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ﺑﻮﻟﺘﻦ ﺷﻤﺎره2 وﯾﮋه ﮔﺬر زﻫﺮه1391 BULLETIN (TRANSIT OF VENUS 2012) -2 IOTA/MIDDLE EAST ﻗﺴﻤﺖ ﺧﺎورﻣﯿﺎﻧﻪ اي ﻣﺠﻤﻊ ﺟﻬﺎﻧﯽ زﻣﺎن ﺳﻨﺠﯽ اﺧﺘﻔﺎ

BULLETIN (TRANSIT OF VENUS 2012) -2 IOTA/MIDDLE EAST …Paul Maley لوا ﻦﺨﺳ ... IOTA/ME PAGE 5 By John Talbot, RANZ Occultation Group and Wellington Astronomical Society Background

Mar 11, 2020



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Page 1: BULLETIN (TRANSIT OF VENUS 2012) -2 IOTA/MIDDLE EAST …Paul Maley لوا ﻦﺨﺳ ... IOTA/ME PAGE 5 By John Talbot, RANZ Occultation Group and Wellington Astronomical Society Background

1391ویژه گذر زهره 2بولتن شماره


قسمت خاورمیانه اي مجمع جهانی زمان سنجی اختفا

Page 2: BULLETIN (TRANSIT OF VENUS 2012) -2 IOTA/MIDDLE EAST …Paul Maley لوا ﻦﺨﺳ ... IOTA/ME PAGE 5 By John Talbot, RANZ Occultation Group and Wellington Astronomical Society Background

Paul Maley

سخن اول

در ابتدا از همه گروه ها و آماتورهایی که در پروژه هاي زمان سنجی و عکاسی هدفمند از گذر زهـره شـرکـت کردند تشکر می کنم و امیدوارم در آینده نیز باتوجه به تجربیات ارزشمندي که حاصل شده است این فعالـیـت

به دلیل اطالعات کم در خصوص زمان سنـجـی و . هاي هدفمند و جدي را در حوزه نجوم آماتوري ادامه دهیدگزارش نویسی، با خطاهاي زیادي مواجه بودیم که قسمتی از آنها رفع شد ولی با این حال به علت تعداد زیـاد گزارش ها هم بررسی اولیه و هم تحلیل به مدت زمان مناسبی نیازمند است؛ در حال حاضر تعـداد زیـادي از گزارش ها تحلیل شده و براي سرگروه ها به تدریج در حال ارسال است و گزارش نهایی در تیرماه در طی یـک

.مقاله مفصل به جامعه نجومی کشور ارائه خواهد شد با احترام IOTAرئیس قسمت خاورمیانه اي -آتیال پرو

Page 3: BULLETIN (TRANSIT OF VENUS 2012) -2 IOTA/MIDDLE EAST …Paul Maley لوا ﻦﺨﺳ ... IOTA/ME PAGE 5 By John Talbot, RANZ Occultation Group and Wellington Astronomical Society Background


زهره 1391خرداد 17گذر )WAS(و انجمن نجوم ولینگتون ) RANZ(جان تالبوت، گروه اختفاي انجمن نجوم سلطنتی نیوزلند

کوثر صمصام: مترجم

پیش زمینهماه قبل برنامه ایی عمومی در کنار میدان سیویک کنار آب نماها، مکانی که در روزهاي معمولی مردم 6از . از مدت ها پیش منتظر و مشتاق این پدیده بودم

.آماده کرده بودم) WAS(و توریست ها هنگام نهار پیاده روي می کنند یا مشغول دویدن می شوند، براي انجمن ولینگتون اب هاي نادر و کت کتابخانه ي مرکزي نیز، که در نزدیکی این مکان قرار دارد و میزبانی ما را براي برنامه هاي قبلی برعهده داشته ، قبول کرد که بعضی ار

آنها همچنین . ،هنگامی که جیمز کوك به تاهیتی در جنوب اقیانوس آرام براي رصد گذر زهره فرستاده شد، به نمایش بگذارند 1716قدیمی خود را از رصد من همچنین از . یک تلویزیون بزرگ را هم نصب کردند تا عموم بتوانند پخش زنده ي سایت ناسا که از موانا لوناي هاوایی پخش می شد را مشاهده کنند

.شهرداري براي قراردادن وسایل در میدان مجوز گرفتم

وسایلیک قیف خورشیدي . من قصد استفاده از آسانترین وسایل ممکن به هدف نشان دادن علم واقعی که توسط وسایل مدرن ساده می تواند انجام گیرد را داشتم

.نمبراي تلسکوپ میید کوچکم ساختم و پس از مشاهذه ي لکه هاي خورشیدي در حین امتحان قیف، مطمئن شدم که می توانم زهره را در آن مشاهده کدقیقه دقت مناسبی 30تا 20درباره ي متد اندازه گیري پارالکس هاي هادل تحقیقاتی انجام داده بودم و به این نتیجه رسیدم که عکسبرداري با فواصل

.ثانیه ثبت کند که براي من مناسب بود 1دوربین دیجیتال نیکان کوچکم می توانست عکس برداري را انجام دهد و زمان را تا . خواهد داشتبه نامهاي بیل پارکینگ، لزلی هیوز و راجر باترسایند براي کمک به من آماده شده بودند، چند پوستر هم براي قرار گرفتن ) WAS(سه عضو دیگر از انجمن

.به منظور توضیح برنامه طراحی کردم) رصدگاه(کنار مکان رصد روز قبل اعالم کرده بود که ممکن است هوا صاف و خوب باشد اما هرچه به روز موعود نزدیک تر می شدیم مشخص تر میشد که در بهترین 10هواشناسی

.شرایط ممکن است هوا ابري باشد

روز گذرهوا نیمه ابري بود و همان طور که به سمت شمال رانندگی می کردم جبهه اي بارانی فرا ) رصدگاه(کیلومتري سایت 65صبح رصد، در منزل من واقع در

.رسید و تمام روز بارندگی بودف می کردند توقپس ما از برنامه ي دوم استفاده کردیم و تلسکوپ ها را در کتابخانه ي مرکزي کنار تلویزیون بزرگ قرار داده، با کسانی که براي مشاهده

.نفر با ما مقداري وقت گذراندند و تعدادي هم فرم هاي عضویت را با خود بردند و ما امیدوار به گرقتن اعضاي جدید هستیم 100تقریبا . صحبت می کردیمدقیقه فیلم 100در جنوب غربی نیوزلند در شهر کوچکی به نام هاس هوا صاف بود و مارتین آنوین توانست در آن منطقه فیلمبرداري کند، او در حال بررسی

.منتظر و مشتاق گزارش او هستم. می باشداو حتی توانسته بود طرح سریعی از گذر . بار در روز در بین تکه هاي ابر ببیند 4هنگامی که به خانه برگشتم همسرم با اشتیاق به من گفت که توانسته گذر را

.و زمان آن تهیه کند

و بعدروز 8در هنگام نوشتن این متن، . تا کامپیوترم را روشن کردم موجی از نتایج و بررسی شروع به رسیدن کردند و خیلی زود به جریانی سیل آسا تبدیل شدند

گزارش دیگر، بیشتر از ایران، را باید بررسی کنم؛ و 36جزییات حداقل . عکس دارند را بررسی و ثبت کرده ام 20گزارش که برخی بیش از 22بعد از گذر، .براي برخی گزارش ها عکس و یا جزییات بیشتري را خواستار شده ام

در اختیار دارید ما از ) ثانیه UTC 5 تا اختالف (دقیقه 10ثبت نکرده اید و تصاویري با فاصله ي زمانی } فرم مخصوص{اگر گزارش رصد خود را هنوز در .آنها استقبال می کنیم

Page 4: BULLETIN (TRANSIT OF VENUS 2012) -2 IOTA/MIDDLE EAST …Paul Maley لوا ﻦﺨﺳ ... IOTA/ME PAGE 5 By John Talbot, RANZ Occultation Group and Wellington Astronomical Society Background

ر ز ه ر ه 2بـو لـتــن شـمـا ر ه ی ژ ه گ ذ PAGE 4 1 9 3 1و

نتایجی که تا کنون بدست آمدهبرخی ممکن است اولین زمان سنجی، ازهر نوع، باشد که انجام می دهند و برخی دیگر . نتایج بسیاري از رصدگران متفاوت طبیعتا متفاوت خواهد بود

محدوده ي وسایل گزارش شده از تلسکوپ هاي با فیلتر با قیف خورشیدي تا تلسکوپ هاي مخصوص و دوربین . ممکن است رصدگران حرفه ایی باشند میلی ثانیه 20هاي زمانی با دقت GPSهاي فیلمبرداري می باشند و انواع زمانسجی ها نیز از زمان سنجی با ساعت مچی تا دقبق ترین زمان از طریق

همان گونه که مشخص شده است تلسکوپ هاي بزرگ با فیلتر دقیق ترین تصاویر را خواهند داد و اثر قطره ي سیاه که زمان سنجی را . متفاوت هستند تماس اول و چهارم براي زمان سنجی بسیار مشکل هستند زیرا از زهره بقایایی . براي تماس هاي دوم و سوم سخت تر می کند کامال مشخص خواهد بود

زمان هاي رصد شده با . ثانیه ظهور می کند 72ثانیه و براي تماس دوم و سوم 62این مسئله در میانگین زمان اضافه، براي تماس اول و چهارم . نمی ماند .پیش بینی هاي نرم افزار آکولت براي موقعیت آن مکان مقایسه می شوند

). باشند UTC1:33 تا UTC 1:25 توقع می رود بین . (نقطه ي میانی تخمین زده شده را با استفاده از روش هادل بدست آوردم 3تا کنون توانسته ام در صورت . خواهند داشت ) نیوزلند(تا نزدیک غروب ) ایران(مشخص شده که محاسبات نیاز به تصحیح هاي مهمی براي نتایج مشاهده شده نزدیک طلوع

ثانیه اضافه داشته و نزدیک 6بهترین زمان تا کنون . نبود نمونه نقاط، درهر دو سمت نقاط میانی که در ایران ممکن نبود، این مسئله را بدتر می کند .دقیقه ایی توسط جف بالدوین ثبت شده است 10ساعت نمونه با فواصل 4سانفرانسیسکو، ایاالت متحده رصد شده که تقریبا

نتایج آینده

هنگامی که تمام گزارشها را بررسی کردم نتایج را مختصر کرده و بررسی می کنم . تحلیلهاي خود را براي هر رصدگر در حین کار برایش ارسال خواهم کرد، فاصله تا خورشید، را بدست آوریم؟ یا به نوع دیگر آیا تعدادي رصدگر که بیشتر آنها آماتور هستند می 1769که آیا می توان هدف گروههاي اعزامی سال

.تواننذ نتایجی به همان خوبی اگر نه بهتر از آن بدست آورند؟ البته ما اکنون از نعمت دانستن جواب درست بهره مند هستیم

