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By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN The Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist

By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN The Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology

Mar 12, 2020



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Page 1: By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN The Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology

By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist

By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN The Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist

Page 2: By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN The Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology

©2015 Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, whether electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or

otherwise, without prior permission of the authors. Please do not give away, publish on a website or in a newsletter, or sell without permission of the authors. Thank you for respecting the hard work that went

into creating this document for your education and enjoyment.

Published in the United States of AmericaFirst Printing January 2011

This Edition Published April 2015

DISCLAIMERThe techniques and advice described in this book represent the opinions of the authors based on training and

experience. The authors expressly disclaim any responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a result of using any of the techniques, recipes, or recommendations suggested herein. If in any

doubt, or if requiring medical advice, please contact the appropriate health professional.

For other books and programs by Dr. Ritamarie, visit

Page 3: By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN The Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology


By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist

If you are reading this, there’s a reason. Perhaps your energy level isn’t what it could be, and you’d like to restore it to its old glory. Maybe you’ve been suffering from fatigue and you’re looking for ways to jumpstart your tired body so you

can enjoy life again. Whatever the reason, you’ve come to the right place.

I transformed myself from a caffeine and sugar addict who couldn’t make it through the day without copious amounts of tea and soda into a vibrant and healthy athlete with seemingly limitless amounts of energy. I started out with an alarming amount of bad habits and addictions, and I’ve managed to make it through to the other side. If I can do it, so can you.

Unfortunately, relying on caffeine and sugar as an energy source has some disadvantages. The energy only lasts for short periods of time, and, once your caffeine or sugar rush is over, you are left feeling more drained and exhausted than you did before. I was experiencing a complete lack of energy, and I was desperate for a solution.

Thankfully, I found a solution that worked for me. I was so excited by the results, I decided to leave my lucrative career as a computer analyst and become a doctor/nutritionist/holistic health care provider. I’ve transformed the lives of thousands of patients and students, and it brings me great joy to share some of my insight with others.

In each of the following sections, I will reveal one strategy that you can put into practice immediately in your every-day life. The results can be dramatic and often take place instantaneously. You may be surprised by the amount of change you see.

Everyone is different, so everyone is going to have different results. Drastic changes are not guaranteed, but they are common.

This course is composed of 7 lessons; one for each strategy. Once you implement the strategies into your daily life, you’re going to see your energy sky-rocket, your waistline shrink, and your life take on a whole new meaning. Are you ready to begin?

I’d like to start by mentioning that it’s quite possible that some of these strategies may be similar to things you’ve heard before. Upon reading the first paragraph, you may be tempted to say, “I already knew that” and stop reading.

I urge you to take off your “expert hat” and read further. Even if the strategy I’m presenting is not new to you, my approach to the subject may be new to you and it may really help you take it to the next level. I devour every bit of information I can on the subject of health and natural medicine. Even when I’m tempted to pass something off as information I already know, I am often pleasantly surprised and excited to learn something new after-all.

Besides, are you really putting all your current knowledge into practice? This simple set of strategies may serve as the gentle nudge you need to move you into action.

Page 4: By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN The Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology


By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist

Energy Enhancing Strategy 1: Take a Break From the NewsYou’re probably thinking that I’ve

lost my mind. What does the news have to do with your energy?

Well, think about it. What kinds of things are shown on the news? Generally, the news presented by way of radio, TV, and newspaper is all about stressful events.

Reporters only speak about the negative. They never report the positive happenings of the day. You hear about the car that wrecked on the freeway this morning and killed a new mother and her baby, the three homicides that have been documented in your area since the new year, and the ever-climbing worrisome unemployment rate. You feel helpless and upset by all the danger and misfortune in the world, and there’s really nothing you can do about any of it.

You hear about the damaged economy and your family’s grim financial future, and you begin to worry.

Worry is caused by fear. It’s a protective response to the possibility that something may happen. It’s not real. It’s just somebody else’s prediction of where your future is headed, and it can be detrimental to walk around fearing the possibilities when nothing has happened yet.

Still, you stress yourself out over the ‘what-ifs’.

This mounting stress turns to your adrenal glands and gives them a ‘wake up punch’. News is all about creating an adrenaline rush. That’s what sells and what catches peoples’ interest. However, it may not be what’s best for your body.

The adrenal glands are two tiny glands located in your back, just above your kidneys. The adrenal glands are designed to keep you protected in the case of an emergency. In the olden days, when we were cave people and we didn’t have modern structures like houses with deadbolts and alarm systems, we were out in the open and there were a multitude of wild animals lurking around. One of the most common stress-inducing experiences we would have had to endure would be running from a hungry tiger.

