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ADVT. Staff-Level Agreement Reached on New IMF Programme BUSINESS CONFIDENCE in the economy remains high, with firms expressing optimism about the pros- pects for growth and a belief that this is a good time to invest in Jamaica. Market Research Analyst, Don Anderson, has said that these entities have maintained their opti- mism that the Government’s programmes will establish renewed economic growth, resulting in increased profits. Additionally, he said they have indicated a will- ingness to invest in new plant and equipment and to expand their production capacity Mr. Anderson was providing a summary of the Jamaica Chamber of Com- merce (JCC) Conference Board’s Business and Con- sumer Indices for the third quarter of 2016 at the Spanish Court Hotel in New Kingston last week. The business confi- dence index stood at 139.2 per cent in the third quarter, which is 26 per cent higher than the 110.6 per cent recorded for the similar period in 2015. The figure is, however, slightly below the 141.6 per cent and 144.6 per cent recorded in the prior two quarters of 2016. Meanwhile, consumer confidence stood at 151.6 per cent in the third quarter. This was a slight decline over the 155.6 per cent for the second quarter, but an increase over the 147.9 per cent for the first quarter of the year. Mr. Anderson said despite a slight dip in the indices, optimism among businesses and consumers remains at a higher level in 2016 than over the last 15 years. He noted that con- sumers expect growth to continue, greater job cre- ation, and improvements in income levels. Business Confidence Remains High T HE GOVERNMENT and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have reached a Staff-Level Agreement on a new US$1.7 billion economic pro- gramme for Jamaica. The proposed three- year precautionary standby agreement will, upon the IMF Executive Board’s approval at its meeting in November, replace the cur- rent Extended Fund Facility (EFF), which concludes in March 2017. This was announced by Prime Minister the Most Hon. Andrew Holness during a joint Government of Jamaica/IMF press confer- ence at Jamaica House on October 13. Mr. Holness said the new agreement emphasises the need for reorientation and transformation of the public sector “to an efficient, effective performance-focused facili- tator of growth, social well- being and rule of law.” Additionally, he said its provisions would greatly assist in safeguarding Jam- aica against unforeseen shocks that are beyond the country’s control, while boosting investor confidence. Mr. Holness said the precautionary arrangement being pursued, which was conveyed during meetings with members of the IMF Staff Mission who were in the island, was based on the Bank of Jamaica’s (BoJ) “com- fortable reserves position.” He described this decision as “a sign of strength and reflects the policy credibility and strong macroeconomic management of the Gov- ernment.” “The proposed new programme and the large and important commitment of IMF resources that it entails is a firm vote of con- fidence in Jamaica,” Mr. Holness stated. Director of the IMF’s Western Hemisphere Depart- ment, Dr. Alejandro Werner, who endorsed the Prime Minister’s sentiments, said the agreement signalled the “long-term commitment of the IMF to the Jamaican people.” In his remarks, Finance and the Public Service Minister, Hon. Audley Shaw, said he was com- mitted to “leading and ensuring full and compre- hensive implementation of the programme which the Government has agreed to follow.” Prime Minister the Most Hon. Andrew Holness (left) converses with the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Mission Team Head to Jamaica, Dr. Uma Ramakrishnan (2 nd right), during the last week’s press conference at Jamaica House. Others (from 2 nd left) are: Finance and Public Service Minister, Hon. Audley Shaw; Director of the IMF’s Western Hemisphere Department, Dr. Alejandro Werner; and Bank of Jamaica (BoJ) Governor, Brian Wynter. CABINET HAS given approval for the divestment of Wigton Windfarm Limited, at Rose Hill in Manchester. This was revealed by Education, Youth and Information Minister, Sen- ator the Hon. Ruel Reid, during last week’s post- Cabinet press briefing at Jamaica House. Senator Reid said approval was given for the commissioning of the wind farm’s valuation by reputable third-party valuators as well as the engagement of a financial transactions structure advisor. The advisor will have responsibility for recom- mending optimal strategies to be adopted to maximise returns for the Government. A subsidiary of the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ), Wigton Windfarm Ltd. is the largest wind energy facility in the English-speaking Carib- bean. The company began operating in 2004 with the