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Building Surveyors Questions for revision

Feb 04, 2018



Jon-Paul Elwart
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  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    Some are too old but principles may apply also remember this is what the Candidates have managed to remember after interview

    also some Assessors may be wrong in asking certain questions also these are raw lists so there is a lot of duplication of

    questions and areas etc.. etc

    Areas (umbled up!

    Fire Insurance Evaluations

    Contracts IFC 98, MW 98, JCT 98 (Know differences e.g., noinations!

    "art# Wall $ct

    $ccess to %eig&'ouring and $ct

    ))$ $ct

    Construction $ct*$d+udication*ate "a#ents


    -uilding )efects / t#es of da

    0oof (itc&ed and flat!Walls


    Wood 0ot

    Insect $ttac1

    )eleterious Material

    Concrete defects (inc. cladding to 234s &ig& rise!

    Fire 5afet# regulations ('asic 1nowledge!

    "art M -uilding 0egulations

    5urve# 0eorts*Condition 5urve#s

    )ilaidation4s / t#es

    Fire 0einstateent 6aluations

    "reac7uisition 5urve#s

    -uilding Maintenance

    -asics of setting u aintenance rogras (t&is lin1s to Condition surve#s!

    isted -uilding Consent (inc. 6$T to listed -uildings!

    "rofessional Et&ics ndercutting Fees*ifts

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    0ules of Conduct (inc. "I cover for free'ie surve#s to friends!

    0ule of Conduct: Et&ics* Core 6alues

    Current Issues 0IC5 Maga;ines* We'site $rticles

    "i2sident < =t&er Iortant Me'ers

    Conflicts of Interest


    5tarting #our own 5urve#ing "ractice Ke# Issues

    "lanning "erission T#es of "lanning* W&en 0e7uired Etc.

    -uilding Warrant T#es of Warrant: ='taining after Wor1s Etc.

    isted -uilding T#es of istings

    Containated and -rownfield 5ites


  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    etters of Intent

    T#es of "roert#

    6ictorian* eorgian

    23As Concrete Fraed

    Industrial nits


    ?$C* Woodwool 5&uttering: Calciu C&loride* 5ul&ate $ttac1

    0oof construction War* Cold flat roofs, "itc&ed slate roof etc.

    Foundation T#es

    5tone T#es, "roerties, )efects < 0eairs

    Crac1ing Causes < 0eedies

    Wall Tie Failure Causes < 0eedies



  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    egal Consultanc#

    -uilding 0egulations 0ecent C&anges, Current Issues, 6alues (5elf Certification -asis of -uilding 0egulations, Fire Certificate Etc!

    )ilaidations Ke# $reas

    )ilaidation ia'ilities under 5tandard F0I ease Clauses t&at can 'e ileented,

    0ig&t to Enter, )aages, oss of 0ent

    Fors of ease

    Fire Insurance 6aluations

    "art# Walls

    5c&edules of Condition

    0einstateent 6aluations ?ow to Carr# =ut.

    Tec&nical 5tandards

    )efects ia'ilit# "eriod

    atent )efects "C Insections

    )a#wor1s Instruction W&en used.

    "reliinar# Construction 5ervices

    0I-$ "lan of Wor1 0eview

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    -udget Estiating

    "art# Wall Issues

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    0ising )a,

    )r# I wet rot, insect attac1 reedial wor1s.

    5u'floor ventilation

    5ul&ate attac1 in c&ine# stac1s

    5u'sidence I &eave I settleent

    ac1 of restraint at ga'le ends and uer floor levels

    Mortar i@es for 'ric1wor1 reairs and reointing

    Ti'er 'ressuers and wall lates I concealed ti'ers

    5late defects.

    Ke# issues for converting a eriod 'uilding to odern officesB

    Fire sread


    Means of escae

    Floor loads, strengt&ening

    5ound insulation

    ift rovision

    a/c rovision.

    )efects in D923As I D93As 'uildings in articular concrete fraed 'uildingsB

    Cold 'ridging I &eat loss

    Floor to ceiling &eig&ts

    Car'onation of concrete

    "oor 7ualit# concrete

    ac1 of rovision for oveent

    Cladding defects


    Cold 'ridging


    0ising da

    "enetrating da


    Foundation failure

    intel failure

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision




    =versailing of araets

    Cavit# wall tie failure

    ac1 of lateral restraint.

    Waterroofing 5#stes for 'aseents, installation of dc

    Flat 0oofsB





    T#es of covering

    ife E@ectanc#


    51etc& a )etail.

    "itc&ed 0oofsB

    5reading of rafters


    )eleterious aterialsB

    $s'estos t&e different t#es and fors * t#ical location in 'uildings * use,

    Control of $s'estos at Wor1 0egulations, t#es of surve#, as'estos register

    Ta@ relief

    ?$C concrete

    Woodwool sla's

    egionnaires )isease

    ead aterials

    Calciu c&loride additives


    "eranent woodwool forwor1

    5ea dredged aggregates

    5and lie * calciu silicate 'ric1s

    rea Foraldede Foa

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    -ric1 slis

    Maintenance of 'uildings

    "lanned aintenance rograes

    "lanned aintenance v. reactive aintenance

    ifec#cle costings

    ong ter lans

    ?ealt& and 5afet#

    5urve#ing safel#



    C=5?? assessents

    ?ealt& and safet# lan, retender and construction &ase

    Fire recautions and eans of escae

    )ilaidations aw


    T&e )isa'ilit# )iscriination $ct


    T&e -uilding (5cotland! $ct

    )raw construction details

    isted -uildings and Conservation $reas

    World ?eritage

    5ustaina'le )eveloent


    $ointent of su'consultants

    -uilding 0einstateent 6aluations

    )ifference 'etween EF$, IF$, and %IF$,

    )a# one or total reinstateent

    W&at is t&e 'asis of t&e valuation

    )ata sourcesB 5ons, -CI5.

    -uilding 5ervices

    $ir conditioning 6$6, fan coil, lenu

    ig&ting /

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    Water and drainage



    "uestions (umbled up!

    D. Gou note soe 'ulging to t&e ga'le wall on an end of terrace roert#, e@lain w&at could 'e t&e cause>

    . W&at is 5ection 3>/. E@lain w&at is a 6$6 s#ste and w&at are t&e ilications of t&is t#e of s#ste on t&e roert#>

    H. W&at is a 5D32 agreeent>

    . W&at are t&e issues connected wit& woodwool sla's used as eranent forwor1>

    2. If #ou discover as'estos during t&e course of a surve# w&at are t&e ne@t stes #ou would ta1e>

    . Travel distances

    8. If #ou are constructing an e@tension u to t&e 'oundar# wit& t&e neig&'ouring roert# w&at rig&ts do #ou &ave to erect a scaffold on t&eir roert# to underta1e t&e


    9. W&at are t&e first issues #ou would consider in underta1ing a sc&edule of dilaidation4s at t&e end of t&e lease>

    D3. 5uose t&e lease &ad greater t&at / #ears to run. W&at are t&e ilications>

    DD. W&at ot&er costs, in addition to t&e reair costs, would #ou consider in t&e rearation of a final sc&edule of dilaidation4s reared eit&er at t&e ver# end of t&e lease or

    after t&e tenant4s dearture>

    D. Gou &ave a si@ties reinforced concrete frae. W&at issues would #ou consider as art of t&e surve#>

    D/. $gain #ou &ave a si@ties 'uilding wit& ri''on windows and anels of 'ric1wor1, w&ic& &ave crac1ed &ori;ontall#. W&at would cause t&is>

    DH. E@lain t&e issues and rocedures in t&e event t&at #ou were setting u a new ractice and a client aroac&ed #ou to construct a new e@tension in &is a'sence i.e. &e

    would 'e awa# for t&e full duration of t&e wor1s>

    D. 5uose #ou are doing a surve# 'ut are travelling '# u'lic transort so #ou can ta1e a lot of e7uient. W&at t&ree ites of e7uient do #ou ta1e>