Being chased by a tiger wouldn’t have been a laughing matter. It would cause your adrenal glands (part of the fight/flight stress response) to produce specific hormones and neurotransmitters that would create certain reactions in your body to address the danger.

Let’s go ahead and pretend there are still wild and hungry tigers running around outside. If a tiger began chasing you, what kind of response would you need from your body?

You would need to increase the blood-flow to your arms and legs, so you could outrun the tiger. In order to do this, your adrenal glands produce cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones speed up your heart rate and shunt blood away from your internal organs to be directed towards your outer extremities (your legs and arms). These changes allow you to run, punch, climb trees, and generally do whatever it takes to escape your hungry predator.

When you are under stress, your digestive system shuts down. The reason for this is that if you spent all your internal energy digesting food when a tiger was chasing you, you would become the food. You would no longer have to worry about eating or digesting. Life would be very short.

Your body needs to make sure that you don’t become some lucky tiger’s lunch, so the stress response pulls energy away from your digestive tract temporarily and sends it to your arms and legs. It’s all about priorities. Digestion is important, but not as important as outrunning a tiger.

The stress response causes a surge in a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol increases insulin production and slows your digestion.

Page 5: By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN The Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology


By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist

If you were in real physical danger, these responses would be very helpful. You’d burn extra calories as you ran away and, once the danger had passed, your cortisol levels would return to normal.

When you watch the news, listen to the radio, and read the newspaper, you enter fight/flight mode too frequently.

As a result, your metabolic rate decreases, your digestion becomes sluggish, your blood pressure

increases, and you develop insulin resistance — all of which causes the deposition of a layer of fat around your middle section. That layer of fat around your middle just may save your life if a tiger bites you there and gets a mouthful of fat instead of your vital organs!

A flesh wound may heal, but a ruptured organ would not. When chronic and persistent, these mechanisms leave you feeling exhausted and unmotivated.

As you can see, stress and concern — the cornerstones of news — cause a flood of internal reactions. Instead of listening to the news as you eat breakfast or drive to work, try playing your favorite music. This will energize and refresh you, and it can, over time, lead to hormonal balance; normalized metabolic rate; and a slim, trim midline.

Go ahead and give the “news-fast” a try and come back tomorrow and continue reading.

Energy Enhancing Strategy 2: Breathe and AppreciateStart to apply energy enhancing

strategy #2 at mealtime. Take 3 deep breaths and find 3 things to appreciate before you start to eat. Simply breathe — deeply and fully — and fill your heart with appreciation before you even pick up your fork.

This simple little exercise decreases the toxic load on your system, increases the quantity of nutrients you can extract from your food, and results in increased energy production by your mitochondria, the cellular powerhouses responsible for converting glucose to ATP (the energy currency of your cells).

Before you put food in your mouth, you need to prepare your digestive tract to accept that food. Otherwise, whatever nutrition is in the food will not get delivered to where it needs to go. You’ll just create toxic waste and stress your system when you eat in a hurry or under stress.

So, have you been doing a news-fast like we discussed in Energy Enhancing Strategy #1?If you were already avoiding the news before you read Energy Enhancing Strategy # 1, you know how freeing it is not to be bombarded with bad news every day.If you’re used to your daily fix of morning radio or nightly Fox news, turning it off for even a week can be challenging. You’re afraid you’ll miss something important, right?Rest assured, you won’t miss anything drastically important. You’ll hear the news from friends and family members in

passing, as part of a normal conversation. You can always nod or shake your head when they bring it up, and then politely shift the conversation and energy to more uplifting subjects.You’ll find that the longer you fast from the news, the more energy you’ll have to enjoy your life and enhance the lives of those around you. You won’t find yourself wasting your energy in fight or flight mode over things you can’t do anything about, and you’ll have more energy available for the activities that bring you joy. So, if you haven’t started yet, go back and re-read Energy Enhancing Strategy #1 and give it a try.

Page 6: By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN The Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology


By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist

So, before you put food in your mouth, sit down and relax quietly. You can either close your eyes or keep them open so you can observe the colors and smells. Take a few deep breaths and sincerely appreciate the food that’s on your plate. Take a few more deep breaths. If you’ve ever taken a yoga class or done meditation, use a breath similar to one you would choose for that.

What this does is shift you from the part of your nervous system called the sympathetic nervous system (which is the part that the adrenals interact with when you’re under stress), into your parasympathetic nervous system (which is the nervous system

that’s in control when you’re meditating or doing yoga). The parasympathetic nervous system is referred to as the regenerative or restorative nervous system.

