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@ GUANGDONG JINGZHONGJING INDUSTRIAL PAINTING EQUIPMENT CO. , LTD Ad d: N. 6- 101. Industrial of Hongqi Dangong Road. Zh onglootan Tel:+86-20-37 410868/37410309 Fa x:+ 86-20-374 10290 webmas ter www.gz-btb JINGZHONGJING CATALOGUE Ema i l:

BZB Spray Booth Manufacturer Catalogue & Technical Specs Details

Feb 18, 2015



Emily Cao
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Page 1: BZB Spray Booth Manufacturer Catalogue & Technical Specs Details

〈巨 @

GUANGDONG JINGZHONGJING INDUSTRIAL PAINTING EQUIPMENT CO. , LTD Add: N.6-101. Industrial Zα、e of Hongqi Dangong Road. Zhonglootan T(σ~.B创 yun Disl阳t. Gua咱Z阳刘 Chi l'\a

Tel:+86-20-37410868/37410309 Fax: +86-20-37410290 Em副 1: webmaster Http/f:www.gd才司 com www.gz-btb ∞m


JINGZHONGJING CATALOGUE H'协11: ∞m www.gz-bt b ∞m Email: webmasterOgz-btb ∞m

Page 2: BZB Spray Booth Manufacturer Catalogue & Technical Specs Details

~ j 圄


COMPANY PROFILES Guangdong J ingzhongjing Industrial Painting Equipment Co. , Ltd is speα alizing in the development

manufaclure and sales 01 'BZS' spray booth and industrial painting equipment since 1999. Our main pr­oducts are dry Iype spraying and baking booths , whirlpool spraying booths , water curtain spraying booths bridge style baking rooms , shower lesters , and large industrial painting assembly lines lor cars , buses and mechan陀al equipment

This company is near Baiyun Internation al Airport and 105 National Highway. The area 01 Guangzhou headquarter is 30000m'. The capital asserts is about 30 million yuan. Now Ihere are abouI500 workers among which more Ihan 60 are senior technicians and administralive personne l. The lop research leam ,

excellenl managemenl team , high qualily workers Ihal ensu re our products are reli able and operational excellence and provide Ihe perlect design and project. In addition , we invested anolher lactory with 40000m' in Yancheng , Jiangsu province. And Ihal lactory came into use in June 2008. We produce about6,OOO sets

o l lhese items annually 11 has always pursued Ihe management principal 01 market-orienlalion , leading Ihe Irend by new products,

crealing lamous brand by qualily, realizing our dream by management, pursuing suslainable development by innovalion , promoled the enterprise spirit ol'unity and struggle , boldly engaging in innovation , respecting and promoling science and pursuing lor excellence' , and exerled great ellorts 10 build a honesl and credible image lor the enterprise and create a lamous brand. For Ihese ellorts il has received lavorable response lrom Ihe government , lhe public and Ihe market. Now it has many cert il icales such as Ihe cerlili扣cate awarded by Ihe Guangzhou Municipal Adminislration 01 Industry and Commerce lor ils observing contract and kee阳 09

promises, the cerli licale by Guangzhou Municipal Board 01 Qualily and Technology 5upervision lor its good perlormance in sampling inspeclion , and Ihose prove it passed Ihe 1509001 :2008 inlernational qualily ce­rlilication , the Australia QM5 certilicalion and the qualily certilication lor Guangzhou environmental-prot­eclion Industry producl. And 忧 is a council member 01 China Auto Mai ntenance & Repair IndustryAssociation. In addilion , we also gain the cerli licale that issued by Iraffic products cerlilicate center 01 Ministry 01 Com­munications 01 the People's Republ比。1 China (MOC)

Its BZB series spraying & bak ing booth are specially chosen by Volkswagen , Aud i , Mazda , C i t roen Peugeot, Honda , Ford , Nissan lor

Page 3: BZB Spray Booth Manufacturer Catalogue & Technical Specs Details

02 /誓旦坦坦

Guangdong Jingzhongjing Industrial Painting Equipment Co叫 Ltd

No.6-101 Dangong Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, China, 510540

Tel : 86-20-37410528 Fax: 86-20-37410290


emily _ happier04(

E-mail :

MSN: 飞Nebsite : 、,功 .com

Skype: emily _ happier04



Total Powe己

EPS colorfωs飞.eel skin board, wall panel: 70mm thick. ceiling panel 目mm U忧挺,ock响。01 pane1. The side door with a press山 e lock which will automati田lIy open when the pre白山"e insid陷后。ver-pressure

full grids, adjustable height, galvanized sleel sheet construction, three ,mbσssed steel ramp

Capaci ty: 30000m3fh

Mod创 4-82-6.3E


Pow町 11阳

Quantily: 1 set

Service Door(mm)


Outlet fan Capacity: 24000m31h

Front Door(mm):

3000(W)'2600(H )

Model: YDW4.5L

Power: 4kw

Quantity: 2 sels

Inside Size mm




lnlet Fan

?…-Z 刷F

The cirωatio们 system covers a set 01 aulomatic valve and two sets 01 manual valve Manual adjustment valves are pla时 in inhaling and e)(haust duct 10 conlrol 刷刷刷"m,ood 叫ust pressure. A stainless ste副回国zoid hood and a stainless ∞oohα刘



?缸 ..一

w .,..