    D2. W&at do #ou t&in1 of t&e $genda for C&ange>

    D. ?ow an# faculties can #ou +oin>

    D8. W&at are t&e#>

    D9. ?ow do #ou calculate li7uidated and ascertained daages>

    3. ?ow #ou would advise #our client if t&ere was a disute in t&e selection of a t&ird surve#or>

    D. W&at statutor# arovals would #ou re7uire for t&e construction of a sall e@tension to a terraced roert#.

    . W&at can cause dr# rot and w&at does it loo1 li1e>

    /. W&at can #ou sell>

    H. ?ow can a tenant o'tain relief on t&e aount of daages in a dilaidations clai>

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    . W&at are t&e re7uireents for C") and &ow iortant is it>

    2. E@lain t&e effects t&at trees &ave on co&esive soils>

    . W&at tests can 'e underta1en to ascertain t&e severit# of t&e ro'le>

    8. W&at are t&e differences 'etween t&e inor wor1s for of contract and t&e interediate for>

    9. W&at would #ou t#icall# find wit&in a collateral warrant#>

    /3. W&at would #ou t#icall# find wit&in a develoent agreeent>

    /D. W&at do #ou 1now a'out t&e self &el clause, Jarvis v ?arris>

    /. Can #ou e@lain t&e rocedures #ou need to follow if #ou are doing wor1s to a art# wall>

    //. W&at is t&e difference 'etween an interi and terinal 5c&edule of )ilaidations>

    /H. 5uose #ou are acting for t&e landlord in a dilaidations clai and #ou are doing suc& good +o' t&at t&e tenant aroac&es #ou and as1s #ou to reresent t&e on a

    roert# down t&e road> ?ow would #ou view t&is>

    /. W&at is #our understanding of t&e eneral )eveloent =rder and w&at sort of wor1s fall wit&in>

    /2. W&at is a %otice of $d+udication>

    /. ?ow and w does a %otice of $d+udication affect e>

    /8. W can4t t&e client scratc& out t&e ad+udication clause fro a standard contract>

    /9. $ friend aroac&es #ou wit& soe loose floor'oards. W&at s&ould #ou do first of all>

    H3. W&at t#es of underinning are t&ere>

    HD. W&at guidance is availa'le regarding t&e det&s of underinning for residential roerties in relation to trees and co&esive soils>

    H. Could a contractor clai for an e@tension of tie due to t&e fuel crisis>

    H/. W&o do collateral warranties 'enefit>

    HH. ?ow does one coile an FI6 and w&at asects would t#icall# 'e included>

    H. E@lain w&at &aened wit& t&e floor sla' to t&e ground floor e@tension e@lain t&e design>

    H2. If ain contractor wanted one of &is su'contractor4s to underta1e art of design, &ow would #ou rotect #our Client*advice would #ou give>

    H. If #ou were underta1ing a surve# of a reises of t&is age*t#e (late 234s*earl# 34s concrete fraed offices*steel fraed ware&ouse! w&at articular defects would #ou

    loo1 for>

    H8. ?ow is as'estos cladding reoved fro roof>

    H9. W&at was considered as art of #our feasi'ilit# stud#>

    3. ?ow did #ou arrive at #our 'udget costings>

    D. ?ow did #ou consider t&e fire recautions*did #ou refer to an#t&ing>

    . )o #ou t&in1 t&ere ig&t 'e a conflict of interest 'etween a Contract $dinistrator and "lanning 5uervisor if t&e sae erson is acting as 'ot&>

    /. W&at would #ou do if t&ere were a conflict of interest>

    H. Considering a D934s 'uilding, low rise wit& araet walls, flat roof w&at sort of ro'les would #ou e@ect>

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    . ?ow would #ou tell difference 'etween rising da and condensation wit& a oisture eter>

    2. ?ow critical is t&e t#e of ortar used on a 'uilding>

    . W&at4s t&e general rincile for c&asing a ortar t#e for #ou to consider>

    8. W&at defects ig&t #ou get wit& an aged flat roof>

    9. W*&ow ig&t 'listering occur*w&at could #ou do to revent it>

    23. W&at sort of wa#s ig&t daness enter a 'uilding>

    2D. ?ow would #ou descri'e and Englis& wall 'ond>

    2. W&at iortance &as t&e t#e of 'ond*&as it an#>

    2/. W&at are fors of da #ou a# e@erience in 'uilding>

    2H. ?ow do #ou recognise eac& for>

    2. ?ow do #ou differentiate 'etween dr# and wet rot>

    22. $ iece of ti'er &as Lflig&t &oles4 w&at &as caused t&e ro'le>

    2. W&at is lifec#cle of coon furniture 'eetle>

    28. W&at would #ou loo1 at w&en insecting a slated itc&ed roof covering>

    29. W&at would #ou loo1 for wit&in t&e roofsace>

    3. W&at advice would #ou give if slates were to 'e relaced wit& concrete tiles>

    D. W&at would structural t&e ilications 'e>

    . W&at would t&e statutor# ilications 'e>

    /. W&at is nail fatigue>

    H. ?ow is it caused>

    . ?ow would #ou calculate t&e &eat loss of a 'uilding>

    2. ?ow would #ou ascertain t&e condition of electrical installation wit&out elo#ing a secialist>

    . W would #ou reove laster u to D following daroofing wor1s>

    8. W&at are fors of da reair>

    9. ?ow does a oisture eter wor1>

    83. Consider a #ear lease for #our ro+ect reises #ou are acting for #our Client w&o owns reises. Tenant is not loo1ing after reises wit& D3#ears reaining.

    W&at would #ou advise #ou Client>

    8D. W&at if in last #ear>

    8. Is a lease a contract>

    8/. W&at act is T4s defence ta1en fro (in resect of internal decorations wit& / #ears reaining on lease!.

    8H. W&at4s a section D8 valuation>

    8. W&at4s t&e legal rincile 'e&ind a section D8 valuation>

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    82. W&at4s t&e / rule>

    8. W&at4s t&e 2 rule>

    88. W&at4s t&e legal rincile 'e&ind a surve#or acting in a art# wall atter>

    89. I want to underin # 'uilding, it is etres fro # neig&'ours roert# w&at s&ould I consider>

    93. W&o s&ould I elo#>

    9D. W&en do #ou need to infor ?5E of wor1.

    9. W&at would #ou do if deolis&ing structures to a &ouse>

    9/. W&o is 0IC5 resident>

    9H. ?ow uc& C") do toda#4s 7ualified surve#ors &ave to do>

    9. W&at is t&e colaints rocedure set u as art of 0IC5 rules e@lain ain rinciles.

    92. W&at do conditions of engageent e@lain*are t&e# art of rules>

    9. W&at is t&e agenda for c&ange>

    98. W&at are #our views>

    99. W&at sort of certificates do #ou &ave to issue t&roug& a contract>

    9. W&at effect does issued .c certificates &ave>

    98. W didn4t #ou negotiate #our (ro+ect! contract>

    99. W&at ot&er contracts did #ou consider ot&er t&an IFC8H (for ro+ect!>

    D33. W did #ou use JCT Minor wor1s Contract>

    D3D. W&at contract would #ou use if t&ere was secialist wor1 wit& an estiated contract value of N33,333>

    D3. W&at are $)4s>

    D3/. ?ow are t&e# calculated>

    D3H. W&en would e@tension of tie 'e given>

    D3. W&at are secified erils>

    D32. Would a contractor 'e entitled to oss < E@ense if e@tension of tie is given>

    D3. ?ow would #ou calculate t&e value of unfi@ed aterials on site for an interi alication>

