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  • 8/6/2019 BTI REGISTRATION GUIDE 5772




  • 8/6/2019 BTI REGISTRATION GUIDE 5772


    JerusalemAdar I 5771February, 2011

    Dear Student,

    Congratulations on being accepted to Bnot TorahInstitute for the 5772 (2011/2012) academic year.

    During the application process, we have requestedthat you provide us with a great deal of information about yourself; anapplication, a personal statement, transcripts and recommendations. I feel

    that it is appropriate at this time to reciprocate with some informationabout us which should prove helpful to you.

    We have therefore prepared this Student Registration Guide for you. Itcontains information you need to know about registration procedures andabout life at Sharfmans in general. While I am sure that you decided toattend Bnot Torah only after thoroughly investigating our program, I amalso including in this pamphlet a general introduction which includes somedetails that may be unclear to a new student. It also contains some of our

    rules and regulations which you will be accountable for during your stayin Israel. Please read them carefully.

    As the time of your departure grows near, I am sure that you will havemany questions about preparing for your year at Bnot Torah. Many ofthese questions will be answered in our Bnot Torah Student PreparatoryGuide which you will, , be receiving before Pesach. It contains adviceon what to pack and how to ship it, Seforim you will need, group flightarrangements, banking in Israel and other useful information. But thereis time for that. In the meantime, in order to ensure your place on theBnot Torah/Sharfmans 5772 Student Roster, make sure to complete yourregistration as soon as possible.

    Looking forward to greeting you in Eretz Yisrael on September 13th,I remain,


    Rabbi Label SharfmanDean




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    q The enclosed Israel Program Contract must be signed by youand one of your parents in the presence of a notary public.

    q The contract must be sent together with a nonrefundable

    registration fee of $3,000.00 to our North American ofce bythe date stated in your acceptance letter. Failure to do soconstitutes a withdrawal of your application.

    q Enclosed you will nd a Bnot Torah Financial Aid Guide outliningvarious joint program, scholarship and nancial options.


    q Program Costs (including tuition, residence costs, participationin all school tours and activities) for the coming academic year

    will be $19,450.00. This, together with the registration fee,totals $22,450.00.

    q Payment may be made in the form of ve post dated checksaccording to the following schedule:

    Check 1 dated June 1, 2011 $3,890.00

    Check 2 dated July 1, 2011 $3,890.00

    Check 3 dated August 1, 2011 $3,890.00

    Check 4 dated September 1, 2011 $3,890.00Check 5 dated October 1, 2011 $3,890.00


    q The above checks must be sent to our North American ofceby April 15th in order to complete enrollment. Failure to do sowill constitute withdrawal from the program and your namewill be dropped from our student roster.

    q All checks should be made payable to American Friends of BnotTorah Institute. Your cancelled check is receipt of payment.

    q The above checks must be submitted to our ofce even ifyou plan on attending through a joint-program or receiving ascholarship from a third party. Overpayments will be refundedto you upon receipt of payment from the participating collegeor scholarship fund.

    q Enclosed you will nd literature from the American IsraelMedi-Plan (AIM) which explains their coverage and services.Also included is the AIM Membership Application and a MedicalForm. They must be lled out and submitted together with theAIM enrollment fee, payable to AIM. Alternatively, it is possibleto register online at Enrollment onthe AIM GOLD Plan is mandatory to complete registration.




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    Bnot Torah Institute/Sharfmans was founded in 1977 by Rabbi Label

    Sharfman to provide young Orthodox women with the tools to maximize

    their potential. The curriculum is structured to offer each student

    the means of understanding her unique role and responsibility as a

    Jewish woman. Emphasis is placed upon formulating a commitmentto Judaism through a study of the classical literature of Judaism and

    its relevance in contemporary society.


    Since the inception of the school over thirty years ago, Bnot Torah

    has been an innovator in Jewish Education for women. One of the

    rst seminaries in Yerushalayim to open its doors specically forthe North American high school graduate, many of our innovations

    have become the benchmarks used by other seminaries following

    in our footsteps. Bnot Torah was at the forefront of offering a Beit

    Midrash setting to its students. Serving not only as a place to work

    on assignments in preparation for class and as an instrument for

    improving textual skills, the Beit Midrash additionally functions as a

    laboratory in which young women can delve into texts dealing with

    additional subjects of personal interest either independently, or with

    help from their Chonechet or tutor.

    Bnot Torahs stress on individual attention along with personal growth

    and development, together with academic achievement, is recognized

    as the standard by which many seminaries measure themselves

    today. To maintain our successful track record, Bnot Torah constantly

    continues to innovate and revise its program, always updating and

    ne tuning, so that the education it offers is always exciting and

    relevant to each new student.