36pcs ceiling nozzles and 2 。αrner dryers for the water-bome painting system

d.υal filtering structure, the primary fIIter 咀n 国pture granules larger than 10μm 四iling fi lter 曰'"由pture granules bigger than 印m. the 附ωe purifi阴阳"Y副em has 臼阳ICity of large volume of dust. Its flltering ra飞.e reaches 98%. air press山re balance gauge, TSPO;:;1.2mg1m'

Italy Riello RG5S d田el bumer. 260α),'"咀盹 20N damper motor

Outside Size mm


Heating exchanger, st恒inless steel, argon arc welding, heating exchange rate 85%

max temp:80't , heating time: 6- 1 Om叫2O-60't), fu创 consumpα1:6-8kgNehicie



Patnltng stem

阻碍ling Light: 32pcs 36w Philips lamp; bottαml甸ht: 32pcs 20w P州 lips 恼mp, 1100 Lux Lighting SyslemI





:气 ':I~-,-. .τ300 300


JJA |Iu -­-YJ 注刊叫‘寸占

叩….…..: .阳腼

PLC digital controlling, soft touching button, spray & baking switc/飞 light s州时、 emergencystop, breakdown alarm …i呐血INc如pump water curtain for mist filtering de~ 回国n reduce more than 98% of the f09 阳thout

由e trouble of re川 acing dr川ng-method filter by fully mixing f吨 。 water and air, and ensure a qualified exhaust aα:ording to the relevant state star.dards

liii. l>Jl i . j . I. . f2l.lm_


叭 ww. gz-blb.comPAGE 01

Page 4: BZB Spray Booth Manufacturer Catalogue & Technical Specs Details

Guangdong Jingzhongjing Industrial Painting Equipme时 Co. , Ltd

NO.6-1 01 , Industrial Zone of Hong叩 Dangong Road , Zhongluotan Town , Baiyun District, Guangzhou , China

Tel: 86-20-37410528 Fax: 86-20-37410290 Mobile: 86-13924154688

E-mail: emily面 MSN:emily_happier04( Skype:emily_hap阳er04

I , a

|[_111比ide Size(mm):

|Inside Size(mm):

|Front Door(mm):

|1$1阿ice Door(mm)

Total PO响


Lighting System


' ,dTJ".i

7046' 5690' 4175


3000(W) ' 2600(叫

650' 1800


Wallboard EPS colorful steel skin board, wall panel: 70mm thick, ce川ng panel : 50mm Ihick rock-wool panel , longue & grooye sl归 compound ∞nslruclω0 ,


Inlet Turbine


a阳minum-alloy frame, anli-name and heat- insulalion

full grid , adjuslable heighl, galyanized sle创 sheet cons阳clion , three embossed sleel ramp

Capaci ly: 25000m 3fh

Power: 7.5kw

Quanlily: 1 sel

。 ull el

Turbine Fan

Capacily: 25000m切

Power: 7.5kw

Quanli ly: 1 sel

36 阳当回吨~'"协 2 æntrifl与al fa叫 1 .5阳 'sel) & two comer dryers 阳 d'"咱晒阳出四d paint

d"刮目Ilering slructure. the primary filter 国n 臼plure granule地 larger Ihan 10 11m 田iling filler can 臼plure granules b 四er than 4 1.lm. Ihe whole p山而田lion s归lem has 臼pacily 01 large yolume 01 dusl. Ils fillering rale reaches 98%. air pressure balance ga咱也 TSP运 1.2mglml

l恒lIy RieUo RG5S diesel bun帽飞 2吧。αJOKcalll飞 20Nd阳m"" rr剧院 2 宿将ts quick dryer

Heating exchang战剖alnlesss能去el, a咽。n arc wek:l ing, heating ex,曲曲ge rale 85%

max temp:80't: , healing lime: 6- 1αl1in(20-60't:) , fuel consump险。n:6-8k9l'vehicle

æilir唱Light 32pα36. 阿巾ps lamp; bottom 崎ht: 32院骂 20w Ph峭:lS lamp, 1 1田 L"

PLC digilal conlrolling, soft touching bullon, spray & baking swilch , lighl swilch , emergency

slop , breakdown alarm

M,阳yer fibefglass fllte矶时明白白m

04 /盟哩哩

c z a ••


缸, 凰-

L ? t-r !o lro


且重且且 lli.O.

