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Brochure Spring 2013

Mar 13, 2016



Brochure Spring 2013
Welcome message from author
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Page 1: Brochure Spring 2013

t i c k e t s / t o c y n n a u : 0 1 9 7 0 6 2 3 2 3 2

w w w . a b e r . a c . u k / a r t s c e n t r e

c a n o l f a n y c e l f y d d y d a ua b e r y s t w y t h a r t s c e n t r e

J a n u a r y - M a y / i o n a w r - M a i 2 0 1 3

Page 2: Brochure Spring 2013

c o n t e n t s / c y n n w y sIT ’S OUR 40Th ANNIVERSARY – JOIN ThE CELEBRATIONS!RYDYM YN 40 OED - YMUNWCh YN Y DAThLU!

t h e a t r et h e a t r 6

s t u d i o p r o g r a M M er h a g l e n y s t i w d i o 1 4

o p e n p l a t f o r M l l w y f a n a g o r e d 1 8

l i t e r a t u r e & s p o k e n w o r dl l e n y d d i a e t h a ’ r g a i r l l a f a r 1 9

d a n c e & p h y s i c a l t h e a t r e d a w n s a t h e a t r g o r f f o r o l 2 0

c l a s s i c a l M u s i cc e r d d o r i a e t h g l a s u r o l 2 3

c o M e d yc o M e d i 2 6

d i a r yd y d d i a d u r 2 8

M u s i c c e r d d o r i a e t h 3 0

f a M i l yt e u l u 3 4

c i n e M a & l i V e s c r e e n i n g ss i n e M a a d a r l l e d i a d a u b y w 3 7

e X h i b i t i o n sa r d d a n g o s f e y d d 3 8

t h e b o Xy b l w c h 4 1

a r t i s t s i n r e s i d e n c ea r t i s t i a i d p r e s w y l 4 2

c r e a t i V e u n i t s u n e d a u c r e a d i g o l 4 4

b u s i n e s s c o M M u n i t yy g y M u n e d f u s n e s 4 4

c o M M u n i t y a r t s p r o g r a M M er h a g l e n c e l f y d d y d a u c y M u n e d o l 4 5

i n f o r M a t i o ng w y b o d a e t h 5 4

c a f é s a n d b a r sc a f f i s a b a r r a u

cafés open Monday to saturday 9aM - 8.15pM sunday 12 noon - 5.30pM

Our award winning cafés offer a selection of freshly made salads, hot meals and snacks, plus a range of coffees, speciality teas and drinks. All this is served in a café that offers stunning views across Cardigan Bay and the town of Aberystwyth.

bars open Mon-fri : 12 noon - late sat: 5pM - late

The Bar is also available for private hire. Call 01970622992 email [email protected]

caffis ar agor dydd llun tan dydd sadwrn 9aM - 8.15pM dydd sul canol dydd - 5.30pM

Mae’n caffis poblogaidd yn cynnig dewis da o saladau, prydau poeth a byrbrydau ffres, a gwahanol fathau o goffi, te a diodydd eraill. Ac yn ogystal â’n bwyd, cewch fwynhau’r golygfeydd ysblennydd ar draws Bae Ceredigion a thref Aberystwyth o’r caffi.

barrau ar agor llun-gwe: 12pM tan hwyr sad: 5pM tan hwyr

Cysylltwch â Sarah ar 01970 622992 neu e-bostiwch [email protected]

Saturday 20 AprilSadwrn 20 EbrillFree/Am Ddim

anniVersary open dayOn Saturday 20th April the Arts Centre will be officially marking its 40th anniversary – the years have flown by! We thought the best way to mark this auspicious occasion would be have a day to say thank you to everyone with lots of free events to enjoy for all the family. Thank you to you all, and here’s to the next 40 years!

diwrnod agored i ddathluAr ddydd Sadwrn 20fed Ebrill bydd Canolfan y Celfyddydau yn dathlu’n swyddogol ei phenblwydd yn 40 oed - mae’r blynyddoedd wedi hedfan heibio! ‘Rydym wedi penderfynu mai’r ffordd orau i ddathlu’r achlysur arbennig hwn yw i drefnu dydd i ddweud ‘diolch’ i bawb gyda digon o weithgareddau’n rhad ac am ddim ar gyfer y teulu i gyd. Diolch o galon i chi i gyd, gan edrych ymlaen at y 40 mlynedd nesaf!












Memory Book: Do you have stories to tell about your experiences at the Arts Centre or photos of you performing in shows here from years ago? If you’ve stories to share, please contact Louise on [email protected] or call 01970 622889.

Llyfr Atgofion: A oes gennych straeon i adrodd am eich profiadau yn y Ganolfan neu ffotograffau o chi’ch hun yn perfformio mewn sioeau yma blynyddoedd yn ôl? Os oes gennych straeon i rannu, cysylltwch â Louise ar [email protected] neu ffoniwch 01970 622889.

special 40th anniVersary eVents 5 - 6 February5 - 6 Chwefror7.30pm

balletboyz® page 20

27 February – 2 March27 Chwefror – 2 Mawrth 7.30pm

the goVernMent inspector page 10

Thursday 18 AprilIau 18 Ebrill8pm

gillian clark & carol ann duffy page 19

3 February3 Chwefror1.30pm

y bont page 8

14 – 15 March14 –15 Mawrth 7.30pm

façade page 9

23 March - 4 May 23 Mawrth - 4 Mai

wales architecture festiVal page 43

24 - 27 April 24 - 27 Ebrill 7.30pm

educating rita page 12

2. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 3.

Page 3: Brochure Spring 2013

craft and design shop online - buy all of the below and More!y siop grefft a dylunio ar-lein - prynwch yr holl eiteMau isod a Mwy!

featuring: yn nodweddu:

5-31 January: January Sale - a wide range of bargains are on offer as we clear the shelves for new Spring gifts!

A new range of Aberystwyth University merchandise - mugs, cards, pens, mousemats, coasters and notebooks.

Nanoblocks - miniature building block sets.

The Animal gallery - new notebooks from Japan.

conteMporary ceraMics in the craft & design shopseraMeg gyfoes yn y siop grefft a dylunio

Supported by The Arts Council of Wales / Cefnogir gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru

2 February- 16 March Sophie WoodrowHand built ceramic sculptures.

19 March-4 May David CleverlyHand made ceramic figures and animals.

20 welsh potters: A permanent showcase of Welsh ceramics featuring a selection of established and emerging makers / Arddangosfa barhaol o serameg Gymreig yn nodweddu amrywiaeth o waith gan wneuthurwyr sefydledig a newydd: Daniel Allen, Justine Allison, Bev Bell-Hughes, Terry Bell Hughes, Lowri Davies, Joe Finch, David Frith, Margaret Frith, Christine Gittins, Jennifer Hall, Frank Hamer, Joanna Howells, Claudia Lis, Walter Keeler, Phil Rogers and Tony White.

(Please call or email to check availability of individual makers work).

Throughout January to May you will find all your reading needs satisfied in store.

We are Aberystwyth’s premier bookshop when it comes to range in academic and non-academic titles, stocking an eclectic mix for all tastes, ranging from Ancient History, to Paranormal Romance with everything else in between (for a full list of sections see the Bookshop Blog)! Plus we offer a speedy ordering service for any special requests. Just email us at [email protected] and we’ll be glad to help.

We always endeavour to make sure we have a range of books to complement the events of the Arts Centre, the University, and the local area. We do more than books and stock a wide range of stationery, board games, mugs, prints, bags, cards, bookmarks and gimbles.

The bookshop regularly hosts book launches and poetry events. Events are FREE and all are welcome.

21 February Niall Griffiths: A Great Big Shining Star28 February Ken Jones: Bog Cotton Hilaire Wood: The Sea Road14 March Geraint Roberts: Forest Brothers21 March Mike Jenkins: Barkin! Students can benefit from 10% off any transactions that include an academic text (with your student card) and everyone who spends over £10 gets a £1 voucher to spend in the Theatre Bar Cafe!

O fis Ionawr tan mis Mai byddwch yn dod o hyd i’r holl lyfrau sydd angen arnoch yn y siop.

Dyma siop flaenllaw Aberystwyth o safbwynt yr amrediad o deitlau academaidd ac eraill, yn stocio cymysgedd eclectig at ddant pawb, yn amrywio o Hanes Hynafol i Ramant Oruwchnaturiol (am restr lawn o’n hadrannau gweler Blog y Siop Lyfrau!) Hefyd mae gennym wasanaeth archebu prydlon ar gyfer unrhyw ofynion arbennig. E-bostiwch ni ar [email protected] a byddwn yn falch iawn i’ch helpu.

Ceisiwn sicrhau bob amser fod gennym ddewis o lyfrau i gydfynd â gweithgareddau’r Ganolfan, y Brifysgol a’r ardal leol. Yn ogystal â llyfrau ‘rydym yn stocio dewis eang o ddeunyddiau ysgrifennu, gemau bwrdd, mygiau, printiau, bagiau, cardiau a mân eitemau eraill.

Cynhelir lansiadau llyfrau a darlleniadau barddoniaeth yn rheolaidd yn y siop lyfrau. Mae’r gweithgareddau hyn yn RHAD AC AM DDIM ac estynnir croeso i bawb.

21 Chwefror Niall Griffiths: A Great Big Shining Star28 Chwefror Ken Jones: Bog Cotton Hilaire Wood: The Sea Road14 Mawrth Geraint Roberts: Forest Brothers21 Mawrth Mike Jenkins: Barkin!

Cynigir gostyngiad o 10% i fyfyrwyr ar destunau academaidd (gyda cherdyn myfyriwr) a bydd pawb sy’n gwario dros £10 yn derbyn tocyn £1 i wario yng Nghaffi Bar y Theatr!

t h e a t r et h e a t rb o o k s h o ps i o p l y f r a u

c r a f t & d e s i g n s h o ps i o p g r e f f t a u a d y l u n i o

10am-8pm Mon-Sat / Llun-SadwrnTel: 01970 622895

Email: [email protected]

Follow us online for the latest on events and special offers: Blog:


The Bookshop at Aberystwyth Arts Centre information/bookshop

10am-8pm, Mon-Sat / Llun-SadwrnTel: 01970 628697

Email: [email protected]

14 January: John Mason ( 36 hours of weather mayhem: the great rainfall of June 201218 February: Daniel Burgarth (IMAPS) - On the nature of randomness: a quantum mechanical perspective4 March: Nick Pierce (IGES) - From Yellowstone to Stonehenge: finding the sources of far-travelled geological materials8 April: Alan Jones (IBERS) - Looking through a green marble: how plants could save the planet27 May: Michael Pawlyn (Exploration Architecture Ltd) - Biomimicry for sustainable architectural environments

A forum for people to meet, drink and chat about the latest ideas in science. Free, all welcome!Fforwm i bobl cyfarfod, cael diod a sgwrsio am y syniadau diweddaraf ym myd gwyddoniaeth. Rhad ac am ddim - croeso i bawb.

aberystwyth science café

All events take place in the Arts Centre Bar from 7.30pm.

4. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 5.

Page 4: Brochure Spring 2013

t h e a t r et h e a t rt h e a t r et h e a t r

Thurs 17 January Iau 17 Ionawr7pm£15 (£13)

nt liVe

the Magistrate

Academy Award nominee and Tony Award-winner John Lithgow takes the title role in Arthur Wing Pinero’s uproarious Victorian farce, directed by Olivier Award-winner Timothy Sheader.

The Magistrate is sure to have audiences doubled up with laughter. When amiable magistrate Posket (John Lithgow) marries Agatha (Olivier Award-winner Nancy Carroll), little does he realise she’s dropped five years from her age – and her son’s. When her deception looks set to be revealed, it sparks a series of hilarious indignities and outrageous mishaps.

Part of National Theatre Live - the best of British Theatre broadcast live to cinemas worldwide in HD.

John Lithgow sy’n chwarae’r brif rôl yn y ffars Fictoraidd hynod digrif hon. Un o gomediau clasurol poblogaidd Theatr Genedlaethol Lloegr, mae hon yn siwr o gael y gynulleidfa yn ei dyblau’n chwerthin! Yn dangos ar y sgrîn fawr.

The Magistrate

John Lithgow takes the title role in this classic Victorian farce.

17 January 2013Varying dates internationally

Proudly supported by

Best of British theatre broadcast to a cinema near you

Sat 5 – Sat 19 JanuarySadwrn 5 – Sadwrn 19 Ionawr £15 (£12) Children £10 Groups of over 20 £10

warden’s draMatic society


Directed by Richard Cheshire Musical Director Eleanor Powell Choreographer Carl Ryan

Join Aladdin on his spectacular flying carpet ride!

Abanazar, a wicked Arabian Magician needs the help of an old Egyptian Mummy (Queen Nefertiti) to find the magic lamp that will give them infinite wealth and riches. Their journey takes them to Old Peking where we meet a colourful array of traditional pantomime characters: including the outrageously saucy washerwoman Widow Twankey and her two lovable sons Wishee - Washee and Aladdin.

With a live band and a toe-tapping mix of songs, stunning choreography, plenty of slapstick comedy, audience participation,

exotic sets, dazzling costumes and stunning effects, this year’s panto is not to be missed!


Sat 5th Jan 2.30pm & 7.30pmSun 6th Jan 1pm & 4.30pmJan 9th 10th, 11th, 16th, 17th, 18th at 7.30pmSat 12th Jan 11am, 2.30pm & 7.30pm Sun 13th Jan 1pm & 4.30pmSat 19th Jan 11am, 2.30pm & 7.30pm

Please note, there is a special family ticket available for the earlier performances!

Panto hwyliog blynyddol y Wardens yn llawn caneuon cyfoes, comedi slapstic, setiau gwych a gwisgoedd anhygoel! Dewch yn llu!

w w w . a b e r . a c . u k / a r t s c e n t r ew w w . a b e r . a c . u k / a r t s c e n t r e

Weds 30 January Mercher 30 Ionawr 7.45pm£11 (£10) CC £10.50(£9.50)

black fish and Makin proJects


Alaska: one of the last great frontiers of the modern world. One man goes in search of adventure, freedom and ‘a piece of the good life’, but soon finds that the reality is no picnic. Plummeting temperatures, technical disasters and a severe lack of any practical skills whatsoever soon plunge our hero into a nightmarish world of extreme survival, haunted by all things living, dead and Athabascan.

A whole host of forest wildlife and one hell of a soundtrack transport you into The Unknown - Alaska is a tragi-comic riot of Pythonesque dottiness guaranteed to leave you spellbound. Come prepared. It’s going to be Wild...

Mae un dyn yn chwilio am anturiaeth, rhyddid a’r ‘bywyd da’ ond yn fuan mae’n ffeindio nad yw’r realiti yn bicnic. Yn defnyddio ffilm, golau tân, cysgod, bywyd gwyllt y fforest a thrac sain gwych, dyma sioe drasig-gomig sy’n sicr o’ch syfrdanu.

Thurs 24 – Sat 26 January Iau 24 – Sadwrn 26 Ionawr7.30pm + Saturday Matinee 2.30pm£9 (£7)

aberystwyth arts centre castaway coMMunity theatre


By Paul Carpenter and Ian GowerAdapted from the original television series by Jimmy Perry and David Croft

Revisit the 1950’s and Maplins Holiday Camp in this stage adaptation of the hugely popular TV series. Joe Maplin announces that he is setting up a camp in the Bahamas. He needs female yellowcoats to go and work out there and the annual ‘Miss Yellowcoat’ competition will decide who is to go. Sylvia and Gladys are joint frontrunners to win the coveted yellow sash but cleaner Peggy convinces Entertainments Manager Jeffrey that she is the ideal candidate for the job… Following on from last year’s sell-out production of ‘Allo ‘Allo, Castaway return to say: Hi-De-Hi, campers!

Yn dilyn llwyddiant ysgubol eu cynhyrchiad y llynedd mae Theatr Gymunedol Castaway y Ganolfan yn cyflwyno addasiad o’r gyfres deledu hynod boblogaidd.

Thurs 31 January - Fri 1 February Iau 31 Ionawr – Gwener 1 Chwefror7.30pm£13 (£12) CC £12.50(£11.50)

forced entertainMent

the coMing storM

International innovators Forced Entertainment tangle and cross-cut multiple stories to make a compelling and unstable performance. From love and death to sex and laundry, personal anecdotes rub shoulders with imaginary movies, and half-remembered novels bump into distorted fairytales. Six performers create, collaborate, ambush and disrupt this epic saga. The result is comical, contradictory and poignant; full of wrong- headed tricks, broken dances, sleazy drum interruptions and perfunctory piano accompaniment.

Post show talk after the Thursday performance.

Cwmni rhyngwladol hynod dyfeisgar yn chwarae gydag amrywiaeth o straeon ar bob pwnc dan haul er mwyn creu perfformiad sy’n gymhellol ac yn simsan.


o: H





6. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 7.

Page 5: Brochure Spring 2013

8. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32

Chwefror, 1963. Roedd y Gymraeg ar drengi. Heb statws swyddogol na hawl yn y byd. Roedd ffigyrau’r cyfrifiad diweddar yn arwyddo’i diwedd buan. Yn Aberystwyth daeth criw o Gymry ifanc ynghyd. Roedd tân yn eu boliau ac ysbryd chwyldro yn y tir, a neb ohonynt am fynd adref y diwrnod hwnnw nes bod cwrs hanes wedi’i wyrdroi.

Chwefror, 2013. Ar ôl cwrdd dros y we, mae bachgen a merch ifanc yn trefnu i ddod wyneb yn wyneb am y tro cyntaf ar Bont Trefechan, Aberystwyth. Mae’r ddau am ddeall yn union beth ddigwyddodd yno hanner can mlynedd ynghynt. Ond nid yw’r cyfarfod mor felys â’r disgwyl. Wrth i’r tensiwn gynyddu, tybed mewn gwirionedd oes gobaith i gariad flaguro ar y bont?

Bydd y perfformiad unigryw hwn, yn gwau trwy strydoedd Aberystwyth, yn plethu theatr byw gyda ffilm, technoleg ddigidol, a chyfryngau cymdeithasol. Bydd yn ymweld â chaffis y ‘chwyldro’, yn dod â’r presennol â’r gorffennol ynghyd, ac yn holi beth yw arwyddocâd protest Pont Trefechan i genhedlaeth newydd o Gymry?

Un Diwrnod. Un weithred arwrol. Un perfformiad yn unig. 1963 / 2013...oeddech chi ar y bont? Gwisgwch yn addas i’r tywydd.

A one-off, promenade performance through the streets of Aberystwyth, marking the 50th anniversary of the first ever non-violent, direct action protest for equal rights for the Welsh language. Please dress appropriately for the weather.

Awduron: Catrin Dafydd, Ceri Elen, Arwel Gruffydd, Angharad TomosCyfarwyddwr: Arwel Gruffydd

TheaTr GenedlaeThol Cymru

y BonTSunday 3 February

Sul 3 Chwefror1.30pm

£15 (£12) / £5 bus travel fromSouth or North Wales

w w w . a b e r . a c . u k / a r t s c e n t r e

Tues 12 February Mawrth 12 Chwefror7.30pm£11 (£10) CC £10.50(£9.50)

claire hind & gary winters:

ghost track / kong lear

Ghost Track is a one hour solo performance that braids the image of a Foley artist as storyteller in response to the 1971 Peter Brook’s stark, existential version of King Lear and draws upon the ‘father’ of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud.

Following the live performance will be Kong Lear, a 12 minute Super 8mm silent film which, as well as a play on words, is a humorous and touching film referencing King Lear’s madness upon some mythologised heath.

Post-show talk

‘Kong Lear is both melancholic and laugh out loud hysterical - I very nearly fell of my seat whilst fighting back tears of laughter’ Freud Museum London

Perfformiad solo ar y llwyfan yn para am awr gyda dangosiad ffilm fud sy’n para am 12 munud i ddilyn. Yn seiliedig ar ddrama enwog Shakespeare.

Sat 9 February Sadwrn 9 Chwefror7.30pm£9 (£8) CC £8.50 (£7.50)

coMpany of storytellers

the three snake leaVes


The dark and unexpected pasts of three dishevelled travellers lost in a forest are untangled in this beguiling performance of grown-up fairytale and myth. Moving, cruel and humorous by turn – enter an enchanted search for truth…

Two hundred years after the Brothers Grimm’s three masters of contemporary storytelling conjure a metaphorical world of primal morality, shot through with evocative music. Suitable for adults and young people over 12.

Dau gan mlynedd ar ôl cyhoeddi’r casgliad cyntaf o straeon tylwyth teg y Brodyr Grimm, mae tri meistr ar adrodd straeon cyfoes yn creu byd metafforaidd o foesoldeb cysefin yn erbyn cefndir o gerddoriaeth atgofus.

Thurs 14 – Fri 15 MarchIau 14 – Gwener 15 Mawrth7.30pm£20 (includes threecourse meal)



A theatrical three course meal, during which, stories unfold in thrilling and touching ways, encircling you as you dine!

Prepare for a feast for the senses, as well as the appetite. Become enthralled as the Crashmat performers absorb you into their world, where anything is possible and their innermost secrets are exposed. The performance varies from beautiful to funny and is always unpredictable - a circus-theatre experience. A celebratory meal with a difference!

Pryd bwyd tri-chwrs cartrefol a theatraidd, pryd yr adroddir straeon o’ch cwmpas mewn ffyrdd gwefreiddiol a theimladwy. Byddwch yn barod am wledd i’r synhwyrau!

Crashmat are supported by Arts Council of Wales. This production is in association with Wales Millennium Centre, The Riverfront and Creu Cymru.

8. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 9.

Page 6: Brochure Spring 2013

Dubious political dealings, a rioting populace, mishandled money, panic - sound familiar? The Government Inspector is one of the world’s most famous plays. Written in 1835, and set in Tsarist Russia, it is a classic satire on human vanity. By turns hilarious and vicious in its expose of corruption among those in power, this masterpiece seems made for the times we now live in.

The Governor is worried. All night he has dreamt of huge rats trying to devour him. Now, today, he has heard of a Government Inspector who is arriving imminently in the district. The town officials are called together and told to waste no time in cleaning up their act - shredding incriminating documents, issuing gagging orders, blacking out of the media - they all have to work together,

Weds 27 February – Saturday 2 MarchMercher 27 Chwefror – Sadwrn 2 Mawrth7.30pm£15 (£14) CC £14 (£13) Groups £8 All tickets Weds 27th £10 (£8)

and fast, to cover up the corruption that’s been going on for years. Bribes, misdirected contracts, misallocation of public money, fiddled expenses, abuses of office.

This fast-paced, raucously entertaining black comedy features an electrifying cast and live Balkan-fused music including electric balalaikas and mouth organs!

Directed by Gerry Mulgrew, founder of Communicado, and adapted by Adrian Mitchell, originally for the National Theatre. Gerry won a 2009-10 Critics’ Awards for Theatre in Scotland for his previous production. Aberystwyth Arts Centre’s touring productions have included the critically acclaimed ‘Wuthering Heights’ and ‘Great Expectations.’

Post show Talk after the Thursday Performance Downloadable resource pack available.

“This period-set Government Inspector is not good – it’s great” The Observer

Gweithredu gwleidyddol amheus, terfysgoedd ymysg y bobl, arian brwnt, panig - swnio’n gyfarwydd? ‘The Government Inspector’ yw un o ddramâu mwyaf enwog y byd. Wedi’i hysgrifennu ym 1835, ac wedi’i gosod yn y Rwsia Tsaraidd, mae’n ddychan clasurol ar falchder dynol. Yn hynod doniol ac hefyd yn filain yn y ffordd y mae’n datgelu llygredd ymysg y sawl sydd mewn pwer, mae’r campwaith hwn yn gwbl berthnasol i’r byd sydd ohoni heddiw.

This production has been made possible thanks to funding support from Arts Council Wales and Creative Scotland. The production will open in Aberystwyth Arts Centre at the end of February, before touring to Wales, England and Scotland.

w w w . a b e r . a c . u k / a r t s c e n t r e

Weds 27 MarchMercher 27 Mawrth7.30pm£13 (£12) CC £12.50(£11.50)

hull truck theatre

Jane eyre

By Charlotte BrontëAdapted by Laura TurnerDirected by Nick Lane

From a harsh childhood controlled by unfeeling adults, Jane Eyre has to rely on her own courage and convictions to make her way in the world. Employed as a governess, she travels across the bleak Yorkshire moors to the mysterious Thornfield Hall – a house of locked doors with a dangerous secret. There she meets the strange, sardonic and intriguing Mr Rochester. Can the constraints of society and the dark past be overcome? Should Jane trust her head or follow her heart?

Hull Truck Theatre brings to life the classic story of love, loss and redemption in an intriguing new adaptation of one of the great gothic novels.

Mae Theatr Hull Truck yn rhoi bywyd newydd i’r stori glasurol hon am serch, colled a gwaredigaeth mewn addasiad newydd cyfareddol o un o’r nofelau gothig mawrion.

Thurs 11 - Sat 13 AprilIau 11 – Sadwrn13 Ebrill7.30pm£9 (£7)

a griMM eVening

Adapted & Directed by Richard Hull

Looking for a sweet, soothing tale to waft you toward dream land? Look somewhere else.....

The Arts Centre’s Youth Theatre present this new adaptation of story telling and song based on the original fairy tales of the Brother’s Grimm that have bewitched young audiences for centuries. Walk deep into myth and mystery as some of the most famous stories ever told come to life on stage...

Suitable for children and families.

Theatr Ieuenctid y Ganolfan yn cyflwyno noson o adrodd straeon a chân yn seiliedig ar straeon tylwyth teg gwreiddiol y Brodyr Grimm sydd wedi bod yn swyno cynulleidfaoedd ifanc ers canrifoedd. Yn addas ar gyfer plant a theuluoedd.




Thurs 28 March Iau 28 Mawrth7pm£15 (£13)

nt liVe


A new play by Alan Bennett

Award-winning writer Alan Bennett is reunited with director Nicholas Hytner and Olivier Award-winning actress Frances de la Tour, with whom he worked on The History Boys and The Habit of Art. Alan Bennett is one of Britain’s most celebrated playwrights, and the much anticipated People is the sixth of his plays to have its premiere at the National Theatre.

People spoil things; there are so many of them and the last thing one wants is them traipsing through one’s house. But with the park a jungle and a bath on the billiard table, what is one to do? Dorothy (Frances de la Tour) wonders if an attic sale could be a solution.

‘Wonderfully funny... a grand evening. Dorothy is Frances de la Tour, in the best part Alan Bennett has written for her.’ The Times

Part of National Theatre Live - the best of British Theatre broadcast live to cinemas worldwide in HD.

10. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 11.

Page 7: Brochure Spring 2013

Clwyd TheaTr Cymru

eduCaTing riTa

By Willy RussellDirected by Emma Lucia

Rita is unhappy with her job and the low expectations of those around her. She wants to know ‘everything’, and so embarks on an Open University course in English literature. Her life is about to change forever.

Frank, her tutor, is a failed poet whose cynicism has led him to take solace in the bottle. Meeting Rita, his life too is about to change forever.

Thought provoking, funny and moving, Educating Rita is a comic masterpiece and a modern stage classic.

Originally commissioned by the Royal Shakespare Company in 1980, Educating Rita won a Comedy of the Year award in the West End where it ran for over two years. It subsequently became a BAFTA award winning film starring Michael Caine and Julie Walters.

Yn bryfoclyd, yn ddoniol ac yn deimladwy, dyma fersiwn newydd o gampwaith comig clasurol Willy Russell.

“A mArvellous plAy, pAinfully funny, it sent me out moved, excited And exhilArAted” The Sunday Times

Wednesday 24 – Saturday 27 AprilMercher 24 – Sadwrn 27 Ebrill7.30pm£15 (£14) CC £14 (£13) Groups £8 All tickets Weds 24th £10 (£8)

w w w . a b e r . a c . u k / a r t s c e n t r e

Thurs 16 - Sat 18 MayIau 16 – Sadwrn 18 Mai 7.30pm £9 (£7)

arts centre youth theatre

blood brothers – the play

By Willy Russell

The Youth Theatre presents Blood Brothers, the non-musical version of the hugely successful musical. Based loosely on the 1844 novella ‘The Corsican Brothers’, the story revolves around twin boys who were separated at birth. Their contrasting upbringing and the hand fate deals them is fast-moving, perceptive and ultimately tragic…

Mae Theatr Ieuenctid y Ganolfan yn cyflwyno drama Willy Russell - yn seiliedig ar y sioe gerdd hynod lwyddiannus a phoblogaidd.

Weds 8 – Sat 11 May Mercher 8 – Sadwrn 11 Mai7.30pm + Saturday matinee 2.30pm£11 (£9) £8.50 for groups of 21 or more

wardens draMatic coMpany

calendar girls

Directed by Richard Cheshire

The Wardens, famous for their annual pantomime, present the stage version of the well-known film, which tells the tale of a group of brave WI members who decide to bare all for charity by posing for a charity calendar - with a difference! A percentage of each ticket sold will go towards cancer research. Please note: This show contains some nudity. And buns.

Cwmni’r Wardens, yn cyflwyno fersiwn i’r llwyfan o’r ffilm boblogaidd.

Thurs 16 May Iau 16 Mai7pm £15 (£13)

nt liVe

this house

A new play by James Graham

It’s 1974 and the corridors of Westminster ring with the sound of infighting and backbiting as Britain’s political parties battle to change the future of the nation, whatever it takes. In this hung parliament, the ruling party holds on by a thread. Votes are won and lost by one, fist fights erupt in the bars, and ill MPs are hauled in to cast their votes.

James Graham’s biting, energetic and critically-acclaimed new play strips politics down to the practical realities.

Drama newydd fywiog a phryfoclyd yn seiliedig ar fyd gwleidyddiaeth. Yn dangos ar y sgrîn fawr.

Sun 5 May Sul 5 Mai 7.30pm£7 (£5)

ysgol theatr Maldwyn

er Mwyn y fory

Stori am bar ifanc wedi eu dal ym merw cyfnod Rhyfel y Degwm, a’r effaith a gaiff y cyfnod hwnnw ar eu hynt a’u brwydr bersonol hwy ‘er mwyn yfory’.

The story of a young couple during the period of the Tythe War, together with the effect of this period in history on their lives and aspirations.

12. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 13.

Page 8: Brochure Spring 2013

t h e a t r et h e a t rt h e a t r et h e a t r

Tues 11 June Mawrth 11 Mehefin7.30pm£14 (£12)

the reduced shakespeare coMpany

the coMplete works of williaM shakespeare (abridged) (reVised)

An irreverent, fast-paced romp through the Bard’s plays!

Join these madcap men in tights as they weave their wicked way through all of Shakespeare’s comedies, histories and tragedies in one wild ride that will leave you breathless and helpless with laughter.

‘Pithier than Python. Irresistible.’ New York Times

‘Stupendous, anchorless joy!’ The Times

Ymunwch â’r cwmni gwbl wirion hwn wrth iddynt garlamu trwy holl gomediau, hanesion a thrasediau Shakespeare ar un daith wyllt a fydd yn eich gadael yn fyr o wynt ac yn eich dyblau’n chwerthin!

Fri 31 MayGwener 31 Mai7.30pm£12 (£11) CC £11.50(£10.50)

old Vic new Voices

chapel street / bitch boXer

A double bill of two award winning new shows, first presented as part of the Old Vic New Voices Edinburgh season 2012.

Act One: CHAPEL STREET by Luke Barnes

A night out of drunken carnage in the lives of Kirsty and Joe. Hilarious, heartbreaking, and compelling throughout, WINNER Old Vic New Voices Edinburgh Award, Brighton Fringe Emerging Talent Award.

Act Two: BITCH BOXER by Charlotte Josephine

London, 2012. The Olympics. For the first time in history women can compete in the sport of boxing. In a man’s world can Chloe prove she is still worth the title? WINNER Old Vic New Voices Award, Soho Young Writers Award, 2012.

Dwy ddrama fer gan dalent newydd sbon - noson unigryw na ddylid ei methu!

Weds 23 JanuaryMercher 23 Ionawr7.45pm£8 (£7)

the Magic illuMinariuM

a cabinet of curiosities

Short fairy tale stories, songs and music with hundreds of projections. Features the stories ‘The Hunter and the Mermaid,’ ‘Y Tylwyth Teg’, ‘The Lady of the Reservoir’, ‘The Sea Morgane’, and more. With Ailsa Mair Hughes. Suitable for children and adults.

Straeon tylwyth teg byrion, caneuon a cherddoriaeth gydag effeithiau arbennig. Yn addas ar gyfer plant ac oedolion.

Fri 22 February Gwener 22 Chwefror7.45pm£8 (£7)

liVing pictures productions

seXual perVersity in chicago

By David MametDirected by Elen Bowman and Robert Bowman

A voyeuristic peek into what keeps men and women apart.

Danny looks up to Bernie... Bernie has ‘problems’ with women... Deborah lives with Joan... Joan has ‘problems’ with men... and Deborah has problems of her own. Danny meets Deborah, they like each other, they move in together... Danny and Deborah separate...

Set in 70s Chicago, Mamet’s highly acclaimed dark comedy looks at relationships between friends and their failing attempts when searching for a mate.Contains strong language Age 16+

Cipolwg voyeuraidd ar beth sy’n cadw dynion a merchd ar wahân.

Thurs 24 JanuaryIau 24 Ionawr7.45pm£8 (£7)

bill aitchison


One day Bill discovered that the number 1 on the day he was born was Grandad by Clive Dunn, a song so bad, in so many ways, that it is in its own way remarkable. From that discovery Vinyl is the natural consequence: a track for each year of his life. Bill is no normal DJ and his stories are as diverse, idiosyncratic and pointed as the music he plays.

Sioe sy’n cyflwyno amrywiaeth o draciau a gasglwyd ar hyd y blynyddoedd. Nid yw Bill yn DJ cyffredin ac mae ei straeon yr un mor amrywiol, idiosyncratig a phigog â’r gerddoriaeth a chwaraeir ganddo.

Vinyl has been supported through a New Work Network/Lanternhouse residency, is co-commissioned by ICIA Bath and supported by Arts Council England.

Thurs 14 – Fri 15 MarchIau 14 – Gwener 15 Mawrth7.45pm£9 (£8)

bold productions & aberystwyth arts centre


By Harold PinterJerry and Emma love each other, and their love weaves a labyrinth of betrayals that extend beyond the relationship and touch something at the heart of every living creature. Emma betrays her husband; Jerry betrays his best friend and also his own wife, Judith. But it turns out that Robert has been betraying Emma with other women. Jerry, an author’s agent, and Robert, a publisher, are successful figures in the publishing world, but Pinter hints that their careers are also betrayals of a deeper vision that they once had. Their civilised acceptance of these endlessly breeding betrayals finally creates a quiet revulsion that brings the affair to a desolate close.

Cwmni Bold Productions a Chanolfan y Celfydydydau yn cyflwyno clasur enwog Pinter yn seiliedig ar wahanol ffasedau y weithred o Frad - a’u canlyniadau.

s t u d i o p r o g r a M M er h a g l e n y s t i w d i o

14. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 15.

Page 9: Brochure Spring 2013

s t u d i o p r o g r a M M er h a g l e n y s t i w d i o

Friday 12 April Gwener 12 Ebrill7.45pm£8 (£7)

lighthouse theatre

she stoops to conquer

Prior to a tour of South America, Swansea-based Lighthouse Theatre present a new fast-paced 80 minute adaptation of Oliver Goldsmith’s classic comedy of manners, money and mistaken identity, She Stoops to Conquer. Using their trademark bold story-telling style, Lighthouse bring a lovingly irreverent version this classic tale to Aberystwyth. Expect the unexpected, expect comedy, confusion and capers - and expect wigs!

Cyn mynd ar y daith i Dde America, mae cwmni o Abertawe, Lighthouse, yn cyflwyno addasiad o gomedi ysgafn glasurol Oliver Goldsmith - ymddygiad, arian a camgymeriad hunaniaeth.

This show is presented with the help of Wales Arts International and the City and Council of Swansea.

Image: ‘The Rose Tavern’ by William Hogarth - with the permission of the Sir John Soane’s Museum, London.

Friday 5 April Gwener 5 Ebrill7.30pm£8 (£7)

george dillon

gospel of Matthew

“Don’t think I came to bring peace to the world...” Matthew 10.34

A stunning virtuoso delivery of the greatest story ever told. Acclaimed by critics and audiences in theatres and churches throughout the UK, award-winning actor George Dillon presents an unforgettable vision of Jesus in his highly intense, very human and occasionally humorous solo staging of the first Gospel, with an original musical score and video background.

Short-listed for The Stage’s ‘Best Actor’ Award in Edinburgh, Dillon’s epic, impassioned performance portrays Jesus not as a meek and mild lamb to the slaughter but as a contemporary raging fighter for God.

Cyflwyniad syfrdanol meistrolgar o’r stori fwyaf a adroddwyd erioed.

Weds 17 - Thurs 18 AprilMercher 17 – Iau 18 Ebrill7.45pm£8 (£7)

wwt productions

life of riley

By Sir Alan Ayckbourn’s Directed by Adam Lacey

This roller coaster ride of humour and sadness is set over 7 months and highlights the entanglements of seven characters, and their dealings with the ever-elusive George Riley. Having been diagnosed with terminal cancer, George manages to have an unwelcome, yet hilarious impact on everyone else’s lives! Watch (and laugh) as each of three couples discovers there is far more to George than meets the eye!

Follow the company on Twitter @wwtproductions

Yn dilyn llwyddiant ysgubol nifer o gynyrchiadau yn Aberystwyth yn y gorffennol dyma ddrama ddiweddaraf y cwmni talentog hwn.

Presented with the permission of Casarotto Ramsay & Associates on behalf of Sir Alan Ayckbourn.

w w w . a b e r . a c . u k / a r t s c e n t r e

Thurs 16 - Fri 17 MayIau 16 – Gwener 17 Mai7.45pm£8 (£7)

Jez danks

town planing

Many people take the features of our towns for granted without ever considering the important work that takes place in the planning stage. Why, for example, are modern lamp posts so tall or the spaces in car parks so maddeningly narrow? The questions multiply when we consider examples beyond these shores and look at rickshaw ranks, camel parks and dhow moorings.

After too long an absence from the Open Platform stage, Jez Danks returns with a no-holds-barred investigation that promises to enthral both urban and rural dwellers alike. As ever, the show will be peppered with music and song.

Ar ôl absenoldeb rhy hir o’r Llwyfan Agored mae Jez Danks yn dychwelyd gydag archwiliad beiddgar i faes cynllunio trefi. Yn ôl ei arfer, cynhwysir gerddoriaeth a chaneuon yn y sioe.

Thurs 25 – Sat 27 AprilIau 25 – Sadwrn 27 Ebrill7.45pm£7 (£5)

aberystwyth arts centre castaway coMMunity theatre

the skriker

By Caryl Churchill

The story of an ancient fairy who, during the course of the play, transforms into a plethora of objects and people as it pursues Lily and Josie, two teenage mothers whom it befriends, manipulates, seduces and entraps. Whilst speaking English in its human incarnations, the Skriker’s own language consists of broken and fragmented word play. Blending naturalism, horror and magical realism, it is a story of love, loss and revenge.

Theatr Gymuned Castaway yn cyflwyno stori am gariad, colled a dial sy’n cyfuno naturiolaeth, arswyd a realaeth gyfareddol.

Wednesday 5 JuneMercher 5 Mehefin7.45pm£8 (£7)

waking eXploits

loVe & Money

A play by Dennis KellyDirected by Ryan Romain

Debt. Desire. Love and money. David is online, hoping to kindle a new relationship. Love is only a click away, but a shocking admission begins to unravel his past piece by chilling piece. Believing happiness can be bought in a world of easy finance and materialism, possessions become irresistible. But at what cost?

Funny yet heart wrenching, Kelly’s dark comedy portrays a dislocated view of the world we live in, the risks we face, and the lengths we go in search of happiness.

Comedi dywyll ddigrif ond teimladwy yn portreadu darlun cymysglyd o’r byd yr ydym yn byw ynddo, y risgiau yr ydym yn wynebu, a’r pethau yr ydym yn barod i wneud er mwyn dod o hyd i hapusrwydd.

Supported by the Arts Council of Wales and the Welsh Government through the National Lottery.

16. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 17.

Page 10: Brochure Spring 2013

l i t e r a t u r e & s p o k e n w o r dl l e n y d d i a e t h a ’ r g a i r l l a f a r

Sat 9 MarchSadwrn 9 Mawrth7.30pm£10 (£8)

polly toynbee: dogMa and disarray

Polly Toynbee has built a reputation for accurate fact finding left of centre journalism. With her partner, journalist David Walker, she wrote two books critically assessing the Blair New Labour government.

‘Dogma and Disarray’ (2012) looks in detail at the government’s policies during their first two years and warns that by the next election the Welfare State may be in irrecoverable ruins unless their mission to downsize and diminish the Public sector is brought down by incompetence at the top.

This special event will include a reading and talk, plus a Q&A session.

Noson o drafod a dehongli’r sefyllfa wleidyddol bresennol ym Mhrydain yng nghwmni Polly Toynbee, academydd, hanesydd, adolygydd llenyddol, sylwebydd gwleidyddol ac awdur dau lyfr llwyddiannus.

poetry readings in the bookshop Regular poetry readings, book launches and free events – see page 4 or check out the website for details. Free.

darlleniadau barddoniaeth yn y siop lyfrauCynhelir darlleniadau barddoniaeth, lansiadau llyfrau a gweithgareddau am ddim - gweler y wefan neu tudalen 4 am fanylion. Am Ddim.

o p e n p l a t f o r Ml l w y f a n a g o r e d

Thurs 1 & 7 FebruaryIau 1 & 7 Chwefror7.45pm £6 (£4)

Writing for Performance Group


The third showcase of new writing from the Aberystwyth Arts Centre’s Writing for Performance Group, presented over two evenings.

Thurs 7 MarchIau 7 Mawrth7.45pm £6 (£4)

Christopher T Harris

walk on Mars

A harrowing and touching new play that examines the suffering of the condemned as well as the victimised.

Thurs 21 MarchIau 21 March6pm & 8pm £7 (£6)

Ella Good and Nicki Kent

wild thing i loVe you

A new performance that examines the experience of searching for a legendary mythical creature in rural America, using extracts of recorded conversations, film, animation and live performance.

Thurs 11 AprilIau 11 Ebrill7.45pm £6 (£4)

Mads Floor Andersen

let’s breathe in the dragons

A performative event which sets out to create moments of encounters, sharing and exchange, focussing on: Aberystwyth, home, memory and arrival.

Thurs 2 MayIau 2 Mai7.45pm £6 (£4)

Lara Kipp

(e)Merge 1.0

A work-in-progress presentation of spatial choreography which presents physical musings on body and space.

Weds 8 MayMercher 8 Mai7.45pm £6 (£4)

Mercury Theatre Wales


A brand new play based on real life experiences of clubbers, DJs, promoters and nightclub staff.

Weds 29 MayMercher 29 Mai7.45pm £6 (£4)

pip practice in perforMance

A sharing from PiP, a group of local multi-disciplinary artists who meet on a regular basis to discuss and create work together.

Tuesday 30 MayMawrth 30 Mai7pm Free / Am Ddim

Writing for Performance Group

earcandy launch night

Following a year-long project exploring the skills of writing for radio, the Art Centre’s Writing for Performance group will be launching a unique web-based collection of audio narrative drama.

A showcase for new and emerging companies and artists, performed in the studio. For full details visit our website

Cyfle i gwmniau ac artistiaid newydd berfformio eu gwaith yn y stiwdio. Am gwybodaeth

Weds 27 March Mercher 27 Mawrth7.45pm£8 (£7)

planet poetika i i i get yer socks off

Planet Poetika is back again for its biannual extravaganza of poetry and music. Melodic accompaniment will be provided by Cerddcegin.

Thurs 18 AprilIau 18 Ebrill 8pm£12.50 (£10)

gillian clark & carol ann duffy

A special evening with the UK’s leading poets.

Carol Ann Duffy was appointed Britain’s poet laureate in May 2009. Her award winning work addresses issues such as oppression, gender, and violence, in an accessible language. She has received many awards including the Somerset Maugham Award; the Whitbread Poetry Award; the Dylan Thomas Award from the Poetry Society and in 2012 the PEN/Pinter Prize.

Her most recent book of poetry is The Bees (2011), winner of the 2011 Costa Poetry Award and the 2011 T.S. Eliot Prize.

National Poet of Wales since 2008, Gillian Clarke was awarded the Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry in 2010, and the Wilfred Owen Award 2012.

Early booking strongly recommended. This event forms part of the first Architecture Festival & the Arts Centre’s 40th Anniversary.

Thurs 9 MayIau 9 Mai7.45pm£8 (£7)

Word Distillery / Nigel Humphries

hoMage to coleridge

A brief biography of Coleridge’s life, illustrated by slides, and a reading of some of his greatest poems such as Frost at Midnight and Dejection: an Ode. In the second half there will be a reading of Coleridge’s ‘Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ in its entirety, illustrated on a large screen by Gustave Doré prints.

Yn gyntaf cyflwynir bywgraffiad byr o fywyd Coleridge gan gynnwys darllen rhai o’i gerddi mwyaf enwog ac wedyn darllenir ‘Rime of the Ancient Mariner’.

18. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 19.

Page 11: Brochure Spring 2013






by P





Tues 5 – Weds 6 February Mawrth 5 – Mercher 6 Chwefror7.30pm£14 (£13) CC £13 (£12) Children / Groups £8

balletboyz®: the talent 2013

Make some noise. Make some room. Here come the BalletBoyz®. Following triumphant UK and international appearances on stage and screen, this phenomenally popular company featuring 10 exceptional young dancers presents an exhilarating evening of exciting and explosive dance. The Talent 2013 premières two stunning new dance pieces by internationally celebrated choreographers Russell Maliphant and Liam Scarlett.

BalletBoyz® is one of the most cheekily original and innovative forces in modern dance. Led by former Royal Ballet lead dancers Michael Nunn and William Trevitt, the company thrills audiences and critics the world over with its distinctive style, fusing spectacular dance both energetic and graceful, with stunning music and film.

‘BalletBoyz® occupies boyband territory’ The Times

‘Superbly danced and unforgettable. Must see!’ Financial Times

Yn dilyn llwyddiant ysgubol ar y llwyfan a’r sgrîn yn y DU ac yn rhyngwladol, mae’r cwmni hynod boblogaidd hwn sy’n nodweddu 10 o ddawnswyr ifainc eithriadol, yn cyflwyno noson fywiog o ddawns gyffrous a ffrwydrol.

w w w . a b e r . a c . u k / a r t s c e n t r e


to: Roy





Thurs 21, Fri 22 &Mon 25 MarchIau 21, Gwener 22 & Llun25 Mawrth6pm£10 (Children £5)

arts centre dance school ballet show


The Classical Students from Grade 1 upwards of the Arts Centre Dance School present an adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s best loved books ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’. As Alice begins her adventure in Wonderland, she has no idea the marvellous creatures she will encounter along the way from the Singing Garden to the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party and ending up in the Queen of Heart’s Court Room! Follow that Rabbit!

Disgyblion Clasurol Ysgol Ddawns y Ganolfan o Radd 1 i fyny yn cyflwyno addasiad o lyfrau mwyaf poblogaidd Lewis Carroll. Wrth i Alys ddechrau ar ei hanturiaeth yng Ngwlad Hud nid oes ganddi syniad am y llu o gymeriadau hoffus y daw ar eu traws ar hyd y daith!

Tues 16 AprilMawrth 16 Ebrill7.30pm£12 (£11) CC £11.50(£10.50)

the kosh

café chaos

Comic confusion spills from the kitchen, waiters and diners collide, lovers meet, identities are traded, secrets uncovered, denial and betrayal tear friendships apart; dangerous comedy and a tragic night out are just some of the specials on the menu at Café Chaos.

Café Chaos mixes physical comedy, theatre, dance and music with a great story. It takes a close look at prejudice and denial in a humorous, down to earth way.

Café Chaos is funny, superbly skilful, gloriously theatrical and guaranteed to keep the audience on the edge of their seats. A really good night out!

‘Sexy, fun and deliciously dangerous’ Metro

Darn sy’n cymysgu comedi gorfforol, theatr, dawns a cherddoriaeth gyda stori wych. Yn cynnig cipolwg ar ragfarn a gwadiad mewn ffordd ddoniol ac onest.

Tues 5 – Weds 6 MarchMawrth 5 – Mercher 6 Mawrth7.30pm£13 (£12) CC £12 (£11) Children / Groups £8

national dance coMpany wales

A spellbinding triple bill of exhilarating dance to fall in love with. The acclaimed Dream from world-renowned choreographer Christopher Bruce is a breathtaking celebration of the excellence and achievement of Britain in its Olympic year. Exploring the fantasy and ritual of weddings, Noces by French choreographer Angelin Preljocaj is an astonishing spectacle of dynamic movement performed to Igor Stravinsky’s exquisite score. Award-winning Company dancer and House Choreographer Eleesha Drennan presents her latest work with a recording of a newly commissioned percussion concerto from BBC NOW’s resident composer Mark Bowden.

See how the dancers prepare their bodies for the evening’s show at Watch Dance Class. Workshops available, contact [email protected] for more information.

Rhaglen driphlyg o ddawns swynol a chyferaddeol yn cynnwys y darn ‘Dream’ gan y coreograffydd byd-enwog Christopher Bruce sy’n nodweddu dathliad sy’n mynd â’ch gwynt o ragoriaeth a chyflawniad Prydain yn ystod ei blwyddyn Olympaidd. Dyma gwmni dawns cenedlaethol Cymru ar ei orau.

DANCE SHORTS: Tues 5 March 7pm. Free.Enjoy 10 minutes of fresh and exciting dance in the foyer before NDCWales performed by Tanja Råman of TaikaBox.

d a n c e & p h y s i c a l t h e a t r ed a w n s a t h e a t r g o r f f o r o l

20. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 21.

Page 12: Brochure Spring 2013

c l a s s i c a l M u s i cc e r d d o r i a e t h g l a s u r o l

bolshoi ballet liVe / bale’r bolshoi’n fywDon’t miss our very popular live links to ballet productions from the Bolshoi, beamed straight into our cinema! Tickets for each performance are £15 (£13) and early booking is recommended.

Peidiwch â methu ein dolenni byw hynod boblogaidd i gynyrchiadau bale o’r Bolshoi, a ddarlledir yn uniongyrchol i sgrîn ein sinema! Pris y tocynnau yw £15 (£13) ac fe’ch cynghorir i archebu’n gynnar.

la bayadere (Ludwig Minkus) Sun 27 January / Sul 27 Ionawr 3pm, 3hrs 30 mins, 2 intermissions LIVE

don quiXote(Ludwig Minkus) Sun 10 February / Sul 10 Chwefror 3pm, 3hrs, 2 intermissions RECORDED

the rite of spring (Igor Stravinsky) Sun 31 March / Sul 31 Mawrth 4pm

roMeo & Juliet(Sergei Prokofiev) Sun 12 May / Sul 12 Mai 4pm 2 hrs 25 mins, 1 intermission LIVE

d a n c e & p h y s i c a l t h e a t r ed a w n s a t h e a t r g o r f f o r o l

Weds 1 – Thurs 2 May Mercher 1 – Iau 2 Mai7.30pm£14 (£13) CC £13 (£12) Children / Groups £8

sMallpetitklein coMpany

within this dust

Three live dance works (Embers, S/HE and Falling Man) interwoven with film, animation and sound explore Richard Drew’s iconic photographs of a man falling from the World Trade Center during the 9/11 attacks. This evocative work is heart-breaking in its honesty and convulses with a brutish force that will electrify and move audiences. The programme includes Falling Man, as featured on the BBC 2 Culture Show.

Post show Talk after the Wednesday performance Workshop Available

‘So beautiful I had tears pouring down my face’ **** The Scotsman

Tri darn o ddawns fyw (Embers, S/HE a Falling Man) wedi eu plethu gyda ffilm, animeiddiad a sain yn nodweddu ffotograffau Richard Drew o ddyn yn syrthio o Ganolfan Fasnach y Byd yn ystod ymosodiadau 9/11. Mae’r gwaith pwerus hwn yn dorcalonnus yn ei onestrwydd ac mae’n sicr o gael effaith gref ar emosiynau’r gynulleidfa.

Thurs 14 MarchIau 14 Mawrth7.30pm£19 - £13 Students £6Family Tickets £18 / £12.50

bbc national orchestra of wales

Horneman Gurre, Overture Sibelius Spring Song Mozart Clarinet Concerto Glazunov Spring, Musical PictureStravinsky Symphony in C Thomas Søndergård ConductorRobert Plane Basset Clarinet

Welcome in the new season with spring-inspired music from Sibelius and Glazunov and the ethereal haunting beauty of Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto.

Rhowch groeso i’r tymor newydd â cherddoriaeth a ysbrydolwyd gan y gwanwyn, gan Sibelius a Glazunov a harddwch atgofus nefolaidd Concerto Clarinét Mozart.

Wed 27 FebruaryMer 27 Chwefror1.45pm & 7pm

ceredigion schools concert

Ceredigion Music Service presents an evening of music for all tastes featuring the Schools Symphonic Wind Band, Schools Senior String Orchestra and

Schools Harp Ensemble. (NB Tickets available on the door, and not via the Arts Centre)

Gwasanaeth Cerddoriaeth Ceredigion yn cyflwyno noson o gerddoriaeth at ddant pawb yn nodweddu Band Chwyth Symffonig yr Ysgolion, Cerddorfa Linynnol Hyn yr Ysgolion a’r Ensemble Telyn.

