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3 1 0

Unit-I (8L)

Register Transfer Language, Bus and Memory Transfers, Bus Architecture, Bus Arbitration, Arithmetic

Logic, Shift Microoperation, Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit, Design of Fast address, Arithmetic Algorithms

(addition, subtraction, Booth Multiplication), IEEE standard for Floating point numbers.

Unit-II (8L)

Control Design:

Hardwired & Micro Programmed (Control Unit): Fundamental Concepts (Register Transfers, performing of

arithmetic or logical operations, fetching a word from memory, Storing a word in memory), Execution of a

complete instruction, Multiple-Bus organization, Hardwired Control, Micro programmed

control(Microinstruction, Microprogram sequencing, Wide-Branch addressing, Microinstruction with Next-

address field, Prefetching Microinstruction).

Unit-III (8L)

Processor Design:

Processor Organization: General register organization, Stack organization, Addressing mode, Instruction

format, Data transfer & manipulations, Program Control, Reduced Instruction Set Computer.

Input-Output Organization:

I/O Interface, Modes of transfer, Interrupts & Interrupt handling, Direct Memory access, Input- Output

processor, Serial Communication.

Unit-IV (8L)

Memory Organization:

Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory (RAM and ROM Chips), organization of Cache Memory, Auxiliary memory,

Cache memory, Virtual Memory, Memory management hardware.

Unit – V(8L)

Parallel Processing, Pipelining- Arithmetic Pipelining, Instruction Pipelining, RISC Pipelining, Vector

Processing, Array Processor. Multiprocessor: Characteristic of Multiprocessor, Interconnection Structure,

Interprocessor Arbitration, Cache Coherence

Text Book:

1. Computer Organization, John P.Hayes, McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition.

2. Computer System Architecture, M. Mano, Pearson, 3rd Edition.

Reference Book:

1. Computer Organization, Vravice, Zaky & Hamacher (TMH Publication)

2. Structured Computer Organization, Tannenbaum(PHI)

3. Computer Organization, Stallings(PHI)

4. R.S.Gaonkar - Microprocessor architecture – Programming and Application with

8085/8080A - Wiley Eastern Limited.

Uttarakhand Technical University


Wef 2010 - 2011



3 1 0

Unit-1 (8L)

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Introduction to UNIX, UNIX system organization (the kernel and the shell), Unix File System, Basic file

attributes, Editors (vi and ed).

Unit-2 (8L)

General Purpose Utilities: cal, date, echo, script, mailx, passwd, who, uname, tty, sty, cat, cp,rm, mv, more,

file, wc, od, cmp, comm, diff, lp, banner, dos2unix, and unix2dos, gzip and gunzip, zip and unzip.

Unit-3 (8L)

Unix Shell programming: Types of Shells, Shell Metacharacters, Shell variables, Shell scripts, Shell

commands, the environment, Integer arithmetic and string Manipulation, Special command line characters,

Decision making and Loop control, controlling terminal input, trapping signals, arrays.

Unit-4 (8L)

Unix System Administration: File System, mounting and unmounting file system, System booting, shutting

down, handling user account, backup, recovery, security, creating files, storage of Files, Disk related

commands, User quota and accounting.

Unit-5 (8L)

Filters using regular expressions: grep and sed, Advanced filters: awk, Perl. Library functions and system

calls, Language development tools: YACC, LEX, M4, Debugger tools: Dbx, Adb, Sdb, Strip and Ctrace.


1. Sumitabh Das, “Unix Concepts and applications”, TMH, 2003

2. Yashwant Kanitkar, “Unix Shell Programming”, BPB, 2009


1. Parata, “Advanced Unix programming guide”, BPB

2. Meeta Gandhi, Tilak Shetty, Rajiv Shah, “The ‘C’ Odyssey Unix – the open boundless

C”, BPB.

3. Mike Joy, Stephen Jarvis, Michael Luck, “Introducing Unix and Linux”, Palgrave


4. Rachel Morgan, Henry McGilton, “Introducing Unix System V”, TMH

Uttarakhand Technical University


TIT-403: ERP


3 1 0

UNIT – I (6L)

ERP Introduction, Benefits, Origin, Evolution and Structure: Conceptual Model of ERP, The Evolution of ERP,

The Structure of ERP.

UNIT – II (8L)

Business Process Reengineering, Data ware Housing, Data Mining, Online Analytic Processing(OLAP),

Product Life Cycle Management(PLM),LAP, Supply chain Management.

UNIT – III (10L)

ERP Marketplace and Marketplace Dynamics: Market Overview, Marketplace Dynamics, The Changing ERP


ERP- Functional Modules: Introduction, Functional Modules of ERP Software, Integration of ERP, Supply

chain and Customer Relationship Applications.

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UNIT – IV (8L)

ERP Implementation Basics, ERP Implementation Life Cycle, Role of SDLC/SSAD, Object Oriented

Architecture, Consultants, Vendors and Employees.

UNIT –V (8L)

ERP & E-Commerce, Future Directives- in ERP, ERP and Internet, Critical success and failure factors,

Integrating ERP into organizational culture. Using ERP tool: either SAP or ORACLE format to case study


1. Alexis Leon, “ERP Demystified”, Tata McGraw Hill


1. Rahul V. Altekar “Enterprisewide Resource Planning”, Tata McGraw Hill,

2. Vinod Kumar Garg and Venkitakrishnan N K, “Enterprise Resource Planning –

Concepts and Practice”, PHI

3. Joseph A Brady, Ellen F Monk, Bret Wagner, “Concepts in Enterprise Resource

Planning”, Thompson Course Technology

4. Mary Summer, “Enterprise Resource Planning”- Pearson Education



3 1 0

Unit- I (8L)

Introduction: An overview of database management system, database system Vs file system, Database

system concepts and architecture, data models schema and instances, data independence and data base

language and interfaces, Data definitions language, DML, Overall Database Structure.

Data Modeling using the Entity Relationship Model:

ER model concepts, notation for ER diagram, mapping constraints, keys, Concepts of Super Key, Candidate

key, primary key, Generalization, aggregation, reduction of an ER diagrams to tables, Extended ER model,

relationships of higher degree.

Unit- II (8L)

Relational data Model and Language: Relational data model concepts, integrity constraints: entity

integrity, referential integrity, Keys constraints, Domain constraints, relational algebra, relational calculus,

tuple and domain calculus.

Introduction to SQL: Characteristics of SQL. Advantage of SQL. SQL data types and literals. Types of SQL

commands. SQL operators and their procedure. Tables, views, Queries and sub queries. Aggregate functions.

Insert, update and delete operations. Joins, Unions, Intersection, Minus, Cursors in SQL.

Unit- III (8L)

Data Base Design & Normalization:

Functional dependencies, normal forms, first, second, third normal forms, BCNF, inclusion dependences,

loss less join decompositions, normalization using FD, MVD, and JDs, alternative approaches to database


Unit- IV (8L)

Transaction Processing Concepts: Transaction system, Testing of serializability,

Serializability of schedules, conflict & view serializable schedule, recoverability, Recovery

from transaction failures, log based recovery, checkpoints, deadlock handling.

Unit- V (8L)

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Concurrency Control Techniques: Concurrency control, locking Techniques for concurrency control, Time

stamping protocols for concurrency control, validation based protocol, multiple granularity, Multi version

schemes, Recovery with concurrent transaction.

Text Books:

1 Korth, Silbertz, Sudarshan, “Database Concepts”, McGraw Hill, 5th Edition

2 Elmasri, Navathe, “Fundamentals Of Database Systems”, Addision Wesley,5th edition


1 Date C J, “An Introduction To Database System”, Pearson, 8th Edition.

2 Bipin C. Desai, “An introduction to Database Systems”, Galgotia Publication

3 Leon & Leon, “Database Management System”, Vikas Publishing House.

4 Majumdar & Bhattacharya, “Database Management System”, TMH

5 Ramakrishnan, Gehrke, “Database Management System”, McGraw Hill

7. Kroenke, “Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation”, Pearson


8. Maheshwari Jain, “DBMS: Complete Practical Approach”, Firewall Media, New Delhi.

TIT-405: E-Governance


2 0 0

Unit 1. Introduction (5L)

E-Governance: Needs of E-Governance, Issues in E-Governance applications and the Digital Divide;

Evolution of E-Governance, Its scope and content; Present global trends of growth in EGovernance: Other


Unit 2. Models of E-Governance (6L)

Introduction; Model of Digital Governance: Broadcasting/ Wilder Dissemination Model, Critical Flow Model,

Comparative Analysis Model, Mobilization and Lobbying Model, Interactive-service Model/Government-to-

Citizen-to-Government Model (G2C2G); Evolution in E-Governance and Maturity Models: Five Maturity

Levels, Characteristics of Maturity

Levels, Key areas, Towards Good Governance through E-Governance Models.

Unit 3. E-Governance Infrastructure and Strategies (5L)

E-readiness: Digital System Infrastructure, Legal Infrastructural Preparedness, Institutional Infrastructural

Preparedness, Human Infrastructural Preparedness, Technological Infrastructural Preparedness;

Evolutionary Stages in E-Governance.

Unit 4. Data Warehousing and Data Mining in Government (8L)

Introduction; National Data Warehouses: Census Data, Prices of Essential Commodities; Other areas for

Data Warehousing and Data Mining: Agriculture, Rural Development, Health, Planning, Education,

Commerce and Trade, Other Sectors.

Case Studies

Computer-aided Administration of Registration Department (CARD), Smart Nagarpalika,

National Reservoir Level and Capacity Monitoring System, Computerization in Andra Pradesh,

Ekal Seva Kentra, Sachivalaya Vahini, Bhoomi, IT in Judiciary, E-Khazana, E-Governance

initiative in USA; E-Governance in Brazil and Sri Lanka.

Text / Reference books:

1. E-Governance: Concepts and Case Studies, C.S.R. Prabhu, Prentice-Hall of India Private

Limited, 2004.

2. Backus, Michiel, e-Governance in Developing Countries, IICD Research Brief, No. 1,

March 2001.

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2 0 0

Unit-I: Introduction (5L)

Introduction to Software Engineering, Software Characteristics, Software Crisis, Software Engineering

Processes, Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Models: Water Fall Model, Prototype Model, Spiral

Model, Evolutionary Development Models, Iterative Enhancement Models.

Unit-II: Software Requirement Specifications (SRS) (5L)

Requirement Engineering Process: Elicitation, Analysis, Documentation, Review and Management of User

Needs, Feasibility Study, Information Modeling, Data Flow Diagrams, Entity Relationship Diagrams,

Decision Tables, SRS Document, IEEE Standards for SRS. Software Quality Assurance (SQA),SEI-CMM Model.

Unit-III: Software Design (7L)

Basic Concept of Software Design, Architectural Design, Low Level Design: Modularization, Design Structure

Charts, Pseudo Codes, Flow Charts, Coupling and Cohesion Measures, Design Strategies: Function Oriented

Design, Object Oriented Design, Top-Down and Bottom-Up Design.Software Measurement and Metrics:

Various Size Oriented Measures: Halestead’s Software Science, Function Point (FP) Based Measures,

Cyclomatic Complexity Measures:

Control Flow Graphs.

Unit-IV: Coding, Testing & Software Maintenance (7L)

Top-Down and Bottom –Up programming, structured programming, Compliance with Design and Coding


Testing Objectives, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Acceptance Testing, Regression Testing, Top-Down

and Bottom-Up Testing Strategies: Test Drivers and Test Stubs, Structural Testing (White Box Testing),

Functional Testing (Black Box Testing), Corrective and Perfective Maintenance, Cost of Maintenance,

Software Re-Engineering, Reverse Engineering. Constructive Cost Models (COCOMO),

Text Books:

1. Rajib Mall, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, PHI Publication, 3rd Edition.

2. Pankaj Jalote, Software Engineering, Narosa Publication, 3rd Edition

3. K. K. Aggarwal and Yogesh Singh, Software Engineering, New Age International Publishers,

3rd Edition.

Reference Books:

1. R. S. Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, McGraw Hill, 6th Edition.

2. Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, Addison Wesley, 8th Edition.

3. Carlo Ghezzi, M. Jarayeri, D. Manodrioli, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, PHI

PublicationPIT- 401: CO Lab


0 0 2

1. Bread Board Implementation of Flip-Flops.

2. Experiments with clocked Flip-Flop.

3. Design of Counters.

4. Bread Board implementation of counters & shift registers.

5. Implementation of Arithmetic algorithms.

6. Bread Board implementation of Adder/Subtractor (Half, Full)

7. Bread Board implementation of Binary Adder.

8. Bread Board implementation of Seven Segment Display.

Institute may also develop the experiment based on the infrastructure available with them.

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PIT- 402 : UNIX & Shell Programming Lab


0 0 2

1. Use Vi editor to create a file called myfile.txt which contain some text. Correct typing errors

during creation, Save the file & Logout of the file

2.Open the file created in Exp 1, Add, Change, delete & Save the changes

3. Use the cat command to create a file containing the following data. Call it mutable use tabs to

separate the fields 1425 ravi 15.65, 4320 ramu 26.27, 6830 sita 36.15, 1450 raju 21.86

4. Use the cat command to display the file, my table, use vi command to correct any errors in

the file, my table, use the sort command to sort the file my table according to the first field. Call

the sorted file my table(same name) & print the file my table

5. Use the cut & paste commands to swap fields 2 and 3 my table. Call it mytable(same name)

& print the new file, my table

6. Use the date and who commands in sequence ?(in one line) such that the output of date will

display on the screen and the output of who will be redirected to a file called my file2.Use the

more command to check the contents of myfile2.

7. Develop an interactive grep script that asks for a word and a file name and then tells how

many lines contain that word

8. Write A shell script that takes a command –line argument and reports on whether it is

directry ,a file,or something else

9. Write a shell script that accepts one or more file name as a arguments and converts all of

them to uppercase,provided they exits in the current directory

10. Write a shell script that determines the period for which a specified user is working on the


PIT- 404 : Database Management System Lab


0 0 2

1. Write the queries for Data Definition and Data Manipulation Language.

2. Write SQL queries using logical operations (=,<,>,etc)

3. Write SQL queries using SQL operators

4. Write SQL query using character, number, date and group functions

5. Write SQL queries for relational algebra

6. Write SQL queries for extracting data from more than one table

7. Write SQL queries for sub queries, nested queries

8. Write programme by the use of PL/SQL



11. Create FORMS and REPORTS


1. The queries to be implemented on DBMS using SQL

2. Students are advised to use Developer 2000/Oracle9i or other latest version for above

experiments. However student may use Power Builder/SQL SERVER or DB2.

Mini Projects may also be planned & carried out throughout the semester to understand

important concepts of database.

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Lecture No

Topics Name Unit No Books Page No.