.ill且 M且且


C_U I且 I一:;C~ 产

? • • • • a

Ce.enll IhicknCII:80mm PAGE 04

Page 5: BZB Spray Booth Manufacturer Catalogue & Technical Specs Details

G uang dong Jingzhongjing Industrial Pa inting Equipment Co., Ltd

No.6-101 D:mgong RO:ld , B:üyun District , G U:l n gzhou C ity , C himl , 5105.tO Tel: 86-20-37.tl0528 F:lx: 86-20-37.tl0290

飞Nebs ite: 、vww.gd寸zJ . com

Skype: e mily_h:lppier04

~ .. !窒Z E

。叫:;J;lI时WiiIl Il刷

7丽丽丽丽-service 0叫IilliiJI I

M1111 向阳 I


Ll川 Syste I

臼ii'm'i'I1~吨句 IEnvironmental S哩些I

PAG E 05

E -m:l il: e mily @

MSN : e mily_h:lppie r04@ m s n .c n

06 /出哩旦

nu n川〕

7000' 5560' 3430

6900'4000' 2650


650 ' 1800


Wallboard EPS 田。rful steel skin board , waU panel: 70mm Ihick , ceiling panel: 50mm Ihick rock-w∞ I panel , longue & gr∞ve style compound conslruclion aluminum-alloy frame. anli-flame and heat- insulation

Basemenl full grid , adjuslabte heighl, galvanize<:l steel sheel construction , three emboss四d steet ramp

Mod创 YDW4 .5L

CapaαIy: 24000m3/h Inlel Fan

Power: 4阳

Quanlily: 2 sets

... ••

Mod创 YDW5.6L

Capacily: 21000m3/h 。ulle t Fan

Power: 7.5kw

Quanlily: 1 set

Air volume: 24000m3/h; air speed : O.4m/s , aÎr recycling limes: 315 times/h

dual filleri咱 S阳 cture , the primary filter 臼n 臼pture granules 阳rger than 10 I.Im 国ilìng fìlter 臼n

caplure granules bigger than 句m. the whole purift四lion system has 臼阳α~ol 恼fge volume of dusl. Its fillering rale reaches 98%. air pressure baJa阶曲 gauge , TSP‘ 1.2mg/m'

国JyRielo R臼d回" """"', 田JOIJOI<国胁 , 由唱 d翻啤楠"""'"

SUS抽4 ,国也~皿""阳a由lQ exd回时;J6f, argon arc w创"咱 w -且且

max temp:80 't, healin9lime: 4-5min(20.ßO't), fuet coo趴umplion : 4-5kglvehicle

耐吨Light: 32院,筑抽附加Iamp; bottom lighl: 16仅:;s 36w PI"州阳隐mp, 回归 L"


斗 -J|| 川L2飞 .,.~

川 175? ? 戈 i户、J SHf γ古,1·.spray & baking switch, light swilch , emergency stop. breakdown a恼,叽 failure alarm, timer

Multi-layers 由国刚回日 ftlter. active 国,rt>on …..他,... .1: 80mm

一叫"自配Imm PAG E 06

Page 6: BZB Spray Booth Manufacturer Catalogue & Technical Specs Details

Guangdong Jingzhongjing Industrial Painting Equipme时 Co. , Ltd

NO.6-1 01 , Industrial Zone of Hong叩 Dangong Road , Zhongluotan Town , Baiyun District, Guangzhou , China

Tel: 86-20-37410528 Fax: 86-20-37410290 Mobile: 86-13924154688

E-mail: emily面 MSN:emily_happier04(

|[e1l1恒ide Size(mm):

牛| 1 jli-!d'.m;n."I,,11

Service Door(mm)

|Ui'Jl?1 1 阳wer:


|Lighting System

I叫ng System

|Environmental y 恒liI




650 x 1800



Wallboard EPS colorfω".创 skin board , wall pan创 70mm thick, ceiling panel: 50mm thick rock-wool panel, tongue & groove style compound construction aluminum-alloy frame, anti-flame and heat- insulation

Basement full 9们d , adjustable height, galvanized steel sheet construction. three embossed steel ramp

Capaci ty: 25000m 3{h Capacity: 25000m 3{h



'0↑创 '00Exhausted

Turbo fan Powe仁 7 . 5kwPower:7.5kw

Ouantity : 1 set Ouantity: 1 sets

Air volume: 24000m3/h; air speed: 0.35m/s

'"创刊tering structure. the primary filter can capture granules larger than 10 tJm. ceiling 阳凹 æo

capture granule地 bigger than 4 tJm. the whole purification system has capacity of large volume 01 dust. Its filtering rate reaches 98%. air pressure balance gau唱e , TSP~ 1.2mg/m3

l凶Y Rie!1o G20 die四以Jπ阻,.αX刀Kcallll, 20N damper rr础。,

SUS304血inle恐s ste创 heating exchanger, a唱。n ,陀.. ω"'9 - ill.D.

max temp:80't, heating time: 4δmin{20-60't), fuel ∞nsumption :4-5kglvehicle

14 /盟哩旦

z e u

t-..-量,... 1皿且

,,L ff3EFL汁r 」卢田间L蝠忧 32民主s 36w Philips 阳mp; bottor响 light: 16阳36W Ph阳\amp, 1 000Lux

于飞. , ‘

spray & baking switch , light switch, emergency stop , breakdown alarm , failure 创arm. timer …IIlt. tblo.凰"…伽.

