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The Most Eective Foods to Cleanse your Lungs (Research Based) By Jenny Hills, Nutritionist and Medical Writer Food & Nutrition 2019: New Rule in Sarasota, FL Our lungs play a vital function in our respiratory system by taking in oxygen and lter out toxins from the air. Keeping your lungs healthy and working properly is essential to make sure all cells and tissue in your body get fed by oxygen-rich blood. One way to improve the health of your lungs is to include lung cleansing foods in your diet. Some of the best foods that can help cleanse your lungs are also great for your general health and will help boost function of your other organs. Advertisement Gut Doctor "I Beg Americans To Throw Out This Vegetable" Of course, exercise, stopping smoking, and avoiding air pollution are all important ways to ensure lung health. This can help you avoid and reduce your risk of pulmonary diseases like bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, and lung cancer. However, there are also many foods that act as lung cleansers and strengthen your lungs. Foods like green leafy vegetables, garlic, citrus fruits, berries, and ginger are great foods for detoxing the lungs and keeping them healthy. In this article, you will nd out the best foods to cleanse your lungs. The article also looks at the function of your lungs and how you can strengthen them to improve your respiratory system. What are the Benets of Cleansing Your Lungs? Your lungs are two large organs in your chest. Air travels into your lungs via the trachea and bronchial tubes. In the lungs, oxygen is extracted from inhaled air and passes into your bloodstream. At the same time, carbon dioxide is removed from your blood and exhaled when you breathe out. Because your lungs provide life-sustaining oxygen to your body, you should keep your lungs strong and healthy. According to Dr. Melinda Ratini on WebMD, we breathe around 12 to 20 times a minute. For your lungs to function properly, Dr. Ratini says that your airways need to be free from inammation, swelling, and blockages like excess mucus. 1 Many people need to cleanse their lungs if they have suered from a respiratory illness or disease. Foods that are good for lung health can help to remove excess mucus caused by bacteria, viruses, and allergies. Other people who have stopped smoking should detox their lungs to help speed up the removal of toxins left over from nicotine. In general, incorporating lung-cleansing foods in your diet can help prevent many lung- related problems and keep you healthy. How to Keep Lungs Healthy and Clean Before looking at the best foods for healthy lungs, let’s look at some practices and habits that can strengthen lung health and help prevent pulmonary diseases. Stop smoking If you are a smoker, stopping smoking is one of the best ways that you can do to improve your lung health and prevent black mucus. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, smoking is a major cause of lung disease and increases your risk of developing lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD). 2 Researchers say that it is never too late to give up smoking and your lungs should start to clear quickly. Advertisement Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) For helpful advice on how to quit smoking naturally, please read my article on scientic ways proven to help stop smoking. Avoid secondhand smoke Breathing in the smoke from cigarettes can be just as harmful to your lungs and health as smoking itself. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that secondhand smoke contains cancer-causing chemicals and increases the risk of lung disease, heart disease, and other cardiovascular problems. Even just brief exposure to secondhand smoke can damage cells in your lungs. 3 Practice good hygiene habits Another way to keep your lungs clear of infections and promote good respiratory health is to have good hygiene habits. The American Lung Association says that bacterial or viral infections can interfere with your lung health. 4 Therefore, you should do the following to help keep your lungs free from infections: Wash your hands regularly Have good oral hygiene and brush your teeth at least 2 times a day to protect yourself from germs in your mouth leading to infections Strengthen your immune system to prevent yourself from catching colds or the u. Avoid air pollution inside and outside the home The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) warns that air pollution both inside and outside the home can have a detrimental eect on lung health. The CPSC recommends keeping homes well-ventilated, removing mold which can cause respiratory problems and asthma, and making sure that gas stoves are working properly. Foods that Cleanse Your Lungs What can you eat to help detox your lungs and boost the health of your respiratory system? Please read on to nd out the best lung-cleansing foods to incorporate into your diet. Green leafy vegetables Green leafy vegetables contain many compounds that are great for maintaining healthy lungs. Most green leafy vegetables, and cruciferous vegetables, contain antioxidants that help rid your body of harmful toxins. Cabbage, kale, broccoli, kohlrabi, and cauliower are vegetables that help to cleanse your blood as well as your lungs. Cruciferous vegetables have also been shown to reduce the risk of lung cancer. The Journal of Nutrition reported that increasing the amount of cruciferous vegetables may help reduce the risk of lung cancer among nonsmokers. 