1 Introduction to Computer Architecture And Organization

1 A 93

2 Register Transfer Language, Bus and Memory Transfers

1 A 93

3 Bus Architecture, Bus Arbitration 1 B 240,498

4 Arithmetic Logic, Shift Microoperation 1 A 114,116

5 Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit 1 A 116

6 Design of Fast address 1 A 118

7 Arithmetic Algorithms (addition, subtraction, Booth Multiplication)

1 A 334,343

8 IEEE standard for Floating point numbers 1 B 643

9 Hardwired & Micro Programmed, Register Transfers

2 B 415,NOTES

10 Fetching a word from memory , Storing a

word in memory

2 B 418,420

11 Execution of a complete instruction 2 B 421

12 Multiple-Bus organization 2 B 423

13 Hardwired Control 2 B 425

14 Micro programmed control 2 B 425, NOTES

15 Microinstruction,MicroprogramSequence

2 B 429

16 Wide-Branch addressing

2 B 437

17 Microinstruction with Next-address field, Prefetching Microinstruction

2 B 440,443

18 Processor Organization,Design 3 A 242

19 General register organization 3 A 247

20 Stack organization 3 A 247

21 Addressing mode 3 A 260

22 Instruction format 3 A 255

23 Data transfer & manipulations 3 A 266

24 Program Control 3 A 273

25 Reduced Instruction Set Computer

3 A 282

26 I/O Interface, Modes of transfer 3 A 385,402

27 Interrupts & Interrupt handling 3 A 407

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A. Computer System Architecture, M. Mano

B. Computer Organization, Vravice, Zaky & Hamacher

C. Structured Computer Organization, Tannenbaum

D. Computer Organization, Stallings

E. Computer Organization, John P.Hayes


L. No Unit Topic Book Pg. No

I Introduction Sumitabha Das 21-23

28 Direct Memory access 3 A 415

29 Input- Output processor

3 A 420

30 Serial Communication 3 A 429

31 General register organization,StackOrg

3 A 247

32 Memory Hierarchy 4 A 445

33 Main Memory ( ROM Chips) 4 A 449

34 Main Memory (RAM Chips) 4 A 449

35 Organization of Cache Memory, 4 E 407

36 Auxiliary memory 4 A 452

37 Cache memory 4 A 476

38 Virtual Memory 4 A 476

39 Memory management hardware 4 A 476

40 Parallel Processing, Pipelining-Arithmetic Pipelining

5 A 299,302

41 Instruction Pipelining 5 A 310

42 RISC Pipelining 5 A 315 43 Vector Processing, Array Processor 5 A 319


Characteristic of Multiprocessor 5 A 489

45 Interconnection Structure 5 A 491

46 Interprocessor Arbitration 5 A 500

47 Cache Coherence 5 A 509

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L1 Introduction to Unix, Unix system

organization (the kernel and the


Sumitabha Das 79-80

L2 Files and directories Sumitabha Das 24

L3 Library functions and system calls Sumitabha Das 120-140

L4 Editors (vi and ed) Sumitabha Das

II General Purpose Utilities

L5 more, file, wc,od Sumitabha Das 88-95

L6 cmp, comm., diff

L7 lp, banner, cal, date Sumitabha Das 91

L8 who, ttyetc

L9 Filter commands:pr,head,tail,

cut, paste

Sumitabha Das 229-234

L10 sort, ln,tr Sumitabha Das 234-241

L11 chown,chgrp,chomd Sumitabha Das 110-117

III Unix Shell Programing

L12 Types of Shells Sumitabha Das 146-159

L13 Shell Metacharacters, Shell


L14 Shell scripts, Shell commands

L15 the Environment, Integer


L16 string Manipulation

L17 Special command line characters

L18 Decision making

L19 Loop control

L20 controlling terminal input

L21 trapping signals

L22 Arrays Sumitabha Das 450-452

IV Unix System Administration

L23 File System Sumitabha Das 474-583

L24 mounting and unmounting file


AshutoshVerma 6.9-6.15

L25 System booting OWN NOTES

L26 shutting down OWN NOTES

L27 Handling user account OWN NOTES

L29 backup, recovery OWN NOTES

L30 Security OWN NOTES

L31 creating files OWN NOTES

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L32 storage of Files OWN NOTES

L33 Disk related commands OWN NOTES

V Different tools and Debugger

L34 System development tools: OWN NOTES

L35 lint, make, SCCS (source code

control system)


L36 Language development tools:



L37 Text formatting tools: nroff, troff,

tbl, eqn, pic, and Ctrace


L38 Debugger tools: Dbx, Adb, Sdb,



Parts Topics Page no.

ERP overview and


ERP Introduction,

Benefits, Origin,

Evolution and Structure:

Conceptual Model of ERP,

The Evolution of ERP,

The Structure of ERP.

Page-3 to page-69

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ERP and Related


Business Process Reengineering,

Data ware Housing,

Data Mining,

Online Analytic


Product Life Cycle

Management(PLM),LAP, Supply

chain Management.

Page -71 to page-85

ERP Marketplace and

Functional Modules


ERP Marketplace and Marketplace

Dynamics: Market Overview,

Marketplace Dynamics,

TheChanging ERP Market.

ERP- Functional Modules:


Functional Modules of ERP


Integration of ERP,

Supply chain and Customer

Relationship Applications.

Page-89 to page-105

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BOOK NAME- Enterprise Resource Planning : ALEXIS LEON TATA McGraw-Hill


Ref.No. Topics Lecture Books Remarks


1 Introduction

1.1 An overviewof database managementsystem, database systemVs file system

2 A11

1.2 Database systemconcepts and architecture, data models schema and instances

1 A 1

ERP implementation


ERP Implementation Basics,

ERP Implementation Life Cycle,

Role of SDLC/SSAD,

ObjectOriented Architecture,


Vendors and Employees.

Page-109 to page-251

ERP Present and

future (8L)

ERP & E-Commerce,

Future Directives- in ERP,

ERP and Internet,

Critical success and failure

factors, Integrating ERP into

organizational culture.

Using ERP tool: either SAP or

ORACLE format to case study

Page-255 to page-305

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1.3 Data independence andDatabase language &

interfaces,Data definitions language

1 A1

1.4 DML, OverallDatabase Structure 1 A2

2 DataModelingusing the Entity RelationshipModel

2.1 ERmodelconcepts, notationfor ERdiagram, mapping constraints

2 A4

2.2 Keys, Concepts of Super Key, candidate key, primarykey,

1 A4

2.3 Generalization,Aggregation,Reduction of an ER diagrams to tables

1 B 4

2.4 Extended ERmodel, Relationships of higher degree 2 A71& B51

T-1 Tutorial-1

2.5 NumericalProblem 1 A 7

Total 13


3 Relationaldata ModelandLanguage

3.1 Relationaldata modelconcepts,Integrityconstraints:

entityintegrity, referential integrity

2 A 8

3.2 Keys constraints, Domain constraints, relational algebra,

2 A 8

3.3 Relationalcalculus, tuple and domain calculus, 3 A96& B102

4 Introductionto SQL

4.1 Characteristics of SQL, Advantage of SQL, SQLdata types and literals

2 A111,B121

4.2 Types of SQLcommands, SQLoperators and their Procedure

2 A1

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C Tables, views and indexes,Queries and subqueries, Aggregate functions

