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Building of the New You - A Simple Method for Bettering Yourself

Sep 27, 2015




Building of the New You - A Simple Method for Bettering Yourself
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    [email protected]

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    Building of the New You

    A Simple Method for Bettering Yourself

    by Thomas Charles alias Tomasz Blaszczak

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    Prelude 3

    Chapter I Know-How of a Habit 5

    Chapter II Introduction to Building of the New You 17

    Chapter III Designing of the Habit 21

    Chapter IV Forming of the Designed Habit 32

    Chapter V Aftermath 40

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    Develop the habits; you have the brain power, you have the energy, but develop the habits of


    - Warren Buffett

    Whats truly behind our thoughts, actions and success in life? What constitutes a

    person? The answer is - our habits. We all have a particular set of habits which is

    steering our lives from the backseat. Our habits and the things done by us in

    accordance to those habits are the driving force throughout our lives. Our habits

    determine what kind of person we are and what kind of things we are really capable

    of. We are the set of habits.

    In the long run habits are responsible for our level of happiness, our professional

    well being, financial situation, quality of our relationships, social life, and even

    attractiveness. Intermittent actions are not enough to achieve success, especially in a

    modern era where competition is as sharp as ever. All successful people in any

    profession are successful because they can repeatedly do effective things in their

    profession. They can do that simply, because they have the right set of habits which

    help them excel. Make no mistake, positive and effective habits have the elevating

    effect allowing us to achieve our goals and make our dreams become reality, at the

    same time negative and ineffective ones limit us mercilessly throughout our whole

    life. We are what we repeatedly do, and thats why we are the set of habits

    We all have habits; its the way we are wired. Our mind constantly pushes things

    we learn to our unconsciousness, so we wont need to waste more energy on

    thinking about those things in the future. Acting in accordance to the habit is

    unconscious. Its just easier and feels comfortable. Our habits are like our inner

    autopilot. Everything is fine when our habits work in our favour, but problems occur

    when our habits are actually detrimental to us. The problem is when some pesky

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    autopilot gets behind the rudder of our plane without our permission or knowledge

    and is steering us the wrong way. We have to realize that while the good autopilot

    will fly us to wherever we want to, the bad one will likely crash our plane in middle

    of the journey.

    Its up to us to decide. In a simple and relatively quick way we can change our

    habits, designing them according to our liking. We can build our new effective and

    successful selves. We can build our own effective and successful autopilot the way

    WE like, because every action CAN become our habit. We can achieve anything we

    want to and can become whoever we want to be in relatively short period of time.

    Building of the New You is an easy learning method and a tool that can be used by

    anyone to become a better person, to achieve desired goals and permanent results in

    every area of life. The purpose of this guide is to bring permanent results and

    improvements to anyone who aspires to them.

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    Chapter I

    Know-How of a Habit

    We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.

    - Aristotle

    Habit is a behaviour or action that is repeated regularly, that tends to repeat

    itself even when we dont think about repeating it. Do you ever find yourself clicking

    your favourite webpage every time you turn on a computer without thinking about

    it, even though you saw it an hour ago? Thats a habit; it happens subconsciously.

    Every habit can be singled out to one repeating core action, thats directly affecting

    this habit. This core action has been imprinted in our neural pathways by our

    repetition of it. To form a new habit we have to lay down the new imprint by

    repeating certain new action for a time of three weeks to two months. The exact time

    it takes depends from the environment we are in, our discipline, consistency, and

    from our physical and mental state. For example lets imagine someone who is shy,

    someone who has a habit of talking too quietly in company of strangers. Lets call

    that someone Quiet Joe. To have such a habit doesnt mean that Quiet Joe is unable to

    talk loudly in front of the strangers at all. He is able, but to do that he has to remind

    himself to talk loudly, and as soon as he forgets about talking loudly his habit of

    talking too quietly will take over. It means that its very unlikely that we will find

    Quiet Joe talking like a TV presenter on daily basis. Most of the time or always our

    Quiet Joe will mumble quietly without even thinking about it. Thats how the habit

    works. Now imagine that Quiet Joe constantly talks as loud as he can for three weeks

    to two months and guess what will happen... Our Quiet Joe wont be quiet anymore!

    He will be known as Loud Joe. His mind will change his habit; loud talking will

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    become imprinted in his mind. From now on he will talk loud without even thinking

    about it, and it will require his conscious effort to talk quietly again.

    Role of a Habit

    Habits have a very useful role. Thinking costs energy. Habits save us a lot of

    energy that we would normally spend on thinking about doing something before

    actually doing it. Our mind forms a new habit out of the repeated action by pushing

    it to our unconsciousness; its a way of saving energy. Thanks to the habit we dont

    need to think about doing certain things, because if theyre imprinted in us we will

    do them anyway. Again imagine someone who lets say was walking like a runaway

    model for all of his life and suddenly decided to slouch. Within three weeks to two

    months of regularly doing so he will change his habit of walking like a runaway

    model into a habit of slouching; slouching will become imprinted in his mind as his

    new and default behaviour. Because of the new habit, from now on he wont be

    wasting energy on thinking about slouching anymore; he will be doing it anyway.

    Habit doesnt engage our thinking and thats why the habit is an energy saving

    mechanism. Unfortunately our mind doesn't care whether our habit is negative or

    positive for us as long as it saves energy. Slouching is not perceived as confident or

    attractive and in longer time will probably result in health problems, but our mind

    doesnt care whether the habit is good for us as long as its able to save some energy.

    Thats its only job in that department.

    Comfort and Discomfort

    Our mind works like a spider catching repeating in front of him actions into his

    web. Once the action finally gets caught into the web its not easy to get it out of

    there, because our mind has an additional protective mechanism. When an action

    becomes a habit not only it becomes unconscious, but it also gets wrapped in

    comfort. It means that acting according to the habit will feel comfortable and natural.

    Anytime when we try to do something against the habit thats already in us, it will

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    feel uncomfortable and unnatural. We have to realize that as adults we are not empty

    inside, forming a habit usually has to result in changing some other habit or habits

    that are already imprinted in us. There is a connection between forming one habit

    and changing other habit or other habits at the same time. Often we arent even

    aware of the existence of this old habit(s) in us. Our old habit(s) opposes against its

    changing with some level of the feeling of discomfort. Thats also the main reason

    most of us are unable to form habits we want to, or to change our unwanted habits;

    we just cant handle the feeling of discomfort that goes with acting against the habit

    thats already in us. For example, again lets take our still Quiet Joe and make him

    stand up right now and publicly speak in front of a crowd of 100 people. As we can

    imagine it would feel very uncomfortable for him to do so; he would have to battle

    the pack of dark thoughts, doubts and fears. To publicly speak well Quiet Joe would

    need to form a habit of public speaking. While forming the habit of public speaking

    he would have to face a surprisingly difficult opponent... Some of his old habits, like

    for example habit of shyness, maybe a habit of low self-esteem, negativity or even

    false pride. Forming the habit of public speaking for Quiet Joe just like forming any

    other habit would require dealing with some level of the discomfort. In bettering

    ourselves theres no other way than going pass the discomfort, no matter how hard

    and creatively we try to avoid it. Habits are wrapped in comfort and forming new

    ones will be uncomfortable to some extent. Of course, Quiet Joe can stay in his

    comfort zone, but by doing so he will never learn new skills. Thats the alternative

    we have.

