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Published In English, Xosa, Sesuto And Zulu TETELI WA BANTU THE UNION'S LEADINC NEWSPAPER WIDEST Circulation Pollilcally Independent The Mouthpiece All the Edu ca tlon .. 1 SPORTINC AND COUNTRY NEWS: ALSO WOMEN'S SESSION Subscription 13 • per Yur J G" H. IlfY,. .. (larler of the African Peoplec..--- Aulhorl18d 10 publlstt Government Notices affectfng At,lcan5 - \ " -, ,, 11; 1 .1 111 1 \ '\\ 1 · n l 1: 1, 10 en FIERCE RESISTANCE AGAINT JAPANESE . ATTACKS Brilliant Soviet Victories S INCE the sudden 01 the ,Japanese attack on the Unlted nates and brlttl1n hnd ligitlng has been gOing en In m=,) parts 01 the Pacific Ocean. The war starled wllh an air attaok by Japanese forces on Pearl Harbour, Ihe Amencan naval baSi at Honolulu, The bombs ci:used c::suallle5, I"cludl"g the loss of the American baltleSlllp Oklahoma. Frequent attacks hem the air are also bel lJt on the Phlhp' pine Islands. JapanC50e lorccs have Invaded Slam, y. :1I£il gave up fightl,.g ",fter otfenng resistance for hwe hour •• ':;Ingapore, Brtutn's main naval base In Ihe Far has been by bombers. Ind ot her apo:ntse troops I"ave effected a I"ndlng If'; the norlhern portion 01 the Malayan Peninsula. Enemy aeroplane s have been .Iglllcd on S .. n Fran,, ; ,o on tile ""'Cit toul 01 the United Stllc , Tile Wake and MHI""'3Y n well as Cuam, hIve becn occupied by Janlne sc n"lIal lorc es. A IIUvy lo ss wa s su st lincd by lilt e"tl \ h Na llY when aeropllnes bombed and sunk lilt baHl cl hlp "Prlnce 01 Will(' ," Ind Ihe bailictrui scr 011 Ihe Matayan COliit , On Ihe whole Japlnc \e atlatk o; In Ine Pltlhc Ire "' violcnte, bUI are meelln, ""'Ilh stern by Brilllh, AmerIcan , Indian Ind Nelherlanrh Hon e Kon,. Crown Colony on Ihc Chine iie cO:l6 I. al50 becn IlIlcked and is Ii,; hl,", back 1I1,0roJ , ly . More On Russian Front IMPORTANT dClielOpm('nls arc la"lIIl: olace on tho SOVl cl Ironl, WhIle Ino Red Army u:Jnter IUftkln, In mlny set lOr ! ilnd prCUln, lor ward lIS ncar Leningrad and In the Ukra ine, the Ge rmans are u :d to wl : hdr a "", In c: r lort es 10 Ihe IInu hcld belore October 15 , ActordlnG to a London report. till' Gcrman reali l cd Ihll the Army and Ihe Lultw.lI (: wtle un . bl t 10 mllnlam Ihe onenSlve 500 miln Irom Ihe:r b:l.Cl, Ihro:ll:hout Ihe Ru .s l ;} n wlnlel. ThIS 15 unlloubl cd!y 10 Ihc l albh orll dd t nu ' 01 Mouow and Lenlngr3d wh l th hb t311td 10 prov ldc the NJZ ls w, lh much nteded winler quarler . Tht Red Army 10 hall \' n tilbl 11 r w prrmacy at all bul par\lcularly In tht Mo . cow ar r :t. Th :,. clai m IS ed by ,onslderobl e ev.den ce, n l; 10 Londo !! mtl,I: HY SOlllCI hcavy lanks arc pr OllinK mo \1 In the Moscow orca They ar c mu t h more e!hcient .n til{' de Cp snow than tI'c German machu'lcs Announc,"" Ihal m,lItary in J1u s\ il Wi ll hen cc lorlh hallc stope only , an Onlcial Be rlin m,lllary Ipo .. tnal Iht severc wcather IS Anotl l, 'r C er m:!n man Sialed some day s 1 11 0 Ihal Ihe captur e of Most ow was not Urlctltd betore the Sprln!: Thnc annoullcenlenh c onn tl With 1111 1 thc NUl ArmY,,,,,,ould fiSh I Ih'Oll '; hoUI Ihc wlllier :t n(1 wo uld (Jnlinul) lI s olleosivc. LATEST WAR NEWS - 11(111 1 ,P \\".11, s ",d R'·plll I ."I,',j Slnl(apon' " ' III , Tr ,k T '" , . " y " do 'J<./\ At · a. n:l Irl(.h • ' nUO!! J E, '\(' Tl 'I:i , , " " H, :If , h J h h o,,,c m Ie u lk p I T")rU I II 11'1 I \ 1111 I: I, 1'11 1 Regis tered It the G P. O. IS a New5plper Prlee 3d. - - • • n aCI Ie cean THE PACIFIC BA TTLEFIELD CAHAOA USA CI--IINA S I'oNFRANCISC, d._ PACIFIC OCEAN SAMOA t §. , \I "V NE ·" ZEALANO ,'". Ih ... m I' c I. . \TI ·; ST R :i A m' tr i iI'I' j' (';I.,. A M,.,;.('o i, I h tholl l' to flnll h ;,In, 1 \'" I I' :l b<. r' V ii 'S :i Y t, 10' n of 01 I INH,S 0 h bmd('",('d lie laU' hi Gt' fl'l .. n t'V,. ,1 "n Jl1t"mpt t(. l.,k, 'V;I pJi 10 tl e II ;) 1(' mn Ir, t he hi I T l (j, In I t: .. k,IUc,d"nd Cnm 411 II III 0' m I cllr ... ,,1 "" I lid the N,l" \, mdl'd n 1111 I tl I:!') mill' t" Kh kuv hi h fm t h ve (fcled dt 1/.; h s II So '[' "IOn pu I SOLD IN 4 oz. LINEN BAGS AT i 7o. Always ask for SMOKING MIXTURE -. / SI"Z9

Brilliant Soviet Victories - UJ IR

Mar 16, 2023



Khang Minh
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Page 1: Brilliant Soviet Victories - UJ IR

Published In English, Xosa, Sesuto And Zulu











Independent The Mouthpiece

All the b~l

Educatlon .. 1









13 • per Yur

J G" H.IlfY,.

4 · .. (larler

of the African Peoplec..---

Aulhorl18d 10 publlstt Government Notices affectfng At,lcan5 •

-\ " -, ,, 11; 1 .1111 1 \ '\\ 1 · n l 1: 1,


. ATTACKS Brilliant Soviet Victories S

INCE the sudden be~'nnInG 01 the ,Japanese attack on the Unlted nates and brlttl1n hnd ligitlng has been gOing en In

m=,) parts 01 the Pacific Ocean. The war starled wllh an air attaok by Japanese forces on Pearl Harbour, Ihe Amencan naval baSi at Honolulu, The bombs ci:used he~vv c::suallle5, I"cludl"g the loss of the American baltleSlllp Oklahoma.

Frequent attacks hem the air are also bel lJt m~do on the Phlhp' pine Islands. JapanC50e lorccs have Invaded Slam, y. :1I£il gave up fightl,.g ",fter otfenng resistance for hwe hour ••

':;Ingapore, Brtutn's main naval base In Ihe Far Ea~1 has been "1I~t"ed by bombers. Ind ot her apo:ntse troops I"ave effected a I"ndlng If'; the norlhern portion 01 the Malayan Peninsula.

Enemy aeroplanes have been .Iglllcd on S .. n Fran,,; ,o on tile ""'Cit toul 01 the United Stllc, Tile Wake and MHI""'3Y 1 ~ land . n well as Cuam, hIve becn occupied by Janlnesc n"lIal lorces.

A IIUvy loss was sustlincd by lilt e"tl\ h NallY when Japane~e aeropllnes bombed and sunk lil t baHl clhlp "Prlnce 01 Will(' ," Ind Ihe bailictruiscr "Rcpul~e" 011 Ihe Matayan COliit ,

On Ihe whole Japlnc\e atlatk o; In Ine Pltlhc Ire IntrCl ~ In,; "' violcnte, bUI are meelln, ""'Ilh stern r "' I ~ :anCI by Brilllh, AmerIcan, Indian Ind Nelherlanrh lore e ~.

Hone Kon,. B"II,"'~ Crown Colony on Ihc Chine iie cO:l6I. h.~ al50 becn IlIlcked and is Ii,;hl,", back 1I1,0roJ , ly .

More Succes~es On Russian Front IMPORTANT dClielOpm('nls arc la"lIIl: olace on tho SOVlcl Ironl,

WhIle Ino Red Army I ~ u:Jnter IUftkln, In mlny set lOr! ilnd prCUln, lor ward lIS vittorlou ~ :. ncar Leningrad and In the Ukraine, the Germans are u :d to wl :hdra"", Inc: r lortes 10 Ihe IInu hcld belore October 15 ,

ActordlnG to a London report. till' Gcrman Gc""rl !~ reali l cd Ihll the Army and Ihe Lultw.lI (: wt l e un . bl t 10 mllnlam Ihe onenSlve 500 miln Irom Ihe :r b:l.Cl, Ihro:ll:hout Ihe Ru .sl;}n wlnlel.

ThIS detl~lon 15 unlloublcd!y d~~ 10 Ihc l albhorll dd t nu' 01 Mouow and Lenlngr3d wh lth hb t311td 10 prov ldc the NJZ ls w,lh much nteded winler quarler .

Tht Red Army clalm~ 10 hall \' n tilbl ~ Iun l 11 r w pr r macy at all Ironl ~ , bul par\lcularly In tht Mo .cow ar r :t. Th :,. clai m IS ~upporl ed by ,onslderobl e ev.den ce, f,~ord nl; 10 Londo!! mtl ,I:HY quarltr~.

SOlllCI hcavy lanks arc al ~o pr OllinK mo\1 ~u cccsslu' , c ~ OCtialty In the Moscow orca They ar c mut h more e!hcient .n til{' deCp snow than tI'c German machu'lcs

Announc,"" Ihal m,lItary Opc r~ lIon . in J1us\ il Wi ll hencc lorlh hallc tO~'1 stope only, an Onlcial Be rlin m,lllary I po .. c~man c!alm~ tnal Iht severc wcather IS r c~pon " b le. Anotll, 'r Cerm:!n ~pokU· man Sialed some days 1 11 0 Ihal Ihe captur e of Mostow was not Urlctltd betore th e Sprln!:

Thnc annoullcenlenh ~ tronl;ly conn tl With Hltlu'~ bo~~ I ' 1111 1 thc NUl ArmY,,,,,,ould fiSh I Ih'Oll ';hoUI Ihc wllli er :tn(1 would (Jnlinul) lIs olleosivc.


11(111 1 ,P \\".11, s ",d R'·plll I ."I,',j Slnl(apon' " ' III ,

Tr ,k •

T '" , . " y

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'J<./\ At · a. n:l Irl(.h • ' nUO!! J E, '\(' Tl 'I:i

, , " " H, :If ,

h J h h o,,,c m Ie ulk p I


11'1 I \1111 I: I, 1'11 1 Registered It the G P.O. IS a New5plper Prlee 3d. - -

• •






• SAMOA t §.

• • • ,


,'". Ih ... m I' c •

I. .\TI·; ST

R :i A m' tr i iI'I' j ' (';I.,. A M,.,;.('o i, I h ~, tholl l' to flnll h ;,In,1 \'" I I' :l b<.r' Vii'S :i Y t, 10' n of 01 I INH,S ~ 0 h bmd('",('d lie laU' hi Gt' fl'l .. n t'V,.,1 "n

Jl1t"mpt t(. l.,k, 'V;I pJi 10 tl e II ;) 1(' mn Ir, t he hi I T l (j, ~;tTlS In I t: .. r~J k,IUc,d"nd Cnm ,f,~hlllll: 411 II III 0' m I cllr ... ,,1 "" I lid the N,l" \, mdl'd n 1111 I tl I:!') mill' t" Kh kuv hi h fm t h ve (fcled dt 1/.; h s

II So '[' ~ "IOn pu I


ATi7o. Always ask for


-./ SI"Z9

Page 2: Brilliant Soviet Victories - UJ IR

l!H I


P. 0 Box &5'.15.

'd 10

Work Of Native Representative Council Impresses

Development Of Reserves Reserves (3) JOHANNESBURG. Waste uf Wealth In

r , II", n,

'pt lB, p, ,l


(By Rev Ikrn .. rd Hu ". M .. r,azt:l1. Matatleie)

WATCHING the African Tank I (thmking) and on 10 the hand Session End On A Promising Note for <15 n~a" I dl:S4.overed not (wllhnlt or actmg) IS d ,'cry long j /. only hol~s In .t but also aom(-thmR road and the mOle I watch It thf> 1 I els~ which IS "ery dlSfjl.lU'IIng fel 1 longer It !Ol"C."rns to becomeh olnd 1 , (BY MRS. MA RCARET BALLINCER. M.P. ) .. II tho:.e who would {,Iu: to help_ <1m not the onl;1 one W Q has

THE last session of the First Nativ, Represenlatn/e CO !Jn~1 has the A(riean't to "lOP tni.$ umnlel- made thiS d,seovery, ,Th.s Ion"

'lhr.·" ~Iu. tt.

rupted waste W .. e .. n pomt oul rC'8d IS not mea"ured In ml)es 8'1 Cc~e to an C,ld after ar. ImpreSSIl/e fo rtmg ht's work , the holes to uor Bla.'k I;Irothcrs the road (rom C.tpe to Cairo, but

This closir:g session has carried tho mi nd back t o the fi rst sesSion but we cannot clo-.c tht. hoi .. , lor HI years. There mal~)' White ~ of thiS Counc,1 which startled all those not close ly fami lia r with the them The\' wdl have to do .1 pi£' ..... ho lmc(:rl"iy wish to !ihorten moveme'lts cI African thought. wit h the Indepe.,dence of the themselvc!>, and t am absoluld~ tlus road but 1,t l'i not In our views there expressed and the standard 01 t he speeches in which ~ur(' that :ll ~ome time. how"vl'1 pown Tht" Alfleans o1lon; C;I~ Ihose views were preset.tcd . Tho I" tervenl"g sessIons have not late. and prohably wh(:n it IS 100 accder~te. ,( they Ilk('-. thl., ,10\\

1,1, direct n 'cd will comprl thl'lT' 10Ulnt-~ irrm Ihe heart "!IOj the illwaus m<u ntalned that II rs t h,gh level. Th,s las t session. however. ." ,"ad too th, h"d • to make dt 1f'<.I~t iln ;,iltl'mpl ~ .., IHI'I',\IIII' It 1.\, \'111 has not only shewn thtH t~at begin ning was r.ot a nash in the pan, to clO'>e th(' h.-\('s and to 'av('

.=~';;;"'';''~~:C:,,:,~::::::;,,;=l it has nol onlv ma'ntalned t hat II rst standa rc!, but It has added to it what l':llc bit 1$ left

AGGRESSION WILL the ",cight of experience gained hy t ile Councillon In the courSe I fUlther dl~covt-Ied thdt, Jfi 01 their period of servICe. T here was about thiS session ~IOt only order 10 out a ':>tOQ to Ihl~ hu';[('

NOT PAY fle imicpcndenee of l}oe lI , st SeSsion, but that sureness of opin ion \',"te of wealth, the Afrir"fl and eertai-tty of presentation tila, on l) comes w,th ex perier.ce well hedrl mu~t III"';t be mo\'(-d II\("n .,dfu'luu.d. th'~d.,dlh,h.,dB.th_

JAPAN ho.' added. t>lIothl'r \1 ,,', Cdn Ih,· ht·dlt bt· mOYl'd If thl·re 'A i .• \."" ,'.I,·\ •. 1t IIII' ·,1111' III,,,, \\llh·1) III\ub arehlghlyt'duc;:nedA(llf'ans'IIl'h() blot. t·) her nBm". On ',.",.1 tll~ t".llil., "I h.l_uU h"l11 "mlllf) IlIl'IUI"'I'" are su~r.;ophblic .. ted and so n··

S ' . ,tl,t'l" I"., "I"t,-,""t. II" I 'JlIl1 \1 " IIh ,ILI;!,:-'-, 1'''' III nical that thc.-\· can sav th"r ... 1<

IlnUa\,' I' I I ,wi 1",·'11 1I\,'ull,.·,~ "Iik, 1'.1111<' ~o'h", 'h Af ' T k '.' . . ",,11.1I1.r .. I.It" "III ",111",1,1' .. ! .. In e nc .. n aD .8n(.) at.iv(":i w'c.rl'! for a .IUp,'fl,I".' ul , .... '''i'''''' th","- tI,~ ,.11> JoIIIIV. dl1l_tl.liI'.] In ,r th,,; publicly-acknowledgoo

. l:ontinual!\,-empha"'Isf>d and'ful bcttl(,lIlC'nL at tile "I·h~~ ;lh,1 tur II,,· "11~'Ii!!'II, 1'11'\1' .~" loy IWI~I> '·'I'p.'nl'lIl·(' ly--deplored loss of wt'ahh nr\ll

p ." II'I·Il"1: ,,,.1 .1t:,:11I1\ \\llb .\huh ," •• ' ••.. '1, go,"" on f(or some decadl.''!1 l'OjI, 1I'I't If \I.ohtn·tol l'UI'""'·.IIt" .• " .. ,,J,·1 .. ..,. II C - OU"C III - ~ ' d, 'HI<' I"'.' ",,<I 'IIII' hhl ut be s('Cn every day and eV('r)-·.

b I \ fl I ,I 11,..1I ,tIRIIII)' III -"\1,' .\fri(':1I1 .. ·• h • lIe, fl.e • .ntl aircraft born l'! .'''~ 1111,. It' 1'."11" II II' wert'

I> , I', UIlI ,I II II" I, \\11, ,11", II ~.·.I III .,wl '" "\'I·n' • u_.· lilt' ~.UUI' .'nn- The A(ricans mu~t first be Atncrirdn unt! British posts 1111l. u''''' ,; .. ,' \\ .110 ., 111,,1,"11 <II ,11i~1I11" ' 1'I1f>1i II't ,,~ r('lil"\"(' deeply Interested In tht'.r countrY

Ul"lY lo.rts of th,~ world. "'1'1111 dl", ti,,,I1,,· .. th .• t 'Ill' 1;,>1'- 11"'hl .. I tllf'lr ""p"lI_d,ili"·. 1,'1 and lIs many treasures. love It

I II'l l,1II1.ltt I, 1"'1""-11'.1, .. "fah:.." II~ Pllt \!rU,'"" III 10 .. ~'nT \ j,th their whole heart as '['I' f t I r un I \Im .• IL ... • 1h,,\ \I ill UBI \HII 11' civih;;ed White pt'<lpll: do. and be

'I~ act a r enc Ie y, - "'r I"" -I 'I""" "t Ill< 1'<HUII'I III full" "0"0,"'0" of tht'ir dutv to , I I' .,1",1'1,\ 111 ... 11 "I' n~k lur ulft·n· ~ ,,~ purnlleled c\'en hy thc ueCl .... t11l"' <,:,1, "',, .. ,1 1 '~'1'" . "II II ,\111 II JleOjve thoJlr ("ountrv to their . I 1',.111:1111"11' I" \II •. • '11.1,," IIUIl children a better plac~ thodn the)'

of t.ha.t. arch seo Itl,hel Hit er "' I'''·',II! I al till' I ,,,I,, ': III'" ('''"11< illnl altl>r HI/UtiII'I found ,I But It ''i it m"~t dl~ ha" I'owcver, a. 1l10~t. !elllut, r·1l1111!'IJl". l1".J\" "n~,',1 III~ ,,1",1 ,1 •. ..1,1,,',1. "',, ,I" not "hled It, tressmg fa('t thOjt thl$ country u'k II which hal(-a-century ago wa~ • n,' effe(,t. upon tl:lc UnitNl II!I th,· 111'1,<1 IIII' 1"11).!"r ;,,"1 1111"" ;r.'lIlH.', III 1,\ 1.1.1' .Iuur 111;.11 "1 flowing with milk "nd hone\' ho'!

(_,IV"11 ,,,/1 .. 1.1,'1 .• 11"" 1",,11 .. I IIII' \'111-1-.111111"'''11 II ",. 1..:"1 {"Ililil seriouslv deteriorated and show~ States. 11'1!,~tll'\" 1""1"",11-1 "I III!' I" ". ",'11'1'" 111"1'" ,,',. kll"" ,',,. far too 'm"ny desert iJnd st-ml·

On-Huturdny that. COU'ltlj' '-l1l.iI'lll !l1,,1 III tiL+' 1"~'i"1:lh'" 111,1 Eun'III':l1l dll,·, !luI \\Hill II'- III 1.,,_ desert ;pots. was di\'idcd betwcen the- 'll<!,U1j(' .!t\ll ""II"lullt'ITo' Th" I.I""I, lIlul \I.' ,10 11<11 \\,1111 tn )to, Hull hy Thlnt For Knowleclge

Til_I, II" Ill:!"·'\. .. h,,"101 I ... ,·O)u_,_II".1 \\1' \\.lId 111;'::1'\ l'qll,11 ~~'nll'l' When the heart of theA(nt;tn' people who clearly under- ,1"11',1 ,,1t"11 1'.111i:onu-nl I, li\llIl!. "' 11111 .I""r. !l1I(1 lilat .\ .. 1111 Itot has ;,it last be('n reall\' .md r.tood that only unttcd action,d,,"11 II", llul,li'HI,,'". IIlI~hl 1111" ~"I ' g:~f~Y ~~v~hm~he~:t1~~~I~ ~~~ by all'mocra.t.ic poweri '·('''~lIlrr,·,I 11\. ~11J I/I"·f~·~ .·,1 Ttli' t·""l1"lll".~ mi··h, h.n,' fUflou~b' OjS others So.1YI. andtht'.

- ,..I"lIp"', all" 1",11""11,,,1 It'I·1t .\.1(',1. ""ii ,·11.·,1. th,,' tI", I'H' will a~k how 10 I>top thli tremen· could S:l\'e lhc world an,j lillg:ltt hl'lIl .iII.I II .. It'1I III till" \'11''''' \i''''',uII!t'1I1 J)"I,.I1II1"'lIt~ .. I dou~ rum ~om::.:: on Somt' hOjI'\: tb -c \\ ho rcached isolation- ".' lilt' ('Ollilt II III 'I \I ;,v \' I~ 1\t".Tr \\ hll'h 1111'\ pa"ulIlarl.\ 1lHlIl'lllin. ~tar!ed dOlnt:' .$0. a .. I know from

0, V l,k"h ,,, ,) .. ,,1"'11 !Iii' ("Ii,,,d 1:1I~.h ,1"11<'1111 Inr IIII'I! PHl'I"'I' my pE'nonill exp('nt'nce. Th('~' ism claiming that thc rrst of lllll,.·t~ .• 1 • tlll..- \I 101'11 tilt' nr.l,nal,\ 11\ .11U1 ")'1.,,11'11)11 ,.11 ,1", .w,lt' 1>1 will develop OJ h~althy thlfJ'it (or

I• f ""'ml,,,r .. 1 l',nil.llm·,,1 1.011111 \'.'1- tl;, . .\lrll':tIl Yt'llr 10\,- ~l'ar, lilt knowledt::c whLch Will enabl~'

tbe war u wn~ no concerr. a I I I I Ihem to ll;'SCUe Iht'lr weOj!th from . '11 ILia I \ 1'1I,1I'(·n"., :J ""11 " 1;11 10 1't1~llII" _I<".ll""l· ,.tI 1 .... tJrl~ that

the ' "",e"I<; Tllt~ rnnk::l of I -I ' I' ,Ii "Will. I • I· k further rum ..' I'Jln", .. ~,r"ltI' III ,I .I.~ 11" "1Ir1" ..... III ',I"fll!_ ':.III Then at last the h<.lnd will "Iso tbe isola.tlOnist~ were IIwell('(1 ,.1 ~ s.·~""" -1111 I.llrl.\ ,li .. tlllll 'IIII~III"~" It/lW ,1t'I"'IL,I~ ""hrt·l~ un move and translate thE' aCQUired

d I fifth .\,"11\.1'11 II,,· •· .. 11111.11\ .... 1,,111.1 j,(' tI", .\llIran Ii-. a 'It·IIO~llm; "Iult! knowled,!l' Into the m:.ny Lmpl~ hy Xn1.i~ an ot lfr II ... "':.HI ""rk ul IIII' \II\"II,I"'r " I. "1.11 k"u\\11 tll;ll lbt' 1';I~_elL_ actlon.'i which hiolv~ been d,'scrlo. columnists in America_ -\'''1'1111\1 Ilu' {'",,!>I·d ~N h:lili .. 'H' II,,· H"h"" ... p3.~" cd in th,s senes on Iht' '·Devel ......

0 " S'''oo'';' night. tba.t rift Ih II" .. ,hn-illl! "I Ilurk. IIii' (I,liv "II ,hi' \,XIIIIII .. I"" <,IHI tl'f> mento! R6en-'cs"slftct" F ... brudry, ... .. ... . 'I 'r,' I ('1 " " 1936 and which mu~t b(' pt'r-

d {'nnlled 1'<11,1,1 ,.:.".' "1111'1' 11111" .,,"1 ""II .. talU-\· 01 I',· , 11' I".. " d I th '.,te '"d bad ('owpletel,~' t.ii:l(lilpearc . I I k' I \I .'" I Iii· orme 10 $ op t' \\.. .. .. • . ' all"1I1""1 I" 11 ... 1'.sllln:.I.·,," 1\' I ""r '1IIj! ,. U·· J IlCan H'.' from which then' I~ no ("sc.'pe '] be wbolcAmerlf'un na.tlOn 11 lIi11~1 .1"" It 1:11· .... ' 111,1.·".·1"1 _\11 '\ \\iI"1I ( ·ulI 'H·dlo,· 1h ... 111:1 For a long time, a<: I $;,i,d In

~toot! united hch ind its Prcsi· , tl",. ",IIUIlII-h"I"., IUlld,"" "., .. "111111'111111111)[ 111.11 .qn'l<u" m:.lny lectures WIthout bt'lnll 1\ 'll..!, Ilpll.'r.,J 1l " ll/"i-! 1111"",11 , III "lIh '.0·1 I""d h"m tI .... liIlIllTI- contradi('ted the A(rlcan" h~ten-

dent who pledged the coun', '1'I':"'·lIll.\' :wti'''I':I,,·,1 1,,\ d, I'." 'Ill ·tI~. 11.1111 \11th }.!le1lt ,lith- t'd to our WOld", patlcntl)' and t ,y's wholehcarted eHort fer Treatment of Aft ieal\,S 'lilt., an,l al till' ll!lu.J\\dl '!I.the lespectfully. tho~ked dUh vei'~

II I i'''IT,ldul ""\\UII\. I " ..... n.-"Ih. ,!: .• a~ml 1.~ •. ·,'vdf!':mhtethVe' m·~.t,"n,p.Pb'ut h d t ' f tl , .... _,'UI" I"I'H' In \lItull I .. "........ .. .. t C cs ructIon a IC enewy, I I I I 1,""111,1.·.1 01 a ,It·ll<lrllll.'IJI., l'U-. "00"' of th,m mOl·.d "',." th, 1.1i·/' .h "II,· " "' , (',.II'Il" I I' I I"" .. Prime )Iini~lcr C'hurchill alld I (·"'11" Ii tn J-lH t I,,·i::ht, ", 1111- 'p"t! "hte,l, 1"'''1.: I) lll'" uli ,t./~ I little tinl:er

I I I I ,1,·/.11, .,1 lh(' •. ,:pr,, __ "'" 111 1.11_. \Ve mu~l agree that a (cw fee--President Roo!'-I'\"clt spob.c \I,I"IUII' I' "'lit"'H" ,\\.1" II' ... d b

Ilr"'ltlll~'11I 1'(' ,I".'" 1,\· .\Irll.lll~ Ih ""~LIlI'~~ "'''~ tu t'xpl(,rt' ble attempts are .. ClnK ma <:,' hU '

b I Atl " t I · - 1\ on the whole the r~ponse,-, t (-over t c ran~- ;)n~tc e f" lit tl ... b"n,J .. HI LHI"I't':llI~ "iI'- "n~' !tllll 1111':\11, nlllltl~·;4"11l1l Ie Africans to the European eIToJl 11

Phone on SUliday nirrbt nn.l I'J",,"\ III 11U1'~ "flu "_, ,111,1 • .1,," 11.1.1.· "I II,,· r,lIh, •• ."-tht' 1,I!)h a\'ert the threate",n~ calamity I':>

o !Illl, In 1111' 11111 ("'\1;""111,,111 pl', .. "IIJ!~,'~I"'" II l'I>lI1d till,1 «till hiJ!hlv disappolntin~ At t'·· assured cach othcr full.!:.up. P"/,'Hll1\¥111~ ,,( Ih.· n.II"""" '11111 1" lIlak., ,," .. llml I1>Wh ~h.)\",l h{' Bantu Weifar(" Workers Conff'r·

\",1'1,,1 Illh,. hl."I.· III"'" ",Ir.lclll·p tu .\Iri.'all~. ence m Durban on AugU~th4 19"'111 port. in this n~w struggle. I I b 1f I It Wd~ publicly and eml'! allca I'

'Ihl~ I "tll,1 P'It"'I".'IIf"', 1,111 l!.trull.,.- \ 111_ I (' 1II:l ,'r ~. stated that Ih'c Afric ... n~ art' s'ill Britain and bhc Unite'! '" J"I_ I ..... u )'''·~'·ht.·,1 "Ilhll.,Io"'1l1!' Illl1lII\I" .. I th.11 Ib(" \'rrv la:l!\' .

• olat." C I - ,'''''' I tilt' alill 'I"n! anll .It '1II1.dlt h 111,111< .·,1 III tr.1I ... 1 lIIor,' I Th, la~t diSCO.,,"''''' I made b ,:;0 "arc now OllJflH C~-lI1' .J f that this road from tht- A flcan

Arms. JOHANNESBURG NON-EUROPEAN hml (f"I",1 to th. he,d I

HOSPITAL 1m'''''''' I·uleril.'

IU\"·I{'lllu·i .. ,IY"I·"I,'r,\ luul



If \·ou ~el iou~ly study the pre· "'l'nt ilrticle you must st't- that you cannOI aHord to walt for some \'('ars before act'"" Governmc.-nt offiCial .. and <;ocial WOlkE-NO dl'('p. I .... dE'plof(, th(· - slo ..... n(:':>S of the Alril'Ojn~ In Ihe u("e of the rap,d· I .... ,"creas'n~ deterioration of bnt" and Deool .. t heard some UOjtmq Ihat It i~ of no use to "'Ojlt patient. Iv till the Afncan" comprehend our well-ml'ant advice... and;:.t l .. sl make up theIr mind to think .lbout cur v.-ord~ and 10 take Ole-­t,on_ but that the only wav left is simp!)· to use compulsion

It can be seen dnd must be agrt'ed Ihat some Afncan .hearts havE' been o;tirred. !'.Cme head~ have been leamms and think,":! and some hand ... have been moved 10 u,eful action~. but these effort~ appear very pun~' If compared With the ma,c::nttude of loss and rum smog on .

A Government Agricultur:ll QHict'r d('ciared some lime ago thlli. when he I(,ok ovt-r hi!; work. he was full of cotismlsm and Qn • thuslasm. but now after years of hard wOI'k and seeing no or only httlt" re .. pon~e on the part of thl.' Nahve people he had become des· pondent He is not alone_

(To Ix> continued)

Native Affairs P,omotions •

T IIi:. fulloftlllt:!" flJlpOjllll1l1'lIt­h.,,'''' )'"(''' :'huOIlIJll,.1 ilt lilt'

J)"l"lIlll1elJt ul ~'lIil·.' .\II:JiI'" ~I r (' 1' . .\Ip"rl. .\~~I .. tal,t

DII"\ tur "I ::\"1"'"" .... lIr III • ,'(1L:IUIIO'~hllljr. 1"'I'Ollli'il (,hi,·1 :\ull\" (''''I1)III''lIIll>'f fur ~1It.11 j

\I, 1-. F. ""1:11. ('Iud ~,.tl'l.· ('OIllIllI,_iolll"r 01 hlllllllilll,IU'''­Iil11 h; llt ,- 1I III' YllIwr •• mllltl~t,.It.· 1/1 l"mlul:J; ltr. \" .1 "lu!.", l,hi"1 I·h-rk of lilp ( 'h",f ) f, lt:I .. 1ruh' .. lIltil'" .,1 ['lIIt.lta awl.\J, I U l' )l.:l' '"u~i .. lll.llt, " I \I ,,1.111·,1 n It

'1'1"'''1' "1'1"""I"h'III, will l"ke ..tlt·.·t ""Ill .1 UUIlIlI ~ 't. I 'I-I:'?

.\' Jlr.'nnll~I~· UJ'"lJlU..-e.1. ;\I r, (1,".1,," ~I":I'-- ('hi," .\aIL'" "U'"hll"llll!l'1 "I KlIlt.:" iUtalll~-1<>" II. 111'" 1""'11 apl'fJiu((·,1 {'111O'j' ~r"gi'II.,,,, III 1111' '1'"11,-1..,,, nit· ~, j( 1-".,1 .. 1\11110: \lhn n·tllt: .. "II }). ,(, ·1I11,,·\, 1-1

land For Africans

AT (l'l"l ... r II EI41 IIIt'Soulh \f'".111 :\ati,'", Tn,'" h .. ,1

With thc L\cth'lJ e-ntry of the Unitcd Sta.t('~ o.nd .Japnn into tbe conIHct.. nil mujo!" world powcrs fire now iu t be war. Ou one side til(' power

hnl1~111 I, ',11, .1-1.-, mor~.'n III Iuud :It .• tnt.d l,tI.l Ilf £-I.:.'ltUi4'I-au """l\~l' 11';"e ,.1 £'1 U~, Ilid. I",r

1'\11 " Me:'l's Ward Overcrowded 1t1"1~"n I I"t .. I tlit' ili.UOII,IKIII

No Releif For Overcrowding of dcmocracy. Britain, tlH~ _. -Flllt~ :::;t[\te~', :-ioviet Ru~~;", N0 attempt has bee n made yet to Improve the temble overcr0v.:d­l'1' d tI r c - ing <It t he J ol1annesburg N 01'· Earopean Hos,ltal. Men s,

una. on \~ 'r('1' o\ern- womt:n's and chtldre."s wards are tightly packed with patients, mentA of thc people' ~il pprc ~-m~n. of whom have to sleep en the noor and under beds. sed by Ilitltr 1l1J(1 hi~. gan:'" The average death rate In thll children's ward is nearly two MC fi:,:htin .. tb(' fnrcC'~of dad. <'eaths z. da!r. WeH over 100 ch i l d~e,l, sufferi ng fr om ail .klnds of n ':-:1. illO'"'didator rulfrs c' Iilr.e!osas sleep In this ward wh,ch is deligr,I!Id to hold 27, With seven Na7.i Gt·nnnll)'. Fu·d~t ltu lv on the verilnuiih. I "

- 'I Allh h s t 'II' It\ll I' .• I"'I'I~, 1.,,1 1 I,' unIt ,Jululli. . oug ;,\u'nerous repre en • . , alume; hau teen made to the , ,,1"1' ·11,,' ,,, ",,1.1 III Ih ;':I',"·r.,[ lbough th~ Jtruggle mil\' ~o!p'lal. and prOVincial

b I I , ',I " ",I ••• ,,·,l,·r

Q o ... ~ 8. niB e \" c r C authOrtties this ap))31ltng st<::te of '"''.Il:''' \lin" '" ' there 1$ 111,) "Ct\lllt about, it~ .lll~;rs ' s continu ing wltncu~ II. I. I,,"" k .-Inl,lr"1I ol1te-on1('. Tbe ,le.-l('eful in- relid for the su"~rlr.g patients, In three c~ts Ii:y ha" a dozen huilltnl\t~ II( fOllr-lifth (J£ the Chih!rcn P:lcked Together bab\es dangerously ill with wotld tHO Iud cd til n lite fud till III' III 1'· ,J '." ,'', II Th il gastro-entert tis, ey were d"nth ~trt1.2:zto llgnim·t II "10- l' r.' \' I I~I·.'~. • .. ," 'ng co', t,"u. 1 , .1;" in-I · ull.·, /I);: 11'1\1l HI' fI "." r . . .. l'ut ml1lont)' \\ ho want to 1 \ I I I .. r .. YU" ... , ~"I" II.l~'·I, ,ectlons un ti l, as the sister

rule thC1 wurld o..nd r.-du('e it.-; LL t!j" 101 )1.;.1 .11111 ul >,)Q'" "I']

"nll'.,I,,·t"nt. to cl"'t. , 1 S:lld, Uthey get a little better "" • It( .1 I' .• ,I! r ,I 1'" ", ,

Rut the Ill!ilt~,t po"ers of 1,1\\, .. 1 II lla., *"111 11 II, .. l1",r or else die," .icccl1t p{"\pll will win owl ' .. ~I \, 11-llm\"', T "" ,I

II I III 10.1.1,111'" '. III' 1',I'It'"I. IIJ ,1~I·h, h ,1 a _1111111 hOj~I"tal

",,"1.1'11"'\ 1'\"')' thljV \\ i crll~ 1 their C'lwwil'S '" "1\ ,,/ ,lln,,\ 'Ifr''''' 1'111'tllll, lli. "ttt·:· ntorc fur nIl. I f I I " v , I" nil II, 'I'r I, ,,,,,llI"r .. ..I)' !I'! II'

Aggression" ill not. pay. fluur. 1110 lIlI .... I\'h /IIa"rt·~~. fLl'Y

I \.a. "I 1,.I ' a-1t1 ~\ltI"nll:':- tWill

IContll1l1", ,1 ID n~lCt column)

'fIll' ""'II'~ \1;1111 nil 11". tl"m '''Ii,,1 I,,' l'adiulIH'UI tlj~' Trll~1 I I , II, ;L h.,lJll'I' 111 Ii II It ,I u I " .. \"" ,1.'~I~tI'·. tn 111, ('1111111\' .1" ,-

:?-I IH'II~. ,,"II .. "'1'111\111,1,.,1 \11th t:1 -HI I ,,1,-,1, 11111 _(,"i'ml tr:.lIl~'I'-· :,:\ 1',,111'111-. "LlIlI.'IIlI~ huuc U 11I1lI~ lilt' IlL pr .. {'.· .. "I :·l>lIIpJ,'tIUIl.

'-11111." {II ('IIHII'I"illl .. , III "II" III ,1I1,hl l""; _ ~h': I rll-I I,.,~ 111\'1'1' ", ... II ~m .. 11 hnv. 1,\IUIl!l1l 1:"· .. ,,, .. ,1 1,11,.1.·1(1 liIorj;!l"" ul tliI' UU"I 'III ",ilil" ~i,lt, "I 111,1\!1 f"II" hllil ,~Ilili' Ih .. 1,(I"'lIl~ IIf

'rt't" ' .. 1,,1t lll1lt·tll~ UII" nlt tl". \Utll.· 1111_1,,,,,1 I 'll/HJ .\It ::tlllill "'1:~' ~lIth·";It..' Irll.:1 tlJi,,"- "f 1'1:110 fl l" .. Il '"t,1 ,,' ;U)l14,1~1\ ,111" ... i., Sillll,)! till II , 1 .. ~"I,' "'01~"1J II.'" 1"·,·,, 111'11111(',1 vul "I IIlIU II" .. :0 1',,11, .. 111111 J..'11,lI.i1"j!' ,I" • t nlllluHI ',/CIrg"u allihurln.1 .1 \,1'~""f·r-I •. 'I\I"1I1 '" Ihl' ""x\ 1 .. ·.1 1,\ h.' .\. t II 1111 k.1I1 L,·" ; .. 1111"1,.1 10 h'''I"I,,1 ,,,ll"1 "'I! hom. in"lIu-I'" 11.,,1 b~I., .1. ,..·lul' .• 1 '.' 'till

In a 24--bed ward 55 women patients lay 1'- beds. a n d hudd led tog~ther on ma ttresses 12 id along the "oar. Some of them h2d their bab ies wi (-:, them.

Mrs. Ball inger leaves For The Cape

DUlin;.: II... t' ,L,:_. "I tI ... O WI\I, In IlIrlt_P"_IIU>tI. "r .. ., ."ull, ')'.p,\lllIlI'lIt II .• III.·, ~I.'t;t tl·t lI"lllllj;rI'r, Y)' ,r'III;'\,·.l II 1111 1,1"",1 h.,· 1 .• ,,,,,l!e,I .. 1I U"I ~'J1Sllil:""II-'I1i .\I,i.",,_. lIu.1 Ih.· .1 ... 111' • r,' " till .. \".L., .\It' l'!: IIl"J"t 1;.';,1 (,1111111111 ,II., 1'11"'11 H, tl" ,11111',1 .. "101. r .. .. It,· kit rur Ih .. ,,· .. Hi( 1",,1 '-,,1\('(, .,lh·Ii,ltug I", 1',11'" ",...,t ,, ·,.t1"f' In h:IH' ,I

h.·-I! I",tl'in ... ,.1 P'IIII'ul II, tl .. ,\ lIumt"· .. t"~1 prinr I<l th.,I>I,,·hlnll' ",'r.·I'lou,.:ht 1/1 L~ ,I'l' 1II11111t'i1HII ,.1 lIlt' J·lIrl'I.I'lII,,,t,)t~' S, tl<'ll I'U IAlllhlllllllt(>~. ,IIAIIUIII'.\ I:!, 19·U.

Page 3: Brilliant Soviet Victories - UJ IR

{lMTE'1'Er~l W A BANTU , ,JOHANN E:~Unno .. " ~~IJ~'::.,(·::h:::.\nc:l::~::'I:'_ .:.'.:.I.="~'~' ::::-:-___ -,-______ -T.---'::"--HOME STUDY COURSES

F O.R the lUl,blth.!u. t>l<.1~ut wll", 4IIn" "t h"I"'''''"~ h .. ~J1ll<h.rd

01 eduM~lnn SPl.'<:IlLU~· t<'dl1""d Nc'li. y ,'lor Ct"'"' rur S\d~ VI \'11. \'111 X Wrltf to TIt(· ~'" .1")'. Lyc~um C(lU"J;t' r.o g"" 51~, .1uh"nn".,bulT


8 .· o 3

w ......... TED ASlllltant tellch, r m».if" 0) r .. ".al.... mUSI 1'Clm"*"flt th<'

II ~.E Ch~h,-'Iu b~l:.n duty ",.,.1 .,.UlIJ"la 1I'"4Z £;ao:la ... : (Ulm"'nltlia. AI'I.b· Tne M .• naj;Cr. &.Inlu l'nl!e-d ~houl, Pcln.lS SIC)'" 3~fj:!


NIi:EDIi:.D = .A5l.1"a,nl Tp.aclll.·)" f"r W &11\'-' 'H~h ~hool. BIQl:"I'_

hOI .. "" ru.ll.1.. 10 ~<)mm~nc~ d\l'tfo.' 01\ 201;h J-.nU1U·Y. H't:.! or In Avnl .Ab'bt)' "" te ... ch 1'5.,..nn },'~1"l:t' Ihoroo,.,-nl)· e5.."<nUllL Oth". ~ubJ(!¢U dcmt\ni\ed a,.,. &J:J~II5h. HU;lol")' lind C""ItI'"ph)' _\ppl~ lO lfaru .... :I"r. Rt·" E. Milne') 3 'Goddl&rtl Slr~"'I. B.loo:-mr"nl~lll.

C35lil , .





I Z{CELO 1.l)<lmtu}"'" kllm~"I,..r'l1J ",okUba. ~ ~IUl1gI Oug,·mlllop.

I 1 .ku .. u~wa. kUd.ldl 1",<, (00- 112(1 ,imll1)1\ku e (l kuny"" nc",!!rkO) r~ bhMSlkl!., tt 5 - o~yrnd.I" r~ I~ 6 nlttny&lIlpl. !r:.OOI.l )Ilnh"b\.·

• ]\It!'bAnC SlqiIl, .. ~l" !<".:o R,'tll'll J'k"I~lt

M R JOEL N, LESOLANG !.IJ:I t'\lu1.. ne" Siqinl>t/dL1,nku Bt:ldo .... EI.!:hl.h Av~n"l'. Ak~lUhl1"a T .. ""n~ Ituya y~l .. u'-"

ShIP, PO, Bcrlr'lcj. Dl1l Johlu)~-I A~ \):lcelu n\r.lJa>;I'k: (mln}"ull.l Illlrlf. wu,heo to "ro10(l"i&' to h\~ g'!lWt' )'"l,lUdnlll, ut,,·u" "Iungup"rllbll! fr<enots ~n~ l"el"Llv<'s fn .. Ih<' 1;'1"f~( ,h'nI~ebcm" nOkuflillCll'l,,,. 11.111"1)',: Ill' lncQnvenll'nCf' OC:CilSl\Hll'd br Inc l'o~l_ IWl)l rzlynkUbll nUilu 1el('llnI.~'lu l'tlntmlml of the nlIlIT1.g .. uf hils uHsh~, ~l!;·D. 1<uflll:< k"bhfth,'" 0l:l'_ IIIIUghIN. Tbb was IIll~ ID tt.~ r,.~l nnW ~n"llnl ,'It\!I'l.unda nl:O ~t"ulll, Ihllt tha bL1dC/.'l'oom ~\'ho Is lUI llcl.!"~ I .Dt"<I!?tll\:.el· n. U)41. ~r.rj.,... Qouid IInl ~d I ... "vc \tl lhe I Uku(\1lIeln Um,'l\) Unl.!;~bNI'" CIIlI'IU_ 1""1 ,,\joule and It WlIS lOO [,11<.' t<1 r '"'l' Ohllns" 3ku"u14y"l_ ('ku)'l' k,U~' uoll ODt nOI\(\cntlons TII~ mnrrll.~l" E. kU'l(lnd~I(\\I!>~ I)lInkllbll lIubp"pl .. wilt' u.kO!" "p1:1~ on'!> <11\1 .. t,) be I um~1I .... "lJjlohlubo lIYI\!ort,,,IU(.hw., IInllo:t\.lnee<! 32631 n, J BEX: .. JTT,

.. ;\'001>,,111 lI't" D"I""u .. 1hul" ~'e O<'lopu, BOkRburc.

1 In, D~tJer l~'H j No. tooi' C3~Hl

W ANT£J;I Ipr 10'M\ln ~1('lh04"

Sel\Ooll ,two tftnll\lll leII"hl'~ ql.nllltt"<l; & __ l» ~.~ :1\.<1 mu.· k..I!OIl" both olIklll). ~05 Wa}'_ for"n.llrs) C<Xh,<k>.rat'OII. M. mb..r~ of !,be M .. t.bodl$ Ch~h wtll I ('tc."e prde",n",. \"iI<;~nn,I" "'·~lI .. b~ lor Jnnu.a.ry. 1·~2. OIJ-ec! a.VVlIcJol.lon5 10 ad ),,1 !'n;:e (H,~II ~<'helcl, Melnl)ll.]sl s<:boot Pr"·.1 Ba.I: E,__ J..bQ.nn('5bu~ &a;i

. , I ,

Jap::ine~e dl<'"e bl)mblC"rs atta .. k~d Mani\~. th~ ('<1pltal ot tne Philip­pin!;" Islands in brlf~ht ~unshint' Oil Thl.ll'"~da:-' a(ternt"'". P:H<lCh')Ie, Jand~s were made by Japane~e h~OPS on the notthem ~rtmn ul LUlOn. Several attacks welc e­\'"""d \\"\thh.,a\·~ losses.

Alexandra School Secondary IALEx..~NDRA TOWNSHlP JOHANNESBURG)

A School lor ewer», ~hicll" Boy and Girl. COURSES:- 0) N .. It\·e Prim,uy Schllol Le/lving Certl!icatc

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W" specialIse in lhe musIc lr",ining of the A[rican chIld-Negro SpNi\lidls • and B;(n\u' S(Xlgs' " r,peciaht)', ACCOMMODATION: Boill.-din,g ::.nd t.odgill~ pMvided til V<:fY

Te3!t1nllbll> price"" SPORTSI Football. 'Jl.ennis. B,;,skH &11 AI~lelics .and Gym·

ndltl\~ Tenn/qUolt 'arid dlhl"T t<edOlitlottal faC',lities olkretl.. MOTTO: " Out of the Dark Ihere sl'IaU colne Light" For [\.inhr·r parlicular".:; 3PP\Y to:





Alexandra T ownship,

J ohannesburg,

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.. e .\11' I~U".b,:th N.ln •• ,· ~".I·l··"IlIl" '", ~l<t"':". \~11l 1,11,,-" I'I .. ~", Ill<" \"')I~ ...... 1 Cl'rn,u'I)' "n '·w."t.·v lIllh D., ",.,ar. 1'111 Th, olllel""n". '''''I' U'I) ... ·,11 b,· Ih,· n, ". II !'> \l1I",k"\II. "I 1l,,,I.~n "",I II" R~" &'1\\':1.. oJf Vulk.IT"~1 All n\"Un'l. ~n" frl('nol " IIln,lI" ""''''''~<I I·· IIU"nol

U NVEILING ~'~m"n) lor lomb_ <;Inu,· I.. IIcn'd ml'mory ul I,u,

H, J"lm l'!lI1'I~k SolLlo (\)rl~'U ." Annes ~ll'<1;l .. n, l.'lleullll.l:'e W11: bE' "".n,Juttt.~1 "I lint",ll t.<", .. u~n C.II>I'I .. .,..,,, Run,I", Dl'",-·mb.'1" ~I. 1"i1 I,; lh'" R,·,·. 1\ RJI~llC<' HalL ilL" "'I ,-,[ ~U"· ·"n :1:.'511


(Melhodisl Church of S.A .)

T IHS Im:I!U( 011 bu V\\c:lJlC-leS '"r fJ,,,,r..t~! Oa" s..hollll'S

tnl n,),n~ 10 tak-e ~Id>l. \"U "ad J C. "' 19~2 .All .\~rl~ult ... r,,1 fnrm scno)"t !hnl "Itt lak, l'-" .... nt' lru'" ;il<l., IV I" Uw .I.e 1I1l11 HI~h Scbool \:; beln/: "1".m'l\ In J.lntln!")" Ifl'l~ FNS ule ".'!'~ 'cll,,:m.lbl.', R.~nheJtd~ Zll-'LrQn, c "'';'. ,In,1 Lc'(\~· Gre)" C P Root(\. ~I.,wr Tun'. piln t .. $1(-!'k'I'I"Ull. For l'"fllt·"I;'1'"i "pph 10 the C,wernGr 01 Ih, 111~III.W"!\. ~~ P,~. Mbrle, PO, B"n""n\-:I!f. viII Slerk$lll"\lJt. C P, ,\d<l""~ liOn :1'"1 /k<.Jt'mh.-r. Wit P,O 6"n6OTl".'k \'111 SIU\t'IU-Ull .. C.P."





r ~ ller~b)" 1l("l(Uh'll r<;or gocn~1"<I1 'nlonu.ltl\>n [hill II 51"",181 <:on·

I("I"'IIC(' 01 It\(, C'l~1' Afde»n COll.gftss WIll n~""mhlc In '''I' CommunIty H,,11 P..111l" L\lI:lIlJon. B\oX'mton\eln at ~3<1 ant 'm Ih~ l31h P'-c..mhcr. 1941 AU bl"alld>f;5 nte rC'<lUOlSted la ~..,nd tI'·""irI\Io·~ AI:~ntl8 N'llnlD:I.Iion or P:Hh"ml·nt.ary tt1lreliM1toltl~e. --NkOllt ",kc·lt'ln I Ah1ka ~ ----S. J ~. TIndl. Cen("JlIII )X ..... l"<'lnry. Lt . .Add .. ri<oy R\n'c,t. Port. Eh1l>lI-:lh A Yrnnk F,mdb, Pn .,tlt·l\l S2S6



D INlZUL\l N<Il ~'~J\"~I'" ,.lhlnU" Jlkl'lt·lj, 1Il;1,kll .... eh-k4 ~1Ii"

Nkll.1 y,lkulct 1>11,,-.1,· o'n~" Nk.",1 Plnuwu t: "I[rotll • bhl.lblw Lrnm),.,ka Iklltut.~haJlt· kum,,~htl,nl .ISII,.., ... ubud"I" lI.-'h~pr 1111",,,hl;o .... ~ k" !;klubu, 1'.t11 y •• lII~'w" 1111 ..... 11<11 );\\.\:1.nd<"1/1yo, Y"IlKlltn",'lwnll "n~'''''''~ kBY<J 'I'r!<:le .• n,,1 Mbl'<ll' I",mll C""-hk" m·lIIe.IlI'..) ta""G. nll"ph ... " 1I".-I..)"lIl1 ""'Illtu "baht-leI'" Ltncw,IIU 'bul", •• nlll!!l. ,,-ilIa nvltnm ".k~. u"'.'· 1"1~ ""j;'''''<1 I'(tll,' ull"I"I.. kWllk~ 'I" ".)1.. mrG I,ll', L. Cpl Dal1l~l ~".;11k,' OIOl/u'". A Cn) Brll Sall" __ 1j(1Il. N.Me I~I~''-'''Ja",n&b .. rx. !<In",n" I"WlI C.3~~1

D INCA. I'u .. w.-(,·k ... kwn K~val<ulu nl1omhl., "l ~nd November

tiel"",' weU1U Qtl!.,on<i('l.ltYO u Mllt/ro·d ,'>I"n.\ Oll"lg I '0=1",., I,,,,,, DIIIIItl.nllt. ~pb" .'l",rUI1~I~" IIhQn[\, Umkl'l(' "hll«Jlw~1l1 (>lu~hl1lu WAl"iIlCwatYWl1 1,~enkOIHQ ellwkll .. }"o kllkhUlu Sibu. bul"h. uonll<' ~b .. (h" 1)1H'(!lnna. n/llhl "'u1oml'IIIII(n. h:Ull<:>1Ia "I'lha t'"l1lkwl n<lnwo ng~n<lalVo ,"llr.l\mkcle olo(l~u~

Mr-.;: S QUl1dl·t\1 \utlndl' woool. 1\,'", Ann"dnlc ;;'.I"i!'llt, Suphll'ltu,,'n, J"'h!U\n~~bun: 3281

MQOBONt:(.I--:-K~i;k~ e lUrk-" ... =11 ngnmhll1 we 17 NOY('mlK'c

1\1.1 \I lIoil.uuu"n:l Thon'I"''" Sk ... atl )'!'lnb1llo;<I c''''''·'' lI"kl.U:"h. Ilhutlll fl,t'lt;1I'lIl.'" n)"<.n!1"1l \'1'1\.alldathu )'Inkll_ Ihll.W \'ol""n l",..,~l!llhll Ubelund,6., "";.J~hv;dj\ t' Otk~111 l,~,mnllrcnl doIW,", ~ro:n\,· Yd'('V" ndnh" "U<>llel .. 11 w, :lan!IJ' \(huI'" L'btmlllyDII,1 lndllnll 29 IJbU(I~I~ Abllnlu I.:tnoc\\,a· hocnl b,).\)pngnnlll 129. zm" Imo!,(> wu.1L hllO"l1 Tl{l1\b<-fu"d'~. KWIIoUha I)OJ Klkll I~. Tmarha EII"Wllcth Kumlilo hdlld~ 1\"abol 27 yu"-.... ~ SII"Ct'I Nt'" Hl"Il':hlon. 1" E. S2f1i


S l'E;';OLL£ In .h.. Itc ... u~d memDr::, or I>UI' lI(ll.r ...,n .• nd

brolhtl' Ethelbert Hockey Zolll, whG p,,!>'"ed Mila)" (II'L ~bC'r S, 19:16 .\~e 12 yf"S 11 mths.

Tl\'" ~U1 to<' done. Is hIl.l'IJ 10 4.'Y, "-'h~1I Ihuee we I, .... e- III"<' Cl\l\('<I IIW">" 9\1\ ""rh"p' "'. 'E" tla.y w", ;l.h.llI ull"er~I,1n1l wll ... n WI' m~1 1~"ln In odlel lanoJ

_ 5ft41y ",06St>d by Ills It/vinl; ,nllm MeLlI. Alml BelIr. Ellc-IU T\lIII4' nn,1 reI81h""s,


1\ ! III': \.\'1'1\ I', 1l1\'(IIH'I'. l'l jt' liT


HI.I.., ..

ZACHARIAH JACOB THLAKl.iNG fir \' ounr .. ~k~rhOCllrt(' - :Pn-torlll Dl.lrlct. P""N"Tl~'.

u ",' ORACE'I'IlLAKUNG (born Quntlll

formerly ot N~"'cla~JGlhl.nn~1I­Pllt.t( bUI whoSe pr-nt whel"\;" IIobuut~ t. uDknO .. 11 O~~ltNg~I'l".

T~ Cfi;'~ Tnlakul\g (OOm Quntsl lh~ ~lx"tVe-n .. med Dl'rl'nd(lnt.

TA.l,U: ~O'l"ICE ,.hal by summ(ln$ IHSU,'d by III1([ IIII'd wltll Ih~ RIlII:I~lnH fir the Nallve Olvote>e Court. yau ha,,~ \l,en cUcd ID I\J>peGf before the i;hov~mcnt1(ln~d l:\l)!JoU!"1lbk! CoW"t, j\eloJ ilL KrOOl1lilAd 0 11 19t1i d"y o~ ~lareh, l!loJ2 H~ 10 o'clock In Ihe ',,"<nOOIl. In an aetion whetcin )'l,jur hu~b'Lllti by r~on of )"OI,lf m~,Uelo~. (It.sM'Hon 'Jt ... 1m un or aOOlil thr "'anlh (.of A.prll 1927 elAlrmi -

1 .n "fder for resUnu!on of eon­JUIIIII )'Ighu. and ,"llfng com_ pliance lhert;wtlll. l'I dL'"CTC'e ot dh'orc~:

Z r<>lf,·lluT(' of tnl' bo:-nl'fi\.$ v\l;ing <IlIt of tile m orraf'!".

Any lul'lh/.:f piU"Lh:.ul>tr" CII n ~ oblau1ed froI:n Rt'1;"i"U1.r.

r ... .qulrctl the ""It I

lu d"taull of yuur llppdrante 8Pl,\I'lIItloII ",w bot ,nade to tile "bu"t,menILoned Honourable Coul"\. on Ih,· dfly "fo/'eS:lld for nn arder In ll'l"UI.II of lh~ ':bo\'"

Diltetl .at KIn~ wUUnm·. Town chll> Z1th day or NP"'~lUber, 19,n

J G. PIKE. R~gi"tra~ 0/ I~ tiOIUJ"rabh- court.


II_KOIO'" Z>,"1: K,'~ 1<11. -p"n..-ST'T~I

E~'''lIR4n K"OO".""" .It.y .. 1a N O.


.... p.~ Voort- .... kkl'rhoogt., Prewrlll Di5trlel. .. MA "'O.U.1.

Imlay'" ~ntu

.u. ,mgena"o . kllIl8\ll~ un>·


, nl:om­


Gives TheologIcal Train ing 10 Ihose wbo Spiritual Equipment aa


~1I~ ISTEH5 A\D EI'A:'IGELISTS TwO Year Course- For All Denomin.Uons


St.1lrl 3·1 ,11 #ltl,/,p8


DurF BIBLE INSTITt)E It.ingo lll cni P,O., .\'ATAL.


OWN YOUR OWN HOME AND PRODUCE YOUR OWN FOOD You caf) dll bOlh 01 [hose IlllnJ;i i1 you buy a plot in the


K UBONA.J(ELE I1k\lI~\ lUl%h,o end,. ":llUlnde "ltl,ll'!nl v'm' C..,b~ e

Bhunil':' l,.,<yO l~nll;ln~"nl'o IDgt,I\Ul ,,~l1nrle, nr.:"k"b .• IImll ~b~ anUL\~h~ ',~lW~:1 <>nk(' .'m'·Cl, k"llInyul-./. lllku_ "<111.1<,11 Nj;:llko k.... IItI))-/wakuU$-'l. ul.uba 8m" Ct'b<I ~ Bhun~\ ElIkulu 10 ' Mllo:no N~,'", ~"nll\J"lb""J I'wa 1'-"11\11111 ,,~ 2(> ki Dc<:c'ml>"r, 1!l-ll ' h'''' (>1"Ikc ,<n~ Coibn .. 1'\J\)~ The sm~I1{'5( piece of Jond ~'ouc;_n buy IS about n morgen and n·.~mc nj"'l'lIm'!el. "k,,~ .. IngxOl<CI the ]II.rge;l plots ale In extent lol morgen. The phct!S range

wo ~II1I1'r oofJ"m" ,.7JIung.I~. ·C. from 1:-15 1("1 £.135 j)("1· plOI, Ilo)yable £:1!) Dl'P0sit and the balnnce J, M.\NEl.I, hi 27, AHc<.', CP 11 • P -, P . r d I

-----C '''0 in sixty >ll(lntl~' payment<;, ',.ll'! ur.;."3~e. nee me 11 es al 3~_ ,e:-:penses 01 havlns thl' graund tr.wsfelfoo tnto your name and

~'ou will not be a:;kt-d to p.w any R"Ulre than the actual price of the lot,

Full pilrliCl\I~rs P CiROBLER.



Kameelboom 817. District Reslenburg

0' Rustl'nburg.

Page 4: Brilliant Soviet Victories - UJ IR

MAKING THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE Mr. Nhlapo Preaches To Bantu il'lctnudists


\ P I FORWARD Th(' 1('('('ptWl'l ffl!' D;;ltl~ht~'n (If

Goss Z'p en The Arnc;m Blind WeHllre Afrl~'il dl,,("!!ij\{'5 att~'nd1n~ thl! _ A!;~o(,'iaLlOn hldd a successful /l<:l110ral COnlCI'Cncc at lht, Wlhlld -: Gen(:ordl mCl;'lmp: ilt tht. JQhannes- H<:Ill. "':Iown l'vllnes, '.I'dl t,II,l'

N ourg Bantu J\I/;'n'~ Social Centre pldce ,'" Thuf'SdJ' Dccembt"r l!l COIJI'E~ENCE A 0 [('{'('ntlv, prc51ned over by Mr (not (.n Sdturd;l;.' as PI('VIOU'ilv

National Conference Of Daughters Of Africa

C()I-IVEN"fIotl AT Jacob M Nhl.JPo. repoll 1) ViREE,UGING In his opl"nlllp; rf'marks Ihe Uel. Jib and all (llhCI!; 111-

The annual ronfercnce of the chainnan drew the aUention ot tere!OlLJ ijrc advised 10 n' •• ch OnmglJ JISIl"1ct 01 the A M.E the mt:etlll!: 10 the 5us,g~tion~ rlolayfair St;ltiOO (Jnhannt·,huq.:) l,.i1UI, 11 WJ.~ held .It Vcreemgmg made by Dr. Vall Schalkl.\·yk;. Oil Thursd .• ' mornm\:,. when· lh", b"l \\(:ek under Lh'" prt.'sldeDcy of superintcndent uf the Probation .. nll hnd taXI., W.llllng for thcm. RL\' Jo-~~pl1\\s R ,CoJ n, Dep.n of S('\'HCCS Department m tht The late WIll be ",.:'01: prnc!;' unly

~f r.,- urn.! T,e hJn "f the Ihc S~hool of Reilglon at Vo,I,·lber Oep<lrtmpnl of Sorial 'i.Jelfare Irum tht' statim} II) Crown M'II!" , ~UKING THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE , ,. r"rn' ([(.,tiLtHt'. It was ars.,) One of the sugJ:!el>Il(Jfis was thaI 5'1,0'k,r" at Ih!;' ('noren'n!;l' wilL

UL'U' a a pI 'n or t:\il 1~)IIl' ... d I h 'd ' '0 . ' .1Lte,lci"d by mllli<;tcr~ an dY~ the a5sot"illtlon mi.c: I com, er a mdudl' Dr S. S T, MulL·mil. un

PREACHING at ~he BJn~u ,-,,)1. .Jd Lwe,,-,apmJ( bern., mLn from 11'1(1 Norlht'fIl Cape. change of T13mc.OInd cllll It the "Compuls[>r;..' ~OUCl1ll(ln. flu' Methodlsl Church In EVdte,n ,"I t'h. ,'rnn !>llt p ~:!n. -I hI' Bi.<st1!olull<l, South West Afnca "African ASSOCIation of Ihe Handi- Afl.(;an thildren:' whK-h will be

recently_ Mr. J<\coo M, tIIhlJjlr, .1I1t\ldc b,".lld, OUT \Jorh('s 1 .>nd the Orange Free State. capped,'- embracmg the fcur foUow~'d bv di',iCllSsion unol'" Ihc-of WIlberforce lrntllule. look, ,.H \',h_~:' I, t'~'jH ,c-d m tht' SIlting at Ihe same t,me wa~ hllndicap" cf tIll' blmd. th, Utk "Publlf' Opinion-D<lup;hll'I''' fClI 11lst~xtthe Psalm- '·Tl'f' ... lth I n 'l P .• uiH,,' ')·L',OII·,,1 (jUt"· thl' \\'omen's celn\'('ntlon. who~E' mt:!nlally dt.'fecllve, thf' cnppled 01 Afne.1 V,{·ws· 1'.11 R. V IS lht' LClrd's and thc fuJlnes~i It·n K \\ '(' llft !h,d V"" Jrln'llIes d~ thp dnvlng forr£> be- and the deaf and dumb. SeioPt, Thl'mu_ MRC .. ,\ho WIll th{;l col: the wodtt ".nd Ihe\' tn,,: b,),1,: I, II . m','· ....r Ih,' 1-11')'\ h.nd the mlssiunar:-' efforts of IhE> The treasurer of the A<:sochtion address th!;' {:onfI'I{;nCE' on hUnlty dwell Iherein- - iG~, Tl- •• ;d'L ·I1.t th~' 'e~'\;' church have melJlcd the praIse Rev_ A W Blaxail, pointed oul amc.n~ Afr.." ... n People.'

It \1-_5, s~lId r...!L l\"hla'O" :t~ , "s a clrf'.u m kc_ pt''lpk In- or all who rCilli~e what a con- that bltnd wellare work Wi! Mr I G .,[llIaL chief compound tht' Psrumlst we:e rebukll'll< tho- ,f' :h! ,,:, .. 1 to eli-I' l·"HI.d for the st['Uc:tive group thc;.' 3re In the eomu"lS up splenihdlv as- there M<lna!;er of Crown MII1Cs. anti who condemned the wurld .m,- Ib(llIlOn nr p."'il'ntmn III sllchlnr{lpagahon of thc mo3'~sage of the were small groups of people all Mr J, J\.I Bnnk. N,ltlvc Cum-looked upon It as a.n e"il IhJn~, lIfe'S en .. mJ~ oil pU\"(·II.. dl- Km~d(}m over thc country now trying te mis"lOncr In Juhannesburg, will bfdon:ging to the de\'il It wa":> , • ., l'l,,-,~ <lnd olh,' ph\~'c.,l anu Remarkable IHoF:reSll was re- help the blind people 10 heIr attend .Ind addless the gathenn~_ if he WE'n~ rebuking those wlw menl)1 !mndl~"jJ' "ortpd 1'1 the 'l'ol'k tof th[' church themselve~, The deaf anrt duml' D{·leJ!al(·s from the Cape N;;LII in theil' longmg for heJven ano I HI the F'reC' Sldte ,lI'Id th,s was had two imt'lutkns, which show, and B ... _mol .. nd_ n:p\"cscntlo~ their condemmos of tht' c'd', POVERT Y ONCE A GRACE v-til rdlecto:d in the I"('oorts whic1· ed that they were not beinlt wornl'n'" ('rganbation:;.n lhasi; !'In,: lh(' !'1ini~ll"r!;: lll"!lght 10 the ne,e-Iected. The mo~1 pitiful of aJl IIICi.l~, wdl b(' pl·el>('nl. ilnd ,unong

'P,,\ 1 '" "" """ ." ,""" I r 1'h '" W" II" m"'~' "II" d"r""I'"" Th '" I II b M R H C', "I" "1'mbutastrang"'lhcr~'. " .. , .... ;rnnUll('nnl'l('nt(', cyw€'reev, .. S . ~"k.' ,,~~ .<c_ t· t1('mw. c r~ , . ' ''''' He~ven IS my homl'. h., 11"\\ t, "Ill' i( dl'~.;I\'f";l belel' lhan thn'l' of normal I,mes was nol a ~In;:tj(o m .. t.tlllinn for of E.I~I London; Ml". Z. MokhaUa, Elrth i.> a de~ert dr('.r d.s.:r ~ 11' .tt Iht" pnPI tlH"ll. The fOllfl'lcnce lecl>pticm wac these' dbabkd people. and yel of tht: Baslllnland Wom,-,n's Sel[-Hew!:'n is m .... homt' - ,d"l hUI to till llt' •.• l r,rd"'I-) I-onollrl!d by Iht· pr"ser"'c C" there wen' hosoltal~ fur thos~ Improvf'ml'nl A,,~oC'.;}tl{ln: ,U\d

In his rebukm". tllC' P',llnll ",h._II l'_ uJ, !l"'m t ... m th.,tl Sf,.,atOI' Ih!, H,''1. (' J, Van R who wel'(' IUnall(""'., The cnppleC' Mrs. Lululi. or tbc Moth ... l· ., ~ll'hl I' tHn ",h.C"h I~ Illl' ~m.l. of the Dutrh R"fnrmer' werl' bt·tnA rtc/.!lccted III Ihat LCilglK uf Natal.

suC(gestcd thal Gnd .s go" i ., Il (.)f ,tl Thl-\"e I". ('hurd") ilnd nr-w a cj"wplam tu thele w"s no inc,1l1u\ion frlr IheIr Othcr dhlln!;ul~lll,d wom,'n "f the,'efOfe H.s {'l"eJtion m'.lst ,t~ ( PI p. I h "r I Ih V I H I I h h II I k I Ih h.' cf.( J'hm but Itl]J.dlt\ I e .'"\ n"'m rorc('~ III thl' Iramin" excep e 1(' (Ina (J<,pl ate fllce wow, a -e par to C good The Almighl)' in Hh ltv In the a'-ll'TJ'I, ~ tit 1111' duetnn.:' ,,~....,t)s ~en<ltl}r Smit. who came whch for a numb!.!1' of years hllD confClcncc arc MI'''. l\llolc Hall B. "ood""ss, and omnb""',IC'" m'.' , hi' - d I b ,'mr" n X ItA BSe" 5 T ., .,~. ~ ~ th,lt, ~o ._ .• u;; t'.l PIl's!'nl llll' ,~ "'\ 'I' son 1 I{' ar::hn~ ""'"'er' "Ie " !"1m:: 'u •• ' a r urn-.1. ~ .... rs ha\'e had a purpose In Cll'atlO' ,n'to ned t he l..IIldl'lprll't1'l-!ed In\p'I"'r'lent nf 111.... VcrE'l'lIIgine happine;;s llS w(>1] a~ relief 10 sorn{ Molf'm,l: Mrs Mabel Nsakant·. the earth, and p! m::111 on.; p~'ilpL' l:k..:.> the. B,mlll om"t In-:-alJon aridr-'"s(>d thl> f'o"f"renl'(" of the crippled Pl'opic, who will bc ch"nrl •• dy of C'lmmlt­It was ;\nd :;t.1I H' the dn·,r.E' wll' .' IUlf'8('C it) Ih"11 cr,ndilmn and In ('xcell"nl Sl''>lltO. pnintmg 0'1' Mcetmgs would be held ICi111l .. r lees dUJ lOll: 11'112 coni(>rl'I'Il'(' Iha t w(' should live III onl' W('I~: Ih"t !lwu- ,-'l'nH'p 10 dr, wcli w.lI Ih", the erC'utest neer! iy. It wal'. :lOnounred_ !lnd speak. ses~ions, <HId S,'>t('r Grat't.' E. at a tIme and not neg'ect m:tktn, J~~~ \\ he"1 'thev '-.e': It) ht'd\-cn In-da.- ~,,-~t>,: all r)Pf'Qles W'lS Ih., el"S would be invitl:'d \0 3ddre~~ W3re~ R N.. 01 the Crogm;}n full use of IhlS \Volid ~~ a P "The eJPh I, thC'- LOld'~" Lei love oj Gor! anr! \h1\ I"~~ an,l the assoclution on these fOUl Commun'l~· Chnt~_ Evalon,

i:r7!b~~I/or .. tt~:t nl~\~! \~,~.l~ol-~[ ~~~:l;~;\' ~~.r i.\~t.~::~~ .• Iro/,ur ~:~""~:~~~~o~~;J1d',7r['I'~~c;~~Jd or haT~!C~:ilcr of giIL~ anrll'omf,"lr\' N~I~~h~n(!~' an~il~~hc~~d;~,t~I\~ whIch we h\'e shall be made, h' b '" I:: d d r..-Tr Sm.t Ihl' L<'l~at.on Sl'ner- for the blind people Sli},-,ing il rhilrge of -Ihe <!nan,;;emellis r'lr better place to li,'c in" -:: LC,.! toul tb· n!:'~t \~'~I! . an i"lendenl i" a brit>f "oeech rlrew the locatIOns were dbclls<>ed. an( the cnl{'rtolinment of tht delt:·

