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I IIN 7 WISH llAoiNs ditoraad Publisher A NKWBlAIKK DKVOTKDnotlfK INTKKE3TS OF EASTERN KKNTUOKV ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR IN ADVANCE aJs Volume VII Jackson Kentufcky FrldaY April 3 1908 Number 23 4v 1i THE JEW STORE or Euster Isaacs We are preparing to make room for our Spring Stock We have a big stock of v Clothing and Mens Suits f 1000 Suits for 750 5 50 j 700 Suits for 2 50 400 Suits for A Big Line of Pants from 74 cents up Childrens Suits from 75 cents up r Knee Pants from 19 cents up We Have a Big Stock of Shoes that we will sell for 25 Per Cent Less Than Cost Hats and Shirts go at the same reduction Ladies Shirt Waists and Shirts go the sane way Come to the few Store and look at the great bargains we are offering In all kinds of Furnishing Goods TIlpk 7 t 01 I OF ISAACStUSIrli = ae coQ A QQ G GGaa oa QGGQ- g i CnnlilerFLOYll QJ P CUAAVIOUn Vice Pros g M V DAVIS ActliiR Cnatitrr W H IlOlPlt A tt JaabP imuimmm tl a t1 OUR- BANK1N6 91 METHODS iFf i ik gARE SATISFACTORY 3y1 mfo a large and growingcliontilo If gi fji you arc are not already in this num bcr t why not open an account nowt Call in and t al the subject over with to I us A call will entail no obligation sl Wont on try and see i 0Q t PAID P CAPITAL and SURPLUS 17 t t I JACKSON DEPOSIT BANK i IMF mJackson Kentucky G o e THE r Jt w Wyi rr Homeseekers 4Ies To Arkansas Indian Tr ritory- Louisiana Oklahoma Texas Tickets on sale the first and third Tues ¬ days of each month Apply to any Southern 1Ry Agent or write ARCOOK DPA BS YENT T PA LOUISVILLE KY y r h- Fhr ry Sy r- M < t4 f r Jr 1 Il A M BREATHITT BOUNTY NEWS 0 > h > M M Hounshell of Klkatawa was hero on business Monday James Patton has been slated for appointment as postmaster at Lambric Mrs Dulccna Hurstr4who ha been very sick for some timei8 much improved t1ir and this Samuel I anon oJcGiange were hero Monday nft r a boat load of goods q Grocer Blanton has moved into the housoon court street recently vacated Kv G B Smith Mr and Mrs J J C Back went to Lexington last Friday on a shopping expedition I Samuel E Patton is preparing to build n cottage on the Heights J D Moore has the contract for the stone foundation It A Hurst returned from Frankfort Friday where ho had been looking after a case ho had in the Court of Appeals D B Hurst of Malaga was hero Monday visiting his mother Mrs Dulccna Hurst who has been quite sick for some time Tho Jackson Bottling Works has begun operating again making soda pop ginger ale etc which will give employment to several hands E 1 Dawkihs who has been visiting home folks at Worthville for the past month has returned and resumed his work as clerk in tho bank James Lykina was cut and stab bcd several times with a knife by Jesse Trent on Ijroxen creek near Thomas Strongs last Sunday evening Abner Bowman of Atliol was hero visiting friends and relatives ro tu l fill ion aa91ja js unusually stout atyl active for a plan of his ago Jcrc Cardwcll who has been thing in Wolfe county for the past ten years has moved back Rodwill soon cntex into tho mer ¬ cantile business here J A Madden who has been living lit Grapevine for tho past live years has moved his family to Lost Creek in order to be able to send his children to school at that place o J I Hall has been appointed storekeeper and gaugor for Obe lobcrts distillery and entered up- on his duties April 1st Mr Witt who has been holding that jobI has been transferred to Estill county Sam Turner shot and wounded digger Richmond in the leg last Friday evening The difficulty occurred near the residence of- Alex Herald near the mouth of Junch4on Gamy Tho parties were said to be drinking at the time In a difficulty near the homo of Henry Gabbard on Puncheon Camp last Saturday evening Is uac Gabbard got his arm broken and Mrs Henry Gabbard was ac ¬ cidentally hit in the head with a rock and seriously hurt Wo un- derstand that Brcck Little is ac ¬ cused of breaking Gabbards arm Tho Jjnligcrants wore drinking ut the time > Votako tlTo following from the Clay City Times of March 20 The Jackson Democrat is for Judge J Wiso