5 Foods with carotenoids Another food group that will help detox your lungs and improve their capacity are foods that contain carotenoids. Carotenoids are antioxidants that have a cancer- preventative eect on cells and tissue. Tomatoes, carrots, kale, red pepper, sweet potatoes are all rich sources of these antioxidants that will boost your lung health. Advertisement This Little Drone Is Flying off Shelves! The Price Will Shock You Various studies have been carried out on carotenoid-rich foods and their eect on lung health. For example, the journal Frontiers in Bioscience published a report about the connection between carotenoids and lung cancer. The researchers stated that the actions of carotenoids are essential in the prevention of lung cancer. 6 Other studies have shown that lycopene in tomatoes helps to boost lung health and, although more research should be done, tomatoes have an antioxidant eect on the lining of the lungs. 7 Regarding ways to prevent lung cancer, the journal The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society reported that high intake of vegetables and fruits may provide protection against lung cancer. 8 Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids Eating foods containing omega-3 fatty acids can help cleanse your lungs and keep your pulmonary system working eectively. Foods rich in omega-3 are oily sh like mackerel and salmon, seeds and nuts, and eggs. It is known that omega 3 foods help reduce inammation in the body and boost cognitive power. The Journal of the American College of Nutrition published a study showing the connection between omega-3 and respiratory health. Researchers found that a diet rich in omega-3 helps the blood to ow through the lungs eectively and can help prevent some inammatory and infectious respiratory diseases. 9 Taking omega-3 supplements or eating a diet rich omega-3 fatty acids benets your general health as well as keeping your lungs healthy. Foods containing avonoids Many fruits, berries, and citrus fruits contain avonoids which are great for lung cleansing. These naturally-occurring compounds have an antioxidant eect on many organs in the body, including your lungs. Some great foods to eat that contain avonoids are apples, blueberries, oranges, lemons, tomatoes, and cabbage. How can food containing avonoids help detoxify your lungs and prevent dierent types of lung disease? The journal 3 Biotech reported that avonoids have a therapeutic eect and help prevent various cancers, including lung cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer. 10 Garlic One of the many health benets of using garlic as a medicine is that it can help keep your lungs healthy. The benets to your health by consuming garlic come from a compound called allicin. Allicin acts as a powerful natural antibiotic agent in the body and can help kill orespiratory infections that can clog your lungs. One study from 2013 found that consuming raw garlic can also help prevent lung cancer. Researchers also found that garlic can help to reverse lung damage caused by pollution, smoking, and poor air quality. 11 For more information on using garlic for its medicinal properties, please read my article about the 6 common mistakes when using garlic as an antibiotic and how to consume garlic to prevent cancer. Drinking green tea One way to keep your lungs healthy and free from excess mucus is to regularly drink green tea. Extracts from green tea contain powerful antioxidants, which according to the University of Maryland, are more potent than vitamin C. 12 The benecial properties of green tea are also used to boost cardiovascular health, protect against various cancers, improve brain function, and protect against infections. Advertisement Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) Studies have also shown that drinking green tea has a preventative eect against lung cancer. Researchers from China found that, just like with garlic, green tea helps to repair lung damage caused by smoking and can have a protective eect against lung cancer. 13 Vitamin C Vitamin C is another antioxidant that is good for respiratory health and your lungs. Regular intake of vitamin C helps to rid the body of toxins and can keep your skin looking youthful and healthy. In its role in helping to detoxify your lungs, Dr. Emily Wax on MedlinePlus reports that vitamin C helps to destroy free radicals that develop when your lungs are exposed to tobacco smoke. Dr. Wax also says that vitamin C helps to prevent certain cancers, heart disease, and arthritis. 14 There have been studies connecting vitamin C and reducing the risk of lung cancer. The journal Scientic Reports says that initial research shows that increasing your intake of vitamin C can help protect against lung cancer. 15 Foods rich in vitamin C include kiwifruit, red capsicum (bell pepper), citrus fruits, papaya, strawberries, broccoli, pineapples, mango and cantaloupe melon. Ginger If you have respiratory problems due to cold or u infections, eating more ginger can help to clear out your lungs and improve your immune system. Ginger is a natural cleansing food that has anti-inammatory properties. The power of ginger to reduce inammation helps to speed up the recovery of respiratory infections and reduce the amount of mucus clogging your bronchial tubes. A review on the medicinal properties of ginger said that ginger is used to reduce the symptoms of asthma and other respiratory illnesses. 16 Other clinical studies into the anti-inammatory eect of ginger have shown potential in inhibiting lung cancer cells. 