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I f an exemplary business idea has been lurking in the corners of your mind for months, it is now the right time to realise its potential and build up a strong business for yourself. The reason: It is never too late to start on a dream project, and especially in the UaE, which is ranked as the 12 th most competitive nation globally by the World Economic forum’s Global Competitiveness Report 2014. Home to a number of businesses and business setup companies, the UaE has been lauded in the report for offering an ex- cellent quality of infrastructure and primary education, and its readiness of regulations and institutions in helping businesses. Such factors have played a key role in encourag- ing entrepreneurs and firms to setup base here. The UaE places high value on the pri- vate sector and investors — unrelentingly trying to ensure a safe context for business- es. Consequently, it is among the safest places to do business, not just in the Middle East, but internationally. The UaE also ranks high in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business report 2014. The report termed the emirates as one of the most economically progressive places to do business in. The safety, security and an envi- ronment conducive to the growth of busi- nesses are agreeably paired with a wide choice of where to open a business. Entrepreneurs and firms can locate their ventures either on the mainland in partnership with an Emirati, or a free zone where they can exercise propri- ety. In both cases, the prowess and readiness of business setup companies come in handy for a quick and efficient foundation. Businesses can look forward to the exper- tise of business setup companies for doing the initial paperwork, setting up the IT and other necessary paraphernalia, locating and hiring apt human resource, ascertaining business requirements, dealing with taxa- tion issues, and much more. Regus, a global work place provider, for instance, provides convenient, high-quality, fully serviced spaces for people to work, whether for a few minutes or a few years. It has a network of more than 2,000 business centres in 100 countries, and a notable list of clients that include Google, Toshiba, GlaxoSmithKline, and many more. from a one-man band to vast multinationals, Regus helps customers to be more productive. There are endless possibilities for a mind that has been set free. as you concentrate on building up a successful empire, let busi- ness setup companies handle the ancillary jobs for a prosperous outcome. [email protected] BUILD ON YOUR DREAMS KHALEEJ TIMES / ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT / THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2014 Business-friendly regulations, an environment conducive for growth and presence of professionals that help launch and run businesses make the UAE a haven for entrepreneurs and firms There are endless possibilities for a mind that has been set free. As you concentrate on building up a successful empire, let business setup companies handle the ancillary jobs for a prosperous outcome. Regus offices are ready-to-work and with no set-up costs or long term contracts offering you total flexibility. • Fully equipped, just walk in and start work • Pay only for the space you use • Terms to suit any size of business • World class IT and telecoms • The flexibility to change location at any time • 10 locations across Dubai and 2000 worldwide 800 73487 Put your business in Dubai’s most prestigious location Call now and book a free tour Our business centres in Dubai give you all this and more Now available in Downtown Entrepreneurs and firms can locate their ventures either on the mainland in partnership with an Emirati, or a free zone where they can exercise propriety. BY SUNEETI AHUJA-KOHLI [email protected] Industrial Land Warehouses Offices Flexi Facilities Business Centers Abundant and affordable power Most competitive lease rates in the region 100% foreign ownership Customised business set up solutions Non Free Zone facilities/duty free trade with GCC countries

Business Setup I 2014

Apr 03, 2016



A special on setting up of a small to a medium size business in the UAE, titled Business Setup, by Red Door Productions published by Khaleej Times.
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Page 1: Business Setup  I 2014

If an exemplary business idea hasbeen lurking in the corners of yourmind for months, it is now the righttime to realise its potential and buildup a strong business for yourself.The reason: It is never too late to

start on a dream project, and especially inthe UaE, which is ranked as the 12th mostcompetitive nation globally by the WorldEconomic forum’s Global CompetitivenessReport 2014.Home to a number of businesses and

business setup companies, the UaE hasbeen lauded in the report for offering an ex-cellent quality of infrastructure and primaryeducation, and its readiness of regulationsand institutions in helping businesses. Suchfactors have played a key role in encourag-ing entrepreneurs and firms to setup basehere. The UaE places high value on the pri-vate sector and investors — unrelentingly

trying to ensure a safe context for business-es. Consequently, it is among the safestplaces to do business, not just in theMiddleEast, but internationally.The UaE also ranks high in the World

