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Bridal Guide - 2011

Mar 12, 2016



2011 Bridal Guide from the North Platte Telegraph contains valuable information for the bride-to-be for planning her wedding.
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2 The North Platte Telegraph Bridal Guide

Engagements and WeddingAnnouncements are publishedin the Lifestyles section of the

Sunday Telegraph.

Information should be receivedno later than Wednesday at

noon to appear in the following Sunday’s paper.

Forms to submit your engagement or wedding

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The North Platte Telegraph621 North Chestnut

North Platte, Nebraska.

You've dreamt of your wedding day your entire life. You have found the loveof your life and are about to plan your special day. Now that you're engagedyou may be asking “Where do I begin?”

The North Platte Bridal Guide is your comprehensive guide to planning your perfect wedding. You must make many decisions about wedding photography,flowers, cakes, wedding reception locations, catering and your special dress.All of this planning is done to create a special memory for the start of yournew life. The wedding professionals listed in this magazine are the best in theirfields. They are prepared to assist you in making your wedding the weddingof your dreams.

Congratulations and best wishes from the staff at the North Platte Telegraph.

Check us out at

Dee D. KleinDirector of Sales, NPC

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4 The North Platte Telegraph Bridal Guide

By Tresa Erickson,

When a couple gets married, they usually exchange rings as asymbol of their union. Wedding ring styles can run the gamutfrom simple gold bands to custom diamond creations. Whateverthe choice, whatever the price, wedding rings have long been apart of the celebration and there are many superstitions surrounding them. Following is a brief description of some ofthem.

DON'T DROP THE RINGAccording to superstition, it is bad luck to drop the ring duringthe wedding ceremony. Whoever does so will be the first to die.If the ring does happen to get dropped, neither the bride nor thegroom should pick it up. Whoever is officiating should.Superstition also has it that a wedding ring dropped in a cemetery that rolls across a grave indicates death-death of thebride if the grave is of a female or death of the groom if thegrave is of a male.

WEAR THE RING ON THE RIGHT FINGERIn most countries, wedding rings are worn on the ring finger, orthe fourth finger, of the left hand. This stems from the ancientbelief that the vein of that particular finger on the left hand ranstraight to the heart. In other countries, the ring is worn on thering finger of the right hand. This stems from the belief that thethumb and first two fingers of the right hand are sacred to theTrinity.

DON'T TAKE THE RING OFFTaking the wedding ring off could lead to loss or damage, a sign

the marriage will come to an end. Lost or damaged weddingrings should be replaced as soon as possible and vows renewed.In some areas, it is acceptable to remove a wedding ring afterthe birth of the first child. Superstition also has it that a weddingring suspended on a lock of hair over the womb of a pregnantwoman can determine the sex of the baby. Spinning clockwisedenotes a boy; spinning counterclockwise denotes a girl.

OTHER SUPERSTITIONSThere are many other superstitions regarding wedding rings.Rubbing a wedding ring over a wart or sty will remove it, whilesleeping with a bite of wedding cake pulled through a weddingring will bring dreams of the person's future spouse. Some couples have a faux wedding ring baked inside their weddingcake. The guest that finds the ring will be married within theyear. Pearls are shaped like tears, and therefore, not a good ideafor wedding rings. Sapphires and aquamarines, on the otherhand, symbolize marital bliss and make an excellent choice forwedding rings.

Of course, all of these are merely superstitions. Brides andgrooms do lose their wedding ring from time to time, and whileit might lead to some tension with their partner, it usually doesnot spell the end of their marriage. It gives them the opportunityto get a new ring, perhaps even one better than before. It is funto learn what superstitions brides and grooms once observed.Many seem silly today, but that wasn't the case at the time.

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Holiday season is engagement season. But after he pops the questionand she says "yes," the reality of wedding planning sets in - andthat feeling of joyful romance can fade as quickly as Christmaslights on an overloaded circuit. Here are the top five questions youwill need to answer to make your wedding planning journey apleasant experience."After Valentine's Day, the holidays are the most popular time ofyear for couples to become engaged," says wedding planningexpert Raymond Miller of My Wedding Reception, aleading online resource for brides seeking unique wedding favors,decorations, and gifts. "Many brides-to-be who get engaged overthe holidays will begin their planning efforts in the first months ofthe new year. Knowing where to start can be overwhelming."Brides should begin their planning by answering five basic questions, Miller advises.

1. WHAT IS OUR BUDGET?"Funding your wedding can be one of the most expensive undertakings you'll tackle in your life together as a couple," Millersays. "Many couples only spend more on buying a house or car, orfunding their children's college educations." Setting - and stickingto - a budget for your wedding is an essential step toward startingyour married life on a sound financial footing. Determine whereyour funding will come from - if your parents can help or if you'llbe paying on your own - and decide how much you can afford tospend without going into debt.

2. WHAT SEASON WORKS?Virtually as soon as you announce you're engaged, people start asking what the wedding date will be. To make answering thatquestion as simple as possible, start by considering in what seasonyou would like to be married. Would you prefer a spring ceremony?Or do you dream of a holiday wedding? By narrowing down theseason, and selecting it well in advance, you'll be able to secure adate that will work for everyone.

3. WHERE DO WE WANT TO GET MARRIED AND HAVEOUR RECEPTION?Will you have a destination wedding? Or do you want to keep it local? While wedding planning is usually most successful when done well in advance, if you're interested in a destinationwedding, planning far ahead is essential. Popular destinations bookquickly in prime wedding seasons and you may find venues in the

destination of your choice are booked a year or more in advance.

4. WHAT KIND OF VENUE DO YOU WANT?Do you dream of a big church wedding? Or saying your "I do's" ina beautiful natural setting? Perhaps you want your reception to bein a grand hotel. Knowing the type of venue you desire will helpyou refine your options and choose a specific location down theroad.

5. WHO DO YOU WANT TO OFFICIATE?Is it important to you to be married by your own church's minister?Or are you OK with a justice of the peace? Do you fantasize aboutbeing joined in marriage by a ship's captain? Or does your motherhave her heart set on seeing you married by the rabbi who wasthere at your bat mitzvah? Just as popular venues book quickly,favorite officiants also have their dance cards fill fast for popularwedding seasons. As soon as you know who you would like to offi-ciate at your wedding, it might pay to approach him or her and findout about future availability.