commissioning of a 20.7 megawatt-generating plant, Wigton I. This was fol- lowed by the development of Wigton II in 2010, which generates 18 megawatts of energy. Wigton III, the facility’s 24-megawatt phase, was officially commissioned into service in June by Prime Minister the Most Hon. Andrew Holness. Wigton Windfarm to be Divested TWO HUNDRED Jam- aicans will be recognised during today’s National Honours and Awards cere- mony at King’s House, starting at 9:00 a.m. Heading the list of recipients is former Gov- ernment Minister and Parlia- mentarian, Dr. Kenneth Leo O’Neil Baugh, who will receive the fifth highest award, the Order of Jamaica (OJ), for distinguished public service and contribution to the field of Medicine. The Order of Jamaica will also be conferred on Professor Denise Eldemire- Shearer, CD, for outstanding and distinguished advocacy for senior citizens in the fields of Health and Welfare; and Ambassador Anthony Smith Rowe Johnson for distin- guished national service in the public and private sectors and for his contribution to Jamaica’s Foreign Service. Another 2016 recipient, renowned artist, Dr. David Wayne Boxer, CD, was conferred with the award in August for his invaluable contribution to the National Gallery of Jamaica and the development of the Arts. Thirty-three persons will be conferred with the Order of Distinction, in the rank of Commander (CD). Among these are Dub Poet, Allan Roy “Mutabaruka” Hope, and retired House Speaker, Michael Anthony Peart. Forty-six persons will receive the Order of Distinction, in the rank of Officer (OD). They include late Journalists, Glenroy Sinclair and Gary Spaulding who will be awarded Posthumous. Two civilians will receive the Badge of Honour for Gallantry; 16 individuals will be conferred with the Badge of Honour for Meritorious Service; and 37 will receive the Badge of Honour for Long and Faithful Service. 200 Jamaicans Being Honoured Take the Profit Out of Crime – PM Prime Minister the Most Hon. Andrew Holness (left) with noted Jamaican artist and art historian, Dr. David Boxer (seated), after he was conferred with the Order of Jamaica by Deputy Governor-General, Hon. Steadman Fuller (2 nd right), during a special ceremony of investiture at Dr. Boxer’s home in St. Andrew on August 9. Also pictured is Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Hon. Olivia Grange. Education, Youth and Information Minister, Sen- ator the Hon. Ruel Reid Chairman of the Southern Regional Health Authority (SRHA), Wayne Chen (left); and Chief Executive Officer of the Culture, Health, Arts, Sports and Education (CHASE) Fund, Wilford “Billy” Heaven (centre), observe as Medical Imaging Practitioner, Michael Thomas, demonstrates the use of an X-ray machine that was donated to the SRHA by the CHASE Fund. The machine, valued at $19 million, has been installed at the Mandeville Regional Hospital in Manchester, which serves approximately 40,000 clients annually, and will improve the services offered by the Radiology Department. Mandeville Regional Hospital Gets X-Ray Machine PRIME MINISTER the Most Hon. Andrew Holness has urged the financial sector to maintain a regu- latory environment that removes profitability from criminal activity. “We must take the profit out of crime. Crim- inals must have no access to the financial system; and where they operate in the informal economy and the backwaters of our country, we must find them and separate them from their illegal gains,” he said. Mr. Holness was delivering the keynote address at the fifth annual Anti-Money Laundering/ Counter-Financing of Ter- rorism (AML/CFT) Con- ference, jointly hosted by the Jamaica Bankers Association (JBA) and Jamaica Institute of Fin- ancial Services (JIFS), at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in New Kingston, last week. The Prime Minister also urged collaboration to ensure that criminal activ- ities remain unprofitable. “The challenge for all of us – in the banking system, commerce or industry – is how to build a system that detects and deters such criminal and terroristic use of our financial sys- tem,” he said. Mr. Holness pointed out that money laundering, which is directly linked to crime, was a serious global problem, and was estimated to account for between two and five per cent of global gross domestic product (GDP). “Jamaica cannot afford to be seen as a weak link in the chain of inter- national efforts to combat money laundering and ter- rorism financing. We must have a robust anti-money laundering and counter- financing of terrorism regime in place to prevent criminals from benefiting from the proceeds of crime,” he said. Mr. Holness assured that the Government remains committed to taking the necessary steps to insulate the financial sector from the threats of de-risking. Prime Minister the Most Hon. Andrew Holness

