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Butterflies d a y n u r s e r y Butterflies d a y n u r s e r y Tel: 01926 426 932 Butterflies Day Nursery & Childcare . Our Lady & St Teresa’s RC Primary School Windmill Hill . Leamington Spa . Warwickshire . CV32 7LN 32670 12pg Booklet.indd 1 16/06/2015 10:43

Butterflies · Butterflies Day Nursery & Childcare was established in 2014. We offer a caring and nurturing environment that supports Children’s Learning and development. At Butterflies

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Page 1: Butterflies · Butterflies Day Nursery & Childcare was established in 2014. We offer a caring and nurturing environment that supports Children’s Learning and development. At Butterflies

Butterfliesd a y n u r s e r yButterfliesd a y n u r s e r y

Tel: 01926 426 932

Butterflies Day Nursery & Childcare . Our Lady & St Teresa’s RC Primary SchoolWindmill Hill . Leamington Spa . Warwickshire . CV32 7LN

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Page 2: Butterflies · Butterflies Day Nursery & Childcare was established in 2014. We offer a caring and nurturing environment that supports Children’s Learning and development. At Butterflies


Butterflies Day Nursery & Childcare was established in 2014. We offer a caring and nurturing environment that supports Children’s Learning and development.At Butterflies we celebrate the fact that every child is a unique individual.

We offer every child the care and support they need to grow and learn at their own pace, every child matters. We offer the children in our care the best possible start to their education and lay down secure foundations for their future.

At Butterflies We Offer:

* Quality provision from 2 – 11 years.

* Government funded places for eligible Children.

* Quality Indoor and Outdoor environment.

* Caring, approachable and Qualified Staff.

* Key worker system.

* Full and part time places.

* Child centred planning-Follows the children’s individual interests and needs.

* Information and support for parents.

Our Mission Statement:

A Child is like a Butterfly,

Some fly higher than others;

But each one flies to the best of its own ability.

So why compare one against the other?

Each one is different

Each one is special

Each one is unique.

Care, Learning & Development

Learning through play…Play is essential to young children and can produce deep and meaningful learning. Play gives children the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills and develop their knowledge through hands on experiences. When children play they learn to socialise and interact with others. Play empow-ers children to discover their own solutions and enables them to develop at their own pace. Play motivates children and is a powerful vehicle for all seven areas of learning that are outlined in the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Outdoor Play

At Butterflies we believe that the outdoor environment is just as important as the indoor environment. This is why the children are able to have free flow access to the outdoor area on a daily basis. The Outdoor area supports all areas of learning but it has a big emphasis on physical development (prime area of learning.) Children have the opportunity to run, jump, balance, climb and build dens. These activities keep children fit and healthy and also encourage them to take risks. Playing outside also encourages the children to learn about the natural world by searching for mini beasts, planting and watching things grow and collecting natural objects to explore and investigate.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The EYFS is a Government Framework that is followed by all Early Years provid-ers to ensure quality and continuity. The framework is followed from birth up to five years old. It identifies stages of learning and development through age bands and helps practitioners to assess a child’s development and also to plan activities that are appropriate for their stage of development. The Framework has seven areas of learning; three Prime Areas and Four Specific Areas (Explained below). The EYFS promotes the achievement of the National “Early Learning Goals” which most children achieve by the end of their reception year.

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Page 3: Butterflies · Butterflies Day Nursery & Childcare was established in 2014. We offer a caring and nurturing environment that supports Children’s Learning and development. At Butterflies

Communication & Language

Listening & Attention - listens to and enjoys rhymes and stories, recognises and responds to sounds, listens to others during conversations and learns to focus their attention.

Understanding - Follows others body language, develops an understanding of words in context, understands simple sentences and questions, understands use of objects and responds to instructions.

Speaking - develops from making sounds to using words, asks questions, talks about objects and people, hold a conversation, learn new words, builds vocabulary and form sentences.

Physical Development

Moving & Handling - develops movement by rolling, crawling, cruising, walking, running. Developing fine and gross motor skills.

Health And Self-Care - expressing their own needs for food, water and going to the toilet. Feeding themselves, helps with dressing and undressing, washing hands and has an understanding of healthy living.

Specific Areas


Reading - Looking at books, handling books, favourite stories, songs and rhymes. Joins in with stories and becomes aware of how they are structured. Letters and sounds activities- initial sounds in words, segment and blend simple words and names and sounds of letters.

Writing - making marks with a variety of media. Talking about marks as they draw and paint. Writing letters and their own name.

The Four Themes of The EYFS

A Unique Child - Every child is unique; their individual needs and interests are catered for. Every child is valued and are welcomed into Nursery.

Positive Relationships - all staff are friendly and welcoming and help children feel a sense of belonging.

