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Unless otherwise indicated, these slides are © 2013-2016 Pivotal Software, Inc. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license: Building Resilient and Evolutionary Data Microservices By Vinicius Carvalho @vccarvalho viniciusccarvalho

Building Resilient and Evolutionary Data Microservices

Apr 16, 2017



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Building Resilient and Evolutionary Data Microservices

By Vinicius Carvalho@vccarvalhoviniciusccarvalho

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Agenda• Data microservices• Why you should care about schema evolution• It’s all about the format• Introducing Schema evolution for Spring Cloud Stream• Demo


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Data microservices


Self contained





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Data microservices


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Data pipelines


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Data microservices in action: Context maps


Sam Newman’s Building Microservices

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Data microservices in action: CQRS



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Learn more


Cloud Native Streaming and Event-Driven MicroservicesWed 8/3 - 4:20 - 5:30 PM Starvine 2

Orchestrate All the Things! with Spring Cloud Data FlowThu 8/4 - 11:10 - 12:15 Starvine 2

Architecting for Cloud Native Data: Data Microservices Done Right Using Spring CloudWed 8/3 2:00 - 3:10 PM Starvine 2

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What happens when data evolve?

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Schema Evolution


“The problem of evolving a data schema to adapt it to a change in modeled reality”

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Backward compatibility




• A reader using a newer schema version can read from writers of an older version

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Forward compatibility




• A reader using an older schema version can read from writers of a newer version

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Request / Response paradigm


It’s all about a handshake



GET /v1/…



GET /v2/…

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Messaging paradigm




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Messaging paradigm






if msg.headers[version] == “v1” {

}else if …

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Data Microservices


But I thought microservices were all about smart endpointsand dumb pipes

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Smart endpoints• Our goal is to make our endpoints

capable of adapting to changes on the model without requiring changes on the system.


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How can we achieve that?


We have the tools We just need to evolve on how to use it

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It all depends on the right format


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Choosing the right format : Features


✓Compact✓Strongly typed✓Adaptable✓Versioned✓Centralized

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Choosing a format


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Payload size







Payload Size (bytes)






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Average marshaling time in nanos

Read Write




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Benchmark : because we love one


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Bottom line


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Why Avro• Binary and compact format• Mature and with active community. Heavily used on hadoop ecosystem• Schemas are a first class citizen on it• Out of the box support for Schema evolution• Support for GenericRecords : Easy integration with SpEL• Cross language implementations for clients


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Schema evolution support on SCSt


API Level 16

API Level 21 Registry•Stores schemas•Tests compatibility•Tracks utilization

1. Producers registers schemas2. SCSt broadcast location in header

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Schema evolution support on SCSt


API Level 16

API Level 21 Registry

1. Consumers fetch message2. Query registry for schema3. If version is different apply resolution

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Starting the Server


@SpringBootApplication @EnableSchemaRegistryServer public class SchemaRegistryServerApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication .run(SchemaRegistryServerApplication.class,args); } }

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Schema Registry Server


• POST / : Register a new schema, returning it’s version and a location header

• GET /{subject}/{format}/{version} : Returns a schema definition

• GET /{subject}/{format} : Returns all versions of a schema for a given format

• POST /{subject}/{format}/test : Compatibility test against all registered versions

• GET /{subject}/{format}/usage : List apps using all versions of a schema

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Enabling Schema registration


@SpringBootApplication @EnableSchemaRegistryClient public class ProducerApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication .run(ProducerApplication.class,args); } }

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Enabling Schema registration - Producer


spring: cloud: stream: schemaRegistryClient: endpoint: http://localhost:8990 bindings: output: destination: sensor-topic contentType: "application/*+avro"

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Enabling Schema registration - Consumer


spring: cloud: stream: schemaRegistryClient: endpoint: http://localhost:8990 bindings: input: destination: sensor-topic

Content type is inferred from headers

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Schema evolution example


#v1 { "namespace" : "", "type" : "record", "name" : "Sensor", "fields" : [ {"name":"id","type":"string"}, {"name":"temperature", "type":"float", "default":0.0}, {"name":"acceleration", "type":"float","default":0.0}, {"name":"velocity","type":"float","default":0.0}, {"name":"accelerometer","type":[ "null",{ "type":"array", "items":"float" } ]}, {"name":"magneticField","type":[ "null",{ "type":"array", "items":"float" } ]}, {"name":"orientation","type":[ "null",{ "type":"array", "items":"float" } ]}

] }

#v2 { "namespace" : "", "type" : "record", "name" : "Sensor", "fields" : [ {"name":"id","type":"string"}, {"name":"internalTemperature", "type":"float", "default":0.0, "aliases":["temperature"]}, {"name":"externalTemperature", "type":"float", "default":0.0}, {"name":"acceleration", "type":"float","default":0.0}, {"name":"velocity","type":"float","default":0.0}, {"name":"accelerometer","type":[ "null",{ "type":"array", "items":"float" } ]}, {"name":"magneticField","type":[ "null",{ "type":"array", "items":"float" } ]}, {"name":"orientation","type":[ "null",{ "type":"array", "items":"float" } ]} ]


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Schema Support on Spring Cloud Stream


- DEMO -

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• Martin Kleppmann Schema Evolution in avro, thrift and protobufers:

• - Martin Kleppmann

• The CQRS Journey:

• Oracle Datastore schema evolution :

• Building Microservices by Sam Newman:

• Apache Avro:
