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i| TORRANCE HERALD AIM' l:\HIBIT NOW .AT 1'Al.ON VKKDES Palos Verdes Community Aitsj association and Palos Verdes Public Library and Art Gallery announce an exhibition of paint- ings by Jean Goodwin Ames, Loren Barton, Li-land Curt is, Jean De Botton, Clarence Hinklc, Etienne Ret, Mary Turlay Robin- son. R u b i n, and Oscar Van Inncheon at Palos Young. The display which started > will continue in July 5. CDA Members Are Charming Hostesses Ar'P.V. Country Club On Thursday - afternoon Mrs. Joweph Greave-j, of Hedoiido pV-nch. Mill Mis. Frark J. Far- 1, u i s;iand regent c/f Court * ' ' -lierine, were honored Jtuests -Verdes Coitr-ry Hub when thi .following ladies entertained: « .Mines. F, H. Forrester. Howard Donish, Colette J> nies and Misses Bchott. Thomas Turner. J. Mac Opal Yorker, Rosa and Katherine ZDonald.-P. B. Clayton. Michael Oilman. 1 ACCORDION! I»\\M\<. t BETTIE THOMAS Studio \\ 1915 Gramercy Ave. Ph. Torrance 81 r-W <i Margot Buxton Grow Exchanges Vows Wiih Walter E. Schlick ic lovely home Bronson C. Bu lo. was the 1500 El ptting for the simple but impressive ceremony in which their daughter, Margot Bi^xton Grow, exchanged nuptial vows with Mr. Walter E. Schlick, of this city. Rev. H. We*ley Ro- loff officiated in the presence of relatives of the couple. A candlelighted arrangeme of gaidcnias and fern,., created an effective background for the bridal couple. Given in marriage by her fa Ihrr. the bride was charming ir a powder blue suit with pink hal Hurt gloves which matched hei By MARY VONDERAHE .eech-Hall Vows Are Recited In St. Andrew's Church Miss Colleen Gotts Weds Arthur Steele In Baptist Church What Every Model Knows Ever watch a model when she isn't modeling? She walks across a room with infinite grace. When she speaks, heir voice is animated, her glance direct, her manners charming. All the professional gestures are hers in her everyday life as well. ' ' They can be yours, too. They MUST be yours if you are to become 3- model. But a model's graces enhance your charm if you arc'a'home-maker, a business execu- tive, a saleswoman or whatever. My summer modeling courses arc now starting. Fill in coupon or phone. CHARLSIE EVANS STUDIO 3?33' vWilshire Blvdl, Los Angeles 5, Calif. Fltzroy 6610 Please send r modeling COL le information on private [J 91"- group [J Address GRADUATE ... Miss Neva June, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde D. Lowen, 904 Beech ave., who was gradua- ted with a Bachelor of Arts degree from the School of Ed- ucation of Stanford University. With her'parents, who at- tended her commencement ex- ercises, Miss Lowen arrived here Monday for a well earned vacation. Graduated from Re- dondo Union High School as an honor student-in 1943, Miss Lowen plans to follow a teach- ing Career. .She has received Mrs. Viiginia Scott, of Kresno, as her sister's attendant wore a suit of King Tan with brown and lime accessories. Her flow- ers 'wm-e Talisman roses. Sandra June Grow was flower girl in dainty white dotted Swiss with pink ribbons and little Con- rad Schlick was ring bearer. Raymond Schlick Sr., of Los An- geles, attended his ' brother as best man. At the reception following a beautifully decorated tiered wed- ding cake and other refresh- ments were served. Pouring were Mrs. Peggy Schlick, of Los An- geles and Mrs. J. M. Christens , her student teaching experience, j Of this city. in Palo Alto. . Mrs. Buxton received he ~ I guests' in sapphire blue crepe MR. and MRS. STEELE . In the presence of 100 guests gathered Sunday afternoon in All-white blossoms were used First Baptist church, Miss Col- decorate St. Andrew's Episco- Ioe 'i Ootts, daughter of Mr. and MR. and MRS. LEECH pal Church for the recent wed- Mr f 25913 complemented by ioscbuds a corsage of id Mesdames ! Schlick and Chrlstensen wore i summer sheer .gowns with idcn- j tical corsages of pink rosebkuds. | Upon their return from sev- eral week's' honeymoon trip to Big Bear Valley, Mr. and Mrs, Schlick will live in Toi ranee, To-Lo-Ha Club ' To Honor Members At Osborne Home The home of Mrs. Merle OF borne, 1G82 252nd St., Harbo City, will 'be the meeting placi for members of the To-Lo-H; club on Friday June 20. At this meeting four motti-, tist hers whose birthdays occurred * * * wi'll'"bc 'noted*" To h be P honored 1 SALLY McCOY IS #T5TED are: this Ambill, Sally Jen Loella Elder and Rath Plynn Charles F. Oott: , .. , . , , Cypress ave., Lomita, becai ding, of Robert Gaylord Leech, ,,£ hridc of ' Arthm. o Stee son of Mrs. Harriett V. Leech, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter' of this city and Miss Patty Loil, Sti-ele, of Ojal and formerly of Hall, whose parents Mrs. John G. Hall, of 2422 Ar- lington ave. Rev. Paul M. Whucl- er officiated (n the presence of 100 wedding guests. Mr. and Lomita. Rev. C. M. Northrup Tartar Ladies Attend Gala Reunion Banquet A highlight in the year's activi t ies for membei s of Torrance Tar tar Ladies was the delightful re union banquet held recently In Daniels Cafe and attended by about 40, six of whom were of the oilginal ten charter mem hers. Marlou Rose, Tartar In- dies reigning queen, presided and welcomed former and new members. Among the guests of honoi [>rc the Misses Helen Roger;- and Elizabeth Parks, principal and vice principal of Torranci high school and Mrs-. Lorraini Goodwin, school counselor. Officers eailier chosen ti serVf during the ensuing yeai were introduced: Beyerly Crook queen; Hazel DaviH,' first lady; Pearl Olloque. soeretary treasur- er; Beverly Hopkins, hlstotian- reporter. Past queens presented were: I the Misses Jean Lancaster, Bar- bara Locke, Jeannette Farquhar and Burna Morris. Charter menmers present were Jean Lancaster, queen of the charter group; Jean Clark Slceth, Dorecn Livermore Weir, Norma Levy Oreene, Norma Hammond Condon and Carolyn Mitchell. Recently admitted to mem- beiship in the organization were the Misses Nancy Whyte, Idella Kerns, Pat Mullin, Marie Kelton. Rosemarie Rossi, Clau dine Picket! and Connie Navarro Piano selections and a resume of former members' present acti- vities occupied the group follow Joan Purcell, Tqd Lavezzari In Nuptials Rites f officiated. Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride was lovely in white brocaded satin and she vhich carried white The bride o the alt fathe and both in First Church of Christ, Scie ! AT GOING AWAY PABTY Sally McCoy, teen-age daugn- itive workers | marriage. Lovely The ladies report a pleasant meeting at the home of Mrs. Maiy Towler, 1828 And; vhen the day was utiful spent working IIOSPITAI.IZKI) Mr. Hemy F. Patt of Mr. and Mis. Lcc A. Mc- Coy, of 904 Portola ave., was complimented at a going, away party last week, when Elisa Ma ta entertained at her hpme; 1016 Arlington ave. Sally left by plane Thursday for Washington, D.C., to spend the summer with rela- tives and friends. She was the ttndsomc locket, rson. fa-! recipient < I her nf Mrs. Frances Pattcrson gift from Wheeler, was operated upon this. Those present were: Rose week at III" Hospital of tne Good ; Rosenberg, Tallulah Nagy, Don- oamaritan, Los Angeles.. He'ls'na 'Morgan, Gordon McQuilk-n, reported well on the way to Bill Hadden, Bob Chambers, the complete recovery. i honorcc and the hostess. OCCUPANCY fashioned with long s train, her finger-tip raped from ' a pearl-beaded ii-a and she carried ^a white chid on a prayer book. . Mrs. James Weir, as matron Bible on escorted her *»« placed a bridal orchid, rave HIT In Thr n«>tron of honor, Mrs. J. ' W. Steele, of Ojai, was gowned ivory satin, , n pjnk and h(,,. flowo ,.s W( ,,^ sleeves and | yellow roses and orchid sweet veil was peas. Miss Charlene Gotts, wear- ing yellow dotted Swiss and car- of