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Caleidoscop lingvistic Numarul 3 Decembrie 2013 Happy Holidays! Joyeuses Fetes! Buone feste! Frohe Feiertage! Ediție de sărbători

Buone feste! - · Caleidoscop lingvistic Numarul 3 Decembrie 2013 Happy Holidays! Joyeuses Fetes! Buone feste! Frohe Feiertage! Ediție de sărbători

Jan 20, 2020



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Caleidoscop lingvistic

Numarul 3

Decembrie 2013

Happy Holidays!

Joyeuses Fetes!

Buone feste! Frohe Feiertage!

Ediție de sărbători

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Olivia Dumitriu

Mădălina Maier

Miruna Moldovan

Cătălina Cătană

Carmen Diana Bârgoz

Daiana Rohan

Diana Jucan

Dalia Sporea

Mădălina Dan

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The importance of foreign languages

Holiday traditions

Travel guide

Did you know?

We are here to help!

Creative corner


Anti-abortion campaigne

Christmas quiz

Page 4: Buone feste! - · Caleidoscop lingvistic Numarul 3 Decembrie 2013 Happy Holidays! Joyeuses Fetes! Buone feste! Frohe Feiertage! Ediție de sărbători

The Importance of Foreign Languages in Our Life

Have you ever wondered where the name of our magazine comes from? Well, GEFI is not just a

random magazine name as you have probably thought because each letter of it is meaningful. Do you

want me to give you a hint? LANGUAGES.G comes from German, E comes from English, F and I

stand for French and Italian. So now that the mystery is gone, let’s see why these foreign languages

are important in our life!

As Frank Smith says: “One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door

along the way.”

The importance of languages is essential to every aspect and interaction in our everyday lives.

We use languages to inform the people around us of what we feel, what we desire, and

question/understand the world around us.

Speaking a foreign language has multiple personal development benefits.

There are five reasons why it is important to know a foreign language:

1. To increase global understanding

“A different language is a different vision of life.” – Federico Fellini, Italian film director

Learning another language gives the learner the ability to step inside the mind and context of that

other culture. Without the ability to communicate and understand a culture on its own terms, true

access to that culture is barred. In a world where nations and people are even more dependent on one

another to supply goods and services, solve political disputes and ensure international security,

understanding other cultures is of paramount importance.

2. To increase native language ability

“Those who know nothing of foreign languages, knows nothing of their own.” – Johann Wolfgang


Knowledge of foreign languages boosts students’ understanding of languages in general and

enables them to use their native language more effectively. This applies to specific language skills as

well as overall linguistic abilities.

3. To sharpen cognitive skills

Studying a foreign language can enhance one’s ability to learn and function in several other areas.

People who have learned foreign languages show greater cognitive development in areas such as

mental flexibility, creativity and higher order thinking skills, such as problem-solving, conceptualizing

and reasoning.

4. To increase understanding of oneself

Foreign languages open new doors in life. Bilingual individuals have access to new movies, music,

literature and other forms of communication. Exposure to another culture, ways of thinking and new

friends affect their development as individuals. When people know how other people in the world think

and what they value, it reduces the likelihood of cultural misunderstandings.

5. To make lifelong friends

Knowing other languages effectively increases the number of people on the globe with whom you

can communicate. Moreover, people who speak other languages fully appreciate the effort and the

desire that learners expend to get to know their culture and to communicate with them.

Carmen-Diana Bârgoz, XII C


Page 5: Buone feste! - · Caleidoscop lingvistic Numarul 3 Decembrie 2013 Happy Holidays! Joyeuses Fetes! Buone feste! Frohe Feiertage! Ediție de sărbători


Advent und Weihnachten sind für viele Menschen die schönsten Zeiten im Jahr. Sie

werden Überall auf der Welt gefeiert. In Deutschland beginnt die Adventszeit vier Wochen

vor Weihnachten. Die vier Sonntage vor Weihnachten heißen: der erste, der zweite, der

dritte und der vierte Advent.

Das Wort "Advent" kommt aus der lateinischen Sprache und heißt "Ankunft". In dieser

Zeit denken wir daran, dass Jesus Christus als Kind auf diese Welt gekommen ist und dass er

als Herr bald wiederkommen wird.