    D38. W&at are c&anges to contracts following ?C$0 $ct D992>

    D39. W&at are ad+udication rovisions>

    DD3. W&at are a#ent rovisions>

    DDD.W&at is anot&er for of disute resolution>

    DD. W&at is ar'itration and w&at $ct governs it>

    DD/. Et&ics w&at would #ou do if t&e contractor4s O5 invited #ou to lunc& to a os& restaurant after a site eeting to tal1 a'out a clai #ou were e@aining on t&e ro+ect>

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    DDH. $ contractor invites #ou out for dinner s&ortl# 'efore #ou ut a tender list toget&er for a client. Gou go to t&is dinner. T&e contractor as1s to 'e considered, do #ou

    include &i on t&e list>

    DD. 5ae scenario 'ut it is during t&e tender eriod. )o #ou go to dinner>

    DD2. Gou &ave recentl# set u a 'usiness as a sole ractitioner -O reared '# soe'od# w&o was acting as a su'consultant to #our coan#. Errors were discovered

    in t&e -O w&ic& are going to cost t&e client one#. T&e client is going to sue #ou, w&at do #ou do aart fro anic: W&at would #ou c&ec1>

    DD. "rofessional indenit# insurance &ow uc& s&ould a sole ractitioner 'e insured for (iniu!>

    DD8. W&at is t&e first rule in t&e Code of Conduct>

    DD9. E@lain t&e discilinar# rocedure under t&e Code of Conduct.

    D3. If #ou were to 'e successful and set u as a sole ractitioner, w&at are t&e iortant t&ings to consider>

    DD. E@lain t&e C") arrangeents>

    D. )o #ou 1now w&at services #ou can rovide under #our Elo#ers "II>

    D/. W&at is "I insurance>

    DH. If #ou decided to ove out of O5 wor1 into recruitent w&at would #ou 'e re7uired do in resect of "I>

    D. W&at would t&is insurance called>

    D2. E@lain w&at "rofessional Indenit# insurance is.

    D. If a ro+ect involved sile structural design wor1, would #ou 'e a'le to underta1e t&at wor1 wit&in t&e cover of #our "I>

    D8. )o #ou 1now t&e aount of cover EC? currentl# &ave>

    D9. W&at would #ou do if a conflict of interest arose on a ro+ect>

    D/3. Gou &ave su'itted a fee 7uotation to a client and t&e client &as infored #ou t&at anot&er fir &as su'itted a lower 'id. T&e client infors #ou t&at if #ou reduce

    #our 'id '# /P &e can award t&e wor1s to #ou. )o #ou do as &e as1s>

    D/D. $s a c&artered surve#or #ou &ave a dut# of care to act rofessionall# for #our client. Is t&ere an# ot&er art# #ou owe a siilar dut# of care to>

    D/. W did #ou use t&e IFC8H contract rat&er t&an MW83>

    D//. W&at are t&e rocedures for naing su'contractors under t&e IFC98> (ie &ow do #ou do it>!

    D/H. W&at are t&e conse7uences of deterination under IFC 8H>

    D/. W&at is t&e difference 'etween naed su'contractors and noinated su'contractors>

    D/2. W&at are collateral warranties and erforance 'onds and w&at is t&eir urose>

    D/. ?ow would #ou go a'out claiing t&e erforance 'ond>

    D/8. If t&e wor1s were of a siilar cost (N,333! 'ut involved a large eleent of secialised design wor1, w&at for of contract would #ou use>

    D/9. W&en do t&e C)M regulations al#>

    DH3. ?ow did #ou (as ro+ect anager! coordinate C)M atters during t&e ro+ect>

    DHD. W&at are t&e client4s duties under t&e C)M regulations>

    DH. W&at are t&e designers resonsi'ilities under C)M>

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    DH/. =t&er t&an considering ris1s during t&e construction &ase, as a designer w&at ot&er ris1s are t&ere to consider for a 'uilding>

    DHH. C)M T&e role of t&e lanning suervisor, including various 7uestions a'out t&e roles t&at a lanning suervisor s&ould underta1e including descritions of t&e

    rearation of ?

    DH8. If #ou cae across &ori;ontal crac1ing at regular intervals, w&at would 'e #our initial t&oug&ts>

    DH9. ?ow would #ou reed# t&is defect>

    D3. W&at would #ou loo1 for at ground level>

    DD. If t&ere was no )"C resent, &ow would #ou insert one>

    D. Gour ro+ect involved in+ection of a c&eical )"C were t&ere an# associated wor1s to t&e laster wor1>

    D/. W was t&is done>

    DH. Gou enter t&e 'uilding and iediatel# fall t&roug& t&e ti'er floor. W&at do #ou t&in1 caused t&is defect in t&e ti'er wor1>

    D. ?ow would #ou reed# t&is>

    D2. W would #ou reove ti'er u to D 'e#ond t&e defective area>

    D. ?ow would #ou differentiate 'etween dr# rot and wet rot>

    D8. )eat& Watc& 'eetle is a coon for of wood'oring insect. ?ow would #ou recognise its resence and w&ere are #ou li1el# to find it wit&in a 'uilding>

    D9. W&at sort of stud artitioning did #ou use in #our ro+ect and w>

    D23. W&at are t&e fire coartentation ilications for t&e offices served '# a dead end corridor (t&ere were soe in t&e ro+ect! and did #our c&oice of artition eet

    t&ese re7uireents>

    D2D. ?ow would #ou ugrade t&e fire resistance of t&e e@isting anel doors wit&in #our listed 'uilding>

    D2. If t&ere was an unfinis&ed door 'lan1 on site, &ow would #ou deterine if it was a fire door>

    D2/. Would t&ere 'e an# &a;ardous aterials in a 'uilding of t&is age>

    D2H. W&at is t&e ost coon for of as'estos and &ow do #ou recognise it>

    D2. )iagnosis of 'uilding defects wet and dr# rot and &ow to differentiate and t&e various et&ods of treating and reventing da in various fors of 'uildings.

    D22. W&en does t&e "art# Wall $ct al# and e@lain t&e rincial arties involved>

    D2. W&at is t&e urose of t&e t&ird surve#or>

    D28. W&at are t&e two 1e# c&anges ade to t&e IFC contract following t&e Construction $ct>

    D29. W&at is t&e ))$ $ct>

    D3. )isa'ilit# )iscriination $ct T&eor# 'e&ind $ct and &ow to al# it to certain t#es of 'uildings.

    DD. Gou undertoo1 an access audit of t&e roert# as art of #our ro+ect. W&at is an access audit and w&at is its urose>

    D. Is t&ere an# disensation of 6$T on wor1s to listed 'uildings>

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    D/. Was t&e 6$T at standard rate for t&e disa'led access wor1s in #our ro+ect>

    DH. W&at is a sc&edule of condition>

    D. W&en would #ou use a sc&edule of condition>

    D2. $ client &ones u and as1s #ou to reare a sc&edule of dilaidations. ?ow would #ou go a'out it>

    D. W&at is a 5ection D8 clai>

    D8. W&at is a 5cott 5c&edule and w&at is its urose>

    D9. )escri'e t&e rocess of underta1ing a dilaidations surve# fro a client aointent.

    D83. )ilaidations $cting on 'e&alf of tenant and lin1ing to diinution in value.

    D8D. W&at reedies are availa'le to a landlord against a tenant uon e@ir# of a 3 #ear F0I lease of a coercial roert#>

    D8. E@lain t&e rincile differences 'etween Interi, Terinal and Final 5c&edules of )ilaidations.

    D8/. )escri'e t&e docuents t&at will assist in interreting t&e dilaidations resonsi'ilities of a tenant.

    D8H. Would #ou wal1 across a roof to surve# a 'uilding>

    D8. Would #ou surve# a 'uilding alone>

    D82. Ouestions on as'estos anageent, reoval and deleterious aterials.

    D8. Contractual relations&i wit& )

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    3H. =utline t&e content of t&e ses Classes =rder.