    Our educational program includes not only lectures and seminars

    geared to giving the student the skills necessary to understanding the

    texts, but also offers many workshops, theme-centered Shabbatonim

    and other activities to enhance ones appreciation of the wealth and

    depth of our heritage.

    In order to maintain the level of individual attention we feel necessary

    for each student to reap the maximum benets of her learning

    experience, we have chosen to limit the size of the classes. The

    average class has between 12-15 students.4

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    To make sure that the classes are oriented to meet your individual

    skills and capabilities, our rst year program is divided into four

    different class groupings, ranging from intermediate to advanced

    level classes. Classes on all levels include the following subjects:

    Chumash, Parshat HaShavua, Halacha Yomit, Hilchot Shabbat,

    Mussar, Machshava, The Jewish Woman in the Modern World, BeinAdam LChaveiro, Maagal HaShanah Exploring the Jewish Calendar,

    Tella, Megillat Esther and Haggadah Shel Pesach. Additional classes

    are given according to the different levels and a choice of elective

    courses are offered on Tuesday nights.

    The Beit Midrash is open to our students from early morning until

    curfew. Help is available in the Beit Midrash throughout the school


    The goal of Bnot Torah Institute is to provide the setting in which each

    individual student can use her newly acquired knowledge to develop

    a well balanced perspective of her role within Judaism.


    Bnot Torah Institutes faculty has an outstanding reputation in

    academic circles not only in Israel, but throughout the international

    Jewish community as well. We take pride in the number of well-known

    lecturers and authors of repute on our staff. However, in addition to

    the obvious requirement of being experts in their elds, Sharfmans

    has a hand picked staff of individuals who truly serve as role models

    to their students. The students contact with her teachers is not limited

    solely to the classroom, nor are after class discussions limited to the

    subject taught in class. Indeed, we maintain what is probably the

    highest ratio of faculty to students in all of Israel to ensure that each

    student receives the maximum personal attention and care.


    Your school day begins with a healthy, well-balanced breakfast at 8:00

    AM. After breakfast, your morning schedule will usually consist of

    three classes of one hour each and a Beit Midrash period of an hour.

    In addition to the few minutes allotted between classes, there is also

    a midmorning break of twenty minutes. Your exact schedule will vary

    according to the day of the week and your class level. On Sundays

    through Wednesdays, morning classes end at 1:00 PM. Thursday

    morning classes end at 12:05 PM. Morning classes are followed by ahot lunch, Mincha and an afternoon break.

    Afternoon classes are held on Sundays, Mondays and Wednesdays

    from 3:40 - 7:00 PM. There are either two classes and a Beit Midrash

    period, each consisting of one hour, or three classes. Again, your exact



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    schedule will vary according to the day. Evening classes are held on

    Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 - 10:00 PM.


    Bnot Torah has a large reference library with many seforim which you

    will nd useful during the course of the year. In addition, you will nd

    many seforim of interest to you, in both Hebrew and English, which

    may be borrowed from the lending library.

    The Bnot Torah Student Preparatory Guide (distributed in April)

    contains a list of most of the seforim that you will need for your

    classes. Certain courses will require additional seforim. You will receive

    a complete list, based on your class level, during Orientation Week.

    Students are expected to bring their own seforim for all classes and

    Beit Midrash sessions. Private seforim may be left in the students

    individual locker in school.


    Apartment living develops warmth and bonding, shared experiences,

    and the building of friendships to cherish forever. Located in the

    Sanhedria HaMurchevet/Ramat Eshkol neighborhoods of Yerushalayim

    within minutes of your classrooms and Beit Midrash your

    apartment offers you a personal place that you can truly call home.

    It is a place where you can relax and enjoy the magnicent and

    panoramic view of Yerushalayim from your window and/or privateapartment balcony.

    A comfortable bed awaits your return from an inspirational day

    of academic learning and ensures you a quality nights sleep. Our

    vibrantly colored living room area is designed in an attractive

    manner complete with a generous array of cozy couches, throw

    pillows and armchairs that encourage you to develop friendships

    with your apartment mates. Whats more, each apartment features

    two refrigerators, a stove and oven, and all the utensils necessary for

    maintaining a working kitchen.

    Bnot Torah enjoys the unique benets of being nestled in the midst

    of one of the most popular areas in Yerushalayim for the religious

    English speaking public. In addition, were conveniently located near

    shops, boutiques, American style supermarkets, ATM machines and

    banks, a post ofce, hair salons, parks, dry cleaners, pharmacies,

    charming sidewalk cafes, and a womens tness center. Plus, we are

    within walking distance to the Kotel.