Contmuing. Mr Nhlapo s::.d l"bou~ 10 m~~'-,.th1 p.le ~,nt One Ine attp'1"f'n nf Ih" aurilentp it \\'a:; dC("lded to compile;: gatt's, and have prepalcJ an Extreme wol"ldliness whl·:h I' :l pl.!Le In \h[,h. Ilf~ sh,ll1 bl' In Ih'" ma.,\, rJp..,tnr;)\-11e (""'ore reglst!:'r of 1111 blind people along elabOl;)le programme fur Iht' d13'-acleli"ed bv our trealment "f hJ,Pp,cr. 10En!<f."r. fudEr and Il(her whlrh t'--'nn,--.d III kct'!l the Afl'lcao the Reef so thal the association receptIOn c[ Thur"elay nlJ.;,il1, for Goch earth as'a '-waitmg room" I..1.:e Dr. . S'anll' JL'n:s eve\\ propl ... dl\-ided ml~ht attempt to mllke theh Jive>- In\-.tauons hitve aite,lt!>.' , . l' h h ,_ Chl.~tlal1 ~houl,:l bE" ol:''''l>ss(>d 'llore rhe{;dul be-en issued .

fol' those wa1hng 01 l e eaVPl ,. tt, Ib> I- gdol'":"l d Cod or Others prescr>1 \\C"£.' Dr (lnr :::~'-'~CC~~ ________ -',~~..:::::::c:~ ________ _ ""lrd paSoScnller tram ha~ 11 I' \'.,' II "c ~.n - , NIl'S A B Xuma. Mr L PA LM 0 fC?lIowinl; effccl~ upon am 103"1- e_L,,"~' us n?'~aTi? r~r he.l\,cn b' MVUOVOln<l,. m~n;ll"'''l' or Ib(' Sllfri pIOn, It encourages tllne-lI'~stll ~' 'mIJrl)\'tngP lhls W(\. ld and life sr c-an As"o~',allon for BUI"ial and r"L na t,cks~ wlth~~~rdan~ur \Ib~~~' th:;t 'H' m:I\' IhIP' 'I~hl herf Aid,

rna ('s . us r~ ,. md rj~ht now';) fOl"l?ta!'le at DE PITCH BLACK FOLLIES a~ a pn!;on mstead of ~ r. d 'I BACK F RO" BECHUANALANO B


,' 0;:101'- l\·tnt>· .(-1 U" 11-(' t'u. ," .nstrument for the can~'lIlo:! UOdl(', ~1l1 the li';,ln "'llh whIrl' r 0 ul" de·,',·· ro, Ih" ,or I Gri!1l!11S r..luls.nlo" ""d II" ~::-<:"<JlCA:AIt o ur"So -' -'.." " ".~(> h'H'e bee'1 l·ndf"lwl>d leu lh£ ..... .... -,

Pllrh Bla\·)t Fol!w~ have return

:;::=::::::=::::::=:::::=.::=:=:::::::=-_ rn,rpo~e of C' nlz"ll,n uur pl,me- ed h-om their tour of Bechuana- Oiill tan- en, Il""nrnc' 1 ('n \11 109 i! land.. whcre they well' well re -

BUY AFRICA'S BEST - haD~';(': and frl.'t'r (' 'L,\pnc(' frl d b h I I elve y I e (I,:a communll~ lULIJ RECORDS! '.,·h ~u:reedln;: .c:-:l(''-}'ion than bOlh White and Black

'<;"0l"31 IUlr1' "e- It L .... ','pUl'ly

Jane , .... ) Skova . . . , _, at: 900

/Jlludce W ondering Sin9f'1".' ,",oma. ku nmy-amil ) GE 8C ~ Basobha Upick u p ) -

J ruOtl~t"(' G~,~~\ n"'~;~'~~~~~~~t\'f_ The.r fir.;t pel'fmmJnc(> w~s ,r

\1)[I'~Hn~. \\ her(' lhel' ,,;m~ and :11(' S'1 1"·fCs:. .1 11110' ,,"{Ilk 01 lrt lc,-ed to it flJII house. Tht '+Illrc'h u\ tllC duuu! H' rH.;U,'L"S "I !Jr~aniee-rs !Ol' lhl~ rum·tum wen m"'''e,' ;,nd m mbl',-")lIfl i1n" Me<i"rs. J G 10" ,md Tamcntl . dhU!i «P; evt'n antl- anri it Wl" otl!mo'd bY' all the :-O:11h' _1'1 Ihe wdf,ll'(' or the well known pecple of Mafebng oohtl",all\- eli inheritt>:!. IhE.' e~(lo- wfltes mv corn"pond(-nl Mun,' n--''''''alh' suh11'''''l'd ar.u nll"~'- wished that the !.how lhld been

.11'- I'~ndi.:-.. ope 1. Ihc ",nrld has for two' nights_ but .as tl"lf lnV'!/l <ll"'d 1, SP.JT(''' \\'~,,1 "in(>rarv was llireadv planned

., 1'!,,-,C'1 3t'd f't'ed badl\" ,"j Dp Folhes had tn move on. ("', )eI wh:ose adh("e:lts do wh·.f The next day the\' t:erfolmed a'

I' p e.-h and ploress t'l the Royal olace of Chief Tshekerli NOW ON SALE AT ALL SHOP~ 1 1'10' e and tllTn Ihc~r eve:> fl'f:m Kgarna: wno m,d", tl-te arran<!e--

• __________ ~u~'~v~,a::.:,1:3_'::2 rh- 'If'S t,-, I\'S (>Illh wht"'~e M{'ntS {CII- the tro'Jpe's StllY. The





))'·r,\.\' m~ are e. ~·.n~ ,,\'l,lci r')l" first nil!)'j'" oprf~rnlln"(> here )]1 ri~ll iJnci ,·.'hn~(' m1~e'I' - was for Europeans and the smart

0" 'lt \.:-0 Iw h' ~l·t 10 In ('nd < .. t of AfliC<ln pl'fl'Jlf' of ~el"O\VE'" 'n-" (".lflh i, tlw L,--.,'d-s, anr\ This "how was auenrl~d by the

Ihe [ullnes'i then-'.lf, 11-.1' world, Dislricl Cr.;mmiS~lc.n(!l-' \\'ho sDoke ~nd the lh' c: ·,t!!l Ihe;e:tI. !-iahly of the p(>rform"nce and ex-

"1m :1 pre~~e-d the \\'I,h that the artists wOlllrt come mnre Ireqtlently tc

',1155 GRAGE WAR~S Ihe teniton' 1':le se-ond ni~hl

® HEART PA Ne patrons ha"ing to be turned awa\", jlU JOHANNESBURG HOSPITAL the hall W<!~ no·.\"ded man\'

Ti I'~ Gr<l ... \\',Ire~ N N ~I,ter o\m-:>ng't lhem '''ere ~ome from III Cn<llSE of th ... L (!'lm"n Com- P~lilrl"" Ro.:.d-¥I mil('~ away At­mun.ty ChnL at ~\ libel rOlee Francistown. lhe troup-,=, had FALSE

AP PENDIC ITIS In~ll\ule. \. her man~' flll"nds \\'11\ IInolh .. r bumpo:-I' ~how. and hl're I e son: 10 If',Jrn, a pflOl"nl III Ihe thei: arr;:ln~em,..nb were ,n t"''' .lohilnnt ~burl.: N, n-Ellrnpean "1nrl; d MI' R<I("'hosa Mr, K Ii"splt .. \. ~Ister \\' ... I(S n;l'I..'nliv I Khalemllnl? T>~o, .. 'te. M,A B O I


1"1>- '""~trc "f .he- N~.,v""~ "·"",m j. 'h, I I h I I I !I.·turTlE" ((1m ,I OO;IY our 0 p·ltlctT':ll 0.1 Tau In'!tllulinn. spok' '" 'II .. ,,'" wl,i(n ,11 tl,~ ~ ".<, ,. .. 1\."., d I h h '11 I . Nal .. d.on Zulu ;Hl(l_ ". ele ~ . ~rl"" Ihe 'h~,,' _,,",,1 Ih" hi""

(" 1\ " .,',,,.1\,, ( It i ... ,h~ II .'-.< ..." ~ " .. """. ~," ... n, .. t\,,,.,,I.,t'N 'nc fl.,oj" " made m"u), fti<!llO~, She '''... un '('1'- ouali'y of tr ... r"'r['''''m'l''<"'''_ HE' I" (!,,' J rI,u. lhC' If, ">M'" .,r ~c,,~ 'Iood 10 be Inc 111",1 Arr.E.'IIC';J.n \\'<I~ ho"t h) MI', G Mots.eloa_

""". 't In"" .... " (.,r",,,t) .'''''''~J loy Nern.' ~ 10 CO'll!.' 10 Soulh Africa 1'h .. lour .,nded <II K"nve where .... '''''"t ,h~ ,'n"", .... cn .. ". S"'C"l I' to do health w,u'k aOllong Afn' JL1 Chief Bathoc·n .~nd I-tl~ WIfe m'l,4<> .... "h ,'n ,II ",,,,,,1 "~n"n' Tomt ~'" 1 people ,'rran~l'mf>nl~ for tht.' troupe anrf

