUH. This article is farsupeiior to tho old raw Taio Plour.This arliclo is alteady cooked and it

hardly any work to make thobest of Poi and other receipts, by add-ing Cooked Taro Plour to boiling hotwater like preparing coin meal yourPoi is mado at once. Those desiringsour Poi will have to let it stand 24hours. If too thin or sour add freshpaste of Cooked Taio Flour. Our re.ceipts with each bags will glvo full

If our directions with eachbag arc strictly followed it will notfail to make tho cleanest and best ofPoi. Thib new process of Cooked TaroFlour is mado by raachineiy so therecannot bo any dirtiness or fllthincss inthis way of making Toi. All'grocerystores will bo furnished vtith CookedTaro Flour on the abovo date. Our re-tail price per C lb. bag will bo 40 centsper Bag in Honolulu. Any ovcr-charg- o

win ne rciumicu ny uottfvlng w. 11.Cummiugs, Bell Telephono No. 325. Allorders from the other Islands can bofilled by sending youroiderto

"W. H. DANIELS, Manager,Wailuku, Maui,

"W. H. CUMMINGS, Agont,Honolulu.

tSJ-- The Company is prepared if eodesired to supply hard Poi, not includ-ing lots of water, in one or more barrelsor bag Jots, at lowest possible prices.

tl03 1m


rpnE undersigned having rccolvcd ex.A. Australia n shipment of CounterHjplious of an improved type, aro uowprepared to supply saloons and otherswith Plain Sodu, Ginger Ale and TahitiLemonade put up in this convenientform, at low rates.

J. E, BROWN & CO..Pioprir'tors Tahiti Lemonade Works,

28 Merchant Street. 00 lm


Q WHALE BOATS; 1 Decked0 Wlmlu Boat, 30 feet long, 8 feetdeep; 8 feet wide; 2 22 feet Burf Boats;1 18 feet Surf Boat; 2 Decked Plunger,10 feet long, 0 feet 0 inches wide, 2 feet0 inches deep, with mast nnd sails allcomplttoj 1 2i feet Sailing Scow,' withmast and Balls all complete. Apply to.

E. K. KYAN.Boat Builder and Ueneral Jobber. (H tf

HTHEWORKINGMAN'S PAPERJL "The Dally Bulletin." 60 ccuts

per month.

bet. Nuuanu & Eort St.



A Speciiic for

RHEUMATISMSerorciln, Salt Itlioniii,

Kournlsln, ltlna: Worm,And all other Skin and Blood Diseases.

It Regulates tho

IiTVER AND KIDNEYS,Cuics Indigestion, and all Diseases

arising from an enfeebled con.dition of tho system.

Dr. Marline, of London, the celebratedspecialist, fays of PARDEE'S REMEDY :

" I have used it for twenty years forBlood Diseases, suoh as Scrofula, BaitRhcura, Tetcr and Cancer, and I cannotrecommend it too highly."

Tho Bev, Dr. Thomas, of none; Kong,China, says: "PARDEE'S REMEDY ia awonderful medicine for tho blood. Ihavo prescribed It hundreds of times forleprosy, nnd, when given in time It al.ways cured tho patient. I can s afoly saytnat leprosy will nuvor urcurc out on pur.sons who take Pardeo's Remedy rcgu.larly, and I adviso all persons living incountries where leprosy is prevalent totake Pardeo's Remedy us a prevonlio."

For Salo by all Druggists In Honolulu.Ap-- 3m

Tonsorial Artists, 88KtagStof Honolulu: PleaseaENTLEMEN that a neat Barber

Blion has been opened uoxt door to thorestaurant down stairs, 88 King street,by two of tho best practical Barbors intown. Gentlemen nro requested to glvous a trial. Wo guarantee satisfaction.Children!.' hair cutting a speciality.