Multi-Iayers fi国 rglass filter, active 臼巾。n

-"山幽.. :80mm PAGE 14

Page 7: BZB Spray Booth Manufacturer Catalogue & Technical Specs Details

Guangdong Jingzhongjing Industrial Painting Equipment Co. , Ltd

NO.6-1 01 , Industrial Zone of Hongqi Dangong Road , Zhongluotan Town , Baiyun District, Guangzhou , China

T创 86-20-37410528 Fax: 86-20-37410290 Mobile: 86-13924154688 08 /些哩哇E-mail: emily( MSN:emily-hap阳er04面 Skype:emily _happier04


|。由ide Size(mm):


|阳m..Service Door(mm)

|Ui'Jl?1 1 阳wer:


|Lighting System

|川ing System

|Environmental y 恒liI

7000'5560' 3430



650' 1800


Wallboard EPS colorful steel skin board, wall panel: 70mm thick, ce州ng panel: 50mm thick roc来卅∞ 1 panel , ωngue & groove st归 comp。υ"d ∞nstruction ,

aluminum-alloy frame, anli-name and heat- insulation

Basemenl full grid , adjustable heighl, galvanized ste创 sheet construction, Ihree embossed steel ramp

CapaαIy: 24000m 3/h


t c.. 10.... .. E




Inlet Fan Power:4kw Power: 7.5阳。utte t Fan

Quantily: 2 sels

Air volume: 24000m3/h; air speed: 0.35m/s

Quanlil}们 1 set

'"副币Ilering structure, the primary filler can capture granules larger than 10 tJm. ceiling fitter can 臼pture granules bigger than 4tJm. Ihe whole puri币四lion system has 国阳αty of large votume of dust. Ils filtering rale reaches 98%. air pressure balance gauge, TSP运 1 .4mg/m-

l凶Y Rie!1o G20 die四以Jπ阻,.αX刀Kcallll, 20N damper rr础。,

SUS304血Jnte恐s sle创 heating exchanger, a唱。"'陀.. 创"'9

max lemp:80't, healing lime: 4-6min{20-60't), fuel ∞nsumption :4-5kglvehicle 豆豆且~ 总且 盖III且11且且

回阳、9 Light 32p岱 36w Philips 阳mp; bottom light: 16院::s 36w Ph向)S\amp, 1αXll", AF 乒兰 3 Micro-compuler programmed c。川 rolling , spray & baking swilch , light switch. emergency slop breakdown a恼,m

F1 •

Ce-enll thick脯1:80mm

, • •

". • • Mulli也y,rn 币'"咱lass Mer. active 田,""" C_n11 Ih!ckneu :80mm

Page 8: BZB Spray Booth Manufacturer Catalogue & Technical Specs Details

Guangdong Jingzhongjing Industrial Painting Equipment Co叫Ltd

No.6-101 Dangong Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, China, 510540

Tel : 86-20-37410528 Fax: 86-20-37410290

飞功 .com

Skype: emily _ happier04

|Outside Size(mm):


Front 叫Wi

|Service Door(mm)

|1r:lF.1 lil.j附


|Lighting System

|Controlling System


E-mail : emily@

MSN: emily_happier04@

7000' 5560' 3430

6900'4000 ' 2650

3000{W)' 2600(H)

650' 1800


Wallboard EPS ∞。 rful steel skin board , wall panel: 50mm thick , longue & groove style ∞mpound construction , anti-name and heat- insulatio 内, galvanized steel roof panel

Basement galvanized steel sheet and square ste创阴pe assembl ing , grid & embossed



t ea, ..".... E

Model: YDW4.5L

Inlel F副Capac问: 24000时Ih

Oullel Fan for Option Power: 4阳

Quanlity: 2 se ts

Air volume: 24000m3/h; air speed: O.35mls , air recycling times: 280timeslhour

dual filtering structure , Ihe primary filte叩~"'叩ture granules larger than 10 IJm. ceiling filter can 臼pture granules bigg田 than 句m. the whole purification system has capaαty of large volume of dust. Its filtering rate reaches 98%. air pressure balance gauge , TSP运 1 .4mg/m3

l恼 , R剧loG20 die回以'"将把 1800∞Kcal!h, 10N damper motor 必皿 丛且且

SUS立)4 stainless steel heatif啕 "d飞anger, a唱。n arc~帕lding 叫卢huH

可-:lmax temp:80t, heating time: 4-6min(20-60t), fuel consumption:4-5kg/vehicle • 回阳、9 Light 32ρ~揭w Philips 阳mp; bottom light: 16院~写抽 Ph川pslamp 锁)() Lux •

spray & baki咱 switct飞 light switch , emI到咱ency stop, breakdown alallTl c...aL. thlclne..:80mm

