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PAGE 1 BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR Pastor’s Update: Midweek Worship Opportunities God’s people know that regular attendance in God’s house (where his people gather and where his Word is proclaimed) is critical to our life of faith. Without it, our faith—and our relationship with Christ—withers and dies. (Heb 10:25; Col 3:16) Work schedules and travel plans can sometimes make weekly attendance in God’s house a challenge. While it is important that all of us keep our priorities clear —nothing is more important than our time in the Word (Lk 10:42)—our congregation does want to help those who because of work or travel miss some Sunday services. For that reason we are offering evening services on September 6, October 4, November 1, (the first Wednesday of each month), as well as the first three Wednesdays of December. These services, at 7 pm, are different than the service the Sunday before and after. So if you have to miss the Sunday morning service either before or after the Wednesday service, it will work well for you. For those who are here on Sunday, these evening worship services provides another opportunity for all of us to gather with our brothers and sisters in Christ around Word and the Lord's Supper. CONTENTS 8.1 MIDWEEK WORSHIP First Wednesday of the month midweek worship services begin September 6. 8.2 REFORMATION 500 Our congregation will be observing the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation in several ways this fall! 8.4 WHY SUNDAY SCHOOL Bible study students hear more directly how God’s Word equips them to navigate this world in a faithful, bold, and loving way. 8.6 SUMMER OF MINISTRY A small sample of the work God allowed us to do as a congregation this summer. 8.7 FALL MISSIONS DAY The upcoming Fall Missions Day on Saturday, October 7 at Crown of Life Lutheran Church. BSLC NEWSLETTER N° 9.17 SEPTEMBER 2017 ISSUE MONTHLY NEWSLETTER -Pastor Westra a more as you see Hebrews 10:25 Encra one another The Day approaching.

BSLC NEWSLETTER N° 9.17 SEPTEMBER 2017 ISSUE BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR€¦ · FALL MISSIONS DAY The upcoming Fall Missions Day ... you should never say: I am Lutheran, ... students can hear

Jun 20, 2018



Ngo Ngo
Welcome message from author
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Page 1: BSLC NEWSLETTER N° 9.17 SEPTEMBER 2017 ISSUE BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR€¦ · FALL MISSIONS DAY The upcoming Fall Missions Day ... you should never say: I am Lutheran, ... students can hear



Midweek Worship Opportunities

God’s people know that regular attendance in God’s house (where his people gather and where his Word is proclaimed) is critical to our life of faith. Without it, our faith—and our relationship with Christ—withers and dies. (Heb 10:25; Col 3:16)

Work schedules and travel plans can sometimes make weekly attendance in God’s house a challenge. While it is important that all of us keep our priorities clear—nothing is more important than our time in the Word (Lk 10:42)—our congregation does want to help those who because of work or travel miss some Sunday services.

For that reason we are offering evening services on September 6, October 4, November 1, (the first Wednesday of each month), as well as the first three Wednesdays of December. These services, at 7 pm, are different than the service the Sunday before and after. So if you have to miss the Sunday morning service either before or after the Wednesday service, it will work well for you. For those who are here on Sunday, these evening worship services provides another opportunity for all of us to gather with our brothers and sisters in Christ around Word and the Lord's Supper.


8.1MIDWEEK WORSHIPFirst Wednesday of the month midweek worship services begin September 6.

8.2REFORMATION 500Our congregation will be observing the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation in several ways this fall!

8.4WHY SUNDAY SCHOOLBible study students hear more directly how God’s Word equips them to navigate this world in a faithful, bold, and loving way.

8.6SUMMER OF MINISTRYA small sample of the work God allowed us to do as a congregation this summer.

8.7FALL MISSIONS DAYThe upcoming Fall Missions Day on Saturday, October 7 at Crown of Life Lutheran Church.



-Pastor Westra

all the moreas you see

Hebrews 10:25

Encourageone another

The Day approaching.

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Reformation 500How will we celebrate it?

In October, 1517, Dr. Martin Luther was an undistinguished professor. To this point he had only published one book. He was from a small, obscure university which had only been in existence for 15 years. He was also a parish priest, who in recent months had grown increasingly troubled by his church’s teachings on indulgences—the idea that you could earn or buy release from the punishment of your sins. So on All Hallows’ Eve (the eve of All Saints’ Day, October 31), hammer in hand, he made the short walk from his study in his monastery home to the door of the Castle Church on the other end of town. There he posted his invitation to his fellow professors and theologians to debate the church’s practice of indulgences. He had no idea what he had started.

