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GE.15-23117 (E) *1523117* 2016 Meeting Geneva, 14-18 December 2015 List of participants A. States Parties Afghanistan Ms. Suraya Dalil Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative Mr. Nazir Ahmad Foshanji Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Khalid Madadi Member, High commission of the Atomic Energy Albania Ms. Filloreta Kodra Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Head of Delegation Mr. Fatjon Demneri First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Algeria M. Boudjemâa Delmi Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent, Genève Chef de délégation M. Toufik Djouama Ministre conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève M. Ali Chaouki Zouhir Boudia Directeur des études, Ministère de l’industrie et des mines BWC/MSP/2015/INF.3 Meeting of the States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction 31 December 2015 English/French/Spanish only

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GE.15-23117 (E)


2016 Meeting

Geneva, 14-18 December 2015

List of participants

A. States Parties


Ms. Suraya Dalil Ambassador Extraordinary and

Plenipotentiary, Permanent


Mr. Nazir Ahmad Foshanji Third Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Khalid Madadi Member, High commission of

the Atomic Energy


Ms. Filloreta Kodra Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Fatjon Demneri First Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva


M. Boudjemâa Delmi Ambassadeur, Représentant

permanent, Genève

Chef de délégation

M. Toufik Djouama Ministre conseiller, Mission

permanente, Genève

M. Ali Chaouki Zouhir Boudia Directeur des études, Ministère

de l’industrie et des mines


Meeting of the States Parties to the Convention

on the Prohibition of the Development,

Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological

(Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their


31 December 2015

English/French/Spanish only

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M. Mohamed Doghmani Chargé des études et de

synthèse, Ministère des


M. Hamza Brahiti Direction générale de la sureté


M. Mohamed Amine Abdouni Ministère de la défense


M. Nader Louafi Premier secrétaire, Mission

permanente, Genève

Antigua and Barbuda

Ms. Laël Bertide-Josiah Scientific Officer, Department

of Analytical Services


Sr. Alberto Pedro D’Alotto Embajador, Representante

Permanente, Ginebra

Jefe de Delegación

Sr. Marcelo Cima Ministro, Representante

Permanente Alterno, Misión

Permanente, Ginebra

Sr. Julio César Mercado Ministro, Misión Permanente,


Sr. Pablo Andrés Graziano Consejero, Dirección de

Seguridad Internacional,

Asuntos Nucleares y Espaciales,

Ministerio de Relaciones

Exteriores y Culto, Buenos


Sr. Leandro Martín Abbenante Secretario de Embajada, Misión

Permanente, Ginebra


Mr. Mher Margaryan Minister Plenipotentiary,

Permanent Mission, Geneva

Ms. Lilia Petrosyan Legal Advisor, Permanent

Mission, Geneva


Mr. Ian McConville Deputy Permanent

Representative, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Head of Delegation

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Mr. Hugh Watson First Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Ms. Alexandra Squires-McCarthy Intern, Permanent Mission,



Mr. Thomas Hajnoczi Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Robert Gerschner Minister, Head of Unit

(Disarmament: Conventional,

Chemical and Biological

Weapons), Department for

Disarmament, Non-proliferation

and Arms Control, Federal

Ministry for Europe, Integration

and Foreign Affairs, Vienna

Mr. Karl Prummer Minister, Deputy Permanent

Representative, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Thomas Zehetner Counsellor, Permanent Mission,


Mr. Peter Steiner Colonel, Counsellor (Military

Affairs), Permanent Mission,


Mr. Hannes Gamse Federal Ministry of Defence

and Sports, Vienna

Mr. Günter Greimel Federal Ministry of Defence

and Sports, Vienna


Mr. Murad N. Najafbayli Ambassador Extraordinary and

Plenipotentiary, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Huseyn Huseynov First Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva


Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam Deputy Permanent

Representative, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Toufiq Islam Shatil Counsellor, Permanent Mission,


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Mr. Yury Ambrazevich Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Vladimir Bogomaz Counsellor, Permanent Mission,



M. Karl Dhaene Représentant permanent adjoint,

Mission permanente, Genève

M. Dirk Dons Conseiller-pharmacien, Expert

CBRN Ministère de la défense

M. Frank Meeussen Attaché, Ministère des affaires

étrangères, Bruxelles


Mr. Tandin Dorji Second Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva


Ms. Lucija Ljubić Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Ivica Dronjić Deputy Permanent

Representative, Minister

Counsellor, Permanent Mission,



Mr. Pedro Motta Pinto Coelho Ambassador, Permanent

Representative to the

Conference on Disarmament,


Head of Delegation

Mr. Neil Giovanni Paiva Benevides Minister, Deputy Permanent

Representative to the

Conference on Disarmament,


Mr. João Carlos Vilela Morgero Military Advisor, Permanent

Representation to the

Conference on Disarmament,


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Mr. Marcio Augusto dos Anjos Second Secretary, Permanent

Representation to the

Conference on Disarmament,


Mr. Carlos Guilherme Sampaio Fernandes Second Secretary, Permanent

Representation to the

Conference on Disarmament,


Mr. José Augusto Bognoni Lós Reis Colonel, Assistant Military

Advisor, Permanent

Representation to the

Conference on Disarmament,


Mr. Guilherme Guimarães Ferreira Major, Assistant Military

Advisor, Permanent

Representation to the

Conference on Disarmament,


Mr. Marcos Dornelas Ribeiro Major, Army, Ministry of


Ms. Sandra Ceciliano de Souza Veloso Analyst, Coordination-General

of Sensitive Items, Ministry of

Science and Technology

Mr. Eriton Lincoln Torres Pompeu Presidency of the Republic


Mr. Ivan Piperkov Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Ms. Assia Davidova Minister Plenipotentiary,

Permanent Mission, Geneva

Ms. Kremena Stoyadinova Senior Expert, European Union

and International Organizations

Department, Defence Policy

Directorate, Ministry of


Burkina Faso

Mr. Charles J. Guibla Foreign Affairs Adviser, Head,

Military Cooperation

Department, Ministry of

Foreign Affairs and Regional


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M. Francis Ngantcha Ministre conseiller, Chargé

d’affaires a.i., Mission

permanente, Genève

Chef de délégation

M. Ahidjo Chef de service, Ministère des

relations extérieures, Yaoundé


Ms. Rosemary McCarney Ambassador and Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. John Davison Counsellor, Deputy Permanent

Representative (Conference on

Disarmament), Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Alternate Head of Delegation

Mr. Christopher Andrew Halliday Biological Weapons Policy

Analyst, Non Proliferation and

Disarmament Division, Global

Affairs Canada

Mr. Trevor Smith Senior Programme Manager,

Global Partnership Programme,

Global Affairs Canada

Ms. Marianne Heisz Director, Office of Biosafety

Programmes and Planning,

Centre for Biosecurity, Public

Health Agency of Canada

Ms. Cindi R. Corbett PhD, Director, Bacteriology and

Enteric Diseases Division,

National Microbiology

Laboratory, Public Health

Agency of Canada

Mr. Robert Clarke Expert Consultant on Health

Security, ASEAN Region,

Global Partnership Program



Sra. Marta Maurás Embajadora, Misión

Permanente, Ginebra

Jefe de Delegación

Sr. Esteban Guardia General, Director General de

Movilización Nacional

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Sr. Gustavo Montecinos Jefe, Departamento de Control

de Material de Uso Bélico y

Precursores, Dirección General

de Movilización Nacional

Sra. Alejandra Teneo Encargada de la Sección

Convención Armas Biológicas,

Departamento de Control de

Material de Uso Bélico y

Precursores, Dirección General

de Movilización Nacional

Sr. Fernando Guzmán Segundo Secretario, Misión

Permanente, Ginebra


Mr. Li Yang Deputy Director General,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Head of Delegation