In parasympathetic mode, your body is able to digest food efficiently and effectively. Digestive enzyme production is most efficient in this mode, bringing the maximum quantity of nutrients into your blood stream to be delivered to all the cells in your body. When you’re calm and in the state of appreciation, your liver and gallbladder function more effectively to produce and deliver bile to digest your fats. The food travels through your digestive system faster and more efficiently, so you feel energized after eating,

rather than exhausted as you do when you eat under stress. Also, waste products exit your body in a timely manner, rather than sticking around and making you bloated or tired.

It’s simple, takes anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, and it’s a habit that reaps big rewards while requiring minimal effort.

Once you get the hang of it, taking the time to breathe and appreciate before each meal becomes a pleasant habit. It’s a profound habit with long lasting and far reaching effects. Try it out for a day or two before you move on to the next strategy. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the results.

So, how are you doing with your news-fast and pre-meal breathing routine? Are you breathing and appreciating before each meal? Have you noticed an improvement in your digestion? In your energy?If you’ve been exercising the strategies regularly, you’ve probably already noticed a shift in your energy. If you haven’t started yet, make a commitment to yourself to do so right away. It’s fast, easy, and profoundly effective at jump-starting your energy.It’s said that it takes twenty-one days to create a new habit. While you’re doing this, it’s important to set reminders for yourself. These are new behaviors that demand a new way of seeing your world and yourself as you fit into it.Give yourself time, create reminders, and take it one day — and one meal — at a time. One of my favorite

ways to remind myself about new habits I’m working on establishing is writing notes. Sticky notes work great. I like to post them on the bathroom mirror, the refrigerator, the steering wheel of my car, and the edge of my computer monitor because those are the places I frequent.What about you? Will sticky notes work for you, or is there another method you’ve used successfully in the past to remind yourself about important events? I know some people who use the pop-up reminder feature on their computer. Outlook, Google calendar, and other time management software usually have built-in reminder systems.Once you feel comfortable with actually practicing energy enhancing strategies #1 and #2, you’ll be ready to move on to Energy Enhancing Strategy #3.

Page 7: By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN The Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology


By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist

Energy Enhancing Strategy 3: Eat More GreensGreens are powerhouses when

it comes to providing energy. It’s amazing! Think about it. Green foods have the ability to store sunlight! And what has more energy than sunlight?

Green plants use the process of photosynthesis to take in carbon dioxide, our waste product, and exhale oxygen, our lifeline. They do this via the magic of a green pigment called chlorophyll, a molecule that looks amazingly like our hemoglobin, but with magnesium at the core instead of iron.

Chlorophyll provides the green pigmentation that is found in grasses, leaves, and many of the vegetables that we eat.

I recommend that you try to eat between 1 and 2 pounds of green leafy vegetables every day. That may sound like a lot, but in reality it’s quite easy to do once you know how.

One of my favorite ways to get a lot of greens into my diet is blending them into delicious beverages or soups. I start every morning with a green smoothie; have a big green salad for lunch; and end the day with either a green soup, another salad, or with creative meals that incorporate lots of greens. My favorites are collard green or cabbage roll-ups, marinated kale salad, or nori rolls (similar to sushi). If you prefer, you can end the day in a green way by

steaming or stir-frying a large pot of greens with herbs and spices that you like.

If you want more details; there is a free e-book, loaded with information about the nutritional benefits of eating green. It has close to a dozen recipes. You can find it at

Enjoy finding creative ways to eat more greens! Soon you’ll notice your energy soaring and find yourself experiencing greatly enhanced mental clarity.

Go ahead and work on eating more greens for a couple of days before you return to read about our next energy enhancing strategy.

Are you enjoying your greens? Most people just don’t eat enough. Given their nutritional profile, it’s easy to see why greens are so great at increasing your energy. Have you had a chance to download my little greens booklet and take a look at the nutrition charts? They’re quite impressive. The recipes are tasty too! Eating a good amount of greens is not as hard as you think. It’s all a matter of making it a priority. Here’s the link again, just in case you still need it. www.GreenFoodMagic.comSo far, you’ve learned the importance of taking a break from the news, taking time for appreciation before each

meal, and the power of greens to enhance your energy.Taking a break from the news may be hard, but the pay-off is steep.Breathing and appreciating before each meal is easy enough to do, it’s just a matter of remembering. Once it becomes habit, your digestion will improve and your energy will increase. As for greens, the next strategy is going to help make it easier to get an abundance of greens without having to chew all day long.