نتایج نهایی .هنگامی که کامل شد این قست را به نگارش در می آورم

Page 5: BULLETIN (TRANSIT OF VENUS 2012) -2 IOTA/MIDDLE EAST …Paul Maley لوا ﻦﺨﺳ ... IOTA/ME PAGE 5 By John Talbot, RANZ Occultation Group and Wellington Astronomical Society Background


By John Talbot, RANZ Occultation Group and Wellington Astronomical Society

Background I have been looking forward to this event for a long time. In the last 6 months I had prepared a plan for the Wel-lington Astronomical Society (WAS) to try to do a public viewing of the event in the Civic Square near the water front, where on a fine day there are always citizens and tourists walking or jogging at lunch time. The Central Library which is nearby had hosted us for some previous events and agreed that they would put on a display of some of their rare old books from the time of the 1769 transit when Lt James Cook was sent on the HMS Endeavour to Tahiti in the South Pacific to observe that event. They also set up a large screen TV so that people could watch the live feed being streamed from the NASA site at Moana Lua, in Hawaii. I also had to get permis-sion from the City Council to set up equipment in the square. Equipment I aimed to use the simplest equipment I could for the purpose to show that real science can be done with simple modern technology. I built a Sun Funnel for my small Meade telescope and tested it on the sun and was able to see several sunspots so I was confident I could see Venus on the day. I had heard about the Huddle method of measuring parallax and decided that aiming to take pictures at about 20 to 30 min intervals would give a suitable accuracy. My small old Nikon digital camera could take pictures and mark the time to 1 second accuracy which was close enough. I had 3 other members of WAS Bill Parkin, Lesley Hughes, and Roger Butrland ,organised to assist me and I made up some posters to display near observing site to explain what we were trying to do. Ten days out the weather forecast said it might be fine but as the days went by it became clear that at best we would have cloud. Transit Day The morning of the event was partly cloudy at my home 65 km from the site but as I drove south the rain front ar-rived and it did not stop raining all day. So we used our Plan B and put the telescope in the Library near the big TV and talked to people who stopped to watch. We had over 100 people spend some time with us and several took membership forms away with them so we hope to gain some new members for WAS. One part of New Zealand in the South West at a small town called Haast had fine weather and Martin Unwin is working through over 100 minutes of video that he was able to record. I look forward to his report in due course. When I got home my wife excitedly told me that she had seen the transit 4 times during the day through breaks in the clouds. She had even done a quick drawing of the time and position of one for me. And After Once I logged on to my PC the stream of results started coming in and soon turned to a torrent. As I write this 8 days after the event I have checked and recorded 22 reports some with up to 20 photographs. And I have another 36, mostly from Iran, that I still have to work through the details. In some cases I have asked for more details or photographs. If you have not submitted your observations yet and you have photographs taken at very near (+/- 5 seconds UTC) the 10:00 minute mark of time they would still be welcome.


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Results so far The result s of so many and varied observers is naturally varied. For some this may be the first time they have tried to time an event of any kind and other may be experienced observers. The equipment reported has varied from a range of telescopes with filters or sun funnels, to special solar telescopes, to video cameras. And timing has varied from wrist watch to the nearest minute through to GPS inserted OSD time accurate to 20 milliseconds. As would be expected those with large telescopes with filters have the sharpest images and the lack Drop effect which makes timing so difficult for the 2nd and 3rd Contact points is barely present. The 1st and 4th contacts are harder to measure because there is effectively no remaining view of Venus to see at that time. This shows up in the average residual times for these points. For 1st & 4th contacts 62 seconds and for 2nd & 3rd contacts 17 seconds. The observed times are compared to the Occult predictions for each location. So far I have only managed to extract 3 midpoint estimates (expected to be between about 01:25 and 01:33 UTC) using the Huddle method. It turns out that the calculations will need a significant correction for results that were observed near sunrise (Iran) or sunset (New Zealand). This is made worse if there are no sample points on both sides of the midpoint which was not possible in Iran. The best result so far has a residual of just 6 seconds and was observed near San Francisco, USA where almost 4 hours of data at 10 minute intervals was recorded by Jeff Bald-win.

Results future As I work through this task I will send individual observers my analysis. When I get to the bottom of the pile I will summarise the results as I see them and see if we can extract the goal of the 1769 expeditions, the distance to the Sun. In other words can a bunch of mostly amateur observers get a result as good as if not better than they did. Of course we now have the luxury of knowing the “right” answer. Final Results When that is complete I will write this last chapter.

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Name: Ned Smith Country / Province / City of residence: USA, Georgia, Wildwood Observation team member names: - Start time of observations: 22:00.00 Observation end time: 22:30:00 Observation location: Creek Hill Observatory - USA Longitude: 85 28.2659 W Latitude: 34 53.5737 N Height (m): 210 Temperature: 85F Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: - Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: - Humidity (%): 50% Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 50% Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 254mm Focal length: 2124 Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTo: yes Eyepiece: - Filter: - Other Accessories: Mallin/cam Xtreme video camera Method of Timing & recording: Video recording Time Source: GPS Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): N\A Time of first contact: 22:04:48 Second contact time: 22:22:08 Third contact time: N\A Fourth contact time: N\A Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? N\A


Page 8: BULLETIN (TRANSIT OF VENUS 2012) -2 IOTA/MIDDLE EAST …Paul Maley لوا ﻦﺨﺳ ... IOTA/ME PAGE 5 By John Talbot, RANZ Occultation Group and Wellington Astronomical Society Background

ر ز ه ر ه 2بـو لـتــن شـمـا ر ه ی ژ ه گ ذ PAGE 8 1 9 3 1و

2 Name: David Gault Country / Province / City of residence: Australia/New South Wales/Hawkesbury Heights Observation team member names: On my own Start time of observations: 2012/06/05 22:00 UT Observation end time: 2012/06/06 04:50 UT Observation location: West wyalong, New South Wales, Australia (Site for 1st and 2nd contacts) Longitude: 147d 14m 10.4 s East Latitude: 33d 55m 23.9s South Height (m): 252 (Due to cloud, I had to move west to a new site. Site for 3rd and 4th contacts) Longitude: 146d 19m 17.1s East Latitude: 33d 51m 09.8s South Height (m): 201 Temperature: not recorded Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: clear Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 0 Humidity (%): not recorded Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 1st & 2nd contact 100% clear - 3rd & 4th contact 90% clear Optical device type: Coranado PST H-Alpha telescope Aperture: 40mm Focal length: 400mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Alt-Az GoTo: Yes Eyepiece: 12.5mm Filter: none Other Accessories: Binoculars with Baader solar film Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: 1pps GPS using the device GPS-ABC Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): +/- 1.0 sec Time of first contact: 2012/06/05 22:17:03 UT Second contact time: 2012/06/05 22:34:14 UT Third contact time: 2012/06/06 04:26:22 UT Fourth contact time: 2012/06/06 04:44:18 UT Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? No

3 Name: Samaneh Shamshiri Country/Province/City of residence: Iran / Yazd Observation team member names: Ahmad Sar Ostad , Fahime Shahabi Start time of observation: 1:00 UTC Observation end time: 5:30 UTC Observation location: New Bus Terminal of Yazd Longitude: 54° 16' 46.86'' Latitude: 31° 51' 53.99" Height (m): 1277 Temperature: 34°c Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 0 Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 3 Humidity(%): 14 percentage of clear sky(%): 100 Optical device type: Refractor Newtonian Aperture: 8 inch Focal length: 120 cm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTo: No Eyepiece: 25mm Filter: Maylar Other Accessories: No Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: - Time of first contact: - Third contact time: 4:37':27" Fourth contact time: 4:54':19.10" Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

Page 9: BULLETIN (TRANSIT OF VENUS 2012) -2 IOTA/MIDDLE EAST …Paul Maley لوا ﻦﺨﺳ ... IOTA/ME PAGE 5 By John Talbot, RANZ Occultation Group and Wellington Astronomical Society Background


Name: Abbas Abbasi Country / Province / City of residence: Iran , Azerbaijane shargi , Maragheh Observation team member names: Abbas Abbasi - Naser SadegNeghad - Naser Gasemi - Bahram Gholamiyan - Neda Yazdan Khah - Tahere Abdollahi - Fereshteh Rahimi - Rahim Aslani. Start time of observations: 2012-06-05 21:30 Local time(UTC+4:30) Observation end time: 2012-06-06 10:00 Local time(UTC+4:30) Observation location: Research Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics of Maragheh

Longitude: 37 ̊ 24` 20.19"N Latitude: 46 ̊ 15` 52.79"E Height (m): 1549 Temperature: 20 ̊C Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 0% Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 0% Humidity (%): 44 (06:00 a.m.) to 30 (10:00 a.m.) Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100

UV Index : 0.0 (06:00 a.m.) to 5.9 (mod)(10:00 a.m.) Optical device type: Refractor & Newtonian Aperture: 2" and 10" and 100 cm Focal length: 1 m and 2 m and 90 cm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial & Altazimuth GoTo: Yes Eyepiece: CCD Filter: Yes Other Accessories: Canon 125 & Nokia N8 camera 12M Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Upper than 0.8 Time of first contact: Not visible Second contact time: Not visible Third contact time: 2012-06-06 09:06:50 Local time – UTC time 04:36:50 Fourth contact time: 2012-06-06 09: 24:40 Local time – UTC time 04:54:40

Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? Yes

Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? No

Name: Zahra Babaei

Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Sistan and Balouchestan / Zahedan Observation team member names: Mohadese Shahraki, Farzane Dashipoor, Fateme Mahmoodi Start time of observations: 6:30 AM(Iran)-2 AM(UTC) Observation end time: 9:45 AM(Iran)-5:45 AM(UTC) Observation location: Zahedan, Farzanegan (Sampad) High school

Longitude: 60:50:48.02 E Latitude: 29:28:22.12 N Height (m): 1403 Temperature: 29 C? Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: - Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 10? Humidity (%): - Percentage of Clear Sky (%): - Optical device type: Newtonian

Aperture: 153 MM Focal length: 1200 MM Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTo: No Eyepiece: 25 MM Filter: - Other Accessories: Newtonian telescope (8”) Method of Timing & recording: CCD or Video recording

Time Source: Other, Watch Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.5-0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: - Fourth contact time: 9:22:46 AM(Iran) - 4:52:46 AM(UTC)

Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No

Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes



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6 Name: Zahra Khakzadi Country / Province / City of residence: Iran, Khorasan razavi, Mashhad Observation team member names: Zahra Khakzadi,Vajihe Sabzali, Saeed Sedighi Start time of observations: 5 am Observation end time: 10 am Observation location: Mashhad - Khayyam university Longitude: 59.489489 Latitude: 36.356102 Height (m): - Temperature: - Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 1 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 2 Humidity (%): - Percentage of Clear Sky (%): - Optical device type: Dabsonian Aperture: 8 inch Focal length: 1200 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTo: no Eyepiece: 25mm Filter: Badder Other Accessories: - Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.5-0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 4:36:3.34 Fourth contact time: 4:53:40.55 Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? yes, a little