" Il. II,,,,, :-...,.< I{"",,,, ..... c ,."n ,I. Olh~, n\'I"'" \\h'l JTt 1l,ltwnl lhE"'lI' ·'~IJY. Th" loho'\' Wi''' w .. !1 <r~ •• 1 ,h ... n~ ~n~,un, "f l"I'" k,n ... ,1 1h, hn "I~I all' fl.t, M .. \!'bp~ ·'''.end,-d and tlH.' Di~lriet

~~~~.~ ~: ,',' ... ""ro"',,~ ,he- Q ... ..,. <>-'n,<lv .11<1' Inu ~bl.,.·I,), M' ,Ad('la. c Comm!,,-~i"n"r ~I)nk-. of Ihl>· ran: Rnrlud ""I" p"ltJJ !VIol" .. n ]\.f,., T· 1 al th l.Iuahl,l uf llw pcrlO!mdI"lCe_

B ;nl n M. mCIl.,,1 :11 ( ~/~ " '~II." ."~ 110.." """ • " ~ - 'I w,' or f I>r II",,: \," NlOTHERS' WE LFARE SaC tET'1 I ,r"f(,,~, 1/0.0,/ " ..... ,"~~ ~,.,.~, I" LUNCHEON PARTV AT ". ~'''''I ""~I~, "'to" ,I." II',""'/~ i! .. ' Q ORLANDO "., 'I'll /q IN I "I< •• " I I I.~~ ... /' ~,III.I "If .. _ I ~r, ... "' to,,, ~ , .~,,~ I ,''-,'' I .... 4". .,' ,. ~ *' t/ "

\\'i.,., h, ,'''''1' I .. h,· E""d, HuH".:! ",.1 1011 (,1 1 .~, " ... ".,"....,1 , ..... , "dot '_.~. """

- ,\'.,.~ \~II", .'1." f ... ~/'" I \\ ,. S" t , f 'J. II-" .\"'. 1\.0 .' \1)0 ./.,0<, ,_ ,,, I( • • r '\1(' '11

, I At"1 I Npnl LO \ ~'I

',1 vi, 1 P.II 1,

~.I"th<"l" C): I ,rod!)

ut MI ( hrlrl i'

1)11,000 'l ' 1I",n. 1'>.'cn~ R«",r."... .toL _. • h'l."J .,,J,.j, I " 6 I~,,,' I.. ...

'!"'f< • 'ull ,.."" , '.tt II-t.. ('n IT'll., H ttl

T(" .,.I·HO n T· :.! I), ,1 110


T "h' It nt,,' I" -e,'" 1 .. HId 11.(· ill

\\ d I

" dolO! ,nJ.: 10 tI" nlll, ,,"l1ul.I' ~. "., Tht? patt' \\ I. II" III IH 1 t1 n,


Anolht· lJIPlOl't'lnl {'unrNcnl'C I~k(nt: pl,I{" ,., 1\11' ... 1\- {!t'llng nL,· ... mh .. 1 ,\·,11 \)(, tl'>lt "f IhfO N.l1in"<,I1 rr ,,"'[<11 "r Afncan \\'".n, ra. fro, "h'"'' tI.,tt>I!MeS p , ('Ollon \\"111 h~ p,,1d at tl-t .. .Tf'hJnn~<;bul::: Edn'" M"n$ Socl'!l r"IlIi(> ,.., J;>-. lay ol~ht. D, rembl'r 1'1 i.t B ;10

A"" nf"('rt anrl rI .. ncf.> T""vr .. ",rn" WIll to .. t..v('n, mter­'"r"'·~··d v I1h _nt'(' .. I,t' ....

Dele~3TP~ .Jltpt')d,rll tn.. con-1".,,"'1(""(; are ('omtn;;! flOm all piOn;: o! th .... ,'ulm!r\'


W HY are eoDle "lll'ODlC:D more att.raclive than oth(.tI? Wby i. thw complexion. clearer and their.kin softer?

Because: mese "Women ule PALMOUVE Beauty SIY-IP ev(.ry day. They kn.ow the .e:erei of the: natural be:;aury oils of oli'fe, palm lind coconut uc:e., lind they usc only PALMOLIVE Soap because: it i. made from these precious oils alone, blended with the pleasant perfume orfresb flower., PALM· OLIVE Be:aury Soap Dot only cleanillway dust and dirt from your bee, it a110 nourishes the and keeps it fresh, healthy and lovely_


Try the PALMOUVE beauty treatm(.ot e'fery night ADd c:very morning. It is very limple, it cosu only a few pennies, and it wiU give lasting freshnell5 and beauty 10 your skin. Make a rich bubbly lather with PALMOUVE Soap and rub


this lather into your b.ce, Deck and .hould('rIl. Th(. lather will .ink into the skin. make it c1c:ao and tdrub h. Rinse the lather off' ,.,ith ~ _tu and dry yourself gently. Remembef I There is nothlog like PALMOUVB Soap to keep your comple:xioD lovely.


PRICB 4d per tablet


Page 5: Brilliant Soviet Victories - UJ IR


B. S. I. Executive Meeting at BI f . Ilea ... e to worken at tbe CreQbe

oem onteln IClme nnJer tt'l'iew. Mn. Coolio u plo. iDfd tbe oonditiooB of w(lrk and Said Ibab lh. wa

tb.~ In tim we have" true friead, Iu ttof~f~oce to tbe adjudioator, Mr Cblu. HalDer, ... "d Mu. Hamet, the ~pe",ker '1>1d thllt tltey baol 1lI­w"ys bOI'U relllly to give their help Ii~ the.e { fuur om people Tbe obairDlaO ,,1"0 aonounoed tb •• ~lr, Hnmer lIad dlln~ted tbe 8um of 0/' to"-",rd~ lhis ruud (appIQute). rile cbllirman I. "uked tbe cbw Qooduotou, alld refl:rred to MelJlf& R, N, Btil4l lI.ud T. G~o, Lowe in IIlol\iflg terll,l~ f" tbeir ~e&1 iD urgll.ui.iug tLls fuuotioo eoouIII17 Wltl! the .8~1, t"'lIoe of their OO Ill· ",od tba co oper&tioD 01 l,al'berll aod bl~okmao,

TH E fua~ meeting tl tbe n6wly­a[lpoioled tX.I)Uli '6 comroiHte

of tbe a.ulu Social lo~tllute w.~ held 00 Oeormbet 3 anu lUI

preaidrd over by Mr. J . M. :::ieleke. The 101 10l" i08 wembcl" " ere prncot : Mrd. Stor~y. Mh~r .. Blits, Nthati,i, M u J \I t u d 1, Kop*,ue. Lipbuk o, Nljll . .llobhilne, Mafoy.oe, KO!tO:r.lll , Mocbc.uhoko, Maikiny. a nd Tholl •. Apologie~ ..... no tt'ndenu fO f Ml'uu ::.treeteD and Maplkela.

The (IU(I$lioo of Joou fOf thl! booll.abl!\vu WD'; .~IIoIU tl.f~rr,-d, but. the tru,aurer. Mr. Bnt~, "1i8

ff'lu ~htecl tu loterviell' Mr Mapikell. to Uptdll .. the work. It w,", reported ,haL iu ngud to tlll' at.oreroom Ihid work. b .. ~ h~en COIU­piehJ and lb .. t now the Il,U1DIt..;iUm h.lI ... ill be freed of ILe m"Ll'rtal at Vre5~ot ~lt,r<d thelll

The a ppU";llIlIlJ.l h.~ t"~ 1I1\!n;tllry for lell\'"11 owiug t.o t'-.Ihjl~ blll"th Will aCCI ,Jed to, ho \,uu.c. grl\UleJ ouo woolb'~ lea,·,; 110,1 II.I~ • !hOU·

tivlI d~eid~d tbllb lilt' e"'ltlury L .. entilled tOil f<J,t"i!lhL'sltave RUOIl

ally . Mr.! Khi "l "" .. ~ al)' poiot.u1 to .. O~ Jum'lf thot IIb~ellcc c.f tbe 6eot.tary.

1 bll el .. ol loD tlf tbe pr .. ,,,lent. .. nd vioe pre,id~ut for th" ,·n.uiog yu,r rn ulted u foll0'\l1 \Ir. J.;\1 SIlleke d('f~~h ll Mr. !) l' M~i~inY II for ,hll pre~id"Lcy by!! ' .... 'Iei 10"

Mr. It C.;)lro,el, n wile uLu"oi"nously re.lIlu.'teu. Mr ~e ektl ,,,11U1U1 IbO! pre.."llluey to "." loh h,' .u.~ "ppo)int. ed la9t ,,,,,,r. 'I r. ci .. he~e t bauk. d thll IlltWl.ud rt r tl,o bonc.ur II~·'t"lU on hIm by tb' 8 r6 el~c,iog bun.

leol,al C', Ulnl,tltt l\Iulio!,


(1'1 .. \ UU.llVl')

Tbi~ body met in the DollrdrOOIll 00 December ~ a nd WII pretided over by Mr, P. /daleleia. tlmoog tbe ilem.6 on tbe aseod" "'"' • leller rrom ",ud Of bloak:.), wbi h drew &llllntionoC the meetlog to a. oiroulmr letLer "enb ta a ll abouh Lbo balding of meetinglil' tbi:l ma.tLer ollouaod oolllrnvfflY fb ll requu,O tb.t Ib be plaoed boo fore tbe oe:lt AdV'isol, Baud welltinl{ I'U Bo,n1 lIocepled, Mr. J. F, hlodi~1I 01 block -I to leld the hou~e on this llu~atioD, Otber maHan to be plRced before tbo uub A lI,jeory Boa.rd meeUllg will blt\her"ducli~o of muket f ~eeOIl half. till_I'll, and tbe qUl»tioo of th~ day wben lhe "bol~aale .0&1 kete bllld in the LOClllion mlrkeb. The IItall· bold ... r. f~el tbat it il uur,ir 00 tbem to pay tbe full awouo~ for tue.a "''''15,

The cOIl,ttuotioll or jl ford and II r090U lIt ooe of tbe IIpprOaCb!9 to IJoobabc l.i rtom Balbo i8 lIoother lJue.fioLl, u hUlldiog jl bridge i, It pre:llln~ oot '~a~ibltl owiog to tile bi,l!h ao!t! or malerial

Mr. J. P. MachumlJlot~il pilot tbMe mell~Ufe!.


Non-European Child W.Mare

Tbe mootbly meetin~ of the 000-EumpeRIi Child WlIl/ Sooiety "-M lttth.l io tbe Di~pllllury, a ud 11'115 pre~idod over Mrs Shtelo, The 'lU~-HOll of alfilt&~iOn to tbe Na. lI!loll f rc In'!lliltlon w .. , reportad 00 by rbe rl:~p1n·ible ((licl.l, and the rep"r! revuled tbllt no fiollollty bae b~tln ruch~d liS )ot.

~,,~~ L M .. rqu~nl, the trtalUrer, r~a,l til .... m'll\tl:lly 6nll.noi",1 atlloLe­meld whieh "b" ... ·ed A IIlIJIIJ !Ifni·

tioo, Furtber, tbe aeoreillry reo potted tbe lforjp~ or r:-. rrom ~ue Uoited Jewi3h Women', ASloela.­tioo, IS well I! £1·10-0 frJIn the prl"neds of a fete condactf:od by tbe sam.e luooialioo, Mrll, Conlio (mother or tbe Cr~obfJ reported tha.b ebe had receitrtd a oommooi oatioo from tbe Sfcreta ryof Nah ive AfJ,ira, Pretoria, ",hertio a definite promi!e lue mllde aboot tbe bnildiog of II oew Crlobe. Tbe mooey ",II be wade av6116ble II Ibe bfgiooillg of tbe BoaociAI yellor

The Cbri~tm.l9 rete fu r Ibt childf!.!o of the Creche WIll bn held on n~cembcr 13 i/.t the Of eo he. Th. lI&u&1 IIfogrlloUlwe cf iooglJ ao.! drille by the !ilUtI c!)ildroo will b. reodered. h i9 upeoted tba' p"renh and ot btlr adulta will oom. and gaio jir~~ baod knowledgll ,f ",b.~ is being done for the welrar, 01 our cbildreD, The fuoQtion ill 00 this Iii ttrDo~n.

Tbe oreohe rpport W!\.lI by Mr" Yoikangol . It de(jlt witb tbl prbvAlliog ml~anee from tbe tipp \-g ~i~e, ~~pOl"ially the steoob aod 611i!~' Silvera I itlelll were brough\ forward ror counteraoting tbe evil. Tbe meeting deoi lEd 10 make representlltionll on Ibis watter to tbe loctol autboritin. IL futlhef{i~Q ideu to l xplore ways lind well"l of milking tbo Crecho fly­proL(, The ~tcretary was inlltruot. ed to get III touob \lith Native Ad· mioialralioo D~putmeot to lee ir tbi! cou ld be dooe depllrtlTlfDtally and fnt!;f'iling whicb ttOdef8 be called fur from the Bllot" Higll Scbool c.rpenlry dfpartmellt IDd Oth(.>f journtvmlll).

Th" '1I1(1~\ion {f (!'untinJ.l, annual

bne 0. legal claim to aod 11l1I~ tb .. tim~ wu OOW oppor· tuoe to make a provision for ~he futu re, The mealing, on the pro· pou,1 of Mre, Coolin, ullo.oimou,ly agreed to makll the 11011011111 le,ve r .. r Creolle 'll'orkere Il fortnigbt. CuulIl a od other leave will hI! a~ tile di~oretion of tbe o01!lmi~tee th '~ will he witbout. Ilay.

Gif' l aod Comforts Cowmillee Tbe looal Africlln seotion of the

Gifts and Comforl.8 Committee hu, beCIIlIse of the greab amount of fiv~o o~~~/O:;~:li~~~~en~~:e~;:;; .-ork. cowpletlld , bad tba rortl:lue f B 8 S h I to reoeive a dODltlOO of .t;VO for rom tbe 4>OIU Illb coo, olle

eaQb. fr .. rn tbe :::t P .. trick's Scbool !be purcbl8e or m.t~fial to make ant! St. B rned'~ Sollool. The {(lore oomrorta ro r the men up . ~orbb, 1'hie wiodfall fo r tbe com. oompell'lUO pi ,c~ "89 "Belle 01 Uli~lee COIOe8 from tbe Town C .. liD. Eve." S" ('lIlrle).;', cboir

Mr J. hlotuhenl: ubtllined tile vii, t~rough itB Nntlve Affalrll bil\h,st lUn~~ gO tr Clent. 'rhto ComDllttee. Mfa, Storey, wbo ha! .1' _. '- p , b .,. II b t th- IlloJuuloat<lt pr.",<! the lugb Btaod. een ,,0108 a ,e 0'.';1 II i;e ttl a Id of aiu,'l.og att",ined.. m,

wotk progrusetl, Bod I! contlOllally l .,Ow,b ,',I 'W 11 '" d - L.· f' - Vel 'u [, a~ yean

eogege In lJeelilng ways 0 ralg'ug l'I'b b Ii ~ to d' d· eoougb w oney to porcbaee mate. ~~o ,,0 ~ r. c .. m~ a JII IQ.. rial, aod of williog worker. 'be 1.010 at. tb~6t'l c"lupetlllool. The doee uot laok, Ilto Afr'oau Illdiu progre~a 1168 !,iIea', IInder the COD' n • d d 1 f II lluuo! the .,.,1101, tnnters bad to

CIoVlcg re&poo e Woot er ~ y. wOlk uoder io ·H[!~ao schools. B ll Cbarity ComptLilioa Coaee" a(jt!rcll.i~d hw",k" to tbe cooduo-

The "'noUIlI competitioo cooent tt.rd 00 ~"rk"~ fults he bad ob­io aid of tbe Cbri~tmll Chellf Fum) 6etvcd fhe oruer tLen became I for tbo aged lIod icfirm look place :lnd, St B"r" .. ru'~ uoder 1tIt . ic tbe Afr icao R~crea l i oo Ground ;\j'ln)"I, ':\1 p.,-r cent Bao~u High 00 FridllY niSh'-, De<.iember :') $c.'bl'ul, "b"" IJ d e r Mr. D, /1: , All tbe 100111 lIobools were reprll \1osb"o Ill<', III per cl'lnt , C, "ndor seoted by juoior ... "d d60iof cbolrl, Mr. GtQ .)1"b,ol"l'Ig 81 per ce(l ~.~ The prooeedioR' were presided Ind A, III,d, r llr .ll, J{ .. baofl', go ove r by Mr, S, Mac, u.polella, ~'bo, P r C~l.t io bis opeoiog rewaro, apolop;i~ed S', 1'" t;ol.. '$ t'chnt I ~llo WOD the fOf tbe ab!!eoce of Mr, and Mra_ J jUnl. r I, 1-1., I bl~ I'I"M laken bJ R, Cooper. Be went on to pS'i' tbe ,\ JUUIO' dlnlf under Mr. A. tribute to Mr, LODlberd, of tb~ MCKkdSl, w,tb 1'1; "er cent" tile Nltive Administra.tioo Deparl fulloltino: lei, g 'h" order; Uoitod weot. for bis .ympatbetio Iittilu ,Je ~Jia.ion ~oLo.1 A lIuder &fr , Sam. to tbe Afno.08 lit aU lime!:', sddi"R ICOfll ~ ' lI ~d io peso 6)







Tea is easy to make and COSIS very little. When we are tired, a cup of Tea soon makes us fresh and 5uong again. Everyone likes Tea, it tastes so good, Both children and older people should have Tea with every meal and when they are tired and thirsty 100.


BUf Jour lei in i lb, pae:keu o r l:uger. You ger betler ... alue tb.t wly. Use . tcuponnful of tea for every cup you Wllot 10 mLke,. .... d one IiponO ex=. for the pot. M~ke the: In with boiling ""I(ef. ADd Illow il 10 luod for 6ve miDuteli before pouring our.


A TEA·SET If 'OU ltnow I youog womao who IS gomg to gCl married, give ncr I nice IClipot, wilb cup. to tmlch.. It would nOI cost much, &Ild it would be UICfu! m&llY Umell I day, fOI everybody Iikel (0 drink In or,,:.o,



Mr. and Mrs_ TEA-DRINKER and their family always drink TEA. They say:


_ .... ".., a,. 1'"1 ,. ...... "n IX~."'ION IU/l&IIIU , ~,o, lOX IID, OU"' ... N

--------------Si;;CiKi,O;:TICi'R:;,,;,-;'«-;'"'~;;:,.;:;;;;-------------.:::..:=========".7. __ "'_ SMOKE OFF'leER 'S MESS CICARt.i'TSS - •

Page 6: Brilliant Soviet Victories - UJ IR

TRAINE' fro m Various I Centres

I . 111


Give Succes.iul (oncert 111\"' ""ll, I" ,I, 100<

t N B I\lhlen P'" I ... I ,,,,,I,,. St. James' Pathfinder Scouls And Way/are. Guid 51

#0 D. A T Ck~D ... -.: "

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a ,/ r .1 10., lblll ~N,lu" 1.1 ou •• PI



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,""I,lon ., • !,r"l.j~ j

\ ." •••• ,,~I~,j I,,,

.L~ III h·'mtlv •• OTt .... r.o hll ... Tr: .... 1 m.ny S' U .. 0.1"0..· "lIb IU "'I " II, f r 11'1 I

h., 100 I<J a ul 'lo .. ",'rl;!u" 111 B \. It" I 11,,1 11111.1 ~r· I .. ",,, \" U '" II • 'lIIe IJO r.1 pfIOnl HI th~·r bome 10.". I hlll"s ~ I I (' II: Jl td 3. 1 hI' Io:,'al 11,1 ,;c I • .- 1.1 I ,..

re Ilf"- lin" 1 '1.111 1,lIlg IoUI JIlIo:.. lit.. • ~".. 10 ",IJIII, ao,,1 04 III bey Ib fit II .l.Ilb ,U II :'II t.a Tlll.tIlU', wllh ur..b t, II 11,1 ther I\IIDu,,1 O'i'r) u n I I, ~ ,t.

1lI1"'e ,eb ~,III. ,I·)tlg It. Iud· , "I' n S, .I.n,,·~ "'IIt~Ion I aC'bl '" ,J flJ'· t,1 I t L" (·a(1 1' ... ·'1 tI.e .tlloUoJII III ('~II!' Ii, I "'JLlley No"an.b r :!II knp Je. ueln. "~b,,,\· .11 VO" "

Ifl" II '1 he"" Io'JlIJloo:', bt'lnll: ~ 'I ~I r "aot .. jlno I ,ullIt."r of h hll!'mt't'11"ij: .lwa,1 tl, I thf.! ... ,1 ",lr",IIH' I!'",hl! Ihe \., .... III tlill p'lIl'IlI.lnd dul,lnli or", 1,.1' .1,,"a\"11 ~o"'l"b,.1( fror t , ..... , h\" IUIII 'hrr~ III'. l'If!: 1 •• 11 ;\III! Ihll rHlla! of Ibl!' la~'~ .,111 "U(o ball.j 10,10 It ".a.\·4 tli" III IhA ~'elltr" I.r 'h.r( ka, locatl!lll , !,r"rul.flt I., th .. v(l.riou'i S1roup •. 1lI1!10 "]),, lI'(Orll, IHUd wloo " 110" Wb"lh m""t':J Iii" l'JO~I.()o WMf' '1111 d"'I~I'HI,,1 I'dtbbndH !"'out happiH.1 \\·hrn.ouh .... elur,.,! ('OrJ"PII!'IIQII.. WIIO i_ ],flbllll! tli'''ICIJmm" IOOtr , Htv. J A Ciliata. to "'ork h.rd )""u 11'\11 h.><1 your prcJlr~~' I .10 oot khnw. h11t I intn,lur d 'h .. M'Ip:"lrsle. \If.L lolf bl'lpflll to OlhlP" J'~ 1,1", a~ IIInui8e Ib.1 tloeChid Z. FOIIYlln~I I I'blllll'" \\lilJ I~ II." the NalU'e "'til Th'ou~b 1I .. ~ m" .... rI)pnlllt' t..l'IUI" he I~ krol'u 10 tlte prOllr~u I CoIlIIUIUIilIJI r rur Cndut I;. Tbe tiD rio .. Ifrl'al ,1,.,,1 to 1'1'1" blbo:u vf Tbaba Ncbu, .Itbough L,' dort I rt'v genll~IlI,,1t I'liud llial to UI tbe TI:II~ I. why ...... I~"r(j tlr_t A i,J a,,,1 b,. ([oorl 'lll"o'k alleotlf·-Frow: :\Illa'" ('.oUlo\I~'lou~r je hkll • \'lflOU~ Olb~r I'.'OOR. \If' B :-; . I h_f<·c!".ry (,bltf beo.~~ hit \bo~a Aftror ('omm' ", I'R f'O Ihlt ,,1"'0 .\U W \L .'ORTO-Oo TeUlpt'ral, e Royal ualne • ZA.le.· Tbe ptop e. 1In1(ormM which 11It\",,,!(·d U"H Ih,y

~ul,d.J. NOI·.·mbtr Ih, lbe lilli' ,,,1 .... '"d to kU>IIw that tbty eould. "'trt w('11 tlltlo.(hl , '1r Pbll"p~ "Id IIf'n'!e1l at it rUD al Ibe Meotb""".t .ppul 10 him lor a IIOln/lUo of tbllt thoDgl) 11ft rfa,1 .,f "rin". Cbu ... h Myburllb Strtl!t .. 11'1" eom(loflh~irdilli(l ... llie. Hllthroo'lhioll" bapJll",Ing .Iue 10 thcatlnrI . uotlu~ted by Rt\! D Melt ·lIs.l",ke,1 tbe ".~"tral(l to .,Jdrea. it WI~ COllifvrllt..: to k"ow tbat It.1! f,om f'urt HaTt' Mr, y"itoe-It.. 111ha Ihll ciJlldrlP'O (lood peovle Ifllhe "'. r .1 _fl',. In ,' .... ll'rI!DC'tl·. rte,nt ap[,oiolmtnt '0 lb ... \laj:lI_".leand\'"e Com· tbe IlillJonlY ·lbou..:u II It'f'll'''d '1, loet. U P ~ la Ibe l!\'"enlllg ther. llJl"''''Otr leglll I.y Ttmlodiog tbe at If "II ~'II 'JlIrI~ .. a I t I O<Ir Wa~ a crullded ('oo*regat.on al tb,e CODpti<' tion (If tbl I"alory of tbe Yl't .ith the p., .... r IboOi tr 0) I "I· l-'rtllf,,"u·rulta l hUf .. b .'Ir L II. 1.0 ~. out 1J,n .. mlP'nt, .od tbf' .iw. ,..,,~~ bll~ oyer b",1. he Will c rla"'1 '!okntlla toolt. fur b .... tt':l1 Salt allllul'lenaclihrnun<!tr.ILe l'telaU·wo ... I,1 ('o"'e rI~bt 11 Ibe "llrl. - .. ('Cit ' u IL ...... urt'e of 10uot.ln'l f..c;r,1 Ha,llP'n I·()li .. II, ... bol., IdO!'., It \H up Lo Ihe Scoul and GoP 411.1 Ib{" wAler ,..-., road .. flure. lIunollll malt:eloldi,'uofohlldte01Io ~ .. t .. UlIlO", (ltb" b~y" IIond

I loaf U H",Il'. llr. ~h"ayi 1'" '('HD·~'bar/o!e, bu~ to pu.'p ,rf' Ib"111 '0 tI,at thf'Y III:,rll t l j("D ,b ,r lO(Jvemtllt 1(.

. I"'" •• \·e8oo.J(lr .... /lrll.IC.<I' Iblt .-\tn· f1:11) 1 .. ,ood.1I<1 utt'ful(ItIUI" "'lo'J'r tu ,1,.o,lIlrll Ibe gO" Tbe Qf':.tiJ . :\Ir It!(' 1"< .. I I I', ,canll "noog all n81L0o~. _Lo ... ld lou Ibt fulur.. ~I ('.ki'll Oil the l.l'IlI llih)vnt, and L~"I"II \1,(11 ([~ od 11'"(' Jlblvu. '.'1' ,r •• ('r " I d '

1 • , ..... l,.lallJ(·u The .j.y l, t .... "" .lIdprumIH· beatu .. teJtheunnnn tal·OWt. ,,~O'(,r I). II .1 ,a1"J.O .~ 11 .' I I II I I 00 r,'M'''r Ihllo :1 rc~rllll~ . Ie an(e vr Ihl! hOJ' Ind ."I~ hr~~ be- Tbe .~tf·,.t' (")n' lu".1 w'lh ttlf \lwlhH or )1. I~ Ii ,A'''''', II d A c •

• , R r. 11'11.11 ~1 h'IIl~I! "" j ""rl .('\"r1olar"., "i~. t o .• y \ 1l,·r.n I)omill~ Chri"liln" bdor .. adlTll~nlOO ~InJlinl( ol"~k"Ji ~I~elrr I 111 ••

I '. "I. 111'~ R .. in" L Lt'ko. IOU ...'t I.uoy Intu full ·uulll.J.: ao<l ,uidm,. If .oe) "Gorl Save tbe KI Il fir' W ,1"b,,"'1 ,I' rI . "I. ,e .. I I· I ttcordll!K tb", 1"1(,1"1)1' • ____ _ t""k "llll'e III 1\11111"1, I.'NI ",,:,. .•

.ft"'r a l'rio:i Illof'.' Ull 11("(' 0111'1 :I. B.S.1. Executive Meet- " iog at Bloemfontein

ar the a~" "f .:1 '.1H~ 11·· "'ol. W dd ' t Ph k Ilood 8p(.rt~Q1"" In '"liB \·nul·ll dH' e 109 a 0 eng

Braille In An African La nguage

aod • tine mU.lel.n .. Jr. \\ W .::.---

Jal,a"'u. of ]'.,rt ~hul'''lbl~11 b~\ I\\'\A'\'-'IOKG \ TLE C 1\ ,':" W ilEN DR. l' BR{aBIER (Of C'1lT 10 tb" U"I(.tnlni<' (.f Decellllllc ~ Ksl'ne, ... 3 p .. ' C"Dt Baolu Hilfh the Dtp.rtm .. nl 01 !i'. C III to ItI@"d tile fvn·u\. T HE WEODIX~ loolt: pl.-e. 10 .-\. uud~r \l r. N. ~ Sldylyo .... 1 ptr W .. lt'are llIade bi. lir~t in~ptctlon (.r

Por t [Iil.lbflb I " unn.1 Pbokfoll 00 Sunda,., NO'l'"tnl t B H' h I:J d M & tbe F7eol~I"01 WUbbopt (.-;or llil N , •• D",", < ofth" Fru. bH 30 l>t"t\lftfO tif!<'iluy I..V'on, cr", p ~oltu IlI'd Le "I~' eMr. I- ,. R d

u .".. .. , • d'" It t f II d ·'hl . Ii. 6 .. taoe ao Ol><>u I~ · 'OO Bliod p'oP·r:uhp~anl "I 00 C BO&plh.I ..... ·lLoD<.1'"'.I~.I'O 1(lP: n .... el u . IOU C r.o R.vndror Mr.T.StboDIlOil. siper pa<"t 00 'fhl.lrtdal , OIC!·mbr. I let aooual I'·.'e "jlh Ir~~o,l. IU Jtremlah K!>k .. oa, of HllaG~. eod ('I"rl U' h. " .. b St. P.triclt:'. B. bf' .... R .hle to parlu:'pate In an Md'; IImto: y 1111 _ P, !'.t_ 8rlllhioD beadill. Ie. (1f I be Pbokpnll: ::;I.e)n~ I un,lt>r 'Ir P !olar. P. T'It'. "'1) PI'C 10\0 ff'lioll: corl'(J10Dl', Ibe prtlCtlt a·

The 'nI",al ':"I,u.1 \Jlt·~tIOIl of ary ~~bool. .Dd OOl<!' A~II' e CI'" 1 he ccompttlloon oIODI!' WI. tieD (.f tlle 6rH ('.,m"I ... I"- I;.: p~


Be S"re Tv R ub 1" ZAM·BUK Et,er-yll;it lt,

AC HIN ... . n"lt "".1<1;, J.n ' I! ."d I.coed I and ",ke Ihe Ii)"; c..1 01 '1'. co. ~ .... p ~<JJr 'f"rt f,t iI~.d ttult:1 .... AI'I::t enJoy y< (~"toV.e( ,I I)y~ ". Il , I' 'plc:t.-e.ll<m I ~ e"n,,"t.~a Z. .,..8uk.or rtJ'" .n.~. ''1: .........

and ~.-:ee .. -fie ne "aluabII!' \'>ft 'n Zam·&\Ik Ir-

• .. I'll thf" ~eli T ~;.

. -

,,"",~1 '-'" ... ..,1:1


I ..... "~ ....




ZAKHELE IMP I LO Ukuze unconywe

ngabo bonke the p, E .• od r'teohage 8 .. nl. ,I \lokl/atle. youo.:t.t dalJ!Zber of tbtl~. B.rk Ihe Lullo'. Th .... tlen.\"o"e 10 \loe "':01110 l",og'J'p:e. IP'I'Dho.M',1

Studtot l ""'U \lfln ~l;.e 1'1".·., HI I~t~ \h, P,tkr ' 1~"jlrtIJ~ .od I Uri, "'"'1 'ar II:fPatH Ibao Ibl:lton.~' ve.r .• nd i't)Ul") at tL .. \J(Jfrhll: Dr. ,111 the l' {" wu.t. 11.11 00 I·r .. ~~q. Fraoc106.- "kl:\tll,o u.t.n'urg Thfo orjlan"'IlP' comm' tI • .., Ihllnln Ptt~ •• A"lc·b ... d 10 tilt· "ror' "tIP" Dte~mb ... r 1'1 at In am. Ibc He1'. G. ~ •• rtlan~, of ILe RU'Itf'o- tbt fchf'ohl, el'1.tetallll' tbl> tf6<:bthl hch,.,d f .. r tl'e Hhod, 10 'bro 6r~1 Ku... ,m ,lth, .~-I(Ut\IIt [.j houour .bo "1'I1i Le R~'i' burg ~o!Itbodhl c.;burc:h. Otl\' .. d and tb" jl.1'llfral publk for tbl! Afti, olll b,jnrl rhil(1 10 I.t Idmlttfd hll'k~lw .Jb .. hl nJ 'n" W " 'bl''''1 H A 80, Will Afttr tbe tetemoov 10 tbe • • ~ "Y' t .", k' .. bo 10 ILe .\11,10110: ~. bool i" l':l:!i. vt'mp,lo 'mbl. A!lva etyho!f\!. , ... " '" . . . bt..l I .UppN,..... n'.... • .peak (10 ·'Tb. \alue 01 Edutli.'1l101.0 Churcb, Ru~teot.ur1 , 1 e f1' ~ SI"¥tU on Tllur cO'rll,1o-lill~ I"~ t'dU<'lIlI<lU III ill:\,j. (.blllt\dc ("b, thol!haka OkokubJ to.CowmuIl11~·' ~tu,)eot. "odIPa't~'dro",etl.HOU~b lotbe bride I . .1, chOir mllde up of the l' Upll- "mc,·wklenh .. hA~ !>",eo tn,volt-.I lo ...... '" unjaJo thab!.ba I 01 f/8110n Irl!' ,~qu,'tt,l 10 UOU! Ih~ borne In Pbolt:eoi<'. whe~e • rdOI'p, of Ibe Baolu £-li..:b Scbool M'iII '0 t' "'II.II~ 1(' '11.,1 '0""' "cor\... W.I\liilms Pmk Pills "mVa }wku. t llne 01 .'vrom .. nl)rweut of Ill,,: lion w." bel,l. Tbe .rn· ... l 01 Ib~ I toot t be E.~ltrn Il F.S a' from .. moog bhud N.u \·e~ .Iong the tya, Kungekabl kudala uyaku fu . proceed io~.. bud.1 J.ltrty w.~ Rtef!tl!'d lin Dt('tmbt'r I : 10 D~(lrmbtr :!3. and Re ... r. ull,iH tl ... dirr('liOfl thl!' man .. umahluko "mkhulu. lplh I

Mr. Eullo \1·hutl.lI!;eli B.m. ~oo e!awllotloll from tbe cfo .... d k t b~uCt. 10 .Jub.ooe~b tl rg. "here, Trall'~Ml ~"cltt\ rur tbe CUI! d J:ldoil, .", ,z, eht"ba ~htycbih,'Yo .f Re\'. a".1 ~tr~ J. [hm. of Ibe Thebnd,.wbolll 8 lII'ell nown theyw, lIhro.dca9t T blllebOlr bill I Non·!::ut·'il"· I' Bliod lfelbodi~t CLUTCb, ('a , eto\\n . "Ill l)fr~oDDhtY at and s rou nJ Phoklo,lo( taho I) .. , t In ch.ri tahle l'OOCl' r\ lI. Handllll! tbe ",,,Ium.,. 10 Mr, U)'.lkut~·{'ba U71ve ",",omdel", UZI)· bt mauit',) to \1 I.. i' nnCu aod el"twhere. Dod 111"';10 tbrough ' Iocallv viI. tbe G ' 'I" tr ool.Geoera!'11 Moluqul"lI. Dr Brumme, !I"d \(,> tffiplio nokonwaba. N.:.J.,.o yo· Nomllu meldo M,t.ltt .. , dlluil hter t.t.r.dmlt.ble@ernceto tbe local Nal lo"o~1 W. r Fuod, tbe O.FS. IblOt the ftCI.,""~,l "1,rt'l!'nU 11..0", nke Imlh!oJ ,m5ebenZI urakuW'u. of !tI r aod ;\\rtl. ii, ~Ialamha. ~f Arrlc'.Dcnmm"oltY·lIour~e(ll<uLly C"ihlin ~O:ifty ol l he Blind. At br~ l nOlni!. cd ,dueatlon f,. r ulul, "o'3bulali Langa. C.p,.tolll"n ton l\t>w Vurl 'Iuahfitd) hae wo~ r r her ell the ooenf Ihe.e the cboir h.d the bli od A!rluo" "bu:b 18 no DR, WILLIAMS' Da'l. Mr £7.U Baw I A ltl('ht'! e"to:>tlDofallltct!.,OI,O( tbe com· pltroDageofbotbtlle ~-\dmioi'l r •. If> tiro.'~· ,~'.I.h.-.b('J II)' the PINK PILLS I t li'e Md\amu \'11I1!!e IJO:'" ~ulllty. I(o~~ char~loa 10 6 .pl~. 10' .nd the Mly()r Tbe chClr l' Ion by Ibe ... p~r'IP!:!: [of lb •. bn~ 'Pnloi.c !:'cb(.ti It..&b two,plece •• r,wIlI'hlll!: hopN to do more worll 011 Ibue lIew Alblvt. ~tboot Il,It Ib, '\0(1 ZI"lka Impi lO no Komelel ..

(·os.lum~. 9.~I~ I ('°kSl .t,tTl' :I\ .• I~ ·liDe.. 00 tl.,·tmh,·r 30 tb .. y willi 'I,,;,'~'~' :.::'~":'~' ~'~'_::'::"':'::'':''::::'::: ____ ~~~~~~~~~~~",;::

trtml/lt \\11 '"(' In r~n .~ 11t.ltt. ,"OfJct'rt io tbe Comm ... oal ~ Huart embr{O\,I",y 9.o,k. Sbe w.~ 8111 Orl.nuo Lovl'rl of !liUoIC

-P RETORIA .(" f\I rOil 1.,1I0u$ to JEi'l"eo aw.y hv hu brOlher.!aI, :n of Afrk.n compo~1I100" !hculd

,f.ll A r ~ elc bran hlum n. S. \ff'It.ll:atle, Tbe 1,t1dt~a:."cI oot min th ... bow Tbe "'bOir .. nd 1<,1 th 1r E lll. C, :;llIart. l(ol;.fo1 cb.rwln., In membtf~ bope to vi ,t the ~ltIlOJ!~ Molt ,. 00' r laoc - .. od J. drul {f t 11I1'-lbll tlo, !l,rI. of Ibe Tr.n~", .. 1 Afriuo Sludel,h' acllve lOt ('. In the r A~<,() lallGn "'Uf \' G,ootboow.od M. Krall, As . t .1 tha B M S C fMt'tJn' hav~ l ,n dd ICgUi.Jliy SI'rrC'bca WlP'fe m •. de by Dr. \\.J ~~' Mottl'~ Mot;bikoe i. r~t'Cntlv }... :f Lekh' ~hoa, B A TbompsoD, kcal d •. ~~rlct ~UfjZ.IP'On. a • c.n"'~ of •• ~ .ahz iD tb .. ,)f Ihe Holme .. , HI h :;~h('l.)1 tl2~ uoder wbO!le 8Dlotrn.100 tbe blldelCo'::muoilv Hall::: D~emb.-r 23 Idl fOI Durban and ~f.,lalielc ba9 btl'o for A oumhtr of y~~n Admi.Hion· It 113 s od tbt' B S I. Mrs M,llttl.a Kebl .. M"h ,etulo.d Me~.ra TRbSl' .,,~O l ol"·S P~llcipat l 8~nrl win rendtr mu~ic

• I 0 enl~e fl. "",boo, auU'poor , • dUJ IJll': tht Wt'l k I. om BI .. em[on- ... r,d II c/a~~, m.te of the II:room ton St\ld, nt l,nrTl dJihll'nl R,S. Sidtumo. A. S. GroOlboom. A Eurol"tao Bliod at Btll'V.IIl', C P. tlUotilutlun, .... , :':,·01 b" k R.u.I. i wilh Sol , L. Sidzumo th.t no Natl\'"!! blind cblld oetd~ to I homt With I l·;:.H I till' dt·.Jth'i <lit· I"ropo~ioS t be britf tout. T hr ~row up 10 igoor.oce s Dd idleONI, I ltcordl.d flf KJ.!o~lm<lnr: ~l.,thl· <10 proc' edinS8 wera ,o t l!'b"ped" "'1 W;blh l'rbe . p t alt:er con~r.~u l attd tbe

mu,i(al Itl'ml cool rl utt Iy t a mlua fl,l! lDeDt committee of t be old and I ... ~I->t"t·h'd a)wnt fOI cbl ldreo of Pbokeog Second.ry SoCll t, for r t aHslicaily "Umtd!:'11 U\ Iho: ('11\ .Hld of &;bool uo.der M I~~ E K . l'll t u fe. aod hlodling tbe problem of tbe .ner, le~~h('r Mr Nt'Wln ~Iaga~ul ... by tbe Bh l% Foil le. of Ruateoburg, care of educ.ted bliod AfrlCll o ~,.

uodtr Mr. Sol. L Si,humo Con· which work i. lubllidil ed by the gratulatory tdfgra me It,d letter.'! depar lo.eDo he repteseota 00 tbe



SUPPlIED1Sf. /"""

WHe read out by !!ofr Tbol. K r.a l. lame bal ie .@ IImil.r worlt:- for tbe Tbe prfFent. were ouwerou •. Eu ropeao bli nd . " The Department A.mon~ lh0811 prheot "ere Dr . of 8o<"ial We!fue behenlll;' boe­.nd Mu. \V, J ~bomp,oo. &I" K . I . id, " tll .1. to be blPPY, • per~oo Klkao. lilroom I motbtrj. IU ra I m'O~' live a full hfe, II piTl Lu.lly Mabird B., Mines 1'11 _ llh biodi81 nouri~htd I 'll'ell a l provided wit b

lind Mpongo (Benoni). Mudamea 'forlt: '




And Low


DIN SCHEME All sketched, eomprllll'lg 4f1 MUSIYI' SIdeboard, w ltb "I .... front dllplay c.bln~t. ':Uvift,ontd balz.·ltn~ ,Jrll. ... l'r &nd two tatgt cupboardl: "ft. ,In. " :1ft. SOUd_FOU"'1 0 Lf'gge.:l .. h.rN and OK:.llo~d-Top ·r.ble ! SIll. He .... y Te.k I...rrunatw, Ch.ur.. _ ac:.U colo'ered U"I any Ihadt or RUIltf'. Our COII\ enl .. nl Te rm. 11.1"1'. 1I<' r m"nlb, 40/- OR




Preto,iu~, G. Swsrtlaod, MooeGe. Tbe Moreh Dg Yrtlll.'l II l be ooly &.Ir .nli Mn Kgo, oha. Mr. aod Braille ptln tin~ prlP'u io SoutharD Mrll. A. S.l;footboom. Mr .• nd Mil. Af, ica. probahly io t e wbole '00 ' T Kra.i, Ur. aod Mrp. 8okl ry: ti utnt, .nll Ibe f., I. tbat tbey c.o MI8$6\I E K Melafe. I'll. Groothoom. DOW prod uce boob io.o Afric.n L ThiPf. C. St,uart. Me8an E. S. IUfI, uage, aDd t bat t here la . bli nd

, Mol,)to. R. S. Sidzumo, L. G, SIIt~ • . re.dlll ll: pubho fo t t bl!m. ill bu r teD­: C., S, Molrgttle, Chid log The coat of prodUl"l ioo wall Tb.n, O. Pllao~, 8 A. Pobo, A defrayed hv frieods of tbe lat.A PHONES Rataa lei. R. Stu.rt, Kooll MoligaUII, Rev Jobo LeOaDl:", D.S.E., D D" D. &lid B . Pbulw.oe, O. Molt re. cblUrmllD of tbe Traolvaal SOOifllV .1 M.eler B. O. Kalt:. na (Biuo.), P. fo' t he Care of Noo.EuroJle.o

(OPP("I'" Vldorla Holt'l) tt.u~ r~-n~

8R \"CJlr:s, DOX uno

III Jepp~ Street , Joh .. nnlibura 8etw~an Fr~'~r and Sau~ r StP~II!U.

And at I, Third SIr. et , SprinC' Mariabaue, and Sol. L . Sidzomo, I3l iod.19:17. I !.HI

MAIN ST ., JEPPE I 1/1 (l'!:!>ro'TRAl. A\E!'ot;E. ( N .... r '!tattoo) ~1"YF'\lR ....... . "boM H ' 1I94. l>bou~ » -HOO

Page 7: Brilliant Soviet Victories - UJ IR




A Hints From

Food Cool Housewife

'-\'"1"" U." ", II, It '" " I'

1« , .. Tlll.tEl 11ft folk wh, ~&Ull()t eo,

TH~"E . r' dure til'- I~~ll! of br..iled lIlillr.-IUO \'AT1<HU W~) ~ 0 "eep-S 0 ~ I E l inl~ "1t", i ll Ibe ,,11,1, iog uulhlr firm Oll~ \l'IIY i. IhoUR'!. thll mallmll rendera it

Laughs A FOUR )'1'8r·ol<1 hoy, a.l" rI I,y II

wnman ... bet III~ flame "', replitd "Bu"oy

"Ha.v" YVUIIO olh.1 IU"Ul' I '·No. ' "Wbat ;~ your r",!J('t'. nfLmv "Iladdy .• ' "Hl\t bl! nn nt,ft"t nanw "No.'


Spri n~. I ... ~. ""ill': 'Hlt n(lIIt It- pr~u ,t inl" bt"Ol' jHU ,.r~ and I'~~'H to .IIISMl Aor] kill .. the poi· ,t,,,., .. b~n muod Iht ..,·or,," ,'al"~ fhH,d Ih., j ,t~ ahnml~ ul' lu th .. ~orl!l of \'~rl"ll. dip~",,~~ th.t nI~V II hind "r .nulh wi",1 ddillut nnd !.Leima i"" I,,,wl ul Plllt ,",'MlOr, II~Hlg lilt\'o ~IIIII"II leeu. II) ,1-81,.1 ,~,' l'i hll'~ •• firrct' IIml wltbrriulC - ... ",1· .. , ... 1,1 .• p~.(lul' .. 1 or ."It 10 Il 'llUirL tl ... m 1 ~1J~~" .. t thllt 11 f,hHlh of ;u!l: H ..1"",,1 of dut! Urr" ... iI. ..( (',,1.1 W~ltr. hi l'lIrhp,"R'l' ,I rod. ~Iirrt·d lutu

I W, .. jll~1 1,11,;,,;.( 'b~ 1",,·I,Lt'1 II, ft' .,,, .. IWO nlh,'r WKJ'4 III 1.<"'fl ,'uh I,ifll. (.1' mIl" w,ll k~PJl it Ir, ~b

"TIt"" I,ll'll ,j{1i'4 '''wr Inult.rr I ('ali hili) !

t T'"n III. Jllur Q. 1.,.i,l. h .• 11 "';, It'Q I,utt':r hnn Phl'o il· ." II I'll_i •• lIr,,1 ~1I""I·t rllllw"llv, ". \\ lSI! 1'111,. "'1\1.1 ~rHUdllli!: I. " I'T~!' \. ~~..l oj ~lild . Sr"udl.,,,, III!' hClrlloi III '" I·'·roll~ ,,"OliIO"_1 "". ~"''';: ." .n,' ""'l·r ".Jill"j, .• !! t>~llp·lr"\ .......... ,.r J'\r (1IIIlt, WIU .. 1.0. lIell' t. I.,.,]. tn,\:\I;F: I"" II" ",,,.,1 "'". ",.r,k'l II"Hh II I'" " "r ,j'llnP IUtl lin, til! '''llh Ir~ I., ('lit ,11<0 J.r mus.· h" Ju ~d. 1111,1 ,b, ~rl.1 'l"" "II'" Yr,' '"'. r,1 I,,, mOlt h",~ In Ih'I"I:II,w'lIl, hul.h~.1 "'n l' "frill -i'"r".11


Ii".. "Ih\', y"\1 ,\'L'r I.I~ ',I II i r J L .. !,,,rt' .. ~ H, "rl,,,t In,l' III t> t'li III'

\~ II, \'ClIt k ,0 " f a " I. t

'" ... ~ I "t·.1 'III "'t .1 rill h,",~;,,,,

, ' ~ t""~t,t. !J III

I ",I.lI, '" Tt"H

Tit ql, V "II Pul'h .. """.".\ 1'1", 1'<lv" IIn"l 10 .. ,1, ., I-' I "',] r ",I 'H' I"',r""'l .. ,d 110 i, Of l/le 'f tllV'1! ,I II ltn rl 1111· "I ttl ,t'l, , p,,,1I1,'''' "f I, ,Inll Ill' I r""'~ uu ~"

lib,] ht • ,hI . "ul ft

'h '11tHr .~III. n., 111.1 .. U£, Itt' " I "lit I •. ,. T (, Ii ,,, "11 IIp,,r'',. Ii I

"'tlh, ... t 111 '11' "f.ill~ ntlh"l 1'1' ",11 lirllw lu,lt. ,.",1 ,""It "'~ 'n .;, " III;

··Wh.1 i, i'," '. I " 1 .... ,' · •. ,n, Il\:: • Tht j,;.: ,,( th .. ~;nJ.,"' I b~ all~d. all,1 ,!il.I'I'~"r,·,l

~rl~"II~' ,I, w"lr, ,Idse It. ("'I "UIIIJ I~h II, \l f ,n' tf' IN }'lrlll~I,! ''''~l'' lia hu, w.~I, II 'II ilL I

\\'.11 "'Ib 'I,lk I'll,' 11.1 1111,111'1110< ill quttl I' I

You,.Fr;"·nds Will Like Banana

Sweet "d I

:'<io'" lrolirrd .h',uld I I., It'Pl't J hunitd ... ~~ "I' ieln 110" 'II""'" uio. wh~t",. Ihe .. i",t~ ,·,"nr. "1\,1 ~ 1 .. "d IIUlnllf: liT" rdH. '" loD"r Ii Qi"b~oI wilb lit!! S",,'h .ioJ a!. '''>\ ule-"IId Ihll ,1t.1I "",n u. ,,:, m He" 1 rti.,j 'Ind rlllliu,It'in Ih .. t rri f.ndl~ ..... i,,,l, I dOl."" Ih~ ""nr, an ,1 hrard Ib~ r~loo .. rillllinji: III tI". boll., .. r"lcu I pID,II, Inru~d lb~ ke, "Tbne." I ... id, "1111,.. "'e h .. e donD \I ilb Ih .. t:

Durit'l\: W'''O\ .-.·"th~r I . ,Ill "I;' pOT 1<l1l 1I.1!1t "nul '!l.It.·h i: l' tn 'lulo tbtll SO);, e tbinl? II r:lW 0111011 /t1l.1, ral."; i~ e y to I'r "'I" '"

makes II- ('I..-.. Ull,! 'ltHI;' I, .

What ~ Inll d.lUnot in ii_ pi ne"·' 1 n. ~ t.1 fU), IOllklull .bout mt' "T"~ ollrl !. .... i"d i~ pl"'1I8ao l;" lIud I I bou ~lol "C Ihe I'm b~ nnd ' b r )'lu o ~ lif .. 111'0111 me, Iud Iht! 1If1"'~" 110M hlld be­I!IID 10 " ri~ hl ~o tbr void 8 111 1ft I I'laced .b " I..rJ .... ilhi" tbtl dour, il br~.u t o hurn m, I,n" I

h,'", Tbl~ hut 1I,1y L'U;ure~ it~ 'jJr~I\,llhe.llr"'~ ..,11 uVl'r Ihl' tne,,1 "IIII'~ .. ~JI. but dr'Ir",~ any .tlteh ~h,,"I,1 II.I~o r'~t "0 lIuion

it' flU< I{bi'~t. m~y "0 pft~BIlt.. I ~11t"t 10 t"~ d,-h, Brf .. vu t'onkillil, u.e II. J"ulJl~ ",.ue~p;1,11 f"r Ib,' ",'mol''' lI,e OhlnD "Iod ~'il'''' tb. pUf\,o.e. 1l,~.1 IIII'lin "'lib \'i".r:~rflt,,1 "o.l~~

W,tch For Spec'al Christmas Story

" The Perfect Gift" I ( ommencing next wee ". I

Cold Drink Recipes ---IN , ply to u requ~,1 from ~Ir. S. H, MolllpO, PO. Tziwt, Bolila,

iJutLe, lite Ed.tre~~ bill! plullufe HI pl)~,h'Liq:: tb" fellowin~ , re"lpe~

·' Wb ,u 8m I duo,,;.:?" I e' i~d: .. .... bo I. uo .... ·b~\ JlI;'ebi~r I mftV I brin g .bollt? II ..... do I 10.0";' wb u Iht tif l 'l~ ""III! Tto 'ltuu­•• nd wr no j:. I b, .. ~ .. 'U." ("nmt! gI'l of Ih ;~ (u"li.b "i~b ll( min ......

Worr ied .nd a·haD1~d. IltI"kf'd " I' and pr.,.d Ibl' Ih ... Ll)rd "'IIuld lend Hi. ,u~fl ~tl III:,i" ,,, lul., ,bll ku ; lod for my parI I p.omi •• ed Ib l ' I .... nuld Ot.u ...... \ Iu hd'e il lO Y more,

BOl io, t it .. Lord n'lUulr toud by me H II rnrhed H,,, hllOlI to IIk ll lhe key: Iud iii , hl,d ,I d" ... u. I &a w Iba, i ' rrH .... u,ll.lItn~1 Ib .. u cred wOlln.\ ",., k It bll.1 rue Ih.t I ..... ,, 'd .... t r liI~(' OHlr­mlln d .lPi 'hll ulI\lbing 0.100<.' h \' H;m whl) h"d ~1l1T<rld ~" ,u u~b fn' m l. Tbell Ue took rbr k ... y lIod hllng il ~I D Iii. Fird l ... ,

" 0 11 YOU bop t he k~1 of Ih~ .. illd,?" I .~lr.t d

" I do, Illy .. hilo.l,·' U . "n.w(! r rd gf.e1ously. And I", I 1 '''lk~d QI;"tn and Ihue hIl D~.U thr !.:e". of ... y l if~ 1ft "", my '"ok u'r .. wa::tt. Dlut .od ... ked , "Did Y"U 00'

kio!!d,,,,, kDllw, my cbitd, 11 .. , t Ulf rlll~lh 0 .. ., _\I ?"

~ 07. t',air ~rit.l

11'1. bOllr"g I'a n Pepl lloe Je.rr,on~ .. ~t, Ihi .. I\" <l"d

mix 411 Ih~ iOli:ttdll,Qh (,",,,,iudill,t: the liod and '~Ira>l,ed J'liel') in';' b.,ill. Sur ,t,1l db~ol"",d. UQIUe All,ieork t·llbtIJ. Pot QDf' t~tJlt. vuoo. in iii .Il18"-S aud fill up ",rb

water or ~ed8 wat."r. Ibis milkt~ , lIIn8t t!·fr.~Li(!g drink

(Tb!llemolle tlHY be omill"Jlluu f8tb~r l!!tIe .ug~r lidded)


a I b augar t oz. ("TtRm

('If IIlfllU 2 tabl<l.pnnll~fu] yea~t t I~r!! .. 1!;'llIun t sh~" bread 3 B""If<lIJ~ bOil.

leI/! w .. ter wbite of I fgg

Put 1l.1I111tr, J ... mno juic ... , ore.Ul of tartur ODd J(imrer let'> an eluunel huc~et or bMllJ Pour i:lo,ling ... elel o\"~r, Ind eland t,1! /ulll.­WHrm. Mil' Ihe vell~t WItt. tbe well beaten white';r i'Ffl., ley it 01.1 Ibe breau, lad put i~ all lot..;",,';;b;,' DI"ture. Cover -ctogefy and. till m rnilllJ'_ Remove ye'''t .tr~iu tllrougb a doth.

i Ite~poonlill IIround !Zinger -I hbJI'~J!n"n~ ~lIg'lr

('rumblc .Icut, put ioto e jn "itlt I"~ gi"~H f<nrl ~1I!t~r- .. d,j:1 pillh luke "'arm l>alH. DJ (lot

u .• e h~r\<rl' It hll~ IIrood IN I~ bou'", 1'>1 ~.r II p".'lllie.

II" II laf~<r qUllolity i8 r"lulfed ill<'rrll"1I""t~ ,ccordiDgly.

Hom ely Hints

BRF.AD ... au ),t' krrt fre~b fer many h(tur~ In- pl&cing n n ..

potlllo iu the bInd· lin.

DII not wll8tl! 'u~ .. t nnd ft~lt wbi~h t fi':oroe~ luwp'y if k"p~ tou long jlJ 8prllJkltHOP(Jtd cent<ljuer~ A r~w j(fllin. of nee f!1 .... ed in Ihe erllet prllveDt~ tbe floDtenh soil,h· 'yong.

Elld~ 01 lIlied par.Biu oaodle~ lira exetlll'!l~ for t'llllluiog ru~ly

'rbe wu ~hould he rubbed It II irnll lIoul tbe IItlr(aoe ia smooth

If you lilld d ffieulty 10 reo obatlo.t" illk ~I .. ioe from , 80alr: the 'rtiele iu oli'l""~

tbeu \ll'89h i~ in w.ler The Ihilll "'ill

Ibe Il~ulil rlill Qr "v,f'h, hJlI'c~I" .. f~peciallJ to YOflog I'eupl,

~',}r t'ech p~noD allolt' OUI tlllDtr.nM, II- ~roall t.Ie~~erl.I"lOllr1]1 c{ "Irllwb('rry or fa~pberry l'IlI, lin" ",holll b~lf a ~III uf tlg'l o'I-II,.r,J, Pet" the ban.\I·II.~, "Ik' 111"11 ""11 I,all"es le"gtbw'ly~, ~prinkl, I> Illl !emoll julet'. 11\11 Ilttl /I llotu" ~re"~e,J di~h, ar!!.i uot~r Ibl'/II witl, the jam. PUll! Ib~ I\w>dew·r1 t!t1~tDrd O"tt thtm oed cellI;: 1111111 Ittl~ bile set

Every one Lik es Vegetable Stew

I LB. POTATUES, two J"Tlt, ooioD"', OOtl b,lfjob c"rrlJl~, !WO

medium 8l3~J tllroipl, ... lIe Itll<lll "\"~r.:~rahle marrow. 1,,1'.. dnl.,"n~. c>ue t"bl~Bpe(,f.I "lauJal" II "H peppH, ult, I!: Dllp. we"k "ro. k

Prep»r" nget .. lrle~, ShCd oui >u' lhwk Y, cut- pollito~3, nrrut_. lur "llh iuto 'I'urler~ ant' tbe Olano ... illto dlnall pil:C~'" ulI,t 'lith 11"'11 "ell ae&~OUl'd wllb p~FI"'r ,wI "olt

Melt the dripping In .""orr In alid put in oDioll" lir.-t, try li:iH'y, th"n add rlilDaioioll. 1'~"d!lIbl," .. ,"\ bwwn uotil lIour i~ .. b8uTlHoI .. ,101 gradf.tlllly eDou~h "tock t" ,,,,vel lh.,w until eoo~tattlllcy I, th"t, d Ihill creum