Hagins for Circuit Judge in the 23d judicial district The Democrat is for the right man Judge Hiigins has beau a man who has always followed hon est convictions of right as ho saw lIe may have been in bad com ¬ pans but not altogether for where over you have found the Judge in the past few years you have also found about 1000 other Democrats of his county Such men are not to be driven from the party if wo expect to gain victo ¬ ries Judge Hagins is honest capable and from principle every inch a Democrat Ho can carry 1000 more Democrats than any Ieeltion hIm 1 A V 4 vey Commonwealths Attor In i Qualiticationsrjitncss for the of ¬ lice to which foU aspires should bcnn is the con ideration of ans I i nt1 eTia nd of re o aro en trustedJto hioiety ust look for redress and jcetion against crime and critilpus He is the peoples the Ea ring and law nbidilll tbebtciti ens repre- sentative Th criminal when 1esaability specialists in crr qal laN expertj- udges of men oT jrceful law- yers of reatnlfthrQt A le jus Lice in open coMJiBlee the peo ¬ ples riKlit6v ftr the conmionw ltliwr > riL lf law and order can bO dfe the peoples rightslffrKeoted the su- premacy ¬ of the > fcw upheldand our homes safeguarded ftlie pCo- nle s have a fafrless chnfJJPipD- of undoubted lot rity andcqua11 in ability to tii best llalvye n the district The i n tof tho office justify Jho sarvicesofs- uchra man tho peeple demand the preservation f theic rights justify it VfT r toA Our follptr n n AH Patton liar by tti1 and tbility built up Alterative prac- tice lie i9 reco MiWJoneof tho leading lawyft of Eastern Kentucky By his bsworving de- votion ¬ to thef riglitjy > f the people hia courageous stanw on all public questions has fotmdVihe way to tho hearts of out rS 1 nif They have seen him urcrry of id know ho will stand bjther Littlectfiey appreciate of thhrycr amt publican logging and kQw MCtlie S i Q f ltfr t- ott ° Ins carry rr I tt n iindprnllbthe full jtfenath of the independent voters of this countyShake In A Bottle Now is the time when tho doc- tor ¬ gets busy and the patent med- icine ¬ manufacturer reap tho har ¬ vest unless great care is taken to dress warmly and keep the feet dry This is the advice of an old eminent authority who says that Rheumatism and er trouble weather is here uqdalso tells what to do in case of fan attack Get from any good prescription pharmacy onehalf ounco Fluid Extract Dandelion one ounce Compound Kargon three ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla Mix by shaking in a bottle and take a teaspoonfulafter meals and at bedtime Justfry this simple home mado mixture at tho first sign of Bheu matismVdr if your back aches fir you feel that the kidneys are not acting just right T us is said o be a splendid kidneY regulator and almost certain re nedy for all forms of Bhcumatum which is caused by uric acid n the blood which the kidneys fail to filter out Any ono can caisly prepare this at home and at small cost Druggists in thus town and vi- cinity ¬ when shown the prescrip- tion ¬ stated that they could either supply these ingredients or if our readers prefer they will com- pound ¬ the mifcturo for them taSiinpson S DrVaspof Leo City wasa this place Tuesday to see tho sick Ilarlan Wilsen has moved from the head of Boone to Davis Charles Sweoney move from Still water tp the farm he pur chased o Harlan Wilson MIst Hampton 7 having her farm so n in oats and grass M D Ma- loney cut his foot very badtho first of the week Algin Der ickson was on this side Tuesday Thero will be a sairamont and foot washing at this i lace the first Sunday in April conducted by Rev Madden and others Judge T B Blakeyof Beatty AssistIant ¬ coteaft 7 + > somo of tho t y to L J InV i oj JI f < School Legislation- The last General Assembly of Kentucky will go down in history of Kentucky as the Educational Legislature It made a record for more school legislation than any General Assembly preceding it Following are the most im- portant ¬ acts passed by it n1lo which have been signed by tho Governor 1 The HalfMillion Appropria ¬ tion made up of 200000 for the State University and 150000 for each of the State