17 Please read my article about the amazing health benets of ginger to nd out more uses and benets of this amazing herb. You could also try my anti-inammatory ginger and lemon tea recipe to help detox your body and lungs. Turmeric Turmeric is closely related to ginger and it another great food to cleanse your lungs. There are many reasons to increase your intake of turmeric and keeping your lungs healthy is just one of them. You can also make a delicious anti-inammatory turmeric and ginger tea for its lung cleansing eect and to help boost your respiratory health. Turmeric also acts as a lung cleanser because it osets the harmful eects of breathing air pollutants, cigarette smoke, and other lung irritants. For example, the journal Advances in Experiential Medicine and Biology reported that curcumin can help prevent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), allergic asthma, and other respiratory diseases. 18 When consuming turmeric, you should remember to add black pepper to turmeric to boost its bioavailability and make it even more eective. Advertisement Doctor Says Don't Cover Up Your Dark Spots - (Try This Instead) Foods high in magnesium Foods containing magnesium can maintain your lung health and help ensure they function properly. It has been reported that a deciency in magnesium can aect pulmonary function and could result in lung complications. 19 Research into the role of magnesium in keeping lungs clear and healthy found that magnesium aects pulmonary muscles. Clinical trials found that treating asthmatic conditions with magnesium could have therapeutic potential. 20 Water Drinking enough water is necessary to keep your body healthy and your lungs working eectively. There are many side eects of dehydration including fatigue, irritability, joint pain, and abnormal cholesterol levels. Researchers have found that one of the signs of dehydration is an increase in bronchitis and asthma. Drinking enough water helps to regulate inammation in your lungs and prevents certain broncho-pulmonary disorders. Having enough water in your body is essential for lung health because it regulates the proper distribution of minerals and salts. 21 Tips to Strengthen your Lungs As well as eating healthy foods to cleanse your lungs, you should also strengthen your lung capacity as much as possible. This will help to boost your cardiovascular system and prevent you becoming easily breathless. Practice deep breathing One way to improve your lung health and help prevent disorders that block your lungs is to practice deep breathing. Researchers from the Rush University Medical Center report that during our daily activities our lungs usually operate at only 50% of their capacity. However, deep breathing helps the lungs to cleanse themselves from the eects of pollution, allergens, and cigarette smoke. 22 Some ways that are recommended to strengthen your lung capacity to cleanse themselves are: Breathing from your diaphragm. Dr. Keith Roberts from Rush University says that you should concentrate on lowering your diaphragm when inhaling. Breathe in as much as possible and allow your ribs and upper chest to expand. Then exhale as much as possible and allow your ribs and stomach muscles to contract. Try to breathe in and breathe out a little longer than you are used to. Sit straight to allow your lungs to fully draw in air. Exercising Another way to strengthen your lungs and keep them t and healthy is to exercise regularly. Exercising improves blood circulation, strengthens your heart, and lowers cholesterol levels naturally. The Lung Association of Canada reports that regular exercise can help people with respiratory problems. If you have asthma, you should make sure that your asthma is under control before starting an exercise program. However, the Lung Association says that exercising regularly strengthens breathing muscles, boosts your immune system, and helps maintain healthy body weight. 23 Therefore, exercising may also help prevent many health conditions that can lead to lung and respiratory problems. Vitamin D If you have chronic lung disease, you may be able to boost your lung health by supplementing your diet with vitamin D. Studies have shown that many people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) usually have a vitamin D deciency. When the deciency was addressed with vitamin D supplements, symptoms of COPD, like shortness of breath, coughing, and excess phlegm were all reduced. 24 Read my other related articles: Discover the Early Signs of Lung Disease 7 Warning Signs of Lung Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore Reduce the Risk of Lung Cancer With This Vegetable See What Happens To Your Lungs If You Smoke Just 60 Cigarettes Article Sources Advertisement 24 Responses to The Most Eective Foods to Cleanse your Lungs (Research Based) Join Our 2 Million Fans Advertisement This Little Drone Is Flying off Shelves! The Price Will Shock You Advertisement Gut Doctor "I Beg Americans To Throw Out This Vegetable Now" Advertisement Gut Doctor "I Beg Americans To Throw Out This Vegetable" Advertisement Our Trusted Reference Sites CDC HSS agency charged with protecting the public health and safety. Mayo Clinic Trusted, award-winning medical and health information resource. American Cancer Society American Cancer Society is ghting cancer with research, education, patient care, and rehabilitation. Merck Manuals The world’s most widely-used medical guides. U.S. News Trusted medical directory that includes 750,000+ of America’s physicians and surgeons. Department of Health and Human Services The main governmental agency for protecting the health of U.S. citizens. Medline Plus Diseases, symptoms, injuries, and more with photographs and illustrations. NIH Extensive and trusted resource for medical research in the United States. JAMA The most widely circulated peer-reviewed medical journal in the world. New England Journal of Medicine Publishes new medical research ndings, review articles, and editorial opinion. PubMed Central Free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature. BioMed Central Provides open access to hundreds of peer- reviewed medical journals. 