Fri 15 - Sun 17 February Gwener 15 – Sul 17Chwefror

côr cyMru 2013

Mynnwch eich sedd yn y gynulleidfa am wledd o ganu corawl a gwefr y cystadlu!

Make sure of your place in the audience for a feast of top class choral singing and the excitement of competition.

Rowndiau Cyn Derfynol Semi Finals

Nos Wener / Friday 8pmCorau Ieuenctid / Youth Choirs

Dydd Sadwrn / Saturday 2pm Corau Merched / Female Choirs

Nos Sadwrn / Saturday 8pm Corau Meibion / Male Choirs

Dydd Sul / Sunday 2pm Corau Plant / Children’s Choirs

Nos Sul / Sunday 8pmCorau Cymysg / Mixed Choirs

Tocynnau ar gael am ddim trwy ffonio 029 2022 3456 neu ebostio [email protected] Gall trefn y categoriau newid o fewn y penwythnos.

Free tickets: 029 2022 3456 or [email protected]

Sat 2 MarchSadwrn 2 Mawrth8pm£9.50 (£8.50), £7.50(£6.50), £3.50Accompanied child: £2

choral union

Carl Orff Carmina Burana David Russell Hulme Conductor

One of the most vibrant and memorable choral works performed by the University’s large and thriving town/gown choir. Featuring special guest soloists and full professional orchestra

Un o’r darnau corawl mwyaf bywiog a chofiadwy yn cael ei berfformio gan gôr llewyrchus a phoblogaidd y Brifysgol. Yn nodweddu unawdwyr gwadd arbennig a cherddorfa broffesiynol lawn dan arweiniad David Russell Hulme.

22. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 23.

Page 13: Brochure Spring 2013

c l a s s i c a l M u s i cc e r d d o r i a e t h g l a s u r o l

c l a s s i c a l M u s i cc e r d d o r i a e t h g l a s u r o l

Sun 21 AprilSul 21 Ebrill8pm£15

the herMitage enseMble

This superlative Russian Orthodox Choir was formed to keep alive the great traditions of Russian sacred music and folksong. Members of the Ensemble are chosen from amongst the finest soloists in St. Petersburg including members of the Kirov Opera, Maly Opera Theatre and St. Petersburg Concert.

Ffurfiwyd y Côr Uniongred Rwsiaidd hwn yn St Petersburg ym 1997 i gadw traddodiadau mawrion cerddoriaeth gysegredig a chaneuon gwerin Rwsia’n fyw.

Wed 17 April Mer 17 Ebrill7.30pm£14 (£13) CC £13 (£12)

Music theatre wales

eight songs for a Mad king

Eight Songs for a Mad King Peter Maxwell DaivesPing Vasco Mendonça

More than 20 years before the film and play The Madness of George III caught the public’s imagination, composer Sir Peter Maxwell Davies immortalised the monarch’s descent into dementia and delusion in this classic piece of music theatre, and a disturbing and poignant portrayal of madness. Welsh baritone Kelvin Thomas reprises the virtuoso lead role that he has made his own. Vasco Mendonça’s compelling new setting of Samuel Beckett’s monologue Ping combines live performance with digital sound and video scenography - a work at the cutting edge of contemporary European music theatre.

Yn nodweddu’r baritôn o Gymru Kelvin Thomas yn y brif rôl. Perfformir ‘Eight Songs’ ochr yn ochr ag addasiad cymhellol o fonolog gan Samuel Beckett.

Sat 27 April Sad 27 Ebrill8pm£12 (£11), £9 (£8), £3.50 Accompanied child £2

aberystwyth choral society

st Matthew passion

The St Matthew Passion, Bach’s monumental retelling of the story of the Last Supper and the arrest and execution of Jesus, presents a moving and engrossing concert experience. The Choral Society will be joined by leading soloiosts and a full orchestra, under the baton of conductor David Russell Hulme. Sung in English.

Dyma brofiad cyngherddol teimladwy a gafaelgar. Ymunir â’r Gymdeithas Gorawl gan unawdwyr blaenllaw a cherddorfa lawn, o dan arweiniad David Russell Hulme. Cenir y gwaith yn Saesneg.

the new york Met opera: liVe in hd 2012-13 season opera Met efrog newydd: tyMor 2012-13 yn fyw Mewn hdTickets for eachperformance are £18

Our live links to the New York Met Opera performances have proven to be a huge success. Early booking strongly advised.

Bu ein dolenni byw i berfformiadau Opera Met Efrog Newydd yn llwyddiant ysgybol. Fe’ch cynghorir i archebu’n gynnar.

Berlioz’s Les Troyens 5 January / Ionawr 5pm

Donizetti’s Maria Stuarda19 January / Ionawr 5.55pm

Verdi’s Rigoletto16 February / Chwefror 5.55pm

Wagner’s Parsifal2 March / Mawrth 5pm

Zandonai’s Francesca da Rimini16 March / Mawrth 4pm

Handel’s Giulio Cesare27 April / Ebrill 5pm

Tues 26 MarchMaw 26 Mawrth7.15pm

ceredigion schools concert

Ceredigion Music Service Presents an evening of light music featuring Ceredigion Intermediate

Choir, and North Ceredigion Junior Wind Band and String Orchestra.

Gwasanaeth Cerddoriaeth Ceredigion yn cyflwyno noson o gerddoriaeth ysgafn yn nodweddu Côr Canolradd Ceredigion, a Band Chwyth Iau a Cherddorfa Linynnau Gogledd Ceredigion.

Sat 16 MarchSadwrn 16 Mawrth8pm£9.50 (£8.50),£7.50 (£6.50), £3.50Accompanied child: £2

philoMusica of aberystwyth

Schumann Piano Concerto Samantha Ward PianoDavid Russell Hulme Conductor

Aberystwyth’s award-winning symphony orchestra joins again with the brilliant young pianist, Samantha Ward. The programme will include an imaginative mix of orchestral music, mixing familiar with lesser-known works.

Mae cerddorfa symffoni boblogaidd Aberystwyth yn ymuno unwaith eto gyda’r pianydd ifanc disglair Samantha Ward a gafodd dderbyniad brwd pan ymddangosodd gyda’r gerddorfa yn y gorffennol.

Sun 14 AprilSul 14 Ebrill7pm

côr cyMru 2013

Y Rownd Derfynol! Gwledd o ganu corawl a holl gyffro y rownd derfynol wrth i enillwyr y corau plant, ieuenctid, merched, meibion a chymysg frwydro am deitl Côr Cymru 2013 a gwobr o £4,000.

Rhoir blaenoriaeth tocynnau i aelodau o’r gynulleidfa fydd yn bresennol yn y rowndiau cyn-derfynol. Tocynnau ar gael am ddim - ffonio 029 2022 3456 neu ebostio [email protected]

The Grand Final! A feast of choral singing and lots of excitement as the winners of the children’s, youth, female, male and mixed choirs compete for the Côr Cymru 2013 title and a prize of £4,000.

Ticket priority will be given to audience members who have attended the semi-finals – call 029 2022 3456 or email [email protected]

© M





aberystwyth Music club concerts cyngherddau clwb cerdd

Sun 10 February / Sul 10 Chwefror 3pm Mavron QuartetSupported by Arts Council Wales

Thur 7 March / Iau 7 Mawrth 8pmEloisa Fleur Thom (violin) plus accompanistSupported by the Countess of Munster Trust Thursday 18 April / Iau 18 Ebrill 8pm The Musicke CompanyeTickets / Tocynnau: £10 (£8)

(Free for children / yn rad ac am ddim i plant)

Further information about the Club and the concerts can be found on the Club web page:

24. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 25.

Page 14: Brochure Spring 2013

c o M e d yc o M e d i w w w . a b e r . a c . u k / a r t s c e n t r e

Sat 2 FebruarySadwrn 2 Chwefror7.30pm£15 (£13)

andrew lawrence is coMing to get you

As seen on BBC 1’s Live at the Apollo, and now a regular on Channel 4’s Stand Up For the Week, Andrew Lawrence is back on the road following a sell-out fifty date tour of the UK. Twice nominated Best UK Headline Act at the Chortle Awards 2010/11, also a former double Edinburgh Comedy Award nominee, audiences can expect Lawrence to deliver an evening of top class stand-up.

‘He discharges kamikaze philosophies a-hundred-to-the-dozen. And it is outstanding.’ The List

Yn dilyn ymddangosiadau ar ‘Live at the Apollo’ ar BBC1 a ‘Stand Up For the Week’ ar Sianel 4, mae Andrew Lawrence yn ôl ar y ffordd yn ymweld â chanolfannau ledled y DU.

Weds 13 FebruaryMercher 13 Chwefror8pm£12 (£10)

siMon eVans: friendly fire

Fearsome iconoclast Simon Evans is back with a brand new show, and nothing and no-one is safe from the critical glint of his tiny, tiny eyes. Join him as he dismantles the lies - from Fairy Tales to post-match analysis - that confound us all.

‘Sizzlingly entertaining… Beautifully crafted devastatingly funny gags… Deliciously haughty contempt’ The Guardian

Mae’r eiconoclast dychrynllyd Simon Evans yn ôl gyda sioe newydd sbon, a ‘does neb na dim yn saff rhag y fflach feirniadol yn ei lygad! Ymunwch ag ef wrth iddo ddatgymalu’r celwydd - o straeon Tylwyth Teg i ddehongliadau ar ôl y gêm - sy’n drysu ni i gyd.

Weds 20 FebruaryMercher 20 Chwefror8pm£14 (£12)

siMon day: coMedy and error

Simon Day is best known for his hilarious characters in The Fast Show including ‘Competative Dad’, ‘Tommy Cockles’ and ‘Dave Angel Eco Warrier’. In this performance he will start the evening off with some witty gentle stand up, then read selected passages from his autobiography ‘Comedy and Error’, which tells the whole story of his life so far. It covers his time with the The Fast Show and ends right up to the present day. The evening ends with a Q&A session and a book signing.

Mae Simon Day yn fwyaf adnabyddus am ei gymeriadau digrif drosben yn ‘The Fast Show.’

Wed 17 AprilMercher 17 Ebrill8pm£14 Groups £10

robin ince: the iMportance of being interested

Tues 28 FebruaryMawrth 28 Chwefror8pm£12 (£10)

paul tonkinson: fancy Man

Yorkshire man, and Time Out Comedian of the Year Tonkinson has recently appeared on BBC One’s Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow, and is fresh from dazzling victory on Channel 4’s hit show Celebrity Come Dine With Me. Audiences can now encounter the full Tonkinson phenomenon; a master of physicality and impressions with a plethora of first class material brought to life with tremendous charm and infectious energy.

Mae Paul Tonkinson wedi bod yn gweithio’n llwyddiannus ym maes comedi ers blynyddoedd ond dyma’r tro cyntaf iddo fynd ar daith.

Sat 16 MarchSadwrn 16 Mawrth8pm£20

chris addison: the tiMe is now, again

The star of ‘The Thick of It’ and ‘Mock The Week’ brings his twice extended, critically acclaimed tour to Aberystwyth. Top class stand-up from one of the classiest, toppiest stand-ups around. You should come and see him.

‘Exquisite, super-smart solo show … gloriously funny’ Time Out

Seren ‘The Thick of It’ a ‘Mock The Week’ yn dod â’i daith boblogaidd estynedig i Aberystwyth. Comedi ar ei gorau oddi wrth un o’r digrifwyr mwyaf talentog ar y cylch. Dylech ddod i’w weld.

Thurs 21 MarchIau 21 Mawrth8pm£9 (£7)

lloyd langford

You may have seen Lloyd on ‘Ask Rhod Gilbert’ (BBC 1), ‘Dave’s One Night Stand’ (Dave) or ‘Don’t Sit In The Front Row’ (Sky Atlantic), or heard him on ‘The Unbelievable Truth’ (Radio 4). Now come and see him on his first ever tour! Expect a delicious mix of jokes, stories, observations, ad-libs, one-liners, theories, topical gags and self-deprecation, all blended together to make a hearty comedy cawl.

‘Smart and properly funny’ The Guardian

Mae Lloyd wedi ysgrifennu deunydd ar gyfer nifer o ddigrifwyr llwyddiannus a ‘nawr gallwch glywed y jôcs y penderfynodd gadw iddo fo’i hun wrth iddo ymgymryd â’i daith gyntaf.

Award winning comedian and science enthusiast Robin Ince has a look at his favourite scientists - Charles Darwin and Richard Feynman. Find out why we have eyebrows, why bald dogs have bad teeth, how heavy metal music makes pigs deaf and

why spaghetti snaps into four pieces!

Mae’r digrifwr llwyddiannus sy’n selog dros wyddoniaeth Robin Ince yn cymryd golwg ar ei hoff wyddonwyr, Charles Darwin a Richard Feynman.

26. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 27.

Page 15: Brochure Spring 2013

w w w . a b e r . a c . u k / a r t s c e n t r e

d i a r y d y d d i a d u r

T = Theatre GH = Great Hall S = Studio C = Cinema TB = Theatre Bar Café B = Bookshop

January ionawr tiMe site pg

5-19 Aladdin Wardens Dramatic Society T 06

5 Berlioz’s Les Troyens NY MET 5pm C 25

17 The Magistrate NT LIVE 7pm C 06

17 Fiddlebox 7.45pm S 30

19 Donizetti’s Maria Stuarda NY MET 5.55pm C 25

23 A Cabinet of Curiosities The Magic Illuminarium 7.45pm S 14

24-26 Hi De Hi Castaway Community Theatre 7.30pm T 07

24 Vinyl Bill Aitchinson 7.45pm S 15

27 Little Red…You Know Who! Freehand Theatre 2pm T 34

27 La BayadereBolshoi Ballet Live 3pm C 22

30 Alaska Black Fish 7.45pm T 07

31 The Coming StormForced Entertainments 7.30pm T 07

february chwefror tiMe site pg

1 The Coming StormForced Entertainments 7.30pm T 07

1 PlayPenWriting for Performance Group 7.45pm S 18

2 Blackhouse 10pm TF 30

2 Andrew Lawrence Is Coming To Get You 7.30pm T 26

3 Y Bont Theatr Genedlaethol 1.30pm 08

5-6 BalletBoyz®: The Talent 2013 7.30pm T 20

7 PlayPenWriting for Performance Group 7.45pm S 18

8 Reggae night with Nucleus Roots and Vibronics 8pm GH 30

9 Company of Storytellers 7.30pm T 09

9 Gilad Atzmon & the Orient House Ensemble 8pm GH 30

10 Rapunzel Tutti Frutti 2pm T 34

10 Music Club: Mavron Quartet 3pm GH 25

10 Don Quixote Bolshoi Ballet Live 3pm C 22

May Mai tiMe site pg

1-2 Within This Dust Smallpetitklein company 7.30pm T 22

2 (e)merge Lara Kipp 7.45pm S 18

5 Er Mwyn Y Fory Ysgol Theatr Maldwyn 7.30pm T 13

8 Spangled Mercury Theatre Wales 7.45pm S 18

9 Homage to Coleridge Word Distillery/Nigel Humphries 7.45pm S 19

8-11Calendar Girls Wardens Dramatic CompanySaturday matinee 2.30pm

7.30pm T 13

12 My Brother the Robot Tall Stories 2pm T 36

12 Romeo and Juliet Bolshoi Ballet 4pm C 22

16 This House NT Live 7pm C 13

16-17 Town Planing Jez Danks 7.45pm S 17

16-18 Blood Brothers The Play Arts Centre Youth Theatre 7.30pm T 13

17-18 Life of Riley WWT Productions 7.45pm S 16

21-22 Cerdyn Post o Wlad y RwlaCwmni Arad Goch


T 36

26 Aston’s Stones Theatro Pero 2pm T 36

29 PiP Practice in Performance 7.45pm S 18

30 EarCandy Launch Night 7pm TF 18

30 or 31 New Voices Old Vic 7.30pm T 14

June Mehefin tiMe site pg

1 A Night of Queen with The Bohemians 8pm GH 33

5 Love and Money Waking Exploits 7.45pm S 17

11 The Reduced Shakespeare Theatre Company 7.30pm T 14

14 Jools Holland 7.30pm GH 33

21 Lloyd Langford 8pm GH 27

24 The Elves and the Shoemaker Stuff and Nonsense 2pm T 35

26 Ceredigion Schools Concert 7.15pm GH 24

27 Planet Poetika III 7.45pm S 18

28 People NT Live 7pm C 11

31 The Rite of Spring Bolshoi Ballet Live 4pm C 22

april ebrill tiMe site pg

4 The Peatbog Fairies 8pm GH 32

5 Gospel of Matthew George Dillan 7.30pm S 16

11 Let’s Breathe In The Dragons Mads Floor Anderson 7.45pm S 18

11-13 A Grimm Evening Youth Theatre 7.30pm T 11

12 She Stoops to Conquer Lighthouse Theatre 7.45pm S 16

14 Cor Cymru Finals 7pm GH 24

16 Café Chaos The Kosh 7.30pm T 21

17 Robin Ince: The Importance of Being Interested 8pm GH 27

17 Songs of a Mad King Music Theatre Wales 7.30pm T 24

17-18 Life of Riley WWT Productions 7.45pm S 16

18 Music Club: The Musicke Companye 8pm GH 25

18 Gillian Clarke & Carol Ann Duffy 8pm T 19

19 Lions Charity Concert 8pm GH 32

20 Arts Centre 40th Birthday Celebration Day 02

21 The Hermitage Ensemble 8pm GH 25

24-27 Educating Rita Clwyd Theatr Cymru 7.30pm T 12

25 From The Jam 8pm GH 32

27 St Matthew Passion Aberystwyth Choral Society 8pm GH 25

27 Handel’s Giulio Cesare NY MET 5pm C 25

25-27 The Skriker Castaway Community Theatre 7.45pm S 17

28 Each Peach, Pear, Plum The Puppet Lab 2pm T 35

30 Love & Money Waking Exploits 7.30pm T

12 Ghost Track / Kong Lear Claire Hinds & Gary Winters 7.30pm T 09

13 Simon Evans: Friendly Fire 8pm T 26

15-17 Cor Cymru Semi Finals GH 23

16 Verdi’s Rigoletto NY MET 5.55pm C 25

20 Simon Day: Comedy & Error 8pm GH 26

21 The Budapest Café Orchestra 8pm GH 31

22 Sexual Perversity in Chicago Living Pictures 7.45pm S 15

22 Rhydian 8pm GH 31

27-28 The Government Inspector Arts Centre/Communicado 7.30pm T 10

27 Ceredigion Schools Concert1.45pm & 7pm

GH 23

27 Jane Eyre Hull Truck Theatre 7.30pm T 11

28 Paul Tonkinson: Fancy Man 8pm T 27

March Mawrth tiMe site pg

1-2 The Government Inspector Arts Centre/Communicado 7.30pm T 10

2 Carmina Burana Choral Union 8pm GH 23

2 Wagner’s Parsifal NYMET 5pm C 25

5-6 National Dance Company Wales 7.30pm T 21

7 Walk on Mars Chrisopher T Harris 7.45pm S 18

7 Music Club: Eloisa Fleur (violin) 8pm GH 23

9 Polly Toynbee: Dogma and Disarray 7.30pm T 19

9 Darkside: The Pink Floyd Show 8pm GH 31

10 Science Museum Show 5pm GH 34

14-15 Façade Crashmat 7.30pm GH 09

14-15 Betrayal Bold Productions 7.45pm S 15

14 BBC National Orchestra of Wales 7.30pm GH 23

16 Philomusica of Aberystwyth 8pm GH 24

16 Chris Addison: The Time is Now, Again 8pm T 27

16 Zandonai’s Francesca da Rimini NYMET 4pm C 25

15-21 WOW C 37

21,22, 25 Alice Arts Centre Dance School 6pm T 20

21 Wild Thing I Love You Ella Good & Nicki Kent

6pm & 8pm

S 18

28. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 29.