~lllllIler for l~ houn very ~Ie .. h Suve witb IlIl£c~rolli Dr riUD. .


Useful H ints

A DESSERTSPOD~ of Jr1f'pin.t Idded 1-0 1l"ot~r "II helt huiht,~

cllrroh will give II "e!!e-r 11. .. ·o,H IDd Ih~y WIll I::ook ljuiekH.

• • O.illg hooey io plllt'e of IIl1lla~ ,

baked ·"nd boiled CUltanl II o! omilting tbe eS~tMe. lUeku II Dice ebloge.

• • •

" Over I II , ru "- Lord !" I lo~"·e. eork li-"hlly, .IOod "tore tbrlll I'd ; ., tbeo it ;. 11 111 111(" fur me 10 I down, or Pllt into II t";1>"k. murmo. at an,. ,Io;n.-: 'f ,. Theo did It WJII be reldy for USII Ite I.y 8i . band u pon ru" ' t ll d~ rly 'abOIl't a weeII-. " AI y ~h ' ~d ." 1:18 .. id. "I Lr 0111,. ANOTH E. R GINGER BEER

d'8appe,r. Celd bo,t~d pol.tntll, nsrd

I.",p, .... oult! ktep tbe baud· .. (dy ' ., ' II e .. e f>lbtll ;;:. 10 1111'1' .lId R ECIPE 1,lIn aod puti.e ..



ba Fateng 150,000 •



Hobaneng eDna e lokileng haholo

e·na khathatso. Ie hona

b<I~b<lht._ reb FEE LA. R.e. _o.ket,,,,, lei" u p. lel~ tl 8il13'" k'I'~ I'I>I'."Y' 1& e "8"'''' It 'S"ot-o t.a!ng .. pON; .. I" ..... Io.boa u. h""r~. ··Hloll.~ ... &I~ ""!tObin ... ta~rele UJJI • ",kittOlng m.boInlnll,Q.JI: bo u.~. r bk,J~. U, ~~ ke lOeobLD; .. "'u1~bile-1I(I hoIob.olco .... ~ .... ~bwoa ,.-'~ .. - ...... k'flg, boo bll 10.8 \:""0{ Ia tbDII ke. t:ne hill' •• S'~r.

Next. lime you bake potaloe, 10 fioe, I JaDklltll, pu~ tbew lutO builipg

lirdt a"d SIIUWH fo r teD Take them. out of th~ , lind then pOll th~OI

""~,." They will be Itad)'

You call pl"t!Veot yallr peuico.t Iflrllp~ from .lipping by se"'in! tiny pt8nk~t III tbe ill.kle of ~o",;, oJrCB1 on the .houlder lillnfll.

Zip f(l,~beUl"a rllu btl ktpb '~:i"~ hy ruhtJillg Ilil'1I1 witb a lilLie tt w"t~r eud c.llva oil.

Unlp~~ ynu know tLiR dre8~ blnt. YOII ... ill lind the pl"tkelR 10 v;;;; ~klfl~ "t ... aya I"'ttl m",ntlin~ . .. enla!! hack lint! eyll at lbe bottom

the pl"~k"t aod Ilre88 lito hook Ihl Ifilh "heavy Iron. Thie pre. HOt8 tbo p,.,'krt frow leatiug

. A "oU"u J'ckel for yOUT rollillg. ' pili help~ to f, II Iln~lry alit qlliokly ell.1 tIi~ily Thi~ jsoket i~ mo,t ttleCllv", tf kmUt'd in ribbing lhe mfsh h(\lrl. !ltl!lIour !Hld dis. t'ibllll!~ it t"~ol'y o17, r tbe ; •• ~.';

• • • O!i17aoi! mad· to a pMI ... "',,).

~IJl!a.r wilt remove etaiu8 froUl th~ h&Dds.

b,l~ • ~ R.-I. THE F ,-\'\"". \ Id ~, •. , "nile.

THEKO Clt.l1AII __ '. m ~};~KP"_. ". ,.,



• 111 I I ,1 hr' ".1' "oelo. 0 .. ,r'·r 'OJ-, " , ,

• . ... ,. ... ,jrr , ~ ... , " I - peR TIN

SUppo. r The Govern<lr_ Genual' , t!V;1,r FUIld

"I NCU MBE makes weak babies strong'·

soys file- Doc",," The: DOclor know, b~!-t.lke hi. .dvice and ked your baby O l

INCU 'fl:IE, Spc-cia(!y made; iOP' A/", ie;." bnllle,. i~CU.\rBE iii ..

.olJfJllung food tll,1I make) h.lby t nT" IIrOUL: and healthy, Try"", bab",. we-ak and thin, feed him 0 ..

INCU'IBE. lind see: IJoW quick).. ht grows wr:1J ;1,nd happy,

INCUMB E FOOD FOR BABIES , Price 1/ 3 per tin

FREE no· mUen 0/ L';CUMIIE wilt.f<lIId ... • r- &.~, ... ,<1> ~ " •

"D,.1. ....... INCUIotIlI!.. II'" ... to H""'- .... a 0,. l' I, Do-rIO.,,-,,, U"'~OO. N..,l lo_ 1aw

, , '" ",.,..j,J I,to \0", ~ ",>lor 21.-'(,ft .... t, ,. .. t.n ......... ,



Page 8: Brilliant Soviet Victories - UJ IR


* WHAT OUR READERS THINK * I---------------------------I~

e __________________________ ,

THE IDEAL SCHOOL AND 11"lt 6 1 ~ 1. n,n If Vvu Ib'rol; '''it'Il!,1 bru'IO.1 tlu~ clo~IIIK lillI' )OUUl:;lUln '\0 r,r,t '*'. htlt Ultrry~ 1\11 Ihloo .lhl~'IP,j. th .. you.

STAFF h D· lll!ebt,'6Dd IJ,t" fhe .un 1"1 lIot lIefD, h',t. lbt'I(I,daliobutCNIPllhfl •• ff1,er.1 ""r"t''Io",lum ,. .. 1'''111'' na"k lroa

l'b -:-'. • l' l II \ •. Y 'Jr ."",1(' 'In'eo {'rlll<'l'm t.,llgLt c l!nt~ ffllm the ~un I" !o:urop!:ln- - 'I b L II' ... '''1''1' J, I I LliJ dll,11 "ork I b v ubg I u,

.... -.\,. "ll I \1.111 ... " t r. IV' .. In".rt II l.I~tltf Ih..,,, ni'ver w.~. 11m .. \l'Ll'n therl! IOllk do .. ., UI'OIi p"'('p'e \~ho have in If! .. belll'r pmllthll.

MR. LET::;IE 0 (; \lill\,.tJ}- ". h ... 11 ','Ii lIhd IU t rtJrc!t:.J th~ ..... r ... o mil .. ,· (bu.ll .. n •• -0 m~n) 1" e'l In .. rrVI{~ but b caUl. ltot.y ! The you, g .:f ... ..-,11, t oDly be

,Ah'll'1I1 North. C 1'. "'TIt - ',r,I'r ""llh hl,lt fiullull:; (4) ~tlltJll'"Orl('l hU~(1 and mon,1 hI' tbe wl'l not bavea'''I,t I fmplluurlb,p .• ~ IIII'I6UlOD 1I1tt"1:'clu I)" lou' wW

::fir - My d"lf \:tllow.wNkor-. 11,1 a 'I"' "I rH"Y m"hIU'ltr~IIHld ~"inl <.f Clul~tiallily (.out,ide oflh .. Tbe !l,d .. \Lbo L&"e 'IUI\ 'h,II ,tI[l,e .. rtlal lI .. ,,, to IIH

~"!;r II .corb d V ... IIU II~ a !t •• h",. ,r gl I'I ..". UI Ib., 'oulof cOur,·bet. a~ IbHe are hld"y. It teal·Leu fl. nur~u. Cor ... 1.0 ... \'11 lU the U .. ol\.l V<l(,.,I~', rr"'g~.

(bll\'a marsf'd ~lIt ctr'""m tlm,g". ~ II .IUUII 1'1 tb .. lr ml-l"or~lI"e and Il.Iu tLM I!:t.,Ju'Hed, lire .... ,dullv loto.,raut. f lL .. 1.1 .... \.1""111"1 .to .. I~h DO

.bkb n~tI nltll,Jill~ in our pro· ~1'Uldd!l':,,)',I'"~1 m .. , t r .ilpot Ibt're lire oul~ldf' Tbey could tha art~ ,I "".\nc MAKIlU'l 1I1"j ~IOI," ulllur., .. <1 111 ill Im."t to

f"~IOD, r tP,Io.~u. auft h,t'" al., just a~ 111,1 httl~r ill~trJe Dut Ib .. ir IIf .. dI'JWe81i"HltD'~' Yl<unlil; Pltn u .. pro"ri"t',e ,,~, ... fVfwluCOlliolltG

The work in "'bld.L you 1t""1l dll~~rou:t to the I 'h')ol as a IIbole, lOud power corn II from tLe 8hillln~ almolt 11l('11"~d It'! 11\'1.111 "H'm ,,~ 1."0)'" "'''/0 "U t'r .. rtrhu I f hom.

lP~tJ i~ • mllrvtllou:J OOt. I •• y f r rh,ldr~D tailly dtl~t what of tbe fI8bteoUflON'~ tinouRb tbe tb .. y are Ij!'u(.rar.t 10 Ihue 111llittff, roaloirj/. toy 1" ~'id"w: ItriU.triai

.G beeause thue 16110 ma" (If th"ir 'loi"r6 du uot dttfct ,3) ohurohe. Tbi" 11\ cleuly letll ill and lire vuy e:rlr'hagllll and "clio!)la fcr lirl.

itlly rame or rel."ogoitioo 10 thlll \Ioid IU~pll'l<Jn If oue Of Ihe olber baekw~ rd 161.1d8, Lffe the good w.l\tl!'ful in ClllH'lueuc6. I Irult Ihlr<l tn It.l~ .bo

world .bo bal oot p.~~f{1 tbr,lug'J uhwbtr of lbe hUll I·bold of ~du thinll" Ibioiu~ from Ibe lou ll 1 will ~u III r.r .. ~ to I'IIl' Ihat \·.Iue thtlr f.a'II"! b.ppm It .Dd

tlut baodlof II dllv echool teacher, .• IIUIl (~IIi1I1. IllIII.loo.ry l"bUll'!b"". wllb their numbon oj younl/' IIomefl te~chtu, pr l<l!:le~liIl>lIffio.:l~lI lly 10 I~ i-rep.,ed

"No. oo'ooe'" But, IlId'" lind Il.tI.c"f.j~,derat\QllIcaHlt'd(\ut. Icltool,aud cburcbe8. allOl cnlJt'gu nuuu, a(;d i:'rh ~ho h.n 1011"'6 limO ltl t1.e aUlmportaD'

K'!ollrulen. t, eo 1(1, pll'aee rtmem 'I t,e 1;1"11001 would be worthy or till' compul th~ ttoQ,Cbrittian 10 wake In.duattd, !,,{,Ii. d".wo on thtir .. ,t .. lIf du ..... tlc .ctel,Ce .od bom ..

bt r that JOU .re f't'gllg(d 10 a dO:-':DI ~~~o"noo".I~eal HI DI,clplioa 110d I ~fP.'ODDdd dd~d.'O. me or t e aaroe kittd '~blcr. .hr, l"H'\" h.kefl domeltlc I maillllg.

bumble proftuioll ir lI"e are not " ~ ,I

... ,.ing to be bumbt.t lIuJ to urn' I)ne ,.blug tb .. t ~Iw~y, tlmll8 •• pclt'nc", We tiud alOon".,!

olbtra .•• lhe Grtll\ Scboolm.~ttr m.... .. en • ttl\du'r "'J" to "',a Tb' • • I Europello~ loo,

. .lid , Iben. lie .re c. m,lete lJII· pupllt • 8u}. an,1 glr'~. I believe talk about tbe d~cline of B hI .... I" B.olu 1

d h cburcb .. , even by 80me (II it.! otl'~"er. w a '" If

'.11'68 io tha Mallet'lI profl!<6~ivll III y'm.u HI' e Dt'.' fulun', WII "'omtu ,ai.J lu Ult I IIb.H alwa"1 U ' d f b I,ll t .V,·· I If, min;liIh'r~ <.:>lOll'll " artl" bt"'"u~e a . nlon

... n 0 00 U8e to I e grow\Ilil .. I I .~e u, r{,m you, or r remtwbtr "Xol.uba uv, Il'bal. , h I " ",. ". 'Dd,,,idu,1 ,bllrch" .,e drclin·


Ltd. .pollution. t~ ~r .. -t. ,"\ unn .~ \tton. dada roblin, '1",tlbata ovalUl lila

I would hke at Ihl.:l junctur" I., 'fu"bpr~ Ju~t i!tt tbat ... ill YOU r iog. but chitHy from a mi~aprt'. ogum~ 1 o,t:'okufana 011.1" oLgafulld".

·· .brow mod co our faces' by .ay- 1'J,'II~e let ut not always empbhl8e heo.ion ot the lUlldioo o( tbe 01/ ....

'" ,h,' -, .,. DOl lb. ,d,.1 .0h,,1 '1'1orw HII/II Sof •.. ' ... "u. pu' chur~b Tb~r ~te a 61 rtat nllmber . I

- -. "' ... ,,-, -"Iy,nd k,nd"'" 'Dd' C .. \." C Th"t I!I ,01,1 qUit" IrUfI of 1I,1f1,_ t ... :heu' For tLj~ pUlpOlK', .Ibw ,.. of bri~tiau Inultutiou~, , .. A

me to fln~"er a (tTiN oj questlon~ Y"'J \I ill lire lite good cuuhl: ch'flty org.nllali?u!!. ICb"ol. at:.,J ai l},j·V tor .. rNj 1-" rt.uo .tour.r.c

oolle,ICII-•• nd otb .. r orqllu'l.l iuu~. tn u. "'he \\,11 L"VA thl:~' "'ethr'

tlt,at may be a.ked about t ... e did d k' b i'J$l1!I ~jll nd'u.II.,· pt \',<1 .. lbtir:.

I.dI.1 .chool le.ohtu. I wiJl ~'lIrl vioR ~p eu I Il'ot "r t e l!:"'o.1

Good Stocks to Suit Customers

" "'Dllind, but not "o,J~r tbe "t'l'~. "'ltb .10",. ,"".t Ibe mor,l I ..

WI t ue bead. And UI do Ihll I I

.... fOl' ',J 10 cla! teacbtu ao control (,f Ih.., cburch"l. oar II 'h,.n· I •

d 'I MINE CLERKS AND THE palL of Ihe CbUh'U otl!.oi, .. tton~ C . UNION FURNISHERS LTD.

f GIIOWft, (I) Tbe hea ;(I1i,ler. (:" WAR EFFORT lberdl.lre Ihey ,m.gioe .hlt th~1 hoi,'.' m'~r,'lu· I""" pr........ are.ble 10 1I0nOUIlce to "U ••

hiIIal'ld.ote, IIlld (:lllheyuuug 'b h b h d h,.. hJ\fldH::~ ~frncz:' ."llI"'rtptllc~rI tHt"Ii" ffaderll th.t . in apite of t ••

( ... chtr. luar..dller,··Umteteli." c urebu.wlC.oug tlo 0 l t'e'hyst(>v., 1'0" pau w...oJ eo.1 .' •.

E I h h " ILIO,', .re rt .. dtn tD, in 108'I",oe... ' 'dlI'fiCUItIU In 0 tliOIOg gooda to

.. ltlmp e rat t'l t 6n precept. I "IR. A "0' 'AS", C'",u., 'I ci i I hr ' .. W

I' ''''''~ I'~ Ooe mlgut a8 w .. 11 'sf tbeillmel rOil", rlllw 1l1 ... "I. ytg:""" ea., rUI w.l:tlme. t t'1 arB cHUD.teln

··T' ooa. wnter.. j Laoj:tla_2Ie ~;~tale", write" 1.11 ollr coll";1e. BUG I"'" "u~l;).e"~ ",.11 COller!'n! Ib, I'nl' ttmt' lell "'t'I", ha'l'1og II (!ood ,upply of hOUHbold

fbe PrlDl"lp,l, ~o bel~~al •. tho.11d I "'Ir,-,\t lb., .tll~e 'n Ihe del'elop_ "r a clin"ge I ~ 00. t 10 do 1111 t ... inll."! ~urln .. I').r &1 ~d, 1'1'1'.' sJly.(,lul:l.hd rurniture. to bUlt I::\"(:ty [I,UrH,' aDd

hav .• thllt f~ ~~1L8 ~t!IOOd 10 beo~. 11I1·ut of th .. Wlif. t'\'l'ryhody mun by its co rtiaoi t.IIOO. but 10 tlll.llI )OU' ~ ... f" He, ,,) e hul" bou~e ou 1l •. 8Y terw., Ullion Furndba,.

aaton Wit IS .'. 60 8C ()~. b"ve IlitliC"t'nfly rt'''II~e.1 that it Ind edoClte Oleo to do them AI"I lIod 11,0 fUfWIJr ... t .... u.;bL "'lib ~olh Ltd,lovlte a call, "lib 00 obi" ..

ttJ p.oeH"~log the follo.ln~ qUJ I, ~"n-'~ 1.0 U.dlll purpo!ll! blmk.oll 1111 th.t their Ilt!lduat~. ar" dolO.':. e .. I" Aid tutbu',i.~1U ""II ull oul lioll to buy . The, IIddrt ... w « lUt~uoo, (II Loq .~ ( duty. 0 the r.~-t thd tue war "a nation.1 a~ a r .. ~ult of tratoiog , i. II.~ lor .k ,ll "ntl til' P, Plelo Strut, Cppo81te Ibe VIOtoria

eluld .nd ttl cher. I- I Sympathy l' l,eHn, IIUI.! tLllt thera. LOU-t t,!, 1\ frait or Ibe collfge .nd lell -ct. Hutt' I, J ob aouubarl!', .nd u..

wwufh all (31 ChlerfulDn~ al ulliteJ ('!Turt in orJt:lf I) IIC"'ltlVd houour upou it lind tutifit'l tu It. Ba;I~:t f.:.I:I~ .th- c1.~IIt'"!! .. 10 Iht' pbo~1! Dum.ber ill :!~i~~tJ4. I'X:' .11 tim .... (,ff dulY· Ibe o\Ottoo~1 P'I,P0'll io thij v.h.e .nd ~rowth. :;:0 tb,) "' lel VI.:a II Sino by UIIIOD For •

. ~o I~"'lttlr I,ubw f much rllult ~trIJI/RI{'I, I 1m lIurll vII'tury l!t the \If tbe eburch i, uot to do all Ihi.,!:!>! Y'J'H le.olh·r~. '1'II'ili, ur ,.!ud", ttl Ltd., complete hoa.

OQ tog I ~re rn.y e, or your ,JWrt pH.'1l0UUt lI'1d domioa.tin~ purpose IbfOU ~b it. O'lJO cHIPIli1:a'I'lO ,tl!. (' rl'Ii'.l"~,1 .'I!I n'lt play lhutt rur~l~ber", to th .. ir cuatoaaen .,

Hood .nd tb,t of the IIOboo.1 bW'k 'Ii well •• tht' imme:Jtaltl ohjecti l'.,. to IO~P"1I Oleo witL Ibe "pilit of ,Jirt n,~ u ",1 ~-)'I I, 1'1"" .u\cr.'~·, ILeir br.Lchu', 29~ M' ,D 81r ....

'" thoea qu.hfic.tlonl lind 10 /-n; B fHe 110,1 ,J>lrlolt; tLe War Ihe Cbn8l. tu train tbem 1<1 goo,", ull.,·nl"·H,,',1 ""tr.tovL"".fl'lttl,ao,1 : Jeppt'., and 3.''1 (eotral Aveaae,

~-.g ~u~ ".4U "'~/l gn Iltj/ Ii fir Bint,), at well ai tb~ re>it uf m ' no m(jralt aDd 11:')0'" _orka. I,) •• ak"'O HU~. ",' II '?d I\f\p I[ I • .{ I '0,1'1 MII ~f~ I ·.. . ,

u.JmllIM1ertdbul. :.;,,,d,h,,,,,,IIitoPlit.1 tbe uubllppv Ihl'm Into fulioMf of Jor~ tb ~ n "IIIl·rvl~.1 rOI' b'oJ",atl"l~ UOlllnfurOllhtu Ltd.duue to

FlIlIow Prioclpal. ""Acctpt rea~ elf 'rLo! Lbllt (0,10'" 101 th.} .... ke ~f u \lJer lbll .n.fI .... eooe, ')lIun,~ .. il,' ully .. ,d 1 ... 1.1' \" ,Uf h"lo" "', d lurn "IeLll their greeliogl to all Iheir

Dubie lid Vice:! from your .t.ff, h'lt ,It.umty a(oJ 0 'U coll.u Iralion t':t- rteri, tbey film Cbn<tj .... <H1 I' 111'1 '''I~'' •. ~'I "'II r,,"lt Cll~I(,mfU.

pleue .ee how y011 put them LOtO ['h'refur" aput from tbousaoda 1I.'8oel!ltton~, mi~~lonary ~ncietll'~. __ _

... ·r.lioD." >four Rtootu IlltJ a",1 k n _btl Suo.dlj' .chool II~M}Ci ... tion •.

The youDg ttacher. wbathll U1 ml!llary >i~r"'Il~, d,tJ~rent BolOtO. S-Iolv.tiolQ .\rmiu, ReJ Ceo. So­

Prio~ ip ,lor Auitt.ot, shou'l1 ..... ,Itd r ~.ClI·.tll'n~ . dll ~(', ~o" peOPle!' ciel i .... aCid nlher~ -m~"y Yoill mell

"' !LiB of corpar.1 pU:Ji;bm~o~ .lI,J ',it'" mll,h th~1l CO'lIUQllll,'n ODe "'Duld be required to pliaL even

1."11 i t t o tbe .enicr mcmber~ of ,""j' Dr the alh .. f to "H,111 the wllr l thclr uamee, Tbry work ...

... titalI, tJolrt. d 'ctore lIud I.IIYllr~ a'.d 8ehool

Fellow .~~j,taot wjlk.,1 dol you I h"e n ... ·oo II') t. lipv-Ihat he'l h'!lcier.. p~of~'{lt.. labour

rulioe tbllt Ibe wbole .,cbool. t o be (.,re looq tbc ulloe clerk i.' "uPClia· I orl{ .. otzer!i. UOVHOffit'ut olticiall.

kl .. 1 mu4 h'''e \'Gur l"hOD,,1 I,In Wilt IUIIl(a It! nut unimportant fur tbe! b'!.Ii'l,{ or the lick r"r tbe

c • . op·er",tinn. A.,d IIi ~'<lU' p~t9 nal; 'l'I"ta of .. tfoll \ly o'Iptim'~m 1!, ttli!ll~f,t of th. YO U(l .j', r.e the

le,aHy to tbe he,,Jmllhter Ihe I na..e,J Oil Ib ~tou!ld tbat In ae· hrtn~ Ilg of the kin~II"m

e lLUl ,lreo will copy JOU t I ) TMJ ' rl~I'lee w.'th r erflt ~(ld otbt:lf rei ~ rbne are tLe chllr.:h .t work

MII d1e~rrunv obtoy bim or b·rIP'rtlll'I,"tdtlll.~,II'O!"I~rI .. tl,lrt'l,. I . '. I' t

~ • h I I,'" .r" lll'u" w 01.' I" .. k,me mloe' III tie \HteaL "'11.\1, • I~ 00

_')I~a~lhol~tttrt<l~ wee IIQ, - I . corred I..) U,· the cbu'ch~a are

.... h d · " I!'r e ,

",re to I~ 01 l!fi 1.1 every I!J~ i h b 0' !l1iJ,!'elit au<i tlt.t IIhHt of the

• 8 {'1,,1t u. WI.Lt<'b 19 a ~\'mlJ.oI r~1 ,IIU' IIrl" .Ivue l,y out~l<lt n,

;::::::::::::::::~I:I ,,,uture to 01''' ,Wtn.f th.t· .

. !I'lity, .... ,Il b,' P flUltlt:l,1 10 take I I. Ii '.\. IIf"h

ttl~, (ruIL. IUI,I "t,.k of

"COLUMB,IA" 'uallco,.,r,III ..... ''I,,,,, .• tfort •. 't 6 C'"'hC" 1 bat we "~I ",'


can be h.d 00 tl!nrut of

001)' 10/· per monLh



lUD Heedles

F ~r:'" " ..... -

• '. "",,r tOll I • rtt ('

"II fr •• I') II

~d , ... , ,

, •

" ,H 'Jr ..

a , '. 'IP t o(

• I, •


d I 'OtlW· 10" ,one, C'I'l~ 't<thoo 0

... 11.111 ~IV" tL,. "'(>1I1:uOO ell .... e . , ullil~·. nnd I b.1 t'''''h ,n' 1111 w,tI old r ... blOll' ,I Iru,h

.llltulo:ly ,I),ul'rr~t<:. H'rd. "f tho'

-IIW .. 1.·.tbl'l flodj. aud tiy tClg<!ltber.' Collie 1\,,1' 10,1 'OOCtrl ... ) tlt"rt 11'111 11 m re Ihllfl lI.Ldl\·I,j'I"I, a",rt hrre

'. btl,1 "''' Vt', Ii , .. lu Ibe froot hnt'. WI,el1 Ibl' war drama h-u ~"dtci.

I ,ull thruu..!hout Ihe lutur .. , lI·"t~· 'otl C, 0P('f.llOU \11'1 dill htl the

, . (lI,v b .. il, a",1 .. al(' t:ulde toward u" betl<'rmt'lit 01 b""!Il .. ~ktrl,1



I"'" E,iotor, .. Urul-t!h:h '

E ROPE,I,X Wf,LL·\\l"RF.1. wril"'~ ~Ir, - lo 1i"1 "I'H:eb.

Ihll!e d II I i 0 i! til.. etolfbr.· Ilonl III Llll edalt' 11."

I \1tni~tef Ilf Xa.ivt· :\IJair ... ( .... , R .. i!~ 1.,101 bl •• u,lil' ..... r , .... t '" ,If

THE DECLINE Of THE '<nrytllg ... Iama t,d'e: than I,.d

CHURCH 1''''0 nj"Yl'd .UP 10 lJ .. 1Z1\'t'l 10

r l'j l lultllj,JV qu.lllied tOUDIE rn~o of Ibt-I ....... ,. Tmlt:teh_ . H."llI ·people. .

'lR H 1I0"IF.L":~I;, T.onll'.1 I.t nllce "jeuali ed Ih.., ')Ie

.. rllt Sir, 'C"'I' 0 ml'l&llIfl !D" vi IIb"w 1 bl\va hlld 'i.e

'I:!"t 'h .. c'ur bl;»l .. re ,1 •• 1u\l1l8 IJU\j!· e fJfknQ.ln~llls, !llOgQut

rt P II (1'rt1 n· !41 t II.n'" .!l ".0 '0 I!. '1' work aim I ... ontenIHI. 1

nl_Il"I,r 1~1111' (!ta .. f1~tlll , .• \ ',dW!>IIt !18th 10 la~ny {'Illote .. L'Jr .r 1 ,I rul l1&e'111 1I0D"f a .u\·l1l:1lo l't.e1l,m,te

f 'b {,I,r t p,rlt .. 1 ... v o\lgl,t .,Ie IU,.tt: ... nd. r rpL ,.j • I-r 1_

o t,· !" hrr 11& pl.,ICbIQ!! 1I1_luu 00 thD youog IlI'HI'a f'U'e i,

[,II"lh ';opl Of tbellll''Ifnt 1··Ju.1103 f,r II,e

ra lor n' HI\1 j.l: 00.11 III i UOl""l P opla h,

f' t f JNU' III rl "8 ~ ,1 deC'do ' ,J I , I io I~ ,,",·.r ... U'I ODe

o r:, .1 .'. gb\ .... "·' 1·lIeot·

, ,., I .. HI J !lp.I,1 ,n ' '. (, ~ 'If

(WI( 1t~IUpOJ" '.I .. ... "\ ~


Each little drop is GOOD MEDICINE


YOQ tan _1.0 bup PhOlltn4M In .he (orm 01 Im.1I ,.WaII (pill.)_ 11._ I. no dill'" I I ia Ih~ medicine. lIu, .We .... )'ou find the e •• '_t 10 .... f'ho.'mne I, .ald by .1I .. h


Ind ., .... N.

PHOSFERINE The Greate,t o[ all TOllics

'fh .. " )'1111 fillil IlIut JUU ~l:1 tlrret e.IU,. "hea

,'fJU (;"'t aUl-!'ry IIr "'nrr'I·" .bolll 101.11 IhinPo

Ih('n )our lIt'rH'1 art" lirt·tl allil new ju., • lew

little Ilrulli lit tbit .,.eciltl I!t'r\f' medlC'lne ~1'1.

"II~' I" ~i\l' IIII'm IIln'nj!'lh,

Eyery alugt .. ,It·o(, ul I"hollft"rine la '1111 of

':00.1 11('Dlth anlt .lreuj:t1"- }'ou do nol Dred to

,Irmk big .10 0 ('" fir PI~didne 10 .lrCbg1lif'n 10UI'

IIn·.1 hene_ju.t lile p r('w lIule dropa of

Pho fuillt" m a lillie "'a'otr.

Page 9: Brilliant Soviet Victories - UJ IR

, •

~hildren's (~leUlSpaper

and Jrnmil! j npplement


11.. ('.i~ -e~" ..... I t is Spring <If;llin -Ihe tim\: .. f

~'edr thaI m,..n work~ hal'moniousl) With Na~urc to tl)/ and mak~ the country look a~ dd,ghl!"U\ :'$ poss,bl._ Man prepart!s the j,lOd for futurc crops while Nature TedfCOfates tb" tfeteS 'with fresh. gro.:cn leaves in plac~ of IhQl;c that hav!;' withered away dur­ing the dr", ... d wmter monlhs.

The birds who migriiled to Europe dUring the winter months. h<l\'£' r('turn­ed. With much ~mgmo: and twiltcl­ing. thc\" ~t .. rt b.,nidins their nest". nr il!> IS often the case with sWdllow>, ret\Jm tQ thelT old ont.,; One IS glaa to welcome tlll' birds back ag,un fo! the countr. seemed very ban: .... ,thout them. -

Not all bll'd~ mil/rail.', however Tolke the 5t()fk~ for InstantE'. When winter carnes <1\1 Ihe~e long-legged t're;l\UTi.'S .!lather 10gethl:T 'lnd <lfe test­ed to see if they could fly 50 far Tho$(' who are too old to .pass the test ace left he-hllld. and live III ;} :;p.,cla\ pllltl.' unlil the olht.'n; r('tum.

Spnng is also the time whl'n ilmm­al:; reproduce their young. They ohoos,," tbis sl:;ullln bcclI.uSQ.thcTI: is no dan!!.!.'f of their babie<; dying (If cold. It is in­tereslms to notLce Ihe sLmLlarity in beh .. vLour of young animal~ and young cbldren Both lov(· play m/ol .LOd lumlJ.­lm.ll ovcr one another. Both are care­les!; and un('onter n~d about !.he future.

In ~umnll:r when the rdlns com~ flooded rj\·('r~ "re II wonderful :OC';" They run bank high. hLdms reed,.. and ~tun t\'d tr(' ... ~ In ",Ient and oil)·, 'lik,· II l'nake. in others {("Iammg ILkI.' .In angry mon~tl:'r

Rain LS or .Ilreat Important.;} to man in cultIVaung the SOli and e,pccially Lf he IS <;old\" dependant on it [or walenng hIS crops. ThLs is Clue of thc· manv .", .... , in whi~h Nolture <lid" miln in his work She .. [0:0 h(·'J)<; hIm III ~mall ways which he dOt;~n't eve-n consider. for instance thert'Ls Ihe ~o.:~·rl:t.;Lrv bird that lives on "oakes. while ~nake$ hve on rnl~.-bolh of thc-,c arc obnn.xious to man. And 50 it goes on. as Lt hu:, sone on and w,1I go on for ~(ountJ~ ~encratLon5.


16'1 T61 , Just as Ihe sun went down, He held his head erect. And slrode aoross the town .

He passed his former Ir lends, (One had a bandaged head) They bade him come and dflnk, He went s tra ighl hOlne instead .

ITO I,,· COIl(1 w,odl

RATIONS IN THE DESERT PrJctLca\1v the whole world con­

tribytes to the rations for lmpe-IIJI trMps in Ih~ dt';;erl up NtlTth. South Amenca ~nd5 beef. In!.ha r,ne-quahty tea. !=;I)u\h AJrica Jam. KenYJ baton. Au~trdlia and New Zl'al,md hon·n meat. SLberLd. ;,almc,n, and P ... le,tin£: ownges.

HITLER HELPS A lea ~hop in th~ South EaM d

England was dcrnoli'hed b~' .. bomb 111 a rccenl raid. Whcn the cu~tomer~ .. roved next day the!!1 found table . .; laid out In the remam .. 01 the f:ard<>n and tell bemg ~rved from a ~millj hell lent ectuipped with .m Oil stove On thl? tent was pinned a nOlieE'. It I·caq: "The cafe wa!< op,"<,ned lw H'ill{'r. but we opened the t(!iI·~ilrd(>n b" ourselve.s:'

A Family That I Know

Page 10: Brilliant Soviet Victories - UJ IR



EATIME t Sixpence And Ncp~ko


(!Aut IL, k rOil III r"'OH''''!). 110 SOZJ'C'1ICI' 11'1</ NtJpoklJ /1('"0'''1>(111',''' t/lt:" L'II"'/: JOhll'Oll 10 1"'" 'Trdj/lll III. pTO"'/!!''' tt.H ... anr' hOIl' ''''f.'r /'.rdu~lI!1'''11 orttll. tl,,' """" 111·> 1IIt/., dati II-RI.,lIL. th~ had. .... 'Ilille /or r...., "..nrtl~ P rid '0'"" "IJ 11.1' roro.r/'d ._ II t~<!u /."". !''"ell rt'.,~.rtl .. tI II JlI. Ita au" rok,' alld """': J"Uu pI",", bJl Tr,'fWa In I"~ lu, ,-. k,'.-II U, Now rt'f1d om

After the long and thll .. tr month, of drought. rain hild fallen In the Ama­lola Val](:v, and there was T..-Joltlng In !.he huts up and down the ~\lIl~I(k

The falhl'r of Sn(pence and Nr'i»" ko espeCIally wa~ ~Iad, for he had So .... n hl.~ mcaite ~"ed~ ,ust before 1".'_ first of the ram§ had faUen on hi lands. This ml.'ant Ih;1I \'(-r'Y loon th·.' hard Yellow E(· .... ds wf)~I]d send UIJ ,oung ihoots Ix-Iwl;:n tlll> dark od~, f earth, and In a fl"\/>' "t't·ks tus lanel \\ ould be • lendc: ,rE't. 11 <and . .od 10 look liP!)".

But 'he- hURI!:f)' buds \, 11h tII\ lr sharp I.'\'t.~ (ould ~tt.' from a I-:f' " hl'll;ht. and un1c~ s-am(>One II. all Ih I') dn\'C' them a"iI~" ,h,. would \\005'1 dtJ\\n {rom the ,k' If) .crt. .. t I'lun·bt and ("am oft Ihe pre lou.s s.e-cd :""1 lh r beaks_

Tfl Ihe dllldnn of the .-\r11.1ol.1 hltl,adh Yo;!!l gw('n tho I •• }, • ,I t,~ c:" Ih~ blf~ a\\;ay (rtIm the land

A~ !Oan a lht'y "ad h d [ mug cl t a. ~ x~nr-~ n1 l\ ...... ruko would l't ,lit t h rnClmtn IIh !'"ramn oInJ the I ~f fnend Au day thl.')' wouhl Soil In lhi> I .. nri \('f" ('1ng Ihur chal' , nl .... and a&alT shaUl "!!hoo'" 1 ·I.p 'hi If h. d \\alo'1!' the r anr.s atld (fiSht ~ Ibc hunarY ho\· .. r g fyI/I!!

NltW as l!o the (""\ tom ,. th r nlll$. th .. ,. "'ould I .. ).; It In ll(..... c: .... I d..lY to i. Id.. lhe- ", ·1<1.1)' n I' hornp

A..~ nath i (lhe of th~m VoO'Llld 10 thE' hut ~fo e I n, h w uld til" Llck \\ith .1 ~lo tin dl~ f hot "tllll 1'fttJ,\ t m{ .. 1 bawn d n h old

Ild a [".1n of t .. h T4;ht h.ind Th~n the pl(,~runs \1,0 ld (or t bout t~c blnk .. hll~ 1M)! &.;a\hfn.-d I th~ dW"t until n.... dun n :i \ mp!v I.Jkl!' \h(' '~·a In.

To><I .. ,. It "'as Paraftil"l n ( teh tht (ood a:::d It'" ~.-, 1tQr1'J' to uy that P .. nffill wu IUII:nnl t.u 8tJd: .*~ fOf bt. crffll. und. tMi,lgh he.. biltflH and WIt"" \han Sl),:~'" and l\opo&o •• Nt ibou)d bA\ Imo\1on be"« b. did M\ beb.V9 ,.,ell as II"lO,,-r of 1Mm, a you .. l1"1H'

A little ~0IrI!' tMo Wdow. ,.,-we shtJrtnt. P.ratrm bade- tM oWn coed­b7e alId wt clJ 1ft I.hc ~.1On oj tb~ bu""

00 m,1 bI!' w..L" h.1a fr1ifDdJ Ql' M afwr hUn. We .:e blUlV7 abd _ould NL"

But mum 11m. ad ~ d bfo(OfI!' lhn taW Pua.~ aaun H ... lkina nrdulJy .\on. 1M 1M h ~ • r4s tb"" .. ub I:ht" ll.n J.jsb 5b':!::1 00. Ius hl"3d. thco an of tea til his

As he dr( ith a ;haUL

DECEMBER 13. ,,,.,

The Fateful Feply (BY JAMES T GUM)

A~ Zondek;l WIIS w,dkin~ \iP ;lnd dow" the :;LIl\'t~ In Jt'PPt' ht w .. I -iolttr.lct(d Dy a dmnH !oUtt 6n Th Inti), d,,,pla,'('u In the Window (Jf.. ,vnd hand hhop, H,- wtnt In to buy Il and ut the 101m/: time bnuj;hl II (I( bnght roo 5\Ot"king!1, ..... 11I(-h "Wl'tt> ~hown tn him by tht: trad"r. "h" rl'­M-nted §('('inM c hanR(' !l0'"8 Into .. oyonr l:1:.e·" pvckt'l t'XC"I'pt hi:> (lWII_ As rh lefl U\I: :;hll.J'. hiS (.Ice iw.:um"01 with t-m;les at the lhDURhl of hll\ r.t".Ill nl:\Io' CluUit, Zt>ndekd 1"I"!i"lved thal '# h,'n hI;' Worf' the ".m lor the Ilrst tin, ... he w('uld ~\' ;i \'blt to hiS hC'I1'iI'--b , ... ~ I\ho W("II:' emp!UYl-d (In a miO'!' on Ihe: \\"1 Rllnd

It W;I~ on II C"hlll)' Sund.I·' ",(In,_

ms: th;tt ht· SoN out 0(\ thl: r.H, lui trip Ii,· wa.<I so p(.Iud (>t hIli nod Iitadllrllo:lO thilt hl' won' hl3 troUst'I'S ... !ttl]" hut"

'J as to) rruke IU'. ("VI r)"<,111 oouh.i (I('(!' tllt"m


Page 11: Brilliant Soviet Victories - UJ IR


Lalit week .... oU \ ... m remember I told you how we spent Sundav In an Allican camp, well. a full w'eek has paS&t'd since. then 50 brimful of happeninp:s thaI It w,lI be difficult 10 put lhem all down ott paper. FII""St of ali the next Monday mornIng 1 had !I letter from my blSler iGeorg.c·s mather) brought in to me WiUl my early morning tea "Dear Arthur fit readl

1 was ~o glad to heOir that you are accompanY-inf George on his recrultmg campaign t is a great comfort 10 me to know that he weI t looked after. Do :see that be dOE'Sn·t get wet feet and tbat he puts on "lin eXll'3 jersey ilfter playing game!; he is so apt to catch cold. (Aren·t mother~ all exactlv the same? If ~he onlv knew II's eeorge that looks aftH' me­Uncle Arthur) Do write a.nd tt'll me all GeorGe is d(ling. he never gin?;; m.' deUnls. lust vag\le Msertion~ 1 think he t:1i"I=€cts me to S"lless.

·'WIIl your recruiting camplli!!n bring you anywhere m this dir.:cllo,)n near Christmas urn,,? Becilu5e if ~o it would be: ver~' nice \0 ~ooe you both J don 'I know whoolh(,l" Geor!;" ha, an) d~finite .Itinerary to follow_ but in any case I don·t dare a~k him m,seif, boi'­cau~\! I know he would say ·lle c,m·t pull ~trin@s 1 Howoo\· .. r. <lS 1 n3\·\'n't SeE'n him "ince h" cam£ back, and hi< wa~ curt.ih,d to .. f,,'" d;,~·~ OWJfig 10 Uie I;-cnlllint,: l·amp31gn 1 really ('annot see \\"h~' he should not be allowed to spend Chl·islmas wlIll hIS old mOlher-lor 1 am getting 010 Arthur VOIl know.

'An:"way. 5"e wh"t you can du Arthur • • Iter all Kin,nnlhamslown l~ nOI very far from the Tran~kei and you can be mel there by ox W,1~gon and brought here George 1 am ~ure can do ;;ome useful work round here as you ilJ\ow Utere olI"O: many Arn~;J1 Vllla!lc~.

··liopU\g to ~t'e you Jt Chn"tm", t1~tn,

Your afTelll("lnak ~l~t' r Reb':cc,l ..

1 muH say I thoul;:ht th;,1 a _,11, good idea of Rebel·ca'~ and a". SON) .... George cam!" in lor hiS '·be-fore bn'llk­fa~t'· ch"l. t laC'kted Inm. As my SI~Iel' had sllgl1,l!!;ted, he ilt once said hl' couldn't pull strin~~. dnd th .. t .... O~ without glancins at tho: kiter.

·Bul as YOU have had no I.'av" sine .. ~·ou were on Active ServIce "nd havE nOI tV"O ~~t" ya ... r m"thH. 1 "nt ~ure you are qUite <-ntltled 10l;U ;.oml1' and a~ 'She S3~~. yOll cnn put in a ~ro::, .. t deal of \bdu] work whIle ~'ou al"E' there." I remon:>lrdl.d,

··1 can·l pull slring~- ;..:)id GE''''lO:<' woo(h:niy and went oUI (II Ih~ WOD! -- or rather thed to fClr in goins out ot the door he nearly bumped mto '\ mE'<;:;enller who was brinlting. in a tel .... gr .. m. It was addressed tI.l him and he (lpo!ned It. while 1 sat silent He I·elld it and then handed It oyer to me_ "[t ~ms" he said "thal I won't have to pull any strings. rud thai." The tell'· gram «ad;

PROCEED HOME LEAVE 13 TIl DECEMBER TILL NEW YEA:l J Immediately sat dawo and. wrote to my sister Rebecca while George wenl to look up thc train. 115 "IIlle were de--

partIng that morning for another part Ire pay lJalJ CrllJiPl. far 'j T Ik~!J ('If the count-ry_ . t got up and packed, Tuk. 11 mu.,( be J' (Lotll(JII, r/lOI/o,h t... be lold and after mornJDg tea Gt'orgt' and I were on the tram agam_ Ol'ua (-I~fl'oj Tt;IJ.

That week was II nightmare_ We 'J hi, I,·ed.: u'r ort !1iuil>Y I/,~ prhe /" never spent more than one day in anv Earl1(J61iTl(l Mbebcfar hu ~I(lr!l a.iHJut :-place and 1t 5eemed to me hardly a. THE FOX AND THE night. Every day it was the same thm..: _: a reauitmg. mffting soon after WOODCUTTER mommg tea, a qUick lun('h. off to .. n- One day an exhausted fo" who other village and another recruiting wa~ being hunted, came upon a wood­n;'eetmg after afternoon tea. Some-- CU\ll'f slttmg on one of his logs enjoy­timE'S George even "ll.'an\t>d to t.-ravel rng (I well earned ('UP of tea "from his ailer dinner so as not to wa;;te the Utelmos flask "Whete can 1 hide?" evening asked tht> fox ··the hounds and their

Somehow I survi .... ed it. though I m<o~!ers have almost caught up with must say 1 was pJea~ed to see East mt:, LA)ndon again. not that I love tOWI"..! 'Behind thai pile of logs" said the aut it was another .st~p ~n the joUrilEcy woodman and wellt on drinkin~ his to my 5istt'\". Whlle George was band- tea, ing in forms and instructions Plesently the huntsmen arrived at headquarters I lOok the opportunllv and asked the woodcuUer if he had _,1 eeeing Ihe toym again. It hadn~ ~een a fox pass that way. ··No" ans­changed much Irom the old peace tim!: wu"d the man. but h~ kept his fingel" "'a~::. thoullh-a!; in all to-.yns thE'S( in the dlfectlon of the fox's da~"-II "had a more mlhtaty air hid in!; place all the same. about it. Wh(>n 1 was Ilred of the The huntsmen, however. were in town it~([f J ,"em out to the bank« {If too much of a urry to take any Lhe' Bullalo. RJv"t and s..1 w<JtC'hm~ It nouce of the woodcutter's pOintmg hmJ)' wlfidmg ils way down to -the <tnd gil\Joped on_ ~~a. Afte"t they had gone the fox Clime

_ Ann a hun i .. d t(>a we c.;u!<ht the DUt of his hiding place and went on KlfiS·· train ,HId (lntto OUI 01 Ihe "\lb. hIS way ·'Whv are you r.o ungfate­urb~ It \'_,1~ a jo, to Slit' Ihe ro1iinl'" ful~ I the w.ooQman called out ... !ler I'lIlIs covt!rt:d wllh ~.t!en f:r""~ and lllm. . Aft(>r atl 1 saved your life." mlm(l~" h~-e<;, Th~' (",ltlle III (hell· un- i?eeds ate more Important than l!ollce1Tl.<'d W<l~' ,,,ere gral:ln~ on the '.'"Cll'ds' replied the fox "ror If Ih" hdls. llue and IhH(, ('nuld be s('"t'n: hl.ln!~menbad wntc.hed whl.'re YO\I African womtn .md m(>n as Ihe !.filln ' .... ert' p01ntlfill: Instead of listening to ;Ieamed past I ..... h;lt you .wen' sa~lng. I 5hould not

We pa~~cd Berlin, P"h;dam and t - III .. lwe ,":,:w"-__ _ Stultgart and t wtlndu.-d what was -happening in G,'nnanY m tho;.e v(', VICTORY BRIEFS ~me plac~s. the R.AF were bombing them-l hoped so, Mean-while all was p;;.aceand quiet hert' Tr,' or" 11rr~1i'1~1 'I' j',r Hlr/. 'J lll~ except for an occaSional aeroplano:> 'u'I<Jl"lIIrl /.aroYTfJl'hli:-PSt>5I1lg o\·{·rht'iJd which mad" the :'1-1 0 N mile $t'cm more apt, Id ewspapers are u.';l·",l fl'l 1,

G~rl;e wa$ very Silent (In the ;'"I0VlnS glease from dlsn~ I'u~k.y tr.Jin journ~y, and 1 ~uppo~ed he was ~nd pols and pans before v.a~I"n.; thinkm~ ot mt'eflll& hlS mother antI H,(-m. also fOI c\earHng Wlmlo'Ws_ family a~"m It j,; a gn ... t thIn.:; to h.; C-1j dbnRfd ean be used for mountIng: reltiT_llIng hom.; again after havl.Og pitton_'S. as II·ays lor tea (·UUS, as mats ,,,('n atn,,· plac~5 and Gl.'or"" h",d SQ"! r.n whleh tl"' ~tan~ pots. Old ~[:mk~t:: .. tOUI II bIt ~Ince n~ Jell hi· mothe'~ C<l1I b .. cut m10 plec,,, and ~luf1ed 11110 'Jomt: .. \1'11.1· b~rorf> ~ r" ':1 <;oft cloth as a down QUilt

It "I<i-.1';' dark whtn we rellch\J M~ M Somwahla Kingwilh ... mstown but the fillnily -- Used Meatie meal p(lfridg" r,m be lI. lather part of the I;.rmjy-w<c> on "ddt<d to flour to make bread, Old the platform to ml..'et us. Rebecca wa~ Motor car ~'Te," can be used for m:lk. there, or 1:0ul"5e. but 1 bu~i('d my~clf 1111;: pall~ or donkcys' hiltnfs." New~ I',eetll"lg mv riieC' .. and n.:phew so that pilpHS can be rut neatly for shdvt:5. ~he cculd have George all 10 he-rself {('t Iht.I't' lint few momenis. Then It Mrs. L, Kwelagobe was my turn and we all trooped out· Used Motor ('ar tyres can be u~etl ~Ide and got nn 10 the ox waggon f-,r door mats. Cardboard C"lItamer~ which ""'<lS W':lItln~ for u~ CdJ\ be plaited and covered with ilala

How T enjoyed that trip oul to the I~undu rushes or lkwani ilOtI turoed haal; Ule &kady clop clop of the o)len mto .. U-racllve handbags 01" attachp the Q('caS"lona[ cracking of the whil). C<lS,,'" first the Cdt ol! lights of the kraal and Mrs. Eliza Mcunn then _as those came ,nearer thl"! n,ced- Newspapers can. be spread OV('I· Ihe U~g l~Shts of K~~llIamstowD whIch kitchen lable fastent!d down wllh .... e were lea.vUlt: Dchmd. On rc.adnnr. drawing pins to work on and Ihcn re­o~r d"e>-l1n.,llon we had a ~,ce cup of I moved sheet by .. heet a~ thry get tea and I was In bed btoCoa you could dJrty, Empty petrol lins can bf' cut count t.::o_ and flattcned ouL leo bUIld a shPd.

Mr H B. L. Mbetc ~L· " Broken ~lass can 'Q-e used tor delln-

ing off old pamt on wmdows and / / /' a It: doors if you cannol oblam 61<1s~ P.,prl.

~~:_~:~:.:"'~:~~~~~_~:"'::~:'~' Newspaper or wrapping paper .ue E'X-- • • changed by sam'! 5hops for tt'J. or I olher .groceries,

Mr. James M. Vazie

Page 12: Brilliant Soviet Victories - UJ IR

: ................................................................................ CUT HERE : .............................................................................. . r r • , , • , I "

! • • '­i= • • : : · . · . • • n • • w

'" w % I­::> U · . • • • • · . · . "

............................................................................... 0; . ................. , ........................................................... : : : l • • : : · . · . • • : : · . • • H · . · . • • • • • • • • • · . · . · . · . · . • • : : • • • • : : · . • • • • : : · . : : • • n c ... %

'" .. '" • •

• • • • • • • • • • , • • • , • : : · .

" • • • -- .. • • · : : : : : · .. : T",n Italian supply ;;hlp,; and fOUl d(>$lfO\'{>rS ,l'l'l' ,unk bv the BII!lsh navy when Ihf'Y dc:"h .... d 1 " :: : rol\Vv\"!o and th~lr escort CdrrqoJ-, "Upplll's to Ililly ~ African C(,lonH:~ Not .. Bnll~h .... 110. v.a hlJrt nr,,' i;

.: a BIIII"h .hlp scr .. tched After It v.aJ> all ov r 'hesc ml'n wen, thil.nkfu! fnr a re!u:~hlll"" cup (II t , :: :! or : • · . . ........................................................................... ~......................................................... . ~ · ...................... • .. .. ••••••••• .. ·._OE • ........................................................................................................................................................... · .... · .. · ................. i


Bread (lnd an. l?.xdiHl'IlitlOn makt an Idl~

Tea Table Quiz No. 49 (BY A S LETSOALAj

Solution To Tea Table Quiz No. 48

" ,


5. 8. 9.

10. 12

Tea must be thl~ N(lrlh Ea"t. Con)unctlnn Number

ACROSS I !"J"r , J" Em 9 So. IO,Thr:: 1 r USUS, IS. L!1{'{' 16 Onl~ 19 T ... t"

" ]5, lb 19 "" 'j"' -,

~l(' .. m~hlp \Abblt\' An.:u::ram t.f I,' I ~ An (':,(\.11'("';"1( 11 o! gl L(

T", l>~C from J t1""t .. n~,. Look thlQuj.:.h J k\.'ft'U)1t· She makt·" ) our \('.j,

Gd tCl "ale froIT thl Two third c.; ea nuk mu Ic,,1 nott'

26. 27

:\R .<\'lStn!IIlR bU'd Ner; 111.1'1

'" :0 P. ,r, .. t un F,o

31. " 0


1. An Iii", [

"A t A ;,h and mb:11

.. About. b E:,,;c!amatl('n '; Wbp (If hlur it AnolgTlolm of

talc • " ,



BaM Pr ;0..> ,PI I Ltd,

2::!Be~n '~J Ftc .. At 26 W' I :rt Up 2..q Ah ,.i,l T .. r 31. ~ g OOWN 1 Sil " A " Tyr:.' ~ All! ~. As. 7 R 11 nt

i:! III 1:i , 1: N I1hl, III At 1<1 T. A" 21 Tf"a. "

, ,. r ~I A

CLUES OOWN (C(lr.'rn"~)

" J'lIl' " ., ,,'

1 ( " ,- , • h

" T~a. ha»; II H't.

'" M~k(> , Tho. ,. "'"'

23 helWetn a ta}e n<.lale .. y(1~ dog". ,. Prt'"PO:.~lwn H :;.tpu er (,\ b

t • ,



, , ..

Page 13: Brilliant Soviet Victories - UJ IR


we Qonce E Rhial Iziganeko Zakwa Gompo

, yo at. slkhulo

f'C'1Io1.b oUl0 lyo


... Dlombla we

"k~k. I ..... D, U NItOlI. ,.aw .. i Blu.

lin .lreallh to meD

help to make DNAUGHT"