48 friends like this Healthy and Natural W 2,050,363 likes Like Page Contact Us OK doctors performing unauthorized abortions could lose licenses Flush Mucus From Your Body With These Highly Effective... How to Make Yourself Fart to Get Rid of Gas Pain If You Have These Marks on Your Tongue See Your Doctor Now If You DO NOT Have Half Moon On Your Nails, Urgently See... If You Eat 3 Dates Everyday For 1 Week This Is What... 13 Early Warning Signs Your Blood Sugar is SUPER High This Toothpaste Fills Cavities Without Drilling You Haven't Realized that your BAD BREATH can be Caused by THIS Join 2 Million People Enter your email address to get free health advice straight to your inbox name email Get Updates Get Updates Aayush Kushwaha says: April 11, 2015 at 11:21 am Thank you so much!! Now I can reduce the eect of smoking after getting rid of smoking. Reply Cijo Cyril says: June 16, 2015 at 6:28 pm drink lemon juice in regards to quitting smoking and it also supports the immune system by hydrating. You can treat your respiratory problems, sinus, ear and lung infections, including bronchitis and pneumonia with garlic, take at least 2 – 4 everyday. Drink ginger as tea, its helps to loosen phlegm and boost your immune system. Reply James Campbell says: July 11, 2015 at 7:40 am Indeed helpful information… thank u for adding avour to the internet world…. Reply regina says: September 27, 2015 at 12:26 pm very interesting and useful article. I would also suggest oatmeal. After bronchitis I found this both soothing and strengthening. Reply Shafi says: October 6, 2015 at 12:17 pm Great. ..! Nature the best healer Reply V. Rita says: January 4, 2016 at 4:09 am Very useful information. With the atmospheric pollution increasing by the day, we need to keep a check on our lung health, as respiratory diseases are on the rise. Thank you for improving our knowledge of curing with natural ingredients. God Bless you !!! Reply Iman El Wakeel says: January 28, 2016 at 12:10 pm I am a lung patient. I found this information by mere chance. You really oered me great help and guidance. I am very thankful and grateful. May God bless you and reward you for the good you have done to me and to everyone. Reply Chrissie Varize says: October 22, 2017 at 4:03 pm In Jesus name Amen ty I’m eating a tomatoes now. Bit how can I eat 2-4 raw garlic by itself?? Ugh Reply Diante Jackson says: December 16, 2017 at 9:03 pm Add it to a juice/smoothie. Add bananas and some cinnamon (helps the body process insulin) with whatever else you prefer, it will make it much easier to eat/drink the raw garlic. the blender predigests the food for you also so your stomach does 0 work. Take care. if you need recipes lmk Reply Jade says: April 24, 2018 at 2:17 am Easiest way to eat raw garlic is to chop it into pieces, scoop it up with a spoon, put it in your mouth and wash it down with water. Try not to eat raw garlic on empty stomach. Reply coconutcreamcare says: June 21, 2017 at 1:01 am Yes you have listed some good suggestions. I have COPD and have just found the use of a inhaler lled with HIMALAYAN pink salt. This salt has 84 trace minerals and worked wonders. I can breath so much better. I have been eating the salt with good results I never thought to inhale it. We gargle with salt we just need an inhaler device because it works wonders in the lungs. My O2 saturation was 94 it is now a solid 97. Reply Rllie says: July 1, 2017 at 3:33 am Kinda long story but SCARED SO RIGHT NOW! PLEASE HELP WITH ANY SUGGUESTIONS. I’ve smoked 41 years I have been told that I have inammation disease along with COPD I’ve had nodules on my lungs which of been stable for over ve years I was in the hospital January 31 of this year for 13 days For double pneumonia and valley fever my oxygen stats were extremely low and I was on a BiPAP machine While in the hospital I was wearing a heart monitor and went into a b with medication my heart went back into rhythm thank goodness when I got out of the hospital I wore a heart monitor for 30 days I never had a b but I did have PVC I was told to take heart medication and blood dinners which for some reason I decided not to because I thought it was due to me being sick with pneumonia and vlley Fever. I recently went for a CT scan of my lungs which is routine and was told that my knowledge will now have doubled in size. The doctor is usually very laxed and telling me the worst thing that suggest that this could be one cancer. I am beyond myself When a doctor tells you that word cancer your body just crunches and is in shock. I am being scheduled for a biopsy of the natural doctor said that if it is cancer I will have to have a long surgery followed with chemo and radiation treatment after. You would think I would put down that devil cigarette but now I have in my mind that once this last pack goes I’m going to cut out cigarettes completely call turkey and stick a lollipop in my mouth anytime I feel the need to smoke. But right now I need to think positive I also was told that I have GGO and those lungs and my lungs only improved 20% since I was released from the hospital and feb. I’m so scared I’m only 57 years old what can I do to help myself now besides stopping smoking??? Is there a nutrient or a cleanse or certain foods that I should be eating and not eating ? Any suggestions I would truly appreciate thank you so much and I pray for all you people as I know you will pray for me that we will all be OK. 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By Jenny Hills, Nutritionist and Medical Writer Food & Nutrition … · By Jenny Hills, Nutritionist and Medical Writer Food & Nutrition 2019: New Rule in Sarasota, FL Our lungs play

