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BY NORMAN VINCENT PEALE - Refreshing Hopethis process will lift your spirit! NormaN ViNceNt Peale GUIDEPOSTS OUTREACH Guideposts, founded by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and his wife,

Mar 14, 2020



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Page 1: BY NORMAN VINCENT PEALE - Refreshing Hopethis process will lift your spirit! NormaN ViNceNt Peale GUIDEPOSTS OUTREACH Guideposts, founded by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and his wife,


Page 2: BY NORMAN VINCENT PEALE - Refreshing Hopethis process will lift your spirit! NormaN ViNceNt Peale GUIDEPOSTS OUTREACH Guideposts, founded by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and his wife,

Let these SPIRIT LIFTERS refresh your life!

Do you ever experience a “let-down” feeling? De-cline of interest in life is often due to pressure, tension and anxiety. As energy sags responsive interest in things, events and situations declines.

Sometimes a person experiences a succession of cruel blows, loss of a loved one, disappointment in money problems, ill treatment of one kind or another. These knock the supports from under life.

How to lift the spirit so that we may be effective and happy… that is the problem.

In this booklet you will find 31 Scripture state-ments, one for every day of the month. These have been chosen because they can lift a person out of discouraged, depressed attitudes.

Read this booklet from cover to cover to get its full impact.

Memorize one “Spirit Lifter” each day. Say that passage over to yourself several times daily.

Finally, saturate your mind with these creative, dynamic, life-changing thoughts. Slowly, but surely, this process will lift your spirit!

NormaN ViNceNt Peale


Guideposts, founded by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and his wife, Ruth Stafford Peale, in 1945, is a nonprofit interfaith ministry dedicated to helping people from all walks of life achieve their maximum personal and spiritual potential. Its inspirational products and pro-grams spring from two major beliefs: that true stories are a powerful way to motivate people to lead better lives and that faith in God can be strengthened by applying spiritual truths to daily life.

Guideposts Outreach strives to fulfill our mission by providing inspirational publications free of charge to hospitals, nursing homes, churches, military personnel, correctional facilities and other organizations that serve the public. In addition, we invite our readers to send us their prayer requests—by mail, by phone or via the Inter-net. Every working day, Guideposts staff and volunteers pray for those requests by name and need.

For additional information about Guideposts Outreach, please visit

This publication is a ministry of Guidepost Outreach which distributes inspirational literature free of charge to organizations serving those in need. We thank you for your continued support and welcome donations.

Copyright © 2011 by Guideposts Outreach. All rights reserved. All Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version. Copyright © 1997, 1990, 1985, 1983 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

PHOTO CREDITS: Shutterstock Printed in U.S.A.

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SPIRIT Realize the Power LIFTER 1 Within You

Realize the power that is within you, and you will no longer be the victim of a depressed spirit.

And what is this inner power? Simply the God-given ability to believe. To the extent to which you develop this faculty, you will master the defeats in your life. The great issue is to learn to believe.

This is stated in one of the most important of all Scripture passages:

Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” mark 9:23

Learn to believe. Learn to cast out doubt.This is done by the practice of affirmation. Affirm

faith, think positively, visualize achievement. Never think doubt. Always think faith.

This text affirms that when you learn to believe, the area of the impossible is vastly reduced and the area of the possible is greatly increased.

If you set this text firmly at the center of your thought patterns, you will never again be a victim of low spirits.

SPIRIT What Christ LIFTER 2 Can Do for You

We read in the Bible of the marvelous things Jesus did for people—and wish that the same experience might be ours. Through faith in Jesus Christ, they were able to accomplish the most astonishing achieve-ments, or were rescued from sad plights or gained tremendous new power over difficulties.

Rather sadly we ask, “Why can’t that happen to me?”