    3. W&at can #ou do if a lanning alication is refused>

    32. W&at ig&t cause crac1ing to a 'ric1wor1 c&ine#>

    3. W&at are t&e differences 'etween noinated and naed su'contractors>

    38. W&at rovisions, if an#, does ME98 include for noinated su'contractors> *W&at rovisions, if an#, does it include for su'contractors>

    39. W&at rovisions, if an#, does IFC8H include for noinated su'contractors> *W&at rovisions, if an#, does it include for in su'contractors>

    D3. )escri'e t&e rocess #ou would go t&roug& in diagnosing t&e ossi'le causes and reedial wor1s associated wit& e@osed reinforceent in a concrete colun.

    DD. W&at effects of t&e )isa'ilit# )iscriination $ct would #ou consider in a! an e@isting u'lic 'uilding, '! a new*roosed u'lic 'uilding, c! an e@isting office 'uilding,

    and d! an e@isting sc&ool>

    D. W&at range of disa'ilities does t&e ))$ include>

    D/. ive at least five e@ales of ot&er &andicaing conditions.

    DH. W&at are t&e re7uireents and eriods for a clai under latent defects>

    D. Gou are as1ed to reare an interi sc&edule of dilaidations of a 'uilding for a landlord*client. W&at would #our actions 'e and w&at advice would #ou give to #our

    client if t&e tenant &ad ade soe internal alterations wit&out t&e landlord4s erission>

    D2. ?ow would #our actions and advice differ for a final sc&edule of dilaidations>

    D. Gou are as1ed to insect flats a'ove s&os w&ic& are accessed fro a staircase leading fro t&e front of t&e 'uilding. W&at legislation would #ou ta1e into

    consideration w&en surve#ing t&e roert#>

    D8. T&e ae@ to a ga'le wall can 'ee seen to leaning outwards. )escri'e t&e rocedures #ou would go t&roug& in ascertaining t&e cause(s! for t&e oveent and arriving

    at t&e reedial action necessar#.

    D9. W&en does a 'uilding re7uire a Fire Certificate>

    3. W&at effects does t&is &ave>

    D. W&at are t&e rie differences 'etween a listed 'uilding and a 'uilding in a conservation area>

    . W&ere are #ou ost li1el# to find as'estos in 'uildings, and of w&at age are t&e 'uildings ost li1el# to 'e>

    /. W&at revious land uses are li1el# to give rise to containation>

    H. ive e@ales of containants.

    . W&ic& new land uses*fors of redeveloent are ost affected '# containation>

    2. Gour client &as +ust urc&ased a containated site and wis&es to carr# out redeveloent. W&at would #our advice 'e>

    . W&at legislation would #ou consider in secif#ing alterations to convert a t&ree store# 6ictorian &ouse into flats>

    8. =utline in w&at circustances t&e "art# Wall $ct coes into force and w&at rocedures #ou would &ave to ad&ere to in serving a art# wall notice.

    9. =utline t&e current re7uireents of t&e -ritis& standard for anic 'ars.

    /3. W&at are *W&at is t&e difference 'etween t&e> *W&at is t&e criteria for eac& of t&e>

    /D. To w&at wor1s do -uilding 0egulations al# and in w&at wa#s can #ou deonstrate coliance wit& t&e>

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    /. W&at are t&e five certificates referred to in JCT98> *W&at are t&eir ain effects*inclusions>

    //. $ client wants to ta1e a lease on t&e nd store# of a D93s four store# urose 'uilt, concrete fraed office 'uilding. W&at considerations would #ou ta1e into account

    in surve#ing t&e 'uilding> W&at furt&er investigations would #ou recoend>

    /H. W&at are legitiate reasons for a contractor claiing and e@tension of tie under MW98>

    /. W&at consideration would #ou ta1e into account in surve#ing an e@isting flat roof and secif#ing t&e renewal of suita'le waterroof coverings and insulation>

    /2. W&at asects would #ou consider in converting an e@isting itc&ed roof into a ansard rood wit& an additional store# for accoodation>

    /. W&at are t&e ossi'le causes for salling 'ric1wor1 and w&at are t&e ossi'le reedies>

    /8. W&at are t&e ain issues affecting -uilding 5urve#ing over t&e ast D8 ont&s>

    /9. W&at is t&e essence of t&e LWoolfe4 refors>

    H3. Gour "lanning 5uervisor (of 3 #ears e@erience! refuses to initiate e@tra safet# recautions on site w&ic& #ou are anaging. )o #ou override &is decision or go

    along wit& it>

    HD. Gou &ave 'een instructed to carr# out a -uilding 5urve# on a 6ictorian 'uilding. W&at is #our rocedure 'ot& rior and during t&e surve#>

    H. )uring a -uilding 5urve# of a odern eriod 'uilding, #ou notice a da circle inside t&e first floor 'edroo &alf wa# u t&e wall aro@iatel# 3.etre radius, w&at

    is #our diagnosis and &ow would #ou reed# t&is>

    H/. W&at deleterious aterials would #ou e@ect to find in a 6ictorian roert# (residential!>

    HH. ?ow would #ou reove as'estos aterial fro a 'uilding>

    H. ?ow would #ou identif# as'estos and in w&at for>

    H2. W&at fire rovisions would #ou e@ect to find in a 'oiler roo in t&e 'aseent of a odern office 'loc1>

    H. W&at rofessional develoent &ave #ou underta1en>

    H8. $ssuing t&at #ou are successful wit& t&e interview, w&at C)" do #ou roose to do in t&e future>

    H9. W&at are t&e 0IC54 re7uireents for setting u a -uilding 5urve#ing coan#>

    3. W&at level of "rovisional Indenit# cover would #ou 'e re7uired to &ave for a surve# under N33.33, or t&e annual coan# turnover 'elow N331 er annu>

    D. ?ow does t&e agenda for c&ange affect -uilding 5urve#ing and w&at are t&e 'enefits>

    . W&o is t&e )eut# C&airan of t&e 0IC5>

    /. )o #ou agree wit& t&e erger of t&e I56$ and t&e 0IC5, and w*w not>

    H. $ contractor offers #ou a 'ottle of wine as a gift for C&ristas. )o #ou accet>

    . ?ow would #ou deal wit& a contractor w&o 'ecae 'an1rut idwa# t&roug& a 'uilding contract and eseciall# under t&e JCT Minor Wor1s Contract>

    2. $ tree sited uon an ad+oining owner4s land is underining t&e foundations of #our client4s roert#. ?ow would #ou see1 to reove it> If #our client was t&e ad+oining

    owner, w&at notices would #ou serve under t&e "art# Wall etc., $ct D992 to reove t&e tree, given it is affecting an indeendent neig&'ouring 'uilding>

    . W&at rocedures would &ave to 'e adoted in &aving aroved contractors on a client4s list>

    8. Can a tender rice 'e altered>

    9. nder t&e ters of an I"C contract, can #ou noinate contractors>

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    23. W&at is t&e difference 'etween Lnaed4 and Lnoinated4 su' contractors>

    2D. "rovisional sus w&at are t&e# and &ow do t&e# affect a contractor4s rograe>

    2. JCT 98 MW w&at contractual docuentation is re7uired>

    2/. If aterials are stored in site, are t&e# a#a'le w&en calculating a valuation>

    2H. $re t&ere an# rovisions for a Lcler1 of wor1s4>

    2. W&at are reliinaries and w&at are t&e contractor4s o'ligations>

    22. W&at are Lrea'les4>

    2. L"ractical coletion4 W&at is it>

    28. W&o decides w&en t&e certificate s&ould 'e issued>

    29. W&at ec&aniss 1ic1 into lace at LracticalB coletion4>

    3. LE@tension of tie4 W&at effect does it &ave>

    D. W&at are Lrelevant events4>

    . isted -uildings w&at are t&eir classes and define eac&>

    /. )ilaidations W&at are covenants>

    H. W&at is t&e significance of ease&old "roert# 0eairs $ct D9/8>

    . ?ow will a dilaidation surve# 'e carried out>

    2. W&at does section D8(D! ean> * W&at is t&e 'asis of daages of disreair>

    . W&at are t&e otions availa'le to landlord if t&e tenant is in 'reac& of t&e reairing covenant>