Page 16: Brochure Spring 2013

M u s i c c e r d d o r i a e t h w w w . a b e r . a c . u k / a r t s c e n t r e

Thur 21 FebruaryIau 21 Chwefror8pm£14 (£13)

budapest café orchestra

The BCO is a music-driven phenomenon, certified to enthral audiences everywhere. Their infectious energy will sweep you off your feet: from a desperately tragic evocative heart-rending ancient Jewish melody to a dance from Romania or Russia and all the fiery exuberance that goes with it.

The band’s Magic Potion is a closely guarded recipe of malt, hops, yeast and water, handed down in the secret tongue of Estuary English through generations of Professional Gypsies. With a sole mission: to entertain and enchant audiences, they are undaunted by even the most demanding and wildest Art Centre crowds - even those in Aberystwyth!

Mae cerddoriaeth bwerus y Budapest Café Orchestra yn seiliedig ar draddodiadau gwerin o Ddwyrain Ewrop, ac fe’i hysbrydolwyd gan gerddoriaeth sipsiwn Ewropeaidd.

Sat 9 February Sadwrn 9 Chwefror8pm£15 (£14)

gilad atzMon and the orient house enseMble

Maverick saxophonist Gilad Atzmon and his Orient House Ensemble are one of the busiest bands in the UK. They celebrate their 10th year anniversary playing material from their latest album, The Tide Has Changed and beyond.

‘Astonishing invention and virtuosity’ Robert Shore, Metro

Mae’r sacsoffonydd unigryw Gilad Atzmon a’i Orient House Ensemble yn un o’r bandiau prysuraf yn y DU.

Fri 22 FebruaryGwener 22 Chwefror8pm£22.50


Rhydian Roberts was discovered on the X Factor in 2007. His undeniable talent, unmistakable voice and good looks won him an army of fans and he attracted many more with the launch of his debut album. The Welsh star’s impeccable technique is the result of a lifetime passion for singing and an unparalleled commitment to his craft. He has been featured in the ‘Classical Brits’ at the Royal Albert Hall in London, toured the UK in Jeff Wayne’s ‘War of the Worlds’, ‘Grease’ and ‘We Will Rock You’.

His TV series ‘Rhydian’ for S4C broke all previous records for a television show made in Wales.

Noson yng nghwmni Rhydian Roberts a ddaeth i’r amlwg ar yr X Factor yn 2007. Enillodd ei dalent arbennig, ei lais glasurol unigryw a’i bersonoliaeth hyfryd lu o edmygwyr iddo a bu ei albwm cyntaf llawn caneuon angerddol, ysbrydoledig yn llwyddiant ysgubol gan gyffwrdd â chalonnau miliynau. Mae ei daith 2013 o’r DU yn siwr o werthu allan, felly archebwch eich tocynnau ‘nawr!

Fri 8 FebruaryGwener 8 Chwefror 8pm£15 (Students £10)

reggae night: nucleus roots & Vibronics

Plus DJ Earthdoctor Dub sound system Nucleus Roots formed in 1995 from the ashes of legendary Manchester punky/reggae outfit Community Charge. Recent years have seen tours of the continent and they have built an enthusiastic following at their stunning UK festival performances.

Vibronics, the future sound of dub, have been vibrating the world with bass since 1995. At the forefront of the UK Dub scene, they’ve built a huge reputation for kicking up a musical storm with their amazing live shows.

Noson o reggae yn nodweddu system sain dyb Nucleus Roots a ffurfwyd ym 1995 a Vibronics, swn dyb y dyfodol sydd wedi perfformio’n helaeth ledled y byd.

Thurs 17 JanuaryIau 17 Ionawr7.45pm£8 (£7)


A duo playing violin and accordion and singing and performing perform a variety of music, all strongly folk influenced, with current

dominant trends of Welsh and Klezmer traditional music. open platforM

Noson ddifyr ac anffurfiol yn nodweddu deuawd yn chwarae’r feiolin a’r acordion ac yn perfformio amrywiaeth o gerddoriaeth werin gydag elfennau o gerddoriaeth draddodiadol Gymreig a Klezmer.llwyfan agored

Sat 9 March Sadwrn 9 Mawrth 8pm£16

darkside: the pink floyd show

Acclaimed Pink Floyd tribute band Darkside makes a welcome return to Aberystwyth Arts Centre with an impressive double header of a show with the complete albums of Dark Side of the Moon and Wish You Were Here. Often said to be two of the most popular albums from Pink Floyd’s almost 30 year portfolio this newly presented performance by Darkside complete with spectacular laser show and projected images will showcase some of the great scores such as Great Gig in the Sky, Money and Shine On You Crazy Diamond.

Croesewir y band teyrnged Pink Floyd poblogaidd yn ôl i ‘r Ganolfan gyda sioe newydd drawiadol yn nodweddu holl ganeuon dau o albymau mwyaf poblogaidd y band gwreiddiol. Yn cynnwys sioe laser ysblennydd a delweddau tafluniedig mae hon yn sicr o fod yn noson i’w chofio!

Sat 2 FebruarySadwrn 2 Chwefror10am - 4pm

black house

Spread over the entire Arts Centre, with 5 uniquely themed stages hosted by the areas best events, celebrating dance music from across the spectrum. Presenting world class headline artists with the areas best DJs and performers and transforming the Arts Centre into an indoor festival playground for one night only!

Featuring: Neutek, Fraktal, Shuffle, Buzz, Swing City, Skarumba, Rigdiculous, Black House and more!

Noson o weithgareddau sy’n llenwi’r Ganolfan, gyda phum llwyfan, yn dathlu amrediad helaeth o gerddoriaeth ddawns gyfoes.

30. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 31.

Page 17: Brochure Spring 2013

M u s i c c e r d d o r i a e t h w w w . a b e r . a c . u k / a r t s c e n t r e

Sat 1 June Sadwrn 1 Mehefin8pm£18

a night of queen with the boheMians

The Bohemians re-enact the glory days of Queen proving themselves to be the most dynamic and exciting Queen Tribute Band currently touring. Their high-energy two hour show with full Staging, Lighting, Backdrops and Pyrotechnics has earned them the reputation of being the World’s most exciting Queen Tribute act. Following their headlining success at The Big Tribute Festival last summer we had to book this band!

‘Thank you guys, Brilliant!!’ Brian May, Queen

‘Its uncanny’ Roger Taylor, Queen

Mae’r Bohemians yn ail-greu dyddiau gogoneddus Queen gan brofi mai nhw yw’r Band Teyrnged Queen mwyaf deinamig a chyffrous ar y ffordd ar hyn o bryd. Mae eu sioe lawn-egni dwy awr gyda llwyfannu, goleuo a setiau hynod drawiadol, wedi cadarnhau eu henw da yn y maes. Yn dilyn eu llwyddiant yng Ngwyl ‘Big Tribute’ Aber y llynedd, rhaid oedd gwahodd y band i’r Ganolfan!

Thurs 25 AprilIau 25 Ebrill8pm£18

froM the JaM

The ‘In the City 35th Anniversary Concert’

In 1977 The Jam released their debut album ‘In the City’, immediately they hit a nerve with the youth of the time and became one of the biggest selling bands in British history. Now, marking the 35th anniversary of this seminal album, you can see it performed live on stage, alongside a selection of the classic hits and great album tracks from The Jam’s history.

From The Jam features original band members Bruce Foxton and Russell Hastings, joined by Mark Brzezicki (Big Country). Hits include In the City, The Modern World, News of the World, A Bomb in Wardour Street, Down in the Tube Station at Midnight, The Eton Rifles, Going Underground, Start!, That’s Entertainment, Town Called Malice and many more.

Ym 1977 rhyddhaodd The Jam eu halbwm cyntaf ‘In the City’. Ar unwaith buont yn apelio at ieuenctid y cyfnod ac aethant ymlaen i fod yn un o’r bandiau mwyaf llwyddiannus yn hanes Prydain.

Sat 4 AprilSadwrn 4 Ebrill8pm£16.50 (£15.50)

peatbog faeries

Nominated for Best Live Act at the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards 2012.

Be prepared to dance! This legendary band based on the Isle of Skye, have been described as ‘The Future of Celtic Dance Music’. They incorporate many influences which take them from traditional jigs and reels through jazz, hip hop, reggae and more. This inventive and unique approach always bring to its audience a true flavour of traditional Scottish music whilst offering high octane Celtic dance music.

‘gloriously unpredictable, a band to treasure’ fRoots

Band unigryw o Ynys Skye sydd wedi cael ei ddisgrifio fel dyfodol Cerddoriaeth Ddawns Geltaidd. Ceir blas o gerddoriaeth draddodiadol yr Alban ac hefyd cerddoriaeth ddawns fywiog.

Fri 14 JuneGwener 14 Mehefin7.30pm£35

featuring GILSON LAVIS

with special guest TBC and guest vocalists RUBY TURNER & LOUISE MARSHALL

A fabulous night with maestro Jools Holland & his Rhythm & Blues Orchestra, featuring Gilson Lavis and guest vocalists Ruby Turner and Louise Marshall.

Noson wych o adloniant yng nghwmni Jools Holland, yn nodweddu Gilson Lavis a’r cantoresau gwadd Ruby Turner a Louise Marshall.

Fri 19 AprilGwener 19 Ebrill8pm£17.50 (£15)

aberystwyth lions club charity concert

Help support the Air Ambulance and other charities at a great night out with the fabulous Queen tribute band ‘QEII’! QEII recreate, with breathtaking accuracy, the style and excitement of a live Queen concert, featuring all of their greatest hits including Bohemian Rhapsody, We Will Rock You, Radio Ga Ga, We Are The Champions and many more.

Dewch i gefnogi noson elusennol i godi arian ar gyfer yr Ambiwlans Awyr ac achosion da eraill yng nghwmni’r band tynged Queen gwych, QE11! Mae’r band yn ail-greu, gyda chywirdeb anhygoel, steil a chyffro’r band gwreiddiol. Nodweddir yr holl ffefrynnau - a llawer mwy!

32. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 33.

Page 18: Brochure Spring 2013

f a M i l yt e u l u w w w . a b e r . a c . u k / a r t s c e n t r e

Sun 27 JanuarySul 27 Ionawr2pm£8 (£7) CC £7.50 (£6.50)

freehand theatre

l ittle red… know who!

Taking a well-known traditional story (you know which!), this spell-binding play for young children follows a magical path through the woods. Freehand Theatre creates a memorable and reassuring journey with its delightful use of puppetry, colour and specially composed music. Listen to the song of the red box, watch a forest grow before your very eyes and find out how an endearing bear gets in on the action!

Freehand Theatre was formed in 1982 since when it has been enchanting children and adults with its original and inventive productions.

Suitable for children aged 3-7.

Yn seiliedig ar y stori draddodiadol adnabyddus, mae’r ddrama swynol hon ar gyfer plant ifanc yn dilyn llwybr hudol trwy’r goedwig.

Thurs 21, Fri 22, Mon 25MarchIau 21, Gwener 22,Llun 25 Mawrth6pmSaturday Matinee 2pm £10 (Children £5)

arts centre dance school ballet show


The Classical Students from Grade 1 upwards of the Arts Centre Dance School present an adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s best loved books ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’. As Alice begins her adventure in Wonderland, she has no idea the marvellous creatures she will encounter along the way from the Singing Garden to the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party and ending up in the Queen of Heart’s Court Room! Follow that Rabbit!

Disgyblion Clasurol Ysgol Ddawns y Ganolfan o Radd 1 i fyny yn cyflwyno addasiad o lyfrau mwyaf poblogaidd Lewis Carroll. Wrth i Alys ddechrau ar ei hanturiaeth yng Ngwlad Hud nid oes ganddi syniad am y llu o gymeriadau hoffus y daw ar eu traws ar hyd y daith!

Sun 10 FebruarySul 10 Chwefror2pm£8 (£7) CC £7.50 (£6.50)

tutti frutti and york theatre royal


Written by Mike Kenny

A fabulous new playful production of Rapunzel; a story about a girl who is taken away from what she knows and protected from all the things that she loves.

Placed high-up in a tower above the world and faced with the challenge of growing-up, she is found alone, dreaming….

With fantastic music, beautiful movement and magical design Rapunzel is a delightful new production for children about the curiosity and joys of growing up, risk taking and discovering who you are. For children aged 3+ and their families.

Gyda cherddoriaeth wych, symudiad prydferth a dylunio hudol mae ‘Rapunzel’ yn gynhyrchiad newydd hyfryd i blant sy’n sôn am chwilfrydedd a phleserau tyfu i fyny, cymryd risgiau a ffeindio allan pwy yr ydych. Ar gyfer plant dros 3 oed a’u teuluoedd.

Sun 24 March Sul 24 Mawrth 2pm£8 (£7) CC £7.50 (£6.50)

stuff and nonsense theatre coMpany

the elVes and shoeMaker

Sat in his kitchen workshop, in a high rise block of flats, Sam Lacey makes terrible shoes and tries to sell them on-line. The only problem is nobody wants to buy them...not at any price!

Then one magical morning Sam wakes up to discover a pair of the most amazing shoes he’s ever seen, lying on the kitchen worktop! How on earth did they get there?

The inescapably bonkers Stuff and Nonsense Theatre Company return with thier brand new, up-to-date, size 13.5 re-telling of everyone’s favourite story... about elves... and shoes!

For ages 3 and above.

Un bore hudol mae Sam yn deffro i ddarganfod pâr o’r ‘sgidiau mwyaf anhygoel a welodd erioed. Cwmni theatr hwyliog Stuff and Nonsense yn dychwelyd gyda sioe newydd sbon sy’n ail-adrodd hoff stori pawb… am ellyllon… ac esgidiau!

Sun 28 AprilSul 28 Ebrill2pm£8 (£7) CC £7.50 (£6.50)

the puppet lab

each peach pear pluM

Adapted from the book by Janet and Allan Ahlberg, Each Peach Pear Plum is a game of ‘I spy’ for little ones and their families.

“Tom Thumb’s in the cupboard, Mother Hubbard’s on the stairs, Where are the Three Bears?”

The setting is a delightful green meadow with a river running through it. With songs and music the production brings to life a variety of nursery rhyme characters played by a wide range of puppets, all on their way to Mother Hubbard’s for some Plum Pie.

‘an enchantingly detailed show, that draws many excitable oohs and aahs’ The Scotsman****

Yn seiliedig ar y llyfr gan Janet ac Allan Ahlberg, dyma gêm o ‘Mi welaf i’ ar gyfer plant bach a’u teuluoedd. Gyda chaneuon a cherddoriaeth mae’r cynhyrchiad yn rhoi bywyd newydd i gymeriadau rhigymau plant, yn cael eu portreadu gan amrediad helaeth o bypedau.

Sun 12 MaySul 12 Mai2pm£8 (£7) CC £7.50 (£6.50)

tall stories

My brother the robot

Once upon a time in the future, there will be a little girl called Bobbie. Bobbie will live with her inventor dad in a house filled with technology. Bobbie and her dad will have everything they need - until one day, Bobbie announces that she’s lonely and she wishes she had a little brother.

So Bobbie’s dad locks himself away in his lab and works day and night to create a special present for Bobbie - a robot little brother. Bobbie loves her new little brother, and tells him all about how the world works. But when Bobbie gets into danger one day, will her robot brother save her?

A brand new show, combining humour, music and storytelling for everyone aged 4 and up.

Dyma gwmni poblogaidd Tall Stories yn cyflwyno ei sioe newydd sbon sy’n cynnwys hiwmor, cerddoriaeth ac adrodd straeon ar gyfer pawb dros 4 oed.

34. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 35.

Page 19: Brochure Spring 2013


The Arts Centre’s busy cinema showcases a mix of new releases, world cinema, classics, 3D arthouse cinema and live links to leading arts events from around the world! To find out what is on this Spring call (01970) 62 32 32 or check out the website on screenings each evening Monday - Saturday, with regular matinees particularly over the weekends. We also offer Silver Screenings on Wednesday afternoons and regular Parent & Baby Screenings.