It can, and as proof I urge you to meditate upon this tremendous Spirit Lifter:

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8

The simple truth stated here is that Jesus Christ never changes. He is an invariable factor in a variable world. He is just the same now as when He walked the shores of Galilee. He has the same kindness, the same power to heal and change men’s lives. He is the same restorer of courage, the same transformer of people’s souls.

Anything that He ever did for anyone throughout all history, He can do for you. It all depends upon how completely you surrender yourself to Him—and how sincerely you believe.

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SPIRIT LIFTER 3 Greatest Blessings

How can you obtain the things that make life rich and filled with peace, material necessities and right relationships? Jesus tells us how:

But seek first the kingdom of God and His right-eousness, and all these things shall be added to you. mattHew 6:33

We are told to have God’s righteousness or right-mindedness. Develop a right thought pattern. Right thinking, governed by intelligence, is positive not negative, unselfish not self-centered, creative not destructive, kindly not hateful.

Employ these attitudes and everything that you need for the good life will be multiplied for you.

SPIRIT LIFTER 4 You Are Never Alone

Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go… I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you. GeNesis 28:15

Uncertainties can be frightening, but these reas-suring words show that God will be with you wherever you go or in whatever situation you find yourself. You are never alone. He will always see you through.

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SPIRIT LIFTER 5 Depression Lifted

Many are sick because they are basically unhappy. For this condition a medicine is offered in these words:

A merry heart does good, like medicine…. ProVerbs 17:22

Joy has healing value, but gloom is sickening. This is why Jesus so emphatically tells us to rejoice. Learn to live joyfully. Take a hopeful and optimistic attitude. Think happy thoughts, say happy things and put joy into people’s lives. The more you do this, the more surely you will keep your own spirits high.

SPIRIT Clean Mind LIFTER 6 and High Spirits

You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. JoHN 15:3

This Spirit Lifter tells us that the word of Jesus Christ, when recorded in consciousness and held there, can make you clean of all guilt. How? The answer is by forgiveness from wrong thoughts and actions, by changing thoughts from impure to whole-some thinking, by filling the mind with faith so you experience a truly marvelous brain- and soul-washing.

The ugliness of hate is washed from the mind; all sins are forgiven. The inner cleanness thus gained is an amazing source of high spirits.

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SPIRIT You Are Stronger LIFTER 7 Than You Think

Scarcely any joy equals this realization: You have it in you to meet all your responsibilities. This con-sciousness contributes immeasurably to high spirits and happiness. It is difficult to face each day with a sense of inability and weakness. With such an atti-tude, life seems too much, and discouragement sets in.

Here is the antidote for such a dismal feeling:

Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. isaiaH 41:10

This is a most important promise God makes to us. No matter how overwhelming your problems, you need have no fear. You are not to let anything dismay you, for God says He will strengthen and help you. In fact, He promises He will hold you up and make you adequate for any situation.

Accept this great fact. Hold this verse strongly in your consciousness until it sends its rugged courage throughout your entire life.

SPIRIT LIFTER 8 Forever Refreshed

To revitalize the spirit is a necessity, and this need is met by an amazing formula:

But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life. JoHN 4:14

Every longing of the human spirit finds enduring satisfaction in the life-giving message of Jesus. This message becomes a perpetual well of self-renewing in-spiration. From the water of life, our spirit is endowed with continuous refreshment. We never thirst again.

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SPIRIT Love Given LIFTER 9 Returns to You

When we are on the “outs” or in conflict with other people, it tends to depress us. Try this cure:

Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another. romaNs 12:10

Practice kindly affection. Always take a generous, patient attitude. Practice consideration. Put the other person ahead of yourself. Courtesy has amazing power to dissipate ill will.

Free your heart of jealousy and resentment. The love you give will return to you, and your spirit will be lifted to new levels.

SPIRIT LIFTER 10 Lose Your Tension

Tension is one of the worst of all depressants of the spirit. A prolonged, high-tempo pattern of thinking and living draws off energy, leaving the spirit exhaust-ed and dull. Therefore, the mind needs to experience a depth of quietness in which tension will subside.