Name: Mohammad Hosein Talezade Lari Country / Province / City of residence: Iran, Khorasan razavi, Mashhad Observation team member names: Mohammad Hosein Talezade, Alireza Eslami, Olya layeghi Start time of observations: 5 am Observation end time: 10 am Observation location: Mashhad- khayyam university Longitude: 59.489489 Latitude: 36.356102 Height (m): - Temperature: - Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 1 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 2 Humidity (%): - Percentage of Clear Sky (%): - Optical device type: Dabsonian Aperture: 8 inch Focal length:1200 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTo: no Eyepiece: 25mm Filter: Badder Other Accessories: - Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.5-0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 4:36:31.15 Fourth contact time: 4:53:49.10 Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes, a little


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Name: Mojtaba Mohammadi Country / Province / City of residence: Iran/ Fars/ Bavanat Observation team member names: Hossein Mohammadi - Jafar Akbari Start time of observations: 5:00 Observation end time: 10:00 Observation location: Bavanat Longitude: 53:38:45 Latitude: 30:27:30 Height (m): 2196 Temperature:15-20 Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 5 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 5 degree Humidity (%): 20 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 8” Focal length: 100cm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: no Eyepiece: 25mm Filter: other Other Accessories: photo camera (digital) Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Upper than 0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 9:06:52 Fourth contact time: 9:24:25 Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? yes


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Name: Ali Ghaheri Country / Province / City of residence: Iran-Isfahan-Khomeinishahr Observation team member names: Ali Ghaheri-Leila Ataei-Mahdi Kermanshahi-Farnaz Mohamadi-Mohamad Kazemi-Zahra Ru-holah-Reza Ghilichkhani-Haja Montazeri-Ehsan Hajsadeghian-Samira Bagheri-Milad Maleki-Miss Kiyani-Bahar NGO-Simorghe e andishe NGO. Start time of observations: 5:50 Observation end time: 9:50 Observation location: Khomeinishahr

Longitude: 32:45:50 Latitude: 51:33:05 Height (m): 1855 Temperature: 25 ?C Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 1.5? Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 1.5? Humidity (%): - Percentage of Clear Sky (%): - Optical device type: Newtonian, binoculars Aperture: Newtonian,6 inch – Cassegrian,5 inch – binocular,15*70 and 20*80 Focal length: - Type of Establishment (Mounting): Both of Equatorial & Altazimuth GoTo: with Cassegrain Eyepiece: 25mm -10 mm Filter: Maylar Other Accessories: canon 550D, canon 5D mark2, canon 450D, Lenz 1200mm Tele canon, Lenz 18*55 canon, Lenz 70*200 canon Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.5-0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 9:06:44 Fourth contact time: 9:22:04 Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? -

Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? No


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Name: Aref Banaee Country / Province / City of residence: Iran, Southern Khorasan, Ghayen Observation team member names: - Start time of observations: 23:30 (UTC) Observation end time: 5:30 (UTC) Observation location: Ghayen

Longitude: 33.771728 Latitude: 59.139004 Height (m): 1445 Temperature: - Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: - Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: - Humidity (%): - Percentage of Clear Sky (%): - Optical device type: Cassegrain & binocular Aperture: - Focal length: - Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: - Eyepiece: 20 mm, 50° Filter: Mylar filter Other Accessories: - Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 04:37:33:58 (UTC) Fourth contact time: 04:53:13:13 (UTC) Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No

Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

Name: Amirhosain Daghighi Country / Province / City of residence: Iran, Southern Khorasan, Birjand Observation team member names: Fateme Hajizade, MAhshid Bostani, Hasan Khorashadi Start time of observations: 04:45:00 Observation end time: 10:00:00 Observation location: Se-ghale

Longitude: 58 16 38.38 Latitude: 32 22 08.56 Height (m): 1280 Temperature: 40'c Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 2degree Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 2degree Humidity (%): 15 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 8inch Focal length: 1000mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: No Eyepiece: 25mm Filter: Solar filter Other Accessories: No Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.3-0.5 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 04:37:41 Fourth contact time: 04:53:39 Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? -

Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes



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Name: Science and research Islamic Azad university (scientific society) Country / Province / City of residence: Iran/Tehran Observation team member names:

Fereshteh Memarian - Ali Ordu - Amirsalar Hemmati - Mohammad Goodini - Bahram Mahdavipoor.

Start time of observations: 5:44(Local time) / (GMT + 4:30) Observation end time: 9:25 (Local time) / (GMT + 4:30) Observation location: Tehran Milad Tower

Longitude: 51°23' Latitude: 35°45' Height (m): 1442 m Temperature: 22-29°C Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: - Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: approximately 10degree Humidity (%): 17 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: binocular 20*80 Aperture: 80mm Focal length: - Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: No Eyepiece: - Filter: Maylar Other Accessories: Canon EOS 50D Method of Timing & recording: Visual

Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.5-0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 9:06:40 (Local time) / (GMT + 4:30) Fourth contact time: 9:24:10 (Local time) / (GMT + 4:30)

Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No

Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes


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13 Name: Hanieh Amiri Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Tabriz Observation team member names: Kamal Alizadeh / Maryam Sheikh Alizadeh Start time of observations: 6:10 a.m.( LocalTime) / 1:40 (UTC) Observation end time: 9:30 a.m. ( LocalTime) / 5:00 (UTC) Observation location: Tabriz / flag hill Longitude: 46,22',18" E Latitude: 38, 01', 10" N Height (m): 1670 m Temperature: 23 °C Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 0 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 2 Humidity (%): 36 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: binocular Aperture: 80 mm Focal length: - Type of Establishment (Mounting): - GoTo: No Eyepiece: - Filter: Glass solar filter Other Accessories: EOS 60 D with 3M-5A-MC CCCP 500mm(Filter:Glass solar filter) Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: It's not visible Second contact time: It's not visible Third contact time: 9:07:15 (Local Time) / 4:37:15 (UTC) Fourth contact time: 9:24:40 (Local Time) / 4:54:40 (UTC) Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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14 Name: Rasoul Azemayesh Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Tabriz Observation team member names: ElnazDadar / ParvinFatahizadeh / SanamAkbarniya Start time of observations: 6:10 a.m.( LocalTime) / 1:40 (UTC) Observation end time: 9:30 a.m. ( LocalTime) / 5:00 (UTC) Observation location: Tabriz / flag hill

Longitude: 46,22',18" E Latitude: 38, 01', 10" N Height (m): 1670 m Temperature: 23 °C Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 0 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 2 Humidity (%): 36 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture:8 inch Focal length:1000 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: EQ 5 Eyepiece: 20mm Filter: Glass solar filter Other Accessories: EOS 60 D with 3M-5A-MC CCCP 500mm(Filter:Glass solar filter) Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: It's not visible Second contact time: It's not visible Third contact time: 9:07:12 (Local Time) / 4:37:12 (UTC) Fourth contact time: 9:24:40 (Local Time) / 4:54:40 (UTC) Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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Name: Nader Elmi Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Tabriz Observation team member names: Mohammad Ali Hosnieh Start time of observations: 6:10 a.m. ( Local Time) / 1:40 (UTC) Observation end time: 9:30 a.m. ( Local Time) / 5:00 (UTC) Observation location: Tabriz / flag hill Longitude: 46,22',18" E Latitude: 38, 01', 10" N Height (m): 1670 Temperature: 23 °C Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 0 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 2 Humidity (%): 36 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 8 inch Focal length: 1000 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: No Eyepiece: 20mm Filter: Maylar filter Other Accessories: - Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: It's not visible Second contact time: It's not visible Third contact time: 9:07:13 (Local Time) / 4:37:13 (UTC) Fourth contact time: 9:24:35 (Local Time) / 4:54:35 (UTC) Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

Name: Fereshteh MalekZadeh Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Tabriz Observation team member names: Mahsa Mir Jamali Start time of observations: 6:00 a.m. ( Local Time) / 1:30 (UTC) Observation end time: 9:30 a.m. ( Local Time) / 5:00 (UTC) Observation location: Tabriz / flag hill

Longitude: 46,22',18" E Latitude: 38, 01', 10" N Height (m): 1670 Temperature: 23 °C Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 0 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 2 Humidity (%): 36 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 76 mm Focal length: - Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTo: No Eyepiece: 10 mm Filter: Maylar filter Other Accessories: - Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: It's not visible Second contact time: It's not visible Third contact time: 9:07:19 (Local Time) / 4:37:19 (UTC) Fourth contact time: 9:24:41 (Local Time) / 4:54:41 (UTC)

Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? -

Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes



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Name: Mahdiyar Mousavi Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Tabriz Observation team member names: Alireza Aghajani Start time of observations: 6:00 a.m. ( Local Time) / 1:30 (UTC) Observation end time: 9:30 a.m. ( Local Time) / 5:00 (UTC) Observation location: Tabriz / flag hill Longitude: 46,22',18" E Latitude: 38, 01', 10" N Height (m): 1670 Temperature: 23 °C Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 0 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 2 Humidity (%): 36 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: binocular Aperture: 80 mm Focal length: Type of Establishment (Mounting): - GoTo: No Eyepiece: - Filter: Maylar filter Other Accessories: - Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: GPS (mobile) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: It's not visible Second contact time: It's not visible Third contact time: 9:07:21 (Local Time) / 4:37:21 (UTC) Fourth contact time: 9:24:29 (Local Time) / 4:54:29(UTC) Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes


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18 Name: Omid Akbari Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Tabriz Observation team member names: Arash Jalili/ Omid Jabari Eskandani Start time of observations: 6:00 a.m. ( Local Time) / 1:30 (UTC) Observation end time: 9:30 a.m. ( Local Time) / 5:00 (UTC) Observation location: Tabriz / flag hill Longitude: 46,22',18" E Latitude: 38, 01', 10" N Height (m): 1670 Temperature: 23 °C Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 0 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 2 Humidity (%): 36 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal length: - Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: No Eyepiece: Electronic Filter: Glass solar filter Other Accessories: - Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: It's not visible Second contact time: It's not visible Third contact time: 9:07:13 (Local Time) / 4:37:13 (UTC) Fourth contact time: 9:24:41 (Local Time) / 4:54:41(UTC) Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? -

Name: Mahdi Ajili Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Tabriz Observation team member names: Maryam Partovi / Amir Hosein Garedaghi Start time of observations: 6:00 a.m. ( Local Time) / 1:30 (UTC) Observation end time: 9:30 a.m. ( Local Time) / 5:00 (UTC) Observation location: Tabriz / flag hill Longitude: 46,22',18" E Latitude: 38, 01', 10" N Height (m): 1670 Temperature: 23 °C Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 0 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 2 Humidity (%): 36 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 8 inch Focal length: 1000 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: No Eyepiece: - Filter: Glass solar filter Other Accessories: EOS 500 D Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: GPS (mobile) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: It's not visible Second contact time: It's not visible Third contact time: 9:07:14 (Local Time) / 4:37:14 (UTC) Fourth contact time: 9:24:39 (Local Time) / 4:54:39(UTC) Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes


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Name: Ahmad Hoseyn Zadeh Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Tabriz Observation team member names: Farzam Arab zadeh / Farrokh Amin Gharbali Start time of observations: 6:00 a.m. ( Local Time) / 1:30 (UTC) Observation end time: 9:30 a.m. ( Local Time) / 5:00 (UTC) Observation location: Tabriz / flag hill Longitude: 46,22',18" E Latitude: 38, 01', 10" N Height (m): 1670 Temperature: 23 °C Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 0 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 2 Humidity (%): 36 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal length: 1000 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: EQ3 Eyepiece: 10 mm Filter: Maylar filter Other Accessories: - Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: It's not visible Second contact time: It's not visible Third contact time: 9:07:18 (Local Time) / 4:37:18 (UTC) Fourth contact time: 9:24:40 (Local Time) / 4:54:40(UTC) Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes


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21 Name: Kamyar Roudakian Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Tabriz Observation team member names: Ali Reza Ahmadi / Kiyarash Bani Hashem / Majid yousef pour nezami Start time of observations: 6:20 a.m. (Local Time) / 1:50 (UTC) Observation end time: 9:30 a.m. (Local Time) / 5:00 (UTC) Observation location: Tabriz / flag hill Longitude: 46,22',18" E Latitude: 38, 01', 10" N Height (m): 1670 Temperature: 23 °C Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 0 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 2 Humidity (%): 36 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 6 inch Focal length: 750 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: No Eyepiece: 10 mm Filter: Maylar filter Other Accessories: - Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: GPS (mobile) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: It's not visible Second contact time: It's not visible Third contact time: 9:07:18 (Local Time) / 4:37:18 (UTC) Fourth contact time: 9:24:45 (Local Time) / 4:54:45(UTC) Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? No

Name: Azita Esmail Zadeh Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Tabriz Observation team member names: Leila Pasban / Zahra Altaf / FarzanehEsmailzadeh / Zahra Heyrati / Mina Baziyar Start time of observations: 6:00 a.m. (Local Time) / 1:30 (UTC) Observation end time: 9:30 a.m. (Local Time) / 5:00 (UTC) Observation location: Tabriz / flag hill Longitude: 46,22',18" E Latitude: 38, 01', 10" N Height (m): 1670 Temperature: 23 °C Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 0 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 2 Humidity (%): 36 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 4/5 inch Focal length: 700 ? Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: No Eyepiece: 25 mm Filter: Maylar filter Other Accessories: - Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: It's not visible Second contact time: It's not visible Third contact time: 9:06:58 (Local Time) / 4:36:58 (UTC) Fourth contact time: 9:24:35 (Local Time) / 4:54:35(UTC) Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? No


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Name: Sajjad Paknejad Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Tabriz Observation team member names: Jafar Eshagi Start time of observations: 6:00 a.m. (Local Time) / 1:30 (UTC) Observation end time: 9:30 a.m. (Local Time) / 5:00 (UTC) Observation location: Tabriz / flag hill Longitude: 46,22',18" E Latitude: 38, 01', 10" N Height (m): 1670 Temperature: 23 °C Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 0 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 2 Humidity (%): 36 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: binocular Aperture: 80 mm Focal length: - Type of Establishment (Mounting): - GoTo: No Eyepiece: - Filter: Maylar filter Other Accessories: EOS 500 D Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: It's not visible Second contact time: It's not visible Third contact time: 9:07:09 (Local Time) / 4:37:09 (UTC) Fourth contact time: 9:24:36 (Local Time) / 4:54:36(UTC) Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes


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Name: Shahla Radmehr Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Tabriz Observation team member names: Faezeh Deyrang / SepidehBahri / Maryam Fakhimi Start time of observations: 6:20 a.m. (Local Time) / 1:50 (UTC) Observation end time: 9:30 a.m. (Local Time) / 5:00 (UTC) Observation location: Tabriz / flag hill Longitude: 46,22',18" E Latitude: 38, 01', 10" N Height (m): 1670 Temperature: 23 °C Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 0 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 2 Humidity (%): 36 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal length:1000 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: EQ3 Eyepiece: 10 mm Filter: Maylar filter Other Accessories: - Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: It's not visible Second contact time: It's not visible Third contact time: 9:07:18 (Local Time) / 4:37:18 (UTC) Fourth contact time: 9:24:30 (Local Time) / 4:54:42(UTC) Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes


25 Name: Pariya Shokatilar Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Tabriz Observation team member names: Parisa VahdatNiya / Roya Ayatollahi Start time of observations: 6:15 a.m. (LocalTime) / 1:45 (UTC) Observation end time: 9:30 a.m. (LocalTime) / 5:00 (UTC) Observation location: Tabriz / flag hill Longitude: 46,22',18" E Latitude: 38, 01', 10" N Height (m): 1670 Temperature: 23 °C Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 0 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 2 Humidity (%): 36 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 76 mm Focal length: 300 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): - GoTo: No Eyepiece: - Filter: Mylar filter Other Accessories: - Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: GPS (mobile) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: It's not visible Second contact time: It's not visible Third contact time: 9:07:20 (Local Time) / 4:37:20 (UTC) Fourth contact time: 9:24:47 (Local Time) / 4:54:47 (UTC) Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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26 Name: Maryam Nemati Country / Province / City of residence: Iran/Tehran/Tehran Observation team member names: Farida Farsian - Samaneh Ganji lisar Start time of observations: 05:25 am Observation end time: 09:35 am Observation location: Milad tower of Tehran Longitude: 51o 22' 37.04" E Latitude: 35o 44' 45.01" N Height (m): 1438 Temperature: 31 oC Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 3 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 2 Humidity (%): 13 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Cassegrain or Schmidt Aperture: 127 mm Focal length: 1500 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: EQ3 Eyepiece: 15 mm Filter: Mylar Other Accessories: - Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.5-0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 09:06:57.799 ±71 ms Fourth contact time: 09:24:13.700 ±71ms Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? No

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Name: Arash Khajeh Shalaly Country / Province / City of residence: Shahin’Shahr, Isfahan, Iran Observation team member names: Mehdi Talebi – Hesam Alyasin – Pouria Adibi Start time of observations: 4:30am Observation end time: 9:45am Observation location: Cultural roof Eshragh Shahin’shahr Longitude: 51,34,5.75 Latitude: 32,51,25.97 Height (m): 1588 Temperature: - Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 6 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 4 Humidity (%): 18 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 8 and 6-inch Focal length: f 1000 , f 800 Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: H.E.Q5 - non Eyepiece: 28, 25 Filter: Mylar Other Accessories: Canon 1100D , Canon sx10 Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Upper than 0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 9:07:16 Fourth contact time: 9:24:27 Causeway (when half the planet Venus passing front of the Sun): 9:15:55 Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

Name: Mahsa Darvish ghanbar Country / Province / City of residence: Iran/hamedan/hamedan Observation team member names: Sayeh Minaei and Maryam Haji abasi Start time of observations: 6:7:55 Observation end time: 9:24:39 Observation location: Ebne salah observatory Longitude: 34.786225 N Latitude: 48.534207 E Height (m): 1867 Temperature: 10.7 ‘c Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 6 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 5 Humidity (%): 22 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 0 Optical device type: Cassegrain Aperture: 8 inch Focal length: 1800 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: No Eyepiece: 25mm Filter: Mylar Other Accessories: - Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: - Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 9:8:17 Fourth contact time: 9:24:39 Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? No



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29 Name: Houman Najafi Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Hormozgan / Qeshm Observation team member names: Darioush Ahmadi, Fatemeh Azimlou, Fahad Pilam, Simin Timar Start time of observations: 00:10 UT Observation end time: 05:05 UT Observation location: Qeshm Island, Portuguese castle Longitude: 56° 16’ 39’’ Latitude: 26° 57’ 37” Height (m): 7 Temperature: +35°C Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 2.5 degree Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 0 degree Humidity (%): 67 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 90 Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 16” Dabsonian Focal length: 1800 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTo: No Eyepiece: 10 & 25 mm Filter: Maylar Other Accessories: Canon Eos 350D Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.5-0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 04:36:45 Fourth contact time: 04:53:25 Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? No

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Name: Kazem Kookaram Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Hormozgan / Qeshm Observation team member names: Hamed Altafi, Ameneh Bermeh, Sanaz Hajimiri, Arash Ale Davoud Start time of observations: 00:10 UT Observation end time: 05:05 UT Observation location: Qeshm Island, Portuguese castle Longitude: 56° 16’ 39’’ Latitude: 26° 57’ 37” Height (m): 7 Temperature: +35°C Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 2.5 degree Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 0 degree Humidity (%): 67 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 90 Optical device type: Refractor Aperture: 60 mm Lunt Solar Telescope Focal length: 500 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTo: No Eyepiece: 10 & 25 mm Filter: H-Alpha Other Accessories: Canon Eos 400D, Canon Powershot elph 100 HS Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.5-0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 04:36:55 Fourth contact time: 04:53:51 Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? No


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Name: Parvin Howaida Country / Province / City of residence: Iran/Tehran/Tehran Observation team member names: Samaneh Aghelpasand , Fahimeh Shabani Start time of observations: 20:43:57.02 Observation end time: 04:58:53.53 Observation location: Qom- Kahak Longitude: 50?52'06.07" Latitude: 34?23'35.01" Height (m): 1441 Temperature: 29 C? Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 0 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 0.25? Humidity (%): 13 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): - Optical device type: Newtonian & binocular Aperture: 250mm Focal length: 1250mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: No Eyepiece: 9mm & 30mm Filter: Mylar Other Accessories: Cannon 500D Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.5-0.8 Time of first contact: not seen in Iran Second contact time: not seen in Iran Third contact time: 04:26:16.10 Fourth contact time: 04:52:39.28 Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes


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32 Name: Zahra Jula Country / Province / City of residence: Iran/Khuzestan/Ahvaz Observation team member names: Kosar Samsam, Seyed Jalal Jazayeri Start time of observations: 23:30 UT Observation end time: 5:00 UT Observation location: Payame Nour University of Ahvaz Longitude: 48. 36. 9/63 Latitude: 31. 17. 47/22 Height (m): 17 Temperature: approximately 45 ‘c Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 6 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: between 0 to 1 Humidity (%): approximately 30 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 8 inch Focal length: 1200 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: No Eyepiece: 25mm Filter: Maylar Other Accessories: SLR 550D Canon camera Method of Timing & recording: Visual and Video recording Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 4:37':7.3" UT (9 : 07' : 7.3") Fourth contact time: 4:53':56" UT (9 : 23' : 56") Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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33 Name: Somayeh Zahabi Country / Province / City of residence: IRAN / Isfahan / Isfahan Observation team member names: Marzieh Jafarian Start time of observations: local time 2:30 Am & UTC time 10 pm Observation end time: local time 9:40 Am & UTC time 5:10 am Longitude: 51.679290 E Latitude: 32.718092 N Height (m): above mean sea level of Esfahan is 1729 m & place high for observation is 20 m Temperature: 17 (c) in 3 Am (UTC) & 26 (c) in 6 Am (UTC) Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 12 degree Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 7.5 degree Humidity (%): 30% in 3 Am (UTC) & 15% in 6 Am (UTC) Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100% clear Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 8 inch Focal length: 800 mm , F/4 Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: STAR BOOK (star-chart go to system) Eyepiece: - Filter: Maylar Other Accessories: Canon EOS 450D & laptop Asus k43s & software for photography: EOS Utility & program for timing association: D4. Method of Timing & recording: recording by camera Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): We set camera time by Dimension4 on 1Am (UTC), and when our work had finished we checked time again, fortunately without difference in second. Maybe if there is difference, it does refer to ms. Time of first contact: - Third contact time: There are some pictures that we have doubt to determine third time while it's our opinion: 04:36:56(UTC). Fourth contact time: Our opinion that we guess is true: 04:54:16 Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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34 Name: Danial Keyghobadi Country / Province / City of residence: IRAN / Semnan / Shahrud Observation team member names: Milad Haji-hashemi, Mohammad Sherafatian, Amin Shakeri, Ali Amiri, Peyman Behzadian. Start time of observations: 6 JUNE 2012-05:15 AM Observation end time: 6 JUNE 2012-10:00 AM Observation location: Shahrud – mount "kohe qasem" Longitude: 55o 08' 16.024'' E Latitude: 36o 46' 01.711''N Height (m): 2390 Temperature: between 3oc and 25o c Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 0 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 15 degree Humidity (%): 0 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Dabsonian Aperture: 8 inch Focal length: 1200mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTo: none Eyepiece: 25mm Filter: Maylar Other Accessories: 12 mega pixel canon camera Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: GPS Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.5-0.8 Time of first contact: not visible Second contact time: not visible Third contact time: 09:06':59'':94 Fourth contact time: 09:24':01'':20 Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during third contact (Yes or No)? No

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35 Name: Mohammad Masoud Sehat bakhesh Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Yazd / Yazd Observation team member names: Seyd Amir Asari - Elahe Mirdehghan - Reyhane khaje Mansoury Start time of observations: 5:35 Observation end time: 9:26 Observation location: Elm va fanavari park, Yazd Longitude: 54° 22' 14" Latitude: 31° 55' 12" Height (m): 1206 Temperature: 37 °c Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 5° Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 5° Humidity (%): 3 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 5 Optical device type: Newtonian- Coronado Aperture: Newtonian 5 inch Focal length: Newtonian 650 mm - Coronado 400 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Newtonian Equatorial - Coronado Altazimuth GoTo: No Eyepiece: 25mm Filter: Coronado Hα - Maylar Other Accessories: camera : Canon G12 - Fuji S9600 - iphone Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Upper than 0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 09:10':30" Fourth contact time: 09:26':15" Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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36 Name: Mohammad Amin Fereydouni Country / Province / City of residence: Iran, Kermanshah Observation team member names: non Start time of observations: 6:30 Observation end time: 9: 30

Longitude: 46° 50' 56.73" E Latitude: 34° 31' 38.07" N Height (m): - Temperature: - Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: - Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: - Humidity (%): - Percentage of Clear Sky (%): - Optical device type: Newtonian - 6inch Sky watcher model Aperture: 6 inch Focal length: - Type of Establishment (Mounting): - GoTo: No Eyepiece: 20 mm Filter: - Other Accessories: Ordinary digital camera to record observation Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Other ( mobile) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.3-0.5 30. Time of first contact: - 31. Second contact time:- 32. Third contact time: - 33. Fourth contact time: -

34. Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No

35. Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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37 Name: Amirali Momeni Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Kurdistan / Qorveh Observation team member names: Saeed Ahmadi & Mojtaba Moazen Start time of observations: 5:15 AM (Iran Time) Observation end time: 9:40 AM (Iran Time) Observation location: Serish Abad Longitude: 47o 45’ 10” E Latitude: 35o 14’ 18” N Height (m): 1939 Temperature: 26oC Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 10o Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 0.5o Humidity (%): 15 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 99 Optical device type: binocular Aperture: 70 mm Focal length: 20 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth Go To: No Eyepiece: - Filter: Maylar Other Accessories: Canon EOS 50D + 70-200 Series L lens Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.5-0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 4:37:05 UTC Fourth contact time: 4:54:03 UTC Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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38 Name: Farzad Chegini Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Hamadan / Hamadan Observation team member names: - Start time of observations: 5 June 2012 at 9 PM Observation end time: 6 June 2012 at 10:30 AM Observation location: Ebne Salah Observatory of Hamadan Longitude: 48:52 Latitude: 34:48 Height (m): 1830 Temperature: 24 degree of centigrade at sunrise Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 6 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 5 Humidity (%): - Percentage of Clear Sky (%): - Optical device type: Schmidt-Cassegrain and Binocular Aperture: 9.2 inch Focal length: 2350 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial ‘CGEM’ GoTo: Synscan Eyepiece: 25 mm Filter: Orion Full Aperture Solar Filter Other Accessories: CCD ‘Orion planetary imager and autoguider’, Binocular 20*90, Camera ‘Canon EOS 450D’ Method of Timing & recording: Visual with CCD video recording Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Upper than 0.8 to 1.5 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 09:07:35 Fourth contact time: 09:24:35 Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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39 Name: Ali Oman Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Fars / Shiraz Observation team member names: Kianoosh Mohseni Start time of observations: 05:15 AM (Local time) Observation end time: 09:24 AM (Local time) Observation location: Derakmountain, Shiraz, Iran Longitude: 29 40' 35" Latitude: 52 26' 45" Height (m): 1200 Temperature: 22 degree Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 15 degree Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 5 degree Humidity (%): 11 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 10 inch Focal length: 1200 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTo: No Eyepiece: 10 mm , 25 mm Filter: Maylar Badder Other Accessories: No Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: GPS Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.3-0.5 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 04h:36m:55s Fourth contact time: 04h:56m:08s Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

Name: Amir Ehteshami Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Fars / Shiraz Observation team member names: - Start time of observations: from 5 am including telescope setup etc. Observation end time: around 9:40 Observation location: Shiraz ring road Longitude: 29° 40' 35.28" N from GPS equal to (29.676509 Google Earth) ±106 meters Latitude: 52° 26' 45.73" E from GPS equal to (52.446104 Google Earth) ±106 meters Height (m): 1716 GPS ±106 meters Temperature: start 14 – end 30 Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: horizon was clear at the time of sunrise Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: ≈3° Humidity (%): around 20-25 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Refractor & Newtonian & Other Aperture: 10" inch telescope, 50mm spot scope, 50mm monocular (detached from binocular) Focal length: 1200mm telescope, 250mm spotscope, 350mm monocular Type of Establishment (Mounting): Alt-azimuth GoTo: non Eyepiece: 25mm, 10mm, 2x barlow for telescope, 27.7mm for spotting scope, 50mm for monocular Filter: 10x10 centimeter BAADER Astrosolar™ filter via off-axis setup for telescope, 95% mirror for spotting scope Other Accessories: mobile GPS Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Other Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.3-0.5 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 4h 36m 50.24 sec. GMT Fourth contact time: 4h 54m 06.62 sec Total length of 17min 16.38 sec Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No, we couldn't Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes


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Name: Hasti Kahvaee Country / Province / City of residence: Iran, Khuzestan, Ahwaz Observation team member names: Alireza Kahvaee ,Mahdiyeh Zareiyan Start time of observations: 23:30 UT Observation end time: 5:00 UT Observation location: Ahwaz, PayameNoor University Longitude: 48?: 36':09.63" E Latitude: 31?:17':48.22" N Height (m): 17 Temperature: 45°C Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 6? Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: Between 0?-1? Humidity (%): 30 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Cassegrain or Schmidt Aperture: 9.25" Focal length: - Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: No Eyepiece: - Filter: solar filter Other Accessories: Canon 7D Method of Timing & recording: Visual & CCD or Video recording Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.5-0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 4:37':7.3" UT (9:07':7.3") Fourth contact time: 4:53':56" UT (9:23':56") Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

Name: Mahdi Naseri Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Tehran / Tehran Observation team member names: Seyyed Saeed Safai - Khashayar Zamanian Start time of observations: 01:00 AM (Greenwich Time) Observation end time: 06:15 (Greenwich Time) Observation location: Tehran Longitude: 51 22’ 12.08” Latitude: 35 42’ 28.59” Height (m): 1210.5 Temperature: 36 Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 8 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 15 Humidity (%): 14 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 20cm-8” Focal length: 800mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTo: EQ5 (SynScan) Eyepiece: 2” 20mm Filter: Mylar Other Accessories: Canon EOS 50D-Coma Corrector (GSO) Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Upper than 0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 5:36’:00.2” (Greenwich Time) Fourth contact time: 5:54’:34.4” (Greenwich Time) Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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Name: Mostafa Kazemi pour Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Khuzestan / Shushtar Observation team member names:najmemonjezih-mojtabasoleimani-phozeiemohamadrezaiy-arashsafarian-ali ASGHAR HAGHIGHAT MANESH-ZOHRE SHABGARD-AMIN MOSAVI- SEIED AMIN MARASHI. Start time of observations: 6:10;00 AM Observation end time: 9:30:00 Observation location: - Longitude: 49;21 Latitude: 32:01 Height (m): 140 Temperature: 35 Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: - 1Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: - Humidity (%): - Percentage of Clear Sky (%): Clear Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: - Focal length: - Type of Establishment (Mounting): - GoTo: - Eyepiece: - Filter: Maylar Other Accessories: - Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Other Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 9:07:21 (Iran time) Fourth contact time: 9:23:36 (Iran time) Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? No


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Name: Mehdi Mansourian Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Alborz / Karaj Observation team member names: Morteza Dadashi Start time of observations: 6:38 AM Local Observation end time: 9:24:01 Local Observation location: Karaj-Baghestan Longitude: 50.57.56 N Latitude: 35.53.03 E Height (m): 1510 Temperature: 25 degree Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 100 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 2000 meters mountain Humidity (%): 13 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 85 Optical device type: Newtonian (Dabsonian) Aperture: 10 inch- 254mm Focal length: 1200mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth (Dabsonian) GoTo: No Eyepiece: 25mm Filter: Off-Center Mylar Solar Filter Other Accessories: - Method of Timing & recording: Video Recording & Digital Afocal Photography Time Source: Other, Analog Chronometer which set with universal time Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): third contact about 0.3-0.5 and fourth contact is upper than 0.8 Second. Time of first contact: The Sun was below horizon Second contact time: The Sun was below horizon Third contact time: 9:06:54:80 Local Fourth contact time: 9:24:01:25 Local Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? No