10 /里哩旦

?川,.. i二且且 4且且

, F兰兰

主• Ihlctne..:80mm PAGE 10

Page 9: BZB Spray Booth Manufacturer Catalogue & Technical Specs Details

|Outside Size(mm):


Front 叫Wi

|Service Door(mm)

|1r:lF.1 lil.j附


|Lighting System

Guangdong Jingzhongjing Industrial Painting Equipment Co., Ltd

No.6-101 Dangong Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City , China, 510540

Tel : 86-20-3 7 410528 Fax: 86-20-3 7 410290

E-mail : emily (

MSN: emily _happier04@




650' 1800


Website : 、\'ww.gd寸 zJ .com

Sky pe: emily _ happier04

r 飞

Wallboard EPS ∞。 rful steel skin board , wall panel: 50mm thick , longue & groove style compound conslruclion , anti-flame and heat- insulation , 9创 vanized sleel roof panel

Basement galvanized ste创 sheet and square sle创 pipe assembling , grid & embossed plale


Capacity: 24000m'lh Inlel F副 Oullel Fan for Option

Power: 4阳

Quanlity: 2 sets

Air volume: 24000m31h; air speed: O.35m/s , air recycling times: 28Ot imes/hour

dual filtering structure , the primary filte叩~"'叩ture granules larger than 10 IJm , ceiling filter can 臼pture granules bigg田 than 句m. the whole puri f 四 tion system has capaαty of~large volume of dust. Its filtering rate reaches 98%. air pressure balance gauge , TSP运 1 .4mg/m~

ltaly Riello G20 dies创 burner, 180000Kcallh, 10N damper motor

SUS304 stainless steel heating exchanger, argon arc welding

max temp:80t, heating time: 4-6min(20-60t), fuel consumption:4-5kg/vehicle

α到iling Ligh t: 32pcs 36w Philips lamp; 800 Lux

|Controlling System spray & baking switch , light switc札,m,咱ency sωp , breakdown alarm


e c 饵'

和, ...".... g n

U且且 i且且 ill且

l一可丁' . . •

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C..."" ,blcknu… Ih ltkn.u:80mm

12 /里哩旦

"û" to, 10',,_


c c

乒兰互 PAGE 12

Page 10: BZB Spray Booth Manufacturer Catalogue & Technical Specs Details


Outside S四(mm)

|lnside Size(mm):

|Front Door(mm):

|Service 口。or(mm)

|Total Power:


|Lighting System

Guangdong Jingzhongjing Industrial Painting Equipment Co., Ltd

No.6-101 Dangong Road, Baiy un District, Guangzhou City, China, 510540

Tel: 86-20-37410528 Fax: 86-20-37410290

飞Nebsite : .com

Skype: emily _ happier04

E-mail : emily@

MSN: emily_happier04(

9146' 6396'4450



650 皿 1800




Inlet Fan

EPS colorful ste时 skin board , wall panel: 70mm thick , tongue & groove style compound construclion , aluminum-alloy frame , a川lftame and heat- ins川ation

galvanized steel sheet and square ste创阴pe assembl ing , full grids basemenl , Ihree ramps

Capacity: 20000m 3fh Capacit萨 36000m气 h

Power:7.5kw Exhausted fan Powe仁 15kw

Q",川 ity:2sels Quantity: 1 set

do副 filtering structure , the primary filler 臼n 田plure granules largerlhan 10μm. ceiling filler can caplure granules bigger than 4μm. Ihe whole purificalion syslem has capacily of large volume of dusl. IIs fil t创「吨 rate reaches 9也%. air pressure balance gauge τSP运 1.2mg/m1

阳IIy Riello RG5S d回eI bume汗 2600回归国叶飞2()州 damper motor

SUS304 stainless s国ej heali 、9 exchanger, a~严~'"晒 ding

max lemp:80 't, healing lime:6-1 Omi叫20-60't)阳创∞nsump泣。 n:6-10kglvehicle

回圳l咱 u刷t: 48陈卫s 36wPh峭~阳mp; bottom 崎 t 246仅, 3阳 Ph嗣"国mp, 1α)() L~

|Controlling System 叩ray & baking swilch , light swilch , emergency stop , breakdown alar 节 failure alarm. limer

