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SIMPACK Automotive

Brochure Automotive En

Apr 08, 2018



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SIMPACK Automotive

Suspension Design

Virtual Component Test Rigs

Handling and Driving Dynamics

Powertrain and Driveline

Ride, Noise/Vibration/Harshness (NVH) and Durabilit

Sotware-in-the-Loop (SIL)

Real-time Applications/Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL)

Specialised Multibody Simulation (MBS) Modelling


MBS Data Handling


SIMPACK Interaces

Customers working with SIMPACK Automotive

SIMPACK Compatibility

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SIMPACK Automotive

The SIMPACK Automotive product amily is

used or the dynamic analysis, prediction and

optimisation o all automotive mechanical

and mechatronic components and vehicles.

SIMPACK’s ability to simulate high-requency

vibration and harsh shock contact, in both the

requency and time domain, makes SIMPACK

Automotive the number one choice o leading

automobile manuacturers or ride and comort

analyses. Due to SIMPACK’s powerul solverand use o relative kinematics, extremely ast

and accurate calculations can be carried out,

rom low requency dynamic handling all the

way up to high requency durability studies.

SIMPACK also has an optimum connectivity

to control sotware and can even export entire

models as code or SIL and HIL applications.

The versatility and range o analyses with

SIMPACK Automotive are virtually limitless,

which translates directly to a huge potential

or reducing development costs. Consequently,

an ever-increasing number o automotive

manuacturers and component suppliers areturning to SIMPACK Automotive as their

preerred choice or multibody simulation.

The versatility and range o analyses

with SIMPACK Automotive are virtually


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Brakes, Hydraulics)

Plastic Deormation, Abuse, Crash

Dynamic Loads, Durability

Comfort, NVH 


Steering, Exhaust


Secondary Ride (e.g. Oscillations

o Engine,




Primary Ride 


Oscillations o


Handling,HIL, SIL 


Global Chassis





Kin. and









SIMPACK Automotive Application Areas

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Due to SIMPACK‘s transparent and simple

modelling structure, any type o single auto-

motive component and virtual test rig can be

set up by the user. Easy comparison and

validation (using virtual test rigs with real mea-

surements), enables users to carry out urther

optimisation, with condence, on well veried

virtual components. With SIMPACK substruc-

ture techniques, these veried components can

easily be used within more complex complete

system models, without additional modellingand verication eort. Application examples o

general automotive components within virtual

test rigs include:

Virtual Component Test Rigs

All components and vehicles can be easily

investigated in SIMPACK using virtual

test rigs.

Seat Rail Vertical

– Oil pump velocity sweep– Chassis mechanisms

– Steering shimmy test rig

– Single suspension transer unction

– Engine bearing test rig

– Exhaust system transer unction

– Truck cabin excitation test rig

– Driveline roller test rig

– Hydropulse test rig

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Handling and Driving Dynamics

Complete vehicle models are set up very e-

ectively, eciently and clearly using SIMPACK

Autmotive predened and parameterised com-

ponent models. With substructure techniques

all components can be exchanged easily with

user dened components in order to rene the

level o model detail. Standard open and closed

loop handling and driving dynamic simula-

tion scenario denitions (e.g. constant radius

cornering, lane change, sinusodial steering,

braking while cornering) are also available withpredened substructures.

Various vehicle confgurations and

manoeuvres may be easily set up in

SIMPACK or the simulation o handling

and driving dynamics.

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In order to adapt complete vehicle models and

associated simulation scenarios many SIMPACK

Automotive specic modelling elements are


– Various tire models

– Tire characteristic test plots

– Track (road) defnition

– Curve superelevations

– Road height plan

– Single obstacles– Deterministic road irregularities

– Longitudinal and lateral vehicle

controller (driver model)

Result Comparison o Driving Dynamics Manoeuvre

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Powertrain and Driveline

SIMPACK Automotive oers a detailed library

o specialised powertrain and driveline com-

ponents. Thereore, complete, detailed vehicle

models can be set up in order to study the

complex 3D behaviour during engine-power-

train-driveline-vehicle interactions.

All associated modelling components are com-

patible and communicate with the SIMPACK

time domain solver in order to optimise solver

stability, accuracy and perormance or suchcomplete and complex ull vehicle models.

