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Bulles de Nöel!!

Apr 04, 2018



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  • 7/30/2019 Bulles de Nel!!


    J O U R N A L

    Cha pagne TasTing

    # 02 - december 2011


    TASTED - According to which criteria did you ratethe wines and which are the determining points of your evaluations? Markus del Monego - We tasted usingthe international 100 points system, which isinternationally well known and accepted.Andreas Larsson - According to theinternational 100 point scale. I judge the wine forits overall quality that is to say purity, aromatics,structure, length, complexity, concentration,typicality, potential and longevity, but alsoits drinkability, something that I feel is veryimportant.

    TASTED - What are the features that really distinguisha correct from a good and a good from an excellent wine? MdM - There are three aspects: rst of all,the typicity of the colour for each grape variety,region and vintage. Secondly, the aroma pro le.The more complex a wine is, the higher is the

    rating. Last, but not least, the taste. Mouthfeeland length are as important as balance. And inthe end, the better wines show more typicity of

    terroir/origin than simpler wines.AL - Correct wines are clean and fruity with atouch of character. A good wine must have morecharacter, concentration and structure. A greatwine should have more structure, character - itneeds to display personality, to have a beginning,middle, and an end; often a great wine makes yousay - wow!

    TASTED - Could you please describe the conditionsunder which the wines have been blind tasted? MdM - We have tasted in our tasting laboratory[caveCo / Essen / Germany]. Single boxes for thetasters guarantee a quiet tasting atmospherewithout any in uence from a third party. Thewines have been served in glasses, so even theshape of the bottle was hidden, which guaranteesa neutral tasting. In addition, the interiorclimate condition of the laboratory is controlled(temperature, humidity etc.). These conditions

    follow the DIN 17025 for blind tastings, thereforea high reproducibility of the results is provided.AL - Markus has said it all.

    TASTED - What in uence do these conditions have onthe reproducibility of the tasting conditions? MdM - As the conditions are the same for everytasting, the reproducibility of the tasting results ismade much more probable and therefore, morerelevant. My company, caveCo, is accredited fororganoleptic analysis; therefore we need theseneutral conditions.AL - It is a good way of tasting under completelyblind conditions and not being in uenced by thesurroundings.

    TASTED - What distinguishes a blind tasting under ideal conditions from a tasting carried out, for instance,directly at a winery? MdM - Although good tasters can be quiteobjective even when knowing the name of awine, there is a certain in uence which will worksubconsciously. Therefore an attractive label,a famous name or a well known vintner can

    in uence the result. Blind tastings are the onlyway to have a really neutral tasting.

    AL - It is very dif cult to judge a wine if you tasteit at a great winery, one will inevitably be biasedby the atmosphere.

    TASTED - Do you believe that even professional tasters can be in uenced by things like the environment,a particularly friendly and luxurious welcome at a wineestate and if yes in which way? Or at the contrary, byspeci cally nasty and poor tasting conditions? MdM - Tasting is a subjective art and there isthe permanent battle of good tasters to be asobjective as possible. I think that objectivity canbe reached up to 80/85%, but there is always ahint of subjectivity remaining. The more a tasteris in uenced, the higher the level of subjectivitycan be.AL - Yes, as I just said. In addition, one is oftenconfronted with tasting rooms that are too coldor too hot. I hate tasting with the air condition onas it is dehydrating, I hate tasting from bad wine

    glasses, and there a few others things I dontlike, so yes there are many ways that can affectones tasting.

  • 7/30/2019 Bulles de Nel!!


    BRUTNON VINTAGE93| KRUG Grande CuveaL Small and ne bubbles, mature nose, nutty and toasty with hints of roastedhazelnuts, ripe pear, honey, almond, toasted, quite complex, more nuanced after aslight aeration. Distinct palate with a very good bite, good level of freshness, feelslike a no malolactic champagne, full bodied and creamy with a very good length.Would still win a lot f rom 2 years in the cellar. 92

    dm - Intense, typical champagne colour with good perlage. Nose with balmyaromas reminiscent of brioche, vanilla, ripe pear, a touch of almost exotic fruit, freshhazelnuts. Very classic style. On the palate creamy texture with good mousseux,excellent length, a touch of minerality on the nish. 94

    92,5| P. LANCELOT ROYERCuve d es Chevaliers Brut Grand CruaL - Young and pale with lively mousse. The nose is very owery with hints of lilies,yeasty notes and mineral. The palate is avour intense with rm backbone and juicyacidity, fairly mineral with high freshness and very good length, dry - low dosagestyle, elegant. 92

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. Very elegant and persistant nose, combiningne fruit avours of pineapple and pear with a touch of lemon, brioche and elder-owers. On the palate minerality and good length, convincing structure, great wine,

    possibly Grand Cru format. 93

    92| HENRI GIRAUDCuve h ommaGe Franois h emart a - Grand CruaL - Medium to deep golden colour. Traditional style with notes of oxidation and oak,ripe with a lot of Pinot aromas, red berries and autolytic notes. The palate is very fulland creamy with layers of fruit, very attractive complexity, structure and length, nuttyand mature aftertaste. A Champagne with a lot of character and substance. 92

    d - Deep golden colour. Nose with intense aromas of ripe pears, brioche andvanilla. Very traditional style with well integrated oxidation. On t he palate creamytexture, ne mousseux and well balanced character. Presumably coming from greatterroir. 92

    92| LAURENT-PERRIERBrutaL - Medium deep golden colour. The nose is mineral and elegant, more on thereductive side with inty notes, hazelnut and ripe citrus. The palate is rather full, veryfresh and creamy with mineral notions, good freshness and balance, some breadynotes and a attractively built, long aftertaste. 91

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. C lean nose with elegant toasted avours, hint ofbrioche and vanilla. Ripe fruit with aromas reminiscent of apricots and pears, slightlybaked apple and a touch of honey and white blossoms. On the palate clean and wellbalanced with creamy texture and good length. 93

    91,5| BILLECART SALMONBrut r serveaL - Light golden. Clean nose, some mineral notes and hints of young fruit, apple,pear and lemon zest. The palate is on the lighter and elegant side with zesty avours,vibrant acidity, good creaminess and length, stylish and discreet. 89

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. Multi layered aroma with ripe fruit of peachesand apricots as well as a touch of citrus fruit. Brioche and white chocolate in thebackground. On the palate clean and well balanced with good length. 94

    91,5| DUVAL-LEROYFleur de ChampaGne - premier CruaL - Rather pale colour, the nose is vinous with yeasty notes, yellow fruit, ripe citrusand minerals, the palate is full with a creamy texture and vibrant freshness, goodlength, mineral, rm and complex nish, attractive. 91

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. C lean nose with aromas reminiscent of lemonand peaches, a touch of passion fruit in the background. On the palate clean and wellbalanced with well structured medium length. Creamy texture. 92

    91| LELARGE-PUGEOTBrut t raditionaL - Bright light golden. Intense and vinous nose, seems rather C hardonnay like withnotes of mineral, white ower, ripe citrus and some bready notes, the palate is dryand zesty with elegant fruit and a long mineral nish 91

    d - Brigth yellow. Elegant nose with oral and mineral aromas, on the palate wellbalanced with good length. Creamy texture and ne mousseux. 91

    91| RUINARTBrut (in maGnum )aL - Light golden with an expressive nose of pine nuts, green fruit, pear and roastedalmond. The palate is really fresh and shows good bite, ne mousse, vivid freshnessand zesty fruit, elegant style, good notions of Chardonnay, ne length. 90

    d - Intense golden colour. Well structured aromas reminiscent of toasted brioche,vanilla, ripe pear and candied citrus fruit. On the palate well balanced with goodaroma pro le, convincing length and ne and persistant moussseux. 92

    91| TAITTINGER BrutaL - Light to medium golden. Exotic spiciness on the nose, almost with a hint ofmint, yellow fruit and some yeasty notes. The palate is rich, vinous and bold, stillshows good freshness and integrated mousse, persistent with attractive fruit and ahint of complexity. 90

    d- Deep yellow with golden hue. Elegant aromas of ripe peaches and apricots,pineapple and almost mango. Toast and brioche. On the palate multi layered and well

    structured with depth and length and ne mousseux. 92

    90,5| BOLLINGERCuve s pCialeaL - Fairly deep golden colour.The nose is intense and vinouswith oral notes, citrus andmineral. The palate is rmlybuilt with balanced freshnessand low dosage, good lengthand some complexity, a rathervinous style. 89

    d - Rather intense yellowwith golden hue. Aromas remi-niscent of yeast and brioche,ripe apple, pear and peaches, inthe background aromas of ha-zelnuts. On the palate opulentwith a slight touch of oxidation,however well balanced. Quiteclassic style. 92

    90| BONNAIREBrut v arianCeaL - Medium deep goldencolour. Quite ripe nose withnotes of tropical fruit, apricot,some sweet hints of carameland roasted nuts. The palateis full, creamy and unctuous,mature with nutty notes andripe fruit, rather full bodied withattractive creaminess and long,

    persistent nish. Vinous andmature. 90d - Dark golden colour.