    It Takes a Habit

    Okay, so lets imagine that our Quiet Joe decides to go against discomfort, and

    takes our challenge to stand up and speak in front of the crowd of 100 people, whats

    then? He will have to repeat it. We have to remember that since the new action that

    we would like to turn into our habit is still not imprinted in us, as soon as our mind

    drifts someplace else we will forget about doing and repeating this action. In order to

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    form/change the habit we have to be consistent. If Quiet Joe would keep reminding

    himself and discipline himself to repeat the new action, with each repetition the level

    of discomfort would decrease and if he would stay disciplined in doing that for long

    enough the discomfort would disappear forever. Its doable! Even though habits are

    just stronger that any intermittent actions, ruling every profession and having

    permanent effects on our lives by setting our default actions, its still possible to

    mould them according to our will. Consistency is the key here; in order to do

    something against our habit we have to keep exercising our will and consciousness

    because any time we forget about it the habit thats already in us steps in and takes

    over. For example, if we have the aforementioned habit of checking our favourite

    webpage always when we turn on our computer in order to not check it, always

    when we are about to turn on the computer we would have to remind ourselves not

    to do it. We would have to consciously restrain ourselves from checking it and

    anytime we would forget about that we would immediately do what our habit

    would lead us to and to what is imprinted in our mind we would check our

    favourite webpage again. All of us probably experienced this in the past, when once,

    twice or even few times we did something that was surprisingly effective, brilliant,

    so easy, and then we stopped doing that for some reason. After that we couldnt

    really bring back this level of performance anymore. It kind of faded away, staying in

    us just as a memory, a flash of our potential. It happened because our habit of

    mediocrity or insufficiency which we unfortunately had in us already took over. Any

    flashes of even the most brilliant intermittent behaviour are always overshadowed

    by our habits in the longer run. Intermittent actions are not enough to make a lasting

    impact; its our habits that chisel our lives and careers. Thats why a real and

    permanent change of a person is impossible without forming/changing of the

    persons habit(s).

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    One Is Often Enough

    The connection between the particular new habit we want to form, and the habit

    thats already in us which is trying to make the acquisition of the new habit

    uncomfortable for us has the other side. If we would be able to form that new habit,

    the other habit which is making it difficult for us, by making us feel uncomfortable

    would change also! Repeating one action and forming the habit out of it would

    results in changing of the other habit or habits. For example if Quiet Joe would be

    able to form the habit of public speaking he would also stop being shy, his self-

    esteem would go up and in general he would become more positive. Some habits

    have more significant meaning and power than others! While for example the

    aforementioned habit of public speaking has the power to resonate on many areas of

    persons life, a habit of for example daily teeth brushing - while needed - doesnt

    have such resonating power. Forming one new habit could make a difference in our

    lives as dramatic as the difference between being successful and unsuccessful


    Look Around

    When we listen to successful sport figures talking about their training, we hear

    them talking about many repetitions of some action or move. They are constantly

    trying to form effective habits and correct ineffective ones. The same mechanism can

    be found while observing and listening to successful people from financial. First rule

    of a trader never lose money, its a habit! What they mean by that is that the

    professional goal of the trader is to repeatedly make decisions that result in not

    losing money. Their ideal is to make a habit out of not losing money and the

    successful ones manage to do just that. The same rule applies to people who are not

    successful; if we observe or even listen to them we will notice that they repeat same,

    ineffective actions with most common example being quitting too early. Look at

    famous sport figures, and financial sharks - they never give up. They fall just like

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    many of us, and they get up just like few of us. Its their habit. How about an ability

    to lead other people? Its not a magic trick, its a skill. Its a habit! Did you notice the

    trend of successful people like Richard Branson, Mark Cuban or Sheldon Anderson

    crossing borders of businesses and taking on new endeavours with great benefits?

    Why is that they can take on the new thing, and become successful in it? They can,

    because they already have in them effective habits that allow them to reach their

    goals in new fields. One the most successful entrepreneurs of our time Richard

    Branson said:

    I learned early on that if you can run one company, you can really run any companies.

    Sounds easy, right? When you have the right set of habits it actually is very easy. Our

    habits are responsible for our success or lack of it. Doing something once or even few

    times is not enough as well-being in every area of life is based on regular and

    consistent ability to make good decisions, speak well, sing well, act well, think well,

    shoot or swing well, the list goes on. One lucky time is not enough to withstand

    competition and persevere, especially in times we live now. Its about repetition of

    whats successful. Its about doing whats effective for sustainable period of time. Its

    about habits! Single actions are quickly forgotten by others, and - even worse they

    are quickly forgotten by us. Some habits can raise respect and attraction and some

    will do the opposite. For example, while a habit of being able to express yourself

    boldly and with confidence will be respected and attractive, a habit of timidity wont

    be respected and attractive. Some habits are healthy for us and some are not regular

    jogging is healthy, while smoking isnt. Our habits are responsible even for things

    such as our facial expression. Effective habits will cause good for us, while ineffective

    habits will limit us throughout our whole life if we let them.

    High Status Habits

    Very important group of habits are habits that are strictly related to status,

    whether material or social. Usually its both material and social status - combined

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    in one person, and its not by chance! If we take a closer look, we will notice that

    people of high status usually speak louder and clearer, walk and position themselves

    differently than people of lower status, their eye contact is different, they keep

    composure under pressure and so on. When we hear a phrase high status we

    automatically imagine someone successful and rich. We naturally and unconsciously

    reward other people just for their high status image in our eyes, and this perception

    of someones status is based on nothing else than on high status habits they exhibit in

    front of us. We reward people of high status habits by giving them a better emotional

    treatment like respect, sympathy, even fear, or by giving them something material,

    like for example our money. We think: Hey, he has such a nice suit, speaks so eloquently

    and makes such a good impression, he must be somebody I could trust! or He sure would

    know how to handle our money right, but do we really know that or we just

    subconsciously assume it? Actually, our perception of someones status is based

    strictly on what we see, think and feel and not on facts or reality! Again, its all about

    habits. As humans we are able to unconsciously feel the difference between a

    consistent and congruent behaviour and something thats not consistent and

    congruent, between the habit and the intermittent action! Perceiving someone as

    having high status instinctively elicits positive emotions inside of us and eventually

    results in us treating that person better than we naturally tend to treat someone who

    doesnt exhibit the high status habits and therefore doesnt elicit those positive

    emotions in us. We are wired to be social. We are wired to pick up those cues. High

    status is attractive and is respected, and its not our choice. We dont choose to feel

    this way when we see a high status person, we just feel it. That better treatment in

    general mean better opportunities for the person with high status habits. Somehow

    and some way they simply seem more attractive socially, they get better jobs, better

    treatment, more trust and the list goes on. It means the successful and rich have it

    going for them on two levels. They are already successful and rich, plus their high

    status itself gets them a better emotional and material treatment by people who look

    up to them and want to associate with them. We feel that we have less money, less

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    success and that we are less attractive than the person of high status. Though, are we

    really sure about that? Yes, we subconsciously feel and think that way, but do we

    actually know that for fact? Have we seen their money by our own eyes? Have we

    witnessed or felt their success? Most of the times answer is, No! The only thing we

    see is the image of high status. The only thing we see is the habit(s) that we perceive

    as high status and our perception does the rest.