ho and Miss Philli! the bridesmaid, ns of apple ir flowers Me identical gov taffeta and thi arm bouquets of yellow roses. U i c h a r d Leech attended his brother as best man and ush crs were George and Jim Post. Brt'ceding the ceremony, Miss Ing the introduction * * * Bettie Thomas And Accordioriettes In Benefit Programs On Wednesday evening, June 25. Bettie ThomaV Accordii ettes and dancers, together with the Accordionettes of Anahcin and dancers from the Richards Martin Studio will present the Pageant of Life at the Wilshire Ebell theatre in Los Angeles, bridesmaids were Mrs. Ronald: Tho pageant, sponsored by the Spaan Oakes, of Lomita, in blue ; Knights of Pythias for the Child- lace with pink roses and Miss ,.,, « Welfare club, has a cast of Jean Walker, of Torrance, who 1 250 pcrformcis and Is a fwn. rying Talisman roses, was her junior bridesmaid. Other stei wore aqua and carried yello' roses. Little Virginia Gotts in a dainty white frock^ was her sister's flower girl anr3 Richard Gurry Hitch show. MR. and MRS. LAVEZZARI In a recent Wilmington church indlelight eel emony prrfurimtl i the presence of 300 gin Miss Joan Pursell. daughtei Mr. and Mrs. Flank Pursell. W. 218th st., became the bride Ted Lavezzai-i, of Harbor City. "' Given In marriage by her fa- ther, tho bride chose traditional white satin for her gown and she carried an orchid on a white BTbTeT Her attendant were Juno John- stone, matron of honor, wearing a pink gown and carrying pink roses, the bridesmaids, the Miss es June Ward and Bei nice Payne, were in blue and yellow respec- tively with matching sweetheart hats. The bouquets Were pink roses and delphinium. Gus Lavez- zari attended his brother as best man and ushers were Louie La- vezzari and Joe Turigllatto. Little Earline and Darline Cross. In blue net over satin, we're flower girls and Caiol Ann Singleton- was ring bearer. J th" rites Mines* Dancing and singing numbers an- performed in these shows by Yolanda Francis, Cindy Hor- phew of th bearer. James .., Steele attended the bride- Me Vicar sang, "Through the Klx)Om as best man and Ronald I md< . .!,....., , ! Oakes, Carl Gotts and Robert Da lc, ixjuise Clous mas, Gloria St mony Leslie Maddock, S h i r 1 hoiu- and fifte . The following week the Pageant Bessie Wadlow and Zclma Bai of Life w(i|] be presented'In Alia- ' «' Ka "g "O Promise Mi,'" and Alone " helm' and Fullerton. ind "O At the reception which follow iDunn ushered, cd In Parish House, Mrs. 1 Hall Preceding the received her guests in powder Long, blue with a corsage of Cecile i march Brunner roses. A pink floral hat : for Mrs. James and matching gloves completed Beach, who sal her costume. Mrs. Leech was > A reception charming in watermelon pink i the bride's pai 'ith harmonizing feather hat followed the ci Robin Thi Denis, Marsh Maddork, ho played the wedding ,,attv Dunmycr, Patty Lai-son] the accompanist La WrPnce Grimgeor Masti Downey, of Long and black gloves. . I Mrs. Magnolia blossoms and lighted ; upotl their return fron apers decorated the buffet re- ] moon trip to Ij»kc An reshmcnt table where a tiered i Thi vedding cake was served. Pour- ; the i ng were Mrs. Roy Bishop, the home of immediately onv. Mr. and bride ill live- in Lomita ,ke Airowhead. lose parents ar Daniels Cafe i . Torrance, was graduated from Hollywood, aunt of the bride and i Narbonne high school with the Mrs. Dan Garvey, of Phoenix, I c i aHS of Junc 1948. Her husband, Ariz., the bridegroom's aunf. Following a honeymoon i irlhern California Mr. and Mr 'e.