    Traditional style with ripe fruitand rather complex avours.On the palate well structuredwith ne mousseux and creamytexture. 90

    90| PIERRE MIGNONBrut prestiGeaL - Rather pale but aroma-tically intense with mineralnotes, yellow fruit and brioche,the palate is dry, rm andzesty, attractive creaminess andlength, well made. 90

    d - Bright yellow. Elegantnose with ne fruit, small

    yellow Mirabelle plum, pearand apple. On the palate wellbalanced with creamy tex-ture, medium length and soft

    nish. 90

    90| PIPER-HEIDSIECK BrutaL - Light golden, the noseis quite vinous with autolyticcharacter, hazelnut, citrusand lilies, the palate is fairlydry with attractive rm acidity,good bite and citrusy avours,graciously balanced with ahint of complexity and a rathersubstantial nish 90

    d - Bright yellow with greenhue. Clean nose with aromasreminiscent of hazelnuts, whiteMontlimar nougat, oraltouches. On the palate wellbalanced with crisp fruit andcharming, harmoniousmousseux. 90

    89,5| CHARLES HEIDSIECK Brut r serve aL - Slightly deeper golden colour, more depthon the nose with hints of nuts, chocolate, mar-zipan and ripe citrus, attractive structure, wellbalanced bubbles and rich fruit, quite full with

    rm acidity and good length, some complexity onthe aftertaste. 89

    d - Deep yellow with almost golden hue. Onthe nose rather complex aromas of chocolate,brioche, ripe apricots and lemon. On the palatewell balanced with ne mousseux, good length.90

    89,5| FROMENT GRIFFONBrut t radition - premier CruaL - Pale yellow. The nose is discreet, but with

    ne layers of aromas - hazelnut, ripe lemon,white ower. The palate is crisp and rm withcitrusy fruit, low dosage, high acid and goodlength, attractive with a hint of complexity. 89

    d - Deep yellow with almost golden hue. Onthe nose rather complex aromas of chocolate,brioche, ripe apricots and lemon. On the palatewell balanced with ne mousseux, good length.90


    - Clean, fairly elegant nose, some notes ofminerality, ripe citrus and almond. The palate isattractively structured with ripe acidity and someautolytic notes, attractive creaminess on the

    nish, fairly long persistence. 88d - Medium golden colour. Ripe nose with

    elegant fruit, pear and peaches, lemongrass andelder owers. On the palate clean and crisp withwell balanced acidity and almost good length.Fine mousseux. 90

    89| GOSSETGrande r eserve BrutaL - Quite deep golden colour, the nose isintense, rich and developed, slightly matureand oxidative style with notes of caramel, butterand yellow fruit, warm and rustic palate, seemsrather Pinot driven, creamy and nutty nish. 87

    d - Dark yellow with golden hue. Nose witharomas of caramel, vanilla, brioche, ripe peaches

    and elder owers. On the palate creamy texturewith elegant fruit and well structured length. 91

    88,5| CHAPUYt radition BrutaL - Light golden. The nose is oral with notes ofcamomile, citrus, green apple and some mineralnotes. The palate is on the lighter side, fairly dryand crisp with persistent lemony notes, at tractivecreaminess and well balanced nish. 88

    d - Medium golden colour. Nose w ith toastedaromas, roasted hazelnuts, ripe and juicy pearand pineapple. Creamy texture on the palate withmedium length and good mousseux. 89

    88,5| MOUTARDIERCarte dor - BrutaL - Deep yellow, almost with a hint of red. Richand sweet nose, lightly tropical with notes of apri-cot and yellow plum, medium bodied, autolyticnotes and some minerality on the nish, goodcreaminess and a tight aftertaste. 88

    d - Golden yellow . Clean nose almost withberry fruit, raspberries and a touch of lemon. Onthe palate medium density, creamy texture andwell structured length. 89

    88,5| NICOLAS FEUILLATTEBrut nvaL - Light to medium golden, rich and fruitynose with notes of autumn fruit, quince and nuts,seems more Pinot driven, attractive and freshattack on the palate, some autolytic character,rich and warm with crisp acidity, young mousseand rather long nish, attractive, fruity anddrinkable. 89

    d - Intense yellow with slightly green hue.Clean nose with ripe yellow fruit and a touch of

    brioche. Slightly yeasty character. On the palatequite lively acidity with medium length and goodmousseux. 88

    88,5| SOUTIRANColleCtion prive Grand CruaL - Medium deep goden colourand a rather mature nose ofalmonds, nuts, yellow fruit andhoney. Structured and roundedpalate, rather ripe with sweetfruit and a creamy nish, richand mature Pinot style withsome robust notes. 87

    d - Golden colour. Cleannose with elegant fruit, a touchof tropical fruit with apricothints. On the palate at tractivelystructured with creamy textureand good mousseux, convincingstyle. 90

    88| BOIZELBrut r serveaL - Light to medium golden.The nose is buttery with hintsof almond and yellow fruit. Thepalate is generous and fruitywith ne integration of bubblesand acidity, creamy and butterymouthfeel, ne length too. 88

    d - Golden colour with

    almost green hue. Clean nosewith ripe aromas of small yellowMirabelle plum and apricots aswell as a touch of orange zest.On the palate rather opulentwith medium density and length,good balance and good mous-seux. 88

    88| DELAMOTTEBrutaL - Light golden colour. Thenose is discreet with notes ofroasted nuts, citrus and greenfruit. The palate is well balancedin a lighter style, rm andelegant with young fruit, someroasted notes on the nish, fairlylong, attractive and enjoyable. 88

    d - Dark golden colour. Ripe

    avour on the nose with a touchof hazelnuts and almonds aswell as ripe apple and pear. Onthe palate creamy texture, wellintegrated acidity and minera-lity, medium length. 88

    88| EDOUARD BRUNr eserve premier Cru BrutaL - Rather pale with livelymousse, the nose offers someautolytic notes, oral with notesof ripe citrus and minerality, thepalate is rmly built, it seemsmore Chardonnay driven, ratherelegant in a vinous style, goodfreshness and ne length, arather discreet and rmly builtChampagne. 88

    d - Bright yellow. Quiteintense citrus fruit and greenapple, minerality. On the palateclean with expressive acidity andmedium length. 88

    88| JACQUARTBrut mosaqueaL - Rather pale, the nose ison the reductive side with nearomas of almond, citrus andgooseberry. The palate is freshand zesty, good creaminess, stillyouthful but enjoyable with amedium long nish. 87

    d - Golden colour. Cleannose with ne toasted aromas,ripe yellow stone fruit, a touch

    of lemon. On the palate goodmousseux and balance. 89

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    88| CANARD-DUCHNECharles v ii Grande Cuve l e v iCtorieuxaL - Light golden colour. Vinous nose, seems like a hint of wood,yeasty notes, brioche and yellow fruit. Round, unctuous andcreamy palate, attractive mouthfeel, medium high freshness, longcreamy nish and ne drinkability. 87

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. Clean nose with elegant fruit,pineapple, tropical fruit, a touch of minerality. On the palate wellbalanced with creamy texture and good strutcutre. Fine mous-seux. 89

    87,5| DEUTZBrut ClassiCaL - Medium golden colour. Quite discreet nose with some hints ofbutter, brioche, vanilla and citrus. The palate is creamy and fresh,with a ripe acidity and young citrusy fruit, fair length and goodoverall balance. 88

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. Clean nose with ratherdiscreet aroma. On the palate crisp, good mousseux and mediumlength. 87

    87,5| DUMNILBrut Grande r serve - premier CruaL - Light golden colour, some buttery and creamy notes, freshbutter, brioche and yellow fruit notes. The palate is well roundedand buttery with citrus, yellow fruit and a ne creaminess, goodfreshness all along, ne length and attractive drinkability. 87

    d - Intense yellow with golden hue. Clean nose with elegantfruit, a hint of orality and brioche in t he background. On the palateclean with creamy texture and appetising acidity, good mousseux.88

    87,5| THINOT BrutaL - Light to medium deep golden colour. The nose seems moreChardonnay driven, inty with notes of almond and ripe citrus, onthe palate it is fairly rounded with a hint of sweetness and balancedacidity, creamy and fruity nish, attractive level of drinkability. 88

    d - Dark yellow with golden hue. Nose with aromas of brioche,caramel and vanilla. Apricots and peaches in the background. Onthe palate creamy texture, however lacking fruit in the nish. 87

    87| CHAMPAGNE DE VENOGECordon Bleu Brut s lCtionaL - Rather deep golden colour. Intense nose with generous fruit,apples and pears, the palate is rather broad and full with plenty offruit, still youthful with notes of grey pear and some nutty hints.Attractive fruity and straightforward. 85

    d - Golden colour. Discreet nose, slightly mineral, mediumdensity and length. On the palate good mousseux and mediumlength. 89

    87| JACQUARTBrut d e n omineaL - Medium deep golden colour, very intense and mature nose, anoxidative style, possibly with some oak, ripe fruit, Pinot style, greypear and red berries, nuts and a hint of caramel. Rather full androbust palate with abundant fruit and a warm, creamy nish. 86

    d - Medium golden colour. Clean nose with discreet fruit and atouch of minerality. Almost inty in the rst impression, mineralitywell matched to the aromas of pear and apple. On the palate cleanand well balanced with medium length and good mousseux. 88

    87| LE BRUN DE NEUVILLECuve s leCtion BrutaL - The colour is medium deep golden. Rich and abundant noseof butter, caramel and yellow fruit. The palate is rounded andgenerous with good creaminess and yellow fruit, warm nish andintegrated acidity. More pleasure than elegance. 86

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. C lean nose with yellow fruitavour and creamy texture, rather a fun wine than a Grand Cru. 88

    87| NAPOLON t raditionaL - Medium deep golden colour, the nose is pure and elegantwith mature aromas of honey, grey pear, ripe citrus and almonds,good density on the palate, rich fruit, rather Pinot style with somered fruity notes of plums and berries, almond, hazelnut and agood creaminess, attractive freshness and a long nish, rich andpowerful style. 89

    d - Dark golden colour. Nose with oxidative components, ryebread, pumpernickel, quite traditional style. Buttery avour andtouches of caramel, lacks fruit. On the palate well integrated CO2,medium density and length as well as creamy texture. Moreconvincing on the palate than on the nose. 85

    87| NICOLASFEUILLATTEBrut r eserveaL - Light golden and brilliantwith youthful aromas of ower,citrus and minerality, dry andcrisp palate with attractivecreaminess, citrus like fruit,lively acidity and a generous

    nish, still youthful with a fairlylow dosage. 86

    d - Intense yellow withslightly green hue. Clean nosewith intense minerality, smallyellow Mirabelle plum andlemon peel, brioche and elder-

    owers. On the palate goodmouthfeel with medium length,quite elegant and lively withwell integrated CO 2.. 88

    87| PIERRE MIGNONGrande r serve BrutaL - Medium deep yellowcolour. The nose is oral andvinous with yeasty notes andgrape fruit. The palate is dry,crisp and creamy, fairly per-sistent with citrus like fruit and

    a pure nish.87

    d - Bright yellow withgolden hue. Etheric aromas inthe nose, ripe fruit, apple andelder owers. On the palateclean and well balanced withgood mousseux and mediumlength. 87

    87| H. BLINaL - Young and pale with vividbubbles. Aromatically it isslightly close knit with almondand green apple notes, not verymature although balanced witha longer than average nish. 84

    d - Bright yellow with gol-den hue. Clean nose with verymineral character, discreet, but

    elegant fruit, zesty freshness.On the palate creamy textureand mineral character withrather good length. 90