SIMPACK Powertrain and Driveline component

examples are:


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– Kinematic and elastic gear boxes with

non-linear stiness and clearance

(manual gear box, planetary gearbox,

dierential gearbox)

– Detailed gear wheel orce element with

position dependent stiness (parameter


– Gear shit during simulation

– Gear wheel synchroniser element with

contacts and riction

– Universal and constant velocity joints– Flexible driveline shats

– Engine torque or gas orce based drive-

line excitations

– Driveline roller test rigs

For powertrain and driveline components,

SIMPACK oers a comprehensive element

library and extensive unctionalities.

Pull Away and Gear Shit

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Ride, NVH and Durability

SIMPACK’s solver is not only ideal or handling

high requency analyses (even into the acoustic

range) but also or investigations involving

extreme non-linear manoeuvres and harsh

shock contact, such as “idiot-starts” (sudden

clutch release), curb strikes, bridge jumping,

etc. With the additional SIMPACK NVH (Noise/ 

Vibration/Harshness) module, users may also

benet rom the powerul, time saving, linear

system analysis. Because SIMPACK enables easy

comparisons between linear and non-linearmethods, a user can always be assured o the

suitability o the chosen method.

Extreme non-linear manoeuvres and harsh

shock contact such as “idiot start“ and

bridge jumps are easily simulated using

SIMPACK‘s reliable solver.

Correspondence o Measured Data


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SIMPACK also enables atigue lie predictions

o virtual prototypes. The fexible components

may either be investigated as part o an entire

complex vehicle model or individually analysed

using virtual test rigs. Because the methods

using SIMPACK incorporate both the modal

coordinates and the time dependent reaction

orces, dynamic loading is also considered.

Using SIMPACK as the basis or durability

analysis (as opposed to a transient FE-analysis)

can save vast amounts o computation timeand resources.

Validation o Simulation Model

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Software-in-the-Loop (SIL)

A standard Inter Process Communication (IPC)

coupling enables SIMPACK users to easily

interace their models with other CAE sot-

ware or their own sotware code or advanced

mechatronic investigations. In addition to co-

simulation with MATLAB/Simulink®, users may

also take advantage o the MATLAB Real-Time

Workshop® and export entire parameterised

Simulink® models directly into SIMPACK. The

reverse approach may also be employed (de-

pending on the sotware emphasis) with entireparameterised SIMPACK models exported as

S-unctions directly into Simulink® or any other

simulation environment.

Several methods o interacing SIMPACK 

to external programs enable users to

defne “best practice“ processes or SIL


Complex Car Model in SIL Environment


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Code Export enables SIMPACK models to be

exported to external platorms or SIL, MIL

(Man-in-the-Loop) and HIL (Hardware-in-the-

Loop) applications. Complex models created

or dynamic, ride and durability investigations

can also be used as the basis or real-time

applications. Thereore new SIMPACK elements

and methods have been specically developed

or real-time applications in order to achieve

the required computation speeds.

SIMPACK oers the unique approach to use

one common data source in order to para-

meterise ofine and online (real-time) MBS

models simultaneously. This saves vast amounts

o modelling and verication time.

Real-time Applications (MIL, HIL)

Entire parameterised SIMPACK models can

be exported as code or MIL/HIL use.

Driving Simulator – Courtesy o DaimlerChrysler AG

Complex Truck Model in HIL Environment

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– Physical parameter based requency and

amplitude dependent orce (bushing)


– Measurement based (transer unction)

orce element description

– Stick Slip riction orce elements

– High requency comort and durability

tire orce elements

– Detailed air spring models

– Beam based lea springs with contact

and riction– User routines

Specialised MBS Modelling Elements

An extensive range o modelling elements

in SIMPACK enables high-end simulation.

In order to simulate high-end 3D MBS models

(with requency and amplitude dependent

behaviours or example) numerous specialised

MBS modelling elements are available within

the SIMPACK Automotive product amily.

These include:


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SIMPACK oers a data handling concept which

enables the user to organise and store MBS

model data in hierarchical, structured database

directories. By using model parameterisation

and substructures a clear separation o struc-

ture and parameterised data can be achieved.

In this way redundant data can be avoided and

development levels will be stored in terms o

associated parameter sets.

Whether carrying out analyses with highlydetailed models or ride investigations, or with

less complex models or HIL or SIL simulations,

common databases may be used.