Zur Adventszeit sind die Straßen der Städte hell beleuchtet. Überall hängen

Lichterketten und buntere Schmucke. In den Fenstern hängen Sterne und andere Figuren

aus Papier. Auch die Menschen fangen an, Weihnachtsplätzchen und besondere

Weihnachtskuchen zu backen.

Im Advent gehört der Adventskranz zu den Dekorationsgegenständen, die in beinahe

jeder Wohnung vorzufinden sind. Dabei besitzt der Kranz, der in der traditionellen

Ausführung meist aus gebundenen Tannenzweigen besteht, neben seiner dekorativen

Eigenschaft vor allem eine hoheSymbol.

Die Symbolträchtigkeit des Adventskranzes beginnt bereits bei der Form. Der Kreis

steht sinnbildlich für das fortwährend Zyklische, welches man sowohl auf den Menschen

(Leben und Tod) als auch auf die Natur (Aufeinandertreffen von Anfang und Ende des

Jahres) beziehen kann. Dazu kommt das Immergrün der verwendeten Tannenzweige, die

symbolisch für Leben und Fruchtbarkeit stehen.

Letztendlich sind da noch vier Kerzen auf dem Adventskranz, die nicht nur die vier

Adventswochen darstellen, sondern auch für die vier Jahreszeiten stehen. Das Licht der

Kerzen wird außerdem mit dem Sonnenlicht gleichgesetzt, das in der dunklen Jahreszeit

immer geringer wird. An jedem Sonntag im Advent wird eine neue Kerze angezündet. Wenn

alle Kerzen brennen, gilt der Zyklus von Leben und Tod als vollständig. Dann beginnt ein neuer

Kreislauf mit der Neugeburt des Lichtes.

Bârgoz Carmen-Diana, a XII-a C

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Silvester Abend. Alles wird neu.

Silvester ist eine sehr wichtiges Fest, das überall gefeiert wird. Als Silvester wird in einigen europäischen Sprachen der 31. Dezember, der letzte Tag des Jahres, bezeichnet. Nach dem römisch-katholischen Heiligenkalender ist Papst Silvester I. († 31. Dezember 335) der Tagesheilige. Auf Silvester folgt mit dem Neujahrstag der 1. Januar des folgenden Jahres. Im Deutschland in einigen Gebieten von Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg und Niedersachsen verkleiden sich die Kinder und laufen am Silvesterabend Rummelpott. Die Kinder bekommen an der Haustür Süßigkeiten und Geld, ältere Teilnehmer mitunter auch alkoholische Getränke. Ursprung war ein germanischer Brauch – um die Geister zu vertreiben. Pünktlich um 24 Uhr läuten von den meisten Kirchen alle Kirchenglocken das neue Jahr ein. Je nach örtlicher Tradition läuten sie zwischen zehn Minuten und einer Stunde. Im Zürcher Oberland (in der Schweiz) feiert man neben dem neuen Silvester am 31. Dezember den alten Silvester des julianischen Kalenders am 11. Januar oder am 13. Januar (St. Hilarius). Die Bauern schlagen während des Geläutes der Kirchenglocken auf Bretter und dreschen so das alte Jahr aus. Also, im jedem Land ist es anders, aber alle Menschen wollen ein einziges Ding : dass wir Gesunheit und viel Glück haben. Leute, vergesst ihr, dass ihr einige Probleme im 2013 hattet, jetzt gibt’s etwas Neues! Ich wünsche euch ein schönes Ende für 2013 und alles Gute für 2014.

Daiana Rohan, XII C

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Travel guide



Auf dem Rathausplatz entsteht eine besonderes gemütliche Atmosphäre,wenn man,umringt von den vielen kleinen Buden-etwa 25 an der

Zahl-gemütlich Glühwein und Lebkuchen oder fränkische Bratwurst vor historischer

Kulisse genießen kann.

Der Weihnachtsmarkt wird am Samstag,den 30 November um 17:30 Uhr vor

Oberbürgermeister Franz Strumpf offiziell eröffnet.


Das einmalige Fachwerkensemble des Forchheimer Rathauses verwandel sich wieder

zum schönsten Adventskalender der Welt,weicher am Sonntag,den 01 Dezember um

17:30 Uhr von Oberbürgermesiter Franz Strumpf freierlich eröffnet wird.

Pünktlich um 18:30 Uhr öffnet der Forchheimer Weihnachtengel langsam ein Fenster

und spricht feierlich den Prolog.Anschließend kommt der Engel auf die Bühne des

Rathausplatzes un zieht ein Los.