Luther never got his debate. But the invitation, consisting of 95 theses or statements, were—without his knowledge or permission (no copyright laws back then)—taken down, reprinted and distributed throughout Europe. Suddenly, this unknown professor became the most famous person in the Western world. Within two years he had become its most widely published author. The reformation had begun.

Today, Lutherans around the world are anticipating October 31, 2017. Their anticipation has nothing to do with “the tricks and treats of another Halloween; rather, true Lutherans look forward to celebrating an historic milestone—the 500th anniversary of the 95 Theses”1 and the beginning of the Reformation. How will we celebrate it?

Some will hold Luther up as one of the most (if not the most) influential individuals of the past 1000 years.

Few if any men have changed the course of history like Martin Luther. In less than ten years, this fevered German monk plunged a knife into the heart of an empire that had ruled for a thousand years, and set in motion a train of revolution, war and conflict that would reshape Western civilization, and lift it out of the Dark Ages.

Luther's is . . . an epic tale that stretches from the gilded corridors of the Vatican to the weathered church door of a small South German town; from the barbarous pyres of heretics to the technological triumph of printing. It is the story of the birth of the modern age, of the collapse of medieval feudalism, and the first shaping of ideals of freedom and liberty that lie at the heart of the 21st century.2

Our modern view of the freedom of the conscience and the rights of individual can be traced back to Luther. He made tremendous contributions to universal education (including girls), real care for the needy, as well as to the arts and music.

Some will take this milestone as an opportunity to vilify Luther. They will likely parade before us his unacceptable views regarding the Jews. And while it is good for us to know that such views and such harsh rhetoric was common in Luther’s day, let’s just admit that many of Luther’s comments are indefensible. He himself admitted that


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on many occasions he wrote too harshly. Remember, too, that Luther’s frustrations with the Jews of his day had to do with their rejection of the Gospel, and had nothing to do with race. The Word which Luther proclaimed clearly condemns racism.

But our celebration of the Reformation will not focus on Luther the man. In his own words: In the first place, I ask that men make no reference to my name; let them call themselves, Christians, not Lutherans.

What is Luther? After all, the teaching is not mine. Neither was I crucified for anyone. St. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 3, would not allow the Christians to call themselves Pauline or Petrine, but Christians. How then should I—poor stinking maggot-fodder that I am—come to have men call the children of God by my wretched name.3

Nor will we spend a great deal of time defending him for the times he wrote too harshly. Again, in his own should never say: I am Lutheran, or Papist. For neither of them died for you, or is your master. Christ alone died for

you, he alone is your master, and you should confess yourself a Christian. But if you are convinced that Luther’s teaching is in

accord with the gospel and that the pope’s is not, then you should not discard Luther so completely, lest with him you discard also his teaching, which you nevertheless recognize as Christ’s teaching. You should rather say: Whether Luther is a rascal or a saint I do not care; his teaching is not his, but Christ’s.4

Not Luther, but Christ alone. This was the heart of the Reformation. And this is what we will celebrate. In Christ, and not by our works, we are forgiven and made heirs of heaven. In this grace we carry out our vocations and love those around us—not to earn heaven, but because heaven is ours already. This is what the Reformation is about. And this is what we will celebrate in our special worship services, in our special Bible studies, and in our witnessing. For the Reformation is still going on.

1. James F. Korthals, WLQ, Vol 114, No 3, p. 1632. Excerpt from pbs.org3. Luther’s Works, Volume 45, ed. Walther Brandt, p. 70-714. Luther’s Works, Volume 36, ed. Abdel Wentz, p. 265

A Screening of the Film:A Return to Grace: Luther’s Life and Legacy

A Return to Grace: Luther’s Life and Legacy is a film funded by Thrivent Financial to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Our congregation is investigating securing a theater at AMC West Chester for a special screening of the film. Hosting a screening is a way for our congregation to celebrate the 500th anniversary by edifying our own members. This would also be an opportunity for you to invite friends, neighbors, co-workers, relatives, etc. to an event that communicates Luther’s message—the Bible’s message—of grace alone. They will learn about the ideas that sparked the Reformation, embedded in a fast-paced film that’s packed with political intrigue, surprise kidnappings, secret hideouts, and life-or-death showdowns.

