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Table of contents Business plan Introduction Executive career profile Executive summary Goals Success story Mission statement Strategic goals and prioritis Distinctive identity Courses offered Marketing plan Operational plan Financial plan PRESENTED BY: 1
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Page 1: Business plan

Table of contents

Business plan Introduction

Executive career profile

Executive summary


Success story

Mission statement

Strategic goals and prioritis

Distinctive identity

Courses offered

Marketing plan

Operational plan

Financial plan



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Haider Abbas

Business plan

A business plan is a formal statement of a set of business goals, the reasons why they are believed attainable, and the plan for reaching those goals. It may also contain background information about the organization or team attempting to reach those goals.

The business goals may be defined for for-profit or for non-profit organizations. For-profit business plans typically focus on financial goals, such as profit or creation of wealth. Non-profit and government agency business plans tend to focus on organizational mission which is the basis for their governmental status or their non-profit, tax-exempt status, respectively—although non-profits may also focus on optimizing revenue. In non-profit organizations, creative tensions may develop in the effort to balance mission with "margin" (or revenue). Business plans may also target changes in perception and branding by the customer, client, tax-payer, or larger community. A business plan having changes in perception and branding as its primary goals is called a marketing plan

Business plans are decision-making tools. There is no fixed content for a business plan. Rather the content and format of the business plan is determined by the goals and audience. A business plan should contain whatever information is needed to decide whether or not to pursue a goal.

For example, a business plan for a non-profit might discuss the fit between the business plan and the organization’s mission. Banks are quite concerned about defaults, so a business plan for a bank loan will build a convincing case for the organization’s ability to repay the loan. Venture capitalists are primarily concerned about initial investment, feasibility, and exit valuation.


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A business plan for a project requiring equity financing will need to explain why current resources, upcoming growth opportunities, and sustainable competitive advantage will lead to a high exit valuation.

Preparing a business plan draws on a wide range of knowledge from many different business disciplines: finance, human resource management, intellectual property management, supply chain management, operations management, and marketing, among others.It can be helpful to view the business plan as a collection of sub-plans, one for each of the main business disciplines.

"... A good business plan can help to make a good business credible, understandable, and attractive to someone who is unfamiliar with the business. Writing a good business plan can’t guarantee success, but it can go a long way toward reducing the odds of failure


The leader’s college of business studies offers specialized services in commerce and business administration.Mr.Muhammad Sher aslam is the chairman of L.C.B.S, Mr. Farmanullah is the principal and Mr. Shahab Muhammad is the managing director of the college. Professional teaching staff that is highly specialized in their respective fields in the college. These include qualified personnel specialized in diverse fields who are capable of handling assignments at various levels.

The college provides specialized services in Management and Finance, Taxation, Project Financing, Corporate, marketing and auditing.Vast experience has been gathered by servicing a multitude of assignments. Such experience is drawn upon to provide services of the highest level so as to benefit all students by providing solution to their problems and successful exploitation of available opportunities.

The college over the period has developed a sizeable list of students. LCBS is the fast growing college in business studies in Pakistan comprising 03 Partners providing accounting, auditing, taxation, management advisory,


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consultancy and other corporate services, information technology, business process reengineering and business automation.Three partners manage the firm with 30 professional and supporting staff having office at Peshawar.

The staff at LCBS is experienced in their profession, and is knowledgeable about the business in Pakistan. They possess an understanding of compulsions and parameters of business of our students, and have background of successfully meeting their service requirements.

The brief statistics of professional resources and staff of LCBS Senior professionals and associates

LCBS composed of three executives appointed by the governor, each member serves five-year term and must reside within the college's district boundaries

Muhammad Sher Aslam:

Chairman of LCBS, He has done his MS in Marketing from IBA Karachi, he has spent five years in America and has remained with the renowned advertising agency Heera for a couple of years.He has a vast experience in marketing and having strong hold on different new concepts of marketing He is an active investor in many start-up companies and sits on several corporate boards. He also volunteers at Children's Hospital and is a strong supporter of community programs directed at children and also served as the president of the student community for five years.