2 A 132

4.4 Insert, update and delete operations. Joins,Unions, Intersection, Minus, Cursorsin SQL

2 A122

T-2 Tutorial-2

4.5 NumericalProblem 2 A139& B151

Total 17


5 DataBaseDesign &Normalization

5.1 Functionaldependencies, normalforms, first, second, third normalforms, BCNF

3 A159& B 170

5.2 Inclusion dependences, loss less join decompositions,

2 A 180

5.3 Normalization using FD, MVD, andJDs, 2 A211

5.4 Alternative approaches to database design 1 A232

T-3 Tutorial-3

5.5 NumericalProblem 1 A247& B245

Total 9


6 TransactionProcessingConcepts

6.1 Transaction system, Testing of serializability, Serializabilityof schedules

2 A311

6.2 Conflict &view serializableschedule, recoverability

2 A323

6.3 Recoveryfromtransaction failures, log based recovery, checkpoints, deadlock handling

3 A343

T-4 Tutorial-4

6.4 NumericalProblem 1 A351& B386

Total 8


7 ConcurrencyControlTechniques

7.1 Concurrencycontrol, locking Techniques for concurrencycontrol

3 A443

7.2 Time stamping protocols for concurrencycontrol,

3 A 449

7.3 Multi version schemes, Recoverywith concurrent transaction

2 A487

T-5 Tutorial-5

7.4 NumericalProblem 1 A500& B513

Total 9


A. Korth,Silbertz, Sudarshan, “DatabaseConcepts”,McGraw Hill.

B. Elmasri, Navathe, “Fundamentals ofDatabase Systems”, AddisionWesley

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C. Mahesh

Parts Topics Page no.


overview and


E-Governance Introduction,

Need of E-Governance,

Need and scope or E-

Governance ,

Evolution of E-Governance,

Present global trends of

growth in E-Governance.

Page-1 to page-9

Models of E-

Governance (8L)

Brodcastin Dissemination


Critical flow model,

Comparative Analysis


Mobilization and Lobbying


Interactive-service model,

Maturity Models.

Page -10 to page-25


Infrastructure and

Strategies (10L)

Digital System


Legel Infrastructural


Institutional Infrastructural


Human Infrastructural




Page-25 to page-37

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Evolutionary stages in E-


Data Warehousing

and Data Mining in

Government (8L)

National Data warehouses:

Cenus Data,

Price of Essential


Other areas for Data

warehousing and Data


Agriculture, Rural

Development, Health,

Planning, Education,

commerce and Trade.

Page-38 to page-42

Case Studies (7L)


Administration of

Registration Department

(CARD) ,

Smart nagarpalika,

National Reservoir Level and

Capacity Monitoring System,

Ekal Seva Kentra,

Sachivalaya Vahini,


E-Governance in Brazil and

Sri Lanka.

Page-61 to page-239

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Reference Book:

E-Governance: Concepts and Case Studies, C.S.R. Prabhu.



(Unit 1)

Q1. Explain floating point numbers with example.

Q2. Explain the Arithmetic Logic Unit with its logical diagram.

Q3. Represent the following conditional control statement by two register transfer

statements with control function .If (P=1)then (R1�R2) else if (Q=1)then (R1�R3).

Q4. Explain the algorithm for addition and subtraction.

Q5. Define the Booth multiplication algorithm and apply the Booth multiplication for the

following binary numbers:

(a) 1011X1100 (b) 1101X1001

Q6. Draw the logic diagram for the implementation of the Booth algorithm for determining

the product of two 8-bit signed numbers.

Q 7.What do understand by bus arbitration?

Q 8.What do you mean by micro operations?

Q9. What do you mean by register? Explain the working of shift register.

Q10. Explain the register transfer language.

Q11. Show the block diagram of hardware that implements the following register transfer:

P: R2←R1

Q12. What do you mean by bus? Explain the concept of common bus.

Q13. Draw the bus system for four registers.

Q14. Explain the buffer memory.

Q15. Give the structural diagram of one-stage arithmetic logic shift unit.

Q16.Differentiate between address bus,data bus and control bus.

Q17.Differentiate between serial bus arbitration and parallel bus arbitration.

Q18.Explain tri state buffer.

Q19.From the given data 11100101 perform-(i)ash l (ii)ash r

Q20. Create internal structure of CPU.

Q21.Define processor with example.

Q22.Differentiate between sequential circuit and combinational circuit.

Q23.Create the format of IEEE standard floating point number.

Q24.Create the flowchart for Booth multiplication using array multiplier.

Q25.Write the short notes on design of fast address.

(Unit 2)

Q1. Differentiate between the micro program and macro program.

Q2. What are micro instructions?

Q3. Give the difference between the Hardwired and Micro programmed control.

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Q4. Explain the steps for fetching a word from the memory.

Q5. Explain the steps for storing a word into the memory.

Q6. Explain the wide branch sequencing.

Q7. How micro instructions work with the next address field?

Q8. Explain the process of prefetching of micro program.

Q9. How the write operation is performed in the memory?

Q10. Write the short note on micro program sequencing.

Q11. Write the short note on Hardwired control.

Q12. Give the steps for execution of a complete instruction.

Q13. How does the arithmetic and logical operations are performed in register transfer


Q14.Differentiate between Hardwired control and Microprogrammed control.

Q15.Write the function of ALU.

Q16.Explain Microinstruction with next-address field?

Q17.Explain Prefetching Microinstruction.

Q18.Construct a diagram of multiple bus organization and explain.

Q19.Explain Microinstructions with suitable example.

Q20.Construct a diagram of single bus datapath inside a processor and explain.

Q21.Write the steps for execution of a complete instruction with example.

Q21.Write the fundamental concept for register transfer.

Q22.What is wide-branch addressing.

Q23.Describe the major component of CPU.

Q24.What are arithmetic and logical operations.

Q25.Write short notes on Prefetching microinstruction

(UNIT 3)

Q1: Define Input Output organization.

Q2: Why I/O device can not be connected directly to the system bus?

Q3: What is the important function of I/O module?

Q4: Write short notes on:

a) Programmed I/O

b) Interrupt driven I/O

c) DMA controlled I/O

Q5: Explain the different types of DMA transfer modes.

Q6: What is meant by vectored interrupt? Explain with neat diagram.

Q7: What is the importance of IOP? How it is communicated with the CPU?

Q8: Explain the different types of communication modes.

Q9. Explain the various types of data transfer schemes.

Q10.Explain Direct memory transfer.

Q11.What is basic advantage of using interrupt initiated data transfer over transfer under

program control without an interrupt.

Q12: Explain the process organization.

Q13: Write the main function of ALU.

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Q14: Explain the register organization with neat block diagram.

Q15: Write the short notes on Reverse Polish Notation.

Q16: Define the instruction format.

Q17: Explain the RISC approach with an exampLe.

Q18: What is pipelining? Why we use it.

Q19: Explain the CISC approach with an example.

Q20: What is program control?

Q21: What is instruction sequencing?

Q22.Write an assembly programs to evaluate the arithmetic statement:

X= (A+B*C)/ (D-E*F+G*H)

Using general register type computer with three addressing instruction.

Q23:What do you mean by Read Miss?

(UNIT 4)

Q1.What do you mean by Auxiliary Memory?

Q2.Explain Associative and Set Associative Mapping.

Q3: Write the various types of RAM. explain in details.

Q4: write short notes on:

1) Associative memory

2) Interleave memory

Q5: Explain the Magnetic disk and Magnetic tapes.

Q6: Describe the element of cache memory.

Q7: Write a note on Hit rate.

Q8: Draw and explain the direct mapping cache.

Q9: Explain the replacement algorithms.

Q10: Draw and explain the Virtual memory organization.

Q11: In many computers the cache block size is in the range of 32 to 128 bytes.What would

be the main advantages and disadvantages of making size of cache blocks larger or


Q12: for 120 track tape with a storage density per tracks of 100 kb/inch and tape speed of

50in/sec calculate the maximum data transfer rate. If the length is 450 feets,calculate the

storage capacity of the tape.