"Of course there are many, many things to consider when planninga wedding," Miller says. "But these five points are the basics youmust address and everything else about your wedding will beplanned around your answers to these questions. Once you've madethese initial decisions, it will be easier to refine your options anddecide exactly what will make your wedding wonderful, memorable and perfect for you."

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Courtesy of ARA Content

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The North Platte Telegraph Bridal Guide 7

By Mark Young, The North Platte Telegraph

Most couples will face financial challenges at some point in theirmarriage but it doesn't have to start on day one of your marriagewith an expensive wedding.

The average cost of a wedding in America today is approximate-ly $24,000, but there are tips available to plan a budgeted weddingwithout losing the glamour that the day deserves.There are multiple online sources that can help you negotiate eachdetail, but some of the big costs are easily avoidable, starting withplanning many of the details yourself. It's your day, after all, andthe average going cost for a wedding planner in America is $1,500per day, although some can be found less expensive, if it fits inyour budget.

"The budget and being sure that you have figured out exactlywhat things are going to cost is the most important part," saidHeather Johnson, who was married in August.Many of the details a wedding planner would do for you are easilymanaged by the couple themselves or by assigning a trusted family member. A lot of what those details entail include renting ahall or booking a caterer or hiring a florist, but if you are lookingto save money, those areas are likely already being considered forcost trimming.

Johnson took on the task of flowers on her own by learning howto do floral arrangements as a way to cut costs. Tips for savingmoney on flowers range from everything to picking your own ifyou are planning a spring wedding to selecting roses over othertypes of flowers that are actually more expensive because of rarityor seasonal issues. Caterers can also come with a hefty bill, but itall depends on the details that are most important to you.

"We originally were going to do an outdoor wedding," saidJohnson. "We ended up changing that, but still saved money bydoing both the wedding and reception in one building. Had wegone with the outdoor wedding we were just going to ask familymembers to bring a dish and do something like a branding party."Budget wedding experts say a good plate of comfort food of friedchicken and macaroni and cheese will still accomplish the goal offilling up a hungry stomach as opposed to an exotic meal. These

same experts also recommend avoiding the thousands of dollarsthat can ring up in an open bar by offering one or two signaturecocktails and beer to keep costs down.

Professional photography is another expense to consider eventhough most people want a quality recording of their special day.Experts recommend to ask a professional photographer if they havean associate photographer that might come less expensive or to justuse someone you know who takes good pictures at no cost at all.Johnson had resources to fall back upon in having her formeremployer volunteer to DJ her wedding and her current employer toboth perform the ceremony and double as the photographer."I'm lucky I had the resources in place," said Johnson. "But digitalcameras these days take great pictures and chances are you knowsomeone who can take decent pictures and even work withPhotoshop to make them better."

Ultimately, it's about what you are willing to sacrifice as a coupleand to determine what is most important to you. The majority ofyour budget should be directed to fulfilling those goals and beginthe cost-cutting efforts on the remainder of the details.

Printing costs for invitations and place settings can also becomean issue, but today's computers offer software readily available todo your own quality printing work. Johnson found a website thatoffered specific templates you can choose for design and alsoshipped out the invitations for you.

"There are always ways you can look to save money," she said."We wanted a nice wedding, but one that wouldn't break the bankbecause we would rather put that money toward a mortgage payment,a honeymoon or even student loans. We have family members whoactually had to take out loans to finish paying for their wedding andare starting off in debt. You have to be careful and make sure youknow what things cost because I started planning that Novemberand wasn't finished until the day of the wedding."

Proper planning, common sense and to approach the temptingbells and whistles of a fancy wedding with caution is a good start.If your budget calls for it, by all means enjoy it. If not, do theresearch to find ways to pay for what you want and trim what youdon't need.

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8 The North Platte Telegraph Bridal Guide

If you are one of the lucky brides who will be wearing an elegantwedding dress on your special day, you have some beautiful dressesto choose from. Shopping for and finding an elegant wedding dressfor your wedding day is certainly a lot of fun for everyoneinvolved. Elegant wedding dresses allow the bride to show off hertrue style and her very own fashion sense as both the gown anddesigner are hand-picked and made especially for her.

Elegant bridal gowns are really works of art and should be takenseriously even while enjoying shopping for the perfect design.Depending on what fabrics, embellishments, and specific designeryou have chosen, there are still many choices to be made. With somany wedding dress designers creating beautiful gowns, it is getting more and more difficult to spot an elegant wedding dress.If you know what to look for and which designers to keep track of,you can more easily identify an elegant dress. While the bride on abudget can benefit from many elegant looks going mainstream, thebride who must have the best is sure to love some of the luxuriousauthentic elegant gowns available today.

THE QUALITY - When trying to spot an elegant wedding dress, agreat indication is the location at which you are shopping. Ask ifthe store carries elegant bridal gowns. It is also a good idea to takea look at the overall quality of the dress. If you try on a sample,does it seem to be wearing well after many people have tried it on?Is the beading falling off or does it seem to be well-stitched? Arethe edges & hems frayed? Is the stitching along the seams sufficient?These are some of the most important questions regarding the overallquality of the wedding dress that you should ask yourself whenconsidering it for purchase. Elegant wedding dresses should be ofthe highest quality and very well-made. If the quality is poor oreven mediocre, you can bet that it is not a elegant wedding dress.

THE FABRIC - The most commonly used fabrics for any weddingdresses include chameuse, chiffon, crepe back satin, georgette,peau de soie, organza, and tulle. Elegant bridal gowns in most casesare made with from these fabrics. There are different versions ofthese fabrics that designers can choose from. For an elegant

wedding dress, the fabric is made of natural materials rather thanmanmade polyester. For example, chameuse may be made fromeither silk or polyester. The more expensive elegant bridal gownswill be made from silk chameuse while the knock-offs will bemade with polyester chameuse.

THE STYLE - Fashion designers are always coming up with newdesigns to push the envelope, and this is also true in the weddingdress industry. You can spot an elegant wedding dress when yousee a new style or a daring neckline that has not been around toolong. Keep an eye on the spring and fall runway shows, as weddingdress designers also make their collections debut during fashionweeks. Knowing what is in style on the runway will give you anidea if a wedding dress is a designer dud or a style that has beenembraced as daring and elegant.