    86,5| BARONS DEROTHSCHILD BrutaL - Light golden colour. Hintsof pine nuts, grilled almond andyoung green fruit. The palate iselegant and restrained, freshand vibrant, still youthful, butstraightforward and refreshing.85

    d - Dark yellow with greenhue. Rather restrained fruit.On the palate minerality andmedium length. 88

    86,5| CH. & A. PRIEURGrand prieur BrutaL - Light to medium deepgolden colour. Some oralnotes and rather tropical fruit,pineapple, mango, ripe citrusand a creamy notion on thepalate, quite round andgenerous with a good dose offreshness on the nish. 86

    d - Golden colour. Nosewith elegant minerality, roasted

    avours and ripe fruit in thebackground. On the palate crispacidity and medium length withgood mousseux. 87

    86,5| LAFORGE-TESTA Cuve Brut Grande r serveaL - The colour is light straw and bright. Thenose is youthful with rather green aromas,almond, apple and pine nuts. Crisp and fruitypalate, green fruity notes, a vibrant freshness and

    nish. Rather pleasure than depth. 85d - Golden colour. Nose with aromas remi-

    niscent of hazelnuts, discreet fruit and a slightlyinty touch. On the palate medium length with

    almost creamy texture and crisp acidity. Goodmousseux. 88

    86,5| LIONEL CARREAUCuve r eserveaL - Light and bright golden colour. The nose isintense and vibrant with aromas of green fruit,apple, kiwi and almonds, the palate is light,fresh and vivid with a good level of freshness andmedium length. 84

    d - Intense yellow with green hue. Very oralaromas, white lilies and a touch ofhoney, acacia and linden owers. On the palatecrisp acidity, good mousseux, well struturedmedium length. 89

    86,5| MOUTARDIERs leCtion BrutaL - Quite deep colour, golden and viscous. Thenose is rather ripe and intense with some vinous

    notes, grey pear and red fruity notes la PinotNoir. The palate is broad and unctuous, creamyand mature, attractive drinkability and nepersistence, well made in a powerful style. 89

    d - Golden yellow with green hue. Nose withetheric aromas, but at the same time slightlygreen, lacks fruit. On the palate clean, however ina rather simple style. 84

    86,5| TSARINECuve premium - BrutaL - Medium deep golden. The nose is rathergenerous with autolytic notes and hints ofbrioche, citrus con t, almonds and owers. Thepalate is rather dry, low dosage with crisp acidityand citrus like avours, some complexity and agood length. 88

    d - Dark golden colour, rather neutral style,very discreet aroma, however clean and slightlymineral. On the palate clean and well structured

    with good mousseux and balanced character. 85

    86| DUMNILBrut v ieilles v iGnesaL - Clear and light golden colour. The nose is onthe creamy and buttery side with notes of toast,grey pear, nuts and citrus notes. The palate israther full bodied, slightly roasted and nutty withripe fruit, rather mature with a creamy mousseand good length. 86

    d - Medium golden colour. Nose with discreetcharacter, pear and a touch of tropical fruit. Onthe palate well balanced with creamy mousseuxand medium length. 86

    86| P. CALLOT & FILSCuve Clos JaCquin aL - Light golden colour. The nose is rich andintense with lightly roasted notes, grilled nuts,butter, brioche and yellow fruit. Rich andassertive palate, creamy and bold with generousfruit, seems rather Pinot dominated, maybe someoak in uence, good length, integrated mousseand a nutty nish. 86

    d - Medium intense yellow with green hue.Aromas of caramel and vanilla, lacks eleganceand freshness, however well made base. 86

    86| SOUTIRANCuve s iGnature - Grand CruaL - Fairly deep golden colour. Intense and ripenose. Autumn fruit, nuts, honey and some yeastynotes. Rich and bold palate, seems rather Pinotdriven with ripe fruit, audacious structure, goodcreaminess, some nutty and spicy notes. Goodlength, generous and enjoyable. 87

    d - Golden colour with almost green hue.Clean but rather discreet nose, lacks depth of

    fruit. On the palate creamy texture with goodbalance and good mousseux. 85

    86| VENTEUILCuve d u r edempteuraL - Light golden colour, the nose is mature andgenerous with aromas of autumn fruit, chest-nuts, grey pear and a ne autolytic character. Thepalate is full bodied and creamy with rich fruit,more Pinot character, good freshness and ratherlong persistence, well balanced in a powerfulstyle. 86

    d - Medium golden colour. Nose with toastedaromas, a touch of pear and lemon, in the back-ground brioche and vanilla. On the palate cleanand crisp with lively acidity and good mousseux.86

    85,5| PERRIER-JOUTGrand BrutaL - Rather pale, aromatically it is young withhints of camomile, green apple and citrus.Creamy texture, on the lighter side, but wellbalanced with attractive purity and freshness. 85

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. Ripe pearsand apricots, a touch of minerality and lemon. Onthe palate clean and well balanced with mediumlength. Good mousseux. 86

    85| CHARPENTIERt erre d emotion - Brut aL - Pale yellow colour. The nose is nutty withhints of almond paste, lemon zest and some

    oral notes, attractively balanced palate, dry,rm and crisp with good persistence, vinous

    notes and a ne mousse, fairly long nish, mostpleasing. 89

    d - Dark yellow with golden hue. Yeastycharacter, however little fruit. On the palate moreconvincing than on the nose. 81

    85| COMTE AUDOIN DE DAMPIERRECuve d es a mBassadeurs - Brut premier CruaL - The colour is medium to deep. The noseis rather sweet with notes of honey, nuts andyellow fruit. Quite full and generous with notes oftropical fruit and attractive creamines, balancedacidity and a medium long nish. 86

    d - Brigth golden colour. Clean nose with

    slightly roasted aromas, apple and peaches. Onthe palate medium weight and length. 84

    85| DEHU PRE & FILSBrut t raditionaL - Light to medium golden. The nose has someautolytic character with notes of green apple,white ower and minerals. The palate is ratherdry with low dosage, good freshness, mouthwatering with notes of almond and green apple,good length, well integrated mousse. 86

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. On the noserather discreet aromas, mineral character with atouch of lemon in the background. On the palatecrisp acidity and good mousseux with mediumlength. 84

    84,5| ANDR TIXIER & FILSCarte d o r Brut premier CruaL - Straw colour, aromatically it is more greenwith notes of green apple and citrus, the palate isyoung and on the lighter side, a hint of bitternessand young mousse on the aftertaste. 84

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. C leannose with aromas of green hazelnuts, slightlyearthy-mineral character, touches of brioche.On the palate well balanced with crisp fruit andcharming, harmonious mousseux. 85

    84,5| NICOLAS FEUILLATTEBrut Grande r eserveaL - Light golden with green tinge, the noseevokes aromas of butter, brioche, vanilla andcitrus, medium bodied Champagne with youngfruit, a hint of bitterness and creamy mousse,fairly long nish. 85

    d - Medium intense yellow with green hue.

    Clean, however quite ripe in a more traditionalstyle. Minerality, nutty avours and a touch ofyellow stone fruit. On the palate good mousseuxwith well expressed acidity and minerality, butalso a touch of bitterness in the nish. 84


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    84| TARLANTCuve l ouisaL - Medium deep golden. Made in an oxidativestyle, sherry like, nutty, maybe with some oakand a rich palate, quite dry with a low dosage,nutty and rm with crisp acidity, some complexityand good length, very vinous, a lot of character,good if you like the complexity that comes withoxidation. 88

    d - Golden colour. Nose with considerableoxidation aromas, slightly vegetal. On the palatemedium density and length, good mousseux. 80

    83,5| CANARD-DUCHNEa uthentiC BrutaL - Light yellow. The nose is clean with candylike aromas of tutti frutti, discreet, rm and laidback, youthful and zesty with citrusy notes and amedium long nish. 83

    d - Medium intense yellow with green hue.Nose with rather discreet aromas, on the palaterather light. 84

    83,5| CANARD-DUCHNECuve l onieaL - Pale yellow colour. The nose is light withquite arti cial fruit aromas. The palate is lightand crisp, a hint of citrus bitterness and veryzesty nish. 82

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. Pear dropsand discreet fruit with a touch of mineralty. Onthe palate with crisp acidity and medium length,

    good mousseux.85

    83,5| HENRI ABELBrutaL - Medium deep golden colour. The nose is in-tense, roasted with hints of crme brle, smoke,vanilla and butter. The palate is rich and creamy,high freshness and young fruit, some roastednotes, medium length, rather more pleasure thanelegance here. 83

    d - Medium golden colour. Butterscotch andcaramel in the nose, brioche and toasted aromas,ripe pear and Tarte Tatin. On the palate opulentcharacter, however rustic. Good mousseux andmedium length. 84

    83| MOT & CHANDONBrut imprialaL - Slightly sulphurous on the nose, reductive,not very expressive. Quite light and young withhints of green apple and citrus, youthful mousse

    and an average nish. 82 d - Medium intense yellow with green hue.

    Rather mineral and yeasty on the nose witha touch of sulphur. Lacks fruit. On the palategood mousseux with well expressed minerality,medium length. 84

    83| PREVOTEAU PERRIERCuve a drienne l eCouvreuraL - Pale yellow with green hue. Clean nose thatdisplays, almond, apple and citrusy notes. Thepalate is crisp and creamy with young fruit, alively mousse and medium nish. Clean fresh andstraightforward. 82

    d - Almost pale yellow with greenish hue. Astraightforward character with a touch ofminerality and soft texture on the palate. 84

    82,5| DU RDEMPTEURCuve du Centenaire e dmond d uBoisaL - Light golden, the nose is rather young withgreen fruit, notes of tutti frutti, t he palate is onthe lighter side, young and crisp, slightly roastedin a lighter style with a fresh nish. 82

    d - Medium golden colour. Rather traditonalcharacter with aromas reminiscent of almondsand hazelnuts, a touch of roasted avours, slight-ly mature. On the palate crisp acidity, mediumlength and good balance. 83

    82| A. MARGAINECuve t raditionnelleaL - Pale yellow colour. The nose is light anddiscreet with a whiff of citrus, not very fruity. Thepalate is on the lighter side with youthful mousseand high freshness, a light and straightforwardstyle. 81

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. L ighter style

    with discreet fruit and a touch of mineraliy. Onthe palate quite light with crisp acidity and rathergood mousseux. 83

    82| BEAUMONT DESCRAYRESGrande r serveaL - Medium deep yellowcolour, the nose is showingaromas of green fruit, pine nutsand citrus, the palate is on thelighter side, creamy with notesof green fruit and a medium

    nish. 82d - Golden colour. Clean

    nose with quite closed charac-ter, slightly green avour, lemonand green apple. On the palatecrisp acidity, well balancedmousseux, hovewer slightlygreen in the nish. 82

    82| BRION BOIZARDaL - Medium to deep goldencolour, rather intense and aro-matic with notes of ginger andpear. Quite full and f ruity palatewith young mousse and hintof bitterness. Fresh and vivid

    nish. 84d - Dark golden colour.