Alle Lose bleiben natürlich auch während der gesamten Zeit bis am 24 Dezember in der

Truhe,so dass jedes Los täglich eine Gewinnchance hat.

Verabschiedet wird der Engel durch den Nachtwächter,der mit einem unterhaltsamen

Gedicht und einem kräftigen Blasen in seine Trompete die Zeremonie beendet und damit auch die Kinder zur Bühne zu kommen einlädt unde

ein kleines Geschenk entgegenzunehmen.

1196 wurde der “schönste Adventskalender der Welt” ins gerufen,somit jährt sich diese erfolgereiche Aktion zum 18 Mal.

Cristina Mihaila, a XI-a C

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Valle dei Mulini

In Valle dei mulini? Storia affascinante! Giacentre la creazione di Piazza Tasso (1866) si trova l’imponente

edificio di un mulino. Puccessivamente ha determinato l'isolamento della zona dal mare, provocando un forte

aumento della percentuale di umidità, che ha reso la zona insopportabile e determinato il suo progressivo

abbandono. I nuovi microclimi favorito lo sviluppo di una vegetazione fiorente e spontaneo in cui l'elemento

dominante è il Vulgaris Phillitis, un modello splendido e raro, appartenente alla famiglia delle felci.

La Valle dei Mulini è una valle dei Monti Lattari, ubicata nel territorio del comune di Gragnano, dove per

circa seicento anni sono stati attivi numerosi mulini che, sfruttando le acque del torrente Vernotico,

producevano farina.

Nel centro storico di Sorrento, alle spalle di Piazza Tasso, è possibile ammirare dall'alto - nella suggestiva

prospettiva - un straordinario spettacolo naturale.

Questa spaccatura incisiva che ha avuto origine dalla più vasta eruzione mediterranee scosse le molti anni fa.

La mancanza d'acqua ha contribuito a formare gole molto strette, solo nel punto in cui i due corsi d'acqua

si incontrano la gola si allarga e forma una vasta area ai piedi della Villa "La Rupe". Il nome di Valle dei

Mulini funzionante dall'inizio del '900 's - usato per la macinazione del grano.

Testimonianza relativa alla vita che si svolgeva nel Vallone si ha dai molteplici dipinti e foto che furono

realizzati da viaggiatori e artisti stranieri e che documentano la vita che si svolgeva e le persone, soprattutto

contadini e pescatori, che vi trascorrevano buona parte della loro giornata. Deve visitare questa zona da sogno


Olivia Dumitriu, a XII-a C

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Strange Islands

The Island of the Dolls, Mexico

The Island of the Dolls, or in Spanish, La Isla de lasMunecas, is one heck of a creepy spot. The

island, which is fairly close to Mexico City, is overflowing with dolls hanging from trees. Sometime

in the past, a grieving man by the name of Don Julian, who had lost his entire family, heard a

woman screaming in the distance. She was drowning in one of the many local canals. He was

unable to save her, but he still heard her voice at night after her death, and so he began stringing

dolls up all over the place to ward off her spirit. Soon others, perhaps sympathetic to his cause, or

else eager to see dolls swinging from trees, gave him even more dolls and doll parts to hang. Thus,

the island became a legend, and later on, an eerie tourist attraction.

Easter Island, Chile

Easter Island (Rapa Nui) is a small dot way out in the Pacific Ocean. It was discovered by a Dutch captain on Easter Day in 1772, hence the modern name. The island is covered with large statues, known as moia. These massive stone monuments, often up to three stories tall, are famous all over the world. The early Polynesians who lived on Eastern Island built them using fairly primitive tools, which make the statues’ existence even more enigmatic. If you’d like to see all 887 statues in person, you’ll have to book a flight to Chile and then make your way across this very mysterious island.

Madalina Maier

Olivia Dumitriu, XII C

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Based on polls and statistics, only 45% of the world population

celebrates Christmas.

80% of people will have their shopping done by December 20th. To get it

done, they’ll make 8 store visits in 6,5 days.

The word „X-mas” comes from the Greek word X, which means Christ.

The world’s largest and biggest Christmas present is the Statue of

Liberty, which France gave to the United States in 1886.

Cola Cola was the first beverage company to use Santa Claus for a

winter promotion.