    At Sharfmans we make sure that your year in Israel is more than

    an academic classroom experience. To that extent, our exclusive

    location allows our students to have the inspiration of living in the

    heart of Yerushalayim but within the connes of a safe and friendly,6

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  • 8/6/2019 BTI REGISTRATION GUIDE 5772







    A student who has decided to attend Bnot Torah has shown her

    commitment to continued development and growth in Torah and

    Middos. She has chosen to work on the achievement of these ideals

    in a Torah atmosphere. While it therefore follows that a number of

    the following rules are tacitly understood, we are nevertheless listing

    them to avoid any possible misunderstandings. These rules apply

    throughout your stay in Israel (including vacation periods),

    whether on or off campus.

    Our students are expected to conduct themselves on a level of

    Tznius betting seminary students in all aspects of their demeanor

    whether in their dress or in their standard of behavior. In addition to

    adhering to Halacha, a seminary student leads a life-style which

    precludes activities such as smoking (including hookahs),

    drinking, socializing in or in the vicinity of bars, clubs, etc. It

    is expected that students maintain these standards at all times and

    in all places, throughout the year.

    The Ben Yehuda Mall and environs, including the area bordered

    by King George, Hillel, Yaffo and Shlomzion HaMalka Streets, are off

    limits to our students after 9:30 PM. Rechov King George itself

    is not off limits.

    Our school dress code requires that skirts or dresses must coverthe knee even when sitting, any slits in skirts must end below the

    knee. Shirts must adequately overlap the skirt waistline, necklines

    must cover the collarbone and sleeves must cover the elbows at all

    times. Socks, stockings or closed toed shoes must be worn.

    Items considered unacceptable include: sheer or form tting

    clothing, pants or leggings (if visible), body piercing and any form of

    fashion considered inappropriate for a seminary student.

    The residents of our community feel that it is improper for students

    to socialize within the connes of Sanhedria HaMurchevet and we

    ask you to act accordingly. This rule includes the hallways and

    lobbies of the apartment houses as well as the streets of Sanhedria


    No men, with exception of students fathers, are allowed in

    the apartments under any circumstances.

    It is expected that all students attend classes and Beit Midrash

    sessions regularly. (See ATTENDANCE for further information.)

    Reasons for disciplinary dismissal include, but are not limited

    to: violation of the BTI Code of Conduct, excessive absence from

    classes; failure to complete class assignments, violation of curfew;

    use of drugs or alcohol; visiting pubs or bars or any other conduct

    unbecoming a seminary student. 9

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    Due to the security situation, from time to time the school may

    place travel restrictions on areas in or outside of Yerushalayim.

    These notices will be posted on the bulletin board, be announced in

    school and/or be text messaged to students on the cell phone service

    endorsed by the school.On all of our Tiyulim, we follow the guidelines used by the Israeli

    Ministry of Education. All Tiyulim outside city areas are accompanied

    by armed guards who are also top-notch medics. Our itineraries do

    not include areas that are deemed less than 100% safe and the tour

    guide checks with security authorities prior to our departing on any


    Parents who wish to give permission to their daughter to travel to

    an area placed off-limits by the school, may do so by either faxing(972- 2-582-2216) or emailing ([email protected]) permission

    to the ofce. A student who does not follow these guidelines does so

    on her own responsibility.


    1. Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes and Beit

    Midrash sessions and to be present promptly at the beginning

    of the hour, unless prevented from doing so by illness or other

    compelling cause.2. A record of each students attendance is kept for each course. In

    computing the students nal grades, her attendance record is

    taken into account together with her grades on tests, papers

    and participation in class. (See paragraph 6 below.)

    3. The AIM Nurse is in school from 10:00-11:00 AM on every day

    that classes are in session. If a student does not feel well enough

    to attend classes on a particular day and wishes her absence

    to be excused, she must see the nurse or doctor on the dayof her absence, request an excused absence note from one

    of them and submit it to the ofce upon her return to classes.

    Only absences excused by the nurse or a doctor on the

    day of her absence will be considered excused absences.

    Retroactive excused notes will not be accepted by the ofce.

    It is the students responsibility to see the nurse duringthe hours that the nurse is at school. Failure to do so willresult in an unexcused absence. Absences due to minor

    ailments (e.g. headaches, tiredness, etc.) will not be excused.Excused absences for each class are limited to twice (2 times)the number of weekly course meetings over the entire academicyear. On a day that the nurse is not in school, or in the afternoon,when the nurse does not have hours, absences will be excusedby the secretary.