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Name: Ata Moradi Country / Province / City of residence: Tehran Observation team member names: Fatemeh Gheshlaghpoor , Arash Golmohammadi , Kianaafzali Start time of observations: 1:30(GMT) Observation end time: 4:54(GMT) Observation location: Nasional library Longitude: 51.4353 (E) Latitude: 35.753 (N) Height (m): 1379.22 Temperature: 28 (c) Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 2.5 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 3 Humidity (%): - Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Newtonian and binocular Aperture: 6 inch Focal length: 1000 Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: No Eyepiece: 25mm Filter: Maylar Other Accessories: Cannon 1000d , … Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Other Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.5-0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 4:37(GMT) Fourth contact time: 4:53.5(GMT) Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes


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Name: Rokhsare Roshani Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Hamedan / Hamedan Observation team member names: NikooKhoshnoudan - Zahra Bashiri Start time of observations: 01:33:20 Observation end time: 04:59:44 Observation location: Ebnesalah Observatory on the Haj Enayat Hill Longitude: 34.786225 N Latitude: 48.534207 E Height (m): 1867 Temperature: 10 (c) Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 11 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: visibility greater than 7 miles Humidity (%): 22 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 15 Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 200 mm or 8 inch Focal length: 1000 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: EQ5 Eyepiece: 25 mm, 10 mm Filter: Mylar Other Accessories: DSLR Canon Camera 1000D Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: check Start time by internet but during the observation use digital notebook clock and stopwatch Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.5-0.8 Time of first contact: not visible in Iran Second contact time: not visible in Iran Third contact time: 04:39:18 Fourth contact time: 04:56:24 Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? No


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Name: Ali Tavafi Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Gilan / Lahijan Observation team member names: Morteza GHorbanpour, Hosein Hojjat Ansari, Behnaz Hajizadeh Start time of observations: 08 Observation end time: 09:30 Observation location: Lahijan, Iran Longitude: 50:00:31 Latitude: 37:12:15 Height (m): 4 Temperature: 23 C? Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: low Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 10 Humidity (%): 64 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 70 Optical device type: Refractor Aperture: 5.1 inches = 13mm Focal length: 650mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: No Eyepiece: 10mm Filter: Mylar Other Accessories: Camera Canon IXY DIGITAL 930 IS Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.3-0.5 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 09:06:50 Fourth contact time: 09:22:27 Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes


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Name: Sara Shahabifar Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Tehran / Tehran Observation team member names: - Start time of observations: 5:45 am (local time) Observation end time: 9:25 am (local time) Observation location: Tehran Longitude: 51.23 Latitude: 35.44 Height (m): 1415 Temperature: - Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: - Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: - Humidity (%): - Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Refractor Aperture: 8 cm Focal length: 910 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTo: no Eyepiece: 10&20 mm Filter: Mylar Other Accessories: - Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Upper than 0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 9:5:32 Fourth contact time: 9:23:7 Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes


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Name: Masoumeh Shahsavari Country / Province / City of residence: Iran/ Tehran/ Tehran Observation team member names: Fahimeh Mohammadi, Zahra AhmadVand, and Raziye Azimi Start time of observations: 5 15’ am (local time) Observation end time: 9 45’ am Observation location: National Library and Archives of I.R Iran Longitude: 35°45'6"N Latitude: 51°26'2"E Height (m): - Temperature: - Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: - Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: - Humidity (%): - Percentage of Clear Sky (%): - Optical device type: Refractor Aperture: 4 inch Focal length: 600 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: No Eyepiece: 6.9, 9.6, 12, 25, 32 and 40 mm and Hα filter Filter: Mylar Other Accessories: Nothing Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: - Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: We can’t see in Tehran Second contact time: We can’t see in Tehran Third contact time: 9:6’ am Fourth contact time: 9:15’ am Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes


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Name: Saeid Sedaghat Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Ardabil Observation team member names: Mr. Reza Shoja, Salar Abbasvand, Reza berenjian, Yousef Azhari, Reza Ahadi ,… Start time of observations: 7 am Observation end time: 9:40” am Observation location: Ardabil – Moallem Park Longitude: 48:17:22.86 Latitude: 38:14:11.23 Height (m): 1353.7 metr & 4441ft Temperature: 20 C Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 11 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 5 Humidity (%): 41 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 90 Optical device type: Schmidt Gasgryn80mm , Binocular 10*15 Aperture: 80mm, 10*15 Focal length: 2032mm/f/10 Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: Yes Eyepiece: 40 Filter: H-Alpha Other Accessories: Sony Camera , Tablet Ipad , Notbook Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.5-0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 9:7:3" Fourth contact time: 9:24:37” Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes


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Name: Saba Hatami Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Khoy Observation team member names: - Start time of observations: 6:30 Observation end time: 9:30 Observation location: - Longitude: 44° 56' 53" E Latitude: 38° 41' 57" N Height (m): 1474 Temperature: - Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: - Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: - Humidity (%): - Percentage of Clear Sky (%): - Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 6 inch Focal length: - Type of Establishment (Mounting): - GoTo: No Eyepiece: 20 mm Filter: - Other Accessories: - Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Other ( mobile) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.3-0.5 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: - Fourth contact time: - Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes


52 Name: Benyamin Piri Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Sistan and Balouchestan / Zahedan Observation team member names: Behnood Ashkani, Pezhman Narouie Nosrati, Fateme Sheykh Start time of observations: 00:30 UTC Observation end time: 05:00 UTC Observation location: Zabol, Chahnime, Zabol Observatory Longitude: 61:42:49.57 E Latitude: 30:50:7.76 N Height (m): 414 Temperature: 34 Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: - Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 0 Humidity (%): - Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: binocular Aperture: 80 MM Focal length: - Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTo: No Eyepiece: - Filter: Mylar Solar Filter Other Accessories: Canon EOS 7D Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: GPS Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Upper than 0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 4:36:01 UTC Fourth contact time: 4:52:51 UTC Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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Name: Fatima Dehghanizadeh Country/Province/City of residence: Iran / Yazd / Yazd Observation team member names: Fatima Dehghani zadeh, Ahmad SarOstad Start time of observation: 1:00 UTC Observation end time: 5:30' UTC Observation location: New Bus Terminal of Yazd Longitude: 54° 16' 46.86'' latitude: 31° 51' 53.99" Highet (m): 1277 Temperature: 34°c Clarity of the horizon(local sunrise)from dust in degree: 0 Clarity of the horizon(local sunrise)from natural effects in degree: 3° Humidity(%): 14 percentage of clear sky(%): 100 Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 114 mm Focal length: 500mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTO: no Eyepiece: 25mm Filter: Maylar Other Accessories: Non Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: - Time of first contact: - Third contact time: 4:36':41.16" Fourth contact time: 4:54':19.10" Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

Name: Sadegh Kaviani Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Sistan and Balouchestan / Zahedan Observation team member names: Younes Sargazi, Hooshang Sargazi, Hamid Akbari Start time of observations: 00:30 UTC Observation end time: 05:00 UTC Observation location: Zabol, Chahnime, Zabol Observatory Longitude: 61:42:49.57 E Latitude: 30:50:7.76 N Height (m): 414 Temperature: 34 Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: - Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 0 Humidity (%): - Percentage of Clear Sky (%): - Optical device type: Schmidt-Cassegrain, Meade LX200, 14” Aperture: 350 mm Focal length: 3,556 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTo: Yes Eyepiece: 22 mm Wide Angel Filter: Full-Aperture Glass Telescope Solar Filter Other Accessories: - Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: GPS Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Upper than 0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 4:37:26.9 UTC Fourth contact time: 4:53:36.6 UTC Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes


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55 Name: Shadi Shahraini Country/Province/City: Iran / Khorasan Razavi / Sabzevar Observation team member names: Fateme Mousavi por / Fateme Zirabadi / Mobina Zare Start time of observations: 1:45 GTM Observation end time: 6:00 GTM Observation location: - Longitude: 36`21.07” N Latitude: 57*40`26.25” E Height (m): 1114.6236 1emperature: min:20.4 max:36.8 avarage:28.6 Clarity of the horizon from dust in degree: almost: 8* _10* Clarity of horizon from natural effects in degree: 8 Humidity (%): min:5% max:29% average:17 Percentage of clear sky: - Optical device type: Schmidt Aperture: 80mm Focal length: 1000mm Type of Establishment: Altazimuth GoTo: No Eyepiece: 25mm Filter: Non Other Accessories: Camera - canon power shot A2200 HD Method of timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Other Timing accuracy of visual (PE): - Time of first contact:- Second contact: - Third contact time: 5:40`:25” GTM Fourth contact time: 5:51`:30” GTM Did you observe the Black Drop during the Second contact? No Did you observe the Black Drop during the Third contact? Yes

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56 Name: Moshtagh Shahbazzadegan Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Ardebil Observation team member names: - Start time of observations: 6:30 Observation end time: 9:30 Observation location: - Longitude: 48° 17' 32.63" E Latitude: 38° 15' 15.69" N Height (m): 1350 Temperature: - Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: - Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: - Humidity (%): - Percentage of Clear Sky (%): - Optical device type: Refractor Aperture: 30 cm Focal length: - Type of Establishment (Mounting): - GoTo: No Eyepiece: 12 mm Filter: - Other Accessories: Camera Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) (with mobile) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.3-0.5 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: - Fourth contact time: - Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No

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57 Name: Saadikhani Aziz Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Fars / Marvdasht Observation team member names: Saadikhani Aziz - Fallahi Abdolkhalegh - Khayati Farzad Start time of observations: 6:30 am Observation end time: 9:30 am Observation location: Fars / Marvdasht-bashgahe farhangian Longitude: 52/49//30 Latitude: 29/52//43 Height (m): 1607 Temperature: - Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 99 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 10 degree Humidity (%): 17 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): - Optical device type: Refractor & Newtonian & Cassegrain Aperture: 4-6-8 (Inch) Focal length: - Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial - Altazimuth GoTo: - Eyepiece: 10mm -12 mm Filter: Mylar & Solar funnel Other Accessories: Observation of sun glasses Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Radio signal Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.5-0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 9:05 am (local time) Fourth contact time: Was observed Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No

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58 Name: Amir Shahcheraghian Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Fars / Shiraz Observation team member names: - Start time of observations: 5:40 AM Observation end time: 9:24 AM Observation location: Bushehr Longitude: 50 49 48.81 Latitude: 28 59 08.65 Height (m): 14 Temperature: 31 Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 2 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 4 Humidity (%): 59 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Schmidt Cassegrain Aperture: 8 inch Focal length: 2000mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTo: Yes Eyepiece: Without eyepiece (Photography by telescope) Filter: Mylar Other Accessories: Laptop and Canon Eos 550D Method of Timing & recording: Video recording Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): 0.306 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 9:06:29 am (local time) Fourth contact time: Unfortunately I couldn’t saw it Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

