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Bright (Excerpt)

Jun 04, 2018



Julian Silva
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  • 8/13/2019 Bright (Excerpt)



    Written by

    Julian Silva


  • 8/13/2019 Bright (Excerpt)



    "#$% I&:

    'I$%( "((T#G%: #n I&STR)CTI'% "I*+, -hot in .mm!

    TIT*% C#R$: %&%RG/ (" TH% ")T)R%

    The imae la-he- ith an old loo23 4oorly edited and ithcorny liht mu-ic! S2y-cra4er-3 croded -treet- and bu-ytraic! Railroad- ull o 4eo4le and the central avenue!

    RR#T(RDELPHIC CITY. Cradle of moderninnovation. A place where the

    brightest minds in the world gatherto give life to or wildest dreams.

    "actorie- at ull throttle3 -mo2e and -team emere to the-2ie-3 -hinny car model- bein unolded! # hih cla-- 4artyand a lim4-e o the niht lie!

    The -toc2 mar2et and the city hall! The 5ar2 and the cityST#$I)+! # B#S%B#** ame ta2e- 4lace!

    RR#T(R!t now" the cit# is facing a newchallenge$ E%E&'Y.

    # youn man receive- the 6%/S o the city! Tall and dar2haired37893-lim com4le;ion and a clean loo2!

    RR#T(R()H% *TA%+ELD. The prodigal son" agenis li,e no other. Entrstedwith the tas, of finding a viableenerg# sorce.

    # ca-ual -mile on hi- ace hile 4hotora4hed! 5icture- oJohn ith aard- throuh the year-! #t la-t3 he 4o-e- ith

    hi- ie %*%#&(R 78oyul! She ave- at #biail3 ho run- toard-her! She loo2- >u-t li2e her ather! They -mile!

    # laboratory ith a bu-y cre that ander- around a bi+#CHI&%!

  • 8/13/2019 Bright (Excerpt)


    John -tand- in the middle3 he -tare- dee4ly at -omeblue4rint-! The machine -et- o! The -cienti-t- atch ithe;4ectation behind the la-- o a control room!

    RR#T(RA generator capable of provide

    energ# to an entire cit# for //#ears and more. Leaving all othersforms of energ# obsolete.

    TIT*% C#R$: ")SI(&

    RR#T(R-hat is +sion0

    #n animation -tart- o ith a hite bac2round! # riendlycartoon dot a44ear- on the riht!

    RR#T(RThis nice fella is Tritim.

    TRITI)+'ood da#.

    RR#T(RAnd this prett# gal is Deterim.

    #nother dot ith a ribbon al2- on the let! Tritium et-im4re--ed! $euterium a--ent-!

    TRITI)+I love #o.

    They et toether in the centre! # C%&S(R 4ull- a curtain tocover them rom vie!

    RR#T(R-hen the# fse the# create helim"liberating more energ# than an#other engine in the world.

    # baby helium -lee4- in a carriae3 it bur4-! # bi beam

    liht- u4 the -creen!

    RR#T(R!t this isn1t eas#. Temperatresas 2/ times hotter than the sn arenecessar# to reach sch conditions.

    # -un ith dar2 la--e- -ho- reliant!

    S)&Ha3 Yea right.

    It et- cru-hed rom above ith the ne;t -lide! # reactor cuto4en vertically! Red trail- orbit the center o the machine!

  • 8/13/2019 Bright (Excerpt)


    RR#T(RThe scientists enclose the heatsing magnetic fields" ma,ing the

    plasma to spin in an infinite loop",eeping it from escaping.

    # animation ith little 4la-ma dot- ha44ily ridin a rollercoa-ter! The animation ade- into the live action reactor!

    RR#T(REven thogh reslts still aren4tdecisive" we hope soon to achievefree energ#. +or those who bravel#strive in this times of need5

    # ST#T)% o John acin the hori?on ith determination!


    5-e wish them good lc,. And in thewords of *tandfelt himself...

    John -tand- in a 4odium and et- ready to -4ea2 im4o-inly!

    C*#&6 The -creen ree?e-! # com4uter error bur-t the imae!

    I&T! SCI%&C% "#IR A $#/ A C(&TI&)()S

    # rou4 o >ude- -tare- conu-ed in -ilence at the SCR%%&!There- a table ith a -cale model and -ome 4a4er-! # 4aleAloo2in 2id nervou-ly trie- to i; the video!