Mc忧i-Iayers fiberg 揭s filter. active carbon

PAGE 17 www.gz-

18 /齿幸Eihr35)

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? t

-E a l | 1 . . ' -. .-- -. .- . ‘ .. • • •

\ -LCM-; 80mm 叩H…: 8町

www.gz- PAGE 18

Page 11: BZB Spray Booth Manufacturer Catalogue & Technical Specs Details

Guangdong Jingzhongjing Industrial Painting Equipment Co叫 Ltd

No.6-101 Dangong Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, China, 510540

Tel : 86-20-37410528 Fax: 86-20-37410290

、\'ww.gd才可 .com

Skype: emily _ happier04

E-mail : emily@

MSN: emily_happier04(

|Outside Size(mm):

|Inside Si叫IiiIiiII

|Front Door(mm):

.Wii'四口"'"叫liiIiiIl|Total Power:

l …rn叫11

-帆i吨~4ij#j,, 1

|~叫Environmental System



15000'5000' 5000


650x 1800




Inlet Fan

EPS colorfu l steel skin board , wall panel: 70mm thick , tongue & groove style compound construclion , aluminum-alloy frame , anti fiame and heat- insulation

galvanized steel sheet and square steel 阴阳 assembling , full grids basement , three ramps

Capacity: 21000m 3fh Capacit萨 35000m%

Power:7.5阳 Exhausted fan Power:1Skw

Quantity:4 sels Quantity: 2 set

dual filtering struclure , Ihe primary filter can capture granules 阳rger than 10 IJm. ce川ng filter can 臼pture granules bigger than 4 1J m. the whole 阳时比.ation system has 田pacity of large volume of d,创 Its filtering rate reaches 98% . air press山e balance gauge , TSP运 1.2mglm3

τ附 sets 1盹 R险 110 RG5S d回elb阳 mer, 26α100<曰"阳 bumer. 20N dam阳 r motOf

SUS304 stainless 5恰elhea世叩gexd咽呻er. a咽。n arcwe创ling

Max Temp:80.C , Heating Time: 15-20mi叫20-60'C) , Fu创 Consumption: 10-12kglvehicle

c.;呵 light: 60p岱36w Philips lamp; Side light: 36ρα36w Philips lamp 锁)() lux

Micro Computer Programmed Controlling , Spray & Baking Switch , light Switch. Emergency Stop , BreakdownAlarm , fa ilure a阳rm , timer

Multi-Iayers fi国"川ass fi 配 active 曰"仕~C

20 /齿军首75唁电) PAGE 20

Page 12: BZB Spray Booth Manufacturer Catalogue & Technical Specs Details

Guangdong Jingzhongjing Industrial Painting Equipment Co., Ltd

No.6-101 Dangong Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, China, 510540

Tel : 86-20-37410528 Fax: 86-20-37410290

飞Nebsite :功 .com

Skype: emily _ happier04


|Outside Size(mm):

|Inside Si叫IiiIiiII

|Front Door(mm):

.Wii'四口"'"叫liiIiiIl|Total Power:

l …rn叫11

-帆i吨~4ij#j,, 1

|~叫Environmental System


E-mail : emily@

MSN: emily_happier04(




650x 1800


Wallboard EPS {epispa川slics polystyrene)Colorful Sle创 Skin Boards.75mm Thickτ。 ngue& Groove Style, Compound Conslruction , Aluminum-alloy Frame ,Anti-flame and Heat-Insulation with Ihe strong support of powder coaled pillars

Basemenl T恼。 rows of pits wilh galvanized duty-bearing grids for air sucking

Capacily: 21000m 3fh Capacit萨 36000m%

Inlet Fan Exhausted fan Power:7.5kw Power:1Skw

Quantity:6 sels Quantity: 3 set

dual flltering slruclure, Ihe primary filter can caplure granules larger Ihan 10 IJm. ce山ng filler can 臼plure granul臼 bigger Ihan 4 1Jm. the whole purifi回归"'归lem has 四pacily of large volume of dusl. Ils filte巾9 rale reaches 98%. air 阳essure balance gauge, TSP运 1.2mglm3

Three se烟 l恼, R剧10 RG5S die恐" """睛很 26αJOOK田削"'民町阻 20N damper motor

SUS304 s回阳,恐"恰el heating exchang毗 argon arc welding

Max Temp:80.C , Heating Time: 15-20min(20-60.C), Fuel Consumplion: 15-18kglvehicle

Ceiling Light: 112 阳路W 防、ilips Lamp; Side Light: 60 仅::s 36w Ph咔施 Lamp,9(到o Lux,

M口。 Computer Programmed Conlrolling , Spray & Baking Swilch, Lighl Swilch Emergency Slop, Breakdown Alarm, failure alarm, limer

Multi拍电{ers fiberglass fIIler, active 白白。n

22 /齿军齿。唁电)