Farmanullah is the principal of the college; he has done his PhD from

Oxford University. Retired from Bank of America as President, Washington

State in 2006 after a 38 year career with the bank. During her career he


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held management positions in Retail Banking, Business Banking, Human

Resources, Community Development and Quality of Service. He also

chaired the foundation board. He currently is serving as Chair for the

Alhamra foundation which raises funds for the Pancreatic Cancer Action

Network. Previously he served on the board of directors for United bank

ltd., secondary school foundation Education, Partnership for Learning. He

was recognized as a Puget Sound man of Influence in 2005.

Mr Shahab Muhammad.

Shahab Muhammad is the managing director of LCBS, he has done his MS

in Human resource management from London business college England. Professor at the University of punjab, an associate for a major Seattle law

firm, Deputy Director of the Department of Planning and Community

Development university of peshawar,throughout his carear he has worked

on top positions in different organizations and have a vast experience in


Executive Summary of LCBS

Colleges tend to focus either on their past or on their future. While The Leaders college of Business Studies honors, takes pride in, and builds upon


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the legacy of its past, we are accustomed to thinking in the future tense: about our hopes for our students, changes to be made in our curriculum, or a greater role to be played by our College throughout higher education and in the world at large. Even our declaration that creative thought matters orients us toward a distant horizon: The concept of creativity itself points to a moment that does not yet exist — when something hidden will be revealed, a plan realized, a quandary resolved through an imaginative approach. Creativity threatens the status quo and so entails risk. Yet LCBS has always invited change and embraced risk. Because of the dedication, foresight, and audacity of so many who have come before us, the College has made enormous progress across its first century. Throughout our history, we have challenged ourselves to make no small plans — to make no ordinary choices — and we do so still today.

Since our founding, LCBS has prepared generations of young women and, more recently, young women and men, to become both successful, productive citizens and personally fulfilled human beings. We also have embraced the education of a smaller cohort of non-traditional students who affirm the power of liberal learning to illuminate both their professional and personal lives. In both cases, we attract students who are sophisticated, eclectic, collaborative, creative, and adventurous. We offer them a cosmopolitan and challenging institutional culture, one infused with opportunities to participate in and appreciate the visual and performing arts. We emphasize the importance of creative thought and its practical applications across our curriculum — from the natural sciences, to pre-professional majors, to the humanities, and social sciences, to the visual and performing arts. We encourage our students to experiment, to explore multiple areas of inquiry, and to pursue their individual passions. By modeling the way an educated person examines, challenges, critiques, and synthesizes existing beliefs and creates new ones, the LCBS faculty communicates to our students what it means to be liberally educated and capable of acting responsibly in the world. LCBS education provides the foundation in both the cognitive skills and the personal maturity required to excel in both the workplace and in the polity of the 21st Century. Most importantly, it offers the resources for composing a sustainable life as a moral being in a world where the ethical signposts periodically seem to have been knocked flat.

The members of our faculty take justifiable pride in cultivating our students' intellectual and personal excellence and curiosity; others within the


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extended Skidmore community take similar pride in their contributions to students' success. Indeed, one of our historic strengths has been to awaken previously unrecognized interests and talents, suggesting new possibilities to students who have not yet appreciated — much less risen to — their potential. Traditional and non-traditional student’s alike report that LCBS has enabled them to accomplish objectives and grow personally to an extent impossible to predict when they entered the College. We hear in the testimony of our alumni, from the observations of appreciative parents, and through our own experience that our best students — those who take full advantage of what they find at LCBS today — receive an educational experience second to none.