    6I$WI**Sorry!!! There- -eem- to be -ometechnical 4roblem-!

    Redhead and a little -hort or bein in -i;th rade!

    WI**#nyone ha- Due-tion- -o arE

    J)$G% F1/eah3 -houldnt you be at -choolE

    WI**/e-3 ye- I -hould! #nyone el-eE

    J)$G% Fac2et and dra- him to the loc2er-!

    H%#TH%RHere e o!!!

    #BIG#I**i-ten3 Will! I dont 2no hat-tu4id >o2e are you tryin to 4layon me3 but you really are -tartinto 4i-- me o!!!

    WI**It- not a >o2e! 5lea-eA

    He et- 4u-hed harder!

    #BIG#I**i-ten to me Whatever you have to

    -ay3 I dont care! Ju-t -tay aayrom me beore you reret it!

    She let- him o ith an anry loo2! Will -tay- beildered!The three o them continue their 4ath li2e nothin ha44en-3but Will ollo- them anyay!

    WI**Im not lyin! /our atherAA




    The man rab- Will and han- him on a rac2 rom hi- collar!

    %#R*Sorry 2id3 nothin 4er-onal!

    WI**Hey Wait That- really unnyuy-! Cmon

    He trie- to ree him-el hile they al2 aay! He ive- u4and -ih- di-a44ointed! &ot noticin that -omeone -tand- ne;tto him! It- +r-! Sherman3 tou-led and totally anry!


  • 8/13/2019 Bright (Excerpt)


    WI**%h!!! a little hel4E

    He -hru-

    I&T! ST! +#RTH%* SCH((* A 5RI&CI5#*S (""IC% A *#T%R

    Will -it- in at the ede o the room! # little un-teady3 heatche- a cor4ulent blac2 man 4uttin 4encil- in a electric-har4ener! He time- each -har4 ith a chronometer in hand!

    WI**#rent you oin to -end me todetentionE

    5RI&CI5#*We dont have detention in thi-

    -chool3 youn man!

    He -4ea2- -otly, ith a -outhern accent! He leave- the4encil- and et- to hi- de-2!

    5RI&CI5#*We li2e to ta2e care o thin- inhere! Ive heard youre cau-in+r-! Sherman -ome trouble!

    He ma2e- a e-ture or Will to -it in ront o hi- de-2! Heobey- -hyly hile the 5rinci4al -mile- at him!

    5RI&CI5#*So3 it- everythin alrihtE

    WI**That- a ide Due-tion Sr!

    The 5rinci4al -mile- aain and re-t- hi- elbo- on the table!

    5RI&CI5#*Well3 -tretch it!

    Will loo2- don meditative or a e -econd-!

    WI**Have you ever elt!!! li2e you havethe chance to chane the orld3 buta bunch o clon- in a -uit ontlet youE

    5RI&CI5#*( cour-e I have3 Im a teacher!

    WI**It- not the -ame3 thi- i-im4ortant!


  • 8/13/2019 Bright (Excerpt)


    5RI&CI5#*Im4ortant enouh to mi-- the ir-t

    ee2 o -choolE

    WI**I a- bu-y!

    5RI&CI5#*Will3 you have to coo4erate ith

    me! I 2no that you have had atouh lie3 >u-t tell me hatAA

    WI**Im ine!

    Will cro--e- hi- arm- and ron-! The intercom arn- a call!The 4rinci4al reconi?e- a -ilhouette at the la-- door!

    5RI&CI5#*%;cu-e me or a -econd!

    &%MT R((+ A S%C(&$S *#T%R

    # youn oman holdin -ome ile-! Brunette3 781 ith a curvyace! The 5rinci4al 2ee4- an eye on Will3 tryin to beincon-4icuou-! She -mile- at him ith a 4lea3 he thin2-!


    W(+#&6#TH%RI&%)hhh!!! Bernard

    5RI&CI5#*He- -till a 2id and e -houldtreat him a- -uch!

    6#TH%RI&%/e-3 the ty4e o 2id I alay- hearyou tal2 about3 on ho e a-tetheir 4otential! Thi- could be ourchance to ma2e it u4 to it!

    5RI&CI5#*He- a -mart 2id3 nothin el-e! Heneed- hel43 not bein -tudied!

    5RI&CI5#*S (""IC%

    Will li-ten to them unintere-ted! He -in- hi- le-im4atient and onder- around! Hi- eye- meet the indo and-to4 ith e;4ectation! #biail advance- toard- the -treetthrouh the ront o the buildin! The -chool day i- over!