-li will live in Torrance. Mr eh hi en it Toiiiinie National Bank. Her usband, a student at Loyohi University, was graduated froiii Torrartcc high school and is a ran of South Pacific service with the United States Navy. TORRANCE HERALD 1336 EL PUADO PHONE 444 Established, Jan. 1, 1914. Published Every Thursday Torrance, Calif. Grover C. VVhyt* Edltor-1'ubllnliur E. B. Brown, Buiineil Mar. F. 8. Selover, Managing Editor Adjudicated a Legal Newspaper By Superior Court, Los Angeles County. Entered as second class mat ter, January 30, 1914. at post- office, Torrance, Calif., under Act of March 3, 1879. a Navy veteran of South Paci- fic duty, Is owner of the vege- table- departments at S. & K. ll ' (1- ! Market, I>omita and Cabrillo mployvd ; Market in Torrance. Official Newspaper of City of Torrance Subscription Rates Anywhere In Los Angeles County $3.50 per year 6 Months, $2.00; 3 Months, $1.25 Payable in Advance Outside Los Angoles County $6.00 per year Payable in Advance 6 Months, $3.00; 3 Months, $1.50 < Tempi* JANAl.KK BKISTOW IS K1UI1T NOW Janalee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Even-It Bristow, recently celebrated her eighth birthday with a delightful children's party* at the family home, 1523 W. 214th st. Games and contests were fea- tures of the party and a festive birthday cake and table decora- tions added to the delight of Janalee and her guests. Many lovely gifts were presented. Present were: licverly and Dlanne Ray, Bonnie and Teriy Denton, Phillip Scholl, Judith and John Alter, Sandra, Brickie and Joey MacArthur, Dolores Stef- fen, Karen Reynolds, Marquita Davies, Billy Koch, Myra An- drews, Linda Gayle Mack, Gla- dys Olscn and Nancy Parrel). * * * FOOD SAI.K SKT FOIl SATUUIIAY MOUMN(i Receipts from a food sal,' scheduled for 8:00 a.m. Sa'.ur- day, June 21, will swell the treas- ury of Torranci.- Chapter, No. 380, Order of the Eastern Stai. The sale will be held at the en- trance to Torrance Masonic I. A. orncii 4>7 i. HIM si. EDWIN A. TOMLIN & CO. AGAIN THI FINEST IN HOMES EXCLUSIVE SALES AGENT Join the BAND! Torrance Area Youth Bands, Inc. ffflfIOfffftf'4'M Special Summer Class for beginners 10 weeks June 23 to August 30. ENROLLMENT, Saturday. JUNE 21st Torrance Civic Auditorium 9:00 A,M. to 4:00 P.M. Wt HAVE PLENTY in-,trumtnU to rent to new iludcnU for a veiy imall monthly rental fee. JAMES VAN DYCK, Instructor T Of ceremonies for the show Is Pat rlornick and stage ctcw is Terry "oil. DE MOLAYS PLAN OPEN INSTALLATION SATURDAY NIGHT Torrance Chapter, Older of DcMolay, will install officers for the ensuing term Saturday eve- ning, June 21, in Masonic Temple The formal open mony will bcgi 8 o'clock. Officers to be seat Rogers, muster com Morgan, senior coin my Jolmston, junioj- Bill Baden, of Wil Installing offic A reception at Wilmington Wo- man's club .(followed the cere- mony and subsequently Mr. anil Mrs. Lavezzari left for a honey- moon trip to Hig Bear. They will be at home at 1020'a Hay- View ave.. VVIImington. " The bride was graduated, from forranri' high school with the of summer 1946. llatii pioniptly d are: Kill ilor; Billy ilor; Tom- councilor, lington, ill be assisted In exemplifying the work by Torrance DcMolay chapter. Refreshments will be served at' the conclusion of the rites. Hospital Cases Patents admitted to Torrance Memorial hospital during t he- past week include the following: Mrs. Pauline DeLslgne, 3620 Emerald st. Mrs. Phyllis Lamb, 609 Por- tola ave. Mrs. KcnalH'lle Kirkland, 2108 Cabrillo ave. IF YOU LIKE you'll love B E A C H lUN FOR THI WHOLE FAMILY) Ib* Dorulng, flihlng, III|J<|, «wlln». Swimming, lloH.r »!>.(. l»B, Dlnlti,. |,lng th« ••ou |MI» WIIK INO. Gioyhi'Ulld BUM noe« d.icctl t<> heduniln. A quitk il.w BUY AT THE PANTRY This Week-end And Save ! ! ! CHECK THESE SPECIALS for Thurs.-Fri.-Sat.-Sun. Was Now Boysenberries 52c 25c Applesauce 22c I2c Apricots 36c I9c Pineapple 44c 26tf Huckleberries 48c 25c Cut Corn 23c I7c Spinach 29c I8c Green Beans 27c 24c Rhubarb 28c I8c Shrimp Cicole 61 c 49c Oyster Newberg 7lc 49c Oyster Stew 56c 45c ICE CREAM Special - Maple Nut THE PANTRY Hours 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Open Sundiiy'j Phone 1208-M 2154 Torrance Blvd.