Normal schools for additional buildings and repairs The same measure carried increased annual appro ¬ priations to these three institu ¬ tionsThe bill changing the name of Kentucky State College to Ken- tucky ¬ State University Lexing ¬ ton Ky This is an act which has long been desired by tho alumniand other friends of this Institution In this connection the fact should be emphasized that all subfreshman work in the sense Qf prepartory work will be eliminated after two years Those now ma ¬ triculating in the academy will be given opportunity to finish their academy course All subfresh it i1n work f the Normal Depart went will cease at the close of this school year The law provides for regular collegiate work iQthe Department of Education but there will be no subfreshman studies offered in the Normal De ¬ partment after this summer A bill was also passed changing the name of Kentucky University at Lexington to Transylvania the name under which this insti tutlonin years past wo- nlsreutre = Town A biir creating an Educational Commission of eleven members Which shall make a study of the sysJ States and draft recommendations to be laid before the next Gen ¬ oral Assembly The law provides the memberships of the Commis ¬ sion as follows The Governor exoflicio the State Superintend- ent ¬ cxolltcio the Presidents of the two State Normal schools ex officio The President of the State University exoflicio one pre sentativo elected by the Lower House of the General Assembly one Senator elected by the Upper House one member of the Fed- erate ¬ Womans Clubs selected by the officials of the Federation one representative of the colleges one city superintendent and one county superintendentthe three last named to bo appointed by thoI Governor Representative J 11 Jackson of Owen county was selected Lytle House Senator J J Wilkins of Union county by the Senate Governor Willson has appointed Dr F W Hinitt resident of Central University at Danville Supt E IL Mark of Louisville and Supt L N Tay ¬ lor of Pulaski county It is rightly believed that this Educational Commission has a greater opportunity before it for shaping the educational destinies of Kentucky thin any other le ¬ gally authorized body over pro ¬ vided for in the South The bill creating a County Board of Education and doing away with the present cumbersome School Trustee System many men prominent in educatiop and in politics both have said that there is greater possibility of improve iionl for the common schools in this measure than in nil tho others put together At an early date we shall give an analysis somewhat in dotailI of tho provisions of tho County Board Bill which becomes a law in ninety days from the date of its signature which took place March 24th Deputy U S Marshal Mays captured John Noo and James Stamper moonshiners in Powell county lost week and placed them in the Richmond jail The posse destroyed 2000 gallons of beer ir lrillpns of singlings and a still claimed tOQ worth 50o IStop with HarVthers at tho Rood HotfJbilo in L > mf I1n1txamln 1I t 1 Yar < w ifw The har est Clrculatlon t OF ANY ARtI INTHIS SECTION A t 00 L it H u QOYAs4RIN PMERAbsoluteIYPure The only baking movtttor mad with Royal Orajta Organ of Tartar No Alum No Lime pliesphate Christian Church Con ¬ vention Tho Christian Church Sunday School Convention comprising the counties of Brcathitt Wolfc Powell Lee and Fstillwas held at Hazel Gr en the 28th and 29th of March Those who went from Jackson were Misses Josephine McGuire and Mollie Stidham and Rev C M Summers and Paul Defthick Robert M Hopkins from Louisville and Roy George Verge from Australia a student at 1C U joined the crowd at the 0 K Junction v The convention was the best that has been held in this district The addresses given by the dif ¬ ferent speakers were practical and fullof inspiration Much progress in Sunday schoolwork has been made in this district smcotno convention ofa year thereiVni school must have trained teachers teachers who arc Bible students and who can impart their knowl- edge ¬ to others Then the time has come when the adults must be found in tho Bible schools and the adult Bible