The preceding characterization represents not only a description but also a promissory note issued to every new student upon matriculation. Each of them (and their parents) arrives with the legitimate expectation that this obligation will be redeemed in full. We certainly do not say to any individual matriculant, "It's all right with us if you fail a t LCBS: your success doesn't really matter." Instead, we begin with the assumption that each admitted student can meet the challenges we present and — with the proper commitment, effort, and assistance — join the ranks of LCBS alumni. We regard matriculation as the beginning not of a four-year relationship but rather of a lifelong relationship between a student and the extended LCBS community. Even so, despite our best intentions, we must acknowledge that for too many of our students LCBS remains a promise unfulfilled. The gap between the aspirations of our Mission Statement and our actual performance provides both a significant challenge and our most important opportunity.

Our overarching objective, therefore, is to become a College that fully

realizes the objectives of our Mission: one that inspires, challenges, and

supports the highest levels of excellence for all our students, not just for

some or even many of them — as evidenced by their achievements in

realizing the values of engaged liberal learning while at LCBS and

expressing them throughout their lives. The LCBS we envision expects that

an intellectually rigorous, transformative educational experience will lead

to graduates whose achievements at LCBS will launch them into the next

phase of their lives, who are prepared to function effectively in the complex


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and increasingly diverse world of the 21st Century, and who understand and

embrace the responsibilities of living as informed, responsible citizens.

Moreover, we expect our alumni to remain deeply connected to one another

and to LCBS as a continuing source of inspiration and support

More specifically, we seek to become

A College that involves students immediately and passionately in a life-altering learning experience, from their first days on campus — a process that leads to significant individual academic achievement by the time of graduation, along with demonstrable personal development that will position all our alumni to embark with assurance on the next phase of their lives. 

A College that offers its students a balanced curriculum, reflecting strength across the arts, humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, and selected pre-professional programs, one that enables its students and faculty to make insightful connections across disciplinary boundaries. 

A College that expects every student to develop increased appreciation of the value of difference in human society, in which each student progresses in his or her ability to interact successfully with persons of unfamiliar background, and that provides every graduate an entrée to the understanding necessary to function effectively not only as a citizen of our country but also as a citizen of our increasingly interconnected world. 

A College that expects responsible behavior of everyone within our community, that empowers and inspires all of our students to make the choices required of informed, responsible citizens throughout their lives, and that itself acts as a responsible corporate citizen. 

A College that values creativity and excellence in the research of our faculty, expects it in the collective decisions that determine the course of our institution, and insists on it in the work of our students. 


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A College that increasingly is recognized for its role as a leading national liberal arts college in advancing the cause of engaged liberal learning within our national community and world at large — both through the actions of our alumni and through the College's own contribution to the advancement of knowledge.

This Plan establishes the framework to make the choices required to maintain our forward momentum and, above all, to realize our aspirations. We have identified four ambitious Goals, together with the Priority Initiatives intended to realize them. Some of these Initiatives incorporate work that is already underway; others will require new investments of time, effort, or funding and may entail the redirection of existing resources or the development of new ones. To bring our shared vision to reality — to make our own most creative educational thinking matter across our community — we call upon our tradition of audacity, invoke our powers of imagination, and prepare to focus our efforts as never before. One of our greatest assets is the passion for our mission that characterizes us at our best, that is shared by so many members of the extended Skidmore community, and that has led us in the past to our greatest achievements. We reaffirm our sense of shared purpose and commit our collective energy to the task of achieving new levels of excellence and recognition — taking us ever closer to realizing the bold promise that is LCBS.


Goal I — Student Engagement and Academic Achievementwe will challenge every LCBS student to achieve academic excellence through full engagement with our rich and rigorous educational experience.

Priority Initiatives

o Increase student academic engagement in the first year. o Increase support for research and creative activity throughout

faculty careers. o Enhance intellectual life for the faculty, students, and others

who comprise the extended LCBS community. o Strengthen information resources across the College.


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o Strengthen the natural sciences to increase the number of science majors and enhance the science literacy of all Skidmore students.

o Increase our effectiveness in helping our graduates plan and prepare for their post-LCBS lives.

o Take better advantage of the resources and capacity for innovation in the Office of the Dean of Special Programs (ODSP) to support the relevant initiatives identified under this Goal (and others, as appropriate).


