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BUTTERFLY – John Szinger 1 2 3 Squash Fold 4. Fold the tip upward. 5. Fold over one flap and reverse the top layer. 6. Repeat steps 3 - 5 on the left. 7. Pull out the flaps. 8. Fold and unfold. 9. Crimps. 10. Reverse folds.
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BUTTERFLY John Szinger 1 2 3 Squash Fold 4. Fold the tip upward. 5. Fold over one flap and reverse the top layer. 6. Repeat steps 3 - 5 on the left.7. Pull out the flaps.

8. Fold and unfold. 9. Crimps.10. Reverse folds.

11. Reverse fold both points on each side.12. Petal fold thru mltiple layers. 13 Squash Fold 14. Petal fold. 15. Tuck the tip inside.16. Fold and unfold.

17. Fold and unfold.18. Crimp in and out and in again. 19 Fold and unfold. 20. Closed sink.21. Open the top and and sink again. Don't

21a. If you must be precise, follow the CP here. worry if the inside is messy. 22. Reverse folds.23. Turn the model over.

24. Swing over the flap, spreading the layer beneath.25. Fold the flap back. 26. Repeat steps 24-25 on the right. 27. Reverse folds.28. Petal fold, tucking the tip inside. 29. Nice. Now turn the model over.

30. Reverse fold. Turn the model over.31. Crimp.

32. Repeat steps 29 -31 on the right.33. Reverse folds.

34. Crimp.35. Reverse fold the wing tips. Slide squash at the middle.

36. Pul apart some layers to form the head and antennae.37. Nice. Turn the model over.

38. Thin the tail.39. Valley fold two legs.

40. Rabbit ears41. Rabbit ears42. Turn over. Sculpt and pose the model.43. Butterfly.

Folding A Butterfly 1. Use a sheet of square paper, 9'' x 9'' and fold it into a preliminary fold. Then Valley-fold the the top layer up. Repeat behind. 2. Fold the right triangular flap to the left with a valley fold. Repeat behind.3. Valley-fold the top layer of the model in half.

5. Repeat the process of figures 3 to 4 for the bottom layer of the model.. Then turn it over.6. With the creases given, (tp fold) narrow the bottom triangular flap. Repeat behind.4. Valley-fold one quarter of the top triangular flap.

7. Swing the top left flap to the right with a valley fold.8. Turn it over.9. Swing the top left flap to the right with a valley fold.

10. Fold the top triangular flap into half with a valley fold.

12. With the creases given, (tp fold) narrow the small triangular flap.

11. Fold 3/4 parts of the top triangular flap upwards with a valley fold.

14. Turn it over.

15. In order to change the position of the model, swing it clockwise down, as shown below.13. Valley- fold both the left and right traingular flaps up.

18. With the creases given, stretch out the small triangular flaps on both sides as seen below.17. Turn it over.

16. Pleat-fold both the left and right triangular flaps.

19. Valley-fold the model into half.

20. Valley-fold the top layer of the model to the right. Repeat behind.

21. Open up the model as shown below.

22. Narrow both the antennae with mountain folds. 23. Shape the bottom flaps with the given creases. Curve the antennae.

24. The Completed Butterfly.

**Link para o vdeoAQUI** 1. Dobre o papel ao meio. Abra e dobre apenas a parte de baixo ao meio, fazendo uma marca. Dobre novamente, fazendo mais uma marca.3. Dobre para cima.

2. Junte as duas marcas e dobre, conforme a imagem. Dobre os cantos.

6. Dobre ao meio.5. Dobre para cima (vcs vo perceber que esta parte ficar menor que o lado de trs).Dobre ao meio, deixando a parte larga (em laranja) para fora.4. Vire o papel e dobre at o meio, fazendo uma marca. Dobre novamente pela metade e os cantos

9. Vire e dobre para baixo, acertando o meio.7. Abra, como se fosse fazer uma casinha.8. Faa o mesmo na parte de trs.

10. Vire novamente o papel e abra 11. Dobre a diagonal, saindo do canto 12. Faa o mesmo do outro lado.os lados. Vcs vero que as asas da asa at o centro e abaixe a parte superior da asa tomaro forma.

13. Dobre um pequeno tringulo14. Abra um pouquinho a asa e 15. Dobrar para trs a diagonal (vinque bem porque ajudar no dobre o tringulo para dentro. do canto da asa ao tringulo que prximo passo). Faa dos dois lados.acabamos de fazer.

16. Ficar assim!17. Dobrar ao meio.18. Dobre do meio at embaixo, de modo que a ponta debaixo encoste na asa.

19. Faa o mesmo do outro lado.20. Abra um pouquinho e dobre at 21. Ficar desse jeito!o meio (esta parte meio chatinha...)

22. Abra a asa novamente.23.24. Dobre a "cabecinha" para baixo e as pontas de cima das asas.

25.Dobre o canto debaixo, +- 1/3.

26. Dobre novamente, fazendo uma curvinha embaixo.Dobre tambm a parte de cima para fazer os detalhes finais.(eu no fiz nos meus, mas estou fazendo conforme o vdeo do La Fosse).

27. Depois de muita transformao, esta linda borboleta!!