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The Most Effective Foods to Cleanse your Lungs (ResearchBased)By Jenny Hills, Nutritionist and Medical Writer Food & Nutrition

2019: New Rule in Sarasota, FL

Our lungs play a vital function in our respiratory system by taking in oxygen and filterout toxins from the air. Keeping your lungs healthy and working properly is essential tomake sure all cells and tissue in your body get fed by oxygen-rich blood.

One way to improve the health of your lungs is to include lung cleansing foods in yourdiet. Some of the best foods that can help cleanse your lungs are also great for yourgeneral health and will help boost function of your other organs.


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Of course, exercise, stopping smoking, and avoiding air pollution are all importantways to ensure lung health. This can help you avoid and reduce your risk of pulmonarydiseases like bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, and lung cancer. However, there are alsomany foods that act as lung cleansers and strengthen your lungs. Foods like greenleafy vegetables, garlic, citrus fruits, berries, and ginger are great foods for detoxingthe lungs and keeping them healthy.

In this article, you will find out the best foods to cleanse your lungs. The article alsolooks at the function of your lungs and how you can strengthen them to improve yourrespiratory system.

What are the Benefits of Cleansing Your Lungs?

Your lungs are two large organs in your chest. Air travels into your lungs via thetrachea and bronchial tubes. In the lungs, oxygen is extracted from inhaled air andpasses into your bloodstream. At the same time, carbon dioxide is removed from yourblood and exhaled when you breathe out.

Because your lungs provide life-sustaining oxygen to your body, you should keep yourlungs strong and healthy. According to Dr. Melinda Ratini on WebMD, we breathearound 12 to 20 times a minute. For your lungs to function properly, Dr. Ratini saysthat your airways need to be free from inflammation, swelling, and blockages likeexcess mucus.1

Many people need to cleanse their lungs if they have suffered from a respiratory illnessor disease. Foods that are good for lung health can help to remove excess mucuscaused by bacteria, viruses, and allergies. Other people who have stopped smokingshould detox their lungs to help speed up the removal of toxins left over from nicotine.

In general, incorporating lung-cleansing foods in your diet can help prevent many lung-related problems and keep you healthy.

How to Keep Lungs Healthy and Clean

Before looking at the best foods for healthy lungs, let’s look at some practices andhabits that can strengthen lung health and help prevent pulmonary diseases.

Stop smoking

If you are a smoker, stopping smoking is one of the best ways that you can do toimprove your lung health and prevent black mucus. According to the Public HealthAgency of Canada, smoking is a major cause of lung disease and increases your risk ofdeveloping lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD).2

Researchers say that it is never too late to give up smoking and your lungs should startto clear quickly.


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For helpful advice on how to quit smoking naturally, please read my article on scientificways proven to help stop smoking.

Avoid secondhand smoke

Breathing in the smoke from cigarettes can be just as harmful to your lungs and healthas smoking itself. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports thatsecondhand smoke contains cancer-causing chemicals and increases the risk of lungdisease, heart disease, and other cardiovascular problems. Even just brief exposure tosecondhand smoke can damage cells in your lungs.3

Practice good hygiene habits

Another way to keep your lungs clear of infections and promote good respiratoryhealth is to have good hygiene habits. The American Lung Association says thatbacterial or viral infections can interfere with your lung health.4 Therefore, you shoulddo the following to help keep your lungs free from infections:

Wash your hands regularlyHave good oral hygiene and brush your teeth at least 2 times a day to protectyourself from germs in your mouth leading to infectionsStrengthen your immune system to prevent yourself from catching colds or theflu.

Avoid air pollution inside and outside the home

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) warns that air pollution both insideand outside the home can have a detrimental effect on lung health. The CPSCrecommends keeping homes well-ventilated, removing mold which can causerespiratory problems and asthma, and making sure that gas stoves are workingproperly.

Foods that Cleanse Your Lungs

What can you eat to help detox your lungs and boost the health of your respiratorysystem? Please read on to find out the best lung-cleansing foods to incorporate intoyour diet.

Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables contain many compounds that are great for maintaininghealthy lungs. Most green leafy vegetables, and cruciferous vegetables, containantioxidants that help rid your body of harmful toxins. Cabbage, kale, broccoli,kohlrabi, and cauliflower are vegetables that help to cleanse your blood as well as yourlungs.

Cruciferous vegetables have also been shown to reduce the risk of lung cancer. TheJournal of Nutrition reported that increasing the amount of cruciferous vegetables mayhelp reduce the risk of lung cancer among nonsmokers.5

Foods with carotenoids

Another food group that will help detox your lungs and improve their capacity arefoods that contain carotenoids. Carotenoids are antioxidants that have a cancer-preventative effect on cells and tissue. Tomatoes, carrots, kale, red pepper, sweetpotatoes are all rich sources of these antioxidants that will boost your lung health.


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Various studies have been carried out on carotenoid-rich foods and their effect on lunghealth. For example, the journal Frontiers in Bioscience published a report about theconnection between carotenoids and lung cancer. The researchers stated that theactions of carotenoids are essential in the prevention of lung cancer.6 Other studieshave shown that lycopene in tomatoes helps to boost lung health and, although moreresearch should be done, tomatoes have an antioxidant effect on the lining of thelungs.7

Regarding ways to prevent lung cancer, the journal The Proceedings of the NutritionSociety reported that high intake of vegetables and fruits may provide protectionagainst lung cancer.8

Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids

Eating foods containing omega-3 fatty acids can help cleanse your lungs and keep yourpulmonary system working effectively. Foods rich in omega-3 are oily fish like mackereland salmon, seeds and nuts, and eggs. It is known that omega 3 foods help reduceinflammation in the body and boost cognitive power.

The Journal of the American College of Nutrition published a study showing theconnection between omega-3 and respiratory health. Researchers found that a dietrich in omega-3 helps the blood to flow through the lungs effectively and can helpprevent some inflammatory and infectious respiratory diseases.9

Taking omega-3 supplements or eating a diet rich omega-3 fatty acids benefits yourgeneral health as well as keeping your lungs healthy.

Foods containing flavonoids

Many fruits, berries, and citrus fruits contain flavonoids which are great for lungcleansing. These naturally-occurring compounds have an antioxidant effect on manyorgans in the body, including your lungs.

Some great foods to eat that contain flavonoids are apples, blueberries, oranges,lemons, tomatoes, and cabbage.

How can food containing flavonoids help detoxify your lungs and prevent differenttypes of lung disease? The journal 3 Biotech reported that flavonoids have atherapeutic effect and help prevent various cancers, including lung cancer, breastcancer, and prostate cancer.10


One of the many health benefits of using garlic as a medicine is that it can help keepyour lungs healthy. The benefits to your health by consuming garlic come from acompound called allicin. Allicin acts as a powerful natural antibiotic agent in the bodyand can help kill off respiratory infections that can clog your lungs.

One study from 2013 found that consuming raw garlic can also help prevent lungcancer. Researchers also found that garlic can help to reverse lung damage caused bypollution, smoking, and poor air quality.11

For more information on using garlic for its medicinal properties, please read myarticle about the 6 common mistakes when using garlic as an antibiotic and how toconsume garlic to prevent cancer.

Drinking green tea

One way to keep your lungs healthy and free from excess mucus is to regularly drinkgreen tea. Extracts from green tea contain powerful antioxidants, which according tothe University of Maryland, are more potent than vitamin C.12 The beneficial propertiesof green tea are also used to boost cardiovascular health, protect against variouscancers, improve brain function, and protect against infections.


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Studies have also shown that drinking green tea has a preventative effect against lungcancer. Researchers from China found that, just like with garlic, green tea helps torepair lung damage caused by smoking and can have a protective effect against lungcancer.13

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is another antioxidant that is good for respiratory health and your lungs.Regular intake of vitamin C helps to rid the body of toxins and can keep your skinlooking youthful and healthy.

In its role in helping to detoxify your lungs, Dr. Emily Wax on MedlinePlus reports thatvitamin C helps to destroy free radicals that develop when your lungs are exposed totobacco smoke. Dr. Wax also says that vitamin C helps to prevent certain cancers,heart disease, and arthritis.14

There have been studies connecting vitamin C and reducing the risk of lung cancer.The journal Scientific Reports says that initial research shows that increasing yourintake of vitamin C can help protect against lung cancer.15

Foods rich in vitamin C include kiwifruit, red capsicum (bell pepper), citrus fruits,papaya, strawberries, broccoli, pineapples, mango and cantaloupe melon.


If you have respiratory problems due to cold or flu infections, eating more ginger canhelp to clear out your lungs and improve your immune system. Ginger is a naturalcleansing food that has anti-inflammatory properties. The power of ginger to reduceinflammation helps to speed up the recovery of respiratory infections and reduce theamount of mucus clogging your bronchial tubes.

A review on the medicinal properties of ginger said that ginger is used to reduce thesymptoms of asthma and other respiratory illnesses.16 Other clinical studies into theanti-inflammatory effect of ginger have shown potential in inhibiting lung cancercells.17

Please read my article about the amazing health benefits of ginger to find out moreuses and benefits of this amazing herb. You could also try my anti-inflammatory gingerand lemon tea recipe to help detox your body and lungs.


Turmeric is closely related to ginger and it another great food to cleanse your lungs.There are many reasons to increase your intake of turmeric and keeping your lungshealthy is just one of them. You can also make a delicious anti-inflammatory turmericand ginger tea for its lung cleansing effect and to help boost your respiratory health.

Turmeric also acts as a lung cleanser because it offsets the harmful effects of breathingair pollutants, cigarette smoke, and other lung irritants. For example, the journalAdvances in Experiential Medicine and Biology reported that curcumin can helpprevent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), allergic asthma, and otherrespiratory diseases.18

When consuming turmeric, you should remember to add black pepper to turmeric toboost its bioavailability and make it even more effective.


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Foods high in magnesium

Foods containing magnesium can maintain your lung health and help ensure theyfunction properly. It has been reported that a deficiency in magnesium can affectpulmonary function and could result in lung complications.19

Research into the role of magnesium in keeping lungs clear and healthy found thatmagnesium affects pulmonary muscles. Clinical trials found that treating asthmaticconditions with magnesium could have therapeutic potential.20


Drinking enough water is necessary to keep your body healthy and your lungs workingeffectively. There are many side effects of dehydration including fatigue, irritability,joint pain, and abnormal cholesterol levels.

Researchers have found that one of the signs of dehydration is an increase inbronchitis and asthma. Drinking enough water helps to regulate inflammation in yourlungs and prevents certain broncho-pulmonary disorders. Having enough water inyour body is essential for lung health because it regulates the proper distribution ofminerals and salts.21

Tips to Strengthen your Lungs

As well as eating healthy foods to cleanse your lungs, you should also strengthen yourlung capacity as much as possible. This will help to boost your cardiovascular systemand prevent you becoming easily breathless.

Practice deep breathing

One way to improve your lung health and help prevent disorders that block your lungsis to practice deep breathing.

Researchers from the Rush University Medical Center report that during our dailyactivities our lungs usually operate at only 50% of their capacity. However, deepbreathing helps the lungs to cleanse themselves from the effects of pollution,allergens, and cigarette smoke.22

Some ways that are recommended to strengthen your lung capacity to cleansethemselves are:

Breathing from your diaphragm. Dr. Keith Roberts from Rush University saysthat you should concentrate on lowering your diaphragm when inhaling.Breathe in as much as possible and allow your ribs and upper chest to expand.Then exhale as much as possible and allow your ribs and stomach muscles tocontract.Try to breathe in and breathe out a little longer than you are used to.Sit straight to allow your lungs to fully draw in air.


Another way to strengthen your lungs and keep them fit and healthy is to exerciseregularly. Exercising improves blood circulation, strengthens your heart, and lowerscholesterol levels naturally.

The Lung Association of Canada reports that regular exercise can help people withrespiratory problems. If you have asthma, you should make sure that your asthma isunder control before starting an exercise program. However, the Lung Association saysthat exercising regularly strengthens breathing muscles, boosts your immune system,and helps maintain healthy body weight.23

Therefore, exercising may also help prevent many health conditions that can lead tolung and respiratory problems.

Vitamin D

If you have chronic lung disease, you may be able to boost your lung health bysupplementing your diet with vitamin D.

Studies have shown that many people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) usually have a vitamin D deficiency. When the deficiency was addressed withvitamin D supplements, symptoms of COPD, like shortness of breath, coughing, andexcess phlegm were all reduced.24

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Aayush Kushwaha says:April 11, 2015 at 11:21 am

Thank you so much!! Now I can reduce the effect of smoking after getting rid ofsmoking.


Cijo Cyril says:June 16, 2015 at 6:28 pm

drink lemon juice in regards to quitting smoking and it also supports the immunesystem by hydrating. You can treat your respiratory problems, sinus, ear and lunginfections, including bronchitis and pneumonia with garlic, take at least 2 – 4 everyday.Drink ginger as tea, its helps to loosen phlegm and boost your immune system.


James Campbell says:July 11, 2015 at 7:40 am

Indeed helpful information… thank u for adding flavour to the internet world….


regina says:September 27, 2015 at 12:26 pm

very interesting and useful article. I would also suggest oatmeal. After bronchitis Ifound this both soothing and strengthening.


Shafi says:October 6, 2015 at 12:17 pm

Great. ..! Nature the best healer


V. Rita says:January 4, 2016 at 4:09 am

Very useful information. With the atmospheric pollution increasing by the day, we needto keep a check on our lung health, as respiratory diseases are on the rise. Thank youfor improving our knowledge of curing with natural ingredients. God Bless you !!!


Iman El Wakeel says:January 28, 2016 at 12:10 pm

I am a lung patient. I found this information by mere chance. You really offered megreat help and guidance. I am very thankful and grateful. May God bless you andreward you for the good you have done to me and to everyone.


Chrissie Varize says:October 22, 2017 at 4:03 pm

In Jesus name Amen ty I’m eating a tomatoes now. Bit how can I eat 2-4 raw garlicby itself?? Ugh


Diante Jackson says:December 16, 2017 at 9:03 pm

Add it to a juice/smoothie. Add bananas and some cinnamon (helps the bodyprocess insulin) with whatever else you prefer, it will make it much easier toeat/drink the raw garlic. the blender predigests the food for you also so yourstomach does 0 work. Take care. if you need recipes lmk


Jade says:April 24, 2018 at 2:17 am

Easiest way to eat raw garlic is to chop it into pieces, scoop it up with a spoon,put it in your mouth and wash it down with water. Try not to eat raw garlic onempty stomach.


coconutcreamcare says:June 21, 2017 at 1:01 am

Yes you have listed some good suggestions. I have COPD and have just found the useof a inhaler filled with HIMALAYAN pink salt. This salt has 84 trace minerals and workedwonders. I can breath so much better. I have been eating the salt with good results Inever thought to inhale it. We gargle with salt we just need an inhaler device because itworks wonders in the lungs. My O2 saturation was 94 it is now a solid 97.


Rllie says:July 1, 2017 at 3:33 am

Kinda long story but SCARED SO RIGHT NOW! PLEASE HELP WITH ANY SUGGUESTIONS.I’ve smoked 41 years I have been told that I have inflammation disease along withCOPD I’ve had nodules on my lungs which of been stable for over five years I was in thehospital January 31 of this year for 13 days For double pneumonia and valley fever myoxygen stats were extremely low and I was on a BiPAP machineWhile in the hospital I was wearing a heart monitor and went into a fib with medicationmy heart went back into rhythm thank goodness when I got out of the hospital I wore aheart monitor for 30 days I never had a fib but I did have PVC I was told to take heartmedication and blood dinners which for some reason I decided not to because Ithought it was due to me being sick with pneumonia and vlley Fever.I recently went for a CT scan of my lungs which is routine and was told that myknowledge will now have doubled in size. The doctor is usually very laxed and tellingme the worst thing that suggest that this could be one cancer. I am beyond myselfWhen a doctor tells you that word cancer your body just crunches and is in shock.I am being scheduled for a biopsy of the natural doctor said that if it is cancer I willhave to have a long surgery followed with chemo and radiation treatment after.You would think I would put down that devil cigarette but now I have in my mind thatonce this last pack goes I’m going to cut out cigarettes completely call turkey and sticka lollipop in my mouth anytime I feel the need to smoke. But right now I need to thinkpositiveI also was told that I have GGO and those lungs and my lungs only improved 20% sinceI was released from the hospital and feb.I’m so scared I’m only 57 years old what can I do to help myself now besides stoppingsmoking??? Is there a nutrient or a cleanse or certain foods that I should be eating andnot eating ?Any suggestions I would truly appreciate thank you so much and I pray for all youpeople as I know you will pray for me that we will all be OK.




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