Goal II — Intercultural and Global UnderstandingWe will challenge every LCBS student to develop the intercultural understanding and global awareness necessary to thrive in the complex and increasingly interconnected world of the 21st Century.

Priority Initiatives o Increase global awareness across the community in order to

sensitize all Skidmore students to a complex, diverse, and interdependent world.

o Renew the conversation about diversity both within the LCBS faculty and broadly across the campus community; building upon the work of the Middle States review and other past efforts, establish clear educational objectives relating to this Goal and develop shared expertise in achieving them.

o Enhance the diversity of our student population while providing the resources necessary to support all of our students in meeting our educational objectives.

o Enhance the diversity of our faculty and other employee populations and enhance their skills that relate to achieving this Goal.


Goal III — Informed, Responsible Citizenship


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We will prepare every LCBS student to make the choices required of an informed, responsible citizen at home and in the world.

Priority Initiatives o Foster pedagogical innovation relating to responsible

citizenship; support campus initiatives that teach and exemplify this value.

o Enhance residential learning. o Enhance the campus residential environment, with special

attention to common spaces. o Increase support for athletics, fitness, and wellness. o Develop, broaden, and deepen the College's connections to the

local community; enhance our ability to function as a socially and environmentally responsible corporate citizen.


Goal IV — Independence and ResourcesWe will preserve LCBS's independence by developing the resources required to realize our aspirations.

Priority Initiatives o Develope and enhance our key financial resources and our

capacity to manage them. o Achieve and maintain competitive compensation for

LCBSfaculty, staff, and administrators; enhance our ability to support their professional development.

o Develope and enhance our capacity to manage our physical resources.

o Develope and enhance those relationships essential to the LCBS community.

o Develope and enhance the “equity” in the LCBS name.

LCBS Success

We want you to achieve your best at LCBS. We aim to provide you with very strong teaching both within College. Our Fellowship (our academic


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teachers and researchers) are highly committed with considerable expertise in their fields of study. Within each subject there is a designated Director of Studies who is an experienced academic responsible for guiding the academic progress of each college student in their care. You will meet with your Director of Studies on a regular basis. You will usually have some supervisions in College in addition to lectures, practicals and seminars held in the Departments alongside students from all other colleges. Detailed information about individual subjects is available.

The striking college library, the Central Library, holds around 60,000 books as well as periodicals, videos and CDs. It holds core texts for first and second year courses and much specialized material too. There are 200 places for readers and it is open 24 hours a day. The extensive collection, space and unrestricted access is much appreciated by our students especially when approaching exams or essay deadlines! An annex adjacent to the library accommodates computers, a photocopier and a colour printer for student use.

Most students arrive in Punjab with great excitement and some trepidation at the challenges ahead. In response the College has introduced a unique programme to help you to make the most of your life at Cambridge and the career opportunities beyond: the Gateway Programme. In the first year the short programme helps students to make a successful transition into pak life and teaches some of the practical skills which students have said they want, such as managing time, balancing study and leisure activities and re-evaluating expectations.

The College also has experienced personal tutors who will help you with concerns that may be affecting your studies that are not directly related to your course. They keep in touch with you during your time in college to ensure that all is going well. There is also a College nurse who holds a surgery for students each morning.

Academic achievement

We are delighted that more than 80% of our students achieve a First or 2:1 in their final examinations and that the College is regularly amongst the top three Colleges in terms of the 'value added'. ('Value added' measures the progress that students make between their first and final years of study.) We


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achieved the best results we have ever achieved in July 2007 and look forward to surpassing this in the future.

Into career

LCBS students are very highly regarded by employers and most graduates are able to secure employment and a very good income. The University has an active Careers Service which is complemented in LCBS by a scheme to link undergraduates with alumnae, internships and our Gateway Programme. Successful alumnae, with experience of a wide range of careers, will give individual advice and help to interested students. Within the Gateway Programme we have responded to students concerns by introducing sessions on how to make ethical career choices and how to prepare for job interviews.