Bank’s Ease of Doing Business report 2014.The report termed the emirates as one of themost economically progressive places to dobusiness in. The safety, security and an envi-ronment conducive to the growth of busi-nessesareagreeablypairedwithawidechoiceof where to open a business. Entrepreneursand firms can locate their ventures either onthe mainland in partnership with an Emirati,or a free zonewhere they can exercise propri-ety. In both cases, the prowess and readinessof business setup companies come in handyfor a quick and efficient foundation.Businesses can look forward to the exper-

tise of business setup companies for doingthe initial paperwork, setting up the IT and

other necessary paraphernalia, locating andhiring apt human resource, ascertainingbusiness requirements, dealing with taxa-tion issues, andmuchmore. Regus, a globalwork place provider, for instance, providesconvenient, high-quality, fully servicedspaces for people to work, whether for a fewminutes or a few years. It has a network ofmore than 2,000 business centres in 100countries, and a notable list of clients thatinclude Google, Toshiba, GlaxoSmithKline,and many more. from a one-man band tovast multinationals, Regus helps customersto be more productive.There are endless possibilities for a mind

that has been set free. as you concentrateon building up a successful empire, let busi-ness setup companies handle the ancillaryjobs for a prosperous outcome.

[email protected]

Build on



Business-friendly regulations, anenvironment conducive for growthand presence of professionals thathelp launch and run businessesmake the UAE a haven forentrepreneurs and firms

There are endlesspossibilities for a mindthat has been set free.As you concentrate onbuilding up a successfulempire, let businesssetup companies handlethe ancillary jobs for aprosperous outcome.

Regus offices are ready-to-work and with no set-up costs or longterm contracts offering you total flexibility.

• Fully equipped, just walk in and start work

• Pay only for the space you use

• Terms to suit any size of business

• World class IT and telecoms

• The flexibility to change location at any time

• 10 locations across Dubai and 2000 worldwide


Put your business in Dubai’smost prestigious location

Call now and book a free tour

Our business centres in Dubai give youall this and more

Now available in Downtown

Entrepreneurs and firms canlocate their ventures eitheron the mainland in partnershipwith an Emirati, or afree zone where they canexercise propriety.

BY Suneeti AhujA-Kohli

[email protected]

Industrial Land


OfficesFlexi Facilities


Abundant and affordable power

Most competitive lease rates in the region

100% foreign ownership

Customised business set up solutions

Non Free Zone facilities/duty free trade with GCC countries

Page 2: Business Setup  I 2014

Dubai’s ambitiousgrowth strategy for itshospitality sector isproving to be a big

draw among international playersand Dubai investment Develop-ment agency (Dubai FDi) in theDepartment of Economic Devel-opment (DED), in collaborationwith foremost company forma-tion specialists The Links Group,is simultaneouslymaking a strongpitch to bring more global opera-tors into the emirate.

While the tourism sectoris well recognised asa significant driver ofDubai’s GDP, some of thelarger international hotelmanagement companieshave been slower toenter the market.However, Dubai’swillingness to reviewand evolve commercialactivities permitted inthe hospitality sectorhas given a strong reasonfor such companies tomove to the emirate.

I I khaleej times / ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENTThURSDAy, SEPTEMbER 11, 2014 Bus Ine s s setup


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Creatingmarket entry strategiesDubai hospitalityattracts globalplayers withbusiness activitystreamlined inthe sector

WithDubai expecting to attract20 million tourists by the end ofthe decade, according to the emir-ate’s ‘Tourism Vision for 2020’,investment in hospitality infra-structure and services is a top pri-ority for the government. Dubai’shotels welcomed more than 11

million guests in 2013 — an in-crease of just over one million on2012 figures and an indicationthat Dubai is on track to achieveits 2020 visitor target.“Thehospitality sector inDubai

is set to experience a massiveboom, with more than 24,000

hotels and serviced apartmentsexpected to enter the market inthe next three years. Coupled byour successful bid to host Expo2020, Dubai is becoming an in-creasingly attractive investmentdestination for foreign hospitalitycompanies. it is important wecontinue to evaluate and evolvecommercial activity in the sectorin order to attract the most inno-vative companies to the emirate,”said Fahad al Gergawi, ChiefExecutive of Dubai FDi.While the tourism sector is

well recognised as a significantdriver of Dubai’s GDP, some ofthe larger international hotelmanagement companies havebeen slower to enter the market.However, Dubai’s willingness toreview and evolve commercialactivities permitted in the hospi-tality sector has given a strongreason for such companies tomove to the emirate.