    Nose with opulent and overripecharacter, honey and overripeapricots. On the palate ratherrustic with almost medium


    82| FRANOISE BEDELCuve e ntre Ciel et t erreaL - Light to medium golden.Ripe fruit on the nose, peach,apricot, some yeasty and butterynotes. The palate is rather boldwith grey pear and some liquo-rice notes, slightly robust butfull and generous with a creamy

    nish. 82d - Bright yellow with golden

    hue. Clean nose, however quiteclosed. On the palate minerality,but also slightly sharp carbonicgas, medium length. 82

    81,5| HENRIOTBrut souverainaL - Light to medium goldencolour. The nose is quite shywith young green fruit and ahint of almond. Rather light andfresh, seems slightly young,does not have much depth, butis clean and fresh. 81

    d - Quite ripe dark yellowcolour, opulent in an almostBaroque style, however lackingcomplextiy. Rather rustic style.82

    81,5| LIONEL CARREAUCuve premBullesaL - Fairly pale colour, the noseis slightly faded, a hint ofoxidation and papery aro-mas, light palate, lacks somefreshness, quite angular rightnow. 81

    d - Bright yellow with greenhue. Discreet nose with slightlylean character, a touch elder-

    owers and pear. On the palatealmost sweet tones with rathermedium length. 82

    81| AYALA Brut maJeuraL - Bright and straw yellow.Not very aromatic, lacks depthand autolytic character. Thepalate is light with young greenfruit and a high acidity, light andsimple. 78

    d - Bright yellow with green

    hue. Rather lean nose andlittle expression on the palate,medium density and length. 84

    81| PAUL CLOUETCuve prestiGe - Grand Cru BrutaL - Deep yellow colour. The nose is slightly oxidized, buttery andfat with creamy notes of vanilla and tropical fruit. The palate isrobust and full, rich fruit, a hint of bitterness, creamy and ratherrustic nish. 80

    d - Dark golden colour. Clean nose with very ripe character, onthe palate buttery, brioche, ripe character with medium length. 82

    NODOSAGE89,5| FABRICE BERTEMESCuve e xtra Brut Zro d osaGe (2003)aL - Medium to deep golden colour, rather tropical fruit, full andripe on the palate vinous with bright freshness, hints of hazelnuts,almonds and tropical fruit, good creaminess, bone dry without toomuch austerity, ne length. 89

    d - Intense golden colour with green hue. C lean and appetisingnose with aromas of ripe hazelnuts, lemon peel, a touch of mine-rality. On the palate refreshingly crisp with elegant mineralty anda touch of ripe nuts in the nish. Discreet fruit, well balanced bodyand good mousseux. 90

    89,5| JACQUARTe xtra BrutaL - Light golden colour. The nose is roasted with light smokiness,vanilla, crme brle and yellow fruit. The palate is really creamyand well balanced with ripe fruit, a high f reshness and good length.89

    d - Golden colour. Intense nose with almost balmy character,vanilla and ripe fruit. On the palate elegant minerality, good lengthand ne mousseux. A great classic style. 90

    89| MOUTARDIERpure meunier Brut n atureaL - Medium deep yellow colour, rather sweet and tropical nose ofbaked pear, honey, yeast, brioche and butter. The palate is rm andfull bodied with yellow fruit, a notion of minerality, ne length and acreamy nish. 88

    d - Medium golden colour. Clean nose with ripe character,almost buttery style. Opulent character, ripe pear and almostcandied yellow fruit. On the palate clean and well balanced withgood length and creamy texture. Good mousseux. 90

    87| LAURENT-PERRIERu ltra BrutaL - Light yellow colour, young and green aromas of herbal teaand citrus, the palate is austere and bone dry, high freshness andsome bitterness, young fruit and green tea avours. More intellec-tual than hedonistic. 81

    d - Yellow with green hue. On the nose very elegant, a touch ofvanilla, ripe pear and apple, lemongrass and verbena owers. Onthe palate juicy and crisp with extremely nely grained mous-seux. Good length with a very elegant nish. Very convincing, theconnaisseurs choice. 93

    87| LELARGE-PUGEOTBrut n atureaL - Fairly deep yellow. Rich and opulent with spicy and tropicalnotes, caramel, saffron and grey pear. The palate is full bodied withrich fruit, in an oxidative style, brioche, butter and some sherrynotes, good creaminess, Slightly dry on the nish, Id actually pre-fer a slight hint of sweetness here. 85

    d - Dark golden colour. Ripe and opulent nose with a touch oftropical fruit, however slightly green in uences in the background.On the palate well integrated CO 2, crisp but ripe acidity and almostgood length. Good mousseux. 89

    85| BILLECART SALMONe xtra BrutaL - Medium deep golden colour, very intense nose, some notesof oxidation, grey pear and nuts, Slightly more robust palate, highfreshness and a creamy nish. 82

    d - Golden colour. Classic style with ripe fruit of pear, smallyellow Mirabelle plum and a touch of oral tones. Elegant roasted

    avours in the backgroud. On the palate clean and well balancedwith medium length and well structured mousseux. 88

    83| PAUL GOERGa Bsolu e xtra BrutaL - Light yellow, young fruit on the nose, green apple and somenotes of almond, light bodied and fresh palate, quite neutral andyouthful, medium long nish. 81

    d - Golden colour. Clean nose with ripe fruit, but also a slight

    green touch in the background. On the palate medium density andlength with good mousseux. 85

    83| LOUIS DE SACYCuve n ueaL - Pale colour, the nose is young and light withgreen fruit and tutti frutti notes. Light palate,Slightly young with high acidity and average

    nish. 81d - Bright golden colour. Nose with aromas

    reminiscent of vanilla and ripe pear. On the palatelightly dusty with tones of vanilla, acidity quitepresent. Good mousseux and medium length. 85

    VINTAGEBRUT96,5| TAITTINGERComtes de ChampaGne 2000aL - Pale yellow, stunning nose with a predomi-nance of Chardonnay - pine nuts, almond, ripecitrus, white ower and minerality, the palateis beautifully structured with ripe yellow fruitsupported by bright acidity, gently roasted notesand a rm mineral nish, very long nish, a high

    level of complexity, great stuff, still slightly on theyoung side, should develop really well. 96d - Bright yellow with green hue. E xcellent

    nose with very elegant character, roasted aro-mas, fresh brioche, vanilla, ripe pear and lemon,touch of pineapple. On the palate outstandingbalance and length. Wine with depth and com-plexity. Yellow fruit and a touch of minerality inthe nish. 97

    95,5| KRUG v intaGe 1998aL - Deep golden colour with a ne mousse, thenose is ripe, mature, intense with yellow fruitcharacter, apricot, honey, toasted,roasted nuts, adiscreet hint of wood, vanilla, walnut. The palateis full bodied, fairly luscious almost tropical fruitcharacter, a well balanced freshness that addsbackbone and length, good complexity, perfectdrinkability today, supreme nish, very ne and

    rewarding champagne on a serious level. 95d - Intense yellow with almost golden hue.

    Complex aromas with a smokey, toasted cha-racter, a touch of brioche, vanilla, ripe apricot,peach-jam, candied orange peel; backed by sweetalmonds and hazelnuts. On the palate excellentstructure, complex character, creamy texture.Opulent pleasure! 96

    95| CHARLES HEIDSIECK BlanC des m illennaires millesime 1995aL - Bright golden colour, attractive purityand mineral notion, spicy notes of saffron andalmonds, yellow fruit and ripe citrus. The palateis full bodied with intense avours, brioche andvanilla, ne complexity and depth, creamy andunctuous nish, really long and complex withgreat depth, very ne. 95

    d - Intense yellow with golden hue. Opulentand quite classic nose with aromas of freshlybaked brioche, roasted components, ripe smallyellow Mirabelle plum and pear, candied orangepeel. On the palate creamy texture, opulentaroma expression, vanilla and ripe fruit, excellentlength and very ne mousseux. 95

    95| DOM PRIGNONo enothque 1996aL - Lightly smoky and roasted nose, pine nuts,

    oral notes, yellow fruit and mineral notes, thepalate is full and rm with bright freshness,lemony avours, some autolytic notes of toastand grilled nuts, very fresh and zesty nish, yetwith some maturity and good depth, superblength, great, still young but potent. 94

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. C omplexnose with initially pyrotechnic aromas, almostsmoky, developping into baked brioche and ripe

    yellow fruit. On the palate well balanced withsmooth mousseux, creamy on the palate, excel-lent aromatic lenght. 96

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    93,5| DUVAL-LEROYFemme de ChampaGne - millesime 2000aL - Light golden colour, very elegant nose,mineral with elegant fruit, peach, apricot andhazelnut, rather Chardonnay dominated, vibrantand mineral palate, really full and intense w ithvery long length, elegant fruit and a ne mousse,attractive complexity and potential. 92

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. C lean nosewith elegant fruit, pear and lemon. Slightly mine-ral with a touch of brioche in the background. Onthe palate crisp, Chardonnay driven style withgood length and complex nish. Fine mousseux.95

    93| AYALA Cuve perle 2002aL - Pale colour, very ne reductive nose withmineral notes, ripe citrus and yellow fruit. Thepalate is attractively structured with ripe stonefruit, some roasted notes, perhaps a touch ofoak, vanilla and brioche on the nish, appealinglycreamy with very long nish. 92

    d - Golden colour with almost green hue.Elegant roasted aromas in combination with nefruit reminiscent of pineapple and Williams pear.On the palate clean and well balanced with goodlength and ne mousseux. 94

    93| PIPER-HEIDSIECK Cuve r are m illsime 2002aL - Light golden colour, the nose is ratherdiscreet with notes of minerality, citrus and someautolytic notes, the seems more Chardonnay dri-ven with vanilla and brioche, the palate is slightlyfuller with ripe fruit and a ne creaminess,appealingly long nish, well made and attractivelyenjoyable with some complexity. 91