Electric Christmas lights were first used in 1854.

Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer, was created not by Santa Claus, but

by Montgomery Ward department in 1939, for a holiday promotion.

Saint Nicholas is commonly identified with Santa Claus due to his

reputation for generosity, secret gift-giving and his kindness to children.

The Canadian Post Office receives so many letters from kids addressed

to Santa Claus, that some postal workers started answering the letters.

In Mexico, wearing red underwear on New Year’s Eve is said to bring

new love in the upcoming year.

Miruna Moldovan, 12 C


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Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of

the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, stabilizing your mood, and keeping

yourself as healthy as possible, all of which can be achieved by learning some nutrition basics and using

them in a way that works for you. So, let's get started!

1 . Choose the right carbohydrates - complex carbs - which are slowly digested by the body. They include: whole-grain flour, hearty vegetables, oats and brown rice. These foods are usually higher in vitamins and other nutrients that are beneficial to the body and they are higher in fiber.

2 . Eat lean, mean protein. Protein helps you build muscle and gives you lasting energy throughout the day. Examples of healthy proteins: lean fish, such as sole, cod, bass, salmon; lean poultry, such as chicken or duck breast; legumes, like beans and soy products; nuts, almonds.

3 . Try to consume regularly mono-unsaturated fats and omega 3 fatty acids. They help lower the bad cholesterol in your body by raising "good cholesterol". Foods that are high in fatty acids are olive oil, nuts, fish oil and various seed oils.

4 . Stock up on superfoods. Blueberries, fresh berries, raspberries and cranberries, algae - it may not sound appetizing, but they are rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids and they are also beneficial in managing natural flora in the gut.

5 . Watch your salt intake. Too much salt can lead to high blood pressure and excessive stomach acid. Use salt sparingly and always check the labels on food for the "reduced sodium" option.

6 . Practice moderation. Don't over-consume any one food or type of food. Instead, try to vary your diet so that you eat a little bit of everything in a moderate amount.

7 . Drink water.

Some people may be great at giving up meat, sugar alcohol, or other foods. However, most of us are likely to

give it up for awhile, then break down and binge. Avoid this deprivation-binge cycle by allowing yourself to

have small "cheats". For instance, if you want to eat less sugar, allow yourself to eat one dessert each Friday

night and abstain for the rest of the week. Having a break to look forward to can help you power through

the other days.

Tell us what you do to keep healthy!

Cătălina Cătană, 12 C

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How to be a healthy teenager :)

Every teenager thinks that this is not the age to be worried about what we eat, how much we

sleep or how important it is to take care of ourselves.

I will share some of my thoughts with you. I am almost an adult; this is what it is said, that

once we turn 18, there is nothing that we cannot do.

Well, it doesn't go like this. Let's face it: we will need our family to help us pay whatever we

have to pay.

But our parents won't always be there to see what is going on or what is going wrong with us.

This is why we need a healthy lifestyle. Especially in

the cold season we need to take care of ourselves

and our immunity.

And it goes like this. Just take these simple steps:

-Eat many vegetables and fruit. You can also make a

salad: fruits, yoghurt and nuts (helps you

concentrate better).

-Drink more water. We do not drink more water in the summer time, hydration is needed in

the cold winter, as well.

-Take long walks. It will help you increase your organism strength.

-SLEEP! There's nothing better than a good night’s sleep. If we (teenagers) sleep 8/9 hours

per night, the next day I guarantee that the results in school will increase.

These steps totally worked for me, so this is the piece of advice that I can give you. I'm not

saying that you didn't know these things, but how many of you live by them?

Don't forget to think positive and don't rush, good things come when we least expect.

Daiana Rohan, 12 C

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La timidité

Comme vous le savez, la timidité se manifeste le plus souvent dans une situation non familière. Aussi, la

timidité est-elle un sentiment d’insécurité que certaines personnes expérimentent quand se trouvent en

contact avec d’autres personnes.

A mon avis, je crois que la timidité a des avantages autant que des désavantages.

Tout d’abord je considère que la timidité resserre une sensibilité et un respect qui sont des qualités appréciées.

Aussi la timidité donne une dimension profondément humaine à la personne en cause.

La timidité ne constitue pas un avantage pour la qualité de la vie de l’individu, et pourtant il semble qu’elle

aide au fonctionnement de la société.