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    4. In recognition of the fact that there will be times that a student

    will have a valid non-medical reason for missing class (e.g.

    family visits, attending a wedding, bris, other personal reasons,

    or for medical reasons beyond the allotted excused absences),

    a student will not be penalized forpersonal absences provided

    they do not exceed twice (2 times) the number of weekly coursemeetings over the entire academic year. Personal absences

    should not be used indiscriminately, but rather saved for those

    unexpected occasions that inevitably arise during the year.

    5. Lateness of up to 15 minutes will count as one half of an absence;

    of more than 15 minutes as a full absence.

    6. The following is a list of the maximum number of absences

    allowed per class over the entire academic year (Sept. -


    Excused Personal

    Classes meeting three times a week 6 absences 6 absences

    Classes meeting twice a week 4 absences 4 absences

    Classes meeting weekly or biweekly 2 absences 2 absences

    Absences beyond either total will result in a penalty of a gradereduction of one grade for each additional absence (1/2 grade for

    each Beit Midrash period). The above rules apply per academic

    year (September through June), not per semester.

    7. Excessive absences in a particular class will result in a failing

    grade for that course. Students accumulating a sufcient

    number of absences to result in a grade of F in a number

    of courses (including Beit Midrash) will not receive credit

    for any courses taken at BTI. In addition, excessiveabsence from classes may lead to dismissal from the


    8. Although a student may use her personal absences at her

    discretion, nevertheless, examinations must be taken

    when scheduled. A teacher has the right to deny the

    opportunity of a make up examination to a student who

    has missed a scheduled examination, unless the student

    received an excused absence note for her illness. Failure totake an examination counts as a grade of 0 for that test. It is

    the students responsibility to make sure that she has completed

    all the requirements for each of her classes.11

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    9. Due to the nature of the BTI Chessed Program, it is expected

    that students will attend their Chessed Activity unless prevented

    from doing so by actual illness. In such instances, students

    must receive an excused note from the nurse and inform Mrs.

    Debbi Nissel as early as possible so that she can make the proper

    arrangements with the family or institution involved.

    10. Extended absences during the school year not only disrupt the

    continuity of the school experience of the student, her class

    and apartment mates, but leave the student with a signicant

    amount of material to learn by herself. Therefore, during the

    course of the school year,students will only be permitted to

    travel abroad for: a siblings wedding, Bar or Bat Mitzvah and

    for Pesach vacation (not Succot or Chanukah vacations).

    Please note that all trips abroad require prior permission and

    approval of the dates of absence from her Mechanechet.The permitted trips must be arranged so that a minimum amount

    of school is missed. A maximum of ten calendar days will be

    allotted for a siblings Simcha. Classes missed during these

    periods will be counted as personal absences.

    11. Transcripts are issued at the end of June and reect the students

    work over the course of the entire academic year.


    1. When school is in session, students must sleep in their own

    apartments on Sunday through Thursday nights and must be

    in their apartment by curfew.

    2. Curfew on all nights is at 11:30 PM. This curfew time is in effect

    throughout the entire school year, including vacation periods.

    3. Students may sleep out on Friday and Saturday nights and during


    A student sleeping out must be in her hosts apartment

    by 11:30 PM. In addition, by 11:00 PM, she must inform

    the technical coordinator as to the family name, address

    and land line telephone number of where she will be


    4. A student may not sleep in a hotel, hostel, etc. without

    receiving prior permission from her Mechanechet.

    5. A student whose family owns an apartment in Israel may not

    use the apartment at any time unless she is with her parents.

    6. Students who violate curfew will be subject to disciplinary action.

    7. Students are not permitted to travel abroad or to Eilat

    without receiving prior permission from her Mechanechet.

    This rule applies throughout the year, including during vacations.12

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    1. Apartment living is an integral part of the educational experience

    at Bnot Torah. Therefore, it is expected that students demeanor in

    the apartments will always reect the behavior expected of seminary

    students, whether in manner of speech, the type of pictures and

    posters displayed or activities held in the apartments.Items unsuitable to seminary life such as TVs, DVD or Blu-Ray

    players (or similar devices) and hookas are not allowed. iPhones,

    iPods, Blackberries, etc. are prohibited only if used to store or

    view videos. Violation of these rules will lead to permanent

    conscation of the prohibited item. In addition, students may

    not rent or drive a motor vehicle while in Israel.