Page 8: By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN The Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology


By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist

Energy Enhancing Strategy #4: Harness the Power of Blended GreensIn our last strategy, we talked

about how important it is to eat lots of greens. Hopefully you got the opportunity to download my free e-book, Greens: Your Key to Vibrant Health. It’s loaded with nutritional information, tips, and recipes that make eating greens easier and more enjoyable. If not, head on over to

Our fourth strategy will enhance your ability to get more greens into your diet. Start by drinking a blended green drink each day and gradually increase the quantity to a quart or more.

If you’ve never had a green smoothie or blended green soup, you’re in for a treat.

Blended greens are just about the best way to skyrocket your energy. I’ve been drinking a quart or two every day for over two decades. When I travel and sometimes miss my green drink, I notice a slight drop in my energy. It’s one of the most powerful strategies you’ll ever learn for improving your energy and keeping your waistline slim.

Here are a few of the benefits of blended greens, summarized from my e-book, Blended Greens for Health and Longevity.

Greens are packed with nutrients, especially vitamin C, vitamin B6, calcium, iron, zinc, folate, lutein, beta carotene, chlorophyll and protein.

Yes, protein. Greens contain a large percentage of calories as protein. For example, broccoli and spinach are around 50% protein. Kale is 27% protein. A pound of kale, for example, supplies above the recommended daily allowance for many of the essential amino acids, the building blocks of protein, and close to the RDA for many others. All of this nutrition is neatly packed into roughly 225 calories.

When greens are blended, the nutrients locked in the cell walls are released, making them more nutritious. There is an immense amount of nutrition locked in the cell walls, but, due to the fibrous nature of the walls, chewing does not do a very efficient job of breaking them all down and releasing the nutrients. Blending the greens releases a lot more of the nutrition.

To get started with energy enhancing strategy #4 right away, I recommend you join me for our next Green Smoothie Cleanse:

There are tons of recipes available for your enjoyment and health. You can download a sample recipe collection here:

If this is new for you, start slowly. Start by making a recipe without the greens and add a small handful of spinach the first day. With such a small amount in there, you won’t be able to taste the spinach at all. Slowly work your way up until greens make up between 40-60% of the smoothie.

Experiment with the recipes in the book and try making up your own. You’ll be surprised by how much you like green smoothies and ecstatic about the amount of energy you have when you drink them.

Ideally, work up to having a 32-ounce green smoothie to start your day and then a blended green soup as part of your dinner.

Once you get into the habit, consuming lots of greens becomes easy, especially when you blend them.

Pick up you free copy of Blended Greens for Health and Longevity here:

Experiment with blended greens for a few days until you get the hang of it. Then come back and move on to our next energy enhancing strategy.

Page 9: By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN The Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology


By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist

Are you enjoying your blended greens? Have you noticed an improvement in your energy, in your focus? Have you downloaded your free e-book, Blended Greens for Health and Longevity? If not go over to and get it now.

Get into the habit of daily blended green drinks. I’ve had dozens of people report that simply adding a green drink to their diet daily has helped them to drop up to 6 pounds in a week and feel more energetic than they had in many years.I urge you to try and return to the next strategy after you’ve gotten into the green smoothie habit!

Energy Enhancing Strategy 5: Make Friends with Sea VegetablesYou may be thinking, “Sea

vegetables? What the heck are those?”If you’ve ever been to the ocean,

you’ve seen sea vegetables. It probably just never occurred to you to eat them.

The slimy green stuff in the ocean is actually loaded with nutrition. At this point, you may be tempted to hit the delete key and quit reading. Please don’t. Just hear me out.

I’m not suggesting that you go to the ocean and collect the slimy green stuff...not in the least.

It’s important that the sea vegetables you eat are grown in clean waters, far away from our cities and factories with their pollution and fumes.

High-quality sea vegetables are harvested from deep down in pristine waters. They are slowly sun dried and packaged for you to buy at health food stores and online. They can be added to soups, stews, and smoothies. Some of them make delicious salads. Seaweed salad is a delicacy at Japanese restaurants.

The vegetables that grow in the

sea are a lot hardier than those that grow on land. They have to be. The conditions in the sea are a lot harsher with all that salt water.

The vegetables that grow in the sea are also packed with minerals — lots more than land vegetables have. They are a good source of trace minerals like iodine, which has become depleted in our soils.

Iodine is important for proper thyroid gland function. Your thyroid gland regulates your quickly or slowly you burn sugar for energy. Eating vegetables from the sea can increase your metabolic rate, giving you more energy and a slimmer waist.