59 Name: Mohammad Sadegh Rahbar Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Fars / Shiraz Observation team member names: Mohammad Sadegh Rahbar / Mohammad Mehdi Rahbar / Rasoul Keshtkar / Rahim Ahang Start time of observations: 22:00 _Date:1391/03/16 Observation end time: 11:30 Date: : 1391/03/17 Observation location: Shiraz / Derak mountain Longitude: 52 33'05 E Latitude: 29 52'.49" N Height (m): 1500 Temperature: 25 Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 20 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 0 Humidity (%): 10 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 90 Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 6 inch Focal length: 750mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: No Eyepiece: 25 & 10 & 6 Filter: Mylar Other Accessories: Camera Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 6:36:56.8 am (?) Fourth contact time: 6:53:56.6 am (?) Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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60 Name: Zohreh Rakhshany Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Sistan and Baluchistan / Zahedan Observation team member names: Poria Pahlavan / Mehrnosh Rashidi / Nilofar Gamshadzehi / Atosa Shariati / Ramnaz Raesi-far / Poian Ajarpishe / Javad Shahnavaz Start time of observations: 05:05 (local time) Observation end time: 9:26 (local time) Observation location: Zahedan Longitude: 13.54 27' 29" Latitude: 53.03 51' 60" Height (m): 13/85 Temperature: 18 Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: - Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: - Humidity (%): 35 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 10 inch Focal length: 1200 Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: Yes - Eq6 Eyepiece: 35mm Filter: - Other Accessories: Nikon d90 Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: GPS Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 9:06:29 am Fourth contact time: 9:26:32 am Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

Name: Bita Karimifar Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Markazi / Arak Observation team member names: Erfan Oveisi Start time of observations: 04:50 (local time) Observation end time: 9:20 (local time) Observation location: Arak Longitude: 34 4 22.09 N Latitude: 49 44 33.13 E Height (m): 1729 Temperature: 29 Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 10 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 5 Humidity (%): 27 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Newtonian Reflector Aperture: 8 inch Focal length: 1000 Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: Yes Eyepiece: Camera - prime focus & 25mm Filter: Baader Other Accessories: Canon 7D Method of Timing & recording: Video recording Time Source: Network Time Protocol Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.3-0.5 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 4 34 46.21 am Fourth contact time: - Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? No


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62 Name: Mohammad Nilforoushan Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Alborz / Karaj Observation team member names: Tannaz Asadishad / Parvaneh Sadeghi and her father / Mehdi Sarhadi / Fatemeh Zare' and her father / Mohammad Alimohammadi / Aarzan Shojaei / Ahmad Reza Ahmadi / Alireza Abdshah Start time of observations: 01:30 am (GMT) Observation end time: 05:00 am (GMT) Observation location: Baraghan Road (10 Km away from Karaj in North) Longitude: 50 53.6 E Latitude: 35 56.1 N Height (m): 2100 Temperature: 22 (C) with wind: 10 mph from E Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: Very low Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: About 10 Humidity (%): 12% and UV range: 11 - extreme! Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Reflector Aperture: 120mm Focal length: 1000mm super plossl Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: Sky-watcher EQ5 branch Eyepiece: 25mm (10mm for magnification) Filter: Baader Metal Coated Filter (Milar) Other Accessories: Canon IXUS 70 digital camera (CMOS) Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.5-0.8 Time of first contact: Not visible in Iran Second contact time: Not visible in Iran Third contact time: 04:36:53 GMT Fourth contact time: 04:54:55 GMT Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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63 Name: Afshan Karbasi Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Alborz / Mahdasht Observation team member names: Korosh Rokni / Atila Poro Start time of observations: 00:55 GMT Observation end time: 05:00 GMT Observation location: ISAO Longitude: 50 47 8.75 E Latitude: 35 45 52.62 N Height (m): 1171 Temperature: 22 f? Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 0 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 6 Humidity (%): 11 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 95 Optical device type: Schmidt Cassegrain & Coronado telescope Aperture: 16 inch (Schmidt) Focal length: f/10 Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: Yes Eyepiece: 25mm Filter: Baader Metal Coated Filter (Milar) & H-Alfa filter Other Accessories: Camera DSLR & CCD SBIG 11000cm Method of Timing & recording: Video recording Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): 0.3 Time of first contact: Not visible in Iran Second contact time: Not visible in Iran Third contact time: 04:36:57 UTC Fourth contact time: 04:54:15 UTC Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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66 Name: Farzin Hossaini Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Kurdistan / Bane Observation team member names: Mohsen Salimi Start time of observations: 2:27 UTC Observation end time: 4:53 UTC Observation location: Bane Longitude: 45 53 16.74 E Latitude: 35 59 12.44 N Height (m): 1550 Temperature: 28 Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 10 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 40 Humidity (%): 10 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 55mm Focal length: 1200mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTo: No Eyepiece: 25mm Filter: Maylar Other Accessories: Canon powershot SX230H5 Method of Timing & recording: CCD or video recording Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.5-0.8 Time of first contact: Not visible in Iran Second contact time: Not visible in Iran Third contact time: 04:37:17 Fourth contact time: 04:53:31 Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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67 Name: Mohsen Salahshoor Chokami Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Mazandaran / Tonekabon Observation team member names: - Start time of observations: 22:30 UTC Observation end time: 05:00 UTC Observation location: Tonekabon Longitude: 50 55 11.57 E Latitude: 36 47 38.67 N Height (m): -21 Temperature: 25 Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 0 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 0 Humidity (%): 74 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 12 inch (Reduced to 7.47" by filter cap) Focal length: 1500mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTo: SynScan AZ Eyepiece: 25mm Filter: Maylar Other Accessories: HTC Wildfire Cellphone (Afocal Photography and Timing), Timing by VenusTransit Application (Android Version) Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: GPS Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.5-0.8 Time of first contact: Not visible in Iran Second contact time: Not visible in Iran Third contact time: 04:54:10 UTC Fourth contact time: 04:36:59 UTC Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? No

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68 Name: Khane nojum Paveh Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Kermanshah / Paveh Observation team member names: Zoorasna Esfandiyar, Osame Qaderi, Hamid Poorantoiyosh Start time of observations: 07:11 local time Observation end time: 09:24 local time Observation location: Kole hill, Paveh Longitude: 46.34 Latitude: 53.04 Height (m): 1620 Temperature: 22.4 (C) Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 07:11 it was a clear sky or CAVOK in term of meteorology codes that is more than 10km, almost 20km. Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: - Humidity (%): 16 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): no clouds, 0/8 Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 10 inch Focal length: 1200mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: - Eyepiece: 25mm, 10mm, 5mm Filter: Simple (normal) Other Accessories: Camera obscure Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Upper that 0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 09:07:34 local time Fourth contact time: 09:24:07 local time Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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69 Name: Kianoosh Sabetizadeh Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Tehran Observation team member names: Elham Esmaili Start time of observations: 04:50 local time Observation end time: 09:25 local time Observation location: Milad Tower of Tehran Longitude: 51.376273 Latitude: 35.745655 Height (m): 1463 Temperature: 18 (C) Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 2-5 degree Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: About 10 degree Humidity (%): - Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 98-99% Optical device type: Newtonian Aperture: 150mm Focal length: 1200mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTo: No Eyepiece: 10mm & 25mm Filter: Badder Other Accessories: Canon EOS 550D Fixed on Telescope with adaptor and use of Remote Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.3-0.5 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 09:06:41 local time Fourth contact time: 09:24:05 local time Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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70 Name: Mohammadreza Shafizadeh Esfandabadi Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Tehran Observation team member names: Amir Rabbanizadeh / Mani Mirsaeedi Start time of observations: 05:25 local time Observation end time: 09:25 local time Observation location: Milad Tower of Tehran Longitude: 35 44 40 N Latitude: 51 22 32 E Height (m): 1463 Temperature: 27.2 (C) Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: - Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: - Humidity (%): - Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 98 Optical device type: Tasco - Newtonian Telescope Aperture: 5 inch Focal length: 1000mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: No Eyepiece: 20mm & 10mm Filter: Mylar Other Accessories: Sony - 200 camera, 18-70 lens / Canon A1100 powershot camera / Solar Funnel Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 09:07:00 local time Fourth contact time: 09:24:25 local time Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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71 Name: Fereshte Tavakkoli Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Markazi / Delijan Observation team member names: Mojtaba Aghaii / Amir Abas Abaspoor / Mohamad Madani Start time of observations: 05:10 local time Observation end time: 09:45 local time Observation location: Shahid Beheshti high school Longitude: 50.6940346 E Latitude: 33.9957601 N Height (m): 1530.5 Temperature: 28-34 (C) Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 10 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 8 Humidity (%): 15 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 (with wind 5 SW) Optical device type: Newtonian Reflector Aperture: 20 cm Focal length: 1000mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: Yes - EQ5 Eyepiece: Super Plossl 25 Filter: Max filter number 12 Other Accessories: Canon 8m-pixel , Sony 9.1 m-pixel , Nokia mobil 5 m-pixel Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.3-0.5 Time of first contact: non-visible in Iran Second contact time: non-visible in Iran Third contact time: 09:07:02 local time Fourth contact time: 09:24:28 local time Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? No

Name: Moein Banisaeid Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Khuzestan / Bandare-e Mahshahr Observation team member names: Saber Rezaei / Reza Tondro / Mohamad Farsayad Start time of observations: 02:15 GMT+1:00 Observation end time: 05:58 GMT+1:00 Observation location: Bandare-e Mahshahr Longitude: 30.32 Latitude: 49.4 Height (m): 4 Temperature: 26 (C) Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 4 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 4 Humidity (%): - Percentage of Clear Sky (%): - Optical device type: Newtonian telescope Aperture: 6 inch Focal length: 1200 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTo: No Eyepiece: 25mm Filter: Celestron Sun filter Other Accessories: Canon 5D Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Upper than 0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 05:37:45 Fourth contact time: 05:54:21 Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? No


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73 Name: Asieh Sokhan Sheno Haghi Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Guilan / Rasht Observation team member names: Zahra Azar Niour / Nastaran Anousha Start time of observations: - Observation end time: - Observation location: Qazvin / Nikouyeh Longitude: 10.38333 Latitude: 43.716667 Height (m): I don’t know Temperature: - Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: - Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: - Humidity (%): - Percentage of Clear Sky (%): - Optical device type: Reflector Aperture: 6.5 cm Focal length: - Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTo: no Eyepiece: no Filter: no Other Accessories: We watched picture of the Sun and Venus with paper and the Venus shadow Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Other Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Upper than 0.8 Time of first contact: - Second contact time: - Third contact time: 09:06 local time Fourth contact time: 09:23 local time Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? No

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74 Name: Reza Amini Nejad Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Markazi / Arak Observation team member names: Saeideh Abolmaali Start time of observations: 06/06/2012 – 00:20’ Observation end time: 06/06/2012 – 9:30’ Observation location: Iran / Mashhad Longitude: 59° 36.84’ E Latitude: 36° 18/01’ N Height (m): 978 Temperature: 23 C Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 1 Deg Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 2 Deg Humidity (%): 30 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 100 or 99 Optical device type: Cassegrain or Schmidt Aperture: 200mm Focal length: 2000mm (with Focal reducer=1260mm) Type of Establishment (Mounting): Altazimuth GoTo: Auto Star EE Eyepiece: - Filter: BAADER AstroSolarTM