BUY AT THE PANTRY Feb … · speaks, heir voice is animated, her glance direct, her manners charming. All the professional gestures are hers in her everyday life as well. ' ' They

Jul 19, 2020



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Page 1: BUY AT THE PANTRY Feb … · speaks, heir voice is animated, her glance direct, her manners charming. All the professional gestures are hers in her everyday life as well. ' ' They



Palos Verdes Community Aitsj association and Palos Verdes Public Library and Art Gallery announce an exhibition of paint­ ings by Jean Goodwin Ames, Loren Barton, Li-land Curt is, Jean De Botton, Clarence Hinklc, Etienne Ret, Mary Turlay Robin­ son. R u b i n, and Oscar Van

Inncheon at Palos Young. The display which started > will continue in July 5.

CDA Members Are Charming Hostesses Ar'P.V. Country Club

On Thursday - afternoon Mrs. Joweph Greave-j, of Hedoiido pV-nch. Mill Mis. Frark J. Far- 1, u i s;iand regent c/f Court* ' ' -lierine, were honored Jtuests

-Verdes Coitr-ry Hub when thi.following ladies entertained: « .Mines. F, H. Forrester. Howard Donish, Colette J> nies and Misses Bchott. Thomas Turner. J. Mac Opal Yorker, Rosa and Katherine ZDonald.-P. B. Clayton. Michael Oilman.

1 ACCORDION!I»\\M\<. t


1915 Gramercy Ave. Ph. Torrance 81 r-W <i

Margot Buxton Grow Exchanges Vows Wiih Walter E. Schlick

ic lovely home Bronson C. Bu

lo. was the1500 El

ptting for the simple but impressive ceremony in which their daughter, Margot Bi^xton Grow, exchanged nuptial vows with Mr. Walter E. Schlick, of this city. Rev. H. We*ley Ro- loff officiated in the presence of relatives of the couple.

A candlelighted arrangeme of gaidcnias and fern,., created an effective background for the bridal couple.

Given in marriage by her fa Ihrr. the bride was charming ir a powder blue suit with pink hal Hurt gloves which matched hei


.eech-Hall VowsAre Recited InSt. Andrew's Church

Miss Colleen Gotts Weds Arthur Steele In Baptist Church

What Every Model Knows

Ever watch a model when she isn't modeling? She walks across a room with infinite grace. When she speaks, heir voice is animated, her glance direct, her manners charming. All the professional gestures are hers in her everyday life as well. ' '

They can be yours, too. They MUST be yours if you are to become 3- model. But a model's graces enhance your charm if you arc'a'home-maker, a business execu­ tive, a saleswoman or whatever. My summer modeling

courses arc now starting. Fill in coupon or phone.

CHARLSIE EVANS STUDIO3?33' vWilshire Blvdl, Los Angeles 5, Calif.

Fltzroy 6610

Please send r modeling COL

le information on private [J 91"- group [J


GRADUATE ... Miss Neva June, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde D. Lowen, 904 Beech ave., who was gradua­ ted with a Bachelor of Arts degree from the School of Ed­ ucation of Stanford University. With her'parents, who at­ tended her commencement ex­ ercises, Miss Lowen arrived here Monday for a well earned vacation. Graduated from Re- dondo Union High School as an honor student-in 1943, Miss Lowen plans to follow a teach­ ing Career. .She has received

Mrs. Viiginia Scott, of Kresno, as her sister's attendant wore a suit of King Tan with brown and lime accessories. Her flow­ ers 'wm-e Talisman roses.

Sandra June Grow was flower girl in dainty white dotted Swiss with pink ribbons and little Con­ rad Schlick was ring bearer. Raymond Schlick Sr., of Los An­ geles, attended his ' brother as best man.

At the reception following a beautifully decorated tiered wed­ ding cake and other refresh­ ments were served. Pouring were Mrs. Peggy Schlick, of Los An­ geles and Mrs. J. M. Christens ,

her student teaching experience, j Of this city. in Palo Alto. . Mrs. Buxton received he

~ I guests' in sapphire blue crepe


In the presence of 100 guests gathered Sunday afternoon in

All-white blossoms were used First Baptist church, Miss Col- decorate St. Andrew's Episco- Ioe 'i Ootts, daughter of Mr. and


pal Church for the recent wed- Mr f 25913

complemented by ioscbuds

a corsage of id Mesdames

! Schlick and Chrlstensen wore i summer sheer .gowns with idcn- j tical corsages of pink rosebkuds. | Upon their return from sev­ eral week's' honeymoon trip to Big Bear Valley, Mr. and Mrs, Schlick will live in Toi ranee,

To-Lo-Ha Club ' To Honor Members At Osborne Home

The home of Mrs. Merle OF borne, 1G82 252nd St., Harbo City, will 'be the meeting placi for members of the To-Lo-H; club on Friday June 20.