'Gateway is a fantastic opportunity for any student at LCBS - both for those who have a set career path and for those, like me, who had no idea what they wanted to do! The practical advice offered is invaluable; guidance on starting your job search, the application process, interview skills and networking is given to you in a very concise and clear manner by people who listen and care about you.' Third year, History student

We keep in close touch with our graduates and are always pleased to hear about what they do in future. Graduates from Murray Edwards College are successful in a wide range of fields. The list below gives a taste

Mission statement:

Our mission is to serve the nation specially the younger generation and ensure that no talented student is deprived of the best education because of financial difficulties. We have made an open offer to all students who secure 75 percent marks in the qualifying examinations and get admission in any of our institutions and continue their education free of any cost. For instance any student securing 75 percent or above marks in their BA Examination can do their MBA or M.Sc, in Computer


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Science free of any charge. For their further encouragement we have announced cash rewards and cars for the student securing first position in our graduate and postgraduate examinations and Rs. 50,000 for the B.Com. Etc. All in all, LCBS in particular are rendering excellent services for producing quality manpower, which is their response to the challenges of 21st Century.

The principal mission of LCBS is the education of predominantly full-time undergraduates, a diverse population of talented students who are eager to engage actively in the learning process. The college seeks to prepare liberally educated graduates to continue their quest for knowledge and to make the choices required of informed, responsible citizens. LCBS faculty and staff create a challenging yet supportive environment that cultivates students' intellectual and personal excellence, encouraging them to expand their expectations of themselves while they enrich their academic understanding.

In keeping with the college's founding principle of linking theoretical with applied learning, the LCBS curriculum balances a commitment to the liberal arts and sciences with preparation for professions, careers, and community leadership. Education in the classroom, laboratory, and studio is enhanced by co-curricular and field experience opportunities of broad scope. Underpinning the entire enterprise are faculty members' scholarly and creative interests, which inform their teaching and contribute, in the largest sense, to the advancement of learning.

The college also embraces its responsibility as an educational and cultural resource for alumni and for a host of nontraditional student populations, and for providing educational leadership in the Capital District and beyond

The College

We Aspire to Become: Strategic Goals and Priorities

The preceding characterization of LCBS College represents not only a description but also a promissory note issued to every new student upon matriculation. Each of them (and their parents) arrives with the legitimate


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expectation that this obligation will be redeemed in full. We certainly do not say to any individual matriculant, "It's all right with us if you fail at LCBS: your success doesn't really matter." Instead, we begin with the assumption that each admitted student can meet the challenges we present and — with the proper commitment, effort, and assistance — will join the ranks of LCBS alumni. We regard matriculation as the beginning not of a four-year relationship but rather of a lifelong relationship between a student and the extended LCBS community. Even so, despite our best intentions, we must acknowledge that for too many of our students Skidmore remains a promise unfulfilled. The gap between the aspirations of our Mission Statement and our actual performance provides both a significant challenge and our most important opportunity.

Our overarching objective, therefore, is to become a College that fully realizes the objectives of our Mission: one that inspires, challenges, and supports the highest levels of excellence for all our students, not just for some or even many of them — as evidenced by their achievements in realizing the values of engaged liberal learning while at LCBS and expressing them throughout their lives. The LCBS we envision expects that an intellectually rigorous, transformative educational experience will lead to graduates whose achievements at LCBS will launch them into the next world of the 21st Century, and who understand and embrace the responsibilities of living as informed, responsible citizens. Moreover, we expect our alumni to remain deeply connected to one another and to LCBS as a continuing source of inspiration and support.

To become an academic community in which minds are inspired:

A College that involves students immediately and passionately in a life-altering learning experience, from their first days on campus — a process that leads to significant individual academic achievement by the time of graduation, along with demonstrable personal development that will position all our alumni to embark with assurance on the next phase of their lives. 