There’s information about sea vegetables in the free e-book I told you about in strategy 3, available at

There are even more recipes and information in my Greens From the Sea e-book available at:

Once you get the hang of it, including sea vegetables in your diet is

easy and fun. The recipes are delicious.You can get started by going to

your local health food store and picking up a package of dulse and a package of arame.

The dulse is tender enough to eat right out of the package.

For the arame, soak it in water for 5-10 minutes and watch it grow. Then drain off the water (you can save it for a soup later...the soak-water is loaded with nutrition). Top it with a favorite salad dressing or add it to your salad.

Or you can grate an equal amount of carrots and mix with the arame. Grate some garlic and ginger on top, add a tablespoon of sesame or olive oil, juice from a lemon or lime, and salt to taste. It’s quick, delicious, and packs a huge energy punch.

Experiment with sea greens and go back and review the first four energy enhancing strategies before moving on to energy enhancing strategy number 6.

Page 10: By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN The Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology


By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist

So, have you tried sea vegetables yet? If it’s a new concept to you, I can understand that you may be a little reluctant. I assure you that’s how a lot of people feel, until they try them. Many people report that they LOVE the taste, particularly in salads with tasty herbs and marinades. However, I find that the most exciting thing people want to discuss with me is how they feel after eating the sea vegetables.All you really need is between 1-2 ounces per week to feel the benefits...and that’s not hard to do at all. Experiment with the recipes in the free e-book at You can even grind up your sea vegetables and sneak ¼ to ½ teaspoon into your blended green soups or smoothies. You won’t even taste the sea greens and your body will shine from the mineral boost they add.So far, you’ve learned about 5 of my top strategies for energy improvement: taking a news-fast, spending a minute or two before each meal to breathe and appreciate, increasing your consumption of greens, drinking one or two blended green smoothies or soups

each day, and adding 1-2 ounces of sea vegetables to your diet each week.I have saved my next strategy until now, not because it is any less effective than the others; in fact, it can be even more so. The reason I haven’t mentioned it before now is that you may not be doing cartwheels after I explain it. However, after a few days to weeks of following this strategy you may find yourself doing better than you ever have.I’ve witnessed peoples’ mood and energy shift so dramatically when they applied this strategy that they seemed and felt like a completely new person. Seriously, this is a pretty common scenario. You must understand, there are no guarantees, but the odds of seeing positive results are high and it’s worth the temporary life-change to see if it works for you. It’s been my experience that this is one of the most profound energy shifters ever.Are you ready? This strategy is all about an ingredient found in most of the common foods eaten in our culture.

Energy Enhancing Strategy 6 – Go Gluten-FreeGoing gluten-free has become

very popular over the past few years, and for good reason. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, kamut, and spelt. It has the ability to cause inflammation in your body; clog the absorptive lining of your digestive tract; inflame the lymphatics that line your intestines; and create severe bloating, gas, and abdominal pain. In addition, gluten can have profound effects on your nervous

system, resulting in depression, brain fog, loss of balance, and even schizophrenia.

The inflammatory effects of gluten can siphon your energy away at an incredible rate.

Once you get the hang of it, avoiding gluten is not that hard, especially when you learn about all the wonderful substitutes that enhance your health while satisfying your tastebuds.

I have a free Gluten-Free Survival Kit available to you at There are recipes, an audio, food lists, and more detailed information about why and how to avoid gluten.

In addition to the great free recipes in the Gluten-Free Survival Kit, all of my recipe books are gluten-free, so it’s easy to make the switch.

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By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist

I even have delicious desserts and comfort foods like bread and chips that are not only gluten-free, but also loaded with green vegetables.

They are all listed at

Take one day at a time. Pick some gluten-free recipes to follow for a day and at the end of the day plan

the next one. Avoid the temptation to simply replace all your gluten products for their gluten-free counterparts. While that’s a fine strategy in the short-term, you may find that the floury substitutes also have undesirable ingredients like sugar, refined flour, heated oils, and preservatives.

If bread-based comfort foods are

what you crave, I have a set of additional resources for you when you’re ready to take it to the next level.

As hard as it may sound to start out, once you take the plunge and dump the gluten from your diet, you’ll feel more energetic, clear headed, and slim.

Go ahead and give gluten-free a try. Challenge yourself to do it for a week to start. The most profound effects on your body chemistry are often noticed after you’ve been away from gluten for three to six months. It can be quite dramatic.Come back to the next and final energy enhancing strategy once you’ve at least given a gluten-free diet a try.Have you started your gluten-free trial yet? I know it sounds like a very challenging thing to do, and it can be. Thankfully, there are many resources available to help make it an easy transition. Give it a try for a while. You may be one of the lucky ones who are not sensitive to gluten.