Q13:Write a note on memory hierarchy.

Q14:Describe the strobe control and handshaking for asynchronous data transfer.

Q15:. Describe the various types of semi conductor.

Q16:Q2.Discuss why interfacing is used in digital computers.Explain salient features of a

device interface.

Q17:What are direct mapped cache.

Q18:What are the Memory Management Requirements.

Q19:Explain CD Technology and DVD Technology.

Q20:Give a block diagram of 8M X 32 memory using 512 X 8 memory chips.

Q21:What is Daisy Chaining Interrupt.

Q22:What is the basic advantages of using interrupt initiated data transfer over transfer

under program control without a interrupt.

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Q23:Explain Memory Management Hardware.

(UNIT 5)

Q1. Explain the main memory to cache mapping using a set associative scheme,with the

help of a example.

Q2. What are the problems encountered while writing in systems with cache memories?

Q3. What do you mean by Parallel Processing.

Q4. Explain “array processor is the example of SIMD ”?

Q5. What do you mean by pipelining?

Q6. Explain the factors that will affect the Performance of hierarchical memory system.

Q7.Explain RISC Pipelining.

Q8.What are the advantages of using Vector processors?

Q9. What do you mean by Cache Coherence?

Q10.What are Array Processors.

Q11.Differentiate between Static RAM and Dyanamic RAM.

Q12.Explain the characteristics of multiprocessing?

Q13.Explain Instruction Pipelining. Q14.Explain

the process of Interprocessor Arbitration. Q15.Explain

the Phenomenon of Vector Processors?Q16.Explain memory organization in

Multiprocessors? Q17.What do you mean by

MIMD? Q18.Explain

Arithmatic Pipeline. Q19.Give some

suggested techniques for writing in systems with cache memories.

Q20.What do you mean by Interconnection structure?


1. Define Operating System. Discuss the Feature of Unix Operating System

2. Discuss the architecture of Unix Operating System

3. Discuss the directory structure of Unix Operating System. Which type of files are

stored in the following directories:

(i) bin

(ii) dev

(iii) lib

(iv) lost+found

(v) usr

4. What is kernel? Discuss the importance of system calls and library functions.

5. What do you mean by Utility software? Name three editors provided by Unix OS.

What are the different modes in which vi editors can work?

6. Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of various types of Shell in

Unix/Linux Operating System.

7. What do you mean by shell variables? Name and write the meaning of any five shell


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8. What do you mean by shell script? Discuss the features of shell that make it powerful


9. Explain the following shell commands with examples:-

(i) pwd

(ii) cd

(iii) cat

(iv) mv

(v) rm

10. Write the command for the following:

(i) To delete all files of a directory

(ii) To terminate the execution of background process

(iii) To schedule a job to run at a specified time of the day

(iv) To reduce the priority of job

(v) To permit the execution of process even after the user has logged out.

11. What do you mean by filter commands and piping mechanism? Explain any five filter

commands with examples.

12. Explain the uses of and difference among cmp, comm and diff commands.

13. Explain important options of sort command with examples.

14. Write the command for the following:-

(i) to find all lines beginning with either gupta or Gupta in the file named


(ii) To find all empty lines in a file named ‘abc’.

(iii) To sort the file emp by second field alphabetically in ascending order

when the delimiter is ‘|’

(iv) To display the filename of terminal we are using

(v) To display first 5 lines of a file named ‘abc’

15. Discuss the uses of test command in shell script.

16. Discuss the uses of case statement with example in shell script?

17. Write a shell script to input a number and then check whether the number is

automorphic or not.

18. Explain how numerical comparisons are made in shell script.

19. Write a shell script to compact two strings.

20. What do you mean by Array? Write a shell script using array to find the sum of 5

positive numbers given by users.

21. Write a shell script to check whether a given string is palindrome or not

22. Write a shell script to generate prime numbers between 2 to 50

23. Write a shell script that performs the following tasks:-

i. To print todays date.

ii. To print present working directory

iii. To display all files in the present working directory

iv. To display the status of different processes

24. Discuss the functions of system administrator.

25. What do you mean by file system? Explain the following components of file system:-

i. the boot block

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ii. the super block

iii. the inode block

iv. the data block

26. What do you mean by mounting and unmounting of file system? Explain with examples.

27. What do you mean by system booting? Discuss the init command.

28. Discuss the various methods of maintaining the security in unix operating system.

29. What do you mean by backup? Why should we perform backups? Discuss cpio

command for backing up files.

30. Discuss the tar utility for backing up files.

32. How do you maintain user accounts in Unix OS? Discuss in detail.

33. Discuss the following System Development Tools:-


ii. MAKE

iii. SCCS

38. Discuss the following Language Development Tools:-

i. LEX

ii. YACC

iii. M4

39. Discuss the following Debugger Tools:

i. DBX

ii. ADB

iii. SDB



40. Discuss the following Text formatting Tools:-



iii. TBL

iv. PIC

v. EQN

41 Explain in detail about the directories.

42 Briefly explain the file directories

43 Define file. Explain in detail about the various files.

44 Explain in detail about the system calls.



1 What is ERP?

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2 How is ERP different from MRP2?

3 What can be the reason for adoption of ERP system by any organization?

4 Write in brief the technologies required for ERP?

5 Define the closed loop MRP?

6 Discuss in detail the role of IT in ERP?

7 Trace the evolution of ERP systems?

8 Distinguish between ERP and BPR.

9 Describe the advantages of ERP?

10 Tell about the future of ERP packages?

11What are some of the tangible benefits of ERP systems?

12 Name the few intangible benefits of ERP systems?

13 What are the main people issues of the ERP implementation projects?

14 Explain cycle time reduction and the role played by ERP in it.

15 Why are ERP packages difficult to implement?

16 Explain the five steps of risk management.

17 How do ERP systems help in reduction quality costs?

18 Explain the nine stages of ERP implementation lifecycle with the help of diagram.

19 Explain the different phases of SDLC?

20 Elaborate the factors which effect ERP?


1 How datawarehouse support the organizations?

2 What are the steps involved in the evolution of data mining?

3 Explain OLAP model?

4 Define data mart? Explain it with the help of diagram?

5 Write the concept of SCM?

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6 What are the different phases of a product life cycle?

7 How CRM is helpful in production?

8 How intranets is differ from internet?

9 What do you mean by ERP bolt-ons?

10 Define the benefits of Supply chain management?

11 Explain the paradigms of modern enterprise for ERP?

12 How does SCM help in improving the efficiency of an organization?

13 Elaborate the BPR and How it is more proactive.

14 Define the five word for OLAP.

15 Describe the term PLC and PLM.

16 How is SCM integration is differ from CRM integration?

17 What is integrated model and SCM integration?

18 Why is OLAP called fast analysis of shared multi-dimensional information?

19 How can we overcome the limitation of ERP system?

20 What are the areas in which PLM helps an organization?

21 What is the relationship between intranets,extranets and e-commerce?


1 What are the phases for ERP implementation. Elaborate them briefly.

2 How the implementation of ERP can be done?

3 What is service-oriented architechture and explain how it will envolve in the future?

4 What do you mean by hidden cost of ERP and how it is different from the prime cost?

5 What are the different types of hidden cost? Elaborate it one by one.

6 Explain BaaN ERp modules.

7 In which area where SAP is relatively weak in compare to BaaN.

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8 What are the qualities of good ERP consultants.