class movement is spreading all over this country One sneaker said that every person under tho age of 105 years should bo in a Bible class The new oilicers for the year ire President Prof M O Carter Vice President Paul Derthick secretary aiyl Statistican Miss Kate Reed It was voted to hold tho conven- tion ¬ at Irvine Ky next year WOLFE COUNTY Lee City Dr Wise went to West Liberty on business Monday A large crowd went to Cannel City Sun ¬ day and all report a nice time Tho Juniors from hero wore B B Hose Dr J II Dunn Whitney Wise Bruce Rose George Taylor Henry Clair Harland Pratt 1 L Duff others who attendedwere Misses Efiio Bryant Sebina Pat ¬ rick Ethel Wise Nora Wise Mrs Carrie Duff Mrs George Taylor Rosa Rosa MerdioStricklin Alex Dull Henry Chancy anda Mr Ilounshcll Elder J D Hunter and F P Wilson preached abl- esermon4Mrs W P Wise has been on tho sick list for several days Dr Wise was called to tho bedside of his sister a few days ago who is very low with consumption cMiss Nora Wise has returned from Elkatawa where she had been visiting relativesMissT- rina Walters returned from Berca College Saturday RED NOTICE There will be a Farmers Insti- tute held in Jackson on Thursday and Friday April 16th and 17th 1908 under the auspices of tho Breathitt County Farmers Club und tho Department of Agricul ¬ Lure of Kentucky Good speak ¬ ers on important subjects to farm ¬ ors will bo discussed Como and h ar them IV D S6wEwtPresident BACK Secretary J h i y f OWSLEY COUNTY 7 s Eversole tl e 4 Circuit court conren cd at Boone ville last Monday with Judge a < Lewis on the bench and lIon Ira Fields as commonwealths altor a r ney Up to date there have been t but two sent to the penitentiary v t viz Dan ferry and one of tho v Evans boys Two small boys wereb s9nt to the House of Reform < jT 1t r A Yearyand a Miss John- son weroririRincd before thoI I court for living in adultery In O order to beat the agreedII to marry Everybody the court r seemed anxious to be at the wed ¬ S ding While Years was getting h- tr LA 4 his license Charles Hogg a noted young attorney moved tho judge that tho cog 1liouldcome up Y stairs and marry before the court j ti Tno judge sustained tho motion and Jockio Smith was sent to in ¬ form them of tho same In a Vr > t t short time the coupteenteredie t > court room theyoungwoman gj rying a child inher arms Chas r Hogg always willing to lands hand in time of Seed agreed to hold the baby while Rev S IG Barney officiated The ceremony was soon over and Rev Ilamey in a very dignified way introduced Mr and Mrs Yeary to the aur w dieucc No one seemed to extendj a warmer congratulation j Taller Britches Jockie Smith declared that this was the first i 7 couple he had ever waited upon k Matt Roberts who lived at the mouth of lower Buffalo died at his honie Friday night and was h buried Saturday James Gen try of to J 0 Rosest Blanton Bros have finished their log contract for F W Fletcher on h ii n A I 1 i A Dbnck W LAE RAILWAY l WINTER TIME TABLE pI r EFFECTIVE NOV 18 1906 14 tfNO WEST BOUND Daily Daily i Ex Sun AM eni Lv Jackson 6 10 2 20 O K Junction G 15 2r III Elkatawa 6 20 2 30 Athol 6 40 2 52 Tallega 6 49 3 00 St Helens t> 59 3 11 Beattyville Junct 7 07 3 20 Torrent 7 30 3 41 Campton Junct 7 48 3 57 Dundee 7 52 J 4 03 I f Filson S 03 414 i Stanton 8 lit 4 263 Clay City 8 25 4 35 i g pWinchester Ar Lexington 9 55 6 05 NO 2 NO 4 1 n EAST BOUND DailyEx PM AM Lv 1Winchester > Clay City 4 00 9 02 lit ti Stanton 410 910 Filson 4 26 9 22 < I Dundee 4 37 9 34 rrTorrent villo Junct 5 18 10 1Ti IBeatt 5 26 10 t toAthol Elkatawa 6 06 11 10 N c O 1C Junct 6 10 11 15i Ar Jackson 6 15 11 20 ffl CONNECTIONS r I L E JUNCTION Trains Nos 1 Hwith tral Railway for Pine Ridge and t t Cam u ton BEATTYVILLE JUNCTION r Trains Nos 2 and 4 connect with ° L A By for passengers to and from Beattyville O 1C JUNCTION Traiud No s 3 and 4 with the Ohio Kentucky for local stations on 0 K Ry CHAS SCOTT G P A Mountain Central Depart Arrive 5 45 a m Campton 11 30 a mt 5tjArrive + 8 001 m Campton Jun 10 05 am 4 r t 4 00 p m Campton Jun 4 0Y i Make connection with aV h l E pasliePiertrahu JIIr 0 f f H 0 <