    We tend to think and feel that we are only allowed to act like we have high status

    if we actually become successful and rich - fortune and success come first and then

    come the high status habits. It seems like social status determines our habits. Its

    only partially true, because it can actually go other way! Our high status habits can

    and will draw fortune and success to us! Lately there was a story of complete

    stranger who got into highly televised award ceremony, walking pass security, right

    through the red carpet and nobody even asked him about anything. He did it

    because his body language, his confidence, his habits created the high status. He

    created the high status treatment, while in reality being an average guy! Security

    folks saw a young gentleman in a nice suit, walking straight up, confident and

    without hesitation. Their first instinct, their first feeling and thought was that it has

    to be another celebrity and that he has to have something going for him. Oh, they

    knew it! In their minds he definitely was some rich and successful actor! That first

    glance was enough for them to give him a celebrity treatment. Just like its enough

    for us to give the better treatment to somebody who acts like he deserves it, to

    somebody with high status habits. The thing is, our instincts arent misleading us

    much, because high status habits draw better treatment and better opportunities to

    the person who possesses them. If he isnt successful and rich already, then he

    probably will be soon. That person, who right now may even be poor as a mouse and

    work as a parcel sorter in a warehouse will soon gather high status treatment and

    high status things around him or her thanks to high status habits, as we think: Such

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    a fine looking person, he must be some director or manager. What, if someone told

    us the truth, that he actually works as a parcel sorter in the warehouse? We wouldnt

    believe it anyway...

    Our Environment

    Process of acquiring the habit is automatic, and we cant choose to stop it. We

    acquire habits since the day we are born. We take over the habits of our parents, our

    peers, our teachers and our idols. We absorb from our environment just like a sponge

    absorbs water, no matter if we want it or not. We absorb positives and negatives, and

    our mind doesnt evaluate if the things we absorb are good or not. Thats why the

    environment that we grow up in or live in is very important. Emotional states and

    behaviours are infectious to a point where if we put a group of different people, with

    completely different backgrounds and make them coexist together they will

    relatively soon become alike. Often in life the people we are surrounded with are not

    chosen by us. We have to realize that having random people around us for extended

    periods of time is like gambling in the casino the odds are that we will lose more

    than win. The odds are that we will acquire a lot of negative and ineffective habits.

    There are many people in this world, some may be beautiful inside and giving and

    other may be detrimental and toxic. Some may be aspiring and constantly pushing

    themselves to their goals and others will just sit, complain and blame other people

    for their inability. Social circles and groups tend to oppose values that are different

    from the ones they are already cultivating. For example if one day we would decide

    to change our values to ones that are totally different to the ones of our current peers

    we would face a lot of ostracism, discomfort, pressure and even guilt because of it.

    Staying among those old peers would practically disable us from incorporating those

    new values. This coin has a flip side though; if we would be able to get into a social

    group that actually shares our new values, then the same mechanism would protect

    and inspire our growth instead of hindering it. If someone would like to become lets

    say successful fashion designer, the best way to do that is to position himself among

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    people who are really into fashion designing by for example moving into the flat

    where most flatmates are into fashion designing. In ideal situation we want to grow

    and surround ourselves with people in some way positive for us, with people in

    some way better than us, so we could naturally absorb their positive values and

    aspire to their level. This way we would be dragged up automatically, instead of

    being dragged down. Every day we are absorbing our surrounding and the habits

    we come in touch with. Problems, low or high self esteem, low or high status, work

    ethic or lack of it, power and inability, anger, happiness, frustration and so on, it all

    in some form and shape is a reflection of different habits weve acquired. Effective

    habits guide us through the storm and keep rewarding us and ineffective ones keep

    on punishing us socially, financially or in some other way. In that regard we dont

    have a choice; we cant switch off our mechanism of acquiring habits. What we can

    do is choose what habits we want to acquire. Remember? The mechanism of

    acquiring habits works like the spider catching repeating actions into his web, so

    what we need to do is just focus on feeding him the things we want and need, and

    not the random ones. The mechanism of acquiring habits doesnt care what is fed to

    him; his job is to save energy. It will change into habit anything it will be in touch

    with for long enough time.

    Everything Changes

    Often we like to believe that we can choose whether we want to change ourselves

    or not. That we can work on improving ourselves by pushing the boarders of our

    comfort to new areas or that we can just do nothing, accept ourselves the way we are

    and that the things always are going to be the same. Heres the kicker; they wont be

    the same, because we are limited by time and natural decline. Our level of comfort is

    strictly correlated with the state of our body and mind. For example, if we lay down

    on the ground for one year, receive only food to keep us alive and do nothing, then

    our muscles and intellectual abilities will deteriorate. At the same time our comfort

    level will decline drastically alongside with the state of our body and mind. The

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    border between comfort and discomfort is dynamic and not static, it always changes.

    There is nothing in between comfort and discomfort. It means that if our comfort

    grows, then automatically our discomfort shrinks, and vice versa. Our comfort grows

    (while the discomfort shrinks) when we learn new things, renew our old skills or

    simply by just moving and spending energy! Discomfort grows (while the comfort

    shrinks) when we do nothing. Our body is naturally regressing when we do nothing.

    We can actually simplify it we move and our comfort grows or we stand still and

    our discomfort grows. We wont feel it in day-to-day perspective. We will probably

    feel it in month-to-month perspective, and we will definitely feel it in year-to-year

    perspective. Thats why sitting and doing nothing while feeling good and

    comfortable can only work for a little time and cant be carried on forever without

    negative consequences. Soon we will start to regress physically and mentally and

    with that the level of our comfort will shrink. It will be shrinking, and shrinking,

    filling our frame of mind with fear and frustration, taking away our personal space

    until we find it hard to breath. The battle between comfort and discomfort is a life

    long struggle. Its just like in the classic proverb:

    War cannot be avoided; it can only be postponed to the enemys advantage.

    When we rest and do nothing, discomfort is gathering forces and is preparing the

    inevitable attack. Feeling the discomfort from time to time is actually good for us! Its

    good to purposely expose ourselves to the feeling of discomfort that accompanies

    doing new things and growing. Richard Branson said it best:

    You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.

    He also shared some interesting story form his childhood:

    My mother was determined to make us independent. When I was four years old, she stopped

    the car a few miles from our house and made me find my own way home across the fields. I got

    hopelessly lost.
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    In other words, you learn and you grow by doing what is uncomfortable, falling over

    is definitely not comfortable, but it will be good for you in the long run. So move,

    intentionally push yourself to feel the discomfort. When we feel the discomfort it

    means that we grow inside, it means that our boundaries of comfort are spreading, it

    means that there are more and more things in our life that we will feel comfortable

    doing thanks to that discomfort we feel right now. On the other side, feeling of

    comfort while more pleasurable can be very misleading and can cost us a lot; when

    we feel comfort our discomfort grows. Its counterintuitive. Laziness has its price.