9 Describe the selection procedure of an ERP.

10 Elaborate the various challenges to successful ERP implementations?

11 Define the requirement of a HR for an organization?

12 How an ERP implementation project is beneficial for Organizations?

13 What do you mean by gap analysis? How is it done?

14 How ERP systems improve productivity?

15 What is the process of evaluating ERP software?

16 What kind of guidelines are neede for ERP implementation?

17 How do you achieve the success with the help of ERP implementation?

18 What do you mean by the costing of an ERP?

19 Show the rapid growth of ERP Market share with the help of diagram.

20 Who are the Top five vendors of ERP?

21 What are the advantages of Indian ERP vendors over the MNC’s?


1 Elaborate the functional modules of an ERP system?

2 Define the installation Strategies of ERP system.

3 How Vendors are important for ERP system and what the duties of vendors?

4 What is the role of Consultants in ERP system?

5 Explain the paradigms of modern enterprise for ERP?

6 What are the contents that comes in the ERP package?

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7 What are the different phases of SDLC?

8 What are the different phases of software system analysis and design?

9 What are the different models or methods of object oriented architecture?

10 What are the four criteria for object oriented methods?

11What are the role of the vendor’s project manager?

12What are the tasks performed by the technical consultants?

13 Disscus the success factors of an ERP implementation.

14 Disscus the various failure factors of an ERP implementation.

15 Why is ERP considerd as an ongoing projects?

16 What are the objective of O&M phase?

17 What are the factors responsible for the continued growth of ERP?

18 How do ERP system improve the efficiency of organizations?

19 Why does lack of training lead to ERP implementation failure?

20 What do you mean by going live?


1 What are the future directives in ERP?

2 Explain the salient features of ERP Software.

3 What do you implementation tools for the proper implementation of oracle application,

explain it one by one?

4 Explain the terminology used for oracle format to casestudy.

5 How E-Commerce is useful in online selling?

6 Explain the salient features of ERP Software.

7 Explain secure electronic transaction.

8 What are ERP packages?

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9 Why did ERP2 come into existence?

10 Describe the term Inventory control?

11 What type of benefits from SAP R/3 get Hero Honda?

12 What do means by SOA and SaaS?

13 Trace the evolution of ERP2.

14 Explain the best practices of ERP2.

15 How has eBusiness changed the definition of enterprise systems?

16 C-commerce is about intellectual capital.Explain?

17 Define the term JIT and what are the benefits of JIT?

18 What do you mean by open source ERP?

19 What are the advantages of doing Business the eBusiness way?

20 How do Web services reduce inventory costs?



2.Define DBMS

3. Mention the disadvantages of file system over DBMS

4. Explain data redundancy and inconsistency

5. What is data isolation?

6. What is atomicity problem in file systems?

7. What are the 3 levels of data abstraction?

8. What are instances and schemas?

9. What are the various data models available?

10. What are entities and entity sets? Give eg.

11. What are relationship and relationship sets? Give eg.

12. Draw ER diagram for the following entity set

Employee: eno, ename, salary, doj, phone_no, dob, age

where ename is composite, phone_no is multi-valued and age is derived attribute

13. What is DDL?

14. What is DML?

15. What is the role of DBA?

16. What are the functions of transaction management?

17. What are the components of storage manager?

18. Explain 2-tier architecture

19. Explain 3-tier architecture.

20. What are the components of query processor?

21. Define data model

22. Define mapping cardinality.

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23. What are the participation constraints?

24. What are the different types of mapping cardinalities?

25. Differentiate primary key and candidate key

26. Differentiate super key and candidate key.

27. What is a foreign key? Give eg.

28. What is a weak entity set?

29. What is a strong entity set?

30. Differentiate specialization and generalization.

31. What are the constraints on generalizations?

32. Explain aggregation

33. What is E-R model?



1. Comment on DBMS vsFileSystems.

2. Explain the various data models.

3. Explain the design of an E-R database schema

4. Write short notes on:

(a) Specialization

(b) Generalisation

(c) Aggregation

5. Write short notes on

(a) Weak entity set

(b) Strong entity set

6. Write short notes on

(a) Mapping cardinalities

(b) Participation constraints

7. Explain the system structure of database

8. Write short notes on

(a) Database users

(b) Transaction management



1. Name the different types of joins supported in SQL

2. Why it is necessary to decompose a relation?

3. Define view and their syntax

4. What are the types of join operation.

5 Consider the following relational schema





Write the following queries in relational algebra.

a. Find the names of employees who have borrowed a book

published by McGraw-Hill. (4)

b. Find the names of employees who have borrowed all books

published by McGraw-Hill. (4)

c. Find the names of employees who have borrowed more than

five different books published by McGraw-Hill. (4)

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d. For each publisher, find the names of employees who have borrowed

more than five books of that publisher. (4)

6.Define Various operations use in relational algebra.

7. Define Various operations use in relational calculas.

8. What are the various features of join operations ?


1. What is meant by Relational calculus? Query examples for tuple and domain

relational calculus?

2. Define relational algebra. With suitable example.

3. .Explain the details about embedded and dynamic SQL

4. Define foreign key ? How does it play a role in the join operation ?

5. Explain the concept of participation constraints ?

6 .Discuss the various update operation on relation and types of integrity constraints that

must be checked for each update operation ?

7.Discuss the various types of join operations ? Why are these joinrequired ?



1. What is lossless join?

2. Define third normal form.

3. Define functional dependency.

4. Define Update statement in SQL.

5. What do you mean by Normalization?

6. What is the need for Normalization?

7. Discuss how views can be created in SQL.

8. Give an example for a relation in First Normal form.

9. Define Domain key Normal form

10. Mention the fundamental operations of relational algebra

11. Give an example for Cartesian product operation

12. Mention the extended algebra operations

13. Explain the rename operation with eg.

14. What are the different types of constraints that can be specified on a relation?

15. Define second normal form.

16. Define fourth normal form

17. Define fifth normal form

18. Explain multi-valued dependency

19. Explain Join dependency

20. Give the basic structure of an SQL expression.

21. Brief about embedded SQL

22. What are the built-in aggregate functions in SQL

23. Give an example for nested sub query and explain it.

24. Give the types of join operations in relational algebra with their symbols.

25. Explain natural join with eg

27. Define BCNF.



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1. Define First Normal form and explain with an example.

2. Define Second Normal Form and explain with an example.

3. Distinguish between

(a) Normalized relation and Unnormalized relation

(b) BCNF and 3NF

4. Explain the various types of constraints that can be specified on a relational database


5. Explain fundamental operations in relational algebra with suitable example.

6. Discuss BCNF and fourth normal form in detail with suitable example.

7. Explain how modifications are done on a database with suitable example.

8. Explain the various join operations of relational algebra with suitable example.

9. Define term anomalies.Explain BCNF in detail.

Unit- 4

Part – A(2 MARKS)

1. Specify the basic steps of processing a query.

2. What is an Evaluation Primitive?

3. What is a Query Evaluation plan?

4. What does the query execution engine do?

5. What are the measures in calculating the query cost?

6. What are Index scans and Access paths?

7. Write and explain an example for Conjunction and Disjunction.

8. Describe the following.

(i) Conjunctive selection by intersection of identifiers.

(ii) Disjunctive selection by Union of identifiers.