    2. Students have access to email and selected web sites via four

    computer stations at the school. Students are not allowed tobring laptops, iPads or Netbooks to Israel. If brought to the

    school or apartments they will be conscated and not


    3. Posters and pictures may be hung in your apartment but only with

    masking tape or scotch tape. Blue tack, pink tack and glue may

    not be used for hanging anything, as they necessitate repainting

    when removed.

    4. No guest may stay in any of the school apartments for more than

    one night during the calendar week (Sunday through Shabbat

    not including Friday nights). A student may only invite a guest

    to stay in her apartment when the student herself will be in the

    apartment for that night. However, she may not have guests in

    her apartment during the Shabbat of a Shabbaton.

    Any guest staying in an apartment must abide by all the

    regulations of the school (e.g. curfew, modest dress, no socializing

    in the vicinity of the apartments or Sanhedria HaMurchevet, no

    smoking, etc.). The host will be held responsible for the actionsof her guest.

    5. In order to ensure that the apartments are being maintained in a

    neat and orderly fashion, each girl is given a cleaning assignment

    which must pass inspection by herAim Bayit. The assignments are

    rotated on a monthly basis. It is the students responsibility to make

    sure that her assignment is maintained throughout the month.

    6. The Imahot Bayit will visit and inspect their apartments on

    Sunday and Wednesday afternoons during the afternoon break.Attendance for all students is mandatory. A student who is unable

    to attend a particular meeting must receive prior permission from

    her Aim Bayit.

    7. No pets, with the exception of sh, are allowed in the apartments.




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    q For your convenience, arrangements have been madefor a group ight. If you wish to take advantage of thisoption, please call Mrs. Judy Tennenbaum of Plane Talk,Inc. at (718) 951-6500. Our school ight will, IYH,depart on Monday, September 12, 2011.

    q The school ight will be met by our staff at Ben GurionAirport. There will be chartered buses to transportour students and a truck to transfer the baggage to

    Jerusalem. Porters will carry the luggage up to thevarious apartments. If you will be making your owntravel arrangements, plan on meeting us at the schoolbuilding on Tuesday, September 13, 2011. As we getcloser to that date you will be hearing from our ofceas to the exact time. Dormitory keys will be distributedthen.


    q In order to ensure that all Bnot Torah students receivethe best health care possible, all students are requiredto be registered on the AIM GOLD Plan.

    q AIM will be providing a nurse who will be in schoolSunday - Thursday mornings from 10:00-11:00 AM.The AIM Nurse is available to all Bnot Torah studentsfor consultation without additional charge.

    q A student who does not feel well, should rst consultwith the nurse. She will help determine whether a visitto the doctor is necessary, and if so, which doctor shouldbe seen. She will also provide follow up care whennecessary. There is no additional charge for a visit toa General Practitioner at the AIM Center during ofcehours. Students enrolled on the AIM Gold Plan are notcharged for specialists or laboratory services if orderedby the AIM ofce.

    q AIM has an emergency hot-line with a physician onduty to speak with 24 hours a day. We have enclosedadditional information from AIM which explains theirservices in detail.


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    You will need a passport that is valid at least until July,2011. If you already have one, but it is due to expire

    during your stay in Israel, make sure to get a newpassport before leaving the United States.

    Due to the vicissitudes of Israeli bureaucracy, it hasbecome extremely difcult to extend your visa in Israel.Therefore, it is important that you obtain a Student Visabefore coming to Israel. Instructions for applying for avisa from your local Israel Consulate will be included inour Bnot Torah Student Preparatory Guide, which youwill be receiving before Pesach.

    If either you or one of your parents has Israeli citizenship,please send an email to [email protected] will send you instructions which will help you avoidproblems in Israel.


    In order to register at Bnot Torah, the enclosed contractmust be sent together with a non-refundable registrationfee of $3,000.00 to our North American ofce at theaddress below by the date stated in your acceptanceletter. Failure to do so constitutes a withdrawal of yourapplication.

    American Friendsof Bnot Torah Institute

    P.O.B. 300596

    Brooklyn, NY 11230-0596

    q Enrollment is completed by submitting the ve checkscovering Program Costs to our ofce and submitting theenclosed AIM forms and the AIM enrollment fee to the

    AIM ofce. It is also possible to register for AIM online Enrollment must be completedby April 15th. Failure to do so will constitute withdrawalfrom the program and your name will be dropped fromour student roster.






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    BNOT TORAH/SHARFMANS27 Rechov Yam SufJerusalem, ISRAEL

    Tel: 02-581-4382; Fax: 02-582-2216Email: [email protected]

    In the U.S. and CanadaP.O. Box 300596, Brooklyn, NY 11230-0596

    Tel: 718-253-4579; Fax: 718-253-1423Email: [email protected]