    8. ?ow ig&t a contractor recover onies, and &ow is it calculated>

    9. W&at is Clause 2$, 0egulation D>

    83. W&at is "FI>

    8D. W&at is a latent defect>

    8. W&at is eritted develoent>

    8/. W&at is t&e difference 'etween settleent and su'sidence>

    8H. W&at rovisions are re7uired for ultioccuational 'uildings>8. W&at would #ou loo1 out for in a D9234s roert# w&ilst carr#ing out a surve#>

    82. W&at t#e of construction would #ou e@ect to find in a D8234s roert#>

    8. W&at recourse &as t&e client if t&e# are not &a# wit& t&e advice rovided '# t&e 5urve#or>

    88. If t&ere is a conflict 'etween t&e client and surve#or, w&at s&ould t&e surve#or do>

    89. W&en does C)M al#>

    93. W&at is t&e ?ealt& < 5afet# "lan>

    9D. W&at is t&e ?ealt& < 5afet# File>

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    9. nder C)M, w&at is involved wit& #our role as a designer*lanning suervisor>

    9/. W&at is t&e 0IC5*I56$ Code of Measuring "ractice

    9H. %ae of t&e 0IC5 core values

    9. W&at details are to 'e included wit&in t&e ters and conditions a surve#or s&all act>

    92. W&at is t&e rocedure for dealing wit& colaints>

    9. Wit&in w&at tie frae is a surve#or re7uired to resond to t&e 0IC5>

    98. W&at action s&ould 'e ta1en if t&ere is a conflict of interest wit& clients>

    99. ?ow s&ould a client4s one# 'e 1et>

    /33. W&at is t&e iniu re7uireent for C") and &ow long s&ould records 'e 1et>

    /3D. W&at fines can 'e levied against a surve#or for failure to rovide 0IC5 wit& inforation wit&in re7uired tiescale>

    /3. W&at is t&e iniu "II run off cover>

    /3/. W&at is iniu "II re7uireent>

    /3H. W&at inforation s&all 'e included w&en inforing client in writing w&ose one# is &eld in a client account>

    /3. 5&ould interest 'e a#a'le to t&e client for t&eir accounts>

    /32. ?ow 7uic1l# s&ould one# 'e aid into a client4s account>

    /3. W&at details s&ould a surve#or 1ees roerl# written u at all ties>

    /38. For &ow long s&ould details of t&e client4s account 'e reserved after t&e account &as 'een closed>

    /39. W&at causes are associated wit& t&e ground t&at result in structural distortion of 'uildings>

    /D3. W&at are t&e ris1s to 'uildings near trees>

    /DD. )escri'e t&e construction of ti'er frae 'uildings>

    /D. )escri'e failure*deterioration of reinforced concrete and t&e aroriate reedial action.

    /D/. )escri'e rocess of sulfate attac1.

    /DH. )escri'e rocess of droscoic salts and aroriate reedial action

    /D. )escri'e conditions of wet rot and re7uired reedial action

    /D2. )escri'e conditions of dr# rot and re7uired reedial action/D. W&ere is woodwor ost coonl# found>

    /D8. )escri'e rocess of interstitial condensation

    /D9. Tell e t&e construction of a cold dec1 flat roof.

    /3. war dec1 flat roof

    /D. inverted war dec1 flat roof

    /. %ae t&ree deleterious aterials and descri'e &ow t&e# &ave 'een used in construction.

    //. If a 'uilding owner wis&es to 'uild a new 'uilding &ow uc& notice ust 'e given and w&at oints ust 'e colied wit&>

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    /H. W&at rig&ts does a 'uilding owner &ave>

    /. W&at ust 'e included wit&in a "art# 5tructure notice and &ow long ust it 'e served 'efore coencing wor1s>

    /2. W&at notice can ad+oining owner serve and wit&in w&at tiescale>

    /. Wit&in w&at tiescale ust an ad+oining owner serve a consent notice>

    /8. nder w&at circustances can t&e "art Wall etc $ct D992 al# w&en 'uildings or structures are not attac&ed>

    /9. W&at is eant '# a / and 2 notice>

    //3. Wit&in w&at tiescales ust t&ese 'e served>

    //D. To w&at degree is an ad+oining owner entitled to coensation>

    //. W&at &aens w&en t&e art# wall surve#or fails to act effectivel# wit&in D3 da#s>

    ///. W&at costs s&all 'e aid '# eac& art# deterined '# t&e surve#or>

    //H. ?ow are e@enses of wor1 roortioned>

    //. W&en a 'uilding owner rooses to reduce a art wall t&at e@ceeds w&at ust t&e ad+oining owner do>

    //2. W&at &aens w&en ad+oining owner erects 'uilding t&at costs ore due to e@istence of secial foundations>

    //. W&at &aens w&en ad+oining owner a1es use of art# wall 'uilt '# 'uilding owner>

    //8. Wit&in w&at tie scale and details ust 'e su'itted to ad+oining owner w&ere e@enses are to 'e w&oll# or artiall# aid>

    //9. ?ow are notices served>

    /H3. W&at is t&e difference 'etween li7uidated daages and a enalt#>

    /HD. ?ow is t&e level of retention onies set>

    /H. W&o insures t&e wor1s and 'uilding during construction>

    /H/. )escri'e t&e ain contracts used in construction>

    /HH. W&at are t&e ain et&ods of secification>

    /H. )escri'e t&e different rocureent et&ods of tendering>

    /H2. ?ow are t&e relis deterined>

    /H. ?ow are t&e rea'les deterined>

    /H8. W&at inforation ust 'e o'tained regarding a lease>/H9. W&at oints would a surve#or 'e loo1ing for wit& regard to reinstateent>

    /3. W&o serves a sc&edule of dilaidations>

    /D. W&at notice under w&ic& act ust 'e served '# landlord for tenant4s failure to carr# out wor1s>

    /. If t&ere is / #ears une@ired on a lease of #ears or ore w&at notice ust a landlord serve>

    //. W&at losses s&ould 'e included in a clai>

    /H. W&at notice ust 'e served to gain reentr# or forfeiture of 'reac&>

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    /. W&at would #ou recoend to a client w&en as1ed a'out a dilaidations clai w&ere t&e value of t&e clai is o'viousl# greater t&an t&e loss in t&e value of t&e


    /2. ?ow would #ou advise a client w&en told t&at t&e reises are no longer via'le to reain and t&e landlord &as &inted t&at t&e reises are to 'e ulled down>

    /. W&ic& act 'enefits t&e tenant and descri'e t&e ain oints

    /8. W&ic& act identifies t&e coensation a tenant is entitled to receive and &ow is it calculated>

    /9. W&ic& act relates to t&e internall# decorative reairs to a roert#>

    /23. W&o is t&e resident>

    /2D. -ottle of w&is1# offered after successful auction, is t&is acceta'le>

    /2. Want to set u i'son Estates, w&at rocesses would #ou need to go t&roug&, if 7ualified>

    /2/. Client coes to i'son Estates, wants to send ND33 on roert# and roert# s&ares < as1s for #our recoendations. W&at would #ou do>

    /2H. If t&e one# is legitiate>

    /2. Could #ou advise on indirect roert# investent and roert# s&ares>

    /22. W&at is t&e 0IC5 code of conduct>

    /2. ?ow &ave #ou anaged to u&old at least t&ree of t&e 0IC5 core values in t&e last wee1>