“Previously, international hoteloperators had to partner with lo-cal property owners to operate inthe emirate. This restricted poten-tial expansion opportunities andmeant a gap existed in satisfyinginternal risk criteria for a lot of

these companies.“Now, with the help of Dubai

FDi, we have specific commercialactivity for hotelmanagement ser-vices introduced inDubai and thishas attracted owner-operatorbrands like Four seasons Hotelsand Resorts to Dubai as well asseen the restructuring of brandslike Radisson blu. it has also al-lowed property developer TheFirst Group expand into servicedhotel apartments andhotels,” saidJohn Martin st Valery, FoundingPartner, The Links Group.“With the help of Dubai FDi,

Department of Tourism andCommerce Marketing (DTCM)and The Links Group, we wereable to get hotelmanagement op-erations recognised as a highlydemanded and relevant activitythat should be supported in linewith the vision of Dubai Govern-ment to grow the tourism andhospitality sector. This meansThe First Group can now inde-pendently own and manage ourline of serviced hotel apartmentsand hotels, which bring signifi-cant revenue potential to ourDubai-based business, while sup-porting the market’s need for ad-ditional hotel keys,” said Robburns, Chief Operating Officerfor The First Group.PaCHa, one of the world’s

most recognised entertainmentbrands, is also set to open thelargest combination dining andnight club experience in Dubailater this year.“Dubai has long been in our

business development sights. ithas a sophisticated, cosmopolitansocial scene that is globally recog-nised and a vibrant tourism sectorthat continues to grow. PaCHamakes perfect sense for this mar-ket from both a resident and tour-ist perspective. We’re glad the au-thorities recognised this potential,satwith us to understandour busi-ness and have created the appro-priate commercial activity to coverour specific needs,” said umeshamarnani, Founder and CEO ofutopia, the master franchisor forPaCHa in theMiddle East.

Earlier this year, Dubai wel-comed the launch of another hos-pitality concept under the revisedlist of commercial activities. GhafKitchen is a high-end cateringconcept and dining experiencewith a difference, bringing thefirst gourmet restaurant onwheelsto the uaE. as preferred partnerof Dubai FDi, The Links Groupplayed an instrumental role in en-abling these companies start theiroperations in Dubai.David Obrien, Co-founder of

GhafKitchen, said: “GhafKitchenwas the collective brainchild ofthree highly experienced profes-sionals with a passion for foodand entertainment. Havingworked around the world, wecould immediately recognise thepotential of Dubai. Not only isfood an essential element in itssocial scene, the community hereis always on the lookout for newand novel. While we can’t pre-tend that thereweren’t challengesin the beginning in terms of get-ting our business up and running,when you’re a pioneer in anymar-ket tenacity becomes part of yoursuccess. We are delighted to beoperational and even more de-lightedwith the responsewe havereceived to date.”

Fahad Al Gergawi John Martin St ValeryLatest venture of Ghaf Kitchen in Dubai

Page 3: Business Setup  I 2014

I I Ikhaleej times / ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENTThURSDAy, SEPTEMbER 11, 2014Bus Ine s s setup

SMEs and entrepreneurs play a significantrole in all economies, and are the key genera-tors of employment and income, and thedriv-ers of innovation and growth. SMEs todayparticipate in every industry and their pros-perity ultimately translates into macro-eco-nomicgrowth.Theremust be continuous sup-port towards the SMEsector as it is the engineof the development formost economies.

Mashreq believes in extending the re-quired support to the SME segment throughits distinctive financial solutions. It has de-signed innovative banking solutions, tailor-made to SMEs requirements and start-upscan benefit from these services in a big way.The bank has established itself as a trustedpartner associated with Small and Medium-sized Enterprises sector in the UAE throughseveral initiatives and business developmentactivities undertaken to boost this sector.Rohit Garg, Head of Business Banking at

Mashreq, said: “At Mashreq, we always fo-cus on delivering innovative solutions to ourcustomers based on their needs. As a com-mitment to help the start-ups, we sponsor amonthly series of Academies for Start-upswhere they can benefit from the advice ofindustry experts free of cost. These semi-nars focus on issues that are relevant forstart-up companies.We are launching a por-tal called SME Exchange wherein start-upswill find valuable information, tools and re-sources for their benefit. We anyways havethe entire gamut of financials solutions andservices which the SMEs and start-ups canbenefit from.”Mashreq offers diversified propositions

such as Small Business Loans (SBL)with highloan amounts of up toDh1.75million aswellas Self-employed personal Loans (SEPL) ofup to Dh750,000. These propositions arecollateral-free with a flexible repayment pe-riod of up to four years to give a peace ofmind and empower business owners tomakemore effective decisions towards achievingtheir business goals.Other financing solutions include Trade

and Working Capital solutions and theunique Merchant Over Draft Facilities of upto Dh2 million, which is exclusively offeredbased on the company’s Point-of-Salethroughput. Furthermore, the bank also of-fers Business accounts andDebit Cards, For-eign Exchange and Remittance solutions,