Bulletin Oct. 17 2016.qxp Layout 1 10/14/16 4:48 PM Page 1 ... · Jamaica (PCJ), Wigton Windfarm Ltd. is the largest wind energy facility in the ... Leo O’Neil Baugh, who will receive

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Page 1: Bulletin Oct. 17 2016.qxp Layout 1 10/14/16 4:48 PM Page 1 ... · Jamaica (PCJ), Wigton Windfarm Ltd. is the largest wind energy facility in the ... Leo O’Neil Baugh, who will receive


Staff-Level Agreement Reachedon New IMF Programme

BUSINESS CONFIDENCEin the economy remainshigh, with firms expressingoptimism about the pros-pects for growth and abelief that this is a goodtime to invest in Jamaica. Market ResearchAnalyst, Don Anderson,has said that these entitieshave maintained their opti-mism that the Government’sprogrammes will establishrenewed economic growth,resulting in increased profits. Additionally, he saidthey have indicated a will-ingness to invest in newplant and equipment andto expand their productioncapacity Mr. Anderson wasproviding a summary of theJamaica Chamber of Com-merce (JCC) ConferenceBoard’s Business and Con-sumer Indices for the thirdquarter of 2016 at theSpanish Court Hotel inNew Kingston last week. The business confi-dence index stood at 139.2

per cent in the third quarter,which is 26 per cent higherthan the 110.6 per centrecorded for the similarperiod in 2015. The figureis, however, slightly belowthe 141.6 per cent and144.6 per cent recorded inthe prior two quarters of2016. Meanwhile, consumerconfidence stood at 151.6per cent in the third quarter.This was a slight declineover the 155.6 per cent forthe second quarter, but anincrease over the 147.9per cent for the first quarterof the year. Mr. Anderson saiddespite a slight dip in theindices, optimism amongbusinesses and consumersremains at a higher levelin 2016 than over the last15 years. He noted that con-sumers expect growth tocontinue, greater job cre-ation, and improvementsin income levels.

Business Confidence Remains HighTHE GOVERNMENT

and the InternationalMonetary Fund (IMF)

have reached a Staff-LevelAgreement on a new US$1.7billion economic pro-gramme for Jamaica. The proposed three-year precautionary standbyagreement will, upon theIMF Executive Board’sapproval at its meeting inNovember, replace the cur-rent Extended Fund Facility(EFF), which concludes inMarch 2017. This was announced byPrime Minister the MostHon. Andrew Holness duringa joint Government ofJamaica/IMF press confer-ence at Jamaica House onOctober 13. Mr. Holness said the newagreement emphasises theneed for reorientation andtransformation of the publicsector “to an efficient, effectiveperformance-focused facili-tator of growth, social well-being and rule of law.” Additionally, he said itsprovisions would greatlyassist in safeguarding Jam-aica against unforeseenshocks that are beyond thecountry’s control, whileboosting investor confidence. Mr. Holness said theprecautionary arrangementbeing pursued, which wasconveyed during meetingswith members of the IMFStaff Mission who were in

the island, was based on theBank of Jamaica’s (BoJ) “com-fortable reserves position.” He described this decisionas “a sign of strength andreflects the policy credibilityand strong macroeconomicmanagement of the Gov-ernment.” “The proposed newprogramme and the largeand important commitmentof IMF resources that itentails is a firm vote of con-fidence in Jamaica,” Mr.Holness stated. Director of the IMF’sWestern Hemisphere Depart-ment, Dr. Alejandro Werner,

who endorsed the PrimeMinister’s sentiments, saidthe agreement signalled the“long-term commitment ofthe IMF to the Jamaicanpeople.” In his remarks, Financeand the Public Service

Minister, Hon. AudleyShaw, said he was com-mitted to “leading andensuring full and compre-hensive implementation ofthe programme which theGovernment has agreed tofollow.”

Prime Minister the Most Hon. Andrew Holness (left) converses with the InternationalMonetary Fund’s (IMF) Mission Team Head to Jamaica, Dr. Uma Ramakrishnan (2nd right),during the last week’s press conference at Jamaica House. Others (from 2nd left) are:Finance and Public Service Minister, Hon. Audley Shaw; Director of the IMF’s WesternHemisphere Department, Dr. Alejandro Werner; and Bank of Jamaica (BoJ) Governor,Brian Wynter.

CABINET HAS givenapproval for the divestmentof Wigton WindfarmLimited, at Rose Hill inManchester. This was revealed byEducation, Youth andInformation Minister, Sen-ator the Hon. Ruel Reid,during last week’s post-Cabinet press briefing atJamaica House. Senator Reid saidapproval was given for thecommissioning of the windfarm’s valuation by reputablethird-party valuators aswell as the engagement ofa financial transactionsstructure advisor. The advisor will haveresponsibility for recom-mending optimal strategiesto be adopted to maximisereturns for the Government. A subsidiary of thePetroleum Corporation ofJamaica (PCJ), WigtonWindfarm Ltd. is the largestwind energy facility in theEnglish-speaking Carib-bean. The company beganoperating in 2004 with thecommissioning of a 20.7megawatt-generating plant,Wigton I. This was fol-lowed by the developmentof Wigton II in 2010, whichgenerates 18 megawatts ofenergy. Wigton III, the facility’s24-megawatt phase, wasofficially commissionedinto service in June by

Prime Minister the MostHon. Andrew Holness.