Cependant la timidité peut affecter de nombreux aspects de la vie d’une personne. Elle peut affecter la vie

personnelle et professionnelle. Il a été prouve que les personnes qui sont capables d’établir des connexions avec

d’autres personnes ont une meilleur vision sur la vie et elles sont plus heureuses et plus positives.

Même si nous le sommes tous un peu, mais certains beaucoup plus que d’autres, heureusement, être timide

n’est pas une fatalité!

Premièrement, tu dois accepter ta timidité et puis tu dois avoir confiance en toi. Aussi tu dois apprendre à

dire non et à t’affirmer.

En conclusion, je crois que nous ne devons pas nous demander chaque jour si nous avons fait bonne

impression et plutôt il faut trouver la confiance en soi dans les situations sociales données.

Madalina Maier, 12 C

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Asa scientific definition, timidity is the feeling of apprehension, lack of comfort, or awkwardness especially when

a person is next to other people.

In other words, timidity is when you do not have the strength to talk free-heartedly to others, when you cannot

speak up, tell your opinion and thoughts to the world, be comfortable when being in a big group of people.

You must know that this is a very common and normal feeling, mostly for teenagers, because we are at a

stage in our lives when we have to build up personality, character, when we ask ourselves "Who am I?", "What


I doing with my life?" etc... So, until we find out the answers to these questions, we have to try to identify the

things which cause our shyness. That's for sure the only way to get rid of it!

The first step is, like I said, finding out what causes this. Maybe you think if you speak up or stand out, you

will embarrass yourself. That's just in your mind, people are not so focused on what you say or do. Make a list,

or if

that is too weird, think about people who you cannot talk to, situations when you are not brave enough to tell

your opinion. For example, you cannot speak in front of the class, cannot talk to the person you like, when being

around friends you just listen to what they say without interfering in the conversation etc. When your list is

complete, you can start working on developing confidence.

Practice is the key, as in every other area in life. Also, do not start with big things first; try doing it step by

step. Begin with talking more to your friends, tell your opinion to them, so next you will be able to say it in front

of your class, maybe even to the whole school.

Here are some tips which may be really helpful:

1. Do not consider so much what others think. You can do and say whatever you want; it's your life, not


2. Think about the situations that make you shy, but visualize yourself facing them with no problem, being


3. Remember, usually we are treated the way we feel- so just work on being proud and happy about yourself.

4. Do not compare yourself to others!!! I know, it is so, so hard, but you must learn not to do this. It will

save your life!

5. Identify your best skills, qualities and focus more on them than on your lower points.

6. Do not get caught up in labels; that popular, beautiful, perfect girl you see passing by every day, might

not be even 50% as happy as you are!

7. Smile and make eye contact when talking to others.

8. Look and act approachable, if you are friendly and open, there is no way to mess things up!

9. Love your body and who you are; if you are not pleased with any aspect of yourself, try changing it, BUT

do it for yourself, not because people say so.

10. Be happy, optimistic; life is good, you only have to learn to live it the way you like!

So remember... timidity doesn't go away overnight, you have to do something about it, work hard and

results will appear with every step you take! You have already taken the first step by reading this article! Keep

on and let us know if this has helped you in any way!

DenisaSzasz, XI C

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The Uniform – A Symbol of „Mircea Eliade”

As a pupil of our highschool, you are daily obliged to get dressed in that blue, checked jacket that

you bought before you began your first year here and since then you have spent every day despising it

from the bottom of your heart and let’s face it – you broke the rule and didn’t wear it at least once! But,

have you ever thought how life would be without it? Even though you may plainly say “beautiful” or

“more comfortable” and so on, I’m sure you haven’t truly analyzed the situation.

I’ll ask you now to do an easy imagination exercise: try to see in front of your eyes the picture of

a world where no one has ever seen the “Eliade” uniform. Every day, dressed as you wish; as long as

you wish to dress decently. Don’t fall too deep in your fairytale dreams … I bet it sounds idyllic, but not

only that your great sense of style won’t be impressing on casual occasions anymore, but you may also

easily be mistaken for the pupils of any other highschool in our city. Therefore, I must ask: do you want

something like this to happen?