Breathitt County news. (Jackson, KY) 1908-04-03 [p ].

Jul 03, 2022



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Page 1: Breathitt County news. (Jackson, KY) 1908-04-03 [p ].



Volume VII Jackson Kentufcky FrldaY April 3 1908 Number 23

4v 1iTHE


Euster IsaacsWe are preparing to make room for our Spring

Stock We have a big stock of v

Clothing and Mens Suitsf 1000 Suits for 750

5 50j 700 Suits for

2 50400 Suits forA Big Line of Pants from 74 cents up

Childrens Suits from 75 cents upr

Knee Pants from 19 cents up

We Have a Big Stock of Shoesthat we will sell for

25 Per Cent Less Than Cost

Hats and Shirts go at the same reduction Ladies

Shirt Waists and Shirts go the sane way

Come to the few Storeand look at the great bargains we are offering In

all kinds of Furnishing Goods

TIlpk 7 t01 I


a e coQA

QQ G GGaa oa QGGQ-

giCnnlilerFLOYllQJ P CUAAVIOUn Vice Pros

g M V DAVIS ActliiR Cnatitrr W H IlOlPlt A t t JaabPimuimmm tla






mfo a large and growingcliontilo If gifji you arc are not already in this num

bcr t why not open an account nowtCall in and t al the subject over with to

I us A call will entail no obligationslWont on try and see i0Qt PAID P CAPITAL and SURPLUS 17 t



mJackson KentuckyG o e

THEr Jt wWyirr Homeseekers 4Ies

To ArkansasIndian Tr ritory-

LouisianaOklahoma Texas

Tickets on sale the first and third Tues ¬

days of each monthApply to any Southern 1Ry Agent or write





Sy r-


<t4 frJr

1 Il A





M M Hounshell of Klkatawawas hero on business Monday

James Patton has been slatedfor appointment as postmaster atLambric

Mrs Dulccna Hurstr4who habeen very sick for some timei8much improved

t1ir and this Samuel I anonoJcGiange were hero Monday nft ra boat load of goods

qGrocer Blanton has moved into

the housoon court street recentlyvacated Kv G B Smith

Mr and Mrs J J C Backwent to Lexington last Friday on

a shopping expeditionI

Samuel E Patton is preparingto build n cottage on the HeightsJ D Moore has the contract forthe stone foundation

It A Hurst returned fromFrankfort Friday where ho hadbeen looking after a case ho hadin the Court of Appeals

D B Hurst of Malaga washero Monday visiting his motherMrs Dulccna Hurst who hasbeen quite sick for some time

Tho Jackson Bottling Works hasbegun operating again makingsoda pop ginger ale etc whichwill give employment to severalhands

E 1 Dawkihs who has beenvisiting home folks at Worthvillefor the past month has returnedand resumed his work as clerk in

tho bank

James Lykina was cut and stabbcd several times with a knife byJesse Trent on Ijroxen creeknear Thomas Strongs last Sundayevening

Abner Bowman of Atliol washero visiting friends and relativesro tu l fill ion aa91ja

js unusually stout atyl active for aplan of his ago

Jcrc Cardwcll who has beenthing in Wolfe county for thepast ten years has moved backRodwill soon cntex into tho mer¬

cantile business here

J A Madden who has beenliving lit Grapevine for tho pastlive years has moved his familyto Lost Creek in order to be ableto send his children to school atthat place o

J I Hall has been appointedstorekeeper and gaugor for Obelobcrts distillery and entered up-

on his duties April 1st Mr Wittwho has been holding that jobIhas been transferred to Estillcounty

Sam Turner shot and woundeddigger Richmond in the leg lastFriday evening The difficultyoccurred near the residence of-

Alex Herald near the mouth ofJunch4on Gamy Tho parties weresaid to be drinking at the time