-r PAGE 22

Page 13: BZB Spray Booth Manufacturer Catalogue & Technical Specs Details

G uang dong Jingzhongjing Indus trial P ainting E quipment Co., Ltd

No.6-101 D:mgong R mld, B :ü y un Dis tric t , G uang zhou C ity , Chiml, 5105.t0

Tel: 86-20-3 7 410528 F a x: 86-20-3 7 41029 0

飞Nebs ite : 、vww.gd寸 zJ .com

S k y p e: e mily _ happier04

Prep-Station Series

PAG E 23

E -mail: e mily @ g

MSN : e mily_happier04@ m s n .cn

~ ! "' "

Outside dimens旧n(mm)

Inside d imens旧n(mm)

Total Power

Cabin System

Exhausted System

Purification System

Lighting System



7200 w4t 06 w3150

6000 w4000 w2650


::: ~ za




I .

pvc manual cu而ains aroond the sides and slipp 卧9 on the aluminum alloy Irame. Back wilh 50mm EPS panel , hoIlow sleel supp。同

5.5kw one se! inner molor cenlrifugal fan with air volume t 5400m3Jh. rear e)(haust; square lube Irame; powder ooalOO

"刷ng fi川Iter , glass liber lilter and activ9 car1>on

Ceiling wilh 24pcs 36W Philips lamps PAGE 24

Page 14: BZB Spray Booth Manufacturer Catalogue & Technical Specs Details

Guangdong Jingzhongjing Industrial Painting Equipment Co., Ltd

No.6-101 Dangong Road, Baiy un District, Guangzhou City , Chiml, 510540

Tel: 86-20-3 7 410528 Fax: 8 6 -20-3 7 410290

飞,Vebsite : 、vww.gd寸 zJ .com

Sky pe: emily _ happier04

特 | |r=rn:



E-mail: emily (

MSN: emily _happie r04@

E 山" • 4106 H

25 / È3OZZ00S:64日Outside dimens旧n(mm)

Ins ide d imension(mm)

Total Power

Cabin System

Exhausted System

Purification System

Lighting System

www.gz-btb .com

7150 提4106提 3430



PVC manual curtains around the sides and slipping on Ihe aluminum alloy frame . Back wilh 50mm EPS panel , hollow ste创 support . Basement: galvanized sle创 sheet and sQuare steel pipe assembling , grid & embossed 川ate , two embossed sleel ramps

5.5kw one set inner motor cen川崎副 f,ηwith air volume 15400m31h. rear exhaust; square tube frame ; powder coated

ceiling filter ; glass fiber filter and active carbon

c,川ng with 24pcs 36W Philips lamps


z pg ~~

7创 L ---'腼 ←四→

Outside d imensio n(mm)

Inside dimens旧n(mm)

1日otal Power

Cabin System

Exhausted System

Purification System

Lighting System

26 /誓旦哩坐

耐 i l

E 口 ,

"。国 自 d ‘ l




Three sides with 50mm EPS panel. PVC manual curlains in front of Ihe cabin & slipping on the aluminum alloy frame. , hollow steel support.Basement: galvanized steel sheet and square ",刨阴pe assembling , grid & embossed plate , two embossed steel ramps

5.5kw one set inner motor centrifugal fan with air volume 15400m31h. rear exhaust; square tube frame ; powder coated

ceiling filter; gtass fiber filter and active ca巾 00

Ceiling with 24p臼 36WPhi川ps lamps

Page 15: BZB Spray Booth Manufacturer Catalogue & Technical Specs Details


Routine Maintenance and Care of the booth 1.Please check and replace Ihe filler i n Ihe boUom of heating cabin every week. 11 is forbidden 10 doing 3ir recy cling after removing this filter 2.Users must use spare parts that are supplied by manufaclurer when doing mainlenance

3.Please check and clean all ventilation pipes under the safe condilion more than once per year 4.Check Ihe cond ition of al l eleclrical wires. Also check the big power equipments , earth resislance of conlrol box and insulation resistance whelher they meet national slandards. Please check and repair them more than once

per year 5.Please check the lop 3ír plenum and the high lemperalure resislanl eleclrica l wire in the heating cabin ( once every 8-12 monlhs )

6.Please check the sea l condition ofall seal parts (booth , heating cabin and ventilation system) more than once per year 7.Please cut off the electrical source when doing maintenance 8.Please check the screws and lubricant in shaft block and base of fan every 3 to 5 months 9.Please replace the ceiling filter , primary filter , floor filter and active-carbon and so on according to timer and maintenance records regularly

10. Please clean dirt and paint d ust on light boxes and wall regularly 11. Please clean and repair the fi ltering part of compressed-air system regularly 12. Please replace the diesel filter every 8 to 12 months. Clean the filter of h唱h-pressure oil pump every 6 months Clean the nozzles filter every one year 13 . Please check the leakage offuel tank regularly. And clean it every 4 months 14. Please check all meters more than once every one year