~~~. at our Factor, at Ver .... I'I ....

, 0 110_ mo Phon, lJ.UO' JOHANNES.UAa

J.g 8.nd. ""abeGl llulBlo. ku· hh "',a n. ""ndl R.rmonl .. 1'I.

K'lhI.l"eftl "'IIJ(IIU Mou. R

'" U.DOLUK£ •••• n.. .... Bb,1 .ha So n.nlol., D. Nllllllle no W. IV Il'),obo bMliD.' '_'011.08"01.0

,~u, MII};')(' r.~'l'u AI ; Pool, NhlQo. ,\n",. I 11'1 1.!llu.,d"

NOOWB 111 11'1 NOYl'ml,!!'r .1.. U'O IlIlbl W" I!.'gl.he 'O'~lkDI. IlIIhl'od Il>liwo tlpL .11 Ike :1.1,,,, 1'110''''11:'' ,,~ K'lllld,,,,,,

DI •• tRU 0 ...... Im, •• 1 Kat'fro Pro1'llll'l9 Bantu k. KU'I ftl~ull ... "h .. i'I ~I<)nl! 11,/.1" oa.

abo ft ... bitl lto"l,tlllto U •• 10,1, akaba

bete tt.,IJ:b_ I. k.a" Illlo.,tl."

B".,d b40y,kullle'e I f(hu,1 _Iii iI.kuh,ko Ilum,,"b

• She' njJl'b.,li,h • .p" kuy.kubla,.'o.

.. Mph tbw" I ••• 1!~41 \1'!1I;'1111 1 kulll,b., nd. II: fit, .. ,tl,l" /'k. J 1\.

IIn:1h ... .., ... bo .,kuba fll.1'O wahil" " .. ",t,. fIIo .. t,J,. WI.-101/10,1/:11., I. , .. b., VDlI" •• I'Y' bul"I,I •• UMlt 1111"11 Mou . ..\n.lti~ ~.qun"qutbtl. ral 11bo Iy_w". 110 Stw,h. o.b"I1 .....

Ab.at_,u. be



Pur' A (,,,,1, Vlreob.p De Bb.1. Bo),' Intl,oSloi.o Rblol op '7 o.e,.ber

_K"b!' i 8bGCIliDI 8,.,. 01 C C ~omhl •••

I;'·;';~b.. "&,,., I Teo',. .• m, .. te 1'" a..h ..

ka" •• ,I.I. k •• Ol. • Bh.1

U liDo. B. Colto .... I.1e .lmool.l.

h~~~~~:i~ u lI'ood"" J J. ".bar.oW .... 1. • .... d •• Podd .. g ...... , Da801... 0"" Linn. 1t •• DO IU.Ddili W.

DO a,a,l .. yo am· B Ttb •• ebeN Qora 0'" Blcb .,. • WeAr B.II 0" Abah .. hi ,bob. bela,. .fO .... m •• al'

.10 .... •

ko 'IiI,," \I

'.'kolo ..... :t7

ludlo ..... lIa.-ho

Ib.II", 1111" Rlllum.uto. IhI) II" iaelDt.b,,'."nl. o ... oulolol

lodab. olumoao.1i oluhllr.a ullu'" u RululIIl'D'e u,imlMle, uvulDllo ukubill.ul. i lid IUIIDntu

allu". .yo 1111-' k.edolO)pbu obu

ilol., Idobo le~h.I'bi

Q~Ohuhlultllu Ds"l. 'Io",,,tla .,ifl k'i

0111 •• r.. uea·,I.\I 'f. ku •• h ,,~ • lIolonu ..... n.1 mkh ..... Odl 1_ ,t.

"'_In<b.o n, be Nollo I

, Ie oda·

umbbu· •• tabo

• q' umoy.

..... kulll, c::_,,,

b.vt' ...... ultoha hll ,llIIIalo apHUl ko Oclbb"

hllu.1o SOft •• SlftHl. o ...... Uub. .. ... ki "


SiIUlIzI vk ... "

Ense Rhll. I~ou V .. 11I1

•• 13

we) a'eop Aherd ... H." Port IllaaMlb. ,.V 11

10 .e

CMOS"· .\1l1li11.

.... ku

k •• bl .. "" iQ~ .,.

le :!/IJ

II lIou

iOIU woka'l""

Ab.ntu H ... ln •• bo

K",pb.tiloYI 'Iho net'.ro uku· hoo. u NkOik. Hoori.lI. 'uhoni rHIla ""1'1, fI Bololo apbo f be"I' Dd"oDd.ft lull. lHuDoIl.1 Fel"ha; 11610:, .Iy .. hil".

Rillo 'at:. _ 00 Nkoeik.z.I. 11mb Mrtlndi" LID!I;enl, uh~ltlnd"flrlfJ"o iI., NI"".k D. G .... b...... [llhooa ill'o ....... h" K"oI.l, ,1'»00" • O\~ ... 1. ",./.Itruodl.i ;

I Ink! 'lDakhoej· C .... b.k •• Rubo ..... . I

B ... i okbo ".b.b 1umu ••• b •• u )hui,

NIlOlI SoRC!) K.m.. BI . Ilo •• thl II OI.mIDi. u You • A. W. Mbuh, .... M;r •• A~ NUID .. , X ... L M .... 11 •• ItO

Y. (huho .... balunllll'lel. uk.· ku KOIII.ttl It;_i CO.Yeotio. yo

Ie C ••• zon"" ey.kudibaoa If 1111 n,uf'mbwr •• lblln1'" DII''''. W .• ,lo. }zikol ... tiyubultu·

a .... ..... iow til VOYIIt.m, DO M •• obi.oe

Nga!Dad,duli "K.,ltra ... ". ZOIC) • ~t Pell"', 8obool, kullifttliloel.I"1 II z.D&"te In mbulho ........

.', uquq .... I.'... UIlU IIDII. OOlluml;1D1 apbo. 8il.·

"illq.I'OI ""ubi loatla· uempolDeitil.

lIDU. B 1". oatil .... uta'pbo, "bah. h"lab.

DOko biqb lbe kekuble ..... blbehauJel.. ll8u Vaa.



hka N.oR Orace .,. l.p. • WOol"", VIU •••• m... ko klll.l, ap' • Ore, Roeplta' D"t.~ ,",rub. ... •• 10

oO:ulbioJlo, w.I'pll. .eUM .m.lulIgu.I"I,

'HID AU DAN.US IN TH. VIII"- NUlleT TOU ••••• Mnn} dan~~,.." lurk In Uil' clark·

mhl, .. 23 NO'f'e1Dbf-r. I King William'. Towo

Uoklll ipbela i\M1D

Cup t.ourQt.melit ltlI.,.ti vllu.unl. w" 211

Dec ... b., 111.1" kowe i kUQlltl ,alDaiuQjl:i.I!I.lo butoDII.'"

MeUI~ltt. , 111/:'"'' Ind." •

o'okllb. 11,0 nllp.hl. 1_11 ... ,. .pbo I touro.muCit

Nt.eoety. oClhlbl ,.

olz.m'lIlIuz. 011'0 .ulo h,mb.UI nl1Okll,' "'''0 ... ou ", •• h" 1"ldle leo"le el,,; b, ball _yu m"Y'JI'Od"k' ke ~o"a


.11 hi .m

t' "'k,," ~ \11' 1I1 .... "i •• ",O:, b~Dr.lnl .. akh .. e 8h'YII!l/:e I D." m

I'm,,. k k .. ~h ItA.,,. •• ollu. IIm.rll",eo' ll.IIIY. .k,)'&ol 1.1114.

hl'<1 IIi II·RIIID' klll.1 lelle ku.& k. R.'I~"e 1:).' II ..... dob , 11,,"00" rQE'1i:1l 1.1" R,oooll'"' ukel .. llm\i:o,i

k.. oluhl(llio Lull"!! Ille OUIII ob. .. life Ef! ule nolillfll'P.lIli ill'l •• n I II Sko " ~h,lik'm". I';!Y'&

,lIa Ill:olll,I"bQ D.' In'hdvw,ml 'I SOfJlluJI ukllb. III 01". ubab denl . I ,,,.1)"11. ng.thl 1111 1:.ID,t"

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1.-0 , n,.<1 <til '" Alfie., " , •••• k ,k.

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IIml Ulbt lit' II 1111'

n nVt'1 cr~lI1g~ po.... ebu--ono Ilitlu 111.1 oiotm41 !.hll·Wt'!> lind man tiling that citn cause ~'ou bolnn 'the W~ 1ll,1In al· ... ,.kt' <tIona hiS EVEkEADY

bf:c u ,\"r" I It d IlHO d<l) II h nd ho­v .,thln ~ ,1 ~\·t'l g, oul II lht" L

EVEREAU\ I ," t h


BULBS • ~T ... t~11M ..... 1M ..." ""']1,111 _~ -..4. tI. 80.00 A.h1ca.. ".,., _ .111' Ib", .r • .1_ ...... ... .w !!u\ lollS'" • ttAnONAL CARIllON COIllO'.t.K1'

(PTY I LTD ..orr an 'UTM • taU'T1f AJ"'IJUo --' .... ,_._-

Page 14: Brilliant Soviet Victories - UJ IR

10 '11 L ULI W.\ DANTU t .1 t, II .\.~~ ESn c no ,

Abantu Nezingabo e Bhai SI YAQUUn,\ k,luJble i~iko lo I.U

Flir1'lt"Ir, 101M l.bluta&tla 0,-011 .. "SimI 116, r.'no\'uyo ulili' Ihi kullhQ illl,hal. tz.'mbbini. P)t' I.hlll! n@lI ~ko~k C. N " Ih, •• ~'" TJ(',mo. N-Cf'mbta we ~~\ roroovtm· \ltor kubtkho il1J.!'lIki ,,, )",,1100'1'1

e \\'t~lle e r~ir .... itw I/ OI'!le "akbiwo "#"I""lIkl'l ( ~.m" \\",Lil" " M"S,m'e \"I',,~''', flit,l,h.,. , Hll1l1

)Ir,u l' Klan klll.l (11, t'· Iklf' • \,,,1. uir,hlhu ... nkuh, r'""t,i IHI MI I. r S \ II 'It 01.. , '1<[" AN' I' ot I loo ~.. z ~"I., M '" ~t' \\8hl1U I' 'I k,. &In, " M !'\J."'UI I( n'l I"n ",·:1111.1'1 kl,lu n f ,t' Ik(n ,II

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I· '111. •• ' " •• tlr"Ut 11 IddC'r p~!~. " De 01 !oIlu 1"'II.k~

11 \\... ... .,ty .. ~ fl.n. rol" I •• J Ivd· I"", '" 010.,)1 • ,-"II, U do .... ,. .." 21, .. I, .. lolli, II ... ""

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LS BUY l"Slu!\ LOA~ CERTlt'lC.\TE •


\ Impunga ye Komiti yase


\ lu;e\liaoa ogo 'w~nu 1"'0 Q I,h um tl·l~y".

am. u!'8 '-






Jon~s & Rice PI'I ltd, A8J.XC; \\ A HI

110 QU.flt :-1'C'o"I. PhllnC' J:! l 'i

12, nll .. ~11 No.d, 'Pbon .. -l l3i

1'01'11 F.1.l ""1;18

Y Ifli w- 10 \' "mfljlC'w"t'<l1l upd, . 1-.11 rII'" C'kayo :m Ifuneka

,I hoI.. I VO~U 1rC'lItahlt. kupela 1dull •• ' tll,yo ''10 (ullell.

NGEN,\ .'IIi Su·aYIIi J etu Y t,kUtlgn"·ab •.


lJH jo.YHhll 1.1 l !l -U

Ikomishoni liin(omile Bhai

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ikutlue mpa?

M OHLOMONG u et~03 ke ho ja babolo kapa ho 003, clijo tse sa lokang, u sa robale

b bo lekaneng crnpa nne:te moea oaa o «t1e:tseng" 0 ("03 mpcng. Nako ea ho tlu bela kotsi kc ho e tlubc:la pde: e: simoloba-pcle cba plpclong e:a nnete.

Sene !.3 " Eno's Frun Salt .. ka gaias3 ea mc:tli mosong Ie boC;1U !.e tl3 ho It\k.<.:,\ 10 matntli ISC makac,

Ke: sene !\C' matlafatsang,

Eno ke seno :'Ie hlock ang mN. kJ ho ntsba cliv;:lu la tse etsang hot"_ moIUU 3 khath.1 le I

ikutlue aS3 ic Jllh h r"

Se Iklt:fat a 'TIpa, C J

bore mall a sc t nolo, m. mOnDJ a ,m< , -

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Page 15: Brilliant Soviet Victories - UJ IR
Page 16: Brilliant Soviet Victories - UJ IR



rM1E'lELI \VA UAl\ ·lU . JUllAl\l\hbHUltU , UIXU.IIlEH I ,! 1'HI

Ze Mfazwe abathlnJwe Ylle nkolo kaMahome. yeth u unah. Ng<l phezu koko Ie l'iuku. teo NdlnoloYlkO kungabakho dlld· Defence Forc~ Imtltute ltjhuba II t:),(>n$1i Ii Ipb.ambiU k\lkut. ~ llmkd" kuJo nquJo It~omctt: bal:>kopu lL(> anldSOldati a· m.uutho ~~mn" ~kut.bJ" .. a1JI/au

nayO, Abafundisl baseMkbO' 1111 b;.l)'" kufumana ukuba elithubol ntsundu. luhlob<l Iwe- b.mkopu eZI- W",,.,, n W'Jr k Pliny, 1 eo.nmu 'I, babaaonelele kakhulu abanlu aba- I.'hdc 10ltUZlla lJylnlU lhethilyo. Akukho thuba lokw.:l· I'f'sebto eUkut\lphl DaIlJ t. a::: Ntsundu. babenzeld linkoOlo cn.wna. ngakumbl ojengoKub. kha IZlndiu eZlokulu l.Okwt.'- oUn('An W'~mm·. A!all1ary Sem zokubhedcsha nlam.llIt~a "like. bdurrwn<l uk'idia okuhle kill1gaka ntela e ,u !ul .. kopu. Zt·nllwa ngo. u~"kU) 1 UlOInda Into ),okum ne:: Ng.phezu koko kushicllt-Iw. athol •• ita ani'r P • kuhlwa Imlf .. neklso vazo Ivezwa n"kUIII c~blalo ngaJonl.O Xa IUQp • " N !nUl komntu ,,)', eom.n.ndant __ ~ 10,000 awam.lculo awt:SlSUthu NgQkum 'JuJ~a nennto wlto-. e ~ngwco. ,JcngobkUba apha

h 1m- qf'1 •. Ir.""'tlv~ Comm' .. ooer ~

azaltu!;.et),enllswa ngiunclsolddb nWoIblSil umumba., 5lngatheth" vu a aYIn! ornse enll aup ard' I~JantYl tyukur\1 ulda .• hnpabla .,IbaNtsundu Ell newadl abazu, 011.1.1. uRhulumente weh loManya. nYlswaoto. ....n"'llu· ngalarna qela aweNau"e kuntbenwse1wd abaNtsundu. ZI' no ubl.kele bucal.. n ... baPh.' .. ·. Ivenkile elana nell 5uhcthol n.a. W()fJIffi Work Part~ ZiUu.J1I1'-

k ". bol k • '. I U h I k k\l Native Co ... yd UGcmwa .... 11 e we Xii mlk.hO:;I. lOam ICfDoilli clmg.l.Ogc zo ap 0 IVU we WI nkilmpu ClI · Ma • mmtuloDer oQn)'e 1m kukho Inkomo. Zlyakushicilelw .. £I 000 ulr.uba 10 mali I5t"tyembwe kulu apho abantu abiitsundu ba. ~,y\~u~e nJalo nll'qo ku SeueW'y nGcntetho yeslSuthu ngcllxa kuphela phew kwabaotu abange dlul,akhona phambi kokuba bathu· ~~.:ttfoe ~~! ;~~~d kCom.fon.. ),okubil. abona bantu bantnl,1 bpi..ungu. k malJ }· ... belwol .una. nye we emsebenZlO l wabo. nala· Nllllve Comn:lI~mer 'IIt':r~ r Ir.ulo mkhosl wabaNtsundu ng .. , butho ngamabutho ),Ikomlh yaba I pho bahLaI4l. khona X;I be bekhe. LyakomazL Iowo mato oYl5ectet.a~

menl • bantu abathelha hlSUthu. Am,,· Phathl abakhulu. Kwamanye ~re h05Plh il ok.:lnye xaba hndele I Nmcot<l(- mogu. thumt-U nlna ~ XII. l'l'ndl)') kU)'It.OUU 10 Pyru- culo lIcuJwa),o ngaqheleke ka· .:Imabutho lr.ufDI5we ukonuh eZI· 10 uPMhmndlselwa kwe lase khaya I k ... ·'no ewmp.h1a emllr.hOlinl lyak_

d khulu anJe ngoo "Abide with me' ,,)' •. d~'""'" 'n. 'oku bon. "k"b. a yaDO. Ehvenklle Iilu n"" obLd~ko. Ukut. Uthe .an.lto lIllIl u<·t"u~t' lIwnl, D"el'nwn. 0 a· Rock A 0 d .. "'.. ...... .... ncedo kubo Ab b h ok e -- --... ... . of gel;" no •. nwal 10 miill Istdycn:U!IlWC o"e,·ona kw , . autu a at e!'lIela W n1.a na)'ll'hlna Into yoloblobo Jlb:mu u,'hu}'~ lawB*Oldntlu I.'t llU Chri.sti.Jn Soldiers. Ell loku dl I I , y .•. b" 'e 0 venkl le bah iau lwil n~ ... L wob" .'enze unC('do oluhle kul IINt.;Ullllu nl,ho. Idnlll' HlIsteo- 'b , , , I , n e a I unl;1 eyo,. ....u... Ise- Y M C.A Asin. 'b .C m".lxnz, mkhulu 'Iph k 0

gql e a Ie inye amacu 0 .:ICU wayo t}'cnl-Iswc yagqlt) wa lcmdll. lolnC- bo ukutheng lloe~WO bm~c :nb~l ~a. Ndille lhernba lokubo e:Ob:~:o~1LOI tonrg, bhUUlJ,a hk llUlu lektie oko kwinkonzo eyayiqhutYWil phc~u lhcmb.. lokuba ub .. wo wethu ndu iZlOto ('l i ni~Za n \ a ank"hu. Dhalcle kW'k.bona ) I)

llIulu «bUIUilll phuka thl kOUl-t1 kwenQanawa yokulwa kulwandlc uRhulumcutc uYolkuphmda ilSlpl'ie mfuneko yanlo ukulb p bunl!CIh

0 OWf'nu.' \lllkht'. ~\hmu.II •• uuntbcthll 00· olukhulu olupltakalhl kwt: ~D~·C'. kub<l. kaloku ngokweslko nge. lmivuzo "',·xh "'k 'k"- NOABAZABANTU •H·, !"i.llIubutc ukuba ullla80luatw England nC' Amenka. i1pho kwa· I th 0 nl baNt undu . th h omt' it IMINI K dlbana uMn. Churchill no Mn c u a u a' lo • lol 1 nga p ezu kwezinto aba ' h ELO YABANTSUNDU a:SL~umlu UlUKUlulILUtill kouke 5<lk,uphIW<I IMPho,. filbul,.t::ld ogell· nJlisayo 71 e KWII NCXOWA ZEMFAZWE uko hukufuulI~'O lUI. t'clog., \lurl- Roosevelt kweeZi nYdnJ:J zlmba· l~1 ellthl UngadUlwa niffigo- Nakuvo 10 nkamnU ,·,"-'k • R B

,., Iwa eZldluhie),o Nlamaculo . h'. ....s opu ... < r rt Ipun~ ukbuph~ fl _ IIJlt\ \\'.11 \I: ·' 1 JOlla Illto t'Ml1~'j}1 OIvun)'wa IIZlzwe zonke nangama mso· ~Zlt elhayo zlkho. Khona kut~ha. \1"01)1 §('ChrUlI<aaa olr.OII_b !UU\I\IU\O," ::o.i.ial"llIl "YiotOlllj'" hlelo onke Ab.anga !'aZI IMSulhu r><.arlgdphezu kwaJo mali Zlkho nle nclikc ndava kubukt"lol NO- rmkh<l I • .lba.N!.Sundu: Y 1M

P i .... ',\'.-11111 H\, p.alcl"u hl'lI- tu· b k I I mpho I;"zilhllc e.llphl\l.iIo abantu bhalskopu Kube luvu,' k I N.:,.:-; .. I-. Comt:nl.ulOlleT .-.. '~d UWiJ\·Um.a a macu 0 nGg.. dbOiNtsund.1 eZlphuma kwtNxhowa ukubona bQzonwab." . ,0 um 1-I,rlbbollll' 137 12"~ Y~~~

"I" lbliliu IIku"IIl'mJuia, J]a.\'~lu Iwabo ul\\'Iml xa b<'wa~i amazwi HMah ckuthlwa ytNxhowa ~'ee ntu abdNtsundu .', nJJa~ aba_ ("~MU," NIUonal War FuOd . ekhu-lumana lI~tlkll I.U':1a tufuWIIUIM'ka kungrnJato bacule Ole kungekho Zipho neZonwablso. Bakho lrunl thayo. . nen 0 a ..... Z11hl- ~ ... l" nro1ohlobo C,hLd W . F . lIi1nl nanna OJll'nxt'nl rokului. kuugl'- mazw, bawaculayo. Smethembil aba,zIYo ukuba JSekwe. yagcLDwa M. ..baot ... Edendale ltolU; ChIef She'd kbo m:l.dh·!n upha.. ~Jlamao~'e lokuba. amaZulu n.lJl1aXhos.:l Dlntkd~1 elingu mha wethu nqa akek nbadlth l abanyf' kunl IIIIhe ~~~ Il.Jla~ttu, S1li'artkop Loe.liOD uwaxl.' ha ubl"l olubakbo lolu ba)'aku joyma ngamananl ane-It-yo Elu nendtaZi nguNkoslkd.z) baba u u mng:atK-n.t('la ntoO! 9'Wank' ~ Dlokwakwe nabantu, lu~tl&loLouxenl. lwasl'zll'eokileD.1 . ukwenzela ukuba kubekho untu· Smut, Cll1llliscle ngorruhdo ~ni<;.,anlu abangama wenu ukub ChAW Op t'V!"BIl~~~ i2J)'I~ Rev, C, LU1.a OIl't't"UfjOllii\\lI. neko yokushlcilela lincwadl urn ... akh.· wonke kule nllekele )'l"o nokuth' ukuba. nlyalrdl. nsabo f6115 jYOlIke !.l7/ 12'2. Pnncvale'