Business credit cards andBusiness Insurancepackages for the benefit of SMEs. Some ofthese products like Business Insurance pack-ages, Business Credit cards and self-em-ployed personal loans are extremely usefulfor start-up companies in particular.The SME-dedicated relationshipmanagers

at Mashreq are well trained on evaluatingcredit needs of the SMEs and offer sound fi-nancial advice to the clients. To service a cus-tomer’s financial needs close to their busi-ness, RM’s are available across awide branchnetwork strategically located across theUAE.Mashreq has a dedicated call centre to ser-vice the needs of the SMEs and is launchingan Internet banking platform specific to theneeds of the SMEs.Mashreq ensures that it offers guidance

and support to its customers as financialpartners in their business.

Regus, one of the world’s largest pro-viders of flexible workplaces, reaf-firmed its commitment to the Gulf ’sSME and international business com-munity when it opened its flagshipcentre in the heart of Dubai Down-town in January this year.Providing 1,500 square metres of

best-in-class office facilities, the Re-gusDubaiDowntowncentre inEmaarSquare next to Dubai Mall and BurjKhalifa, provides theopportunity for abusiness to work affordably fromDubai’s most prestigious commercialaddress. It is the group’s 12th businesscentre in the UAE.Offeringmore than180desks,mul-

tiple meeting rooms, a drop-in busi-ness lounge and video conferencing

facilities, the centre’s services areflex-ible providing short and long term-term agreements, without the highoverhead costs involved in leasing in-dependent space.Thismakes it a cost-effective working environment forboth visiting associates and local busi-nesses alike.Explains Kory Thompson, Country

Manager, Regus UAE: “Dubai is oneof the world’s most exciting interna-tional business hubs andwe are com-mitted to enabling anyonewhowish-es to have a foothold in the city.Location is key tomany of Regus’ 1.5million customers worldwide, andthe UAE is no different. You can’t getmuch better than next door to theworld’s tallest building.“Of course, it is not only visitors

whowish todobusiness inDubai. The

city is home to a burgeoning SMEscene, bursting with creative talentandour latest centre provides the per-fect office space for these companiesto flourish, without the worry of sign-ing up to costly long-term leases.“We look forward to welcoming

members, new or old, to the RegusDubai Downtown centre and to dem-onstrating firsthand how world-classopportunities are created in world-class working environments.”Regus now offers 12 locations in

the UAE — seven in Dubai, five inAbu Dhabi, including SowwahSquare, which opened last October,and one by Sharjah Mega Mall.Businessworld Gold card memberscan access this or any other drop-inbusiness lounge in the UAE oraround the world, without charge.

Responding tocustomer needs

Affordability inDowntownDubai

Mashreqoffers solidsupport as financialpartners of SMEsacross the UAE

Regus, a globalflexible workspaceprovider, offersbest-in-classfacilities in theemirates through its12 business centres

Mashreq believes in extendingthe required support to the SMEsegment through its distinctivefinancial solutions. It has designedinnovative banking solutions, tailor-made to SMEs requirements andstart-ups can benefit from theseservices in a big way.

Rohit Garg, Head of Business Banking

Dubai is one of the world’s most exciting internationalbusiness hubs and we are committed to enabling anyonewho wishes to have a foothold in the city. Location is key tomany of Regus’ 1.5 million customers worldwide, and theUAE is no different.

— Kory Thompson

Page 4: Business Setup  I 2014

Commercial Bank International(CBI) has more than doubled fi-nancing to small andmedium en-terprises, allocating Dh1 billionin 2014 in support of small andmediumenterprises (SMEs) oper-ating in the UAE across diverseeconomic segments, with thelaunch of innovative businessbanking solutions and services.Kris Babicci, CBI’s Chief Exec-

utive Officer, commented: “Weare seeing significant growth inthe SME sector as the UAE econ-omy continues to strengthen. CBIintends to be a significant playerin the SMEand trademarkets.Weare committed to supporting gov-ernment initiatives aimed atboosting business in the countryandwe are confident that CBIwilladd a new dimension to the envi-ronment inwhich our SME clientsoperate, thereby benefiting thenational economy as a whole.“Small andmediumenterprises

are important contributors to theUAE economy as they help de-velop national entrepreneurialspirit in young generations. As aUAE-based banking institution,we are proud to lend our supportin breeding a new class of entre-preneurs and support the UAEeconomy at large.”In support of its SME business

expansion strategy, CBI has re-cently opened its first dedicatedbusiness banking centre in JebelAli Free Zone. The opening ofthe facility has been driven byincreasing demand from theburgeoning SME sector. Com-

prising of tellers, ATMs, BillPayment Kiosk, and a team ofdedicated Relationship Manag-ers, our new branch is located atBlock no 1, TheGalleries, Down-town Jebel Ali. It offers conve-nient and comprehensive bank-

ing services to meet the bankingneeds of CBI’s corporate as wellas well as retail clients.Commenting on the new dedi-

cated facility opening, Ali SultanRakkad, CBI’sHead ofWholesaleBanking Group, said: “SMEs rep-resent a growing percentage inour portfolio. The opening of thenew Business Banking Unit inJAFZA represents an importantstep in CBI’s long-term strategyaiming to meet the transaction,trade, and lending needs of SMEs.By establishing a dedicated Busi-ness BankingUnit, wewill be ableto decentralise our service deliv-ery and be closer to the tradingcommunity in one of Dubai’smost-established business dis-tricts with over 6,000 businesses

registered in the Free Zone.”Natasha Abdulelah, Head of

SMEs at CBI, said: “Our JAFZAdedicated branch will be easilyaccessible by the vibrant SMEcommunity located in this area,and will certainly position CBIto better respond to their grow-ing needs for a comprehensiverange of financing and bankingsolutions.”The new centre servicing the

SMEbusiness community is openfrom 8am to 4pm from Sunday toThursday.CBI was awarded the title of

‘Fastest Growing Bank in theUAE’ and ‘Most Improved Bankin the MENA Region’ on the cov-eted BankerMiddle East IndustryAwards 2013. The awards were

based on the quantitative analysisof keymeasure indicators such asassets, liabilities, total income,net attributable profit and returnon assets, collating data on realsize, real growth, and percentagegrowth to identify the region’sleading financial institutions.In 2012, Qatar National Bank

(QNB), the leading financial insti-tution and largest bank in theMENA region, completed the ac-quisition of 40 per cent of CBIshares. CBI’s new brand launchedin March last year reflects thispartnership. With an expandingnetwork across the UAE, an en-hanced product suite and a re-newed customer-centric ap-proach, CBI remains wellpositioned for future growth.

CBI ups SMEofferingThe bank opens a new dedicatedbusiness banking centre in JAFZA,and allocates Dh1 billion to supportSMEs in the UAE

I V khaleej times / ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENTThURSDAy, SEPTEMbER 11, 2014 Bus Ine s s setup

COMMERCIAl fee and taxesare a headache for most peo-ple, and small business own-ers are no exception. A large

percentage of small business owners saytaxes are one of the top factors affectingtheir success.But if you look beyond taxes and com-

mercial fee, there are a number of sourc-es you can turn to if you aren’t sure of thebest course of action for your business.“A first step you should take is to speakwith your banker,” says Robb Hilson,Small Business Executive for Bank ofAmerica. “A dedicated small-businessbanker who knows you and your marketcan help youmake the best decisions foryour business, all year round.”Here are a few tips to get the most out

of your business:

Invest in technology: Purchase newtechnology that will make your businessrunmore smoothly. For example, replacetraditional cash registers with tabletsthat allow you to check out customersfrom anywhere in the store, or switch toelectronic invoicing so you get paid fast-er. Technology that makes your life eas-ier will allow you to focus on doing whatyou love instead of taking care of thebooks, filing paperwork or trying to fixold equipment.

Upgrade your environment: Is your of-fice space getting a little run-down?Con-sider sprucing it up a bit. According toexperts, employee satisfaction and pro-ductivity rise in aesthetically appealingworkplaces. You don’t have to spendmuch — even the colour of the walls canmake employees feel more inspired ormore compelled to collaborate.

Get the word out: Help get the local

community buzzing about your businessby investing into a strategic marketingcampaign. There is a lot you can do toreach new customers — from traditional

advertising in the newspaper and onyour local TV channel tomarketing your-self in innovative ways online. Considerpurchasing a software tool, which allowsyou to develop a targeted email market-ing campaign, or hire a local videogra-pher to create some interesting contentfor your Facebook or YouTube page.