THE FIT - A elegant wedding dress should always have a fabulousfit and with good reason. Elegant wedding dresses fit so wellbecause they are often custom-made especially for the bride’sbody. The designer will take the measurements and make the dressbased on those measurements. Once the dress is made, the bridegoes back to the designer for several fittings where a seamstresswill tailor the dress even more to flatter the bride’s figure and evenhide any imperfections!

When shopping for a wedding dress, you should keep in mind thatelegant wedding dresses can be found at other venues than thedesigner’s shop. Top designers can be found at high end depart-ment stores, not just little expensive boutiques and bridal shops.You can also find elegant wedding dresses at consignment shops,auctions, and sample sales. If you are a bride on a budget and longfor an elegant bridal gown, these tips will help you spot one a littlemore easily. While some knock-off wedding dresses are made sowell these days that it may be hard to tell, there is nothing like anauthentic elegant bridal gown. As long as the dress fits you welland makes you feel like a beautiful bride, nothing else mattersexcept the memories and the enjoyment you experience on yourspecial day.

By Arianna Jordan,

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Six to Twelve Months Before Your Wedding_______ Select a Wedding Date and Time _______ Announce your engagement in the paper_______ Plan an engagement party with family and friends_______ Talk with a bridal consultant or wedding coordinator_______ Find out what bridal shows are in the area and

plan on attending_______ Agree on a preliminary budget_______ Decide who will pay for what and how expenses

will be shared_______ Call your church or synagogue for an appointment

with the Officiant_______ Ask friends and family to serve as wedding attendants_______ Start a "planning system" and system of organization_______ Start your wedding guest list_______ Start ideas for your reception and catering plans_______ Determine what type of entertainment you want to

have for your reception_______ Decide the type of wedding you would like to have

(size, formality, and setting)_______ Explore color schemes_______ Consider pre-marital counseling_______ Start health and fitness plan if you're not already in one!_______ Select your reception location_______ Select your professional photographer _______ Select your videographer_______ Select professional caterer (if necessary)_______ Select Musician or Disc Jockey _______ Select your florist_______ Shop together for your wedding rings_______ Select wedding dress and headpiece, and set a date for

fittings and delivery_______ Select your bridesmaids' dresses and accessories_______ It's time to choose a honeymoon and location

Four to Six Months Prior To The Wedding_______ Check the requirements for a marriage license_______ Select and discuss your color schemes with

the florist/decorator of choice_______ Again consider pre-marital counseling_______ Reserve your wedding day rental equipment_______ Decide upon a gift registry and select your gift choices_______ Order your invitations and related stationery needs_______ Start shopping for the men's’ wedding attire_______ Reserve your wedding day transportation_______ Research and select readings for ceremony_______ Make music selections for ceremony and reception_______ Decide upon and order favors_______ Select your baker, choose your cake, & groom’s cake_______ Help both mothers coordinate and find their dresses/suits_______ Review your contracts with all of your service providers

Two Months Before Your Wedding_______ Have engagement portraits taken_______ Place your engagement announcement in the newspaper_______ Mail out invitations and announcements_______ Decide on the men's’ wedding attire_______ Arrange and plan your rehearsal dinner

_______ Purchase your wedding day accessories_______ Arrange attendants' parties_______ Prepare accommodations for out-of-town attendants

and guests_______ Consider a hairdresser and/or makeup artist and

book appointments_______ Finalize all honeymoon plans

One Month Left!_______ Final wedding dress fitting_______ Final fitting for your wedding attendants_______ Obtain marriage license_______ Have your attendants' parties_______ Create a calendar of events for the wedding day._______ Make sure your accessories are in order

(rings, pillow, garter, etc.)

Two Weeks Remaining!_______ Finalize arrangements with the entertainer(s)_______ Provide a list of music you would like played _______ Finalize music during special events such as first dance,

dance with dad, etc._______ Pick up your wedding rings and make sure that the

engravings are correct - Make sure they fit!

One Week To GO!_______ If you can, take the week, or part of it, off from work!_______ Make sure your marriage license is in order_______ Prepare seating arrangements, if necessary_______ Purchase travelers checks, confirm honeymoon reservations_______ Pack your baggage for your honeymoon_______ Have your wedding ceremony rehearsal_______ Instruct your wedding party on what they will be doing

on the day of the wedding_______ Have your rehearsal dinner_______ Make sure all wedding attire fits properly_______ Give the best man the amounts your vendors are to

be paid on the day of the wedding_______ Inform your caterer of the total guest count_______ Confirm out-of-town guests have transportation and

sleeping accommodations_______ Check with your florist to make sure they will arrive when


Your Wedding Day_______ Allow at least 2 hours for dressing_______ Allow plenty of time to apply your makeup and style

your hair_______ If professionals are doing your hair and/or makeup,

determine the time they need_______ If photographs are to be taken before the ceremony,

allow plenty of time for that!_______ Remember to bring the rings and marriage license_______ Seat guests as they arrive_______ The groom’s parents should be seated about 5 minutes

before start time_______ Mother of the bride is normally seated last_______ Take a deep breath, don't worry, be HAPPY and SMILE!

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10 The North Platte Telegraph Bridal Guide

You have proposed marriage to the woman of your dreams. Heracceptance means that now, you must prepare for the big day! Youwill stand beside your bride in that "picture perfect moment," asnapshot in time which will forever adorn your mantel. Choosingthe perfect tuxedo and accessories is vital, thus making the taskdaunting. Here are some guidelines to make it easier for you tochoose the perfect formal wear for your wedding.

1) "GET WITH" THE THEME & DON'T FORGET THE BRIDE! Don't look out of place at your own wedding! Weddings can havethemes ranging from The Great Gatsby, to Art Deco, Renaissance,Nouveau... It's your party and you're the co-star. So, dress the part!Choose a tuxedo that complements your bride's gown. Forinstance, if it's a traditional wedding, dress in a classic tux. If it isa modern wedding or themed wedding, then dress according to thetheme and style.

2) "DON'T SWEAT IT!" Consider the climate and time of year. If you are getting married inthe south in mid-summer, you should go with a lighter, morebreathable fabric. If your theme is a beach wedding, opt for whiteinstead of the traditional black tux. In the winter months, a

traditional tux may do the trick.

3) LIKE "NIGHT AND DAY." Are you planning an evening or daytime wedding? The general ruleis that evening weddings or those after 6pm are considered moreformal. Such a wedding calls for full dress, including tux, tuxedoshirt, cummerbund or vest, tie or bow tie, cufflinks and studs andtuxedo shoes. Daytime weddings can be less formal. Although a tux is still appropriate, some couples opt for a dressy suit with tuxedo accessories.

4) IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU! Find your personal style and show some flair, whether it is the styleof your tux shirt or the cufflinks and studs that you choose. A touchhere and there can really make the look your own.

5) DON'T BE LATE FOR YOUR OWN WEDDING! Don't procrastinate! This is not something you sit on until a coupleof weeks before your wedding. Finding the right tuxedo takes time,as do fittings to make it look just right. Alterations can take a fewweeks. If you're having the tux custom made, allow 2 months.

6) IT JUST AIN'T FITTING! Make sure it fits. There should be no pulling, puckering, sagging ordrooping. The length should cover your socks when you are walking but not puddle on the floor when you are standing. Aprofessional will be able to help you make the right choices and geta fit that will be both comfortable and flattering.

7) AHHHHHH, THIS FEELS GOOD! Yes, you can be comfortable in a tuxedo, if it fits well and is madefrom a nice, high-quality fabric. When you figure in the photo sessions, the wedding ceremony and the reception, not to mentionall that dancing, you will be wearing this tuxedo for quite a while.

8) WHEN A LITTLE "BLING" WILL DO! Tuxedo shirts require cufflinks and studs. Here is where you canflaunt your personal taste, by choosing from simple gold knots togorgeous inlays. You don't have to spend a fortune. Unless the setis under a jeweler's loupe, costume cufflinks and studs will achievethe same look.

9) WHO WANTS "PRE-OWNED," ANYWAY! Consider buying rather than renting. A tuxedo is no more expensivethan a good quality suit. You would never rent a suit, so why rent atux? Plus, you don't know who's worn it before... yuck! The fit willlook better and the fabric will feel great on a tuxedo that you buyor have made... Most importantly, you get to keep it.

10) YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE! Polish and shine! Shoes finish off your look. Make sure they areclean and polished. Black patent leather is the standard. Don't forget to break them in if they are new. The last thing you want tothink about during this momentous occasion is how much your feethurt.

So enjoy yourself and have the time of your life!

By Janine Giorgenti,

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Not so long ago when a couple announced their engagement andthe bride selected her maid of honor, the maid of honor would startplanning the bridal shower. She would invite all of the bride's closest female friends and family members together to toast thebride and share good times with her. While some brides today continue this tradition, others take an alternative route.

One of the biggest trends in bridal showers today is the couplesshower in which friends and family gather together with both thebride and the groom. With more grooms taking an active role in thewedding planning and more couples footing the bill for their wedding themselves, it is only natural that some couples wouldwant to share the shower experience. Couples showers can be heldat someone's home or at one of the couple's favorite venues.

For those that prefer the traditional women-only bridal shower, ahot new trend is to center it on some activity, like bowling, makingpottery, going to the spa or volunteering for an organization. Thisrequires less planning and provides for a fun, stress-free experiencefor one and all. Guests can participate in the activity and share ameal afterwards, either at the venue or at a restaurant.

If time and budget permit, destination showers are another idea.

The bride and a select group of friends and family can take a littletrip together. They can hop a plane and spend a few days at thebeach or take the train to a ski resort. The sky is the limit.

For brides that prefer to stay home, themed showers continue to be popular. Themes can run the gamut from kitchen gadgets to entertainment to the bride's favorite things. And because many brides are already living on their own and have the itemsneeded to set up house, gifts can range from the unique to thewacky.

Whatever the choice of bridal shower, anyone can host it-family,friends, even coworkers. Brides, or couples, can have more thanone shower. The bride's mother might throw one for family andfriends, while her coworker throws one for business associates andcolleagues. If the couple has a rather large circle of family andfriends, they might end up having three or four bridal showers. Itall depends upon time and preference.

The key to any good shower is to involve the bride or couple.Whoever is hosting the shower should get the input of the bride orthe couple and respect their wishes. After all, they are the guests ofhonor.

By Tresa Erickson,

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12 The North Platte Telegraph Bridal Guide

Weddings come in all sizes, shapesand forms depending on what thebride and groom prefer. While thereare a number of factors that come intoeffect when selecting a wedding hall,you will want to consider how largeof a wedding you desire. From there,you will be able to better judge whatfacility would be most appropriate. To start, let's highlight some weddinghall options for a large wedding.Banquet halls are always ideal as theyare equipped to handle medium tolarge parties. Typically the banquetmanager will provide services to helparrange catering and decorations.There will generally already be a barand dance floor on site and it can ultimately simplify the overall

process. Another excellent option to consider

is a hotel ballroom. With varyingstyles available, it allows for everyone to be satisfied. On-sitelodging is a huge perk to having thewedding at a hotel ballroom as out-of-town guests can typicallyreceive discounted rates. In addition,some hotels offer wedding packagedeals that can help save some money.

The final large wedding hall to consider is a country club. While thismay be the most expensive optionavailable, it does provide a gorgeoussetting and an unforgettable experience. Similar to a hotel, manydo provide package deals; it just maybe a bit pricier. Just make sure you

check into the quality of the food andservice as well as the overall reputation of the country club.

If you are looking for a smallerwedding, outdoor weddings are ideal.Whether it is at a national park, in themountains, on a ranch or beach, thereare numerous locations to consider. Itallows you to select an ideal settingthat is romantic, beautiful and comfortable. The one tricky aspect tooutdoor weddings is the weather asthere is no controlling whether or notit rains or is too windy or too hot.

The most obvious option for a wedding hall is at a place of worship,such as a church, synagogue, ormosque. A lot of people like thisbecause of the sacred environmentand the generous price tag. It can alsoeliminate the need to travel from theceremony to the reception. Just knowthat you will typically need to bringyour own decorations and food.

The list of options for where to havea wedding hall is literally endless.Knowing how many people will beattending can help with the process asit will drastically narrow the optionsdown.

By Robert Phillips,

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The North Platte Telegraph Bridal Guide 13

Obtaining the license is the responsibility of the bride andgroom to-be. Even though rules vary from state to state, typically both parties need to sign the application in person.Where do you go to do this? You can go to your local cityclerk’s office. Sometimes you may need to file in the countywhere you are planning on getting married. It is a good ideato call ahead for the exact requirements.

Here are some general license requirements for a marriagelicense issued by Lincoln County, Nebraska. Keep in mindthat this is general information only. There may be differentrequirements in each county.