In a difficulty near the homo ofHenry Gabbard on PuncheonCamp last Saturday evening Isuac Gabbard got his arm brokenand Mrs Henry Gabbard was ac ¬

cidentally hit in the head with arock and seriously hurt Wo un-

derstand that Brcck Little is ac ¬

cused of breaking Gabbards armTho Jjnligcrants wore drinking utthe time

>Votako tlTo following from theClay City Times of March 20

The Jackson Democrat is forJudge J Wiso Hagins for CircuitJudge in the 23d judicial districtThe Democrat is for the rightman Judge Hiigins has beau aman who has always followed honest convictions of right as ho sawlIe may have been in bad com ¬

pans but not altogether forwhere over you have found theJudge in the past few years youhave also found about 1000 otherDemocrats of his county Suchmen are not to be driven from theparty if wo expect to gain victo ¬

ries Judge Hagins is honestcapable and from principle everyinch a Democrat Ho can carry1000 more Democrats than any

IeeltionhIm 1 A V4


Commonwealths AttorIn


Qualiticationsrjitncss for the of ¬

lice to which foU aspires shouldbcnn is the con ideration ofansI i nt1eTiand

of re o aro entrustedJto hioiety ust lookfor redress and jcetion againstcrime and critilpus He is thepeoples the Ea ring and lawnbidilll tbebtciti ens repre-

sentative Th criminal when

1esaabilityspecialists in crr qal laN expertj-udges of men oT jrceful law-

yers of reatnlfthrQt A le jusLice in open coMJiBlee the peo ¬

ples riKlit6v ftr theconmionw ltliwr >

riL lf lawand order can bO dfe thepeoples rightslffrKeoted the su-


of the > fcw upheldandour homes safeguarded ftlie pCo-

nle s have a fafrless chnfJJPipD-

of undoubted lot rity andcqua11in ability to tii best llalvye nthe district The i n toftho office justify Jho sarvicesofs-uchra man tho peeple demandthe preservation f theic rightsjustify it VfT r toA

Our follptr n n AHPatton liar by tti1 andtbility built up Alterative prac-

tice lie i9 reco MiWJoneoftho leading lawyft of EasternKentucky By his bsworving de-


to thefriglitjy > f the peoplehia courageous stanw on all publicquestions has fotmdVihe way totho hearts of out rS 1nif Theyhave seen him urcrry of id knowho will stand bjther Littlectfieyappreciate of thhrycramt publican logging and kQw

MCtlie SiQ f ltfrt- ott° Inscarry rr I tt n

iindprnllbthe full jtfenath ofthe independent voters of this

countyShakeIn A Bottle

Now is the time when tho doc-


gets busy and the patent med-


manufacturer reap tho har ¬

vest unless great care is taken todress warmly and keep the feetdry This is the advice of an oldeminent authority who says thatRheumatism and er troubleweather is here uqdalso tellswhat to do in case of fan attack

Get from any good prescriptionpharmacy onehalf ounco FluidExtract Dandelion one ounceCompound Kargon three ouncesCompound Syrup SarsaparillaMix by shaking in a bottle andtake a teaspoonfulafter meals andat bedtime

Justfry this simple home mado

mixture at tho first sign of BheumatismVdr if your back aches firyou feel that the kidneys are notacting just right T us is said obe a splendid kidneY regulatorand almost certain re nedy for allforms of Bhcumatum which iscaused by uric acid n the bloodwhich the kidneys fail to filter outAny ono can caisly prepare this athome and at small cost

Druggists in thus town and vi-


when shown the prescrip-tion


stated that they could eithersupply these ingredients or if ourreaders prefer they will com-


the mifcturo for them

taSiinpson S

DrVaspof Leo City wasathis place Tuesday to see tho sick

Ilarlan Wilsen has movedfrom the head of Boone to Davis

Charles Sweoney move fromStill water tp the farm he purchased o Harlan Wilson MIstHampton 7 having her farm so n

in oats and grass M D Ma-

loney cut his foot very badthofirst of the week Algin Derickson was on this side TuesdayThero will be a sairamont andfoot washing at this i lace the firstSunday in April conducted byRev Madden and others