At this meeting four motti-, tist hers whose birthdays occurred * * *

wi'll'"bc 'noted*" Toh beP honored 1 SALLY McCOY IS #T5TED are: this Ambill, Sally Jen Loella Elder and Rath Plynn

Charles F. Oott:, .. , . , , Cypress ave., Lomita, becai ding, of Robert Gaylord Leech, ,,£ hridc of ' Arthm. o Stee

son of Mrs. Harriett V. Leech, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter' of this city and Miss Patty Loil, Sti-ele, of Ojal and formerly of Hall, whose parents Mrs. John G. Hall, of 2422 Ar­ lington ave. Rev. Paul M. Whucl- er officiated (n the presence of 100 wedding guests.

Mr. and Lomita. Rev. C. M. Northrup

Tartar Ladies Attend Gala Reunion Banquet

A highlight in the year's activi t ies for membei s of Torrance Tar tar Ladies was the delightful re union banquet held recently In Daniels Cafe and attended by about 40, six of whom were of the oilginal ten charter mem hers. Marlou Rose, Tartar In­ dies reigning queen, presided and welcomed former and new members.

Among the guests of honoi [>rc the Misses Helen Roger;-

and Elizabeth Parks, principal and vice principal of Torranci high school and Mrs-. Lorraini Goodwin, school counselor.

Officers eailier chosen ti serVf during the ensuing yeai were introduced: Beyerly Crook queen; Hazel DaviH,' first lady; Pearl Olloque. soeretary treasur­ er; Beverly Hopkins, hlstotian- reporter.

Past queens presented were: I the Misses Jean Lancaster, Bar­ bara Locke, Jeannette Farquhar and Burna Morris.

Charter menmers present were Jean Lancaster, queen of the charter group; Jean Clark Slceth, Dorecn Livermore Weir, Norma Levy Oreene, Norma Hammond Condon and Carolyn Mitchell.

Recently admitted to mem- beiship in the organization were the Misses Nancy Whyte, Idella Kerns, Pat Mullin, Marie Kelton. Rosemarie Rossi, Clau dine Picket! and Connie Navarro

Piano selections and a resume of former members' present acti­ vities occupied the group follow

Joan Purcell, Tqd Lavezzari In Nuptials Rites


officiated.Given in marriage by her fa

ther, the bride was lovely in white brocaded satin and she

vhichcarried whiteThe bride

o the altfathe and

bothin First Church of Christ, Scie

! AT GOING AWAY PABTYSally McCoy, teen-age daugn-

itive workers | marriage. Lovely

The ladies report a pleasant meeting at the home of Mrs. Maiy Towler, 1828 And;vhen the day was

utifulspent working


of Mr. and Mis. Lcc A. Mc­ Coy, of 904 Portola ave., was complimented at a going, away party last week, when Elisa Ma ta entertained at her hpme; 1016 Arlington ave. Sally left by plane Thursday for Washington, D.C., to spend the summer with rela­ tives and friends. She was the

ttndsomc locket, rson. fa-! recipient <I her nf Mrs. Frances Pattcrson gift from Wheeler, was operated upon this. Those present were: Rose week at III" Hospital of tne Good ; Rosenberg, Tallulah Nagy, Don- oamaritan, Los Angeles.. He'ls'na 'Morgan, Gordon McQuilk-n, reported well on the way to Bill Hadden, Bob Chambers, the complete recovery. i honorcc and the hostess.


fashioned with long strain, her finger-tip

raped from ' a pearl-beaded ii-a and she carried ^a white chid on a prayer book. . Mrs. James Weir, as matron

Bible onescorted her *»« placed a bridal orchid, rave HIT In Thr n«>tron of honor, Mrs. J. ' W. Steele, of Ojai, was gowned ivory satin, , n pjnk and h(,,. flowo,.s W(,,^sleeves and | yellow roses and orchid sweet

veil was peas. Miss Charlene Gotts, wear­ ing yellow dotted Swiss and car-

of ho and Miss Philli! the bridesmaid,

ns of apple ir flowers


identical gov taffeta and thi arm bouquets of yellow roses. U i c h a r d Leech attended his brother as best man and ush crs were George and Jim Post.