1. Both applicants must be at least 19 years of age.

2. Parental consent is required for applicants who are underage 19. The parental consent forms are available at theCounty Clerk’s office.

3. Both applicants must supply a form of photo ID

4. The birthplace of both the bride and groom.

5. Both parents full names, mother’s maiden name, andbirthplaces.

6. Social security number for both bride and groom shall begiven, but if the applicant(s) does not have a social securitynumber such applicant(s) may execute a waiver form.

7. If either applicant has a previous marriage, you will needto know the date the marriage ended. (Date of divorce decreeor date of death.)

8. There are no blood tests required in the State of Nebraska.

9. Marriage licenses are good for one (1) year from the dateof issuance.

10. The applicants may apply for their marriage license inany county in Nebraska and use it to be married in anyCounty in Nebraska.

11. The fee to receive a marriage license is $15.00. CASH orCHECK ONLY.

DAWSON COUNTY700 N. Washington, Room ALexington; (308)324-2127

KEITH COUNTY511 N. Spruce, Suite 102Ogallala; (308)284-4726

LINCOLN COUNTY301 N. Jeffers StreetNorth Platte; (308)534-4350

You have the license and you get married—then what?After the ceremony the officiant and both spouses will signthe license.

Some states require witnesses. You will then need to file fora certified copy of the marriage license and a marriage certificate,which is more of a keepsake. Anywhere from twoweeks to a month after your wedding, you will receive boththe certificate and the license.

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14 The North Platte Telegraph Bridal Guide

Your wedding is one of the most important and specialdays of your life. That means everything has got to be perfect. From the food to the clothes to the venue, everythingneeds to look just right. Wedding lights are often overlooked,but the truth is that the lighting at a venue can affect the overall atmosphere and party feel. If you want to make sureyour wedding goes with a bang then you should follow somesimple tips and ideas to ensure the lighting is just perfect.Read on to find out how to create the best effect possiblewith your wedding lights.

If you are getting married in a church, then it is unlikelyyou will able to decorate with lights such as fairy lights.Traditionally churches are decorated with flowers rather thanlights. There may well be an opportunity however to incorporate one or two lights into the flowers if you want toreally make them stand out. This works especially well if

you are getting married in the later afternoon or earlyevening when the sky is darkening outside. The best adviceis to find out well in advance what you are able to do interms of decorating the church. If you are getting married atanother wedding venue, there may also be guidelines youhave to follow in terms of decoration. If you are holding theceremony in a place where you can decorate, then you canhave a lot of fun decorating it with wedding lights.

Imagine fairy lights adorning the chairs or twinkling overhead even. There are endless ways you can decorate theplace where you say your wedding wows. Lights in theflower arrangements are beautiful and you could even havethe aisle lit with rope lights or other types of fairy lights.Candles look beautiful too, but naked flames can be dangerous especially in places where there are a lot of people, foliage and long flowing dresses!

The venue of the reception can be lit up how you want,undoubtedly. This is the place where you can really have alot of fun with your lighting. Getting it right with lights canmake or break the party so it is vital that considerablethought is given to it. Candles on each table can look lovely,but do you want a naked flame there? A battery operatedlight would be far better and there are so many to choosefrom that you can have the exact type to suit you. Lights inthe table decorations look beautiful and should definitely beused if possible.

If you are getting married in a marquee then having a starry canopy above the dance floor is an excellent idea. Thiscan really add that extra bit of magic to the evening. The restof the tent can be lit with soft lighting and lights on eachtable, but where the dancing takes place, a starry canopyworks beautifully. Outside the venue you can enjoy somerope lights wrapped around the trees to add a party feel.There can be flares to light the way and even spotlights andlights in bushes to highlight the features of the outside space.When you really use lights to your advantage, a venue can betotally transformed into a magical and beautiful place. It iswell worth spending some time ensuring you get it just right.

Wedding lights are a very important part of the big day soit is a good idea to make a plan in advance as to what you aregoing to have. Outdoor fairy lights and indoor fairy lightstoo can both be used to create a beautiful and whimsicalambience. To get the best deals on your wedding lights youshould shop online.

By Kathryn Dawson,

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The North Platte Telegraph Bridal Guide 15

Your wedding day is just months away, and the time has come foryou to select a photographer. You have spoken to several in the pastweeks, and they all want to know what style of photography youare most interested in. You're not up on the current trends in wedding photography and could use a brief review.

There are two basic approaches to wedding photography: portraitand photojournalistic. In the former, subjects pose for the pictures;in the latter, they don't; the shots are more candid. Many brides and grooms opt for a combination of the two, often hiring a photographer familiar with both styles or separate photographersfor each style.

Photojournalism has become quite popular in weddings in recentyears. Couples want to see the story of their wedding unfold fromwhat goes on behind the scenes in the dressing rooms to the connections made at the reception. Photographers work to captureall of the little moments-the flower girls' mischievous grins as theychase each other in the dressing room, the look on the father's facewhen he sees the bride for the first time, the mothers' intensity asthey light the unity candle.

In spite of the popularity of photojournalism, portrait weddingphotography is not going away any time soon. The majority of couples still want the standard posed portraits. These days, however,many are choosing to have their wedding portraits taken with ahigh-end fashion approach. A throwback to fashion magazineshoots, in-vogue wedding photography maximizes the glamour ofthe moment and makes the couple look their best, almost likecelebrities, through digital image editing and manipulation. Shotsare very artistic and the editing is very skilled.

When it comes to the style of your wedding photos, it is yourchoice. You can stick to formal portraits or go for more candidshots. To ensure you get what you want, select a photographer withcare. Interview each of the candidates on your list, find out whattheir interests are and review their portfolios. If they seem morefamiliar with portrait photography and you are interested in havingportraits and candid shots, you may want to look for someone else.For the best results, find a photographer who is comfortable withboth styles and has some experience with the in-vogue trend ifthat's what you're after.