Mae sinema brysur Canolfan y Celfyddydau’n dangos cyfuniad o ffilmiau newydd, ffilmiau tramor, clasuron a modern, ac hefyd amrywiaeth o ffilmiau 3D yn ogystal â darlledu digwyddiadau’n fyw o bob rhan o’r byd! I gael gwybod beth sydd ymlaen dros yr Gwanwyn, ffoniwch (01970) 62 32 32 neu ewch i’r wefan dwy ffilm bob noson o ddydd Llun tan dydd Sadwrn, gyda ffilmiau prynhawn yn dangos yn rheolaidd yn enwedig dros y penwythnos.

wales one world filM festiVal 2013 wales one world filM festiVal 2013

Fri 15-Thur 21 March Gwener 15-Iau 21 Mawrth

WOW Film Festival returns to Aberystwyth with an eclectic selection of world cinema for you to enjoy. This year there’s a special focus on Cuba with several directors coming over from Havana to introduce their films.

There’s a special pre-WOW event on Tuesday 22 January with a screening of ‘Living in The Future’ shown simultaneously in Aberystwyth, Cardigan & Cardiff with a Q&A with the director and cast skyped from Cardigan after the screening.

the adVentures of prince achMed

Sat 18 May, 5.15pm Sadwrn 18 Mawrth, 5.15pm

The oldest surviving full length animated film (1926) plus live musical accompaniment from Mackerel Sky and a special feature from storyteller and illustrator, Peter Stevenson.

Tues 21 - Weds 22 MayMawrth 21 - Mercher 22Mai10am a 1pm£5

cwMni arad goch

cerdyn post o wlad y rwla

Dewch i gwrdd a Rala Rwdins, Rwdlan, Dewin Doeth, Dewin Dwl, Llipryn Llwyd, Strempan a heb anghofio Mursen y gath, ag ymuno yn yr helynt wrth iddynt fynd ar eu gwyliau. Fel arfer yng nghwmni’r criw mae yna gastiau a thriciau gyda digon o ganu a chwerthin (a chrio yng nghwmni Llipryn!).

Sioe addas i blant 4 -8 oed.

Come and meet Rala Rwdins, Rwdlan, Dewin Doeth, Dewin Dwl, Llipryn Llwyud, Strempan, and of course, Mursen the cat, as they embark on their holiday!

Suitable for children aged 4-8.

Sun 26 MaySul 26 Mai2pm£8 (£7) CC £7.50 (£6.50)

teatro pero (sweden)

aston’s stones

From a book by Lotta Geffenblad

A story about a little dog who wants to take care of all the stones he can find. Some are big and some are small. One is sad and another one feels cold. All of them need to be taken care of! Every stone gets to follow Aston home and is greeted with a warm and cosy bed. His two parents, although very patient and understanding, gradually get more and more worried about the increasing number of stones in their livingroom.

This story is about how easy it is to love and to see and to appreciate the value in small things - even in a little stone. Performed in English. For children age 3-6 years Duration: 30 minutes

Touring with support from Creu Cymru

Sioe am gi bach sydd eisiau gofalu am bob carreg y mae’n gallu ffeindio. Mae’r stori’n dangos mor hawdd ydyw i garu ac i weld ac i werthfawrogi’r gwerth mewn pethau bach - hyd yn oed carreg fechan. Ar gyfer plant 3-6 oed.

LIVe screenInGs DarLLeDIaDau byw


Ghostbusters 11 February / Chwefror 8.15pm(screening in theatre)

Repo Man 25 February / Chwefror 8.15pm

2001: A Space Odyssey 11 March / Mawrth 8.15pm(screening in theatre)

Battle Royale 15 April / Ebrill 8.15pm


Berlioz’s Les Troyens 5 January / Ionawr 5pm

Donizetti’s Maria Stuarda 19 January / Ionawr 5.55pm

Verdi’s Rigoletto 16 February / Chwefror 5.55pm

Wagner’s Parsifal 2 March / Mawrth 5pm

Zandonai’s Francesca da Rimini 16 March / Mawrth 4pm

Handel’s Giulio Cesare 27 April / Ebrill 5pm


La Bayadere (Minkus) 27 January / Ionawr 3pm LIVE

Don Quixote (Minkus) 10 February / Chwefror 3pm RECORDED

The Rite of Spring (Stravinsky) 31 March / Mawrth 4pm

Romeo & Juliet (Prokofiev) 12 May / Mai 4pm LIVE


The Magistrate 17 January / Ionawr 7pm

People 21 March / Mawrth 7pm

This House 16 May / Mai 7pm

c i n e M a & l i V e s c r e e n i n g ss i n e M a a d a r l l e d i a d a u b y w

f a M i l yt e u l u

Sat 18 MaySad 18 Mai5.15pm

a cabinet of curiosities/red cloak presents

the adVentures of prince achMed

With live accompaniment

The oldest surviving full length animated film made in 1926 by Lotte Reiniger with silhouette paper cuts.

Live music score by Mackerel Sky, featuring an array of instruments, sounds and voices supplied by cellist and singer Ailsa Mair Hughes and multi instrumentalist Pixy Tom, and with an introductory Magical Illuminarum featurette from A Cabinet of Curiosities, storyteller and illustrator, Peter Stevenson.

Suitable for children, cinema fans, lovers of fairy tales, musicians, artists, animators and dreamers of all ages!

36. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 37.

Page 20: Brochure Spring 2013

e X h i b i t i o n sa r d d a n g o s f e y d d

gallery 1 oriel 1 6 February – 16 March 6 Chwefror – 16 Mawrth

andrzeJ Jackowski: paintings, drawings and prints

Andrzej Jackowski’s work explores personal and collective memory, examining the identities and cultures which are passed on through generations. Many of his paintings have drawn on his own experiences of dispossession, distant recollections of a family history in Poland and the first eleven years of his life spent in a refugee camp. These, along with photograph albums and other ephemera provide the raw materials for his images.In association with Purdy Hicks Gallery and Northumbria University Gallery

Mae gwaith Andrzej Jackowski yn archwilio cof personol ac ar y cyd, yn edrych ar yr hunaniaethau a’r diwylliannau sy’n cael eu trosglwyddo o un genhedlaeth i’r nesaf. Mae llawer o’i baentiadau wedi tynnu ar ei brofiad ei hun o ddifeddiant, atgofion pell o hanes teulu yng Ngwlad Pwyl a’r unarddeg mlynedd cyntaf o’i fywyd a dreulwyd mewn gwersyll ffoaduriaid. Mae’r rhain, ynghyd ag albymau ffotograffau ac effemera arall yn darparu’rdeunyddiau crai argyfer ei ddelweddau.




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w w w . a b e r . a c . u k / a r t s c e n t r e

gallery 1 oriel 1 To 26 January Tan 26 IonawrtransMitter/receiVer - the persistence of collage

The use of collage in recent British art, with examples drawn from the Arts Council of England collection.




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gallery 1 oriel 1 23 March – 4 May 23 Mawrth – 4 Mai

bathing beauties

This exhibition shows over 100 models of extraordinary beach huts, originally made in competition for a commission; the brief for which was to re-imagine this humble structure for the 21st century.

Traditional seaside references are largely gone, replaced by structures incorporating wind turbines, saunas, camera obscura, viewing platforms and space-age materials; with only a glimpse of sandcastle and stripey deckchair references.

The models are presented at scale 1:15 and in addition one full scale beach hut will be on show, ‘Oyster Pleasance’, designed by The Beach Hut Salon (a collaboration between architect Will Alsop and A-Models).

This exhibition coincides with the first Wales Aberystwyth Festival of Architecture, see page 43.National Centre for Craft & Design

Mae’r arddangosfa hon yn dangos dros 100 o fodelau o gytiau traeth eithriadol, a wnaethpwyd yn wreiddiol ar gyfer cystadleuaeth am gomisiwn; y brîff oedd i ail- ddychmygu’r adeilad diymhongar hwn ar gyfer yr unfed ganrif ar hugain. Mae’r hyn a ymddangosodd yn draddodiadol ar lan-y-môr wedi diflannu i raddau helaeth, ac yn eu lle gwelir tyrbeini gwynt, sawnas, camera obscura, platfformau gwylio a deunyddiau oes y gofod; gyda chipolwg yn unig o gestyll tywod a chadeiriau cynfas streipiau.

Cyflwynir y modelau ar raddfa 1:15 ac hefyd arddangosir un cwt traeth llawn maint, ‘Oyster Pleasance’, a ddylunwyd gan The Beach Hut Salon (prosiect ar y cyd rhwng y pensaer Will Alsop ac A-Models).

Mae’r arddangosfa hon yn cydfynd â Gwyl Bensaerniaeth Cymru gyntaf Aberystwyth, gweler tudalen 43.Canolfan Genedlaethol ar gyfer Crefft a Dylunio



Artists talk with Andrzej Jackowski: Friday 15 February, 6pm. Free. All welcome.

38. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 39.

Page 21: Brochure Spring 2013

2 February – 13 March 2 Chwefror – 13 Mawrth

caMbridge Jones: talking pictures

In this exhibition award winning Llanidloes-born photographer Cambridge Jones concentrates on portraits of creative people from Wales. Including Anthony Hopkins, Michael Sheen, Bryn Terfel, Jan Morris and Shirley Bassey.

Mae’r ffotograffydd Cambridge Jones a anwyd yn Llanidloes ac sydd wedi ennill sawl wobr. Yn yr arddangosfa hon o’i bortreadau mae’n canolbwyntio ar Gymry creadigol, yn cynnwys Anthony Hopkins, Michael Sheen, Bryn Terfel, Jan Morris a Shirley Bassey.

Talking Pictures was produced in association with the Welsh Assembly Government. This exhibition is on loan from Welsh Government.

23 March – 11 May 23 Mawrth – 11 Mai

between spaces:fine art printMaking

Works from three fine art printmaking workshops: The Print Market Project, Cardiff, with Pete Williams and Lou Thornton; East London Printmakers with Wuon Gean Ho & Steve Edwards; and Aberystwyth University School of Art with Paul Croft and Danielle Creenaune.

Darnau o dri gweithdy print ym maes y celfyddydau cain: Y Prosiect Marchnad Brint, Caerdydd, gyda’r artistiaid Pete Williams a Lou Thornton; Gwneuthurwyr Print Dwyrain Llundain gyda’r artistiaid Wuon Gean Ho a Steve Edwards; ac Ysgol Gelf Prifysgol Aberystwyth gyda’r artistiaid Paul Croft a Danielle Creenaune.








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the boX The box is a mini viewing room in the main Arts Centre foyer showing artists’ films.

y blwchYstafell wylio fechan ym mhrif gyntedd y Ganolfan yw’r blwch sy’n dangos ffilmiau gan artistiaid.




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e X h i b i t i o n sa r d d a n g o s f e y d d w w w . a b e r . a c . u k / a r t s c e n t r e




petra freeMan: Tad’s NestA haunting short film made from paintings on glass.

elise fachon: PinA fun animation from a recent graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, USA.

oMer ben daVid: For the RemainderAn elegiac animation from a graduate of Bezalel, Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem.

depict! 2012 Fifteen fabulous 90 second films chosen from a world wide submission, by Depict, Watershed, Bristol.

gallery 2 oriel 2

zoe childerley: petrified in storyland

A series of photographs made by Zoe Childerley in Wales 2011/12, pursuing a project begun during her artist’s residency at the Arts Centre.

Cyfres o ffotograffau a wnaethpwyd gan Zoe Childerley yng Nghymru 2011/12, yn sgil prosiect a ddechreuwyd yn ystod ei chyfnod fel artist preswyl yng Nghanolfan y Celfyddydau.

To 19 January Tan 19 Ionawr

28 January – 11 May 28 Ionawr – 11 Mai

café gallery oriel y caffi ceraMic gallery

To 22 February Tan 22 Chwefror

Made it! Works by young people taking part in the Arts Centre Reach the Heights project.Gwaith gan bobl ifanc sy’n cymryd rhan ym mhrosiect Cyrraedd y Nod y Ganolfan.

2 March – 28 April 2 Mawrth – 28 Ebrill

iwa 25/25 Vision: welsh horizons across 50 yearsPhotographic portraits of some of Wales’ most celebrated writers by John Briggs. Portreadau ffotograffig o rai o awduron enwocaf Cymru gan John Briggs. Sponsored by the H’mm foundation and in collaboration with Literature Wales.

19 January - 21 April 19 Ionawr – 21 Ebrill

parallel liVesbywydau cyfochrogAn exhibition looking at the work produced by couples who have shared a life together while making ceramics. Arddangosfa sy’n edrych ar waith a gynhyrchwyd gan gyplau sydd wedi rhannu bywyd efo’i gilydd tra’n creu serameg.

40. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 41.

Page 22: Brochure Spring 2013

a r t i s t s i n r e s i d e n c e a r t i s t i a i d p r e s w y l

Catrin Davies & Lewis Wright(December 2012 - February 2013)Lewis and Catrin’s collaborative work often references the narratives found within the history of painting; the battle for power is a key theme as they examine human nature’s need to control.

Matthew Macaulay(December 2012 - February 2013)Matthew Macaulay is a painter whose work conveys his vision of the world through poetical narrative. His recent work tries to transcribe the sensation of his existence in the world into a single image.

Ingrid Schildermans (Belgium)(December 2012 - February 2013)Ingrid Schildermans’ current work focuses on plant life in

isolation, presented in pastiche paintings through which she tries to achieve ‘a ticket home to the garden of Eden’: the project ‘Imperium Ingrid Schildermans’ unfolds.

March, April & May 2013:Tim Skinner (March - May 2013)“While working in Aberystwyth my plan is to both visually and sonically embrace the repetitive rhythmical make-up of the surrounding local landscapes, with a view to creating a collection of video work that illustrates emotional attachment.”

Artists in Residence, from the UK and abroad, have their studios in Creative Units 1, 2 & 3 next to the Arts Centre. Each artist spends three months in Aberystwyth developing their work; during this time they give a public talk about their practice as well as holding an Open Studio at the end of their stay. All residencies take place thanks to additional funding and we are grateful to the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, Laura Ashley, Garfield Weston, Charles Wallace Trust, Wales Arts International, Meduse Quebec, Finnish Art Studio and Umbrella Arts Australia.

Mae Artistiaid Preswyl o’r DU a thramor yn gweithio mewn stiwdios yn Unedau Creadigol 1,2& 3 uwchben y Ganolfan. Mae pob artist yn treulio tri mis yn Aberystwyth yn datblygu ei waith; yn ystod yr amser hwn maent yn gwneud cyflwyniad cyhoeddus am eu gwaith ac yn cynnal Stiwdio Agored ar ddiwedd y cyfnod. Cynhelir y cyfnodau preswyl yn sgil ariannu ychwanegol ac ‘rydym yn ddiolchgar i Sefydliad Esmée Fairbairn, Laura Ashley, Garfield Weston, Ymddiriedolaeth Charles Wallace, Celfyddydau Rhyngwladol Cymru, Meduse Quebec, Stiwdio Gelf y Ffindir ac Umbrella Arts Awstralia.

23 March - 4 May23 Mawrth - 4 Mai

w a l e s f e s t i V a l o f a r c h i t e c t u r e

This new festival aims to stimulate discussion about architecture, providing an opportunity to demonstrate and discuss the wide range of economic, social and environmental benefits that well-designed buildings can bring to a community.

The Festival will provide a forum for architects, planners and other professionals and the public to share views and knowledge about the built environment. The programme will also include:

• talks and films ranging from a documentary of Charles Correa’s work in deprived areas of India, to the 2010 film ‘How much does your building weigh, Mr Foster?’

• Discussions will have a strong local dimension and look at the impact that development has on local distinctiveness

• Design workshops available for local secondary school pupils • Linking in with the exhibition ‘Bathing Beauties’ in Gallery 1,

activities for families will include workshops to build your own beach hut!

Information will be posted on our wvebsite as details are confirmed.

An RSAW and Aberystwyth Arts Centre Festival.

The SML Home by Ed Green of Pentan Partnership architects, winner of this year’s British Homes Awards ‘Future Smart Home’ competition

Eeva-Mari Haikala (Finland)(March - May 2013)Eeva-Mari Haikala is a Finnish visual artist working mainly with performance, video, and photography. She is interested in the question of incorporating the painterly in live performance and moving image, especially the genres of still-life and landscape; as well as in the relationship between text and visual art works.

RESIDENCY TALKS Thurs 31 Jan 6pm: Catrin Davies, Lewis Wright, Matthew Macaulay and Ingrid Schildermans.Thursday 14 March 6pm: Tim Skinner and Eeva-Mari Haikala.Free, but please reserve a place on 01970 623232.

PERFORMING ARTS ASSOCIATE COMPANIESThe following companies are resident at the Arts Centre and receive development support:Bold Productions, Bridget Keehan, Eddie Ladd, Gwyn Emberton, Rebecca Woodford Smith, Red Cloak, Scriptography Productions, Sean Tuan John, Siriol Joyner, Isabel Rabey, Chloe Loftus.

WRITER IN RESIDENCEWe are pleased to announce an open call for our first writer in residence, to be based at the Arts Centre from March - May. Please contact [email protected] if you would like to apply.

Supported by Literature Wales42. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 43.

Page 23: Brochure Spring 2013

t a k e p a r tc y M r y d r h a n

Places on all weekly courses can be booked through the Box Office 01970 623232. To Check details call either 01970 622888 (Visual Arts) or 01970 628562 (Performing Arts).

Gellir archebu llefydd ar yr holl gyrsiau wythnosol yn y Swyddfa Docynnau ffoniwch 01970 623232. Am fanylion pellach ffoniwch 01970 622888 (Celfyddydau Gweledol) neu 01970 628562 (Celfyddydau Perfformio).

DAILY – Arts Centre Dance School Classes in ballet, modern and tap. Sessions run from 4-9pm Monday to

Friday, and from 9am-4pm on Saturdays.