Wigton Windfarm to be Divested

TWO HUNDRED Jam-aicans will be recognisedduring today’s NationalHonours and Awards cere-mony at King’s House,starting at 9:00 a.m. Heading the list ofrecipients is former Gov-ernment Minister and Parlia-mentarian, Dr. KennethLeo O’Neil Baugh, who willreceive the fifth highestaward, the Order of Jamaica(OJ), for distinguished publicservice and contribution tothe field of Medicine. The Order of Jamaicawill also be conferred onProfessor Denise Eldemire-Shearer, CD, for outstandingand distinguished advocacyfor senior citizens in the fieldsof Health and Welfare; andAmbassador Anthony SmithRowe Johnson for distin-guished national service inthe public and private sectorsand for his contribution toJamaica’s Foreign Service.

Another 2016 recipient,renowned artist, Dr. DavidWayne Boxer, CD, wasconferred with the award in

August for his invaluablecontribution to the NationalGallery of Jamaica and thedevelopment of the Arts.

Thirty-three personswill be conferred with theOrder of Distinction, inthe rank of Commander(CD). Among these areDub Poet, Allan Roy“Mutabaruka” Hope, andretired House Speaker,Michael Anthony Peart.Forty-six persons will receivethe Order of Distinction, inthe rank of Officer (OD).They include late Journalists,Glenroy Sinclair and GarySpaulding who will beawarded Posthumous. Twocivilians will receive theBadge of Honour forGallantry; 16 individualswill be conferred with theBadge of Honour forMeritorious Service; and37 will receive the Badgeof Honour for Long andFaithful Service.

200 Jamaicans Being Honoured

Take the Profit Out of Crime – PM

Prime Minister the Most Hon. Andrew Holness (left)with noted Jamaican artist and art historian, Dr. DavidBoxer (seated), after he was conferred with the Order ofJamaica by Deputy Governor-General, Hon. SteadmanFuller (2nd right), during a special ceremony of investitureat Dr. Boxer’s home in St. Andrew on August 9. Alsopictured is Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainmentand Sport, Hon. Olivia Grange.

Education, Youth andInformation Minister, Sen-ator the Hon. Ruel Reid

Chairman of the Southern Regional Health Authority(SRHA), Wayne Chen (left); and Chief Executive Officerof the Culture, Health, Arts, Sports and Education (CHASE)Fund, Wilford “Billy” Heaven (centre), observe as MedicalImaging Practitioner, Michael Thomas, demonstratesthe use of an X-ray machine that was donated to theSRHA by the CHASE Fund. The machine, valued at$19 million, has been installed at the Mandeville RegionalHospital in Manchester, which serves approximately40,000 clients annually, and will improve the servicesoffered by the Radiology Department.

Mandeville Regional Hospital GetsX-Ray Machine

PRIME MINISTER theMost Hon. Andrew Holnesshas urged the financialsector to maintain a regu-latory environment thatremoves profitability fromcriminal activity. “We must take theprofit out of crime. Crim-inals must have no accessto the financial system;and where they operate inthe informal economy andthe backwaters of ourcountry, we must find themand separate them fromtheir illegal gains,” he said. Mr. Holness wasdelivering the keynoteaddress at the fifth annualAnti-Money Laundering/Counter-Financing of Ter-rorism (AML/CFT) Con-ference, jointly hosted bythe Jamaica BankersAssociation (JBA) andJamaica Institute of Fin-ancial Services (JIFS), atthe Jamaica Pegasus

Hotel in New Kingston,last week. The Prime Ministeralso urged collaboration toensure that criminal activ-ities remain unprofitable. “The challenge for allof us – in the banking system,commerce or industry – ishow to build a system thatdetects and deters suchcriminal and terroristicuse of our financial sys-tem,” he said.

Mr. Holness pointedout that money laundering,which is directly linked tocrime, was a serious globalproblem, and was estimatedto account for betweentwo and five per cent ofglobal gross domesticproduct (GDP). “Jamaica cannot affordto be seen as a weak linkin the chain of inter-national efforts to combatmoney laundering and ter-rorism financing. We musthave a robust anti-moneylaundering and counter-financing of terrorismregime in place to preventcriminals from benefitingfrom the proceeds ofcrime,” he said. Mr. Holness assuredthat the Government remainscommitted to taking thenecessary steps to insulatethe financial sector fromthe threats of de-risking.

Prime Minister the MostHon. Andrew Holness

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