Enabling Environments - Both the indoor and outdoor environments are stimulating and provide rich learning opportunities through purposeful play. The environment is adapted when necessary to meet individual needs of children.

Learning & Development - Butterflies provides planned activities that support the 7 areas of learning with emphasis on the three prime areas. All play activities incorporate the characteristics of effective early learning: Playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically.

7 Areas of Learning

Prime AreasPersonal, Social & Emotional developmentMaking Relationships - Interacting with others, playing with others, showing affection and concern for others and forming friendships.

Self-Confidence & Self-Awareness - becomes aware of themselves and what they can do, explores new toys and environments, able to ask for help and becomes confident to talk to others.

Managing Feelings & Behaviour - learns to co-operate with others, responds to other people’s emotions, learns right from wrong, aware of their own and others feelings, can express feelings appropriately

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Page 4: Butterflies · Butterflies Day Nursery & Childcare was established in 2014. We offer a caring and nurturing environment that supports Children’s Learning and development. At Butterflies

Key Worker

When your child starts Nursery they will be assigned to a key worker. The key worker role involves:

• Helping your child settle into Nursery

• Building a positive relationship with your child.

• Getting to know your child’s likes and dislikes.

• Responsible for observing and assessing your child.

• Responsible for tracking your child’s progress.

• Planning activities to meet your child’s stage of development and individual needs.

• Keeping you as parents/Carers informed of progress or concerns.

• Liaising with professionals if necessary.

• Completing a progress check at ages two.


Numbers - Number rhymes, sorting objects, using number names randomly and in play, counting, mathematical language, matching numerals and quantity, shows interest in numbers and recognises numbers.

Shape, Space & Measures - Jigsaws, building blocks, emptying and filling containers, sequencing, simple shapes, language of size, looking at shapes in the environment, construction activities. Order items by length, height, weight or capacity.

Understanding The World

People & Communities - enjoys pictures and stories about themselves and others. Develops a sense of own family, small world toys. Recognises and talks about special events in their own or other people’s lives.

The world - Observing what is happening around them. Exploring everyday objects and toys. Commenting and asking questions about the natural world and what they find. Show care and concern for living things and the environment.

Technology - Shows an interest in toys and knows how to operate them. Basic ICT skills, operating mechanical toys, shows an interest in technological toys and shows skill in making them work. Uses ICT and is able to complete age appropriate software.

Expressive Arts & Design

Exploring & Using Media & Materials - Explores and experiments with a range of media, moving to music, singing songs, musical instruments, construction, explores colour, explores sounds and experiments with different textures.Being imaginative- Pretend play, responding to music, making up songs and stories and develops preferences for forms of expression.

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Page 5: Butterflies · Butterflies Day Nursery & Childcare was established in 2014. We offer a caring and nurturing environment that supports Children’s Learning and development. At Butterflies

Daily Routine

Described below is a typical day at Nursery, this gives an idea of how the day is structured. This is only a guide; the daily routine has to be flexible to meet the individual needs of the children.

07:30-08:30 - Breakfast And Free Play

09:00 - Nursery Starts - Welcome Time & Registration

09:10 - Free Play

10:30 - Snack

10.30 - 10.45 - Nappies/Toilet

10:45 - Free Play

11:45 - Circle Time

12:00 - 13:00 - Lunch Time

13:00 - Welcome Time & Registration

13:10 - Free Play

02:00 - Snack

02.15 - Tidy Up

14:45 - Nappies

02.45 - Circle Time

15:00 - 15:30 - Home Time

15:30 - Snack For Kids Zone

15:45 - 18:00 - Free Play

18:00 - Nursery Closes



Safeguarding is paramount to everything that we do at Butterflies Day Nursery. We provide a healthy, safe and secure environment for children to play, learn and develop. We have strict policies and procedures that are followed on a daily basis to ensure that all children in our care are protected from harm. Some examples of how safeguarding is promoted in our setting:


Assessment is essential as it helps us track the progress your child is making at Nursery. Assessment will usually be in the form of observations, learning stories and questioning carried out by the child’s key worker. The information obtained will be used to plan next steps for planning to ensure your child is making progress and it ensures that their individual needs are being met. Observations, learning stories and examples of your child’s work will be kept as evidence in a “learning journey” which you are able to view at any time. Parents/Carers are encouraged to share information on their child’s achievements at home and to contribute to assessment. A written profile is provided to parents and will be fully explained by the child’s key worker.

Partnerships With Parents/Carers

Partnerships with parents and carers are really important and it is through working together that we can achieve the best possible outcomes for your child. We like to involve you in your child’s learning by inviting you to workshops and special events. We also support you to develop your child’s education by suggesting fun activities that can be enjoyed at home. Parents are provided with written feedback and parents consultations to review your child’s progress. We value your contributions and listen to all views and suggestions. We have an open door policy and encourage parents to talk to staff about any aspect of the nursery.