Mr. Ji Haojum Counsellor, Permanent Mission


Ms. Wang Qian Deputy Division Director,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ms. Zhang Lulu First Secretary, Ministry of

Foreign Affairs

Mr. Wu Chengmai Second Secretary, Ministry of

Foreign Affairs

Mr. Xiao Yuxin Attaché, Ministry of Foreign


Mr. Wen Jian Official, Ministry of Defence

Ms. Shu Dong Expert, Ministry of Defence

Ms. Wang Lei Expert, Ministry of Defence

Ms. Liu Guannan Official, Ministry of Science

and Technology

Mr. Feng Xiaodong Expert, National Agricultural

Technology Promotion Centre

Mr. Yu Zunbo Expert, China Institute of

Veterinary Drug Control

Ms. Xu Wenli Third Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Huang Da Attaché, Permanent Mission,


Mr. Xie Dongfang Official, Health and Family

Planning Commission

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Ms. Beatriz Londoño Soto Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Francisco Alberto González Minister Counsellor, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Santiago Castaño Staff, Permanent Mission,


Costa Rica

Sra. Elayne Whyte Gómez Embajador, Representante

Permanente, Ginebra

Jefe de Delegación

Sr. Christian Guillermet Fernández Embajador, Representante

Permanente Alterno, Misión

Permanente, Ginebra

Jefe Alterno de Delegación

Sr. Norman Lizano Ortiz Ministro Consejero, Misión

Permanente, Ginebra


Ms. Vesna Bristić Kos Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Ms. Zlata Penić Ivanko Counsellor, Permanent Mission,


Mr. Marijan Jozić Lieutenant Colonel, Arms

Control Inspector, Ministry of



Sra. Anayansi Rodríguez Camejo Embajadora, Representante

Permanente, Ginebra

Jefe de Delegación

Sra. Juana Elena Ramos Rodríguez Embajadora, Dirección de

Asuntos Multilaterales y

Derecho Internacional,

Ministerio de Relaciones


Sra. Claudia Pérez Álvarez Consejera, Misión Permanente,


Sr. Ángel Alejandro Castillo Santana Consejero, Misión Permanente,


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Sr. Lázaro Regalado Alfonso Dr., Especialista Superior en

Regulación, Control y

Seguridad, Centro Nacional de

Seguridad Biológica, Ministerio

de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio



Mr. Andreas Ignatiou Ambassador Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Demetris Samuel Deputy Permanent

Representative, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Ms. Michaelia Avani Second Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Czech Republic

Mr. Jan Kára Ambassador and Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Ms. Markéta Homolková First Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Ms. Miroslava Zichová Department of Non-

proliferation, State Office for

Nuclear Safety

Mr. Jan Kynčl Medical Epidemiologist,

National Institute of Public

Health, Ministry of Health


Mr. Christian Bundegaard Attaché, Permanent Mission,


Dominican Republic

Sr. Homero Luis Hernández Sánchez Embajador, Representante

Permanente, Ginebra

Jefe de Delegación

Sra. Priscila Bautista de la Cruz Consejera, Misión Permanente,


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Ms. María Fernanda Espinosa Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Alfonso Morales Ambassador, Deputy Permanent

Representative, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. León Áviles Minister, Permanent Mission,


El Salvador

Sr. Joaquín Maza Martelli Embajador, Representante

Permanente, Ginebra

Jefe de Delegación

Sr. Rubén Armando Escalante Hasbún Ministro Consejero, Misión

Permanente, Ginebra


Mr. Andre Pung Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Ms. Riia Salsa Second Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Ms. Monika Härma Adviser, Permanent Mission,



Mr. Joji Washington Dumukoro Head of Delegation

Mr. Ajendra A. Pratap First Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Romain Simona Attaché, Permanent Mission,



Ms. Titta Maja Minister-Counsellor, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Mikael Långström Counsellor, Ministry for

Foreign Affairs

Mr. Erik Af Hällström Counsellor, Ministry of Defence

Ms. Susanna Sissonen Senior Specialist, National

Institute for Health and Welfare

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Mme Alice Guitton Ambassadeur, Représentant

permanent auprès de la

Conférence du désarmement,


Chef de délégation

M. Louis Riquet Représentant permanent adjoint

auprès de la Conférence du

désarmement, Chargé

d’affaires a.i., Genève

M. Nicolas Coussière Conseiller militaire,

Représentation permanente

auprès de la Conférence du

désarmement, Genève

Mme Marie-Gaëlle Robles Conseiller, Représentation

permanente auprès de la

Conférence du désarmement,


M. Romain Le Floc’h Sous-direction du contrôle des

armements et de l’OSCE,

Ministère des affaires

étrangères, Paris

Mme Julie Boumrar Délégation générale des

relations internationales et de la

stratégie, Ministère de la

défense, Paris

M. Christophe Genisset Secrétariat général de la défense

et de la sécurité nationale,

Ministère de la défense, Paris


Mr. Irakli Jgenti Deputy Permanent

Representative, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Shalva Burduli Head, New Threats and Arms

Control Division, Department

for Security Policy and Euro-

Atlantic Integration, Ministry of

Foreign Affairs

Ms. Lela Bakanidze Professor, Ph.D., RBP, Agrarian

University, Non-Proliferation

Programmes Manager,

President of Bio-safety


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Ms. Susanne Baumann Deputy Federal Government

Commissioner for Disarmament

and Arms Control, Federal

Foreign Office, Berlin

Head of Delegation

Mr. Michael Biontino Ambassador, Permanent

Representative to the

Conference on Disarmament,


Alternate Head of Delegation

Mr. Peter Pauels Colonel (GS), Military Adviser,

Permanent Representation to

the Conference on

Disarmament, Geneva

Ms. Susanne Welter Head of Division, Chemical and

Biological Weapons Issues,

Department for International

Order, the United Nations and

Arms Control, Federal Foreign

Office, Berlin

Ms. Anne Finger Desk Officer, Chemical and

Biological Weapons Issues,

Department for International

Order, the United Nations and

Arms Control, Federal Foreign

Office, Berlin

Mr. Nicolas Graune Desk Officer, Chemical and

Biological Weapons Issues,

Department for International

Order, the United Nations and

Arms Control, Federal Foreign

Office, Berlin

Mr. Kai Hoberg LTC (GS), Desk Officer, Arms

Control and Non-Proliferation

Policy, Federal Ministry of

Defence, Berlin

Mr. Daniel Gittinger CPT (Army) Federal Armed

Forces Verification Centre


Mr. Stefan Kloth Robert-Koch Institute

Ms. Una Becker-Jakob Peace Research Institute,


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Mr. Sammie Eddico Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Kwanema E. Quaison Adviser, National Coordinator

for BWC, Deputy Director

Environment, Ministry of

Environment, Science,

Technology and Innovation,


Alternate Head of Delegation

Mr. William Kofi Baffoe-Mensah Adviser, Director, Internal

Security and Nuclear Security

Affairs, Bureau of National

Investigations, Accra

Mr. Joseph Addo Ampofo Dr., Adviser, Director and Chief

Research Scientist Specialist,

Microbiology Water Research

Institute of CSIR, Accra

Mr. Lovelace Sarpong Adviser, Senior Programme

Officer, Chemicals Control and

Management Centre (CCMC),

Environmental Protection

Agency (EPA), Accra

Mr. Anthony Mensah Adviser, Chief Collector-

Customs Laboratory, Revenue

Authority-Customs Division,

Airport, Accra

Mr. Joseph Owusu-Ansah First Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva


Mr. Alexandros Alexandris Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Ioannis Michelogianakis Counsellor, Permanent Mission,



Sr. Francisco Villagrán de León Embajador, Representante

Permanente, Ginebra

Jefe de Delegación

Sra. Mónica Bolaños Pérez Representante Permanente

Alterna, Misión Permanente,


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Sra. Ana Regina Toledo Tercer Secretario, Misión

Permanente, Ginebra

Holy See

M. Silvano M. Tomasi Archevêque, Nonce

Apostolique, Représentant

permanente, Genève,

Chef de délégation

M. Richard Allen Gyhra Mgr., Secrétaire, Mission

permanente, Genève

M. Antoine Abi Ghanem Attaché, Mission permanente,



Sr. Giampaolo Rizzo-Alvarado Embajador, Representante

Permanente Adjunto, Encargado

de Negocios a.i., Misión

Permanente, Ginebra

Jefe de Delegación

Sra. María José Mejía Henríquez Tercer Secretario, Misión

Permanente, Ginebra


Mr. György Molnár Ambassador, Special

Representative, Minister of

Foreign Affairs and Trade for

Arms Control, Disarmament

and Non-proliferation

Head of Delegation

Ms. Zsuzsanna Horváth Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Alternate Head of Delegation

Mr. Dávid Pusztai Second Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Tamás Talpai Disarmament Desk Officer,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Mr. D.B. Venkatesh Varma Ambassador and Permanent

Representative to the

Conference on Disarmament,


Head of Delegation

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Mr. Siddhartha Nath First Secretary (Disarmament),

Permanent Mission to the

Conference on Disarmament,


Mr. Ajay Kumar Goel Dr., Scientist, Ministry of

Defence, New Delhi

Ms. Nidhi Tewari Assistant Secretary, Ministry of

External Affairs, New Delhi


Mr. Triyono Wibowo Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Robert Matheus Michael Tene Ambassador, Deputy Permanent

Representative, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Ms. Tritarayati Acting Head, Research and

Development Agency, Ministry

of Health, Jakarta

Mr. Denny Abdi Counsellor, Permanent Mission,


Ms. Riati Anggriani Deputy Director, Ministry of


Mr. Yuli Subiakto Colonel, Deputy Director,

Ministry of Defence

Mr. Nanda Avalis Head, Section on Conventional

Weapons Directorate of

International Security and

Disarmament, Ministry of

Foreign Affairs

Ms. Anindityo Adi Primasto Second Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Gerry Indradi Third Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Ms. Herawati Sudoyo Deputy for Fundamental

Research, Eijkman Institute,


Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Mr. Mohsen Naziri Asl Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Nassereddin Heidari Minister, Permanent Mission,


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Mr. Seyed Hadi Hosseini Legal Expert, Ministry of

Foreign Affairs, Tehran

Mr. Tagi Mohammadpour Farami Expert, Disarmament and

International Security Office,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Keyhan Azadmanesh Pasteur Institute, Tehran

Mr. Keyvan Tadayon Razi Vaccine and Serum

Research Institute, Karaj

Mr. Hamid Reza Tahouri Expert, Ministry of Defence,


Mr. Mohammead Reza Abbasi Expert, Ministry of Defence


Mr. Ali VAlizadeh Expert, Ministry of Defence,



Mr. Mohammad Sabir Ismail Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Mr. Abbas K.O. Abbas Dr., Minister Plenipotentiary,

Deputy Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Mr. Mahdi Falih Hassan Al-Jewari National Monitoring

Directorate, Ministry of Higher

Education and Scientific


Mr. Senan Abd Al-Hassan Muhi National Monitoring

Directorate, Ministry of Higher

Education and Scientific


Mr. Emad Al-Juhaishi Second Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Ali Talib Hamoodi Al-Hamdani Second Secretary, Ministry of

Foreign Affairs

Mr. Maytham Saman Dawood Al-Rikabi Third Secretary, Ministry of

Foreign Affairs


Ms. Patricia O’Brien Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

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Ms. Patricia Cullen Deputy Permanent

Representative to the

Conference on Disarmament,


Mr. Dermot Fitzpatrick Third Secretary, Disarmament

and Non-proliferation,

Department of Foreign Affairs

and Trade, Dublin

Ms. Eirini Giorgou Disarmament and Non-

Proliferation, Permanent

Mission, Geneva


Mr. Vinicio Mati Ambassador, Permanent

Representative to the

Conference on Disarmament,


Head of Delegation

Ms. Palma D’Ambrosio Deputy Permanent

Representative to the

Conference on Disarmament,


Deputy Head of Delegation

Ms. Silvia Cattaneo Expert, Attaché for

Disarmament Affairs

Ms. Yaroslava Romanova First Secretary, Ministry of

Foreign Affairs and

International Cooperation,

Directorate General for Political


Ms. Silvana De Candia Expert, Presidency of the

Council of Ministers

Mr. Florigio Lista Colonel, Head, Molecular

Biology Section, Military

Health Centre for Studies and


Ms. Maria Rita Gismondo Professor, Expert, “Luigi

Sacco” University Hospital

Mr. Maurizio Martellini Professor, Expert, Centre for

Scientific culture “Alessandro


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Mr. Toshio Sano Ambassador Extraordinary and

Plenipotentiary to the

Conference on Disarmament,


Head of Delegation

Mr. Yusuke Shindo Minister, Delegation to the

Conference on Disarmament,


Mr. Chitaru Shimizu Counsellor, Delegation to the

Conference on Disarmament,


Ms. Naomi Takahashi Official, Biological and

Chemical Weapons

Conventions Division,

Disarmament, Non-proliferation

and Science Department,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs,


Ms. Aoi Sato Adviser for Disarmament

Affairs, Delegation to the

Conference on Disarmament,



Ms. Saja Majali Ambassador and Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Ra’ed Safadi Directorate of International

Affairs, Armed Forces

Mr. Asem Ababneh Counsellor, Permanent Mission,


Mr. Mirza Hatooqay Major, Directorate of

International Affairs, Armed


Mr. Rami Khasawneh Dr., Major, Royal Medical


Mr. Mahmoud Yousef Ministry of Health

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Mr. Bakyt Kutubayev Head of Control and