Other Accessories: Focal Reducer, T-Ring, T-Adaptor & etc. Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: Not visible Second contact time: Not visible Third contact time: 5:36’:31’’GMT(Obtained with photography)-5:36;:30” GMT(Obtained with Visual)with+1 for summer time Fourth contact time: We couldn’t obtain exactly Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? No Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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75 Name: Farid Rezvanian Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Tehran / Islamic Azad University (Science and Research Branch) Observation team member names: Mohsen Sanati / Hadi Mahmoudi Start time of observations: 07:15 local time Observation end time: 09:27 local time Observation location: - Longitude: 51.31247 Latitude: 35.78862 Height (m): 1862 Temperature: 29 (C) Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: - Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: - Humidity (%): - Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 98 Optical device type: Skywatcher Newtonian telescope Aperture: 6 inch Focal length: 750 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: No Eyepiece: 25mm and 10mm Filter: Mylar Other Accessories: Sony f-828 camera-28-200 lens / Nikon D-90– sigma 70-300 Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.3-0.5 Time of first contact: not visible Second contact time: not visible Third contact time: 09:07:00 local time Fourth contact time: 09:24:00 local time Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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76 Name: Ghazal Mahmoudi Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Tehran Observation team member names: Sourena Fatemi Start time of observations: 01:00 am UTC Observation end time: 06:00 am UTC Observation location: Deh-Namak caravanserai Longitude: 52:43:51 E Latitude: 35:15:18 N Height (m): 835 +/- 20m from sea level Temperature: 23 (C) , between 18 c before sunrise up to 28 c till noon Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: - Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: About 1 or 2 Humidity (%): 14 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): - Optical device type: Newtonian, Vixen Aperture: 8 inch Focal length: 800 mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: - Eyepiece: prime focus method Filter: Mylar Other Accessories: - Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): Between 0.5-0.8 Time of first contact: before sunrise Second contact time: before sunrise Third contact time: - Fourth contact time: - Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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77 Name: Shirin Zandian Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Tehran Observation team member names: Elham salman zadeh / Alireza Agha Babaee Start time of observations: 05:40 local time Observation end time: 09:25 local time Observation location: Milad Tower Longitude: 35 44 N Latitude: 51 22 E Height (m): 1463 Temperature: 81 ‘f Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: - Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: - Humidity (%): - Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 98 Optical device type: binoculars (25 * 100) Aperture: 100mm Focal length: - Type of Establishment (Mounting): - GoTo: - Eyepiece: - Filter: Mylar Other Accessories: Sony -200 camera Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): - Time of first contact: not visible Second contact time: not visible Third contact time: 09:07:02 am (local time) Fourth contact time: 09:23:57 am (local time) Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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78 Name: Hadi Babaee Country / Province / City of residence: Iran / Gilan / Someh’sara Observation team member names: Alireza Ekhlas / Mohammad Baharee Start time of observations: 04:15 local time Observation end time: 09:15 local time Observation location: Nikuyeeh Longitude: 49 33 Latitude: 36 17 Height (m): 250 Temperature: 15 (C) Clarity of the horizon (local sunrise) from dust in degree: 1.5 Clarity of horizon (local sunrise) from natural effects in degree: 1 Humidity (%): 20 Percentage of Clear Sky (%): 60 Optical device type: Makstov Cassegrain Aperture: 120mm Focal length: 190mm Type of Establishment (Mounting): Equatorial GoTo: Yes - EQ5 Eyepiece: 9mm, 20mm Filter: Mylar Other Accessories: Canon 450D 8mp & powershot A3000 10mp Method of Timing & recording: Visual Time Source: Network Time Protocol (Internet) Timing accuracy of the visual (PE): 0.5 Time of first contact: not visible Second contact time: not visible Third contact time: 04:36:41 am (GMT) Fourth contact time: 04:54:12 am (GMT) Did you observe Black Drop during Second contact (Yes or No)? - Did you observe Black Drop during Third contact (Yes or No)? Yes

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)انجمن نجوم دزفول(گزارش موسسه دانش پژوهان آسمان دز 79

1صفحه ) *نفر 15( گروه رصدي 6* - 1391رصد گذر سیاره زهره

اطالعات عمومی

Reza Tayeb Taher رضا طیب طاهر: هاي رصديسرپرست گروه نام کامل

09166445909: تلفن همراه 0641 - 5267770: تلفن ثابت 2002625816 : هاي رصديسرپرست گروه ملی کد

دزفول -خوزستان : استان و شهر محل سکونت [email protected]: ایمیل ارتباطی

هاي رصدينام کامل اعضاء گروه

گروه 1

) Arash Rafieepor( پور آرش رفیعی –) Reza Porhosein( رضا پورحسین

گروه 2

) Hoseine Javadzadeh( حسین جوادزاده –) Hojatallah Hekmatzadeh( زاده حکمت... احجت

گروه 3

Behnaz( بهناز محمدي خباز –) Parisa Mirzapor( پریسا میرزاپور –) Azar Khajenazar( نظر آذر خواجهMohammadikhabbaz (

گروه 4

) Farnaz Ghaeed( فرناز قائد –) Nargese Kavian( نرگس کاویان -) Nargese Taeebjola( نرگس تائب جوال

گروه 5

) Behroz Afzalmoghadam( بهروز افضل مقدم –) Mohammadjavad Gozarandi( محمدجواد گذرندي

) Seedmahmod Alamshah( شاه سید محمود عالم –) Mohammad Bijanzadeh( محمد بیژن زاده 6گروه

*گروه یکسان بوده 6براي * هاي رصدي زمان

9:25ساعت 17/3/1391چهارشنبه : رصد پایان زمان 19ساعت 16/3/1391سه شنبه : رصد شروع زمان

*گروه یکسان بوده 6براي * رصد محل جغرافیایی مختصات

متر 143 :به متر ارتفاع کانون فرهنگی تربیتی هدي -دزفول :رصد محل نام

ثانیه قوسی 41دقیقه و 22درجه و 32: جغرافیایی عرض ثانیه قوسی 17دقیقه و 24درجه و 48: جغرافیایی طول

*گروه یکسان بوده 6براي * )رصد زمان در(هوا و آب

)کامال صاف و بدون ابر( صفر درصد : هوا بودن ابري درصد درصد 27: هوا رطوبت درصد درجه سانتیگراد 4/34: دما

)مبنا افق صفر درجه( درجه 5: درجه به خورشید طلوع محل در شرق افق در غبار و گرد میزان

درجه 2مصنوعی –طبیعی نیم درجه : خورشید طلوع محل در و شرق افق در مصنوعی یا طبیعی عوارض ارتفاع میزان


6گروه 5گروه 4گروه 3گروه 2گروه 1گروه

هندي کم سونی نیوتنی دوچشمی نیوتنی نیوتنی شکستی اپتیک نوع

mm 20 اینچ mm 80 10 اینچ 6 اینچ 8 اینچ 6 دهانه گشودگی

- mm1200 mm800 mm750 - mm1200 اپتیک کانونی فاصله

استوایی ارتفاعی-سمت ارتفاعی-سمت استوایی استوایی استوایی اپتیک استقرار نوع

EQ5 - - - - EQ5 گوتو سیستم

- mm25 - mm25 وبکم سیارات mm25 چشمی

مایالر مایالر مایالر مایالر مایالر مایالر نور کاهنده

فیلم برداري عکاسی - عکاسی فیلم برداري عکاسی استفاده مورد دیگر ابزارهاي

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ر ز ه ر ه 2بـو لـتــن شـمـا ر ه ی ژ ه گ ذ PAGE 70 1 9 3 1و

)انجمن نجوم دزفول(گزارش موسسه دانش پژوهان آسمان دز

2صفحه ) *نفر 15( گروه رصدي 6* - 1391رصد گذر سیاره زهره

توضیحات ابزارها

.استفاده شده canon 40Dعکاسی به صورت منظم نبوده و از دوربین : 1گروه

.مراحل گذر فیلم و عکس برداري شده starshoot solar system color imaging IIبه جاي چشمی تلسکوپ با : 2گروه .بوده است Vixenتلسکوپ بر پایه تک موتور

.بوده است EQ3-2تلسکوپ بر پایه تک موتور . صورت گرفته canon powershot SX220 HSعکاسی به صورت فواصل زمانی منظم با دوربین : 3گروه

.نایت اسکاي استفاده شده 20*80از دوربین دوچشمی : 4گروه

.به صورت نا منظم بوده canon powershot A560دابسونی بدون موتور ، براي رصد عمومی بوده، عکاسی با دوربین : 5گروه

این دوربین به صورت قلمدوش بر . مراحل گذي فیلم برداري و به صورت دیجیتال در رایانه ذخیره شده Sony DCR-HC62Eبا استفاده از دوربین هندي کم : 6گروه تمام شده و ساعت رایانه بهم خورده و زمان دقیق براي زمان سنجی از دست ) p.c(متاسفانه بعدا متوجه شدیم هنگام رصد باطري رایانه . سوار بوده است 1تلسکوپ گروه

.رفته است

.اندها از شب قبل از رصد پدیده گذر، در محل رصد نصب و قطبی شدهتمامی تلسکوپ: نکته

سنجی زمان

6گروه 5گروه 4گروه 3گروه 2گروه 1گروه

- - بصري بصري فیلم برداري بصري سنجی زمان نوع

- - اینترنت اینترنت اینترنت اینترنت زمان مبناي

- - 0.8 0.8 - 0.8 بصري سنجی زمان در سنجی زمان خطاي میزان

ها زمان

6گروه 5گروه 4گروه 3گروه 2گروه 1گروه

s m h s m h s m h s m h s m h s m h

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2و 1تماس زمان

0 07 18 3تماس زمان9


07 09

41 07 09 50 07 09

- - - - - -

0 24 43 4تماس زمان9


24 09


24 09 15 24 09

- - - - - -

(GMT+ 04.30). زمان سنجی بر اساس ساعت رسمی کشور با احتساب ساعت تابستانه بوده است: توضیحات

*گروه یکسان بوده 6براي * سیاه قطره

- کردید؟ مشاهده دوم تماس زمان در را سیاه قطره پدیده آیا

.چه به صورت بصري، عکاسی، فیلم برداري مشاهده کرده اند -گروه 6هر -بله کردید؟ مشاهده سوم تماس زمان در را سیاه قطره پدیده آیا

تهیه و تنظیم گزارش )انجمن نجوم دزفول(مدیر موسسه دانش پژوهان آسمان دز –رضا طیب طاهر

م 9/6/2012ش ، .ه 20/3/1391شنبه

Page 71: BULLETIN (TRANSIT OF VENUS 2012) -2 IOTA/MIDDLE EAST …Paul Maley لوا ﻦﺨﺳ ... IOTA/ME PAGE 5 By John Talbot, RANZ Occultation Group and Wellington Astronomical Society Background

دیگر حامیان [email protected]


:پروژه آینده زمان سنجی براي منجمان آماتور جدي 1391تیرماه 25اختفاي ماه و مشتري،

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