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. C lean nosewith ne roasted avours, brioche, a spicy yeast-character, lemon peel and citrus fruit, ripe appleand pear. On the palate complex and well structu-red with ne mousseux and excellent length. 95

    92,5| HENRIOTBrut m illsime 2002aL - Pale golden, very elegant nose, mineralnose, rather Chardonnay dominated, peach,citrus and some ne roasted notes. The palate

    is full and structured with creamy fruit, brightfreshness and brioche avours, good length anda certain complexity, should develop really well.91

    d - Bright yellow with golden hue. Elegantnose with roasted avours, citrus fruit and almosttropical fruit. Vanilla and brioche in the back-ground. On the palate very elegant creamy andrather Chardonnay driven character with goodlength and ne mousseux. 94

    91,5| BOLLINGERl a Grande a nne 2002aL - Medium deep golden colour, tropical andmature nose with hints of smoke, chestnuts andfruit compote, the palate is full and robust withplenty of fruit, good creaminess, yet with brightfreshness, some complexity and a nutty andwarm nish. 92

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. C ombinationof evolution aromas and a green touch. Mediumdensity. On the palate nearly sweet, almost jammy fruit, but also a touch of green lemon inthe background. 91

    91,5| CHARLES HEIDSIECK Brut m illsime 2000aL - Golden colour, ne mousse, elegant nose,good intensity, mineral with ripe yellow fruit,citrus and roasted nuts, attractive palate, richand intense with yellow fruit, spicy saffron notesand a long creamy nish, really attractive. 91

    d - Intense yellow with golden hue. Opulentand classic style. Roasted aromas, jammy pearand peaches with a touch of minerality. On thepalate creamy texture, opulent aroma, vanilla andripe fruit, good length. 92

    91,5| DOM RUINART2002aL - Medium deep yellow, aro-mas of crme brle, apricotand pineapple, medium bodiedand fresh palate, attractivecreaminess and a well rounded

    nish. 90d - Golden yellow with green

    hue. Roasted aromas, slightlysmoky in the rst moment, thanopening up towards elegantfruit. Small yellow Mirabelleplum, pear and apple and atouch of starfruit. On the palatewell balanced with mild CO 2,good mousseux, good length.93

    91| ALFRED GRATIENBrut m illesime 1999aL - Bright and pale, the noseis on the reductive side withripe fruit, peach, apricot, mine-ral and brioche. Finely balancedpalate, attractive freshness,layers of yellow fruit, wellintegrated bubbles and a long

    mineral nish.90

    d -Golden colour withslightly greenish hue. Cleannose with elegant aromas,vanilla and brioche, apricotsand marinated peaches, hintof lemon. On the palate wellbalanced with appetizing acidityand good length. Enhancedminerality and well structuredmousseux. 92

    91| HENRI GIRAUDCuve Ft de Chne a Grand Cru 2000aL - Deep golden colour, thenose is very ripe and tropicalin an oxidative style, hints ofmango, pineapple, honey and

    caramel. The palate is broadand unctuous, abundant Pinot

    avours, baked pear, ginger,raspberry, good length andwarmth, a very traditionalstyle, but really good if you likepowerful Pinot Noir. 92

    d - Dark golden colour withalmost amber hue. Signs of oakageing, balmy character, vanillaand caramel. Small yellowMirabelle plum aromas in thebackground. On the palate quitetraditional style with hints ofoxidation, however well integra-ted. Well structured with nemousseux. 90

    90,5| PHILIPPONNATGrand BlanC 2004aL - Pale yellow, some greennotes, the nose is roasted andnutty, green apple, pear andginger, very fresh and zestypalate with lemony notes, moreChardonnay character, wellbalanced, still slightly young but

    ne. 90d - Bright golden colour

    with green hue. Rather elegantnose with persistant roastedaromas and a touch of yellowfruit. On the palate cleanand well balanced with juicycharacter, ne minerality, nelygrained mousseux and goodlength. 91

    89| GH. MUMMBrut m illsime 2004aL - Rather deep yellow, the nose is mature and generous withtropical fruit and buttery notes, rather full but with bright freshnessand some hints of patisserie, creamy nish, quite long and zesty. 88

    d - Golden yellow colour. Quite opulent nose with aromas remi-niscent of quince and small yellow Mirabelle plum, mineral notes,but also slightly rubbery in the background. On the palate clean,well balanced character with good length and good mousseux. 90

    89| LAURENT-PERRIERBrut m illsime 2002aL - Pale yellow with some earthy notes of chestnuts, smoke andmineral. Attractive structure, mouthwatering freshness and yellowfruit, good length and a fairly mineral nish, attractively built with

    ne elegance. 88d - Intense yellow with still green hue. Slightly roasted aromas

    as well as citrus fruit, on the palate well balanced with good mous-seux and citrus fruit in the nish. 90

    88,5| COMTE AUDOIN DE DAMPIERREGrandvintaGe 2005 - premier Cru BrutaL - Pale yellow, rather tropical nose, mineral, citrus, honey and

    oral notes. The palate is bright and fresh, rather dry with a notionof Chardonnay, creamy texture and fairly long nish. 89

    d - Golden colour. Nose with aromas reminiscent of sweetalmonds, green lemon and apple with a touch of vanilla. On thepalate crisp acidity, smooth mouthfeel with good mousseux, wellstructured medium length. 88

    88,5| FROMENT GRIFFONBrut privilGe - premier Cru 2005aL - Light golden with aromas of vanilla, brioche and pear, creamyand generous palate, some citrus bitterness, ne length andbalance, good drinkability. 87

    d - Golden colour with green hue. Discreet and elegant f ruitcombined with minerality and a touch of fresh brioche. On thepalate crisp and well balanced with good length and mousseux. 90

    88,5| LAFORGE-TESTA Cuve m illsime 2000aL - Light golden colour, the nose is very lactic with hints ofbutter, bread and cream, the palate is rather full bodied with brightfreshness and creamy fruit, medium long with a warm nish. 88

    d - Bright golden colour. Clean nose displaying signs of mine-rality and discreet fruit. On the palate rather discreet with wellstructured medium length. 89

    88,5| LANSONGold l aBel Brut v intaGe 2002aL - Rather pale golden colour, the nose is discreet with hints of

    honey, citrus and yellow fruit, the palate is youthful and attractivelyrm with hints of peach, apricot and a ne creamy mousse and

    well rounded nish. 88d - Intense yellow with green hue. Clean nose with aromas of

    small yellow Mirabelle plum and apricots, slightly mineral witha touch of brioche. On the palate well balanced with rather goodlength, but a slight astringency in t he nish. 89

    88,5| MOUTARDIERmillsime 2006 BrutaL - Medium to deep golden, rather tropical nose of honey, ripefruit, rather Pinot with raspberry and plum aromas, quite full,slightly robust palate with generous fruit and a creamy texture,good length, well made in a powerful fruity style. 89

    d - Golden colour. Ripe character in a rather traditional direc-tion. On the palate quite ripe, but slightly rustic character. 88

    88,5| PAUL GOERGCuve l ady 2000aL - Light golden colour, the nose is displaying cream vanilla andbutter. The palate is medium bodied with ripe citrus and yellowfruit, attractive creaminess, charming and well rounded with nedrinkability and rather long nish. 89

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. Rather discreet nose, cleanand crisp but lacking complexity and fruit. 88

    88,5| PERRIER-JOUTBelle e poque 2004aL - Pale golden, quite ne nose, discreet with hints of pineapple,brioche and vanilla. Medium bodied with a hint of sweetness, quitelong and balanced with good drinkability. 87

    d - Golden yellow colour. Well strucutred with attractive har-mony of roasted aromas, minerality and yellow fruit. On the palateagain well balanced character with good length and good mous-seux. 90

    90,5| PIPER-HEIDSIECK Brut m illsime 2004aL - Light golden colour, the nose is nutty androasted, some citrus bitterness on the palate,quite rich and full with good freshness, creamy

    nish, well rounded and enjoyable. 90 d - Golden colour. Slightly roasted aromas in

    the nose as well as a touch of lemon and lemonpeel, pear and ripe apple. On the palate cleanand well balanced with good length and creamytexture. 91

    90| DE SAINT GALLe xtra Brut premier CruaL - Light golden, the nose is oral with someautolytic notes, white ower, ripe citrus and al-monds. The palate is elegant, rather Chardonnaydominated with ne minerality, good creaminessand long lingering nish, attractive. 90

    d - Bright yellow colour with golden hue.Green hazelnuts and lemon, ripe apple and pear,toast and vanilla in the background. On the palatewell balanced with medium length and goodmousseux, ne minerality in the nish. 90

    90| LENOBLECuve BlanC de n oirs 2006aL - Medium deep golden, the nose is intense

    with hints of sweet fruit, banana, vanilla, butterand probably some oak, the palate is rich and fullin an assertive and bold style, plenty of fruit, goodlength and tropical fruit. 90

    d - Bright golden colour with green hue.Very zesty and lemony on the nose with a crispcharacter on the palate, good length and mous-seux. 90

    90| PAUL GOERGpremier Cru 2002aL - Medium golden colour, quite tropical nosewith yellow fruit, mango, pineapple and butterynotes, the palate is attractively creamy and fullwith brioche and citrus, some complexity andmineral notes on the nish, well balanced andrather persistent. 90

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. Clean nosecombining minerality with nutty avours and atouch of citrus fruit. Quite zesty on the palate with

    crisp acidity and rather good length. 90

    89,5| DUVAL-LEROYBrut m illsime 2004aL - Light golden, the nose is dominated by freshbutter and yellow fruit, quite generous on thepalate with ripe lemon and grapefruit avours,zesty and fairly long nish. 88

    d - Golden colour. Nose with rather restrainedfruit, slightly vegetal components, oral tones inthe background. On the palate clean and crispwith refreshing acidity. 91

    89,5| LOUISE BRISONBrut m illsime 2006aL - Medium deep golden colour, the nose is

    oral with hints of citrus, vanilla and perhapsslightly oaky with buttery notes. The palate isvinous and creamy, some complexity and highfreshness, lemon con ture (jam), mineral andlong nish, attractive and vinous. 90

    d - Golden colour. Very intense lemon aroma,lemon peel, vanilla and candied fruit. On thepalate lemon again with crisp acidity and goodmousseux. 89

    89| DUVAL-LEROYClos des Bouveries Brut m illesime 2005aL - Pale yellow, the nose is oral and vinous,mineral and Chardonnay driven with creamynotes, medium bodied with rm backbone andcreamy mousse, citric avours and fair length,still slightly youthful, should develop well, nutty

    nish. 89d - Bright golden colour with green hue.