Although I don’t want to stress you out with the almost daily heard reply: “Our uniform is our

mirror”, I must insist that even more than “saving” our personal style for other occasions, it also “saves”

us from judging one other by our clothes’ colour, fabric, style or date of release. Moreover, our uniform

isn’t even the worst we could have received; in support of what I’ve just said, I must tell you a short

story of my old uniform. Imagine the baggiest, no-shaped, uni-coloured jacket you can and you’ll get it

right. Tormented by that imagine, I was wonderfully pleased the day I received my present jacket; on

the one hand because it was the “symbol” of the best highschool in town and on the other hand because

now, it was only me who found room in it, no extra room for anyone else, anymore. It’s kind of like the

saying tells us: “You don’t know what you have until you lose it”. From my point of view it’s totally true!

Moreover, there are plenty of ways in which one could match and accessorize the spiceless

everyday uniform, both for “males” and “females”, from sweaters – large or with buttons – to the “latest

trend” among our students: the Eliade-blue , as I like to call it, bowtie (TIP: For those who might not

know, it’s, unsurprisingly, made out of an ordinary uniform tie). So, show your creativity and create new


On a personal note, I would like to send a message to the readers of this article: when you don’t

feel like wearing it, when you want to be a rebel and show off with your latest hoodie, lace blouse or T-

shirt, remember you are part of a wonderful project, as our highschool is more than all those

“educational institutions”, it’s a family project in which, besides all the school subjects we study, we

also learn how to be better people; so why not show this to everyone? Long story, short, as one of our

teachers said, don’t think that by not wearing our highschool uniform you are “uniform-free”, as fashion

is nothing more than an undeclared uniform.

Dalia Sporea, 10 C

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In this review I will talk about our school magazine “GEFI”, a linguistic kaleidoscope, as a

potential piece of reading for the students of “Mircea Eliade” High School.

First, the summary of the magazine contains a lot of interesting and captivating sections: Travel

Guide, Questions&Answers, Did you know?, Mythology, Fashion Police, Creative Corner. The

articles are very well-written, each section containing topics related to the title. For example Did

you know? written by Miruna Moldovan is related to different curiosities around the world. The

magazine also contains articles in German, French and Italian which are very engaging.

I would recommend the magazine because you can find out about a lot of new things by

reading it. The Travel Guide section suggests places worth visiting if you want to go on a trip. I

also enjoy the “Do’s and Dont’s” about fashion because the suggestions about how you should

wear the uniform or make-up at school are very useful to students. Furthermore, there are also

good pieces of advice in the Questions&Answers section, beautiful drawings, poems and essays

in the Creative Corner, while in the Mythology section there are captivating stories. Moreover,

there are jokes and quizzes that can bring a smile on your face and also make you laugh.

Personally, I really like the magazine and I think it is a good read in your free time because of

the well-written articles in different languages.

Madalina Dan, 10 C


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Maybe some people think that it is better to stay home and do nothing than to experience new things and meet a lot of people. I

still remember how the best experience of my life was at first a simple sign-up paper for the English Camp. It all happened in the

first week after finishing school.

I still remember the first day when I met Morag Moffat, Anne and Alan Thomson the leaders of the English Camp along with my

very good friend Adela Romanica, who I had known from other activities at House on the Rock, such as Movie Nights. Also, the

volunteers helped a lot along with the leaders in all the crafts and games that we did. They were very nice to us and guided the

whole group with a very powerful dedication that I had never seen before. At first, we didn’t know each other very well but by the

end of the camp a lot of friendships had been formed and even now we still talk and remember it all with a smile on our faces.

We learned a lot of new things and discovered stuff about jobs. We had an interview with Alan and we needed to prepare for

it. It was a very fun experience. Also, doing Scottish dances was wonderful because we found out a lot of things about Scotland

and their traditions. Treasure Hunt was another activity that we fully enjoyed because we ran in the town to search for a lot of

things and wrote them down on paper, collected stuff and went back on time. Also, we had a diary to write and draw in every day

which was a very good idea from my point of view. We also had a lot of games and papers about friendship, jobs, personal

qualities, quizzes, different types of intelligences that we filled in with others and compared our answers. Furthermore, there

were a lot of crafts that we could choose to do. For example, you could paint a mug, make bracelets, paint a magnet or do a

shrinkle. Maybe most of you don’t know what a shrinkle is, so I will explain it to you. A shrinkle is, at first, just a piece of paper

with a drawing on it that you colour with special pencils. After that you put it in the oven and bake it (the leaders will do that so is

none of your concern) and it would be 7 times smaller and 7 times thicker than the original. Moreover, we had a snack in the

morning consisting of cookies that were very delicious and juice.