Brt'ceding the ceremony, Miss

Ing the introduction * * *

Bettie Thomas And Accordioriettes In Benefit Programs

On Wednesday evening, June 25. Bettie ThomaV Accordii ettes and dancers, together with the Accordionettes of Anahcin and dancers from the Richards Martin Studio will present the Pageant of Life at the Wilshire Ebell theatre in Los Angeles,

bridesmaids were Mrs. Ronald: Tho pageant, sponsored by the Spaan Oakes, of Lomita, in blue ; Knights of Pythias for the Child- lace with pink roses and Miss ,.,, « Welfare club, has a cast of Jean Walker, of Torrance, who 1 250 pcrformcis and Is a fwn.

rying Talisman roses, was her junior bridesmaid. Otherstei

wore aqua and carried yello' roses. Little Virginia Gotts in a dainty white frock^ was her sister's flower girl anr3 Richard Gurry Hitch



In a recent Wilmington church indlelight eel emony prrfurimtl i the presence of 300 gin

Miss Joan Pursell. daughtei Mr. and Mrs. Flank Pursell. W. 218th st., became the bride Ted Lavezzai-i, of Harbor City. "' Given In marriage by her fa­ ther, tho bride chose traditional white satin for her gown and she carried an orchid on a white BTbTeT

Her attendant were Juno John- stone, matron of honor, wearing a pink gown and carrying pink roses, the bridesmaids, the Miss es June Ward and Bei nice Payne, were in blue and yellow respec­ tively with matching sweetheart hats. The bouquets Were pink roses and delphinium. Gus Lavez­ zari attended his brother as best man and ushers were Louie La­ vezzari and Joe Turigllatto. Little Earline and Darline Cross. In blue net over satin, we're flower girls and Caiol Ann Singleton- was ring bearer. J

th" rites Mines*

Dancing and singing numbers an- performed in these shows by Yolanda Francis, Cindy Hor-

phew of th bearer. James

.., Steele attended the bride-Me Vicar sang, "Through the Klx)Om as best man and Ronald I md< . .!,....., ,

! Oakes, Carl Gotts and Robert Da lc, ixjuise Clousmas, Gloria St

mony Leslie Maddock, S h i r 1

hoiu- and fifte .The following week the Pageant Bessie Wadlow and Zclma Bai of Life w(i|] be presented'In Alia- ' «' Ka"g "O Promise Mi,'" and

Alone "helm' and Fullerton.

ind "OAt the reception which follow iDunn ushered,

cd In Parish House, Mrs. 1 Hall Preceding thereceived her guests in powder Long, blue with a corsage of Cecile i march Brunner roses. A pink floral hat : for Mrs. James and matching gloves completed Beach, who sal her costume. Mrs. Leech was > A reception charming in watermelon pink i the bride's pai 'ith harmonizing feather hat followed the ci

Robin Thi Denis, Marsh

Maddork,ho played the wedding ,,attv Dunmycr, Patty Lai-son]the accompanist LaWrPnce Grimgeor Masti Downey, of Long

and black gloves. . I Mrs.Magnolia blossoms and lighted ; upotl their return fron

apers decorated the buffet re- ] moon trip to Ij»kc An reshmcnt table where a tiered i Thi vedding cake was served. Pour- ; the i ng were Mrs. Roy Bishop,

the home of immediately

onv. Mr. and


ill live- in Lomita

,ke Airowhead. lose parents ar Daniels Cafe i

. Torrance, was graduated fromHollywood, aunt of the bride and i Narbonne high school with the Mrs. Dan Garvey, of Phoenix, I c iaHS of Junc 1948. Her husband, Ariz., the bridegroom's aunf.

Following a honeymoon iirlhern California Mr. and Mr'e.-li will live in Torrance.Mr eh hi en

it Toiiiinie National Bank. Her usband, a student at Loyohi

University, was graduated froiii Torrartcc high school and is a

ran of South Pacific service with the United States Navy.