MBS Data Handling

Model variants may be easily generated

and investigated by using the SIMPACK 

database structure.

Model Database

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The SIMPACK Engine product suite may

also be easily used together with SIMPACK


SIMPACK Engine includes modelling elements

specically implemented or detailed engine

simulations covering single component analysis

to complete dynamically coupled engine

investigations. All engine components rang-

ing rom valve trains (dynamic valve springs,

elastic contacts, etc.) and timing mechanisms(chain, gearwheels, etc.) to crank trains (fexible

SIMPACK Automotive unctionalities may

be urther enhanced by SIMPACK Engine

which enables the simulation o complete

coupled engines.

crank shats, hydro-dynamic bearing, etc.) may

be easily incorporated. The use o SIMPACK

parameterisation and substructures enables

ecient and secure model creation. Due to

SIMPACK‘s common database structure and

modelling elements all SIMPACK models, e.g.

Automotive or Engine models, are completely

compatible and thereore may be easily inter-

connected and exchanged.

For more detailed inormation please reer tothe SIMPACK Engine brochure.


SIMPACK Crank Train SIMPACK Valve Train SIMPACK Chain Drive SIMPACK Engine


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SIMPACK’s versatility and excellent interaces

enable users to combine the core competence

o dierent sotware tools or optimum usage.

The strong interaces also enable SIMPACK to

be easily integrated into a company‘s already

established and proven development processes.

SIMPACK Interfaces

SIMPACK interaces to CAD, FEA, durabil-

ity, control and hydraulic programs urther

increase the range o SIMPACK‘s applica-

tion areas.

SIMPACK Interaces to:

CAD, FEA, Durability, Control, Hydraulic, etc.




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Customers working with SIMPACK Automotive

SIMPACK is now the world leading multibody

simulation sotware or commercial vehicles

and the number one choice o leading auto-

mobile manuacturers or ride and comort


“SIMPACK has enabled us to rapidly 

enhance our dynamic simulation

capabilities with a level o versatility 

which enables the use o ewer 

core models. This, in turn, leads to

a more efcient design support 

 process and reduced response time

or track support tasks.“ 

Richard Frith, Midland F1 Racing Ltd.

United Kingdom


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“For almost ten years, SIMPACK has

been used at BMW Acoustics and 

Vibrations Development. A modu-

larised database has been achieved,

which includes the whole range o 

vehicles with all the dierent sub-

 systems, e.g. engines, powertrains

and suspensions. The SIMPACK vehi-

cle model is part o the virtual car 

 process or design and evaluation o 

vibration characteristics, such as ride

comort, powertrain, chassis and 

body vibrations.“ 

Andreas Raith, BMW Group,


“Over the past ew years, SIMPACK 

has become an important tool in

the development process o our 

Mercedes-Benz vans and trucks.

With SIMPACK, we have the ability 

to design vehicle models based on a

master model database or dierent 

applications, or example or vehicle

driving dynamics, ride comort, drive

train vibrations, durability, braking

 system layout, and the layout o 

active systems.“ 

Joachim Pressel, DaimlerChrysler

Commercial Vehicles Division,


“MAN has been using SIMPACK since

the very frst version. Since then

SIMPACK has matured into an indis-

 pensable tool or handling, NVH,

active control, and durability investi-

 gations o both trucks and buses.

We consider both INTEC‘s nearby 

location and its outstanding com-

 petence in simulation technology to

be invaluable or productive coopera-


Thomas Ille, MAN Nutzahrzeuge AG,


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SIMPACK Compatibility

SIMPACK Automotive oers users the power

and versatility to carry out an almost innite

range o analyses. Because all modules within

SIMPACK are 100% compatible, automotive

users can also benet rom SIMPACK develop-

ments originating out o other engineering


From mounting congurations o single com-

ponents to entire mechatronic vehicle analyses,

rom handling manoeuvres to high requency

durability studies, rom linear system analysis to

non-linear shock contact, rom co-simulation

to hardware-in-the-loop, SIMPACK Automotive

oers the complete, harmonised solution.


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I you would like additional inormation or

brochures please contact us or visit our web


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Argelsrieder Feld 1382234 Wessling


Tel. +49 8153 9288-0

Fax +49 8153 9288-11

[email protected]