Monday dydd llunAnimation 4.15-6.15pm Age 8-11

Youth Theatre (YT2 & 3) 4.30-6.30pm Age 12-18

Rock ‘n’ Roll Dance 5.30-7pm Adults (15+)

Patchwork and quilting 2.30-5.30pm Adults

Patchwork and quilting 6-9pm Adults

Animation for Young People 6.30-8.30pm Age 12-18

Samba Drumming (Beginners) 6.30-8pm Adults (14+)

Yarn Storytelling (1st Mon of month)

6.30-8.30pm Adults

Pottery 6.30-9pm Adults (16+)

B&W Photography 6.30-8.30pm Adults

Castaway Community Theatre 7-9pm Adults (18+)

Samba a Go Go band 8pm Adults (14+)

tuesday dydd MawrthPottery - all levels 12.30-3pm Adults (16+)

Digilab Open Access 1-3.30pm All ages

Photography (Youth) 4-6pm Age 11-16

Youth Theatre (YT1) 4.30-6.30pm Age 12-13

Lindy Hop 5.30-7pm Adults (15+)

Dance Till You Drop 6.30-7.30pm Age 11-18

Pottery 6.30-9pm Adults (16+)

Heartsong Community Choir 7.15-9.30pm Adults

Beginners Adult Tap 7.30-8.30pm Adults (15+)

Writing for Performance 7.30-9.30pm Adults

wednesday dydd MercherOnly Boys Allowed Dance 4-5pm Boys age 11+

Dance Till You Drop 5-6pm Age 7-11

Darkroom Open Access 5-8pm Adults

Dance Till You Drop 6-7pm Age 11+

Flamenco 6-7.30pm Adults (15+)

Intermediate Adult Tap Class 7-8pm Adults (16+)

Poetry Course 7-9pm Adults

thursday dydd iauExperimentation in Painting and Drawing



Screen Printing 1-3pm Adults

Voice Coaching 2-7pm All ages

Digilab Open Access 3.30-6.30pm All ages

Music Theory & Aural Training (Grade 5) 4.30-5pm Age 8-18

Violin and Viola 4.30pm onwards All ages

Music Theory & Aural Training (Post Grade 5) 5-6pm Age 8-18

Belly Dance Basics 6-7pm Adults (16+)

Music Theory 6.30-7.30pm Adults (18+)

B&W Photography 6.30-8.30pm Adults

Pottery (Advanced) 6.30-9pm Adults (16+)

Tribal Style Belly Dance 7-8.15pm Adults (16+)

PIP Experimental Group 7.30-9pm Adults

Tribal Fusion Belly Dance (Improvers & Intermediate) 8.15-9.15pm Adults (16+)

friday dydd gwenerAbstracting the Figure CA204 10am-2pm Adults

Texture and Surface CA205 10am-2pm Adults

Clwb 1-2-3 1.30-2.30pm Age 0-3

Chinese Dance 7-8.30pm Adults (15+)

saturday dydd sadwrnLife Drawing 10am-12.30pm Adults

Stage School 9am-6pm Age 5-11

Childrens Clay Modelling 10am-12noon Age 9-15

Guitar (Childrens Beginners) 10.15-11.15am Age 8-16

Guitar (Adults Intermediate) 11.30am-12.30pm Adults (16+)

Childrens Clay Modelling 12.30-1.30pm Age 5-8

Guitar (Childrens Intermediate) 12.45-1.45pm Age 8-16

Clwb Haul 2-3pm Age 5-8

Poetry Experience (1st Sat of month)

2-5pm Adults

The Word Distillery (3rd Sat of month)

2-5pm Adults

Clwb Haul 3.15-4.45pm Age 8+

These companies and organisations have all supported the Arts Centre this season. Their contribution is greatly valued and their support and enthusiasm for the work of the Arts Centre is much appreciated. If you or your business would like to become involved in the Arts Centre either in terms of corporate sponsorship of a production or festival, support of our extensive education programme or involvement in a joint promotion, please contact the Arts Centre on 01970 622882.

resident artists and coMpaniesAberystwyth Arts Centre Artist in Residence StudiosTwo UK and one international artists at a time are selected from an open submission to stay and work in Aberystwyth for a three month period.

Creative Arts Incubator The winner of the ‘Year in a Unit’ competition: jewellery maker Rose Wood

Tim WalleyDesigner / maker

Green WeedsWeb design for crafts people and artists

Boomerang+plcTelevision production company

Clef-TecMusic engraving, CD/DVD/Blue-Ray production and music services.

Pixel Foundry & Culture Colony LtdTelevision and video production company

Catalina ArchitectureA private architectural practice

Mary Lloyd JonesOne of Wales’ most well known landscape artists

Honno Welsh Women’s PublishersAn independent co-operative press run by women publishing the best in Welsh women’s writing

Becky KnightTextile artist with a contemporary take on quilt-making using unconventional materials

Julian RuddockLandscape artist

Catrin WebsterA painter who is interested in looking at and interpreting landscape around us

Haul - Arts In HealthVoluntary arts group of artists and representatives of arts and cultural organisation and NHS staff


Birchgrove Eggs

Cambrian Tyres

Hafren Furnishers

Llety Parc Aberystwyth Park Lodge Hotel

Aberystwyth University Sports Centre

Joe's Ice Cream


aberystwyth arts centre & the business coMMunity

The Creative Studios project was designed to develop Aberystwyth Arts Centre’s role as a creative hub for arts businesses, arts development agencies, artists and craft workers. The Creative Studios Project designed by Heatherwick Studio, worth £1 million, has been made possible by support from Aberystwyth University, the Arts Council of Wales Lottery Fund and the Welsh Assembly Government.

Bwriad yr unedau oedd datblygu swyddogaeth Canolfan y Celfyddydau fel man creadigol ar gyfer busnesau celf, asiantaethau datblygu’r celfyddydau, artistiad a chrefftwyr. Gwnaethpwyd y Prosiect Unedau Creadigol, sy’n werth £1 miliwn, yn bosibl yn sgil cefnogaeth gan Brifysgol Aberystwyth, Cronfa Loteri Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru a Llywodraeth y Cynulliad.

c r e a t i V e s t u d i o ss t i w d i o c r e a d i g o l

Winner of a Civic Trust Award 2010 and RIBA Award 2010.

Mid Wales Scaffolding

Esmée Fairbairn Foundation

Garfield Weston Foundation

Charles Wallace Pakistan Trust

Finnish Art Studio

British Council, Quebec

Wales Arts International


44. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 45.

Page 24: Brochure Spring 2013

w e e k l y c l a s s e sd o s b a r t h i a d a u w y t h n o s o l

w e e k l y c l a s s e sd o s b a r t h i a d a u w y t h n o s o l

All courses run for 10 weeks unless otherwise stated.

Monday dydd llun

aniMation classes

8-11 years: 4.15-6.15pm12-18 years: 6.30pm-8.30pmSpring term from 14 January Summer term from 22 April £68

Want to make your own animations? This class will teach the basics of stop motion animation using a wide range of analogue and digital materials.

youth theatre 2 & 3 age 14-18 years

4.30-6.30pm Spring term from 21 January£55 (£48)

Led by Richard Hull, the older youth theatre group will be working towards a staging of ‘Blood Brothers’ by Willy Russell followed by a summer project. New members are welcome. You will need to be available on some Sundays for rehearsal.

rock’n’roll, J iVe & aMerican swing

5.30-7pm Spring term from 21 JanuarySummer term from 15 AprilAdults (15+) £37 (£32) for 10 sessions

Dance and get fit with these lively and popular dance classes taught by fellow UKA and Championship professional Gill Knight.

black & white photography / ffotograffiaeth ddu a gwyn

6.30pm-8.30pmTutor: Stephen BaileyCost £80 (£74 conc) + materialsSpring term from 21 January Summer term from 22 April

Learn how to take and develop your own black & white photographs using the Arts Centre’s darkroom facilities. These popular classes focus on the principles of composition and the traditional technique of developing and printing your own images.

patchwork, quilting & appliqué workshop

2.30-5.30pm & 6pm-9pm Summer term from 22 AprilCost £90 (£80 conc) + materialsTutor Melanie Hughes

Experienced stitchers may bring along a new or existing project and receive help and guidance as needed. Beginners will be able to develop their own project whilst enjoying short that will cover using your sewing machine, rotary cutting, machine-sewn Patchwork, Quilting and Appliqué and making simple items like cards, cushions and quilts. You will need to bring your own electric sewing machine.

yarn storytelling group

1st Monday of every month6.30-8.30pm Adults (15+) FreeNo matter what your level of experience you are welcome to join the circle to perform, experiment or just listen!


6.30pm-9pmSpring term from 21 January Cost £85 (£75) + materials for 10 weeksSummer term from 22 April Cost £70 (£60) + materials for 8 weeksTutor Roger Guy Young

Fun and friendly classes which cover all the main making techniques you’ll need to progress in ceramics. Suitable for all levels.

saMba druMMing

6.30-8pm Spring term from 21 JanuarySummer term from 16 AprilAdults and young people (14+)£37 (£32) for 10 weeks

Lively yet relaxing – this fun class suitable for all levels is led by Zoe Cryer. The Arts Centre is also home to the Samba a-go-go band for experienced players.

castaway coMMunity theatre group

7-9pmSpring term from 4 FebruarySummer term from 16 AprilAdults (£18+) £48 (£40) per term

This spring, Castaway are staging a studio production of Caryl Churchill’s ‘The Skriker’ for performance 25th - 27th April followed by a summer project.New members and complete beginners are welcome to join the group, no experience necessary, just enthusiasm! Led by David Blumfield.

tuesday dydd Mawrth


Tuesdays 12.30pm-3pmTutor John ReadingSpring term from 22 January Cost £85 (£75) + materials for 10 weeksSummer term from 23 April Cost £70 (£60) + materials for 8 weeks

A daytime class suitable for all abilities, which finishes in time to collect the children from school!

youth theatre 1 ages 12-13yrs

4.30-6.30pm Spring Term from 22 January£55 (£48)

The younger youth theatre will be working together towards a staging of ‘A Grimm Evening.’ You will need to be available on some Sundays for rehearsals. Director: Richard Hull


6.30pm-9pmSpring term from 22 January Cost £85 (£75) + materials for 10 weeksSummer term from 23 April Cost £70 (£60) + materials for 8 weeksTutor Roger Guy Young

Fun and friendly classes which cover all the main making techniques you’ll need to progress in ceramics. Suitable for all levels.

photography for young people

4-6pm, 6 weeksSpring term from 19 FebruarySummer term from 14 MayAge 11-18yrs £40 + materialsTutor Stephen Bailey

Fun and lively photography sessions – learn how to take, edit and print your own photographs (digital and B&W).

dance till you drop

6.30-7.30pm Spring term from 8 JanuarySummer term from 16 AprilAge 11+ £44

Lively dance classes with professional choreographer Rachel West. Fun and funky, enjoy a variety of dance styles. Suitable for beginners, or more experienced dancers. Open to all.

new! lindy hop

5.30-7pm Spring term from 22 JanuarySummer term from 16 AprilAdults (15+) £37 (£32)

Dance and get fit with these lively classes. Taught by fellow UKA and Championship professional Gill Knight.

heartsong coMMunity choir

7.15-9.30pm From 8 JanuaryAdults (18+) Pay on the door

An informal choir of local people singing a mix of world, gospel, modern and traditional music. All are welcome - even if you think you can’t sing! No need to read music.

beginners adult tap class

7.30-8.30pmSpring term from 15 JanuarySummer term from 16 AprilAdults (15+) £33 (£29) 10 weeks

A fun and friendly class for adults with Rachel West. Bring your own tap shoes!

arts centre writing for perforMance group

7.30-9.30pm2nd Tuesday of every month

A positive and supportive environment to develop writing for performance. For all levels from complete beginners to more experienced writers. The group will be working towards two special projects - Playpen and Earcandy.

arts centre digilab

A suite of computers with printers and scanners, video conferencing equipment, film and photo editing software, music editing software. Activities include Digital Photography, Animation, Digital Storytelling projects, Music, Video work and much more.

The lab is available to anyone on a free open-access basis twice a week:

Tuesdays 1pm-3.30pm (Ideal for ‘Silver Surfers’!)

Thursdays 3.30pm-6.30pm

A tutor is always on hand to give help as needed! For more info please contact Cath Sherrell [email protected] 01970 622888.

46. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 47.

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w e e k l y c l a s s e sd o s b a r t h i a d a u w y t h n o s o l w w w . a b e r . a c . u k / a r t s c e n t r e

wednesday dydd Mercher

new! free! only boys allowed

4-5pm from 9 JanuaryBoys aged 11+

Free - booking essential. Want to dance but fed up of being the only boy in the class? Then this is for you! Come and join Rachel West and learn all different styles of dance in a boy friendly environment.

open access sessions in the darkrooM

Drop in anytime between 5pm-8pm £3 per hourSpring term starts 23 JanuarySummer term starts 24 April

Revisit the joys of B&W film in the Arts Centre’s fully equipped darkroom. Users must have experience of using a darkroom and be competent to work on their own, though friendly advice and guidance is available if requested. Less experienced users may wish to attend a refresher or beginners course (above) before or whilst attending the open access sessions.

For information contact John Cable [email protected] / 01970 626808.

dance till you drop

5-6pm age 7-116-7pm age 11+£44 for the termSpring term from 9 January

Lively dance classes with professional choreographer Rachel West. Fun and funky, enjoy a variety of dance styles. Suitable for beginners, or more experienced dancers.


6-7.30pmSpring term from 23 JanuarySummer term from 17 AprilAdults (15+) £37 (£32)

Dixey Ruscelli teaches a complete Flamenco dance every term - footwork, movements, and palmas (Flamenco clapping). A friendly, energetic, and encouraging class. Please bring strong chunky heeled shoes. Suitable for beginners, male and female.

new! poetry course

7-9pm £35 (£32) for 10 weeksSpring term from 16 January

For beginners to experienced writers of poetry, a course to develop your work emphasising the imaginative use of language, workshops to key into modern poetry, what publishers are looking for and were to seek publication. Led by Nigel Humphreys, BA (Hons), poet, member of The Welsh Academy.

interMediate adult tap class

7-8pm Adults (15+)£33 (£29) 10 weeksSpring term from 17 January

A fun and friendly class for adults with a good knowledge of tap with Rachel West. Bring your own tap shoes!

thursday dydd iau

eXperiMentation in painting and drawing

9.30am-12.30pm Spring term from 17 January Summer term from 25 AprCost: £85 (£77 conc) + materialsTutor Roy Marsden

Explore and practise a broad range of techniques and visual approaches, including both materials and ideas. It looks to expand possibilities rather than just re-enforce what is already known. Suitable for all levels but mostly for those with some experience.

screen printing

1pm-3pm Spring term from 17 January Summer term from 25 AprilCost £69 (£60 conc) + materialsTutor Becky Knight

Learn how to print your own designs on fabric, t-shirts, tablecloths - whatever takes your fancy! A class suitable for all abilities, which finishes in time to collect the children from school!

Voice coaching

Thursdays, bookable sessions between 2-7pmAdults, children (4+) £12 per session

These half hour sessions focus on singing, delivery and performance.

arts centre classical Music training

These well established classes provide an excellent training for children and adults wishing to follow a formal musical education.

Violin & ViolaBookable lessons from 4.30pmSpring Term from 10 JanuarySummer Term from 18 AprilAge 5-18yrs£25 10 sessionsLively and contemporary violin playing with tutor Kathy Owen.

Music theory

These well established classes provide an excellent training for children and adults wishing to follow a formal musical education.Spring Term from 10 JanuarySummer Term from 18 AprilAge 8-18yrs£45 10 sessions4-5pm up to Grade 5 ABRSM5-6pm post Grades 6, 7 & 8 ABRSM6.30-7.30pm adults 18+

belly dance

Bellydance Basics 6-7pmOpen Level Tribal Style 7-8.15pmTribal Fusion Bellydance 8.15-9.15pmSpring term from 24 JanuarySummer term from 2 MayAdults (16+) £26 (£23) 8 sessions

Bellydance your way to a fitter and healthier you! A gentle and creative way to improve your posture, core strength and flexibility, whilst having fun.Bellydance Basics is for Beginner/Improver level. Open Level Tribal Style class will be learnt within Black Sheep Bellydance Format. The Tribal Fusion class is at Improver/Intermediate level.Learn to Bellydance with Lyza, an award winning Tribal Fusion


Thursdays 6.30pm-9pm (Advanced class)Spring term from 24 January Cost £85 (£75) + materials for 10 weeks Summer term from 25 April Cost £70 (£60) + materials for 8 weeksTutor Roger Guy Young

A more advanced class for those wanting to take their ceramic skills to a higher level.

black & white photography / ffotograffiaeth ddu a gwyn

6.30pm-8.30pmTutor: Stephen BaileyCost £80 (£74 conc) + materialsSpring term from 21 January Summer term from 25 April

Learn how to take and develop your own black & white photographs using the Arts Centre’s darkroom facilities. Open to all levels, these popular classes focus on the principles of composition and the traditional technique of developing and printing your own images.

pip eXperiMental perforMance group / gr wp perfforMio arbrofol

7.30pm-9pm from 10 JanuaryAdults (18+) Free except for guest specialist workshops

PIP is an open laboratory for theatre and performing arts practitioners, students, academics and others interested in exploring contemporary theatre practice through experimental workshops, improvisation and performance. Contact us for details.

48. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 49.