The movie is not a drama about the life of Luther, as earlier Luther movies have been; rather it is a highly-visual docudrama (a documentary with dramatic re-enactments to tell the story). There is a narrator throughout (Downton Abbey‘s Hugh Bonneville). The episodes of Luther’s life are acted out, and these episodes are broken up by experts discussing and commenting on the events of Luther’s life and the truths of Scripture for which he fought.

The screening would be on Tuesday, September 26, at 7:30 pm. Check the Weekly Update to learn how to order your tickets. If not enough tickets are sold, the screening will be cancelled and your credit card will not be charged.

The congregation will purchase a copy of this docudrama, to be shown on site, so even if the screening at a local theater does not work out, you will have a chance to view it and even invite your friends.


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Why Sunday SchoolAt a Summer of Ministry

This year’s Sunday School Rally Day is on September 10. This is the day we celebrate beginning a new year of adult Bible study and Sunday School. You may have noticed that, at Beautiful Savior, we talk a lot about Bible study for both adults and kids. Why do we care about this so much? Why do we hope you will care about it too?

During his missionary journeys, the Apostle Paul met a young man named Timothy. The two of them became so close that Paul eventually began referring to Timothy as his son. Paul praised Timothy’s mother and grandmother for doing a great job in Timothy’s Christian education. In Paul’s second letter to Timothy, he wrote these words: “As for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

The number one reason for adults and kids to come to Bible study is to be strengthened in their knowledge of salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. If you think of our faith as a hand gripping this knowledge of Christ, it’s our time in Bible study that strengthens this hold, even as the devil, our sinful nature, etc. try to knock it out of our grasp. Paul’s second reason for Bible study is being “trained” and being “equipped for every good work.” Our Bible class time is different than a sermon. There’s time for interaction between teacher and student. The teachers can get more nuanced in their discussion of the topic or text at hand. Sunday School teachers provide lots of specific applications for the age groups they’re teaching. In short, Bible study students can hear more directly how God’s Word equips

them to navigate this difficult world in a faithful, bold, and loving way.

If you have not considered the Sunday morning Bible study hour in the past, Rally Day is a great time to do so! Come and see the blessings God brings through our time together!


servant of God, may be So that the

thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Tim. 3:17

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This FallNew Bible Study

What does it mean to be a Lutheran Christian? Martin Luther sparked the Reformation when he nailed his protest to the door of the Castle Church in 1517. That protest had the one goal: bring the church back to the foundation of the Bible. To be a Lutheran Christian means to base our teaching and practice on the Bible alone. Our new study, Reformation: Grace, Faith, Scripture, presents 12 important biblical principles that are still important to us and all Bible-believing Christians today. Join us as we explore these important and enduring truths.

Meet Our MembersWelcome Jim Wade

Jim Wade, who now lives in West Chester, Ohio, has also lived in England, Illinois, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Michigan. He is currently retired and widowed. Jim previously spent 25 years as a Senior Broadcast Journalist for the BBC, British Broadcasting Corporation, and lived in London, England. He attended Joplin Senior High School in Joplin, Missouri, and graduated from Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio, with a degree in history. Jim also was an athletic trainer while there. He has one brother and two sisters, and his mother lives in Bridgetown, Ohio. Jim likes to watch football and golf, travel, and hike. He was a member of St. Mary’s University Church in Oxford, England prior to joining Beautiful Savior in July, 2017. Please introduce yourself and welcome Jim!


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Looking BackA Summer of Ministry

I would guess that for many of us the summer flew by faster than we could have ever imagined. This past summer God blessed us with many opportunities to serve Him by serving others at Beautiful Savior. Here are a few highlights:

• In June, our session of Summer Sunday School began. We were blessed with 8 teachers, half of them high school or college students actively engaged in ministry. It was great to see young people faithfully using their God-given talents.

• In mid-June, we had a family movie night event. Parents were invited to a Bible study on identity followed by a board game night.

