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vii BRIEF CONTENTS Contributors xix Preface xxi Introduction: Facing Our Neighbors: Introducing Religions of the World—Lawrence E. Sullivan 1 Chapter 1—Indigenous Religious Traditions—Robin M. Wright 31 Chapter 2—Hinduism—Julien Ries 61 Chapter 3—Buddhism—Julien Ries 79 Chapter 4—Jainism—Andrea R. Jain 95 Chapter 5—Sikhism—Nikky-Guninder Kaur Singh and Todd Curcuru 109 Chapter 6—Daoism—Lawrence E. Sullivan 129 Chapter 7—Confucianism—Yong Huang 143 Chapter 8—Shinto—Lawrence E. Sullivan 159 Chapter 9—Judaism—Lawrence E. Sullivan 177 Chapter 10—Early Christian Foundations—Julien Ries 199

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brief contents

Contributors xix

Preface xxi

Introduction: Facing Our Neighbors: Introducing Religions of the World—Lawrence E. Sullivan 1

Chapter 1—Indigenous Religious Traditions—Robin M. Wright 31

Chapter 2—Hinduism—Julien Ries 61

Chapter 3—Buddhism—Julien Ries 79

Chapter 4—Jainism—Andrea R. Jain 95

Chapter 5—Sikhism—Nikky-Guninder Kaur Singh and Todd Curcuru 109

Chapter 6—Daoism—Lawrence E. Sullivan 129

Chapter 7—Confucianism—Yong Huang 143

Chapter 8—Shinto—Lawrence E. Sullivan 159

Chapter 9—Judaism—Lawrence E. Sullivan 177

Chapter 10—Early Christian Foundations—Julien Ries 199

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Chapter 11—Roman Catholicism—Julien Ries 217

Chapter 12—Orthodox Christianity—Olivier Clément 235

Chapter 13—Protestant Christianity—Lawrence E. Sullivan 249

Chapter 14—Islam—Julien Ries 265

Chapter 15—Zoroastrianism—Anthony Cerulli 283

Chapter 16—New Religious Movements—Marie W. Dallam 305Glossary 325

Credits 363

Index 365

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Contributors xix

Preface xxi

Introduction: Facing Our Neighbors: Introducing Religions of the World—Lawrence E. Sullivan 1