One of the most effective passages in producing such a state of mind is the statement that follows:

Be still, and know that I am God…. Psalm 46:10

In these words is a most effective technique of re-laxation. “Be still”—that is, reduce your activity, stop your headlong rush, slow down. Do not walk or talk so fast; in fact, do not walk or talk at all! Sit still, be silent, let composure creep over you. You are agitated and therefore momentarily incapable of those creative and basic thoughts that can reorganize your activity.

Having attained an attitude of stillness, you will find the greatest of all thoughts will then come steal-ing into your mind. You are then ready to know that “I am God”—that is, you realize that you cannot do everything, that the world does not rest on your shoulders. The simple truth that you are to do your best and leave the rest to God comes back to your consciousness. Out of such self-treatment, your spirit will be lifted.

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SPIRIT LIFTER 11 Receive God’s Blessing

Our spirits rise when we learn how to receive the abundance of good things God wants to give us. The secret is in two verses:

So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. luke 11:9-10

Note that the word ask is immediately followed by the words will be given; that directly after the word seek are the words you will find; and that quickly after the word knock is assurance that it will be opened. It is to emphasize that everyone who seeks finds, and to all who knock the storehouse is opened.

Therefore, confidently ask. Then visualize yourself as now receiving; seek, then affirm that you have found; knock, then believe that God’s storehouse is opened.

Practice receiving. Believe that you have been given. Then feel your spirits lift as you realize that God’s blessings are actually showered upon you.

SPIRIT Be Rested LIFTER 12 and Be Happy

Low-spirit trouble is traceable to lack of rest. To keep spirits high, one must find renewal and refresh-ment of body, mind and soul. Fatigue siphons off exu-berance. Learn to sleep, for sleep is the great restorer.

I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me. Psalm 3:5

At the end of the day, simply lie down and go to sleep. Like a child, fall into a natural, restful slumber. Then awake—wide awake, eager and ready to meet the day. Tonight when you go to bed, repeat this passage. You will find restful sleep and awaken with your spirit lifted.

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SPIRIT LIFTER 13 Refreshment of Spirit

Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. acts 3:19

When the rains bring the miracle of earth’s re-newal, it is, indeed, a “time of refreshing.” A similar process occurs in human life. By wrong thinking and misdeeds, the freshness of mind and soul fades. If we are spiritually changed, “times of refreshing” come from the presence of the Lord. How clean, fresh and delightful life then becomes!

SPIRIT Remove Anger LIFTER 14 and Lift Your Spirits

Anger is a depressant of the spirit. So much energy is expended in anger that you are, literally, exhausted. The aftereffect is one of despondency. Anger that simmers and seethes is even more depressing because it permits a constant leakage of energy. Fortunately, there is an effective method for correcting this condi-tion. You will be amazed at the self-control it gives.

A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger. ProVerbs 15:1

Next time you feel anger arising, repeat this verse several times and note the effect. It is one of the best Spirit Lifters.

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SPIRIT LIFTER 15 The Renewed Soul

Staleness results from lack of spiritual inspiration. But there is a cure.

He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. Psalm 23:2

Anyone who has traveled through a desert area is refreshed when he comes finally to the green grass country. What makes the difference? Life-giving water. Similarly, the arid human personality becomes as green pastures when the water of life flows through mind and heart. The soul is restored. It becomes peaceful and develops new vitality. The spirit rises to new heights.

SPIRIT LIFTER 16 When You Feel “Down”

Here is a true Spirit Lifter, a strength renewer, to use when you feel “down”:

He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength. isaiaH 40:29

God is the source of all energy— in the sun, in plants and in people. Through the channel of spiri-tual thought, He will pour new energy and strength into you. You will feel it physically, emotionally and mentally.

Conceive of our Lord as touching you. Affirm that He is sending into your being His illimitable strength. Repeat this Spirit Lifter. You will feel new strength.