A College that offers its students a balanced curriculum, reflecting strength across the arts, humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, and selected pre-professional programs, one that enables its students and faculty to make insightful connections across disciplinary


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A College that expects every student to develop increased appreciation of the value of difference in human society, in which each student progresses in his or her ability to interact successfully with persons of unfamiliar background, and that provides every graduate an entrée to the understanding necessary to function effectively not only as a citizen of our country but also as a citizen of our increasingly interconnected world. 

A College that expects responsible behavior of everyone within our community, that empowers and inspires all of our students to make the choices required of informed, responsible citizens throughout their lives, and that itself acts as a responsible corporate citizen. 

A College that values creativity and excellence in the research of our faculty, expects it in the collective decisions that determine the course of our institution, and insists on it in the work of our students. 

A College that increasingly is recognized for its role as a leading national liberal arts college in advancing the cause of engaged liberal learning within our national community and world at large — both through the actions of our alumni and through the College's own contribution to the advancement of knowledge.

LCBS's distinctive identity.

This constellation of institutional history, mission, and values delineates a unique institutional identity that is immediately recognizable within the extended LCBS community and that forms the core of the story that we need to communicate to external audiences. Since our founding, LCBS has prepared generations of young women and, more recently, young women


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and men, to become both successful, productive citizens and personally fulfilled human beings. We also have embraced the education of a smaller cohort of non-traditional students who affirm the power of liberal learning to illuminate both their professional and personal lives. We attract students who are sophisticated, eclectic, collaborative, creative, and adventurous. We offer them a cosmopolitan and challenging institutional culture, one infused with opportunities to participate in and appreciate the visual and performing arts. We encourage them to experiment, to explore multiple areas of inquiry, and to pursue their individual passions. Traditional and non-traditional student’s alike report that LCBS has enabled them to accomplish objectives and grow personally to an extent impossible to predict when they entered the College. Indeed, one of our historic strengths has been to awaken previously unrecognized interests and talents, suggesting new possibilities to students who have not yet appreciated — much less risen to — their potential.

Courses offered at LCBS.

  B.Com (Hons.) - (Morning)  B.Com (Hons.) - (Afternoon) M.Com (Morning) M.Com (Self-Supporting)   M.Com (1 Year)   DCMA (Diploma in Cost and Management Accounting)

[Evening]   DED (Diploma in Entrepreneurship Development)

[Evening] BBA (Hons) MBA (Executive) MBA (1 Year) MBA (Evening and morning).

Marketing plan.

Having a strong college marketing plan is crucial when devising a strategy that will support the long-t the current college crowd is a crucial field for


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marketers. College students spend money now, and will soon make plans for larger purchases. Their choices and influences now will affect their spending choices for years to come. LCBS Promotions directly targets this market with strategic marketing techniques for on campus, event, and publication promotions. Want to ensure your marketing goals are met in the future? Contact LCBS Promotions to start your college marketing plan today.

LCBS provides an extensive college newspaper network for the execution of your college marketing plan.  We provide practical advertising solutions on campuses and universities throughout the country using unique promotional materials and techniques that can target students through a wide variety of student newspapers and other nontraditional media.

Marketing services include:

Newspaper classified adsCampus PosteringDoor HangersPass the Pad-NoteAdsKIOSKS - 3D Totem DisplaysHello! Memo BoardsTable POP TentsStudent NewspapersHigh School Newspaper (Welcome to Freshman)Student Intercepts / Tabling / Sampling / Hand-to-HandStudent Board PostersCollegeMarketPlace.comCollege News OnlineEvent Marketing.

Operational plan.