Chapter 1—Indigenous Religious Traditions—Robin M. Wright 31

Introduction 31

Some Common Elements in Indigenous Religious Traditions 33

“We Are From the Forest, Earth, and Air”: Universal Knowledge 37

Maintaining Life and Health through Ritual 40

Contact, Displacement, Prophecy: Indigenous Religious Traditions over Time 42

Cosmogony: The Primordial Times of Creation 45

Cosmology: Space, Time, and the Orderly Structures of the Universe 48

Beings and Their Relationships 50

Creating the World and the Day: A Baniwa Account from the Northwest Amazon 56

Study and Discussion Questions 59

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Key Terms 59

For Further Reading 59

Suggested Websites 60

Notes 60

Chapter 2—Hinduism—Julien Ries 61

Introduction 61

Modern Hinduism 62

Pre-Vedic Religion 65

The Spread of Hinduism 67

The Veda—Praise and Cult of the Gods 67

The Brahmana: Salvation through Sacrifice 68

The Upanishads 70

Yoga and Its Techniques of Salvation 71

Bhakti—The Religion of Salvation 73

The Bhagavad Gita—“The Celestial Song” 74

Liberation through the Devotion to Krishna 76

Study and Discussion Questions 77

Key Terms 77

For Further Reading 77

Chapter 3—Buddhism—Julien Ries 79

Introduction 79

Buddhism Today 80

The Spread of Buddhism 82

Buddha the Founder 82

Humanity, Action, Rebirth, Nirvana 84

The Buddhist Community and the Noble Path of Awakening 85

From the Buddhism of the Shravaka to Mahayana 87

Buddhism in China 89

Tibetan Buddhism and Lamaism 90

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Buddhism in Japan 92

The Bodhisattva, Savior and Saved 93

Study and Discussion Questions 94

Key Terms 94

For Further Reading 94

Chapter 4—Jainism—Andrea R. Jain 95

Introduction 95

Attaining Enlightenment and Release 96

Renouncing Worldly Ways 97

Early Development 97

Divisions and Migrations 98

Teachings 100

Ascetic Ethic 101

Social Ethic 101

Devotional Ritual 103

Jain “Renouncers” in the World 104

Deep Meditation: Knowing All Conditions 106

Study and Discussion Questions 106

Key Terms 106

For Further Reading 107

Notes 107

Chapter 5—Sikhism—Nikky-Guninder Kaur Singh and Todd Curcuru 109

Introduction 109

Celebrating a New Life Phase 110

Art and Ornamentation 111

History 114

Scripture 119

Doctrine 120

Worship 121

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Rites of Passage 122

Sikhism in a Global World 123

The Opening of the Guru Granth 125

Study and Discussion Questions 126

Key Terms 126

For Further Reading 126

Suggested Websites 127

Chapter 6—Daoism—Lawrence E. Sullivan 129

Introduction 129

Dividing the New Fire: Fen-Deng 130

Renewal and Union: Planting and Eating the Elements 132

Change through Time 133

Dao 134

Lao-zi 136

Oppositions and Phases: Yin/Yang and Wu Xing 137

Qi and Wu Wei: Vital Energy and Pure Effect 137

Life-Cycle Rites 138

Ritual Rhythms of the Year: The Calendar 139

“Mindful of Little Things”: Dao de jing, Chapter 64 140

Study and Discussion Questions 141

Key Terms 141

For Further Reading 141

Chapter 7—Confucianism—Yong Huang 143

Introduction 143

Confucius and Confucianism 144

Transformative Encounters with Other Traditions 147

Rules of Ritual Propriety 148

Heaven: Transcendent, Immanent, and Immanently Transcendent 149

“Don’t Turn the Other Cheek” 150

“Love Virtue as You Love Sex” 151

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Derive an “Ought” from the “Is” 153

The Political Is Also Personal 154

Love with Distinction (Ai You Chadeng) 155

Cultivating Learning and Friendship: Excerpts from the Analects of Confucius

(author’s translation) 156

Study and Discussion Questions 157

Key Terms 157

For Further Reading 157

Chapter 8—Shinto—Lawrence E. Sullivan 159

Introduction 159

Growing Up with Shinto 160

Invigorating Life 161

Kami: Powers of Life in the World 163

Early Shinto and Its Buddhist Influence 165

Later Influences and Developments 166

Purification 169

Shrines 170

The Ritual Calendar of Matsuri Festivals 171

Transfer of the Sun Deity at Ise 172

A Ritual Prayer 173

Study and Discussion Questions 174

Key Terms 174

For Further Reading 175

Notes 176

Chapter 9—Judaism—Lawrence E. Sullivan 177

Introduction 177

Bar Mitzvah: Becoming Subject to the Commandments 179

Israel, the Holy People of God: Biblical Foundations 181

Diaspora 183

Election: God’s Chosen People 184

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Sources of the Torah: Law, Teaching, and Observance 187

Authority: Prophet, Priest, Rabbi 189

Messianism 190

Mysticisms: Merkabah, Kabbalah, Hasidism 191

The Spectrum of Observance 194

The Shema: A Prayer for All Time 196

Study and Discussion Questions 197

Key Terms 197

For Further Reading 197

Chapter 10—Early Christian Foundations—Julien Ries 199

Introduction 199

From Apostolic Paschal Community to the First Christian Communities 201

The Rapid Spread of Christ’s Message 202

The Conflict between Pagans and Christians 204

The Enculturization of Christianity in the Hellenistic World 205

Christian Society in the Third Century 206

The Cult of the Emperor and the Persecution of the Christians 207

Christian Thought Facing Gnostics and Manichaeans 209

The Development of Christianity in Society in the Fourth Century 211

Constantine and the Conversion of the Empire 212

The End of the Ancient World 213

Study and Discussion Questions 215

Key Terms 215

For Further Reading 215

Chapter 11—Roman Catholicism—Julien Ries 217

Introduction 217

Catholicism Today 219

The Making of a Popular Religion—The Conversion of Western Europe 221

The Church and the Challenges of History—Christianity between Feudalism and Empire 222