  • 8/13/2019 Bright (Excerpt)


    6#TH%RI&%He -cored 100O in the admi--ione;am!!! in ten minute-

    5RI&CI5#*/e-3 he al-o hac2ed into a

    teacher- com4uter! $ont youreali?e he could have cheatedE

    6#TH%RI&%Well3 let- a-2 him!


    6#TH%RI&%Becau-e hi- ettin aay!

    He turn- bac23 Will climb- the indo!

    5RI&CI5#*(h dear3 Will Wait

    Both come runnin to catch him3 he >um4- don to the lateralroo and oe- over the ede -2illully! He- on the -econdloor! The 5rinci4al and 6atherine -to4 at the ca-ement and>u-t atch him o aay!


    6#TH%RI&%*et him!

    He turn- to her -ur4ri-ed but inally aree- di-couraed!


    Will -taer- ha-ty ith hi- -iht on the -treet! He reache-the end o the roo, ne;t to the ront o the -chool!Hundred- o children loudly ill the lan beneath him!

    #biail 4roceed im4a--ive3 a bi blac2 S)' aait- her! Will-earche- around rantically until a tree reveal- it -el!

    WI**&o ri-2 no un!


    Heather o4en- her door3 %arl brin- her a malt -ha2e!

    %#R*Here you o!


  • 8/13/2019 Bright (Excerpt)


    # the di-tance3 Will all- har-hly over -ome bu-he-! He run-aay immediately3 barely dodin the other 2id-!

    WI**%;cu-e me!!! Get out o the ayA

    He 4a--e- behind the car ma2in #biail turn beore -he can-i4 her drin2! She oe- to the bac2 o the car to chec23 butind- nothin and return- -u-4iciou-!


    She clo-e- the door relieved and trie- to -i4 aain but hold-bac2 and lim4-e- to the other -eat- Duic2ly! There- no one!

    WI**7rom -unroo

    Hello there +e aain

    #biail -Duee?e- her cu4 and -4ill- the 4in2 drin2 all overher ace in a-toni-hment!

    WI**+aybe e -tart ith the ron oot!What Im tryin to tell youA

    She rab- him by hi- u44er teeth and dra- him don!

    SI$%W#*6 A *#T%R

    The S)' -tar- o revealin Will hanin in a -treet liht4ole! He loo2- ir2ed a- -ome 2id- -to4 to 4ee2 at him!


    I&T! 6#TH%RI&% S+ITHS (""IC% A &IGHT

    She or2- at her de-2 ith a com4uter! #n o4en re4ort to herlet -ho- a 4icture o Will! # overnment -ite a44ear- at

    the -creen di-4layin inormation! Her eye- chane a- -heread- ord- a-: K#B)S%L3 KW%**AB%I&GL3 K&%G*%CT%$L!

    #nother 4icture ith a youner Will come- u4 ront ith aca4tion: KSH%*T%R H(+% %*%#&(R% ST#&$"%*TL! 6atherine -to4-di-mayed! She then contem4late- the re4ort in -ilence!

    I&T! SH%*T%R H(+% A WI**S R((+ A S#+% TI+%

    Will or2- ith a -olderin on a -mall blac2 cube! He blo--otly over it! &e;t to him3 a la4to4 -ho- ith littlevolume the re-t o the video rom the -cience air! # -mallham-ter in a cae nibble- throuh the -adu-t!


  • 8/13/2019 Bright (Excerpt)


    #bru4tly3 the 4oer oe- out! The B*#C6()T a- announced! Heinhale- a- -omeone 2noc2- on the door! #n elderly blac2 omanenter- Duietly ith a la-hliht!

    WI** not no!

    Ho lon are you oin to be dointhi-3 BillyE

    Her voice i- -eet a- it can et but Will doe-nt ive in!

    WI**#- lon a- I can et out o thi-4lace3 hyE

    #re you -ure i- >u-t thatE

    Silence! She -adly vie- at him!

    Good niht Will!

    There- no an-er! She clo-e- the door! $ar2ne--!

    %MT! ST#&$"%*T +#&SI(& ()TS6IRTS A &%MT $#/

    The ourA-torey hou-e remain- im4o-in! Will hide- behind a

    mailbo; cautiou-ly loo2in in-ide the 4ro4erty! 5a--in theelectrical ence it come- the ra--! # ell reinorced allthat -e4arate- the arden- re-t -ome na-ty hardired deence!