Judge T B Blakeyof Beatty

AssistIant ¬

coteaft 7+ > somo of thot y


L JInV ioj JI

f <

School Legislation-The last General Assembly of

Kentucky will go down in historyof Kentucky as the EducationalLegislature It made a recordfor more school legislation thanany General Assembly precedingit Following are the most im-


acts passed by it n1lowhich have been signed by thoGovernor


The HalfMillion Appropria ¬

tion made up of 200000 forthe State University and 150000for each of the State Normalschools for additional buildingsand repairs The same measurecarried increased annual appro ¬

priations to these three institu ¬

tionsThebill changing the name of

Kentucky State College to Ken-tucky


State University Lexing ¬

ton Ky This is an act whichhas long been desired by thoalumniand other friends of thisInstitution In this connection thefact should be emphasized that allsubfreshman work in the sense Qf

prepartory work will be eliminatedafter two years Those now ma ¬

triculating in the academy will begiven opportunity to finish theiracademy course All subfreshit i1n work fthe Normal Departwent will cease at the close of thisschool year The law providesfor regular collegiate work iQtheDepartment of Education butthere will be no subfreshmanstudies offered in the Normal De ¬

partment after this summerA bill was also passed changing

the name of Kentucky Universityat Lexington to Transylvaniathe name under which this institutlonin years past wo- nlsreutre


TownA biir creating an Educational

Commission of eleven membersWhich shall make a study of thesysJStates and draft recommendationsto be laid before the next Gen ¬

oral Assembly The law providesthe memberships of the Commis ¬

sion as follows The Governorexoflicio the State Superintend-ent


cxolltcio the Presidents ofthe two State Normal schools exofficio The President of the StateUniversity exoflicio one presentativo elected by the LowerHouse of the General Assemblyone Senator elected by the UpperHouse one member of the Fed-


Womans Clubs selectedby the officials of the Federationone representative of the collegesone city superintendent and onecounty superintendentthe threelast named to bo appointed by thoIGovernor Representative J 11

Jackson of Owen county was

selected Lytle House Senator JJ Wilkins of Union county bythe Senate Governor Willsonhas appointed Dr F W Hinittresident of Central Universityat Danville Supt E IL Mark ofLouisville and Supt L N Tay ¬

lor of Pulaski countyIt is rightly believed that this

Educational Commission has agreater opportunity before it forshaping the educational destiniesof Kentucky thin any other le ¬

gally authorized body over pro ¬

vided for in the SouthThe bill creating a County Board

of Education and doing awaywith the present cumbersomeSchool Trustee System many menprominent in educatiop and inpolitics both have said that thereis greater possibility of improveiionl for the common schools inthis measure than in nil tho othersput together

At an early date we shall givean analysis somewhat in dotailIof tho provisions of tho CountyBoard Bill which becomes a lawin ninety days from the date of itssignature which took place March24th

Deputy U S Marshal Mayscaptured John Noo and JamesStamper moonshiners in Powellcounty lost week and placed themin the Richmond jail The possedestroyed 2000 gallons of beerir lrillpns of singlings and a stillclaimed tOQ worth 50oIStop with HarVthers at thoRood HotfJbilo in L >


1I t 1

Yar< w

ifw The har est Clrculatlont OF ANY ARtIINTHIS SECTION


t 00







The only baking movtttormad with Royal Orajta

Organ of TartarNo Alum No Lime pliesphate

Christian Church Con ¬

ventionTho Christian Church Sunday

School Convention comprisingthe counties of Brcathitt WolfcPowell Lee and Fstillwas heldat Hazel Gr en the 28th and 29thof March Those who went fromJackson were Misses JosephineMcGuire and Mollie Stidham andRev C M Summers and PaulDefthick Robert M Hopkinsfrom Louisville and Roy GeorgeVerge from Australia a studentat 1C U joined the crowd at the0 K Junction v

The convention was the bestthat has been held in this districtThe addresses given by the dif¬

ferent speakers were practicaland fullof inspiration Muchprogress in Sunday schoolworkhas been made in this districtsmcotno convention ofa year

thereiVnischool must have trained teachers

teachers who arc Bible studentsand who can impart their knowl-edge


to others Then the timehas come when the adults must befound in tho Bible schools andthe adult Bible class movement isspreading all over this countryOne sneaker said that every personunder tho age of 105 years shouldbo in a Bible class

The new oilicers for the yearire President Prof M O CarterVice President Paul Derthicksecretary aiyl Statistican MissKate Reed