Christ Recapitulates the Creation—The Great Centuries of Medieval Christianity 224

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The Dawn of Christian Humanism—The Church and the Challenge of Renaissance 225

Missions, Charity, and Mysticism—The Church between Reform and Absolutism 226

Enlightenment, Secularization, and Persecution—The Church Confronted by Unbelief

and Revolution 227

Thought, Presence, and Action—Catholicism and Modern Challenges 229

Light for the Church, Hope for the World—Vatican Council II 231

A Catholic Teaching for the Modern World 233

Study and Discussion Questions 234

Key Terms 234

For Further Reading 234

Chapter 12—Orthodox Christianity—Olivier Clément 235

Introduction 235

Orthodox Christianity as the Major Religion: Greece 236

Orthodox Christianity in the Minority: Diaspora, the French Example 237

History as Prophecy, Misfortune, and Fundamentalism 239

Theological Foundations 241

The Church as Mystery and Misery 242

The Liturgy, “Heaven on Earth” 243

The Icon 244

Monasticism and Hesychasm 245

An Excerpt by Father Sergei Bulgakov about His Conversion 246

Study and Discussion Questions 248

Key Terms 248

For Further Reading 248

Chapter 13—Protestant Christianity—Lawrence E. Sullivan 249

Introduction 249

People of the Word: Bible, Preaching, and Song 250

The Changing Face of Protestant Christianity 252

“No Other Gods before Me”: Luther and Zwingli as Leaders of Reform 252

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“Declare the Good News”: The Mission and Method of Calvin and Wesley 254

Justified by Faith 256

The Priesthood of All Believers 257

The Protestant Principle 258

Faith and Order: Denominations, Polities, and the State 259

Radical Reform Sects: Piety, Apocalypse, and Mystical Experiences 260

“Knowledge of God and Knowledge of Self Are Connected” 262

Study and Discussion Questions 263

Key Terms 263

For Further Reading 263

Notes 264

Chapter 14—Islam—Julien Ries 265

Introduction 265

Islam and Muslims Today 266

The Spread of Islam 268

The Prophet Muhammad and the Foundation of Islam 269

The Conquests and the Expansion of Islam 272

The Qur’an, the Sunna, and the Sharia 274

Allah, God the Creator, the Judge, the Dispenser of Recompense 275

The Prophets, Jesus Christ, Muhammad 276

The Five Pillars of Islam 277

Islam: Society and Culture 279

Muslim Mysticism: Sufism 280

Study and Discussion Questions 281

Key Terms 281

For Further Reading 281

Chapter 15—Zoroastrianism—Anthony Cerulli 283

Introduction 283

Living according to Truth 286

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Cornerstone Texts: Avesta and Gathas 287

Historical Development 288

Zarathuštra 292

Zoroastrian Pantheon 294

Ritual Practice 294

Parsis 299

A View of Creation and Divinity 300

Study and Discussion Questions 301

Key Terms 301

For Further Reading 302

Notes 302

Chapter 16—New Religious Movements—Marie W. Dallam 305

Introduction 305

Bearing Witness to Repentance 307

Reporting on the Children of God 308

Changing Approaches to New Religious Movements 310

Joining and Leaving New Religious Movements 312

Does the Term Brainwashing Explain Anything? 314

Charismatic Leaders 315

Communal Living 318

Violence and New Religious Movements 320

Last Chance before Heaven’s Gate 321

Study and Discussion Questions 323

Key Terms 323

For Further Reading 323

Suggested Websites 323

Glossary 325

Credits 363

Index 365