    The price we pay is the way we will soon feel simply put we will feel worse. Doing

    nothing is asking for trouble and will change us no matter if we want it or not, so if

    we are destined for change, if we can't choose whether we want to change or not,

    then we should at least choose the direction of that change.

    Whats Done Once Can Be Repeated

    Looking at any area of life we will find the same pattern. There are certain

    repeating actions of which the success in those areas consists of. Take a look at social

    life, who is most successful in it? The people who are confident, positive, assertive,

    good in communicating, etcetera. Look at the relationships area... Confidence is

    attractive, our mind set, the way we walk, the way we dress, the way we use space,

    the way we present ourselves, the way we talk and so on. It all can be extremely

    attractive and seductive. Now take a look at professional life. Our work ethic, the

    way we handle pressure, the way we motivate ourselves, the decision making and so

    on. Everything mentioned above can be singled out to one repeating core action that

    can be done once. If it can be done once, then it can be repeated and if it can be

    repeated, then it can become a habit, it can become our habit! Thats where our choice

    starts, so stand still and decline or move and grow.

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    Chapter II

    Introduction to Building of the New You

    Lets bring back Quiet Joe once again. If Quiet Joe would be able to develop the

    habit of comfortable public speaking he would grow on many different levels. All it

    would take is his will to expose himself to public speaking for the time of three

    weeks to two months exact time depending of his discipline and consistency in

    consciously repeating that certain action. His confidence would grow, his posture

    and body language would change, he would develop a habit of leading people with

    his voice, his eye contact would be better, his social ability would improve, he would

    become more attractive, he would handle pressure and rejection better, and even his

    facial expression would change. Just by forming this habit he would acquire other

    habits that would further draw more positive things to him, like better treatment

    from others and better professional opportunities. That's a lot, and all of it thanks to

    forming just one habit, because when you form/change one significant habit the rest

    follows. Building of the New You allows you to systematically acquire permanent

    skills, behaviours and beliefs that will take you over the hump in chosen area of life.

    From abilities and skills like making good decisions, leading people, to general facial

    expression, theres really no limit to how it can be used. Its all up to your likings and

    needs. Would you like to become a successful businessman, investor, actor, better

    leader or better family person? Or maybe you would like to become more attractive,

    more confident and better socially? Building of the New You is a simple method of

    learning, gaining and bettering yourself. Its a blueprint on how to reach your goals.

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    Two Part Process

    Building of the New You is a two part process. It consists of choosing the traits and

    habits you want (designing of the habit) and making them your own by imprinting

    them in your mind (forming of the designed habit). Remember? Habits work like

    your inner autopilot. You cant choose whether you want to use the services of the

    autopilot in your life; that choice is being made for us. What you can do is choose

    which particular autopilot you want to steer the plane called your life or your

    career. You can consciously pick and form the habits you want. You can also change

    the habits that are already in you. You can design the New You however you like

    and then make the New You materialize. Remember, every action can become your

    permanent habit in the relatively short period of time of three weeks to two months.

    Its about deciding what you want, doing it once, and repeating it until it becomes

    your habit, so it can bring permanent results to your life. Anything short from a habit

    is not enough; the goal is to make something your habit!


    The first part of Building of the New You is designing of the habit. As it was

    explained in the Chapter I, change is inevitable, but the direction of that change is

    not. A lot of books have been written about people in general, but its very likely that

    no book has been written about you! Thats your job; you have to pick the direction

    you want to go. If you dont know yet then thats the moment when you ask yourself

    about what do you want, who do you want to be, and what area you want to succeed

    in. This stage is done in your mind and on paper. You set your own limits here. You

    select the habits you want to acquire. When you find the answer(s) and decide, you

    will write it down. First stage is more important than the second stage, because if

    your thoughts dont reach the certain goal then your actions definitely wont reach it.

    Imagining, choosing, deciding is doing something mentally, acting is doing

    something physically. Whatever you pick, chances are its been done before you by

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    other people, and if its been done before, then most of the times it CAN be done by

    YOU; if you can imagine doing something then actually almost always there is no

    reason you cant do it physically. If you can do it once then you can repeat it, and if

    you can repeat it then you can make the habit out of it! Try not to allow yourself to

    believe that you are unable to do something, especially when it has been done before.

    Try not to allow yourself to believe that your idols do some kind of magic tricks and

    thats why they are successful. Its not magic, its a habit, so challenge yourself. Dare

    yourself! This stage is about picking the habits that are responsible for success in the

    area of your desire, the habits exhibited by the most successful people in that area.

    Its about the habits you want to make your own. Its about designing of the New



    The second part of Building of the New You is the execution of what you have

    designed - forming of the designed habit. Its about practically doing the actions you

    have chosen, and turning them into your own habits by imprinting them in your

    mind through repetition. There are two ways of forming/changing a habit; direct way

    or indirect way. Both ways work. It takes about one month for disciplined and

    experienced individuals to form/change a habit. Beginners usually need around two

    months of honest and consistent work. Assuming the beginner pace, twelve months

    divided by two months equals six. In one year you can form/change six habits, and

    thats more than enough to change your life dramatically and achieve goals! Often,

    forming one or two habits is enough to bring you desired results. With each habit

    formed/changed you will become more effective in doing so. Your experience and

    motivation will grow. The second stage of Building of the New You is about practical

    forming of the New You!

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    Be Disciplined and Know What You Want

    Discipline and consistency are necessary, but if you never had a chance to

    consciously form/change a habit then dont worry. Discipline and consistency are

    habits also! They can be learned and there is a simple way of learning them, which

    also happens to be a good habit to keep in your life. Start jogging, swimming or bike

    riding regularly. Doing it every even date of the month will be enough, so just do

    that for a month and you will be ready to go. Purposely, you wont find heavy

    motivating in this guide, as you also wont find me telling you what or who to build.

    From now on Building of the New You is YOUR tool and YOU can use it to build

    whoever YOU like and whenever YOU like. You already know the schedule, the

    required time, the discipline and consistency it takes. Its up to you, as it always is. In

    the next two chapters you will learn exactly how to search and choose the most

    effective habits for you. You will also learn how to practically make them your own,

    so they can permanently work for your success on daily basis. Lets get to the heart of


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    Chapter III

    Designing of the Habit

    What you will be doing now is you will design habits you want to make your

    own. You will design the New You. This part is about singling out and writing down

    the exact action(s) which you want to turn into your habit(s), the action(s) you will be

    repeating, until it becomes your habit. You will form sentences containing those

    actions and write them down. The content of sentences which you write down is

    crucial, because forming/changing of the habit(s) just like everything in our lives -

    starts with a thought. You want to capture that thought in particular sentence. In

    general, designing of the New You means choosing the area of life you want to be

    successful in, and choosing the traits you want to acquire. Heres how you do it.