Common Problem s and Troubl esh ooting



.::叩m%!ßj,m'IWMr 二liIiI 阳 .. 飞­k m zieJZ 币1lI';I , I; 品

τ…惰阳川f恤""蛐恤 ~ 叫 a时M … 附毗叫ω山帽 c跚a剧n

…a叫w巾抽怕 00 .叩~"山~..阳叫酣

l归, .仙阳"酣a斟M 盹酣s 昭∞w 阳 lormabdily 01 阳阳阳Intir咆

… … … d川阳 "叫n瞄叫画叫问 ,州u 恤

臼叩~ "阳酣 a ω蝴" 巾叫t 恤 阳町.00瞄. . , 阳 a翩w 阳叫阳t阳阳 $怆。…恤 00",叫e酬叫剧晰伽 o 阳叫…帆 m


阳"川阳时nω内 e何何昭闹hν, "'刷.. 酬刚"叫斟 9侨e眈咱 into the w臼融冽缸e

Hea t叫叫.The Heat叫叩 抱 oo.~…0.叫

嗣同叫时'巾 γ惰叫…..-

20 lrom 剧."僧创耐~ ooeds 4而硝 川..­

阳川叫叫…ωe. The he叫 M

ω.~ .. 也"阶 00阳咆 W仙的e and sj>I"e!>d. ~~机 a耐.."en的-伽S Mt .. 胁 g<Ja,a ntees 阳

~ 00.问…atuM 01 the ino战 01 the cabin. It 。vercomes 阳阳阳@圳市卫h A!, Oampe< ~俗,部

…… "…阳中…"'叩 M。阳… filte,Installments and ad町阳 system …阳

exhauoted伊叫叫"…the natiOl1翩


[ ZI;;:rLZLeeTuaMe E Advan时 Inte , na t叫叫no l og\


γ00 =.酬 Is filte, manulaC1u时.,

ltaly. It can make '"' Ins>de the Sprn) B∞ h symmet,"",lIy伽f自 ted aOO purif!ed

M阳 keep the wiOO speed Pfessure the best 剖3te when ope,alinQ ~川…f)' it cre拙…阳"ω

叫剧 阳 painters 3nd mee也 Hhigh"~曹耐 f阅四阳伽e spray. ,啕...


---.. …. ~

〔于王】Par>els … ……) C酬'川, - ,…&. Gmo"" Style … Cons…恤rds whld1 adopted Austr嗣 同

… M …… good wa,rr m锦"嘀刷刷 heati咱胁J>de. light w啕hl aOO vivlo 呻Thð life..span can I"st 20 归a",. sc险­

阳叫……the enti,"值M

system 制"m句 50 as to pre,侧, 00. 句曲~.陆阳、g

aOO duSl叫."阳叫酬

Italy叩山._ .. 阳山………

叫y…阳..-阳时poIution of the 胁…阳叫叫 Excha户

唰ded 01 anU崎 h.tempe,alU,e …阳

、"阶~川~OO均 3nd manul!>Clunng , heating excha咿,ate 'e8ched 85% 0' 3bo"". The ...,阳山脚峙叫…5O"are

00.0咱 .. 民b咐y. Mg户 heating ell\c也 ""y, salety .00 ,叫

L豆豆】-叫阳血 aOO contro…selecled Ifom e… pans thal…"刚.~,…

in homeland aOO abr恼d. 11 enjo归峙"'阳ali ty γhe pans a,e w创阳ig<1ed wilh a sta~e system……

seMce Ior '1'汕 耐'"毗 con"""ienlly aOO COrreC1I句 e_

。创W刨 slate can be eJl3C世y adjusted and 阳Pfocadu'"~OO 阳恼 ~m 酬~副 ~ ..阳……

"问 time 01 the sμay boo!h. 帆at"s more. ~恒 扣剑~阳蚓 怆………..00叩..,蛐阳叫temperalUre in dille""'t sit""皿


S叫 γ。 k呻时叫when paint . 叫呻

aOO profess刷-.曲@剧 创~阳市"' 国 剑 spedali:zed

阳 Spray B叫 are us创- ,叫叫600Lux.

E豆豆二·When the pres叩 m

the st3tic p,essu,e ,oom 10 0"e,I"'9" ~,ω..拙,.州伊ean alann aulOm陆ticaQj


………。"when the 阴暗.su,,, 01 Spay B∞lh is ""'" high 800 safety 01阳明000叫M

【 暂时ZPZfoamper E -,山田叫阳.. 划……

锺,..二 ll.耐 00 ))明咆州州."~刷 了"he lime 01 warm pr……川阴


300 bakl阶1I• 3nd 血 .00 咽阳副0."掘出m PAGE 40