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w e e k l y c l a s s e sd o s b a r t h i a d a u w y t h n o s o l

friday dydd gwener

accredited coursesWith the School of Education & Lifelong Learning. For further details contact Alison Pierse [email protected] To book, phone 01970 621580 or download an enrolment form

abstracting the figure ca204

Fridays 10am-2pmTutor Angharad TarisStarts 22 Feb for 6 weeksCost £95 (£85/£25 conc) A practical course using existing life drawings to develop three-dimensional sculptured forms.

teXture and surface ca205

Fridays 10am-2pmTutor Angharad TarisStarts 22 March for 6 weeksCost £95 (£85/£25 conc) Investigation into the textures and surfaces that surround us will be translated into clay outcomes.

clwb 1-2-3 club

1.30-2.30pm from 11 JanuaryFor families & children aged 0-5 yrs £3 a week/£25 for 10 sessions

Innovative and popular bilingual creative sessions for babies, toddlers and their parents/ carers - movement, music and creative games with Rachel West.Sesiynau creadigol dwyieithog ar gyfer babanod a phlant o dan 3 oed a’i rhieni/gofalwyr - symud, cerddoriaeth a gemau creadigol.

chinese dance

7-8.30pm Spring term from 25 JanuarySummer term from 19 AprilAdults (15+)£37 (£32) for 10 sessions

Suitable for all levels and good for general body-training as well as creativity, this popular course is led by Su Chu Lu, an experienced dance and martial arts practitioner.

saturday dydd sadwrn

arts centre stage school ages 5 - 11

From Saturday 19 January - Saturday 23 March (no session on Sat 16 Feb).

A structured approach to Drama training with separate classes in acting, voice, singing in musical theatre and stage dance. Pupils work with a professional team to a high standard of performance skills, whilst having fun and learning creatively together. Contact Richard Hull [email protected]

life drawing

10am-12.30pm Spring term from 19 January Summer term from 27 AprilCost £90 (£80 conc) for term or £10 per class + materialsTutor: Paul Webster

Working from the life model, this popular class is open to everyone from beginners to professionals.

clay Modelling

9-15yrs: 10am-12noon £60 / £48 (8 weeks) + materials5-8yrs: 12.30pm-1.30pm £48 / £39 (8weeks) + materialsSpring term from 12 JanuarySummer term from 27 Apr (8 weeks) Tutor: Laura Hughes.

From sculptures to teapots, children can try out all aspects of ceramics and feel like a professional!


Spring term from 19 JanuarySummer term from 20 AprilChildren’s Beginners (Ages 8+): 10.15-11.15am, Adult Intermediate (Ages 16+): 11.30am-12.30pm Children’s Intermediate (Ages 8-16): 12.45-1.45pm £42 (£37) for 10 sessions

Electric and acoustic guitar classes covering a varied repertoire with tutor Mike Eades. Please note: You must bring your own guitar and if playing electric guitar, your own amp. An adult must remain with each child under 12.

clwb haul

2pm-3pm 5-8 years3.15pm-4.45pm 8+ years12 & 26 January, 9 & 23 February, 9 & 23 March, 4 & 18 May, 8 & 22 June, 6 July

Free arts workshop for children with learning difficulties and /or long term illness and their siblings. Register with Haul for details. Contact Jill Piercy 07807 947 [email protected]

s p e c i a l c o u r s e s c y r s i a u a r b e n i g

throwing with ruthanne tudball

Mon 8 - Thurs 11 April10-4pmCost £380 (£350)Ruthanne Tudball is known internationally for her organic approach to making and assembling pots wet on the wheel. This course will stretch and challenge your approach to throwing, manipulating and assembling finished clay forms.

architectural ceraMics with gwen heeney

Mon 8 & Tues 9th April, 10-4pm. Cost £200 (£180)A Brick Carving Workshop exploring brick carving and its architectural relevance to space, light, shadow and reflectivity. Gwen Heeney is a public artist who works mainly in brick and has work sited all over the world. She works with many international Brick Companies and also teaches Architectural Ceramic at the University of Wolverhampton.

the poetry eXperience reading group

First Saturday of each month2-5pmAdults (18+) Free

If you enjoy reading and discussing poetry you are welcome to join this informal and friendly group.

the word distillery

Third Saturday of each month2-5pmAdults (18+) Free

An opportunity for local poets to share and discuss their work.

digital photography one day workshop: desert island piX

Saturday 11 May10am-4pmAdults Cost £35 (£30) + materialsTutor: Stephen Bailey

Come for a fun day of photography, taking and editing your favourite pictures and ultimately saving your best from the waves!

50. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 51.

Page 27: Brochure Spring 2013

easter perorMing arts courses for young people

Monday 1-Friday 5 April 11am-4pmAges 7-11 (Primary School) 11-18 (Secondary School)Borth Community Hall

A creative and fun dance and drama course led by Choreographer Rachel West and Director Richard Hull. Work on staging different styles of dance and drama sketches each day leading to a final performance in the Hall at 3pm on Friday 5 April.

Meaningful Marks

One Day Painting Workshop with Mary Lloyd Jones Sunday 17 March 10am-4pmCost: £55 (£45

One day bilingual painting adventure with Mary Lloyd Jones. Explore pattern, shape, signs, symbols, codes and alphabets to create compositions focused on colour interaction. The resulting compositions could reflect identity and personal enthusiasms. Mary Lloyd Jones is a leading painter in Wales and a popular and effective teacher.Note: this course is not suitable for complete beginners.

Voice coaching

Bookable sessionsAdults, children (4+) £12 per session

These half hour sessions focus on singing, delivery and performance. Contact Teresa Davies for info [email protected]

honno writing workshops

A series of inspirational creative writing workshops open to all aged 18+

Writing Your Novel - Lorraine JenkinSunday 10 February 2-5pm £15 (£12), 20 places

Structure, pace, characterisation and good writing practice.

Marketing Yourself as an Author - Helena EarnshawSunday 10 March2-5pm 12 places £20 (£15)

Meet The Editor Session will be available this term - call us for more details.

solo acting

£75 for Five 45 Minute Sessions£48 for Three 45 Minute Sessions£18 for One 45 Minute SessionAges 12-21

Work individually with Director Richard Hull to improve and advance your acting and performance skills. Ideal for students who are interested in pursuing a career in the Performing Arts preparing for Drama school auditions. Contact Richard Hull [email protected]

watch dance class with ndcwales

Artists and Photographers coming to the show are welcome to watch the company take class on the day of performance. A fantastic opportunity to sketch, photograph or watch the dancers move. 5th March: 12:45 - 2pm, 6th March 3 - 4:15pm.

creatiVe faMily fun!

The Ceramic Gallery will run arts and craft sessions for families, based on themes and exhibitions within the impressive Ceramic Collection of the School of Art, Aberystwyth University. No booking required, drop in between 10am and 1pm. There is a voluntary small charge for materials (£1 per child, adults free) and events last 30-45 minutes and are suitable for families and children aged 3 and over. Babies are welcome in the gallery.

Sat 26 January: Decorated Letters

Sat 23 February: Etching a landscape picture

Sat 23 March: Easter Crafts

For further information, please contact: Louise Chennell [email protected] 01970 622192

earcandy launch night

Tuesday 30 May / Mawrth 30 Mai

7pm Following a year-long project exploring the skills of writing for radio, the Art Centre’s Writing for Performance group will be launching a unique web-based collection of audio narrative drama. Each short play was recorded in Aberystwyth with specialist director, sound engineer and cast. The launch night for EarCandy includes a Q&A with the writers and special invited guests to talk about writing for radio drama.

s p e c i a l c o u r s e s & e V e n t sc y r s i a u a r b e n i g a g w e i t h g a r e d d a u

w o r k w i t h s c h o o l s & t h e c o M M u n i t yg w e i t h o g y d a g y s g o l i o n a ’ r g y M u n e d

schools workshops

A range of creative workshops are available to enrich your curriculum teaching. • New this term FREE dance

classes for boys! • National Dance Company Wales

schools dance workshops

Contact Teresa Davies to arrange a visit to your school [email protected]

gallery education prograMMe for schools

We run an extensive programme of activities for schools including discussion and practical Gallery Education sessions for all key stages; practical and theory Ceramics sessions run in conjunction with the University Ceramics collection; Art Days for Key Stage 1 pupils. For details of activities this term, contact Cath Sherrell on 01970 622888 or [email protected]

theatre talks

Join the company for a free Q&A session after the show! See performance section for details.

sgwad sgwennu ceredigion young writers’ squads

The Arts Centre organises the county squad working with talented young writers with support from Literature Wales.

teachers resources

Downloadable Resources for English and Drama. Resources available on our website include:• The Government Inspector• Wuthering Heights • Kindertransport

Gallery information. A downloadable teachers’ pack on how to use the Gallery and how to get the most out of a school visit to an exhibition is available on our website. If rooms are free, we are happy to allow free use of our workshop spaces for follow up work while still at the Arts Centre. Note: Schools must provide their own materials. Please contact 01970 622888.

an introduction to interactiVe perforMance

Friday 22 March

Suitable for groups of up to 30 students. £300. A workshop linked to ‘Wild Thing I Love You’ (21 March) by Ella Good and Nicki Kent, Bristol based artists who make contemporary performance and live art. Suitable for undergraduate performance students, it offers a chance to learn about their approach to making performance through research, and their experience of creating work that is participatory in its nature.

arts centre young critics

Our new young theatre critics will be receiving training and posting reviews for this season’s theatre and dance highlights.

digital storytelling – MeMories of aberystwyth

Do you remember Aberystwyth during or before the Second World War? Do you have any old photographs, memories or stories you’d like to share? If so, we’d like to invite you to take part in our next Storytelling project (starting in March), which will be led by Huw Davies formerly of the BBC Wales Digital Storytelling team. Contact Cath Sherrell on.01970 622888, email [email protected] Supported by Aberystwyth Business Club

adrodd straeon digidol – atgofion aM aberystwyth

A ydych yn cofio Aberystwyth yn ystod neu cyn yr Ail Ryfel Byd? Oes gennych unrhyw hen ffotograffau, atgofion neu straeon i’w hadrodd? Os oes, hoffwn eich gwahodd i gymryd rhan yn ein prosiect Adrodd straeon nesaf (yn dechrau ym mis Mawrth), a arweinir gan Huw Davies, o dîm Adrodd Straeon Digidol y BBC gynt. Cysylltwch â Cath Sherrell ar 01970 622888, e-bost [email protected] Gyda cefnogi gan Clwb Fusnes Aberystwyth

52. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 53.

Page 28: Brochure Spring 2013

Archebu tocynnau Gallwn gadw tocynnau a archebir yn eich enw am bedwar diwrnod. Ar ôl hynny, cânt eu rhyddhau i’w gwerthu. Os byddwch yn archebu tocynnau ar ddiwrnod y digwyddiad/ffilm, bydd yn rhaid i chi dalu’n llawn wrth archebu. Os byddwch wedi archebu tocynnau a heb dalu amdanynt erbyn diwrnod y digwyddiad/ffilm, cânt eu rhyddhau i’w gwerthu.Ad-dalu a Chyfnewid Os na allwch ddod iberfformiad neu ffilm yr ydych wedi archebu tocynnau ar eu cyfer, gallwch anfon eich tocynnau yn ôl hyd at bum niwrnod cyn y perfformiad ac fe anfonwn nodyn credyd llawn atoch. Neu gallwn newid eich tocynnau am berfformiad mwy cyfleus o’r un sioe neu ffilm.

Os bydd y tocynnau i gyd wedi’u gwerthu, fe wnawn ein gorau i ailwerthu eich tocynnau i chi heb gost ychwanegol (ond ni allwn addo gwneud hyn).Prisiau gostyngol Nodir y prisiau gostyngol mewn cromfachau trwy’r daflen hon. Mae’r pris hwn ar gael i bobl 60+ sydd wedi ymddeol yn llwyr, pobl ifanc o dan 16 oed, myfyrwyr amser llawn, pobl ddi-waith a phobl anabl.Hwyrddyfodiaid Er mwyn tarfu cyn lleied ag y bo modd ar gwsmeriaid eraill a pherfformwyr, gellir gofyn i bobl sy’n cyrraedd yn hwyr aros tan y bydd yn gyfleus cyn mynd i mewn i awditorium. Ni fydd pobl sy’n colli rhannau o berfformiadau am eu bod yn hwyr yn cael ad-daliad.




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If you would like a copy of this brochure in large print, please call 01970 622889.Pe hoffech gopi o’r llyfryn hwn mewn print mawr, ffôniwch 01970 622889.

The Arts Centre is situated at the heart of the campus of Aberystwyth University. The turning onto campus is from the A487 as you head North out of the main Aberystwyth town centre and is well signposted. Car parking is free from 5pm in the evenings and all weekends. During the day a small fee is charged. Regular bus services to campus leave from Aberystwyth. Plus the main bus routes North pass the main entrance to campus. For more details contact Arriva on 0871 2002233 or visit Train services to Aberystwyth run approx every two hours. For more details call 08457 484950 or use the Railtrack website on

Lleolir Canolfan y Celfyddydau yng nghanol campws Prifysgol Aberystwyth. Rydych yn troi i mewn i’r campws oddi ar yr A487 ar y ffordd i’r gogledd o ganol tref Aberystwyth. Ceir arwyddion clir. Gellir parcio ger y Ganolfan am ddim o 5pm ymlaen gyda’r nos a thrwy’r amser ar benwythnosau. Codir tâl bychan yn ystod y dydd. Ceir gwasanaethau bws rheolaidd rhwng Aberystwyth a’r campws - ac mae’r prif wasanaethau bws tua’r Gogledd yn mynd heibio i brif fynedfa’r campws. Ceir rhagor o fanylion gan Arriva ar 0871 2002233 neu ewch i Ceir gwasanaethau trên i Aberystwyth bob rhyw ddwy awr. Os hoffech ragor o fanylion ffoniwch 08457 484950 neu ewch i wefan Railtrack ar

If you would like to check on any access issues before you visit the Arts Centre please call 01970 622882. Parking is reserved next to the main entrance approach for drivers with limited mobility. Two spaces are also available at the rear of the theatre, with level access into the main foyer. Wheelchair access is possible to all auditoria and workshop spaces in the venue. Access at ground level to main foyer and box office, by lift up to the theatre foyer and by stair lift down to the lower level. Guide dogs and assistance dogs are welcomed. Toilet facilities are accessible on all levels except the lower foyer. Hearing loops are installed in the Great Hall, Theatre and Cinema.

Os hoffech holi am y cyfleusterau cyn dod i Ganolfan y Celfyddydau, ffoniwch 01970 622882. Mae lle wedi’i gadw ger y brif fynedfa i yrwyr sy’n methu cerdded yn dda. Mae dau le yng nghefn y theatr hefyd, ar yr un gwastad â’r prif gyntedd. Gall pobl mewn cadeiriau olwyn fynd i holl awditoria a gweithdai’r Ganolfan. Mae’r prif gyntedd a’r swyddfa docynnau ar yr un gwastad â’r tu allan a gellir mynd mewn lifft i gyntedd y theatr ac ar lifft grisiau i lawr i’r lefel is. Mae croeso i gwn tywys a chwn cymorth. Gellir mynd mewn cadair olwyn i’r toiledau ar bob lefel ag eithrio’r cyntedd isaf. Ceir dolenni clywed yn y Neuadd Fawr, y Theatr a’r Sinema.

w w w . a b e r . a c . u k / a r t s c e n t r e

i n f o r M a t i o ng w y b o d a e t h

Reservations Tickets reserved in your name can be held for four days, after which point they will be released for sale. Tickets cannot be reserved on the actual day of the event/screening, but must be paid for in full at time of booking. Any tickets not paid for by the day of the event/screening will be released.Refunds and Exchanges If for any reason you find you are unable to make a performance or screening you have booked seats for, your tickets can be returned up to five days in advance of a performance, and we will issue you with a full credit note. Alternatively we can exchange your tickets for a more suitable performance of the same show or film, or in the event of a full house we will do our best to re-sell your tickets for you at no additional

charge (although this cannot be guaranteed). This does not apply to courses.Concessions rates are shown in brackets throughout this brochure. The rate is available for: 60+ in full time retirement, under 16s, full time students, unemployed, and disabled people. Latecomers In order to minimise disturbance to other customers and performers, latecomers may be asked to wait until a convenient moment before being allowed into an auditorium. No refund will be given for customers who miss parts of performances due to lateness. Please note - it is often not possible to admit latecomers to the studio at all once the performance is underway.

new bus serVice!look out for the new 03 bus

serVice to the arts centre.

gwasanaeth bws newydd!edrychwch allan aM y gwasanaeth

bws 03 newydd, i ’r ganolfan y celfyddydau.





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access for disabled Visitorscyfleusterau ar gyfer yMwelwyr anabl

Please note: No photography or video equipment is allowed in any performance.

Sylwch: Ni chaniateir offer ffotograffeg na fideo mewn unrhyw berfformiad.

All tickets and discounts subject to availability. All information in this brochure was correct at time of going to press.54. tickets tocynnau: 01970 62 32 32 55.

Page 29: Brochure Spring 2013

t: 01970 62 32 32

f : 01970 62 28 83

e: [email protected]

aberystwyth arts centrecanolfan y celfyddydau

aberystwyth uniVersityprifysgol aberystwyth

sy23 3de

t i c k e t s t o c y n n a u : 0 1 9 7 0 6 2 3 2 3 2

w w w . a b e r . a c . u k / a r t s c e n t r eticket agent asiantaeth tocynnau:

tourist inforMation centre canolfan groeso aberystwyth

Aberystwyth Arts Centre is a Department of Aberystwyth University.Mae Canolfan y Celfyddydau Aberystwyth yn adran o Brifysgol Aberystwyth.

Aberystwyth Arts Centre is recognised as a Regional Performing Arts Centre by the Arts Council of Wales.Cydnabyddir Canolfan y Celfyddydau Aberystwyth gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru fel Canolfan Ranbarthol y Celfyddydau Perfformio.

The Arts Centre also gratefully thanks the following for their financial support: Ceredigion County Council and Aberystwyth Town Council. Aberystwyth Arts Centre is a member of the Mid Wales Circuit and Creu Cymru.Mae Canolfan y Celfyddydau'n ddiolchgar i'r canlynol am eu cymorth ariannol hefyd: Cyngor Sir Ceredigion a Chyngor Tref Aberystwyth. Mae Canolfan y Celfyddydau yn aelod o Gylch Canolbarth Cymru a Chreu Cymru.

b o X o f f i c e s w y d d f a d o c y n n a uMon - sat llun - sad 10am - 8pm

sun sul 1.30pm - 5.30pm