~Jpuj.\'uJ.:.llt.a lJl'lIulOll;:l'l~le. cuJ.? nd"h~bo IIlkWimi. d h mfd.~\\c ZiOUlZI IZlpho uubl.'lwe N kl myaCibanga n'1:abo I Secro: • .uy ~s"ulh African Gtn.;

,.an II I ngo u xa n I!>~p e- ~"I.soI"""1I aNt~undu. IZlpho Cli. b ""gO Uta a bantu bant5und" anll CvlJltoru COIpe T "-" It.b-. ~ •• -.. ,pilo neul"'!., \'al>uulil 8t.8~l8U· Ih' b' k I _. •• 'Ai' - .," • ¥-... ........oc e omcm I wen onzo namacu 0 phuma kulo Ngxowa. . . ·lS rica samkela Into . ,'" I'CjOkt'lel_ opbant u ... udu Inont'It'!",;j. kakuhle UttUZO )'0· ndixele ukuba amaJlpbutha ng:a~ . , emnzl yempahla eZiOlC nGee pull, ~t uOdu 11&0 October ~ k'Wi uk~ loJI('lu !lianj:!llpht'zu kUlima nkolo kaMahomete Nansoku EZI lwto z.:Imkel .... 1l nguthaka~e-. over,;.. nce 13nkWanoil nE'e k n .... O""20 z-e mfiUW~. Iml ngoluhlQbo -tbubil. aba" alUlIlanll),O ukllpbu. basanduku gqlba uzilo 1"'''lbo f'ku. It'lo n.lngo\'uyo. Zibe kukonwoiIblsa ezalukwe ngabe Bantu Wo~':'~ N.rv ~In BhoJa ~I UJ ' iJ/O'· wa. enkampilli. ku],;bo uezlpho 1l'jthlW3 YIRamadan Ngalo Innk{" 1IIlIkhO$l" lalatha nOkuthl

l' \""orkel'5 Club. UnlDzl lczompolhla I{Wilkhol~hw .. Lnd1eko £l / 13(1~

otloho.llt!ut,o t'l;U1kwR al'Aotu Ixesha lalo nzilo yabo. ckuba "UUI.U u;. ;"''''\illdu zay.. ubaleh\i1 :"lIlath, zLphum .. kwezl zlthll! zase I h ba I bek kh ukuba ungomnye wdmasoldatl ka MiLpumulo. Durban. Mbumbulu £41\1/6;

', lI11ilkamhl er:nkliho. I~ ub

'1 enya'k.;a, kh ~ngb (\ Kumkanl. kun~ekuphe-Ia xana ZaZinge zminzi ngohlobo lokuba NWO ~11A5 Mnltcno 12,'10/ 0; 1I\\ubi",~ f'llDkOUlP IUL IIbah lnlu no ayl ~ayo. un~e on 0 aYI· kuz .. ku bctYl'nL'Y,'d umsebcnLl. omnye nomn)'C oli &Qldatl afuma-k l '

selavo. bt·ngat!.ha\'1 nokut~hav.. k kh " k Z '\1'1':0 xn 'f'IiP 11'111"11 , I ph,lkathi kokuphuma kwel.:ln~a koko n.lxa 101 0 12Ul 0 eZI ungl' ne UZO. enzlwa Oimabhaso ani· ill/ lllli .

l:i. wl' l!~ n ll{'lavo 111('.\\·ulh yllw nokubhona kwalo. B .. tye. basE'\e It'yo l'kuzakupn lw3 ngazo. kwa amad(lda olz iphothophotho 1lI11)'ak\lnl~f' ! ('h III1'f'zlnlo e-tcuz,'. batshave ebu .. uku. Kodwa ke nje Akukuphc\d kwalo nto, Kukho xa ku foliwe. Nd ike nda nikwa Iwn ama~ .. t.Jltti O:\I-;II I1.hl UCZQII.I nl;okuba lonto Iphazamisa ubu. nen}'1;' Imbutho ekuthlwa YIUmon umsebenzi wokunik'.indod<ienl.:Jlo :nulu IIlUulil.I7l'II'<l ukuDe('(li~u. Ithon~o babe. kubannma ukuseb{" DefenC'e Force In.stltute e!Uffiijn .. eza kuphl ..... a elobha~(l. Kwaba nj;(u,

ubukhulu bemali vayo kuRhulu- m.~('benzi onzlma lowo. Onke ~ma· 111\'pnu nIa emini Swabancoma nJ!:oku· mente wl;'h 10m Dibilmso. Ip mbu- doda ayccO{'('kp ('mOlLhw e'.In"Ie-IU-i'll.\ B'\ ZAUA::o.i rr · .... kl.\ . kukllkh",h',,,k

b• bnoluhlk,b,o 'ho Iml a IVl·nklle etiOcman e HI· It-. [ l.: ugqib(olf'ni habe b " U'l1

n~enxa yo 00 ..... 01 0 a aZ1n1 e' •• mo'"' .oho abantu abaNtsundu mkwa amabh .. ~o Z.lhulel ~ 7L .. INC W ADI VES INE No. • kulo n d' dl"I., n ~aman a ngen < a I I batht'nj;!ls.-lwa 11ntwana eZInCiDane pzimpahla eZllhunv Iwe ph

KUBANTU AB ANTSU i'fOU BOM nZI . Ukumbomsa .Ionto 5lOgaOl· n~.lph')l1dlp kwe nzuzo. Un(,1 m,,· v;,kuzI \'uvela kakhul Z ANTSI AF RIK A xelcl ... ukuba barhllha ImJ.h pnl' Jll"!~hswi lIku~'a ukuba k ..... NI ve- ebu51ka. Kuba mn.1r nJ

K'lnc ad, ~.m "ku'.:llb.'la 0Zl kany .. ngokwakha .amapom I nkllp 1mbhodlela ve lamonedl ",: .. "ii P ... • .. J<-ndl mblae ukun! sf'lel .. n ~ZJnto iL ..... e. templle ukurnklsa . u.l.lhh ithen~ls""'" aph ... kuhzwo: ehkude kl.hl .. h ~iI a Kall'lku '" n,"", ~z:n 1\\13 •• m;l~old ,tl aNI ;undll on 'uTblxo wabo AiI"JOIt\S3 11'1- n,.- malt. " .... mee hal~fu ~'e "ola· ~t'no In1St' hlot~'''nl lr1)n, \t,.ha

: to \loKuQal m~mlxclele khungo ku\r kiLhlanu n.;emuu tr .. • ·l.'lmah vaU' .Jlputa le'l() Oko ybu<:;lka Bnha II olliit \ ........ 17 ukllb<t .mlphefumlo ). btl ~wOlnJe Noko andlkevanto ukuba kuma kuthf'lh. "kut'u. n~anee mali en· nkwane Ikal l\'"k Jh lin: p n ngentl Jo ~eml .trb" llotH'It>lwe soldatl .. thu aNl.Stlndu sekukh Iil p'Jlru kwe pt:n1 k"ncinci kw n-akunb k\l· b ab3 3~~'n 7


, a J;U peJU HI

Lolupawu·!omsebenz. IWf>n ... kub iII~ lliswa ogabiL.

ntu abamten,lseiayo 11' alulo ellmbl Am. kOSI "m Kulu ezink~

mpom ate ·Ab • .ebfonl,·M, odl kufufl('k" h k .. hl \!ababe nezl· catulo ell hie elJOl,{a\ I kudhleka masinvane Ngaloko ke sebenll.

sa lezlC'atulo pZIYllicatula pZlhle ImpC'l. pninoku zitenga Qi.niseka nJalo ukutl utola Izicatuic, (,zmalolu pa"·u·lom~ebenz i e5ltolo

akiOi S<I\e nkompa",


ISICATULO E~I NOP .. \\. .. LO"I,fBI:::o\ _ _WEQINISO hlCJ.tuPo 5t' NRC Slnoku tol k kupe a (1010 se Nkompool l$1catulo ze NRC roql..i< 511 at t"sd~ Itun .1' l' I at ulo kantl ZIY]ZICATI'LO EZJN'JABJi: t ~!"k -!

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Page 17: Brilliant Soviet Victories - UJ IR

Khanyapa Ba

1 " Tt. ll.Ir 'Y .' 11\ " 1,,"

E T sometsa Baahi Mophathe

,1HlI.\\\I ... II I IH i IIL1I 'lill I: 1\, 1'111

Mafoko A Ezase Tinara I "'TI~'\Nt;,\Nl ()

Mangaung ~~~::I'\ ::' .. ." m I ... K

\ I. \ \, I'ub,·' I, h,·., I. l)( emu I ~ U I< II I ..... 1,,1) I ,I. 1",1>1,,', I" 0"" Inliln 00 1I,1nl ~ "II " 11

'I h\".,1 .1'1 I,tb. II t ,,,,,,,11,,,11, .. ,,,,1.1, ' I f.KGOTLA 1 ""II~lkm'I.- of" I ••• In '11'" " " 1\ I .. k 11 J l'oI,u '10 d n 1,1, 11<11111 1.1 11",1., I., dut I II" di U",mt, I.' .',.1\" ,t' .• , nI k h. ,H I, ,I ,II \I 1 111. II I "1.\.,, .• , I .,,11 I. I. ,I,' \ l.k..rlU, "l 11(' Mull P M"I ... kk., u .. u , •. '"1...... "mu .. lrlW.u 11 I, 1. I I' lit ". hli' h. I~"I., 1,,\ "" '" \ I \lull J L1 Lc,ixol\' dt'n, eliI'm .... • -",on);"roch Wt· "0 I unl

'I'" 'I" ',,1 .. 1'111'1 .... " "" .... "oil" \" h' '~II ."u ,{h, j,llI,ub" 10\"11,,,,\, II I I, ,I 1, II' "'I I',' I" '\" " l,tI. It- "Oil\: Go nn,lt' II' ma};.wulu,tJ,h, v .. t' II .. , n,,,\1 b 0 I,.". '" h'.1 I 10.1 ". ),.., 1,111 I " .. dl I.I.~"O I,' ,It k"flQ :>1, ollh, 1I>llI' lur... 0 .. (" 1'0 1'1' 1oI,I'i 1111.11. hhl" .... toltl .. ,.,k,RII' 1 •• ·III .• '·IIOJ,·h,,1thl\\.,"y. .. thr ...... I,\' ...... c ,1II")uKU'Jd I 11.11' 1,. ", "" I, 10 II. id,11 1"11 II "tI" 1'1 111 .• 1 " l'tl t... nllh.1 ~. nmll' \.1 muk ...... • I~".hl "III t ()l kul

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• II I "I," ,,,.. . ' " .. ,I I". III"',' . ~,."., 'I" ,,' ", .. ', ,', "",m'-"r ••• , ,0 Ilh",,,I,,,·' I'·' , , 111"1" I,· .,' I',. 1'1 I 11I~.'II"III,,~.I·"I·I'Io.,h.""" ... ' .. " Mull J P M,uhu"wIDt"got'm"- k1L1.t.:IIIII"J 1>','11111.' 1lI<UI, d I, I, ,I I" ,"11110. I, I" I, •. 1"1,.",,.,1.-111,1111: ].', 11".1.." "'1'" IcIU(llIl,II,'II,"I" ",,,,I l A" ... ·" 1.lll,,"IU "b,d .. l;! abunJ:,j ,[lin. "'.) h. fold" .. ,.J(I~" ),..,1,,1111.11,.11.., ,.,1..1,,11., \,.. '\.01 •• 1 .• 1'" '.111, Rlulul"'l\lllin \\., 1"k;:\I:'I,,~.,m'lbul'l "I"m, n·,n ~II' ""'1,1". ,1, I~'I I I,,' 1'1 I",' II., 1,I'd""'I'" 1,1" loa :tn:<II~:.' "b'~'I,;:~~ol~lk~:~fll \:,i~'·""h., b,·nll' ·1l.,m.""II., ,."",

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, , I. I 11, .•. ' I .1' h, "I' ,I., ,'I """ ,-" " .... ,',,1..,',' III""a: CW.", ~() II- k . .;.'Ihnl-: IWd bal>ouj, 1,..11, ~:"I,oI .,h .• !>.",tu ." hill , 1, hlolJ 1'1., , ,1,,1, ••. 1 ,I .. ",,, "I' 1,,,, ,-" i,l", i. 1,1,1,- ~'" i" kl.I,1 I"'J Knit":'" ,. ,""nu 1'.1 .,.,nl.:l1 M.'tll·'l, .. I .. I' ' I 1,,1,,1'1111

~ I I. \"1 I., "1,.1,, I." .1, 1"1 .1 .• It', ,,.,,"!!.I 111:""" .• "" I,' h' I'" Ih" In m" 1:0 bnn~mlt '.' .• k.,h.,Il,kl "d ... '." I, 1.1 ,\till' I I, III I I, \I. hi II It\,I,,,. 1,,1, .• '.1 Itlll"'\' III.,ltI .•. , knit dl bl"III'''I,,". It- dl 10101 .. 1010 1.,loU uru.; .. 111I1 Ithl, ,lculul COl

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, \" , ,,', ",' ,," ,', Nil" it ~hw.·d'I"'· ka ItO MOP" 1010- ukub.1 kunyul lIon,ll .,10.",11,1 I "II"" • .I"I~' '' ·' I, I"n "I I •• I •• I •. k(. m,' t,.mn,·n~ ba kkt.olJ;.. lc' ,tbml .. nu IIIUV II "T\c,mtol

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• 1,1." " 1\1 ,1101" C.hlll.l I "I,." , .... L 'lOf,'d,hlokl'm.ln.,J,hlllhllK'mo'i'zC' "jlbo\nt: LLnll I,." 'I" I .1\, u ",, .,1., ""'1' I I .. 1". _, 1',1. ).ut!.d " 110 m .• nlok<,nlol a'''"' (phl-II .... ' imlumbl bit '"

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, , " , "I C , , Irllo 11. t., I t. "10,,\,,., k. \., I, Mot. H M~ Ike h· ('OC' 0 na a rll' ,"I~"'ld.. uk"t.,1 . rn •.

hi 111h I. \,11' I _lit m. 1"'1131, 0 liD h'kl:,)II .. nl; k .. ,"" IUII~I,,"' 1(1 "1:,,1 In1'k., Ngl! I< "I' \. , I

" , , "I' , I. • \, • I , .• 1,1" ,I I. ,I II> ,1. \.; .. , ""I,.,,, ""I'" ";0 Il.'hlk, It· b,ll.nll 1.1 fCll m{l h"" yoku!.> Ill.nb IYlllloI ,,,,n',

I , (',1<(' T.n I" (" " 11;1 nil. I I I ' I , \11., I ... I' II r " •• , 1 •• 11\1,." '1',1 I •• k .• d. "" kllWldl ,'fn;) e.",~ 1'11('11 'o~uba 10 ",.lm"l1

11.1 • • ,I."" I 1,,,,1 h' II ~ I", I" II,,, I I ,,~ 1.,,,1, ":!" t .I'~I.: ,rl "".. m.llt ,'1.>0" ka Z3t1 n~u II .. 1II1 h II I.; kith· 'I ,

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, It ,I 01 ,III 11,,10 \'11" II ," I. W4 11'0<.1,,1,.«111 •• M,.II r I k., t.k. • ,dluhl( ,,}..,!tTl'''I,,1 ",1,,11 k IndabaZa'eBuyskloof '1· ... !l4."tJ,ball ttle.,.nlku bol-M:h," n',1m'l II 11 ,II., ... l,d,T.Io". 1< ••• l\ ,) bu <nl llml" I' nll"la)'I.I '" " I"L,I,I>!.""I,"I \.1 t, ,1 .. m"'''n ..... ok\li,'I>'' no

S VV\"l~AN" Nk (;, "'01.1(11 ... Ie kopo C.I Aft JII .

,I,' \111'11 ••• III IIII~.I,. I ,I, n< <, I.l,n., CI,,",'h. ' " n.1 •. lu,p, nlt,""'<O fllbt ukubol I r. 'l'l )'1,.,1"1 ,I'e. 'Ill ,,,. 1'1.1 P Nihn".,'l. ,Itul, .11'''' thuhn 1.'lIp'lkn", ).Ik , K,·ukt'. \.I JMnd. "' ok,"" Yillnll I

, ,.,m. ):qO"lIl n~('kl""I.'II·k-, k It"· 1.~pJ'l'(Jd1 hn 'VlO molt.hl "'01 K~a. Ku Mo;qlt., I I>t.lyo :f", l

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1\ 1 •. \, I 11\,,1 '''lti' IlItllll,.I. "'N,"mb, SI\a\,d, ... a n/ulu I,· mn t,mnt.! •• 1 1:1'1 d".1 1"n('"1'" l unlo N~bJn l u , ,1" ''''' , r -I .• ' I "d d k' "' T ( . 'I - N " n " 810'11 U II II 1> lit! ,'":se ,.Im" •.•• ,'II"'lI( ., ' Of"li :1-101( .. ,' '" 10 J", OU ~ on, In, I a' 1.\,'1:, 1.01 , .\ tl, I I, """, •• ,.1 .' n" ',' N" B· , ,. b k b , m I ,,1\ .,",U ,w,'m )t., WU· ".1 lOt: \;(In, 0 II" ken J" bo t' ,' , '.1 t' 1. .1 , 'I ,lIt-. I ~ .... I,. 111,01 .. I ... \., 1",,1., I .• " •. ",111,1,,,., nJ:(t"UIi;u ollll.",d.-l,,,,, n",u tihalll!.· ltl MIIII ~ B M"hh .. I-., k", nl!.,nt,:.!TII'Il 1.11).11

II 11 " "" I, I" ,,,kll'I'

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p . t. ,,,I, ,.. I ' \I I, "I 1, 1, .• 1.1,1. \ hl,l" t. l vane;t'il OUhtSe Il nkonlll '.,mll ...... "10:10 1<.1 kc'pu "., I(·k. lla 1.1 L .. I<I hi .hl"n.:~"l'l, N, ""' lit: I"". 1-.1.111' \ 1 ••• , ,I \\,,,11 " nnd,3n;a II) Mnu. S K,'II·k.· 1·1.1 k""~ M. R~\I!!"I NIe<'~I' kt' hr.· I( ~h.j'U

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II., " .. 11''''1' 1'11:"" " -"1,1,, II II, ,. ",,"1. LIt<. \;' ,. "',' B'I .. ,k kl'p<, (' 10 1).' II.lnt' 1(' d,t ... la ('Olin., oJ.n1J.PtP, ku\c a ak .... 1 .\ t"" In 'II\.; I I., III,' "'''' U'ilkuhhalel<" k,.d.,I" umhlil w' t " d, 1 •• I .• nJ:t (w!'lda pl'le l'.1 :>1 .1' ~d .. m .. lu'u':lsd~I,' uk"b .. II ..... - I I 01.


Ill." L ' I :,:."Itl l " III ",,1. I.. ""I,d,.

l.'IIlI II 1, I , .. I", .,1..1" , •. , I I[\Vll'eltlt ... " kutll< \Js.Juho 1 ..... 1 AII.k.). P ul .. ~o Il' nC'l''-l' J(' \. 11..1 lum .m IJblIn" wlif' moll\," 11 •• 1,,1, ",,,II,, 10,' ..... ,_ 1,'h.J I .... ·("ilkf'ir, phdl'lll kuk .. .-n.1 ~, I<I:W\,JI t· .. J .. nlliuf 1",1'11' bon ,_.J" h"" kuw t 'oJ ett.l'LII

_ ltY..iI Tlimilnl'lI~ ( K 'mbt-.I'~·I 'akl' k'" '1-' A . ue . I I ..

' I ,1"·1,, 'lId, , .. 1'·111.101.1. •

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... ",' ,. , .. I, 1I1f., \\ II" I· ~.lTIdl .... It/\e t' N, .. nllra m:l'1om u I ,. ' , ,10, 'I (1"\' ,jlllc" !'.a~.b.lll "m31"nl:~I('le Eo 'I(>'::l t~,"t: It- fh"t,r r I.;{' NI,'U Nko~k N Mnq.

, ItLn II ,\ I

. U' \I'J,''' "' 1.11' .11 •

,., " I. oil 1,111",,1'\'1\1.,1 It "bcnJ:~p"'_k"mll('\~k.' l<uItJ U'a M .. Il Eliubo-lIl T lml' tTln, m Or"I' , "hk k .. I

, 1'1 "a utllsh I W I.;h I .• d l "~ 1:1 1010\1 T~IC' 0 Ilh .. II; .. • md,q·nd. \1J

\ nl' 1.1 a.: l II U I' M L 1" -, ,I (,nd" ," I h.'bol Ie" d. :!li t...a k,:;wI'd, t' hi'· i;n:,:,,;,;,;, .;';;:.;; ____ ... ______ ~" _____ ..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ..

, """ '1 II I: I nu U \I , 'IP umo MrIn .. ,. Ii"I. mC''' II,,~C't.:.' ltN.'ii I .. mal· \ lUI" ... 1.11 \ 1,,, \ II 1- B h..m N,,,lIa131 I~ a.1 I--' h.llhll ,·nrul.· k~olv k .. ~ I 'I II r ,', I 1t,lit 'J I 13. "kloof ' A team N ... n ....... 8. mtlk .. 'Wa 0 kt: .• lct-;"m.,ts",ng So- U JOHANNES ),.. h~u" l f.I.I. 111 ~ III 1. ~I\ kloof 4. \.lba kl I, .. hl_" I C'h",b;a 1,.1 M"10k. w m"bol. I' ... I f..t t. \\"" IlL 1.] slcloof £mva k"mdJ."lo kuw{ r.- k" Cit., ' d, .mto Ickll:oll,} ;

Wafika Ekhaya wa Fumana u Vise Egula engenakbo uku ,: 0 t Ih.lull'k,I."o )cul;lIT\;im- "'~rol'''"t una S"KltV ltl ntsn;

1.1 ' I 'I, 'I I.>t.,· han ('I Muzi S,"",k-.c nl k [.5 T ,,.)n lil ~hltlhfl l'n(: c C t'-

~ K ,:e.:, kw~q~l< ... nJ .. IYo'a nt::.. ro'l' kr Mull Ph;tkOt' ro {r

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ihov:sl lamosini imail Ya~o.

Vumela liku~cine ; e

., , n, .. u ,el:! ,...

'" '"' u ,., . m ". .

I' • ~OI'I~".

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Usebenzise ibhange lakona uhulumeni akwenzclc lona

HLAZiYA INYONGO ESIBINOINI-NCaphandle kwe . Calomel­Wovuka ngoku u,bO) em;Jnd·

l;Jlwl'ni wakho utlve un;amandla em:r.imbent .

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itYo'!' Ikola n,..~~tnye K~. Mull PI.akoe 0 lid 0 thusl .... ;t k.-.,..... ." -("II 4 .\1' 'I( A vb,lj:~T\e F'

.to tbo.h'l~ .,b, r..:,"~k S,dlkc W!'"oJ I.· R,(">Mnv"li u P Nd'''''iU\t' ma M"tl Jos ~1 'lk 0 Itt.- ,r,:" mor .. lh~

N O .. b .• N N Nlltno.: .. /II· k. ~o b<1I"ko I .. gl, phulh. "0 It N J' ", Mdc.· Isli r:l n"' e 110";' P.!.tnl!

Bl'k. ..hMljd...... nl:.t!am.II'\,·nt A.II J N~lin,,~(· no N0Pl-,1t- Use

,Id. \ ,n, "II~ (. L.II<~ E,), .. Ml'lu N,r ,d 1.1111,11' 0 "n,hl ..... ,·rtI I' Fnot H,,,. k .... b.m~.) 100e"'I •• I .• I,· BS, YH. II b.-I.. Ii' kUmll \\,,' , ~'T' <;npni t'bu' 11(' " B"I u Nk .. It. J,: , Nd,k.1 apho ,·b.·khonl I~eo: '-'-_CI'C"C'_"t:t mpll0 L'nkt'n~'nh'o,·

\lk", .• ~.,I .... , "la,I", .1.: I:" .. I.. I' t ' nlt'·.

\' \... ", ,.I .• ,II.tI, 1,.,1, I, 7~1 ,I I"" " I, I "'~II

.1 );11'111\0",11 '" ; '1""111,· 1.1." , 1,.'\1 .. '. 1J ,,"hl.,

10)" I I 11, 1111" ItI, "6' " 'I II."

.: It ., Itl", II ,1"1' ~,I,,, I, "I •• ,I, 1."1 ."1 J""~"" \I",,,It " < ),..~I·"'''''I'' ,1,1..1 ..

J." I, II II', d, '" • ,It'''' It. ,"'III III .1, 11'"111 , ,· .. 01,1 .• •

I 11111 ' I ". I I ' ' 1'1"'1' I.. "1,.,\"" \ "',,1.1,,1" \ I \ 1\ 1,,,1,, 1\\, .• '''It''

,loon ,'1'1'" .• 1,.01 .. 1 .. Idol \I It,!." \11" I I".,

I. "I It., ,,,. \ l lIn 11 .• 1..11. I"",. """ ,\ 1 .. "".1". I

'\"I II I .1..".1,. "" \~"~I 1I I i.·"" 1".11" ,t.I,· .. d."IH.1 II' "10. .. ,,1,,, '."". !'"L,I, 1. .. "1,.,, " .. ),.." 11',"110 "III.' h"" II 1',,1 .... \I \I.,IIII",L" " I ~ ,,, ,' .• ',,;1 1\".1.; \ , .1' , \"1,.,1.",,,. ~I.·I.,\\""., ".,1", \111'" \1.,1,. 1'.,.1, ... \'1'"1, 11.,1" ,,..1,11.,,,111':' \,.1 .. ,,111-=1

\;:,,1;'11,1, •. , "I.'],' ".,I"I .. I,\.. II",

I 1;"11 .11 , •• \tll'" II.'" .\ \l I', I"", II If" !" ""u"""II".1 ...

1. II .... !' \ .. ,11 ""I.." ,,,t,, "'~'II,a ).,. k".· ·11_ •• ,,,,,,,,' •• "1t,'II11nl

.1. ,1"",1." 11,1.;.,1..,.]1 l1li'

I, ·J,.;"I0"".I" n"~" Kill f"" ,·1. I""" l"",l".I'" • ,lid ..

\ ~ ",.1 "''' "I" " ... I ">I., 10\11\,1,,, 1"""''''''''lkIJ''

"ltll"ltl.u, I." \., \., .... II I, ... In ,I kh' ,1.'1 ]" I" 1"1,.,,01,,.1".1 1,,,· \11,.1 "luI '\;1111, .• \ .uk .... ·l .... II), " '1'1',-,1.1 1.~.I],·I,·kd.

" II~ I"'" I,.

J .• ku I>"ko e" K ,t· "".,{, (. hl_ IllItlt' mol,· " "ml k .. dma"'o .~" h .... lean'el .. b." ho bol rona bit hit ~od,I,'I)~. I,· dlh"h!! 1<,(' (It .. r,., rr ... n~ gOIl' It.: """" dl 00l" 1(' ~n" 1.",,,.1 k" n"I>-. . ,. J"ka Io:al,· n,,,!,,b. d, kwa" n ' t~. d.k<l(·!~ :.I, dlw"I'r k""'''ill.,la I'J. 1I"~nl!' k.:anr,: IlO d" .. m"rt, .. ~ .. Ihu~;'t 1110 1~len" t' f,l ,. le .. nih· J!;! I', 1.1 f' " 1(' kt:flll" Jol B.' ll lu 8<·n,· '1f''''nt Fund It· 1'11'1' II." \hu,.1 le.1 o pho c •• m .. di 1:0 d,rt'l" dl lip., , t' I 1I r"'''., K uns;U"I .. I ' t· no,l, I .. oo.hll IhJ\.l m,' (' n(' l' dlrc. WI' It- blll ng I.i oi. h .. meoko

K., " d, 13 1'>;1 lr .. • ... n·dl In'' " &'1 .. "1 .. ,,, .... a II., b •• Ito .11 ..... · ... nokt'l!! \; .... a nll"n~ cOl b~I> tCrC'thd B.m.l ltd bd d, IWln kwa kl"tollh"l'g b" Iia tmit I ... t:: tit I> I d.rnpt\O I I Kresnu'''--I." pk th' .1rlo m(' loa II" Ut .. 1.1. ba dl I" dl I~aml'ko 8dtsifdl b., 101 . Wil ":0 nn.) Ihnt' rnt·.· tIll n u",'umC'lo Iha ."'·!f'p<'I,· ba m'" b" 1<41 nn" R<1t>, ItO' 1.1 '0 bo'n" I< , "n\\ IIrt' ('., L.Ie~,.II .. ' .. T,hll'­htll (' •• B., !'!., T,ro ,. ,', nnJ Ie n .. ko r. , 2 mol h'I;.",-. wa m.III· • bn;, Onn •• hot tla bt .. I dlmph, I I K. m, S-I: ""'nil oi.l" I· j

l,h .• fT\O·ka I,· 1;;(' m'motk 0 b ""m,:1t .•

(;"nl' kOil Jt nl' I .. hi J. oi.·1 1"-' b~l\lh,) ,jl tl.. nll~ h' 11"11 1,·,-,·. n'"' ~, n .. 'W:lt!1I kw., IlS I K· utiw;, k" mo"kJml w., 1,·kl.:!lI\., Jo" g.:ol'· dl "t; ,, ~ .• 1'-1 ~.,., ;ona dl II .•• -Wa " \;u K .. lulI! It- i..t' .. h,'IO rol.· u.. h.t to kd"nr.;: ,"II Ithul. ... I tl" tllI,,\lh,,1>IY.." I,,· h.1 h.1 l:"J-, 0 . 1.11,."['0 III I"m,.·w. mn b"l,..n~ I~., 11\ .. 1 I Ie II"" 1.,kt!ullcng JiJ ~;lnlr;,11 I,' ~" a I'J\.. "~,, (' I

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M,'l M.lllh.1 'M"I,' w,' Pn'ln J .0 111;., .. III": ka I>llhl ,a bnllh ku ..... 3 'm"RW(' 1:0 .' b,le .. 11 .. I mil 1(" h .. hc JI:IIO. 0 p .. l"m. ka \;0 Bubt"lll J:o tot ,.Il'. ml' 0 tl;, '\Sill I.' l'IIa" .. I'1 5t' m.lk3r K ~ ,I d

Sebenza j Fama t: .1,,1, 11 "n~' ,. .. \'~ .,. milk", i min I' .".

~, "I. "j a ll." 'P' 1I):<><Iuk • . ,·o .... ·"r" O;;', 'l I, .. II: ~It,,) .. t"o::~"" tna l, I.ul ,. \It""~ ' r ... ..:."II!' 1r.""G,' ng,.klll,~ l'1Il' nt: .... u. I. ", .... I, ."" L1 y"" w"kll.l .. , ,, ",:.",.I,I" loa .. 11<\\,," \I .. ~uh1.\ I . f'f .}I 'u" " .. 1.; 1",10,10·

.. 10 II. 1".1 h ... l. '\ ); \1111.:""", ,10 "I." ""I:" ~L", " l "~ " lt "' n l ,,, I' "~~nllk ,, I" L"I".

Kodwa u JOHANNES waye namacwecwe eyeza akau/eza ukunceda

J 1,,1"1"" , " ,1,,1. " " •• 10,,1., ' ,.

,I."ru'" "I ,,,,, :: .. \I , ,~ ...

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Page 18: Brilliant Soviet Victories - UJ IR

" , \111, 'II I I W.\ 11.\ II "111.\ , I III III I)H I 1111.1: I 1 ''' _________ _ -NtQa Pakeng Tsa Japan News From Variom Centres lindaba Ze Mlazwe

America Le England G EnORGE,

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:.w.n~ ~ • I Ie"', 'J.U 1 hn 1I11 Th to Om" nt>\-I 1 thU!';in.anJ: Ie b a ('- b t.e ' XPf' n· moth nkllt' tor01)/) 1!3 S, 1 Rc l' h (' .0 lLl3k(' gvod iJ...<;E- of 11\1 bt'kenf! {' fE11It'ng r.laj('- n., n , and J\ hI tht' don M.mUlI,ul.1 • nenJ ilk\.' lhr t 1)1'0\ '\ lIrh Ra nt'

Bc.E-mo b~ ntoa mane N PIlip!! Jill; t :J.. "l he AfrlQ bo hltle co. r I tt- fr W lind 'Irs. Ph,lhp, nt' It'ng ho ulloala hOT(,' k nsa d • ea Sl'Jcre ... e hhl. l' i Lok n No ember ao 10 Mr "hamalo II' botoko ke (',J Man ~ d Le d . on .,' M' Mt' \eng bo batl3 hO$e p l.llt., h nd M K L.. foko. r.-J L, folm rebra It hloloa ka pi Ie Bon t n I~(' um and h~ on, IlolC ba nahil f'O IGaIt' bo II ., Iobn O!- "P 0[1 ThJ i.1' D" m 5emaDe Ololne 1(' O\:Inl Ab' Mr r::I.l \' T~blo3n

,I :"13 1'13 hn '-.tIe M.nlartan;t a ~1 .;t Cal

... til , ;, ql'.u(K" '0 nl,; :no II , t t an .. n ... b\ th(' .U" 11\'1" 1.o1l,1t'" , .', h ",I, 11,,1.;11"'1"1,1111"11 ha e-o l\doe t: t e k:l I nmmlllw of ,_,hirll Mr 'I ... " "I :l 111 ,ol'a' 1111' PI so PC! b n; ba ('On) ,n, as an "Ive .ond u;;:

'1..,,1.11,.. ,n,' "111' It" i III"\I'II~ If.. 'S kdVIDg h,,,) 1111101 ., 1>(' r f' " Imu. 1I111"1'~ MOSCOW ~ t ., f nCoOm to . k~ \10 • ";t 1'.,11,·1" ,"I Idnf.i11f' " JI"'''J.! M.lje, m.i1nt> minI' r..h \01; h). U U" Jl b ,p a~ \\''hllt- Rw(',' Last "'"''', I~ .. " )",}d.l lIU .. ·I,,)I\.rt1UI ),' hoe- a nl -a I~ b'J!iul .. ke m~ ~,11 rd th,· Lord B.!'.hop (If ",.~h'l'" t •• ra J """ I I,,,, I". hOSi ('-3 RlI~"', 'me tuiOIU: t 'III ltf'.:l St Uhhael '1"1.1",. 1;1i 111,,11 .. ".1 1t11,1l1l\.1 h,1 n .ata.n\.Ul4i hothoe " Ink 1\.1"l(' ( I hI It h~ l'Onfl1mt'd man\" \1 tJI):I· ... m"IlI' , 'III< l","):t,.t.1 I", rl.'mane a b.lhha. k.1 b"k .. 13 hi I n:ld I, H" sb·(.,J on unti: llk~'I'" I ... , 1"1"'11 , •• ' 11t'1l!: It ".j;"1 hloloa ke Ma·RIJ5 1_' Llkor.Lilt n~, hln Ilw n('~h' C'Onfnm-1 1 1 'I 1 1 1.1 len'! II botel"" hort' ho .. tlo I :l m,dl th I first comm.mion-In I "',, .• IU.'" ,"'1 ""'11" , I I ... 1 I'(lre M:tJu'pmanl' .l lumPia hOIl r Iln J Z f.1 1,1,,],,11.. l;, ),.Ik .• \.1 h" "11111_"" 1.;. \ hll>leh']"ho nka toropo c .. f.lo cow [ " 1I11t", til.'''' IIII' ,",n 11.,,,,, 1.1 mc rnalk<l('leio a (lona kl ho khu. STERKSPRUIT },"Ii' h 1,\1,·J.t·. .! ·1" morao Ncwn~ e.l boC'habo 1,1 d

), Mo<o;('o," h':)lnc{ Ma)f'lcm ... n('- " '., II b hdd 'In 0",<·, mb 1.,1,,1.;111" l"l \ I:tlll-I'(" '",,,. II 1:.11l'ha ka bomlla bo boh 10 m I '" k:p~l"':' Rht.;r.g.l H .. U b

i'''.I~ t~" (·1 I IhulI\., I'" ',I .. 'I, t,,, a t",lma,-a a Il~ a 51 .. 111 nk .. I \ Nrrl n ~t.= B'(>dk(TS 01 -\1 J ~

1, :gh~~~' ~! ;;,~:,,:::::~~Io;"~"~h;';.'~";';M;;;;'~~~~~~~Io~~'b~'~.~'..:'~ I undl> th.e m.lo..l'!:e-nl of ,. W T II Mohap Tho

1.-. mp.. 'III b on tour fl,'m _ 'I"I'br 6 >n ... 1 oJ - ~---

III' n , , n.-u


hoseng pel t·" .. haholo h ~e"a I 1 dna hCII.I1 a pt. l

Ho l3la how Hltle kda n n Ukl" nt'

,. klle ( t'3 bona a 110 hl-')1 mt khoc



TO tho Stcret&I"Y, OIIU • • w. I. I' ~I P .O. a ... un, oIDtU'Rl'IlIbUf"I.