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• All staff have level 1 child protection training.

• Two members of staff have designated safeguarding lead child protection training.

• Safeguarding information board for parents and staff.

• Safeguarding policy.

• Locks on gates and doors.

• Risk assessments.

• Mobile phone policy.

• Photograph policy.

• Safer recruitment practices are followed.

• Working with parents.

• Safety on Outings.

• Staff ratios adhered to at all times.

• Positive behaviour management.

• Key person system.

• Accident book.

• Fire procedures.

• Maintaining records.

Equal Opportunities

At Butterflies we celebrate every child and adult’s individuality, difference and diversity. We provide equality of opportunity. Anti-discriminatory practice is actively promoted in our setting.

Special Educational Needs & Disability

• We are a fully inclusive Nursery and all children are welcomed into our setting.

• We work with children and families to access support available.

• We adapt our setting when necessary to meet the individual needs of children.

• We work closely with outside agencies.

• Parents/Carers will always be consulted if concerns arise.

• We have a duty to follow current guidance on identification of Special Educational needs.

• Strategies are put in place to support children in their learning and development.

If you have any concerns about your child’s learning or development please discuss this with us. This helps us to give you and your child the appropriate support prior to admission.

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Concerns, Complaints & Compliments

At Butterflies concerns and suggestions are always welcome. If you are concerned about any aspect of our provision please do not hesitate to speak to the setting leader. We will make every effort to resolve your concerns informally in accordance with our procedures. If you have any concerns please read the complaints policy which is located on the parents notice board. Compliments are also welcome and well received.

Behaviour Management

At Butterflies behaviour is always managed through positive reinforcement using praise and rewards for good behaviour. Staff maintain high standards of behaviour by having a calm, firm and consistent approach. Corporal punishment, shouting or any other method likely to cause harm or distress to a child are never used under any circumstances.

Exclusion Periods for infectious or contagious illnesses

If your child appears to be unwell, please do not bring them into Nursery. Particularly during infectious periods of the illness. Please see below for guidance:

Sickness & Diarrhoea - Until all symptoms have disappeared for 48 hours.

Head Lice - Until treatment has been given.

Conjunctivitis - Until treatment has been given and there is no dischargefrom the eye(s).

Impetigo - Until symptoms are crusted, cleared or healed by anti-biotic treatment.

Mumps – 5 days from onset of infected gland.

Whooping Cough - 5 days from commencing antibiotic treatment or 21 days from the onset of the illness.

Sore Throat / Fever - 48 hours after antibiotic treatment.

Chicken Pox - 5 days from the onset of the rash; all spots must be scabbed over.

Shingles - For at least 5 days after the appearance of the lesion or until the lesion is no longer weeping.

Measles - 4 days from appearance of rash or until well.

Rubella (German Measles) - For 4 days from the onset of rash.

For any other infectious or contagious conditions please seek advice from a Medical Practitioner.

Please ensure that all emergency contact details are kept up-to-date. It is essential that we are able to contact you if your child becomes unwell for any reason at Nursery. Butterflies reserves the right to contact Parents/Carers and request for children to be collected if they do become ill during their time at Nursery.

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Page 8: Butterflies · Butterflies Day Nursery & Childcare was established in 2014. We offer a caring and nurturing environment that supports Children’s Learning and development. At Butterflies

Important Information

Please can you…

• Keep all contact and emergency contact information up to date.

• Dress your child in sensible shoes and clothing that are appropriate for nursery- Whilst every effort is made to keep your child’s clothes clean… accidents happen. Please provide appropriate clothing for outdoor play (Coats in the winter, sun hats in the summer).

• Label all of your child’s belongings.

• Inform us if anyone other than identified adults will be collecting your child so that we can ensure the safety of your child. We will not allow a child to leave the premises with anybody who we do not know, without prior authorisation from parents.

• Adhere to the infectious conditions policy- please keep your child at home for recommended periods of time.

• Read notice boards and newsletters. It is important that you are up to date with all Nursery information and events.

• Securely shut any doors/gates behind you- This ensures the safety of your child.

• Read all policies prior to your child starting Nursery.

• Not use mobiles phones and any other photographic equipment on the nursery premises- For safeguarding purposes you will be asked to put mobile phones away.

• Provide a cold packed lunch if your child attends Nursery between 12:00-01:00. Alternatively during term time, a hot meal can be provided by the school at an additional cost.

• Inform us of any allergies or medical conditions that your child has so that all staff can be made aware and so that necessary plans can be put in place.

• Give any medication prescribed by a doctor to a staff member so that it can be stored appropriately and safely out of the reach of children.

• Leave all children’s own toy’s at home. We cannot take responsibility for toys being lost or broken.

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