9. Describe in short about nested-loop join and block –nested loop join.

10. What is indexed nested loop join?

11. What is Merge join?

12. What is Recursive Partioning?

13. Give an example for Outer join.

14. What is the advantage of double buffering?

15. What do you mean by Materialization?

16. What do you mean by Duplicate Elimination?

19 Explain how simple selection operations are processed.

21. Define Query Optimization.

23. What do you mean by a Materialized View?

24. Specify when a set of equivalence rules is said to be Minimal.

25. Distinguish between Left deep join order and Non-left deep join order.

26. What is View Maintenance?

27. Specify and explain the types of errors that may cause a transaction to fail.

28. Write short notes on Recovery and Atomicity.

29. What are the contents of an Update log record?

30. Specify the benefit of Deferred-Modification technique.

31. What is the purpose of Checkpoints?

32. What do you mean by Write-Ahead Logging?

33. What is Fuzzy check pointing?

34. What are the various types of locks?

35. State and Explain Thomas’ Write rule.

36. Draw and explain the state diagram of a transaction.

37. What is a recoverable schedule?

38. What is cascading rollback?

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39. What is cascade less schedule?

Part – B(10 MARKS)

1. Explain the various issues of Selection operation in detail.

2. Explain in detail about Merge sorting and it’s use in Query Processing.

6. State and explain the various equivalence rules in detail.

7. Write brief notes on Transformation of relational expressions.

8. Describe the following in detail.

a. Cost based optimization.

b. Heuristic optimization.

10. Explain how the database modification is done using various techniques.

15. Briefly explain about the Two phase locking protocols.

16. Describe in detail about the Graph-based protocols.

17. Describe in detail about the Time stamp-based protocols.

18. Describe in detail about the validation-based protocols.

19. Explain in detail about the various issues of multiple-granularity locking protocols.

20. Explain in detail about the method of handling a deadlock.

21. Briefly explain about the issues of Concurrent Executions.

22. Briefly explain about the issues of Serializability.

Unit- 5

Part – A(2 MARKS)

1. What is Distributed database system?

2. What is Homogeneous database?

3. What is Heterogeneous database?

4. What is a temporal database?

5. Explain the term interval with reference to the temporal database.

6. State the various interval types.

7. What is a spatial data? Classify it.

8. State the types of queries that involve spatial locations.

9. State and explain the types of the Geographic data.

10. Define Data Mining.

11. Enlist the applications of Data Mining.

12. What is a Data warehouse?

13. Give an example for a star schema.

14. What is a Deductive database?

15. What is a Datalog and what are the contents of it?

16. Explain the infer and deduce operations of a Deductive database systems.

17. What are Least Model Semantics?

18. Describe in short about the Fixpoint operator.

19. What are safe Datalog Programs?

20. How evaluation of recursive queries is done?

21. Define an Object Oriented DBMS.

22. What is a Persistent Programming language?

23. Why do we go for an Object relational data model?

24. What is a nested relational model?

25. What are collection and large Object types?

26. What are Structured Types?

27. What are path expressions?

28. What are collection-valued attributes?

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29. Describe about Nesting and Unnesting of Object-Relational Databases.

Part B(10 MARKS)

1.What is a deadlock ? How can a deadlock occur ?explain.

2.Briefly explain one deadlock prevention algorithm.

3.What is two-phase locking and how does it guarantee serializability ?

4.Discuss the concurrency control mechanism in detail using suitable example.

5. Differentiate between Two phase locking and Rigorous two-phase locking.

6.How can deadlocks be avoided when using 2PL?

7.How Share and exclusive locks differ ?Explain.

8.How precedence graph can be used to detect deadlock ?

9.What is a system log ? What is the purpose of the system log in system recovery ?

10.What do you understand by distributed databases? Give the various advantages and

disadvantages of distributed database management system.

11.What if time stamping is used ? Explain briefly

12. Explain the architecture of Client-Server databases in detail.

13. What are the main differences between a parallel and a distributed system ? Explain.

14.Discuss the concept of Query Processing .What is a parser ? Why it is used ?

15.What is Query optimization ?What are different techniques used in it.



1. What is the concept of E-Governance?

2. What is the Digital Governance?

3. How E-Governance is differ from E-Commerce?

4. Why E-Governance is helpful in government systems?

5. Explain the difference between G2G and G2C.

6. What is the difference between G2C and C2G?

7. Explain difference between C2G and G2B?

8. Explain difference between G2B and B2G?

9. Explain the needs of E-Governance. Why E-Governance is used?

10. Explain the issues in E-governance application and the digital divide.

11. Describe the evolutions of E-governance.

12. Discuss about the scope of E-Governance and its content. Also describe the

present global trends of growth in E-Governance.

13. what are the most important impacts of ICTs on the structure and processes of

government organizations ? which impacts are already discernible?

14. How we can secure our E-mails in E-Governance?

15. What are the advantages and disadvantages of E-Governance?

16. What are the security aspects in E-Governance?

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1. Briefly discuss about the models of E-Governance.

2. What is the Broadcasting model?

3. Explain Wider Dissemination model?

4. Discuss the Comparative Analysis Model. Also explain its applications.

5. Explain Mobilization and Lobbying Model and its applications.

6. Explain Interactive-Service Model/Government-to-Citizen-to-Government

Model (G2C2G).

7. What are E-Governance Maturity Models?

8. Explain the principle of critical flow model and also explains its advantages and


9. Explain the difference between critical flow model and comparative anlalysis


10. Explain the evolution of broadcasting model and also give a brief description

about principle and application of broadcasting model.

11. Define the term embedded in E-Governance.

12. What is video conferencing and online dialoguing?

13. Explain all the levels of Maturity model with the diagram.

14. Explain the characteristics of Maturity Model.

15. Define KFAs. How it is beneficial for E-Governance?

16. What is the role of stack holders in E-Governance?


1. Define the infrastructure of E-Governance.

2. What are the stages of E-Governance infrastructure?

3. What are the pitfalls and bottlenecks of E-Governance?

4. What is E-Readiness? Explain with example.

5. What is e-MIS? Explain with example.

6. How e-MIS or computerized MIS is made in E-Governance?

7. How we will secure our e-MIS or databases?

8. What is the prescribed solution for successful E-Governance infrastructure?

9. What are the pitfalls to improve the strategies of E-governance?

10. What is the core of computerization activity of any government process?

11. “Are all the requisite management information system, records?. Proof this


12. What is the main goal of GISTNIC project?

13. Is cyber shopping or e-procurement is growing trend in all countries? Discuss it.

14. Write a short note on

a)Enriching digital democracy b) Boot model c) CIC (community information

centre) d) G2B transaction e) Electronic data interchange (EDI)

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1. What do you mean by data mining and data warehousing in E-Governance?

2. What are the differences between data mining and data ware housing?

3. Write some application of data ware housing.

4. Write a short note on - OLAP, MOLAP, ROLAP.

5. Discuss the major areas where data ware house and data mining are applying.

6. How data mining can be used in the field of agriculture?

7. What do you understand by the census data?

8. What do you mean by data mart?

9. Explain the concept of metadata in warehousing.

10. Explain the role of data ware housing and data mining in the Rural



Case studies

1. Computer-aided Administration of Registration Department(CARD)

2. Smart Nagarpalika

3. National Reservoir Level and Capacity Monitoring System

4. IT in Indian judiciary.

5. E-Khazana for Government Treasury.

6. E-Panchayat.

7. Ekal Seva kendra

QUESTION BANK Software Engineering


Q1.What is software engineering and defines the scope of software engineering?

Q2. What do you understand by software characteristics? Define different types of


Q3. Give the various application areas of the software? Also describe software crisis

Q4.What is SDLC? Explain in detail

Q5. What are problems occur during the software development?

Q6.Describe the evolution of software engineering in detail

Q7.What do you understand by control flow structure of a program explain in detail.

Q8.What is difference between software engineering and conventional engineering?

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Q9.Explain water fall model in detail? Give advantages and limitation of this model?

Q10.What is a prototype? Draw the diagram of prototype model and discuss its phases in


Q11.Explain evolutionary model with its advantages?