Organizational Work Office,

Committee of Science, Ministry

of Education and Science

Head of Delegation

Mr. Abylay Sansyzbay General Director, Research

Institute for Biological Security


Mr. Arsen Omarov Counsellor, Permanent Mission,


Mr. Azamat Kaiyr Attaché, Permanent Mission,



Mr. Abdrew M. Kihurani Ambassador, Chargé d’affaires

a.i., Permanent Mission,



Ms. Rania Al Mulaifi Attaché Permanent Mission,


Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Mr. Thongphane Savanphet Ambassador Extraordinary and

Plenipotentiary, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Ms. Viengone Kittavong Minister Counsellor, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Kalamoungkhoune Souphanouvong Second Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Khamkieng Chantthavong Attaché, Permanent Mission,


Mr. Soudchai Vannasin Attaché, Permanent Mission,


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Mr. Jānis Kārkliņš Ambassador Extraordinary and

Plenipotentiary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Ms. Katrīna Kosa-Ammari Counsellor, Permanent Mission,


Ms. Ksenija Zviedre Senior Desk Officer, Arms

Control Division, Ministry of

Foreign Affairs


Mr. Mustafa Salem Counsellor, Permanent Mission,



Mr. Rytis Paulauskas Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Ms. Birutė Abraitienė Minister Counsellor, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Deputy Head of Delegation


M. Jean-Marc Hoscheit Ambassadeur, Représentant

permanent, Genève

Chef de délégation

M. Daniel Da Cruz Représentant permanent adjoint,

Mission permanente, Genève

M. Robert Steinmetz Secrétaire de légation, Direction

des affaires politiques, ministère

des affaires étrangères et


Mme Hélène Ragheboom Chargée de mission, Affaires

juridiques, Direction des

affaires politique, Ministère des

affaires étrangères et


M. Yannick Coumarin Assistant exécutif de

l’ambassadeur, Mission

permanente, Genève

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M. Solofo Razafitrimo Ministre conseiller, Chargé

d’affaires a.i., Mission

permanente, Genève

Mme Harifera Elisa Rabenananjara Conseiller, Mission permanente,


Mme Mialy Ramilison Conseiller, Mission permanente,



Mr. Mazlan Muhammad Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Zahid Rastam Deputy Permanent

Representative, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Ms. Maryam Masyitah Ahmad Termizi Second Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Ms. Zalini Yunus Head of Biosurveillance and

Biodefence, Protection and

Biophysical Technology

Division, Science and

Technology Research Institute

for Defence (STRIDE),

Ministry of Defence

Ms. T.S. Saraswathy Subramaniam Senior Researcher/IMR

Biosafety Officer, Institute of

Medical Research (IMR),

Ministry of Health

Mr. Tam Jenn Zhueng Public Health Specialist,

Ministry of Health


Mme Aya Thiam Diallo Ambassadeur, Représentant

permanent, Genève

Chef de délégation

M. Amadou Opa Thiam Ministre conseiller, Mission

permanente, Genève


Mr. John Paul Grech Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

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Mr. Anandrao Hurree Chargé d’affaires a.i.,

Permanent Mission, Geneva

Ms. Vimla Devi Huree-Agarwal Acting First Secretary,

Permanent Mission, Geneva


Sr. Jorge Lomónaco Embajador, Representante

Permanente, Ginebra

Jefe de Delegación

Sr. Raúl Heredia Acosta Embajador, Representante

Permanente Alterno, Misión

Permanente, Ginebra

Jefe de Delegación Alterno

Sr. José Alberto Díaz Quiñonez Dr., Director General Adjunto,

Instituto de Diagnóstico y

Referencia Epidemiológicos,

Dirección General de

Epidemiología, Secretaría de


Sra. Sandra Paola Ramírez Valenzuela Segunda Secretaria, Misión

Permanente, Ginebra

Sr. Víctor Martínez Orta Camacho Misión Permanente, Ginebra


Mr. Dangaasuren Munkhjargal Counsellor, Permanent Mission,



Mr. Nebojša Kaludjerović Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Ms. Andjelka Rogac Second Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva


M. Mohamed Auajjar Ambassadeur, Représentant

permanent, Genève

Chef de délégation

M. Hassan Boukili Ministre plénipotentiaire,

Mission permanente, Genève

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M. Brahim Bouha Colonel, Administration de la

défense nationale

M. Nordine Sadouk Conseiller, Mission permanente,


Mme Amal Berkia Dr., Responsable qualité et

management des risques,

Direction générale de la sûreté



Mr. Jaime Valente Chissano Minister Plenipotentiary,

Permanent Mission, Geneva


Mr. Maung Wai Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Myint Soe Ambassador, Deputy Permanent

Representative, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Ms. Kyaw Thu Nyein Minister Counsellor, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Thu Rein Saw Htut Naing First Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva


Mr. Henk Cor van der Kwast Ambassador, Permanent

Representative to the

Conference on Disarmament

and Ambassador at Large,


Head of Delegation

Mr. Mark Versteden First Secretary, Deputy Head of

Disarmament, Permanent

Representation to the

Conference on Disarmament,


Ms. Ayse Aydin Policy Adviser, Department of

Security Policy, Non-

Proliferation and Disarmament

Division, Ministry of Foreign


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Mr. Kees-Jan Steenhoek Deputy Head, Department of

Security Policy, Non-

Proliferation and Disarmament

Division, Ministry of Foreign


Mr. Rik D. A. Bleijs PhD, Head Biosecurity Office,

National Institute of Public

Health (RIVM)

Ms. Mirjam Schaap Expert, Biosecurity Office,

National Institute of Public

Health (RIVM)

Mr. Hugo-Jan Hansen PhD, Senior Advisor,

Microbiology and Infectious

Diseases, Expert Centre Force

Health Protection (CEAG),

Ministry of Defence

Mr. Mark van Passel Senior Project Coordinator,

National Institute for Public

Health (RIVM)

Mr. Koos van der Bruggen Independent Expert on


Mr. Rudie Trienes Team Leader, Unit for

International Cooperation,

Royal Academy of Sciences

Ms. Dorien de Keyzer Assistant, Disarmament Affairs

New Zealand

Ms. Katy Donnelly Deputy Permanent

Representative to the

Conference on Disarmament,

Permanent Mission, Geneva

Head of Delegation


Mme Fatima Sidikou Ambassadeur, Représentant

permanent, Genève

Chef de délégation

M. Garba Issoufou Premier secrétaire, Chargé des

questions de désarmement,

Mission permanente, Genève

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Mr. Peters S.O. Emuze Chargé d’affaires, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. P. Y. Gbemudu Minister Counsellor, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Anthony N. Alonwu Senior Counsellor, Permanent

Mission, Geneva


Mr. Steffen Kongstad Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Ms. Åshild Kjøk Senior Adviser, Ministry of

Foreign Affairs, Oslo

Mr. Olaf Scheel Head, Armed Forces Institute of

Microbiology, Oslo

Mr. Pål Aas Dr., Chief Scientist, Defence


Ms. Malgorzata T. Hauge First Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva


Mr. Abdulla Nasser Al Rahbi Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Mr. Hamed Suleiman Al Burtumani Staff Colonel, Ministry of

Defence, Muscat

Mr. Amer Al Amri First Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva


Ms. Tehmina Janjua Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Aamar Aftab Qureshi Deputy Permanent

Representative, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Usman Iqbal Jadoon Counsellor, Permanent Mission,


Mr. Syed Atif Raza Second Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

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Sr. Ramón A. Morales Q. Embajador, Representante

Permanente, Ginebra

Sra. Grisselle Rodríguez Consejero, Misión Permanente,



Sra. Katia Ángeles Vargas Consejera, Encargada de

Negocios a.i., Misión

Permanente, Ginebra

Jefe de Delegación

Sra. Ana Teresa Lecaros Terry Consejera, Misión Permanente,


Sr. Manuel Mundaca Peñaranda Segundo Secretario, Misión

Permanente, Ginebra


Ms. Cecilia B. Rebong Ambassador and Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Ms. Noralyn Jubaira-Baja Deputy Permanent

Representative, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Ms. Maria Elena Christina Maningat First Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Antonio Tayag Deputy Commander, Munitions

Control Centre, Armed Forces

Mr. Jose Embang Col., CBRN CoE National

Focal Point

Mr. Fedelino F. Malbas Jr. Dr., Research Institute for

Tropical Medicine, Bureau of

Animal Industry, Department of


Ms. Irma Makalinao Dr., CBRN CoE National Team

Ms. Hossana P. Dela Cruz Attaché, Permanent Mission,



Mr. Piotr Stachańczyk Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

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Mr. Jerzy Baurski Minister Counsellor, Deputy

Permanent Representative,

Permanent Mission, Geneva

Ms. Agnieszka Dalbiak Minister’s Counsellor, Ministry

of Environment

Mr. Zbigniew Ciolek Colonel, Counsellor, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Ms. Joanna Rybak Senior Specialist, Forestry and

Environment Protection

Department, Ministry of


Ms. Paulina Gonciarz Senior Specialist, Department

of International Security Policy,

Ministry of National Defense

Ms. Malgorzata Giza Specialist, Economical Security

Department, Ministry of


Mr. Ryszard Slomski Professor, Institute of Human

Genetics, Polish Academy of



Mr. Pedro Nuno Bártolo Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Nuno Cabral First Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Henrique Castanheira National Defence Policy

Directorate, Ministry of


Mr. António Eduardo Bruno Lopes Loão Major Veterinary, Laboratory of

Bromatology and Biological

Defence, Army

Mr. Júlio Manuel C.F. Gouveia Carvalho Major Veterinary, Laboratory of

Bromatology and Biological

Defence, Army


Mr. Faisal bin Abdulla Al-Henzab Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Ibrahim Salih Y. Al-Hor Colonel, Dr., Ministry of


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Mr. Nasser Ali Al-Anssari Dr., Hamad Corporation


Ms. Jamila Ali Al-Ajami Dr., Hamad Medical


Mr. Almuhannad Al-Hammadi Permanent Mission, Geneva

Ms. Noof A. Al-Thani International Committee for the

Prohibition of Weapons

Republic of Korea

Mr. Kim Young Moo Ambassador, Deputy Permanent

Representative, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Ms. Huh Yoon-jeong Second Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Ms. Shim Soo Yeon Second Secretary, Disarmament

and Non-proliferation Division,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ms. Gam Yeseul Second Secretary, Republic of

Korea-United States of America

Security Cooperation Division,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Kim Jong Heon Defence Attaché, Embassy,


Ms. Kim Geum Mi Deputy Director, Bio and

Nanotechnology Division,

Ministry of Trade, Industry and


Ms. Kim Sum Mi Scientific Researcher, Division

of Bioterrorism Preparedness

and Response, Centres for

Disease Control and Prevention,

Ministry of Health and Welfare

Ms. Park Jin Hee Assistant Director, Division of

Bioterrorism Preparedness and

Response, Centres for Disease

Control and Prevention,

Ministry of Health and Welfare

Ms. Hong Joo Eun Researcher, Division of

Bioterrorism Preparedness and

Response, Centres for Disease

Control and Prevention,

Ministry of Health and Welfare

Mr. Ok Yong Pyo Assistant Director, General

Support Team, Administration

for the Osong Bio-Technopolis

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Mr. Lee Hei-Chan Professor, Department of

Pharmaceutical Engineering

Sun Moon University

Mr. Kim Jong-min Team Leader, Industry

Promotion Team (including

BWC Implementation Unit),

Division of Policy Development

and Support, Biotechnology

Industry Organization

Republic of Moldova

Mr. Victor Moraru Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Igor Moldovan First Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva


Mr. Adrian Vierita Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Adrian Ionel General Manager, Cantacuzino

National Institute of Research-

Development for Microbiology

and Immunology

Mr. Traian Filip Deputy Permanent

Representative, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Russian Federation

Mr. Mikhail Uliyanov Director, Ministry of Foreign


Head of Delegation

Mr. Vladimir Yermakov Deputy Director, Ministry of

Foreign Affairs

Deputy Head of Delegation

Mr. Sergey Rudenko Senior Counsellor, Ministry for

Foreign Affairs

Mr. Vladimir Ladanov Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign


Mr. Mikhail Gavrilov Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign


Mr. Aleksandr Simonov Third Secretary, Ministry of

Foreign Affairs

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Ms. Anastasya Chikunova Interpreter, Ministry for Foreign


Mr. Kirill Mikhailov Expert, Ministry of Defence

Mr. Sergei Kuznetsov Ministry of Defence

Mr. Oleg Kochanov Expert, Ministry of Defence

Mr. Oleg Kochanov Ministry of Defence

Mr. Igor Zorikov Ministry of Defence

Mr. Victor Kholstov Expert, Ministry of Industry and


Mr. Oleg Bessonov Ministry for Industry and Trade

Ms. Yulia Demina Expert, Federal Service for

Surveillance of Consumer

Rights Protection and Human


Mr. Vyacheslav Smolenskiy Expert, Federal Service for

Surveillance of Consumer

Rights Protection and Human


Mr. Evgeny Bragin Expert, Federal Service for

Surveillance of Consumer

Rights Protection and Human


Mr. Yury Levadnyy Expert, Federal Biomedical


Mr. Vladimir Borovoy Expert, Ministry of Agriculture

Ms. Oksana Guseva Ministry of Health

Ms. Natalia Kostenko Ministry of Health

Ms. Vera Misuryaeva Support Staff, Ministry for

Foreign Affairs

Mr. Denis Abramov Support Staff, Ministry for

Foreign Affairs

Saudi Arabia

Mr. Hahad Al-Ruwaili Minister Plenipotentiary,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Saad bin Abdullah Al-Ghamdi Engineer, Ministry of

Commerce and Industry

Mr. Waleed Abdulatif Alshubaiki Ministry of Commerce and


Mr. Mohammed bin Hamad Al-Balawi Dr., Ministry of Agriculture

Mr. Waleed bin Ali Al-Harbi Captain, Ministry of Interior

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Mr. Jalawi bin Turki Al-Saud Prince, Ministry of Foreign