PHOTO CHECKLISTTRADITIONAL/FORMAL_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bride & Groom_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bride with Mother_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bride with Father_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bride with Parents_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bride with Groom’s Parents_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Groom with Mother_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Groom with Father_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Groom with Parents_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Groom with Bride’s Parents_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bride with Bridesmaids_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Groom with Groomsmen_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Entire Wedding Party_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bride, Groom, w/ Grandparents

& Other Relatives_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Bride & Attendants_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bride with Father_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Attendants coming down aisle_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Groom’s Parents coming

down aisle_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The “giving away” of the Bride_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Exchange of Vows_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The kiss_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bride and Groom recessing_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Bride & Groom arriving_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bride & Groom’s first dance_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bride dancing with her Father_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Groom dancing with his Mother_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Cutting the cake and feeding it

to each other_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Toasting each other_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Tossing the garter_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Tossing the bouquet_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bride & Groom leaving the


The “getaway” car_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

By Tresa Erickson,

Page 16: Bridal Guide - 2011

16 The North Platte Telegraph Bridal Guide

Tastes tend to change considerablyover the years, and nowhere is this more apparent than in weddingplanning. Trends come and go, andwhat was once fashionable is nolonger. Take flowers, for instance.Many brides today are opting forfewer, but more daring floral designsin their weddings.

When it comes to wedding flowers,brides have a number of choices.Roses remain popular, as do gerberadaisies and tulips. Tropical flowers

are also hot. One of the biggest changes in

wedding floral design is color.Lighter, more muted shades are nowbeing replaced with brighter, bolderhues. Brides today are not afraid ofmixing reds and yellows, oranges andpurples, and greens and blues.

Along with stronger colors, many wedding floral designs feature herbs,fruits, vegetables and other strikingpieces. These help create interest andadd dimension.

To create even more drama andinterest, many brides are varying thecontents of their centerpieces. Goneare the identical baskets of flowers oneach table. In their place are variouskinds of flowers in various sized containers. You might find a largewicker basket of tulips on one tableand a slender crystal vase of lilies onanother.

As for the bouquets, brides are

going for a simpler, sleeker look, with many choosing hand-tied orposy bouquets. Small, compact, tasteful bouquets with exquisite flowers and gorgeous accents areideal. Flowers may be embellishedwith beads, crystals, faux jewels,feathers or pearls. These may beglued inside petals, strung on wiresover petals, threaded onto thinstrands of glass within petals or left todangle. Ribbon has also made acomeback, but instead of being usedin bows, it may be wrapped aroundthe flower stems.

For brides that choose not to wear aveil, flowers may be the answer. Theymay use flowers from their bouquetin their hair, attaching them with pinsor securing them to barrettes or aheadband.

These days, brides are being moredaring with the flowers for their wedding. Bold is in!

By Tresa Erickson,

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The North Platte Telegraph Bridal Guide 17

You've attended countless weddings in the past six months,and now that your own is coming up, you're starting to rethink certain aspects, in particular, the cake-cutting ceremony. Atevery wedding you have attended thus far, the bride and groomhave cut the cake, shared a piece, posed for a picture, and that'sthat. What is all of the fuss about? Is it even worth scheduling atime for you and the groom to cut the cake? Why not spendmore time on the dance floor and let the caterers cut and servethe cake? Well, although it may not be as well known now, thereis a significance of the cake-cutting ceremony.

As far back as Roman times, cake has been part of weddings.The first wedding cakes were made of barley or wheat andresembled loaves. The groom would eat part of the loaf and thenbreak the remainder over his bride's head. Guests would scramble to get to the crumbs, which symbolized fertility. InMedieval times, the barley or wheat cake evolved into smallsweet buns, which were stacked into a large pile in front of thebride and groom. The couple would then attempt to kiss over

the pile, and if they succeeded, there would be many children intheir future.

By the late 19th century, wedding cakes had become verypopular and today take center stage at most wedding receptions.Traditionally, the cake-cutting ceremony is the first task that thebride and groom perform together as husband and wife. It is asymbol of their unity. The bride cuts the first piece with helpfrom the groom. She then feeds the groom, and he feeds her.This symbolizes their commitment to provide for one another.

Cutting the cake together unifies the couple and feeding eachother symbolizes their commitment. Who knew? There is a purpose to the whole cake-cutting ceremony, after all, other than shoving it into each other's mouth and making for ahumorous picture. If you enjoy the symbolism of the ceremony,then you may want to include it in your ceremony. If you stillthink that there is little point to it, then go ahead and skip it andstay on the dance floor. Don't be surprised, though, if your decision raises a few eyebrows.

By Tresa Erickson,

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18 The North Platte Telegraph Bridal Guide

Determining the type of reception you will have involves deciding whether or not to have a sit-down dinner, buffet or horsd'oeuvres. The time of day of the reception, the number of guestsinvited and your budget may ultimately make the decision for you,but selecting the best caterer for the job will determine the finaloutcome. The best way to find a competent caterer is by askingaround. Ask some recently married couples for recommendations.A popular caterer will be booked months or even a year in advance,so make your arrangements early. Meet with the caterers on yourlist to discuss the budget and ask for references. Be sure to contactformer clients and ask questions, such as:

1. Did the catering services meet the bride's expectations? 2. Were there any problems?3. Looking back, would the bride have asked the caterer to do

anything differently?With the answers you receive to these three questions, you should

be able to decide if the caterer is capable of tackling your reception. The next step is to direct specific questions to the caterer:1. What types of food would they recommend for the style of

reception you've chosen?2. What are the menu choices for your budget and are special

meals available for those with dietary restrictions?3. How many servers will be present? This number should be

based on your final head count.

4. Do they have adequate insurance and health permits? Visit thefood preparation site to make sure it is clean and the food looksfresh.

5. How much of a deposit is required? When is the balance due?Is gratuity included in the price? Are there any additional chargesyou should be aware of? You won't have a final head count at thistime, but you can estimate that around 85% of the guests invited tothe wedding and reception will attend.

6. Is the caterer prepared to meet any special needs for yourreception, such as those for an outdoor wedding?

7. What type of dinnerware will be used? View the pieces.8. What about valet parking and a coat check? Are these

included or are they extra?9. What about alcoholic beverages? Does the caterer stock a full

bar? Can you bring your own?10. Will the caterer do the setup and cleanup or prepare food only.It's time to focus on the menu and sample the foods. Seafood and

beef are the most expensive entrées, so to maximize savings, go fora pasta or chicken dish instead. The food you sample should beserved to you precisely the way it will served to your guests-prepared in the same manner complete with garnishes. Be sure thegroom accompanies you for the sampling as he may have additional comments or questions to ask. Ask if the recipes can bealtered, such as omitting nuts if you don't care for them.Remember, you're paying for this, so order food you like. Ask thecaterer if you can take home any leftover food - after all, you'vepaid for it, so why not ask.