    Single Out the Action

    As it was said in Chapter I, every habit can be singled out to one repeating core

    action and then, if done and repeated for the time of three weeks to two moths it will

    become your habit. The time it takes to develop the habit depends from your

    discipline and consistency in conscious repetition of the new action. Singling out this

    core action is important. For example, lets take confidence; its a premiere trait of

    attractive and successful people and there are at least few actions which will improve

    the level of your actual confidence, and therefore improve your perception as

    confident. Ability to hold an eye contact when you talk to a person is perceived as

    confident, attractive and honest. If you think that this is something you are lacking

    then here is where your research stops. For this moment there is no need to search

    deeper. From now on you will just try repeating holding an eye contact when you

    talk to the person. You will do that for the time required; until you turn it into your

    habit. You dont need to hold and eye contact always when the other person is

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    talking to you, but when you talk always do it. When you turn that into your habit,

    then the habit will turn it into permanent improvement of your confidence level and

    the improvement of the perception of you as confident and attractive person! The

    same pattern works in other areas. The key is to find those significant core actions

    that are common among the most successful in the area of your desire. Its simple;

    you will look for the particular action which the most successful people repeat, for

    the things that are common among them and in their behaviour.

    Whatever You Want, Wherever You Want

    Pick the area you want to excel in. It can be anything; finances, business, acting,

    social life, etcetera. Then find people who are most successful in the area you have

    chosen. It could be one or few persons, alive or historic. From now on you want to

    look at those people like they would be just a set of habits. You want to pick up the

    repeating pattern in their actions, style of work or being. Look for consistent traits

    here. If its a popular area of life, like business or acting then the search will be easy

    because there will be many sources you can use, and chances are that someone has

    already done the work for you. There will be many books touching this area,

    biographies, quotes and interviews, so often the search will be as simple as writing in

    any internet search engine, name of the person quotes or the habits of successful

    name of the profession or a person. If your area is less popular and more peculiar then

    there wont be as many sources you can use, so you might need to dig deeper to find

    them. Also, there are many books out there some of them excellent - which list and

    describe the habits that are responsible for success in various fields, for example the

    brilliant The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene. Such books are very helpful and

    contain a lot of information about many habits of successful people. Just remember to

    look at people you see, read or hear about like they were just a set of habits and

    search for the common elements that repeat themselves in their words and actions.

    Watching or reading interviews can be very insightful also! Its surprising how

    openly successful people share their knowledge. They have an inner need to do that,

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    so its just a matter of you caring to listen to them. If you are lucky and have access to

    your role models then you can personally ask them about their habits, about their

    routines and write down the answers. Be aware that you dont focus on copying the

    whole person. You focus on copying the particular habit of this person that you find

    useful the particular habit(s) out of their set of habits.

    Dont Take Advice from Anyone

    As much as possible avoid taking advices from people who are unsuccessful in the

    area you desire or unsuccessful in general. Manny of us have the tendency to give

    advice and talk about things we unfortunately have no idea about, even when we are

    unasked for help. Listening to the advices of the ineffective people would affect you

    in a negative way leading you to making wrong decisions and wasting your time.

    Just try to be aware of this threat and avoid it. Advice is like a foundation of a house

    the flawed foundation leads to flows in the house that is built on that flawed


    If Its Worth It Pay for It

    It may be that people you would like to learn from dont give free advices. Its ok.

    Actually this might be even better for you. Successful people have the habit of

    valuing their time and work, and they dont like to waste it. If you need something

    from a well respected source and its affordable to you then pay for it! Its probably

    worth it and it will be good for your growth, as we naturally dont respect things that

    are given to us for free. By paying for something or by investing your work into

    something you attach yourself to that thing. For example, if someone gave you a

    book for free then there is a high probability you wont read it, but if you pay for it,

    chances that you will read that book will increase. When we invest money or any

    kind of effort into something or someone we start to care for that thing or that

    someone and we attach ourselves to it. The moment weve invested money or work

    into something is the moment its harder to quit and separate ourselves from the

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    thing weve invested into. Thats also the reason why its hard to cut relations with

    toxic people in our life; usually we already have either our effort or money invested

    into them. It doesnt take much to get attached to something or someone. The

    moment we give or borrow someone money or the moment we simply give someone

    an advice is the moment we invest into that person. This mechanism is commonly

    used by people in social and marketing areas of life. Now, since you know how it

    works you can actually use it in your favour and attach yourself to positive things,

    instead of negatives.

    Practical Examples

    When you already know the area you want to excel in and/or you know the

    person you want to learn form, this is how you do a simple research and form a

    sentence that you will be executing later. If for example you want to excel in

    advertising or in business in general then there are not many better examples than

    the one of P.T. Barnum a brilliant businessman, known as the father of advertising.

    When you type in, in any internet search engine PT Barnum quotes you will

    immediately find few sites containing quotes from him. You take a look at them and

    voila! Literally, youve just found a dozen of sources from which you can extract

    useful habits, including:

    Politeness and civility are the best capital ever invested in business. Large stores, gilt signs,

    flaming advertisements, will all prove unavailing if you or your employees treat your patrons

    abruptly. The truth is, the more kind and liberal a man is, the more generous will be the

    patronage bestowed upon him.

    Above you a have a simple truth of advertising and business be polite. If you want

    to excel in business and you are already polite then you continue to read the quotes

    in search for other different habits, but if you are known as being rude or impolite

    youve just found the action you want to make your habit. You have it from the

    master PT Barnum; Be polite. Write it down. Its a very clear and simple sentence,

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    and you want your sentences to have clear and simple forms. Lets take another

    random, but more current example Warren Buffett, one of the most famous

    investors and richest people in the world. Again, you type in the internet search

    engine Warren Buffett quotes, you will find few sites with quotes from him. For


    I dont look to jump over 7-foor bars: I look around for 1-foor bars that I can step over.

    Again you have found a very simple core action that you can repeat and make your

    own. You can rephrase it, so it sounds more practical to for example Look for a low-

    risk investments or Always make a low risk decisions. Heres another Warren Buffetts


    Risk comes from not knowing what youre doing

    You rephrase it to, Before every business decision make thorough preparation and

    analysis, or Calculate the risk before every business decision and there you have it.

    Another simple, but crucial habit of successful businessmen you might want to make

    your own. Lets go further and take a look at the aforementioned Richard Branson,

    famous business magnate and billionaire. He is not hiding his business mindset and

    is known from expressing it publicly:

    I dont think how to make money, I think how to improve life, do something good.

    When he looks for business opportunities, his first thought actually is not to gain

    something and make money. His first thought is how to improve and better the lives

    of other people. Its counterintuitive, but he will be the first one to tell you, that the

    root of his business success is his goal of improving and bettering the lives of people

    around him. Richard Branson has a habit of looking for ways of improving and

    bettering the lives of people around him; the money comes afterwards. When

    Branson was in his late twenties, he was in Puerto Rico waiting for a plane to the

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    Virgin Islands. That flight got cancelled so he and other passengers were annoyed.