Established, Jan. 1, 1914.Published Every Thursday

Torrance, Calif.Grover C. VVhyt*Edltor-1'ubllnliur

E. B. Brown, Buiineil Mar.F. 8. Selover, Managing Editor

Adjudicated a Legal Newspaper By Superior Court, Los

Angeles County. Entered as second class mat

ter, January 30, 1914. at post- office, Torrance, Calif., under Act of March 3, 1879.

a Navy veteran of South Paci­ fic duty, Is owner of the vege­ table- departments at S. & K.

ll' (1 - ! Market, I>omita and Cabrillomployvd ; Market in Torrance.

Official Newspaper of City of Torrance

Subscription Rates Anywhere In Los Angeles County

$3.50 per year 6 Months, $2.00; 3 Months, $1.25

Payable in Advance Outside Los Angoles County

$6.00 per year Payable in Advance

6 Months, $3.00; 3 Months, $1.50 < Tempi*


Janalee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Even-It Bristow, recently celebrated her eighth birthday with a delightful children's party* at the family home, 1523 W. 214th st.

Games and contests were fea­ tures of the party and a festive birthday cake and table decora­ tions added to the delight of Janalee and her guests. Many lovely gifts were presented.

Present were: licverly and Dlanne Ray, Bonnie and Teriy Denton, Phillip Scholl, Judith and John Alter, Sandra, Brickie and Joey MacArthur, Dolores Stef- fen, Karen Reynolds, Marquita Davies, Billy Koch, Myra An­ drews, Linda Gayle Mack, Gla­ dys Olscn and Nancy Parrel).

* * *


Receipts from a food sal,' scheduled for 8:00 a.m. Sa'.ur- day, June 21, will swell the treas­ ury of Torranci.- Chapter, No. 380, Order of the Eastern Stai. The sale will be held at the en­ trance to Torrance Masonic

I. A. orncii 4>7 i. HIM si.



Join the BAND!Torrance Area Youth Bands, Inc.


Special Summer Class for beginners 10 weeks June 23 to August 30.ENROLLMENT, Saturday.

JUNE 21st Torrance Civic Auditorium9:00 A,M. to 4:00 P.M.

Wt HAVE PLENTY in-,trumtnU to rent to new iludcnU for a veiy imall monthly rental fee.

JAMES VAN DYCK, Instructor

T Ofceremonies for the show Is Pat rlornick and stage ctcw is Terry "oil. -»


Torrance Chapter, Older of DcMolay, will install officers for the ensuing term Saturday eve­ ning, June 21, in Masonic Temple The formal open mony will bcgi 8 o'clock.

Officers to be seat Rogers, muster com Morgan, senior coin my Jolmston, junioj-

Bill Baden, of Wil Installing offic

A reception at Wilmington Wo­ man's club .(followed the cere­ mony and subsequently Mr. anil Mrs. Lavezzari left for a honey­ moon trip to Hig Bear. They will be at home at 1020'a Hay- View ave.. VVIImington. " The bride was graduated, from forranri' high school with the

of summer 1946.

llatii pioniptly

d are: Kill ilor; Billy ilor; Tom- councilor, lington,

ill be assisted In exemplifying the work by Torrance DcMolay chapter.

Refreshments will be served at' the conclusion of the rites.

Hospital CasesPatents admitted to Torrance

Memorial hospital during t he- past week include the following:

Mrs. Pauline DeLslgne, 3620 Emerald st.

Mrs. Phyllis Lamb, 609 Por­ tola ave.

Mrs. KcnalH'lle Kirkland, 2108 Cabrillo ave.


you'll love


lUN FOR THI WHOLE FAMILY)Ib* Dorulng, flihlng, III|J<|, «wlln». Swimming, lloH.r »!>.(.

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Gioyhi'Ulld BUM noe« d.icctl t<> heduniln. A quitk il.w


This Week-end

And Save ! ! !





Was Now

Boysenberries 52c 25c

Applesauce 22c I2c Apricots 36c I9c

Pineapple 44c 26tf Huckleberries 48c 25c

Cut Corn 23c I7c

Spinach 29c I8c

Green Beans 27c 24cRhubarb 28c I8cShrimp Cicole 61 c 49cOysterNewberg 7lc 49cOyster Stew 56c 45c

ICE CREAMSpecial - Maple Nut

THE PANTRYHours 10 A.M. to 9 P.M.

Open Sundiiy'j

Phone 1208-M

2154 Torrance Blvd.