At J. J.05 tf




Many people believe that NatureLas Boniowlicro a remedy for everydisease. So many and so terriblearo tho ills of life, and so slight thepleasure we get as time Hies past,that such a belief is tho least faithwo can show in a gincioua and all-wi- se

Providence. A few remediesbut, alas, how fowl have been

found. Others, so far, lie hiddenfrom human inquiry. Occasionallydeath follows quickly on the heels oftho ovil an illustration of tho dan-

gerous charactor of tho ailment tobo relieved.

For example, Nervous Dyspepsiais a comparatively new disease,growing out of the conditions ofmodern life. It is a joint affectionof tho digestive organs and of thenervous system. These two wereformerly treated as separate ail-

ments, and it was loft for tho clear-

sighted thinkers to prove that thobasis of this terrible and often fatalcomplication lies chiefly in the disordered and depraved functions ofdigestion and nutrition. Theyreasoned thus: "If wo can inducethe stomach to do its work, andstimulate tho excretivo organs todrivo out of the body tho poisonouswaste matters which remain aftertho life-givi- elements of tho foodhavo been absorbed, wo shall haveConquered Nervous Dyspepsia andNervous Exhaustion." And theywere right. Knowing tho infalliblopower of Siegel's Syrup in less com-

plicated though similar diseases,they resolved to test it fully in this.To leave no ground for doubt, theyprescribed tho remedy in hundredsof cases which had been pronouncedincurable with perfect success inevery instanco where their directionsas to living and diet were scrupu-lously followed. Nervous Dyspep-sia and Exhaustion may almost bocalled a peculiarly English diseasei'

i - ' . .1 , A. . . ..&

. Jt tXt . t .. i. M .L itl.-Pi- f ;jt&kj4j ""i; 'J: ,,v V uKnffiW .VA - - j" " .. '...!Jtm

lo a greater or less extent half thepeople of this country suffer from it

both sexes and all ages. In nocountry in the world are there somany insano asylums filled to over-flowing, all resulting from thisalarming disease. Its leading symp-toms aro these ; frequent or continual headache ; a dull pain at thebase of the brain j bad breath;nauseous eructations ; the rising ofsour and pungent fluids to thethroat; a sense of oppression andfaintness at the pit of the stomach,flatulence ; wakefulness and loss ofsleep ; disgust with food even whenweak from tho need of it; stickyand slimy matter on tho teeth or inthe mouth, especially on rising iathe morning; furred and coated,tongue ; dull eyes ; cold hands andfeet; constipation; dry or roughskin; inability to fix the mind onany labour or calling continuous at-

tention; and oppressive and sadforebodings and fear.

Ail this terrible group MotherSiegel's Curative Syrup removes byils positive, powerful, direct, yetpainless and centlo action upon thefunctions of digestion and assimila-tion. Those elements of tho foodthat build up and strengthen thesj'stem aro sent upon their mission,while all waste matters (the ashes 6flife's fire) which, unrentoved poisonand kill, are expelled from the bodythrough the bowels, kidneys, andskin. The weak and piostratcdnerves are quieted, toned, and fedby the purified blood. As the result, health, with its enjoyments,blessings and power, returns to thesufferer, who has perhaps abandonedall hope of ever seeing another wellday.

Mother Seigel's Curative Syrupis for salo by all chemists and medi-

cine vendors, and by the proprietors,A. J. "White, Limited, 35, Farring-do- n

Eoad, London.January 13, 1888.

Richard Cayford.VETERINARY

Shoeing- - Forge,Fort Hi.. Next JiUcns' Mill.

Shoeing, from $1.50.

Horses and Cattle Treated forall Diseases.

ItCBidencu: 31 Alaltca Street,x. o. BOX 18.

Bell Telephono J&mcJ.MS.

Yosemite Skating

Skating! Slcatingl Skating!Cornor Queen & Richard Streets.

Will bo open every evening from 7 to0:80 r. w.

SIUS1U i TiicBdaysevenlug for tho Publlo

Saturdays'iu General.

TnOJIAS E. WAULf1001 Proprietor. lyr

r v. ....YJ. ',


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