    "ar in-ide3 voice- ri-e to hi- ear-! Will reconi?e- thebodyuard- rom beore3 but -omethin -eem- dierent! They

    hirl on a ba-2etball court3 u-in -4ort clothe-!


    Heather a44roache- bouncin the ball ith conidence!

    %#R*/oure burned! Cmon Brin it

    H%#TH%R#re you done old manE $ont latteryour-el yetA


    Will -tart- climbin the Duoin o the ence -loly! Hereache- the to4 ithout touchin the hih ten-ion ire! #4anoramical vie o the ront yard -tic2- out rom above!


  • 8/13/2019 Bright (Excerpt)


    WI**(63 let- -ee hat e have hereA

    He loo2- attentive at the -ecurity -y-tem and thin2-!


    To motion -en-or- to the let3 athermic detector and a 8=0P camerathat -hoot- ta-er-! &ot bad!

    #n o4en indo a44ear- on the riht -ide o the hou-e! Willchec2- the uard-3 both -till 4lay! He ta2e- a breath andclo-e- hi- eye-3 ma2in a mental imae!

    WI** 7'!(!#nle o -ihtA

    # movin re4re-entation bein- to -ho u4 in hi- mind!

    WI** 7'!(!A9 deree-! Time o re-4on-e3 13u-t anted to tal2 to you!

    #BIG#I*#nd you had to brea2 into my hou-eto do thatE

    WI**Would you have o4ened the door i I>u-t 2noc2edE


  • 8/13/2019 Bright (Excerpt)


    Her eye titche-! Ra4idly3 -he rab- him and dra- himtoard- the ride3 o4en- it and hit- hi- head re4eatedly

    ith the door ith him on the loor!

    #BIG#I*I havent been clear enouhE

    Both -tand! She imained the la-t 4art!

    #BIG#I*+a2e- -en-e!

    %MT! ST#&$"%*T +#&SI(& +#I& %&TR#&C% A *#T%R

    He et- to--ed out unceremoniou-ly by %arl! He re-i-t-cautiou-ly hile #biail and Heather come behind!

    WI**/oure ma2in a mi-ta2e

    %arl catche- and carrie- him beore he -hun-! Will notice- heha- a R(B(TIC 4rothe-i- on hi- riht arm!

    WI**/ou dont under-tand3 I need moretime! She ha-nt heard it all!

    They et to the ate! %arl 4u-he- him out!


    5lea-e!!! #biail!!!

    They turn and -et out to o in-ide!!

    WI**Thi- i- not hat your ather ouldhave anted

    #biail oothold-3 -omethin -na44ed in-ide her! The uard-reali?e -ur4ri-ed!


    He ould have li-tened!!!

    She marche- menacin! Heather trie- to cauht her butvacillate- at her aner! She reache- the rim o the ate!

    #BIG#I*Ju-t -ay it &ame my ather one

    more time

    Will ta2e- a -te4 bac2 intimidated3 -he lean- on the ence!

    #BIG#I*/ou dont 2no anythin!

  • 8/13/2019 Bright (Excerpt)


    # -econd ate clo-e- over violently3 -ecurin the entrance!He react- -tunned3 -tarin -trained into the void!

    The ind blo-3 the du-2 a44roache-!

    I&T! ST#&$"%*T +#&SI(& A B#THR((+ A *#T%R

    #biail clean- her-el in ront o a mirror! She yearn-e;hau-ted and a?e- at the ob>ect hanin rom her che-t! #

    metallic &%C6*#C% -ha4ed a- an arrohead! She ondle- itthouhtul hile contem4latin her relection in -ilence!

    I&T! ST#&$"%*T T(W%R A C(RRI$(R A #"T%R&((&

    The -ame oman rom $ec2ler- limou-ine travel- ith to men!Both in their mid thirtie-, one o them notably tall!

    They earne-tly enter an elevator! # hand de-4erately irru4t-throuh the door >u-t beore it clo-e-! # youn man come- incarryin -ome 4a4er-! Thin 7

  • 8/13/2019 Bright (Excerpt)


    B(BB/Well I!!!

    +o--e- -et- on hi- ay im4o-in!


    Havent I told you to ait out-ideE

    B(BB//e-3 Sr!