Consider one other element before making a final decision - thecaterer's personality. You'll be working closely together, so hire thecaterer who will enhance your wedding both professionally andpersonally.

Get a written contract from the caterer outlining specifically whatservices will be provided. The contract should include all thedetails you've agreed upon including time and date of the reception,and costs; deposit amount and balance due.

Now that you've done all of this, touch base with your caterer inthe week leading up to your wedding to make sure they have yourreception in the front of their mind. Double-check all the arrangements and ask if they have any questions. Then when theday finally comes and the ceremony is over, relax and enjoy thereception you worked so hard to plan.

By Doris A. Black,

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The North Platte Telegraph Bridal Guide 19

By Tresa Erickson,

You're up to your elbows in wedding planning when you suddenly realize you haven't shopped for gifts for your attendantsyet. Your wedding is just weeks away, and your attendants havedone so much for you already. You want to get them a great gift thatthey will cherish for years to come.

When shopping for gifts for your attendants, you can go one ofthree ways. You can get everyone the same gift, you can get everyone a different gift, or you can select a theme and buy giftsbased on that. For the guys, for example, you might go with asports theme and buy them items with their favorite team logo onit. You might buy the businessman a pen and the athlete a hat.

Before you go shopping, you should think about the gifts youwant to give. Do you want to buy everyone the same gift, or do youwant to look for individual gifts? Do you want to buy everyonesomething they can use at the wedding? Do you want to buy material gifts, or do you want to look for event gifts, like tickets toa concert or a game?

Jewelry is a common gift, especially for the ladies. If possible,you should look for versatile pieces your attendants can wear atyour wedding and at other events. To make the gifts more personal, look for pieces with birthstones or have them engraved.

Goody bags are another option. You may fill these with a widerange of products from bath salts and bubble bath for the ladies tosports gear for the guys.

If everyone likes to hang out as a group, tickets to some eventmight be ideal. You might arrange to go to a concert, game, play or

some other event. The options are endless, and if you think theremight be schedule conflicts, you can always purchase an eventticket for each individual.

If you are on a tight budget, you might make the gifts. You willfind numerous ideas online, and not all of them require you to becrafty or handy. You could make a CD for attendants of theirfavorite tunes or fill a basket with their favorite foods.

It doesn't matter what you give your attendants. As long as youput some thought into it, they will be delighted with whatever yougive them.

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20 The North Platte Telegraph Bridal Guide

By Tresa Erickson,

You received an invitation to a coworker's wedding, andnow the hunt is on for the perfect gift. You haven't been toa wedding in years, so you could really use a refreshercourse on shopping for wedding gifts.

Tradition says that you have up to a year after a weddingto send a gift. However, who wants to put off purchasinga wedding gift that long. Save yourself some trouble. Startshopping for a wedding gift within a month or two ofreceiving the wedding invitation, even if you are notplanning to go to the wedding. In that case, just be sureyou send the gift with the RSVP card.

Before you step foot into any shop, read the invitationthoroughly. The couple may have requested no gifts. Youshould abide by their wishes and forgo buying them a gift.If you cannot do that and must absolutely give them a gift,consider making a donation to charity in their names orbuying them something small but tasteful.

Couples accepting wedding gifts may have registered forgifts at various places and noted that on the invitation.This should make it easy for you to find out what theywould like as a wedding gift. If there is nothing listed onthe invitation about a gift registry, then you may want tocontact someone close to the couple and find out if theyhave set up one.

As with any gift, you will need to set a budget. Don't bea penny pincher. This is not the occasion for a gift fromthe nearest dollar store. Many experts suggest spending atleast $100 on the couple. However, this may not be within your means. If not, give what you can.

When shopping for a wedding gift, you may selectsomething from the gift registry the couple has set up, oryou may find something on your own. Keep in mind thatthe couple is responsible for setting up the gift registry, sowhatever you choose from it they are sure to like. If youare choosing a gift yourself, go ahead and take a look atthe registry. That way, you won't duplicate something onit.

Whatever you do, don't regift. Don't pull out all of theunopened gifts you have received from so-and-so over theyears and shop for a wedding gift from the pile. Don'trewrap a gift you received at your own wedding for thecouple. Regifting is in poor taste and is never a good idea.

If you think the couple would prefer a monetary gift, youcan go that route, too. Simply write them a check andpresent it in a lovely card. Whom you make out the checkto will depend upon whether the wedding has taken placeand if the bride has taken the groom's last name.

If possible, send the gift before the wedding to thebride's home. That way, you won't have to lug it to thereception and the couple won't have to worry about getting it home before they leave for their honeymoon.

Shopping for the perfect wedding gift takes time andeffort. Don't take shortcuts. Remember, the gift is supposed to be a symbol of your best wishes to the coupleand your support for their union. The more thought youput into the gift, the more likely it is to reflect that message.

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The North Platte Telegraph Bridal Guide 21


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Changing your name is a personal decision. The first time you pick up a pento sign a document, it may seem strangeto write a new name. As with so manylegal matters, the rules change by municipality, so check with your localcity hall. If you are well established inyour career, you may not want to takeyour husband’s last name.

If you decide to change your namelegally, you should do the paperwork as soon as you return from your honeymoon.

The following is a list of items that youwill need to update. Many entities will require you to present an originalcertificate of marriage as proof of yourlegal status.

WHAT NEEDS UPDATING?• Driver’s License• Passport• Social Security records• Vehicle Registration• Mortgage• Homeowner’s Insurance• Deeds and property titles• Life Insurance• Car Insurance• Credit Files• Stock Certificates• Doctor’s Records• Dentist’s Records• Voter’s Registration• Employer Records• IRS forms

• Credit Union/Bank Accounts• Investment Accounts• Church Records• Newspaper and Magazine

Subscriptions• School Alumni Records• Frequent-Travel Club Documents• Organization Memberships

Don't forget to order new checks andcredit cards!

START USING ITIt will sound a little funny at first, but asyou start using your new last name, everyone else will catch on. Don't beafraid to courteously correct people whenthey erroneously use your maiden name.