If you’re full of energy, have no health complaints, can focus and think clearly, have great digestion, and you’re generally in a good mood, then gluten may not be a problem for you. If you have any of these problems or other health challenges like joint inflammation, skin rashes, or an autoimmune condition, then I urge you to give gluten-free a fair trial.You have nothing to lose and only great health, as well as boundless energy, to gain.A great way to get started is with my Gluten-Free Survival Kit at So on to our last energy enhancing strategy. I’ve found this to be a very important part of creating and maintaining energy.

Energy Enhancing Strategy 7: Finish Your Last Meal of The Day At Least 3 Hours Before Bedtime

If you eat too close to bedtime, you put your body into digestion mode and your energy gets diverted away from the important nightly functions of cleansing toxins generated during the day and restoring energy for the next day.

It’s hard to sleep restfully when your belly is full of food. The result of eating late at night can be grogginess in the morning.

Eating late at night also disrupts your natural circadian rhythm. At bedtime, your levels of cortisol

naturally fall so that it’s easy to turn off your mind and fall to sleep. When you eat a meal right before bedtime, your metabolism gets revved up to digest the food and it’s harder to fall asleep.

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By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist

This can lead to decreased melatonin, a hormone that usually elevates at night to promote sleep. It can also lead to a decrease in leptin, a hormone that turns off your appetite.

Normally, about three hours after your last meal, your insulin levels decrease down to baseline and your growth hormone increases. Growth hormone causes you to burn fat and build muscle. It normally is at its peak in the early part of sleep.

When you eat too close to bedtime, you go to sleep with elevated levels of insulin, which

disrupt the normal growth hormone surge. As a result, you store fat while you sleep. You’ll also sleep less soundly and wake up with less energy. You’ll most likely gain weight due to the elevated insulin levels and your inability to burn all the calories you consume.

Eating late at night can cause difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. When you eat a short while before bedtime, you increase the risk of reflux and heartburn. When you’re lying down with a full stomach, there’s an increased likelihood of food regurgitating

upwards out of the stomach and into your esophagus where it can irritate the lining of your esophagus and cause pain. The pain can prevent you from sleeping soundly and give your body more work to do in attempting to heal.

Test it out for a week. Plan your last meal to end at least 3 hours before bedtime. Also, add some relaxing bedtime rituals like a warm bath, chamomile tea, or lavender oil on your pillow and you’ll increase the likelihood of a deep and restful sleep, providing you with lots more energy in the morning.

Jumpstart Your Energy at a GlanceNow that you’ve learned the

last of the 7 Simple Strategies to Jumpstart Your Energy Practically Overnight, it’s time to recap. Each strategy is pretty simple, yet profound. Though each strategy will improve your energy all by itself, when you put them all together, that’s when you start seeing amazing results.

STRATEGY #1: Take a news-fast. Bad news is an energy drain, and there are actual biochemical changes that happen in your body as a result. Review Energy Enhancing Strategy #1 for details.STRATEGY #2: Breathe and appreciate before each meal. This practice enhances your digestion

and absorption of the nutrients in your food and gives you lots more energy as a result.STRATEGY #3: Increase your intake of green leafy vegetables. They are loaded with minerals and antioxidants that enhance the activity of your mitochondria, the cellular energy-producing mechanisms. They also contain, chlorophyll, also known as “liquid sunshine”.STRATEGY #4: Each day, drink at least 32 ounces of blended greens in the form of smoothies and soups. Blending greens releases the nutrients in the cell walls of the greens and result in more energy and less work for your body.

STRATEGY #5: Eat an ounce or two of metabolism-boosting sea vegetables each week. They support your thyroid gland and increase your ability to produce energy.STRATEGY #6: Go gluten-free. This sounds like a big step, and it is. It’s also one of the most powerful strategies for reducing immune stress and inflammation, clearing your mind, and increasing your energy. Try it for a month to start. It could be the best gift you ever give yourself.STRATEGY #7: Stop eating within three hours of bedtime. Allow your body to rest more deeply, cleanse from the day, and wake up refreshed in the morning.

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By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist

Dr. Ritamarie LoscalzoThe Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist

P.S. Be sure to apply for a complimentary strategy session to determine how you can get the support and mentorship to take your health to the next

There you have it. If you’ve been incorporating these strategies in your life, perhaps you’ve already begun to notice the shift. If you’ve been putting the strategies into practice as I presented them, you’re likely feeling a surge of energy unlike any you’ve experienced in a long while.

The truth of the matter is, if you’ve already implemented all of the strategies, you’re in a small minority. As simple as these things are, putting them into action in your fast-paced, busy life may not be as easy as it could be.