    Clean nose with slightly oral tones, howeveralso some vegetal components in the back-

    ground. On the palate crisp with a hint of foraltones and citrus fruit, a touch of minerality andgood mousseux. 89


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    88,5| PHILIPPONNATCuve 1522 - Grand Cru 2002aL - Pale golden, rather pure and mineral nose,high ripeness with yellow fruit aromas, ripecitrus, also some Pinot notes of raspberry andred cherry. The palate is fairly dry (low dosage)with good freshness, yellow fruit avours, someroasted notes and good length, seems slightlyyoung, but rather potent. 90

    d - Bright yellow with slightly golden hue.Slightly robust style with aromas reminiscentof bitter almonds and hazelnuts, ripe pear andapple. On the palate clean with juicy character,medium density length. 87

    88,5| PIERRE MIGNONCuve de madame - millsime 2005aL - Medium deep golden, the nose is clean andmineral with youthful aromas of lemon zest andalmond, the palate is medium bodied, fresh andvibrant with pear, ripe citrus and a medium tolong nish. 88

    d - Golden colour, quite bright. Clean nosewith discreet fruit and minerality. Needs oxygento open up. Clean on the palate, crisp, zesty nishand well structured medium length. 89

    88| BESSERAT DE BELLEFONTCuve des moines - Brut m illsime 2002aL -Medium deep golden colour, quite ripe nose,

    tropical fruit, spices and full palate, rather softand rounded with a creamy nish. 86d - Golden yellow with green hue. Nose with

    quite aromatic character, etheric components,well structured. On the palate clean with goodmousseux, mild structure and good length. 90

    88| PHILIPPE GONETBelemnita - Grand Cru 2004aL - Light golden with a vinous nose, autolyticcharacter, yeast, brioche and lemon con ture,very zesty and lemony palate rather with full,attractive creaminess and a persistent nish,more Chardonnay tasting here. 89

    d - Golden colour. Rather oral smell, witharomas of elder owers and white lilies, slightlynutty compontents in the background. On thepalate a hint of green, medium density andlength. 87

    88| PIERRE MONCUITGrand Cru - millsime 2005aL - Light to medium golden colour, buttery andcreamy aromas, ripe citrus and some mineralnotes. The palate is zesty and medium bodied,fairly long nish with a rm aftertaste. 87

    d - Golden colour with green hue. Intensenose with candied citrus fruit, dried apricots andcandied small yellow Mirabelle plum. On thepalate clean and well made with medium densityand length. 89

    88| LANSONCuve n oBle BlanC de BlanCs 1999aL - Medium deep golden colour, creamy andbuttery nose with hints of vanilla and yellow fruit,balanced palate, creamy with generous fruit andsome hints of bread and vanilla. Yellow fruitinessand a rather long nish, elegant and enjoyable. 90

    d - Dark yellow with golden hue. Exotic aromareminiscent of banana and pineapple, vanilla andtoasted brioche. On the palate well balanced withgood length and structure. Convincing style in arather unusual aromatic expression. 86

    87,5| LENOBLECuve Gentilhomme 2002aL - Slightly volatile nose, planty of autolyticnotes, white ower, lilies, citrus and banana peel.The palate is full with some tannic and bitternotes, a rather extreme style, rich, full and asser-tive, fairly long and spicy nish. 83

    d - Dark yellow with golden hue. Exotic aromareminiscent of banana and pineapple, vanilla andtoasted brioche. On the palate well balanced withgood length and structure. Convincing style in a

    rather unusual aromatic expression.92

    87| LOUISE BRISONCuve t endresse BlanC de BlanCs 2005aL - Medium deep golden,rather tropical nose of mango,pineapple and honey. Mediumbodied with some bitter citrusnotes, rather long and crisp

    nish. 86d - Intense golden colour

    with green hue. Clean nose withcrisp fruit, lemon and greenapple, slightly mineral compo-nents in the background. On thepalate crisp with rather highacidity and good mousseux. 88

    86,5| FRANOISE BEDELla me de la t erre 2002aL - Medium golden colour,the nose shows some oxida-tion and phenolic notes, hintsof crushed grapes and citrus,rather full and robust palate,high freshness, some tanninand bitterness, rather Pinotdominated avours, fairly long,Slightly rustic. 85

    d - Golden colour. Nosewith etheric aromas, balmy andslightly oxidative, small yellow

    Mirabelle plum, quince, mildspices. On the palate clean,medium density and rathergood length. 88

    86,5| PHILIPPE GONETBlanC de BlanCs Grand Cru 2006aL - Medium deep yellow,spicy notes of saffron andlemon peel, white ower andcamomile. The palate is brightand fresh, clean fruit and wellintegrated bubbles, quite longand vinous nish. 88

    d - Golden colour. Nosewith rather closed character,medium density and length. 85

    86| BLINSe xtra Brut 2002aL - Medium deep goldencolour, the nose is rather exoticwith spicy notes of mint andtropical fruit, the palate is richand fruity, although slightlyrustic with some bitter notes,medium length. 85

    d - Golden colour. Nosewith rather nutty avours,hidden fruit with rst signs ofoxidation. On the palate cleanbut with a slightly green touch,medium density and length,rather light style. 87

    86| P. CALLOT & FILSv iGnes a nCiennes 1999aL - Bright golden colour,rather tropical of pineapple andbutter, the palate is on the opu-lent side, creamy and rounded,yet with good f reshness and nelength. 87

    d - Dark golden colour.Aromatically reminiscent ofbrioche and caramel, ripeyellow fruit and quince, touch ofoxidation. On the palate creamymousseux, medium length witha slight adstringency in the

    nish. 85

    85,5| DEROUILLATCCile 2005aL - Bright and light golden, the nose is slightly rustic in an oxidative style, full andrustic palate, earthy notes, grey pear and a creamy nish, somewhat robust. 84

    d - Golden colour. Nose with rather traditional character, a touch of oxidation,green lemon and apple. Sulphurous components. On the palate crisp acidity andalmost sweet fruit, smooth mouthfeel with good mousseux, well structured mediumlength. 87

    85,5| NAPOLEON1998aL - Medium deep golden colour, the nose is on the earthy side with some hintsof chestnuts, autumn fruit and caramel, the palate is robust and full with Pinotdominated avours, a touch of bitterness and citric avours on the nish, quite long

    nish. 83d - Golden colour with slightly greenish hue. In the nose slight signs of oxidation

    and little fruit. On the palate quite traditional style, medium length, good mousseux.88

    84| DE VENOGEl ouis xv - B rut 1996aL - Bright, medium deep golden colour, t he nose displays plenty of Pinot aromas,red fruit and some phenolic notes, the palate shows some tannin and bitterness,fresh but lightly metallic, rather short, bitter nish. 80

    d - Dark golden colour. In the nose slightly discreet and mineral with ratherrestrained fruit. On the palate well structured, steely character, enhanced minerality,slightly phenolic nish. 88

    80,5| BOIZELCuve s ous Bois 2000aL - Rather deep golden, phenolic nose, seems like crushed grapes, the palate isrich and fruity with some tannins and bitterness, zesty notes and a medium long

    nish, slightly rustic. 81d - Golden colour. Nose with rather strange character, minerality and rubber,

    hint of oxidation, lacking fruit. On the palate rather rustic mousseux and slightlyphenolic nish. 80

    BLANC DEBLANCS92,5| CHINCHILLA PRE & FILSGrand Cru BlanC de BlanCsaL - Light yellow with a very intense and vinous nose - hints of yeast, brioche, white

    ower and stone fruits. The palate is full bodied and rather dry (low dosage) with aripe freshness, stone fruits and long creamy nish, a notion of minerality and hint ofcomplexity as well. 92

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. Exiting nose with discreet oral tones of elder-owers, lilies and violets. Brioche and ripe Williams (Barlett in the US A & Canada)

    pear in the background. On the palate creamy texture, elegant aromas, nely grainedmousseux and good length. 93

    90,5| DE SOUSA Brut r serve Grand Cru BlanC de BlanCsaL - Medium deep golden with ripe aromas, reminiscent of a ne Puligny withroasted nuts, yellow fruit and mineral. Full and structured palate w ith ripe yellowfruit, a creamy texture and long lingering nish, attractive drinkability. 91

    d - Golden yellow colour. Restrained fruit in the rst moment, but elegant, maturestyle. Minerality and a touch of nuts, brioche and small yellow Mirabelle plum. On thepalate well balanced with quite aromatic style and good mousseux. 90

    90| CHARPENTIERt erre d emotion BlanC de BlanCsaL - Pale colour, youthful nose of green apple, ower and camomile, the palate is onthe lighter side, creamy fresh and vibrant with young fruit and some creamy notes onthe nish. 88

    d - Bright yellow with green hue, Meringue de Gruyre (Swiss speciality of eggwhite and sugar meringue served traditionally with double cream of Gruyre), freshbrioche, elder owers, a touch of caramel. On the palate clean with creamy textureand refreshingly crisp character. Fine mousseux and rather ne length. 92

    90,0| P. CALLOT & FILSBrut Grand Cru BlanC de BlanCsaL - Light golden colour with ne aromas of ripe Chardonnay, bread, butter andbrioche mixed with ripe citrus and peach. The palate has an attractive structure,rather full and avour intense with a ne level of freshness, clear notion of mineralityand ne length, really gracious and most pleasing, elegant nish. 90

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. Sightly spicy character with ripe yellow fruit inthe background. On the palate clean and well balanced with crisp acidity and goodmousseux. 90

    89,5| ANDR JACQUARTmesnil e xprienCe BlanC de BlanCs Grand CruaL - Light to medium golden colour, the nose is intense and offers a light smokiness,roasted notes, a slight hint of oak, butter and yellow fruit, rather f ull palate, still atouch on the young side, good freshness and spicy vanilla notes, attractive structureand length, ne fruit. 89

    d- Golden yellow colour. Mature style with ne aromas reminiscent of toastedbrioche and a touch of minerality. On the palate well balanced with aromas of wal-

    nuts and hazelnuts as well as ripe yellow fruit. Good mousseux. 90

    89,5| BARONS DEROTHSCHILDBlanC de BlanCsaL - Light golden colour,youthful and rather discreetnose with mineral and citruslike notes, the palate is creamy,vibrant and fresh with notes ofcitrus and stone fruit, ratherelegant with ne length and ahint of complexity. 89

    d - Bright yellow withalmost golden hue. Clean nosewith aromas reminiscent ofripe pear and candied lemon,elder owers and brioche. Onthe palate elegant minerality,well structured, medium lengthand ne mousseux. 90

    89,5| LENOBLECuve l es a ventures BlanC de BlanCsaL - Medium deep goldencolour, the nose is intense withsome notes of oak, vanilla,brioche and ripe stone fruits.The palate is broad and fairlysweet with notes of roasted oak,

    vanilla, spices and yellow fruit,quite long nish, an assertivestyle, slightly marked by oakand some oxidative sherrynotes on the nish, well madefor its style. 87 d - Darkgolden colour. Opulent, Baroquecharacter with well integratedoak in uence. Aromas reminis-cent of toasted brioche, balmyspices, vanilla, ripe pear andcandied apple, dried apricotsand honey. On the palate opu-lent and ripe with well balancedcharacter, creamy texture, nemousseux and good length. 92

    89,0| H. BLINBrut BlanC de BlanCsaL - Pale and bright colour,the nose is pure and mineralwith aromas of ripe citrus,grilled nuts and green apple.The palate is really juicy andfresh with good minerality,high acidity, yellow fruity notesand good length, elegant andstylish. 89

    d - Bright yellow with greenhue. Almost smoky characteron the nose, toasted briocheand ripe pear aroma. On thepalate juicy and crisp withappetising minerality and nemousseux. Well balanced,medium length. 89

    88,5| CHAPUYGrand Cru - BlanC de BlanCs - Brut r serveaL - Light golden colour,clean and fresh nose, someautolytic notes, yeast, brioche,yellow fruit and an attractivecreaminess on the palate,attractive fruit, creamy textureand good length, attractivelybalanced and nely drinkable.89

    d - Bright yellow with greenhue. Clean nose with citrusfruit, ripe Granny Smith appleand a touch of brioche. On thepalate clean with creamy tex-ture and medium length. 88

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    88,5| DE SAINT GALLBrut BlanC de BlanCs - premier CruaL - Light golden colour and a youthful nose ofgreen apple, roasted nuts and yeasty notes, thepalate is on the lighter side with a good doseof freshness, still slightly youthful with zesty

    avours and medium length. 86d - Bright yellow with green hue. C lean and

    crisp with a touch of pear and lemon, green ha-zelnuts and vanilla. On the palate juicy and crispwith well balanced acidity and good length. 91

    88,5| LE BRUN DE NEUVILLECuve Chardonnay BrutaL - Light golden colour, youthful and ratherdiscreet nose with mineral and citrus like notes,the palate is creamy, vibrant and fresh with notesof citrus and stone fruit, rather elegant with nelength and a hint of complexity. 89

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. Fine fruitavour and toasted brioche on the nose. On the

    palate clean with creamy texture, ne mousseux

    and medium length.88

    88,5| GUY CHARLEMAGNEr eserve Brut - Grand Cru - BlanC de BlanCsaL - Light golden with notes of marzipan, nuts,yellow fruit and brioche. The palate showsgood bite, zesty with yellow fruit and attractivecreaminess and rather long nish, well balancedand enjoyable. 88

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. C lean andcrisp with aromas of green walnuts and ripeapple. Slightly tropical fruit in the background. 89

    87,5| HENRIOT BlanC de BlanCsaL - Straw colour with a hint of green. The noseis displaying some smoky notes, vanilla, honeyand lemon con ture. The palate is full rather ripeand robust with candied lemon, balanced acidityand medium length. 84

    d - Bright yellow with green hue, slightlytropical fruit, brioche and Meringue de Gruyre(Swiss speciality of egg white and sugarmeringue served traditionally with double creamof Gruyre), slightly foral .Creamy texture, wellbalanced acidity, ne mousseux and convincinglength. 91

    87| BONNAIREBlanC de BlanCs - Grand Cru - BrutaL - Medium deep golden hue, the nose is exoticand tropical with high ripeness, notes of mango,pineapple and honey, the palate is full bodiedand generous, really on the opulent side withbalanced acidity, abundant fruit and a creamytexture, intense and long nish. 88

    d - Bright yellow with golden hue. Clean nosewith citrus fruit, apple and quince. Ripe style,con rmed on the palate with rather ripe aromas.Medium length, good mousseux and a touch ofminerality. 86

    85,5| DEROUILLATBlanC de BlanCs - le sprit - premier CruaL - Very bright and pale, pure and oral nose,some yeast and bread like notes, clean and freshon the palate, a slight hint of sweetness, creamyand fresh with yellow fruit and medium length. 85

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. C lean andcrisp with a touch of lemon with an almost pep-pery spicyness. On the palate clean and crisp withwell balanced acidity and rather good length. 88

    86| BESSERAT DE BELLEFONTCuve des moines Brut - BlanC de BlanCsaL - Light golden with an expressive nose, ratherreductive style with elegant aromas of roastedalmond, green apple, minerals and citrus. Thepalate is attractively balanced with generous fruitand a creamy texture, ripe citrus and stone fruit,medium length and a ne drinkability. 87

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. Ratherdiscreet nose with restrained fruit, a slight touchof hazelnuts. On the palate quite intense upfrontacidity and medium length. Good mousseux. 85

    86| PIERRE PETERSCuve de r serve - Grand Cru - BlanC de BlanCsaL - Young and pale with a pure but discreetnose, some lemony notes and green apple. Thepalate offers a lighter structure, high acidity,nutty notes and lemony fruit, good freshness andvivid mousse, medium long nish, elegant anddiscreet style. 87

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. Quite youngand crisp impression with fresh yellow fruit andmedium length. 85

    85,5| BOIZELChardonnayaL - Light to medium golden colour, fairly aro-matic with oral notes, green apple, mineralityand camomile. The palate is zesty and fresh with

    youthful avours of ripe lemon, mineral and acreamy warm nish. 86d - Bright yellow with golden hue. On the

    nose clean fruit reminiscent small yellow Mira-belle plum, but rather rustic character. On thepalate clean, however upfront acidity and mediumlength. 85

    85| ALFRED GRATIENGrand Cru BlanC de BlanCsaL - Light golden, sweet aromas of citruscon ture (jam), some reductive notes and greenapple. The palate is clean and fresh with greenapple and citrus like notes, slightly youthful wit-hout maturity or depth but attractive, clean andrefreshing. 87

    d - Very bright yellow with green hue. Discreetnose and high acidity on the palate. Leaner style.83

    85| VAZART-COQUARTBrut r serveaL - Pale and bright colour, youthful and aroma-tic with notes of green apple and camomile. Thepalate is on the lighter side with high freshnessand young mousse, citric avours, green appleand medium long nish, attractive and pleasu-rable, but without depth. 83

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. Very oral inthe nose, elder owers and white blossoms, ripepear and vanilla in the background. On the palateclean and crisp with oral character and mediumlength. 87

    84,5| M. HOSTOMMEGrand Cru BlanC de BlanCsaL - Pale and bright colour, the nose is youngwith green notes, apple, citrus and a hint ofminerality. The palate is rather restrained, zestyand vibrant with young fruit, a creamy texture andmedium long nish. 86

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. Elegantbrioche avour, but slightly arti cial citrus f ruit.On the palate with crisp citrus fruit and quite highacidity. Good mousseux, but medium length only.83

    81| DELAMOTTEBrut BlanC de BlanCsaL - Pale and young, very young nose with notesof lemon and green apple. The palate is on thelighter side, high freshness and young raw fruit,no maturity or depth, quite short nish. 81

    d - Bright yellow with green hue. Clean nosewith elegant lemon fruit and a touch of roastedbrioche. On the palate lighter style w ith crispacidity and slightly limited length. 81

    80,5| COMTE AUDOINDE DAMPIERRECuve des a mBassadeurs BlanC de BlanCs Grand Cru BrutaL - Light golden colour, thenose is showing some roastedand smoky notes, young greenfruit. The palate is on the lighterside with some smoky notes,high acidity, light fruit and ashort nish. 81

    d - Bright yellow with greenhue. Clean nose with a slightlysmokey start, brioche and toast,pear and apricot in the back-ground. On the palate burntaromas, lacks balance, acidityquite dominant. 80

    80,5| FABRICEDE BERTEMESpremier Cru t rpail BlanC de BlanCsaL - Medium deep goldencolour, intense nose with somenotes of oxidation, sherry likenotes of nuts, almonds andbutter. The palate is rich and

    assertive plenty of fruit but anextreme style, robust, shouldbe good for those who likeChardonnay with oxidation. 82

    d - Golden colour. Nosewith clear signs of oxidation,covering fruit and minerality. Onthe palate very ripe and almosttired. 79

    80| BLINSedition l imite BlanC de BlanCsaL - Medium deep goldencolour, some hints of autumnfruit, green apple and citrus.The palate is rather light withhigh acidity and some bit-terness, some arti cial fruit anda short nish. 80

    d - Bright yellow with greenhue. Quite woody and dusty,lacking fruit, quite mono-di-mensional. On the palatedusty again, dull nish, short onlength. 80

    76,5| CH. & A. PRIEURGrand prieur BlanC de BlanCs aL - Quite dull colour, the noseis light with young green fruit,very light and diluted palate,short and angular nish. 75

    d - Bright yellow withgreen hue. Light style withslightly arti cial fruit and littlebalance. 78

    BLANC DENOIRS88,5| CHARPENTIERt erre d emotion BlanC de n oirsaL - Medium deep golden colour and aromas of autumn fruit,grey pear, red berries and almond paste. The palate is full bodiedand creamy, good fruit, well rounded with a long nish and goodmaturity. 88

    d - Bright golden colour. Clean nose with ripe fruit, ne briochearoma and a touch of raspberries and vanilla. On the palate wellbalanced with well structured medium length and good mousseux.89

    84,5| HENRI GIRAUDaL - Deep golden colour and an intense nose, very vinous with anautolytic character, yeast, bread, brioche nuts and stonefruit. Thepalate is full bodied and rounded, expressive with abundant fruit,nutty notes and creamy nish, attractive if you like a robust, power-ful Pinot-style. 85

    d - Deep golden colour. Slighty rustic character in a rathertraditional style. Opulent on the palate with creamy texture andmedium length. 84

    84| SOUTIRANperle n oireaL - Fairly deep colour, the nose is very intense and ripe with notesof oxidation, nutty notes and hints of raspberry. The palate is broad,creamy and robust with generous fruit and a medium nish. 84

    d - Intense golden colour. On the nose quite ripe and oxidativestyle, very traditional, however lacking aromatic complexity. Onthe palate clean, almost sweet touch, medium length, creamymousseux. 84

    ROS91,5| CHARLES HEIDSIECK r os r eserveaL - Pale orange colour, attractive complexity on the nose, roastednuts, almonds, spicy citrus notes and red berries. Very good grip onthe palate, intense and lingering avours of nuts, almonds and ripecitrus, good length and persistence, some complexity on the nish,attractive depth, very ne. 92

    d - Ripe ros with orange hue. Very opulent aromas on thenose, toasted bread, fresh brioche, balmy spices, vanilla and mari-nated red berries. On the palate opulent and ripe with good lengthand good mousseux. 91

    90| ALFRED GRATIENr os BrutaL - Pale rose colour, the nose is quite ne in a reductive style withmineral notes, citrus, yeast, bread and hazelnuts. Attractive redfruit on the palate, also with mineral notes and good creaminess,

    ne length, some complexity on the nish, really attractive. 90dm - Pale ros, partridge eye. Clean nose with elegant fruit,

    cranberries and raspberries, slightly spicy with a touch of vanilla.On the palate clean and well balanced with crisp character and nemousseux. 90

    88,5| MOUTARDIERCuve r ose BrutaL - Very deep rose colour, rich and fruity nose with hints of redcherry, raspberry, citrus and almonds. The palate is creamy andgenerous with citrus and red fruit lingering on the aftertaste. 88

    d - Intense ros colour with almost orange hue. Clean nosewith aromas reminiscent of raspberries and cranberries with atouch of lemon and green apple. On the palate clean and wellbalanced with good length and convincing mousseux. 89

    87,5| VENTEUILl es a lmanaChs Brut r osaL - Fairly deep ros colour, the nose is dominated by red fruit,raspberry, owers and clear Pinot Noir aromas, the palate is ratherfull and zesty with ripe citrus, mineral and rather striking notionof Chardonnay, well balanced and attractively creamy with a goodlength. 88

    d - Dark ros colour with orange hue. Nose with almost balmy

    character, good structure, ripe red berries. On the palate rathersmooth with medium length. 87


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    86,5| LE BRUN DE NEUVILLECuve t endre r os BrutaL - Salmon pink with lively bubbles, the nose isyouthful with notes of grey pear, pink grapefruitand almonds. The palate is combining attractivefreshness and creamy texture with red fruit and amedium to long nish. 86

    d - Bright ros with almost orange hue. Cleannose with minerality and discreet berry fruit.Juicy, also on the palate with red berries andcreamy texture. Medium length. 87

    85,5| LE BRUN DE NEUVILLECuve l ady en r osaL - Partridge eye colour, quite discreet nose ofvanilla, butter, red berries and citrus. The palateis zesty and fresh on the lighter, rather elegantside, attractive creaminess and a warm nish. 85

    d - Pale ros colour. Clean but very discreetnose with a touch of red berries and some oraltones. On the palate intense minerality and steelyfreshness, medium length. 86

    TASTED - Which was your overall impression concerning the quality of the Brut Champagnes in this tasting? Markus del Monego - It was very interesting to see that thereare not only great Champagnes and that even famous names arenot a guarantee against disappointment.Andreas Larsson - There was such a huge range of styles, it isvery dif cult to blind taste Champagne, but very rewarding.

    TASTED - What about the different categories of Brut Champagnes- are there surprises?

    MdM - Brut NV revealed some pleasant surprises; t he top VintageCuves some very typical wines and Blanc de Blancs were moreappreciated than Blanc de Noirs.AL - Well, there were quite a lot of surprises in a ll categories. I wasvery positive about some Brut NV, which for all Champagne housesis the most important style. We expect these wines to be good, butwhen they are great - we really experience a posit ive revelation. TheBlanc de Blancs were slightly more convincing than the Blanc deNoirs, the latter tended to vary enormously in style.

    TASTED - Do you feel that the quality of Champagne in general hasimproved over the past decade, or would you rather state the contrary? MdM - I have no special feeling about this. Some houses/brandshave improved whereas others seem slightly wea ker.AL - This is really just a question of individual producers, not theregion as a whole. Although Champagne is still Champagne and








    96,5TAITTINGER C omtes de C hampagne 200095,5KRUGV intage 1998

    95CHARLES HEIDSIECK B lanC des m illennaires 1995

    95DOM PRIGNON o enothque 1996

    93,5DUVAL-LEROY F emme de C hampagne 2000


    85,5| LIONEL CARREAUBrut r osaL - Light rose with gentle nose of almond andred cherry, light palate with soft fruit and highfreshness, creamy and refreshing nish, notcomplex but enjoyable. 85

    d - Pale ros with orange hue. Clean nosewith candied raspberries and redcurrant. Touchof vanilla in the background. On the palate wellbalanced with medium length. 86

    85,5| BEAUMONT DES CRAYRESr osaL - Medium to deep ros colour, rich andintense nose of red fruit, raspberry, sour cherry,almonds and some autolytic notes. The palateis quite ripe and vinous, full and generous withbalanced acidity and creamy nish, attractive andgenerous, this one is seemingly more Pinot noir.88

    d - Quite intense ros with orange hue. Cleannose with discreet fruit, slightly rustic. On thepalate clean with rather rough bubbles. 83

    85| JACQUARTr osaL - Partridge eye colour, the nose is quite shywith youthful aromas of citrus, green apple andsome yeasty notes. The palate is built in a me-dium bodied, fresh style without exaggerations,fresh and creamy, medium to long nish. 84

    d - Bright ros with almost orange hue. Cleannose discreet fruit, rather mineral and slightlynutty. On the palate clean and well balanced withmedium length and density. 86 85| LAFORGE-TESTA Brut r os aL - Rather pale partridge eye colour. Discreetnose with hints of almonds, citrus and sourcherry. Very attractive freshness on the palatecitrus like and zesty notes, lightly creamy

    nish. 86d - Quite classic pale ros colour, partridge

    eye. Quite discreet nose, ne fruit, raspberriesand cranberries and a touch of lemon. On thepalate medium density and length as well asminerality. Good mousseux. 84

    81| HENRI ABELr osaL - Rather orange colour, quite candied aromasand tutti frutti, the palate is sof t and sweet with acreamy nish, straightforward and simple. 80

    d - Rose with slightly orange hue. Clean nosewith rather discreet avour, slightly arti cialfruit. On the palate clean, but slightly bitter nish.Lacks complexity and freshness. 82

    93 AYALA C uVe p erle 200293KRUG g rande C uVe

    93PIPER-HEIDSIECK C uVe r are 2002

    92,5CHINCHILLA PRE & FILS g rand C ru

    92,5HENRI GIRAUD C uVe h ommage F ranois h emart a g rand C r u

    92,5HENRIOT B rut 200292,5P. LANCELOT ROYERC uVe des C heValiers B rut g rand C ru 92LAURENT-PERRIERB rut

    91,5BILLECART SALMONB rut r serVe

    91,5BOLLINGERl a g rande a nne 2002

    therefore it has a great advantage over most sparkling wines fromthe world.

    TASTED - What was most interesting in this tasting? MdM - That some of the great classics again reached the highestscores and that riper vintages performed better than the youngerones.AL - We tasted blind and I still have not seen the result and there-fore I am really eager to nd out.

    TASTED - How did you judge the quality of the vintages presented inthis tasting? MdM - The vintages showed a rather broad array of styles, whichin a part proves that vintages really represent a special character,re ecting the in uence of and by the vintage.AL Champagne is truly a wine that bene ts from aging, so it waseasier to be attered by older vintages.

    TASTED - Was there a type of Champagne you particularly liked? MdM - I liked all the Champagnes in all colours which showedtypicity, complexity and character.AL - I think the most complete style of Champagne is the Cuvewhich is representing all of the varieties and several vintages. ThusI was very positive over some Brut NV Cuvees. Otherwise, I liked theprecision and elegance of the best Blanc de Blancs.

    TASTED - What are your food recommendations with the different Champagnes, particularly in regards to a holiday season menu? MdM - For instance Blanc de Blancs with seafood, my preference:Carpaccio of Scallops. If the Blanc de Blancs is riper, grilled scallopsor lobster is the better option. Ripe vintages can also combine verywell with lighter style venison dishes. Ros Brut is great to matchwith dishes that include red berries. This is a classic combinationwhich is always fun.AL - With the treasures from the sea, I always stick to Blanc deBlancs, I adore this style with oysters, scallops, sushi, sashimi, etc.I tend to prefer rather younger styles for raw/natural seafood withmore elaborate and cooked sh dishes; it is preferable to servewines with slightly more maturity. I love to drink Ros for brunch withsmoked salmon and omelette. I dont really like the habit of enjoyingChampagne with a sweet dessert; I rather skip those extra caloriesand enjoy just the Champagne for dessert! And nally, the virtue ofa good Brut NV is that it should be drinkable anywhere at anytime!

    TASTED - What are your recommendations as for the moments to enjoy Brut Champagnes? MdM - I would like to quote Lili Bollinger, who said (much betterand poetic in her own words) that there is never a moment in life,which Champagne does not match.AL - That it is underestimated with food, of course it should be nicelydrinkable on its own and as aperitif, but a well made Brut is alwayscapable of enhancing food.

    PUBLISHER: Anthony CHICHEPORTICHE - [email protected] IN CHIEF: Katharina WOITCZYK - [email protected] TASTING TEAM:Markus del MONEGO & Andreas LARSSONART DIRECTION: Rodolphe LATREYTE & Louis-Folke COMMERCIAL CONTACT:Genevive CASTAING [email protected] PROOFREADING: Petronella SALVI - ISSN: #1960 2111 - TASTED events - 14, rue Ferrre - 33000 Bordeaux- France - +33 (0)5 57 81 13 13

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