    H#**W#/ A *#T%R

    Bobby 4rol- in the hallay3 rumblin to him-el! Hecautiou-ly overloo2- the latch! $elicately3 he -lide- thedoor3 ta2in a 4ee2 to the rou4!

    The three orm in a ro3 e;tendin their let arm to him!$ec2ler hold- a coer and 4ut- it in ront o them! It ha- a-trane -ymbol on the cover: a trianle inter-ected by a '!

    The door crea2-! $ec2ler turn- ra4idly3 -carin him3 butdoe-nt notice- him! Bobby retreat- and onder- un-ettled!

    I&T! ST! +#RTH%* SCH((* A C*#SSR((+ A &%MT $#/

    Will -it- in cla-- notably de4re--ed loo2in at hi- de-2! #male teacher ramble- carryin a boo2!

    He ma2e- dra- on hi- te;tboo2 ithout 4uttin attention! (nedrain de4ict- #biail ith an- and a -na2e tonue! Theteacher Duietly notice- him and direct- hi- -4eech to him!

    T%#CH%RAI-ntE #re you here +r! Bar2leyE

    WI**#re e on 4hilo-o4hy cla-- noE

    Some Duiet lauh- emere rom the 2id-!

    T%#CH%R'ery unny! +aybe you could hel4 u-out ith Hamblet- -trule! Iyouve read the boo23 o cour-e!

    WI**(h Ive read it! It- >u-t that

    ord- arent really my thin!

    T%#CH%RReally thouhtE /ou are a number-uy thenE /eah!!! that- riht!

    *auh- increa-e in volume3 ma2in Will uncomortable!

  • 8/13/2019 Bright (Excerpt)


    WI**I >u-t li2e -traiht an-er-3that- all! Hidden meanin- orinter4retation-!!! &umber- or me>u-t -eem!!! hone-t!

    The teacher et- clo-er3 -omehat amu-ed!

    T%#CH%RI -ee3 but dont you thin2 that

    ord- can be hone-t tooE That -omethin- can not only be e;4re--edthrouh act-E

    WI**Well yeah but3 youll -ee3 -ciencecan be 4oetry too! &umber- havebeen here beore any o u-! They

    dont lie, they dont have to!

    He -tart- ettin e;cited!

    WI**The ay I -ee it3 the univer-e i-thi- bi 4oem and number- are theonly thin that can ma2e u-a44reciate it! #ny other ay it-ound-!!! -trane to me!

    T%#CH%RKAnd therefore as a stranger giveit welcome. There are more thingsin heaven and earth" Horatio" thanare dreamt of in #or philosoph#L!

    The cla-- lauh- aain! The teacher turn- bac2 to the boardtrium4hal3 -earchin or another 4ae in the boo2!


    KLi,e one who having into trth" b#telling of it" made sch a sinnerof his memor# to credit his own


    %veryone -tay- -ilent! The teacher turn- -ur4ri-ed and clo-e-the boo2 abru4tly!

    I&T! 6#TH%RI&% S+ITHS (""IC% A *#T%R

    Will anrily -it- in ront o her ith both hand- on hi-chee2-! She -mile- at him e;4ectant hile he notice- her manyderee- hanin on the all!

    6#TH%RI&%I 2ne you ould come bac2!

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    # 4au-e! She ta2e- out 4a4er- rom a ile!

    6#TH%RI&%/ou can call me 6ate!

    He doe-nt re-4ond! She inore- it!

    6#TH%RI&%(ne ould a-2 hy a 2id ith yourbac2round end- u4 ruinin hi- onaccom4li-hment-!

    He turn- the other ay3 hi- e;4re--ion chane- to -adne--!

    6#TH%RI&%Why did you came to thi- -choolE


    That- doe-nt matter anymore!

    6#TH%RI&%$ont you care about your utureE

    WI**+y uture i-nt here! I dontbelon in thi- 4lace!

    6#TH%RI&%What do you meanE

    Will reu-e- aain and lean- bac2 on hi- -eat!

    6#TH%RI&%Will3 I cant do anythin i youdont tal2 to meA

    WI**#nd hat do you ant to hearE ThatI eel -adE That no one et- meEWhat- that onna doE

    6#TH%RI&%It ould be a -tart!

    WI**I dont need a -hrin23 (6E Im notthe one ith the 4roblem!!! it-everyone el-e

    He -tand- u4 u4-et3 anderin on hi- eet!