• In July, 22 high school students and 4 chaperones participated in a youth rally at Xavier University. Our group took on several roles in planning and running the event. Once again, our young people glorified God by their hard work and their behavior.

• During the first week in August, we held Vacation Bible School for children ages 2 ½ to 15. Over the course of the week, just about 110 kids had a chance to hear God’s Word, some of whom had never visited our church before. We could not have accomplished this without many called workers and volunteers giving up their time in service of the Gospel.

• In early August, we had two youth ministry events. A group of our college-aged students traveled to Columbus for a get-together with other young people from our conference. A group from our congregation also went canoeing in the Little Miami River.

This is really just a small sample of the work God is allowing us to do as a congregation. We thank God for the opportunities He has given us over the past months and we look forward to the chances we have to share His message

of forgiveness in the future. Thank you to everyone who has served our ministry this past summer with their time, talents, gifts, and prayers!



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Lutheran Women’s Missionary SocietyFall Missions Day: October 7

Ladies, please mark your calendars for the upcoming Fall Missions Day on Saturday, October 7 at Crown of Life Lutheran Church in Marietta, Ohio. Registration starts at 9:00 with continental breakfast, and the day will end with closing devotion at 3:00 p.m.

Our speaker for October 7 is Linda Liesener, Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM) Chairwoman. The theme is Healing the Body & Soul in Africa; theme verse is "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9

To help with logistics, Heartland Circuit Board has asked that all ladies interested in attending register by October 1, either online at, or through the mail, using one of the registration forms you will find on the Missions bulletin board in the old fellowship hall by the kitchen. Childcare, Breakfast, & Lunch are provided. For the silent auction, each congregation is asked to consider providing one large and one small basket. A donation jar will also be available and we will continue to collect toothbrushes for CAMM.

Fall mission project offerings are due to Cheryl Grady by Sunday, September 10. Our offerings are helping Campus Ministry New Starts [Home Mission], and Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM) [World Mission]. Please place your offering in Cheryl Grady's mail slot [slot is marked W. Grady]. At this time, Heartland Circuit doesn't have a pastoral advisor. We request your prayers for our pastors and that this position may be filled soon.

Program speaker: Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM) Chairwoman Linda Liesener


October 7, 2017

9:00 AM-3:00 PM

Crown of Life Lutheran Church300 Wooster St. Marietta, OH 45750

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

Activities Bible Study

Presentation Craft

Business MeetingChildcare, Breakfast & Lunch included

Contact your lwms reporter

Phone & email


Healing the body


soul in africa


In August, the Southern Circuit of the Ohio conference hosted a pastor’s institute at Beautiful Savior. Wives were also invited to attend a Bible study for pastors’ wives arranged by Carrie Groth.

Lutheran Elementary School principal Dan Markgraf worked tirelessly to prepare for the upcoming school year. This year’s theme will be “He is the Rock”, which is based on Psalm 18:2.


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Around ChurchYouth Ministry You May Have Missed

We have a pretty full calendar here at Beautiful Savior. Here are a few youth ministry projects you may have missed:

• College Ministry – Once a month we have a group that meets on Miami’s Oxford campus for Bible study. The study is open to any college aged student. If you would like to attend, Pastor Groth can arrange a ride for you. We also will be starting an “Adopt a College Student” program this fall. The program will include care packages and biblical encouragement for our students away from home.

• Confirmation Mentors – This is the third year that each of our confirmands have been paired with a mentor from the congregation. The hope is to build relationships across generations and to give our young people another resource in their spiritual life. Additionally, we want our confirmands to understand that this is their church, not just their parents’ church.

• Intergenerational Lunch – This fall we will have our 2nd intergenerational lunch. Different generations of Christians have much to offer one another. We would like to build those bonds by periodically hosting lunch events. The intent is to get our high school group, college group, and 55 Plus group together in Christian unity.

• Dad’s Retreat – The greatest youth ministry comes through a child’s parents. To that end, we are planning a dad’s retreat sometime in late fall. Dads will be invited to gather for Bible study and fellowship, all geared toward their God-given role to train the kids God has given to them as gifts.

Pastor Tom Westra 513-825-8005 [email protected] Alex Groth 513-825-8005 [email protected] Dan Markgraf 513-825-2290 [email protected] Ben Birner 513-825-8005 [email protected]