Q12.Explain itrarative enhancement model in detail?

Q13.Describe spiral model and differentiate spiral and prototype model?

Q14.what is conventional process for software development? Enumerate the differences

between exploratory style &modern software development practices.

Q15.”Software does not ware out” explain this statement.


Q1.What is the important activities carried out during feasibility study phase?

Q2.What do you mean by SRS? What is the importance of SRS document?

Q3.What is requirement gathering, requirement specification.

Q4.What is the requirement of SRS document?

Q5.Give the characteristics of good SRS document.

Q6.Explain data flow diagram in detail with example.

Q7.Explain Entity Relationship Diagram in detail with example.

Q8.Differentiate DFD & entity relationship diagram.

Q9What is decision tree, decision table? Why they are used?

Q10.Explain IEEE standards for SRS in detail.

Q11.What do you mean by software quality assurance (SQA)? Explain in detail.

Q12.Differentate between verification and validation?

Q13.What do you mean by software quality? Explain Software Quality Frameworks.

Q14.Describe ISO 9000 certification in detail?

Q15.Describe SEI-CMM model in detail?

Q16.Differentiate ISO9000 & SEI-CMM model.

Q17.what do you mean by software reliability?Dsecribe any there reliability metrics.

Q18.Write short notes on: ROCOF, MTTF, MTTR, MTBF, and PODOF.

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Q19.what is reliability growth modeling? Discuss any two model.

Q20write down the shortcomings of ISO 9ooo certification over the SEI CMM model.

Q21.what did you mean by structured programming? Explain in detail.


Q1.What is good software design? Explain in detail.

Q2.What do you mean by cohesion? Explain in detail.

Q3.What do you mean by coupling? Explain in detail?

Q4.Describe function oriented and object oriented design. And differentiate between

these two?

Q5.What do you understand by the term functional independence in the context of

software design? What is the advantage of functional independence and how can you

achieve functional independence in a software design?

Q6.What do you mean by information hiding? Why a design approach based on the

information hiding principle is likely to lead to a re usable and maintainable design?

Q7.Compare the advantages of object oriented and function oriented design approaches?

Q8.What do you understand by the term top down decomposing in the function oriented


Q9.What do you mean by DFD? Explain with example?

Q10.What is SA/SD methodology describe its activities?

Q11.Distinguish between a DFD and a flow chart?

Q12.Differentiate between structure analysis designs in the context of function oriented


Q13.What did you mean by data dictionary and how it is useful in different phases of


Q14.What do you mean by labeled DFD explain in detail?

Q15.What do you mean by entity relationship model? Explain.

Q16.Differentiate between flow chart and structure chart?

Q17.Explain object oriented software development in detail.

Q18.Distinguish between error & failure which of two is detected by testing?

Q19.What is the characteristics of good coding?

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Q20.What do you mean by code review explain in detail?


Q1.What is testing and why it is used? Differentate between verification and validation?

Q2.Explain unit testing in detail? Also describe driver and stub modules?

Q3.What is white box testing (structural testing)? Explain with example?

Q4.What is black box testing (functional testing)? Explain with example?

Q5. What do you mean by cyclomatic complexity? And how it is calculated?

Q6.What is control flow graph? Explain with example?

Q7.Explain the all methods which are used for find out the cyclomatic complexity?

Q8.Write short notes on: debugging, backtracking, unit testing and integration testing

and system testing?

Q9.Explain integration testing in detail?

Q10.Explain system testing in detail?

Q11.Explain: regression testing clean room testing, code inspection, code walkthrough.

Q12.Conider the following C function named sort.

Q13.Void sort (intA [], int n) {

Int i, j;

For (i=0; i<n-1; i++)

For (j=i+1; j<1; j++)



A[i] =A[j];

A[j] =temp;



Determine:-cyclomatic complexity, for this function?

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Q14.Draw the control flow graph for the following code & also determine its cyclomatic


Intcompute_gcd(x, y)

Int x, y;


While(x! =y) {






Return x;


Q15.discus the terms: error, fault & failure. Also differentiate the terms syntax error &

logical error.

Q16.differentiate between:

a. white box & black box testing

b.alpha& beta testing

c.testing& debugging

d.tine dependent & time independent reliability models


Q1.explaon the major responsibility of a soft ware project manager.Also discus the term

project planning.

Q2.explain any three matrices for project size estimation.

Q3.write shot notes on: LOC, KLOC, FP, risk management, featute point matrices.

Q4.what is COCOMO model? Explain in detail.

Q5.assume the size of an organic type of software produt has been estimated to be 32,000

lines of source code. Assume that the salary of software engineer is rs. 15,000 per month.

Determine the effort required to develop the software product and the nominal

development time.

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Q6.what did you mean by schedulingf? Explain in detail.

Q7.explain: work breakdown structure, activity network & critical path method

Q8.whta did you mean by SCM (software configuration management)? Explain in detail.

Q9.what did you mean by maintenance?what is the need of maintenance? explain the

Preventive, Corrective and Perfective Maintenance.

Q10.explain: Cost of Maintenance, Software Re-Engineering, Reverse Engineering.

Q11.what is CASE tools? What are building blocks for CASE?

Q12. Describe Resource Allocation Models in detail.

Q13. Give the complete architecture of CASE environment? How it support in SDLC?

Q14.what are the relative advantages of using either the LOC or function point metric to

measure the size of a software product?


Ref. No

Date Lecture

Topics covered Books Remark

UNIT 1 Introduction

1.1 3 Introduction to Software Engineering,Software Components,Software Characteristics


1.2 1 Software Crisis, Software Engineering Processes


1.3 5 Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Models: Water Fall Model, Prototype Model, Spiral Model, Evolutionary Development Models, Iterative Enhancement Models.


Total 9 TBA 1:

UNIT 2 Software Requirement

Specifications (SRS)

2.1 4 Requirement Engineering Process: Elicitation, Analysis, Documentation, Review and Management of User Needs, Feasibility Study, Information Modeling,


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2.2 7 Data FlowDiagrams, Entity Relationship Diagrams, Decision Tables, SRS Document, IEEE Standards for SRS. Software Quality Assurance(SQA):SQA Plans, SEI-CMM Model.


Total 11 TBA 2:

UNIT 3 Software Design

3.1 4 Basic Concept of Software

Design, Architectural Design, Low Level

Design: Modularization, Design

Structure Charts, Pseudo Codes, Flow

Charts, Coupling and Cohesion


3.2 2 Design Strategies: Function Oriented Design, Object Oriented Design, Top-Down and Bottom-Up Design.


3.3 3 Software Measurement and Metrics: Various Size Oriented Measures: Halestead’s

Software Science


3.4 3 Function Point (FP) Based Measures, Cyclomatic Complexity

Measures: Control Flow Graphs.


Total 12

TBA 3:

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A) K. K. Aggarwal and Yogesh Singh, Software Engineering,

B) R. S. Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, McGraw Hill.

C) Rajib Mall, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, PHI Publication.

UNIT 4 Coding, Testing & Maintenance

4.1 2 Top-Down and Bottom up programming, structured programming. Compliance with Design and Coding Standards.

4.2 3 Testing Objectives, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Acceptance Testing, Regression Testing, Testing for Functionality and Testing for Performance


4.3 4 Top-Down and Bottom- Up Testing Strategies: Test Drivers and Test Stubs, Structural Testing (White Box Testing), Functional Testing (Black Box Testing).


4.5 7 Corrective and Perfective Maintenance, Cost of Maintenance, Software Re- Engineering, Reverse Engineering. Cocomo model


total 16

TBA 4: