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Pragmatic Magics: A Grimoire of Modern Sorcery by Brother MOLOCH 969 Sorcerer & Vodu Houngan Edited by Brenda Mullen Copyright© 1993, 1997 & 2010 by Brother MOLOCH 969 - All Righʦ Reseed Unauthorized duplication in any manner Is unlawfully phibited

Brother MOLOCH 969 Pragmatic Magics a Grimoire

Dec 10, 2015




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Pragmatic Magics:

A Grimoire of Modern Sorcery

by Brother MOLOCH 969

Sorcerer & Vodu Houngan

Edited by Brenda Mullen

Copyright© 1993, 1997 & 2010 by Brother MOLOCH 969 - All Rights Reserved

Unauthorized duplication in any manner Is unlawfully prohibited

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Contents � Introduction 3

Beg i nning Sorcery 8

Consecration 12

Herba l Sorcery 21 Sorcerous Recipes 3 1

Meditational Methods 42 Diaries 45 Ti m i ng 50 Sorcerous Use of Crysta ls & Stones 55

Cand le Sorcery 60 Too ls and Suppl ies 65

Magica l Menta l Exercises 70 Tibetan Mental Tra i n i ng 74 Elementa l Sorcery 82

Rituals 87

Bibl iog raphy 126

Appendice I 133

Appendice II 137

Appendice III 143

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This is a chapter that very few people w i l l actua l ly take ti me to read . I 'm a l most tempted to ski p over it but I thi nk that I can cover more g round and add a few more th i ngs that the book doesn't have .

Let me beg i n by sayi ng that there i s no such thing as a one i ncl usive med itation ; spe l l or ritua l that you can do that w i l l bri ng everything you desi re . Sorry, but it's true. Merl i n , Levi , Gard ner and even the vaunted powers of Crowley cou ldn 't do that so don't th ink I 've any un iverse shatteri ng secret herei n . The closest th i ng to this m i racle spe l l wou ld be for you to work a si mple mag ica l ritual for you rself that wou ld ban ish a l l fears, phobias and doubts . By accompl ish ing this state of m i nd, you can ach ieve anyth i ng you desi re for there is noth i ng to ho ld you back !

Cyn ics say there is no such th ing as Psych ic Powers or Magic . Who a re they? Have you ever known a successfu l cyn ic? I haven't, so I don't l i sten to them and I 'd suggest you ignore the i r nonsense.

Mag ic is manifested throug h the consciousness and control led energy mani pu lation . That's it, energy man i pulation . HOW you man ipu late energy is another matter . The best way to learn is practice what I 've written here in and tap i nto your m i n d . Ah ... the human m i nd . Many scholars through the centuries have written about the ab i l ities of the m i nd and even today with a l l of our psycho log ica l research and scientific data , un locki ng those powers of the m i nd is sti l l a mystery . With only m inor prog ress under our belt the best we can do is theorize on how the m i nd operates .

The fi rst step i n successfu l practica l mag ic i s be l ief i n YOU rself! You 've g ot to bel ieve that you a re capable of doi ng mag ic (as wel l as anyth ing that you put you r m i nd to) and it should work for you . Th is i s very hard to do especia l ly l iv ing in the world today where we're bombarded menta l l y with a l l of the doubts, negative th inkers, cyn ics, corruption, evi l , advertis ing, deceit, lies, etc .

If you don't bel i eve i n yourself who w i l l ? Maybe you r Mom but i f you show a coward ly attitude then she may have her doubts a bout you as wel l . Bel ieve in yourself fi rst and forem ost. IF you have to, sit i n front of a m i rror staring at you rself and say positive th i ngs l i ke "I l i ke you ! I love you !

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You a re my best friend!" You 're not fool i ng yoursel f only condit ioning it li ke a m uscle . But l i ke m uscle bu i l d i ng , you can choose to condit ion your m ind l i ke a body builder who shows all the bu lk ( but isn't a l l that strong ) or l i ke a power l ifter who looks fat but is i ncredibly strong . You have to ask yourself, 'do I just want to l ook the part or do I want to be the part?'

Ask you rself a nother question, 'what do I rea l l y want?' Aren't you ti red of try ing to foo l you rself? Wou ldn 't you rather have superior menta l , emotiona l and spi ritual strength? Then you need to cu ltivate fa ith in you rself. Bel ieve in no one but yourself. The Gods a re there for you not you there for them . They don't need you, you need you! Period !

Now, on to develop the second ta lent, your i ron clad wil l . This is rea l ly tou g h . Essentia l ly th i s i s your word. You tel l yourself you will keep a promise, and then keep it .

It doesn't matter whether you gave a promise to yourself or to someone else, you must beg i n keepi ng your word . This is beca use saying power words l i ke "So m ote i t be ! " or "So be i t ! " without honestly meani ng them , you r mag i c i s not going to have the psych ic oomph it needs . You r word i s you r bond . I f you break you r bond , then your word means noth i ng ! You must keep your word to others and to yourself. How do you do th is? Good q uestion !

Fi rst, make no promises that you are not sure that you can keep. Th i s means ONLY make a promise when you know it w i l l be kept. Do not g ive your word un less you know without a doubt you wi l l be able to keep it . Why? Because the Hermetic axiom which states 'As Above, So Below; So Below, As Above' shows that you're a reflection outward ly of your i nner se lf and vice-versa .

If you break promises outward ly to friends, fam i ly, neighbors, strangers and yourself, then inwardly your spi ritua l self w i l l say "Rig ht. You want a new car. So must i t be hunh? Where have I heard that before?"

In summary , i f you are u nsure if you'l l be ab le to keep that word of yours, then use words l i ke "I'll try, maybe, possi ble" and etc, so you won't break your bond . Thi s way, you are not creati ng an oath to a nythi ng and you have a n escape hatch . If you a re cornered b y someone t o b e specific, don't te l l them som ething that they want to hear. Be truthful a nd fig ht your way out of the corner by tel l i ng them you are

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not go ing to make a pro mise because you do not know if you can keep it. Or simply re-emphasize the words "I'l l try but I won't promise you , okay?" and this should suffice to most. If not, then si m ply wei g h how much you feel the oath is worth.

Emotion is the fina l cornerstone of magic. Emotion fue ls the energy necessary to work spel l s and ritua ls . You must be able to work you rself up into an emotional frenzy over what it is you want to accompl ish .

Ever see someone i n real l ife or in a movie where the person starts crying , ba l l ing and wai ling to such an emotional frenzy, that you know something is going to happen?


This is a form of manifestation . The person got worked up enoug h and did somethi ng drast ic . This is where the Sorcerer and the mundane part company. The mortal wastes that energy by not directing it toward a specific goal and s/he leaves everythi ng in h is/her l ife to chance .

You need to work yourself up i nto an emotiona l frenzy to acco m plish your mag ic . If you can 't then maybe you can try basket weaving and leave magic to the professionals . Seriously though, you have to loose the bonds of your emotions, but in a controlled fashion ! Do so, and the world is your footstool . Nothi ng w i l l be denied you ever aga i n ! But remember, with great power come great responsibility. M isuse your power and you wi l l regret it. Work you r mag ic within your wi l l and beautifu l experiences wi l l resu lt for you .

There a re many types of emotion . Grief, anger, hatred, love, lust, happiness, melancholy, depression, etc. The most effective is a com bination of anger and l ust. The most com m on emotion used i n today's world is FEAR. If you don't bel i eve me, check out Mazlow's h ierarchy of needs. Self­preservation is our pri ma l i nstinct but we can transform that fear into anger which usually wi l l a l low us the necessary energy to "get the bal l rol l i ng." Consider getting u p the courage l i ke many self- made m i l lionai res who got fed u p work ing for someone e lse a n d not getting a nything reward i ng out of it . They transformed their fea rs i nto anger to fuel them to the top .

Grief i s a neglected emotion i n which w e si m ply a l low ourselves to mourn our loss. This i s a waste because the energy i s there to use a nd it dimi nishes qu ickly or i n other words, use it or lose it ! Try remembering someone (who was

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close to you) either by dying or movi ng away from you . That a lone wi l l d rive you to tears but it w i l l a lso well up a l l of that grief wh ich you can s iphon off to your working . You can't bring the person back from the dead but you can use the g rief in a cha nneled way to accompl ish other things which can benefit you , the i r memory , or others i n genera l .

Happiness is another wasted emotion . Most people l i ke to bask in it without using the restorative energ i es i t cal ls i nto action . D i rect this energy i nto your heart, lungs, l iver, or any part of your anatomy to heal any phys ica l , menta l , emotional a nd spi ritual a i l ments you have . Also, i nfuse you rself with this power and wash away fears, doubts, worries, etc. Every notice how little these th i ngs a re when you're feeling happy? You feel i ndestructib le ! The sad part is that this feeling doesn't l ast l ong so u se it quickly .

Depress ion and melancholy a re d readed states. Anyone who has felt this way knows what I'm tal ki ng about. This usual ly sets in after you've i nward ly grieved a bout some loss. The cure for th is is vari ed for each i ndiv idual and thei r particu lar s ituation .

What I try to d o i s convert m y depress ion i nto g ri ef, anger/hatred, etc, which I can deal with . Depression is ru led by Saturn and many fool s feel that Saturnian energ ies are punitive i n nature but in rea l i ty this is only one aspect of Saturn . Depression can be defeated and its energy used positively . It is d ifficult to get the gumption to work ritua l or magic when you feel depressed, but you shou ld try . I suggest using "emotional a lchemy" as stated earl i er. Also you can channel this energy i nto some project, done i n a magical circle , which can be used to do something good.

Love is a little used emotion in magic . Why? Because few believe it works. Seldom do we do ritua l when we love someone or something . Usua l ly we wait unti l we're fed up with the situation and then ZAP! We un leash the thunderbolts of power. Rea l ly , if we used love energy more often , we'd not need to u nleash the thu nderbolts so much. This i s a shame s i nce it is so abundant and free . We al l want to love and feel loved, so why not chan nel this i nto some of the prosperity, success and wel l -bei ng type of rites?

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In closi ng , I 'd l i ke to say thanks for trying my book. There is so much nonsense out there on the occult that it i s hard for anyone from the novice to the advanced practit ioner to fi nd anyth i ng worthwhi le to use .

Some of tl1e arts i n this book may seem dark, but the truth is that shamans and mag icians of old bel ieved that one must embrace the darkness fu l l force and bear the brunt of the dark n ight of the sou l to make it out i nto the l i g ht . In modern ti mes you may have to hit rock bottom before you can pu l l yourself out a nd i nto the worlds of l i g ht.

Just because I 've shown you how to properly hex and curse, does not mean that you need to do so. Bei ng prepared for any eventua l i ty is the mark of a true Sorcerer. There may be a ti me when you wil l have to hex someone or someth i ng . Hopefu l ly that t ime won't ever come but i f i t does, then d o so with zeal and be done with it.

Peace ! Power! Prosperity !

Brother Moloch 969

Apri l 19993


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I Beginning Sorcery Sorcery is an art NOT a science . It's the knack of

k nowing what to use, h ow to use i t & when to use it. The modern Sorcerer u ses whatever works to make sure h is magic is effective. This means as a Sorcerer, you w i l l need to i nvestigate a nd try the spel ls, ritua ls, and methodology from other trad itions, Techn ica l ly Sorcery i s not a science u n l i ke MagicK which has been ca l l ed a spi ritua l science .


We have the practices down without further need to explore any new areas u nti l we learn to master what we know a l ready. Remember you can 't put the cart before the horse!

To begin w ith , most of you are p robably li v ing a l ife of personal prejudices, self-imposed g u ilt and a mediocre sa lary to l ive on . Wh i le thi s may not be bad i n your eyes, i t w i l l hamper your spi ritual progress and affect your attitude toward the world at large . It a lways seems that when one a l lows themselves to l i ve such a hard l ife, that you begin to b lame others or "society" for not getting the good breaks and such that others seem to get.

Your inner attitude reflects you r outer self. The Hermetic axiom "as a bove, so be low ... " i s true for th is fact . Your outer l ife is a m i rror reflection of you r m i nd , wh ich daily swi ms i n nonsense - not that anyone has much of a choice to actual ly absorb the nonsense but with a l l of the self- i mposed gu i lt, prej ud i ces, hatreds, pl us a l l of the crap from advertising that you're subjected to, it's no wonder it's hard for a ny of us to th i n k rationa l ly .

Why is th is? You are carry ing a burden of gu ilt around with you from you r earl i est upbri n g i ngs . Few of you were l ucky enou g h to have parents who told you that you cou ld make it to the top if you rea l ly wanted it. Most of you have parents who either have a downrig ht 'loser' menta l ity or a the more common mediocre-is-good attitude . They bel ieve someo ne el se contro ls them, and they're rig ht! Sorcery can help you change YOUR l i fe when coupled with rational thinking a nd a better attitude from you .

Everyday we're constantly bom barded with psychic messages through advertisements, off-hand com ments, statements from the news med ia , i nclud ing the s i lly nonsense we keep tel l i ng ourselves. These 'messages' beg i n to gum up the machi nery of our m i nds over a period of time and

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eventual l y we beg i n to bel ieve this nonsense! What does one do about it?

Fi rst, beg i n a da i ly routine of Uncrossing Ritua ls . Why?


Because you need to start shutting out a l l that garbage and you also need to n eutra l i ze what's a l ready fi rmly rooted in your head. Fi nal ly, you must start a da i ly routi ne of Protection ritua ls which wi l l strengthen you r a bi l ity to keep out the garbage .

Protection ritua ls i n and of themselves aren't enough to keep out a l l of the ga rbage messages but they wi l l he lp harden your aura so you can hand l e the pressu res of the world on a m ore even basis. The on ly way to keep a lot of that garbage menta l i ty at bay is to become a recluse but even that has a " menta l ly u nbalanced" s ide-effect to it - it can make you go crazy.

Now that we know what we need to start off with, l et's l ook at how a si m ple ri tual should be done.






The figure above shows a si m ple a ltar l ayout . #1 & #2 are the a ltar cand les which should be white when doi ng positive worki ngs or b lack when do ing negative workings. #3 is the objective cand le of what the rite is for ( i.e. love, peace , sex, prosperity, & etc) . #4 i s the Astral candle which represents you or the person for whom you are worki ng the ritual for.

Let's assume this is going to be a Protection ritual . The above layout is a standard layout thus we'll anoi nt the a ltar candles with Protection o i l , the astra l candle with an a ppropri ate Zod iac o i l (Aries if you 're Aries, Taurus if Taurus,

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etc.) . The objective candle w i l l then be anoi nted with Protection o i l s i nce that's the objective here. You could use Anoi nting oil on the a ltar cand les if you wish or are unable to have enough Protection o i l for a l l cand les. Anointing o i l i s one of the a l l purpose b lends.

Before starti ng the ritual, take a ritual bath. If you don't have a tub on ly a shower, then take a ritua l shower. Quiet your m i nd by slowing it down a fraction and wi l l i t to clear itself of a l l i ncom i ng messages . Th is usual ly takes a l i ttle pract ice to g et real l y good at it. Visua l ize a l l of the psychic d irt flowi ng down the d ra in . You can say a chant such as "0 Water, cleanse m y heart, mind & sou l" or recite a Psa l m such sSl.

After the bath or shower, anoi nt yourself with fi rst your Zod i ac o i l then your Protection oi l . (See my Moloch's Guide to Using Sorcery Form u las for m ore on how to ano int yourself properly & other formula techn iques)

Next you need to do a bit of ritual preparation such as a noi nti ng candles mixing i ncense, consecrati ng and charg i ng cand les, etc . Gather any needed herbs, roots, powders , ta l i smans, etc, before you l ight your fi rst cand le . For the sake of brevity, we'l l assume you've done al l you 've needed to do for now .

Light the ince nse which shou ld be one of the protective reci pes such as Protection . Next, light candle number one on your rig ht and make a si ncere petit ion to the h igher forces to watch over you such as :

"I ask my Ancestors & Guardian Spirits to ward & protect me while I perform this Spiritual Working; as I will, thus shall it ber

Next, l i g ht candle number two, and repeat your petition. Now sit/stand erect and perform a simple charg i ng exerc ise to fi l l you rself with energy. This can be i n the form of the M iddle Pi l l ar rite , Tree Med itatio n, Chakra Recharg i ng ritual , etc . [If you aren't at th i s poi nt, flip back to them and study them to m ake sure you have one ready.] Now you're go ing to construct a Power Ci rc le for protection .[See later i n thi s book] .

Light your Astra l candle and say:

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1 1

"This candle is me here & on the Astral Plane. Let my inner fire be lighted in like manner. Candle, illuminate my being, for I am I! "

Now, l i ght the Objective candle and focus yourself on the objective at hand. [In this case, we are concerned with Protection] . As you l i ght th is candle say someth ing li ke:

"Spirits grant me my wish fulfilled through the aid of this Battery of Power! Oh candle, release thy power to protect me! Rally the Spirits of Mars to assist my plight! Come Martial Spirits, Protect me! "

In your m ind 's eye, v isual ize yourself with a ri ng of fla m i ng power a l l about your aura . See it c learly as it is there to strengthen you r own psychic sh iel d .

Once you feel more secure, you may exti ngu ish the cand les or a l l ow the incense and candles to burn contin uously u nti l they go out of the i r own accord . It's totally up to you.

In this rite , it's preferred to use the seven day jar cand les and place them safely so you won't have to worry about them burni ng for a week but make sure you don't a l low your pets or k ids to enter this area . Many house fi res have been started because some 'gen ius' a l l owed an i mals or kids to play in rooms with live candles burn i ng!

This si m ple ritual is an example to show you how you can ga in psych ic protection everyday . Regular use w i l l spare you r home envi ronment of the ills of the world . It wi l l be eas ier for you to unwind and you'l l have m uch less stress and worry.

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II Consecration

What is consecration? It is fi rst the cleansing of an ite m then the formal dedication of said i tem and fi nal ly the charg i ng with the magica l power of that item . That, dear student, in a nutshel l i s consecration .

1 2

Presented here is a s im ple consecration formu la for your use . You should cleanse, ded icate, and charge a l l of your tools, herbs , o i l s, etc, pr ior to use. [Note : don't spri nkle water on the bare herbs or m ix with the o i ls . Spr inkl i ng the i r contai ners is sufficient. You don't want fore ig n properties in the mixtures or recipes] .

Sacred Water Consecration

Place a d i sh of water on the altar, and hold you r hands above the water with forefi nger poi nting down whi le say i ng :

"I exorcise you, 0 Creature of Water that you cast out from yourself all impurities and uncleanness of the Spirits of the world of phantasm. I do so in the names of MERTALIA, MUSCALIA, DAPHALIA, ONEMALIA, ZITANESIA! As I will, thus shall it ber

Remove the bowl from the a ltar and repl ace it with a d i sh of sa lt, sayi ng:

"Blessings be upon you Creature of Salt. Let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth from you and let all good enter into you. Thus I bless you and invoke invoke that you may aid me and my Sorceries! "

Chang ing over to the bowls aga i n on the pentacle, pour the Salt into the Water sti rring clockwise wh i l e sayi ng :

"In the names of YAMENTON, YARON, TANTONON, ZARMESITAN, TILEION, TIXMION. Be aware, water purifies the body, but the Lustral Waters purifies the soul. Thus I declare your water is holy! As I will, thus shal it be!"

There'l l be a time when it'l l be necessary for you to consecrate the tools you wish to use, l i ke the staff, Power Bag , robe, a ltar, candle holders, candles, etc. You can do this with the fol lowing ritual :

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Sacred Object or Tool Consecration

Place object or tool on a ltar, l ay hands on it and say : "In the name of Ghob, Ruler of the Gnomes, I consecrate you with the element of Earth!"

Visual ize energy com i ng from your hands havi ng a cool a nd dry feel and smell ing a b it musty. See this energy as black ferti le soi l . Th is is the element of Earth . Soak it up from the Ea rth Mother herself throug h the soles of your feet and out through your hands i nto the object on the a ltar.

S pri nkle with the Lustral Waters and say : "In the name of N icksa, Ruler of the Und i nes, I consecrate you with the element of Water . "

N ow visua l i ze the same way you d id with the Earth element but with the element of Water. Feel i ts moist, cool properti es flowing through you i nto the object on the altar. See it as a blue founta i n pouring forth from your i nner bei ng . Thi s i s your founta i n of youth .

Pass object throug h i ncense smoke and say:

"In the name of Paralda, Ruler of the Sylphs, I consecrate you with the element of Air!"

In your mind 's eye, visua l i ze a whi rlwi nd of force wel l i ng u p with i n you . Feel the wa rm, moist breeze of a sunny morning flowing from your i n ner self out into the object. As you visualize the element of a i r, see a lso the color of yellow emanati ng from you .

Final ly, pass object above a cand le's fla me and say :

"In the name of Djinn, Ruler of the Salamanders, I consecrate you with the element of Firer

Now see the e lement of fi re come spri ng i ng forth i nto the object through your hands. Feel the heat and dryness whi le seeing the color of scarlet red emanati ng. See the molten lava of a volcano as your inner source of fire .

It i s wise to name your item because then it will have power & a l i fe force . Give it whatever name you choose & then hold the i tem between the palms of your hands and i nfuse your will and energy into it as fiercely as you a re able while saying:

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"I name you (insert name here) & I give life to you with the Divine Power of my immortal sou. Arise creature of Spirit to live and to be used by me as I see fit for all my Sorceries. As I will thus shall it be!"

Now i nha le the power of spi rit from the very a i r a round you . It is the energy force that l i es between the atoms themselves and it is a lso the power which can cause m i racles to transpire. Fee l it as pure power and vi sua l ize it as clear, translucent energy free from a l l i mpu rities.

Once fi n ished , you have consecrated the object with the five elements com pletely . Most Sorcerers never bother to infuse the element of Spi rit i nto a nything as they feel i t's not necessary . Whether it is or not is debatable, but I feel much more at ease when I i nfuse th i s energy i nto my tools .

To keep a tool charged u p to the max , I si mply put the tool under a pyra mid and a l low it to d raw forth currents of energy. It keeps a power bag fu l ly charged, and is a lso a sure fi re method of keep ing ta l ismans charged up . Pyramid energies are fantastic to uti l ize a nd every Sorcerer should have several , in d ifferent colors , for d ifferent pu rposes .

Another smart thing to do is make a pyram id out of w i re or copper tub ing large enoug h so that it fits over your a ltar. This is exce l lent to use i n addition to a candle ritual . P lace the pyramid d i rectly over the a ltar to help charge the ha l lowed area for the purpose d esi red . It doesn 't inh i bit the free flow of the cand les from doing thei r task, nor w i l l it inh ibit the spirits from doing w hat the i r supposed to do .

Beg i n by taki ng a pla i n sheet of paper. Us ing a draftsman's com pass, fi nd the center of the paper and p lace the compass' po int there and draw a large enough ci rc le to fit on the sheet of paper . N ow usi ng a protractor, find a reference poi nt on the c i rcle and mark off 5 hash marks on the ci rcle that a re exactly 72 deg rees apart from one another. Draw from each hash mark on the c irc l e to the center poi nt then connect each hash mark on the c i rcle . You have a pentagon with five l i nes going from the ci rcle's div ider marks to the center. Next, us ing scissors or an exacto knife, cut on the l i nes that make up the pentagon . These lines when cut w i l l b e the base o f the pyra mid . Then cut u p only o n e l i ne o f the pentagon to the center. Now fold a l l four remain i ng lines and you wi l l overlap one of the fo lds so it wi l l resemble a pyramid . Tape or g lue and you're done !

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It may be wise to use l i ght paper cardboard for you r pyra mids only because they can withstand being knocked around.

To Use Your Pyramid of Power

Al i g n the base of the pyram id due north with the a id of a d i rectional compass . Tilt the pyra m id to one side a nd p lace the object to be charged underneath it. Place your hands around the outside u p toward the ti p of the pyramid and wi l l some energy to encapsulate the pyramid . Wi l l the pyram i d to begi n conti nuously regenerating its energy i nto the object a nd sim ply leave it alone. It helps if you beg i n this on the day after a New Moon and leave the object in the pyramid cham ber u ntil the Fu l l Moon .

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The Power C ircle

"I summon thee up, Circle of Power, that you be a boundary between the worlds of men and the realms of the Spirits! Be my protector & my guardian to both preserve and contain the power that we shall raise within you. Wherefore shall I bless and consecrate thee, 0 Power Circler

Draw the ci rcle clockwise as a peri meter wh ich you can safe ly work i n . It serves not on ly as a protective bubble for you when trouble threatens, but a lso as a generator for the power you summon u p .

Take u p your Sorcerer's Staff a n d a l l ow the energy to enter you from above . Poi nt the staff d own to the g round & visual ize energy flowing out form the staff's point. Walk clockwise! and chant the above charm . The charm's purpose is to focus your m i nd as you su m mon the energy when drawing the c ircle as wel l as sum mon the Spiri ts who wil l ass ist you i n creating thi s space.

After th is i s completed, go on to ca l ling the E lemental Spi rits to fortify the c ircle's peri meter. It i s s im i lar to h ir ing four security guards to guard the fou r s ides of a bu ild ing . Thei r job is to keep out unwanted i nfluences & keep i n your energy unti l you are ready to release it.

Begi n by facing due East. C lose your eyes a nd fi nd the center of your bei ng. Re- l i nk this center with the forces of ti me, space and rea l ity. Start at the top poi nt of the pentag ram and d raw to the bottom l eft poi nt. Continue this movement upward to the rig ht horizontal po int then toward the left horizontal poi nt. Now m ove your staff to the bottom rig ht point & then upward to the top poi nt. Visua l i ze this sym bol as burning white hot. Stab the pentagram 's center and will some of you r energy to flow i nto the center of the pentag ram g iv ing i t l i fe and say :

"Spirit Watchers of the East, I stir, summon, call thee forth! In the name of Paralda, Ruler of the Sylphs, come ward & witness my rite now; as I will, thus shall it be!"

Pol ite ly bow & then turn c lockwise & face west . Draw the same star shaped pentagram , charge it and say:

"Spirit Watchers of the West, I stir, summon, call thee forth! In the name of Nicksa, Ruler of the Undines, come ward & witness my rite now; as I will, thus shall it be!"

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Aga i n, pol itely bow & now turn counter-clockwise to the North, draw your pentagram, charge it & say :


"Spirit Watchers of the North, I stir, summon, call thee forth!

In the name of Ghob, Ruler of the Gnomes, come ward & witness my rite now; as I will, thus shall it be!"

As before, politely bow & now turn clockwise to the South, draw pentagra m , charge it & say:

"Spirit Watchers of the South, I stir, summon, call thee forth! In the name of Djinn, Ruler of the Salamanders, come ward & witness my rite now; as I will, thus shall it be! "

Pol itely bow. When fi n ished , you wi l l be faci ng east aga i n . Your Power Ci rcle is now cast and the working space is complete .

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Charging the Pentagram with Power

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Shutting Down Your Power Circle

When your work is fin ished you w i ll need to close down your worki ng with your Spi r it Watchers & Power Ci rc le . It's not wise to si mply let power sitting as it can go bad & cause you r headaches & other psych ic problems which can manifest i n very real pheno mena .

Spi ri t Watcher Dismissa l :

Face East agai n and say:

"Spirit Watchers of the East, Children of Paralda, I thank you for attending this working & being with me. As you safely return to your home, go in peace & be ye ready to come again when I have need of thee; as I will, thus shall it be!"

Aga in you pol itely bow as a symbol of your respect to the E lemental Ru ler & the i r chi ldren . Do that at al l fou r corners & again foll ow the method in which you su m moned them with the correct name at the correct d irection i ncluded . Further, turn in the d i rections as ind icated for the su m moning of the Spi rit Watchers . East to West then North to South & turn clockwise or counter-clockwise as previously i nd icated .

Power Ci rcle Dismissal :

Now poi nt your staff Eastward and start at the bottom left poi nt of the pentagram a nd draw u pward. See the pentagra m beginn ing to d iss ipate as you do this . Next, move the staff down to bottom rig ht poi nt, then upward to the left horizontal point a nd over to the ri g ht horizontal point and f i nal l y back down to the bottom left point.

Turn south a nd say the same thi ng as you d i d for the East banishment but su bstitute the South d i rection and erase the pentagra m i n the sa me way. When the Spi rit Watchers are d ismissed , Face east aga in with your staff pointi ng down . Now draw up the energy from the ci rc le i nto the staff agai n as you say :

"0 Po wer Circle, thank you for separating me from the mundane and Astral Plane. I release your energies back into the Universe to remain until I have further need of your assistance; as I will, thus shall it be!"

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2 1

Ill Herbal Sorcery Only a few years ago, there were very few rea l ly good

herbals . Now, the shelves of most metaphysical stores a re pro l i ferated these books . Most are for those who are i nterested i n physica l hea l i ng through the use of teas, pou ltices a nd the l i ke . Although that is a noble cause, I prefer to l eave my hea l i ng to a qua l ified medica l practitioner. In th is chapter, we w i l l concentrate on worki ng with the mag ica l essences of herbs.

Herbal magic varies by trad ition, culture a nd practices . Most of the Wiccan i nformation i s about hea l i ng and worsh ip . The Med ieva l Witch literature seems bent on hexi ng and fly ing o intments. The New Orleans Voodoo trad ition [wh ich most of the i nformation i n thi s chapter is borrowed from] focuses on m any different areas wh ich encompass both the Wiccan ad Medieval Witch stuff.

There are some authors and Wiccan practitioners who snu b the i r noses at the New Orleans Voodoo trad ition fee l i ng that it is e ither "not va l i d as a trad ition" or " i t is too dark . " The latter is stereotypica l th inking on the part of these Wiccans . They forget, however, at the ri d i cu le they've received over the years from other metaphysica l g roups for practic ing Witchcraft. Personal ly, I fi nd it reprehensi ble to selectively snub your nose at the metaphysica l arts .

The l i sti ng of herbs and the i r attri butes are not exhaustive and do not i nclude a l l herbs. Th is is ONLY a reference poi nt for you novices out there . I use these herba l attri butes da i ly and have yet to be let down by them . Learn them , study them and most of a l l , use them !

Practical advice for herbs is as fo l l ows :

a ) Roots are stronger i n nature than herbs b) Stems are usua l ly stronger than leaves c) Buds a re genera l ly stronger than leaves

There are fou r basic herbal attri butes and these are :

i ) Catalyst- Th is is the herb that gets th i ngs goi ng ; i t i mpels th ings to beg i n

i i ) Conveying- This i s the "tra nsmitter" herb ; its job is to be the starti ng poi nt

i i i ) Power- These herbs a re the "thrust" of recipes; the i r job is to pour thei r energ ies to make it go -

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note : very dangerous to use by themselves without any modifiers .

iv) Modifiers- These herbs are only for a l teri ng rec ipes by shapi ng the formula's enti re energy pattern -not very effective when used without either a Conveyi ng or Power herb

One more herb type we need to mention is the TWISTING herbs . These herbs are revers ib le a nd therefore tricky . They produce both a positive &/or negative result depend i ng on what they are mixed with. You as a practitioner can affect the herb by your own attitude and this makes it especia l ly dangerous. One of these herbs can be turned banefu l just by placi ng it nea r a b lack candle! If you happen to m i x with baneful herbs l i ke B lack Pepper or Capsicu m , watch out !

*** Alderbark

Ruled by Mercury . M i x with chopped on ion and carry with your when gambl i ng .

Angel ica Root

Ruled by the Sun . Carry to ward off evil and to prolong your l ife .

Anise Seeds

Ruled by Jupiter. Burn by itself or add to i ncenses as a n a id to your meditations.

Basi l

Ru led by Venus . Used i n potions for love , wealth , p rotection and in exorcisi ng houses. A com mon culinary herb .

Bay Laurel Leaves

Rul ed by the Sun . Used in purification , protection and hea l i ng potions . A lso a com mon cul i nary herb.

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Ruled by Saturn . One of the most misunderstood herbs . Many peopl e erroneously thi nk that burning bayberry cand les wi l l bri ng them prosperity; however, Bayberry i s one of the herbs used in crossi ng recipes . Imag i ne al l of the poss ib le results with the stress of i n- laws, family and friends at the hol idays and what k ind of demented energies th is herb can do. It i s one of the most i nfamous TWISTING herbs . Remember, TWISTING herbs are dangerous if used a lone; when m i xed with more positive herbs, the l ike l i hood of hex i ng is lessened i m mensely. Use with caution by itself.

Benzoin Gum

Ru led by the Sun . Used as a su itab le substitute for storax. Used in potions for purification a nd prosperity .

Blessed Thistle (Holy Thistle)

Ru led by Mars . Used in potions of heal i ng , protection a nd purifi cation . Boi l and add to your bath water for many personal b lessi ngs.


Ruled by Mercury . Used to a id i n rheumatism and arthritis . Th is is done by maki ng an i nfusion (steep a handful of herb in a cup of boil i ng water) and apply i ng some to the sore spot. Can also be used for a good luck gambl i ng charm if wrapped in a new dol lar b i l l .


Ruled by the Moon . Used i n control l i ng and com pelli ng potions and a lso in prophetic dream p i l l ows . Add some Mugwort and Ani se Seeds to that pillow to strengthen the d reams .


Ru led by Mars . Very baneful! Used only in serious reci pes that i nvolves hexing or curs ing someone . Be carefu l

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when mix ing this in a recipe with one or more TWISTING herbs . If mixed with Myrrh, can be d isastrous !


Ruled by Venus. Used i n l ove potions a nd to get you r fa mi l i a r (cat) high a s a kite! Does not work o n humans the same way as a cat though.

Carda mom Seeds

Ruled by Venus. Powder the seeds a nd add to love potions. Good to g ive to those pesteri ng cl ients who are a lways l ooki ng for love i n a l l the wrong p laces .

Celery Seeds

Rul ed by Mercury . Used in psychic incenses and g ris­g ri s power bags . When using seeds l i ke this, a smal l amount such as 9 or 13 is not on ly g ood power-wise but also numerica l ly correct.

Chamomile Flowers

Ruled by the Sun . Used i n a tea form . Anoint hands prior to gambl i ng . Okay to drink a tea before sleep a nd you wil l rest easy . I l i ke to add some M i nt a nd Lemon with the Chamomi le tea to make it tastier and a l so for the soothi ng feelings I g et from the combi nation .

Cinquefoil (Five Finger Grass)


Ruled by Jupiter . Used to ward off evi l and protect ion . Brew as a tea and ano int your head to ward off a ny hexed condition . Each of the five leaves represents a specia l attribute: l ove, luck, money, power and wisdom. Spri nkle some in each corner of your room to ward off evi l spirits as it's said that spi rits hover in corners of rooms Many authors such as Anna Riva, H . U . Lam pe, Elbee Wrig ht and so on rea l ly write a l ot of spel ls and uses for th is wonder herb .

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Dam ia na

Ru led by Mars . Used i n potions to i ncrease lust and d ru n k as a tea to be a most effect aphrodis iac. Also i n m ixtures to a id psych ic ab i l ities . I've not had m uch personal work with th is herb so be carefu l . U n l i ke Chamomi le , you won't fi nd Dam iana in the loca l d rugstore near the celestia l tea section .

Devil 's Shoestring Root (Devi l 's Bit)

Ru led by Mercury . Worn to aid psych ic powers and protection . When carried i n you r left pants pocket it wi l l a id you in fi nd ing the job you want . I 've used th is w ith much success ! Anoi nt the root with H igh John the Conq ueror o i l before you go out job hunti ng .

Dragon's Blood Reed

Ru led by Mars . One of the strongest mag ica l substances known . Can be used to promote personal power, ward off evi l , protect ion, attract l uck and attract love . Also removes hexes . Has about as much d i fferent uses and Ci nquefo i l does .

Elder Bark

Ruled by Venus. One of the most potent protections agai nst b lack mag ic known. Used to i nfl uence someone you wish . Th i s is favored by the Faery rea l ms . If you wish the i r favor, plant a bush of th i s on your property. I t seems they get i ntoxicated by this p lant the way cats do with Catn ip .


Ruled by the Sun . Used i n many i ncense potions for luck, money, hea l i ng and protection . Attracts the most positive spi ritua l v ibrations . Ru ler of the Spi ritual Plane .

Galangal Root (Low John the Conqueror)

Ruled by Mars . Anoi nt and carry when having legal problems. Also use i n Confusion , Good Luck Mystic and

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Spir itual Visions reci pes . Thi s root i s very versati le l i ke Ci nquefoi l .

Garlic Bulb


Ruled by Mars . Used in protection potions and wards off psych ic vam p i res . The energ ies from Garl i c seem to screw up the vamp i re's psych ic v ibrations. There's a lways some fact to every bit of lore .

Grains of Paradise

Ruled by Jupiter. Carry i n l uck oriented g ris-g ris bags .

Holy Herb (Verba Sante)

Ruled by Mercury. Used i n heal ing and necrom ancy rituals. Burn directly on hot coa ls for ca l ling the d eceased or brew as a tea and add the water to your bath the n soak for i ts hea l i ng vi brations .


Ruled by Jupiter. Used to d ispel a l l v ibrations prior to ritual . Used in psychic potions to a i d clai rvoyance . Odd that it wi l l both d ispel and sum mon psychi c energ i es l i ke that; what i f you goof up a nd banish when you want to su m mon?

Jalap Root (High John the Conqueror)

Ru led by Mars . One of the m ost powerful roots used i n mag ic ! Used to d i spel depression; eli m i nate confusion ; l uck in gambl ing; attract love, g ood health and money! S imply anoint with the appropriate o i l and carry i n a gris-gr is bag . Use one in your personal power bag !

Knot Grass

Ruled by Saturn . One of the foulest hexi ng herbs known . Used on ly to curse and hex. Combine with Bayberry, Myrrh and Vetivert for a kick-ass, no holds barred recipe that w i l l surely do i n those nasties you're wanting rid of.

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Ru led by Venus . Mai n ly used in love potions.


Ru led by Mercury . Used i n a variety of i nstances but most notably in psych ic potions . Use its tea to anoint your crysta l ba l l s and specu lums to a id in vis ions. ( See Anise Seeds for reci pe ideas . )

Mul lein

Ruled by Saturn . Used to attract spi rits i n ceremonies . A TWISTING herb which can be used i n place of Graveyard Dust safe ly .

Myrrh Gum

Ruled by the Moon . A notorious TWISTING herb . Used to both attract love and in certa i n Compel l i ng reci pes . It i s unpred ictab le i f used a l one.

Nettles (Sting ing Nettles)

Ruled by Mars . Used to u nhex and uncross . Also used in exorcism potions to keep spi rits at bay . Throw some of th i s i n with the Spi rit Be Gone reci pe - makes the sp i rits want to leave town !


Ruled by Jupiter. Oil of Nutmeg is rubbed on the tem ples to i nduce sleep or to aid in meditation . Hol l owed out Nutmegs a re fi l l ed with qu icksi lver ( mercury) , sea led with dripping candle wax and a l lowed to d ry . These make exce l lent good l uck cha rms and put one i n your personal power bag .

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Orris Root (Queen El izabeth Root)

Ruled by Venus. Th is is the legendary love root, and as such i t's carried as a tal i sman, used i n i ncenses and g ri s-g ri s bags and someti mes used as an ESP pend u l u m .


Ru led by Saturn. Used as an ing red ient i n g raveyard dust due to its properties of b ind ing a nd reversa l . It i s a TWISTING herb .

Peony Root

Ruled by the Sun. It's considered a powerful good l uck charm so add some to you r power bag .

Pepper (Black)

Ruled by Mars . Used to ward off evil and to exorc ise a n a rea from unwanted sp i rits or polterge ists . Can a l so be used to curse a nd hex someone with damn good effects.


Ruled by Mercury . Used i n hea l i ng and purification spells a nd gris-gris bags.

Periwin kle

Ru led by Venus . One of the love herbs, it's used i n gris-gri s, i ncense/powders, and s imply spri nkl ed about the house .


Ruled by Mercury. Wards off evi l and black magic. The fresh ju ice i s used to ano int Wiccan Atha mes (sacred dagger) .

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Pine Needles

Ruled by Mars . Used to ward of evi l and added to purifi cation baths . Burn d i rect on charcoal to rid house of negativity .


Ruled by the Moon . Used in l unar incenses, as wel l as bei ng p laced in bed pi l lows to prevent bad dreams. Ifs a lso spri n kled about the house to ward off evi l i nfl uences .

Quassia Bark


Ruled by Venus. Used i n certa i n love i ncense formulas . Added to money d rawi ng potions .

Quince Seed

Ru l ed by Venus. Carried to a id protection . Add some to your power bag .

Tonka Bean

Ru led by Venus. U sed i n love g ris-gris bags and perfu mes. The whole bean is often carried as a tal i sman or charm . When carried whole, ano i nt with proper o i l s . Carried i n money gris-gris bags .

Tormentil Root

Ru l ed by the Sun . It's carried as a love charm as wel l as bei ng put i nto food a n d drink to a rouse the passions . It's also held to ward off evi l when hung a bout the house . The tea is often used by med iums to protect the m from possession by a ny evi l spirits.

Valerian Root

Ruled by the Moon . Is frequently placed i n bed p i l lows to i nduce a restful s leep . It's used i n certa i n love potions for its exciti ng effect on the cerebo-sp ina l system. A decoction of

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the herb is used to sti mu late the psych ic centers know as the chakras.


Ru l ed by Venus . One of the sacred herbs of the Dru ids . I t shou ld be gathered with the left hand at the r ise of the Dog Star (Si ri us ) . Vervai n is used i n love potions and i ncenses, but is a lso used i n puri fi cation waters and i ncenses/powders . Verva i n sprigs are used to l ustrate the Ci rc le of Power.

Unicorn Root

Ruled by Mars . Carried as a ta l isman to ward off evi l , it's a lso used i n i ncenses and gris-gris bags for the sa me purpose .

Wahoo Bark

Ru led by Mars . Wards off evi l .

Witches Burr ( Liquid Amber)

Ru led by the Sun . It's sa i d to protect one from evi l or negative forces.

Wood Rose

Ruled by Mercury . Pro motes psych ic power and carried in red g ris-g ris bag to attract l ucky v ibrations.


Ruled by Mars . It's used in evocational i ncenses as a n a id i n sum moning the sp i rits o f the deceased ( Necromancy ) . It's burnt as i ncense o n Sam ha in . Can a lso b e used t o cu rse and hex .

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IV Sorcerous Becioes Personal ly, I have used these recipes for some time

now and have achieved the best effects one cou ld hope for. These reci pes work ! No B .S . to that statement.

3 1

The hex i ng reci pes seem to be a sore spot for Wiccans, especia l ly the New Agey-white l i ght-syrupy goodness­Wiccans. I guess they never thought of the concept "fig ht fi re with fi re . " In fact the whole Wiccan Rede about harming none i s ri d icu lous . Then you have that sickeni ng karm ic " law of 3 fol d return" which for the l ife of me I cannot fi nd i n any so l id Celt ic, Welsh or Teuton ic bel iefs or myths . So far I 've on ly fou nd the Golden Rule which is a worldwide u n iversal pri nc ip le anyway . That karmic nonsense is so much claptrap . * * * Anger

Chi l i Powder Su lfur B lack Pepper Asafoetida

Used to d ispel a nger by spri nkl i ng a round you r room . Wi l l he lp bri ng you or anyone fig hti ng back into focus .

Anointing Oil Cinnamon Patchou l i Verbena

Used to anoint Altar candles, w ipe off a ltar a nd added to bath water prior to rituals . Good reci pe for those wish i ng to i nvoke blessings from the i r deiti es .

Asherah Jasmine Rose Sandalwood Orange Oi l

Used to enhance sexua l pleasures. 'Nuff said?


Cinnamon Myrrh Orris Sandalwood

Used to attract good v ibrations for success, l uck, etc . This is a good base to start with on prosperity or money drawing ca ndles fol l owed by a decent money draw ing blend .

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Bay C innamon Myrrh Rose Salt

Used to banish the most stubborn spi rits . Also used i n Uncrossing situations to rid yourself o r others of negativity and bad situations . Use this da i ly to keep away the pain i n the ass vamp iric e lementa ls .

Bend Over

Franki ncense Honeysuckle Rose Vetivert

Used to g et others to do you r b idd i ng as they wi l l be anxious to serve you (so the l ore goes) .

Black Arts

Ci nnamon Graveyard Dust Mastic Mu l l ein Myrrh Patchou l i Vetivert

Use only when you TRU LY hate someone ! WARNING : Has no positive uses whatsoever so don't try to fight fi re with this as it wi l l l i kely aggravate the situation .

Boss Fix

Chi l i Powder Musk Tobacco Shredded Newspa per

Used by spri nkl i ng a round the bosses' office at work to keep them off your back. Also spri n kled i n the home to com pel guests to treat you with respect and ki ndness . (Use it to get rid of those pesky i n/outlaws who overstay the i r welcome . )

Come To Me

Garden ia Jasmi ne Lemon Rose

Use to a rouse the passions of the one you desi re .

Commanding 8t Compelling

Al lspice Cinnamon Clove Orris Patchoul i Sandalwood

Used m uch l i ke Bend Over but more i ntense .

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Bayberry Cinnamon Myrrh

Use to i nfl i ct a hex on anyone you wish a lthough not as nasty as Black Arts . You can use this to return a hex/cu rse that has been sent to you by rubbi ng th i s on a black candle that has been ti red to a wh ite cand le . Anoi nt the b lack cand le with th i s reci pe a nd the white cand le with Uncrossi ng a nd l i ght both at the same ti me . Tie together with red th read .

Crown of Success

Fra n ki ncense Orris Vetivert Sandalwood Gold Gl itter

Used to attract success and remove obstacles a long with those n itwits who i m pede you r prog ress. { I never did l i ke those people anyway. ) Anoi nt a ye l low candle and use i n the spe l l of Obstac le remover.


Beer Lavender Myrrh Pa l m Leaves ( burnt)

Used by d ropping n ine pi nches on burn i ng charcoa l and repeati ng your enemy's name. Does very evi l thi ngs to those you use it on . Used best when you want l ong term problems to p lague your enemies. Not as heavy-handed as Black Arts but causes g rief over a period of ti me.

Devil's Snuff

Bayberry Cinnamon Ch i l i Powder Red Sandalwood

Used by a noi nti ng your hands a nd sprink l i ng onto you r personal th ings t o keep you r personal busi ness private . Also can i nfl i ct a nasty hex on those who oppress you . It works l i ke a reverse curve; someone keeps messi ng with you a nd they get nasty th i ngs happen ing to the m . The more they try to mess with you , the more bad th i ngs that happen to them !

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Double Fast Luck

Patchou l i Rose Jun iper Shredded $ Dol lar Bi l l

Used to i nvoke positive forces qu ick ly . This i s a n exce l lent reci pe when you need a change o f l uck . I a lso m ix th is with Sh i Sh i to make a powerhouse reci pe !

Easy Life

Cassia Cloves Gi nger Lemon Masti c Orange Peel


Hel ps everythi ng in you r l i fe flow with ease . Works more at a gradual pace a nd isn't as fast acti ng as Double Fast Luck or even Money Drawi ng . Good to combi ne thi s o i l with those just mentioned to i nsure long rather than short term success and happi ness .

Fiery Command

Dragon's Blood Frank i ncense Myrrh

Used to get others to do your b idd i ng i mmed iate ly . A heavy- handed powerhouse ! Works a lot faster than Bend Over but watch out for unexpected s ide effects ! !

Florida Water

1 ga l 75 proof a lcohol

3 oz . Bergamot o i l

4 oz. Ci nna mon o i l

2 oz . Benzo in o i l .

Used to scrub down a ltar, tools and wash floors . Neutra l izes vi brations prior to ritua l . I make it a habit to wash my a ltar and staff regu larly with this concoction .

Good Luck Mystic

Cinnamon Galangal Ja lap Squ i l l

Used to i ncrease prophetic d reams and open your psych ic channels (chakras) . I 've not used th is reci pe personal ly but friends have and they swear by it .

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Good Luck Spiritua l

Lavender Rose Geran ium


Used to i ncrease one's natura l cla irvoyant ab i l ities . Th is is the one I l i ke a lot and have had g ood success with .

Graveyard Dust

Mul le in Patchou l i Vetivert

Used i n place of the d i rt from an actua l cemetery . Used in necromantic rites a nd evi l r itua ls . Don't bother m ix ing u p un less you actual ly i ntend to su mmon the shades o f the dead .


Carnation Citron Gardenia Rose

Used to a id heal i ng . Used long term rather than short term .

Horn of Plenty

Apple Cherry Li me Van i l la Vetivert

Used when one is down, out and broke . Overcomes poverty and bri ngs rapid change. I never have a l l the oi l s on hand that make up th is reci pe so I can't vouch for it .

Jinx Removing

Clove Deerstongue Rose Geran ium

Used to change luck from bad to good . Use i n com bination with white and yellow candles. Add Crown of Success and Horn of Plenty to make a k i l l er comb i nation !


Cedar Franki ncense Myrtle

Used to converse with spi rits . One of my favorites when working with the Goetia or Key of Solomon .

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Lady Luck

Cinnamon Patchou l i Rose

Used to i ncrease one's l uck vi brations . Can be used i n bath water a s wel l . Love

Garden ia Musk Orris Sandalwood Violet

" Use to attract l ove and bri ng lovers to your door. " (So where were the lad i es when I was l iv ing s i ngle and burn ing th is stuff day and n ight???)


Cinnamon Lavender Lodestone i n bottle

Used to draw positive v ibrations .

M aster Oi l

Brick Dust Deerstongue Patchou l i

Bri ngs confidence and a ids i n i nfluencing others. Good to use if you want a ra ise . No fool ing !

Money Drawing

Franki ncense He l iotrope Tonka Gold Magnetic Sand

Used to anoi nt cand les , wal l ets and to be spri nkled a round the home to d raw $$$ . He l ps to protect against poverty . Works rather fast and watch out for the s ide effects ! ! (Insurance settlements, severa nce pay, etc . )


Bay C innamon Frankincense H e l iotrope Orange Sandalwood

Used on candles, as an incense , and a lso worn when conducti ng busi ness . Good for sales people who are i n an i nfl uenci ng position . I recom mend this be combi ned with Master o i l for a powerfu l negotiating tool .

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Al lsp ice C i nnamon Myrrh Ora nge Orris Patchou l i Sandalwood

Used to bri ng and keep the v i bration of prosperity about the premises . Good to burn rig ht after Ban ishment.


Cinnamon Galangal Peppermi nt Rue Verbena

Negates fou l moods and a lso keeps negativity at bay . Use after an Uncrossi ng ritual to keep someone on an even keel .

Psychic Power

Cinnamon Clove Mastic Myrrh Sa ndalwood


Use to i nvoke sp iritual v ibrations and open psychic channels . Use whi le med itating and for contacti ng the spi rits of the deceased . Also i ncreases one's telepathic abi l i ti es . Th is i s one of my own rec ipes.

Spirit Be Gone

Bay Hyssop Lavender Salt Verva i n

O n e o f the m ost powerfu l exorcism reci pes. Ban ishes entit ies, sp i rits, g hosts, w ights, polterge ists and possessions . Removes the strongest of hexes especia l ly when combi ned with Uncross ing .

Shi Shi

Angel i ca Bay Clove

Attracts wealth and d isperses poverty. See Horn of Plenty and others previously mentioned .

Starry Wisdom

Cam phor Jasmi ne Musk Nettles Pi ne

From the Necronomicon . Invokes the wisdom of the Ancient Ones . I get real wei rd vi brations around me when I

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use th i s i ncense . Never tried the oi l but not rea l ly sure if I want to .

Thief Powder

Ga langal Hydrangea Pol k Root Vetivert

Use when someth i ng has been stolen from you .


Spri nkle th i s in the area where the someth i ng was sto len from and su pposed ly the "th ief" wi l l return it (IF it was sto len and not s imply lost ! ) .


Ditta ny-of-Crete Bal m-of-Peru Patchou l i Dragon's Blood Pine Myrrh

Use to evoke the Q l ippoth from the Dark side of the Tree of Life . Said to be very evi l . Not recom mended for beg i n ners . Th is was i ncluded for you advanced practit ioners .

U ncrossing

Bay Lavender Rose Verbena

Used to u ncross ANY hexed cond ition . Use in a t ightly closed room for best resu lts .

Untruthful M i nt Nutmeg Rose

Use to stop l i es from being told to you . Burn it around attorneys .

Van Van

Lemon Rose Van i l l a Vetivert

Good to purify ritua l cham ber prior to ritual . The oi l when added to washes is exce l lent to use to clean the temple .

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Clove Graveyard D irt Li me Mu l le in Myrrh Patchoul i Pi ne Vetivert

Used for necromancy or for calming restless and negative spi rits . Attracts pri mal deities and entities . Aga in , NOT for the beg i nners or i ntermediates; advanced practitioners ONLY!

War Powder

Chi l i Powder Mustard Musk Patchou l i Iron Fi l i ngs

Spri nkle to overcome an imosity a nd to assist in defeating any enemy. Works g reat on nosey neighbors.

War Water

Black Pepper Red Pepper Florida Water

Liqu id vers ion of War Powder. Nasty stuff indeed !

Zombi Galangal N utmeg Sage Yerba Buena

Used to sum mon dark spi ri ts to a id you . If you 're a beg i nner and stupid enough to l i ght th is reci pe, then you deserve whatever it sum mons. Don't ca l l me for hel p i f you can't handle what you cal l u p ! ** * After Comments:


Did I mention the fact that you can use most of these reci pes in i ncense, o i l , powder or wash? You can ! Incense is to be used to sum mon and ban ish . It is used in place of ritual sacrifice in these "ki nder, gentler" modern ti mes. Oi ls can sometimes be used on the body ( N EVER use any k ind of hexi ng or negative recipe d i rectly on you r body ! ) .

You can ano int yourself i n a ritua l istic fashion by d rawi ng a cross on your forehead , then you r left knee, then your rig ht breast, left breast, rig ht knee a nd fi na l l y retouch your forehea d . This is the Invok i ng Earth pentag ra m method . Oi ls can be used wherever the spi rits tel l you to . I 've had

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spi rits tel l me to anoi nt the back of my earlobes with certain reci pes . Try it .


Powders are a more refi ned vers ion of i ncense but a re used to spri nk le and draw patterns on a ltars as wel l as spri nk le wa l lets, doorsteps, motor eng i nes, etc . , the l ist is v irtua l ly endl ess .

Washes a re s imp le . Fi rst take a bucket of hot sudsy water and d rop about 9- 13 drops of the reci pe i nto the water. Using your mop or sponge, mix around and wash down your floors, walls, tools , ca r, etc. Use your i mag i nation . Cleans the items of their psych i c res idues .

Another ti p you can use i s to use several o i l s on the same cand le ! This is m ixi ng for results and fi rst you choose a catalyst recipe as a base ( Uncross ing or Anointi ng i s the best to use when you don't know what to use ) and then add another m i xture over the fi rst, and so on .

For i nstance, I decide I want to calm a nasty situation with my nei g h bor. I anoint my chosen cand le with U ncrossi ng or J i nx Removing as a base and cata lyst . The next one I'l l use i s probably Bend Over because I don't want to be heavy­handed with the m . I then can apply some Protection for obvious reasons and fi na l ly I' l l use Master o i l to hel p my i nfluence with the m .

A word about s ide-effects : It's a un iversa l pri nci ple that anyti me you rush the Spi rits, you wi l l get s ide-effects. Most of the ti me, these s ide-effects are ben ig n but not a lways . It's been sa id by Stephen Mace i n h is book Stealing the Fire from Heaven, "If you use magic to suck wealth out of the world, it will flow from the nearest available source - you and your loved ones. If you have nothing of value to willingly contribute (say a skill or stock-in-trade), then the cash will come out of whatever is at hand, REGARDLESS of your hopes and dreams. " (Cap itals m i ne - Ed . ) I don't tota l l y agree with Mace's statement but I've seen it ti me and ti me aga i n with a mateurs who want somethi ng from noth i ng . It ai n·•t gonna go there , Charl ie ! It appears that the faster the worki ng g oes, the more l i kely you w i l l have side-effects regard l ess of what k i nd of worki ng be it positive or negative .

F ina l ly , I want to rant a minute a bout curs ing or hex i ng recipes. Where i s i t engraved i n stone that you have to wish som eone to d ie using a negative recipe? Tel l me please? Have

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4 1

any o f you ever hea rd the adage " hit 'em in the wal let?" That is the bane of everyone . Most people wi l l gladly suffer as long as thei r Swiss bank accounts are i ntact .

You can hex a person 's possessions, wealth , careers, hobbies, etc. No one ever sa i d you have to curse thei r health . Persona l ly, I 've contri buted to the fi nancial ru i n of a few d irtbags who deserved i t . I don't l i ke to hex their health but thei r pocketbooks a re fa i r game !

Sorcerers are supposed to be creative with mag ic not rehashing the same old bori ng sh it . God that gets o ld ! If someone you know real ly deserves to be hexed , then hex thei r i ncome or wa l l et . That h u rts them more than if you made thei r schvantz fa l l off.

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V Meditational Methods

The Mighty Tree Either s it or stand erect. As you breathe , keep your

spi ne stra ight . Imagine energy flowing from the Earth i nto you r feet & ris i ng u p your body . Imag i ne your sp ine i s the trunk of a g iant tree with you r roots extend ing downward , deeply i nto the Earth's core . With each breath, feel energy


rise up throug h your roots i nto you r trunk . With each passi ng breath, fee l the power g rowing with in you . From out of the top of your head are long branches which accept the heat & rad iation from the Sun nourishing you r trunk & energ i zing every fi ber of you r bei ng . The Star

Imag i ne you are standi ng erect as a g iant - so big that the Earth is a mi nute atom under your foot. Look d i rectly up i nto the heavens & see the stars . There i s one sh in ing brighter tha n a l l the rest. That is your star. B lot out a l l the other stars & i nvite you r Star to come & meet you . A s ing le shaft of l i g ht flows downward i n the bl i nk of an eye from your Star to you r head . As i t touches you , fee l the warmth flow ing down i nside you r as it touches each & every atom of your bei ng . Your m i nd , body & sou l are healed & you fee l v ital ized , refreshed & strengthened .

The Crystal Fountain

Imagine you are stand ing i n a pool of clear water. I t is the clearest, pure water you've ever seen . It is a lso cool but not cold to the touch . You 're naked wh i le sta nd ing in this crystal pool of water . As you clear your mind , the water beg i ns to rise through your very being to the top of your hea d . You feel i t's cool touch as it i nvigorates you . Then it spurts forth from the top of you r head to show outwards back down i nto the· crysta l pool . You feel fu l ly refreshed, revita l ized & cleansed .

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The Column of Flame

You a re stand ing in a hot, arid desert. Before you, there i s a wel l of fla mes reachi ng skyward . The flames shift form orange & yel l ow to b lue to wh ite as the tem perature i ncreases. You step forward & stand i n the fla mes & you feel the mystica l energy of this pyre beg i n to merge through your bei ng . You don't feel burn i ng but rather you fee l a l l o ld & unwanted sensations purged from your bei ng . You beg i n to feel revita l i zed & refreshed . You r sou l feels as if it i s bei ng washed anew & a l l dou bts are consumed i n the fl a mes.

Simple Visual izations

Close your eyes and i mag i ne that you see a blank screen in front of you . Focus your attention on it for awhi l e and al low yourself to see si mple forms l i ke a dot, a l i ne, a ci rcle, triang le , square, etc . If the wal l or screen i s black i n color, see these forms i n white a n d v ice-versa .

When you feel comfortab le enoug h to see forms clearly , visual ize the screen in any color : red , b lue, orange, green, and b lack . To hel p promote thi s you may want to stare with your open eyes at a colored sheet of paper fi rst and then close you r eyes a nd try to menta l ly see the co lor.

Fi n i sh by practicing various geo metric forms in col ors . Change the colors and geometric forms unti l you can menta l ly i l lustrate them at wi l l .

Th e Burner

Visua l ize a Bunsen burner blue flame which is l i ke a gas flame . In th is fla me, menta l l y d raw a pentagra m . Form this pentagra m out of the flame. Hold this i mage in your m i nd for a few m inutes.

( Note : Extend your arm outstretched i n front of you and d raw from your eye level d i agonal ly downward to you r left hip, then d i agonal l y upward to your right shoulder l eve l , then horizonta l ly across to your l eft shoulder level & diagonal ly downward to your rig ht h ip & then d iagonal l y up to the point you began at eye level . )

Now retrace the pentag ram i n the ban ish ing di rection a nd as you do see it d i sappea r .

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(Note : Sta rt at your left h i p & draw d iagona l ly upward to eye level , then d iagona l ly downward to you r r ig ht h ip , up d iagona l ly to your left shoulder, horizonta l ly to your rig ht shoulder, then d iagonal ly down to your left h i p . )

The Hammer

Imag ine a heavy ham mer in your dominant hand . A stubborn spi ked na i l protrudes from a hardwood board i n front of you . With a l l your m ight, d rive the na i l i nto the boa rd i n one stroke. Feel the strength of a thousand blacksmiths as you ham mer home that stubborn na i l . Hold the ham mer a loft & as you do, notice the l i ghtni ng stri ke from one cloud to the next.


(Use on u nwelcome Spi rits, Ghosts, Wights & etc . )

Draw a ci rcle clockwise. Stand i n the center faci ng east and poi nt to the Sky, the Earth and the fou r card i nal poi nts sayi ng : "All Spirits of ill will, lea ve this place as I create space of Divine Union between Gods & Man! By the sacred names of po wer I command you to leave! Come later when I ha ve need of Ye "

Protection Device # 1 Draw a ci rc le . Stand erect and face east. Visual ize

yourself surrounded by parabol ic mi rrors faci ng outward . Say : "By the might of the Gods, and by the Hammer of Thor, these mirrors fashioned by the Dwarves of old shall not break but reflect back the evil sent to me! As I will, so must it be! "

Protection Device # 2 Draw the ci rcle of protection a n d face north . Visua l ize

the m i g hty Hammer of Thor floati ng i n front of you . It i s massive and rad iati ng power l i ke a nuclear power p lant . See it beg i n to wh irl around the outer peri meter of you r protective ci rcle . It wh i rls faster and faster. Then it goes faster than even your eye can see . It is creati ng a protective vortex around you that not even the worst Spi rits dare test !

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VI Diaries

It's sa id that everyone dreams i ncluding an i ma ls . Some fol ks reca l l thei r dreams vividly whi le others only recal l a sl i ght haziness . Some fo l ks dream i n brig ht colors and other dream i n black and white . It's a lso been said that many (especia l ly those who are bi - l i ngual ) d ream i n another language whi le others d ream only in thei r native tongue. The fact remai ns that everyone d rea ms.

Why do we dream? That's a good question but I overheard a speaker say that many years ago, a series of dogs were tested to see if they d rea m . The concl usion was that an i ma ls and defi nitely dogs do i ndeed drea m . What they dream about is anyone's g uess . However, the speaker went on to say that this particu lar "dream i ng dog" study found that if the dogs were deprived of d rea m i ng , they d ied with massive ulcers . Th is caused the researchers to hypothesize that one of the physio log ical reasons that we dream is due to rel ieve stress and pent u p frustrations. If we d idn 't dream , we'd become i l l and poss ib ly d ie .

It's been sa id by Occu ltists that on ly one in twenty dreams deal with any k ind of precognition . Thi s seems l i ke such a smal l amount of prophetic re lations but more l i kely the rea l reason is because so few people are g ifted i n clairvoyance . There is a way to turn th i s around thoug h ; this calls fro keeping track of you r d rea ms. The easiest way to do this i s v ia a Dream Diary .

A Dream Diary is s imple enough t o construct. Any pad of paper can serve th i s function . I suggest a three ri ng b inder using recycled notebook paper. Or, if you prefer be i ng fancy you can pick up a regu lar d ia ry at any booksel ler chai n for a few dol lars . You can color it, draw s ig i l s/seals , and do whatever else your l i ttle occu lt heart des i res to do but you rea l ly shou ld consecrate and ded icate it to the use of logg ing i n your dreams, whether they're p leasant or not.

How do you use th i s book? Keep i t by the bed next to a sma l l lamp and pen . When you wake after a dream , s i mply write down as many of the notes that you can concern i ng the dream i m med iate ly .

Don't tarry by fi rst go i ng to the bathroom because you wil l notice that the perti nent i nfo wi l l beg i n sl i pp ing from your m ind and then you'l l only have bits & pieces to log down .

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You beg i n l ooki ng back over the d ream and try to wri te a qu ick sum mary of the deta i ls. Next, you look for sym bols . These can be in the form of many thi ngs. Let's say you saw fifteen b lue cand les burn ing i n a room. The color and number of candles are more s ign ificant than that of the scene itself.

Beg i n to take note of shapes, sizes, colors, smel ls , fee l ings, amounts, and other such i nd icators . If you dream of people, note the clothes they wear, thei r speech patterns, habits, or a ny odd si ngu larities . Compare your sym bols with what you learn in the occu lt world and make referenced notes later.


As i mportant as a Dream Diary real ly is , a Ritual Diary i s just as i m porta nt - i n fact, more so i n my op in ion . The main d ifference i n these two d iaries is that one i s used for the subjective i mpressions you receive whi le s lu m bering and the other is used to record objective events as you create them .

It's si mp le to keep a Ritua l Diary and this should not be neg lected . How e lse a re you going to know what does and doesn't work for you r magics? You cannot possib ly remember al l the deta i l s and facts of every ritual you perform - unless you a re so lazy that you perform only one ritual a year !

Check out the Ritual Log Index which I 've used many ti mes. I created th is for a way to measure my success and to keep score on my workings . It's been kept s imple so you don't have to worry a bout a l l k inds of nonsense .

Fi rst we start by fi l l i ng out the date, ti me and l u nar phase of the moon . Next, we fi l l i n the astrological factors . These a re which s ig ns the moon i s pass ing throug h and which aspects pertai n to that ritual hour. This i nformation can be gotten from any good astrolog ica l notebook or ca lendar and even a g ood ephemeris .

Next is the ritual 's purpose, for whom the ritual is done and the ritua l 's location which are al l self-explanatory . Fi l l in a l i ttle weather i nfo : tem perature & baro m etric p ressu re

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read i ngs. Fi l l i n you r mood and the moods of the partici pants ( if a ny other than you) . Now ci rc le the number of the l evel of energy you feel on a sca le of one to n i ne . You can do th is prior to or after an energy i nduction rite . Fact is, you'l l NEVER feel 100% every ti me you do ritual .

Now l i st the i ng red ients used : colors and number of candles used ; o i ls, i ncenses, herbs/roots and powders . You many need to use more than one of each powder, i ncense, o i l and herb in a rite . List them . If you use washes and/or sprays, l i st them a l so . List any psychic l i n ks (ha i r, p icture, fi ngerna i l c l ipp ings, etc . ) belong i ng to you or the i ntended receiver.

Note the ritua l performed . This shou ld coi ncide with the Purpose above such as do ing a Money Drawi ng r itual for needed rent. Note any music you use a nd this i ncludes chants . Li st al l of the deities and/or sp i r its evoked or i nvoked . Describe any s ig i l s, sea ls or runes used a nd on what.

Did you do a prior d iv ination to see if the ritual was warranted to beg i n with? If you did and the d iv ination suggested to not doi ng a ritual but you went on and d id a rite a nyway, note th is . You'l l want to refer back to it later.

Now, note the ritual performance . How wel l d i d you pu l l it off? Was there as much energy flowing as you 'd l i ked? Did you feel the gods or spi rits actua l ly came? Were there any fee l ings duri ng the ritual such as worry, fear, rel ief, happiness, ga iety? Write l ater the end resu lt . If the ritua l is to be done repeatedly, you can stap le severa l pages together.

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Suggested Ritual Log Format

Date I I Ti me : a m/pm Moonphase : Wax Wan N ew Fu l l

Astrolog ical Factors _______________ _

Purpose : ___________________ __

For Whom : __________________ _

Location : ___________________ _

Tem perature : _____ _ Barometer : ______ _

Pe rsonal Mood : _________________ _

Participants : _____________ ___: ____ _

Energy Levels : 0 1

6 7

Ritual Ingredients





4 5

Candle Colors : _________________ _

Oi l s : _____________________ _

Incenses : ___________________ _

Herbs/Roots : __________________ _

Powders : ___________________ _

Washes : ____________________ _

Ta l ismans/Seals : ________________ _

Psychic Li nks : _________________ _

Type of Ritual Performed : _____________ _

Mus ic : ______ ______________ _

Di eties/Spi rits contacted : _____________ _

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Sig i l s/Runes : __________________ _

Prior Divination : _________________ _

Ritual Performance : ________________ _

End Resu l t : ___________________ _

Fina l Outcome (Determi ned at l ater ti me ) :

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VII Timing

As my late friend Pau l sa id , "In magic, timing is EVER YTHING! " Whi le this i s true, many people don't take ti m ing i nto considerat ion . And wh i le i t is true that the stars a re on ly gu ides which therefore do not d ictate our l i ves, my o ld friend & mentor Ron Parshely sa i d , "The stars only IMPEL they do not compel"

Ron a l so taught me an i mportant ana logy : "Doing Occult work at the right time is like swimming in a river WITH the current; if you choose not to do your occult work at the best times, then you 're like someone in a canoe paddling upstream in that river; it can be done but it takes that much more energy to accomplish the goal! " Make sense? I thought so !

In my eyes, the best ti mes I 've fou nd to conjure Spi rits is i n the Lunar (Moon) hour. Why? Because the Moon ru les evocations. However, if necessary, the Spi rits can be evoked a nyti me . I personal ly p refer the nightti me as there are fewer d i stractions to i nterrupt my thoughts .

Also, try evoki ng your Sp i rits duri ng the proper Lunar phase and without any Moon squares showing up. This i nfo can be found i n any good astro log ica l date book or ca lenda r .

I've found that Lunar squares can rea l l y screw up an otherwise good rite . [ If you 're l i ke me, then screwi ng u p makes you want to a l m ost g ive u p ! ] My second cho ice i s d uri ng a Mercu ria l hour a nd thi s is because Mercury g overns a l l mag ica l works.

Lunar Uses in Ritual

Fi rst Quarter (Wax ing ) : The rig ht portion of the Moon i s i l l um i nated .

Fu l l Moon : When the Moon reaches the exact opposite of the Sun; total i l l u mi nation

Last Quarter (Waning ) : The left portion of the Moon i s i l l um inated .

New Moon : When the Sun & Moon are i n conjunction ; total darkness .

The Moon is a s ign-post which i ndicates the preva i l ing d i rection of the Life-force, the reproductive energy that an imates a l l l iv ing th ings ; plant, an imal or humans.

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5 1

When the Moon i s waxi ng , life-energy o n Earth i ncreases . When the Moon is wan ing , life -energy i s decreasing . The wax ing phase is used to activate, vita l ize o r i ncrease . The wan i ng phase i s uti l ized to banish or decrease .

For spel ls i n which it's desi red to ga in or bu i l d up someth ing { love, money, popu lari ty, job or position acqu i ri ng , etc. ) the spe l l SHOULD be done i n the Moon's wax i ng phase, from New to Ful l .

Zodiac Attributes









Aries creativity Leo Sag ittari us

Taurus Vi rgo Capricorn

Gem i ni libra Aquarius

Cancer Scorpio Pisces

Aries Cancer Li bra Capricorn

Tau rus Leo Scorpio Aquarius

Motivation & Common Characteristics

Spiritua l ardor, courage,

enthusiasm, rashness, zea l spontaneity

Physical cauti on, conservatism, dependabi l ity , possessiveness, practical ity, re l i abi l ity

Menta l a lertness, curios ity, log ic, expression of ideas, perception, i nte l lectual .

Emotional psychism, receptiv ity responsiveness, sensitiv ity subjectivity

Common Characteristics

Action, d rive, i nitiative ,motivation

Determi ned, persistent, stabi l ity, se lf- re l iant

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M UTABLE Gem i n i Vi rgo Sag ittarius Pi sces

Adaptabi l ity, change, flexi b i l ity , versati l ity


There may be ti mes when you need to perform certa in rituals accord ing to the Moon 's transit in a certa in sig n . Th is i s desirabl e s i nce some s igns have certa in attri butes that are more desi rable to the practiti oner .

What fol lows is samples l i sti ng of some of the th ings the Zod iac s igns a re reputed to be ab le to hel p cause. Working them p roperly thoug h is another matter . Astro log ica l Sorcery • Aries: War, destruction, chaos, revenge, martial

campa ig ns • Taurus: Money, fi nance, va luable possessions, wealth • Gemini : Com mun ication, letters , lecturi ng , debating • Cancer: Al l household & domestic problems • Leo: Authority, judg ment, publ i c rel ations, people i n power • Virgo: Physica l hea lth & hea l i ng • Libra : Marriage, love , friendshi ps, lawsuits • Scorpio: Thefts, legacies, ag reements, necromancy • Sag ittarius: Drea ms, v is ions , trance • Capricorn : Honor, fame, ran k, awards • Aquarius: Fi nancial affa i rs of those i n power • Pisces: Pri son, ex i le, ban ishm ent, restrai nt, confinement.

Mag ic done for th is l ist is best done by people who have the i r strongest aspects ( Sun or Moon) in the appropriate s ig ns . Also appropriate when done with the Sun or Moon i n the appropriate s ign .

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Planetary Sorcery

Sun - color : yel low or go ld

Success, vita l i ty, wi l l , wishes, power, leadersh i p, v igor, ego, mascu l i ne pri nci p le . Creativity, authority, new money .

Moon - color : si lver or white

Fluctuation, secrets, magic, d ream d ivi nation, domestic, changes, i n itiations, i nsti nctua l , i mpressionable, nourish ing , receptiv ity, fem i n ine pri nciple, fecundity, response, evocations.

Mercury - color : orange

Com munication, express ion, adaptab i l ity, i ntel lect, perception, self-expression, a lertness, thoug ht, ski l l , dexterity, trave l , news, Sorcery or l ow magic .

Venus - color : green

Association, harmony, attraction, cohesion, ease, love, p leasure, affection, m i l dness, decoration, marriage, sensual ity .

Mars - color : red

Energy, i n itiative, vengeance, action, aggression, courage, construction/destruction, passion, i ndependence, a mbition, force, d i sci pl i ne .

Jupiter - color : bl ue

Expansion, benevolence, vis ion, abundance, devotion, protection, opti mism, justice, prosperity, generosity, business, organ izations .

Saturn - color : black

Contraction, system , l i m itation, reconstruction, trad ition, prudence, framework, crysta l l i zation, persistence, delay, separation, restra i nt, b ind ing, cursi ng/hex ing .

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Any potion or specia l i ncense can be composed for mag ical usage by the fo l low i ng s i mple formula : choose one, three or n i ne herbs which fa l l under the i nfluence of the p lanet or s ign involved . Com pound it when the Moon is waxi ng i n that sig n or p lanet.

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VIII Sorcerous Use of Crystals a. Stones Crysta ls are a very powerfu l tool in the hands of a

competent Sorcerer. They can be used for everyth ing from energy mani pu lation to trapp ing spi rits . They a lso can absorb energy and d ispense it very wel l .

When selecti ng a crysta l to use i t doesn't matter i f i t i s c lear or m i l ky quartz nor does its shape make much of a d ifference . The best advice i s buy someth i ng that feels l i ke it i s i n harmony with you . It shou l d feel l i ke an extens ion of yourself .

Crysta l s emit a pecu l iar type of energy. However, it is the i r ab i l ity to amp l ify energ i es and that's why Sorcerers are fond of crysta ls . For i nstance , when you poi nt a crystal at som eth i ng and then focus a beam of concentrated w i l l and energy throug h i t, the bea m is then mu lt ip l ied by the crysta l l i ke sunl ight throug h a magn ifyi ng glass. The metaphysica l rea son for this is that the crystal i s a l iv ing thi ng and its energ ies v i brate i n frequencies we have only begun to d iscover .

To beg i n working with crysta ls, you should select one . Cleanse it with salted water that has been consecrated , dry i t off and put it i nto a p i le of d irt to earth any residual energ ies . Next, place it i n a pouch on a thong and wear it a round your neck , or wherever you fee l best on your body, for seven to ten days so it can adjust to your body's natura l vibrations. When not normal ly i n use, it's best to store the crysta l in a wooden box that has a lso been consecrated l i ke the Sorcerer,s Box (see ad in back of book) .

Beg i n by ho ld ing the crystal i n your power hand and poi nti ng it in the d i rection i n which you wish the energ ies to go . Ground and center yourself. Menta l l y d i rect the energy to g o out your arm , through your hand, i nto the crysta l ad out i nto you r target . Picture it as a beam of i ntense energy m uch l i ke a laser beam . Bri ng in your favorite science fiction character's phasor or what have you . Feel the energy pu lsate i n you r hand as you are do ing this wh i le i n your mind 's eye see the energy h it the target.

Aside from using a crysta l to d i rect energy, i t can a lso be used to d raw sea ls and sig i ls i n the a i r, energ ize tal i smans and even a lter the fabric of d i mensiona l space by open ing a

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porta l to other rea l ms/planes ( a l be it th is i s DEFINITELY NOT FOR TH E BEGINNER) .

To consecrate an object, such as a crysta l , g ris-gris bag or anyth ing e lse, turn back to Chapter 2 for fu l l i nstructions on how to do this.

You can u se d ifferent energ ies for d ifferent pu rposes and I 've found l i ttle d ifferences in the i r tota l effectiveness when using a standard quartz crysta l . You can use p lanetary energ i es, e lementa l , deity energy, chakra energy, etc . The most i m portant poi nt here is to not forget to i m bu e the energy beam with you r i ntent!


Another techn ique i s the traci ng and drawing s ig i l s and seals of spi rits and p lanets ( i . e . from kameas) . To conjure forth a spi rit you trace the spi rit's s ig i l i n the a i r i n front of you hopefu l ly whi le you are enclosed in your protect ive ci rcle ! Then chant the spi rit's name properly ( if you need i nstruction on chanting , see the chapter on such ) .

To uti l i ze the crysta l 's a mp l ifi ed energ ies for sea ls, you si m ply trace the kamea for the appropri ate p lanet with a one word desi re in m i nd . For i nstance I traced a sig i l from the Rose Cross that meant "chang e . " To use it, I traced the seal i n the a i r i n front o f m e , made i t g row la rge to match m y he ight a nd stepped i nto it . To use on someone else, I traced it i nto the a i r as mentioned previously , wi l l ed it to go to the person I v isual ized and g row to match the i r heig ht and fi na l ly I w i l l ed i t to drop down over them l i ke d ropping a b lanket over them .

You can a l so use you r crysta l to trace pentag ra ms as wel l . I use pentagrams & hexag ra m s for openi ng porta l doorways into other d i mensions. How do you do th is you ask? Get seated as comfortably as possib le with in your ci rcle i n front of your a ltar . Trace an i nvoki ng pentagram of spi rit fi rst, then the des i red e lementa l pentag ra m d i rectly over the spirit's pentagra m .

Now visual ize the pentagram growi ng l arger a n d larger in front of you . It should open as a doorway and from other side sh i nes a bri l l i ant l ight . The l i ght's color w i l l genera l ly reflect the rea l m of the e lement such as yel low for a i r; bl ue for water ; red for fi re ; and brown for earth . Now e ither stand up and step i nto the doorway or send for your fetch (astral body) a nd you 're off.

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Stone Sorcery

Stones a re g reat tools for Sorcerers but they have severe l i m itati ons . A stone's best feature is i ts abi l ity to reta i n energy. Li ke a battery can store electricity for later use, a stone stores Sorcerous energ ies for l ater use as wel l . The ir v i brations are s low so you must "wake them up," so to speak .

When I choose a stone, I l ook at its textu re, color and particu lar harmonic v ibration . When you can't decide what kind of stone to use, Lodestone i s an a l l -purpose battery . Why? I t a l ready has the mag netic properties with in i t and i nfusi ng it with wi l led energ ies only i ncreases i ts powers . It's a l so a g reat com panion to q ua rtz crysta l s ! A good idea i s to keep a hunk of lodestone i n your personal power bag at a l l ti mes to strengthen the bag 's effectiveness .

Another g ood stone to use i s Fl i nt. This stone has properties that neutra l i ze negativity . I u se Fl i nt to zap headaches, fevers, hot spots and psychistic headaches . It too shou ld be kept i n you r power bag . It's a lso a wonderful stone to use in Uncross i ng ritua ls .

Pyrite i s the next usefu l stone (actua l ly it's a m inera l ) to consider. It can be used i n two ways : fi rst, as a su itable substitute for money/go ld i n wea lth rites ; second , it can ca l m fool i shness and g idd i ness.

Rose Qua rtz and Amethyst are ideal for heal i ng . Rose Quartz absorbs (empathica l ly) destructive energ i es in the aura whereas Amethyst w i l l neutra l ize the negative and destructive energ ies on the spot. To use e ither stone for heal i ng , stand the i l l person up or use you r staff as a s it- i n (see chapter on Too ls for how to use your staff th i s way) . Next, use you r senses a long with your inner i ntu it ion and pi npo int the sou rce of negative energy. Then take your stone m i neral or crysta l and place it on the " i nfected" a rea . Note : if you're us ing Rose Quartz, you can wi l l the energ ies i nto the stone but if you 're us ing Amethyst, s imp ly wi l l i ts energ i es i nto the affected area .

I've found that Tiger's Eye is the best stone to store excess energ ies for l ater use. Th is stone can absorb enormous a mounts whi l e on ly a l l owing a m inute a mount to d ra in away. It is a very good battery stone.

Hematite is good for Saturn ian i nfluences ( i . e . Hexing ) . Use th i s stone on ly i n those contexts . It can b e u sed to sh ie ld

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oneself from a mag i cal attack. I have yet to fi nd any practical and positive uses for this stone .

Apache Tea rs a re usefu l to help wal k i n other worlds . These can be employed i n rites of assistance to enter the astra l rea l ms . You need only charge a handfu l of them and then p lace each one at the hours ( i . e . l i ke a clock) just i ns ide your ci rc le. You'l l need twelve a ltogether for th i s purpose .


The use of magnets i n your ritua l practi ces may seem odd to you but there are many of us Sorcerers who use them . In Stone Sorcery I expla i ned the uses for Lodestone which is a natu ra l form of mag net. However there are uses for ceramic mag nets i n ritua l practices .

For i nstance, you can use them with Rad ionic patterns (see the pattern i n the append ix for Candle Workings ) . This pattern i s very effective when used for Candle Mag ic Rites . S i mply place the object cand le i n the midd le , place d i me-sized ceramic magnets a round the outer peri meter but i nside the smal ler ci rcles . By the way, you can get these mag nets at just about a ny arts and crafts store .

As you place the mag nets inside the smal ler c i rcles, reverse the i r polarities so that you get a + - + - + - setup . Th is w i l l balance the magnetic energ ies wh ich you w i l l i nvoke .

What happens i s the mag net's current flow a round the candle w i l l cause a fie ld effect sort of l i ke a mag ical electromag net m inus the electri city and thi s energy is most powerfu l on the astra l p lanes . It is best to use either g l ass, ceramic, wood or brass candle holders so to not i nterfere with the magnetic fi e lds.

I 've found that usi ng th is s ituation i n combination with a loaded g reen Money Drawing candl e anoi nted with Mag net O i l works best for d rawing i n money. Cand l es can a l so be left a l one to burn down completely as the magnets conti nue to actively assist the candle's efforts .

Mag nets a re a lso used i n hea l i ng today. In Germany, some physicists and doctors have col l aborates to use a new heal i ng techn ique ca l led "mag netic therapy . " What they are attempti ng to do is i ncrease b lood flow i n restricted a reas due

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to a n i njury or blood clotting . Although the work is not conclusive , you can experi ment with this yourself.

Un less you have access to some powerfu l (gauss) , paper th in magnet sheets, I suggest you contact a manufacturer l i ke N i kken for the i r Kenko pad . Th is is an excel lent way to a l leviate pa i n (over a period of ti me) and hel p regenerate ce l l s wh i le i ncreasi ng blood flow . Remember that th is i s research on ly and NOT med ica l advice .


Another th i ng to try is to obta i n a smal l electromagnet kit ( Edmund Scientific Company has them) to put on our a ltar for empowerment ritua ls . The energy g iven off from the EM (e lectromagnet) can be used to aug ment your powers . I borrowed an EM from a friend and tried i t for several days with very i nteresti ng resu lts . It's d ifficult to p i npo int exactly how the resu lts wi l l come out but it's a n exce l lent experi ment to try .

One last th i ng you may want to try, I read about an author's experimentation i nvolving certa in devices such as a Jacob's Ladder, Testa Coi l , Van DeGraff Generator, etc. to i ncrease the static amount of e lectri cal energy with in h is ritua l cham bers. He cla ims (for what it's worth to you) that this i ncreased amount of energy can be used for what I ca l l Hyper­Magic .

Hyper-Mag ic i s where you get such an i nflux of energy i nto a specific area that you fee l l i ke you are overload i ng . Now th i s situation i s dangerous but with a com petent Sorcerer or better sti l l , a group of competent Sorcerers, the wi l l ed effects of Hyper- Mag ic could be astonishi ng !

It's also been suggested that certa i n sound frequencies from old synthesizers, org ans and tone generators can have profound affects on the Sorcerers espec ia l ly when used i n comb i nation with a Hyper-Mag ica l condition !

You may want to delve i nto o ld science magazi nes, as wel l as contact those electronic buffs who have a penchant for wei rd stuff and see what you cou ld use i nside your ritual chamber.

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IX Candle Sorcery

A sol i d colored cand le when l it g ives off a vi bration conducive with its color . Th is works when the ca ndle has been consecrated (see chapter on Consecration) prior to its ritua l use. By doi ng this, you a re saturating the candle with a specific v ibration . This v ibration which i s the want of a desi red resu lt to happen must be in sync with the candle's color . Why? If you use the wrong tool for the job, you may get the job done but it's l i ke trying to use a pai r of p l iers to take off a rusted nut - lots of wasted effort and the probabi l i ty of maki ng the nut no longer usefu l . Below is a l i st of specific candle colors a nd the i r associations.

Color Associations • White : used for a l l positive ritua ls ; a lso to u ncross • Red : used for passionate l ust rather than romantic love. Use in hea l i ng , vita l i ty and energy rites . • Pink : used for romantic l ove and procuring friendsh i ps . • Blue : used for peace, protection a nd tranqui l i ty . • Yellow : used for joy, happiness and removi ng depress ion . • Green : used for money, ferti l ity , g rowth and l uck. • Purple : used for power and force . Lends greater force . • Orange : used for vita l i ty and happiness . Hea l i ng l ove affa irs . • Brown : used for materia l ization of a goal , l uck and speed . Has no sp i ritual function whatsoever. • Black : used for hexing, negativity and cursing . Also used for banishment.


Used as a ltar candles for ritual s where you wish to i nvoke Holy forces especia l ly i n rituals of Uncrossing . You can get b lack cross cand les & these a re used for Unholy rites.

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6 1


These a re usua l l y 1 . 5 x 9". They're less expensive than the seven day variety . They come in a variety of colors . Use these i f you're on a tig ht budget . Si mply mark off a notch every 1 a nd 1/3" on the length to ti me it to about seven days and then burn only one notch da i ly .

Seven or Fourteen Day Glass Jars

Use these when money permits . Save the jars as they can be refi l l ed if you buy a double boi ler, candle wax, paraffi n and dye. You can then custom-make your own candles by add i ng herbs, roots, ta l ismans, etc . Depend i ng on the qual ity, these cand les can burn as long as two weeks or as short as twenty­four hours ! Anoi nt them on top rather than the s ides.


Most people use these in clear g lass holders . They last an average of fifteen hours but are not preferred when doing mag i c due to the i r wei rd burn ing schedu le . They do in a p inch or an emergency and they're al l you have ava i lab le .

One Shots

These are the l ittle . 5 x 6" candles that are perfect for one shot ritua ls . The problem with them i s that they a re very d ifficult to load . To overcome this, I use two to three candles for the i ntentions, astra l , etc. This causes more pre p work but the resu lts are better than just using one by itself with lesser effect. * * * Prep Work

Once you have the size and colors worked out for the rite , you need to go about consecrati ng each candle to the specific d uty it's to perform . Once you 've performed thi s aspect, you next load the cand le .

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This i nvolves a m essy procedure whereby you hol l ow out the bottom of the cand le with a sharp knife or exacto knife to a depth of just about a ha lf an i nch. Load it with suitab le herbs that match the cand le 's i ntention . Once you 've done this, s imply dri p some hot candle wax over the herbs to sea l shut the cavity . Let dry and p lace i n its holder.

In the case of seven day cand les, you can easi ly sl i de out the cand le , pour the herbs i n the bottom of the jar and re­i nsert the cand le back into the jar. Use no more than V2" of powdered he rbs i n the bottom of the jar.


This i s merely rubbing o i l on the candle . Hold the cand le by the base ; ano int the top half by starting at the center of the candle and rubbing u p to the wick with oi l on your hand . When fin ished, s imply fl i p over and ano int the bottom ha lf by starting at the center and ano inting down toward the base .

You can use a second oi l on a cand le . Anoint w ith one completely that's been chosen carefu l ly for the main purpose of the ritua l and then anoint over the fi rst with the second oi l . What you are doi ng i s modify ing the energ i es with extra o i l s . Also i n you r m i nd 's eye focus on the i ntent of the cand le wh i l e anointing i t a nd come u p with a si mple but effective chant to hel p focus yourself.

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Simple Anointing A Cindie


This is done when you a re either hex i ng somebody or go ing to com pel them to do someth i ng . You ano int the candle by ho ld ing it w ith one hand and g rasp i ng it with the other hand (that's o i led ) , and twi st u pward toward the top in a screwi ng motion . When fi nished , wash hands i mmediate ly ! It's h igh ly recom mended that you use rubber g l oves if you have to use evi l oi l on a candle ! Twisti ng is pri mari ly used on a purple cand le with either a com pel l i ng o i l recipe or the Bend Over reci pe .


This is where you use a rusty o ld nai l that's been consecrated and si m ply etch the name of the pa rty the cand le i s for onto i t . You can a lso use runes, s ig i l s, sea ls, etc. on the cand le's s ide . Many practit ioners use thei r name or the i ntent of the cand le spe l led out i n a mag ica l scri pt.

Many ti mes a l l it takes is one jumbo candle burned equa l ly for seven days for the i ntention to come to fru iti on . Al l ow your candles to work a nd do not worry about them or

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the end result . It's been sa id that the i nfamous magic ian Aleister Crowley sa id "practitioners shou ld not l ust for the result . " Forget a bout it once the r itual 's done.


Many practitioners wi l l set the i r a ltar near thei r telev ision so they can sub l im ina l l y see the purpose of the rite and as a genera l rem i nder. If you can 't a l l ow you r cand les to burn for seven days stra ight, then do your rites i n the proper p lanetary hou r each day duri ng the proper l unar phase .

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X Tools It Sypplies To pract ice the Art of Sorcery, you need only a bare

m in i mum of essentia ls . Whi le un l ike the practice of Magick, Sorcery rel ies on focal poi nts such as i ncense, potions, ta l i smans, etc. to i mbue with your magica l wi l l . Th is a l lows these foca l poi nts to ga in that which you desi re . One does not need anyth i ng to practi ce mag ic but an i ron clad wi l l , fevered emotional d rive and a concentrated effort.

One a rea you wi l l need to cover is that of obta in ing some basic tools . Every Sorcerer needs an a ltar. Th is can be a tab le , van ity, dresser, record crate, m i l k crate, n ightstand, end tab le , buffet, etc . A l l that is needed i s that the surface be fl at and re latively clea n . Its co lor doesn't matter a l l that much but you sti l l shou l d pick up some basic b lack materia ls for use as a c loth to lay over it though . Th i s c loth doesn't need to be fa ncy e ither. You can u se an old bed sheet, dye it black, cut it and s i m ply stitch hem a round the fou r edges.

Now, obta in six basic cand le holders, a smal l meta l d ish to use as a censer and two sma l l chafi ng d ishes to use for sa lt and water. These w i l l be the start of a basic altar setup . I n ceremonia l mag ick, the wizard i s told to obta i n the fou r a ltar tools : dagger, wand, cup and pentacle . These represent the fou r e lements . In Sorcery th is is not necessary . The Sorcerer works between the worlds and i s not do ing H igh Mag ick. The Sorcerer is worki ng m u ndane mag ic to affect the physica l l i fe p lanes.

Other items you wi l l need a re a good supply of herbs, roots, resi ns and some essentia l and occu lt o i ls . Qua l ity in this area i s rare especia l ly if you buy the pre- manufactured reci pes l i ke Money, Love, etc . The qual ity is s i m ply not to be trusted un less you make it yourself. Most manufacturers of these items cut the amount of the i ngred ients to save money and as a resu lt, you (the consu mer) get a p iss poor product.

How can you expect to manifest $ 10,000. 00 with i ncense that cost $ 1 . 50??? R ight ! You must thi nk l i ke a professional mechanic, physician, or musician . You are only go ing to be as good as you r tools . So i nvest some money a nd get the good stuff.

Some herbs and essentia l o i l s are outrageously expensive . What to do then? S imp le . When it comes to usi ng a reci pe that ca l l s for Rose o i l or Orange (Narol i ) oi l ,

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substitute the herb, i n this case rosebuds or orange peel . Good i ncenses need a fa i r a mount of o i l s to make them work wel l .

You can get away with purchasi ng some synthetic su bstitutes especia l ly when it comes to reci pes that i nvolve Musk, C ivet or Amberg ris as these a re essences from l iv ing thi ngs . Rose peta ls or buds can be su bstituted adequately especia l ly i n powder and incense reci pes. When it comes to making the oi l , you can get smal l quantities of essentia l o i l s for fewer a mounts and you need on ly a few d rops to rea l istica l ly affect the reci pe.

You need to assemble some of these i tems and shou l d purchase a s m uch i n b u l k quantity a s money w i l l a l low. You w i l l go throug h lots of suppl ies qu ickly, bel ieve me ! Especia l ly when you start do ing ritua l work for other people !

Tools In d iscuss i ng the selection and use of certa i n tools we

wi l l see how one can stock one's armory for prepa redness . I have included severa l too ls wh ich I use regu larly and have omitted the e lemental a ltar tools : athame/dagger, sword and wand to opt for somethi ng more si m ple and effective. Also, there abounds d ozens of books which have comp lete i nformation on the aforementioned tool s and thei r uses .

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Power Bag

This is a must for every Sorcerer! You can make one eas i ly by taki ng purple material and stri ng a nd sewing a pouch (done on a n ight of the Ful l Moon ) . Next you use the fol lowing recipe :

1 chunk lodestone

1 smal l quartz crystal

1 sma l l Tiger's Eye stone

3 T Five Finger Grass (C inquefoi l )

1/8 t ce lery seed

3 whole Bay leaves

1/8 t Ci nnamon

1 smal l Galangal

1/8 t Mugwort

7 rose peta ls

13 sma l l p ieces of rowan wood or berries

2 T Dog 's Grass


Place the herbs in your mortar and pestle . Grind them up as best as you can to a fine powder. Place hands over them and recite :

"Powers of Darkness, Powers of Light, I ca l l on thee on th is Fu l l Moon N ight ! Aid me as the Gods do tel l , to charge th is potion ful ly wel l ! "

Next, p lace the lodestone, Tiger's Eye and Quartz crysta l i nto the bottom of the bag . Now pour the herbal potion over these into the bag . Now you are go ing to spit i nto the bag , then b low a i r i nto it . Next l i ght a match and exti nguish it qu ickly by snuffi ng it in the herba l pot i on (tak ing care not to ign ite it ! ) in the bag . Consecrate it as outl i ned previously and wear . You can charge it u p from ti me to ti me by e ither placi ng it under a pyramid (co lor purp le or red) OR by p laci ng it i nside of a Sorcerer's Box .

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Using the Bag

Do an empowering rite every thi rd Fu l l Moon for it . Wea r at al l ti mes in your temp le or when practic ing your metaphysics . I t a lso can be used to store excess energy from su m moned ci rcles as wel l , ( i . e . ban ish ing the c ircle, s imply w i l l the ci rcle's energy i nto the b a g rather than d issipati ng i t back i nto the un iverse) . This way you store even more energy for l ater use than havi ng to reca l l a l l of that a l l over aga i n . If you shou l d be so un l ucky as to come under mag i ca l attack from someone, wear your bag to fortify your aura .

The Staff

A staff can be fash ioned from a dead or l ive l imb of a tree . It cou ld be a p iece of wooden ra i l i ng from a sta i r ra i l , a meta l pole, an orienta l bo staff or even a piece of PVC tubing . One popu lar version a mong New Age Crystal Worsh i ppers i s copper p i pes w i th the end caps soldered on a nd fi l led with other stones . A Sorcerer however w i l l probably use a fl ui d condenser sol i d such as a Power potio n . Just use heavy amounts of the correct herbs and get yourself some roug h stones and crysta l s . Tal ismans drawn on parchment can a lso be used effectively for stuffi ng down i ns ide thi s Copper Staff of Power. Use your i magi nation or better yet, ask the Spi rits what you shou l d put i nto it.

A more modern ( but less accepted ) approach is to use PVC pi pe tub ing . Many scoff at th is i dea of usi ng p lastic but I ask you : what i s p lastic made of? O i l ! Where d oes crude oi l come from? The Earth ! So w hat is the b ig sti n k about using plasti c? If the base material is from Mother Earth it should be okay to use i t, ri ght? So what i f it's a "refined product. Don't you refine wood ( i . e. fi n ish) it when making a wand or staff anyways?

The Staff shou l d be c lose to the exact heig ht of the Sorcerer. Pai nt it a basic black and pa i nt runes, sigi ls, sea ls, etc . , a l l over it to your hearts content. You may opt to not paint a nythi ng on it. Persona l l y, I l i ke m i ne made up so to make it a persona l statement and an extension of my personal ity .

Trad itiona l ly , the bottom o f t h e Staff was fitted with a meta l end p iece that was not only used for hiking but also as a weapon of defense . Use a good g rade of glue to adorn

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crysta ls, stones, etc . onto it . (Hint : My favorite g l ue is th is thi ck pasty shit ca l l ed PC* l l . You can get it at pretty much any hardware store . )

Using the Staff


The Staff can act l i ke an a ntenna by p lanti ng it fi rmly i n the g round and gri pp ing with both hands to w i l l energy i nto the Staff toward your goal ( l i ke a rad io station's sig na l ) . Th is ay you can a lso access i nformation from the Earth via nature spi rits, g nomes, etc, or d raw down energy and other i nformation from the cosmos.

A good use for the Staff is to use it as a "stand in" for someone . For i nstance , if you want to do a hea l ing rite for a sick friend but you'd rather not let you r friend know your occul t l ean i ngs, take The Staff and p lant it fi rmly in the g round as mentioned above. Now visual ize your friend stand i ng there in front of you and see The Staff as the spinal column for this friend . Perform your heal ing rite and project a l l the heal ing energ i es i nto the staff thereby send ing the energy ( l i ke the antenna) out to your friend .

The Staff can a lso defend you against baneful magi c by using i t to draw the Grand C ircle a round you and fortifying it with al l manner of pentag rams, hexagrams, or whatever. Ho ld The Staff level with the g round and ask it from whence comes th i s banefu l magic . Al l ow it to p ivot you with in your ci rcle by fol l owing your i ntu ition to whichever d i rection it wants to point. It w i l l point in the d i rection of the evi l especia l ly if held firmly in the left hand . It acts much l i ke a com pass when used this way. When the d i rection is found, use The Staff to create a vortex of powerfu l energ ies around you , you r property, and loved ones by whi rl i ng around with in you r ci rcle .

Recharge The Staff at l east once a month duri ng a Fu l l Moo n . Remember to invoke the name o f The Staff's Sp irit resid ing with in .

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XI Mag ical Mental Exercises

These exerci ses a re good for help ing to deve lop you r basic ski l l s of visual ization . You shou l d pract ice each one at l east three ti mes da i l y for at l east five mi nutes each t i me to get the fu l l effect of the focus .


As you go a long in our own development, you can either sort throug h other occu lt books l i ke Moun i Sadhu 's "Concentration : A Guide to Mental Mastery" or even Diane Mariech i l d 's "Mother wit. A Feminist Guide to Psychic Development"; both of which have lots of exce l lent meditation advice and exercises. Check out Enid Hoffman's book "Expand Your Psychic Skills " as wel l for a tone of i nformation on th is very subject .

* * * 1 ) Imag i ne some g ray m ist� l i ke energy i n front of you . Ci rcu late th i s energy and m ix with colored Elementa l energ ies one at a ti me . See the d ifferent hues get sharper a nd then softer . After a ti me, m i ng l e them all i nto one sol id color. Bri ng th i s energy i nto your own aura a nd swi rl the energy about you . Breathe th i s energy i nto your pores and hold it for a count of ten , then release . Do this three ti mes and relax .

2 ) Formulate a p la in ebony wooden box in the a i r i n front of you . Wi l l it to open without touch ing it . Notice its i nterior. W hat color i s it? Is there anyth ing i ns ide? Notice it for a m oment and then see a pure, clear q uartz crystal sphere i n the center o f the box . Notice the sphere pu lsi ng a s it beg i ns to em it energy. Al low some of th i s energy to enter you r brow's th i rd eye . Breathe energy i n for a count of s ix a nd relax .

3) Close your eyes and change your surroundings from the area around you to a pitch black e mpty space . Open you r thi rd eye a n d look a l l around you - up, down a n d side t o s ide. Now wi l l your th i rd eye to open to see the cosmos clearly ­q uasars, galaxies, suns, stars, p lanets, etc. Notice the longer you look at them, the clearer they become and the more of them there a re . Just s it and watch for as long as you need .

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See if you can make out any fam i l iar constellations . When fi n i shed, relax .

7 1

4) W i l l some Energy u p and ci rculate i t a l l about you r aura cou nterclockwise . Rea l i ze that you 're go ing back i n ti me . Soon you 'l l see a c irc le of sta nd i ng stones. It w i l l be a M i dsum mer's Solstice and the ce lebrants wi l l be worsh i pping there . J ust observe and know that they are aware of you r spi rit presence . Notice the i r gestures, mannerisms, expressions and what they say if you can understand the i r l anguage. When fi n i shed , return by swi rl i ng energy about you clockwise . When back, re lax . 5) Surround you rself i n a sphere of i nvisi b le cosmic energy . Now add sl i ght colors and hues s lowly . Be sure to change the colors gradual ly . Feel these colors as you wi l l them to change. What do your senses te l l you about them? What ki nds of smel l s do they have? What ki nd of touch i ng sensations do you get? Note your i m pressions then rel ax .

6 ) Formulate an Un icursal Hexag ra m (See Append ices) of Golden fi re i n front of you . Do not draw it, just w i l l it i nto bei ng . Wi l l it to tu rn on its axis s lowly . Notice its center and the points where the l i nes i ntersect. Shoot a p inpoi nt of l i ght from your thi rd eye i nto its midd le and put your thoug hts i nto it . This though can be anyth ing you want to come to pass. Relax & l et it dissi pate .

7 ) Form a s ix sided Hexagon of b lue i n front of you . Now add another side which turns it i nto a heptagon . Conti nue this u nti l you reach a twelve-sided , two d imensional geometric shape . Erase . Now start with a triang l e and add sides u nti l you reach a twelve-sided desig n again . Once you formulate the fin ished product, then p lace an eleven-sided figure ins ide the twel ve­sided one. Then place a ten-sided i nside the eleven-sided desig n and continue down unti l you have a triang le in the center. When fi n ished, relax.

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8 ) Surround your feet i n a go lden g low. Now colorize each toe a d ifferent color but let the rest of you r feet stay go ld . Now work on the rest of your body in the same manner . Formu late each color separately, feel the color there a n d note it. Rel ax .

9) See yourself i n an a ncient stone temple . See the temp le as a new structure ; what does it look l i ke? Now see it as cru mbled ru ins l i ke those in Greece and Egypt. Force the crumb led rema ins to become intact and l ook l i ke new agai n . D o this a lone with menta l power on ly . Don't ca l l any Spi rits to help you . Look up i nto the n i g ht sky and see the sta rs, the moon a nd the constel l ations. Now w i l l your a ltar to manifest i n the center of the temp le i n front of you and perform you r favorite charg i ng ritua l .

10 ) Pick a deity from a mythological pantheon . They can be from an African , Babylon ian, Assyrian , Norse, Celtic, etc . Beg i n pieci ng them together l i ke you 'd th ink they l ook . Take your ti m e . If they deity is a warrior, then notice his muscles, weapons, etc . After you've complete ly formu lated them , b low l i fe i nto the deity . See the i r eyes open wide. Speak the ir name a nd wi l l them to connect with you . Ask them what you wi l l then d i s m a ntle them before relaxing .

1 1 ) Fi nd a spot with a hole i n the groun d . Wi l l your astra l body d own i nto the hole . Go past the l ayers of soi l , sand and rock. See the center of the earth. What color i s i t? What feel i ng to do you get here? Notice gems, gold, s i lver and other precious m inera ls around you . This i s the rea lm of the Gnomes where you shou ld rema in respectfu l . Formu late a l ittle sphere of energy and i m preg nate it with your desire for fi nancia l security and then fi l l i t with Venusian love energy. Deposit the sphere on a vei n of go ld or d iamonds and depart. The Gnomes wi l l receive your package . Return and relax.

12) After recharg i ng your chakras from the trad itiona l root chakra movi ng u pwards, try th i s next step. When you are ready to re lease the Kunda l in i snake upwards , try spl itting the one snake into two ! Visual ize the snake as two smal ler serpents a nd l et them crisscross upwards as they sp i ra l a round your chakras . Th is wi l l resemble Hermes's Caduceus

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Wand . W i l l them to reach the seventh chakra at the same ti me .


1 3 ) Menta l ly bri ng i nto your m i nd someone who has a tra it or characteri stic you adm i re . Th is could be Linco ln for h is i ntegri ty, Ed ison for h i s i ngenuity or Ei nste in for h is bri l l i ant mathematica l ab i l ity . See h i m/her us ing the tra i t you wish to have . After a ti me, switch places a nd see yourself do ing just what they were doing, sayi ng, etc. When fin ished , re lax.

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XIII Tibetan Mental Train ing

This chapter I open my s incere thanks to the works of Franz Bardon . The man has done more to both i mprove the ski l l s of mag ic ians the world over and to bri ng up the i mage of occultism to a h i g her standard . Most of these exerci ses have been adapted from h is wonderfu l book : "Initiation into

Hermetics. " I don 't care if you're i nto Ritual Mag ic or not, th is book, if studied and used, w i l l increase your powers .

Years ago, a friend traded my copy for a copy of another author's book and she told me this about "In itiation

into Hermetics: " " Read this, practice this and become a God ! "

Bardon re l i es heavi ly o n doses of Theosophy, Mesmerism and heavy duty metaphysica l techn iques. The fi rst part you w i l l read about i s what he ca l l s " pore breath i ng . " It's a techn ique that I i ns ist a l l of my students learn , practice and use ! It is powerfu l and very easy to do . * * * Pore Breathi ng

Assume a comfortable position a nd a l l ow yourself to rel ax but not fa l l as leep. Not ice that not only are your l u ngs inhal i ng a i r but your who le body i s a l so i nha l i ng a i r l i ke a huge bellows . Feel the power of you r l ungs synchronously in tune with each pore of our body receivi ng the cosmic power of the u niverse from the a i r a round you .

Wi l l your body to act l i ke a d ry sponge which when it's d ipped i n water sucks i t u p g reed i ly . Inhale this energy and cou nt your breaths up to twenty-five . Now release the energy slowly back i nto the un iverse .

This techn ique can be used to charge a tal isman, visua l i zation or s imply g iven back to the Earth Mother herself.

It is suggested that you rel ease any energy you absorbed slowly at fi rst, then when you've had practice let it explode out from your pores .

Accumulating Cosmic Power

Assume you r position & beg in inhaling the universal energy i nto your being through your lungs and pores. Inha le greatly with each breath but do not exhale the energy; ONLY exha le the physical a i r from your lungs. Fill your power

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centers and then accumulate the universal energy u nti l you feel l i ke you 're go i ng to burst .


Make use of it by hold ing onto somethi ng and wi l l i ng the energy to slowly flow i nto the object. With each exha lation of breath, more of the energy that you absorbed flows out from your hands i nto the object.

You can a l so lay hands on someone who is i l l or s ick & as you exha le the Power, let it flow from you to them through you r hands . This is a tremendous hea l i ng techn ique.


Into Rooms: By accu mulati ng cosmic energ ies and p la nti ng thoug hts i n it ( happiness, l ove, depress ion, etc) , you can contro l the aura of a room .

Use the "explod i ng pores" method mentioned previously and visual ize the room's aura as being i mplanted by sh i mmery sparkles of l iv ing energy that are charged with your personal thoughts .

Into Talismans: You might charge a stone or r ing with a wish that whoever it should be favored by fortune and success or whatever you want. The re are two possi b i l iti es of do ing this and that is Fixi ng and Ti mi ng .

The fi rst method ca l led Fix i ng i s the conjuri ng and i mbu ing the cosmic power with a particu lar concept and then wi l l i ng it into a n object with a concentrated wish maki ng it such that the energ ies shal l rema in forever in the ta l i sman . Bardon says you can wi l l the energies that are to go i nto the ta l isman to conti nual ly regenerate themselves from the universal energ ies for the desired resu lts i mplanted by the concentrated wish for the wearer of the ri ng/ta l isma n .

Secondly, this can b e a ltered with Ti me Barriers, for i nstance as soon as the desi red result is obta ined, the tal i sman is lost, stolen or broken or when the person has passed on. Th i s way, you won't have rel i cs lyi ng around after you 've gone on that can become cursed .

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Transplanting Your Consciousness

Sit, re lax and fix your gaze on somethi n g i nani mate . Burn i nto your memory its size, shape, color and texture . Now i mag i ne you rself ( consciousness) bei ng transmuted i nto the object. Try to adopt a l l the properties of the object. You a re fastened to the spot and unab le to aba ndon it . Regard you r surround ings a nd gauge your rel ationsh ip to other objects a round you .

Once i nan imate objects are mastered , l ivi ng, an imate objects can be done . Trees, p lants, g rass, flowers, herbs, roots, etc, from the vegetable world a nd then i nsects and pests shou ld be experi mented with . Afterwa rds you shou l d move onto an i mals, bi rds a n d fish . Fi nal l y, i f you have the bal ls , try humans.

Us ing th i s techn ique on humans wi l l show that you can assi st people i n ridd ing themselves of u nwanted habits, personal depression, i l l ness, etc. Caution : Be ca refu l here as th is i s not on ly dangerous to thei r psyche but a l so to you r own . Need less to say D O NOT attempt th is on the cri m i na l ly i nsane.


Beg in pore breath i ng the cosmic energies i nto yourself. Fi l l up you r whole body with this i ntense energy . Imag i ne the energy penetrating through everyth i ng . Ti me and space i s noth i ng to th is pure energy. Feel its tension and penetrati ng powers . Accu mulate the l i g ht from your feet and hands up towards your head . Compress i t to such a d egree i nside both of you r eyes fi rst fi l l i ng one then the other. Imag i ne your eyes now have the cosmic power's qua l ities. Hold for a bout 1 0 mi nutes . Dissolve the cosmic energ ies back i nto its sphere of ori g i n .

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Thral ls ( i .e. Elementals or Servitors) In contrast to thoughts l iving with thei r forms in the

mental or spi ritual sphere, e lementals are entities with a certa in deg ree of i nte l l i gence, del i berately created by a Sorcerer. With the hel p of elementals the fol lowing rules shou ld be considered :

1 ) The Thra l l l has to be g iven form by the desi re of i ntense i mag ination

2) The Thra l l must be na med

3) The task has to be i mposed by sheer wi l l power and i mag i nation i nto the Thra l l



4) The Thra l l must be i nstructed on how long it is to work and restricted by what boundaries it has to work with

5 ) Decide whether the Thra l l is to be permanent or short term

It's a good idea to recharge the Thra l l every Fu l l Moon to keep its power from wani ng . This is done by ca l l i ng the Thra l l back by its name, recharg i ng it and then send i ng it off agai n . As soon as the Thra l l has achieved its task, i t wi l l d i ssolve back i nto its Thra l l orig ins .

Advanced Thral ls (re: Elementaries)

Accord ing to Bardon : "The chief d ifference between an elementa l and an elementary i s that the former i s com posed of only one particu lar element, whereas the e lementary is composed of two or more e lements . "

I n a l l actual ity, Thra l l s are composed of two e lements ; one o f the standard elements : a i r, earth, fi re or water and the other e lement is Sp irit ( re : Power) . There are fou r funda mental methods for creati ng an Advanced Thra l l :

1 ) Projection of one e lement i nto a ready mold regard less of the materia l

2 ) Project ion of severa l e lements i nto a ready mold which may be menta l , astra l or materia l forms

3 ) Projection of one e lement without any di rect form, which wi l l be produced by the element i n question

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4) The projection of severa l e lements, which w i l l be produci ng thei r own form , successively

Method One: Sphere


Take any object which you want to use as a house for the e lementary . For exa mple , let's use a sphere . The size or composition doesn 't matter . Usi ng our tra i ned i mag i nation, w i l l the e lement from the u niverse and fi l l the sphere with it . Treat each element you want, except sp i rit, the same way . For exa m ple if you use fi re, then the e lementary wou ld look l i ke a ba l l of fi re ; if water, a ba l l of g lass ; if a i r, a yel lowish swi rl i ng mist ; if earth, then a clay-colored mass . Name your creation . Draw the elementa ry out of the object and send it on to the task to be done. Remember to com mand the e lementary to d i ssolve back i nto the un iverse when the task i s com pleted o r com mand the e lementa ry to return to its respective e lements .

You can a lways keep check of an e lementary by usi ng a pendu lum to see if the critter has returned to the sphere . If it has, then the pendu lum wi l l v ibrate ; if not, then i t w i l l remai n sti l l . Technica l ly, there a re n o boundaries for a n e lementary a s both ti me and space are not a prob lem for them to overcome .

Be firm ly convinced that the e lementary wi l l execute your orders a nd wi l l with in the ti me you fixed without exception . Don 't let the s l ightest doubt enter your m i nd !

If your e lementary has not returned to the object with i n the prescri bed ti me or you feel your orders weren't completed satisfactory, just ca l l back the elementary and produce a more i ntense i maginary accu mulation of the e lements necessary and once aga i n send it off to fin ish the task. Th is can be done as many ti mes as necessary unti l the desi red effect is manifested .

Method Two: Dol l Housing

To make a dol l for housing an elementary, take 2/3 peat moss and 1/3 beeswax parts by volume, not weig ht. Sti r the peat moss with a l ittle warm water to make a thick pulp . Warm the wax s l ig htly and mix with the pulp. Knead wel l unti l

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mixed . (Note : if beeswax i s u navailable, substitute tal low, stea ri n , etc. )


Now form the shape of a human figure . Whi l e sti l l soft, take a large nai l or i ce p ick and push down the head to make a wide open ing . Beg i n with the head and move downward to the feet . In essence you are maki ng a spinal col u m n . Next, fi l l the •ong open i ng with a psychi c potion mixed with power herbs and then stopper wh i le i t's sti l l warm to prevent leaks .

If the e lementary i s to represent you , stop i t up w ith a piece of wool wh ich is soaked u p with a few drops of your b lood or sperm a long with some of your astro log i ca l herbs and a piece of paper with your fu l l name on i t .

Next, take the figure i n the left hand and rub gently w ith your right hand as if you wanted to an imate i t with your own cosmic power. B low you r breath on it as i f you wanted to resuscitate the l ifeless figure . Now na me it. Speak several ti mes to the figure . Baptize with consecrated water.

Accumulate the e lements one at a ti me by pore breathing and project it i nto the e lementary throug h the solar plexus. Earth a lways goes i n fi rst and load i t from the feet to the genita ls . Next, water is fi l l ed i n from the genita ls to the abdomen. Ai r fi l l s the chest cavity . F inal ly, fi re fi l l s the head .

Death of the Advanced Thra l l (re : Elementary)

Take the fig u re in your hand and i magine the usual breathi ng process of the astra l body with in it . Fee l the heart beati ng and pulse of blood throbbing . Now load you r right hand with cosmic energy of a black-violet color . Project the energy at the hea rt of the figure, l i ke a streak of l i g hten ing . By do ing so , you've k i l led the e lementary as the heart stands sti l l and the breathi ng stops.

Withdraw the menta l body from the figure because the bond between menta l and astra l body has been torn . Dissolve the mental body with the un iversal l i g ht l i ke steam evaporating into the un iverse .

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How Many Advanced Thra l ls are Needed?

Some Sorcerers have armies of Thra l l s as serva nts, do ing whatever the ir master orders them to do . Thus a Sorcerer m i g ht have his/her a rmy of Thra l l s poi nti ng every danger i n advance or protecti ng thei r master or seeking out knowledge and forward i ng messages back to h i m/her, etc . There a re many tasks you can assig n to these entities which are l i m ited only by your i mag i nation .

Compound Fluid Condenser

To a chieve materia l man ifestations, the fol low ing reci pe is suggested to be tried : Archangel herb, Sa l i va (you r spit) , Li me o i l , Cucu mber ski ns, Melon seeds, Acacia herb, Chamomi le herb, Li ly peta ls , Ci nna mon oi l , Mentha Pi perita , Poplar Leaves, Vio la Odorata flowers, Osier l eaves/ba rk, Tobacco leaves.


The reci pe shou ld have equa l amounts of each and be covered with cold spri ng water a nd only boi led thi rty m inutes, then stra i ned and boi l ed u nti l it is as thick as possi b le .

Add ten d rops to one-hundred g rams of go ld ti ncture i nto it . Add a few drops of both blood and sperm i nto it as wel l a nd then stopper a n d store i n a cool d ry p lace .

To make a qu ick but weaker go ld ti ncture, you 'l l need a cup of spri ng water and a sol i d go ld ( 14-18K wi l l do) ri ng . Boi l the water i n a Pyrex type pot then d rop the ri ng i nto the water. Let site for a moment and pu l l out with tongs . When the ri ng has cooled to room temperature ( i t won 't be too long ) , d rop it i n once aga i n to the sti l l bo i l i ng water. Repeat this process u nti l you have a bout 1/3 of an ounce of go ld t incture left in the pot. Pour i nto an amber colored bottle, stopper and store in a cool d ry place .

Conditioned Thought Astra l Projection

Seat yourself in front of a mi rror i n which you can fu l ly see yourself. Th ink about you r personal reflection completely for a few moments then close your eyes a nd visual ize your reflectio n . Vivid ly, see the deta i l s of your face as if your eyes were looki ng d i rectly i nto the m i rror. Next, transfer your consciousness i nto the mi rror's i mage in such a way that you feel l i ke you are rea l ly in it looking out the other side of the

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mi rror . Notice yourself sitti ng . Look around the room and see everyth i ng where it shou ld be . Now try walking around the room . Change the weig ht of your body and al low a i r to make you fly.

After you master th i s technique on the materia l p lane, try using i t to enter doorways i nto other planes. Always remember you a re in com m a nd and noth ing can harm you . If you meet some vicious entity, neutra l ize it!

Symbol for Entrance to the Astral Plane

Start using symbols of the Tattwas fi rst . Take fi re (Tejas) and gaze i nto it for a length of ti me. Close you r eyes and v isual ize it g rowi ng in size to form a doorway . Wi l l it to open . Step throug h and beg i n the journey .

Remember to mark the doorway or leave it open u nti l you return . Close the door after you 're fi n ished .

After you 've vis ited the e lementa l p lanes, try the sub­e lements. Next, try the I Ching Hexagra ms, H i nd u mandalas, etc. Don't forget to try the com mon symbols ( pentag rams, etc . ) and the Tarot tru mps.

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XIV Elemental Sorcery

The basics of the entire un iverse l i e on the pr inci ples of the e lements . Ai r, Earth, Fi re and Water a re the fou r trad i tional e l ements from the Western viewpoint. The Ch i nese subtract Earth a nd add Metal a nd Wood to round out the i r five e lements . We i n the west actual ly use five e lementa ls as wel l when w e add the e lement o f Spi rit to the classic four .

I fi rst started out in Sorcery by studying the fou r e lements a n d work ing i nd i vidual ly with the m . They a re raw forces and a competent Sorcerer can use them to mold whatever s/he d es ires . The Planetary , Zodiacal and even Spi rits themselves are a l l just d iv is ions of the elements . For example, Aries i s a subd iv is ion of Mars , the p lanet. Ma rs is a subd ivis ion of F i re . There a re spi rits that are of Aries, Mars and Fi re . But th is same theory holds fi rm for the other three e lements of Air, Water and Earth .

E lementa l Magic i s extremely powerfu l but dangerous too . H owever, I see no way to work a ny form of magic un less you l earn the elements . There are specifi c exercises on usi ng a nd connecting with the four e lements that al l Sorcerers shou l d use. Remember, you cannot have a tower bu i lt on sand ; you MUST bu i ld it upon a sol i d foundation . * * * Here fol l ows the basic attri butes of the Fou r E lements, the i r meditations & Mantras :

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Ai r Direction : East

E lementa l : Syl phs

Ru ler : Para lda (pronounced Pah·Rawi-Dah)

Tarot Su i t : Swords

Gender : Mascu l i ne

Stone : Amber

Force of Nature : Tornado

Tra it : Projective

Meditation :

Assu me a comfortable position . Close your eyes a nd i mag ine you rself to be i n the midd le of a mass of a i r which has fi l led the whole u niverse . You can't see the a i r but you can feel & hear it swi rl i ng about your body l i ke a m ighty rushi ng wind . You shou ldn't perceive any of you r physical surroundings other tha n a i r-fi l led space . Inhale the Ai r Element i nto yourself through your l u ngs and pores. With


each breath you're expa nd i ng l i ke a ba l loon . Combine this with the sensation that your body i s beco m i ng l i ghter than a i r itself. It shou ld feel l i ke you're floati ng on a cloud of a i r. Count seven to ten breaths and work up to fifty breaths.


"I a m Air, a Sylph & a child o f Paralda! "

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Di rection : North

Elementa l : Gnomes

Ru l er : Ghob ( pronounced Gobe as i n g lobe)

Tarot Suit : Pantacles

Gender : Femi n i ne

Stone : Obsid ian

Force of Nature : Landsl ide

Tra i t : Receptive

Meditation :


Assume a comfortable position and i mag ine the whole un iverse encompass ing you as the E lement of Earth . Do not i magi ne Earth lumpy clay, but as dense materia l l i ke top soi l . Smel l the pu ngent scent of loa m & fresh d i rt as it surrounds you . With each breath you take, the Earth Element g rows stronger around you & you beg i n to absorb it i nto you r bei ng . Feel the rocks & pebbles, the worms tryi ng to g et through & the roots of p lants & trees flowi ng through you . The specific properties are density and gravity . Start with seven to ten breaths & work your way up to fifty breaths .

M antra :

"I am Earth, a Gnome & a child of Ghob! "

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Di rection : South

Elementa l : Salamanders

Ruler : Dj inn (pronounced : Jeen)

Tarot Su it : Wands

Gender: Mascu l i ne Stone : Carnel ian

Force of Nature : Volcano

Tra i t : Projective



Assume a comfortable position and relax. Imag i ne yourself i n the middle of a flami ng , fiery bal l of i ntense heat which encloses the enti re un iverse . Inha le the e lement throug h you r nose and at the same ti me with your whole body. Breathe deeply and regu larly without pressing for a i r or stra in i ng your l u ngs. The fi re's heat is becoming hotter and more concentrated with each breath . Pressure is g rowi ng and the heat i s becoming white hot ! Begi n with seven to ten breaths and then progress to fifty .

Mantra :

"I am Fire, a Salamander, & a child of Djinn! "

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Di rection : West

E lementa l : U nd ines

Ruler : Nicksay (pronounced Neek-Sa h )

Tarot Suit : Cups

Gender: Fem i n ine

Stone : M oonstone

Force of Nature : Wh i rl pool

Tra it : Receptive


Meditation : Assume your comfortab le position . Imag ine the whole un iverse is l i ke a huge ocean a nd you're its center. Throug h each whole body breath ( l ungs and pores - see the chapter on Ti betan Mag ica l Practices on how to properly pore breathe) , you're bei ng fi l led with water. You shou ld feel the co ld of the water a l l throug hout you r whole body. As ti me prog resses you'l l perceive that you feel l i ke a lump of ice . Beg in with seven breaths a n d work up to fifty .

Mantra :

"I am Water, an Undine & a child of Nicksa! "

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XV Rituals Rituals a re lengthy spel ls that i ncorporate i ng red ients

a nd potions (foca l poi nts ) . These focal points are com bi ned with your desi re , i mag ination and wi l l to create or destroy . In and of themselves, they a re not worthwhi le un less you actua l ly perform the m . What I mean is that if you want a desi re to come to you , then you must do more than s imp ly rea d about a ritual ; you must perform it.

In essence, a spel l can consist of a s i m ple visua l i zation or chant whereas a ritual is a combination of chants, v isua l izations, potions, etc, to lend more oomph to the desi red effect.

If you are in need of brevity, then perform a spel l . If however you need more power, then you can do a q u ick version of a ritua l but that is watering down the desi red effect. You do th i s by choosi ng o i l and anointing a candle of the proper co lor, make a p lea to the attendant sp i rits of what you want and fi n ish . If the problem is more d i re you shou ld work a fu l l - scale ritual .

Rituals i nvolve severa l e lements :

1 ) Ingredients : o i ls, candles, i ncenses, psychic l i nks.

2 ) Creati ng sacred space, g round i ng and centering .

3 ) Ti mi ng : duri ng the proper Lunar phase, p lanetary hour .

4) Need : the matter must be of d i re need e lse a spel l i s suffi cient.

There are ti mes thoug h when you do a spel l and it won 't work, then you do a ritua l and sti l l no l uck. Why? There a re several reasons :

1 ) Improper ritual i ng redients . You chose the wrong o i ls, cand le colors, etc.

2 ) A great dea l of ti me is needed to see the e nd resu lt - i . e . lotto magic, hea l i ng , attitude changes, etc .

3 ) You've succeeded but don't l i ke what the results are . You got what you wanted but aren't happy with how you got it or what you g ot. Carefu l for what you ask for because you w i l l get it !

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4) You tru ly do not want the end resu lt . This is truer than most wi l l admit. Don't waste ti me and energy for someth ing you don't real l y want. A m i l l ion dol lars won't make you happy ; fi nancia l security w i l l !

5 ) You a re medd l i ng i n someth ing you shou ld not be ! Th i s is a dangerous practice . Never curse or hex the i nnocent - if someone tru ly harms you then blast them good but never pick on the undeserv i ng just because you have a big ego.

Number 4 is the most com mon reason why mag ic fai l s . Do not be an id iot and try to fool you rself. Be honest with yourself i f you cant be with other people . Th is w i l l hel p you win more bad s ituations than not. Number 2 is the worst e nemy of financia l success . You must be patient and a l low the spi rits ti me to work .

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U ncrossing Ritual

Among the practi ces of Sorcery, none have been so misu nderstood as that of Uncrossi ng . This practice s ign ifies that a "cross" has been la in upon you . So what is a cross? It's a form of negative attack that is extremely subtle and very ha.rd for us to see even thoug h i t can be self- i nfl i cted a nd right i n front of us at a l l ti mes .

A crossed cond ition can be self-doubt, worry, g u i lt (any form) , a bad habit, etc . , someth i ng which can grow with time and manifest horri bly in you r l ife . A cross i s something which can both be self- infl i cted (most com mon form ) or sent to you by another 's mal ice or spitefu lness . For i nstance if you are dati ng a compan ion that your mother stern ly d isl i kes, every ti me she th i n ks of you with that g i rl she's go ing to be th i nking "I wish they'd break u p ! Or at least that other person go away ! " This projection on your m other's pa rt, my friend, i s a hex or m i ld curse .

The danger of these kinds of curses and hexes is that they usual ly go u ntreated and l i ke a Thoug ht-form wanderi ng on its merry way on the Astral Plane, i t can g row and g row a nd g row ! In fact, a perfect example of a cross is an add iction such as a l cohol ism or d rug add iction . The addiction i s noth i ng more tha n a cross.

Someti mes, crosses can be placed upon a person by both the sender AND the victi m themselves ! If you have poor self-esteem or problems seeing you rself in a better l i g ht, and som eone e lse th i nks i l l of you , especia l ly repeated th i n ki ng i l l o f you , then you are go ing to be double crossed !

Crossed cond itions can man ifest in such negative ways that your personal l i fe becomes a shambles . They can affect your personal ity (easiest) as wel l as you r physica l health ! U lcers are a si mple form of stressed out l ivi ng which can be caused by one si mple form of crossed cond ition .

Your i nward attitude reflects your outward self. The Hermetic axiom "as a bove, so below . . . " ri ngs true for this fact . Your outward l i fe i s a m i rror reflection of you r m ind , which swims da i ly i n a l l sorts of m ire and muck. Not that a nyone has much of a choice to actual ly absorb the "muck" but with a l l of the self- imposed gu i lt, prejudices, hatreds, and al l of the crap

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from advertis ing that you're subjected to, it's no wonder that it's hard to th i n k rational ly .

Why i s this? You are carryi ng a burden of g u i lt around w ith you from your earl iest u pbri ng ings. Few of you were l ucky enoug h to have parents who tol d you that you cou l d make it to the top if you rea l l y wanted it. Most of you have parents who have a ' loser' menta l i ty or a m ediocre attitude . They bel i eve someone e lse contro ls them, a nd they are rig ht ! Sorcery can he lp you change YOU R l i fe when coup led with rationa l thi nki ng and a better atti tude from you .

Every day, we a re constantly bombarded with psych ic messages thorough advertisements, sn ide, off- hand comments, negative comments from authorities, and even the i n ner nonsense we cont i nua l ly tel l ourselves . These messages beg i n to g u m up the machi nery of our mi nds over a period of ti me and eventua l ly we beg i n to bel ieve this nonsense ! What to do?

Fi rst, beg i n a dai ly routine of U ncrossi ng Rituals . Why? S i mple, you need to beg i n shutti ng out a l l that garbage and you a lso need to neutra l i ze what's a l ready fi rm ly rooted in your head . Fi na l l y, you must start a da i ly routi ne of Protection rituals wh ich wi l l strengthen your psychic aura to help weed out the garbage .

The typ ica l Occu lt or iented protection rituals i n and of themselves a ren't enough to keep out a l l of the garbage messages but they wi l l he l p harden you r aura so you can handle the pressures of the world on a more even keel . The on ly way to kee p a lot of that garbage menta l ity at bay is to become a recluse but even that has a nmental imba lance" side-affect to it .

So now that we know what we need to start off with, l et's look at how a si m ple ritual should be done . For starters we ' l l use the Uncross ing Ritual as a foundation to learn fro m .

Altar Layout Candle 1 goes to the far back left corner of the altar .

Candle 2 goes to the far back rig ht corner of the altar. Candle 3 goes in the center of the altar and candle 4 sets i n front of candle 3 . The censer goes i n the front left comer of the a ltar and your Book of S hadows, Gri moire, Bible o r whateve r goes to the front rig ht of the a ltar . The altar layout is as fol lows :

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Now cand le no . 's 1 and 2 are the altar candles, which are white . If possi b le , they should be cross shaped candles which you can get from rel i g ious suppl i es stores or a bota nica .

Candle number 3 i s the ritua l 's objective cand l e which is U ncrossi ng . Cand l e number 4 is the Astral cand l e which represents you (or whoever you're work i ng for) .

We' l l anoint the altar candles with Van Van oi l , the Astra l cand le with an appropriate Zod iac o i l (Aries if you ' re an Aries, Tau rus if Taurus, etc . ) The objective cand le w i l l then be anoi nted with Uncrossi ng oi l si nce that's the objective des ired . You cou ld use Anoi nti ng oi l on the alta r cand les if you wish or if you 're unab le to fi nd Van Van o i l for a l l candles. Anoi nti ng oi l i s one of the a l l -purpose oi ls used for just about anyth i ng .

Prior to the starting, take a n bath . If you don't have a tub only a shower, then take a shower. ' Wh i le bath ing, qu iet your m ind by s lowing it down and wi l l it to clear itself of a l l i ncoming messages. Visual ize a l l o f the psych ic d irt with in and around you flowi ng down the d ra i n . Wh i le you bathe, repeat the fol l owi ng : "Create in me a clean heart, 0 God & renew a right Spirit within me " ( Psal ms 5 1 : 10)

After the bath, ano int yourself fi rst with your Zod iac o i l then your Uncrossing o i l (Note : See my Moloch's Gu ide to Using Sorcery Formulas on how to effectively anoint yourelf & other g reat ti ps) .

Next you need to do a bit of ritual preparation such as anoi nting the chosen candles, l i ghti ng the incense, consecrati ng and charg i ng candles, and so on. Gather any needed herbs, roots, powders, ta l ismans, & etc, before you

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l i ght your fi rst cand le . For the sake of brevity, we' l l assu me you've done al l you 've needed to do for now .


After the bath or shower, anoi nt you rself with fi rst your Zod iac oi l then your Protection oi l . (See my Moloch's Guide to Using Sorcery Formu las for more on how to ano int yourself properly & other formula techn iques)

Next you need to do a bit of ritua l preparation such as a noi nti ng cand les m ixi ng i ncense, consecrati ng and cha rg ing cand les, etc . Gather any needed herbs, roots , powders , ta l i smans, etc, before you l i g ht your fi rst candle . For the sake of brevity, we'l l assume you 've done al l you 've needed to d o for now.

Lig ht the i ncense wh ich shou ld be one of the protective reci pes such as Protectio n . Next, l i ght candle number 1 on your left and make a s i ncere petition to the h igher forces to watch over you such as :

"I ask my Ancestors & Guardian Spirits to ward & protect me while I perform this Spiritual Working of Uncrossing; as I will, thus shall it be! "

Next, l i ght candle number 2 on you r rig ht, and repeat your petiti on .

Now sit/stand erect and perform a si mple charg i ng exerci se to fi l l you rself with energy. This can be i n the form of the Tree Meditation, Water Fou nta i n, P i l lar of Fi re , as exp la ined earl i er . Once fin ished , then you wi l l create a Power Ci rcle . When ready, l ight you r Astral candle and say :

"This candle is me here & on the Astral Plane. Let my inner fire be lighted in like manner. Candle, illuminate my being, for I am If"

Now, l i g ht the Objective cand le and focus you rself on the objective at hand. As you l i ght th is candle say something l i ke :

nMay the Spirits assist me to remove all negativity from my body, mind and soul! Oh Spirits, use the energy from this candle, and release thy powers to heal and protect me! Rally thy Spirit family to assist you in Uncrossing me! Come Spirits of healing and protection, Uncross me and transmute my situation from bad to good! "

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In your m i nd's eye, v isua l ize yourself being cleansed of a l l negativity . See th i s energy d iss i pating as it drops from you . Then feel the power of hea l i ng energ ies come pouri ng forth i nto you r body. Al low it to heal you and bathe yourself in it tota l l y . Fi na l ly when fi n ished see yourself with i n a protective ri ng of power a l l about your aura . Clearly see it to strengthen you r psychic sh ie lds . Know that the good Spi rits stand guard over you and a re watch ing for you on you r beha lf.

Once you feel more secure, a l low the incense and cand les to burn conti nuously unti l they go out of the i r own accord .

BTW, if you don 't ca re to try to make up you r own petit ions, you can effectively pray the fol lowi ng Psa l ms and get g reat results ! Speak each Psa l m three ti mes in fu l l . Psa l m 9 1 , Psa l m 5 1 , Psa l m 6 5 .

The Formulas Used Are :

U ncrossi ng : Lavendar, rose, bay, verbena

Tarostar's U ncrossi ng : Wisteria , l i l ac, verbena, rose geran ium

Van Van : Rose, vani l l a , vetivert, lemon, a l mond (optiona l )

Tarosta r's Van Van : Al mond, wh ite musk, wisteria , verbena,

Anoi nti ng : Patchou l i , c innamon, verbena

Tarostar's Anoi nti ng : Pa l ma Chri sti , jasmine, rose, sandalwood , franki ncense, myrrh

The a bove reci pes can be used for both incenses or anoi nti ng o i l s . To do the o i l th ing , just add the essentia ls to a sol i d base such as g rape seed o i l or perhaps safflower o i l . To make the incense, e ither add the o i l potions to a bam ba wood base OR si mply take the leafy herbs and crush them in a morta r & pestle and use cop ious amounts on hot coals .

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Ritual of Power and Influence

Holy O i l

Zod iac Oi l (yours)

Zod iac Oi l (the i rs )

Power Oi l

Com mand ing o i l

Com manding i ncense

Bend Over powder

Positions of Cand les (a l l candles shou l d be of equal size)

#1 and # 1 a re white candles

#2 is your astra l candle

#3 is thei r astral candle

#4 i s a purp le cand le

# S is an orange cand le

Fi rst anoint the candles as fol l ows :

Ho ly o i l on the whi l e candles

Zod iac o i l (yours ) on your astra l cand le

Zodi ac o i l (thei rs on thei r astra l cand le

Power o i l on the purple cand le

Com manding o i l on the orange cand le


Do not l ig ht the cand les yet ; merely place them on the a ltar as shown i n Figure One.

Next take a purification bath using some consecrated holy water to the bath water. After having bathed, anoi nt your forehead with Holy o i l , and then l i ght the i ncense on the a lta r. Fi nal ly l i ght the candles i n thei r numerica l sequence . (With the white ones, start on the rig ht. )

Next, i nvoke energy i nto yourself and fi l l yourself with l ight and power . Now sit qu ietly and focus on the person you wish to i nfluence .

Fi na l ly , pour some of the Bend Over powder onto the a ltar as shown starti ng at the l eft bottom corner of your a ltar up to top then from the rig ht bottom corner up to the top

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form i ng a "V" pattern . Thi s wi l l send out the energy of the ritua l to fu lfi l l you r demand .

1 2



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Egyptian Spel l of Protection

Purple 7 Day ja r cand le

Is is oi l

Kyphi i ncense

Parchment paper 2" square

Whole wheat bread ( 1 sl ice)

Red Wine

This ritual shou ld be performed on the n ight of the fu l l Moon i n the hour of the Sun . On ly a white gown or robe shou l d be worn and nothi ng else.

Figure 2

Inscribe Fig . 2 on the parchment paper us ing purple i nk . Ano int the purp le 7 day cand le with Is is o i l . Light Kyphi i nce nse and then place the cand le on top of the parchment. Now l i g ht the cand le .

Pour some red wine i nto a crysta l w ine g lass . Cut two one i nch squares of bread a nd then place the g lass of wine and two squares of bread on the a l tar i n front of the candle and recite the fol l owing prayer :

"Hail to Thee, Lord o f Truth! Hail to Thee, Lord o f the Light and of the Darkness! Thou, who hast stretched out the Heavens, and founded the Earth, Thou Lord of Life!"

Place some more Kyphi i ncense on the charcoal and say :

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"In the name of Ra-Temp-Khemper, I burn this offeri ng . In the name of Is is , I d ri n k this wine . (take a s ip ) In the name of Osi ris , I eat th is bread . (eat one piece)

Now fold you r a rms over your breast and say :

"I do these things 0 Lord of the Universe, That Thou may est bless my Ka, 0 Lord! Lord of All that liveth, protect me! "

Take the rema in ing piece of bread a nd place it on the coa l and as soon as it's begun to burn say :

"Unto Thee, Sole Wise, Sole Eternal, and Sole Merciful, Be all praise and glory! "

Take the g lass of wi ne and pour the rema i ning onto the coal to exti ngu ish it and say :

"Glory be unto Thee, Source of All Creation! Let Thy light shine forth upon me, And Illuminate my darkness! Glory be unto Thee Throughout all eternity! So be it! "

Al l ow the cand les to bu rn out of thei r own accord . This rite shou ld be repeated each Fu l l Moon .

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Ritual of Attraction

Satyrion Root (powdered )

Attraction o i l

Parch ment paper

Dove's B lood i n k

3 strands of your hai r


3 strands of your lover's-to- be ha i r

Fi rst take a ritual purification bath . Next, a noi nt you r body with Love o i l or some other " love" essence . Rema in nude d u ri ng this ritual . Note : the ritua l shoul d be performed on the n ight of the Fu l l Moon i n the hour of Venus.

Second , take a pi nch of the powdered Satyri on root and mix it thoroughly with one d ram of Venus o i l (or the chosen love o i l ) . Now take the ha i r from you and your l ove-to­be and bra id them together, knotting each end of the braid .

Next, take a piece of pa rchment paper and cut i t i n the shape of a triang le (approx. 2"} then usi ng Dove's B lood i n k, write the name of your love-to- be i n the center of the triang le . Al low the i n k to d ry . Now write you r name d i rectly across that of your love-to-be's name. Al l ow the writi ng to d ry, then place the bra ided ha i r d i rectly i n the center of the triang le and fol d it over. Now a noi nt the folded triang le with Venus o i l and then burn it in a sha l low copper bowl . Be sure that the parchment and the hai r bu rn complete ly . When there are on ly ashes remai n i ng in the copper bowl add the Satyrion root powder and mix it thoroughly with the ashes .

Pour the mixture i nto a g lass bottle and seal it with Pink Sea l i ng Wax (hot wax from a p ink cand le w i l l do) . Store somewhere d a rk and h idden. Leave it there for seven days. When the mixture has properly "set" you m ay then use it to ano int Pi nk Love Candl es and use as a specia l perfume of attraction .

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Ritual of Binding

Seal of Binding

Thi s seal represents dark forces . On red paper with black i nk, on a Saturday or Tuesday, dur ing the 2"d hour of Mars (after sunset) , d raw the above sym bo l .


Place the person's name and the name of h is abode i n the center of the tal i sman . It's assumed that th is person is spread ing fal sit ies a nd evi l . This ta l isman on ly works aga inst one who spreads evi l . Say :

"In the hour of Barol, under the rule of Anael, I ask the Gods to hold Evil back with three Holy Arms! Save me from

_____ of , whose rude evil spreads cruel suffering! I ask Thee, Oh Merciful Gods, to bind this evil person with this penitent, so that sjhe be powerless before me! "

Now burn the ta l isman whi le visual i zi ng the seal burn i ng into h is/her soul . Say :

"Upon 's soul to those s/he oppressed return! As I will, Thus It Shall Be! "

D o not use this power against anyone undeserv ing .

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1 00

Mental Rite of Attack

In a darkened room near you r magica l a ltar, put yourself i n a comfortable position . Lig ht two white cand les on each s ide of you r a ltar top and place a s ing le red candle in the center. For five m i nutes, breathe rhythmica l ly, deeply and slowly . Quiet your mind . Visual ize the candle flames burn ing and on ly the cand le flames. Al low you r m i nd to clea r com pletely .

Now see the white candles as warriors of you r choosi ng . This could be kn ights, Vi k i ng s, Zulus, samura i warriors , etc, whatever you wish . Visua l ize the warriors g rowi ng to l i fe-size . See them as clearly as you possib ly can .

N ow see the red cand le turn i nto a wa rri or but th is warrior is you ! See the deta i ls, swords, guns, armor, etc . Feel your body growi ng i n strength and a g i l ity . Know deep i nside you a re the u lti mate warrior, i nv inci b le .

Now see the other warriors d raw their weapons and stri ke at you . They easi ly m iss your ag i le moves. When one fi nal ly connects, it s i mply g lances off your armor. Now stand there and si m ply let them strike at you and watch i n amazement a t the horror on the i r faces when you laugh because thei r b lows cannot harm you . You are tru ly i nvinci b le .

Now the warriors put the i r weapons away and stand beh i nd you as friends. They bow to you r superiority . Now enters your enemy! Tel l the warrior friends to get beh i nd you . You r enemy is a rrogant a n d brash . S/h e laughs loud a nd l ong at you . Let your rage wel l with i n your breast . You nod at the enemy and S/he draws their weapon .

You ci rc le s lowly each eye i ng one another. The enemy stri kes at you but you easi ly dodge the b low. S/he stri kes wi ld ly aga i n and aga i n but your ag i l ity serves you wel t and you dodge the swings. Now s imply stand there as you did when you faced the other two warriors in battle and l et your enemy take a free shot at you . G ri n when you see thei r blow g lance off you r a rmor. You a re i nvi nci ble and u nafra i d .

Now ra i se your weapon and watch your enemy cower in fear at you ! S/he begs for q u a rter for you strike swiftly wh i l e looki ng the enemy in the eye ! 5/he is wounded . They retreat in pa i n and you advance whi le striking aga in and agai n . Fina l ly stri ke you r ki l l i ng blow! See the wh i mperi ng mass on the g round i n front of you !

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U ncrossing Money Problems:

Green Sku l l Cand le

Uncrossi ng Money Powder/Incense

Rusty Na i l

Seal o f Good Fortune

Conjuration for Sea l of Good Fortune (6th & 7th Books of Moses)

10 1

Beg i n by mak ing u p the U ncrossing Money recipe. Use Lavender, Bay Rose ( peta ls ) , Vetivert and Lemon Verbena, the fi rst fou r ingred ients a re form the classic recipe for Uncrossi ng and the last i ngred ient is for fi nancia l l uck.

Hol low out the bottom of the sku l l cand le with a sma l l knife . You need o n l y d ig i n Y2" a n d don't go too close to the edges e ither. Pou r some of the fi nely g round reci pe i nto the hol low . Sea l over with melted wax.

Once d ry, take your rusty nai l and engrave your name, d ate of b irth and astro log i cal sun s ign on the side of the cand le . Anoi nt with either uncross i ng o i l or some type which fits the bi l l . I used Holy o i l as I d i dn't have a l l of the ingredients at hand when I needed to perform the rite .

Take the sea l , ano int it with some type of prosperity o i l , Holy o i l , but don't use Uncrossi ng on it . Next, write the same i nformation that you ca rved onto the cand le on the back of the sea t . Consecrate the sea l with the e lements and charge it with energy .

Next, l i g ht your a ltar candles and throw some of the reci pe onto the hot charcoa l . Ground and center yourself.

Now, beg i n i nducti ng energy i nto you rself and see yoursel f getti ng b igger and bigger. Visual ize your d iv ine star above you . Beg i n the conjuration to th is d ivi ne star.

When fin i shed with the conjuration, te l l the being what it i s you want. In th is case, you want your l uck changed for the better. You wish to be prosperous, successful a nd happy . Ask the bei ng to b less the Seat of Fortune .

F in ish by thanki ng the d ivi ne bei ng and return to normal consciousness . N ow l i g ht your green sku l l candle and p lace the Seal of Fortune under it u nti l it has burned down a nd out.

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Do a ban ish ing and a l low the cand les to burn u nti l done . When th is has happened , si mply place the Seal i n you r wal let a n d carry with you .

Sea l of Good Fortune

l1.'0l'lnt«)'n,�T'\Nl"lK.'*lll'IH':'\�M�$�N'n'W"' !b�V�f.tri t�t�CH"2 �

"::,"C '-1�""1 *- 'C':l':I�,�;�,'C.,�"'',::I'il � '-, x 'C ><, .:"tx� x'C ,;4 "C �1x Q >< ? x 'C * -:= xt= ,.'C)"= " 'C xt:l xl"l x D ::hDC)x'C x.'C) ><

'C x l:"' " 1::3 -.. ,., ,."Q ><�x'C::h:.n .ot'?

"I, (insert your full birth name here), a servant of God, desire, call upon the OCH, and conjure thee through Water t Fire, Air, and Earth, and everything that lives and moves therein, and by the most holy names of God, Agios, Tehirios, Perailitus, Alpha et Omega, Beginning and End, God and Man, Sabaoth, Adonai, Agla, Tetragrammaton, Emanuel, Abua, Deus, Elion, Torna, Deus Salvator, Aramma, Messias, Clerob, Michael, Ambriel, Achleol, Gachenas et Peraim, Dei patris et Peraim Dei filii, et Peraim Dei spiritus Teti, and the words by which Solomon and Manasses, Cripinus and Agrippa conjured the Spirits, and by whatever else thou mayest be conquered, that you will yield obedience to me, (your full name) the same as Isaac did to Abraham, and appear before me, (your full name) this instant, in the beautiful, mild, human form of a youth, and bring what I desire. " (This you must name - Here is where you wi l l tel l the Spi rits you w i s h for your money troubles to be removed . Ask them for hel p i n manag i ng you r money & for your paths to be open to receive wealth . )

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Seven African Powers:

1 Seven Africa n Powers 7 day candle

Seven African Powers i ncense

Holy O i l

Carpenter's Tools : hammer, saw, chise l , mal let, wrench, p l iers , & hatchet ( Note : these are smal l charms you can get ariy a ny botanica for a cou ple of do l lars)

1 03

Anoi nt the cand le with the Holy o i l . Lig ht the i ncense . Anoi nt you r th i rd eye with Holy oi l . Now, g round a nd center yourself. To i nvoke the a id of the ta l i sman, one tool at a ti me is held in the hand and the fol lowing words are spoken :

"All Seven African Powers come to my aid: Chango, the Hammer for fulfillment of love. Orula, the Sa w to remove obstacles from my life. Ogum, the Chisel to make my dreams come true. Elegua, the Mallet to make me dominate. Obatala, the Wrench draw adequate money to me. Yemalla, the Pliers to gain power and success. Ochun, the Hatchet to protect against all evil. "

Each name shou ld be sa i d i n turn once a day u nti l your needs are met. At the end of each ritual , it's to be sai d :

"In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, may Thee grant (make your request) . "

When not i n use, the tools shou ld be wel l -h idden from pry ing eyes and a nyone's touch .

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1 04

Rite of Saturn

Th is is a si m p le enoug h ritual that you can use to extract negative attri butes that you no longer desi re . The ritua l a rea can be e ither outdoors or i ndoors but i f indoors it shou ld be done in near tota l darkness and if outs ide, the n do in a wooded a rea i n the dark of the Moon .

"0 thou Goddess Maat! Hail! Osiris awakens! I am arisen! lAO, Such are the words! "

Touch forehead and d raw down a si lvery speckled violet co lor of l i g ht i nto your forehead and with your forefi nger, d raw this energy d own to your root chakra . Vi brate : IAO. Touch gen ita ls and see it expand in a purp l i sh hue and v ibrate AUM I I Touch rig ht shou lder a nd see the color a sca rlet red and v ibrate : ABRAXAX. I I Touch l eft shoulder, see the l i g ht as a b lu ish color and vi brate : BAPHOMET II Touch center of chest, see energy as a go lden vio let color and say : MAAT BE WITH M E II

Now face mag netic north . Draw a large i nvoking Saturn hexagra m using the Un icursal hexag ra m m ethod . Draw a sig i l of your name from the Saturn Kamea i nto the center of the hexagra m . See the hexag ra m g lowi ng white hot a nd w i l l that which i s hol d i ng you back i nto th is hexag ram .

See the flames of the hexag ram enclose i n on itself and watch i t burn up. Banish by laugh ing about someth i ng paradoxica l . Drink some wine, ju ice or eat a B ig Mac to ground you rself .

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Hexagrams of Saturn

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Invocation of Loki:

Beg i n with the standard Ham mer rite in either Old Norse or Eng l ish . [ Note : If you dont know where to get th is rite, contact me at molochsorcery .com] Face NORTH and d raw the rune DAGAZ i n the a i r. You shou l d see the rune in a blood red color floating in the a i r. Now, p int your power ha nd at the floating rune and wi l l you r m i g ht i nto the rune. See it g l ow and g row. Next, use the ca l l of Loki :

"Hail to you, Mighty God Loki! Thou who are Odin 's brother! Mighty Fire God! I call thee to assist me (say your name here) to come unto my rite and bless it with Thy presence! I ask a boon from Thee in the form of (state request) and in return I give thee this talisman I ha ve wrought and consecrated with my own fluids! A ccept my request and gifts mighty Loki! You are not, nor will you ever be forgotten! So says (your name again). This I vo w! "

Use the Dagaz Rune to make a ta l i sman for Loki by engraving i t onto a wooden d i sk & then use red ochre to sta i n it . D o not use your b lood .

Lok i may come at this ti me . H is totem a n i mal i s a sea l as these creatures are very tricky . You r cand les may blow out but do not let th is d i sturb you . Th is is His s ign that He a ccepts your petition and g ift. As such , bury the ta l i sman i n some fie ld or woods .

Loki has had a bum rap by the Xtian monks who have pa i nted h im as evi l a nd by many buffoons i n the Occult world who accept thi s nonsense by the Xtia n scho lars.

I 've found that Loki i s good for wanti ng a trick to be played on someone that has wronged you . In effect, you are not aski ng for any retribution but i nstead for the m to be tricked . Do not specify as Loki i s capable of hand l i ng the method h i mself.

Banish with the Hammer rite . Bow toward the DAGAZ rune and wal k backwards three ti mes and turn and wal k away.

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1 07

Dagaz Rune

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Qabal istic Money Rite :

Start by i mag in ing your whole body is one huge l u ng and it sucks i n a i r through your pores in sync w ith you r l u ngs . The a i r conta ins vital force which i s cosmic energy that surrounds everythi ng in the un iverse . Inhale this energy i nto your pores and l ungs on i nto your astra l body as wel l . Exha le a i r but not the vita l force itself; conta i n th is energy with i n you u nti l ready for release. Do ten breaths .

Take a g reen candle which i s representative of Netzach or Venus. In astro logy, Venus ru les l uxury, wea lth and p leasure . So us ing a g reen cand le from the Voodoo a nd Wicca traditions is not out of harmony with Netzach . The cand le shou ld be a noi nted with Abramel in oi l which i s a very sacred and powerfu l holy o i l and it can be obta i ned through my website (at mo lochsorcery . com ) . Perform the Lesser Invoking Pentagram ritua l us ing the i nvoki ng pentagrams of earth .

Earth Invoking Pentagram

Lig ht the cand le and say :

"Holy art Thou Lord of the Universe! Holy art Thou Whom nature hath not formed! Holy art Thou Vast and Mighty One! Lord of Light and of the Darkness!n

Bow respectively in the four quarters and say the i nvocation to each quarter. Over the top of the g reen candle, draw a farge i nvoki ng pentagra m of earth . Stab center and a l l ow a l l of the v ita l force bui lt up in you to rush forwa rd i nto the pentagra m 's center a nd v ibrate the god name next :

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"YOD HA Y VOV HA Y! Be thou my keeper 0 Lord! Make me want for naught! I have need and it is (say amount needed) Hear me, your son/daughter, of the Light! "

Fi ni sh by letti ng the pentagram si mply fade with your i ntention . Ask on ly for the amount needed to hel p you overcome your b i l l s, not for extra neous spend i ng money. Th is shou l d be you r need but rather you shou l d be working to reduce your wants and des i res by conti nu i ng to converse with your Holy Guard ian Angel .

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Love Ritual :

Spri ng or Ra in water (on ly)

1 Pi nk seven-day jar cand l e

1 Astra l candle (you)

Love oi l and i ncense

Parch ment paper

Qui l l pen or Dip pen

Dove's b lood ink

Herbs : l ovage , ja lap , basi l and sa l a p root.

3 " l ong by 2" wide red bag

1 10

Beg i n on a Friday even ing on or just after the New Moon . Anoi nt the top of candles with oi l in clockwise fashion from ri m i nward to the wick. Li g ht cand les and i n cense . Ready a three smal l s i lvery bowls to fi l l with water and place them on your a ltar in a tri a ngular geometric pattern . Cut your parchment paper i n four equa l sections. Use your d ip pen and write a l i st of qua l i ties of the type of person you want. You need on ly l i st things that descri be the physica l appearance, menta l capacity a nd emotional qua l i ti es you des ire . Th i n k thoroug hness a n d brev ity here . Write th is l i st on three o f the fou r p ieces of parchment paper.

Take the herbs and place them in a s i lvery bowl one by one and chant the rune :

"Magic herbs the Mother gives, lend your powers to this rite Send me the love of my life, bring happiness and joy on sight! "

Now i mag i ne as strongly as you can the power of the Moon enteri ng throug h you i nto the herbs . Rea l ly keep at it u nti l you are thoroughly convinced the herbs are tota l l y empowered . Stuff the red bag w ith the herbs . Take one of the l i sts and fold it thrice and place in the bag . Now sew it u p tight a nd place next to your heart b y cord o r stri n g .

Next, p lace one o f the l i sts of qual ities under the p ink seven-day cand le . The th i rd piece you a re to read to yourself each n ight before going to bed as you fa l l asleep . Soon you wi l l meet the love of your l i fe !

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Altar Setup for Love Ritual

1 1 w w

3 4

D w

( D

1 8t 2 = wldte Aibr ca••les w :: 41s:h of water (3 of them aeede4) 3 = Astral talclle 4 c Pi11k 7 Day talldle C: = censer D :: Red lilt I = thts hok

I l l

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1 1 2

Revenge Spell :

Beg i n th is rite 24-48 hours after the Ful l Moon . Perform when you know you r target is s leepi ng . Now, l ie down and relax on you r bed . Beg i n breath i ng deeply and even ly for a few m i nutes . Al low you r body to re lax and let your m i nd sti l l i tself. If anyth i ng i ntrudes you r thoug hts, make a menta l note to get to it later. Now say to you rself :

"Troubles and strife I send back to YOU! You shall never return to trouble Me! "

Bring the vi cti m up to your memory a s clear a s i f s/he were in the room with you now. When you are ready, say :

"Stir in your sleep and feel its effects! All that I send YOU is in the Name of this Hex! From the swill of your reason shall your anxiety cry, Arouse in your brain as I pour in MY power! u

As you complete the chant, p icture the most g ruesome, hideous th ing that can happen to your target. Now say the name of you r target thrice and then say :

"Sealed with a Bane sharp as any knife, Doomed are your plans and Blighted be your life!"

Now visual ize maggots, roaches, worms, etc, sl itheri ng over your target as he lay s leepi n g . Repeat the i r name thrice aga i n . Say :

"As I Will, Thus Shall IT Be! "

F in i

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1 13

Abre Camino ( Road Opener) Working Abre Cam i no is a spe l l used in Hispanic cultures to

open doors & pathways once it has been determi ned that they are closed .

You can do it si m ply by purchasing a 5 day (they don't burn for a sol i d seven days anymore) jar cand le labeled Abre Cam i no (or barri ng that get a p la in white jar cand le) & a bottle of the Abre Cam i no aka Road Opener o i l to anoi nt it with .

Pri nt off a copy of your photo & place it i n the center of you r altar . Take some Abre Cam i no powder & spri nkle it on your altar from left to rig ht & back aga in then from front to back to front agai n . This symbol izes the cross roads & your . paths going forward & beyond as wel l as those behi nd & beyond .

Anoi nt the candle's top starti ng at the wick & going i n a counter-clockwise motion to the outer ri m of the g lass . ( I can hear the col lective gasps but the reason you go Widdersh ins on the candle i s you are creati ng a force to U N DO a l l that has been done to you to wind you u p & block u p your paths; it's one of the few ti mes in Sorcery that Widdershins aka Counter­Clockwise motions are used . )

Now here's when you can get creative such a s if you wish to open up your paths & roads to money, take a dol l a r bi l l & anoint the edges of the do l l a r with the o i l then place i t in one of the four corners near you r photo .

Then if you wish to open u p you r paths to new job, take a copy of your resu me & anoint the edges of it with the oi l & place it i n one of the other corners .

Now if you wish to open up your paths to l ove (or dating ) then make a heart from some red construction paper. Make it yours by writi ng you r name on it a long with your b irthdate . S ign it i n your own cursive handwriti ng . Anoi nt i t with o i l & p lace it i n one of the other corners .

Fi na l ly let's say you wish to open u p you r paths to ferti l i ty or sexual v iri l ity . One could use plastic genital i a to represent the ind ividual h i m/herself. Make it you rs by writi ng you r name on i t , anoi nting it with oi l & place it i n the fi nal quarter.

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1 14

Then show your candle to the fou r quarters asking the Spi rits of the Fou r Corners to assist you in openi ng up your paths . Place it back i n the center on top of your photograph & l ight i t up .

Fi n i .

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1 1 5

Wipe Out Debt Spel l :

In the early morn i ng hours after you've woken, get u p a n d breathe i n the fresh , vita l energy with in you . Wi l l th i s energy t o not o n l y fi l l your physical body but a lso your enti re being i n to you r very sou l . Feel the i nvigorati ng forces rush throug h you r vei ns.

. Write down on a piece of parchment paper 2" x 2" square the a mount of money needed and the bi l l to be pa i d . B e d i rect l i ke $ 1 2 5 . 76 for Mastercard Bi l l . Now ci rcle th i s statement and p lace it i n your pocket or purse for the next ten hours . Read th is often as you can unobse rved .

When darkness has fa l len, sit a lone i n a roo m and l i ght a s ing le cand le . It wi l l hel p to have a stick or cone of incense burn i ng and have music playi ng . Turn out the l i ghts and l i ght your cand le and i ncense . Beg i n your breathi ng l i ke you d i d i n the morn ing u nti l your pores are bursti ng with energy. Read your statement once more and then say :

"Beyond the radiance the forces rouse, To bring to Me this needed tally, Aided by Sandalphon, a Cosmic Name, Because I burn the magic blaze! "

Repeat the chant thrice i n a l l then exti nguish the cand le . Tea r the sq uare i nto tiny pieces and throw them away. Repeat the spe l l each even ing for seven days or unti l the money comes, whichever is sooner.

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1 16

General Confusion Spel l :

Take an o ld shoelace about a foot long and hang it out in the open a i r for an e nti re day {24 hours} . Hopefu l ly it wi l l be with i n the sig ht of your enemies as they pass by so much the better. At a bout 8 p . m . on a Tuesday, s it yourself down a lone faci ng toward your enemy's resi dence or roo m . Tie a knot i n the end of the shoelace and say :

"Bind and twist, curve and secure, this knot shall enter in his/her desire!"

Repeat th is aga i n at 9 p . m . and then later at 10 p . m . tying a new knot each ti me . Place the stri ng outs ide aga i n . Carry out the spel l the fol l owi ng evening a t the same ti mes a nd your stri ng should have a tota l of six knots in it. O n Thursday, ti e 3 more knots a t t h e same hours recit ing the same chant as before .

When you 've tied the gth knot, t ie the two ends of the string together. Take the twisted loop to a wi ndow and throw it out say ing :

"Twined and tied, fixed and curl, Thoughts are twisted in his/her mind! As this storm rots away, Shall his/her judgment lose its swayr'

This i s a n exce l lent spe l l that requ i res patience but it works Very wel l i f you 're w i l l i ng to be patient enough to try it .

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1 1 7

Spel l of Revelation

(from Greek Mag ica l Papyri i )

Consult a conste l lation finder & wal k outs ide o n a n ight when Ursa Major ( re : the Great Bear) is i n the sky & say i n a clear voice :

"KOMPHTHO KOMASITH KOMNOUN You who shook and shake the World, You who have swallowed the Ever-living Serpent and daily raise the Disk of the Sun and of the Moon, You whose Name is ITHIOO ' E'l ARBA THIA O ' E', send up to me, (insert your name here), at Night the Daimon of This Night to reveal to me concerning (what you desire)"

Fi n i .

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Divination with Aphrodite

(from Greek Mag ica l Papyri i )

Absta i n from sex for a period o f seven days . G o to the store & buy a shal low white bowl ( l i ke a saucer) and as you buy it say, ' I buy this for you , ! lara Ouch".

Take the white bowl home & using a s imp le wh ite crayon , write on the outside bottom with the crayon "TACHIIE'L CNTHONIE' DRAXO'" in the fol l owing Greek Letters :


On the outside ri m on the top of the saucer- bowl, write the fol lowing with the crayon : " IERMI PHILO' 6 ERIKO ' MA DERKO' MALO'K GAULE ' APHRIE'L" = "IE PMI IIHIAO 6 EPKIOMA LlEPKO MAAOK f' A Y AE AIIHPIEA"

(Speak th is thrice as you write it)

1 18

Then on the i ns ide bottom of the bowl , use some ink made with Myrrh essentia l o i l the fol l owing G reek letters " E' IOCH CHIPHA ELAM PSE'R ZE'L A E E' I 0 Y 0"'

Fi l l with o l ive o i l & water. Set it on the floor. Rel ax & deep breathe for a few moments . Then stare i ntently i nto the bowl . Say :

"I call upon You, the Mother and Mistress of Nymphs, ILAOCH OBRIE' LOUCH TLOR; Come in, Holy Light, and give Answer, showing Your Lovely Shape! "

Sti l l looking i ntently into the bowl , wait for Aphrod ite to appear . When She appears, welcome Her and say :

"Hail, Very Glorious Goddess, !LARA OUCH. And if You give me a response, extend Your hand please. "

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1 1 9

When She extends Her hand, expect Answers to your Inq u i ry . But i f She does not l i sten, say :

"I call upon the ILAOUCH who has begotten Himeros, the Lovely Horai and You Graces; I also call upon the Zeus-sprung Physis of All Things, two-formed, indivisible, straight, foam­beautiful Aphrodite. Reveal to me Your Lovely Light and Your Lovely Face, 0 Mistress ILAOUCH. I conjure You, Giver of Fire, by ELGINAL, and by the Great Names OBRIE'TYCH KERDYNOUCHILE'PSIN NIOU NAUNIN IOUTHOU THRIGX TATIOUTH GERTIA TH GERGERIS GERGERIE' THEITHI. I also ask You by the All Wonderful Names, OISIA El EI A O ' E'Y AAO ' IO'IAIAIO' SO 'THOU BERBROI AKTEROBORE GERIE' IE'O YA; bring me Light and Your Lovely Face and the True Saucer Divination, You shining with Fire, bearing Fire all around, stirring the Land from afar, IO ' IO ' PHTHAIE' THOUTHOI PHAEPHI. Do it! "

Preparation : Havi ng kept you rself Pure, as you learned , take a Bronze Dri nk ing Cup, a nd write with Myrrh Ink the previously inscri bed Charm wh ich ca l ls u pon Aphrod ite, and use the u ntouched Ol ive Oi l and clean River Water. Put the Dri n ki ng Cup on your Knees a nd speak over it the spoken Charm mentioned above , and the Goddess wi l l appear to you and w i l l reveal concerni ng what Th i ngs you wish .

Request for a Dream Oracle

(From the Greek Magical Papyrii)

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Take a Stri p of Clean Li nen and write on i t the fol lowing Name. Rol l it up to make a Wick, pour Pure O l ive Oi l over it and l i g ht it .

The Form ula to be written on the clean l i nen is thi s :


In the Even i ng then, when you are about to go to S leep, bei ng Pure i n every res pect, do th i s : Go to the Lamp, say 7 ti mes the fol lowi ng formula , extinguish the Lig ht and go to Sleep. The Formu la to be spoken i s as fol lows :

"SACHMOUNE PAE'MALIGOTE'RE'E'NCH, the One who Shakes, who Thunders, who has Swallo wed the Serpent, Surrounds the Moon, and Hour by Hour Raises the Disk of the Sun, CHTHETHO 'NI is (insert your name here) . I ask You, Lords of the Gods, SE7H CHRE'PS: reveal to me concerning the Things I wish. "

Fin i .

Respond to Evi l Spel l :

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Th is o ld spe l l m ust be used to avenge injuries or hurts wh ich have been done to you . That is the only reason for working this spel l . If used agai nst people you are jealous of, or because you d isl i ke them, you stray away from the purpose of the spel l . It is desig ned to send the effect of the evi l eye, black mag ic, curses and hexes stra ight back to thei r source . What is bei ng wished upon you wi l l then happen to the sender i nstead . Work it when the Moon i s fu l l .

Take an apple and a sharp knife and place them on a tab le on each side of a cand l e . The knife shou ld be on the rig ht and the apple on the left. An ord i nary white candle wi l l do, but you can add more power to the spel l if you use a brown one .

·sit at the table a nd concentrate on the person

who i s hexi ng you as you l i ght the candle . Say :

"GADRIEL, I call to You!" (pronou nced Gah-Dree-Aie)

Pick up the kn ife a nd cut the apple in half with one fi rm stroke, sayi ng :

"As this fruit is cut in two, So shall your evil return to You! "

Now say the name of your tormentor as you then exti ngu ish the cand le . Eat some of each piece of the apple then bury the p ieces of the core, either i n your garden or i n the heart of a potted p lant . If you have neither, throw the core into the garbage . As you d ispose of the core, say :

"The plague being sent me, Shall now return to _____ ! "

As the core rots away, your enemy wi l l fi nd that evi l mag ic i s bei ng d i rected stra ight back to h i m/her. May it be enjoyed !

Banish the Bil ls Spel l :

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1 black candle

1 Astra l candle a noi nted w/Zodiac o i l

1 g rey cand le a no i nted w/Van Van o i l

Saturn type i ncense

Ban ish i ng powder

Xeroxed cop ies of the b i l l s

Large red m a g i c marker

On a Saturday when the Moon wanes in any Earth


s ig n , gather yourself i nto your ritua l a rea . Ano i nt you rself with either Love o i l or Holy o i l at your a ltar and petition the Goddess Hecate to witness this rite .

Put your astra l cand l e on the eastern s ide of your a ltar then the bi l l s on the western side . Lig ht the g rey candle and say :

"Here is my strength! Thy powers of fire doth protect me from this evil situation. I call on Dame Hekate to bless this candle with the ability to act as a banishing agent for me. n

Lig ht your candle and say :

"Oh mighty Self, I am he who is beset with this condition! I do solemnly vow to never allo w myself into this predicament again, ever! Dame Hekate be my witness!n

Now write u pon the copies of the bi l ls with the red marker the words PAID IN FULL a nd visual ize yourself g etti ng a recei pt for each one paid ! Now lay them in a stack on the western side, place the b lack cand le on them , l i ght it in its hol der and say :

"A way, away, thou debts of credit! I banish thee from my life forever! Never again will thou overpower me in this fashion! As I will, Thus It Shall Be! "

Now d raw a ri ng of Ban ish ing powder a round the b i l l s a nd say :

"Thy power wanes with each day while the Moon wanes! So Mote it Be! "

Wrap the b i l l s together with some organ ic garbage l i ke a banana peel , app le cores, o range ri nd, etc, and place a l l i n a paper bag and bury it . As it wastes away, so doth the bi l l s .

Your O w n Bi l l Col lector:

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3 black cand l es anoi nted w/Bend Over o i l

1 Astra l cand l e (debtor) anoi nted w/Zodi ac o i l

1 Astra l cand le (you ) ano i nted w/Zodiac o i l

Dragon's Blood i ncense

Bend Over powder

A Xeroxed copy of the invoice the debtor owes you

On a n ight of Saturn when the Moon is wax ing in an earth sign , ano int thy candles true . Then , l i g ht your own


astra l cand le whi le i nvoking g reat Hecate . Next, place the i nvoice copy on the a ltar next to your astra l cand le . Now place the astra l cand le of the debtor on the i nvoice. Light h is/her astra l cand le and say :

"Hear thou me, thou (state full name) long have I tried to resolve this bill with you but thou hast chosen the path of the unwise! For I am here witnessed by Mighty Hekate to Jay Claim to that which is rightfully mine! I shall not wait another day, ! Pay now, without delay or by Hekate, I swear I'll call down evil forces upon thee! "

Now p lace one b lack cand le next to h is/her astra l o n the i nvoice a n d l i g ht i t sayi ng :

"Return to me that which is mine! "

Next place the second cand le next to h is astra l cand le but opposite the other and say :

"Hear me, _____ , return to me that which is rightfully mine! "

And fi na l ly p lace the th i rd candle next to h is astra l so that the black candles are i n a triangu lar fashion around h is astral and say :

"Thou hear me now! Pay me that which thou dost rightfully owe to me! In the name of Hecate, I command thee to listen and do as I say! So Mote it be! "

Make a ri ng o f powder a round the three b lack cand les widdershi ns whi le sayi ng :

"Rest, sleep, peace; thou dost not deserve any of these until what is rightfully mine is returned! Hear me thou ___ _

for my patience wears thin ! " Close temple, rite is ended !

Creating a Plasma Ball

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1 24

Position your pa lms faci ng each other, about two to three i nches a part without touch ing . Now slowly rotate your hands sma l l c i rcles. Start off slow & g radual l y beg i n to go faster. As you go faster, you ' l l fee l a sl i ght pu l l between you r hands .

Move your hands faster, as you fee l th i s energy bu i l d u p . There i s v i brati ng energy movi ng between you r hands. D o th is for approx imately one fu l l m inute.

When you feel the P lasma Ba l l bui ld ing up in size, hold you r hands i n a cupped position as i f you were hol d i ng a basebal l or g rapefru i t between your pa l ms .

Ho ld the ba l l & send a desi re from you r m i nd down through your a rms i nto you r hands & out i nto the bal l . You can then push this bal l onto a Gris-Gris bag to charge it; onto a dagger to charge it ; o nto a ta l i sman to charge it . You can use a Plasma Ba l l to empower a cand le for a particu lar des i re . Just i mpreg nate the Plasma Ba l l with whatever the cand le i s to represent & then wi l l the Plasma Bal l to go i nto the cand le .

You can a lso throw th is out i nto the Un iverse to br ing to you that which you desi re . Perhaps you wish to own a Bugatti Veryon? Okay create your Plasma Ba l l & then i mpreg nate it w ith the desi re to have a Bugatti Veryon from the i mage you have of the ca r. See yourself s itti ng in one & drivi ng it around .

Next, throw th i s out i nto the Un iverse . You may have to make more than one Plasma Ba l l for BIG desi res l i ke getti ng a Bugatti Veryon s ince those cars cost $2 m i l l ion do l lars brand new. Or if you wish to have a m i l l ion do l lar home it may take severa l (or dozens) of these Plasma Bal l s thrown out i nto the Universe .

You can a lso use m ultiple Plasma Ba l l s to make a m i ne fie ld for those who'd want to harm you . Imag ine each one holds a harmfu l bomb to b low u p aga i nst anyone who sends you evi l or a Thra l l or Servitor of anyth i ng that means you harm.

Plasma Bal ls can be used for a wide variety of thi ngs. Let your i magination go wi ld & remem ber to write it down i n your Ritual D iary !

Return Evi l Chant:

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"By power of Fire, by power of Earth, by power of Air, by power of Water, by the Life in the Blood, be thou (name of person stopped) Let evil return to whence it cometh. Let thy words be unto thee as thou would have them be to me. I banish you! As I will, thus shall it be! "

[ Use th is chant with a Revers ib le candle anoi nted with Revers ib le o i l for best effect] * * * Remove the Enemy Chant:

"Dame Hekate, I light this purple candle as a supplication and offering. I ask that you remove (name) from my path. I do not wish to harm any nor do I wish harm to this person (name) whom I know to be my enemy. I ask that you grant this petition and I give thanks for this release from my enemy. "

[Anoi nt a purple candle with Commanding o i l for the best effect] * * * Candle Burning Chant:

"Candle shining in the night, with your flame enchanted, by the power of magic might, may my wish be granted! When this candle sheds its gleam, at the mystic hour, let fulfillment of my dream gather its secret power! Flame of Magic brightly burn Spirit of the Fire! Let the Wheel of Fortune turn, grant me my desire! "

[Use any cand le with this & anoint i t with Anoi nti ng o i l for best effect]

Bibl iography

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The fol lowi ng is a partia l l isting of the various books that I fi nd qu ite usefu l for the work of Sorcery. Most of you w i l l have access to many of these books but trust me when I say these are good to read, study and practice with .

The Witch's Spellcraft by Tarostar

Excel lent book on old ti me Sorcery and Witchcraft methods . Tarosta r is considered p igheaded my many i n the " craft" but in rea l i ty he only speaks his m i nd . You may or may not ag ree with hi m .

The SPiritual Worker's Handbook by Tarostar

Del i ghtful l ittle tome that touches on a variety of topics. Written from a Root Doctor's poi nt of view. Very handy.

The Witch's Formulary and Spel lbook by Tarostar

Get this one ! H is reci pes cla i m to be from N ew Orleans and European Witchcraft traditions but his reci pes a re altered somewhat from the sou rces I 've found elsewhere . However, after us i ng some of these potions with good resu lts, I can vouch for thei r effectiveness .

Psychic Power by Charles Cosimano

Excel lent book as a starter for m odern Techno­Sorcery : Rad ion ics ! He has written severa l more books and a course i n practica l Radionics that a certa i n New Age publ isher in the upper M idwest was too scared to do. The book exp la ins the theories behind Radionics, patterns and the b lack boxes. He even g ives complete i nstructions to bu i ld a bare-bones basic b lack box of your own .

Psionic Power by Charles Cosimano

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Wonderful book that picks up where Psvcbic P'ower left off! Shows you even more wonderfu l l ittle gadgets and how to use the sig i l s and sea ls from old g rimo ires for thei r energy patterns with Rad ion ics .

Charms. Spells & Formulas by Ray T. Malbrough

So-so book of watered-down Sorcery . He cla i ms to be a g raduate of the Seax Wicca semi na ry (which I bel i eve is now defunct) but his reci pes are wea k . His novena section is q u ite i nformative . The g ris-gris bags are i nteresti ng .

The Prediction Book of Practica l Magic by Michael Howard

Plenty of basic i nformation on work ing with e lementa l , p lanetary and star mag ics. Introduct ion level as most stuff is from h is pub l i sher.

The Magic Candle by Charmaig ne Dey

She's a contempora ry of Tarostar's and very knowledgeable about the actua l worki ngs of candle mag ic . I consider th is work an i ntermediate book that covers materia l that most comprehensive cand le mag i c books do not cover. Her layout is rig ht on althoug h I persona l ly d isag ree with some of her co lor attri butes but personal b iases i n regards to co lors i n Mag ic is com mon. Get th i s one!

The Master Book of Candleburning by Henri Gameche

One of if not the fi rst candle burn ing books . N ot as thoroug h as I l i ke them to be but he has many different types of rituals . Rather Xtian in orig in but I bel ieve if I 'm not m istaken that he was a Spi ritua l i st/Root Man practiti oner. Most of h is stuff has been ri pped off by the candle mag i c books out there without g ivi ng h im h i s d u e cred it .

The Magickal Formulary Vol I & II by Herman Slater

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1 28

These books a re a dup l i cate of the correspondence course that M i lton M i l ls used to sel l . I on ly use vol . I as a fast reference for formu las. The second book rather sucks as it is a hodge- podge of semi-use less i nformation . Get vol . I and sk ip the second one .

The Modern Witchcraft Spellbook by Anna Riva

One of the fi rst books on practica l Sorcery I ever read . In one of her books, she had a n open i nvitation for rec i pes and spel l s from practitioners for her to pub l ish with no promise of who the spel l/recipe came from and no enumeration . I fi nd that rather tacky but the book i tself has some great stuff i n it . The book i s d ivided by desi red resu lt .

Soellcraft. Hexcraft It Witchcraft by Anna Riva

A wonderfu l col lection of l ore . She covers g ris-gr is, chants, hours, herbs and most of the other com mon Sorcery. She has been accused of publ i sh i ng stuff that i s considered too dark by the Wiccan community. I g uess if you don't publ i sh stuff that i s syrupy good , you're stuff isn't worth read ing .

The Modern Herbal Spellbook by Anna Riva

This i s my favorite i n her l i ne of pract ica l books. I love the various attri butes, scant reci pes a nd chants that go with d ifferent herbs . This book is a lso d ivided i nto subjects l i ke l ove, black mag ic, power, prosperity, etc . Very good reference .

The Secrets of Magica l Seals by Anna Riva

Only use th is book as a compend i u m of ta l i smans that can be found u nder one cover. Her i nstructions for usi ng the sea ls of spi rits is qu ite dangerous in my opin ion but there are practitioners i n Tampa, West Pa l m Beach and New Orleans that I know who swear by the method she describes . Agai n , usefu l as a reference book only .

Candleburninq Spells by Donna Rose

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1 29

A rather poorly written, VERY poorly i l l ustrated book from a pu b l i sher that has been in the busi ness a long ti me. Her seals i n the book are i l leg i ble but I surm ise that they are meant to be so . Some of the spel l s are qu ite usefu l and others, wel l , you decide for yourself.

Money Spells by Donna Rose

The only other book by her I care for. She seems to be i n d i rect com petit ion with Anna R iva . Anna has a book on how to use o i ls , so does Donna . Anna has an herba l spe l lbook, so does Donna . Anna has a cand leburn i ng book, so does Donna . Interesti ng , no?

Mastering Witchcraft by Paul Huson

One of my a l l -ti me favorite occu lt books ! Loaded with practical and sound advice on g u id i ng yourself i nto the practice of Witchcraft. Rea l ly hel ped me out when I was a lone and had no one to teach me.

Secrets of Voodoo by H.U. Lampe

Excel lent book that is more Sorcery-driven than rel i g ious lore . Has some very good herba l attri butes and methods that para l l el the Anna Riva materia l . I bel ieve that th i s book was out prior to her stuff.

Book of Legendary Spells by Elbee Wright

Excel lent l i ttle work that has many authentic New Orleans Sorcery spel ls and work ings . Another one of those books that most Wiccans do not ca re for.

The Complete Book of Magic 8t Witchcraft by Kathryn Paulsen

The best th ing a bout this m ish- mosh book is the b ib l i og raphy in the back . She has a wonderfu l l i st of old and few new sou rces of books. Personal ly, I doubt whether she is a practitioner s i nce she writes noth i ng of herself and experiences ; I tend to bel i eve that she is one of those people who only col lected and publ ished such books i n the '70's .

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The Wizard's Bible by Louis G. Sikes


I l i ke th is book rega rd less of h is devout preaching a bout the Xtian ethos. The method for maki ng a Wizard 's Box is worth the cost of the book . H is run ic attri butes a re rather we i rd though . These a re defi nitely NOT the Germanic Futhark.

The 7 Keys to Power by Lewis De Claremont

Another ri poff artist ! He borrows from m ed i eval sources but refuses to say where he got his i nformation fro m . He a lso cla ims to tiave had Appolonia o f Tyan na as h is personal sp ir i t gu ide ( ri ght ! ) . Not very hel pfu l ; he a l ludes to knowledge of g reat secrets but shares on ly extremely sma l l a m ou nts of i t .

The Mag ic Circle by Yaj Nomolos (aka Jay Solomon)

Heavi ly Satanic in orig in but he g ives sol id fi rm advice on how to start a nd run a coven, l odge or smal l occu lt g roup . H e ta l ks a bout why start a group i n the fi rst place ; fi nancial structure, l ega l ity a nd security, p rog ress and activity, and the benefits from hav ing such a g roup . Very thoroug h a nd wel l ­worth read ing . Ignore h is s i l l y Satan ic overtones.

The Witch's Broomstick Manual by Yaj Nomolos

A more practical book conta in ing how to make a broom for your practice . Some spe l ls and rites but they tend to rely o n Crowley's Book of the Law (ugh ! ) . Some g ood i nformation but agai n , those si l l y Satan ic overtones are throughout the book .

The Magic Formula for Successful Prayer by M l hai l Strabo

Interesti ng and usefu l l ittle book if it is heav i ly laden w ith Xtian nonsense . I suggest adopting the pri nc i ples of prayer and h is suggestions for rites and spe l l s to your Nee­Pagan bel iefs and practices .

The 6th, 7th Books of Moses by translated by Joeseph Peterson

Page 131: Brother MOLOCH 969 Pragmatic Magics a Grimoire

A wonderfu l l ittle book of Qaba l istic seals and ta l i smans that can be u sed for al l manner of Sorcerous practices. The hardcover version has clearer p ictures of the sea ls and ta l ismans.

The sth, gth & 10th Books of Moses by Henri Gameche

Personal ly, only the second half of the book is worthwhi le . The names, sea ls and sigi ls are worth work ing w ith . Forget the Neo-Xtian nonsense .

The 6th, 7th Books of Moses by M igene Gonzalez Whippier

1 3 1

This non-essentia l re-adaptation of the orig inal rea l ly sucks ! A l l she d id was re-pub l ish the ori g i na l book and add her com mentary which i s NOT hel pfu l to the reader. The seals are horrib ly reproduced and therefore often i l l eg i ble . Don't bother wasti ng your money.

The Book of Magica l Tal ismans by Elbee Wright

A usefu l but m ish-moshed compi lat ion of o ld g ri moires . Most of the Qaba l i stic sea ls look l i ke they were ri pped off from !dries Shah's The Secret Lore of Magic. I only use it as a reference book l i ke some of the above I've mentioned .

The Secret Lore of Magic by Idries Shah

This i s a very usefu l com pi lation of spi rits, thei r sea ls and sig i l s from very o ld g ri moires i nclud i ng The Testament of Solomon, The Key of Solomon, The Book of Al bertus Magnus, The Book of Power, The Catalogue of Demons, The Goet ia, and other books.

The Warlock's Book by Peter Hainlng

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Ha in ing cla i m s this book started due to a d istant ancestor who was bu rned at the sta ke i n Scotland for Witchcraft. It actua l ly i s a compi lation of very old practi ces with the Med ieva l Satan ic Witchcraft overtones. Mentions that he thought " Despite what some authorities wou l d have us bel ieve, the b lack g ri mo i res l eave no dou bt that many witches and warlocks of the E l iza bethan era d i d NOT bel ieve i n the existence of the devi l as a bei ng . "

Huna : A Beg inner's Guide by Enid Hoffman

If you a re havi ng personal problems, En id 's book i s a self-he l p system that may help . Her work i s based on Max Freedo m Long's books a bout the Polynes ian system of Sorcery, Huna . I 've heard the sneers from the detractors of Huna but rega rd less of what they say, the system works ! Get this book and adapt i ts contents to your practices.

Develop Your Psychic Ski l ls by Enid Hoffman

A very practica l book fi l led with lots of i nsight and usefu l practices for the work ing Sorcerer. The techn iques l i sted cover a l ot of the most usefu l practices one can expect to use i n one incarnation . H i ghly recommended .

Expand Your Psychic Skills by Enid Hoffman

A continuation of the above book that has i ntermed iate and advanced practices . If you are serious about uti l izi ng a l l of your ab i l i ti es, then these books w i l l a id your quest. H igh ly recommended .


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Here a re the d rawi ngs mentioned throug hout the text . These are not professi ona l l y d rawn as I a m not a d raftsman . However they do NOT have to be d rawn as such for them to work either. If that were the case, then only d raftsmen and arti sts cou l d make the ta l i smanic o bjects needed i n our worki ngs.

The fol l owing appendices offer a n a m a l g a m of Sorcerous i nformation that I had orig i na l l y l a beled under m i scel l any due to the sporadic sources I col l ected them fro m as wel l as my own chaoti ca l l y written notebooks.

Pl ease cauti on yourself with the herba l remed ies. They a re for i nformation pu rposes only and not offered i n l ieu of sound professi onal medical advice. Use these at YOU R OWN RISK!

I get asked many ti mes where I've col lected m u ch of my materi a l . I've gathered from m a ny sources of books, artic les, journa ls and my own worki ngs. The p rob l e m is that so m u ch of th is is self- i nterpreted that it is hard to say who rea l ly ca me u p with what. Just because some person had it copyrig hted back in the forties or 1800's doesn't mean that s/he came up with the i nformation.

Spi ritual i nformation, that which comes from spi rits, is not docu mentable except by pri mary research . This i s where you 've conjured the spi rit yourself and it tel ls you what you need for what. The p roblem with this too is that spi rits do take i nto consideratio n the varying factors that you may or may not be aware of but the spi rit wou l d be , and then prescri bes which spe l l or ritual method would best be su i ted to fix ing your current situati o n . This is why many rituals/spel l s a re s i m i l a r but have d i ss i mi lar i n g redients or i nstructi ons.

Re member too that one's heightened sensitivity a l l ows themselves to pick and choose accord i ng to thei r needs at the t i m e as wel l . You r i nner g u i des suggest you use rose petals, for i nstance, to a l l eviate some m i nor p roblem in your l i fe but tra dition holds that rose petals a re to wa rd off negativity and bri ng in p rosperity . So what? The fact rem a i ns that in YOUR pa rticu l a r situati on, you r guide is tel l i ng you something that it more than l i kely knows all of the u nderlying factors and ram i fi cati ons than you a re currently aware of. In this i nstance, FOLLOW YOU R GUIDE O R INSTINCT!

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I wish a l l of you read ing th is work the best i n a l l of you r workings a nd prosperous u ndertakings .

Peace ! Power ! Prosperity !

Brother MOLOCH 969

" H u m i l ity is for those with noth i ng to brag a bout"

- BM 969


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Rad ion ic Energy Pattern for Cand le Workings

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Page 137: Brother MOLOCH 969 Pragmatic Magics a Grimoire

. Appendix Two

Rosicrucian Oi l

Rose and Lotus o i l s i n equal parts. Use to ano int a nythi ng sacred . * * * Witches' Bottle

1 3 7

Take a smal l mason jar and add rusty na i ls, broken razor b lades, g lass shards, thorns from roses and some Anti ­Hex powder. Fi l l about half-way . Next, uri nate i n the jar unti l it i s fu l l . Tig hten the l id securely and dri p b lack candle wax a l l around the edges . G o bury the j a r deep i n the earth (2-3 ') . It is a good idea to make two or three of these and bury i n d ifferent l ocations. These jars w i l l reverse the meanest hexes agai nst you . * * * Protection M irror

Take a smal l m i rror a nd tape a smal l picture of yourself or someone you want to protect (from psych ic harm ) to the back of the m i rror but facing forward . Th is w i l l reverse hexes . * * * General Heal ing Potion ( Use with caution ! )

1 part Golden Sea l

1 part Sage

1 part Rosemary

1 part Thyme

1 part Ci nnamon

1 part Verva i n

Gri nd a n d em power the herbs . Place i n a q u a rt bottle a n d a l low to s i t i n the s u n for a t l east o n e fu l l day or unti l the water has been wel l -colored by the herbs . Stra i n a nd use as a water to add to bath water. Only take i nterna l ly IF you 've gotten the okay from your physic ian or from a l i censed medica l practitioner.

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Migraine Potion

1 part Chamomi le

1 part Hawthorne

1 part Hops

1 part Pepperm i nt

1 part Va ler ian

1 part Scu l l cap

1 part Wood Betony

Bri ng water to a boi l . Add herbs a nd remove from heat, a l l owing steepi ng for 30 m i nutes . Stra i n and drink warm , o r a d d to a tea .

Insomnia Potion

2 parts Pass ionflower

2 parts Scu l lca p

1 part Va lerian

1 part Hops

112 part Anise

* * *

Bring water to a boi l . Add herbs a nd remove from heat, a l l owing steepi ng for 30 m i nutes . Stra in and add two tablespoons to a cup of hot tea before go ing to bed .

Purification Incense

2 parts Franki ncense

1 part Bay Lau rel

1 part Ci nna mon

1 part Sage

1 part Cam phor

1 part Vervai n

* * *

Burn to purify and cleanse any a rea or room.

1 3 8

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Protection Incense

3 parts Copa l

2 parts Jun iper Berri es

1 part D ragon 's Blood Reed

1 part Clove

1f2 part M ugwort

Burn for protection from physical or psychic attack.

El ixer of Eternal Life by Trimethius


Calamus, C innamon, Anise Seed , Lavender and Mace . Gr ind up, empower with energy and a d d 5 g rams to a g lass of wine . * * * Oleum Magicale by Wierus

Red-spur Va lerian

Euphorb ium (Wolf's M i l k) Morn ing Glory

Or Convolvu l us a rvensis (Cornb ind )

E lder Ba rk



Mix and burn o n charcoal to i ncrease mag ickal effectiveness of any worki ng , good or evi l .

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U niversal Medicine

M i nt

Li l y-of-the-va l l ey



Heather Flowers

1 40

Mix, g rind and empower. Add to a wine base and dri n k da i ly . * * * Herbal Aphrodisiac

Vervain and Fen nel seeds. Gather fresh on a Friday and steep in boi l i ng water (away from the heat) for 30 m i nutes . Stra in and add three tablespoons to regu lar tea . * * * Balm of Azoth

Tansy, Gypsy Rose, Rue, Maiden ha ir, Fern . Gather and steep in boi l i ng water away from heat for 20 m i n utes . Stra in , add two tab lespoons to reg u lar tea for a dai ly ton ic. * * * Anti-Wrinkle Cream

Chamomi le, Strawberry l eaves, White pond- l i ly leaves . Gently warm a half pint of butterm i l k and add the i ngred ients . Let potion s im mer for 45 m inutes before bei ng removed from heat source and l eft to cool five hours. Reheat and add honey (one ounce) . When cold , i t restores complexion . * * *

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Wealth Attraction oi l ( Brother MOLOCH's) 2 oz . Vi rg in Ol ive o i l

1 17 d rops of pure Ja lap o i l

33 d rops of C innamon o i l

33 d rops of Clove o i l

21 drops of Peppermi nt o i l

Wealth Attraction Incense (Brother MOLOCH's)

1 112 t John the Conqueror i ncense/powder

1 t Prosperity i ncense/powder

1/8 t Luck i ncense/powder

1/8 t Money i ncense/powder

Wealth Attraction Powder ( Brother MOLOCH's)

1/8 t Ja lap root ch i ps

1 t Calamus

2 t Basi l

2 Y2 t Ci nquefoi l

2 T Patchou l i

1/8 t Galangal

1 p i nch Nutmeg

2 p inch Poppy seeds

1 Tonka beans

1 t Vervai n

4 Buckeyes (shel led )

7 Rose peta ls (dri ed )

2 Bay Laurel leaves

2 p i nch Ci nnamon ( powder)

1 T Dog's Grass

Gri nd , mix and empower. Burn to attract serious wealth . Works wel l for those who work on commission type jobs.


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Mars Invoking Incense (Brother MOLOCH's)

2 pi nches Saffron

Coriander seeds

3 pi nches Sa i l p ipe tobacco

Red Sanda lwood powder

Grains of Parad ise

Orange peel

Clove o i l

Capsicu m ( heavy)

1 42

M ix, gri nd and burn for protect ion, attacki ng and for a l l attributes ascri bed to Geburah .

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Appendix Three This a ppend ix wi l l serve as a reference for those particu lar herbs that haven't been covered as m uch as those from the Herba l Sorcery chapter. For now, use this short addendum as a qu ickie reference . If you real ly need to know more about the herb, check out one of the books as l i sted in the b ib l iog raphy section .

Take care and Happy Hexi ng !

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Love Herbs

Adam Bt Eve (root) : both ha lves anoi nted a nd carried

Ambergris : strongest of the com pe l lents known

Apple (blossom) : fa i ntly seductive

1 44

Ash ( leaves) : very protective but can be used to deny l ove

Bachelor's Buttons : hope in love and to overcome obstacles

Basi l : removes obstacles and hatred

Bittersweet : non-selective in who or what comes to your door

Black Cohosh : u ncrossi ng and removes i mpotency

Black Snakeroot : used on ly by men for a fast p ick-up

Cardamom : romance as i nfluence i s mel low but strong

Chrysanthemu m : removes love p roblems but use w/others

Civet : use as l ast resort; very com mandi ng/compel l i ng

Cloves : coerci ng one's l ove for l ust, etc .

Coriander : personal protection

Cumi n : contro l 's i nfidel ity

Daisy : protects from unwanted advances

Damiana : aphrodis iac added to teas ; makes others horney

Devll's Bit : used by men as a sexua l compel lent

Dil l : powerfu l aphrodis iac and adds aura of attraction

Dragon's Blood : uncrossi ng, protecting, success i n l ove

Elecampane : used with other herbs to create a magnetic aura

Eryngo : restore sexual functions and to remove i mpotency

Fig : trad itional sym bol of ferti l ity

Gentian ( root) : used w/others due to its power and force

Ginseng : helps restore sexua l functions

Gra ins of Paradise : strong l uck in l ove

Hazel ( leaves) : reconci l es a lost love

Honeysuckle : bonds of love, i nfidel ity

Jasmine : used by women for seduction of a partner

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Laurel : protection, happi ness, fru itfulness

Lavender : cleansi ng, uncross ing, cleanses bad vi bes

Lemon ( b lossoms) : acts as catalyst w/other herbs

Licorice : com manding herb, aphrodis iac, controls i nfi de l i ty

Lignum Aloes : i nvokes spi ritual i nstead of physica l love

Lilac : return of l ost happi ness when re lationsh i p breaks up

Lily of the Valley : ra ises one's spi rits, equal to Li lac

Lime : conjuga l love, used by men to attract women

Lovage : psychic attachments

Maidenhair : used by women only who are on the hunt

Marigold : e ither creates or removes jealousy

Marjoram : aphrod is iac p roperties

Mint : protection, com manding/co m pel l i ng

Mistletoe : protection, com mandi ng/compel l i ng

Musk : domi nation and power but on ly with other herbs

Myrtle : protective and hea l i ng properties

Orange (blossoms) : magnetic seductive effects

Orris : strong power source for i nvoki ng love

Pansy : psych ic "th i nking of you" type energ ies


Passion Flower: protective, cal m i ng , harmonizes rel ationsh ip

Patchoul i : twisting herb which can a id or damage a coup le

Pennyroyal : control i nfidel ity, harm ony, attunement, soothes

Periwinkle : i nti mate communication to hel p get acquai nted

Quassia : preserves a love when you have one

Rosebuds : added to anyth i ng dea l ing with love

Rosemary : bi nds together i n a k i nd and gentle way

Rue : protects agai nst unworthy lovers

Sage : same as rosemary

Sarsapari l la : potent a phrod isiac

Skullcap : used by women only for male i nfidel ity

Snakeroot : psychic d ivorce

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Southernwood : protectiveness and attraction

Spikenard : stops infide l i ty

Vervain : enchantment, raptu re, a l l u ri ng , etc.

Verba Mate : i nfla mes lust

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Luck 8t Success Herbs

Acorn : hol low, fi l l w/mercury, seal and carry for l uck

Alfa lfa : money d rawi ng


Al lspice : uti l ized in prophetic dream formulas ; cata lyst

Berga mot : psych ic ; used to attract l uck through i ntu iti on

Bistort : money d rawi ng ; add to a l l spice and jun iper for cash

Buckeye : anoi nt w/l uck oi l and wrap in new dol lar bi l l

Cha momile : energy i n adversity ; gambl i ng luck

Cherry B lossoms : a ids good education, studyi ng ; honesty

Clover: luck; burn rather than carry ; add to l uck i ncenses

Frankincense : anoi nt g reen candles with oi l ; uncross

Gum Mastic : same as Frank i ncense but more crude

Heal-Al l : same as Chamom i l e ; wash hands with it too

Irish Moss : success ; works on l ong term basis ; add to others

Job's Tears : attracts l uck; anoi nt 7 w/Lucky Dog oi l , carry

Juniper Berries : power herb wh ich works i n attracti ng l uck

Knotweed : h igh ly psychic ; generates hunches

Lemon Verbena : converts bad l uck to good ; u ncross money j i nx

Lucky Hand : anoint w/strong luck oi l , carry i n g reen bag

Mojo Wish Bean : accu mulators of desi re ; anoi nt w/l uck o i l

N utmeg : hol low, fi l l w/mercu ry; anoi nt and carry for l uck

Peony : l uck herb ; power and add few d rops of success o i l

Potato : l uck attractant ; stick w/cloves to make stronger

Queen-of-the-Meadow : employment i nterviews ; gambl i ng

Sacred Bark : attracts good luck

Sandalwood, White : success mag ics

Sea Lettuce : good I uck

Sea Onion : same as Squ i l l Root

Seven Barks : uncrosses bad l uck

Smartweed : a lso named knotweed ; prophetic dreams

Solomon's Seal : psych ica l ly reprogra ms negative thi n king

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Spearmint : general purpose l uck; materia l izes des i res

Squi l l Root : one of the most potent of money d rawi ng herbs

Star Anise : bri ngs i ntuitive ideas, hunches; very psychic

Tonka : v e ry l ucky ; protects against poverty

Vani l la : gambl i ng ; l uck i n romance

Yellow Dock : hel ps to i ncrease the volume of business

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Power, Com manding, Compelling & Protection Herbs

African Ginger : protective, catalyst

Agrimony : ban ishes negative spi rit entit ies

Ague weed : stops hexes

Althea : Persuasion ; best used w/other herbs

Angel ica : ba nish ing , blessi ng

Asafoetida : h igh ly protective

Ba lm of Gi lead : protection, hea l i ng , psychic i nvolvement

Bay ( leaves) : force, protect ion, ban ish ing

Benzoin/Storax : psych ic, purifi cation, com mun ications

Betony : u ncross ing, banish i ng

Bilberry : p rotects and i nfl i cts, nu l l i fi es treachery

Bindweed : i nfl i cts and reverses hexes - don't use i n i ncenses

Bladder wrack : used for protection by waterways

Blessed Thistle : purification, u ncrossi ng , conveys energ ies

Bloodroot : u nhexi ng , commands respect

Borage : cou rage, protects from evi l mag ic

Brimstone : ban ish ing , reverse hexes, command i ng/compel l i ng

Broom Tops : banishes poltergeists, hum i l ity

Calamus : control l i ng but mixed w/others

Caraway : health, protective

Carnation : i nspi res heal i ng , pride, beauty, self-esteem

Cascara Sagrada : legal a id, protection

Cinquefoi l : used to stop hexes before they've begun

Clove : commanding/compel l i ng parti cu larly i n love areas

Comfrey : exce l l ent protect ion whi le travel i ng by any means

Curry : used l i ke asafetida for protection but ca n a lso hex

Devi l 's Bit : i nvokes success, l uck ; used l i ke ga langal

Dogbane : i nfl i cts or l ifts l i es - very b lack mag ica l

Dragon's Blood : com mand ing , uncross ing , protection ­powerful !

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Elder ( ba rk) : com manding but subtle ; stronger than c inquefoi l

Elm (bark) : stops slander, goss ip

Eucalyptus : protective i n health a reas

Fennel (seeds) : contro l l i ng , hex revers ing

Foxglove : i ns incerity exposes l i a rs and th ieves

Galangal : legal a i d , unpred i ctab le dev ious actions

Garl ic : protection, prevents n ig htmares

Hawthorn : purifi cation , hope

Hazel : reconci l es, lessens hosti l it ies

Holy Herb/Verba Sante : protective , necromantic

Horehound : same as Bay but not as strong

Jalap : com manding, uncross ing , power

Marjoram : protects l overs

Masterwort : power, strength, a nd courage

M imosa Pine : i nspi res courtesy from others

Mistletoe : sim i lar to Blessed Thistle

Motherwort : major protection herb

Mul lein : courage, protection, causes/stops n ightmares

Oak ( leaves) : bravery, cou rage, sta m i na

Palma Christi (bean ) : absorbs black magica l attacks

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Pine ( needles) : cou rage , i nvokes pity, uncrossi ng , protects

Quince (seed) : protection from accidents a nd tem ptations

Rowan : protection, si m i la r to Pine

St. Johnswort : qu ickly reduces negativ ity, absorbs bad vibes

Sl ippery Elm : contro ls goss ip/s lander

Sloe (berries) : banishes demons, bad vibes

Snapdragon : helps stop people from presum i ng too m uch

Tobacco : peace and tranq u i l ity

Thyme : protection and enhances courage

Tormenti l : protection from annoyances

Violets : honesty a nd truthfu lness

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Commanding and Compell ing (powder or incense ) :

Patchou l i , Vetivert, Li me, Bay


Al lspice, Orris, Patchou l i , C i nnamon, Sandalwood , Clove

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