Mr. Ahmed Al-Sobael Brigadier General, Minister of


Mr. Sami bin Mohammed Al-alaian Lieutenant Colonel, Ministry of


Mr. Tarek Al-Aranoos Dr., Ministry of Health


Mr. Serigne Dieye First Counsellor, Chargé

d’affaires a.i., Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Ms. Mame Diarra Bousso Fall First Counsellor, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Mouhamadou Dia First Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva


Mr. Bladislav Mladenović Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Miloš Đurđević Third Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva


Mr. Fedor Rosocha Ambassador Extraordinary and

Plenipotentiary, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Karol Šefčík First Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Cyril Klement Expert, Ministry of Health

Mr. Igor Kucer Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Mr. Vojislav Šuc Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Ms. Kelka Travnik Deputy Permanent

Representative, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

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South Africa

Mr. Abdul Samad Minty Ambassador, Extraordinary and

Plenipotentiary, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Ms. Ncumisa Pamella Notutela Deputy Permanent

Representative, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Ms. Simbongile Mancotywas-Kumsha Counsellor, Disarmament,

Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Livhuani Masindi Technical Expert, Pretoria

Ms. Lebogang Phihlela Non-Proliferation Secretariat,

Department of Trade and

Industry (DTI), Pretoria

Ms. Bronwen Levy First Secretary, Disarmament,

Permanent Mission, Geneva

Ms. Kershney Chantelle Naidoo First Secretary, Disarmament,

Permanent Mission, Geneva


Sr. Julio Herráiz Embajador Delegado ante la

Conferencia de Desarme,

Representación Permanente,


Jefe de Delegación

Sr. Rafael Pérez Mellado Asesor Científico para

Cuestiones de No Proliferación

Biológica, Subdirección

General de No Proliferación y

Desarme, Ministerio de Asuntos

Exteriores, Madrid

Sr. Rafael Górgolas Consejero, Representación

Permanente, Ginebra

Sr. Jesús Rojas Toledano Ministerio del Interior, Guardia

Civil, Madrid

Sr. José Manuel Navas García Policía Nacional, Ministerio del

Interior, Madrid

Sri Lanka

Mr. Ravinatha Aryasinha Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

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Ms. Samantha Jayasuriya Deputy Permanent

Representative, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Ms. MLF Mafusa Second Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva


Mr. Saadeldien Mohamed Abdelhamid Ahmed Ministry of Defence

Mr. Ibrahim Helali Badawi Abdalla Ministry of Defence

Mr. Mohamed Jamaleldien Bukheet First Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva


Ms. Veronika Bard Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Jan Lodding Deputy Director, Ministry for

Foreign Affairs

Mr. Jerzy Makarowski Minister Counsellor, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Daniel Nord Senior Advisor, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Ms. Elisabet Fritz Dr., Swedish Defence Research

Agency (FOI)


M. Urs Schmid Ambassadeur, Représentant

permanent auprès de la

Conférence du désarmement,


Chef de délégation

M. Laurent Masmejean Conseiller, Mission permanente,


M. Vincent Choffat Dr., Conseiller militaire,

Mission permanente, Genève

M. Sergio Bonin Spécialiste des affaires

politiques, Section maîtrise des

armements et désarmement,

Division politique de sécurité,

Département fédéral des affaires


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M. Dominic Béchaz Collaborateur scientifique,

Politique de contrôle à

l’exportation, secrétariat d’État

à l’économie, Département

fédéral de l’économie, de la

formation et de la recherche

M. Stefan Mogl Chef, Section chimie,

Laboratoire Spiez, Office

fédéral de la protection de la

population, Département fédéral

de la défense, de la protection et

des sports

M. Cédric Invernizzi Dr., Expert, (maîtrise des

armements NRBC), Suppléant

(section biologie), Laboratoire

Spiez, Office fédéral de la

protection de la population,

Département fédéral de la

défense, de la protection et des

sports, Berne


Mr. Thani Thongphakdi Ambassador and Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Apichai Mongkol M.D Dr., Director-General, Medical

Sciences Department, Ministry

of Public Health

Ms. Srisin Khusmith Professor, Ph.D., Faculty of

Tropical Medicine, Mahidol


Mr. Varapote Chensavasdijai Counsellor, Permanent Mission,


Ms. Piyaporn Putanapan First Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Vorapong Vadhanasindhu Third Secretary, Department of

International Organizations,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The former Yugoslav Republic

of Macedonia

Mr. Disko Uzunovski Minister Counsellor, Chargé

d’affaires a.i., Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Ms. Elena Zdravkovska Second Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

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Mr. Damjan Denkovski Officer, Permanent Mission,



M. Slim Ghariani Ministre plénipotentiaire,

Mission permanente, Genève

Chef de délégation


Mr. Mehmet Ferden Çarikçi Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Ms. Berna Kasnakli First Counsellor, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Ufuk Güneş Counsellor (Disarmament)

Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Şaban Tekin Professor, TUBITAK Marmara

Research Agency

Mr. Erhan Akçay Dr., Ministry of Agricultural

and Livestock

Ms. Tülay Kurt Ministry of Agricultural and


Ms. Zuhal Saçti Ministry of Agricultural and


Mr. Erol Erçağ Professor, Istanbul University


Mr. John Tagaswire Major, Expert, Ministry of


Ms. Olga Celia Semakula State Attorney, Ministry of

Justice and Constitutional



Mr. Yurii Klymenko Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Serhiy Komisarenko Professor, Academician-

Secretary, Department for

Biochemistry, Physiology and

Molecular Biology, National

Academy of Science

Deputy Head of Delegation

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Mr. Oleksandr Verzhyhovskyi Deputy Head, State Veterinary

and Phytosanitary Service

Ms. Mykola Mandyhra Academician-Secretary,

Department of Veterinary

Medicine, National Academy of

Agrarian Sciences

Ms. Galyna Gergalova Researcher, PhD in Biological

Sciences, National Academy of


Mr. Denys Demchenko First Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

United Arab Emirates

Mr. Obaid Salem Al Zaabi Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Rashed Al Shamsi First Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Mr. Rashed Mohamed Obaid Al Dhaheri Armed Forces

Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Ibrahim Al Wahabi Armed Forces

Mr. Sayed Obaid Salem Al Zaabi Armed Forces

Mr. Abubaker Sheikhan The Supreme National Security


Mr. Mohamed Khamis Abdallah Al Kaabi Ministry of Defence

Mr. Mohamed Tarek Abdelrahman Al Hosani Ministry of Defence

Mr. Abubaker Hussein Abdelrahman Bawazir The Supreme National Security


Mr. Saeed Saleh Al Mahrizi Committee of Goods and

Materials Subject to Import And

Export Control

Mr. Hassan Hussein Al Ali Committee of Goods and

Materials Subject to Import And

Export Control

Mr. Mohamed Bekhassen Ben Amara Information and International

Organization Department,

Permanent Mission, Geneva

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United Kingdom of Great Britain

and Northern Ireland

Mr. John R. Walker Dr., Head, Arms Control and

Disarmament Research Unit,

Foreign and Commonwealth


Head of Delegation

Ms. Lorna Miller Dr., Defence Science and

Technology Laboratory (Dstl)

Porton Down

Mr. Matthew Rowland Ambassador, Permanent

Representative to the

Conference on Disarmament,


Mr. James Harrison Ministry of Defence

Mr. Daniel Ostheimer Ministry of Defence

Mr. Carol E. Stone Dr., Defence Science and

Technology Laboratory (Dstl)

Porton Down

United States of America

Mr. Robert A. Wood Ambassador, Permanent

Representative to the

Conference on Disarmament

and Special Representative for

Biological and Toxin Weapons

Convention Issues, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Mr. Christopher Buck Deputy Permanent

Representative to the

Conference on Disarmament

Deputy Head of Delegation

Mr. Christopher Park Director, Biological Policy

Staff, Bureau of International

Security and Non-proliferation,

Department of State,

Washington D.C.