    /28. W&o is t&e current resident of t&e 0IC5>

    /29. W do #ou want to 'ecoe a c&artered surve#or>

    /3. $ssue #ou ass t&e $"C and want to set u on #our own. ?ow would #ou go a'out setting u in accordance wit& 0IC5>

    /D. If #ou set u as a D an 'and, &ow would #ou set u a colaints rocedure>

    /. =t&er oints would 'e client accounts. For t&e wor1 #ou do now would #ou need to set u client accounts>

    //. Would t&ere 'e interest on t&e client accounts>

    /H. W&o owns t&at interest>

    /. Gou will need "I insurance>

    /2. W do #ou need t&at>

    /. $re #ou sure it is t&ere to rotect t&e surve#or>

    /8. ?ow uc& "I cover would #ou want to &ave if #ou set u on #our own>/9. W&at do #ou t&in1 t&e iniu cover is>

    /83. 5a# #ou &ave N33,333 cover. $ssue a client as1s #ou to value a N3 lot. Would #ou ta1e t&is on wit& #our e@isting cover>

    /8D. ?ow uc& "I would #ou 'u it u to>

    /8. W&at4s "I cover for>

    /8/. W&at is t&e ca on t&e firs cover>

    /8H. Gou go into ractice for #ourself aart fro ta1ing t&e $"C, w&at else do #ou need in order to ractice>

    /8. Gour 'rot&er in law coes to #ou and as1s #ou to sell &is &ouse (Gou4re an estate agent:! W&at conflict of interest ig&t coe u if an#>

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    /82. W&at is a conflict of interest>

    /8. )o #ou need a client account as a sole ractitioner> W&at client onies will #ou &old>

    /88. Colaints &andling as a onean'and &ow would t&is wor1>

    /89. W&at is t&e insurance called>

    /93. If starting alone, &ow uc& insurance would #ou need>

    /9D. $ssue #ou are covered for N33,333 and #ou are as1ed to value a 'uilding wort& otentiall# N3 w&at would #ou do>

    /9. 6aluation at N3 &ow uc& insurance would #ou want>

    /9/. W does t&e 0IC5 insist #ou &ave rofessional indenit# cover>

    /9H. W do #ou need insurance>

    /9. T&e D core values to t&e 0IC5 &ow &ave #ou u&eld two of t&ese values at wor1 in t&e last wee1>

    /92. $ssue t&e ista1e 'reac&ed t&e 0IC5 regulation, w&at can t&e 0IC5 do a'out it>

    /9. W&at &aens> W&o a1es t&e decision>

    /98. W&ere can #ou find t&e rules of t&e 0IC5>

    /99. W&en was t&e last tie t&e '#laws c&anged>

    H33. W&en did t&e rules of conduct c&ange>

    H3D. ?ow an# faculties can #ou 'e a e'er of once #ou 7ualif#>

    H3. W&at facult# do #ou want to +oin>

    H3/. )o #ou 1now w&en t&e +unior 'ranc& eets>

    H3H. C5 W&o is t&e resident of t&e 0IC5>

    H3. W&ere is t&e 0IC5 ?O>

    H32. ?ave #ou 'een t&ere>

    H3. If #ou set u a coan# on #our own w&at do #ou need to do>

    H38. 5a# #ou did a valuation for a c&arit# and as a result t&e# send #ou a crate of c&aagne, w&at do #ou do>

    H39. For e@ale, #ou are wor1ing in t&e agenc# deartent and soeone coes in wit& a 'ag of cas& and wants to 'u# a 'uilding fro #ou in t&e West End. ?ow do #ou

    deal wit& t&at>HD3. W&at are t&e laws*$cts relating to t&is>

    HDD. ?ow an# core values are t&ere in t&e 0IC5 code of conduct>

    HD. "lease nae a few.

    HD/. W&at is t&e current re7uireent for "II cover>

    HDH. W&o is t&e resident of t&e 0IC5>

    HD. Tal1 e t&oug& t&e rocedure to c&ec1 for a conflict of interest>

    HD2. W&at do #ou need to do to set u on #our own>

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    HD. W&en do #ou need a client account for lease advisor#>

    HD8. "I Insurance w does 0IC5 insist on t&is>

    HD9. W&at is t&e iniu level re7uired '# 0IC5>

    H3. ?ow an# faculties are t&ere in t&e 0IC5>

    HD. ?ow an# can #ou +oin>

    H. ?ow an# are #ou +oining>

    H/. W facult#>

    HH. W&o is t&e current resident of t&e 0IC5>

    H. W&at is isstateent>

    H2. W&at for of contract did #ou use>

    H. W>

    H8. Was t&e contract signed under &and or as a deed>

    H9. W&at is t&e difference>

    H/3. W&at warrant# did t&e contract offer>

    H/D. E@lain t&e ter $)4s

    H/. ?ow are $)4s calculated>

    H//. ?ow would #ou deal wit& e@tending t&e contract eriod>

    H/H. Was t&e M

    H/. W&at is t&e difference>

    H/2. W&at did #ou advise t&e client wit& regards to insuring t&e wor1s>

    H/. W&at ot&er t#es of contract &ave #ou 'een involved wit&>

    H/8. ?ow did #ou rove t&e dou'le gla;ed units &ad failed>

    H/9. ?ow did #ou anage counication wit& #our client>

    HH3. Gou entioned case law relating to t&e iortance of t&e word condition in a reair clause, w&at was t&is>

    HHD. ?ow would #ou &ave alied t&e re action rotocol to t&e )ilas negotiation in t&is instance>HH. W&at L$ct4 does t&e forat of a )ilaidations sc&edule relate to>

    HH/. W&at do #ou understand '# t&e ters L"ut4 and LKee4>

    HHH. )id t&e lease rovide for recover# of costs>

    HH. )o #ou t&in1 t&at claiing for consultant fees wit& regards to t&e cladding issues was reasona'le>

    HH2. W&at ?ealt& and 5afet# issues arose as art of t&e wor1s>

    HH. )id #ou anage t&ese>

    HH8. W&at inforation was re7uired>

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    HH9. ?ow did #ou anage wor1ing along side ad+acent tenants, did an# issue arise t&at a# iact on t&eir safet#>

    H3. W&o 'ears ultiate resonsi'ilit# for ?ealt& < 5afet#>

    HD. W&at rocess would #ou follow for surve#ing a 6ictorian terrace roert#>

    H. W&at sort of t&ings would #ou loo1 for>

    H/. T&e ground floor sla' was s&owing signs of &eave, w&at would #ou c&ec1>

    HH. Would t&e rocess 'e t&e sae on a coercial roert#>

    H. Gou found woodwool sla's in a roert# on a surve#, w&at would 'e #our advice>

    H2. E@lain t&e ter )eleterious aterials>

    H. Could #ou give e@ales>

    H8. Was t&ere an# issues relating to "art# Walls at t&e roert#>

    H9. W&at are t&e tiescales involved w&en giving notices>

    H23. W is t&e case Merritt v. -a'' iortant>

    H2D. W&at do #ou need to do to set u as a sole ractitioner>

    H2. ?ow would #ou rotect #ourself against one# laundering>

    H2/. W&at are t&e new rules of conduct>

    H2H. W&at are #our feelings on t&e new rinciles 'ased aroac&>

    H2. Crac1ing in 'uildings &ow can t&is 'e rectified>

    H22. E@lain soe causes of structural failure.

    H2. )iscuss soe deleterious aterials.

    H28. W&at is t&e difference 'etween a war roof and cold roof>

    H29. W&at is eant '# t&e ter Q5toc1 Condition 5urve#Q>

    H3. W&at do #ou record in a 5c&edule of Condition.