It was voted to hold tho conven-tion


at Irvine Ky next year


Lee City

Dr Wise went to West Libertyon business Monday A largecrowd went to Cannel City Sun ¬

day and all report a nice timeTho Juniors from hero wore B B

Hose Dr J II Dunn WhitneyWise Bruce Rose George TaylorHenry Clair Harland Pratt 1 LDuff others who attendedwereMisses Efiio Bryant Sebina Pat ¬

rick Ethel Wise Nora Wise MrsCarrie Duff Mrs George TaylorRosa Rosa MerdioStricklin AlexDull Henry Chancy anda MrIlounshcll Elder J D Hunterand F P Wilson preached abl-esermon4Mrs W P Wise hasbeen on tho sick list for severaldays Dr Wise was called to thobedside of his sister a few days agowho is very low with consumption

cMiss Nora Wise has returnedfrom Elkatawa where she hadbeen visiting relativesMissT-rina Walters returned fromBerca College Saturday RED


There will be a Farmers Insti-

tute held in Jackson on Thursdayand Friday April 16th and 17th1908 under the auspices of thoBreathitt County Farmers Clubund tho Department of Agricul ¬

Lure of Kentucky Good speak ¬

ers on important subjects to farm ¬

ors will bo discussed Como andh ar them

IV DS6wEwtPresident

BACK Secretary


h iy


OWSLEY COUNTY 7 sEversole tle 4

Circuit court conren cd at Booneville last Monday with Judge a

<Lewis on the bench and lIon IraFields as commonwealths altor

a rney Up to date there have been tbut two sent to the penitentiary v tviz Dan ferry and one of tho vEvans boys Two small boys werebs9nt to the House of Reform < jT 1t rA Yearyand a Miss John-son weroririRincd before thoI I

court for living in adultery In O

order to beat the agreedIIto marry Everybody the court r

seemed anxious to be at the wed ¬ S

ding While Years was getting h-

tr LA 4

his license Charles Hogg a notedyoung attorney moved tho judgethat tho cog 1liouldcome up Y

stairs and marry before the court j ti

Tno judge sustained tho motionand Jockio Smith was sent to in¬

form them of tho same In a Vr> t t

short time the coupteenteredie t >court room theyoungwoman gjrying a child inher arms Chas rHogg always willing to landshand in time of Seed agreed tohold the baby while Rev S IGBarney officiated The ceremonywas soon over and Rev Ilamey ina very dignified way introducedMr and Mrs Yeary to the aur wdieucc No one seemed to extendja warmer congratulation jTaller Britches Jockie Smith

declared that this was the first i7

couple he had ever waited upon kMatt Roberts who lived at

the mouth of lower Buffalo diedat his honie Friday night and was h

buried Saturday James Gentry ofto J 0 RosestBlanton Bros have finished theirlog contract for F W Fletcher on h iin A I 1 i ADbnck W



EFFECTIVE NOV 18 1906 14tfNOWEST BOUND Daily Daily i

Ex SunAM eniLv Jackson 6 10 2 20

O K Junction G 15 2r IIIElkatawa 6 20 2 30Athol 6 40 2 52Tallega 6 49 3 00St Helens t> 59 3 11Beattyville Junct 7 07 3 20Torrent 7 30 3 41Campton Junct 7 48 3 57Dundee 7 52 J 4 03 I fFilson S 03 414 iStanton 8 lit 4 263Clay City 8 25 4 35 i gpWinchester

Ar Lexington 9 55 6 05

NO 2 NO 4 1 n



Clay City 4 00 9 02 litti

Stanton 410 910Filson 4 26 9 22 < I

Dundee 4 37 9 34rrTorrentvillo Junct 5 18 10 1TiIBeatt 5 26 10ttoAtholElkatawa 6 06 11 10 N


O 1C Junct 6 10 11 15iAr Jackson 6 15 11 20 fflCONNECTIONS r IL E JUNCTION Trains Nos 1Hwithtral Railway for Pine Ridge and ttCam u tonBEATTYVILLE JUNCTION r

Trains Nos 2 and 4 connect with°

L A By for passengers to andfrom Beattyville

O 1C JUNCTION Traiud No s3 and 4 with the Ohio Kentuckyfor local stations on 0 K Ry


Mountain CentralDepart Arrive5 45 a m Campton 11 30 amt5tjArrive +8 001 m Campton Jun 10 05 a m 4 r t

4 00 p m Campton Jun 4 0Y iMake connection with aV h

l E pasliePiertrahu JIIr0



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