One day we visited the “Veritas” Center and talked to Roberta Bustin whom I had the chance to meet in her Exploring Space

program. She is an amazing person who worked with NASA. We had a tour of the center and I found out about a lot of interesting

programs that “Veritas” has. Each day of the week we were divided into groups and we made a poster for the activities we had

done. We watched a very emotional film named “A place for Annie”. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget.

All in all, I think English Camp is good for everybody who wants to have fun and learn new things. The people that you meet

there and the activities that you do are very educational and it is a good way of developing your English skills. I will take this

chance to thank everyone who was part of the team that guided us through the camp and mention them again: Morag Moffat,

Anne and Alan Thompson and my very good friend, Adela Romanica. Along with these people I want to mention the volunteers:

Jeleriu Maria, Keri Andreea, Panoschi Ioana, Laszlo Zsolt, Diaconescu Andrei, Stefan Maftei, Isabella Simon, Teodora Babos.

Madalina Dan, XC

The best experience of my life

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Nous avons démarré une campagne contre avortement dans l’école, pour informer tout les

étudiants comment on pourrait empêcher une grossesse indésirable. Pour cela, nous avons fait

plusieurs activités où ont participé professeurs et étudiants. Toutes les activités se sont déroulées au

parcours d’une semaine et nous croyons que tout a bien réussi et les étudiants ont compris le message

essentiel de la campagne.

La campagne a débuté avec des présentations pour chaque classe, élaborées par une fondation

associée à cette campagne et a fini avec une marche dans la ville où nous avons remis des brochures

à chaque personne rencontrée dans la rue, pour les informer sur les conséquences d’un avortement et

comment on pourrait empêcher une grossesse indésirable. Les étudiants ont fait des affiches pour

exprimer leur accord sur la campagne et ils sont venus habillés des vêtements rouges à l’école.

Le plus important dans le démarrage de cette campagne est qu’en Roumanie, les vingt dernières

années, les femmes assistées par des médecins et avec le soutien des hommes ont tué juridiquement

plus de 20 millions d’enfants innocents. D’une manière indirecte, nous pouvons dire que tout

Roumain garde une mort à l'esprit.

“ En commençant à faire certaines choses dans la vie, le plus important est d'assumer des

responsabilités, si bien que l’avortement n’annule pas que tu aies été mère. N’oublie pas, on fera de

toi la mère d’un enfant mort.”

Catalin Rohan

Antonia Rusu, 11 C

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“I can bear any pain as long as it has a meaning.”

Have you ever thought of not being able to live? What if you couldn’t hear your heartbeats, would you still cry over

your life? What does the word life really mean to you?

Daily, thousands of unborn children are killed, causing a world problem called abortion. Are you asking yourself what

abortion stands for? It’s a term used for canceling unwanted pregnancy, common with both female teenagers and

women; it may happen for various reasons, but it isn’t a way to avoid an unexpected pregnancy.

By aborting, you don’t save yourself from the shame ( in case you’re a teenager and you had the sexual intercourse

out of curiosity ) made by oblivion, you create a monster out of your person. Killing something you don’t want can’t

be called “ pride “ , it is murder.

Let your imagination see this: teenagers are curious; it’s something natural for our age, we’re still immature and can’t

decide either what’s good or bad about our actions. Experiencing new things doesn’t include the word abortion or

crime or anything close to that. We should learn from our mistakes in order not to make them again, in another


There are many ways of having an abortion: MVA (also known as mini-suction and menstrual extraction) ; dilation and

curettage refers to cleaning the walls of the uterus with a curette ; dilation and evacuation ( D&E) consists of opening

the cervix of the uterus and emptying it using surgical instruments and suction ; intact dilation and extraction (IDX)

requires surgical decompression of the fetus's head before evacuation.

Our high-school organized an anti-abortion campaign, and students shared folders about it, where you could read

more about this procedure practicable in our country and how dangerous it could be for your life, as well.

You don’t have the right to kill; terminating an unwanted pregnancy only makes you a killer not a savior. We should

keep this in mind, too.

DON’T ABORT! Don’t take the life of an innocent creature, just because of your curiosity and lack of responsibility!