    HD. W&at will #ou norall# rovide in surve# liitations>

    H. ?ow do #ou deal wit& inaccessi'le areas in a 'uilding surve#>

    H/. ?ow s&ould t&ese 'e intiated to t&e client>HH. W&at s&ould #ou do if a conflict of interest arises>

    H. W&at does ))$ ean>

    H2. W&at ec&aniss are #ou re7uired to ut in lace rior to setting u a -5 )eartent>

    H. W&at are t&e duties of t&e designer under t&e C)M 0egs>

    H8. W&at is t&e criteria for alication of C)M 0egs>

    H9. W&o notifies t&e ?5E of a ro+ect and w&en>

    H83. W&o advises t&e client of &is re7uireents under t&e C)M 0egs>

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    H8D. W&at are t&e various t#es of isted 'uildings>

    H8. W&at constitutes a rade $ listing>

    H8/. W&at are erforance 'onds>

    H8H. To w&o does t&e dut# of an e@ert witness lie>

    H8. W&at could cause salling of concrete to reinforced concrete fraed 'uilding>

    H82. W&at is car'onation>

    H8. W&at are t&e li1el# defects of a D923s office 'uilding>

    H88. W&at is t&e difference 'etween ar'itration and ad+udication>

    H89. W&at legislation s&ould #ou col# wit& w&en carr#ing out a 'uilding surve#>

    H93. W&at is t&e difference 'etween a sc&edule of condition and interi sc&edule of dilaidations>

    H9D. W&at is t&e difference 'etween wet rot and dr# rot.

    H9. W&at is rofessional indenit# insurance>

    H9/. W&at is t&e urose of t&e 0IC5.

    H9H. W&at are t&e 0IC5 core values>

    H9. W&at are t&e 0IC5 rules for anaging clientsA funds.

    H92. "rior to carr#ing out a sc&edule of dilaidations w&at are #ou re7uired to do>

    H9. If #ou cannot agree a sc&edule w&at are t&e otions availa'le>

    H98. Client re7uiring roert# on a s&ort ter lease, w&at advice would #ou give>

    H99. W did #ou c&oose t&at for of contract>

    33. W&at ot&er fors of contract were considered>

    3D. W did #ou c&oose t&e contractors selected for tendering>

    3. ?ow would #ou underta1e a surve# of a large detac&ed stone &ouse on 'e&alf of a client>

    3/. W&at is condensation>

    3H. Crac1ing evident 'etween ain &ouse and ore recent e@tension, w&at &as caused t&is>

    3. Water ingress evident on ceiling of 'a# window, w&at is li1el# causing otential defects>32. ?ow would #ou rovide allowance for oveent in a lead araet gutter>

    3. ?ow would #ou calculate t&eral re7uireents for a 'uilding in urose grou D>

    38. W&at inforation do #ou see1 to gat&er w&en investigating aintenance issues*defects>

    39. W&at is t&e difference 'etween reactive and lanned aintenance>

    D3. If fee 7uoting &ow would #ou deal wit& oortunit# to aend fee once su'itted 'ased on ot&er lower costs>

    DD. ?ow do #ou deal wit& wor1s to 'e done in a secific tiescale re7uested '# t&e client>

    D. If t&is tiescale is e@ceeded, &ow is t&is dealt wit& contractuall#>

  • 7/21/2019 Building Surveyors Questions for revision


    D/. ?ow do #ou deal wit& errors in su'itted tenders>

    DH. )iscuss collateral warranties.

    D. Identif# li1el# defects of a 6ictorian &ouse.

    D2. W&at are t&e various et&ods of stone cleaning>

    D. E@lain t&e et&odolog# for carr#ing out a reinstateent cost assessent.

    D8. ?ow would #ou o'tain cost inforation to carr# t&is out>

    D9. W&at consideration do #ou re7uire to ta1e account of in esta'lis&ing e@tent of insurance>

    3. la;ed curtain walling to office 'uilding, regularl# affected '# crac1ing, w&at are t&e li1el# causes>

    D. W&at advice would #ou give to a client considering urc&asing an industrial estate>

    . W&at would 'e involved in carr#ing out an environental assessent.

    /. W&at is t&e difference 'etween a rovisional su and a rie cost su>

    H. W&at iact do t&ese &ave in a contract rograe>

    . ?ow do #ou calculate

    2. ?ow would #ou deterine during a surve# if a &ouse is of traditional construction or ti'er frae>

    . Is t&ere a set criteria for esta'lis&ing w&et&er a &ouse is fit for occuation>

    8. W&en insecting a foundation w&at would #ou consider>

    9. W&at is a reventative aintenance lan>

    /3. W&at &a;ard would #ou e@erience w&en underta1ing a surve# of a flood daaged roert#>

    /D. ?ow do #ou deterine t&e level of insurance in a 'uilding contract>

    /. W&at investigations would #ou consider following a crac1ed downie w&ic& &as stained stonewor1>

    //. W&at are t&e li1el# constituents of ortar and traditional 6ictorian roert#>

    /H. $re t&ere an# concerns in relation to installation of an &istoric &eating s#ste>

    /. ?ow do you underta1e a ris1 assessent>

    /2. ?ow do you deterine a contractorAs suita'ilit#>

    /. ?ow do you esta'lis& if t&e travel distance for a roert# is ade7uate>/8. W&at is eant '# t&e ter Qda# one valuationQ>

    /9. W&at are t&e different et&ods of deolition>

    H3. W&at is eant '# t&e ters Qurose grouQ and Qoccuanc# load factorQ>

    HD. )iscuss ro'les related wit& coosite wall anels.

    H. W&at t#es of 'aseent are t&ere>

    H/. )iscuss failure in 'ric1wor1.

    HH. What defects are you likely to see in a 1960s style of property?

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    H. What are the dimensions of a brick?

    H2. What is the usual width of a cavity in a cavity wall?

    H. What does deleterious mean in the context of deleterious materials?

    H8. What materials would you refer to as deleterious?

    H9. What defects would you expect with concrete cladding?

    3. HAC, what is this and what happens when it is defective?

    D. What is carbonation of concrete?

    . What are the likely results of carbonation in a reinforced concrete framed building?

    /. What types of defects would you anticipate seeing with calcium silicate brickwork?

    H. What are the main causes of cracking between an existing house and a new extension?

    . You have a property with an asbestos roof corrugated sheet which is in perfect order and condition, would you remove this?

    2. What types of finish can you have on a flat roof?

    . What different types of roof deck do you know?

    8. What is the difference between warm and cold roof deck?

    9. What is the make up of a traditional tenements slate roof?

    23. Can you describe typical defects in slate finished pitched roof?

    2D. What is nail sickness, can you define this?

    2. Can you describe typical defects that you would find with lead?

    2/. What are the guidelines you should adhere to when specifying and detailing lead?

    2H. How would you overcome movement with a lead lined parapet gutter?

    2. What would you look for in a roof void, where are you most likely to find these defects?22. Can you describe typical defects you would likely to find with a chimney?

    2. What would you be concerned with, with regards to defective stonework to the chimney stack within the roof void?

    28. Cracking is present to a stone lintol, what defects would you expect to find here?

    29. Can you describe typical defects with tenement windows?

    3. What defects are you likely to see on the traditional stonework?

    D. Stone erosion, what recommendations would you make to resolve the issue?

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    . A section of sandstone is spalling, how would you rectify this?

    /. In relation to stone indentation, could you explain how that is carried out?

    H. Mortar joints are loose/friable what material would you repair them in?

    . How does lime mortar differ from cement mortar?

    2. You require to replace a section of corroded cast iron downpipe, how would you do this?

    . Damp patches have been noted in a sandstone external wall at low level, in your Clients house, what is your diagnosis?

    8. What type of defects would you expect with regards to the above and what remedial works would you recommend?

    9. What would you expect to find in your inspection of a basement?

    83. What is the difference between dampness and condensation and how would you tell the difference between it?

    8D. When is a moisture meter used and what does it do?

    8. How would you diagnose rising damp?

    8/. What are the likely causes of rising damp?

    8H. What remedying advice would you give your client?

