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1 Brussels, June 14, 2021 Ms. Ursula von der Leyen President of the European Commission Mr. Josep Borrell High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Vice President of the European Commission Mr. Valdis Dombrovskis European Commissioner for Trade Vice President of the European Commission Re: Call for the Suspension of the EU – Colombia Free Trade Agreement Distinguished Representatives of the European Commission, The entire world has become a horrified witness to the extreme violence unleashed by Colombian security forces using weaponry of war against protestors. This violence has been described as disproportionate by United Nations experts and many other observers. More than 40 protestors have been killed since the beginning of the strike, hundreds of persons, mostly youths, have been forcibly disappeared, and sexual violence is widely used as a means of repressing women protestors, or women simply living in mobilised working -class neighbourhoods. Furthermore, almost 600 social leaders, of whom more than 100 are environmental defenders, and more than 270 ex-combatants, signatories of the Peace Agreement, have been killed since President Iván Duque took up office. In the most unequal country of South America, following an attempt to impose a tax reform that would have placed the weight of the debt on the shoulders of the poor, the Government is trying to impose reforms that would undermine labour rights and to privatise further the health and pension systems. This comes shortly after the granting of significant tax breaks to banks and mining companies. Large- scale deforestation is tolerated in the Amazon, as well as in other regions, with a view to increasing land to be used for livestock and agro-industry. The forced displacement of rural populations continues, with more than eight million internally displaced persons. Of those, 27.435 were displaced in 2021 signifying an increase of 177 percent in comparison to the same period in 2020. Instead of implementing the programmes of substitution of drug cultures as it should, according to the peace

Brussels, June 14, 2021 Ms. Ursula von der Leyen

Oct 16, 2021



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Mr. Josep Borrell
High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Vice President of the European Commission
Mr. Valdis Dombrovskis
Vice President of the European Commission
Re: Call for the Suspension of the EU – Colombia Free Trade Agreement
Distinguished Representatives of the European Commission,
The entire world has become a horrified witness to the extreme violence unleashed by Colombian
security forces using weaponry of war against protestors. This violence has been described as
disproportionate by United Nations experts and many other observers.
More than 40 protestors have been killed since the beginning of the strike, hundreds of persons,
mostly youths, have been forcibly disappeared, and sexual violence is widely used as a means of
repressing women protestors, or women simply living in mobilised working-class neighbourhoods.
Furthermore, almost 600 social leaders, of whom more than 100 are environmental defenders, and
more than 270 ex-combatants, signatories of the Peace Agreement, have been killed since President
Iván Duque took up office.
In the most unequal country of South America, following an attempt to impose a tax reform that would
have placed the weight of the debt on the shoulders of the poor, the Government is trying to impose
reforms that would undermine labour rights and to privatise further the health and pension systems.
This comes shortly after the granting of significant tax breaks to banks and mining companies. Large-
scale deforestation is tolerated in the Amazon, as well as in other regions, with a view to increasing
land to be used for livestock and agro-industry. The forced displacement of rural populations
continues, with more than eight million internally displaced persons. Of those, 27.435 were displaced
in 2021 signifying an increase of 177 percent in comparison to the same period in 2020. Instead of
implementing the programmes of substitution of drug cultures as it should, according to the peace
Agreement, and to fight money laundering, the Government has recently decided to relaunch the
programme of aerial spraying of glyphosate.
This radically contravenes the Paris Agreement, ratified by both parties, as well as the sustainable
development chapter of the Free Trade Agreement, signed by the EU and Colombia, as well as the
roadmap adopted by the European Parliament within the framework of ratification. Moreover, they
constitute a flagrant violation of Article one of the same Agreement, which establishes that human
rights are a fundamental element of the Agreement.
During the debates that took place in the European Parliament prior to the ratification of the Free
Trade Agreement, Mr. Karel De Gucht, then Commissioner for International Trade, stated that the
Free Trade Agreement would be suspended if human rights were violated1. And, in effect, article 60
of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, ratified by all parties, provides that any party to the
agreement may suspend it, in full or in part, if the other party violates a fundamental part of the same.
As such, we request that the European Commission begin proceedings for the suspension of the
provisional application of the FTA. If the Commission decides to partially suspend the agreement, it
should suspend the importation of goods to the EU from Colombian business groups that approve and
encourage the abuses, for example those exporting African palm-oil, meat, sugar, bananas, or highly
processed food products.
An action such as this on behalf of the European Union would contribute to reducing drastically the
impunity for human rights violations and internal forced displacement. It would also serve to stimulate
the implementation of the Peace Agreement by the Government.
Our kindest regards,
FIAN international
1 Speech of former international trade commissioner Karel De Gucht, on behalf of the EC to the INTA Committee of the European Parliament
before the ratification: "(…) Article 1 of the (free trade) agreement asserts that the respect for democratic principles, the rule of law and
fundamental human rights, as laid down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), constitutes an "essential element" of the
This means that in a situation where a government violates this essential element, the other Parties will be able immediately, unilaterally,
and without prior consultation to suspend the benefits of the agreement to another Party. I do not see how this could be expressed more
clearly or more strongly. "
Red europa de Comités Oscar Romero (SICSAL-Europa)
Defendamos la Paz Internacional - DLPI
Members of the European Parliament
Leila Chaibi , The Left - La France Insoumise, France
Marc Tarabella , Socialists and Democrats - PS , Belgium
Benoît Biteau , Les Verts/ALE, France
Clara Ponsatí Obiols , NI - Junts per Catalunya, Spain
Idoia Villanueva, The Left, Unidas Podemos , Spain
Philippe Lamberts , Les Verts/ALE , Belgium
Miguel Urbán, The Left – Anticapitalistas , Spain
Anna Cavazzini , GREEN/EFA , Germany
Stelios Kouloglou, The Left - Syriza , Grece
Pernando Barrena , The Left - El Bildu , Spain
Sira Rego, The Left, Unidas Podemos , Spain
Manu Pineda , The Left, Unidas Podemos , Spain
Marie Toussaint , Les Verts/ALE, France
Carles Puigdemont , NI - Junts per Catalunya , Spain
Antoni Comin , NI - Junts per Catalunya , Spain
Manon Aubry , The Left - La France Insoumise , France
Tilly Metz , Les Verts/ALE , Luxembourg
Manuel Bompard , The Left - La France Insoumise , France
Anne-Sophie Pelletier The Left - La France Insoumise , France
Emmanuel Maurel , The Left - Gauche républicaine socialiste , France
Anja Hazekamp , The Left - Dieren's partij , Hollande
Francis Wurtz , Député européen honoraire, France
Wilson Arias Castillo , Sénateur , Polo Democrático Alternativo , Colombia
Heike Hänsel , Députée Bundestag , Germany
Gerardo Pisarello , Député , GCUP-EC-GC, Congreso de Diputados , Spain
Adelina Escandell , Senatrice, Soberanists of Catalunya
Enrique Santiago , Député , GCUP-EC-GC, Congreso de Diputados , Spain
Lucía Muñoz, Députée ,GCUP-EC-GC, Congreso de Diputados , Spain
Antón Gómez , Député, GCUP-EC-GC, Congreso de Diputados , Spain
Cristina Mayor , Députée, Unidas Podemos, Parlament Balear , Spain
Pablo Jiménez , Député, Unidas Podemos, Parlament Balear , Spain
André Flahaut , Député, Socialist Party (PS), La Chambre, Belgique
Hélène Ryckmans, Députée , ECOLO, Parlaments Wallon et Fédération Wallonie- Bruxelles, Belgium
Olivier Biérin , Député, ECOLO, Parlaments Bruxelles et Fédération Wallonie- Bruxelles, Belgium
Gwenaëlle Grovonius , Députée, PS, Parlaments Wallon et Fédération Wallonie- Bruxelles, Belgium
Marie Lecocq , Députée, ECOLO, Parlament de Bruxelles, Belgium
Christophe Clersy, Député, ECOLO, Parlaments Bruxelles et Fédération Wallonie- Bruxelles, Belgium
Malik Ben Achour , Député, PS, La Chambre des représentants, Belgium
Jean-Luc Mélenchon , Député à l'Assemblée nationale, Président de La France Insoumise et candidat
présidentiel , France
Doriana Sarli , Députée à l'Assemblée nationale, Italie
Paola Nugnes , Sénatrice, Italy
Francesca Businarolo , Députée à l'Assemblée nationale, Italy
Stefania Ascari , Députée à l'Assemblée nationale, Italy
Yana Chiara Ehm , Députée à l'Assemblée nationale, Italy
Matteo Mantero , Sénateur, Italy
National organizations
France : Amis de la Terre - Attac - FAL - France Amérique latine - Explorer Humanity
Belgium: Broederlijk Delen - FOS - SOLSOC - A Contre-Courant - Comité pour le respect des
Droits Humains "Daniel Gillard" -- Solidair met Guatemala /Belgïe - INTAL, Globalize the solidarity -
CETRI - Centre Tricontinental - Agir pour la Paix - Red Flamenca de Solidaridad con la Comunidad
de Paz de San José de Apartadó - Casa Nicaragua - asbl Pierreuse & Ailleurs
Colombie : Universidad de Paz - Comisión Intereclesial de Justicia y Paz - Fondo Lunaria Mujer -
SIN OLVIDO - Red con Paz - SIEMBRA - Centro Socio-jurídico para la Defensa Territorial -
Corporación claretiana Norman Pérez Bello - FIAN - Colombia - Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear
Restrepo (CAJAR) - JAC Villa Inés Duitama - QuéTeUneAColombia - Fundación pijaocittaslow -
APROCADE - JAC VEREDA ASCARILLAL URUMITA -GUAJIRA - Corporación Ambiental y Turística Alas
del Humadea CORPOHUMADEA - Veeduria ambiental - COMUNES - CIVIPAZ - Fundación Amanecer -
Unión de Ciudadanas de Colombia Seccional Cali - FUNDACIÓN PARA LA PREVENCIÓN, REBILITACION
Y EDUCACIÓN EN SALUD - Colectivo El callejón del hip hop - Asociacion Mariposas de la Orinoquia y
Amazonia - Asociacion Apoyo a la Mujer - Amibosque - Esfuérzate - AgroSolidaria Teusaquillo -
Teusaquillo - COLOR Y ESPERANZA POR NUESTROS HEROES - Corambiente - Comité de Integración
del Macizo Colombiano-CIMA - TOTAL Apple SUPPORT - Corporación para la educación y autogestión
ciudadana "CEAC"- Fundagrollano - Vista Hermosa diversa - Fundación ARDECIA - Fundación
Prometeo Producciones - ASODEMUC - Demujeres Afro La Canoa - Fundación Pastorín - CIVIPAZ -
RTovar - Amibosque - Asociación Mariposas de la Orinoquia y Amazonia - FUNHACOL - CREDHOS
- Instituto Popular de Capacitación-IPC - Programa presbiteriano de Acompañamiento a la Paz -
Asociación de recicladores - Programa Presbiteriano de Acompañamiento para la Paz – CENSAT AGUA
VIVA, Amigos de la Tierra.
Spain: ATTAC-España - COAG - Sindicato LAB (País Vasco) - Sindicato Labrego Galego - MUNDUBAT
- Ecologistas en Acción - Associació Catalana d'Enginyeria Sense Fronteres - Associó Huitaca Pacte
per la vida i per la Pau - - Organitzacions per a la Justícia Global - SOLdePAZ.Pachakuti -
Observatorio DESC de Barcelona - Reds – Red de solidaridad para la transformación social
(Barcelona) - Asociación por la Paz y los Derechos Humanos Taula per Mèxic (Barcelona) - Asociación
Para La Convivencia Intercultural Amazonas - Programa asturiano de derechos humanos
Italy : TEFA Colombia Coooperacion internacional APS Migras
Germany : Powershift - Wissenskulturen e.V.
Argentine : SERVICIO PAZ Y JUSTICIA, SERPAJ (ARGENTINA) - Comisión derechos humanos por la
memoria, la verdad y la justicia de traslasierra - Asociación Argentina de Terapistas Ocupacionales
Ecuador : UNIÓN DE AFECTADOS POR TEXACO (UDAPT) - Acción ecológica
Mexico : Asociación de Derechos Humanos del Estado de México (ADHEM) - Liga Mexicana por la
Defensa de los Derechos Humanos A.C. (LIMEDDH) - Liga Mexicana por la Defensa de los Derechos
Humanos, A.C. Filial Oaxaca (LIMEDDH-Oax) - Asociación de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos
y Víctimas de Violaciones a los Derechos Humanos en México (AFADEM FEDEFAM) - Red Solidaria
Década contra la Impunidad, A.C. (RSDI) - Fundación Diego Lucero, A.C. (FDL) - Centro de Derechos
Humanos Ku'untik (CDHK) - Fundación Diego Lucero, A.C. (FDL) - Foro Permanente de Mujeres
Iztacalco, A.C. (FPM-I) - Comité de Familiares de Personas Desaparecidas en México, Alzando Voces,
(COFADDEM) - Consejo Federal Ejecutivo Nacional e Internacional del Frente Mexicano Pro
Derechos Humanos - Centro de Estudios para los Derechos Humanos y la Justicia Ambiental
"YURENI", A.C. - Actuar Familiares contra la Tortura, (AFT) - Centro de Derechos Humanos "Antonio
Esteban", A.C. (CDHAE) - Comité de Derechos Humanos de Base de Chiapas "Digna Ochoa",
(CDHBCDO) - Asociación Mexicana de Abogados del Pueblo (AMAP-Guerrero) - Asamblea Vecinal
Nos Queremos Vivas Neza (AVNQVN) - Comité de Defensa de Derechos Humanos "Cholollan"
(CDDHC) - Mujeres Guerrerenses por la Democracia, A.C. (MGD) - Aliadas por la Justicia, A.C.
(AxJ) - Desarrollo Humano Internacional, A.C. (DHI) - Comunidad Raíz Zubia, A.C. (CRZ) - Zihuame
Xotlametzin, A.C. (ZX) - Asociación Guerrerense Contra la Violencia Hacia las Mujeres, A.C. (AGCVIM,
A.C.) - Organización Político Cultural Cleta (OPC Cleta)
and more than 1350 citizens of several countries...
Belgium: Belén Omaira Torres Cardenas - Julian Vallejo Morales - Odette Goffard - Jean-Louis Vander Heyden- Olivier Derruine - Eduardo Arias - Dehasse Aline - Alba Lopez Herrera – Uribe Maria Alejandra- Vancollie christophe - Anne Vereecken - Martine Gerardy - Rémi Dekoninck - Pérez Buitrago Heidy Andrea - Alice Legein - Angel Alvarez - Eric Van Buggenhaut - Luis Martinez Andrade -Robert Pierre - Marie Legein - Zoraida Hern ndez P - Marina Granados Londono - Bedoya Orlando -Guthmann Claudio - Elvira Cerda - Sus Van Olmen - Silvia Avalos - Alejandro Ardila – Jairo Nepomuceno Espinosa Guti rrez - Nuria Ferrer - Vogel Laurent - Greta Alegre - Ana Isabel Cortes Fajardo – Polanco Palacio Paula Andrea - Darling Jhulieth Narvaez Corrales - Denis Marie – Diego Sandoval Ochoa - Uribe Ligia - Monica Bastidas - Marisol Vargas - Carmen Diaz - Sebastian Franco -Boutsen Michel - Cec lia Castro - Olivir Derruine - Lemmens Olivia - Garcia Carmen - Ardila Angela Maria - Diego Neira -Plumhans Philippe - Monville Tania - Malena Castrillon - Yaneth Romero Bravo -Nuria Ferrer- Natalia Vanesa Hirtz - Fautr Sarah - Cerna José - Kiriaki Spanoudis - Garcia Martinez Ana Marlén - Dubart Emmanuel - Marlly Guarin - Adriana Moreno Cely - Beatriz Elena Villegas -Bourgogne Marie - Vasco Fiorini - Pestieau Jean Delmotte Florence - Mara Coppens – Collin Delphine - Addy Alegria - Thomas Frédéric - Celine Goddefroy - Brenda Lira - Laura Colmenares Guerra -Marie Marlaire - Sonia Pastecchia - Hadrien de Kerchove – Guadalupe Narvaez Corrales –Victorio Romero - Wilmer Amaris Rodriguez – Eliecer Narvaez Corrales – Manuel Narvaez Corrales
France: Lucile Daumas – Jean Bohémond - Fabien Cohen – Ines Sofia Cardona Parra - Jean-Marc
Adolphe-Lansier arnaud - G rard Fenoy - Sergio Leonardo Reyes Porras - Andrea Chacon -Constanza
Aristizabal - Londono Yasmin - Wurtz Francis – Juliana Mejia- Christian Rodriguez- Diego Sierra -Isabelle
Avers - Ana Cristina Rojas Vergara - Angélica Maria Figueroa - Ivon Mantilla – Pierre Laurent-Paula
Martinez - Sanchez Gomez Jorge William - Sierra Laura - Vasquez Ligia – Batriz Castaneda Rubio -
Claudia Mil na Weissenbach - Jean-Louis Marolleau - Toussaint Marie – Mazure Laurence -Ballesteros
Rose - Desvaux Andrée - Marc Verneda - Clara Alvarez - Boccara Sylvain - Christophe Roux - Manon
Enrico - Leboeuf Sofia - Mederic Puissant - Fernand Meunier - Hurel Pierre- Jeanne Nelly - Le Gallic
Gilliane - Pablo Canales - Edilberto Munoz - Barnab Lambert - Luis Felipe Pineres Rico - Maxime
Combes - Silva Carvalho Cyrielle - Maria jaramillo - Bertrand de Kermel - Leguérinais Patrice - Cortés
Juan - Francois Figuet - Vicky Donneys - Guillermo Gonzalez – Dulfary Salamanca - Karl Ytoz - Maria
Ibarra – Thebault Bertrand - Florence Tiffou - Wilson L pez Garcia-Deyanira Gonzalias Rodallega-
Wurtz Francis -Carlos Arturo Valero - Lagune Raymonde – Camila Ramirez-Garcia Diana - Leboeuf Sofia
- Raison Emmanuel
United States: Jaime Ramirez - Henry Ramirez Soler - Carlos Vaca - Sandra Mora - Karina Palacios – Valentina Espinosa - Nathalia Trejos Reyes - C sar Abadia - Jairo Duque - Luis FW -Diego Villegas –Jorge Saenz - Martha Zarate - Victor Grajales - Sonia Serrato - HernandoClaros - Harold Perlaza
Mexico : Anny Meneses-Claudia Isabel Infante-Guillermo Alonso-Anton Castro-Morelia montes-
Leonor Cortés BolívarJamil Márquez-Viridiana García-Maria Antonia Cruz Montero-Ruth Castellanos-
David Gutiérrez-Nallely Sherezada Alvarez Franco-Ana Bertha García-Trejo Dulce-Fabio Vengoechea-
Héctor Díaz García-Martha Helena Montoya Vélez
Canada: Françoise Vigneron-Jaír Pino-Julián Idrobo-Yulius Le roi-Jimena Uribe-ilo Garcia Cediel-Angela
Useche-Doris Villa- Leila Celis -Olga Lucía Castillo
Argentine: Liliana Godoy - Angela Barriga - Luz Mary Castano - Romina Casali - Angela Cardella - Juan Herrmann - Silvia Grande - Mariela Kifer - Carmen Mercedes Caceres - Alba Rosa Pereyra - Cristina Erbaro - Mariela Nabergoi - Maria Elisa Monge - Alejandro Irurzun - Monica Haydee Pineiro - Alfredo Leonardo Seydell - Roberto Bardach - Elena Lucca - Maria Elisa Capellino Rosales - Jenny Paola Hurtado Giraldo - Monica Patino - Rosario Beatriz Bracamonte – Veronica Grondona - Pablo Boron -Juan Dukuen - Sandra Serapio - Marcela Fernanda Gutierrez
Brasil: Ligia Machado-Angelica Mejia Caceres-Martha C Suárez Mutis-Fabiana Campelo-William
Alexander Hernández Rueda-Thiago Araújo da Silveira-José Roberto Silva
Ecuador: Roberto Ochoa Dávila-Darwin Matute-Elvia Cely Torres-Dick Sellán-Albeley Rodríguez
Venezuela: Alvaro Barros-María Belandria
Manuel Aguilar Mora-Marva Spence Sharpe
Chile: Juan Trimboli-Maria Luisa Rojas Valenzuela
República Dominicana: Mercedes Nas
Peru: Virginia Vargas Valente
El Salvador: Mariella Tapella
Greece: Alvaro Perry
ViêtNam : Claudio Schuftan
Spain : Javier Arjona - Elizabeth Uribe Pinillos - Maria Jose Garcia Berral – Montserrat Canas Gozalo - Javier Orozco Penaranda - Nelly Villegas - Alberto Sanchez - Laura Violeta Ospina Dominguez - Ivan Roberto Forero Robayo - Asdrid Sellan Cely - Eduardo Serrano Tovar - Mireia Rodrigo - Sandra Isabel Reyes Garzon - Maria Isabel Jiménez -Vivian Munoz Rodriguez - Celestino Sanchez - Diana Marcela Escobar Upegui - Emely Arango – Maribel Montoya - Carolina Hernandez Garcia - Ofelia Castillo Pérez - Sara Buraya Boned – Melissa Adriana Torres Giraldo – Maria del Rosario Cifuentes Solarte - Angie Ruiz - Maite Gandulfo -Roc Padro Caminal - Meritxell Lendinez Mart - Ana Belén Gonzalez Ortigosa – Elahi Mohammad Fazle - Jose Gabriel-Bernal Pinillos -Diana Marcela Escobar Upegui - Emio Ibanez Gomez - Soledad Ordinas Montojo - Ramiro Blanco - Cesar Narvaez -Ana Longoni - Juan Izquierdo Hortal - Anuke Monegal -Constanza Cisneros Sanchez - Juan Sebastian Toro - Pedro José Gomez Gimenez - Diego Boza Martinez - Raul Lopez - Jorge Avellaneda - Ofelia Castillo Pérez - Lucia Hurtado - Mar M. Nunez - Juan Grajales - Angie Ruiz - Eliana Rojas Bermudez - Marta Cecilia Gomez Alzate – Carolina Torres Topaga -Teresa Canale - Tom Kucharz- Nur Banzi - Nicolas Sanchez – Anabel Torres - Isabel Molina Izquierdo -Cecilia Saiz - Dorys Ardila -Aldo Mendez Camacho – Raul Velasco Fernandez - Juan David Carvajal Ruiz - Sarai Costas - Clara Ponsat Obiols – Josepa Viader Puga - Sara Casado Jiménez - Lina Gonzalez - Marie Obelleiro -Fenosa Choclan –Montserrat Reny - Javier Avila Alvarez - Maria Isabel Mosquera. Portugal: Carlos Vicente Camelo
Denmark: Myriam Eugenia Salfelt
Austria: Graciela Rojas-Norma Müller
Francesca Caprini- Stella Malagon-Monica Di Sisto-Paola Andrea Riascos Espana-Anna
Camposampiero-Oscar Andres Rodríguez Romero-Mary Delgado-Teresa OConnell-Clersy Christophe
Norway : Adriana Sossa-Alejandro Otduz-Francisco Castro-Katharina Barbosa
Holland: Omar Arcesio García García-Maria Paula Balcazar Vargas-Karen Muñoz-Martha Cecilia Barco
Gomez-Rubria Rono-Itayosara Rojas
Borges-Chantal Bianchi-Carlos Angulo-Eliécer Jiménez Julio-Beatriz Corradine-Silva Carvalho Cyrielle
Ireland : Suldery Morales-Claudia Valencia-Noel Rhatigan-Katharine Hazel West-Clodagh Daly-Emer
Slattery-Christian Volkmann
Fernando Andrade-Iván Camilo Niño Bonfante-Bettina Mueller-Seybold Rainer-Juan Pablo Rincon
Duarte-Dr. Michael Paetau-Vicky Donneys-Marlene Stripecke-Constanza Paetau-Angela María
Gonzalez Ponce de león-Martin Mühl-Edna Martinez - Juan Ortiz-Fernando Gómez-Diana Castillo-
Quetzal Nicolas Fajardo Medina-Alejandro Burgos Vélez-Martha Kaupp-Laura Marcela Diaz Ladino-
Juan Sebastian Céspedes Mendoza-Alexandra Bisbicus-Lorena Aragón-Angela Pérez
Colombia: Yuli Perilla - Aleyda Mosquera vivas - Javier Giraldo Pena - Alfredo Prado – Jhon Alexander Castaneda - Jonny Vahos - Piedad Pertuz Molina - Maria Claudia Becerra Trejos -Tania Moreno - Rueda
BetsyMilena Montoya - Adolfo Tovar - Laura Rangel - Isabel CristinaBedoya Calvo - Julian Andrés Mallama Ospina - Mauricio Pantoja - Magda Judith Beltran Beltran - Diana Carolina Villalba Ascanio - Nury Ortiz - Lucy del Rosario Carvajal – Gladys Elena Urrea Vargas - Jessica Neira - Bernardo Garcia Quiroga - Isabel Lopez - Angel Maria Salinas –Martha Cec lia Gutierrez Portilla - Jhon Jairo Romero Naranjo - Gladys Montes Hernandez - Edwin Lopez - Ivan de Jesus Higuita C. - Karina Pantoja - Ana Marcela Gomez - Laura Sofia Gutierrez Sarmiento - Willyan Afanador Rojas - Miguel Angel Montenegro Calambas - Gabriel Otalvaro - Astrid Castellanos Correcha - Diana Bermudez – Miguel Orlando Carrillo Ramos - Diego Sepulveda C - Astrid Romero Pérez - Héctor Hern n Gamboa Pinilla - Oscar Hernandez - Edilma Viviana Tejada Ruiz - Lilism Zoraya Sanchez Moreno –Alejandro Elias Bruges Lafaurie - Daniela Corzo Rodriguez - German Martinez – Deisy Isabel Moyano Rojas - Carlos Alberto Pamplona Lopez - Blanca Nubia Hernandez Duque – Elkin Mauricio Torres Lasso - Carolina Madrid - Lorena Guevara - Marcela Navarrete – Pablo Carvajal Gonzalez - Alejandro Orozco - Fernando Munoz - Martha cristancho – Diana Hernandez Guzman - César Torres – Martha Ruiz -Yurany Pena Moreno Martha Cecilia Monroy Pinzon - Karen Sofia Mosquera Gomez - Tatiana Uribe-Edith Vargas Ruiz - Claudia Aragon - Alicia Milena Torres - Lizeth Andrea Reyes - Francia Eliana Mesa -Julian Andrés Parra Pérez - Luz Marina Perez Quintero - Liney Chinchilla Chinchilla - Carlos Jiménez –Fidel Alejandro Llinás Zurita- Adrian Fernando Gonzalez – Heiner Valdés - Yuri Ximena Miranda Delgado - Laura Vivas - Luz Suaza - Valeria Trejos Bedoya - Paula Catalina Espitia Molina -Diana Vivas Mosquera - Vicente Gonzalez - Alejandra Pinilla - Luis Clavijo - Alberto Enrique Ibarra - Carmen Amparo Vivas Munoz - Maria Carolina Prada - Rigoberto Quintero – Lidice Alvarez - Rafael Eduardo Betancurth Arias - Constanza Carvajal Vargas - Lina Maria Martinez - Luz Dary Lopez Garcia - Jonathan Pantoja - Carlos Martin Isaza Puerta - Yadir Betancur Jiménez - Stephania Pinzon Hernandez - Gloria Esperanza Cachaya Florez - Mara Teresa Nivia - José Gabriel Navarro Vargas -Maria Alejandra Cardenas – Nicolas Ortiz - Ruth Adiela Pino Molano - Ana Maria Ayala Roman - Betty Mosquera Vivas - Carmen Anachury Diaz – Julieth Correa - Ana Maria Soleibe - Marleny Mosquera Vivas - Roman Rafael Vega Romero – Isabel Castrillon - Edilma Marlen Suarez Castro – Ruby Mosquera Vivas -Stiven Velasquez – Camilo Cifuentes -Juan Carlos Aguado Sepulveda - Sara Del Castillo - Hebert Manuel Benitez Cardozo- Gladys Acevedo - Fernando Valderrama - Monica Pinzon-Nelson Dario Torres Cardenas -Luis Tobon - Fabian Jiménez Acevedo – Lucero Adriana Blanco Zambrano - Abel Angulo -Fernando Duran Espinosa - Lina Salgado - Victor Mosquera - Rubiela Adrada Narvaez – Martin Mosquera Vivas - Luisa Corzo - Evelyn Melissa Alegria Vivas - Carlos Pineda -Maria FernandaLopez Rojas - Sergio Tejeda Consuegra - Zuly Andrea Rodriguez Corredor - Julian VinaVizcaino - Aida Gloria Mera Arroyo - Maria Gutierrez – John Vivas - Luz Mora – Eduard Fabio Osorio Hernandez -Fulton Pua - Juan Gabriel L pez Molina - Eduardo Le n Navarro -Luisa Rubiano -Wilson Herney Mellizo Rojas - Nancy Soto Hurtado – Jhon Balmer - LilianaMosquera - Rocio Lozano Quiroga - Milton Lopez - Bibiana Rodriguez Santos - Rosa CeciliaHurtado - Rosario Rojas - Marcela Vega - Lucas Meneses -Alondra Gonzalez Costa- Leonardo Pérez - Alberto Hugo Soto Hurtado - Edna Mahecha - Cristina Florez Arcila - Jenny Tello - Juliette Pérez Avellaneda - Elba Luz Martinez Aponte -Elizabeth Astaiza Osorio – Marcela Pardo - Sonia Uribe - Deisy Arrubla -Fernando Aguirre – Adriana Millan - Nelson Orlando Pérez Pena - Yadira E. Borrero Ramirez - Gonzalo Osorio Toro - Manuel Beleno Jaramillo - James Ivan Cordoba- Maria Alejandra Esteban Amortegui - José Eugenio Montoya -Tomas Bolivar - Rafael Antonio Malagon Oviedo - Tito Pérez -Nelly Rivera - Luis Ardila -Luis Alberto Martinez Saldarriaga - Liliana Florez - Miguel Angel Rivera Gonzalez - Oscar Meneses Renzo- Alexander Garcia Parra -Pedro Pablo Torres Palacio - Abimael Medina - Juan David Pineres Raquira - lvaro Sepulveda Franco - Nidia Vega Viatela - Enrique Mejia Umana - Aldemar Escobar-Javier Rincon -Sammy Sevilla- Rosaura Aroca Belalcazar -Luz Maria Ruales de Rodriguez-Angie Sofia Barrera Avella - Hernan Yllanas Grisales - Nelsy Elina Rodriguez Ruales - Jaime Goyes- Hubert Arnoldo Nino Velasquez - Arturo Uscategui – Andrea Janeth Maya Sotelo - Diego Oswaldo Santacruz Botina - Diego Gomez - Wladimir Ascuntar Oviedo - Angela Daniela Melo delgado - Ruth Cielo Narvaez - Jorge Bernal – Tania Yorlady Coral Rodr guez - Hugo Mercer - Stella Pardo - Camilo Andrés Cubillos Ladino -Eva Piarpuzan Ibarra - Jhojan Quintero - Maryi Liseth Rodriguez - Daniel Francisco Barrera Albarracin - Antonio José Alzate Alzate - Amilcar Ojeda Araujo - Luzeida Obando Obando - Héctor Ramiro Ayala Vargas - William Sosa
- Juan Toro Guevara - Mary Ruales Lopez - Gyzela Giraldo - Jazmin Guerrero - Maria Alexandra Yela Sotelo - Nubia Patricia Chamorro Rosero - Jhon Gomez Pineros - Henry Mendez - Leidy Yohana Ortega Aroca – Paula Katherine Trivino Gaviria -Amanda Luna - Jose Alberto Pardo Barrios - Yamile Narvaez – Raul Collazos Ardila - Pilar Péez - Neider Munevar - Mirtha Rodriguez - Ramiro Rojas Brown- Gina Rojas Fernandez - Diana Rubiano -Orlando Vivas Pal cio - Fernando Meneses - Javier Alonso Pineda Aguirre - Gloria Ximena Martinez Hernandez - Yenixe Sofia Riascos Martinez – Maria Consuelo Moreno - Luis Gonzalo Rosero Ortega-Stefania Luna Solarte - Olivia Margared Rosero Guevara - Francy Elena Molina Arboleda - Eliseo Angulo Acuna - Monica Méndez - Angie Fernanda Yela Sotelo – Dora Viviana Ordonez - Marta Londono - Yolima Bacca – Anyi Camila Montenegro Mena - Norma Reyna - Francisco Javier Roldan V- Juan Carlos Mejia Rubiano – Jeison David Lopez Sanchez - Miryam Calderon - Edilberto Pinza Pineda –Marcela Burbano - Yuri Rodriguez - Jorge Danilo Guarin Obando - Paulo Delgado – Julieth Fernanda Rodriguez Figueroa - Emith Mayred Rodriguez - Naraiz Rondon - Bernardo Angarita De la Cruz -Maria Fernanda Hernandez - Lina Mosquera Samudio -Alexander Diaz M – Francisco Ortiz - Indira Granada -Harold Guerrero - Clarisa Diaz - Rafael Vargas Torres – Alba Vera Milbia – Andrea Diaz - Roberto Hernandez - Gonzalo Loaiza - Angela Hernandez – Omar Guerrero Guzman - Maria Albina de la Cruz Pinta - Ana Cecilia Ramirez - Wilmar Johnny Sanchez - Zoraida Tulcan – Pedro Nel Salcedo Castano - Jeremias Barrero Reyes – Valentina Ceballos - Maria Elena Cabrera Eraso - Alba Tulia Narvaez- Carlos Ferney Arango Aguado - Sofia Egas - Emily Sofia Erazo Yela - Karen Lorena Zambrano - Jaime Hernando Rodriguez C - Elvia Elena Madro ero Toro – Claudia Marcela Benavides Caicedo - Floriberto Ortiz Segura -Claudia Patricia Parra Millan - Edith Romo - Danilo Rueda - Nancy Cadavid - Andrés Bustos - Leidy Tatiana Guizado Penuela -Jakeline Benavidez Caicedo - Alexandra Soscue - José Fernando Vargas- Nivia Zuleima Ibarra-Aicardo Eraso Chamorro - Claudia Patricia RojasCastillo - Sandra Patricia Sandino Rodriguez - Martha Salas - Mary Carmen Rosas Rivera -Ruby Estela Tejeda Daza - Sandra Liliana Acuna Gomez - Milvia Estupinan -Fanny Gomez -Yulieth Vargas - Diana Cruz - Camilo Ramirez Triana-Elisabet Periz - Cristina Ordieres Andrade -Yoni Alexander Ariza - Dayana Alexandra Montenegro Mera - Luz Dary Luengas - Cecilia Rios - Miriam Mojica - Geremias Mora -Maria Fernanda Maya Souza - Fernanda Calvache – Delcy Faisury G mez Raigoso - Karen Vargas -Jose Ernesto Valdes Giraldo - Alfredo Ortega Alvear - Claribel Escudero Zapata - Martha Pardo - Danilo Rueda - Alba Maria Mosquera - Maria Enid Sanchez Vargas - Leydy Liliana Pasichan Munoz - Vianney Sanchez Lopez -Adriana Cifuentes - Juan Camilo Salamanca - Alvaro Gomez Ceron- Santiago Mera-Yurani Nathali Vasquez de la Cruz - Andres Felipe Ardila - Carlos Fernando Coral Rosero - Andrea Bravo - Lilian Clarena Franco - Nayibe Baron Acuna - Rosa Mirian Portilla Burbano - Michels Manchego Morales - Omaira Rendon D.- Visitacion Melo - Lucia Hurtado - Eduardo Mauricio Cordoba Reyes - Horacio Valdés Bulla - Camilo Bartelsman - Maria del Pilar Castano - Dora Yolanda Martinez Romo - Edna Rocio Méndez Pinzon - Adriana Cordoba - Angela Daniela Sanchez Ruiz Sandra Constanza Calderon Zambrano - Luis Mateo Rodriguez Leiton - Segundo Acosta Trujillo -Gisselle Victoria Munoz Narvaez - Iveth Fernanda Rosero Rodriguez – Mercedes Arevalo -César Perez - Maria Catalina Robayo Serrano - Yesica Adriana Carrera Guevara - Mario Alejandro Garzon Parra-Nidia Portillo - Consuelo Diaz - Angy Sofia Garzon Florez - Elizabeth Pardo Rios - Victoria Bermudez-Faviola Arciniegas - Juliana Inca - Catalina Lema - Gina S nchez J nica - Yohana Andrea Caicedo Erazo - Yeison Suarez Florian -Laura Poveda - Laura Juliette Ardila Mojica - Areida Lucia Estrada -Luz Dary Guerrero Ramirez – Harrinson Cuero- Zulma Rojas - Edison Monroy Machado -Monica Bibiana Velasco Borda – Lizeth Katherine Gaelano - Tania Porras Leon - Lucy Esperanza Lopez - Julio Rodrigo Palacios – Olga Lucia Alvarez Benjumea - Gloria Ortega - Ricardo Espinosa – Dalia Castano - Judy Emilse Rios Rodas - Yency Mildre Idrobo - Olano Aldemar Holguin - Nury Martinez – Camilo Ernesto Quiroga Jacanamejoy – Edgar Bolanos - Kamila Pena - Luz Mélida Pardo Rios – Luis Eduardo Chamorro Romo - Gilberto Gonzalez - Consuelo Estevez de Ramon – Constanza Barco Gomez- Juan Fernando Munoz Estrada - Diego Alexander Saavedra Olmos - Luisa Elvira Estrada Palomino - Fabio Alexander Agudelo Serna - Jhoan Sebasti n Berrio Builes – Wilson Gonzalez -Nathalia Sanchez- Bertha Romero - Saul Antonio Giraldo Barbaran - Lucy Minda Guerrero - Diana Reyes - Andrea Cuartas Morales- Ester Martinez Pérez - Ricardo Carvajal Orozco – Hugo de Jesus Perez - Marlen Arévalo Espinosa - Andrade Rosa Torresilla -Jhorgan Devia - Nelcy Vega
Martinez - Leonardo Huiza Salinas - Cristina Vivas – Sandra Liliana Londono Alzate - Nancy Rubio - José Ramen Pérez - Yeimy Garcia Vivas - Maria Elena Rosas Gutierrez - Alexandra Rendon - Aida Lucia Mora Portillo - Victoria Robayo – Nancy Rubio - Jhonattan Vargas - Luz Stella Vasco - Rocio Lasso – Maria Eugenia Castaneda - Yolanda Gironza - Maria Ligia Echavarria - Alejandra Garzon - Genix Stella Ramirez Perez - Andrea Bastidas - Gilberto Betancur Herrera - Nelson Cabrera Perez - Gina Marcela Diaz Montenegro- Sergio Hernandez - Katherine Lopez - Maria Enelia Pardo Rios – Katherine Criollo - Licet Mina - Juan Manuel Villada Gonzalez - Lina Cepeda - Neyra Rojas – Clara Narvaez - Santiago Ocampo Marquez -Fanny Filo Silva - Maria Bernal Velez - Mariela Esther Marin Ochoa - Yordi Rodriguez Cartagena -Ovidio Arteaga - Ada Ariza - Sandra Marin - Alberto Castro - Rodrigo Londono Echeverri - Yolima Bernal Delgado - Javier Ruiz – Kevin Andrés Cano Granda - Heriberto Flor Quiroga - ,Ingri Nayive Pinzon Benavides – Maria Consuelo Galindo Sandoval - Laura Betancur - Zuli Lorena Gordillo Medina - Claudia Tovar Guerra - Sandra Ximena Mejia Caceres - Olga Lucia Molina – Luisa Archila Silva - Maria del Socorro Jutinico Fernandez - Angye Guerrero -Josu Hernandez Ramirez - Ingrid Lizeth Burbano Guerrero - Andrea Forero Hurtado - Alvaro Sierra - Jeison Armero - Maria Nino - Luz- Edith Bermudez - Ricardo Zamudio - Luis Alberto Diaz Martinez - José Vicente Villegas Jaramillo -Angélica Ocampo - Blanca Nubia Méndez Arroyo - Veronica Gonzalez Roldan - Richard Guerrero - Maria Lucia Rapacci Gomez - Darwin Olivo - Luz Miriam BurbanoCristancho - Lucy andrea - Cely Jakeline - Ruth Mery Inca Pena - Tatiana Gonzalez -EsneidaRocio Erazo Rodriguez - Lucero Romero - Luz Otaya - Yamileth Salazar Sanchez - TeresaAlvarado-Luis Arturo Gamba Lopez- Heidy Erazo- Nancy Rodriguez Leiva- Hugo Cubillos -Otilia Vargas - Teodoro Enrique Bermudez - Claudia Marcela Sarmiento Leon - Liliana Rojas Higuera -Jaidy Guisado - Juan Fernando Arroyave - Carmen ospino Alvarado - Mirna Rosa Herrera Vente -Gustavo Tayak - Alvaro Delgado - Diego Madroner- Gabriel Marin- Robinsson Humberto Mejia- Ana Carolina Villarraga Munoz-Fernando Rojas – Gonzalo Vargas - Nohora Patricia Ariza - Lucero Cielo Jaramillo - Luis Alvaro Coral – Jesica Diane Murcia Garcia - José Nelson Benavides Morales - Leiby Johana Oviedo Velasquez -Marysol Rojas -Jorge Sanchez - Mariana Escandon - Yeris Manuela Patino Gonzalez – OlgaLucia Olaya Ortiz - Carlos Eduardo Guevara - Maria Lucelly Ramirez Gomez - Beatriz Eugenia Arango Botero - Martha Cecilia Nossa Agudelo - Angie Camila Molina Gonzales – Nelly Mendoza Ruiz - Ricardo Alonso Atoro – Francisco Cepeda Lopez - Yuliana Corredor – Lucy Sanchez - Luz Maria Betancur Arenas-Patricia Murcia - Ruth Teresa Hernandez – Alfredo Castrillon - Alvaro Sarmiento Tirado - Jaime Jaramillo - Ciro Duarte - Soraya Yunda Romero - Carlos Andres Correa Marin - Hernan Vega Harvey Criollo - Aldemar Casanova - Pablo Andrés Gonzalez - Yina Yiseth Lopez -Mariela Rodriguez - Servio Ortiz- Henry Jesus Pina Malaver - Beatriz Camargo - Elizabeth Caicedo -Zoraida Gaviria -Nixon Arturo Buesaquillo Insuasty - Julieth Castaneda - Nodier Augusto Carvajal Diaz - Doris Betancourth Burgos - Betty Revelo - Maria Rita Aroca Belalcazar - Sergio Marquez Arias-Maria Tovar - Alejandra Porras Leo - Delia Daza Rosales - Patricia Sacipa - Maria Angélica Quevedo Beltran – Monica Yaneth Caicedo- Sandra Pérez -Amparo Carvajal - Omary Alexandra Chaves Molina – Jessica Jongezoon Uribe - Ingrid Delgadillo - Cely Mariela Rodriguez - Alba Carolina Osma Tique - Edgar Humberto Cruz Aya – Gilberto Molina Lara - Martha Reyes - Alexis Delgadillo – Guillermo Rico Reyes - Avelino Gomez Barrera - Alvaro Obando - Luisa Fernanda Devis Vizcaino - Marcela Rodriguez Diaz -Ana Ruth Pena B - Dedtmar Alberty Garcés – Diana Giraldo – Gladys Rodriguez - Hector Gutierrez - Wilson Dulce - Elizabeth Angel Agredo – Juan Pablo Forero - Victor Jara - Diana Maria Garcia Delvasto - Nolberto Villalobos - Aura Orozco - Gustavo Carrion Neira - Jaime Absalon Leon Sepulveda - Juan Bernardo Varela Pantano - Nelson Chacon Sanchez -Jorge Eliecer David Higuita - Javier Mosquera Viveros – Luz E Vargas -Edwin Gonzalez - Yesid Albeiro Galeano Cuervo - Maria Jose Olmos – Elmer Alvarez Mosquera -Vanessa Ramirez Gonzalez –Né stor Pérez - César Gustin Munoz – Claudia Benavides - Ana Carolina Arcila Valencia - José Rodrigo Valencia Zuleta - Leydi Guerrero - Carmenza Rodriguez - Francy Castrillon - Evelyn Rodriguez Villamil - Monica Novoa – Luz Janeth Londono Rodriguez - Eric Fabio Quinones - Martha Cecilia Gonzalez Velez – Aida Quinones Torres - Ana Alban Achinte - Mathilde Mora Poveda - Luis Fernando Vargas Marulanda - Lidia Mariana Burgos Hernandez - Claudia Patricia Ospina Montoya –Kristin Bartelsman - Stella Sacipa - Oscar Alfonso Cortés Cely - Ana Lucia Bedoya Orrego –Lady Johana Garcia - Nicolas Maestre - Benjamin Pelayo l. -
Cindy Carolina Ortiz Martinez – Carol Hurtado -Irene Garcia Orozco - Rocio Chalapud Velasco -Gelmun Alexasander Forero Suarez -Rodrigo Gomez Viafara - Julian Cardona – Juan Gabriel Cordoba Obando - Fernanda Pineda -Yoserth Puentes -Luis Alberto Cu llar Mej a- Alejandra Hernandez - Yuli Andrea David Munoz- Carlos Alberto Vasquez -Yeni Yoana Largo Galeano - Jose Olarte – Monica Lisbeth Barbosa Serna - Patheny Buitrago - Quena Ribadeneira - Viridiana Garcia - Ana Maria Gomez Valencia- Renzo Gonzalez A – Angie Solarte Obando - Juan Cordoba -Sebastian Bedoya Sepulveda -Javier Orlando Alvarez Galeano - Liliana Cardona Raigoza - Gladis Alicia Ramos Zambrano -Diego Serna - Ana Cristina Espitia Castro - Daniel Andrés Arias Jimenez- Wilmer Garcia -Beatriz Elena Pineiro Quintero - Edwison Alberto Rojas Trivino - Sandra Sanchez-Jose Luis Chamorro - Deinawer Jorlano - Gustavo Quesada - Luis Alberto Mosquera Diaz – Juan Sebastian - Céspedes Mendoza - Claudia Maria Tamayo Zapata - Javier Vargas – Giovany Agreda - Beatriz Eugenia Mar n Camargo - Diana Perdomo - Yeimy Quimbaya D az – Camilo Luna – Celia Consuelo Alvarez Ginez - Luis Miranda -José Santaella - Juan Carlos Velasquez -Daniel Cano - Jhon Esteban Aranda Benavides - Luz Cecilia Imbachi - Alejandra Sarria Moreno- Guillermo Ramos - Maria Sepulveda - Elsa Zarate - Leopoldo Novoa - Luna Herrera – Laura Rios Vega - Anyelo Cuero - William Jimenez - José Carlos Villegas R. - Laia Rico - Luz Doris Galeano Gomez - Humberto Serrato Hurtado - Mayra Alejandra Rodriguez Holguin -Stephanie Lopez - Maria Teresa Mendez - José Valencia Gomez - Mercedes Diaz de Bolivar -Lina Marcela Santa Diaz - Nataly Urrego - Felipe coll – Katherine Alexandra Herrera Hernandez - Carlos Rodriguez - Henrry Ibarguen Murillo - Pablo Emilio Herreno Pico – Luz Elena Ramirez Saavedra - Pedro Villarreal - Maria Fernanda Molina - Luis Castro - Miguel F. Lopez Rincon - Esteban Gutiérrez - Claudia Jaramillo - Beatriz E Valencia G- Maura Janeth Castillo -Dilza Leovani Gomez Arcos - Elsa Sofia Sierra Figueroa – Yesica Leon - Nadia Medina- Mercedes Hurtado - Nefer Soffy Zuleta Munoz - Ana Maria Gomez Hincapié – Ana Penaranda - Claudia Fernanda Cifuentes - Martha Elena Huertas Moya – Sergio Cano- Deicy Minotta Hurtado - Jhonn Alexander Cardenas Burgos - Diana Marcela Gonzalez Rodriguez -Armando Collazos - Luisa Hoyos -Jose Ardila - Daniela Jaramillo Mejia – Mayra Alejandra Vanegas - Darwin Santiago Sanchez Cardona –Yeimy Lucia Rocha Nieto - Nicolas Felipe Bueno - Juan Carlos Osorio- Molano - Nayeli Perengueza -Diego Bernal - Sandra Milena Guerrero Villegas - Nubia Bolanos - Gloria Patricia Sarria - Roberto Mahecha – Didier Alfonso Zambrano Castillo - Rocio Melo - Maritzabet Vakrncia - Pastor Ivan giraldo Gomez - Nayarith Castano Palmera - Yulieth Magaly Solarte - Carabali Juliana - Jesus Hermilso Echeverri Tobin - Mauren Nieto – Yenny Cuero Castillo - Diana Pulido Rodriguez – Claudia Borja -Jenith Eunice Jaramillo Mejia - Martha Isabel Ceron Zuniga - Carol Ortiz Gonzalez -Adriana Henao Giraldo - Anibal Enriquez - Gladys Quintero Isaza - Lorena Calle – Lucelena Arango - James Cortes Iglesias - Luisa Fernanda Yasn Galindez- Ignacio Prieto- Farley Lopez- Angela Mendez Arias-Ivan Valencia - Carlos Andrés Grisales Tabares – Mauricio Miranda - Lina Galan Pienda - Maria Elicenia Bedoya Orrego - Maria Claudia Uribe Mejia - Ada Faizully Romero Ortiz - Andrés Jaramillo Mejia -Tina Neitzel Diana Ramirez –Leidy Tatiana Tamayo Acosta - Maria Colina - Maria Sofia Rivas - Oscar Reyned Huertas Moya - Maria Camila Guerrero Ortega - Nubia Carranza - Carmen Lavinia Polanco -Mariela Cardenas - Janneth Elena Cardona Zapata - Angélica Alexandra Vasquez Molano – Nelson Jose Grueso -July Villa - Jorge Segura - Silvio Erwin Dvries Arturo - Sylvia Suarez - Maritza Andrea Guarin - Maribel Velasquez - Juan Esteban Sarria -Luis Diaz - José Ivan Quiroz Lemus – Alejandro Valderrama - Libardo Gomez - Elida Santa - Andrés Eduardo Angel Huertas - Yaneth Mesias - Octaviano Cabra Mateus - Sandra Andrade - Dora Maria Chamorro Gonzalez – Victoria Gonzalez-Guillermo Pina -Sneyder Rodriguez - Derly Forero- Vanessa Ceron - Gonzalo Zarate Bastos - Erika Romero - Nubia Montoya - Juliana Rodriguez -Benigno Antonio Bueno – Yohn Jairo Mora Espinosa - Boris Steve Cuesta Cortés - Myriam Eugenia Guerrero - Leonela Serna Beltran -Adrian Urbina - Andres Quintero - Seybold Rainer - Luz Nelly Londono Guzman – Luis Herlan Sabogal - Benjamin Ricardo Torres - Sandra Isabel Menza Zuniga - Ingrid Schild- Ana Maria Lozano Rocha - Vanessa Pahola Llano Cometa - Ricardo Barragan - Francisco Garcia -Marina Milena Alegr a Correa - Pedro Nel Vargas - Luis Alfredo Alvis – Hermilo Puenayan -Gabriel Rodriguez - Ana Lucia Osorio Diaz -Yuleidy Peralta Delgado - Luis Taramuel – Miguel Angel Rios Martinez - Anika Mora Coral - Juan Carlos Morales - Margarita Caicedo Diaz - Victor Gamboa - Yojaira Isabel Pérez Contreras - Diego Diaz - Jhonatan Osorio Hurtado -Jorge Luis Vaca Forero