- In order to more forward and achieve the goals and objectives outlines in the LCBS Five-Year Strategic Plan, an operational plan, timeline, and


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budget must be established for each of the five years contained in the strategic plan.The operational plan identifies specific action tasks/strategies for implementing the plan and ties them to a specific timeline. Each task/strategy is assigned to a cabinet sponsor and designated staff positions that will take responsibility for ensuring the activity is being completed adequately and on schedule. A budget will be established and sources of funding identified so that planned activities will be given the appropriate level of fiscal priority.An important component of the operational plan is the annual evaluation of progress on the strategic plan. Beginning in 2009, a complete evaluation of the plan will be made and progress on the identified Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will be utilized and updated each year.In order to maximize the use of the institution’s human and financial resources, it is important that everyone at LCBS is working toward the same goals. The planning process alone will not produce results—it is a means to an end, not an end in itself. However, if the five-year strategic plan, annual operational plans, timelines, and KPIs are used effectively, they can be valuable tools for LCBS , increasing the chances that daily activities will lead to the achievement of strategic goals and move the college toward its stated mission. In this way, LCBS will become an even stronger player in Ohio higher education.

Short Term Plan (Financial Year July 2008-9)


We are in a reasonably good position with cataloguing, having a fairly clear outline of the collection on the 'Cantab' Access database with various printed indexes. Currently there are 2,300 records. However, there is a mounting backlog of material which comes in faster than we can deal with it; ideally we would also like to work through existing records to provide item records in many areas

Twin aims are to add the uncatalogued material to the database and to improve existing records so that at least one section can be loaded onto the JANUS database of Cambridge archives. Outline records of our main women's collections are already on the Genesis database. Realistically with 7 hours' assistance per week to cover cataloguing and enquiries we can plan for 800 new records.


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Storage space will probably suffice for the coming year. More boxing of material should be completed and checks will be made on the environment of the new paper store.

Video Archive

This is an on-going project, but the first priority has been to acquire enough material from the earliest alumnae, Fellows and other associates to make a film celebrating New Hall's fiftieth anniversary. This will be complete when three more key players in the history of New Hall have been interviewed in the Autumn. About half the existing films have been indexed by a volunteer alumna, making it simple to identify clips on a given keyword. We have secured funding from the College sufficient to bring us up to date with indexing but not to cover future videos. In consultation with professional film makers a narrative will be developed and further general filming done to provide continuity.


There has been a request for a display of Archive materials for various events marking the 50th Anniversary. We will need to make surrogate copies of documents and photographs relating to various stages in the College's history and to borrow a secure showcase to display the College Charter. We would also like, if possible, to run video loop material with headphones available and to provide appropriate publicity to attract the general public.



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The sums available for these tasks in the College's agreed budget for the academic year 2008-9 total One lac, less than what was requested. These sums are broken down as follows:

Video archive project 50000Stationery 15000Development of the Cantab software 7000P/T archivist's salary (9 hours per week) 900000

Five year plan

Staffing and funding

Increased awareness of the archive may bring in more external visitors, in which case staff hours will be insufficient. Our aim should be to maintain at least our current levels of service and we believe we should also step up invigilation of readers. However, the financial pressures on the College suggest that it will be difficult to achieve an increase in funding although there is some scope for income generation from photographs, postcards and the proposed video of New Hall's history.

Collection management

The collections are in a relatively good state of preservation, except that some newspaper cuttings are crumbling and should be photocopied on to acid free paper. We rely heavily on the staff of the College Offices to identify material which should come to the archives, and therefore need a written policy to make sure that records sent to the paper store are weeded and transferred to the archives when no longer 'active'. We may receive further offers of donations of papers from Old Members, but we should not accept them uncritically. On the other hand we should be canvassing famous alumnae for deposits.



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We will continue with the Cantab database and make our records publicly available on the Cambridge University Janus website. It should be possible to keep this up to date unless large unforeseen accruals come in. For some kinds of material, item records will be added if time permits.


The storage problem will soon become acute and decisions must be made about moving the collection to a larger room. When the College next embarks on building works we should press for the incorporation of an archive room with environmental control. There is no more scope for storage in the Library, unless we regain the front office, but it is still possible to accommodate visitors consulting archives.


While it is crucial to raise awareness within the College of the importance of the archive, we should also be stimulating access to our unique materials from the outside world by improving our website and participating in Janus and other appropriate local or national initiatives.