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SPIRIT Cast Your LIFTER 17 Care on God

In maintaining a high spirit, it is important to cultivate the attitude of spiritual surrender. Place yourself, your interests, hopes and purposes com-pletely in God’s hands.

Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:6-7

If we surrender ourselves to the direction of God, being guided by His mighty hand, He will exalt us —He will help us attain our purposes and rise above all defeats. Cast all your care upon God; He cares for you. This is a supreme Spirit Lifter!

SPIRIT LIFTER 18 Know God and Live

A physician told me that a large percent of patients did not need medicine; they needed God. Tolstoy said, “To know God is to live.”

How do you find God? The answer is simple:

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. JeremiaH 29:13

Say these words over and over until your mind deeply accepts the fact that God will come into your life when you want him with all your heart. Show me a person who really knows God, and I will show you a happy, enthusiastic and vital individual.

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SPIRIT LIFTER 19 Afraid of Nothing

Fear haunts the minds of so many people. It is a paralyzing sickness. One verse that has helped many is this:

The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

Fear always lurks among shadows. It thrives in darkness. A spiritually darkened mind is a breeding ground for terrifying fears. Flood the darkness with light and fears scurry away. Fill the mind with light, and fears are driven off.

Fears develop when you feel weak. But the Lord transmits strength. Result? You are afraid of nothing.

SPIRIT Pure Mind LIFTER 20 and Pure Joy

Depression is sometimes due to evil in thoughts and actions. This leads to restlessness and weariness.

But the wicked are like the troubled sea, When it cannot rest, Whose waters cast up mire and dirt. “There is no peace,” Says my God, “for the wicked.” isaiaH 57:20-21

Inner tumult keeps every dirty thing in a state of suspension. The waters of the soul are discolored. No one can experience inner peace until they experience inner cleansing. Our souls are restless until they find peace in God; then we know pure joy.

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SPIRIT LIFTER 21 Defeat Temptation

We become low-spirited when we weakly give into temptation. Such defeat dulls the spirit; you lose that keen sense of happiness you enjoy when in full control.

No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. 1 coriNtHiaNs 10:13

The way to overcome temptation is clear: sincerely want God’s help. Earnestly ask for it; believe you have it; act as God wants you to act. This will make you happy and high-spirited.

SPIRIT God Has His LIFTER 22 Eye on You

Let the following words sink deeply into your consciousness, and the experience of God’s protec-tion will be yours.

For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. Psalm 91:11

How your spirit will rise as the amazing truth grips you that nothing in this world can hurt you! God is watching over you to keep you in all your ways. His amazing kindness surrounds you always. You go through life with a high-hearted spirit, knowing God watches over you.

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SPIRIT He Makes LIFTER 23 You Whole

Depression of spirit is often caused by a haunting sense of incompleteness and by unresolved conflicts. Jesus Christ, the skillful Physician, heals the person-ality as surely as he heals the body and soul. This is described in a wonderful passage:

Wherever He entered, into villages, cities, or the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged Him that they might just touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched Him were made well. mark 6:56

To experience His healing power, yield yourself to Him willingly. Make the first move, however timidly. He will respond with the miraculous touch that makes you whole in body, mind and spirit. How your spirits will rise as you gain a deep inner sense of wholeness!

SPIRIT Love Life and LIFTER 24 Have It Good

For anyone who wishes to enjoy life and experience God’s goodness—to be happy, respected and, in short, live a full, rich life—read slowly but reflectively and humbly the following verses:

He who would love life And see good days, Let him refrain his tongue from evil, And his lips from speaking deceit. Let him turn away from evil and do good; Let him seek peace and pursue it. 1 Peter 3:10,11

In these two verses are listed just a few things that put happiness in your heart.