    6#TH%RI&%Ho -oE

    WI**Cant you -ee itE &obody li2e- meThe 2id- in thi- -chool thin2 Im area23 adult- treat me li2e a baby,

  • 8/13/2019 Bright (Excerpt)


    even the 2id- at the -helter hateme! Ho -ad i- thatE

    6#TH%RI&%I dont thin2 i- that -im4le!

    WI**It i- e;tremely -im4le: 5eo4le hate

    hat they cant under-tand

    Ga?e- at her dee4ly3 tihtenin hi- i-t-!

    WI**I cant relate ith other 2id-! Idont tal2 li2e them3 I dont thin2li2e them and I cant orce them toacce4t meA

    6#TH%RI&%We all have 4roblem- ittin in-ometime-A

    WI**&ot li2e me!!! Im on my on3 Ivealay- been!

    He -it- ornAout and rub- hi- ace!

    6#TH%RI&%Ho did that eltE


    6#TH%RI&%Tal2in about it!

    WI**6inda ood!

    6atherine oe- ne;t to him ith care! Will trie- to turna-ide a- her hand- reach hi- -houlder-!

    6#TH%RI&%Ho about thi-E /ou can come hereand tal2 to me henever you ant3a- lon a- you ant! Im yourriend no!!! let me hel4 you!

    Will vie- at the loor and rub- hi- eye- one more time! She-mile- 2indly!

    WI**$o you 4romi-eE

    She ma2e- a 4in2y -ear e-ture3 he aree- ithered!

  • 8/13/2019 Bright (Excerpt)


    I&T! SH%*T%R H(+% A WI**S R((+ A &IGHT

    # me-- o blue 4rint- and >un2 occu4ie- the loor! The -mallblac2 cube re-t over the 4a4er-! # T' 4lay- timid over thedraer-! Will rueully eed- hi- ham-ter hile a ne-broadca-t -ho- u4!

    WI**I i-h I had your lie Theo!!!

    The little rodent >u-t che- renetically!

    WI**&o orrie-3 no re-4on-ibilitie-!!!Ju-t eatin and -lee4in!

    It -Duea2-! Someone 2noc2- at the door!

    WI**Come on in!

    7(!S!I- -omeone -till cran2yE


    She brin- him a cu4 o hot chocolate! The +ayor a44ear- onthe ne- bein intervieed!

    Good! I dont li2e to -ee my lilanel -colin around!

    She -it- ne;t to him! He 2ee4- it Duiet3 leaned on the tableinorin her! She breath- ith -adne--!

    Will3 you may thin2 that no onecare- about you! That- not true!

    WI***et me -ee3 there-!!! +e and!!!

    and!!! &o3 I thin2 that- about it!

    He oe- anry acin the all!

    I al-o care about you!!!

    WI**That- ea-y3 i- your >ob!

    # 4au-e! &ana mea-urably -mac2- in the na4e!

    WI**Hey What a- that orE

  • 8/13/2019 Bright (Excerpt)


    She ive- him the cu4!

    &o3 I maybe ont be a- -mart a-you3 but the one thin you cant4in on me i- that I dont love each

    and every one o the 4oor -oul-that end u4 in thi- 4lace!

    WI**%ven the bad one-E

    S4ecially the bad one-!


    (h I dont 2no! I may be a ool3but I thin2 that i I love themhard enouh theyll -to4 bein bad!

    Ta2e- hi- hand! Will loer- hi- a?e!

    Be-ide-3 I remember you erente;actly the nice-t lad on the bloc2

    hen you ot here!

    He rin- -lihtly and -tare- don aain!

    WI**Im onna mi-- you &ana!

    What are you -ayin anelE

    WI**&othin!!! oret it!

    Go to bed no3 dont anna be late

    or -chool!

    WI**/eah3 yeah!!!

    She 2i--e- him in the orehead and leave- -erenely!

    T' R%5(RT%R... -hat wold #o sa# to the

    people then0 Are we doing a good6ob so far0

    +#/(R-ell" It4s to soon to thin, inreslts #et.

  • 8/13/2019 Bright (Excerpt)


    I don4t wanna be the one preachingabot asterit#" bt sadl# this isthe case...

    The mayor et- a clo-e u43 Will- ace turn -eriou-!

    +#/(R*ome sacrifices wold have to bemade" the lights will remain offfor while. -e4ll thin, insomething... eventall#5

    He turn- o the T'3 leave- the chocolate a-ide and continue-ith the -olderin in -ilence ne;t to a dim lam4!