    He really wanted to get there on time, so he decided to charter a plane, he said:

    I didnt really have the money to charter a plane at that point, but I told them, lets go ahead

    and order it.

    Next, he picked up a blackboard and went over to all the people who had had their

    flight cancelled with him, on the previous flight. He just wrote on the blackboard,

    Virgin Airlines, $29. He immediately sold off the rest of the seats on this chartered

    plane and used the money to buy the chartered plane. The plane took off to Virgin

    Islands that night< That exact habit gave birth to the Virgin Airlines, just as it did to

    his other business ventures. So there you go! Would you like to become the

    successful entrepreneur? Why dont you take his advice, and turn the idea of

    improving and bettering the lives of people around you into YOUR habit!

    Be Creative and Open

    Be aware that the examples above are totally random. You can learn and

    internalize ANY habit you choose, to become successful in ANY area you want. Use

    your mind. Building of the New You is meant to be a learning tool and a method that

    can be used effectively in every area of life. If its some general traits which you are

    interested in improving like for example confidence, attractiveness or social skills

    then again you need to do reduce this general trait to particular core actions. Few

    model traits of confident people are; attacking fear, expressing what you think and

    feel, being assertive and doing what one would like to do and not settling for

    something else, keeping the eye contact when they talk, talking loud and clear,

    walking straight or leading from the belly while walking etcetera. Basically you write

    down: Attack the fear, Keep the eye contact with the person you talk to, or Talk like

    you would talk to someone across the street, or anything that you find useful. Reducing

    a general trait like confidence to a core action like above, and then forming a habit

    out of this action by repeating it will drag up and significantly improve the level of

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    that general trait whether its confidence, attractiveness, social skills or other. Its also

    important to be aware that we as people have a tendency to gravitate towards

    extremes. We either tend to look at everything in a negative way, or in a positive

    way. We either tend to always give our 100% and work hard or we have a very poor

    work ethic, the list goes on, so pick the extreme that will serve you better.

    Write It Down

    When you will come up with actions you want to change into your habits, then

    you should write them down. You will be using it later, in the stage of forming of the

    designed habit. It will help you keep it all in synch for the time required to

    form/change a habit. The designing of the habit ends when you have one core action

    or a list of few core actions that you plan to turn into your habits written down. You

    will be working with those actions later, one at a time, until you notice that you are

    doing it naturally without thinking about it, until it turns into your habit. When you

    actually acquire and form the designed habit, then you can move to the next one on

    the list. Through a year you can acquire five to six habits which will result in a

    dramatic change in you and your life. Often you wont need to form/change dozens

    of habits, as one or two will be enough. With each habit formed/changed,

    forming/changing of the next one will become easier and smoother for you.

    One at a Time

    Form of the sentence should be simple and short. That way it will be easier to

    memorize and recall when needed. You want your sentence to have a practical

    content, so the message regarding what to do is clear: Do X, Try to do Y etcetera.

    There may be a temptation to add more details to them and make them longer, but

    try not to do that. Adding and complicating the content of the sentences will make it

    more difficult, to a point where you slow down or even totally stop the process of

    acquiring the designed habit.

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    One does not accumulate but eliminate. It is not daily increase but daily decrease. The height

    of cultivation always run to simplicity.

    - Bruce Lee

    When you add to the content of the sentence you risk that you will include two

    actions in one sentence. Two actions in one sentence is too much, because our mind

    cant consciously focus on two things at the same time; we cant think about two

    things at a time. Doing one thing will immediately take your attention from the other

    thing. Trying to make two habits at a time may result in acquiring zero habits; one

    action will be distracting you from the other one. For example lets assume you are

    working on changing the way you walk while at same time trying to change your

    general face expression by smiling more. While walking you will remind yourself to

    walk straight, and then you will try to also remember about smiling. You might find

    some success doing both for a moment but very quickly you will forget about for

    example smiling. Then, you will try to remind yourself to smile, and by doing that

    you will forget about walking straight! So realize, trying to remember and trying to

    learn two things at the same time will decrease your repetitions and by that extend

    the time needed to actually forming the desired habit. Having the sentence which

    includes two actions is counterproductive, so keep it simple. Try to focus on one

    thing at a time. The more things you try to do at the same time the less effective you

    will be. When you will be able to make the habit out of your one, new action then

    you can go to the next action from the list. Secondly, dont include in your sentences

    things you cant control. Whats beyond your control? Its easier to say whats in your

    control only you are in your control. Anything outside of you is beyond your

    control. For example you cant control other people. When you write Accepting

    myself, its okay because you wrote about thing thats in your control, but when you

    write, Being accepted by others, its not okay because you include something thats

    beyond your control. Realize that you cant control whether someone will accept,

    love or hate you or not.

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    Modify or Change If You Need

    The content of the sentence should mean something to you; it should be

    understandable and wanted by you. If in the process of doing what you designed

    you find yourself thinking differently or wanting something different then just

    modify the sentences so they will reflect that new desire of yours. The content of the

    sentence should be alive in your mind. If you have copied some action word to word

    you might consider editing or rephrasing it, so it will sound more like you. You want

    your sentences to have a practical content and be understandable, so it will be easy to

    work with them later. Keep it clear and simple.

    Focus on Significant Habits

    Some habits are way more significant than others; meaning once acquired will

    improve you and serve you in many areas of life, because they resonate in many

    different areas of life. Confidence habits are not only attractive, but they also create

    an image of high status. As it was explained in the Chapter I, having the high status

    habits will draw to you the better treatment from other people. Form high status

    habits and then just be yourself; people around you will subconsciously reward you

    with better treatment and opportunities! You can wait to become rich, and doing that

    will probably allow you to form some high status habits and draw even more

    benefits to you, or you can do it the other way; by simply reversing the process.

    Acquire the habits of high status first and then the benefits will be brought to you!

    Make no mistake; you can form habits of high status even while being poor and low

    status, because your factual status is actually irrelevant. Its all about forming the

    right habits. The perception of you as the high status person will do the rest for you,

    either by getting you opportunity of great job or staring your own business, drawing

    attraction of some valuable partner, friend or in some other way.

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    Examples of Core Actions of High Status Habits

    Loud and clear talking - aside from being very attractive - creates a resemblance of

    father figure or a school teacher and causes other people to look up to you. Keeping

    an eye contact when talking, combined with touching the person you talk is another

    extremely powerful thing that gives an aura of high status and power. Powerful

    people also tend to talk less, using silence to their advantage which creates a really

    powerful image in the eyes of people who come in contact with them. Ability to lead

    and manage other people, ability to keep composure under pressure, ability to listen

    and communicate yourself properly, along with being proactive are also extremely

    useful, so you might consider introducing them to your life. As it was mentioned

    earlier, there are many great books listing and describing particular habits of

    successful, influential and powerful people, so you might want to give them a read.

    Additionally, there are a lot of books about mindset and body language in which you

    can find many gems that will be very useful to you. Each one of those significant and

    universally resonating habits will permanently improve your general traits and the

    perception of you as the respected, attractive, confident and high status person.