Alternate Representative

Mr. Scott Davis Deputy Director, Biological

Policy Staff, Bureau of

International Security and Non-

proliferation, Department of

State, Washington D.C.

Alternate Representative

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Mr. John Bergemann Senor Advisor, Delegation to

the Conference on

Disarmament, Geneva

Ms. Kellie Bolling Export Controls Analyst,

Biologist, Department of

Energy, Washington D.C.

Mr. Douglas Brown Dr., Director, Treaty

Compliance, Department of

Commerce, Washington D.C.

Ms. Meg L. Flanagan Dr., Microbiologist, Biological

Policy Staff, Bureau of

International Security and Non-

proliferation, Department of

State, Washington D.C.

Mr. Robert Friedman Attorney-Adviser, Office of the

Legal Adviser for Non-

proliferation and Arms Control,

Department of State,

Washington, D.C.

Ms. Kelly Hartley Dr., Foreign Affairs Officer,

Bureau of Arms Control,

Verification and Compliance,

Department of State,

Washington, D.C.

Ms. Rebecca Katz Dr., Public Health Consultant,

Biological Policy Staff, Bureau

of International Security and

Non-proliferation, Department

of State, Washington D.C.

Mr. Matthew Lim Dr., Senior Policy Advisor in

Global Health Security,

Department of Health and

Human Services, Silver

Springs, MD

Ms. Debra R. Little Office of the Joint Chiefs of

Staff, Department of Defense,

Washington D.C.

Mr. Robert P. Mikulak Dr., Office of Chemical and

Biological Weapons Affairs,

Bureau of Arms Control,

Verification and Compliance,

Department of State,

Washington, D.C.

Mr. Reid N. Orth Dr., Major, Air Force, Special

Assistant for Biodefense, Office

of the Secretary of Defense,

Department of Defense,

Washington D.C.

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Mr. Javohir Nurmetov First Secretary, Chargé

d’affaires a.i., Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Sr. Jorge Valero Embajador, Representante

Permanente, Ginebra

Jefe de Delegación

Sra. Rebeca Sánchez Embajadora, Representante

Permanente Adjunta, Misión

Permanente, Ginebra

Sra. Arline Díaz Mendoza Segundo Secretario, Misión

Permanente, Ginebra

Sra. María Elena Dos Santos Apoyo Técnico, Misión

Permanente, Ginebra


Mr. Mithaq Aljarf Third Secretary, Permanent

Mission, Geneva


Mr. Taonga Mushayavanhu Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Mr. Charles Shishiri Deputy Permanent

Representative, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Ms. Nomsa Michelle Ndongwe Counsellor, Permanent Mission,


B. States signatories

Côte d’Ivoire

M. Kouadio Adjoumani Ambassadeur, Représentant

permanent, Genève

Chef de délégation

M. Tiémoko Moriko Conseiller, Mission permanente,


M. Nouffon Traore Lieutenant-colonel, Directeur de

l’armement, Ministère auprès

du Président, Chargé de la


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M. N’Vadro Bamba Conseiller, Mission permanente,


M. Kouassi Martin Yebouah Attaché, Mission permanente,



Mr. Martin Scott-Tabi Assistant Professor, Chemical

Biological, Radiological and

Nuclear Team

Head of Delegation

Mr. Francis Neah Chemical Biological,

Radiological and Nuclear Team

United Republic of Tanzania

Mr. Furaha Mramba Dr., Chief Executive,

Veterinary Laboratory Agency

C. Observers

1. States neither Parties nor signatories


Mr. Aboubacar Sidiki Diakite


Mr. Eviatar Manor Ambassador, Permanent

Representative, Geneva

Head of Delegation

Ms. Maya Yaron Counsellor, Deputy Permanent

Representative to the

Conference on Disarmament,


2. Specialized agencies and intergovernmental organizations

Association of Southeast Asian

Nations (ASEAN)

Mr. Ferdinal Moreno Fernando Assistant Director, Health and

Communicable Diseases

Division, Socio-Cultural

Community Department

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European Union

Mr. Peter Sørensen Ambassador, Permanent

Delegation, Geneva

Mr. Dominic Porter Chargé d’affairs a.i., Permanent

Delegation, Geneva

Mr. Andras Kos Minister Counsellor, Permanent

Delegation, Geneva

Mr. Cezary Lusinski Minister Counsellor, Permanent

Delegation, Geneva

Ms. Vasiliki Gounari Counsellor, Permanent

Delegation, Geneva

Mr. Emil Kazakov Policy Officer, European

External Action Service,


Mr. Tristan Simonart Planning and Programming

Officer, European Commission,

Directorate-General for

Development and Cooperation,


Mr. Benny Geypens Scientific/Technical Project

Manager, European

Commission, Joint Research

Centre, Geel

Mr. Jean Pascal Zanders Dr., Senior Research Fellow,

The Trench, Ferney-Voltaire

Mr. Joel Díaz-Rodríguez Intern, Permanent Delegation,


International Committee

of the Red Cross (ICRC)

Ms. Kathleen Lawand Head, Arms Unit, Legal


Head of Delegation

Mr. Neil Davison Science Adviser, Arms Unit,

Legal Division

Mr. Mauro Dalla Torre Weapon Contamination

Medical Adviser, Assistance


Mr. Johnny Nehme Head of CBRN Section,

Weapons Contamination Unit,

Assistance Division

Mr. Mayank Verma Intern, Arms Unit, Legal


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League of Arab States (LAS)

M. Sameh Aboulenein Ambassadeur, Observateur

permanent, Genève

M. Youcef Tiliouant Premier secrétaire, Délégation

permanent, Genève

M. Ali Charouite Expert

Organization for the Prohibition

of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)

Mr. Jonathan Forman Science Policy Adviser, Office

of Strategy and Policy

Mr. Christopher Timperley Dr., Chairperson, Scientific

Advisory Board

World Organisation for Animal

Health (OIE)

Ms. Tianna Brand Chargée de mission for

Biological Threat Reduction

3. United Nations

United Nations 1540 Committee

Group of Experts

Mr. Alexander Volgarev Member

Mr. Gennady Lutay Member of the Group of


United Nations Institute

for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)

Mr. Jarmo Sareva Director

Head of Delegation

Mr. John Borrie Senior Researcher and Policy


Ms. Kerstin Vignard Chief of Operations and Deputy

to the Director

Ms. Elena Finckh Assistant Researcher

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United Nations Interregional Crime

and Justice Research Institute


Mr. Francesco Marelli Head CBRN Programme

Head of Delegation

Ms. Maria Rettori Regional Coordinator for South

East Asia, Chemical,

Biological, Radiological and

Nuclear Risk Mitigation and

Security Governance


Mr. Anrew Prosser Senior Analyst

Mr. R. Alexander Hamilton Dr., Senior Analyst

Mr. Pierre Viaud SICPA Security Solutions SA

Mr. Philippe Amon SICPA Security Solutions SA

Mr. Sauro Nicli SICPA Security Solutions SA

United Nations Office

for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA)

Mr. Marco Kalbusch Officer-in-Charge, Geneva


Head of Delegation

Ms. Silvia Mercogliano Political Affairs Officer,


Mr. Peter Kolarov Political Affairs Officer,


Mr. Reint Vogelaar Associate Political Affairs

Officer, Geneva

4. Non-governmental organizations

Associação Nacional de Biossegurança


Ms. Leila dos Santos Macedo Dr., Ph.D., President

Mr. Piers Millet Principal

Ms. Kathryn Millett Director

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Prevention Project

Mr. Richard Guthrie Consultant

Federation of American Scientists

Mr. Christopher A. Bidwell JD, Senior Fellow, Non-

Proliferation Law and Policy

Foundation for the Development

of Biotechology and Genetics


Ms. Marlena Szalata Dr., Member of the Board

Global Emerging Pathogens

Treatment Consortium (GET)

Mr. Akin Abayomi Professor, Principal Investigator

Green Cross International

Ms. Marina Abrams Senior Research Fellow

Mr. Reinhard Gasser Programme Staff, Switzerland

Mr. Paul F. Walker Dr., Programme Director

International CBRNE Institute (ICI)

Mr. Olivier Mattmann

Mr. Yves Dubucq

Mr. Patrice Palanque

International Federation of

Biosafety Associations

Ms. Maureen Ellis Executive Director

International Network of

Engineers and Scientists for

Global Responsibility (INES)

Ms. Kathryn Nixdorff Coordinator, Studies on

Biological and Toxin Weapons


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James Martin Center

for Non-Proliferation Studies (CNS)

Ms. Tiara Shaya Research Associate, Middlebury

Institute of International Studies

at Monterey

Mr. Hussain Alhowaidi MA Candidate, Middlebury

Institute of International Studies

at Monterey

Mr. Can Kasapoglu Dr., Assistant Professor, Girne

American University, Non-

Resident Research Fellow,

Center for Economics and

Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM)

King’s College London

Mr. Nicholas Sims Emeritus Reader in

International Relations, London

School of Economics and

Political Science

Ms. Filippa Lentzos Dr., Senior Researcher Fellow,

department of Social Science,

Health and Medicine

Ms. Deborah Scott Dr., Visiting Research Fellow,

Department of Social Science,

Health and Medicine

Mr. José A. Cañada Visiting Research Student,

Department of Social Science,

Health and Medicine

McGill University

Mr. Ruthanne Huising Associate Professor

Parliamentarians for Global Action

Ms. Romina Morello Legal Advisor, Officer-in-

Charge, The Hague

Pax Christi International

Mr. Trevor Griffiths R. Main Representative, Geneva

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Pugwash Conferences on Science

and World Affairs

Mr. Sergey Batsanov Director, Geneva, Member of

the Council

Mr. Emilio Parisini Dr., Researcher in

Biochemistry, University of

Milan, Italian Group

Research Group for

Biological Arms Control

Mr. Mirko Himmel Dr., Researcher

Mr. Gunnar Jeremias Dr., Researcher

Synthetic Biology Leadership

Excellence Accelerator Program


Mr. Sean Ward Fellow, Founder and Chief

Technology Officer of Synthase

The National Academies of


Ms. Lida Anestidou Dr., Senior Programme Officer,

Institute for Laboratory Animal


Mr. Raul V. Destura Dr., Institute Director, Institute

of Molecular Biology and

Biotechnology, University of

the Philippines, Manila

Mr. Alastair W.M. Hay Professor of Environmental

Toxicology, University of


Ms. Jo L. Husbands Dr., Scholar

Ms. Srisin Khusmith Vice President, Biosafety

Association (Thailand)

Professor, Faculty of Tropical

Medicine, Mahidol University

Ms. Hien Le Deputy Director, Institute of

Genome Research (IGR), Viet

Nam Academy of Science and

Technology (VAST)

Mr. Mohd Jamil Bin Maah Professor, Inorganic Chemistry,

Department of Chemistry,

University of Malaya

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Mr. Eufemio T. Rasco Jr. Dr., Executive Director,

Philippines Rice Research


Ms. Herawati Sudoyo Dr., Deputy Director, Eijkman

Institute for Molecular Biology

Ms. Edith Snagalang Tria President, Philippine Biosafety

and Biosecurity Association,

Head Department, San Lazaro


Mr. Abhimanyu A. L. Veerakumarasivam Dr., Director, Scientific

Foundations, Graduate School

of Medicine, Perdana


The Royal Society

Ms. Elizabeth Bohm Senior Policy Adviser

Mr. Franck Fourniol Dr., Policy Adviser

Mr. Rod Flower Professor of Biochemical


Mr. Paul Freemont Professor, Co-founder and Co-

director, EPSRC Centre for

Synthetic Biology and


Ms. Alemka Markotic Professor, Head, Department for

Research, University Hospital

for Infectious Diseases, Zagreb

Università degli Studi


Mrs. Carola Argiolas Project Manager

Ms. Veronica Baldo Scientific Expert

Ms. Cancetta Russo Dr., Research Associate

University of Bradford

Division of Peace Studies

Mr. Graham Pearson Dr., Visiting Professor of

International Security

Mr. Malcolm Dando Professor of International


Mr. Simon Whitby Lecturer

Ms. Tatyana Novossiolova Research Assistant

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University of Sussex

Ms. Caitriona McLeish Dr., Senior Research Fellow,

Harvard Sussex Program

Mr. James Revill Dr., Research Fellow, Harvard

Sussex Program

Mr. Kai Ilchmann Dr., Research Associate,

Harvard Sussex Program

University of the Witwatersrand

Ms. Louise Bezuidenhout Staff Member, Steve Biko

Centre for Bioethics

UPMC Center for Health Security

Ms. Gigi Kwik Gronvall Associate Professor, University

of Pittsburgh School of

Medicine, Graduate School of

Public Health, Senior Associate

Ms. Crystal Boddie ELBI Programme Manager,

Senior Associate

Mr. Justin Taylor Dr., ELBI Fellow, 2015 Class

Ms. Emily Kelley ELBI Fellow, 2015 Class

Ms. Cindi Corbett Dr., ELBI Fellow, 2014 Class

Ms. Allison Mistry ELBI Fellow, 2015 Class

Ms. Amanda Moodie ELBI Fellow, 2015 Class

Verification Research, Training

and Information Centre (VERTIC)

Mr. Scott Spence Programme Director


Mr. Richard Lennane Chief Inflammatory Officer