Page 22: Bridal Guide - 2011

22 The North Platte Telegraph Bridal Guide

Creek Side Event Center____________ 390 No No5801 E. Long School RoadNorth Platte, NE 69101Phone: (308) 530-0148 Website:

DaBuzzCoffee House_______________ 80 No No1208 West A StreetNorth Platte, NE 69101-4695Phone: (308) 696-2800

Eagle’s Club______________________ 200 No No620 North Chestnut StreetNorth Platte, NE 69101Phone: (308) 532-9458Website:

Gracie Mae’s Bakery & Cafe________ 60 Yes No520 East Philip, Suite 1North Platte, NE 69101Phone: (308) 532-4677Website:

Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites___ 450 Yes No300 Holiday Frontage RdNorth Platte, NE 69101(308) 532-9500Website:

LakehouseThe Inlet at Lake Maloney___________ 175 No Yes206 W. North Lake RoadNorth Platte, NE 69101Phone: (308) 534-5315

Mashie Niblick Pub & SteakhouseAt Bayside Resort__________________ 350 Yes Yes865 Lakeview West RoadBrule, NE 69127Phone: (308) 287-3663Website:

Quality Inn & SuitesSandhills Convention Center_________ 700 Yes No2102 S. JeffersNorth Platte, NE 69101Phone: (308) 532-9090Website:

By Tresa Erickson,

After all of the showers, parties and wedding festivities,many couples have had enough and are ready to get onwith the private celebration of their union at their honeymoon. You may feel like this is where you will beand scoff at your mother's suggestion for a post-weddingbrunch before you dash off on your honeymoon. Beforeyou put the kibosh on the idea, consider the following.

A post-wedding brunch offers the bride and groommany opportunities. It gives them the chance to connectwith guests they missed out on the day before and catchup on all of the details of the event, like little Jimmybreaking hearts on the dance floor. It also gives them thechance to personally thank all of those who assisted withthe wedding preparations and those who took time off totravel to the wedding.

A post-wedding brunch also offers benefits for attendees. It gives someone like Aunt Gladys who mayhave wanted to be a part of the wedding festivities theopportunity to do so and provides out-of-town guestswith a good breakfast before they set off for home. It alsoprovides guests with another opportunity to connect andcatch up with each other.

While some couples choose to end the public celebration of their union with their wedding reception,others choose to continue the celebration the next morning with a post-wedding brunch. Should you decideto go this route, keep it simple. The wedding is over.There is no need for you to get all gussied up and put onan elaborate affair. Most guests will be leaving for homeright afterwards. Restrict invites to out-of-town guestsand close family and friends and select a time for thebrunch between 8 and 10 o'clock. This will give guestsplenty of time to sleep in. Finally, serve a wide range ofbreakfast foods to suit all tastes.

A post-wedding brunch can be a fun way to unwindbefore you take off on your honeymoon. Give the ideasome thought, and if time and budget permit, go for it!

Page 23: Bridal Guide - 2011

Our Advertisers - listed by category in alphabetical order


Bridal Images2715 2nd Ave, #BKearney, NE 68847308-234-9333

Hirschfeld’s401 N. DeweyNorth Platte, NE 69101308-534-8700


A Cut Above521 Easy StreetNorth Platte, NE 69101308-534-7969

Phelps Family Dentistry601 S. Dewey, #1North Platte, NE 69101308-534-1474

Salon Callidora225 E. 6th StreetNorth Platte, NE 69101308-534-8332

Trends Hair Studio502 E. FrancisNorth Platte, NE 69101308-532-1707


Candy's Cupcakery1420 West C StreetNorth Platte, NE 69101308-534-5971

Lisa Cay Cakes320 E. 11th StreetNorth Platte, NE 69101308-532-0293


Gracie Mae’s Bakery & Cafe520 E. Philip, Suite 1North Platte, NE 69101308-532-4677

JL Candlelight Catering733 S. VineNorth Platte, NE 69101308-534-7405

LakehouseThe Inlet at Lake Maloney206 W. North Lake RoadNorth Platte, NE 69101308-534-5315

Sun & Matt's Baking & Catering9200 S. Coyote LaneNorth Platte, NE 69101308-386-2306


Creekside Event Center5801 E. Long School Road North Platte, NE 69101308-530-0148

DaBuzz Coffee House1208 West A StreetNorth Platte, NE 69101308-696-2800

Eagle's Club620 N. ChestnutNorth Platte, NE 69101308-532-9458

Gracie Mae’s Bakery & Cafe520 E. Philip, Suite 1North Platte, NE 69101308-532-4677

Holiday Inn Express300 Holiday Frontage RdNorth Platte, NE 69101308-532-9500

LakehouseThe Inlet at Lake Maloney206 W. North Lake RoadNorth Platte, NE 69101308-534-5315

Mashie Niblick Pub &Steakhouse At Bayside Resort865 Lakeview West RoadBrule, NE 69127(308) 287-3663

Quality Inns & Suites2102 S. JeffersNorth Platte, NE 69101308-532-9090


Jared’s Floral Shoppe1220 S. CottonwoodNorth Platte, NE 69101308-534-2500

Westfield Floral1845 West A StreetNorth Platte, NE 69101308-534-9330


Erickson's Furniture209 East 4th StreetNorth Platte, NE 69101308-532-7500


Barmore’s600 N. WashingtonLexington, NE 68850308-324-4611Nothin But Scrap511 N. DeweyNorth Platte, NE 69101308-534-4332

Recognition Unlimited227 E 6thNorth Platte, NE 69101308-532-8097

Shopping Tripps2210 Central AveKearney, NE 68848308-236-9346


Orr's Drapery & Dry Cleaning1805 West A StreetNorth Platte, NE 69101308-532-2760


Super 8 Motel220 Eugene Ave.North Platte, NE 69101308-532-4224


Pro Printing200 East B StreetNorth Platte, NE 69101308-532-1111


Tallmons Jewelers503 N. DeweyNorth Platte, NE 69101308-534-3384


RCK Creations & More29 VenusAlda, NE 68810308-675-1092

Strung Out616 S. JeffersNorth Platte, NE 69101308-534-1883


{alexis} paige photography104 W. 4th StreetCurtis, NE 69025308-520-3021Helie Photography1620 E. 4th Street, #112North Platte, NE 69101308-534-3419

Makenzi's513 East 1st StreetOgallala, NE 69153308-284-4900


Art Cottage Wedding Web PagesNorth Platte, NE 69101308-534-8806

KW Wedding & Event CenterPO Box 883North Platte, NE 69103308-530-2085

Page 24: Bridal Guide - 2011