    Other Habits

    Other area in which you may find Building of the New You useful is a health area.

    Habits ranging from proper diet, exercising and body relaxing to anti-addiction are

    crucial to persons well being. Good body condition is a foundation of good mind

    condition; the bad physical state will negatively affect the mind state, and the bad

    mind state will negatively affect the body state. Also, you may consider improving

    yourself in areas of work ethic and time management, as we often find ourselves

    saying that we dont have time for anything; time we spend on the internet or in

    front of the TV could be used in a more beneficial way.

    Try turning off the TV and get out there and do things. My mum brought us up very much

    to get out there and do things, don't watch other people do things, and don't watch television.

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    () what I'm doing I see as so fascinating, so rewarding, so interesting that I don't ever

    really want to switch off too much because I find myself in such a wonderful, challenging

    position that I don't want to waste that position and there are just so many important

    challenges going on.

    - Richard Branson

    Now Its Time

    Right now, before you will go further, I want you to take out a pen and a piece of

    paper and think about or do a research and write down the action you want to turn

    into your habit. It may take you a minute or it may take you a week. It doesnt

    matter, thats the most important part of the process of building of the New You. You

    can fill your list of sentences with anything you choose to. Be creative, be open and

    choose to build the New You however YOU like!

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    Chapter IV

    Forming of the Designed Habit

    Watch your thoughts; they become words.

    Watch your words; they become actions.

    Watch your actions; they become habits.

    Watch your habits; they become character.

    Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

    Lao Tzu

    Youve picked and wrote down the list of sentences with action habits which you

    want to turn into your habits, now its time for the practical part of Building of the

    New You - making it happen, making the New You happen! In this part you will

    focus on practical repetition of the action for the required time, until it actually

    becomes your habit. There are two ways of forming/changing a habit - doing it

    directly or indirectly. The direct way is simpler, though it may not be the best way to

    start with when you are a beginner in conscious work with habits. The indirect way

    is a gradual way; its a surer way of acquiring the new habit.

    Daily Check-Backs

    Out of the list of the sentences with the designed habits pick one from the list that

    you want to start with or just start with one action if you dont have the list. Every

    day you will read and keep reminding yourself about doing and repeating that new

    action, so write this sentence down in your phone as a note and add date of when

    you actually started working on it. Ideally you want to look at it few times a day -

    just read the sentence in your phone every time you check what time it is. You can

    also do it by having a piece of paper in your wallet with that action written down on

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    it. As it was explained in Chapter I, in order to form/change the habit the particular

    action must be imprinted in our mind by our repetition of this action. Until it

    becomes imprinted in our mind we cant stop and quit doing it, and we will be

    forgetting about doing that new action many times. Thats when those regular check-

    backs to your phone or paper note and reminding yourself to continue doing this

    action will come handy. Its natural that you will be forgetting about it, so dont

    worry and just try to regularly remind yourself to do it until it turns into your habit.

    In the part of forming of the designed habit you will only work with one sentence at

    the time; you will form only one designed habit at the time. Dont think about and

    dont do other actions from your list just yet. Remember? Our mind can only focus

    and think about one thing at the time. That means that if you try to think about

    executing other actions from the list at the same time, you will be unnecessarily

    distracting your attention and energy from doing and repeating the chosen action.

    Use your attention and energy the right way. You will be getting plenty of

    distractions in your daily life, so theres no need to add more to it and make it harder

    to acquire the desired habit. When you forget about doing the action then simply

    start doing that action again. You will be forgetting about doing the action you work

    on many times. Treat those check-backs to your note as a reminder and motivation.

    You need to keep doing it until you form the habit out of the action you currently

    work on. You can stop when the action turns into the habit, because from that

    moment you wont need to think and remind yourself about doing it anymore, you

    will be doing it unconsciously. After you form the habit, then you can go to the next

    sentence from your list.

    Direct Way

    As soon as you write down the action in your phone or on the piece of paper you

    can start doing it. As was mentioned before, there are two ways to approach it; the

    direct way and the indirect way. The direct way is very simple, just start to do the

    action from now on. Just keep physically repeating this action until you form a habit

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    out of it and push it to your unconsciousness. For example, if its talking clearly, then

    every time you open your mouth try to talk clearly. You will probably feel the

    discomfort, anxiety and pressure while doing it, because the old habits will protect

    themselves. You may think then: If I start to talk in a different way people will think

    that Im weird, They will laugh at me or simply excuse yourself Im tired and

    dont feel like doing it. Watch out for that. The clash with discomfort or anxiety is a

    surprisingly tough opponent forcing us often to quit too early. We quit before we are

    able to form/change the habit. It takes the certain level of inner strength and

    confidence to follow the direct way. The truth is the things what other people will

    say in reaction to you trying the new stuff dont really matter. Most of the time fear

    of reaction of our peers, and the fear of failure are a lot worse than the reaction itself,

    and often there is no reaction at all. If something, someone will ask you whats up

    with your new thing, but the main point is that the way people will react is not

    important at that moment. Whats important is to sustain doing and repeating the

    main action for the required time of three weeks to two months. So if you are strong

    enough to go against that inner dialogue then do it; start from now on!

    Watch Out at the Beginning

    The beginning of doing something new is the most difficult moment. Its the time

    when we are most vulnerable for being hurt and therefore quitting. We often talk

    ourselves out of doing something or someone may ridicule our attempts or hurt us in

    other way. Theres no escaping this... But whats the point of escaping this?

    Remember? Discomfort is good for us! Just bruise past this vulnerable period, with

    each repetition it will become easier. From the moment you start to run you will run

    downhill. It will become A LOT easier, so be persistent here, be persistent in

    reminding yourself and attack the discomfort by doing and repeating the main action

    regardless. Which each passing day the feeling of discomfort will be weakening until

    it will disappear totally. One day you will suddenly find yourself doing the action

    without thinking about it, so continue and keep reminding yourself about doing and

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    repeating that action until you wont need to anymore. Somewhere along the line of

    three weeks to two months you will catch yourself thinking, Hey, I am doing X, and I

    dont need to remind myself about doing it! You will be doing it unconsciously; you

    wont need to keep reminding yourself few times a day anymore. Thats the moment

    when this new action stops being new to you. Thats when it happens; you have

    formed/changed a habit! The direct way is a better way if you are confident and have

    some experience in dealing with anxiety. If you dont then its still okay, heres when

    the indirect way of acquiring a habit comes in handy.

    Indirect Way

    The indirect way of acquiring the habit divides the process of forming of the

    designed habit into smaller steps, significantly weakening the feeling of discomfort.

    Imagine trying to get into the cold water of a lake or taking a really cold shower.

    Theres two ways of doing that. You can run quickly into the cold water, or quickly

    turn on the shower switch with cold water resulting in quite painful body and mind

    experience, probably even causing you to run out from the water in shock. The other

    way is to do it gradually, by stepping into the cold water slowly and rubbing cold

    water into the dry parts of your body. The same with the indirect way; you dont

    want to expose yourself to the shock of discomfort. What you might want to do

    instead is weaken the feeling of discomfort by dividing the process of forming of the

    habit into smaller steps. That way you will avoid the shocking feeling coming from

    the huge gap between the comfort you felt before and the discomfort you suddenly

    feel after the experience. That way you will expose yourself to discomfort gradually.