A lorttm~ )'ou ,. ~I

nf'Vet lose! \V lun ' found tim out I tOOJI

up a Umo" ro/lt~1' Horne Stud), COU1St

ar.d studied Orle hour etlet)' day. \ V hen 1 passed my exam. I got a better job.

t/ou. Ca~t­i:{~NCe Sia.,-e' i. •

Ptek out the Count JO" ~""I 10 nuJ)

II.ndlrdS IV. V, VI, VIl,

Y'II oIloIf1ilr C.rtHltth Mltrlcul.Uon

Corrl$pond,nc. 8oo .... MPfn. Shorlhand ,.,.. ",.pew"I11"',

NI1I1I1 1-M,UII"

N.lin Teach.,.. 1011110 ..

NIIiWi ll.

NltI"l Admlnl.".tl ....

"'arlcullure Netdltcrafl .. O,eulNlkln.

, Union COlli",

Pka..t ttll nit 'DOld )our Holt'K S '14d, eou,.Je ... J 11m I"'n-ute" I" Ihe lIolblert sUttd hnt'

......... ... .. ...................................... _._- .... , ................... .

• • • • • , • , • 1 • , U" ,\ e.r)d .... " rn'"~ ,0 IUl 1


t, '" .1 .... " \,,.,,, n, .. anll .I"nme T_ty .. c H" .,.~. CI) lI'h' """ ,",1\ -'ur .. blc

SubJec:l H._ ....... , ........... , ...... ,-_. __ .......... _--_ ......... -_ .. - .... : !

I "~""f .lh,Ul ,II. Of otl,,(1;' t pt Iftf .... , .al

~, ..... ,. .. _" ,,~,.,

iI. '" .,. '.


••• Address •••••••••• ..-.. ................ __ •••• _. __ _ ._-,._ .. __ .. _---

... u).. • ...... '" ,.1 100"._ .. ) , , !:i!l.IOKE OFFICE R ti MESS CIGARE'M'ES



Page 19: Brilliant Soviet Victories - UJ IR


Joint Council Of Europeans And



AT the 'tl 01.1 ,u, t Ih, Rlhlcnb" JOlt C III II "f

Euro~an\ and Ah il" h.d m Ihe N'lll\'l' Cl,mml~ ,(n. Ollin· Rustt·/Ihurll. "n Dlccmbe . un, d('r In!' dllllllln"lI~hlp tf R. v l:: OUII,I:l1I ScnalOI Rhl"lll .11, J"nI'S ' lw'I.,IIy ,.ltt'lIdl',:! hum J,.h .. nnc bUlg. 'th(' ('''alrman (,:IIlel"l(d .1

h railY wekou\(' to the dl~l1nr;· ul'-ht'd vl~llur, Mt E ilhGIl·":c. ,,'IIS unanlmnll>h' .,It'dl,11 10 Iht, ChaIT T Il<' S"n,l\(lr'8 C'Omlt\lctl\'( oddl " ''! \\'a~ "PPH·clah'.J by "II The m('l'I'n~ .... oIi ;,\tl'nd.·d l,.t~c" b\ "'ach.N J1(Im \',lIm\l~ {la,i, d Ih,' tlhll ... l. 'ndudu,t.: Chit, ~ 'Ind nlher I'rurnm,'nt Aft 1C:1.I1~

I\k ntlt>n m,,'y" b.· mad.' o! M, Sol. L , Sld7umo. 10 whc$e' .. Mcl!· I'nl Of ' ...... llon lh~ m~tlnl; o\\"t'd Iht' Illett" .1 W,l!..

Mt S,dlllmo h".. .10(,(' b ...... '1

('I{'ct<'d 'I'Tl'l,uy f tht' COllnr I

1 ,," '111' ,,\ 1\\ \ 11 11111 \[HIII 1 I 'J , ,

Chief Honoured

Bathoen II Johannesburg Personalia NATIVE WOMEN'S WORKING RARTY AT UMTATA By George VI T ill' u""r "1 ,,1 ).. ,1.11, .\lill

M d 11" ,·1,', t ,I,,"~ hto·r ,,1 ~ I

Awarded King', e al ""I " ,. :-. \I .. "I1,·"n. "I Ii,"·"" I .... ", .•. , .... "\'lol.Iltn. II 1<1 .1 • .1,

I T .... /U QffiClalh' ,;jnnlll!no:t'd r( lI ,t., lilt· t' ,10 I .UJI ,)1 11t(' 1." c(,,,II\' th<ll t i l :l1 JJ.c\I~· Iud 11,.,·. f ' II 1111<1 \ I r 1.11,1.llkc."

b, 'n ira~luw.h pku~~.1 tu aP"I' ]'1 I, \.1" n I .S "oil I" provc of Ih,' ;1 .. , .. r.1 10 Chu.-f "II, I. " B.lthocn II, of th.' BanKw~k.'lSt' ~"I'·III1".,··1 "' "'" (hlll.l, "I TI'",-, In Ihl' &th~l.In .. lantl P ro> I'llu~1 Ihl' h ill" U,,) Slh·d. t ... CtCl'ltt'. Ihe K mJl's ~1t'd,,1 III IS"I' I""I",, II, un s~III,.I .. \. \) •. ( "lIver Ioliit for AfrICan Chleb. t'1I1I,,'r :!I I , ul 11.1 111 n.I'ld1"""

•O" ... N(lv(,mbt'IL"', 'Clhl "Ill 1 ... 1".',1111 tI .... \ ull",h,I,· Ibll, eq cnl omnH unl'I', tJ I I I

(' N t\ Cl.lrkl', (,n bchall uf Ih', s"I,lu"I"" " 1,1 I 1,11\ ."" .11 I" Hlah Commi<l.Ioner, (',Ime Itl Ka, 1I1h 11.,11. 1'"l h SI,,·.-1. 1"IIiIl'· n\'c. thc c .. pl tal villllll~ or I h~' II' ,I"ltlt' " I 1( 11 111 I BJnl.!w ... kt'b" R("'!'r",('. ;Ifld.bdoll 'I r 1:,,1" '''111 :-"'11'(111\.·1:1, .. 11111' a IM"e JI"lhcrln.: of Etllnpt'.m· \"". I·:nT"I'I""1I "".1 \.,11\'" .\t1,,'r~ .md TlIbt',m"n pi u(>nlt'd 1111' I II I I ChIef with Ihl' K mlol'~ m,.dJ I !"P'lOtllll'lIt "UII"," .·1 Ill'

Hi .. Honnur Ihl' Rt;~ld('nl C{lm· "1 101;1\ 1" 1 11 11" "11·1""11, mi-..<;Ionc( n\l'nhoned th .. \ B.llhm:n ~ I I r II .\101"1" kl l ,ml II had bC1'n a ChIt" '''1 ' " )'l'IU· \1 "",1." (til t JII""ll~I""1I DunnR 'hat Ih.llod Ill' h,td Wtllk· \ [1 11..,111'''' ,,"11'11'1, "I S"I'II1,"

~~o h::~ '~}' ~.~ ~~~':~!f'tn~~I~' ~r~ (1~'II'.'1. 11U~ 1--'''11 ' ' 1,,- T.,t1o.u,,",I, I" ,'hl' Prole-durall'. lakinl{ all ;1l'. \\1 ... 1,' I .. '8 '1~11\U1o! r,·h, · live and pt'fYlnal Iflle r~1 1M .,\"1',. EducallOn a~;1 m"'Mb~r or thl' \I, .\ J. s,I,I" \1 II I'. Buard 01 Advll'!" (m Alnc;ln ",'r'''II~'''I'',1 I,~ I 'lurt I',ka I." F.dll('atloc He had bo,'n f'leelf'J "',to.k", Idl 1,\ ,.01 lot, I I ,1,,) Il'1 h): h.1S ' '''cr; as ch,uoman ,mil 11 ,"1"",

Knitting Comforts For Native Mil tary Corps

of 01 'F:-,i. " r h ! Um

L .::1..- J ~,mp: • 1

... 01. E J.fw 1'\') G f)ub~ • (, 0, C; n M' b


" lun .• n N In>i11i J " u J, C n L SLqon.:;n l.

IlILl. r MatI !II' M Mb • rT" A "idlktJ S Gc n.".

',polu-' .. man DC Ih(' Afnc .. n AdvllI-h ili I n "1",, \ ' 11 " \I h .. \ 1I1~11I~1 lIY Cf'llfldl ;lnd wllh I (' ('0- I"

",t-l'Jllon of hiS pr·,'plr. bUilt I 11l\~ 1"·"1> .Itt, 1!'''1I1l Ihr' """~",,, "I \\ . 11 1\ 1 .• ' .. " ,I,· .. I .,.1 by I .. n (, of CIII In\!: M~d,II'l'S W .. rl\i r t EC Thonp n nl C It

r - 11(1"'" \I , B Mk.' It llbl.

A E Ciq€'rn J, h

M 11 (" Illb .. r L.. G V tin .... ,...11 known as .. eol gt" tl .... \.11,\,", 11,·,>1 ... "","\ .• 111',· 1 '",111' 1n1<.tl, \.dlli. I, ",1\ , It,·

""t ... I ~d ... l. L J •• .... bll!h('(f ~l l'n I la a Nol.I 'Ii

.\ IIC'r ,,,,"dlltl " , I' ~'l1k, \ [, S ."''' "Iurn ,I

M('mori.ll H ... II ,. Ha H"nour fur_ • ,1 'II 1' r.'I"I1", 1>.1 ""., rI"",,;.!h Iher WId Ih~1 till' Ch,d had bUI\!; 11 ... 'Ih 111.1 I'lll"" ,)11 I., ... 11\

~"III( 1'111" II dr, ('normous d;lm, Ihl' &lhOf'n T I1'''I',1U1' 11.1 Dam-whIch would b ... a monu I .. \,.t,.t

Women Ii W(Ji·kpa. f. II manuLw1ure of knllted n Inr

' .. ~1;J11

(.e-:J ~C

n L. Sak t' J J~)tse I

\I I' Ill,,· 'f '1'" ... 110 ( 'I'I[t-' I~ ~1'''1\IhulJ Il 11...·'11'.


Th, PaJ that

makel , .


, as1

. neM 10 hIS n.)mc .nd Ihal of Ih,' 'I t .\ \ , Tube whO"lt' memMB had ap- l..It "I h ili

,1"i'IlYn . 1"1 1\,,,)..

for m ... mbc, of th N.llil II '..lry ('iiI P Up UJ d tl nun bt of Jum}>lat ,' .. r:' 0, II. J J

r thl' , , , of Sdl-B ;d, 01 Ru 'n

Prt.ved th. ... C(lnstruelion of Ihl' ,,'." lrolll flo .. h"t. 1.1.\ III o .. m. 1'111' 11 ,·\ li<'O. :->1'11" •• "I Ih.,

mJ:i'~' co~f~~~:b~ o~u~t.~pfi'~~~r~ 1'1 ... ,,1"11:11,11 Sd,,,,,I , 1.\. ,1>111. wo~

.IO~H hilvr bt",nl·omp I.l-d ni , enn \~Ilmln\ "III h rtlv '\I' I) ;1<.11

d~p .. tch('d 10 1h(' t o''P! pn,lob O,m

os r. aro. :'e :i at h. l' '('to


o;un~trucled platform. bl.'hmd III tl ... till ,llIlllfl 111 \' l.,~' ~hLCh fit·\, the Um"n J ack. h,lm \,,-~'L·'·II,I, \Ihcro:- the)' rlluld overlook th~ " Id \,,\1 .. , I ""'I"I~ '1.11 I,·"," lTowd anu Iht' .mcmbl'rs of Ih'·IIU.W"II"" SUItt!." 1"1 11,1.'1> Bangwakcl>~' third Comra nr d I I ' I I I th... Afnean A Ulllh llrf Plonl"'r I' ... 1 ~ ll1· I \1 h· r.' 'II' I~ ~ I "'IP ,UII COI PS whIch h Jd ~pl'elall)' ('oml' ., 1 ,~.lul:l:' " fl0m Ihe lAbatsl TrainmR cam~ 1 S"ll;I lnr \\" , \\..t .h. 1,1". h" Cot Ih(' purpose of COfm mll .. I,,·.·u .'I "·II~I,..jt rh.· U1t't'lWIl' .. I Guard of Honour. I II ... \all ',' Il l·Im·. ,'IJI.I I I\·" , '""".

Tht· wlllmg WUI ke a L n .. rn J " foil, ..

M, Nl hill I

\!J N. '" h Ir

Phokeng Secondary I School Closing Concert

, ~,JV ,

N, , , K. n3, (In N, I,

Health Society Lovedale


, • .The C h ief rl' piled , ... )( pl l'~ml; I " 11 111 ['r .. I,.n ... 11"01 1,'1"",,.,1 I" O N th~ n, ·hl of N, '!t fEL S

I hLs humble t hanks to HL., M.lJ~I\', 1 • Ih.t' Phok , nl j • r o­

f Snu.h fll r . such iln honour ;'lId also a~'11 I,' ( "1 '" Schon) h,.d.. ~ foJl T HI CO~ 111 TEl UT1n~ the Bnti~h Govem mt'f,t \l 1'~ ~ ~l..tol1, I, · \l l-lIt.hl"', 011 cl('>'.tnlt C'O «',\ Ifl tho ::: tit ,lIh Soc

,f hl~ loyallv and Ihat (I f hi l'II"'I'v. 1'1111 1,·.,\'" !It'~1 \I\-"-~ lur S~ho,,1 H.III TI ... fI 'HI~' pI' 11 Lik ~I lOt" I< ~,p\(' h .. "I",,,.,\ "11 10"1.,1.,, m"n~' from thl' o"t kilhOI Ru 0 held Novt'mb , .!h

,It ai,,1 , It .\ IIt ... 1 ( • .I bUf!!h .. nd PhQklh""dTIle Itndl' In U' ('OTllllll+e mal CO

Deputation F I b,· I .... chual chit Hm. undor " L fOCI lOR T "-. r lI,~L"'" '" ,.1 ,Ilt' \I "mlir 1,.11U,II).I abl~' dl~(llOn 01 M~ F, K I.,,,,' /)

I I I I I k , I M.d tdntt C II ",1 'I "'1>. ,""11'11. _ .>1', WIll "klafe ""'rt' .lpp,U'e, .. I.-d by tlo

ItIJt"I"~la. alr1\,·,1 11, II,. ,!I\ "II ;.udkne(' Ttll' dllll dl pIJ)' ,.It' Th(' Irea .s ..... 11"1,, ... 1".\ 16)0 t:'1I,.'h " I ~I r .11,,1 and dul". pleascd 0111 l'r~~.:r.· pre ented "n j a J.b~td.J.: T eache rsroiO \l r, ,I If \1.1"111"\11,', , ' I tho F"w mlKlc .. 1 l"'ltlltlbuI .. m Ildl .wdll i);!I,nr n finan es ('(I'~

'o\erl' made b}· the Bllt' r.III(' ne t:do y ,I, !)le 1-1, ,Uh M. £:&%In A ITER " m ol .... · m('.hnl:; of 100(] W,·."'ru \,,11'1"1" l U\lI,~I"I' Th.·\ of Ru;;t ... nburA Chief l~me lot r M.,U('O'·li ronn,.;! d With ng , ••


Afne.).n t..aeher~ al Joh .. nnl 1"1\. 1"'''llliol I". B"Il, l1U" Mr-.jlltll:lll a.nd f,t, Sill I. Fold,un '1· at' n of ttlt wo it Ol the mnHt· bur l:. 1J.~t mnnlh. .. dl 'putahun , I I I·.... .... .. Il· l!I t'"~ tn .. p",n tl'e W(.(· diS u!i!lcd &.nlOI1S th{' (' , .sl~lln!: o f 17 teach trs. repre-. 'I t f. , .. ) \\ ( 'rnwl' IIII' \1.·1 1· Mr C M;,kula at (\.1, 'IC ",S Ih proousal to ~'l·J.te u~ '.·l1lm!! a ll Ihe dl ftcr('nl poIrb >If k ' I k I Th- -n.', -I d 'I, "'. Ih ... T I'J.nsva ... 1. and nne Il'acher . ,,,,,. n ~""'" 'If'" N ,~ I.. '-: hi ' .... ' ~,' " ~"c(!tnrl'lIlt('l' ,"rnlX"'eG c! lht' ('hall ' leprcs..-nlln«: 'hI' F rl'1.' StOll ... rnt1I1'IIII'1iah,,1 " .. 1"3 " "1"'1111111<'111 n G ' rr. ,n I! r t .Tll- Irt-a!urtr nd "h Alw:an Teachl't"5' A~iJllon u ' ·""11111 1<>II,'r "I l la l h.. Tlu· 10; lJE'ndml; his sho' '(,;1\'''''' '\ q L l;M> lI'd'S v.hlch .... ould m tt

a,t(-d on Ihe Seel"'ury lur NJI· I" Ib,· 111-' l1u\I' 111 II ... T r:m",." .1 .1hs, nCI' at Lo-.vl'd.llt a th~ (ttl t flt'n, r Ih.ln t 'I months to ron-1\'(' Alfau''!! .. Mr D L S m,l, ~n tb .• 1 Ii ""'II ,.1 , .. I"ur ha. 1(',(,1,.,.,11 c~ Mrs. J K Boll 'I' his", tho'r an' 11 I'nt b', .. m ' ru!h('! DI'cl'mbct' Ii at P re lon3 I ' I - t" ' 0' d b r Thc dl'put;;o lion WIIS led by M.' .11i I .iI, ,'1 '1"111" "11'111. m· av.: a ,~I •• , a, n ',n,t tht' rl.'Sponsl Iltl·. 0 5 J J Ltsola nl:. ronvt'ntr. lind " .111 "'1:"" 'I ... 1U1I'"l''''' Ih', Ami'nJ: ,hl' mini : .. rs WIV" &nd h; "'l<' s !J'oulJ lest onI\' on ('Ihers \\'hl1. spok(' werl' Ml".Sr lib .. · .. " I ~II~ II W llh.II!1~. t\ I"" olher ladll'S allend,n~ th .. anJlu~1 c ne 00 , 'J ,,,, ,n Thc pWpOs:u H B N~'alh l, P L Chu('n('. V V I ~ ,I 1',l1u'''' '11 11". :'\"".I·,\'m l .~"n l('tre~1 .,t Lov(·~.,1c- Ihl \I., k \\J~ unamma, ;j pled Mbobo. BA . M Ntl.' BSe 11 '''1'11 ,1 \r " \'I.\' l ... r u ~I, .. ,.,I" "1'1' Mr (,~,' 11('1;.:&, M Am"nlII05('P' , '\\CII' Rt·v R Iltlleral <;(' .. n;ta .... ·• O.F S.A T A . R~lbu~ .. na. Milo B"lI'li Pol H W Sli.·o',t' . DI R T &kWl' S P K · ' r·""I,'rI wakwa. genelal I.etn·t.ltv M;I~lH>Jo"u. MIS p, \I'r, M, Nt~lko ttl l K l\Iatlh, ' ••. Re" J J R T A T A D W BIlPJ(W and E R " I' li ,'l11u,I,· 1' ... 111", .. I 111/' E."I L""d,,n toll Ni-!"U1KI'MI .!olotw .. nd B B ~1dlcd"- NOIt"i Molepo. , I W :'\ 1. .\ ,10h"III,,·,I"111: "'1 1 Mp;,mb.1, ~11 Ndlo'<<Ul .. and r Jl'liu fur ill,'nH' \\l'I'('

The obJl'ct oC the depuUtlon 1~ ''' ~ I 'I,·.·\; I"r Jl I1 1t.·I\I"rd • .,1]1"11 '11' M", a Tr.' k," fo'I I,d flom M. D J.lm"5 "nd to 'mprove Ine !;;llan' leaks 01 ~ It " 11.11 \"I~l t h.· I ",\I,'lIh I.. Aftlc ... n leachE'1'S In bulh thl' \11 I .\ \1 ,,1.""1111 II,J.~ "tlll' •. ,1 JO)O, Mr~ Ndo!)e ~r L,n II 11.1, A D.,n.l.

I Nolthull P rovlA('t'''' and Mrs N,: mg"nl' K,n Iham.. Ahce

\\' j\h Mr Smlt" wa~ Dr \II III 111<'1'11\ !tUIll \""'0'111111:1111: 10 ... ·n,Mr! runam P("'I' ... : !\.t. t R EHel .. n, Ch,t'r I n~pertor tor NlI. I I I I ' .. "I,J Z"I" .. ,[1 1t· .. I·, G.lS.l Mt' J .Iol!l{'''1 E "nd no:\' LVl' Educa tIOn In Ih.l' Tr~n'waal 11,·,1 " ..... 1. I", \.11.,1 "III'I"I,,~III[I Johbe 'I1,1i MdJl'dll' II Ml rv C

Mr SmLt will pl.1re Ii'll' I('ach· '1', ·",1 " 10"1,,1,,, ~hi A'O:!l1 '\II( 1"1 .. memoulldum beloa' a mrel, inlt (If thl' EdutahOl1al rcpn'5t'fl. " IIi\'(-<l of the (OUI prnVLnCt"l: ;.1 CalX' To\\n on J"nuar.· 7. afh'r

·hlfh thc h'o(;hers Will retel\' thl'lr reply.

___ JI_

ukubhala kubc1ula

• ~~\t to\\ t.$ ot ~

,~~ ~10~t.'


- -


Penonalla ~( l' I;Ii Juhanm";· '" ,. t":. Ah 1~.rn In .", .. T'an.vaal I' ',"Uol . "ltlIUIlI

Page 20: Brilliant Soviet Victories - UJ IR









Politi cally


TIle Mouthpiece

All the bast










1S t - per Year

4/- " Quarter

of the African People 1/6" Hall y,


Tsansvaal IN \'ll"\\' "r "Nu Toulnam~'!1t'

'11I_~ ~C;J!<()n, I would :,ugg1.;~ a match between l·epn:s~nt .. ll"\· !'old!:::. 01 the Far East .Ind W~·,t R:mtl. ill Christmas. ThiS would be Inc hlgh-lI~ht of Inc se!lson. II IS ~h(' opinIon that the \Vc!>t b the better side. but the la:,\ Pori Eliz.beth tournament stati~LICs l>clle lIlilt, for the .l!:ast H.;.mdcrs


Van R} n Estate F. C. Celebrations Uf

Trophies (By X f M)


JOE NGOYI tJla~ ~J " ,(',d l'JpL3m's gam!;' l,lSt SundllY when

he hit 1m). rOI ClI' Dl'I:1) m thC'1I matdl <lI!,"nst the W(>~t R<l:!d Cons, when tablc:;; w(;')'e Ilil n:ng m:!i1in"t them Mamu, Judula, Mpili~o and V AN RYN ESTATE GAZA

M;Jnkal shouldered the Ttans"a .. l CHURCH was p:Jcked when I, a ~Iorlous victory and Ihl) Ihe V.R E PC celebl'at~'d the West Rand bJut'd rlr~1 <lnd b<lllln~ perform;mce ha::; never W11ln1n!l of Ihe ERDAFA thlou~h 111(' ':WI'11I'ale bO"'IIlI!': or re1ehcd grealer hcil::hb than In trophic!; by senior and JUnJor Chief J MtH.UiI <lnd S, Vl'n.l. th('\ the current East Rand cricket tea In". ThE' chairman. Ml M D olll\' madE' 42 1Un~, In openHH! !;C,1~on. M;lma. Bansanl. Mbetc. ManJbhana, welcomed lh(' su~ts tllE'lr mnJn:!s Cit~· Dl'l'p started and Zani have made their mark prc~ent. amongst whom wcrt' Mr. J ven ~"aklh {'nd wc,'c onl· saved with CE'ntunes and the other st:u W R Hayes (J::cnerat manaRer). from a debadE' b~' th(' ConsIstent batsm3n Jadula. is m form at Mr. J E. Fr;:I<;er tcr.mpound . J . T the moment Besman rnav not rn3nat;er). Chief Zwelldllmde. ~attmS?f oe?N~O' I he Innmgs be anothel' Frank Roro. but he I~ Counc:llcr AJ Slbil M R C. and dosed \\lth 16_ llm~. a sound baL'im;,;O,~~~~; l lI'Ir. H L. Msimang (prcsident .The malch will bt· f'ont:nw.;d at w1uld Ide<.ll E R D.A.F ,A.) He Wl)nt on to refer \\'est R,md lOmonQ\\'

to the encouragement and kindness shown by the general manager. M\. W. R Hayes, to the ~occer playel's (twenty-twol; <lnd hl' described Mr W R Hayes as a "father" to them all.

, keeper,

To {'omalete my East Rand XI I would mclude Mpiliso, Mankal and Ndlazulwana lo bear the br· .. ,t .... { the attack.

East Rand Tennis The general managel in his

speE'Ch said that 10 hiS expenence sport was one o[ the Ihinl::s th .. t F OLLO\\'ING al E' th(' I ('suils of would assist the Nativl"s i" pro- l<lst S'lI1d;H 's matdle~ In the ~resslnf:. He conglatulateo. the N.RC. Cup. mC'n's doubll's V:m

Johannesburg Poshl District

Postal Arrangements For Holidays

p,,~tl\1.1l b(,,<.{'~ at llym lin Wed· ncsdav. Chrlslmas Eve.

AI! Branch Offices Will be clo~­Kl nn Chrl!>tmas Day but t'Orre", pundt'nC!' will be sorted into pn·

AT thl H",ld O!Tit;e In ,ale boxe~ bv 9 a.m. at the follow· Johannesburg next 1\1t"~da\".lmg dlice~:-' Bedfordview Clev· ....

Dmgaan'$ Day. lh(, main hall will land, Hallway HOllS~. ,N'ewvlll~ be open from fl a m to In a.m for Sandown. Belgravla. Crown the sale of pnslil~e st:lmps and' Mlne~. Jl·ppes{own .. Northland" po:;;tal orders, dchvery of posl(> Bel'gv]c',.. Denver. Khptown, Plm­rE'"t<lnte. surchargE'd and over. Ville .. L.lly Deep, Fon.J:;bun; CJverflow box COl respondenc(' ae' Rlv{>nla.<ln~ ~~nglaagte. .' " ' cepl3nc,; of regislered artleies qn FJ Ida~, Oecemb(1 -I)

and par("cls. Th(' telegrapb counl- BOl(1I11; OilY· atlhl.' i-leau er will be opcn from lj "'.m. '." Officc In Johannesburg, lh .. ' D a.m and ~ p.rn 106 p,m. Thcl'e main. hall Will be oprn \\111 NOT he .. d(>J\vcf\' b\' post- from ~ a,m: to 10 a m. for Ihe men but correspondence '\"1l! bl: sale of po~tiJ~e :;.t.amps and pu~tal sorted mlO pn"att' boxes dunn.; olders. ddlvery of posle restantll. Ihe mornm~ and evenin~. A "'l11charged and overflow box collection from all postmg boxps correspondence. the acreptance of wll1 bl' m;Jdl' al 11 p,1n, on TlIc.;.- parcel!> <lnd the accept3nce ,tnJ d:w. DI't;embl'! 16. ALL BRANCH delIvery of registered al'l,,;:k~. OFF'ICES WILL BE CLOSED, The lel",gl·i.lph counter will b<'

Un Chl'l,\m,l~ Ua.\' the Main (Ipen from 9 am. to II ,<l.m onJ H(lll ill IhE' head cfft'e ,Tohilllnl"S- 4 p.m, 10 {i.p.m',There \\)11 ben? bur" Will 'te cJ,.std The Il':e'.l.rap:l delivery b~ ,po:;;:tmen but dcoHe~-

• ." I {9 . pOlldence "'Ill be sorle lIlt:.l coullter WI le "pen Inm 6' a IT! pri"3le buxes during Ihe morn­to II J m, and 4 D 1Tl tt' pm. d ' A 11 r f (In ThE're IVIIl I'l' " deliw·r\" bv DU"\ 'T~ allt~:~'n~ci';e~ wfn ~; ~~d~ at ':I1(n and corn·~pClnren~e. \"11\ b~ Ill! r~, ALL BRANCH OFFICE..::i sorted Into pl'lVale box('~ dUrll1 . I WILL BE CLOSED. the mornln. a"d evel1lng. ,\ . I I { , collechon \\111 bl' made frnm /('1.\111111"" ,II II,,,'..,, fOlium ., My We:;t Rand side is eomprt.j­

ed of players whose ability IS undoubted. They have all Aalflt:d · provl\1cial cap~ save the t1eWCf)mt>rs S. Matodl<lna and Oscar Mannerin~, both of whom ment inclUSion by virtue of (I\it!.tandins displays fOi" lhtir clubs.

wlnmn,c: learns. Mr. H L. MSlmang outlined Ihe R. n Deeo bl',lt Da~~a Rrl\'l'I":' I ==---------;-==~=~.---========

progress of soccer in the F.astern (w 0 ), Wesl SprmL.[~ beat Impll·

DJ<;tllct 3nd ~poke Ifl highest cuko b\ :!7 '::iJml'S (96-69) 1-------------------------------. If current form is a S\udl: one

could nr)t hope for more equ,lll~' billanced teams than the follow· int.(, in bl1ttmg order

Far Easl D. E;I'it Geduld ·;:3~~~~i~,~ R.lnqani. ( Geduld, Mbete. ~HlUDha Sprin~s 'C::eoki! Gcduld: J. Mine..;: N. Mankai. S, Ndlazilwana West

\Vl'st Rand' F. Roro, e Hashe. Orientals; S. 'P,lIld Ll:a"es; H Roro.

Jadul<l, Geduld.

Zam. Deeo;

13. .,

, I .

\V Mwndeki Rand Leases; M:llI1dl;1fl3. Rand Lea'ics. XlmlY<l, "13nnerln~. Brookcr. Orientals; Luipardsvlt:i. Mbalyoti.


terms o( the conduct of thc club. HUll icane, btl'

on and off field of play. He al~o . refened 10 the enroura~ement M;,Hch fbhllf.'i of the E:.RD B C, shown bv the mmE' authorilies to, T A. to be ola,ved Lomonow, Sun· wl1fds !.he variou~ sports, dil~ December H. Oil the ground of

10 movmg a vote of th;)I1k ... I the first-named, an! West SpJ in;,:" J. E Fraser. compound mana(!el. vs, Hurnt;ane congl'alulated the players and assocloted hlm~elf \\'ith the rcmark~ of the general managel ON TH E He also said he was much plea~ed 10 see Chief Zwehdumile present.

WEST RAND The functIOn closed wHh the natIOnal ;1nth-eW). Nk('Sl 511<"ll'la I I Afnka, and God s;ave the Kmg. (By Chn' P MJtebtJ

Natal Tennis REV. M]', H B. MAKE and Mrs.

I Make. Mr. M,l1'<lbr, Mrs, E Zibulil, Mrs. 51h'ana, Mr.;,

I MoliCl.Jng. MIS, GI,ldys L. Thako. M'·s· L. II1qedlJnu. MISS Mll1am

DI ' 1111 \,. I I)'~I '1.-1 TI'Ullh Ndlo,'u. and MISS Mampe. of the • -. ,Ill' I.. /I, M E chun h. Randfontem. weI' ..

" . ,\"1'('1(1\1')11 I~ ]llU~~''''''III;!. among those. who atlended tho till' lm·,,1 1(1lI1'11l1! II'Ulih .-111]" Afncan Methodist EplscopJI t,ta".,1 ;;I:.!:nill~t )11I11:l'll,hil1 al Chllrch'" Transvaal convcnlio:! J)lIrl1;l11 111 ~ll1l,h". Sm"'mll"l :!:l "I \Vitbank November '27-,"

1)1IT1.;lJI \\'1'11 I;,' .1 [,·,,,1 "I 1"2 The TI·3nwaal. Natal and Swaz. 11 I

i,} \1 I II land True Templ<lrs Will as~emble ::"1111:·' / II! 1:111 ,,_. _ (111111111 II to'. Randfonlem frnm Dc't·t'mb" Mill, 21\ to 1 1942

It I'" II) 1",t",,1 hI 1111'1' 1\\" A mJ[Harv weddll1~ tuok j)lalT II'nlll~ 1·1111 .... Y~'IIIII:':' Illlll"llI 011 il' the MetilndlsL thlll'C"h Rand-

(Bv Watt"11el-onl lk~'PlqtIJ'I' \:1-11;. funteill. Ihe oth('1 Saturda~ 11[\('1"' . 1 n<"'on_ when PrivalE' J MkuLu

THE pl<.1'·('l's of Kama Cnckel Xl (widuwed '\'os m:l1'ned 10 Mrs shuwcd excE'llent fOlm through- F N 0 I d Marv Dlamlnl iwid(,wj In at-

ear ot VS r an 0 \I'ndanee on the bnde \\"a~ MI" IIl:t the 13~t tourn<lmenl. and m" • Glodys Thakn. and lilt' bc<;tm~'l Il'am would be hstcd in order o[ B th I 'was Printe J. Mbwel(' Rev. M, b;lltmg.- 1 Kwatsha INrW3~ll.2, ro er Y M<lvi oniciated-(l r(>C('ptlOn \\;l

H (;'1D'l(!el1l,:\. T MIni; <I F ~eld ilt the 1"'~ldencc of Mr<;, E Matlut" 5. A GI{\wa; 6. D Nro~'o; L '\S'\' :0;111101;,\ ;11 11,1;111,11., Zibula. who receivcd U1(; guest-; 7 Mquqn: 8. J Kani. 9, Nkwat(>ni I,'";,, .\"t (. ( "I thl' ('1111'

(N~f'Wazi). 10, A. Z. N<1no "nd 11 ,,,1,,1;111,01 ~!;IIII Ii"r'r. ""'! tld:lIl,I" J T\';Jli (r;;!pt,) lh,o(it"lh III :1 hUl"']. !i_d,,,,,

N I ·, 3 • 5 7 d n , I I 111'11111 (1<'I'ar \"pl) ILl' 11111'\11.\;,],1" os. . ¥, .... , an a e )<1 s-mt;1t whn can keel) then WIcke Is 111,,1 1\n~ 11'~1"'"~1111,' hll' 11", 1,)\1 1111.'l'i fOI ~ome time. and in Nos. ~""I" Ii,,,! lUll") "I Itllllllol" I 5.10 a'ld 7 ure bowl()r~ ;Ible to 1\,,,11,,·1'1,\, 1", 11.1\111:': 1.11,,," Ii "<lptlile thl' Wickets of til{' l)I'st IIH·I,,'I, 1'1';11' '\111 l'''l'lil',1 ,.llh babmen The team 1:1 It<; enti\'l:lt~· 1111 th. "(..tu ':.-1. \\f :'>"111,,11:1 ~O. consbt<; haJlPll~· of aU-rounders. 'I \llutHhl 14), \\"1"'11 ,"IUII'lI~

If K<.I ma Board chooses 10 hdd 01 Warn III the East London 01 pt:n Buard touJ'\1e~' formidable {'nough

not h,wl' to /!o faT to seck JOI' lhclI

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On Thursdav, .lanuar\' I Nt'w y(,or'S 0(1", <II Iht' He<l(\ Offi.::e 111 Joh:mrtcsburg. th(' m;110 hall wJi( bl' op!'n Jrum !l Jill 10 In ;I m rf1f th!' ~a)e of rn·lilj:(e ~1<l111P~ PO'Lll orders. deliver ... or ro~\(· n'slant· ('t·nespondence and arr:I'pta"re d rl'j:lisl!."red articles and parcel; The telegraph counter will hI' ~"O from 9 a m In II <lnd

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PriniE'd by R<"'ad, WE'~tdene.



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