Invest in your staff: Put the money to-wards one of yourmost important assets— your people. Pay for training coursesto help thembetter their existing skills orto learn new skills. Or reward them fortheir hard work with a small bonus orgift. By fostering an environment of em-ployee value and appreciation, you’lllikely get back what you put in.

Start thinking about growth: Have youbeen looking for some seed money topurchasemore property or hire addition-al staff? Think about how this moneycould jumpstart a bigger investmentyou’ve been waiting to make. A little ex-tra capital can go a long way when mak-ing a larger investment that you wouldhave otherwise needed more financingfor. This money could be just what youneed to get your loan started.

Invest judiciouslySmart ways for smallbusiness owners tospend their cash

WITH coolermonths bring-ing a bit more flexibilityto our schedules, it’s alsoa time to reflect on the

UAE’s entrepreneurial spirit. For manyresidents, this means seeking successand prosperity by building their ownbusiness.A sizeable proportion of people in the

UAE are self-employed. These smallbusiness owners are the lifeblood of theeconomy, accounting for 63 percent ofnet new jobs creation.Many small busi-ness owners find running their businessextremely rewarding, precisely becauseof three reasons: having enoughmoneyto support their family, being their ownboss and doing what they love.However, entrepreneurship takes ex-

treme dedication; a number of smallbusiness ownersmake significant sacri-fices in their personal lives to run theirbusiness. While running a business canbe exciting and liberating, it can also bechallenging. So how do you know if it’sthe right time to take the leap and startyour own business?“Starting your ownbusiness can seem

daunting, but most of the time, onceyou go solo, you will never look back,”says Steve Strauss, a Small Business Ex-pert and Columnist. “Small businessowners embody a dream. There areseemingly endless opportunities whenyou are your own boss. It allows formore creativity and flexibility, not tomention more independence. But be-fore you begin, talk to experts and othersmall business owners who have gonethrough the process. Just because youare in charge does notmean you have tofigure out everything alone.”Here are four tips to consider before

you launch your own business:

Do your research before writinga business plan. As a first step,

analyse the market to make sure youridea is something thatwill resonatewithpeople in your area. Are you filling avoid?Are other businesses already offer-ing the same product or service? Figureout what sets your business apart, andthen write a detailed plan taking every-thing you’ve learned into consideration.This document will serve as your road-map for the first three to five years.

Set up a support system.Find anaccountant who specialises in

your type and size of business. Retain anattorney to review your paperwork andhelp you identify the best legal structurefor your business. Connect with other

small business owners through onlineplatforms or through networking eventsand ask them to share their best practic-es.Having a reliable support system thatyou can depend on for guidance and ad-vice will ensure you get started on theright foot.

Determine your source of fi-nancing.A dedicated small busi-

ness banker who knows your commu-nity and industry can provide advice onwhat traditional financial products,such as term loans and lines of credit,your business may qualify for. Crowd-funding, venture capital, lending clubsand angel investors are also potentialoptions, depending on the size andstructure of your business.

Leverage your digital assets.With the rise of the mobile revo-

lution, the size of your business doesn’tmatter nearly as much as how connect-ed it is. learn how tomanage your busi-ness accounts on your phone or tablet.Develop a social media or mobile mar-keting campaign to reach new custom-ers. Download apps that help with ev-eryday tasks likenote taking, schedulingandwebsite building. Amultitude of af-fordable tools are available online tohelp you get started quickly.

“Entrepreneurship allows individualsto pursue their dreams and to contrib-ute to the success of their neighbour-hoods,” says Robb Hilson, Small Busi-ness Executive at Bank of America.

WhenfreedomringsTop tips to helplaunch yourown business





Our JAFZA dedicated branchwill be easily accessible bythe vibrant SME communitylocated in this area, andwill certainly positionCBI to better respond totheir growing needs for acomprehensive range offinancing andbanking solutions.

— Natasha Abdulelah

We are seeing significantgrowth in the SME sectoras the UAE economycontinues to strengthen.CBI intends to be asignificant player in theSME and trade markets.We are committed tosupporting governmentinitiatives aimed atboosting business inthe country and we areconfident that CBI willadd a new dimension tothe environment in whichour SME clients operate,thereby benefiting thenational economy asa whole.

— Kris Babicci


Put the money towards one ofyour most important assets —your people. Pay for trainingcourses to help them bettertheir existing skills or to learnnew skills. Or reward them fortheir hard work with a smallbonus or gift.

A dedicated small businessbanker who knows yourcommunity and industrycan provide advice on whattraditional financial products,such as term loans and linesof credit, your business mayqualify for.

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