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CASE STUDY Keith Yates Design Group Acoustic Optimisation of Home Theatres In a world bulging with multimedia novelties, and even more innovations waiting in the wings, it is true ingenuity, such as the acoustically optimised home theatres, private media rooms and intimate concert halls designed by Keith Yates Design Group, that helps set the standard in quality. KYDGs goal not to simply place you in a movie theatre... its to place you in the movie. To achieve this, the company performs comprehensive acoustic tests using a Type 2260 Investigator Building Acoustic System before, during and after the construction of each of its uniquely designed home theatres. ' 2004 Brüel & Kjr Sound & Vibration Measurement A/S. All rights reserved Performance-Based Room Design SM In the foothills of Californias Sierra Nevada range, an audophiles passion for superior sound experiences evolved into a booming business catering to the acoustical whims of the rich and famous. From a simple acoustics consultancy started in 1991, to a full-service design firm creating total immersion environments, Keith Yates Design Group launched the home theatre industry and continues to dominate the market with its emphasis on acoustically sound materials, thorough planning and individualised designs. Nothing is left to chance and circumstance. KYDG calls it, ...Performance-Based Room Design and it enables music and film lovers to improve, dramatically, the immersive power of the entertainment experience. Photos courtesy of Keith Yates Design Group and DJ Dowling General Contractor, Inc. USA Building Acoustics 2260 Investigator , Software, Sound Intensity

Bruel &Kjaer

Mar 10, 2015



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Keith Yates Design Group

Acoustic Optimisation of Home Theatres

In a world bulging with multimedia novelties, and even more innovations waiting in the wings, it is true ingenuity,such as the acoustically optimised home theatres, private media rooms and intimate concert halls designed byKeith Yates Design Group, that helps set the standard in quality. KYDG�s goal � not to simply place you ina movie theatre... it�s to place you in the movie.�

To achieve this, the company performs comprehensive acoustic tests using a Type 2260 Investigator� BuildingAcoustic System before, during and after the construction of each of its uniquely designed home theatres.

© 2004 Brüel & Kjær Sound & Vibration Measurement A/S. All rights reserved

Performance-Based Room DesignSM

In the foothills of California�s Sierra Nevada range, an audophile�s passion for superior sound experiences evolvedinto a booming business catering to the acoustical whims of the rich and famous. From a simple acoustics consultancystarted in 1991, to a full-service design firm creating total immersion environments, Keith Yates Design Grouplaunched the home theatre industry and continues to dominate the market with its emphasis on acoustically soundmaterials, thorough planning and individualised designs. Nothing is left to chance and circumstance. KYDG calls it,�...�Performance-Based Room Design� and it enables music and film lovers to improve, dramatically, the immersivepower of the entertainment experience.�

Photos courtesy of Keith Yates Design Group and DJ Dowling General Contractor, Inc.


Building Acoustics

2260 Investigator�, Software, Sound Intensity

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Fig. 1 Keith Yates, founder and president of Keith Yates Design Group

KYDG employs 13 people internationally, including CADexperts, full-time interior designers, and low-noise mechan-ical and electrical engineers. In addition, the company candraw expertise from its affiliations and partnerships withacoustic, electroacoustic and engineering (video, vibrationand optical) consultants. Its core market is based in theWestern US, but current projects take the group far andwide; from Florida to France, and from New York to NewZealand. The group consistently maintains 30 � 35 projectsgoing at any one time, and continually has a long list ofupcoming projects on the back burner. Interest is spreadingand the company�s headquarters in Auburn, California is,for the most part, becoming a bit too cramped. Thus, plansare in motion to expand both office space and internationalpresence. Yes, one could say that business is doing extreme-ly well for KYDG.

Solid BackgroundKeith Yates also knows what it is like when the market is not so agreeable. Prior to tryinghis hand at consultancy, Keith was a successful retailer, selling high-end audio/video solutionsand custom installations. From his 7000 sq. foot store with seven specialised sound rooms,one of which was a mini concert hall with room for 140 guests, and 19 full-time employees,Keith built up a reputation as being one of the nation�s premier sources of quality hi-fiequipment and industry know-how. After 10 profitable years, he was faced with the economicdownfall brought on by the Gulf War and forced to close his business.

Today, with that experience richer, he can boast an impressive career spanning over 30 years,including: steadily increasing sales in his 14 years as founder and president of Keith YatesDesign Group; continued recognition as an acoustics design specialist with titles such as author,teacher, consultant and featured panelist; and numerous certifications and affiliations withinthe acoustics and film industries.


But Keith will be the first to admit that his current success is not a lone venture. He hasamassed a group of extraordinary employees and partners around him who have the experience,knowledge and similar drive for perfection, which are crucial in running a successful business.He takes this cooperative spirit into every project, with KYDG acting as the �glue that keepseveryone on the same page.�

Fig. 2 Worm�s eye view of theatre design highlighting the routing of HVAC ducts through the structure

When a theatre is planned in a new home orhouse refurbishment, KYDG gets involved atthe very beginning and follows through topost-construction testing. Keith works withthe project�s architects, builders, audio/videoinstallers and especially the homeowner toensure a good collaborative effort with com-mon goals. Detailed colour CAD drawingsare produced by his design team showing theacoustic design details, construction plans andfinished project images. With these in handtogether with Keith�s explicit specificationsand periodic acoustic testing throughout thebuilding process, the project�s principals are clear on how the project should develop and whatneeds to be done to get there. The end result is a spectacular entertainment area stimulatingenough for the family to congregate and worthy of public acclaim.


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Fig. 3 Dan Dowling, the building contractor on the celebrated Atherton home theatre project

And acclaim is what many of KYDG�s projects receive. Oneof their latest projects, a dramatic home theatre set in a privatehome in Atherton, California, was recently featured in Archi-tectural Digest (see the cover photo). The general contractoron the project, Dan Dowling of DJ Dowling General Contrac-tor, Inc., worked closely with Keith, following his detailedplans and getting a hands-on lesson in building acoustics inthe bargain. The resulting acoustically optimised room bearsthe fruit of Dan�s exquisite craftmanship as well as the suc-cessful integration between high quality equipment, well-placed acoustic material and inspired design.

Fig. 4 Left: Elliptical lath and plaster dome, under construction. The combination of the specialized (porous) acoustical plaster material,support structure and damped air cavity above makes for an effective, broadband absorber. The interior wall cavities (stud bays) are beingfitted with varying densities of fibreglass absorbents to attenuate transverse waves Right: Side wall as acoustically transparent fabric isstretched into place. Yates employs a Brüel & Kjær Falcon� Range 1/2-inch Microphone Type 4189 in a custom-built chamber to test theacoustic transparency of wall and ceiling fabrics under consideration

Testing with Brüel & Kjær

Optimising a building�s acoustics is not something you guess at, especially when the aim isto create a world-class venue. Consistent testing and quality checks performed with reliableequipment are essential to produce a theatre that envelops you in sensory bliss. Keith wouldlike nothing more than to create a space where movie viewers can lose themselves. As he putsit, �A great theatrical experience elicits what the poet Coleridge termed �the willing suspensionof disbelief� � a moment where you forget where you are and placed in the fantastical worldof make-believe, whether it be the cockpit of a Starfighter or a 17th century concert hall.�However, great theatre experiences are often spoiled by:

� Impact and transient noise (doors slamming, footsteps above, etc.)� Regular background noise (broadband noise) that infiltrates room from a noise source nearby,

or from the HVAC system within the room� Electrical buzzing from components, power spikes and surges, which may not be audible

in normal rooms, but can interfere with the listener�s ability to understand and appreciatedetails in the film�s speech and sound

By coming in early in the construction and installation process, Keith and his group canmeasure the room�s noise and acoustics levels using Type 2260 Building Acoustics System tosee what and where the offenders are. Besides Modular Precision Sound Level Analyzer Type2260 Investigator, the powerful measurement system comprises, Tapping Machine Type 3207,


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Sound Intensity Probe Kit Type 3595, Building Acoustics Software BZ 7204, Sound IntensitySoftware BZ 7205 and Enhanced Sound Analysis Software BZ 7206. To measure vibrationresonances, two Piezoelectric Cubic Charge Accelerometers Type 4501 are used and calibrationis handled by Type 4231 Calibrator.

Keith says, �Since my noise specifications are roughly the equivalent of NC 5 to 10 (I actuallyspecify level vs. frequency starting in the 16 Hz octave band), ordinary instrumentation micsexhibit too much internal noise to be useful. I therefore rely on the world�s premier ultra low-noise microphone system � Condenser Microphone Type 4179 with Microphone PreamplifierType 2660, WH3315 low-noise modification, WL1302 cable modification, and a 4-channelNEXUS� Conditioning Amplifier feeding the Type 2260.�

He admits that he was originally put off by the system�s price tag. Now he calls it an�indispensable� part of his tool kit.

Fig. 5 Keith calls it �immersioneering' and notes that �nothing breaks the magic spell faster than sensory input (sonic, visual or vibrotactile) that is dissonant with the world created by the filmmaker!�Isometric wall assembly drawing � the goal is to create a wall effective at isolating the theatre interior from noise from the adjacent garage

Brüel & Kjær instrumentsare used to monitorsounds filtering into theroom such as plumbingnoise (toilets flushing,water running), footstepsand doors closing. Asmost home theatres areplaced in the resident�sbasement, the biggestculprit is the broadbandnoise generated by heat-ing and ventilation sys-tems, so special attentionis placed on HVAC in-stallations and/or devis-ing solutions that willinsulate the noise pro-duced. Transmission lossvalues of doors, windows and frames are checked, the reverberation time of the space ismeasured, and other typical building acoustic applications are performed.

Project DevelopmentThroughout the development of the project, measurements are made to quantify and comparethe acoustic values of the room with and without insulation, sheathing, framing, and acoustictreatment (absorbers, diffusors, reflective material, etc.); determine the acoustic contributionsof the room�s architectural features; define specific installations such as the acoustic fabric,dedicated electrical service, playback equipment, etc.; and target prime listening spots for theaudience.

Once construction is finished, the acoustic devices installed, fabric stretched, equipment setup and the furnishings and fixings added, the acoustic levels are again verified and tweakedwhere needed. While the finished product should be a silent space, it should not leave youwith a hollow, weird feeling. Fortunately, psychoacoustics has been Keith�s passion since hisfirst course on the subject at Stanford a decade ago, so he is careful to �ensure a high correlationbetween the visual and auditory inputs�, making the room �the most inviting and sonicallyoptimised room in the home.�


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Fig. 6 Sound is fed to subwoofers placed in various positions on the raised stage and the response sampled at each of the eight audience locations. The test results will be compared to the computer-predicted responses before final subwoofer locations and equalization settings are determined

Sound System SetupA single project often carries a pricetag somewhere in the million dollarrange, with the sound equipment mak-ing up 15 � 40% of that figure. How-ever, the hardware is rarely visible.According to Keith, �Occasionally themain speakers are shown, but the am-plifiers, signal processors, power con-ditioners and so on are generallyracked up in a dedicated �control room�nearby. Our clients are usually compa-ny CEOs. While most home theatrescan be seen as their �toys�, they arestill prudent businessmen and want asense of value. My intention is to cre-ate an environment that takes them outof the stress of their everyday lives. The equipment along with the acoustic treatment � acombination of devices designed to absorb, scatter or reflect sound � is typically concealedbehind panels of acoustically transparent fabric, giving the room a nice tailored/upholsteredlook.�

Fig. 7 The amplifiers, signal processors, power conditioners, etc., are usually installed in racks in the system�s control room

Although Yates often specifies free-standing, audiophile type speakers forlistening room projects, for home the-atres he generally gravitates to large,pro-type control room monitors flushmounted in a purpose-built soffit or�baffle wall�. The flat response fromthe speakers is generally 28 Hz to20 kHz on axis. In addition, he con-ducts speaker radiation pattern tests(off-axis measurements) in his largebackyard �laboratory� in order to betterpredict how the speaker will spreadacoustic energy into the room. Soundsbelow 60 Hz are directed to the subwoofers.

Subwoofers may be placed immediately below the soffit wall, and often on the rear wall, sidewalls and/or ceiling as well, the precise number and positions depending on the results of his�modal landscape� tests that show how low-frequency standing waves create high and lowpressure areas at the various seating locations. Keith typically specifies six to ten surroundspeakers, and all speaker and sub woofer responses are optimised using studio-type digitalsignal processors (DSPs).

The screen material must be acoustically transparent, as it is positioned directly in front ofthe centre loudspeaker. The left and right speakers are generally positioned outside the outeredges of the screen, with care being exercised in their exact locations so as to avoid a perceptualdisconnect between the visual and acoustic origins of actors, vehicles and other sound sourcesdepicted on screen. (Keith points out that there is a small structure in the human midbrainthat processes such spatial misalignments).

Once in place, a typical acoustics test of the equipment is carried out in several stages usingType 2260.

With the sound level analyzer set at �C� frequency weighting and �Slow� time weighting, anda low-noise microphone Type 4179 set up:


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1. All equipment is switched off and noise levels are measured2. Each speaker and subwoofer is switched on one at a time and its noise contribution measured

at one meter3. All speakers and subwoofers are switched on and the noise level measured throughout the

audience area4. Finally, the HVAC system is turned on and the noise measured at each terminal (supply or

return air register), and then throughout the audience area

Noise levels are measured at each construction stage, then analysed and compared to seeconsistencies and changes in levels and note room reverberation times.

A Microphone with a College Education

Fig. 10 Type 2260 at work after construction is complete at a home theatre

Keith first learned of Brüel & Kjær through our basic ana-lyzers in the early 1970s. According to Keith, �Brüel & Kjærequipment is �the stuff�. There is nothing better.� He em-phasises his enthusiasm with an anecdote, �If two competentconsultants give evidence in a court case, it�s the one witha Brüel & Kjær instrument that will generally win the cred-ibility battle. If both are highly competent and useBrüel & Kjær, the winner will be the one with the biggerinstrument and the more recent calibration.�

He acquired his first Type 2260 sound level analyzer about3½ years ago, when a French engineer he hired insisted onusing only Brüel & Kjær equipment. Since then Keith hasstuck with Type 2260, adding modules and complementaryBrüel & Kjær instruments to cover all his building acoustics

measurement needs. �The 2260 is a microphone with a college education. It measures broad-band, spectral and statistical parameters concurrently and with the accompanying buildingacoustics software installed on a remote PC, I can opt to calculate and modify reverberationtimes in the office or on-site.�

During a job with a new building contractor, Keith typically discusses the abilities of his Type2260 system so that the contractor is aware of the system�s ability to test the quality of theconstruction and to show how the instrument measures building parameters.

�All construction work must conform to the UBC (Uniform Building Code) or local equivalent.But our requirements are stricter than what the UBC generally demands.�

Fig. 8 Computer rendering of how the finished room will look from the right rear corner, with the stage drape closed. Yates often renders several different architectural themes and colour palettes for client review

Fig. 9 Rendering from the left rear corner with the drape open and the video projector operating from its concealed position in the ceiling soffit. The raised stage was included to give children a �venue� to present skits

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Fig. 11 BZ 7204 Building Acoustics software

�For example, we have detailed HVACnoise limitations and Indoor Air Qualitystandards, and we expect all of them to befully realised in the field. It�s critical thatthe contractor grasp these requirements andthe rationales behind them, and also thatthere will be �days of reckoning� ahead, inwhich I�ll be relying on the world�s finesttest equipment to determine whether ourstandards were met in the field. Consultant-type arm-waving has its place. But nothingsucceeds like the prospect of verificationusing Brüel & Kjær�s hardware.�

The Future

The future looks bright for Keith Yates Design Group. Trends in North America are tricklingout to the rest of the world and orders for specialised home theatres extend from California,Europe and into Southeast Asia. And with each undertaking, Brüel & Kjær equipment willbe right there with KYDG to ensure concise measurements, thorough analysis and flawlessresults. After seeing a recent demonstration, Keith has already made plans for his nextBrüel & Kjær investment: �A great addition to our measurement system would be BinauralMicrophone Type 4101 for recordings of sounds entering the ear from a true cranial position,both before and after calibration of the sound system. Playback of the WAV file recordedwould give us a new and useful record of the �before and after� conditions, and would alsogive us a way to compare what we achieved with what our modelling and auralizationtools predicted we�d get at that location with those speakers in that acoustic environment.�

Key Facts

� Keith Yates Design Group makes technical specifications and designs for acousticallyoptimised home theatres. The company makes intensive use of computer technology �even preliminary �look and feel� sketches prepared for homeowner input are based on3D AutoCAD models that have been photo-realistically rendered and then post-processedto impart more of an artist�s impression

� KYDG works collaboratively with the architects, builders, audio/video installers andhomeowners involved in a project to achieve a world-class venue

� Impact and transient noise such as door slamming and footsteps; broadband noise suchas that generated by a HVAC system; and low-noise such as electrical buzzing fromcomponents, all contribute to the degradation of the entertainment experience

� Taking into account the room�s structural design, architectural features, and HVAC andelectrical installations, specifications are made regarding acoustic treatment (use of ab-sorbers, diffusors, reflective material, etc.) and specific installations. The psychoacousticproperties of the finished theatre are also considered, as well as identifying the locationof �money seats� for the listeners� optimal enjoyment

� KYDG calls their specialised design �...�Performance-Based Room DesignSM� and itenables music and film lovers to improve, dramatically, the immersive power of theentertainment experience�

� The 2260 Investigator� Building Acoustics System is used to detect and monitor noiselevels, and determine reverberation times

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