It’s possible that you don’t have the support you need to implement these changes AND stick with it. That’s common.

It’s also possible that you’re a creature of habit and you do well with new things for a few days, then fall back into your old ways. That’s common too.

What I’ve discovered in over two decades of clinical practice is that

those who have support and stay in touch on a regular basis have the best chance for long-term success.

Those who drift away from the support structure often drift away from their health habits.

Because I recognize the need for consistent and ongoing support, I’ve created a number of support programs that provide the structure, resources, and guidance that most people need when changing their habits.

To thank you for making it to the end of this series, I would like to offer you a complimentary strategy session with one of my personally-trained functional nutrition coaches.

All you need to do is fill out the form BELOW and one of my coaches will contact you:

I’ve also noticed that people who have the most success implementing these strategies have been successful at setting goals for themselves,

getting in touch with what they value most, and creating the mindset for success.

I believe it takes a head and heart shift before you can shift habits permanently.

I wish you success with these seven strategies, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Wishing you Love, Health, and Joy,

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By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist


Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, the founder of the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology, is fiercely committed to transforming exhausted high achievers all over the globe into high energy people who love their lives and live to their full potential.

As a Doctor of Chiropractic with Certifications in Acupuncture, Nutrition, Herbal Medicine and HeartMath®, she’s also a certified living foods chef, instructor, and coach and has trained and certified hundreds of others in the art of living foods.

A bestselling author, speaker, and internationally recognized nutrition and hormone health authority, Dr. Ritamarie combines the ancient healing wisdom of whole, fresh foods and herbs with modern scientific research to inspire people everywhere to recharge their energy and reclaim their lives.

Dr. Ritamarie offers online courses, long distance coaching and counseling, as well as in-person classes and hands-on healing methodology.

Join Dr. Ritamarie to discover the benefits of root cause health care so that you can enjoy living your life to its full, true potential at

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By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist

Dr. Ritamarie’s Health and NutritionPROGRAMS

B4 Be Gone Program: Break the bonds that are holding you down and banish the 4 B’s: belly fat, brain fog, burnout, and blood sugar imbalance so you can regain the energy, focus, and self-confidence to live your life with passion and purpose. Complete with step-by-step actions, menu plans, delicious recipes, and hormone-balancing lifestyle protocols, you’ll have a scientifically effective and holistically balanced approach to reclaiming your health.

CAFE (Correcting Adrenal Fatigue and Exhaustion): If you need a wake-up call that will heal instead of steal your energy, it’s time for Dr. Ritamarie’s CAFE program. This fully-guided program provides strategies to repair and refuel your tired, stress-handling adrenal glands. Create a personalized 30-day adrenal reboot and energize your way to new purpose, improved clarity, and — most importantly — joy!

GREEN Cleanse: A 7-day cleanse built around the healing mineral and nutrition-rich benefits of eating leafy greens is just what you need to transform exhaustion into energy, eliminate excess belly fat, and feel younger and stronger than you did in your teens!

VITAL Community: Dr. Ritamarie’s VITAL Community offers Vibrant Ideas and Tools for Awesome Living! VITAL is a member community gathering like-minded health enthusiasts. Each month, enjoy you can enjoy the benefits of leading-edge webinars, direct group call access to Dr. Ritamarie for health questions, and delicious VITAL Healing Kitchen food preparation shows.

Energy Recharge Coaching Inner Circle: Dr. Ritamarie’s personalized coaching plan to transform you from flabby, fogged, and fatigued into fit, focused, and fully charged with energy! Enjoy year-round support designed to recharge your body system-by-system, step-by-step. This is your opportunity to work closely with Dr. Ritamarie to achieve the health of your dreams.

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By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist


Dessert: Making It Rich Without Oil: The only dessert book comprised of 100% gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, soy-free, and oil-free whole, raw ingredients. Each recipe includes a mouth-watering, full-sized photograph. The recipes are easy to make, fun to eat, and will make the transition to a healthier diet a very pleasant experience.

Dried and Gone to Heaven DVD Home Study Kit: This kit includes full instruction on the care and use of your dehydrator, health gems, and complete recipe demonstrations. Now you can make all your favorite comfort foods in ways that support your health, rather than drain it. Complete with DVDs, recipe guide and instruction manual, laminated reference cards, and a whole new perspective on life.

Power Breakfasts Ideas: Quick, healthy, and energizing recipes and tips for starting your morning with ingredients that give you plenty of energy to fuel you throughout the day!

Quick Healthy Meals on the Run: Lunch and Dinner Ideas: A valuable resource of more than just recipes! A complete guide to creating quick and delicious meals from ingredients you have on hand.

Greens from the Sea: Sea vegetables are filled with difficult to get minerals and nutrients in a concentrated form. Research shows that eating sea vegetables on a regular basis supports the endocrine system, especially the thyroid gland. People who eat sea vegetables regularly are less likely to experience osteoporosis, fatigue, and adrenal exhaustion. Learn how to enjoy sea vegetables in your diet in a regular basis with delicious recipes and start experiencing the health benefits of sea vegetables for yourself.

Quick and Easy Hearty Soups: Nourish yourself to the core with Quick & Easy Hearty Soups made from fresh, whole, and living plant foods. With these quick and easy recipes you can have a home-made meal on the table more quickly than a trip to the drive-through. This booklet contains 11 easy to make live food soups that warm and nourish.

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By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist


Each class includes access to a private web page, a PDF format recipe e-book with photos, and a separate video for each recipe.

Cheese: No Dairy, No Guilt Online Video: Learn to make delicious, nutritious raw cheeses that satisfy your cravings and nourish your body.

Thai Food Goes Raw Online Video: Gluten-free, dairy-free and brimming with exotic spices, these recipes are easy to make and will delight any palate.

Gluten Free Pizza and Pasta Online Video: Experience the traditional tastes of Italy with a gluten-free and dairy-free twist as we prepare pizza (crust, sauce and cheese); living lasagna, rawvioli, manicotti, spaghetti, “parmesan cheese”, and more.

Healthy Holiday Feasts Online Video: It’s easy to prepare a delicious, nutritious, gluten-free, dairy-free holiday meal that everyone can enjoy!

Sweets for the Holidays Online Video: Create amazing gluten-free, dairy-free, raw vegan versions of traditional holiday treats such as gingerbread men, cookies in festive seasonal shapes, candy, turtle brownies, and more.


Page 18: By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN The Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology

If You Love Your Carbs But Hate That No Energy, Foggy Brain, Bloated Belly Feeling, Then We Have Great News For You!

If you love chips, crackers, breads, pizza and other crunchy, tradi-tionally carbohydrate rich treats, you owe it to yourself to invest in a food dehydrator and learn to make your own treats from whole, fresh vegetables, fruits and sprouted nuts, seeds and grains. It’s easier than you think and you can make a month’s worth of treats in just a couple of hours.

By learning the ancient art of dehydration, which is, in essence, “low temperature baking”, you’ll be able to eat guilt-free breads, loaded with veggie goodness, and have them taste similar to your old favorites. Gluten free raw foods like pizza, enchiladas and tacos will become your favorite staple foods once you discover how easily you can make them at home.

The teachings in our Home Study System will allow you to: Create nutritious and delicious alternatives to all your favorite

comfort foods using only fresh, whole, plant based ingredients that are good for you

Make your life easier Achieve your perfect body without feeling deprived Drop unwanted pounds and achieve a slim, trim waistline Enjoy your foods knowing that they not only taste great but are

good for you

Enjoy pizza, lasagna, bread, crackers, chips and dip without the guilt

Wow your friends and family with your delicious creations Save the money you’d be spending on expensive

dehydrated snacks Save money on doctor bills Fall in love with your food and yourself!

You’ll soon be enjoying 100% gluten free, dairy free, sugar free whole plant food comfort!

No guilt. No shame.No bloating, indigestion or headaches.

No 15-pound spare tire around your waist.

You owe it to yourself to invest in learning to make delicious, nutritious comfort foods and

get off the roller coaster ride

ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY Convenient payment plan available

Page 19: By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN The Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN – The Nutritional Endocrinology


Jumpstart Your Energy Today!Tired of waking up feeling as though you haven’t slept? Sick of trudging through your day exhausted and unable to keep up with your kids, perform your job, or accomplish everything you need to?

In 7 Simple Strategies to Jumpstart Your Energy Practically Overnight, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo gives you helpful tips to recharge your energy and get you moving with a new zest for life. Incorporate her tips into your lifestyle one at a time or jump right in and try them all at once — either way, you’ll enjoy a renewed sense of well-being and the stamina to take charge of your day.

About the AuthorDr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN, author, teacher and health practitioner, is a leading authority on health and nutrition. With more than 25 years of experience in helping people create a state of balanced health, Dr. Ritamarie is known

as an energy recharge specialist with a passion for creating delicious foods that support optimum health. Her personalized approach unravels the mystery of your unique biochemistry, and she and works with you to design lifestyle and nutrition programs that are simple, easy to follow, and effective in creating the level of health you deserve.