We are told to curb our tongues from speaking evil about anyone. Simply never say anything to hurt anyone. Moreover, we are to refrain from double talk, from shrewd remarks that are designed to advance our interests at someone else’s disadvantage. We are to turn our back upon evil and, in every way possible, do good. We are to help people and bring blessings into their lives. We are to seek peace on earth and in our own hearts, and so live that peacefulness may flow from us to others. We are to become an island of peace in a world of turmoil.

Do the simple, honest Christian things and life will be good—and you will love it.

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SPIRIT The Cure for LIFTER 25 “Swamped Fever”

When life become too hectic, when you feel con-stantly swamped, it’s easy to become dispirited. For this unhappy condition, turn to this verse:

He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. reVelatioN 21:7

The secret is simply to practice the idea that you are a child of God. As such, God will be your guide; He will lend you His strength to augment your own weakness. You can overcome rather than be overcome. Instead of things flowing away from you, they will flow toward you. You shall indeed “inherit all things.” Life will come your way. You will get a great lift of spirit.

SPIRIT No More Doubt— LIFTER 26 Only Confidence

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. PHiliPPiaNs 4:19

If we do our part—live right and have faith—God will see that all of your real needs are supplied. God has infinite riches, enough for all of us. We can re-ceive these through God’s law of boundless supply. Live according to His principles, and you will never look in vain for any necessity. How the spirit rises when you develop confidence and know that you will be cared for, that all will be well, that the future is bright with promise.

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SPIRIT Victory in the LIFTER 27 Battle of Life

Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. ePHesiaNs 6:16,17

The shield was used to protect the heart; the hel-met was to protect the head. So must we protect our hearts and minds against negativism, pessimism, evil thoughts, hate. The mind must be kept clean. Take the sword of God’s word and put to flight those enemies of the good life: wrong thinking and wrongdoing. Thus armed, you can win the battle of life.

SPIRIT Nothing Can LIFTER 28 Defeat You

Spirit goes out of you when you feel overwhelmed and defeated. Get firmly rooted in spiritual under-standing; fill your life with faith and goodness. Then nothing can defeat you.

Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock. mattHew 7:24

Live by the saying of Jesus Christ and become like that wise man who built his house upon rock—an unshakable house against which the storms beat in vain. You can have an inner serenity, strength and courage that defy all the storms of life. Christ makes you strong. You can be undefeatable!

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SPIRIT LIFTER 29 Healing of Sorrow

Sorrow over the death of a loved one is a heavy weight upon the spirit. It often causes the one who mourns to feel that life will never again be filled with high and joyful attitudes.

But life goes on—and one must live it. The pas-sage that follows has probably brought more healing to the human soul and given more lift to the spirit in sorrow than any other passage in all the literature of the world.

I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. JoHN 11:25

What a glorious message! Jesus Christ is alive, and those who believe in Him live, also. So our loved one whom we thought dead isn’t dead at all, but lives and shall forever touch our lives with the same love and tenderness.

This gives such a lift to the spirit that one wants to shout from the housetops the glorious fact that through faith in Jesus Christ, we live. So when sorrow comes, repeat over and over this wonderful passage. And presently the shadows will flee away, and the light of a new day will dawn for you.

SPIRIT Joy of LIFTER 30 Spiritual Fellowship

For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them. mattHew 18:20

One effective way to get your spirits lifted is to arrange for periodic times of spiritual fellowship—to think and talk and pray with a few people who, like yourself, are seeking a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. This practice will bring you one of the most glorious experiences in life. You will be aware that Jesus Christ is in the midst of such a group, and the warmth and uplift this knowledge will bring to your heart is impossible to describe.

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SPIRIT LIFTER 31 Faith, Hope and Love

The best three-point formula for living is in this immortal statement:

And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1 coriNtHiaNs 13:13

Here are three powerful Spirit Lifters: Faith, the greatest power in this world; Hope, the attitude of expectancy—the best is yet to be; and Love, one of the greatest qualities of all—a heart full of compas-sion and understanding. Christian love gives deep joy. Let these three shine like stars in your life, and your spirit will be uplifted always.

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