    8. What is your understanding of electro osmosis?

    82. Does dampness only occur when there are differences in ground level?

    8. Have you been involved in a project were dampness is effecting a basement?

    88. How would you prevent the reoccurrence of dampness in a basement?

    89. You mention tanking, could you explain how this works?

    93. You are inspecting within a roof void, what are you likely to be looking for in respect of the timbers?

    9D. What are the different types of rot?

    9. How would you identify wet and dry rot?9/. Dry rot, could you explain that to me?

    9H. What is the most common type of rot?

    9. What conditions does rot thrive in?

    92. What other defects would you expect to find with timber?

    9. How would you know if a woodworm infestation is still live?

    98. What remedial action would you recommend for decay timber safe lintols?

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    22. When can a Landlord claim for loss of rent during Dilapidation negotiations?

    2. What is the difference between a fixture and a fitting?

    28. What is a Scott Schedule?

    29. How would you advise a Tenant who has been serves Dilapidations?

    2/3. What is the difference between interim and a terminal Dilaps?

    2/D. Can you talk me through a typical Dilaps exercise when acting on behalf of the landlord?

    2/. You are asked to carry out an interim schedule of Dilaps, what information would you request?

    2//. Can you tell me about any clauses that may be contained within a lease?

    2/H. If you are unable to negotiate the settlement in a terminal Dilaps, what would you do?

    2/. You act for Landlord who is concerned about the financial standing of one of his tenants and also the condition of is property. The tenant has occupied the building for 17 years of a 25 year lease. What

    would you advise the Landlord to do?

    2/2. Asbestos. Who is liable for ensuring that the building has an asbestos register, landlord or tenant?

    2/. What types of asbestos could you find in a building and where would you likely find it?

    2/8. Explain the differences between a type 1, type 2 and type 3 asbestos surveys?

    2/9. What different types of surveys would a client asked you to carry out?

    2H3. Surveys. What is your understanding of a pre acquisition survey?

    2HD. What is the difference between a schedule of condition and condition survey?

    2H. Describe how you undertake a schedule of condition?

    2H/. Do you undertake a schedule of condition inspection in any kind of logic?

    2HH. Can you tell me the situations that you would carry out this survey and why?

    2H. What type of site investigation could be carried out to avoid disturbing underlying pipework and what would this indicate to you?2H2. DDA, Fire Regs, CDM. Can you talk me through a typical DDA survey, and the key issues you would be looking for?

    2H. Can you outline the principles involved with the new Disability Discrimination Act?

    2H8. What are the basic requirements contained in the current Fire Safety Regulations?

    2H9. What are the aims of fire regulations?

    23. What is CDM?

    2D. What role does a Client play within CDM Regulations?

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    2. When do you know a project is notifiable under CDM Regulations?

    2/. What is the Designers role under CDM Regulations?

    2H. What does a Pre tender health and safety file generally contain?

    2. What information would you include in a risk assessment?

    22. Can you give me a few examples of risk assessments you would carry out prior to works commencing on site?

    2. Why should wet cooling towers not be used for air-conditioning?

    28. What is your understanding of landfill tax?

    29. What is your understanding of aggregate tax?

    223. Do you know what Japanese knotweed is?

    22D. What forms of Contract are you aware of?

    22. What forms of Government Contracts are you aware of comparable with Scottish Minor Works?

    22/. What is the difference between reactive and planned maintenance?

    22H. You have a Client who would like to have a maintenance agreement set up with a Contractor, what form of Contract would you use?

    22. What is planned maintenance and could you describe a situation that you have been involved in with it?

    222. Are you aware of design and build contracts?

    22. What is the role of a BS in this style of procurement?

    228. In traditional procurement, how are variations proceed?

    229. What criteria would you utilise when selecting a list of Contractors for tendering purposes?

    23. What source might you use to estimate the costs of a building project?

    2D. Can you explain the difference between single stage selective tendering alternative 1 and alternative 2?

    2. What is Collateral Warranty and when is this required?2/. If everything in a tender evaluation is equal between Contractors what other factors might you use to decide who to appoint?

    2H. How do you deal with errors in submitted tenders?

    2. How are valuations processed?

    22. How do you ensure a contractor undertakes works by a given completion date?

    2. What clause is in place within a contract to provide your Client with compensation, for late completion for example?

    28. What are LADs?

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    29. How do you calculate the level of LAD?

    283. How do you ensure that a contractor completes any snagging works at the end of the defects liability period?

    28D. How do you ensure that a contractor is using your specified materials?

    28. On completion of a contract, what does the Contractor no longer require?

    28/. What happens at the end of the project?

    28H. Do retention monies vary during a contract?

    28. You have a Contractor who will not reattend site to carry out a repair during the defects liability period, what action do you take?

    282. How are variations to a contract instructed?

    28. What action can a Client take if a Contractor will not carry out a variation during the course of a contract?

    288. Can you explain Dayworks?

    289. How would you apply for a Completion Certificate from Building control when a project which is subject to a building warrant is complete?

    293. What are the requirements of a separating floor or wall between residential flats under current Building Regulations?

    29D. PFI and PPP, what is your understanding of the principles?

    29. What do you think are the main attributes the Client expects from you when you are appointed to do work for them?

    29/. What do you think you need to make a team work well together?

    29H. What is a conflict of interest?

    29. With regards to a conflict of interest, if both parties are to agree to proceed could you?

    292. A client approaches you saying that they have been offered a lower fee by another company to undertake a survey, what would you do?

    29. If you are to pass and become a member what are the CPD requirements?

    298. Are you aware of any legislative change in the RICS?

    299.Can you tell me anything about the Carsberg/Brooke review that you mention?

    33. Can you discuss any of the CDP seminars that you have been at recently?

    3D. What professional publications do you read?

    3. As a Chartered Building Surveyor, how would you maintain you professional identity?

    3/. What are some of the core values?

    3H. Current RICS president?

    3. Current RICS Scotland chairman?

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    32. Current BS faculty chairman?

    3. 0IC5 0ules of Conduct and )iscilinar# "rocedures. W&at are t&e# and w are t&e# in lace>

    38. "rofessional negligence

    39. W&at are t&e discilinar# rocedures and reasons for disissal>

    D3. W&at are t&e rules covering fee 'iding and fee cutting>

    DD. W&at are t&e ost coon reasons for discilinar# action against e'ers of t&e 0IC5>

    D. W&at is a anner Aun'efittingA of a C&artered 5urve#or>

    D/. W&at are t&e re7uireents in ters of Ters and Conditions of engageent.

    DH. W&at are t&e re7uireents in ters of confidentialit#>

    D. W&at are t&e re7uireents in ters of ColaintAs "rocedures>

    D2. W&at are t&e rules on advertising>

    D. Conflicts of Interest>

    D8. W&at do #ou do to avoid t&e>

    D9. W&at action do #ou ta1e if a conflict of interest is discovered>

    3. C&inese Walls>

    D. "rofessional Indenit# Insurance

    . W and w&en do #ou need rofessional indenit# insurance cover>

    /. W&at level of "I cover will 'e re7uired if #ou start #our own 'usiness>

    H. 0unoff cover

    . 0IC5

    2. W&o are t&e "resident of t&e 0IC5 and t&e C&airan of t&e -uilding

    . 5urve#ing Facult#>

    8. W&at are t&e# tr#ing to ac&ieve at resent>

    9. W&at do #ou t&in1 t&e 0IC5 &as 'een tr#ing to ac&ieve (develoents fro t&e $genda for C&ange and t&e 0IC5 structure!>

    /3. Cars'erg 0eview

    /D. "rofessional )eveloent and ifelong earning

    /. 0easons for underta1ing rofessional develoent>

    //. 0ecent C") courses attended and w>

    /H. W&at are #our ain sources of gaining rofessional develoent>

    /. Is #our rofessional develoent structured in an# wa#>