We are all human, we make mistakes and try to fix them, but ending one life isn’t a solution to our problems. Open

your eyes, people and put an end to this “ violence . “

Diana Jucan, X C

I want to live!

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1. Weil es perfekte Weihnachten sind, hörst du nur...

A.Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen - ruhig und besinnlich

B.Popsongs, für gute Stimmung und Weihnachtslaune!

C.Oh Tannenbaum und Stille Nacht - bewährt das einzig Wahre!

D.All I want for Christmas is you - ist schließlich das Fest der Liebe!

2.Ups, allmählich wird's Zeit, sich um die Geschenke zu kümmern! Du...

A.Bist kreativ und bastelst selbst!

B.Machst einen Großeinkauf und verpackst sie liebevoll

C.Kaufst witzige Sachen für Freunde und Familie

D.Hast sie schon zusammen und verpackt

3.Greifst du auch selbst zum Backblech?

A.Kekse zum Verschenken!

B.Klar - leckere Apfel-Zimt-Muffins!

C.Logo - Ausstechplätzchen zum Verzieren!

D.Ja - Zimtsterne und Pfefferkuchen!

4.Natürlich gehört zu gutem Essen auch gutes Trinken. Was gehört bei dir zu einem echten Winterdrink?

A.Heißer Punsch zum Aufwärmen!

B.Glühwein auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt(targ de Craciun)!

C.Heißer Kakao mit Baileys!


5.Kalt und verfroren kommst du anschließend nach Haus. Vor dem Fest gönnst du dir noch etwas


A.Einen gemütlichen Abend vor dem Kamin

B.Auf der Weihnachtsfeier den Kollegen alles Gute wünschen

C.Ein richtig schönes heißes Schaumbad

D.Mit der Familie in aller Ruhe ein paar Plätzchen kochen

Page 21: Buone feste! - · Caleidoscop lingvistic Numarul 3 Decembrie 2013 Happy Holidays! Joyeuses Fetes! Buone feste! Frohe Feiertage! Ediție de sărbători

6.Endlich ist er da, der große Tag! Am Nachmittag versüßt du dir die Vorfreude...

A.Mit einem Spaziergang durch den verschneiten Winterwald

B.Mit Geschenkeaufbauen

C.Mit ausgiebigem Styling

D.Mit Tannenbaumschmücken(impodobirea bradului ) natürlich!

7.Endlich ist es soweit... die BESCHERUNG(impartirea cadourilor)! Was könntest du denn so unter deinen

Geschenken finden?

A.Einen Gutschein für etwas ganz, ganz Tolles

B.Auf jeden Fall etwas, was du dir gewünscht hast!

C.Neue Skier, eine mollige Winterjacke und jede Menge gute Bücher

D.Eine schicke Uhr, eine Stereoanlage und einen Stapel DVDs

Meistens A:Dein perfektes Weihnachten stammt direkt aus dem Bilderbuch! Ein zauberhafter Tannenbaum gehört

genauso dazu wie Spaß, gute Stimmung und Harmonie. Vor allem mit deiner Familie wirst du ein traumhaftes Fest

ohne Streit und Langeweile erleben.

Meistens B: Dein perfektes Weihnachten ist wahrlich ein Wintermärchen! Weißverhüllte Tannenwipfel,

knirschender Schnee unter den Schuhen und eine gemütliche Skihütte in den Bergen - hier könntest du wirklich

das schönste Fest deines Lebens feiern.

Meistens C:Wow, an deinem perfekten Weihnachtsfest wird wohl der Grundstein für dein perfektes Leben gelegt!

Denn nicht nur Geschenke und Tannenduft, auch die Liebe deines Lebens erwarten dich!Weihnachten, das Fest der

Liebe, wird seinem Namen ganze Ehre machen und dich mit Romantik, Lachen und zärtlichen Gefühlen

überraschen. Zwischen Kerzen und Mistelzweigen findest du deinen Traumpartner und verbringst ein wirklich

unvergessliches Weihnachtsfest.

Meistens D: Bei deinem perfekten Weihnachtsfest geht es richtig ab - das wird mit Sicherheit die fantastischste

Party werden, die die Welt je gesehen hat!

Coole Musik, nette Leute und eine Bombenstimmung - und mittendrin du, strahlend, atemberaubend, und vor allem

dich köstlich amüsierend.

Anamaria Geger, 10 A

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