    The quote at the beginning of this chapter is a beautiful illustration of how you can

    gradually acquire a habit without dealing with shocking amounts of discomfort and

    risking the collapse of the whole process.

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    Starting a Ladder

    We often tend to think that doing something starts with an action. Not really. It

    starts with a thought. Look at it as you would look at the step ladder. Everything

    starts with a thought; thats the first step. The second step, its talking about doing

    something - verbalizing it. Then the action follows up third step. If that action is

    repeated enough times through the time of three weeks to two months then the habit

    forms/changes the fourth step. So you start with thinking about doing something,

    but youve already done that by designing the habit(s). Because youve already

    chosen the action you want to turn into your habit, now you want to start to talk

    about doing the main action. You will talk to your friends, family and other people.

    Keep in mind, you dont focus on making them understand you, agree with you or

    support what you do. If they will then its okay and if they dont its also okay; its

    irrelevant at this moment. Whats relevant for you right now is to keep stepping

    down the ladder. The goal in the phase of verbalizing it is to get more comfortable

    and thats it, so start talking about what you want to do. Just say: Hey, Ive read a

    book about habits and in this book there was this idea that talking loud and clear can be very

    beneficial in life. Thats what Im trying to do now, Im testing it now. Remember, your

    goal here is to feel more comfortable with the idea of doing something new and not

    to convince and have battles of words with people about what you plan to do. Even

    when others dont agree with what you tell them or will ridicule you dont stop

    doing what you want. At this moment their opinion about what you are doing is not

    important. Whats important is your goal to get more comfortable in doing and

    repeating the chosen action so it can turn into your habit.

    Going Down the Ladder

    Treat the quote from the beginning of the chapter as the ladder of progress in the

    way of acquiring the habit. Remember to go down the ladder step by step. Imagine

    you standing at the certain height; you want to get down and you are using the

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    ladder for it. Of course you can use the direct path, and jump from the height instead

    of using the ladder, but if you are not trained and prepared then you might break

    your legs. The first step of the step ladder is selecting and writing down the action

    you want to form/change into habit. The second step is verbalizing that thought by

    telling people about doing that new action. At this point the discomfort will weaken,

    because thats what verbalizing will do. Talking about doing something before

    actually doing it, will greatly weaken and reduce the discomfort you will feel while

    doing it, just try it! When you reduce the discomfort and pressure like that, the third

    step - the actual action becomes easier to do and repeat. The fourth step is

    maintaining the repetition of the chosen action for the required time, which at that

    point will become a lot easier. So theres no hurry. Dont try to immediately run into

    deep and cold water if you are not ready for it. Instead do it gradually. Dont skip the

    steps of the ladder; think about it and write it down, talk about it, and do it until you

    form/change the habit. Understand that if you cant talk about doing something, if

    you cant tell people about doing some action like for example learning how to lead

    people, because you think they will laugh at you or for whatever other reason, then it

    will be much harder to actually start leading those people.

    It Shouldnt Take Too Long Though

    If you find yourself taking longer than two months in forming/changing of a habit

    then you might need to reconsider your approach, and just go back a little to

    improve your work ethic and dedication. Focus on dedicating yourself to honest

    work on forming of the designed habit. The time of three weeks to two months

    should be enough to achieve permanent results. The old habit will let go and the new

    habit will occur. If it takes longer than that, then dont change the goal, instead

    change the mean by dedicating yourself more to what you want.

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    Our Environment

    The kind of environment you are in and the kind of people you have around you

    are very important factor in forming of the designed habit. Its importance cant be

    overstated. For example, if you want to become a successful businessman then try to

    be around successful business people as much as possible, because when you want to

    excel in business and you are around people who are unmotivated and passive then

    you are shooting yourself in a foot. Please dont do that. Emotional states, behaviours

    and habits are infectious. Good and positive environment with successful role

    models around you will do miracles for your growth, accelerating it greatly. Wrong

    and negative environment with many people who dont share your aspirations and

    motivation will hinder your grow making it more difficult and less comfortable,

    sooner or later stopping the growth completely. This cant be expressed enough, try

    to purposely surround yourself with people who represent goals, values and habits

    to which you aspire and avoid those people who represent the opposite. Really,

    theres no other way. Keeping the wrong people around is not the way to go, because

    you will absorb ineffective and unwanted habits. Wrong company will hinder the

    process of forming/changing habits by you on many different levels. The goal is to

    organise your environment to pull you up and not to push you down. Surround

    yourself with people who aspire to goals similar to yours and your growth will

    accelerate. This is so powerful that the fact of positioning yourself in the effective

    environment, among the effective people itself without even intellectually investing

    in it alone will be enough for you to achieve success. Thats how powerful effect our

    environment has. Just being in the presence of effective, powerful, successful or

    attractive people will be enough to acquire effective habits. You will find less

    distractions, more motivation and security in reaching your goals among people who

    share your goals and values. So take advantage of it.

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    General Hints

    Remember to be disciplined and consistent. You will be forgetting many times,

    just keep doing and repeating the action which youve chosen to become your habit.

    There are no mistakes in this learning process, aside of giving up too early. Sitting in

    one place and waiting for long time separates us from opportunities and new ideas.

    Thats what a lack of movement does. Moving, doing, trying and getting to know

    new things open new paths, thoughts and insights. When we sit in one place and

    wait, we manage to do the impossible; we manage to give up even before we started

    thinking about something, because we deprive ourselves from the opportunity of

    fresh ideas and inspiration getting to us. Sometimes we even get to the point where

    we thought about doing something, but kind of never had a time to start to do it or

    maybe we even started to do it, but somewhere, at the early stage of the path we

    were wounded by criticism or failure and let our goals and dreams die. Its crucial;

    dont quit! Give yourselves a chance to change and become better, because it can take

    as little as three weeks to two months to achieve dreams.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is they trade what they want most for what

    they want at the moment.

    - Napoleon Bonaparte

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    Chapter V


    Doing and repeating the chosen action for required period of time will result in

    forming the new habit and bettering you on many different levels. The moment the

    new action becomes imprinted in your mind is the moment you wont need to keep

    reminding yourself about doing the action designed by you in the beginning, you

    will be doing it subconsciously, without thinking about it. You will become someone

    else the New You. Your new habit will also guard its change with the feeling of

    discomfort. The same old mechanism of forgetting and feeling discomfort will

    protect your new formed habits. You can even further improve the protection of your

    new habits by checking from time to time if by accident you are not exposing

    yourself to the factors that will result in changing of your habit to an unwanted one.

    This check can be quickly done by just re-reading the list with the habit(s) designed

    earlier, but at that point all the necessary work is done already. The moment you are

    able to acquire the habit is the moment when you introduce the element of

    permanent improvement to your life in the fields and areas that youve chosen. Now

    you are able to just sit back and relax while your new autopilot will be flying you

    safely to the destination youve chosen!